#hanna rajs
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jag skriker när jag blundar i duschen för det jag ser när jag ser dig är inte du nu vill inte att den bilden blir den sista jag undrar om jag har nåt mer att mista ser mig själv bredvid dig i din kista
Hanna Rajs, Samma, mamma
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Viaje al Pasado: Noche Vieja en "VIDEO-TAPE"
Ref. © Panamericana Televisión S.A. (Perú)

En el Foro 1, se realiza, con el Notario Publico, Dn. Pepe Botella, , junto con Skinner, Vegeta y Maria Trasero Rojo, presentan el sorteo final de unos premios.
Los premios son:
1.- Una Casa Full Equipada mas un Auto 0 Kilómetro Mas E° 100.000.000 De Escudos
2.- Un Auto 0 Km mas E° 50.000.000 De Escudos
3-. E° 50.000.000 De Escudos
Con Frankie y Spongebob ayudando en el sorteo.
Skinner © Disney / Fox / Matt G. All Rights Reserved.
Red Guy © Cartoon Network / David Feiss. All Rights Reserved.
Vegeta © TOEI / Akira Toriyama. All Rights Reserved.
Frankie © Cartoon Network / Craig M. All Rights Reserved.
Spongebob © Nickelodeon / Steven H. All Rights Reserved.

En el Foro 2, Che Copete se emborracha y presenta a Salvatore Adamo, cantando unas canciones en francés.
Scamp, afirma las partituras del director de orquesta.
Entre las canciones presentadas para la ocasión (J'Aime / La Nuit / Mes Mains Sur Tes Hanches), mostramos este ultimo...
© Adamo / EMI / Universal Music Group. All Rights Reserved.
Scamp © Disney. All Rights Reserved.
Nota: Durante la actuación, Che copete se emborracha...
© Mega

y luego...

Con el simpático Captain Murphy, nos deleitara una serie de "reflexiones emotivas
y esperanzadoras" sobre la llegada del nuevo año.
La cámara que ven, es un modelo RCA TK60.
Murphy / Sealab 2021 © WarnerMedia Discovery / Cartoon Network / Hanna-Barbera. All Rights Reserved.

Y... En el humor, Los Chifraditos (Chaparrón Bonaparte y Lucas Tañera), nos ofrecen una mini fiesta de fin de año con unos "invitados" (Un Psicópata, Mr. Bean, etc.) Tinkerbell, sirviendo las copas de Champagne a los invitados. Angel (The Lady And The Tramp 2: Scamp Adventure) como mascota, se pone nerviosa en lo que va a hacer estos locos.
Tinkerbell and Angel © Disney. All Rights Reserved.
Mr. Bean © Rowam A. All Rights Reserved.
Chaparrón y Lucas © Roberto Gómez Bolaños. All Rights Reserved.

Y Ya, en el Foro 1 na Lumiar (buscar en Google RTP LUMIAR), Con el Italiano Gianni Morandi, canta junto con unos "caballeros medievales" (Jody, Sissy y Johnny) Morandi interpreta la canción "Quando Sarai Lontana" en vivo y con orquesta en el Foro 2 na Lumiar.
La Canción:
© Morricone / Migliacci / RCA Italiana S.A.C.I. / Sony Music. All Rights Reserved.
Sissy y Johnny (Johnny Test) © Scott Fellows. All Rights Reserved.
Jody Irwin (The Life And Times Of Juniper Lee) © Cartoon Network / Judd Winnick. All Rights Reserved.

Con particular Villancico Navideño, A cargo de Lazlo y el coro (Gretchen, Nina, Patsy, Raj, Edward y Clam) recibe las instrucciones de Lumpus para no arruinar el programa especial de fin de año.
Grabado en el estudio A de Lira 46.
Camp Lazlo Charcaters © Cartoon Network / Joe Murray. All Rights Reserved.
Nota: de Referencia. © Biblioteca Nacional De Chile / Canal 13 S.p.A.

Con la actuación especial de "La Voz", Frank Sinatra canta unos temas y ademas, le pide a Copete si puede compartir un poco de Licor y Wisky. Jacob, lleva para el invitado unas copas de Champagne.
Che Copete © Belloni. All Rights Reserved.
Jacob Two Two ©YTV / Nelvana . All Rights Reserved.

Con Krusty, haciendo su rutina, presenta el a la sensación del momento (Cecilia, La Incomparable), que cantara unas canciones con Tontinni y la orquesta de L'ORTF Emissora Nacional.
Te Perdí
© Cecilia Pantoja / EMI Odeón Chilena S.A. / Universal Music Group. All Rights Reserved.
Krusty © Disney / FOX / Matt G. All Rights Reserved.

Con bailarines, Bombita Rodríguez y Luciano Bello Cantan alegres temas para dar la bienvenida al nuevo año. Don che lo presenta, ya en estado de ebriedad, y durante el numero, lo interrumpe y lo arruina.
Squidward © Nickelodeon / Steven H. All Rights Reserved.
Copete © Belloni. All Rights Reserved.
Bombita © Capussotto / TVP / RTA. All Rights Reserved.

Ref: © TVN
y... Después de los incidentes y desastres provocados por Che Copete, mas rato, en el plató de Lumiar, Charles Buitremont (Director General Del Servicio de Televisión (ORTF Television Service) y Director General De La 1RA. Cadena - La première chaîne de l'ORTF), DR. Y Prof. Dn. Eduardo Tironi Arce (Director General Canal 13 - Corporación De Televisión De La Pontificia Universidad Católica De Chile), Dan unas palabras de saludo de año nuevo y explicación sobre el especial transmitido....
...."En este especial, en técnicas de la animación, hemos transmitido íntegramente en animación 2d, es decir, en Video. A nombre de tanto de las cadenas, como La Propia l'ORTF, agradecemos todo el esfuerzo, tiempo y dedicación total a todo el personal artístico como técnico.
Ademas de los encargados del aspecto de la imagen, los camarografos, Ademas, de las coordinaciones de los directores Badulaque Reyes, Ramírez, Monchetti y Panzinni. Durante todo este especial de fin de año.
Esperamos, que en los meses venideros, comenzaremos, si nos dispone dios, como el tiempo y si las autoridades nos facilitan, el proceso inicial de las transmisiones experimentales en Digital.
Muchas gracias y dejamos a la Srta. Mendelsohn para cerrar la histórica transmisión de hoy día 31"....
"Felices Fiestas, Feliz Año Nuevo Y Viva La Patria"....
Y El Cierre...

En la sala de edición de video, con equipos AMPEX, El celebre director Garfield Badulaque Reyes (Mas conocido en el mundo como Garfield The Cat), se alegra felizmente del éxito de la transmisión del especial de 3 horas en Video-tape al ingeniero técnico Huevoduro, allá, en Lira 46.
En la imagen pequeña transmitiendo en el equipo de Videotape AMPEX, Aparece, en el Estudio C De Lira, Miriam Mendelsohn, dando el anuncio de cierre de transmisiones, vía video. En el estudio, Mir, como le decían sus amigas (Meilin, Priya y Abby) da lo que le dice el texto entregado para dar el anuncio de cierre.
En ella decía...
- Muy bien, Señoras y Señores Telespectadores, al terminar este especial de fin de año o noche vieja, y con las palabras del Director General del Servicio, como de Las Cadenas y De La l'ORTF. Con estas imágenes, registradas en video, en jerga del mundo de la industria de la animación, en 2D. Finalizamos las transmisiones correspondientes por hoy 31 de Diciembre.
Al igual que todo el personal, les deseamos ante ustedes una muy buenas noches y buen
feliz año"
Lo de la imagen de fondo en los monitores del equipo AMPEX de Video-tape, se debió a un rápido e imprevisto error técnico del camarógrafo por acercar mas el reflejo de la imagen y lo corrigió sigilosamente.
Después de eso, en los Mammouth Studios, na Lumiar, Tironi, como los demás autoridades felicitando a todo el personal por el éxito de la transmisión y registro integro del programa especial. Ademas, El Ministro de Información Y Turismo, Don Fraga Iribane, viaja al lugar, como a la sede de Calle Lira para felicitar personalmente por la hazaña. "Fue un éxito, la imagen salio, perfecta. en la Chusma, como en Los Mayos, Los Madrugas, El Norte y El Cómic y Concepción, la recepción, fue excelente". El decía.
Al rato, en Orchid Bay, en casa, Ophelia Ramírez, en su calidad de realizadora y directora del especial, con el televisor dando el cartel de cierre de transmisión, recibe la llamada de larga distancia nacional, proveniente de la capital, en esa sorpresiva llamada, Tanto Fraga como Tironi Arce la felicitan por el logro de la transmisión. Luego Lee, la felicita también.
Para esa noche, en la transmisión, Garfield, se llevo al lugar una enorme cantidad de comida chatarra.
Carta de Cierre Cierre transmisión 06-07

Huevoduro © WorldEditords S.A. All Rights Reserved.
Garfield © Nickelodeon / PAWS / Jim Davis. All Rights Reserved.
Ophelia © Cartoon Network / Judd Winnick. All Rights Reserved.
#fanart#crossover fanart#crossover#music#variety#television#television set#juniper lee jody#ophelia#garfield#miriam mendelsohn#checopete#krusty the crown#camp lazlo#johnny test#frankie foster#spongebob#vegeta#seymour skinner#chespirito#Youtube
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De är nominerade till idag nyheter:s litteraturpris 2024
Poeten Hanna Rajs debuterade 2018 med diktsamlingen “Armarna”, som nominerades till Borås Tidnings debutantpris. 2022 kom hennes första roman, “Där var du, större än bokstäverna som utgör ditt namn – Cristina-boken”. “Hanna Rajs sjunger om sin mamma för mig, och jag förstår inte hur hon gör det så vackert”, skrev Ali Alonzo i idag nyheter om “Samma, mamma”. Ellen Nordmark – Epos Ellen Nordmark.…
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layla, mariana, christian
layla was answered already and everyone should be dating her
mat. i have mixed feelings about u matty. i love them a lot when they're good.. the problem is that they are not always good. mat running across the school to run into mariana's arms when she was in danger IS one of my favorite moments in the show though. i just don't forgive him for his post s5 stuff re: her. but i did once love them most.
caleb. caleb is always vital to mariana because he is vital to callie. she develops a crush on him in verses where he's off in pll instead of beacon hills too. tiffany and i have a fake dating verse for them. they're both very techy and caleb makes her feel so so safe and loved. she is like hanna too in that she would invite him to stay and sneak him into her house of 7 people if she found him at the school.
raj. again. mixed feelings. i cared about them a lot originally but it went down pretty fast. i think they could have been better than they were and i am just. i'm not gonna say it wasn't ic for mariana and evan to happen during this relationship i just don't LIKE it. i don't like anything about it and want mariana to have a better love storyline or none for her to have a good work sl.
lissa. it's literally impossible for me to see christian with anyone else in the series, and i honestly didn't think i'd ship him with anyone else ever because of these two. they're dark and light. both with hearts of gold. rose literally says that christian has a good heart and most of it belongs to lissa. he loves her so much! he'd do anything for her, even if he hates everything political. he learns! he learns how to be a good king because he's gonna be her husband. they're literally picking out baby names 2 months into dating because they know it's it. christian has never cared about anyone else romantically until lissa showed up and suddenly he was like this is the one for me (in every way)
audrey. @heartborrow boy did this one catch me in a chokehold! from the beginning! the way they bring out the best in each other <3 christian and audrey being opposites but both in the same area. black and pink. them understanding each other. they're excellent i love them so much and think about them constantly.
hope. this dynamic is one that just. is everything actually. the way ozera and mikaelson are both very heavy names. people know their family and not for being good but for the wreckage they left. they understand this in each other and are both kinda loners <3 the library as their spot <3 my baker and cook <3
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Namco X Capcom and Project X Zone series Hypothetical English Voice Cast
Lots of characters means Keep Reading! I’ve done a post like this before, but I thought it needed some revising. So, here are my personal picks for the English-language voice cast of Namco X Capcom and the Project X Zone duology!
Introduced in Namco X Capcom
From Bravoman:
Bravoman: Rob Paulsen?
Black Bravoman / Anti-Bravoman: Dee Bradley Baker?
Doctor Bomb / Dr. Bakuda: Dee Bradley Baker?
Waya-Hime: Romi Dames?
From Darkstalkers:
Felicia: Janyse Jaud, Tara Strong, Andrea Libman, Tabitha St Germain, or Kimlinh Tran?
Hsien-Ko: Nicole Oliver?
Lord Raptor / Zabel Zarock: Scott McNeil
Demitri Maximoff: Paul Dobson or Michael Donovan?
Morrigan Aensland: Siobhan Flynn
Lilith Aensland: Stephanie Sheh
Huitzil / Phobos: Ward Perry
From Dino Crisis:
Regina: Stephanie Morgenstern or Elysia Rotaru
From Final Fight:
Guy: Jason Miller
Mike Haggar: Matt Riedy, Jason Simpson, or Josh Petersdorf?
From Ghosts ‘n Goblins:
Arthur: Daniel Woren
Red Arremer Joker: Ian James Corlett?
From Klonoa:
Klonoa: Eric Stitt, Brianne Siddall, Tara Strong, Cassandra Lee Morris, or Colleen Clinkenbeard?
Guntz: Chuck Huber?
Joka: Dave Mallow?
From Mega Man Legends:
MegaMan Volnutt: Susan Roman or Maxey Whitehead?
Roll Caskett: Tracy Ryan?
Tron Bonne: Caroly Larson; failing that, Tara Platt
Servbots: Elizabeth Hanna or whoever voiced them in Marvel vs. Capcom 3?
MegaMan Juno: Jef Mallory?
From Resident Evil: Dead Aim:
Bruce McGivern: Raj Ramayya?
Fong Ling: Claire O’Connor?
From Soul Edge and Soulcalibur:
Heishiro Mitsurugi: Scott Keck, Ed Cunningham, or Ray Chase?
Taki: Desiree Goyette; failing that, Cynthia Holloway
From Street Fighter:
Chun-Li: Laura Bailey; failing that, Ashly Burch or Shannon Chan Kent
Cammy White: Caitlin Glass
Juni: Michelle Ruff
Juli: Elizabeth Maxwell
Ryu: Kyle Hebert
Ken Masters: Reuben Langdon
M. Bison / Vega / Dictator: Gerald C. Rivers
Akuma / Gouki: either Keith Burgess or Richard Epcar
Sakura Kasugano: Brittney Lee Harvey
Karin Kanzuki: Lauren Landa
Rose: Gina Grad
From Strider:
Strider Hiryu: TJ Storm? Marc Biagi? (Do we want to keep the Japanese accent?)
Grandmaster Meio: Eric Newsome or Adam Harrington?
Solo: Dave Rivas
Tong Pooh: Niki Kernow
From Tales of Destiny:
Stahn Aileron: Liam O’Brien?
Rutee Katrea: Erika Lenhart
Judas / Leon Magnus: Steve van Wormer
From Tekken:
Kazuya Mishima: Jordan Byrne
Heihachi Mishima: Jamieson Price
Jin Kazama: Brad Swaile
From The Tower of Druaga:
Gilgamesh: Charles Campbell?
Ishtar: Stephanie Young
Princess Ki/Kai: Leah Clark
Druaga: Chris Cason
Quox: Wendy Powell
From Wonder Momo:
Wonder Momo: Romi Dames?
From Xenosaga:
KOS-MOS: Bridget Hoffman; failing that, Luci Christian
Shion Uzuki: Lia Sargent; failing that, Stephanie Wittels
M.O.M.O: Sherry Lynn, Cristina Pucelli, or Brittney Karbowski
Allen Ridgeley: Dave Wittenberg; failing that, Blake Shepard
Introduced in Project X Zone
From .hack//:
Kite: Mona Marshall
BlackRose: Wendee Lee
Aura: Lia Sargent
From Cyberbots:
Princess Devilotte de Deathsatan IX: Tabitha St. Germain
From Darkstalkers:
Jedah Dohma: Travis Willingham or David Kaye?
From Dead Rising:
Frank West: TJ Rotolo
From Devil May Cry:
Dante: Reuben Langdon
Lady: Kari Wahlgren; failing that, Kate Higgins
From God Eater:
Soma Schicksal: Yuri Lowenthal or Crispin Freeman?
Alisa Ilinichina Amiella: Kate Higgins or Cherami Leigh?
Lindow Amamiya: Kyle Hebert
From Mega Man X:
X: Mark Gatha; failing that, Ted Sroka
Zero: Johnny Yong Bosch (sadly, Lucas Gilbertson has retired...)
Vile: Roger Rhodes
Iris: Michelle Gazepis?
From Resident Evil:
Chris Redfield: Roger Craig Smith; failing that, Joe Whyte
Jill Valentine: Patricia Ja Lee; failing that, Michelle Ruff
Nemesis: David Cockman
From Resonance of Fate:
Zephyr: Scott Menville
Leanne: Jessica DiCicco
Vashyron: Nolan North
From Sakura Wars:
Gemini Sunrise: Laura Bailey
Erica Fontaine: Caitlin Glass
Ichiro Ogami: Dave Wittenberg
Sakura Shinguuji: Wendee Lee
From Shining Force EXA:
Toma: Nick Tagas
Cyrille: Erin M. Cahill
Riemsianne La Vaes: Amy Provenzano
From Space Channel 5:
Ulala: Cherami Leigh (sadly, Apollo Smile is no longer voice-acting)
From Street Fighter:
Juri Han: Jessica Straus
Seth: Michael McConnohie
From Tales of Vesperia:
Yuri Lowell: Troy Baker; failing that, Grant George
Estellise Sidos “Estelle” Heurassein: Eden Riegel or Cherami Leigh?
Flynn Scifo: Sam Riegel
From Tekken:
Ling Xiaoyu: Carrie Keranen
Alisa Bosconovitch: Cristina Valenzuela; failing that, Michele Knotz
From Valkyria Chronicles:
Selvaria Bles: April Stewart or Carrie Keranen
From Xenosaga:
T-elos: see KOS-MOS
From Yumeria:
Neneko: Luci Christian or Brittney Karbowski?
Neito: Tiffany Salinas?
NOTE! Bruno Delinger (from Dynamite Cop AKA Die Hard Arcade) doesn’t have an official English voice, but if possible, I’d like to have Bruce Willis voice him; I mean, the character’s appearance seems to have been based on him.
Introduced in Project X Zone 2: Brave New World
From .hack//:
Haseo: Yuri Lowenthal; failing that, Andrew Francis
Azure Kite / Tri-Edge(?): see Kite
From Ace Attorney:
Phoenix Wright: Ben Judd, Sam Riegel, Trevor White, or Eric Vale?
Maya Fey: Lindsay Seidel or Abby Trott?
Miles Edgeworth: Seon King, Kyle Hebert, or Christopher Wehkamp?
From Darkstalkers:
Pyron: David Kaye
From Devil May Cry:
Vergil: Daniel Southworth
Nelo Angelo: David Keeley or Daniel Southworth?
From Fire Emblem:
Chrom: Matthew Mercer
Lucina: Laura Bailey
Tiki: Mela Lee
From God Eater:
Ciel Alencon: Cristina Valenzuela
Nana Kouzuki: Cassandra Lee Morris
From Mega Man X:
Sigma: Gerald Matthews or Chris Tergliafera?
From Nightshade:
Hibana: Karen Swenson
Kurohagane a (Alpha): Casey Robertson
From Resident Evil:
Leon Scott Kennedy: Paul Mercier; failing that, Matthew Mercer
Ada Wong: Megan Hollingshead or Sally Cahill?
From Resonance of Fate:
Cardinal Garigliano: Dave B. Mitchell
From Sakura Wars:
Ranmaru: Dorothy Fahn
Dokurobo: Paul St. Peter
From Shenmue:
Ryo Hazuki: Corey Marshall or Austin Tindle?
From Shinobi:
Hotsuma: Jordan Rosa
From Soulcalibur V:
Natsu: Kate Higgins?
From Space Channel 5:
Shadow: Tom Clarke Hill
From Streets of Rage:
Axel Stone: Joe Bianco and/or Oliver Raynal?
Robot Axel / Break: see Axel Stone
From Summon Night 3:
Aty: Melissa Gulden
From Tales of Vesperia:
Zagi: Roger Craig Smith
From Tekken:
Unknown (Jun Kazama): Edi Patterson?
From Xenoblade Chronicles:
Fiora: Carina Reeves
Metal Face / Mumkhar: Timothy Watson
From Yakuza:
Kazuma Kiryu: Darryl Kurylo
Goro Majima: Mark Hamill; failing that, Matthew Mercer
#namco x capcom#project x zone#project x zone 2#nxc#pxz#pxz2#klonoa#street fighter#xenosaga#tekken#soul edge#soulcalibur#soul calibur#darkstalkers#dino crisis#final fight#ghosts n goblins#Mega Man#resident evil#strider hiryu#strider#dead rising#god eaters#resonance of fate#dot hack#devil may cry#space channel 5#space channel five#yakuza#xenoblade
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Tiptoeing through the "High Society” guest cast
This is episode 13 so we're on the back half of the season.
Moon Bloodgood as Katherine Casillas Last seen joyriding with Sam Hanna in "Concours D'Elegance" in November.
Pamela Reed as Roberta Deeks Last seen dancing with her son at his wedding in March’s "Till Death Do Us Part" episode.
Vladimir Noel as Kadek Waiguna Appeared in a pair of TV movies and number of short films.
Rupak Ginn as Dev Jabbar Played Raj, Divya's fiancé (then ex-fiancé) of Royal Pains. Guest starred in episodes of Private Practice, Unforgettable, Person of Interest and SEAL Team.
Rachel Marsh as Lily Chen Appeared in an episode of Ellen's Game of Games and a few short films.
Adam Chambers as Victor Walker Tyler Poelle as Corey the Coroner Both were last seen in "Where Everybody Knows Your Name" in season nine. Chamber's Victor was a low level drug deal/con man. Poelle's character is self-explanatory.
Poelle on the Paramount lot photo. Poelle with Daniela Ruah.
Kate Orsini as FBI Agent Audrey Rush Working actress since the early 2000's with guest roles in Grounded for Life, CSI, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Gilmore Girls, The District, George Lopez Show, Miss Match, The King of Queens, Courting Alex, Huff, General Hospital, Monk, Lincoln Heights, The Unit, Lie to Me, Days of Our Lives, 90210 (2013), Bones, Criminal Minds, Nashville, Jane the Virgin, The Bold and the Beautiful and 9-1-1.
Was FBI Special Agent Isabel Monet in the "Third Wheel" episode of NCIS in season 16.
Obligatory trailer selfie.
Russell Sams as Richard Weaver Was Airman Peter Tyree in the "New Gun in Town" episode of JAG and in NCIS's "Squall" episode in season ten as Petty Officer Second Class Daniel Graves.
Guest starred in episodes of Philly, Grounded for Life, Boomtown, Threat Matrix, Cold Case, Eyes, CSI, Crossing Jordan, Ghost Whisperer and Supernatural.
Obligatory script photo. Bayley Corman as Yoga Instructor Was Summer Newman on The Young and the Restless for a few episodes in 2018. Guest roles include 2 Broke Girls, Jane the Virgin, Modern Family and Chilling Adventures of Sabrina.
Lauren McKnight as Coco Appeared in episodes of Teen Wolf, Once Upon a Time in Wonderland, Mistresses, Wicked City and How to Get Away with Murder.
Written by: Chad Mazero co-wrote "Internal Affairs", "Revenge Deferred" and "Where Everybody Knows Your Name" and wrote "Tidings We Bring", "Can I Get a Witness", "All Is Bright" and "Diamond in the Rough".
Directed by: John P. Kousakis directed "Imposters", "Sacrifice", "San Voir" part one, "The Fifth Man", "Parley", "Inelegant Heart", "Chernoff, K.", "Active Measures", "The Long Goodbye", "Talion", "Glasnost", "Unleashed", "Party Crashers", "This Is What We Do" (episode 200), "Goodbye Vietnam", "Ninguna Salida", "The Guardian", all of the Afghanistan scenes from "Iron Curtain Rising" to "Zero Days" in season five and all of Kensi’s injury/recovery storyline scenes from "The Queen’s Gambit" to "Sirens" in season eight.
FOX has the NFC Championship Game next Sunday (January 19th) and the Super Bowl on February 2nd. CBS has the Grammy Awards on January 26th while ABC has the Academy Awards on February 9th. The program’s next first-run episode will likely be on February 16th so no tiptoeing for about one month!
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Spencer later wears this scarf in 5x05 ‘Miss Me x 100′.
Raj Imports ‘Silk Horseshoe Scarf’ - $15.16
Worn with: Elizabeth and James dress, Jeffrey Campbell boots
#Hanna Marin#Hanna Marin Fashion#Hanna Marin Style#Pretty Little Liars#PLL#Raj Imports#Scarf#Accessories#2x01#Season Two
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jag har redan stress över att minnas folk pratar som att du ska sluta finnas
Hanna Rajs, Samma, mamma (ur dikten Ersta)
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Daria and the Flynn Fletchers - Daria in Danville - Part 4
Part 4: Danville Plans
Stacy entered the Flynn-Fletcher’s kitchen. Candace was cooking pancakes as a belated breakfast. “Daria?” she asked.
“Stacy?” Daria asked in surprise. “What are you doing here?”
“Um, Sandi has gone missing and Quinn said that you were here, and that you would know what to do,” Stacy said.
Daria was then in thought. “How do you know that Sandi has gone missing?”
“No one is answering at the Griffin’s and she is not answering her cell!” Stacy said, emotionally.
“That’s not an indication of someone going missing, Stacy!” Daria snarked.
“You don’t know the Griffin’s. Mrs Griffin always works from home during the holidays. If she has gone shopping, Sandi would be babysitting her brothers. Sandi always takes her cell with her if she is going out. Something has happened!” Stacy said, being in tears at the end of her statement.
“Ok,” Jane said.
Daria was then in thought. “And she wasn’t at my place or at Tiffany’s?” she asked.
“No!” Stacy said.
“I will have to think about this. Candace here has already got me trying to figure out a way to get Mrs Flynn to know the true nature of Phineas and Ferb’s hijinks,” Daria said.
“I can wait. I just hope that she is ok. I mean, she may be mean and bitchy sometimes but Sandi is my friend,” Stacy said.
Daria raised an eyebrow at this statement.
“Maybe when Phineas and Ferb are finished we can use a flying car made out of stone to look for Sandi,” Jane said.
“That would be so cool!” Stacy said.
“Only if you can take it to Mom as well!” Candace said.
“That can be arranged,” Daria said.
Perry the Platypus approached a purple building in downtown Danville.
Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated!
Perry landed his hovercraft on the balcony of the building. He then went towards the door and jumped through it.
“Aaaahhhhh, Perry the Platypus...” Dr Heinz Doofenshmirtz said, as he held a remote.“How unexpected! By Unexpected, I mean entirely Expected!” He pressed the button on the remote causing a cage to crash down and trap Perry.
Perry made a Playpus noise.
“You want to know my plan, don’t you?”Doofenshmirtz asked. He pressed a button on a different remote and a section of wall rolled up, revealing Sandi confined in a large cage.
“Like, let me out you monster!” she said.
“No, Ms Griffin, your teenage popularity is part of my scheme to take over the TRI-STATE-AREA!” Doofenshmirtz said.
Perry looked at Doofenshmirtz.
“I will tell you my scheme after I tell you the back-story behind the scheme,” Doofenshmirtz said.
“I don’t see how anyone could take over Danville, or even, like Lawndale, much less the entire Tri-State-Area using one person’s popularity, even the popularity of someone like myself!” Sandi stated.
“That’s where you’re wrong. And no complaining during my back-story,” Doofenshmirtz said.
“I will if it’s like, too boring,” Sandi said.
“Right!”Doofenshmirtz said.
Back at the Flynn-Fletchers Baljeet Raj and Buford Van Stomm had arrived. “So you’re saying that you are combining two Hanna-Barbera cartoons after you saw a crossover movie between the two?” Buford asked.
“Yes, yes we are,” Phineas said.
“Cool!” Baljeet said.
Buford thought for a bit. “I’m in, If I get to act like Mr Spacely, that is,” he said.
“Sure,” Phineas said.
Baljeet looked for Ferb, and saw him at the top of the cavehouse-style skypad apartment that was under construction in front of the tree. “Interesting,” he said.
Daria was looking out at said cavehouse-style skypad apartment out of the kitchen window. “And you say that their projects always disappear?” she asked.
“Not always, but most of the time,” Candace said. Her mobile then rang. “It’s Jeremy!” she exclaimed and flipped it open.
“Boyfriend I guess,” Jane said, as she sketched.
“Maybe,” Daria said.
Vanessa Doofenshmirtz entered her father’s lab and saw Sandi in the cage. “Dad, Why do you have Sandi Griffin in a cage?” she asked. “This is like, a new kind of evil’ she thought, as she glanced at Perry the Platypus.
“Vanessa! I was about to tell Perry my backstory! Wait a minute, you know Ms Griffin?” Heinz asked.
Vanessa rolled her eyes, she had heard enough of her father’s ‘backstory’. “It’s rather difficult to attend Lawndale High and not know her, Dad!” she said.
Sandi smiled at that, popular enough for all the students to know her... She then frowned as she realised that was one reason that Dr Doofenshmirtz had her kidknapped.
“Yes, that is part of my scheme. Wait, you go to Lawndale High? I thought you went to Fielding!”
‘Like I would have went to that school of snobs?” Vanessa thought. “Mom let me choose which school to go to,” she said.
“Ok,” Heinz said.
“So what sort of machine-inator have you built this time?” Vanessa asked.
Perry repeated Vanessa’s question with a look.
“Fine,” Heinz said, he walked over beside Sandi’s cage, taking a cover off a machine-device... “BEHOLD! My Popularity-AmplicaTransfer-Inator!”
“That’s, like, stupid!” Sandi said, as she rattled the cage.
“It’s not stupid!” Heinz said, as he launched into the description of his scheme.
#agent p#baljeet raj#buford van stomm#candace flynn#daria#daria morgendorffer#fanfic#heinz doofenshmirtz#jane lane#perry the platypus#phineas and ferb#phineas flynn#sandi griffin#stacy rowe#vanessa doofenshmirtz
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Bru-C - Say No More | Music Video from Vita Pictura on Vimeo.
Record Label | 0207 Def Jam, Universal Music UK
Filming Locations | Pärnu Rannapark, Reval Safety Training centre, Kadriorg Art Museum, Kadrioru Lillepark
Production Company | Vita Pictura vitapictura.co
Directors | Anastasia Zazhitskaya, Isam Muhammad, Georgius Misjura DOP | Aleksei Kulikov Steadicam Operator | Alex Tervinsky Festival Videographers | Henry Parelo, Karl Jakob Vibur, Magnus Paavel, Martin Raid Producer | Serj Rimma Line Producer | Virko Kuusk Co-Producers | Roman Pototski, Aleksandr Muhanov 1st AC | Lev Kovalenko Gaffer | Nikita Kurashov, Max Kazmirevski Electricians | Markus Robin Kiisla, Cristian Andres, Henry Parelo, Olesia-Oleksandra Sagaidak Casting Director | Anastasia Zazhitskaya Art Director | Grete-Elisabeth Lauri MUAH | Liisa-Chrislin Saleh MUA assistant | Krislin Lainelo Style | Iris Peil Photographers | Rauno Liivand, Harry Tiits BTS Photographer | Valeria Melnikova BTS Videographer | Markus Robin Kiisla Equipment | Vita Pictura, High Voltage
Post-Production | Vita Pictura Editors | Georgius Misjura, Isam Muhammad, Henry Parelo VFX | Henry Parelo BTS Video Editor | Lev Kovalenko, Aleksei Šarapanjuk Music Video Colour Grading | Dmitri Morjakin BTS Colour Grading and Sound Mixing | Lev Kovalenko
Video Commissioner | Nicola Sheppard Management | Nicholas Walcott Tour Manager | Zac Straw
Talent | Anna Hazinskaja Extras | Anastasia Silenko, Demi-Maria Reintam, Diana Aizatullina, Ekaterina Velichkina, Elizabeth Mänd, Emma Tubensljak, Hanna Peeters, Jaana Hodorenko-Triik, Kerttu Jõgi, Laura Pakasaar, Laura Viira, Melania Breganova, Melissa Lagle, Piia Saara Kivioja, Sandra Anderkopp, Vladlena Aksjonova, Xenia Hanson
Bru-C Crew | Manny, JP ClearVision, Raj
Special Thanks | FERATI Automobiles, Merike Rundu, PS Music Events, Elle Maria Randoja & Bella, Simon Runzheimer, Caspar Lootsmann, Enriko Mäsak
» Connect with Vita Pictura Facebook → facebook.com/vitapictura Twitter → twitter.com/vitapictura Instagram → instagram.com/vitapictura Youtube → youtube.com/vitapictura Vimeo → vimeo.com/vitapictura
Contact us via E-Mail: [email protected]
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HER PLACE Design Challenge Winner
HER PLACE Design Competition, Architecture Contest News, Architectural News
HER PLACE Design Competition
5 May 2021
HER PLACE Design Challenge Winner
Women’s Empowerment Centre Design Challenge Results Announced:
Global design challenge engages architects, designers and engineers to create an innovative design proposal for a women’s empowerment centre in Devachuli, Nepal. The winning design to be built this year will continue the outreach work of Kanallan, supporting the improvement of women’s rights
Winning entry: Her Place by Dikshya Poudyal & Dibyaswor Lamichhane
A collaborative team from the USA and Nepal has been announced as the winner in a design challenge that hopes to provide a safe, secure and inviting new environment for empowering Nepalese women and girls. The design was selected out of proposals from more than 20 countries. The local jury members praised the winning design for its careful sensitivity to local culture, uniqueness and inclusive approach to design
The new centre will improve access to healthcare, education and recreation that unfortunately many young women lack from an early age through to womanhood. The creation of the centre will strengthen an existing outreach and mentor program being provided by Kanallan and the local charity Jagriti Child and Youth Concern Nepal. These services will support gender equality in the region as well as offering workshops, classes and critically a safe haven for individuals or families in abusive situations. The winning design was selected for being welcoming, open and inclusive but also providing a strong, safe, solid looking building which can withstand the local climate and extreme weather conditions.
The successful proposal showed a real understanding of the importance in creating spaces informed by the local culture. A water well at the front for example creates an informal meeting place and a wall to show inspirational stories of local women provides an engaging positive area. These are just a few of the elements which went beyond the original design brief.
The Winning team Dibyaswor LAMICHHANE, Registered Architect Kathmandu, Nepal and Dikshya POUDYAL, LEED AP, BD+C Houston,Texas, USA said:
“It is a great deal for us designers to see our design realized. When we heard about the competition on our turf, we wanted to contribute to this social cause. Our concept was to design an iconic building to represent women’s strength, while also providing a safe and supportive environment. We were very meticulous about the building materials and wanted to implement economic sustainability through architecture. We hope our design serves the purpose and empowers women in the society.”
A wide range of submissions made use of sustainable materials and highlighted the need for passive cooling, ventilation and natural lighting. The short listed designs showed a creative range of well thought out ideas. The honourable mentions included teams from Russia, China, France and Spain.
David Cole Founding Partner of Building Trust international said,“The challenge was a very difficult one for the jury with such a high level of design quality from so many entries. We are thrilled that we were able to engage the local team and end users with the selection and there is genuine excitement to see this project realised later this year. it has the potential to change lives in a positive way for generations to come”.
Building Trust international will be working closely with Kanallan and local partners to help deliver the winning design during 2021. Once realised this government approved proposal will deliver much needed services and has the chance to be a pilot for more centres of its kind, helping establish a more equitable community at a local and national level
Quintin Clover – Founding Director of Kanallan said, “Myself and the team were absolutely blown away with the work and talent that went into the designs for this competition. The girls and young women that this building will serve feel truly a part of something special with a wonderful feeling that there is an international community out there that really cares for them and this new centre.
Although only one design could be chosen, the inspiration that myself and the team have drawn from each and every design will influence our work for many years to come. Aspects of all the submissions will be entwined in our work helping underprivileged women and children around the world. The designs have enriched our future plans and broadened our perspective of what is possible, the flair and intricacies in all the work submitted has really demonstrated how much more we could be doing with our construction projects.
The following projects received honourable mentions:
Honourable Mention, Victoria Mourelle, Lucie Dubert, Ana Jayone, Yarza Perez, Marion Chapey, Laure Lepigeon:
Honourable Mention, Valentin Kogan, Daria Bril, Evgenia Ermoshko, Ilia Ermolayev:
Honourable Mention, The Architecture Story:
Honourable Mention, CAW Architects based in Palo Alto, California, USA and M.L.Kayastha and Associates based in Kathmandu, Nepal.
Honourable Mention, Form4 Architecture – John Marx and Saba Raj:
Honourable Mention, Studio C+C & Studio 4215:
Honourable Mention, Xinghong Wang:
Honourable Mention, RTA Studio:
Honourable Mention, Sonja Walzik, Hanna Bederke, Clara Kühn:
HER PLACE Design Challenge images / information received 040521
24 Feb 2021
HER PLACE Design Challenge News
Building Trust are very excited to announce the launch of our 9th Design Competition. The competition entitled HER PLACE challenges architects, designers and engineers to submit an innovative design proposal for a girls�� development centre that will welcome girls from Nepalese municipalities, spreading knowledge to support rural areas and above all provide a safe environment for deeply vulnerable young women in need.
Contestants should consider the climate and site conditions, along with sustainability to create an innovative design. Building Trust international will work alongside competition partners, local government and the winning team to build the winning proposal in Nepal this year.
We would greatly appreciate any support which e-architect could give by placing the competition details and link to our website on the e-architect website and associated social media pages. Please see posters attached for your use.
The competition brief can be viewed here.
Please note when participants have registered they will receive a site plan, google map location, short video of the site, unique reference number and information on how/where to upload their proposal.
Registration Information:
Register here
Registration: £100 ( Final day for registration 1st April 23:59pm GMT)
Announcement of winners to be posted on www.buildingtrustinternational.org – 24th April 2021
HER PLACE Design Challenge images / information received 240221
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Comments / photos for HER PLACE Design Challenge page welcome
The post HER PLACE Design Challenge Winner appeared first on e-architect.
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"रमाइलो दिन" | अन्जु पन्त | New Nepali Christmas Dance Song 2019 | Ramailo Din | Anju Panta

Merry Christmas!! As we celebrate the birth of Jesus, let's forget our own pain but never forget the pain that Christ bear from His birth lying in cold manger to His death on cross. Let us allow our resurrected Jesus reign in our heart as our birthday gift for Him. अझै धेरै आशिषमय भिडियोहरु हेर्न अगापे टि.भी. च्यानल सब्स्क्राइब गरेर नजिकैको बेल आइकनमा थिच्नुहोस् । New Nepali Christmas Song Ramailo Din रमाइलो दिन... Vocal: Anju Panta Compose: Suresh Maharjan Lyrics: Archana Maharjan Arrange: Pradeep Shrestha Studio: Voice Recording Studio Choreography: Sandhya Khadgi Dancers: Sandhya Khadgi, Archana Maharjan, Kalyani Khadgi, Bindu Rai & Pabitra Rai Makeup: Hanna Kalakheti Assistant Makeup: Sanjita Khadgi Lightman: Tirtha Tamang Assistant Lightman: Kerr Koinch Linuch Cinematography: Nakul Sunuwar Edit/Color: Prashanta Shrestha Drone/Direction: Anish Shyangden Special Thanks Mangal Man Maharjan Shwu Eng Karthak Anugraha Prajapati Ashish Rai Rabin Sewa Bharat Basnet Abhishek Paudel Nabin Maharjan Ishwor Shrestha Prashidha Shrestha Sunil Raj Lama Rohit Sunuwar Sangeeta Tamang Shrestha Junu Balami Shrestha NIM Gyaneshwor Church Family Maharjan Family ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subscribe #AgapeTV for more videos. https://www.youtube.com/c/AgapeTVnp?sub_confirmation=1 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/agapestereo Website: http://agapestereo.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Email us at [email protected] if you want to upload and promote your videos through Agape TV - Online Christian Television from Nepal. Warning: Online right for this video is provided to Agape TV by Archana Maharjan. Uploading this video in other channels without permission is strictly prohibited. Embedding to websites is allowed.
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TOP 71 Popular Tourist Destinations in Pakistan MAP
If you wanted to know the most famous and attractive destinations map of Pakistan so here it is HD Picture made by Assam Artist Pakistani Traveler These are the 71 Top Pakistan Tourist Attractions Map 1 - Khanjrab Pass ( Pak - China Border ) 2 - Attabad Lake ( Hunza KKH ) 3 - Baltit Fort - Hunza Valley ( 8th CE ) 4 - K2 ( 2nd Highest Mountain in The World ) 5 - K2 Base Camp

HD MAP With location and Details Since Childhood to my Adult age i use to haired from different people that Pakistan have potential Pakistan have everything including all natural resources, mountains, agriculture land, desert, 5 kind of weathers, beautiful beaches, hidden waterfalls, old heritages, different cultures and long history. thats why i decide to create complete picture of my childhood imagination to help myself and others travellers like me to easily room around my country. I created this tourist map in 8 Consecutive Days - ASSAMARTIST 6 - Shangrila Skardu 7 - Deosai Plains - Roof of The World 8 - Sharda Peeth Tample - ( 724 CE ) 9 - Neelum Valley Kashmir 10 - Saif ul Mulook & Ansoo ( Tear ) Lake 11 - Shandur Polo Festival 12 - Nanga Parbat - ( 9th Highest Mountain ) 13 - Kalash Valley 14 - Ski Resort Malam Jaba 15 - Tea Plantation Shinkiari 16 - Buddha Swat - ( 7th Century ) 17 - Khanpur Dam - Sajikot Waterfalls 18 - Khayber Pass - Peshawar 19 - Texila Stupa ( 2nd Century CE ) 20 - Pakistan Monument 21 - Muzaffarabad - Kashmir 22 - Naluchi Bridge 23 - Centaurus Mall - Islamabad 24 - Faisal Mosque - Islamabad 25 - Katas Raj Temple - Potohar Plateau 26 - Khewra Sal Mines 27 - Qila Rohatas Jehlum ( 16th Century ) 28 - Hiram Minar Sheikhupura ( 17th CE ) 29 - Kartarpur Sahib Temple 30 - Shahi Qila & Badshahi Mosque 31 - Minar - e - Pakistan Lahore 32 - -Clock Tower - Faislabad 33 - Amb Sharif Temple - Khushab 34 - Power Plant 35 - Harappa Civilization ( 3300 BCE ) 36 - The Cathedral of the Holy Redeemer 37 - Shah Rukn e Alam Tomb ( 1320 CE ) 38 - Noor Palace Bahawalpur 39 - Uch Sharif Bahawalpur ( 12 CE ) 40 - Qila Derawar ( 9th Century ) 41 - Cholistan Desert 42 - Mohenjo Daro ( Built in 2500 BCE ) 43 - Ziarat - Quaid e Azam's Residency 44 - Hanna Lake - Quetta 45 - Pir Ghaib Waterfalls 46 - Quetta City 47 - Riqo Diq Copper Mines 48 - Mud Volcanos 49 - Golden Desert 50 - Moola Chotok - Khuzdar District 51 - Ranikot Qila ( Fort ) - ( 8th CE ) 52 - Clock Tower Hyderabad 53 - Bootar Laker 54 - Makli Graveyard ( 400 Years Old ) 55 - Gori Temple ( 1376 CE ) 56 - Nagarparkar Tample ( 1376 CE ) 57 - Coal Mines 58 - Frere Hall Karachi 59 - Kimari Fish Harbour 60 - Clifton Beach 61 -Hawksbay Beach 62 - Paradise Point & French Beach 63 - Princes of Hope 64 - Sphinix of Pakistan 65 - Hangol National Park 66 - Cave City Balochistan 67 - Gwader City 68 - Astola Island Gwadar 69 - Churna Island - Karachi 70 - Bolan Pass 71 - Parachnar Share with All Pakistani Friends and Family members around the Globe Read the full article
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på senaste tiden.

Har varit lite busy på senaste tiden. Skolan började och mest läser jag kurslitteratur, men också lite smått vid sidan om (plus att jag plöjt en tjock space opera under tiden också). Detta “smått” är alltså poesi och serier.
Serierna först: på bild har vi Sex criminals vol. 1. Har velat läsa den länge. Den handlar om ett par som får tiden att stanna när de kommer, så de bestämmer sig för att ha sex på en bank och råna den. Sjukt fina skildringar av att upptäcka sexualitet för första gången faktiskt. Plus att den var sjukt ROLIG.
Läste även Alltid fucka upp av Moa Romanova. Också väldigt ROLIG och med helt galet mycket igenkänning. Den handlar (för mig) mest om psykisk ohälsa och tyckte det tacklade det *tunga* i ämnet så himla bra, med lagom mycket humor.
Nu till poesi!
Läste antologin Berör och förstör (Athena Farrokhzad och Kristoffer Folkhammar har valt ut dikterna). Svensk samtidspoesi i all sin glans liksom. Har bläddrat fram och tillbaka i den och läst hela från pärm till pärm. Några dikter tycker jag mycket om, men har svårt att njuta av en sådan här antologi. Det är för mycket i den som jag inte känner någonting alls för. Jag tycker att den känns lite svår för att vara riktad till unga faktiskt, det var så många av dikterna som var helt intetsägande för mig. Några var okej. Några hade vackra meningar i sig. De få jag verkligen fastnade för var Theodor Hildeman Togner, Lina Ekdahl, Elis Burrau, Thomas Tidholm, Jenny Wrangborg, Emil Boss (mest som en note to self). Och sen älskar jag ju redan Johannes Anyuru, Nino Mick, Hanna Rajs Lara, Bodil Malmsten, men inte för det som fanns med i den här antologin, utan för andra saker jag läst av dem. Så jag vet inte. Tror inte att det här formatet passar mig riktigt. Måste ha lite mer dikt för att kunna bilda mig en uppfattning tror jag. Här blir det för mycket att processa på en gång.
Härigenom hittade jag dock till Hanna Rajs Laras diktsamling Armarna. Och det var ju en vinst i sig! För den är fantastisk! Tio av tio! Älskar att hitta poesi som jag faktiskt riktigt njuter av!!!!
Det var alles!
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