#hanmer springs things to do
travelersadventure · 1 year
Adventure Awaits: Hanmer Springs Retreat's Guide to Exciting Activities in Hanmer Springs
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Immerse yourself in a world of exciting Hanmer Springs activities. From adrenaline-pumping adventures to soothing natural hot springs, there's something for everyone to enjoy in this picturesque New Zealand destination.
Book Now : https://reservations.travelclick.com/112113
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travopo · 1 year
Fun Things to Do in Hanmer Springs | Travel Guide (2023) | Best Places to Visit
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19th April 2023 - Should have started earlier
A relatively light day today. A great curry, great sleep & hot shower will do great things for the mind and body. Felt like I had a lot of admin to do today. Time ticked on as I had my coffee, breakfast, grocery shopped (somehow spent $150 at 4square on this resupply!? One paper bags worth?!?), downloaded a bunch of new videos, audiobooks and podcasts and various other bits and bobs of admin and somehow it was 2:30pm and I still hadn’t left. Knowing there was a hut 12km in, I wasn’t too concerned. The concern did however start to grow as my attempts to hitchhike out of Hanmer took longer and longer. Thankfully Ben the farmer from Rakaia eventually came along and offered to take me out to the main road and then shortly after Paul the Frenchman in his camper van took me the balance of the 40kms to the trail head, making it by 4pm. So, 4 o’clock, fresh heavy pack and 12kms to go, off I ventured. Pretty classic NZ bush terrain, slightly less impressive than the Huranui ranges I’ve just come through but none the less pretty. It’s clearly been raining a bit as plenty of puddles and mud pits to parkour around. As day became night things got exciting. I still had around 3km to go when I took out my head torch. The forest canopy bringing forward the evening with complete darkness for the last 1.5km, including a swing bridge crossing which was plenty fun. Less fun was the shin deep river crossing 50m before the hut. Chicken and corn soup with coscos for dinner tonight. All around, good day. Bring on Waiau Pass!
Wrap up:
Journey: Hanmer Springs - Boyle trail head - Magdalen hut
Distance: 12kms
Resupply cost: $170 incl new gas canister.
Official KM: 949
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editorialsonlife · 3 years
Welp, feeling like doing an update because there's been a lot going on to be honest. its one of those weird dichotomies where every day feels like an eternity and there's so much going on and then you look back and you're like oh, ok its just my brain making it difficult and making things take forever but anyway.
Lockdown life was good, apart from being thrust into it so suddenly dave left a banana on his desk. Wasn't great to come back to after 5 weeks out of the office - mummified mouldy banana!! Classic. We luckily got our first jab before lockdown started so that was good, and we were reasonably well stocked up on food and were generally a lot healthier this lockdown that last. honestly, there's a level of chill and serenity in lockdown that i just love. the ability to set my own schedule and only work the hours I actually work to get the job done? Amazing. getting 8.5 hours of sleep each night without having to wake to an alarm blaring? AMAZING. getting to go for walks every afternoon? SO FLIPPING GOOD. I love it so much, I really really do. I need this to be my life permanently.
Work is just ongoing and draining and honestly, coming back to the office was so fucking stressful and it was only one day. Being at home is just the fucking bomb. Pending home decisions, I wanna go contracting I think, but also ideally two part time contracts to have more flexibility? I dunno. You'd think a big 4 would provide variety but it really doesn't and honestly, with Richie leaving, wellington is just a sinking ship. Sean's off on parental leave, Kirstyn is down to four days a week, ben will be gone if he doesn't get promoted (and I don't think he will be tbh). Jack is just muddling along, Nigel wants to swap to consulting as well, Matt's going to be a shit leader in terms of bringing in work so it's just not going to work. and in our wider group it's going to get even more messy with heaps of the analysts leaving and a couple of senior hires too. so I think it's probably time to jump ship in general, pending the home stuff below. Also, coming back after a break again, I'm like, I don't actually like a lot of you? All the people I enjoy here are in other teams and groups, and I'll be sad to leave you all, but like, not enough to stay anyway lol.
Pending the home below, two options are to just going and get a job with a $30k payrise to make up for the maternity leave benefits I'm gunna leave behind when I leave this role - 18 weeks full pay, $100 a week for the first year back and a full year of maternity leave. It's basically 30k post tax which is a bit nuts to walk away from to be honest.
Otherwise the other option is to go contracting. Less security overall but holy shit so much money. If I went in as a project coordinator at the lowest rate to build up a bit of a portfolio I'd need to work 40 weeks of 40 hr weeks and Id basically match my current salary plus the lost family leave benefits and still qualify for govt maternity leave payments. Realistically I could go in as a project manager for $140 an hour ($60 more an hour than the above math) and absolutely smash it at that level as well so ya know, there's a bunch of other info. I like the idea of the flexibility of it and only having 6 months even if its a shitshow and beign able to walk away at the end of it. I really don't want to get a govt job and this is a v govt town which is fine but also, if I can avoid it that would be great. I just know I'm not gunna thrive in that environment.
Need to talk to Dave to get him across the line on the security issue part of that though. I've mostly come a long way in terms of my financial management (thanks YNAB) so I think he'd be ok with it mostly.
So there's a lot to toss up there because......
We got the reno plans done during lockdown, finally. which was super good. but holy fkn jesus $$$$$$ ++++++++++. The guy is coming around for the final quote on Thursday. We indicatively said $100k total because we're doing kitchen laundry bathroom and toilet. so only the most expensive rooms and when I was talking to him last week he said 'that might cover it' and they're seeing cost escalations of 7-10% a week which is just insane. we're not doing anything structural apart from putting in a cavity slider in the bathroom, and the quote they'll give us won't include flooring since they won't do it.
Meanwhile, the prefab homes I were looking at for our site were $425k fully done. Like, I'm not going to spend $130K on doing up my 1940s ex state house ya know? That's not good cost benefit ratio.
So depending on what that comes out at on thursday we'll be able to make some plans.
We also want to start trying for kids next year and need these renos done first - I am not having kids and no dishwasher lol.
Also we need bank financing so good to be in a permanent stable job for that application. the good thing is we have so much equity we know we can borrow whatever we need, I just don't want to spend that much money on it because it's fkn ridiculous. and if I'm going on maternity leave we need to be able to cover it all on dave's salary and whatever benefits I have as well so there;s a lot of financial planning and spreadsheeting going on at the moment lol. it's fab.
either way. we've got plenty of options up our sleeve. we've got friends who's brother owns a building company so we can talk to them, we've got the garage so we can get things prefabricated even if they're not installed til next year, Dave can get shit at cost through his work for whiteware, there;s plenty of things to like cost control we can do, we just need to know where we're starting from basically. thats the challenging part. but we'll figure it out, its just taking longer than I want it to basically.
We also planted up the vege garden for the spring/summer which was lovely, super jazzed about that. we've finally got the garden to a reasonably low maintenance level where everything is mostly under control and it's such a relief, honestly.
Man what a shift to lockdown last year honestly. I think the last 8 weeks in particular has just been like, a massive reality check of how absolutely shit the last year was and how fucking glad I am to be rid of it. I spent a week absolutely spiralling 2 weeks ago now and honestly, I don't know how I lived in the state for more than a year. I actually don't know how I did it. and I could not be more glad that I'm finally on the other side of it, for the most part. There's still a bunch of other stuff to work through (hahahahahaha when is there not like damn) but fucking hell its nice to just not be anxious and nauseous and wound up constantly. life is actually accessible. miracle.
My workmate had his bebe - I went round and got newborn cuddles and was like, oh, is this what it is to be clucky? this is odd. so there's that as well. I think we'll probably start trying next year pending renos and jobs etc. If the renos can be done in jan I'll prob just stick it at the job to get the benefits but I dunno. it's a tough call to make really. we shall see. This all assumes we get knocked up without any issues which is questionable these days. I really want to feel healthier before getting pregnant as well, and part of that is losing weight. however, given discussing that is what triggered the spiral we're working on that one slowly.
Also, lets have a moment for counselling, because fkn bless anne and all her hard work honestly. I actually ended up emailing her being like, I;m losing my shit on the monday and then talked to her on thursday. And its so funny because it's such a counselling thing but I didn't realise until afterwards what she'd done but she was like you're clearly not doing well and then the night before dave got a fkn miserable migraine and he was up for like, 2 hrs powerchucking except he didn't make it to the bathroom in time so guess who was cleaning up vomit at 130am trying not to chuck herself but I digress. anyway, not doing well, couldn't even explain why, didn't even have words and super tired and she's like, what lynaire up to this week how's she going with izzy and chat about that and then be like how are you feeling about your body and then 5 more mins of chat about the cat and the chickens and then like bam hard question and then hows it going with x and y and z and its like, it wasn't til I was on my walk afterwards when I FINALLY started feeling marginally better I was like damn woman work your magic for figuring it out for me and helping me reregulate. all over the phone as well since we were still in lockdown. GREAT WORK FRIEND.
and then last week was like totally fucked theoretical discussion about religion and the role it's played in my life and fate vs free will and all this nutty shit but genuinely just a great discussion. She's the best and I love her. thank good for good counsellors. thank god I can afford to pay for it honestly.
Dave and I are just chugging along, god bless that man. I love him. its amazing. I miss having friends close by but understand why they had to move (boooooo f u house prices). Family is pretty chill, still not really talking to dave's parents which is nightmarish but we'll deal with that when we need to. gunna have to go and visit them at some point coz dave misses them and I feel for him, I really do. It's the whole boundaries renegotiation I went through with my family last year post wedding blow up and its just not a fun place to be. oh well. can't fix it for him but also I'm not putting up with that level of BS from either of our families once we have children. not gunna happen.
Either way, life is busy and full and fun and I'm enjoying it. Daylight savings starts this weekend too, its october next week WTF and I'm just waiting for 4pm to find out what's gunna happen to our girls trip. Clearly we cancelled our sept trip to christchurch and akaroa and hanmer springs so my covid travel curse continues. fkn ridic. Still dunno what we're gunna do with $2500 of flight credits coz if we get knocked up theres def no international trips happening any time soon.
thus concludes the almost 2000 word write up of life. hope you've enjoyed it. I'll throw up some pics in a separate post if people care about reno plans. such a good time!
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edwardsvirginity · 5 years
Do New Zealand
Motherfucker... how long do you HAVE. New Zealand is at the top of my fucking list of places to visit. I’ve def spent at least 20 hours of my life researching and plotting cool-ass places in NZ. I played with the idea of moving there for a year. God I wanna go to NZ. 
(readmore bc this is LONG)
Ok, from south to north:
Rata forest in the Auckland Islands
Fiordland National Park
Kawarau Gorge Suspension Bridge
Shotover River
Milford track
Sutherland falls
milford sound
Moeraki Boulders Beach
Blue Pools Walk in Mt. Aspiring national park
Christchurch (:// i added it before the shooting but i’m sure it’s still cool)
hokitika gorge and suspension bridge
Hanmer Springs
Split Apple Rock 
Castlepoint Lighthouse
Waitomo Glowworm Caves
Rere Rockslides
Champagne Pool in Waikato
Bay of Plenty
Blue Spring in Waikato
Hobbiton Movie Set
Kitekite Falls
Piha Beach
Kawiti Glow Worm Caves
Bay of Islands
Urupukapuka Island
I think that’s all of them lol (for now)
ask me about a place and i’ll tell you what cool things are nearby
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Spend your vacation perfectly with 2 bedroom units in Hanmer Springs NZ
There is not at all like being forced to bear singular consideration and consideration when setting up for boutique extravagance hold up convenience in Hanmer Springs for Accommodation. This is your opportunity to kick back and give up your need to organise everything and let somebody with your eventual benefits on a fundamental level take care of your needs, pre-empting them before you even get an opportunity to verbalize them. 
So what are a few fundamentals when taking a gander at the ideal spot for you? Here are a few rules:
1. Wonderfully Appointed Rooms 
If you are going to remain in extravagance, it must be lovely. A general dependable guideline is it must be in the same class as or superior to your own home. Going to remain someplace that is not exactly your own home experience can't loosen up your feelings of anxiety by any stretch of the imagination! This incorporates pad menus, and high string check cloths for your bed. You need a serene spot for your head.
2. Quality, Locally Produced Food 
If you've come to remain in a specific territory of New Zealand you need the best nourishment and wine, from nearby suppliers. This is a stunning method to get a vibe of the encompassing nourishment makers, and test new nourishment that looks and tastes extraordinary. If you have uncommon dietary prerequisites this ought to be met also. The hosts should have the option to propose reasonable eating places for meals also.
3. Recommendations on experiences and day trips 
Extravagance hold up settlement in New Zealand is regularly set around zones of genuine enthusiasm to the guest. Expect a host who can not just assistance you while you are there to discover beneficial activities (and can offer themselves as an individual visit manage whenever wanted) yet can likewise help you before you show up with any data on the off chance that you like to have everything sorted out before you show up. There are largely the exceptional things that indicate a stunning 2 bedroom units in Hanmer Springs NZ on these, for example, the web gets to on the off chance that you MUST work while you remain, clothing administrations, books and magazines to peruse, home preparing and chocolates, shower robes, and hairdryers. 
There is a genuine advantage to you and your friends and family in booking extravagance to stop convenience in New Zealand. Indeed, even a concise stay can help revive you and give you a lift to assist you with returning to your bustling life.
These accommodations are a notable noteworthy milestone in delightful in, New Zealand. It has been depicted in regarded distributions as the best neo-Georgian structure in New Zealand and conveys a pined for Historic Places Trust Category I posting. Strikingly, The Aspen Lodge is the main recorded dwelling offering convenience in the city and just one of six such recorded properties offering settlement all through the whole nation.
Why you choose aspen lodge?
One of the most significant components of Hanmer Springs motels is the convenience that you pick. Contingent upon your particular goals for voyaging or you want for a specific kind of housing, you will have various goals and areas to look over. If you are visiting the Wanaka region, you will appreciate an assortment of extravagance lodging that can give you the most ideal occasion by giving you each pleasantry that you might envision. To locate your optimal Wanaka extravagance hold up a settlement, you have to do a little research and figure out what you need.
An extravagance hold up settlement doesn't need to be costly, either. This is uplifting news to many occasion explorers coming to New Zealand or arranging their excursion. While it will be more costly than remaining in a spending inn, the extravagance stop choice can't that is far off, using any means. Set aside the effort to look at the lodging that is accessible and ensure that you locate the one that suits your requirements. Think about the settlement itself, the notoriety of the cabin, the nature of administration, and the expense of the room or suite that you pick. The area may assume a job, too, because each extraordinary zone will offer various perspectives and access to neighborhood organisations and occasions.
Summing up:
Finding a reasonable extravagance stop settlement isn't troublesome. By doing some examination, you may be wonderfully astounded at what number of extraordinary extravagance housing are accessible, and exactly what number of them you may have the option to bear. Such a large number of individuals markdown the alternative of extravagance housing before doing research just because they expect they can't manage the cost of them. In any case, on the off chance that you take a gander at your alternatives, you may understand these lodgings are more moderate than you suspected. 
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frommypenbymarcia · 5 years
Beautiful in Its Time
Several years ago when Robin, I and our three children resided in New Zealand, our favorite spot for a quick ‘refresh’ was Hanmer Springs.  A one and a half hour drive away through rolling green country-sides was the perfect way to slow us down on the inside, getting us ready for our destination: a lovely hamlet with an ‘alpine’ feel and beautiful hot springs that massaged tense muscles and weary bodies.
The town had one street down it’s middle with shops on each side...the perfect place to meander after soaking in the sulfate acid pools.  We could buy slabs of fudge in one of those shops and towering ice cream cones. Or browse for things we didn’t need and, therefore, weren’t going to buy.  
However one fine day as Robin and I meandered, we discovered a large, beautiful framed print of deep-purple irises.  Color...beauty...life reached out and grabbed us. We were mesmerized; we’d never seen anything like it.  And we wanted it!  The price was reasonable...but we thought we could get it for less.  And so the bargaining began.  A few minutes later, we walked out...empty handed!   we went back the next morning to make the purchase but someone else had already payed the asking price and went home with a beauty. The loss was ours.
Robin and I could not get that print out of our minds...for we had fallen in love with irises that day.  We looked everywhere over the years to find a replica...   on-line, art shows, but nothing; again we came up empty.  Our ‘miserliness’ had cost us and that experience became the litmus test for all future purchases.
A few years later, we packed up and moved back to the States.  Several years after that, in fact just two years ago on Mother’s Day, Robin warmed my heart  with 12 iris bulbs to plant in our own garden.  I was ecstatic.  And so we planted, right next to the steps of our veranda, and waited for Spring to come.  It came...but not the flowers.  Only green leaves poked their heads through our soil. We honestly wondered what we had done wrong and how to right it.  Did we plant in the wrong place?  Did they not get enough sun? How “green is our thumb” anyway?  
About 9 months later, in a neighborhood online newsletter, someone asked: “My irises didn’t bloom last year; did yours?”  I was relieved...it wasn’t our green thumb after all!  And so with hope, we waited  for Spring to come this year.  And it has...and with it flowers!  Five plants survived the unexpected snowy blast this past winter...seven did not.  Five blooms of deep purple grace our veranda railing.  We know these five bulbs will multiply in years to come,  massing the beauty to magnificent proportions; but for now, five blooms will do.  
There are times in life we make wrong decisions, maybe rash decisions...in big things and little things.  Sometimes, there are significant consequences, sometimes just a sense of loss.  But in the overall scheme of things, God still rules.  When we embrace His rule, He can ‘right us’ in our wrong decisions involving the big stuff...or restore ‘our loss’ in the things that don’t matter. In both, He works lovingly and creatively.
In this regard, Ecclesiastes 3:11 is a good verse ‘to hang our hat on’: “He has made everything beautiful in its time....”  Barnes Commentary of Bible Hub explains it this way: “...He hath made all (the travail, Ecclesiastes 3:10) beautiful (fit, in harmony with the whole work of God) in its time....” 
I wonder what beauty God is bringing to you?  Wait for its time!
Marcia Hadfield
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rentcampervan · 3 years
Travel Itineraries through Campervan Rental Services in Christchurch!
Are you planning to experience the largest city on the South Island in New Zealand- Christchurch? Then a campervan would be the ideal holiday choice as it has spectacular sightseeings to offer to every traveller. From diverse landscapes to stunning sceneries, this place is a great spot to pick up a campervan rental in Christchurch. A motorhome rental road trip is worth considering as you look for a hassle-free journey all around the city. Campervan Rental in Christchurch Christchurch, the city has plenty of things to offer to every visitor, though the trip remains incomplete without a campervan ride. Even if it's a small trip of between 5-7 days, a campervan gives you the freedom to travel around the place at your own pace. When you hire a campervan, you won't have to worry about booking a hotel room. You also won't feel captivated by a small car, as the motorhomes are just as big as your private room. So yes! A campervan rental in Christchurch would be ideal, indeed! Why choose a Campervan and Motorhome to Hire in Christchurch? If you're planning for a short trip, then opting for a campervan is a great option as the city has a lot to offer for a freely moving traveller. It gives you the option to not carry anything and travel around the places, enjoy and relax the whole day as you would do when you are at home. Campervan rentals in Christchurch would allow you to explore things like expensive public parks, adventurous activities, gardens full of flowers, museums, fish and whale aquariums, seafood, and a lot more. Things to consider before hiring a Motorhome in Christchurch Whether it is a short outing or a long trip, just planning to visit any city is not enough. Before you go there, you'll need to have a complete roadmap of the transportation system available there. Even for campervan renting in Christchurch, there are a few things to consider. That includes the following. •Number of travellers The very first thing one needs to count is how many people are going to join the trip to Christchurch. This is important because every campervan allows a different number of passengers. •Amenities Another important thing to consider before choosing a motorhome hire in Christchurch is whether it has proper berth facilities for passengers or not. Apart from the basic facilities the motorhome rental provides, you can also choose extra amenities at your convenience. What are the places you can enjoy exploring when you Rent a Campervan in Christchurch? Christchurch is the best place to jump in for any campervan hire because of the facilities and amenities it offers. Places like Lake Tekapo, Nelson, Akaroa Harbour, Hanmer Springs, Kaikoura, Donegal House, the alps to the Arthur's Pass, Franz Josef Glacier, Mt. Cheeseman, Fiordland National Park are easily accessible by campervans. To conclude... Christchurch has always been among the top tourist attractions for years. It is the gateway to discover the culture and natural beauty of New Zealand, and what else can offer the best travelling solutions other than a motorhome hire in Christchurch!
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travelersadventure · 1 year
Adventure Awaits: Discover Exciting Hanmer Springs Activities at Hanmer Springs Retreat
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Embark on thrilling adventures and serene escapes with a wide range of Hanmer Springs activities. At Hanmer Springs Retreat, our diverse options cater to every traveler, ensuring unforgettable experiences in nature's embrace.
Book Now : https://reservations.travelclick.com/112113
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pukkatravellers · 4 years
What to Know Before Traveling to New Zealand
Welcome to the most beautiful country we ever saw in our life. New Zealand is truly remarkable place. Combination of outstanding nature and western country all in one place. New Zealand requires some travel planning if you want to see all good locations because the wather change fast (some people says you can all the 4 sessions in one day).
Besides, the travel distance between the locations is big, that’s why you need to plan in advance. In this post, we are going to cover everything you need to know before your arrival. 
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since it is on the other side of the world – it could be different weather within your country, so pay attention. The weather is quite tricky. Some people say it’s ruined their trip. So you need to be flexible.
How long to Travel?
Well, it depends how much time you have? Many travelers go for 3 months. This is the best time to see the country and to take some side trips. If you don’t have lots of time (like myself), you can go for one month of traveling. It’s enough time to see both islands. Again it really depends what kind of travelers you are? ( if you like tracks – you need more time, some of the trails takes days). If you have less than 15 days to travel – you need to focus exclusively on one island.
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this trip require planning
The flight to New Zealand is quite expensive – the best TIP here is to order the tip in advance. When I say in advance at list nine months or more, otherwise you are going to pay a high price for the tickets. Furthermore, if you are traveling for Europe, it’s better to stop for one day (or for a few hours) on Thailand or hong kong. Take a break; the flight is hard ( we travel for 37 hours!! & 3 connections). 
Transpositions in New Zealand
New Zealand has really poor public transportations, so don’t count on it. The best way to travel is by car. the main question is which rent or buy? (you can see more about it here in this post ). In New Zealand, they drive on the left side, so if you’re not used for it, practice in the parking lot a bit. They don’t have lots of cars on the road + the local people are really nice . So don’t sweat if you took the wrong turn. In New Zealand, you have a verity of different vehicles to choose from, again the main question is rent or buy? The answer is another question how must time you have? Until 1.5 months, in my opinion – the best option is to rent a car. Why? It takes time to sell it, and you need to be in one spot when you sell it (3-5 day minimum), so if you don’t mind doing that, buy a car. More than 1.5 months go to the second category – buy a car only! 
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Our Campervan
To recap:
Pros of buying a car vs. rent a car :
Price – it will be the cheapest option.
Ownership – the car is yours so that you can change the infrastructure of the vehicle.
Cons of buying a car vs. rent a car:
Time-consuming: when you buy the vehicle and when you sell.
Comfortable: If a car is rented, you have no worries when the vehicle is broken, someone will replace it for you.
Major Tip: take the screen protection insurance. It saves our life twice!
Second major Tip: drive at the right speed, there are lots of speed trap ( we got a speed ticket)
not the strongest in New Zealand. Most of the places don’t have good reception, and in some areas, it completely blocks. Usually, you are going to use the Wifi in different hostels and campground – but you need to know that in most places, the Wifi is limited (or cost money). The best option, in this case, is to buy a local sim if Vodaphone or spark. And you need to buy a data package with an internal call. Both companies have stores at the airport.
Where to Travel?
New Zealand has 2 islands, the north islands and the south. in my opinion both of them are incredible and very different. The north island is the smallest one. The travel distance between place is shorter (huge advantage), and this island has a lot of geothermal and volcanic activities. You can also find the Maori culture in different places on this island. Furthermore, here you can find the glow worm cave ( there is plenty of these caves in new Zealand, but the one here on this island is really impressive). The south island is different. He’s much bigger and has wild nature. There are plenty of different trails and landscapes to see, like lakes, glaciers, and wild animals. In my opinion, the south island is much more beautiful, but the north island has a diversity of attractions. 
We visited both islands (and we add a short side trip to cook islands).
We started in Auckland and moved south. we pick all the primary area that we thought we couldn’t miss: 
Auckland -> Netherland -> Coromandel -> Hobbiton -> Waitomo caves -> Rotorua -> Taupo -> Tongariro -> Turangi -> Wellington -> Nelson & Golden bay -> Abel Tasman -> the west cost -> Franz Josef & Fox Glaciers -> Wanaka -> Queenstown -> Milford sound -> Catlins -> Dunedin -> Mount cook -> Christchurch -> Hanmer Springs -> Kaikora -> Christchurch.
Some countries don’t have a direct flight to Auckland, so they start from Christchurch.
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Few things to Consider:
Distance – the travel distance is quite big from area to area. Sometimes you want to see 2-3 places in one day, so it’s better to check in advance. Use google maps to check the distance between the 2 points ( some days we drive more than 4 hours ).
Opening hours – New Zealand is for morning people’s life start very early, approximately 8 and end at 16-17.
Where to fall asleep?
well, there is plenty of options since we rent a campervan, we slept on a different campground. but again it depends on what kind of trip you want:
If you’re renting a mini car/ family car – so most of the time, you’re going to sleep on hostels or hotels. Our recommendation is YHA BBH’s best hostel we saw there ( slept there twice at the beginning and at the end). Most of the time, we parked in TOP 10 facilities – they are wonderful and equipped with everything you need (you can rent a room if you want the price is not high). 
Top10 has facilities around new Zealand, and they have a member card. You can get tons of discounts on different attractions, and when you stopped over to sleep there, you get another 10% discount. In total, you can save lots of money ( the membership cost 49 NZ money – in my opinion, it worth the price).
the 3 top one that we use are:
The Warehouse – the best place for camping gear, they have excellent pricing.
Pac ‘N’ save – the cheapest supermart in new Zealand. They also have a membership card, and they have the own gas stations, so if you buy there and fuel, you can have lots of points on your card (look for the yellow sign).
Countdown – one of our favorite – it’s a bit expensive, but they have everything. Countdown has a membership card (under the AA group).
So you can get a discount for gas stations.
Applications & Coupon sites:
Well, there is a few you need to know:
Campermate– one of our favorite we can live without it. In this app you can where to stay , where to park your campervan. Point of interest, things like that. The application is free of charge.
Bookme – Well, if you want to save money, this app if for just for you. We found tons of discount coupons for all the main tourist attractions.
Download it to your phone and plan ahead (don’t try to order the attraction on the same day, check 3-5 days before your arrival).
Viator – another coupon website, they have outstanding customer service.
Groupon – the popular coupon website – sometimes, you can find outstanding deals there.
TOP10 – one of favorite, buy their membership cards for 49 NZ money. 
With this card, you get a discount for there holidays park and for the main attraction in every area – Recommended. 
We use this card almost every day.
Since the end of 2019, you should file a NezTa request for tourists.
Check if your country is on the list.
Cost 29$. the process is simple – usually, you get an answer within two weeks.
New Zealand Custom rules.
Another thing that is important to know is that you don’t allow to bring food to New Zeland (like: fruits). Also, they will check your camping and hiking gear (especially the boots) to make sure they clean. they will scan your bags so don’t try to play with them (unless you want to get a fine
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Christchurch: Motorhome Rentals
Mighty Camper is more for the budget conscious motorhome. They are older vehicles that have been retired by Britz or MAUI. Mount Hutt, Porter's Pass and Mount Cheeseman are all within an hour or two of the city. We also highly recommend an inland trip to Hanmer Springs, less than two hours from Christchurch. Here you will find wonderful natural hot springs, campervan hire New Zealand wonderful hiking trails and opportunities for adventurous activities such as bungy jumping and jet boating. As the largest city in the southern half of New Zealand, Christchurch is also the oldest official city in the region.
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The largest include RVs with six beds for self-catering with a small kitchen, as well as manual or automatic transmissions. The two models for four people are also suitable for self-catering and have simple kitchen equipment such as a stove, microwave and refrigerator. In summer, the city tends to be dry and temperatures between 25 and 35 degrees Celsius.
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Camper and RV rental Christchurch
If you need a large equipment, you have to look for a campground or holiday park. You can usually also rent bungalows or apartments there. Wild camping Even in New Zealand you are not allowed to simply camp overnight. It was founded by European settlers in early 1840, but was only officially named on March 27, 1848, before the first ships arrived. The rich history of this city can be seen especially in its architecture and can be traced in the many museums of Christchurch.
Here is a tour that lets you discover the North Island.
Send us your travel plans by email and we will respond to see how we do Can help you.
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The 14 km long water is part of the Fiordland National Park and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Winter sports fans get their money's worth in New Zealand's winter, as there are numerous ski slopes in the Southern Alps.
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Drive 50 km / h and 100 km / h on highways and country roads. You must not turn left at a red traffic light. In the evening, enjoy fresh fish and seafood at the quaint beach town of Whitianga. The road south takes you further to the surfing town of Whangamata and the breathtaking Karangahake Gorge. Lush green pasture begins behind the gold mining town of Waihi and extends to Matamata. You will know this from the film trilogy "The Lord of the Rings". If you do not keep to the speed limit, there is a high risk of fines and fines if you drive behind the wheelchair or if you use your mobile phone while driving. If the lanes are separated by a yellow line, overtaking is too dangerous and prohibited. The right driver's license for your motorhome Before you start your journey, you have to plan a few things. If you would like to explore New Zealand with a motorhome, this naturally also includes information about the driver's license. Glacier hikes and ice caves can be found north on Fox Glacier. There is also a large farmer's market where not only the local farmers offer their products. Such markets are actually always recommended if you bring your time, because there you can not only buy the famous Manuka honey in all its versions, but also fresh fruit and vegetables, which are often cheaper here than in the quite expensive supermarkets. The Antarctic Center is also exciting, where an arctic landscape is simulated with penguins and huskies. With a wide range of high-quality motorhomes and campervans to rent, we look forward to helping you on your journey of discovery through the unique landscapes of the United States. What you shouldn't miss in Christchurch are the city's diverse events.
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34.1 The two passes
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Hi everyone,
We’ve decided that I, Evelina, need to give my own impressions of the trip from time to time so here comes my first ever blog post.
After having the most amazing experience swimming with dolphins  we’ve decided to come back to our roots which is exploring land rather than seas and planned a 5 day loop trip through Lewis Pass and Arthur’s Pass. This meant that we were heading inland into the mountainous area. Lewis Pass (elevation 864m) is a mountain pass in the Southern Alps . Our first quick stop was Hanmer Springs  resort village which did not leave a big impression. The most impressive thing we did was buying this massive courgette for 50 cents. That’s some serious saving!
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I have also met this small herd of working horses who were very keen to be petted and given a good scratch. I do this with all the horses I work with and ride back in England so this was a gift to my soul and a reminder to continue doing what I love.
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On a way we stopped to stretch our legs and have lunch.
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Some of us were feeling a bit tired and used the camping table for a different purpose.
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The walk itself was very magical and I in particular liked these trees wrapped in green dried moss or grass. The picture does not do justice to the view we had.
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Next, we arrived at Maruia Hot Springs which are 620m above the sea level in the heart of the Lewis Pass National Reserve. The location is truly remote and there isn’t any phone reception and all electricity is supplied by a hydroelectric generator from water sourced from a mountain creek above the resort. The thermal mineral water is rich with black algae which shows that the water is alive and healthy.
We had a nice coffee and were planning on heading to a cheap basic campground but it started raining really heavily so we decided to stay in a more expensive Maruia Springs campground. With that we got 24h access to the hot pools which we were looking to use on the day and next day after a hike. However, as the morning came and it was still raining we quickly changed our plans from going on a hike to soaking in these thermal pools. Best afternoon spent so far…
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Not only did we enjoy hot and cold pools, we also had a nice lunch with espresso macchiato for Simonas (his usual) and Matcha (Green Tea Powder) latte for me plus a cheese tart to share.
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We did take our time to enjoy lovely hot springs before heading out in the cold rain.
Stay tuned for part 2 of our Alpine pass tomorrow!
Lots of love,
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antichthones · 8 years
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20160928 - Hanmer Springs --> Christchurch, New Zealand
...Annnnd our plans for the morning quickly derailed as the rain set in again. We’d originally planned to climb the Mt Isobel summit in Hanmer Springs -- a 5hr walk that is so gorgeous. But the weather was so bad we ended up sitting in a cafe and having a coffee in Hanmer Springs before heading out on the road again.
We’d actually gotten a bit of the way up the mountain, looking for the start of the track. But there was so much rain and fog that it was literally all white in front of our car window. Ash nervously muttered that she couldn’t see anything (and we were on a mountain road that kept curving suddenly). Me, in the front seat, could see that she couldn’t see anything. And I think we were both getting a little irritated that Kay and her bf in the back kept insisting that we keep going a little further. 
The higher up the mountain we got though, the worse the weather became. I have many flaws, but one thing I’ve always appreciated is my ability to be decisive. After about another minute of Ash inching along a road neither of us could see, and the people in the car going, should we keep going? should we turn back? I was like, right. no. we’re stopping now and going back. This is too dangerous. The pictures here do not do justice to how bad the weather was. It looks like a romantic spring shower here. Up on the mountain, it was sheets of pouring rain and an unrelenting curtain of white fog.  
Once we’d decided to head back down, the next hurdle of course was turning the car around. The road was a narrow one-lane, and to one side of us was a sheer drop below. It was a tense few minutes as Ash had no choice but to keep going up, with the weather getting worse and worse. I don’t remember how she finally managed to turn us around. A lot of its a blur now. 
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topfygad · 5 years
Top 20 Best Things to Do in South Island of New Zealand – I am Aileen
Because the bigger landmass of the 2 main islands in New Zealand, the South Island (Te Waipounamu) is extremely famend for its majestic pure landscapes given its variety of breathtaking glaciers, mountains and lakes. (Issues to do in South Island)
Although you is perhaps questioning now: “What’s the distinction between the 2 islands?” Effectively… the best way I see it, the North Island (Te Ika-a-Māui) holds a higher deal of Māori tradition and geothermal wonders — whereas the South Island is predominantly full of rugged wilderness and thrilling adventures!
That being stated, there’s a variety of spectacular actions which you could examine off in your bucket record right here. In truth, to make it hassle-free for you, I’ve listed under the highest must-do’s and must-see’s to your New Zealand journey within the South Island! The very best half…? You are able to do most of those epic actions for those who be part of a street journey journey with Wild Kiwi!
The place to Keep in South Island?
Prime photograph of Mt. Prepare dinner from Shutterstock.com .
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Issues to Do in South Island
#1 – Step into Fiordland Nationwide Park
Milford Sound from Shutterstock.com This can be a well-known UNESCO World Heritage web site that’s recognized for its glacier-carved fiord of Uncertain and Milford Sounds (massive sea inlets) which will be explored by air, by boat or by foot. I personally visited Milford Sound by doing a scenic cruise via its waters, and also you wager that I had a swell time witnessing the towering Mitre Peak within the distance in addition to the sound’s two majestic waterfalls: Girl Bowen Falls and Stirling Falls.
Although fact be instructed, en path to Milford Sound with Wild Kiwi, we needed to make so many stops alongside the best way as a result of the encircling terrain was simply far too breathtaking — you’ll perceive what I imply while you get to this nationwide park your self!
Now for the array of actions that you are able to do in Milford Sound, you’ll be able to select from any of the under:
#2 – Discover Marlborough Sounds
Marlborough Sounds from Shutterstock.com Discovered on the northern finish, the Marlborough Sounds is a set of historical sunken river valleys that you just want to incorporate in your issues to do in South Island! In spite of everything, it’s house to spectacular rugged coastlines, plentiful marine reserves, pristine islands, and historic websites — for sure, there’s an array of actions that you are able to do right here! A number of the notable ones are doing the Queen Charlotte Observe, driving down the French Move, swimming with dolphins, or simply cruising across the Marlborough Sounds.
For a whole record of choices, you’ll be able to examine by right here. .
#3 – Expertise pure spas
Photograph from Onsen Scorching Swimming pools The North Island could also be filled with geothermal spas, however the South Island has its personal specialties too, particularly…
Welcome Flat Scorching Swimming pools: It takes a little bit of a hike via Copland Observe to succeed in this place however you’ll certainly be rewarded by beautiful alpine views alongside the path — to not point out, you’ll have the swimming pools on the finish to get pleasure from that truly vary in temperature and might accommodate as much as 10 to 12 folks. .
Hanmer Springs Thermal Swimming pools: This can be a thermal pool advanced that’s a simple 90-minute drive from Christchurch! An excellent place to indulge, there are a number of sorts of swimming pools so that you can get pleasure from right here akin to sulphur swimming pools, water jets, rock swimming pools, and extra! .
Franz Josef Glacier Scorching Swimming pools: After a day of climbing, reward your self with a calming dip within the Franz Josef Glacier Scorching Swimming pools. That is open till 9:00PM and you may select to soak in one of many Three predominant outside swimming pools that vary from 36 to 41 diploma Celsius (in order for you privateness, there are additionally personal swimming pools obtainable). .
Onsen Scorching Swimming pools: If you would like one thing boutique and opulent, the Onsen Scorching Swimming pools in Queenstown will likely be your finest wager. With its excessive cliffside location that overlooks the Shotover River canyon, you might be at all times assured utter rest with a view! .
#4 – Go fishing
Well-known for its plentiful wildlife and wealthy sea assets, Kaikoura is a best choice vacation spot for these on the lookout for a superb fishing expertise! So with a particular tour, I recommend hopping on board a ship to enterprise out to Kaikoura’s fishing grounds. Relaxation assured, you’ll be with a educated captain who won’t solely educate you methods to fish however who may even inform you concerning the city’s well-known crayfish/lobsters. It can certainly be all easy although with the electrical reels that they’ve so get able to snap some images to commemorate the affair! (You would even be fortunate and end up swarmed by dolphins or seals whereas out within the sea!).
By the top of the tour, you’ll be able to select to launch your catch again to the ocean or have them bagged so you’ll be able to take them house recent to cook dinner and revel in. .
#5 – Go up excessive
Because the land of journey and breathtaking landscapes, admiring New Zealand from up excessive is a MUST in your issues to do in South Island!
Sky diving: Dive with highly-trained tandem skydiving instructors and free fall from 1000’s of toes within the air — it’s certain to be an expertise that can depart you speechless (and also you’ll even get to go house with bragging rights!). For this, I recommend doing it both in Queenstown or Wanaka.
READ: My Skydiving Expertise
Gondola Experience: For a much less thrilling expertise, you too can get 360-degree panoramic views of the South Island by taking a gondola trip and so far, you’ll be able to both do that in Queenstown or Christchurch. .
Scorching Air Balloon Experience: Although in order for you one thing a bit extra distinctive but nonetheless enjoyable, select to do a dawn scorching air balloon trip over Queenstown in an effort to see the Southern Alps and Lake Wakatipu in all its golden glory. It can even include a champagne breakfast filled with pastries, fruits, and scorching drinks. (To order your spot, e-book right here). .
#6 – Go bounce
Do you know that New Zealand invented bungy leaping? …Effectively okay, technically, folks in Oceania have been leaping from tall towers for hundreds of years — BUT, it was a bunch of Kiwis who commercialized bungee / bungy leaping within the 1980’s, and as : the remaining is historical past. Given this reality, will probably be a blast to problem your fears and do a bungy bounce within the nation that began all of it. For the most effective locations, see under…
Kawarau Bridge Bungy: That is stated to be the worlds 1’st industrial bungy bounce the place you get to leap 43 meters off from the Kawarau Bridge. If you wish to share the fun, you too can have a tandem bungy bounce with a buddy! (To order your spot, e-book right here). .
Nevis Bungy: That is New Zealand’s highest bungy bounce because it stands 134 meters over the Nevis River — as such, you’re certain to have this as a treasured reminiscence! (To order your spot, e-book right here. It’s also possible to pair this with the Nevis Swing as a right here). .
The Ledge Bungy: With this exercise, you’ll be able to bounce above Queenstown and because it has a full physique harness, you could have the liberty to select from a number of sorts of jumps (they actually have a ‘Bounce Menu’) or you’ll be able to simply invent/freestyle your individual! (To order your spot, e-book right here). .
#7 – …Or “swing”!
This can be a bit just like doing a bungy bounce given that you just’ll nonetheless be ‘leaping’ — however you’ll be swinging like how you’ll in a park while you had been a baby, however simply ten instances extra thrilling.
Nevis Swing: This isn’t for the faint-hearted as a result of you’ll stand 160 meters above the Nevis River after which you’ll drop to swing throughout the canyon at 120kph! With 300m arcs, you’ll be able to swing ahead. backward, in tandem, or ‘back2back’. Both method, they’ve a ‘Bounce Menu’ so that you can select from to double the enjoyable! (To order your spot, e-book right here. It’s also possible to pair this with the Nevis Bungy as a right here). .
The Ledge Swing: Very similar to The Ledge Bungy, that is positioned on the high of Queenstown’s Skyline Gondola and it’ll set you flying 400 meters throughout and over Queenstown! (To order your spot, e-book right here). .
#8 – Go quick
There are numerous issues to do in South Island that can allow you to undergo an exhilarating but quick expertise…
Luge: Considerably of a combination between a go-kart (with out the engine) and a toboggan (with out the snow), “Luge” is a enjoyable and fast-paced journey exercise in Queenstown that’s nice for folks of all ages! I loved this a lot and it’s a match for any age, so go and provides this a strive! .
Shotover Jet Boat: That is an adrenaline-pumping exercise that was invented by New Zealand. So for those who like velocity (at 85kph!), spins, and thrills mixed with marvelous water surroundings in Shotover River, occurring a jet boating exercise will likely be value your whereas! . 
Kawarau Zipride: Wish to know the way it feels wish to fly down like superman? With Kawarau’s three 130-meter ziplines, you’ll be able to! Select from a solo or tandem trip to maximise the frenzy. (To order your spot, e-book right here). .
#9 – Kayaking
There are numerous kayaking alternatives within the South Island whereby you’ll be able to rise up shut with the character’s wildlife in addition to its spectacular coastal formations in clear subtropical waters. A number of the finest locations to do it are in Nelson Lakes Nationwide Park, Marlborough Sounds, Lake Tekapo, and Abel Tasman Nationwide Park amongst many others!
…Higher but, for those who ever sight a physique of water, search for the closest kayaking store to hire some for you and your loved ones and pals! .
#10 – Chase After Waterfalls, Rivers, Gorges & Lakes
With New Zealand’s majestic pure terrain, there’s at all times a stunning waterfall or lake close by — wherever chances are you’ll be. A number of the notable ones will likely be…
Lake Matheson: This lake gives awe-inspiring mirror reflections of Mt. Prepare dinner (the very best mountain in New Zealand) and Mt. Tasman. It principally includes a brief circuit stroll, and if I could share a tip, it’s finest to hike right here throughout daybreak or nightfall as a way to see the most effective lake reflections of the encircling snowcapped mountains. .
Lake Tekapo: Positioned south-west of Christchurch within the Mackenzie Basin, Lake Tekapo is a sight to behold with its milky-turquoise waters which might be backdropped by alps and delightful flora. Close by on the shores of the lake, additionally, you will discover the ‘Church of the Good Shepherd’ which is a well-liked photograph spot for guests. .
Lake Wanaka: That is New Zealand’s 4th largest lake and lots of people get pleasure from kayaking, jet-boating, rafting and swimming in its clear waters. Don’t overlook to identify the well-known ‘Wanaka Tree’ that has taken the web by storm! .
Lake Pukaki: A shocking blue lake set in an alpine playground with Mt. Prepare dinner included. Right here’s a little bit of trivia for you, this has been used as a backdrop for scenes within the ‘Lord of the Rings’ and ‘The Hobbit’ trilogies. .
Hokitika Gorge: You’ll definitely fall in love with its fairly blue-green waters which might be surrounded by lush native bush. What’s extra? The stroll to Hokitika Gorge is so quick so you shouldn’t miss it in your issues to do in South Island! .
Purakaunui Falls: That is an unimaginable cascading 3-tiered waterfall on the Purakaunui River and it’s arguably essentially the most phogotgraphed waterfall in Caitlins Forest Park! .
Fantail Falls: A 23-meter waterfall that’s nestled inside Mt. Aspiring Nationwide Park alongside the Haast Freeway. It’s fairly stunning up shut — however be careful for the sandflies as a result of there are tons of them round there. .
Thunder Creek Falls: Towering at 96 meters, this waterfall can be present in Mt. Aspiring Nationwide Park. After we visited right here, there occurred to be a rainbow on the foot of the falls and it was exceptional! .
Pelorus Bridge: You’ll discover a little bit of Center-earth on this spot as a result of that is really the filming location within the scene of “The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug” when the dwarves had been floating in barrels down a river. .
#11 – Biking
New Zealand’s South Island has a few of the world’s most pleasing trails akin to…
Queen Charlotte Observe: This monitor stretches 70 kilometers from the Meretoto Ship Cove to the Anakiwa within the Grove Arm of Queen Charlotte Sound. That is, unquestionably, an important Marlborough tramping (strolling) or biking expertise. (For extra information, go right here). .
Otago Central Rail Path: That is stated to be the path that impressed the start of New Zealand Cycle Path community. Should you’re a newbie bicycle owner, this will likely be a simple one for you, so go and provides it a strive! (For extra information, go right here). .
Nice Style Path: This can be a leisurely monitor that goes via Nelson, Wakefield, Richmond, Motueka and Kaiteriteri. You’ll love the wineries, boutiques and quaint cities that the area has to supply. However for those who’re on the lookout for a tougher path, you are able to do the Dun Mountain Path in the identical space. (For extra information, go right here). .
Queenstown Path: As you’ll anticipate, this path goals to focus on the most effective of Queenstown because it hyperlinks to Arrowtown and Gibbston Valley. (120km, extra information right here). .
Alps 2 Ocean Cycle Path: That is New Zealand’s longest cycle path at 306km because it begins from the foot of Mt. Cooke and ending up on the Pacific Ocean shores in Oamaru. You’ll definitely benefit from the rivers, glacier-carved valleys, lakes and plains that you just’ll be going via on this journey. (For extra information, go right here). .
#12 – Do metropolis/city excursions and stops
All all through your street journey journey, just remember to do a number of stops alongside the best way to your itinerary of issues to do in South Island. A number of the key locations — apart from Christchurch and Queenstown — are…
Wanaka: A resort city well-known for its lake, ‘Wanaka Tree’ and vary of enjoyable actions.
Punakaiki: The city’s spotlight is its ‘Punakaiki Pancake Rocks’, limestones which have eroded over tens of millions and now seem like pancake stacks.
Picton: An enthralling little city that’s the predominant gateway between the North and South Island in addition to inlets of the Marlborough Sounds.
Central Otago: Should you’re into wineries, this ought to be an space that you just take into account. And as you bike or stroll via, don’t overlook to strive their well-known pinot noir.
Dunedin: That is recognized for its Scottish and Maori heritage in addition to Victorian and Edwardian structure, so one of many locations you shouldn’t miss is ‘Larnach Fortress’, the one Australasia fort. .
#13 –  Attempt a quad bike
This might be the most effective enjoyable which you could have on ‘mini’ 4 wheels!
With the assistance {of professional} guides, you’ll be able to undergo close by trails in Queenstown for over 2.5 hours to get pleasure from panoramic views, splash over puddles and fly over hills. And on the finish of the journey, you’ll sit down and calm down with scorching drinks as you benefit from the surrounding terrain. How’s that for a quaint journey? (To order your spot, e-book right here). .
#14 – Take pleasure in some glaciers and snow
Franz Josef Glacier from Shutterstock.com Naturally, in order for you a ‘chilling’ expertise, the South Island has no scarcity of selections to supply…
Franz Josef Glacier Heli Hike: By means of this once-in-a-lifetime tour, you’ll go on an exhilirating helicopter trip and do a 3-hour hike via essentially the most superior glacier ‘ice structure’. Evidently, this can be a dear tour to make nevertheless it’s an expense that will likely be value your cash and whereas — assured. Although, for those who solely have the price range for only one tour in your complete Franz Josef go to, that is the expertise you must make investments it on. Simply take be aware that that is climate dependent, so if the day seems bitter then no worries as a result of there are different issues so that you can do round city. (To order your spot, e-book right here). .
Franz Josef Glacier Valley Stroll: That is an exercise that you need to make when you have a decrease price range or if the climate turned out unhealthy (and you may’t do a heli hike). You are able to do this with a information or by your self and it’ll take about Three hours to go previous the Waiho river mattress as a way to see the grand terminal face of the Franz Josef Glacier. .
Fox Glacier Heli Hike: Should you quite wish to witness the glacier to the south, this heli hike tour to Fox Glacier is an possibility. Very similar to the Franz Josef Glacier Heli Hike, this can take you on a trip on a helicopter over the Fox Glacier after which land in an space the place you are able to do a 4-hour guided hike. (To order your spot, e-book right here.) .
Cardrona Alpine Resort: That is one among New Zealand’s hottest ski areas. Regardless of when you have no prior expertise, you’ll be able to get pleasure from and learn to ski. Moreover, there are newbie and intermediate ranges to select from. For individuals who are superior skiiers, don’t fret as a result of the resort has in depth services and Olympic halfpipes. .
#15 – Eat, eat, eat!
New Zealand’s delicacies is basically influenced by America, Europe and Southeast Asia and closely-related to Australia. Whereas Maori delicacies is a distinct factor altogether; however to present you an thought, under is an inventory of meals that you need to strive!
Afghans: Crunchy chocolate cookies
Crayfish: Should you’re from the Philippines like me, shelling out about NZ$80 is perhaps overkill, however New Zealand fishermen satisfaction themselves when catching this so give it a strive!
Fish and chips: This won’t be an authentic of New Zealand nevertheless it’s an important a part of the native meals
Hokey Pokey: A vanilla ice cream combined with caramelized sugar
L&P (Lemon & Paeroa): This can be a softdrink that’s proudly made by Kiwis. I’m not into softdrinks however I really like this for its candy lemony style
Lamb: This meat is cheaper within the nation — in spite of everything, the sheep inhabitants is bigger than New Zealand’s human inhabitants!
Manuka honey: You’ll discover quite a lot of issues in New Zealand combined with this and it is sensible to deliver house a jar as a memento too
Paua: A big sea snail that’s eaten uncooked, fried, and so on. (The shell of this snail is gorgeous, by the best way!)
Pavlova: I’m in LOVE with this meringue dessert which has a crispy outer layer and comfortable inside core
Meat or mince pie: Kiwis love their mince pies and that is principally a pastry crammed with meat and gravy
Tuatua: Consuming this sort of shellfish is believed to be a Maori custom
Whitebait fritter: A sort of omelette combined with small juvenile fish .
#16 – Go climbing or trekking / tramping
Milford Observe from Shutterstock.com Select from any of the next…
Hooker Valley Observe: I completely loved climbing (or tramping, as Kiwis name it) via this monitor because it provided awe-inspiring landscapes that had been backdropped by Southern Alps — and naturally, the icing to the cake on the finish of the path: the magnificent Mt. Prepare dinner! (For extra information, go right here. If you would like a guided strolling tour, see right here). .
Abel Tasman Coastal Observe: Spanning at about 60 kilometers, this spectacular path takes you thru pristine seashores, spectacular rock formations and the wildlife of Abel Tasman Nationwide Park. (For extra information, go right here). .
Kaikoura Peninsula Walkway: This can be a 3-hour scenic hike filled with clifftop views and wild animals (in actual fact, you’ll be able to sight seabirds and seals up shut!) as you cross the peninsula to South Bay. Should you don’t have Three hours, there are smaller hikes or detours alongside the best way so that you can do. (For extra information, go right here). .
Milford Observe: That is stated to be the nation’s most well-known stroll which begins from Lake Te Anau after which taking you thru Mackinnon Move and as much as Sutherland Falls which is New Zealand’s taller waterfall. (For extra information, go right here. There’s a alternative of doing this independently or with a information.) . .
#17 – Climb mountains and summits
With the South Island’s topography, you must make the most of the marvelous summits that it has:
Aoraki / Mt Prepare dinner: As New Zealand’s highest mountain, you shouldn’t skip out on this magnificence. Should you’re not ready sufficient to climb its high, don’t fear as a result of there’s an simply accessible path known as because the Hooker Valley Observe (as I discussed in #16) the place you will get near this magnificence. When you’re additionally within the space, go and go to Mt. John Observatory to witness clear starlit skies on this planet’s largest Darkish Sky Reserve. .
Mount Alfred: Discovered on the northern finish of Lake Wakatipu, this can be a well-liked Four to 6-hour day hike which begins from the carpark in Gleorchy-Routeburn Highway. The route is completely marked and is at 1.3km excessive with the entire path rewarding you with nice alpine and valley views. .
Roy’s Peak: This mountain stands between Wanaka and Glendhu Bay, and quite a lot of guests have began to present this place a substantial amount of consideration given the wonderful views over Lake Wanaka, Mount Aspiring/Tititea and the encircling bay that it gives from the highest. The entire path can final from 5 to six hours with about 16km return. .
#18 – Go off street with a 4×Four journey
At #13, I steered quad biking — for this time round, go greater and go on a 4×Four tour as you journey throughout the rugged landscapes, filth roads and winding paths round Queenstown (whereas additionally discovering Center-eart areas alongside the best way!).
With this 4×Four tour, there’s really a alternative so that you can both do a Skippers Canyon or Macetown journey. The previous takes you alongside steep roads minimize into sheer cliff faces, suspension bridges, and steep canyons whereas the latter takes you to the deserted gold mining city of Macetown, some heritage websites, and a few filming areas for LOTR. (To order your spot, e-book right here). .
#19 – Witness the wildlife
Kiwi from Shutterstock.com New Zealand has lengthy advanced right into a continent with distinctive natural world, so if you wish to sight its native wildlife, go and go to any of the next spots…
Marlborough Sounds: Round its terrain and in Queen Charlotte Sound, it’s fairly typical to identify animals akin to dolphins, penguins, shags, seals and whales of their pure setting. .
Stewart Island: Should you’re into birds, this place is house to the biggest and most numerous chicken inhabitants within the nation. A few of these which you could spot are kiwis, penguins, albatrosses, wekas and kakas. .
Kaikoura: As I’ve beforehand talked about on this entry, this city is house to a wealthy marine life and you may get pleasure from a number of actions akin to..
#20 – Discover Center-earth
Other than the aforementioned spots above which have been used or proven within the LOTR or The Hobbit trilogies, you too can do a extra unique tour on a 4WD from Queenstown as you go to the movies’ cinescapes akin to Glenorchy or Wakatipu Basin, Isengard, the 12 mile Delta, the Misty Mountains, the Pillars of the Kings, and extra!
To high it off, additionally, you will be visiting an previous mining city the place you’ll be able to strive gold panning — and naturally, your driver-slash-guide will present all of the commentary and trivia that you just want all through the tour. .
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IMPORTANT: New Zealand has STRICT quarantine legal guidelines for undeclared meals and different biohazards. Because of this you must not usher in any sort of recent meals akin to bananas, apples, honey, and so on. as you just remember to eliminate them earlier than going via the bags declare space. Processed or packaged meals will be accepted however you might be presupposed to declare them in your arrival card. Should you’re ever unsure, ask for clarification — in any other case, you’ll be charged with a hefty superb.
Should you’ve bought outside tools like diving gear, climbing boots, and so on. you need to clear them earlier than you journey to New Zealand to ensure that the inspection course of to go extra shortly for you. Be suggested that New Zealand is agency about this given how they’ve sniffer canines and bio-sensitive X-ray machines to detect any undesirable objects.
What’s the forex in New Zealand? New Zealand Greenback (NZD) whereby about NZD 1.40~ is the same as USD $1, €0.85~ or Php 50~ (that is as of Could 2018).
When exchanging your cash to NZD, I extremely recommendation that you just do NOT trade it on the airport for the reason that charges there aren’t aggressive. So what do you have to quite do? Both trade your cash at a financial institution or at a cash exchanger in your house nation or in any of New Zealand’s metropolis facilities. Higher but, simply withdraw from an ATM together with your debit/bank card (do one large withdrawal to reduce charges together with your financial institution). Talking of playing cards, quite a lot of New Zealand’s institutions settle for bank cards nevertheless it’s at all times advisable to have money available.
When is the most effective time to go to New Zealand? Technically, there’s NEVER a foul time to go to New Zealand; but in fact, since each the North and South Islands are lengthy and slender, climate will not be uniform. However as an outline, under are New Zealand’s seasons:
Summer season: (December to February) That is the preferred time; therefore, the busiest — however the seashores are nice throughout this time of the yr. Take be aware by the best way that January would be the warmest month. Fascinated about this, New Zealand is a superb escape for these months of the yr if you wish to get away from harsh winters.
Autumn: (March to Could) This time is beautiful because the leaves change colours and it’s additionally the most effective instances to plan a getaway or a climbing spree for the reason that summer time crowds are largely gone. So as to add, charges are on an ‘off peak’ stage.
Winter: (June to August) Queenstown for example will likely be your winter wonderland, however there certainly are a lot of ski areas across the nation. Should you are available in June you’ll be able to benefit from the Queenstown Winter Competition.
Spring: (September to November) This is likely one of the ‘off peak’ seasons as you get to get pleasure from hotter days and longer daylight.
How you can get to New Zealand? By air. Auckland Worldwide Airport (AKL) is New Zealand’s largest airport, adopted by Wellington, Christchurch, Queenstown and Dunedin. To seek for the most effective flight offers, I extremely suggest scanning via SkyScanner. In the meantime, you’ll be able to attain town from the airport by Airbus Specific (NZ$16), shuttle vans, or taxi (will be NZ$50 to NZ$100). Uber has a flat fee of NZ$70, wherereas Zoomy expenses between NZ$39 to NZ$66.
By boat. Auckland is a significant cruise ship port of name with its predominant cruise terminal positioned on Queens Wharf.
How can I am going round New Zealand’s South Island? By air. Doing home flights from one place to a different could be very simple in New Zealand and they’re usually cheaper than driving or taking trains. A number of the airways you’ll be able to select from are Air New Zealand, Virgin Australia and Jetstar.
By automobile. Driving in New Zealand is completely calm and nice (you drive on the left), that’s why quite a lot of guests decide to go on street journeys when visiting the nation. It helps to notice although that gasoline and rental charges will be fairly costly, this is the reason lots of people who’ve an extended vacation within the nation would quite choose to purchase a automobile or van after which resell it earlier than leaving — or higher but, they only be part of street journey excursions that can take them to the most effective spots! My advice? Try Wild Kiwi! I went with them throughout my keep in New Zealand and I had a blast!
By bus. This can be a comparatively low-cost solution to get round New Zealand they usually vary from luxurious coach companies to minivan shuttles. A number of the main traces are Atomic Shuttles, InterCity and christchurch.
By bicycle. Should you’re up for the problem, driving a bike or biking is a good way to go across the landscapes of New Zealand, and it’s pretty simple to get a rental.
TIP: For navigation on street journeys (apart from utilizing a GPS) or for navigating your self via public transportation, you should utilize Google Maps. To remain linked on-line, you’ll be able to hire a pocket wifi by way of Tep Wi-fi. (Use code “IAMAILEEN” to save lots of 15% off in your Tep Wi-fi pocket wifi rental!)
The place to finest keep (for lodging)? There may be in fact a spread of lodging in New Zealand so that you can select from. To seek for the most effective lodging at the most effective costs, I recommend trying out Agoda and Reserving.com. However for those who’re quite concerned about renting snug homes, examine AirBnB.
For an inventory of the highest lodging, see my posts under…
Ought to I get a visa to go to New Zealand? You possibly can examine this record of nations to see who does NOT want vacationer visas to enter New Zealand. Naturally, for those who’re NOT a citizen of any of the listed international locations, you’ll then want to use for a vacationer visa within the New Zealand embassy that’s close to you. Should you’re a Philippine citizen like me, you’ll be able to learn my information on ‘How you can Apply for a New Zealand Visa‘.
Useful Māori phrases English is the dominant language spoken by most Kiwis (New Zealanders) however the nation’s de jure official languages are Māori and New Zealand Signal Language (NZSL). Relaxation assured, Māori individuals are bilingual and might converse English too, however they’ll be pleased to listen to you try to converse the Māori language.
If you wish to be taught a number of useful phrases, just remember to pronounce the next correctly!
Hi there (to 1 particular person, formal): Tēnā koe (Te-na koy) Hi there (to 1 particular person, casual): Kia ora (Key-oar-rah) Thanks: Kia ora (Key-oar-rah) ~ pronounced with a rising intonation Sure: Āe (I) No: Kāore (Kao-re) Goodbye (stated by particular person leaving): E noho rā (E-noho ra) Goodbye (stated by particular person staying): Haere rā (Hayre ra) . I’m sorry: Aroha mai (Ar-ro-ha-mai) Assist!: Āwhina! (Af-fin-nuh!) Cheers!: Kia ora! (Key-oar-rah!)
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I hope this record will enable you to raised streamline your New Zealand journey itinerary! In truth, to raised make your journey hassle-free, take into account checking the street journey excursions of Wild Kiwi. Take pleasure in!
What do you consider issues to do in South Island?
Or have you ever been to the South Island earlier than? How was it?
Do you could have every other ideas so as to add?
Did you want this text? Comply with me on Fb, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube and be notified about my latest posts and updates!
source http://cheaprtravels.com/top-20-best-things-to-do-in-south-island-of-new-zealand-i-am-aileen/
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twelvebyseventyfive · 6 years
2018 in review: quite a year (part 1 of 2)
2018 began in New Zealand, where I’d been staying for Christmas. It was to be the first of several joy-filled trips to this wonderful country. This time last year, I’d been planning to relocate there. The picture above is looking from the top of the Clayvin Vineyard in the Marlborough region.
I was allowed to attend the Southern Pinot workshop in Hanmer springs in the capacity of accompanying partner. This meant I was allowed to taste the finished wines, but not take part in the sessions where winemakers brought along unfinished wines for frank appraisal by their peers. It’s a great event, and one of the reasons that New Zealand is making such strides with Pinot Noir: there’s a lot of sharing and learning together.
The stunning Milford Sound, which is actually a fjord
Nat and I did a bit of touring around South Island, including a visit to Milford South, a great life experience.
This was followed by some time at the Central Otago Pinot Noir conference. Pictured above, I’m taking a dip with Ned Goodwin and Frances Hut in Lake Wakatipu.
Pinot Central was great. Here’s the panel that led a great tasting of Oregon Pinot Noir: Elaine Brown, Adam Campbell and Sam Tannahill.
Lake Hāwea
We drove back through some spectacular scenery, through the Haast Pass and up the west coast.
February saw me head to South Africa, for some vintage with Gabrielskloof in Bot River. This is a great place to work: there are three talented winemakers sharing the same space. Peter-Allen Finlayson (above; he makes the excellent Crystallum wines and also the Gabrielskloof wines for his wife Nicolene’s family) is one.
Then there’s Marilese Niemann, of Momento: she’s sampling Grenache here in the Bot River.
John Seccombe in the Semillon block he buys grapes from, Franschhoek
And there’s John Seccombe of Thorne & Daughters.
Foot treading a whole-bunch ferment to release some juice
  While I was in South Africa I too part in a memorable tasting of old Italian wines with the Swartland crew.
Pedro Marques of Vale de Capucha in Lisboa, making some stunning whites from interesting limestone-rich soils
Then it was off to Porto for Simplesmente Vinho, an amazing celebration of artisan wines from Portugal and northern Spain.
Antonio Madeira is a new superstar of the Dão with his amazingly elegant wines
Luis Seabra is making very correct, but also quite serious wines from the Douro and Vinho Verde, and has just rented a vineyard in Dão
I also had an ill-fated trip to Provence where I almost got snowed in, at the end of February. Beast from the East.
March took me back briefly to New Zealand, where among other things I caught up with the talented Dave Clouston who is doing great things with his Two Rivers project, and also some side projects. Above is his Brookby Road vineyard.
Dave Clouston
And I also headed to Japan, for an in-depth exploration of the Nagano wine region.
Yutaka Nakajima
Shigeyuki Kusunoki
Akihiko Soga in one of his vineyards
Bruce Outlive, who makes some amazing natural wines in Hokkaido
I headed back from Japan in time for Prowein. I did some work for Canada (above), New Zealand and Oregon.
And we drank Green Chartreuse in the Killeputsch. And then it was April. Time for tranche 2 of the 2018 International Wine Challenge. Two weeks of judging wine with good people.
There’s a lot of interest in the IWC! Here, Kenichi Ohashi is being interviewed by Japanese TV
We even got to see some cricket at The Oval, where we judge.
Then another visit to Beaujolais. A mixture of producer visits (this is Mont Brouilly, above) and the Biens Boires Beaujolais event.
Some tasting snacks with Yvon Metras, one of the legendary producers in the region.
Pierre Cotton, a new star producer.
And a visit with Fabien Duperray of Jules Desjourneys: the new reference for Beaujolais and the Maconnais.
Then it was back to New Zealand, just in time to catch Takaki Okada’s post-vintage Hangi. The food is cooked in a pit, and this is the unearthing.
In New Zealand I ate well. We had a blow-out wine dinner at Scotch Bar in Blenheim (above, the wines).
Then a great meal at Roots Lyttleton (near Christchurch). It’s a very creative foragey sort of place, and regarded to be one of Kiwiland’s best restaurants.
And a brilliant cocktails and food matching evening at Arbour in Marlborough. Arbour is a gem.
Dr Andrew Hedley, not just a master of Riesling
I also did some good visits, including Framingham and their superb wines.
Damien Yvon, Clos Henri winemaker
Clos Henri, bringing a bit of the Loire to Blenheim.
The three Vandals
And the fab Vandals, making some fun wines.
There was time for a holiday in Thailand with Natalie and her friends. My first time here.
Then off to the Okanagan, beginning with some time in Vancouver, where we got to cook with Ned Bell. And then we had a trip visiting some of the top wineries in this exciting region.
Time to revisit the Garnet Valley Ranch of Haywire: last time I was here it was just planted.
Concrete and terracotta: this is a winery given to alternative elevage
This is one of the Culmina vineyards: spectacular
June also saw Ben Henshaw, Daniel Primack and I head to Rias Baixas in northern Spain.
There I discovered gastronomic tinned seafood.
And the charming town of Cambados where we stayed.
Some quality time in Ribeira Sacra, which is a stunning region.
Alfonso and Roberto of Envinate
I also went to Norway for the Sandjeford wine festival, with Brian Smith of Elgin Ridge as my travelling companion
Then it was back to Vancouver, and from there to Penticton in the Okanagan, to judge the National Wine Awards of Canada. Always good to hang with my Canadian family.
Bill Zachirkiw
Michelle Bouffard and Brad Royale
Christina Hartigan
Ben Mcphee-Sigurdsson
John Szabo
  from Jamie Goode's wine blog http://www.wineanorak.com:/wineblog/uncategorized/2018-in-review-quite-a-year-part-1-of-2 For Fine Wine Investment opportunities check out Twelve by Seventy Five: http://www.twelve-by-seventy-five.com/
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A family getaway in Hanmer Springs shows us how to do things differently
On the outskirts of Hanmer Springs, this family holiday home draws on memories of camp grounds and small alpine buildings. A family getaway in Hanmer Springs shows us how to do things differently He might be an experienced Christchurch architect, but Cymon Allfrey made a rookie error when designing his family bach at Hanmer: he forgot he […]
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