#hans castorp
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stradithebird · 4 months ago
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Hans Castorp...
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dearzauberberg · 2 days ago
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Lalala!!! Modern Hans Castorp and Joachim Ziemssen!! I didn't know what to make Joachy wear so and recommendations are welcome, and remember, my ask box is open for art prompts!
Hans is definitely a lot more queer coded. I don't think he knows it tho LMAO meanwhile Joachim just tries to ignore his gayness
(Not posting this on my main art account cause that would be a lot of sketch posts in a row)
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jaxdoeswhimsyart · 1 month ago
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Heyyyyy The Magic Mountain fandom… y’all got room for one more? (There is like three of us in total…)
Anyways here’s a look into my sick and twisted mind/ref aka how I visualize the story
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noxaeternaetc · 2 months ago
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Felix Hoffmann (1911-1975) illustration for The Magic Mountain, Thomas Mann.
"He pushed on, moving ever higher, skyward. Sometimes he would thrust the end of his ski pole into the snow and watch blue light jump from the deep hole as he pulled it out. It was fun - he stood there for a long time, just trying out this little optical phenomenon over and over. It was such a peculiar, delicate greenish-blue light, icy clear and yet dusky,from the heights and from the depths, mysterious and seductive. It reminded him of the light and color of a certain pair of eyes, slanting eyes that spoke of destiny, the ones Herr Settembrini, taking a disparaging humanistic view, had called 'Tartar slits' and 'lone-wolf eyes' reminded him of eyes seen long ago and ineluctably rediscovered, of Hippe's and Clavdia Chauchat's eyes. 'Glad to,' he whispered into the soundlessness. 'And don't break it. Il est à visser, tu sais.' And in his mind he heard melodious words coming from behind, urging reason."
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stradiivarrii · 5 months ago
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Made these on discord with a friend. I apologize.
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amor-barato · 9 months ago
Ah, esse sangue jovem, com suas mochilas e baionetas, capas e botas enlameadas! Sonhando de modo humanístico-estético, poderíamos imaginá-lo num quadro diferente. Poderíamos ter a seguinte visão: os jovens montando e banhando cavalos numa enseada do mar, caminhando pela praia em companhia da amada, achegando os lábios à orelha da noiva meiga, ou ensinando uns aos outros, amigos felizes, o tiro com arco. Em lugar disso, esse sangue jovem jaz com o nariz no barro bombardeado. Que façam isso com alegria, ainda que transidos de medo e cheios de saudades da mãe, é assunto à parte, que causa orgulho e envergonha, mas que jamais poderia ser razão para colocá-los nessa posição .
Eis ao nosso conhecido, eis ao nosso Hans Castorp! Já bem de longe o reconhecemos pela barbicha que deixou crescer, enquanto comia à mesa dos “russos ordinários”. Arde e está ensopado como os demais. Corre com os pés pesados pelo barro, segura o fuzil com o punho pendente. Vejam só: ele pisa a mão de um camarada desagregado — pisa essa mão com a bota ferrada e afunda-a no solo lamacento, salpicado de galhos lascados. E todavia é ele. Mas como pode ser? Está cantando! Ele canta, canta sem razão, de olhar vazio, por uma excitação vazia de pensamentos, e como quem aproveita a respiração ofegante para cantar de si para si, a meia voz:
“Talhei em sua casca
Mil coisas que senti…”
E caí. Não, ele se atirou no chão, porque um cão dos infernos chega uivando , um enorme obus, um pão de açúcar asqueroso saído do abismo. Está deitado, comprimindo o rosto no barro frio, pernas escancaradas e pés torcidos, colados ao chão. O produto de uma ciência asselvajada, munida do que há de pior, abate-se como o diabo em pessoa e trinta passos dele, penetra obliquamente no solo, explode lá embaixo com espantosa violência e joga à altura de uma casa um jorro de terra, fogo, ferro, chumbo e matéria humana despedaçada. Pois ali havia dois — dois amigos, que se haviam atirado um ao lado do outro, no momento de perigo: agora estão mesclados, sumidos.
Oh, que vergonha de nossa segurança nas sombras! Já é hora! Não vamos narrar mais!
Thomas Mann (A Montanha Mágica)
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dearzauberberg · 2 months ago
Hans Castorp in the moment he saw Joachim Ziemssen, before the agony took over.
That single moment where Joachim glowed in the dim lighting. Where he seemed alive, healthy, even. Then, as if it were a passing moment of peace during a train crash, the agony overcame him, and he had to force Joachim back to the realm of the dead.
Hope, agony and hope, then pure agony.
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easternpine · 5 months ago
Would you look at the time...
What a godsend, he thought, that you could be certain mail would be distributed in the lobby every Sunday afternoon. One can say that he consumed one whole week waiting for the return of that single hour every seven days—and waiting means racing ahead, means seeing time and the present not as a gift, but as a barrier, denying and negating their value, vaulting over them in your mind. Waiting, people say, is boring. But in actuality, it can just as easily be diverting, because it devours quantities of time without our ever experiencing or using them for their own sake.
- Thomas Mann, The Magic Mountain
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stradithebird · 4 months ago
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Hans Castorp from Der Zauberberg/The Magic Mountain as a goat!!!!
He's a goat because in the book, he dreams at one point of being a satyr at peace in a forest, playing his little flute. I thought it was adorable, and goats fit him so well
(Also, I have some exciting painting art coming soon hehe)
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for-the-writing-artist · 4 months ago
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Hans Castorp takes a shot of brandy every morning and night to help with his anemia, is neither a genius nor an idiot, but — and I quote — “mediocre, in a very honorable sense of the word”.
A plein air artist whose main subject are ships and seascapes — and like a true German, he enjoys taking long, long walks for leisure.
We’re currently being given a tour around the sanatorium and an introduction to the main characters. He plans to stay two weeks. The doctors think he might have tuberculosis.
The book is 1500 pages long.
No, I do not think stopping a book in its early chapters to convey our protagonist's backstory is very intuitive. In the end, as a trinket of the past, it serves only to befuddle me; as I no longer know what is going on.
Compels me, though.
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dearzauberberg · 4 months ago
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Life's Problem Child
A bookmark I made :3 I'm in the progress of making it irl too!! I don't like how clear the type is but it still looks great hehe
Thank you to @stariteart for the textures!!!!!
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tilde44 · 2 months ago
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Thomas Mann
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stradiivarrii · 5 months ago
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Hans Castorp's enclosure
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stalinqrad · 1 year ago
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changing tumblr theme again <3
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merlinr77-steth · 6 months ago
Another Scene from H. W. Geissendörfer´s movie adaption of Thomas Mann´s novel Zauberberg. The cousins Hans Castorp and Joachim Ziemssen are examined via crude early X-Ray machines. At one point you can see a live fluoroscopy of Ziemssen´s chest with diaphragm movements and his beating heart. As I said the whole story is a treasure trove for cardiophilia quirks, especially if you are into the primitive 19th and early 20th century medical equipment.
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feytouched · 2 months ago
i think we as a website should all get collectively obsessed with the magic mountain. i need to see the most terrible takes about hans castorp on my dashboard. for my health
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