#hanji fanfics
levi501ackerman · 2 months
Steel Heart Chapter 10:
Secrets of the Twins
Hange x Reader Chapter Index Masterlist
Megan's Note: Sorry I took a week to update I had to focus on my two midterm papers for my accelerated classes. Anyways YOU DONT UNDERSTAND HOW EXCITED AND IMPORTANT I VIEW THIS CHAPTER!! This and the next few chapters is what I view as the core foundation for yours and Hange's relationship LOL. I've been thinking of these chapters since like chapter 1 & 2!!! <3 Thank you for sticking through the editing mistakes. It seems like each time I reread a chapter I find new mistakes like ugh. Anyways enjoy! I'm so excited! FLUFF ALERT?! Posted: 7/31/24 (10 chapters in 1 month! goal achieved!)
Word Count: 6.2k (ik wtf)
The sun was low in the west sky and the wind blew softly. You were brushing Beauty while Levi was cleaning her hooves. You brushed her mane gently and Beauty nickered making you feel like she was enjoying the attention. You smiled at her fondly like she was a friend. 
“Hey Beauty,” you mouthed to her so Levi wouldn’t hear you. He was very adamant about not naming his horse. Her eyes caught yours and there was a deep warmth between you two. Levi switched to the last hoof and started scraping the dirt off. It looked like it hurt the horse but Levi assured the horses didn’t feel pain from the cleaning. Beauty snorted air from her nostrils and you slowly walked in front of her crossing over to the other side of her. Her dark eyes didn’t leave yours. “You really are beautiful . . .”
“Once we get back to camp I want you to put your cloak back on,” Levi said and you turned to Levi only to see the back of his black-haired head. You softly chuckled to yourself thinking of how Levi and Beauty both have black hair. 
“Yes, Captain,” you stroke Beauty’s warm skin. Then you placed the brush into her small bag along the side of the saddle. Levi was just about done scraping the gunk from her hoof. There was a small sense of admiration for Levi who cared for his horse. Learning how to take care of a horse was required as a knight and you knew Levi was attached to his horse, but wouldn’t admit it. Levi brushed off the dirt that stuck to his armor and released Beauty’s hoof. He cleaned the dirt from his tool before putting it back into the bag. “Levi, can I ask you a personal question?”
“Are you married?” Levi froze for a moment then glanced at you. The way his eyes paused and twinkled, it looked like he held a secret.
“Knights of the Royal King’s Guard aren’t encouraged to get married, but it’s not unheard of.” His eyes dared you to question more and you wanted to pry. However, something reminded you of times when Fairy Godmother Christa would not answer a question and instead deflected. Like she didn’t want to answer or was hiding information. 
“I’m sorry for prying, but don’t you want love in your life?”
“Princess Y/N, I’m alright you do not need to worry about me. I am fulfilled by my duty.” Levi began to walk back toward the camp. You followed after, staring at the grass by your feet. Small flowers were growing in the grass and the sight warmed your heart. If you were not looking, you could almost miss the tiny beautiful flowers growing. You and Levi trudged up the hill. Levi must have some type of love in his life. He seemed to be caring and very respected by his knights, something that women would want . . . right?
“Levi, I’m scared of meeting Prince Marco . . . what if I don’t fall in love with him?” Levi exhaled and you made it to the top of the hill with the camp in sight. Over to the right was the hill where the river was on the other side. Most of the knights were gathered by the campfire or sharpening their swords. Hange in their white top was stirring the large cauldron hovering over the fire. 
“And what if you do? You’ll grow to love him and what if—”
“How will I know when I’m in love with him?” There was a pause from Levi, a reflective pause. As if Levi was searching through his memories for something. The smell of the horses was fading away as you drew closer to the camp. The scent of comforting soup was filling the air. Levi was quiet and you looked at him. You knew something in his brain was ticking.
“When you’re in love it’ll be like they are your best friend and nothing will come between you two because you’re willing to go through the hardships to stay with that person. There will be a mutual feeling of wanting to be together and it’ll be like your soul fits together.” A thought of Fairy Godmother Christa and Ymir came to mind. How they laughed a lot at things you didn’t find funny, but they made each other laugh. Another image came to mind of when you were five or six and Ymir brought in flowers from the garden. Then later on in the week, Christa commented how sad she was when the flowers looked dead. Only the next day, there were fresh flowers from the garden—now thinking about it—you don’t recall seeing dead flowers in the vase on the dining table from then on. "When you know, you know."
“Hey! Soup should be done pretty soon!” Hange waved at you and Levi. You politely waved back and the knights turned to you offering a friendly smile.
“Good evening, your Highness,” a friendly knight said.
“Hi, good evening,” you said and it was followed by a plethora of greetings. You smiled and tried to look each knight in the eye. Jean was still wrapped in a blanket sitting close to the fire. He was staring at the flickering flames—captivated by the movement of the fire against the breeze. 
“Gentlemen, which sounds better? Bathing followed by soup? Or dinner first and then bathing?” Levi asked and Hange looked up from their pot. “I say we go into the cold river and then get rewarded with warm soup.” It came into your mind that you realized Levi was going to leave you and you weren’t allowed to go with the knights. The knights agreed it was better to clean up before dinner. They put their sharpening tools in their tents, grabbed their clothes, and some started heading toward the river. 
“The river isn’t too cold, actually.” You said to Levi and Levi walked toward Jean who was slightly shivering. Eren and Connie were with him helping him up. Jean looked tired and he offered a kind smile to you.
“You’ll feel better after bathing and eating” Connie said, taking the blanket off of Jean and balling it up. He set it on the ground and then wrapped an arm around Jean.
“I’m fine! I’m fine!” Jean lightly pushed Connie away making him chuckle. 
“How are you, Princess?” Eren asked and you noticed how green his eyes were, like dark grass.
“I’m good thank you.” You smiled then turned to Levi who was muttering something to Hange. Hange sat down on the ground. They had a thin board in their lap and were chopping carrots and potatoes. Hange looked up at Levi, glanced at you, and then they pushed their oval wire glasses up the bridge of their nose. When you approached Levi and Hange their conversation paused and they both turned to you. “Uh, so I guess I’m going to stay with Hange until you’re back from the river, right?”
“Right,” Levi said and you looked at Hange who grinned. 
“Hey, twin!” Hange brightly greeted and you took one last glance at Levi who was following Connie, Jean, and Eren. You brushed off the seat of your pants before sitting down next to Hange. They didn’t take their eye off of you. 
“Hi twin,” You smiled and there was a twinkle behind their brown eye. Perhaps it was because of the flickering flames that gave their face a pleasant glow or . . . 
“Are you getting hungry?” Hange asked and they started chopping potatoes again. They cubed them and then pushed the potatoes with their knife off to the side of the board. The way Hange cubed the potatoes reminded you of how Fairy Godmother Ymir used to chop potatoes. It bothered Fairy Godmother Christa how Ymir used to cut slices off and then cut the rounds into fours. Christa liked to cut the potato lengthwise and then cut the two halves into sixes. They would playfully tell each other how the other was cutting potatoes incorrectly.
“The way you cut potatoes is like how my Fairy Godmother used to.” Hange flashed a toothy grin, then chuckled to themselves. 
“Looks like your Fairy Godmother and I have something in common.” Hange stood up. They pushed their carrots and potatoes into the cauldron. Metal clangs filled the air while Hange tapped the board against the cauldron. “What was it like growing up in Shiganshina?”
The memory of running with Sir Zacharius through the streets and wanting to get one last glance at your home flashed in your mind. The unpleasant and familiar feeling of fear washed over you as you remembered hearing your home blow up. A pressure began to build behind your nose. You felt in your heart that Fairy Godmothers Ymir and Christa were alive, but there was no way of knowing unless you saw them again. The home with all your possessions and the place you found most comfortable was gone. The clothes and dresses you wore—gone. The books you used to read probably fueled the fire that burned in your house. Your childhood drawings burned to ash. No evidence of childhood and nothing left but memories. 
Your eyes turned glossy, you pulled your knees to your chest and choked out a sob. You rested your forehead on your knees, hiding from the cruel world. A cry of grief for what you were forced to leave behind and had nothing left. You had to trust strangers to keep you alive and the thought of people hunting you to use you for a ritual made you sick. It made you tired. As you felt tears spill from your eyes, you suddenly felt arms around your back and warmth against you. You lifted your head and saw Hange hugging you, rubbing your back, their cheek rested against your shoulder, and you found comfort in their gesture. You sniffed and rubbed your nose. Snot ran along your fingers and you quickly wiped it on the pants Hange lent you. Hange removed their head from your shoulder and you saw their sorrowful expression on their face. 
“I want to go home,” you whispered. Hange continued to gently rub circles into your back. “I know I’m supposed to be a Princess and also a key to a ritual but I . . .” You sucked in air trying to regulate your breathing. 
“What do you want?” Hange’s voice was low, warm, and soothing. Your eyebrows furrowed at their question and you looked away from them. You looked at the tip of your boots. “No title of a Princess and no cults exist. How would you spend your time?”
You were stunned at Hange’s question. A life you could choose? Perhaps maybe turn back time and go back to when you lived with Fairy Godmother Christa and Ymir . . . but even then you did have one dream and now—with all that has happened—there is a new dream.
“I’ve always wanted my own cottage . . .” You said and looked at Hange’s expression. A smile grew on their face. A friendly face—the type that seemed like they wouldn’t judge you. You felt like you could say anything and Hange would support you. “And there’s a garden in the front . . . There’s no city, but there’s nature and animals around. Maybe they come to my front door and I feed them . . .”
“Animals coming to your door?” Hange smiled and giggled—amused at your thought of animals approaching your home for food. 
“Well, I just want animals around. I’ve rarely seen animals before leaving Shiganshina . . . When Sir Zacharius and I were walking through a forest, I saw a squirrel. It was small and cute and it ran in front of me. I’ve only seen a squirrel in an illustrated book.” You sniffed and Hange’s lips broke out into a large smile. A fond smile. 
Hange thought about how little you must have explored in the world because of your circumstances. Though you were going to be living in a castle and have the kingdom at your fingertips soon, living a sheltered life put a chain on you. Hange thought of the chain as a bond that was holding you back. They thought to themselves how the situation you were put in was unfair . . . Also, safe. 
“Maybe we’ll see more animals on the way back to the castle?! What do you think of the horses?! Beautiful probably!” Hange playfully poked your arm.
“So beautiful . . .” You pondered on telling Hange your secret of naming Levi’s horse. “The horses kind of smell, but they’re big and fast and wonderful animals! They must care about us too!”
“They sure do!” Hange could hear the enthusiasm in your voice. 
“The other day when these horrible dogs attacked us, it wasn’t just the knights that were fighting back! The horses were protecting us too! Levi’s horse saved me from one of the dogs!”
“Did you know horses can run almost as fast as lions?” Hange said and their brown eye grew big. They kept the wide smile on their face as you gasped. They knew you were hanging onto their question, wanting to know more. 
“Almost as fast as lions?”
“Have you ever seen a lion?”
“Nope! There aren’t any on Paradis.”
“Wow. I've seen drawings of lions in books, but maybe before I die I’ll see a lion.”
“Maybe,” Hange stood up and then wiped the seat of their pants. They walked over to a small pile of bowls. They grabbed a bowl and then began to stir the cauldron. The steam from the hot soup fogged Hange’s glasses and they pushed the glasses to their forehead. Hange stirred the cauldron one last time and then scooped a ladle of soup into the bowl. They made sure to shake off the potatoes and carrots that needed more time to cook. “Here,” Hange handed you the bowl. “As a token of our newfound friendship, I’ll let you have the first bowl of my stew!”
“Thank you,” you smiled at your new friend. There was a warm feeling in your heart. As a child, you played with children outside sometimes, but once you grew older you had a very limited social life. Only staying inside with Christa and Ymir and sometimes talking to owners of market stalls. You didn’t mind not having a lot of friends because you had books and your Fairy Godmothers. Levi’s words ran through your mind of him telling you that Hange’s best friend was murdered. They might want a new best friend and you realized maybe you wanted a friend.
“Oh! Let me get you a spoon!” Hange skipped to the pile of bowls and collected a spoon from the pile next to the bowls. They happily gave you a spoon. You stirred the soup, finding there were chunks of beef, cubed potatoes, carrots, and some peas in the soup. Your stomach was rumbling and the soup filled your nostrils with its delightful aroma. As you took a spoonful into your mouth, Hange was getting a bowl of stew for themselves. The heat of the tasty food warmed your body as it went down your throat. The broth was so delicious you wanted to drink it. 
“Hey Hange, since we’re friends, want to hear a secret I have?”
“Ooh yes!” Hange sat next to you crossing their legs. “Your secret's safe with me.” 
“This is about Levi, so you can not say a thing!” You smiled excitedly and turned your body facing Hange. 
“I cross my heart!” Hange turned to face you. 
“Levi doesn’t want me to name his horse, but I really wanted to and so I named her secretly!”
“What did you name her?!”
“Aah because she’s beautiful?”
“I won’t tell Levi! My lips are sealed”
“Thank you,” you noticed the way Hange's lashes pleasantly framed their eye. Hange had a nice nose as well. Though they didn’t have their left eye and most of their face was covered with the black eye patch, Hange had a charming look. There was a softness in their face and yet they were a fierce knight that sliced the necks of cultists holding you captive.
“You know, Hange, you’re really pretty and I enjoy talking to you,” You told Hange and immediately their cheeks were warm. A bashful smile painted their face and almost a chuckle came from their lips. Their eyes darted away from yours looking at their soup—stirring it like it was the most interesting thing. 
“ . . . Even with my missing eye? That’s quite kind to say.” 
“I mean, it doesn't matter that your eye is missing. You’re obviously pretty.” It was your turn to look at your soup. You spooned carrots and peas along with some of the broth into your mouth.
“Thank you, Y/N . . . You’re a very gorgeous girl . . . so I appreciate the compliment.” Unknowingly to you, Hange was looking at you and feeling hopeful. When they lost their eye in a fight they felt like leaving vanity behind altogether.
Levi, Eren, Connie, Jean, and the rest of the forty-ish knights returned to the camp damp and clean. Jean wrapped himself in his blanket again and sat by the fire. Levi scolded you for not putting on your cloak like he told you to earlier. Hange joked about being sad that you won't look like twins anymore. His impatient face made you annoyingly walk over to his tent to your cloak. It was dry along with the pants and shirt Levi lent you. Which you didn’t need anymore now that Hange was lending you clothes. You put the cloak on and raised the hood over your head. Huffing to yourself because it provided a comfortable warmth as the evening went on.
Apparently, Hange’s stew was most of the knight’s favorite travel meal. As you continued eating your bowl of soup, you heard the knights’ gratitude for Hange making the soup. You could understand why it was their favorite, the soup was filling and heated your body against the chill air. Hange reveled in their compliments, they knew their soup was a favored meal. 
“There’s enough for seconds, anyone want a bite?! Don’t be shy, there's more than enough to go around.” They continued stirring and serving bowls to the knights. 
The sun was behind the walls and the late evening was approaching. The wind was picking up and the soup was combating the cooler weather. There was a calmness in the camp. As if Hange’s stew was an elixir that brought out peace and rejuvenation. A perfect treat to follow after bathing in the river. 
You watched and noticed how much respect and appreciation they had for Hange. Everyone liked Hange. You sat with Levi who was eating in silence. Jean was scraping his empty bowl getting every last piece of vegetable. 
“Go get seconds,” Levi ordered. You looked at him and he wasn’t looking up from his bowl.
“Yes, you. Go get another bowl and I want you to finish the entire thing.”
“Okay . . .” You carefully got up and walked through the crowd of knights enjoying their dinner. As you walked through the group of knights’ Hange’s expression perked up, noticing you approach them. 
“Couldn’t resist another bowl?”
“Levi told me to get another.”
“That’s right. Your health is very important. Wouldn’t want you to arrive at Mitras Castle looking like you haven’t eaten.” Hange took your bowl and they filled it with mostly vegetables rather than broth. They used the ladle to scoop a little more broth before handing your bowl back to you.
“Thank you, Hange.” You turned and suddenly you ran into a body. The force caused your arm to shift upwards and tilt the bowl. Their bowl clashed with yours falling to the ground. You gasped watching and realizing you spilled someone’s dinner. Your eyebrows raised to your hairline and your heart was pounding as you realized the knights around you must have seen the entire ordeal. Your face became a deep shade of red from embarrassment and the knight you ran into looked just as embarrassed. You glanced at Levi seeking comfort only to notice he along with others were staring at you. Because you ran into the knight, he lost his dinner. “I-I I’m . . .  so so sorry.”
Your ears were drowning out the questions of the knights around you asking if you were alright or offering to get you another bowl. The knight you ran into gave a soft chuckle. His expression softened from the shock of the impact and held your shoulders. The crow's feet around his eyes accentuated his friendly aura. Your lip stopped quivering and your face relaxed as you realized he was not going to yell at you or that he was upset at all.
“Princess, accidents happen. No need to apologize.”
“Sir, I am still so sorry I sh-should of been more aware of my surroundings. I’m so sorry.” You wanted to assure him. The knight picked up his and your bowl. He dumped what was left in the bowls on the ground. The ground soaked up the broth. As he was bending back up, you ripped one of the bowls from his grasp. “Here let me get you another bowl.” You turned to Hange and commanded them, “Get him another bowl!”
“Yes, your Highness,” Hange laughed. They scooped more soup into the bowl and you carefully brought the bowl back to the knight. You gave them a smile giving them the bowl of soup as a peace offering.
 “Please forgive my clumsiness, sir.”
“I forgive you fully.” The knight took the bowl of soup you offered and he exchanged you for the other empty bowl. He gave you a smile that settled the rowdy thoughts of him being upset with you. You felt more at peace as you turned to Hange for another refill. 
“Do you think I made a fool of myself?” You whispered to Hange and they scooped vegetables into your bowl once again. 
“I think you handled the accident as graciously as you could.” Hange poured some broth and then handed you back your bowl.
“Are you going to eat Hange a second bowl?”
“I will eventually.”
“You better,” you said and Hange burst out laughing. For a moment you didn’t realize your statement was entertaining, but Hange took it as a joke. Their laugh and their smile revealed their teeth. They were white and glowing. Their laugh was almost contagious as you smiled looking at them. For some reason, you found some validation from Hange laughing. “Thank you.” 
You continued to sit with Levi and the sky was turning golden from the low sun. Everyone’s stomachs were full and their hunger was satiated from Hange’s stew. You listened to Levi tell Eren how the previous days were before he and Hange’s group found them in Karanese District. Though most of Levi’s retelling, you stared at your empty bowl, not wanting to relive sickening parts. Jean was also staring off; he seemed fine but tired.
The knights started gathering bowls and cleaning up dinner. Hange was sitting and eating their bowl of stew and you realized they were the last to eat. You thought about how admirable it was that they made sure everyone else ate before they got their second bowl. Two knights gruffly lifted the cauldron and carried it over the hill to the river.
Levi started to become in charge of the cleaning. He wanted the knights around the camp making sure it looked like they were never there. As some knights were getting done cleaning their bowls, they helped pack, preparing to leave in the morning. Levi was in a group with Connie and some of the other knights washing the bowls with rags. You tapped his arm needing his attention. 
“Levi, I need to go to the bathroom,” You lowered your voice.
“Hange’s taking you from now on.” He glanced at you and then moved on to the next dirty bowl, wiping it clean. You grabbed his arm and shook it slightly.
“You always take me!” There was a tinge of frustration in your voice
“That was when there wasn’t another woman. Go ask your twin.” You looked over your shoulder to see Hange alone finishing their soup. Though Levi always guarded you when you used the bathroom, Hange was now your friend. You guess it wouldn’t be bad. As you walked over to Hange they looked up at you through their glasses. In their bowl was a little bit of broth and a few pieces of vegetables left. 
“Hey, twin . . .”
“Hey, twin!”
“Levi said you’re going to be the one to take me to the bathroom from now on.” Hange finished chewing the food in their mouth and then swallowed while nodding. 
“Right,” They stood up and turned behind them to pick up their crested sword, fastening it at their hip. “Let’s go before it gets dark. I need to pee too.” You and Hange walked past Levi and the knights wiping the bowls. Hange placed their empty bowl in the dirty pile nodding at one of the knights who returned a wink at them. 
You walked with Hange over the hill, passing the horses. The stench of them filled the air. As you walked past them you searched for Beauty. The horses were chewing the grass and whinnying. You pretended like they were talking to you. 
“I think that one just said ‘hello’ to us,” Hange nudged you with their elbow while pointing at the brown horse you were passing. 
“I was just thinking that Hange!!” You said a little too excitedly and Hange giggled. Then you spotted Levi’s horse and returned a nudge to Hange.
“There’s Beauty!”
“Ow!” Hange laughed.
“You elbowed me right in the ribs. Good aim,” Hange said and you laughed at their comment. 
“Levi’s horse is beautiful, isn’t she? Look at her!”
“Beauty is a beauty.” As you walked past the field of horses, you walked over another hill. You looked over your shoulder eyeing the distance from the camp. You thought about how far away you were from Levi, but then something told you that you’d be safe with Hange. Hange took their sword from their pants and offered it to you. “I’ve gotta go real bad, so you stand guard first!”
“Okay I’ll be on top of the hill,” You gripped their crested sword and watched Hange walk down the side of the hill. You turned around and looked at the field of horses who looked peaceful yet strong and majestic. A grey horse was lying down and you couldn’t take your eyes away from the horse. Every time you saw a horse lie down, your heart filled with joy from how cute the grand horse looked. It was amazing to see the large creature lying on the ground comfortably. 
You looked around at the view. For a moment you forgot about the danger around you. The horses looked at peace and the golden sky complimented the green of the grass. From where you stood on the hill you caught a slight glimpse of the river. On the left was Wall Rose and in the far distance you could barely make out the church Levi said was the first meeting point. Levi wanted to be closer to the river, past the church and you wondered how many knights were waiting at the area near the church where Levi originally said to meet. To the right and over the horizon you knew was Wall Sina. Passed Wall Sina was apparently where Mitras Castle was. Your soon-to-be home and where you were going to be forced to marry a prince. Hange’s question ran through your mind, what do you want . . . how would you spend your time . . . ? Hange was very nice and they created a friendly and accepting atmosphere. 
“Your turn!” Hange said behind you and their voice pulled you out of your thoughts. 
“Here . . .” You handed their sword back, and their cold fingers brushed against your hand, gripping their sword. You trudged down the hill, using your core to stable yourself. When you got to the bottom of the grassy hill, you looked back at Hange making sure they weren’t peaking. You knew they wouldn’t peak, but it always felt vulnerable peeing with someone around. There was always a tinge of anxiety of someone watching you in the exposed manner.
You stared off into the distance noticing sparse trees as you urinated.
When you were done, you put the tan slacks Hange lent you back on. You took a moment to make sure the pants were rolled up to the shorter length, so you wouldn’t step on it. Then you tucked Hange's white cotton shirt into the pants. As you walked up the hill, you saw Hange crouching. They were concentrating on something they saw. Your heart jolted. Did Hange spot a ward of the Marleyan Cult coming toward the camp?
“What’s going on?” You asked and Hange shushed you. Then enthusiastically waved you to come to the top of the hill.
“Come here! I spotted something you’ll want to see!!” Hange whispered and you crouched, approaching closer. You looked at Hange’s eye trying to see where they were looking. You glanced at the field of horses and didn’t see anything out of the ordinary. There was no sign of danger anywhere. The tight feeling in your chest went away and you were looking at the horses, then the camp, the sky, the river—what did Hange spot?!
“What are you looking at you?!” Hange slowly pointed to the right of you, near the bottom of the hill, and a little away from the horses was a small animal. It was brown, its long ears were perked up and it had a little tail that looked like a cotton ball. You softly gasped, your mouth agape from excitement. “Is that—”
“A cottontail rabbit.” You and Hange peacefully stared at the bunny. It was so small and adorable, your heart was elated at the sight. “Have you seen one before?”
“Only in books . . .” The bunny was still and you could see their black eyes. You couldn’t tell if it was looking at you. If the rabbit noticed your presence. If the rabbit noticed you fawning over them. You didn’t want to move. To be in its presence felt magical and you couldn’t help but imagine yourself holding it. Protecting it. Suddenly the small brown bunny hopped away. You and Hange watched the little white tail disappear into the distance. “Wow. I’m glad you saw that.”
“I almost missed it,” Hange whispered. You both started walking down the hill and you looked in the direction of where the cottontail ran off to, hoping you could catch one more glimpse of it. 
“I feel so . . . I don’t know. But that was amazing.” You said breathlessly.
“You know some people keep bunnies as pets.” A jolt of energy raced through your body. You grabbed Hange’s arm a little too hard and gasped, nearly jumping.
“REALLY?!” You asked and thought of the little cottontail rabbit hopping around in your cottage. Then you started to imagine feeding the rabbit carrots like you saw in the illustrated books you read as a child. Another thought of dressing the rabbit in ridiculous tiny clothes and having a little pet rabbit with you everywhere you went. You just had to have one. You stepped in front of Hange’s path and held their arms, staring into their eye. “HANGE, PLEASE! I WANT A PET RABBIT!”
“Woah calm down,” Hange laughed and there was an amused smile on their face. “I love your enthusiasm for woodland creatures, it's quite adorable.”
“Hange! Please! Please! PLEASE! If we see another rabbit will you try to catch it for me?!” You plead and Hange laughed again and then looked at your eyes.     
“Do you know how hard it will be to catch a wild rabbit?! They’re—”
“We can do it together! While we’re bored and there’s nothing to do we can go and try to catch my pet bunny!! PLEASE! OH PLEASE! HANGE!! I WILL BE SO HAPPY IF WE CAUGHT A PET BUNNY!” You whined and Hange admired your insistent pleading. They saw a shimmer in your eyes and a lightness in your face. You weren’t the timid and anxious Princess and instead, they saw you. The you, you might have been before the tragedy and the danger. Before you knew there was a cult after you. Maybe they saw the you that was filled with hope. The dreamer. 
“Who am I to deny the Royal Princess Y/N?” Hange said and there was a growing admiration for you when they saw you jump with your first in the air cheering. You jump onto Hange wrapping your arms around them, squeezing them tightly and excitedly.
 Then you noticed instead of a friendly pat on your back—like how Levi, Jean, and Connie reacted—Hange returned the hug. The rest of the way back to the camp you kept sharing your ideas of the pet rabbit.
“Can you imagine me with a little pet rabbit feeding it and holding it?! Me walking around with it—”
“Hang on! Where do you plan to keep this pet rabbit if we happen to catch one?”
“Well,” You gazed at Hange with hopeful eyes, giving your best smile to Hange. The kind of smile you gave Fairy Godmothers Christa and Ymir when you did all your chores and asked to stay up later. The kind of smile that you relied on while asking for something you wanted. “Maybe in our tent? PLEASE?!”
“I guess I’m okay with that. A cute little bunny hopping around in our tent!”
“YES!” Hange laughed at the excitement building for your future pet bunny. “Hange, you can even help me name it!”
“Alright, but we’re not naming the bunny ‘Cutie’ or ‘Fluffy’, it’ll have a human name.” You bit your lip and nodded excitedly, agreeing to Hange’s request. 
The knights could sense your excitement and light-heartedness as you arrived back at the camp. Levi was standing by a few knights who were putting out the campfire. He caught yours and Hange’s energetic back-and-forth rhythm of words. He scrunched his face wondering what got you hyper and then he remembered you were with Hange. He blamed Hange.
“Levi! Guess what?!” You asked. 
“What?” Levi asked and you swore you saw a small smirk on his face.
“Hange and I saw a rabbit! It was the cutest thing alive! And now we’re going to try capturing one to keep as a pet!!” You were bouncing and Levi's face fell as he crossed his arms and slowly shook his head. 
“You’re not keeping a wild rabbit.” 
“W-What?” Your heart dropped. Levi deflated all the excitement and the hope that was building as you were returning to the camp. Levi tilted his head at Hange.
“Why are you encouraging this?”
“Levi! You know it’ll be hard to catch one, so let us try,” Hange raised their eyebrows at Levi and you looked back and forth at them. They stared at each other knowingly . . . like they were speaking to each other without saying a word. Then Levi shook his head again. 
“I said ‘no’, I’m not going to say it again!” For the first time you wanted to go against Levi. You felt like you always did what he asked and did what you were told. You knew it was to keep you safe, but trying to catch a bunny was supposed to help the time pass. After a pause, you swallowed the defying words you wanted to say to Levi and remained obedient.
“Okay fine! But I’m not happy!” You crossed your arms. You heard laughter and looked to your right to see Connie hunched over, holding himself up with his hands at his knees. Then next to him for the first time in a while, you saw Jean’s gleaming smile. 
“Great,” Levi said lightly and more toward Hange. “Great Hange! She was around you for less than a day and now she’s sassy.” It was almost comical how wide Hange’s mouth dropped. They raise their hands defensively. 
“Don’t blame me! Maybe she was always sassy?!” You turned and grabbed Hange’s wrist.
“Let’s go back to our tent!” You tugged on Hange wanting to leave Levi. “Goodnight, Levi!”
“Jeez you’re being a—”
“I said, ‘goodnight’ and I’m NOT going to say it again!” You and Hange walked back to your tent, ignoring the amused faces of the knights as you walked past them. You knew Levi was right. Having a pet bunny living in the tent wasn’t a smart idea, but you wanted more animals around you. You didn’t even know how to take care of a bunny. Levi knew what was best . . . you sighed. Keeping a wild rabbit wasn’t plausible. 
“You know what I think we should do?” Hange lowered their voice. 
“ . . . What?” Then you noticed Hange’s mischievous smile.
“We should go bunny hunting every time we go to the bathroom. Maybe even say we’re going to the bathroom, but really we’re hunting for our pet bunny!” You gasped quietly and then giggled at Hange’s suggestion. The thought of hunting for your pet bunny behind Levi’s back. Then another thought of secretly having a bunny running around in your tent. Hange and you hiding your pet from Levi.  
“It’ll be our little secret.” 
next chapter, Chapter 11: The Traitor
Chapter Index Masterlist
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ihave-atummyache · 2 months
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awweee what a cutie patootie (,: i cry…. wait… what’s this?
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marsbutterfly · 3 months
Too Sweet
Summary: For the past few weeks, Hanji has locked themselves away in their office, away from prying eyes, including your own. But your heart can clearly tell when something is wrong with your beloved.
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a/n: hey everyone <3 this story is entirely based on the cover art by my amazing artist friend @kylekoraki ! please show them some love and everyone say "thank you" to kyle for drawing this! <3 here's their twitter as well <3
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs: canon setting, fem!reader, non-binary!hanji zoe, no warnings really, just some heavy kissing. not really beta read, we die like men <3
 ao3 | wattpad | cover by: @kylekoraki | wc: 4.2k
You knock on the door. Once, twice, thrice. No answer. A grunt escapes your lips and you roll your eyes, repeating the action. Once, twice, thrice. Nothing again. Now a frown takes the place of the smile that used to rest on your face, you know they are in there, you can hear the papers being shuffled around, the tapping of their pen, the shadow of their body as they pass by the door, even faintly the sound of the ice that clinks around their whiskey glass.
You raise your hand to knock again, but before you even have the chance, the door opens. Barely enough for any light to make it through but you see the faint silhouette of Hanji's lips pouting. "You know that when someone doesn't answer, it means they want to be left alone, right?" Their voice is low, almost as if they are making sure to remain quiet to not attract any more unnecessary attention.
"But... it's me.." you respond just as softly, a pout of your own forming, "I'm not like other people."
“y/n…” They begin, moving their glasses from the spot on their face towards the top of their head, pushing their bangs backward in the meantime. Their brown eyes stare at you for what feels like forever, their mind hiding behind an ocean of thoughts and an expression you can’t quite decipher this time around.
They want you to stay, to hold you in their arms as they sit here in the comforting silence of your presence, but instead, they shake their head, trying their best to remove any thoughts of what your warmth would do to them. A heavy sigh makes its way past their lips, the eyebags under their eyes more present than ever as they begin to talk again.
“Please, I’m fine,” they respond. What Hanji fails to realize is that their voice did a slight tremble, not noticeable to anyone else but you know them better than the palm of your own hand. They are the pure representation of your heart beating outside of your chest, so seeing them in such distress is enough to make you act against direct orders, consequences be damned.
“You are not,” you respond. Their office is a mess, their research papers scattered around with drawings and models of flying boats, new weapons, and ways to improve the Survey Corps all around. A thousand and one ideas, some connecting and some just scattered around the wind. 
The whiskey bottle that until a few weeks ago rested full to the brim on their bookshelf now finds itself on its last few sips, the curtains are drawn so no amount of light other than the small candles at the edge of their table can exist in the room and you even notice a few shards of broken glass, probably meaning that they have dropped a cup or two, either from exhaustion or from not being able to see in the dark.
“When was the last time you ate anything?” You ask, gently taking the whiskey glass out of their hand. You notice a small blush creeping its way onto their cheeks as their eyes pointedly avoid yours and, by these simple reactions, you can tell it has been a while, “You’re losing weight.”
They try to reach for the glass once more but you shake your head, pulling it further away. Even though they are stronger than you and could easily take it back if they wanted to, they don't. Instead, Hanji leans against their desk, crossing their arms in front of their chest as they let out a heavy sigh. They want to lie, to tell you they are fine, and pretend like nothing is wrong, but before a single false promise about their well-being can make its way past their lips, you speak up again.
“I can tell you haven’t been sleeping,” your voice is soothing, not an ounce of frustration or anger behind it, just plain worry. You take a step closer, fully prepared for another rejection but it doesn’t come this time around, though you still don’t dare take a deep breath until the moment your fingertips brush against their left cheek, just slightly beneath their eyepatch, “you look exhausted.”
“Now that’s just rude!” An exhausted chuckle escapes their lips as they nuzzle their face into your hand, their expression contorting from anguish to a somewhat relaxed one and it causes your heart to nearly stop for a second before between at three times the usual speed, you are convinced they can hear it from where they stand. “I’ll have you know that I look awesome.”
It’s your turn to chuckle, your worries melting away for simply a second before coming back at full force, knowing way too well that redirecting attention and humor have always been Hanji’s favorite ways of avoiding a serious conversation.
“Hanji…” You start, your tone of voice sounding just as exhausted and defeated as theirs. It drags a loud sigh out of their chest, but as their mouth opens to complain, you continue, a begging tone in your voice as your eyes fill with unwashed tears, “Please, just talk to me.”
That look is enough to cause a painful bang to shoot throughout their body, their heart dropping to their stomach with the knowledge that it is their fault that you look this way. So, without even realizing it, they are already taking a couple of steps forward, hands tightly grasping at your hips as they lean their forehead against yours.
“I’ve just been so busy,” they whisper, the broken tone in their voice creates a tight knot in your throat and the sensation only grows stronger as they continue to speak, “Paperwork, meetings, and any free time I have I go to the lab, trying to complete some old experiments I’ve had from years ago. Even if I try to sleep, I just… Lay there, staring at the ceiling, maybe getting two or three hours here and there.”
You sigh, your arms immediately wrapping around their neck as you pull them close. Their eyelashes bat against the skin of your neck as they close their eyes, a shaky breath escaping them as they inhale your scent, focusing on the way your body feels and smells.
At that moment, an idea hits you. Without disturbing the hug, you look around the messy room, quickly taking in the setting before noticing that, for once, their couch rests next to the window, uncluttered and undisturbed. 
Reluctantly, you pull away from them and the first thing you can hear is a grunt of disapproval. Once your eyes meet again, their pupils are so big, they could only be compared to a puppy dog that has just discovered steak for the first time, pleading, begging even, “Why’d you do that?”
Without an answer, your hand slides with theirs, fingers lacing and fitting together like pieces of a puzzle. Their palm is slightly wet, though you can’t quite place if it is from the condensation from the whiskey glass they held earlier or if it is from nervous sweats. Regardless, all you can focus on is how warm their presence feels close to you.
You don’t speak, instead, you just guide their body towards the couch, their feet dragging behind you, “what are we doing?” They ask, their eyes already fighting to remain open in a combination of the exhaustion and the fuzzy feeling from being drunk, the comfort you bring them doesn’t help either. They are clearly forcing themselves to stay awake, wanting to spend all of this time with you instead of stubbornly trying to push you away.
“We are not doing anything,” you respond, taking a seat on the couch. Your free hand brushes against the spot next to you and they quickly catch onto what you are hinting, your words finally clicking in their head as they flash you a confused look, “You, on the other hand, are going to sleep for a while.”
Their eyes widen for a second as your words take them by surprise, a small groan of protest making its way past their chapped lips, “mmmmm, noo, I can’t… I have so much work that I need to get done… I don’t... Have time to sleep.”
Carefully, you bring your hand towards the back of their head, pulling the ponytail holder out of their hair to make sure they are more comfortable for the next step, which includes guiding their head down towards your thighs. It doesn’t take much effort nor does Hanji put up much of a fight, their body is completely exhausted after all.
“Mmmm,” they whine, their voice filled with a mixture of exhaustion and stubbornness, almost like a child who refuses to lay down for nap time, but once again, they don’t put up a fight, “damn it, how could I ever say no to you?”
“You can’t,” you chuckle, your fingers beginning to comb through the knots in their hair, detangling the strands, your nails gently scratching their scalp while you are at it, “I promise I will be here when you wake up. I’m not going anywhere.”
Your words are soft, carrying so much love that it is almost impossible for Hanji not to melt on the spot. The warmth of your legs combined with the feeling of your fingers going through their hair is finally enough to relax their overly exhausted body, their eyes finally closing and you use your free hand to remove their glasses, hanging it up on the neckline of your shirt.
“Finnneeeee,” Hanji whines once more, turning their body over so their face is buried in your stomach, their slim body now curled into a small ball on the couch and you can’t help but smile at the sight, “but do not let me sleep for more than thirty minutes. An hour, tops.”
You lift your eyes slightly to take a look at the clock on the wall, a gift from Kiyomi to celebrate your relationship. Silently, you take note of the time and look back down at your beloved, a soft, whispered “okay” leaving your lips.
“I’m serious,” Their voice starts sounding more sluggish by the second, their mind already starting to drift off but they fight back sleep for a few extra minutes, just enough to finish the conversation between the two of you, their voice extremely drowsy, “I’ll be mad if you don’t wake me up.”
“I would not dream of doing such a thing,” you respond, unsure if they recognize the mischievous tone in your words or not, but truly hoping that, if they do, they are simply choosing to ignore it. Even so, the way you speak brings them so much comfort, a sense of peace they haven’t felt since becoming commander, “just sleep, my love. I’ll be here.”
The moment Hanji hears you whisper that promise, the certainty that you will be here when they wake up, it’s like a switch flips inside of their mind and they finally allow their body to relax against your touch. Much like a cat, they purr as you continue to run your fingers through their hair, unable to avoid the smile that is now stamped on their lips.
“Thank you, love you,” they whisper, their voice is barely audible and you almost miss it. You don’t even have time to respond before they are completely asleep, the weight of the countless sleepless days finally catching up with their body.
When the first hour passes, you look up from your book, your eyes landing on the clock before making their way down towards Hanji’s face. They look so peaceful, their breathing is so calm and even that it soothes your own worries away and it takes every ounce of your strength not to lay down and nap with them. 
The decision to let them continue their slumber is an easy one. Eventually, you notice a small smile that tugs the corner of their lips in their sleep and you can’t help but wonder and hope that they are dreaming of you. Nevertheless, your fingers continue to go through the strands of their hair, even if it makes flipping the pages of your book a bit difficult, you manage to find a solution by placing it down on the armrest of the couch before using your pinky and ring fingers to hold the object down while the remaining digits flip towards the next page.
Another hour goes by and you start to ponder if you should wake them up. Maybe letting them sleep for this long wasn’t such a good idea, especially since you know they have to return to their duties as commander of the Survey Corps, such as continuing their research and sketching plans for the flying boat. But you can see it in their expression, the small specs of the bubbly person they used to be finally showing back up on their features as they sleep, small reminders of the bright light that has saved you from darkness more times than you can count.
You gasp softly when Hanji stirs slightly in your lap, your heart clenching in your chest as you continue to look down at them, scared that you moved too much and it caused them to wake up. Their expression is still undisturbed, almost like a cat that has just found the warmest spot on the window sill and you catch yourself smiling at them. A silly, love-sick smile that only they can bring out of you.
As the third-hour rolls by and you are trying to convince yourself that it is time to wake them up, you hear a knock on the door and your entire body freezes. You find yourself torn by the two options:
1) Do you say something loudly enough for the person on the other side to hear and risk waking Hanji up in a stressful way before throwing them directly into a situation in which they need to be the Commander, and not the bubbly Hanji Zoe you once loved so dearly.
2) You silently hope that the soldier on the other side will either go away soon or open the door quietly. The couch, though it is by the window, still has a perfect view of the front door to their office, so the person would quickly notice the situation and you would be able to calmly wake Hanji at your own pace, without any negative or stressful interactions.
A second, more forceful knock comes and you notice Hanji slowly starting to shift on your lap. The annoyed expression on your face morphs into one of anger and, as the shadow on the door side moves to knock for a third time, you decide to throw a pillow at the surface.
The person stops midway with their movements before their hand slowly comes to rest on the knob, twisting it slightly as the door quietly swings open. In front of you stands a very nervous scout, one of the new recruits, who hasn’t even been able to choose a specialty yet. His hands are trembling and he nearly drops the stack of papers he holds in his grasp, eyes bugging out of his skull as he looks at you and the sleeping figure on your legs.
“P-paperwork… F-for the C-Commander…” His voice is quiet and trembling, almost as if he is stepping directly into a monster’s lair. You realize in this moment just how intimidating Hanji is in everyone else’s perspective but your own and you can’t help but smile. You nod and gesture your head towards their desk, placing your index finger in front of your lips.
“I-it’s from… Instructor S-Shadis,” he says in the quietest of whispers, but you could already tell. Keith Shadis’ ugly handwriting was something you could identify from a mile away if you had to, “r-reports about… T-the ranking c-ceremony.”
“Thank you,” you mouth the words softly, your fingers moving on Hanji’s hair. They look so small and calm, almost like a harmless kitten, a direct contrast to the authoritative figure that can command an entire room with just a single look in their eye.
The boy nods, his trembling legs making their way towards the wooden table and carefully placing the new stack of paper next to the old ones, trying his best to make sure it is neatly organized while desperately avoiding eye contact with you. He does a quick salute towards you before eagerly exiting the room and you can nearly hear his breath of relief once he is out of sight, outside the closed doors.
You shake your head before looking down at Hanji once more to see a smile on their face. You roll your eyes, “how long have you been awake for?”
The smile on their face grows bigger, their eyes opening slowly to look at you, still a blurry image from the lack of their glasses but still enough for their heart to beat slightly faster, “since the first knock.” Of course, you think to yourself, “How long was I asleep for?”
You look at the clock, and a part of you wants to lie, say it’s only been thirty minutes or so but when you look out the window, you realize the sun has already started to set, making it impossible for such a thing to be even remotely believable. You sigh again.
“Around three hours…” You respond in a sheepish voice, avoiding their gaze. Immediately, Hanji sits up, placing their glasses above the bridge of their nose and looking at the clock on the wall. Once they look back at you, you can see the slightly irritated expression on their face and you feel like you could just shrink and disappear under such a harsh gaze.
“y/n, you promised!” They blur out and you can tell it isn’t anger or irritation… It’s an intense pile of anxiety, hidden behind the harsh facade they attempt to put up. They’re scared that something went wrong in the period they have been sleeping, like the Survey Corps might have fallen apart and they were doing something so useless such as taking a nap. A single thought is going through their mind, those words they have been chanting like a mantra since the fateful day in Shiganshina.
Erwin Would Never.
You stand up a mere second after them, watching closely as their hands grip the edges of the desk and their head hangs low, hips tilted forward in a desperate attempt to hold themselves upright. It breaks your heart to see them like this and, no matter how much you agree with Erwin that Hanji should be the next Commander, you can’t forgive him for leaving such a massive responsibility on their shoulders.
So your arms wrap around their waist, your cheek finding a perfect spot in the area between their shoulder blades. You nuzzle your face against their vest, nearly purring as you do. The smell of Hanji’s skin, mixed with a little bit of sweat as a result of their nap awakens the butterflies in your stomach and the only thing able to bring you out of your thoughts is the broken sound of their voice.
“How long were you going to let me sleep for?” They whisper, a hint of desperation behind their tone and you notice they are shaking. You tighten your grip around them.
“For as long as you needed,” you respond and, at the sound of their quiet sob, your heart shatters. “You haven’t been eating or sleeping, you are drinking in the middle of the day and, well, you are pulling away from me.”
With a long sigh, they turn around, a defeated expression on their face, “Y/n, I’m a mess. I’ve always been a mess. I’m always overthinking things, I’m mean, I’m stubborn, please. I need to catch up on my work, it’s so much paperwork and it just keeps piling up…”
“Hanji, you’re spiraling,” you whisper, fingertips almost featherlike as they brush against their arm. You hope and pray and nearly fall to your knees begging that they will listen to your voice, that they will give you time to make your case and prove that they are so much more than anything they are thinking, but they continue.
“Erwin’s one mistake was making someone like me the commander,” they whisper in the most defeated tone you have ever heard. It’s like something in your mind snaps and you immediately grab a hold of their wrist, flipping them around before pressing your body against theirs on the table.
“Now you listen to me and you listen good,” your voice is stern in a way Hanji had never heard before, it’s filled with pain, heartache, and still so much love, “Erwin wouldn’t have made you Commander if he didn’t think you would be a perfect choice. And I agree.”
Hanji wants to protest, they want to contradict you but the desperate look in your eyes convinces them to remain silent. Instead, they focus all of their attention on your words, into the amount of effort it takes you not to break into tears as you listen to their self-deprecating words, the doubt in their mind. They focus on the way your lips move and how desperately they want to kiss you.
“You are the reason why we were able to eradicate titans outside the wall, you created the thunder spears that were enough to scare off the armored titan,” you continue, the trembling in your hands is so intense you can barely contain your grip on them but you don’t let go nevertheless, “Moblit sacrificed himself for you because he believed you could guide us towards the world outside the walls. Erwin entrusted the Survey Corps to you because you are the most brilliant person any of us has ever seen. Please, just… Tell me you at least believe me.”
They don’t respond, not because they don’t want to, but because their voice won’t come out. It’s as if their brain has lost connection with their vocal chords and all they can focus on is the tears that threaten to fall from your eyes. 
So in one swift move, Hanji grabs a hold of your wrist and immediately switches places with you. You can’t help but yelp quietly, especially when you feel their hands grasping at the back of your thighs as they lift you. Your hands reach behind you, carefully assessing the area while trying not to mix any of their paperwork, but Hanji doesn’t have a single care in the world that isn’t you at this moment.
Their eyes hungrily stare at your lips and, with a silent nod of their head, you push away all the papers that were once so neatly organized on their desk. Once you are sitting down and your legs wrap around their waist, Hanji wastes no time in sealing their lips with yours, a delighted hum escaping your body once they do.
You wrap your arms around their neck, allowing your fingers to venture through the messy strands of their hair. Their fingers dig into your hips, strong enough to nearly leave a few bruises but neither of you care, the need you have for each other overwhelms any and every other one of your senses.
Their tongue slowly glides on your lower lip before they gently take it in between their teeth, pulling the skin towards them. After a few seconds, they let go and immediately begin to silently beg for entrance, using the tip of their tongue to nudge your lips apart and it doesn’t take you long to indulge.
They pull you closer to themselves, your bodies pressed together without a single inch of free space as they hold you, nearly afraid that you might disappear the second they loosen their grip. It’s the first time you have kissed in what feels like forever, even if it has been just a few weeks.
You can’t help but focus on the taste of whiskey in their mouth, it’s completely different from anything ever made inside the Walls. It nearly tastes “expensive”, for the lack of a better word. It’s been hours since they have last taken a sip and the flavor is still so vivid on their tongue. So much so that it nearly burns once your saliva begins mixing.
It’s only when the need for air becomes unbearable that the two of you pull away, a small string of saliva connecting your bodies. You run your tongue over your lip, breaking that connection and still getting one last taste of them. The sight causes a shiver to run down Hanji’s spine and they smile, gently placing their forehead against yours.
“I needed that,” they whisper, a smile stamped across their face and you nod, “I’m sorry for pushing you away, I’m just… Having a lot of big feelings that I couldn’t express but I have you now.”
“It’s okay, just don’t forget that I am here for and with you, okay?” You whisper back in a love-filled voice and they smile once more, nodding their head as their grip around you tightens ever so slightly, “You still taste like home.”
“Yeah? And what does that taste like?” They chuckle, nuzzling their nose against yours, enough that you can feel their glasses against your face.
“Like expensive whiskey,” you respond and Hanji laughs, the sound you’ve missed most these past few weeks and you are reminded yet again that home is whatever, wherever and whenever you are with them. No matter what.
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091400 · 2 months
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PAIRING: han jisung x fem!reader.
CONTAINS: 18+, afab!reader, exhibitionism, voyeurism, perv!jisung, masturbation, inappropriate behavior, ji being a creep in public spaces, starts non-consensual and ends being consensual by both parties.
AUTHORS NOTE: hey! this is a repost of an old work of mine from 2022! i fixed a few mistakes so here it is! let me know what you think :) please read the warnings above this paragraph! you're in charge of your own internet experience <3
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It was almost time for the train to arrive at the station, he checked his phone impatiently, he had some 3Racha business to attend in the big city so he got up from his bed too early for his liking, grumbling his way out of the apartment. He had recently bought some brand new headphones with noise cancellation, so they were perfect for his one hour train ride, hoping the fucking train wasn’t that full that early in the morning.
He was still half asleep when the train arrived, jumped in and took off to go to the second floor of the train. It was empty, thank god, he smiled to himself. It was almost eight stations to his final destination so he relaxed in his selected seat and put some music on.
The train stopped in the first two stations and people got on, Jisung was seated on the window seat, he had one free seat beside him and two in front. People started going up to the second floor and he sighed, goodbye privacy.
You appeared from the stairs, making your way towards the free seats in front of Jisung, making him gulp hard, his hands tightening against the soft fabric of his hoodie.
He thought he had his urges under control, but the way you were sitting with your legs crossed, and your skirt slowly riling up your legs, his sight was glued to your upper thighs.
He felt himself growing hard, and he tried fixing his bulge by slowly moving his legs to make some space but it was not complying at all. He looked at you again but you weren’t paying attention to him, not that he deserved it. You were just looking at your phone, typing at lighting speed, probably texting someone prettier than him and someone who was not staring at your legs and chest right now.
Jisung was deep in thought, thinking how pretty you would look sucking his cock right now, in front of everyone else on the train. You could probably take him all in your mouth (not that he was small, mind you) and make him come fast and hard just as he liked it. Or maybe he could fuck you in front of everyone and make you his, marking every part of your body with his mouth, leaving bite marks and hand imprints on your soft body.
Perhaps he could eat you out on the disgusting train seats, and make you come only with his tongue and fingers, you would scream his name and make everyone look at you two, causing an scene worthy of calling the authorities.
He was leaking, all his thoughts making his brain fuzzy as he felt his thigh getting wet, pulling him away from the best kind of thought he could have in his pathetic life. He subtly looked down at his jeans, the wet spot growing bigger with each second that passed.
He covered the spot with his hand, his gaze back at you again just to see you with your eyes closed and headphones in place. Maybe he could get away with it if you weren’t looking? He quickly scanned his surroundings to see if anyone was sitting near him, but he realized the two seats that were occupied fifteen minutes before in the other side, parallel to his seat row, were now empty.
Jisung breathed deeply, thinking hard about the thing he was about to do, but he couldn’t help himself, he just needed a release soon. It started with his hand slowly rocking on his bulge, looking like he was caressing it, he laughed softly at the thought of that. He felt like a teenager again, rocking his hips up to meet his palm and add more pressure.
He shakily sighed, his hand on top of his jeans not being good enough. Maybe if he could slide them off a little bit, and if you could spread your legs a little more for him, that would be great.
If God was hearing his thoughts, Jisung was grateful as fuck because you uncrossed your legs opening them a little, your white panties making their appearance for him. Your face looked relaxed, your eyes were still closed and your head leaning against the window.
Jisung’s face went red, not doubting this chance, his hand instantly rubbing his bulge on top of the jeans harder.
Quickly, he opened the zip of his pants, as he did his best to slide his boxers a little downwards to free his erection and maintain the jeans in the same place. At this point he couldn’t care less if someone was watching him jerk off to your figure sleeping, but he tried still to be careful, sitting in a way his thigh was covering his cock, so he was hidden between his leg and the window.
He started slow, spitting in his hand silently and grabbing his now very hard cock. He tried his best to not make any kind of sound, slowly jerking himself off, his eyes traveling from your chest to your panties, imagining what he could do to you if you allowed him to touch you.
What he didn’t expect was your eyes opening, looking directly at his cock.
Jisung also didn’t expect your devilish smirk.
He stopped abruptly, his brain hadn’t processed he fact that he got caught with his dick in his hand when you opened your legs further, his eyes instantly going to the wet spot in your panties.
Was Jisung having an hallucination?
“Go on.” Your voice was soft, and he was not stopping now.
You quickly observed your surroundings, Jisung’s eyes wide open while you did it. When you were sure no one was watching you both, you lifted your hips slightly and took your panties off, your underwear in your hand.
Jisung was completely speechless, he couldn’t believe this was happening to him after being the creepiest guy ever, his luck in life ended here. Your smile caught him off guard, because you threw your panties towards him and they fell on top of Jisung’s hand, that was still wrapped around his cock.
“You can use them if you want.” He straight up whimpered at that.
He didn’t waste any time and wrapped the fabric around his cock, and the combination of his leaking cock and some of your fluids made him shiver, jerking off with them.
He was close, you knew that by the way he whimpered with each movement of his hand, getting erratic at the point of making you laugh softly at him.
Jisung’s eyes were rolling back at this point, he only wanted one more thing, but he was afraid to ask you. He kept touching himself with your panties now wet from his leaking cock. But he made sure to look at your eyes, that weren’t looking back at him.
You were staring at his cock.
He felt himself blush at this, how embarrassing of him, getting caught with his dick in hand (hm?) and you encouraging this behavior giving him your underwear. How could you do this to him? Maybe you were a mind reader because the next thing Jisung noticed was your legs spreading further, showing your cunt in all its glory.
Jisung came in your panties at the sight of your pussy with a low moan, spurts of cum ruining the fabric of your underwear. He felt like he was ascending through heaven and being dropped back to earth with a thud as you spoke to him.
“You can keep them, I’ll be going now,” You hummed, grabbing your belongings and fixing your skirt as you gave him one last look, “Lucky for you that you’re cute, don’t you ever do this again.”
091400 © do not copy / plagiarize / repost or translate my work on any other platforms.
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hangesfavles · 5 months
Nerd Hange headcanons
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4.1k words. AFAB NB loser! hange x bimbo (ish)! fem reader. <3
Summary: Hange is more of a socially inept lesbian redditor gamer nerd rather than a normal ‘i’m smart’ dweeb :). These are general hcs of how you met loser/streamer Hange, things they like and relationship dynamics including you secretly eating them out on stream. <3
A/N: this is my first ever attempt at nsfw so i’m sorry if it’s bad or nondescript! also i know both of my fics so far have been for afab reader, but going forward i plan to write for a genny nootch reader just because i find it to be inclusive to wider groups of hange lovers <3 lol and last time i posted i said i never wrote fanfiction before but that was a tiny fib because i wrote shitty dumpster fire fanfics in middle school, but i’ve /srsly never tried my hand at nsfw before, but i guess there's a first for everything. pls critique me if u have any thoughts but be nice i’m sensitive. also shoutout to @abbyslev for helping me brainstorm <3 if ur reading my fanfics u probably already do, but pleaaaase follow her if u dont she’s lovely!!!! :3
Warnings: Nsfw content under my 2nd divider, sort of exhibitionism and masturbation. Not all of this is nsfw, but I’d still like for MINORS TO DNI. However, I know that you guys like to ignore those warnings, so I bolded the nsfw sections. At the very least, please don’t read the bolded hcs. Thank you & enjoy reading!
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❥Loser! Hange who is in the same math course as you. When you walk in on the first day, you’re drawn to them, but not for the reasons you’d initially think. You were almost positive that they would be a decent person to cheat off of. I mean, they seem to look like they know what they’re doing, right?
❥Loser! Hange that can hear their pulse in their ears when they see a pretty girl take the spot beside them. They feel their heart rattling around in their chest as they sneak glances at you whenever they get the chance.
❥Loser! Hange quickly figures out the reason why you decided to sit next to them, rather than the other isolated chairs inside the lecture hall. But don’t worry, of course they’ll let you cheat off of them. Unfortunately, their performance starts to dip a little when they realize what you’re doing. They’re frequently under your gaze, and they can’t help it that you make them nervous :c 
❥Loser! Hange that is unaware that your eyes aren’t only looking down at their answers. One class when you were copying off of them, you started noticing the way their fingers hold their pencil. How slender their digits are, that their nails are surprisingly short, neat and cleaner than expected. You also started to notice how their veins protrude slightly and move up their arm... You feel yourself biting your lip as you observe their side profile. Their cheeks look soft and pink, similarly to their kissable lips. Your eyes continue to trail over their face: their thin, ovular glasses are slightly pushed down on their hooked nose, and their long eyelashes flutter as they continue to take notes beside you.
❥Loser! Hange can’t not listen to you getting called out by the professor when they notice you copying off of your seatmates’ assignments and notes. It was rather embarrassing, but you’re just happy the professor didn’t catch you cheating on an exam and risking academic misconduct.
❥Loser! Hange nudges your arm lightly after that incident, their voice low so you both don’t get caught by the professor. "Hey, um... I've noticed you've been using my notes and uh... answers. Do you need any help with the material? I mean, like, we could study together or something! If you want." They ask you with an excitement in their eyes and voice.
❥Loser! Hange can’t even feel proud of the fact they managed to talk to you because they barely even got that sentence out, and they couldn’t look you in the eye for more than 2 seconds. But it seems like all that is forgotten when you actually agree to meet up with them. They feel a rush of giddiness, but they try not to make a fool of themself in front of you. “Right! Yeah, so here’s my number... We can plan something, er- sometime.” They write their number down, sliding you the ripped end of their notebook page.
❥Loser! Hange who feels their heart in their throat as they lead you into their bedroom. The study session started off a bit rocky and awkwardly, but the tension in the air decreased as time continued on. As much as you would like to actually learn this material to earn good grades, you find yourself wanting to earn their attention much, much more. I mean, you obviously wore your lowest cut shirt and a pleated skirt for a reason. You look up at them, calling out for them. “Hey, Hange?” You ask, smiling as their head shoots up from their notes. “Can you explain this question to me?” You ask quietly, turning around your notebook to face them. You lean closer to them, purposely displaying your breasts for them to (hopefully) ogle.
❥Loser! Hange who starts to feel like they’re being tested by a higher power. They have to physically stop themself from glancing down and making a fool of themself. They try their best to focus on explaining the math problem to you as you watch their every movement like a hawk. You notice their eyes fall on your chest for a split second, and you pounce on your opportunity to tease them further. You reach up to their face, flicking their nose up so they’re forced to look at you. “My eyes are up here, silly.” “I- Uh- Sorry, just-” Hange trips over their words as they try to formulate a cohesive sentence on the spot. “Don’t worry about it, I’m just teasin’. It’s not so bad to be stared at if it's you.” You say with a playful wink.
❥Loser! Hange folds immediately. “O-Oh... Me? Really?” They ask, their eyes widening and pupils dilating. You can’t help but chuckle at their disbelief and nod your head in confirmation. “Yes, you. Is there anybody else in the room with us?” You joke. They stumble over their words as they think of a response. “W-Well, no, there isn’t, but- y’know- I didn’t think you-” They stutter, pushing the notebook aside and gesturing their hands between the two of you. They feel their cheeks growing warmer from embarrassment as they struggle to coherently voice their jumbled thoughts. “You know, you should at least take me to dinner before looking at me like that.” 
❥Loser! Hange doesn’t need to be told twice. They grab your hand with a cheesy smile, practically dragging you to their car while suggesting all sorts of restaurants that you might agree to. “Is there a certain restaurant you had in mind? We can try something totally different, like a little hole-in-the-wall joint. Ooh, but picture this: hibachi. The whole watching people cook in front of me thing usually makes me feel awkward but the food is always soooo good. Oh, or maybe we could go to a steakhouse! No matter what you choose, I’ll be fine with whatever! What do you think?" GOD they are just so excited and you find it utterly adorable. They remained true to their word and took you to whichever place you decided and paid for both of your meals. (They would have done this even if you didn’t joke about it bless their heart.) But then that first date turned into 2 dates, which quickly became 3, 4, 5, then suddenly you both forgot because anything the two of you do together is a date in your minds.
❥Loser! Hange definitely asks you out after only the second date. But in their defense, you’ve been hanging out after class as well as coming over to their house for “study sessions” that alway turned into watching tv or movies, ordering ubereats, going to the movies, walking around their neighborhood, anything but studying. You even took them to a party once. (You guys left after a half hour because Hange got overwhelmed, but you were still happy they tried something for you.) So by the time you guys went on your second “official date” they definitely felt confident that you would say yes.
❥Loser! Hange who loves talking to you about whatever game they’re playing. If it’s a story game, they’d love to explain anything you missed or don’t understand. They also would voice their predictions about how the game will end or where the story will go. If they see something predictable, they’ll definitely tell you what they think will happen, trying to impress you so when/if it does they’ll look “cool” to you. In reality though, you just find them to be geeky in the most endearing way. “Look, there’s a bunch of ammo in this room. If there’s a boss behind this door, you have to give me a kiss.” They say to you with a sly grin on their face. If it’s a PVP game, they will explain everything about what skills and powers each character has and who their favorite to play is. They’ll talk about what they like and dislike about the different mechanics, their favorite characters, parts they find tricky, etc. And of course, you sit there with a dopey smile while you listen to their rambling without interrupting, even if you don’t understand a word of what they’re saying because they’re just too cute when they’re passionately rambling. 
❥Loser! Hange who loves inviting you over, even if you two are doing absolutely nothing. They adore when you watch them play all sorts of video games. If they’re playing a console game, Hange lays next to you with your head against their shoulder, your arm splaying across their stomach while your hand rests around their waist. You tend to get pretty invested if the game is story based, insisting that they can’t play it without you around to watch the next part of the story unfold. If they’re playing a PC game, you’re sitting in their lap with a skirt that does absolutely nothing to cover your body once you’re seated on top of them. You prefer to face away from them, occasionally squirming in their lap so they can feel your ass pressed against their thighs and stomach. However, you do occasionally enjoy facing them, your arms wrapped around their shoulders as your legs hang off of their gaming chair at either side of their body.
❥Loser! Hange who also loves when you’re sitting in their lap, even if they struggle to focus on the game in front of them when your warm body is pressed against their own. It doesn’t help that they can smell the perfume coming from your neck, tempting them to lean in and kiss you there.
❥Loser! Hange that can’t resist the urge to rest their hands on your thighs during a cutscene, between rounds, during any sort of loading screen or when they’re respawning. They’ll use your thighs to push your ass back and closer to their body. 
❥Loser! Hange kisses your neck from behind, causing you to tilt your head and expose more of your neck for them to kiss. You let out a chuckle at how you effortlessly turned them on just by sitting on their lap and looking pretty.
❥Let’s just say... Loser! Hange finds the opportunity to quit or pause the game as soon as they can. When they eventually return to whatever game they were playing, they find it much easier to focus after you’re both satisfied. ♡
❥Loser! Hange who is also a small streamer! They probably get a few hundred people to watch them game each stream. They may not have a huge community, but their fans are consistent, funny, and always welcoming to new viewers! It’s a comforting little community. Because of this, Hange responds to their chat quite a bit and they’ve made quite a few friends with their mods and regular viewers.
❥Loser! Hange had to explain to you what streaming was. They decided that they would show you what it's like by doing a short stream while you silently watch them game and listen to them talk with their viewers.
❥Loser! Hange never technically introduced you to their fans. Not because they didn’t want to, they just knew that the internet wasn’t always kind, even if their fans are 99% supportive. They wouldn’t mention it much, but they are a little insecure about themself. They know that they treat you like an absolute princess, and they know that you adore them, that’s not the problem. The problem is that they don’t know if they’ll ever feel deserving of you. 
❥Loser! Hange only mentions this to you at late hours of the night when they feel vulnerable and slightly sleepy. You spend countless late nights at sleepovers holding them in your arms and reassuring them just how attractive you find them and that no one has treated you better. They start to feel reassured more once you mention to them that you don’t feel deserving of the endless love they give or of the many ways they spoil you.
anyway back to streamer hcs
❥Loser! Hange didn’t expect you to surprise them one day in their room with their favorite takeout in the middle of a stream. You didn’t know that they were streaming and you wanted to sneak up on them and scare them >:). You slip into their room as quietly as possible, slowly tiptoeing to their form slouched over their desk. Because of the slight delay of their videocam to their viewers, Hange doesn’t get the chance to read all of the different messages of the chatters who spotted your presence and are questioning about it. You silently place the bag of food on the floor, wrapping your arms around their shoulders and kissing their cheek roughly. 
❥Loser! Hange practically jumps out of their chair, yelping from the shock. They realize that it’s you pretty quickly, because no one else would hold or kiss them like that. They pause their game, swiveling around to face you with a wide smile. “Hi, baby!! What are you doin’ here?”
❥Loser! Hange immediately forgets the world around them, forgetting they’re literally live as they try to grab at your hips while they talk to you. “Mmmm,” You hum and giggle. “I just wanted to surprise you. It’s been a few days, I missed you.” You mumble before stepping back so that their hands disconnect from your waist. “Let me get some plates and napkins real quick.” You tell them before you leave the room again.
❥Loser! Hange remembers that they’re streaming, facing their viewers again to read what they missed from chat. “Chat, what do you mean ‘how did you bag a baddie?’” They say, reading some of the messages out loud. “‘How come Hange can get a girlfriend and I can’t? Life isn’t fair-’ WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?” They cut themself off, their jaw dropping a little from the comments they read. The chat starts to go crazy after seeing you. Most of the messages are asking who you are, if Hange is dating you, or simply encouraging Hange to stream with you sometime officially. But of course, it’s much easier to take note of bad comments people say rather than nice ones.
❥Loser! Hange pouts when you return with plates in hand, ignoring their chat again in the blink of an eye. "I'm charming, right? and cute?” They look up at you with puppy eyes as you stand in front of them. “I'm desirable." They say those words like a statement, but it sounds like they’re trying to convince themself rather than state a fact. You hear the insecurities dripping from their tone. You promptly climb into their lap, placing a tender kiss to their cheek while your hand cups the opposite one. You progressively start kissing all over their face, and they close their eyes, giggling and getting lost in the moment. When you eventually begin moving down their neck, their eyes snap open as they remember the audience. "AAAAHHHH, I'M LIVE, I'M LIVE!" They warn you frantically, suddenly remembering again why they were a bit insecure in the first place. This causes you to jump a bit from their yelling. They swivel their chair around to face the monitor, looking at it from over your shoulder. "S-Sorry chat, ending stream a bit early today..." They say quickly, turning off their game and switching tabs to end their video. You chuckle, turning to face their camera. "Oops." you say only a few seconds before they end their stream. 
❥Loser! Hange decides that they might as well officially introduce you after that incident, since they know they’ll be getting teased for it for the next few streams.
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❥Loser! Hange never thought that they would be in this situation with anyone, no less you. This exact scenario had been nothing but a fantasy in the corners of their mind. A fantasy that would fog up their mind in the late hours of the night, prompting them to slip their fingers under their boxers and lightly circle their clit with their fingertips, eventually slipping them inside of their warm body. Their back would arch up off of the bed, trying their best to picture that their own fingers were instead yours.
❥Loser! Hange that noticed a sort of glint in your eyes when they asked if it was okay to stream while the two of you were still hanging out. They hadn’t been active in the past handful of days because they’ve been spending all their time with you. They just can’t deny you, especially when you both want to spend all your time with the other.
❥Loser! Hange who has to resist the urge to drool as you carefully and quietly crawl under their desk, looking up at them through your long, mascara coated eyelashes as your knees hit the slightly dusty floor... 
❥You aren’t sure what came over you, but when you were watching them put their headphones on and start welcoming people into their stream, you missed the attention being on you. So decided to tease and torture them and force them to give you attention still. 
❥Loser! Hange is forced to pretend you aren’t under their desk and spreading their thighs and pulling down their boxers while giving them that signature sultry smile with your matching lustful look in your eye. You bite your lip as you part their legs, moving in closer to their folds. They can feel your hot breath on their legs as you kiss, lick, and bite the plush skin of their inner thighs. For a few moments, you feel their hand rest on top of your head and stroke your hair approvingly as you start to rile them up. They can feel their face heating up a little, but if anyone in chat mentions it they just explain that their AC isn’t working properly. Even from just your breath and kisses teasing their thighs, they can feel themself getting wet, the stickiness spreading around their groin.
❥Loser! Hange melts under your touches, but they quickly become needy and desperate for more. Their resolve is always weak when it comes to you, and your teasing will be the death of them. They’re trying so hard not to whine and plead because they have to act normal and play their game. Even when your tongue finally reaches out to meet their pussy, you keep teasing them. You give them as little as you possibly can, spreading their folds with the tip of your tongue, only occasionally flicking up to their clit. You also kiss their puffy pussy lips and their clit, showing how much you love them while simultaneously subjecting them to such sweet torture. When they feel your tongue finally giving them what they wanted, their legs start to twitch slightly from the stimulation. They try their best to regulate their breathing so nothing seems out of the ordinary.
❥Loser! Hange doesn’t know how to act when your mouth starts to move faster and faster between their legs. They’ve stopped looking at their chat entirely, just trying to focus on playing the game somewhat coherently and occasionally talking about it or making a random comment without stuttering or sighing from pleasure.
❥Loser! Hange’s pussy is dripping onto their chair from all of your teasing. The combination of your tongue and their pussy makes an audible squelch as you suck, kiss, and lick up their slit and their hips move slightly, trying to keep up with the rhythm of your tongue. At this point, they’re starting to feel the knot in their stomach tighten, and they’re struggling to hold back their sounds. “Chat, I’ve gotta use the bathroom real quick-” They say, closing their webcam and muting their mic as fast as their fingers let them.
❥Loser! Hange’s hand finds its way back to your head, grabbing a fistful of your hair and pushing you as close to them as biology allows. Their head falls back as they let out a shaky moan. “Ahhh.. F-Fuckk... Please, please more.” They whine, encouraging you to eat them out without fear. You can both feel how their pussy throbs with desire for attention. They’ve been impatiently craving this, so they plan to take full advantage of the fact you’re right where they want you. You pick up the pace, sloppily making out with their pussy and sucking their labia between your lips. They toss one of their legs up onto your shoulder, allowing you more access to them as the knot in their core is almost ready to release. You look up into their eyes, slurping up their juices. The way you look up at them with devotion makes them feel even better due to how much desire is in your expression, adding another layer of eroticism for them from your enjoyment.
❥Loser! Hange feels the tension in their lower stomach releasing. They sigh and moan out into the air lightly as they feel white hot pleasure take their entire mind and body. They arch themself off the chair, trying to meet your mouth even more than already possible. Their body grinds against your tongue as they shiver from the intensity of their orgasm.
❥Immediately after their orgasm subsides, loser! Hange pulls your head up by your hair, kissing you deeply and not caring that they can taste their sticky cum on your plump lips. Their free hand slides down to the back of your thigh, guiding your body to sit on their lap. Their hands are protective and possessive while you make out. They are such a softie, always wanting to cuddle, hug, and kiss after sex. They love you so much and need to let it show, it’s like a warm blanket of warmth and affection covers their heart. They see the world with rose colored glasses for an hour or two after you make them cum, honestly. 
❥Loser! Hange holds you for a little while, their face nuzzled against your neck as they whisper sweet nothings to you. They’ll pepper your neck, collarbones, and face with kisses while telling you how good you made them feel. “I- love- you- so- much- sweet- heart- thank- you-” They’d say between pecks to your skin, causing you to giggle from the slight tickle of their lips moving around your upper body. They only stop their barrage of kisses when you start to push at their shoulders playfully, begging them to stop. “I love youuuu!” They say in a drawn out tone, giving your body a tight squeeze. “But duty calls, so we'll have to continue this later. Don't worry, I'll be thinking about you the whole time!"
❥Loser! Hange loves aftercare, giving and receiving, basically. They’re happy as long as you’re physically close to them <//3.
❥Loser! Hange also used to have inappropriate thoughts about you before you two were officially dating. They knew it was a bit weird to do so without you having any knowledge of it, but they couldn’t help themself. The two of you had exchanged Instagrams after your very first study session and since then, they can’t help but fuck their fingers to your posts. They try to refrain from doing so each time; they attempt to scroll past your stories as if the sight of your face hadn’t already turned them on. Each time it always ends the same, inevitably retyping your name in the search bar to revisit the photo. At this point it had to be some sort of conditioning, the way their body would react to you like clockwork. But they still feel so embarrassed to be so obsessed with you simply because you gave them an ounce of attention.
❥Loser! Hange used to imagine you in all sorts of different positions for them. You name it, they’ve probably thought about it once or maybe even twice. Sometimes they would imagine you sitting on their face, other times they could imagine you under them as they would fuck their strap into you. When Hange feels extra desperate, they like to picture the ways you would take them, perhaps you would trap them against the bed, fingering their throbbing pussy while making out with them to ensure that they weren’t too loud. A favorite daydream of theirs surrounds the different types of faces you would make as they eat you out. They yearn to see how your eyes might look down at them, pleading for them to make you cum, or how they may be shut entirely, your lips parted to sigh out with pleasure from how good they’re making you feel. They’d wonder what kind of sounds you would make. Were you loud? Quiet? Shy? Breathy? Are you the type that moans, or are you the type that whimpers? These questions had plagued their mind until they finally had you for the first time after 4-5 dates. <3
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i miss hange rip hange you would’ve loved being the most nerdy loser dork the geek world ever saw.
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gimpyhair · 8 months
Stupid prompt/drabble to the universe:
Levi receives a report on his desk, signed Hange Zoe-Ackerman. He decides to confront Hange about it, banging on their door "Yo, four-eyes, what's the meaning of this!?".
Hange opens the door, kinda awkward, and responds "oh, I didn't mean for you to find out this way-" Levi sees a ring on their finger and is super confused (did he fucking married Hange without realizing it). Hange then happily screams "-but I'm your new aunty!❤️"
Kenny comes out of nowhere and fully kisses Hange on their lips. Levi is speechless, under shock, does not compute, error 404
Kenny gives Levi pocket money and tells smugly him to go buy an ice cream or something to "give the grown ups some alone time". Hange giggles in a very ooc way, then playfully smacks Kenny'ass
Levi immediately wakes up, screaming (a la Kakyoin screaming meme). Hange, who is laying on the same bed, is like "babe, what's wrong, titans again?". Hange is ready to go full comfort-mode like every classic levihan fanfiction. But Levi refuses to talk because of how fucking stupid that nightmare was.
224 notes · View notes
m-jelly · 4 months
hello :)) hope you're having a good day! I wanted to request a modern au of Hange x female reader, friends to lovers, maybe a drunk confession? and if it's okay, a spicy ending. thankss
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It was only a kiss
Hange x fem!reader
Modern AU, fem x fem, friends to lovers, mentions of drinking, kissing, confessions, slight smut, touching, becoming a couple.
While you and Hange are at a beach cabin party, you decide to go to a quiet spot and chat. While talking, the two of you get cosy, kiss, confess, and touch each other.
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The music was loud and the base had been turned up high. Lights flashed as people danced against each other and alcohol spilt all over the place. With a bottle in your hand of a mixed drink you'd made, you grabbed your best friend's hand and ran out of the house, past the pool and to the beach where it was quieter.
Hange stumbled as soon as her heels reached the sand. "Hey, buttercup, what's up?"
You huffed a bit. "Just so loud in there, I needed to get out." There was a reason behind your choice, mainly your feelings for Hange. "I was thinking we'd get a nice quiet spot." It was Mike's party and you were sure he wouldn't mind you dipping so you could confess. "What do you think?"
Her beautiful brown eyes looked around, her long lashes fluttering as she thought for a moment. A slight thought bubbled away in her head, she knew this was a great opportunity you were creating. "Yeah, let's go!" She gave your hand a gentle squeeze and was ready to take it further. "How about the beach house?"
You held up a key, something you'd borrowed from Mike two days ago but hadn't had the balls to take Hange there alone yet. "Great minds think alike."
A gentle hum came from Hange, she was excited at the thought of getting you alone and it helped she'd had a bit of liquid courage as well. "Fantastic." A smile graced her lips as she held your hand and walked with you to the beach house. "Nice night, huh?"
You hummed in response as your mind raced. The closer you got to the beach house the more nervous you were becoming. Normally you were so smooth and confident, but the thought of possibly being rejected by your best friend gripped your heart. "It's lovely."
Hange thought she'd press a bit. "We should go on holiday together, a nice beach holiday."
"That'd be perfect." You pushed the keys into the lock and shook a little. "We could go somewhere that lets us relax as well as learn a few things."
Hange ran her hand up your back, she tried to make it as affectionate as possible. "I love learning with you."
You pushed the door open and stumbled inside. "Me too." You turned to her. "You always make things exciting."
She closed the door behind her and felt a tingle go through her, you were incredibly beautiful to her. "I feel the same way about you."
You reached over to her, grabbed a fist full of her shirt and dragged her towards you as you walked backwards. "Hange?"
Her cheeks flushed red. "Yes?"
Your back bumped into a wall in the living room as you smiled up at your tall friend. "You have such pretty eyes."
"Thank you, yours are wonderful too." Hange looked down at her shirt. "You have a strong grip."
You gripped your bottle. "I'm in love with you."
She locked eyes with you as she dropped her bottle. "Sorry?"
"I'm in love with you." You released a long sigh and dropped your bottle. "I want to kiss you right now."
Hange leaned down and paused a moment. "I've been dying to kiss you for a while."
You tangled your fingers in her hair and kissed her passionately. You moaned as she gripped you tightly and yanked you against her body. The two of you moved your tongues together as you stumbled through the beach house together towards the bed. As you moved, you turned the two of you and pushed Hange onto the bed as you kissed her.
Hange panted when you released her lips. "I love you too." She moaned your name. "I've loved you for so long."
You straddled her and smiled. "Me too. I'm glad you feel the same."
She nodded. "Always."
You reached down and slowly unbuttoned her shirt. "Can I?"
Hange was excited beyond belief. "Yes."
You opened her shirt and admired her small breasts, she rarely wore a bra and you were a little envious because you always had to. You massaged her breasts and marvelled at her soft small peaks. "You are incredible."
She shivered under your touch as she softly moaned your name. "Your touch is perfect."
You leaned down and took a nipple into your mouth. You closed your eyes and sucked as your tongue moved over her sensitive skin. You opened your eyes and looked up at Hange. As your tongue moved against her your thumb flicked her other nipple. Her skin tasted so sweet from her body butter, she was just delicious to you.
Hange reached down and tangled her fingers in your hair. She softly called your name as her heart longed for you. "Come here."
You kissed up her body to her lips. "Mm, yes?"
She kissed you and mewled against your lips. "I want more kisses."
You smiled a little. "Who knew my girlfriend was a bit needy."
Hange caressed your cheek. "I just want your attention."
You ran your hand down her body and lightly touched the skin right above her underwear. "I'm all yours, darling." You pushed your hand into her trousers and ran your fingers up and down her wet panties. "Damn Hange, you been thinking dirty thoughts about me?"
"I have thought about having you sit on my face."
You hummed a laugh. "Mm, that does sound fun." You dragged your fingers up and then pushed down into her panties. "But for now I want to make you cum. I've thought about this so much."
Hange panted and mewled in delight as you ran your fingers up and down her wet lips. "Fuck."
You kissed her cheek and neck a little. You bit her neck and sucked hard as you started playing with her plump clit. You smiled against her neck when her moans vibrated against your lips, she sounded so delicious and perfect to you. You kissed along her jawline before capturing her lips and kissing her passionately.
Hange rolled her hips against your touch and felt a beautiful burning pleasure inside her, your touch was a dream. She gazed at you through her hooded eyes and only thought of one thing. "Let me touch you."
You shifted your body and parted your legs for her. "I'm all yours."
She pushed her hand under your skirt and into your panties and felt how aroused you were by her. She moved her fingers against you and felt pride in her when you moaned into the kiss and started rocking your hips. She pulled from your lips. "I want to fuck you with a strap-on."
You chuckled. "Not before me. Your delicious pussy is mine."
She shivered. "You're a feisty one."
You bit her lip. "That's why you love me, right?"
"Yes." She arched her back. "Fuck, I'm close. Are you?"
You placed your hand on hers and guided her. "Right there and a little faster." The pleasure in you increased. "That's it, just like that." You purred at her. "Hange."
Hange kissed you. "My name sounds good on your lips." She bucked against you. "A-Ah." She hummed in delight, clamped her legs and moaned your name as she came hard.
You smiled at her. "I think my name is better on your lips."
Hange threw her head back. "F-Fuck." She moaned as you kept moving your fingers against her. "Y-You."
You gasped as you felt a pop in you and pleasure burn through you. "Mm, shit Hange." You tapped your forehead against the bed as you shivered at your orgasm rushing through you. You dragged your fingers from her and rested your hand on her pelvis. "You're perfect."
Hange dragged her hand from you and sighed. "You too." She turned her head and gazed at you. "I still want to eat your pussy."
You laughed. "Give me a few moments and I'm all yours."
Hange giggled. "I love you."
You wrapped your arms around her and grabbed her wonderful and plump bum. You dragged her against you so your pelves were pressed. "I love you."
She smiled at you as she played with your hair. "You're so perfect."
"Thank you, you're a dream."
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silentcryracha · 1 year
❍ ‗ Golden Hour (H. Jisung) ‗ ❍
Pairings : Jisung x gn Reader
Genre/warnings : fluff and smut. (Unprotected sex, reader receives oral) No plot :) 18+ ONLY
Summary : You and Jisung enjoyed your day off in your own way <3
Word count : 1,5 K
A/n : I have absolutely no explanation or context for this. With this being said, enjoy and stay #h0rny
ps: Do NOT repost on other socials. Leave feedback if you feel like it, otherwise enjoy! ♡︎
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It was a day off for Jisung, a Sunday specifically, so you decided to enjoy the day to the fullest doing what you like most; chill together sprawled on the couch watching whatever you felt like that day.
You stayed up late the previous night so you allowed yourselves to sleep in the morning. Around noon you woke up, taking your sweet time, and just ate whatever leftover that was left in the fridge.
After that you moved to the couch and he turned on the tv, switching channels a little randomly to see in anything got his interest. one arm resting behind your head on the edge of the couch. You on the other hand cared little for focusing on something specific, so you got caught up scrolling through different social media.
About five minutes later Han huffed dramatically, waving a hand to his face, trying to get some air.
"It's so damn hot today, I'm all sweaty and disgusting" he complained, getting up from the couch and getting your attention.
"Where are you going?" you asked casually, looking up at him. He leaned down again to give you a quick kiss on the lips.
"To take a quick shower. I need to freshen up. It won't take long." he responded, already disappearing in the corridor towards the bathroom. You shouted out a " 'kay" and went back to your business, getting comfortably on your belly and taking up space on the couch.
Han's shower took about five minutes, plus all the hair drying and skin care after, around ten. He hummed softly to himself, deciding to stop by the kitchen to get you both some iced tea. When he came back, he stepped into the living room with a drink in each hand, gaining a smile from you.
"Thank you, baby" you said cutely, making him mirror your smile. He placed them down on the coffe table and plopped down on the couch again. You were still on your belly but now your legs were bent up, kind on carefully swaying around.
"Of course, baby. Thanks, for the air con." he thanked you in return, pointing up to the air conditioner that was now turned on. You hummed, sending him a flying kiss and making him chuckle.
He picked up the remote again, this time finding a live music program that he liked, increasing the volume a little. You turned your head, giving a quick glance to the tv and stretched out your arm to reach the glass of iced tea.
Jisung saw you struggling a little so he leaned in and gave it to you, laughing softly at your pout. You grabbed it from his hand and thanked him in a purposefully cutesy voice, lowkey eyeing him up and down.
"I really do have the sweetest and hottest boyfriend." your words made him smirk a little, shifting the attention from the tv back to you. He looked at you smugly, raising an eyebrow jokingly.
"The hottest boyfriend? Tell me more." you laughed, laying your legs back down to rest on his lap. His hand immediately going to rub your thigh gently.
"Of course! Look at those strong arms in that sleeveless t shirt, or the luscious hair, or that handsome face. The nerdy glasses are just ten extra points." you winked, giving him your best bedroom eyes.
He laughed again, slapping your ass teasingly, but without putting force into it. That made you yelp and laugh at the same time, squirming slightly on him.
"Well, thank you. This boyfriend here is also very lucky, by the way." he responded, his smile still big and smug on his face. You stretched your torso and arm to put the iced tea back on the table before replying.
"Ah, really? And what do you like about me?" you asked, humor in your voice. He suddenly shifted on the couch so that he was kneeling behind you, now both his hands were sliding up and down the side of your legs and hips, almost like a massage.
"Of course your ass, what else" he said it like it was obvious but it's clear that he wanted to tease you. He laughed when your mouth went agape in an overdramatic way, reaching out to give one of his hands a slap.
"You horny bastard" you shook you head, feigning disappointment. Jisung chuckled again, straddling you by putting his knees at each side of your lower body. He then leaned in, his head closer to yours.
"For my beautiful, smart, kind, hot, special baby? Always." the cheesiness made you giggle and hide your face on the couch pillow in front of you. He nuzzled his face into your hair, chuckling with you.
"Ah, you know that you don't get to be all romantic and shit without having payback" he started to leave small gentle kisses on the side of your face, jaw and neck. This elicited a soft sight from you, understanding the mood change.
So you decided to tilt you head to the side, giving him more access. He took the chance and started to slide his hand under your t shirt to touch your naked skin. In return you slowly started to sway your hips, rubbing your butt on his crotch.
He let out a small moan at the action and continued his ministrations, touching your waist, stomach, and then teasing one of your nipples with his fingers. Your breathing started to get a little deeper, and his too.
Quickly enough you managed to turn yourself enough to capture his lips in a lazy, deep kiss. After a couple of seconds though you stopped to take his glasses off and place them on the table nearby, to then go back to his mouth.
At this point you were groping and making out like two horny teenagers but you didn't really care. After some minutes Jisung was fully hard, so he decided to take the action to the next level, detaching himself from you and standing on his knees again.
You were looking back at him with hungry eyes and a glossy, slightly swollen mouth from all the kissing. Without a word he gently slid down both your pants and underwear in one go up to below your knees. You gulped, breathing heavily when he straight up placed his face between your legs and started licking you.
Your back automatically arched, basically pushing yourself onto his face more, making him moan. One of his hands grabbed one of your ass cheeks and the other went inside his own pants to touch himself.
You wanted to reciprocate, or at least touch him too, but when you tried to move he groaned, tightening his grip on your side to keep you still, making you gasp.
"My God, Ji..." you said breathlessly, buying your face in the pillow, gripping it tightly with your hands. He just hummed against you, and kept eating you out like a man starved.
"Pl- ah, Jisung I want to touch you, please" you pleaded. He finally detached himself from you, sliding his own pants and underwear down. Then leaned back with his face next to yours, hovering over you and stroking himself.
"I want to be inside you right now, Is it okay?" he murmured, his own voice dripping with arousal. You nodded quickly, managing to get out a 'yes please'.
Jisung stood back up behind you, wetting the palm of his hand with his spit before making sure that you were ready to take him. After a couple of seconds you felt the tip of his cock touch you, but he played around for a bit before actually entering you slowly.
You both dragged out a long moan, as he stilled inside you. He waited for your sign to move, and you did that by moving your hips around, making him groan. He gripped your waist with one hand, while the other rested on your lower back, pushing you down even further.
His thrusts increased in speed gradually, and after a while you were just both moaning and gasping frenetically. You clenched around him after a particularly deep stroke, making him borderline choke on his spit. That made you involuntarily laugh and you felt his hand squeeze your side for a moment to admonish you.
"Stop that or I'll come quickly than I'd like" he joked, his voice breathless. You smiled mischievously, following his movements with your body, as if to encourage him.
"Do it, come for me" you breathed out. The hand that was previously on your back slid to your front and started to touch you, speeding up your own impending orgasm.
"You first" he replied, his voice deep. The combination of his cock and his hands on you quickly made you reach your release, moaning his name and clenching around him, again.
That definitely did it for him, as he gave another couple of deep and fast strokes and then groaned, coming inside you. He stilled for a couple of seconds before sliding out, a deep sigh leaving both of your lips.
He laid on you, pressing his chest to your back, but still somewhat keeping some off his weight off by supporting himself with his arms. His face buried in your shoulder, and your own hand coming up to stroke his hair with your fingertips to soothe him.
"I'm sweaty again" his defeated tone made you chuckle, your fingers lightly scratching his head lovingly.
"We can take another shower. In a few hours."
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daylesspax · 5 months
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So… I made a thing. Say hi to my little hoodie-Megs “doodles”!
These are based off of my Megatron holoform design for Attack on Prime!
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scoupsofjisung · 5 months
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˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ change is inedible, according to han jisung
also known as: episode 2 of: i find a funny incorrect quote and make my favs say it
🧸 paring: han jisung x f! reader
🧸 warnings: none. the word disease is used but like. not anything about it :) also psa: DON'T PUT COINS IN UR MOUTH
🧸 author rambles: me during my holidays: writes nothing. me when i have to prepare for a presentation at uni TOMORROW: makes a text fic 👹👹 once again this is so random but i wanted to make another text fic because it’s cute and i love stray kids (as if this is any different to usual), so here we go. also HANJISUNG’S HAIR ATM?????? unbelievable. he’s so pretty. (also something about creating something breaking me out of the endless cycle of scrolling and braindeadness. yeah 😎🤘🏽) enjoy!!
blog info post!
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blossomwritesthings · 11 months
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐟 𝐨𝐟 𝐢𝐭
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pairing: jisung x fem!reader x male oc (afab)
genre: producer!jisung/hairstylist!reader. badboy!jisung. enemies to lovers. twin dynamic. cheating/infidelity au. some angst. smut - MDNI, 18+ only. reader pov.
content & warnings: explicit & strong language. thematic elements. just a tad bit of angst in this, but mainly, it's just degenerate shit. cheating is a big part of this. smut warnings below cut!! 
word count: 4.1k
summary: the han twins are infamous in south korea for being the #1 duo in the country, with han jisoon gifted in rapping and han jisung in producing. jisoon is the best man a girl could ever ask for- and a wonderful boyfriend. it's just too bad that jisung is the one you truly want out of the two brothers. 
18+ warnings: unprotected sex (keep it safe, my friends). kindaa jealousy sex. harddom!jisung. cheating sex. sub!reader. fingering. dom/sub undertones. degradation (slut, whore, etc.). manhandling kink. size kink. humiliation. dumbification. ownership/possession. jisung edges reader a bunch. overstimulation galore. lots of dirty talk. breeding kink!!. subspace. orgasm denial.
a/n: OKAY- SO !!!! 😖 I first got inspired to write this months ago just from watching this edit over and over again. 😩 originally, this was gonna be a chan fic, but I decided to change it to hanji at the last minute, so here we are lol! 😂 honestly, this is kind of an interesting premise for a longer series, so idk... if I'm feeling inspired to, I might expand on this oneshot and make another part to it... lmk if that's smth you guys would be interested in!! 🤎
💙 - ̥۪͙۪˚┊❛ other cool stuff ❜┊˚ ̥۪͙۪◌! ࿐ྂ
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ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ʀᴇᴘᴏsᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ sɪᴛᴇs (ᴛʜɪs ɪɴᴄʟᴜᴅᴇs ᴛʀᴀɴsʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴs). do not copy, spin-off, or write inspired work based off of this fanfic without full permission to do so. ©ʙʟᴏssᴏᴍᴡʀɪᴛᴇsᴛʜɪɴɢs ⤐ ᴀʟʟ ʀɪɢʜᴛs ʀᴇsᴇʀᴠᴇᴅ
"W-We shouldn't be doing this," you gasped out, feeling the rise of your arousal flooding every part of your mind. It overtook all of your senses - forcing you to see stars, making the blood in your veins boil deliciously, casting visions of rainbows across your mind, flashes of effervescent violet and topaz coating your eyelids. "It's... it's not right." 
The man between your legs was incessant in his movements, pressing your spine a little harder into the shower's cool tiled wall. One hand clamped down onto your hip, nails digging into sensitive flesh there, as he held you up, continuing to hoist your legs around his waist tightly. His other hand was busy at work between your colliding bodies, thumb drawing messy circles around your clit. It was so fucking puffy and felt like it was engulfed in a vat of flames. 
"Why? Because you wanna deny that you're mine? That only I can make you feel this way, only I can fit this pussy so well?" His messy raven locks curled underneath the shower's hot steam, his entire naked form covered in a glistening sheen of suds and sweat and water. "You stay with him- with that prick, but you and I both know that he doesn't bring you to your knees like this- doesn't fuck you as well as I do." 
And the worst part about it- was that you knew he was right. 
Deep down, in the depths of your heart, mind, and spirit, you knew he only spoke the truth. 
That's the thing that killed you the most. 
The Han twins were infamous in the music industry - raising their empire of success from the ground up in the basement of their parent's house when they were just young boys in middle school. As they grew older, they only became better at their crafts - Han Jisoon with his rapping, and Han Jisung with his producing. 
Soon after their 18th birthday, they made their official debut in the Seoul music scene. Instantly, their first track was a complete hit - sweeping the nation with its catchy rhythm and unique rap lines. It was unlike anything anyone had ever heard, and by the time the twins turned twenty-one, they were on track to be the biggest stars of their generation - overtaking all other duos in the industry and winning all the year-end awards. 
You met Jisoon, the singer out of the duo, when you were training to become a hair colorist and he was in his late twenties. One day, a mysterious man came into your salon in Hongdae. Soon after you heard your teacher talk about who he was to some of the other stylists there - you realized that the man you would be working with was none other than the biggest star in the country at the moment. 
Instantly, there was a connection between the two of you. His smiles were so warm, the way he spoke to you so soft and delicate, his laugh contagious. His happiness was infectious, and like a drug, you began to think of nothing but him. After work that day, you came home to watch all of his performances and interviews, completely captivated by his persona. 
As it turns out, he decided to use your salon for his monthly appointments - and soon, after you graduated with your specialty license in hair color, you became his personal hair colorist. 
It didn't take long after that until you two grew a deep connection, and then he was asking for your number before he took you out on your first date together, and the rest... was history.  
Honestly, he was the best boyfriend you could ever ask for. He was so fucking kind and sweet and considerate. He wasn't selfish in the least bit and always wanted the best for you. And when you told him you wanted to keep things on the down-low in regards to your relationship, he heeded your wishes. Over the three years that you two had been dating, not a single word had gotten out to the press about your relationship. Sure, his fans speculated about his relationship status, but no one ever came out with any hard evidence of his true girlfriend.
He had even met your parents during Chuseok soon after your first anniversary, much to their delight. He brought over gifts for your mother and spent time out on your father's boat fishing in the early morning even though he hated fishing and always got seasick. Your mother fell in love with him during your trip, and wouldn't stop talking about the expensive rice cakes he had brought her for that holiday season. Your father also took a keen liking to him, saying he enjoyed having a fishing partner, which was your father's way of saying that he approved of your choice of a man.
All of your friends loved Han Jisoon too. Your best friend, Ryujin, was obsessed with your relationship - and was always checking up on the two of you. She was just chomping at the bit for him to propose, and every Christmas that passed, she claimed that 'next year, he'll do it on New Year- I swear to you that he will.' 
Jisoon liked to hang out with you and your friends when his schedule allowed him to, and you did the same with his large group of friends. Granted, most of his connections were either famous producers or other popular singers, but still - you liked the fact that he wasn't afraid to introduce you to the important people in his life. Because all of it made you feel important to him.
Not to mention all of the gifts he got you - sending you huge bouquets of your favorite flowers when he was away on tour, and sending you little gifts here and there 'just because.' Like the box of chocolates during a particularly shitty day of your period, or the small teddy bear that was programmed with his voice and said 'I love you,' that he bought for you during one of his promotional business trips to Taiwan. 
Overall, he was the best person you had ever met. He was funny and quirky and so fucking entertaining to be around. Not to mention talented- he could write thirty lines of rap within an hour, something you never could get over even after years of knowing him. He was perpetually changing his hair color too, thanks to your help - and for the past year, he had been rocking a dusty blonde look. He also loved to dress in bright colors and wasn't one to shy away from all the new fashion trends.
So... everything must've been amazing, right? 
You had a beautiful, unique boyfriend who fucking adored you and practically worshipped the ground you walked on. 
So then, what was the problem? 
Well, for one thing, the root of the entire bane of your existence was his twin brother, Han Jisung. 
With his perpetually messy black hair, onyx eyes, and scowl he always seemed to wear no matter what. You had never seen him dressed in anything other than dark clothes - grays and blacks only. 
His temperament matched his outward appearance, with his downright rude personality at times and his snide comments that were always directed towards you. He was an absolute thorn in your ass and he loved being one. 
He and your boyfriend couldn't be more different from each other, and you were almost surprised when you first met him after you and Jisoon first started dating. Because... they were such stark opposites of each other it was almost comical. 
But Jisoon loved his brother, despite his flaws and all, and since they had an entire career together, you were forced to share space with your boyfriend's other half. When Jisoon would invite you over to the studio late at night to listen to some of the new lyrics he had written, there Jisung was. Sitting at the desk in the recording studio, directing everything and making changes to the track... just brooding for a fight.
When he worked, Jisung was even more serious than his normal day-to-day persona; changing into this silent, man with a menacing kind of aura surrounding him as he sat behind a huge desk in their shadowy recording studio. 
You'd be turned on by the sight of it all if you were dating Jisoon - his twin brother. 
But as it turns out, life has a funny way of playing tricks on you... 
On your mind and heart and everything you had grown accustomed to. 
And before you even realized it was happening, your dynamics were changing. No longer was it you and Jisoon against Jisung. Slowly but surely, throughout your relationship, you somehow grew closer to your boyfriend's twin brother. 
It started with him being a little nicer to you randomly during your visits to the recording studio, or during the luncheons you'd sometimes attend with your boyfriend and his entire crew. 
Han Jisung turned out to be kind of... nice. 
Despite all of his flaws and rude mannerisms. 
But even so, he was still an asshole, he was still annoying most of the time and a total prick. He liked to get under your skin, and wiggle around in there - teasing you just enough to the point where you were close to blowing up at him. But he always pulled back eventually. 
Almost like, he enjoyed the thought of edging you irrevocably, for years on end. 
Things came to a screeching halt though, when the twins were on tour and Jisoon invited you to tag along with him to their dates in Japan. Not wanting to deny the offer since you had always wanted to visit the country, you joined him during the four days that he and Jisung would be in Tokyo. 
At first, everything was going smoothly. 
Their rehearsal the night before their first show went well, and you enjoyed sightseeing with your boyfriend after he was finished with preparations. After the two of you got back to your hotel, Jisoon quickly fell asleep in your shared queen-sized bed, completely exhausted from his busy schedule. 
And then somehow, you had found yourself roaming the halls of the luxurious hotel, stumbling upon a small alcove in the back of the spacious place, fit with a self-serve mini bar and a few velvet-lined seats overlooking the glittering night's cityscape. 
But the person who was sitting in one of those seats was the thing that surprised you the most, with his black tresses and even darker stare. He regarded you with a tilt of his head, swishing around the ice in his crystal glass that was filled with dark bourbon. 
Pathetically, it only took you three drinks in. 
Perhaps the red wine they served at the hotel's mini bar was more potent than the stuff you were used to in South Korea. 
Or, perhaps you were just as exhausted as your boyfriend Jisoon from spending the day traveling across the city and sightseeing.
But before you knew it, you had somehow migrated onto Jisung's lap, allowing him to place his palms on your ass that was just barely covered by the mini skirt you had changed into to tour the city with Jisoon earlier that night. 
"I have a boyfriend, Jisung," you had said, as the man before you leaned in a little closer to your form. Nose coming close to your exposed neck, he had breathed in a deep sigh. Your spine shuttered from how near he was to you. Nearer than the two of you had ever been before. "Jisoon- he- he loves me." 
After that, Jisung looked up at you with a raised eyebrow, a dark, familiar look twirling right there in his eyes. He stared on at you in silence, before he let out a dry, humorless chuckle. "Oh please- you couldn't give a flying fuck about my brother. Especially not when you're with me..." 
The moment his lips had come in contact with your skin, you melted instantly - like a bar of milk chocolate being held over the high flames of a fire. The fire ended up being him, his heat engulfing you as his mouth came around the spot between your clavicle and neck, teeth biting down there slowly, tongue darting out and licking ever so slightly. 
"I've seen the way you stare- you're practically begging me to fuck you at any chance that we're together," Jisung had grunted out, his mutterings fanning against your skin and making the butterflies erupt even faster in the pit of your stomach. "Such a little whore- why have one brother when you can have two, right?" 
After that, you were trying to push him away. Palms on his muscular chest, you tried to move off of his lap. But his digits just dug in harder to the supple flesh of your asscheeks, and when you moved slightly, you could feel the hardness of his middle gently hitting up into your warm center. 
In the end, you couldn't deny the wetness that was slowly growing in your panties. But you could sure try your damndest to forget about it all. "I'm dating someone else, we... can't..." Your voice trailed off after that, as his mouth traced up the column of your neck, pressing light, heart-fluttering kisses against your jawline and the corner of your mouth. 
"Too bad you're such a horrible fucking liar then," Jisung said in a low voice, staring into your eyes and giving you that look - the one he always leveled your way when he was officially done with your bullshit. "Too bad I can no longer ignore the wetness that's growing between your legs- ignore the way you press these cute little pussy lips together each time I make you squirm with my taunting." 
In the next instant, he was pressing his mouth against yours, swallowing up your groan of surprise, quieting the moans that threatened to slip free from deep inside of you when his tongue danced against yours. 
Turns out, he was right. 
Without even really realizing it, you had been taunting him. 
For fucking years. 
With your combativeness, and playful banter. Not to mention, the long stares and shifting in your seat every time he made you feel... bothered.
He was like a powerful magnet, something you couldn't deny the pull of any longer. 
Your kiss there on the chair in the hotel alcove turned into something heated and disastrous, and soon, you found yourself locked up in Han Jisung's hotel room - hands pinned against the soft downy mattress as his thick cock ripped you right open. He drew the filthiest of sounds out from the depths of your soul as he pounded into you completely raw, fucking you well into the night. He edged you for hours - just like he did in your regular lives - before bringing you over the brink of five different orgasms. 
The sex with your boyfriend Jisoon was good, 
but nothing could compare to the way that Jisung made you feel that night. 
How filled up you had felt - completely whole in every way possible. 
Usually, the sex with your boyfriend was fairly quick, very vanilla, and in the same three positions. 
Meanwhile, Jisung had you in all kinds of ways that night - knees, back, stomach. You name it, he somehow coaxed you into it. 
And afterward, after he finished coating every crevice and surface of your insides and outsides in his seed and sweat and saliva, Han Jisung helped to clean you up. The two of you lay side by side in his bed for a little bit, soon after he had wiped your skin clean. 
No words had been spoken between the two of you then, but you just felt, that nothing had to be said. The deed had been done. You had gotten over the hardest part. 
And now... there was no going back. 
When you had crept back to the room you were sharing with your boyfriend and laid down beside him just as the clock was about to strike five in the morning, you realized that things were completely ruined. 
Nothing would ever be the same again - because no one would ever compare...
To the way Jisung made you feel that night, and how he had made you feel over the past few years, without you even fucking realizing it. 
Slowly, as you lay there underneath the covers, hair disheveled and the marks of Jisung's lips littered across your body - your legs and arms and pussy sore from his arduous, heated attention - the tears slipped out of the corners of your eyes unchecked. You stared at the back of Jisoon, your boyfriend, and cried yourself into a listless kind of sleep, void of any dreams or thoughts. 
"I'm sorry, babe," you had whispered to his sloped shoulders, just before your eyes had slipped shut in finality in the early morning rays of sunlight for that day. "I'm so fucking sorry..." 
Three weeks after they were finished with their Japanese leg of the tour, and back home in Seoul resting before they finished up with their encore concert in America, Jisung paid a visit to the apartment you shared with Jisoon in the heart of Gangnam. Your boyfriend was out for the day, visiting his parents for the rare break that they had in their schedules. 
The moment you opened your door and saw him standing there on the step, your heart dropped into the pit of your stomach. But the two of you didn't have to say anything, because you already knew. 
Things had been ruined the moment you stumbled upon him late at night in that hotel, all those weeks ago. 
That day, you christened every surface of your apartment with your mixed essence. Every place you could imagine, Jisung fucked you on: the kitchen counter, the living room couch, the dining room table, against the front door, in the shower, on the study room's floor, and perhaps worst of all... in your very own bed. The one you had shared with your boyfriend, who was also Jisung's twin brother, for years.  
The sex that day was mind-blowing and cataclysmic, as Jisung led you over the brink of so many orgasms, you lost count after the third one. By the time the two of you were finished and the sun was beginning to set, you were so deep into an odd limbo state of mind that you couldn't even form a coherent thought or sentence. 
And like a thief leaving in the middle of the night, like a ghost visiting you for only a time, Jisung just kissed you goodbye, promising he'd come back soon, and left you in your apartment right before your boyfriend came back. 
He left you as a pile of messy hair, weak limbs, and a murky mind, sprawled out across your bed, completely naked and littered with bite marks and violet hickies. You managed to throw a nightgown on before your boyfriend came home and saw you that night. 
You were so fucking ashamed, but no matter how bad you felt about it all, you couldn't stop yourself. And apparently, Jisung couldn't either. You two were drawn to each other, for whatever reason. And no external factor - even the idea of a long-term boyfriend - was going to stop the trainwreck that you were slowly causing with your secret meetings. 
Over time, the periods spent with your boyfriend's twin brother bled together into a fever dream of passion and the greatest sex you had ever experienced in your life. Any chance you could get alone with each other, with your boyfriend nowhere in sight, the two of you were fucking...
In the recording studio, during the rehearsal for a TV appearance, at the hair salon you worked at, in the bathroom during a late-night dinner with their company. And soon, you found yourself falling into a weird kind of rhythm with Han Jisung. Half of the time, you spent it with your boyfriend, Jisoon. And the other half, you spent it with Jisung... fucking and delving into each other in all different ways. 
Your time spent with the other brother became so intense and all-consuming that you lost track of how long it had been since everything had started. And that's how you found yourself that specific Friday night, with your boyfriend spending the night at the studio working on a recording. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to him, his twin brother was between your legs. 
Jisung had already taken you wholly atop the dining room table earlier that night after you had finished eating the takeout he had brought over. Once you were done chewing your orange chicken and fried rice, the dark-haired man was upon you with a vengeance - ripping off your panties and pushing you atop the wooden table. His fingers had this magic touch to them, and within just a few minutes, with a couple of practiced strokes, he always brought you over the edge in a blinding light of arousal. 
After he was finished with you on the table, you two took a shower together and somehow... he ended up inside of you, once again, for the millionth time in a row. 
"W-What about Jisoon..." You whined out, head bumping against the tile wall at your back with every hard thrust of Jisung up into you. His cock stretched you out so deliciously, and you ground your hips against his, loving the feel of his hand clamped down on your clit, rubbing at it with a rabid kind of heat. "He... He'll die if he finds out, Ji..." 
He flashed you a swarthy, devilish kind of smirk, before he leaned into you, pressing his teeth against your shoulder and biting down on your clavicle. Tongue coming out to press against the purple spot left there, he chuckled lowly. "Oh, just shut up already- I think we're past the point of you giving a fuck about him." 
And then you were clutching onto his wet locks even harder, as he drilled his cock so far deep into you, entire galaxies and other worlds flashed across your vision. Gasping out in pure bliss, you moaned out his name breathlessness, your whines getting swallowed up by the sound of the running showerhead above you. 
"Yeah, that's right... moan my name, bitch," Jisung coaxed in a deep voice, his thumb drawing figure eights around your puffy clit as his cock fucked the squelching juices back into you. "We both know this - us - is never ending... either you leave that fucker, or he finds me fucking you one of these days and everything turns to shit. Your choice." 
You were so fucked out, mind fuzzy with arousal and the pit of your stomach on fire from all of the feeling coursing through your system that you could barely form a coherent sentence. Even still, you managed to crack your eyes open just a tad bit to level Jisung with a serious frown. "N-No... never- don't want to ruin this..." The breath caught in the middle of your throat as the tip of his rigid cock hit that soft spot deep inside of you, making your legs shake around his waist, cunt clenching around his length. 
"Then take everything, you slut- be a good little whore and take daddy's cock," Jisung commanded out in a stern tone, pounding into you incessantly and making your ass bounce back and forth against the shower wall. "Open wider for me, baby doll- wanna see this pretty pussy of yours bulging with my cock." 
As always, you did what he commanded of you. Spreading your legs wider and hugging them a little closer around his hips, your head shot back against the tile of the shower wall when you felt Jisung's cock prodding into you. 
He pushed down on your lower belly, feeling the way his thick cock rubbed up into you so far, he bulged out against the seams and the outline of him displayed deep inside of you. "Oh fuck- such a cute pussy... fits me so fucking well..." Jisung said in a low voice, as he rubbed a little harder against your clit with his thumb. Meanwhile, his dick was reaching all new lengths inside of you, drawing out a flurry of moans from between your lips. "J-Just a little longer... just hold on a little more, 'kay kitten?"  
And in the end, you heeded his commands. All of them. You did everything he wanted, because truthfully- you couldn't help yourself. Couldn't deny him, no matter what. 
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levi501ackerman · 2 months
Steel Heart Chapter 9:
Versions of Them
Hange x Reader Chapter Index Masterlist
Megan's Note: Did somebody order fluff? Cuz it'll be right out soon! Posted: 7/25/24
Word Count: 4.5k
“Hey . . .” Hange’s voice was soft, friendly, and vulnerable. Almost unsure of what to say next—if to say anything at all. They knew you felt the same, they studied how you were standing there with one of your hands playing with the fabric on the chest of your nightgown and the other hand had the fingers taking turns picking the side of the thumb’s skin next to the nail bed. One foot was on the light rocks of the river’s shoreline and the other was on the grass. As if you had two choices in front of you. You stepped closer to Hange, both feet crossed the threshold.
“Thank you for saving me, Dame Hange,” You said sincerely. You held your right hand out like how Fairy Godmother Ymir and Christa taught you how to introduce yourself—with a handshake. While trying to avoid stepping in the water, you stepped closer to Hange. “My name is Y/N.” Hange reached their right hand out, exposing the curve of their breast as they turned and unexpectedly planted a kiss on your hand. “Oh—” Hange’s eye fluttered open. The way they looked up at you stirred a feeling in you. They pulled their lips from your hand and held their stare. Their gaze stunned you. Their brown eye captivated your attention and dared you to look away. “I-I was trying to shake your hand,” you nervously laughed and Hange didn’t miss the way your cheeks turned pink from embarrassment or . . .
“Pleased to formally meet you, Princess Y/N,” Hange shook your hand, blinking up at you several times. They spoke louder than when they first greeted you. “I’m a Knight Commander of the Royal King’s Guard. No need to call me Commander or Dame Hange! Just call me Hange.”
“Thank you for saving me, Hange,” You said, holding your clasped hands in front of you. “I f-felt so terrified and helpless . . . If it wasn’t for you, they would still have me right now.” Your voice was low, almost hidden like there was a tinge of shame. Hange’s face softened and they gave you an empathetic smile. 
“No need to thank me, I couldn’t let the Princess be taken on my watch. Just be glad we arrived at headquarters when we did.” Hange said and they returned to their position hugging their legs. You wanted to hear them speak again—to say something, to say anything. You wanted their company by the river. Their protection. You looked at the running water of the river, reminding you of Levi telling you to wash yourself. You started walking behind Hange and undressing to bathe. You pulled your nightgown over your head and started folding it. Hange’s tan pants and white shirt were unfolded in a pile on top of the rocks. You placed your folded nightgown on top of Hange’s clothes, so yours wouldn’t touch the ground. Then while crossing your arms in an attempt to hide your chest, you stepped toward Hange. The water wasn’t as cold as you expected it to be. It didn’t pinch your toes as you placed them in the water next to Hange. You sat down next to Hange and extended your legs, submerging them in the water. You couldn’t help but peek at the top of the hills around the river. You worried about the Marleyan Cultist suddenly running over the hill. The cultists running after you to your naked form in the river, pulling you, holding you, gagging you so then you wouldn’t be able to scream— “Breathe . . .”
“Huh?” You noticed your chest was heaving and your heart was thumping. The thoughts faded away as you looked to Hange with a sympathetic look on their face. They placed a hand on your back rubbing small comforting circles on your skin and you pulled your knees to your chest. As if it was protecting your heart. 
“You were wheezing.”
“I was?” Hange nodded and wrapped her arm around her legs once again. Once grounded again your breaths were becoming more even.
“Levi told me what you’ve been through. I’m sorry, it must be scary to experience the things you did after living such a sheltered life.” You furrowed your eyebrows and then darted your eyes away, looking at the flowing river in front of you. Sheltered life? Fairy Godmother Ymir and Christa gave you a good, safe life. There was always food on the table, books, and the safety of being at home. Going to the market with Christa, walking through the neighborhood often, and looking at the sky were your favorite things to do outside.
“Oh . . .” A flash of memories appeared in your head: the first time you saw a squirrel run through the overgrown grass, the horses at Levi’s camp, the first time you saw a river, and seeing Karanese District. They were all things you wouldn’t have seen if you didn’t leave Shiganshina. They would still just be things from illustrated books and novels. You did not want to think of the awful thoughts. The thoughts of the gore, blood, and death.  You longed for your home back in the cottage along with Fairy Godmother Ymir and Christa’s love and care. You longed for security and safety. 
“Hey! Want to see my sword?!” Hange perked up beside you. They turned to their left and brought out their crested sword holding it with pride in the air. The steel sword gleamed as it caught the rays of sunlight. “Look at this bad boy!” 
“It’s like Levi’s and Sir Zacharius’!” Your smile grew, amused by Hange’s representation of their sword.
“That’s right . . . want to hold it?”
“Really?” You were surprised Hange offered. You felt guilty when you disobeyed Sir Zacharius by leaving the cottage and taking his sword. Then Levi was reluctant to hand you his sword when you demanded it, though eventually he did. It made you think the knights were not allowed to have others touch their swords. But Hange was willing and offered to let you hold their sword. You reached for the handle and instantly noticed their initials on the blade: HZ. 
 Hange watched as you cautiously took their sword and admired the ornate crested design. The way your small form held their sword like it was a precious possession and appreciated the impressive steel blade. They saw you gently touch your fingers on the tiny purple jewels embedded along the handle.
“Did you know there are six of these types of swords?”
“These jewels aren’t just for decoration!” 
“Levi and Miche have jewels on their swords . . .” You thought of what Levi said before handing you his sword and walking into the cottage toward Miche. His jewels were green and Sir Zacharius’ sword had red jewels. They all had different color jewels, but they were the same design and the same tiny size. “Why don’t all the swords of The Royal King’s Guard have the jewels?”
“Great question, your Highness! While all the knights of the Royal King’s Guard have crested swords, not all of them are jeweled knights.” Hange said and you handed their sword back. “The six jeweled swords have different colored jewels! Red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple! Which is my sword! Together the six swords create a powerful weapon.” 
Hange had you hanging on every single word, and they knew it. They had you right where they wanted you. Intrigued and listening to them. Their eyes were wide with intensity yet with a friendly aura. 
“Powerful weapon? Like why the Marleyan Cult want me? Levi said they want me because they think I am the ‘chosen one’, someone that will unlock their powerful weapon.”
“Correct, Y/N! Together the six swords counter and defeat the ritual except . . . one sword is missing . . .” You recalled the times Levi mentioned how Flagon’s sword was missing. He told Sir Zacharius, Commander Lobov, and Hange when you were eavesdropping on their conversation. They all had the same displeasing or frustrated reaction. It dawned on you that Flagon’s sword wasn’t some steel sword, it was one of the six jeweled swords.
“Where is the sword?” Hange looked out onto the water thinking to themselves. They suddenly got quiet and the enthusiasm in their face disappeared. 
“The traitor has it. Levi thinks he knows who it is but . . . no solid evidence.” 
“Oh.” You stared out at the river along with Hange, before looking over your shoulder. Just over the hill, Levi was waiting for you. If the cult members took you right now and performed the ritual then the jeweled knights wouldn’t be able to defeat the ritual without the missing sword. What even was the Marleyan Cults ‘powerful weapon’?
You scooted more into the river. The water rose above your abdomen and you began rubbing your legs with your hands. You splashed your face with the water and rubbed your cheeks and forehead. Drops of water rolled down your face and fell back into the river. 
“Y/N are you okay?” Hange asked quietly behind you. 
“I’m going to dry off, will you be okay on your own?”
“I guess.” The sounds of water splashing came from behind you as Hange stood up. You glanced over your shoulder, seeing Hange’s body. The curve of their butt, their long legs walking, the muscles on their—it’s rude to stare! You whipped your head back and started splashing water on your chest. Rubbing your chest and shoulders awkwardly. You just haven’t seen another naked woman before. Did all women’s breasts look like yours? You don’t think you ever saw Christa or Ymir naked . . . they went to the bathroom, they bathed, and growing up they bathed you. But what do other women’s bodies look like? You don’t recall seeing naked people in general.
You slowly laid back into the water, feeling chills as the water slowly crept up your back, to your shoulders, and then shivered as the water hit your scalp. As you got used to the temperature of the water, you unclenched your jaw and relaxed your shoulders. Gingerly and slowly, you massaged your scalp wishing Fairy Godmother Ymir was doing it. She did it best. She could get you to nearly fall asleep in the tub. The wet hair dripped down your back as you leaned forward. As the air hit your wet body, you shivered and clenched your jaw once again.
Hange’s naked body was lying in the grass. Sunbathing. Their hands were placed behind their head supporting it and their ankles were crossed. The curve of their breasts lessened with the position of them lying on their back. Their nipples were erected from the cooling sensation of the air drying their skin. They laid peacefully and silently. Truly like an animal in nature.
Their nipples stand out when cold too . . .
While water dripped down your stomach, hips, legs, and back, you scurried to your clothes. You hoped Hange wouldn’t open their eyes and see you naked. Even though they had no shame sunbathing. They must be confident about their body. Or not care about another woman seeing them. There was something admirable about that . . . You squeezed the water out of your hair as you walked over the light rocks of the shoreline. When you pulled your nightgown over, it was soaking up the water on your body and becoming damp. The back was drenched as your hair laid on the fabric. Hange had the right idea. Sunbathing. Was it weird to lay next to Hange naked? Only to get dry of course . . . perhaps if Hange invited you, maybe you’d dry off next to them. Maybe . . . 
While trudging up the hill, you wanted one last glance at Hange. One last look at the woman lying in the grass. It was like they had no worries and nothing to run from. They laid there like they were lying in their own bed. Nothing was going to disrupt their tranquil rest under the mid-morning sun. Out of the corner of your eye, trying to peek at Hange, you saw Hange already looking at you. Your eyes snapped ahead and you tried to walk, acting like you didn’t get caught. Was Hange far enough away to not notice if you were looking at them?
As promised, Levi was waiting for you on the other side of the hill. He was still sitting and his cup was now empty. He gruffed as he stood up from the ground. You walked beside him and your hair was dripping all over your nightgown.
“Did Hange speak with you?” He asked.
“Yeah, they did.”
“What do you think of them?” Levi exhaled and you weren’t sure if he was annoyed or . . .
“I think the more time you spend with Hange you might find they will be a good companion for you.” His words stunned you, you couldn’t figure out his motive. Hange was three people: the knight in shining armor that saved you, the person that slammed their dish on the ground, and the naked woman by the river. You weren’t sure what to think of them. They seemed friendly and it seemed like they wanted to talk to you. They were the only naked woman you’ve ever seen. 
“Hange is a trustworthy, friendly, and energetic person. Who knows, maybe you’ll end up being friends.”
“Does Hange always throw plates when they’re upset?”
“Not the first time, but cut them some slack. Their best friend was murdered.” A pang of guilt struck your chest. When Hange first looked at you, you remembered their eye was red and they did look like they had been crying. You recalled when Hange mentioned sending their friend to Flagon’s camp. The camp that Levi described to Miche Zacharius he found was full of blood and bodies. Then you remembered that Sir Zacharius was upset that the guy died. They all must have known Hange’s best friend. 
“Does Hange have any other friends?” You looked over your shoulder at the hill behind you as if Hange could be watching you. How long were they going to sunbathe?
“They’re crazy, but very likable and respectable.” You stared at the grass in front of you.
“Hange let me hold their sword.”
“You didn’t swing it at them?” For some reason, with the back of your hand, you hit his side. You swore you saw Levi’s lips curl into a small smile. 
“Levi! I thought we would forget about that?!” Your face flushed a deep red and your face scrunched up.
There was thumping behind you. The sound of grass crunching under the weight of feet and the sound was approaching you. Rapidly. You turned over your shoulder to see Hange with their white collared shirt and tan slacks on. Hange was sprinting toward you and Levi. They had a wide smile on their face and their wet hair flung side to side behind them. They passed you and Levi while waving their arms and joyfully shouting at you. 
“Last one to the camp is a rotten egg!” Hange picked up the speed. You looked at Levi and he didn’t start running. Hange arrived at the camp with some knights grinning at them and turned around watching you and Levi while throwing up their fists and cheering. After celebrating their victory, they jogged over to you and Levi. You gave a small smile to Hange. “What’s that smell?” 
“It’s you,” Levi said flatly. Hange walked backward facing you and Levi. They started obnoxiously sniffing the air in front of Levi and then hummed.
“Actually I think it is you! You’re the stinky rotten egg!” Hange playfully waved their hand in front of their nose. They noticed your smile, “Y/N, you’re not a rotten egg! You’re off the hook this time. But next time I expect you to run as fast as you can! Try to beat me. I dare you.”
“Oh okay,” you nervously laughed at Hange’s insistence. There was a certain charm to them though, you pondered that maybe you might try next time. Behind Hange appeared the brown-haired boy that Connie introduced to you.
“Commander Hange! Jean’s awake!” Eren said and Hange’s face shifted to a serious one and followed after Eren. 
Jean was sitting outside and a knight handed him a plate of rice. He had a blanket around him as he sat next to the fire. He looked tired and the bandage around his head needed to be replaced. Hange jogged to the wide and tall tent they were in earlier with Levi. You sat next to Jean. He slowly put the spoonfuls of the rice into his mouth. Connie sat next to Jean while Eren and Levi stood in front of Jean. You were all quiet trying not to make loud disruptions for Jean.
The warm fire enveloped your chest and spread warmth through your body. You looked at Eren and his eyes were locked with yours. His arms were crossed and you noticed Captain Levi’s arms were too. Hange came out of their tent holding a small bag. They were rummaging through it while walking toward the group. As Hange approached closer, they pulled out a small roll of bandages, a small bottle, and some cotton balls.
“Only rice?” Hange asked, looking at Jean through their glasses.
“Dame Hange?” Jean’s fork fell from his hand and clattered onto his plate.
“That’s right! It’s been a while but we’re back together.”
“When did you get here?”
“You were already asleep.” Hange took Jean’s plate of rice from his lap and gave it to Connie to hold. Hange started unwrapping the bandages from his head, each layer was stained with blood. Then Hange assessed his cut and drenched the cotton ball with the liquid in the bottle. “This will hurt.” Jean winched from Hange’s gentle daps cleaning up the blood from the gash. His eyes were closed while Hange gingerly took care of his cut. It was interesting to see Hange taking care of Jean, it gave you a sense of confidence that if you were injured, Hange could take of you. Then you imagined falling and scraping your knee. Blood oozing from your knee and Hange kneeling next to you, cleaning the blood off your knee. Them giving you a friendly smile as they wrapped your knee. “It’s a small cut, but I think it should be sewed.”
“Good thing you landed the way you did, you’d probably be dead or bleeding from your brain,” Levi said and Hange grabbed a needle and walked toward the fire. They held the needle to the fire, while instinctively pulling their hand back from the fire pinching their skin. They did their best to make sure the fire touched the needle. Then it hit you. When you sewed Sir Zacharius’ wound you never burned the needle. It’s not like the cottage had a fire or even matches to light a flame. You only wiped the needle with alcohol. A pang of guilt surged through you, you hoped that wasn’t the reason why his leg got infected and made him sick.
“I knew you would be alright, I can’t lose my best friend,” Connie said playfully and a small smile crept on Jean’s lips. While Hange was sewing Jean’s gash, the knuckles on his hands were turning white from gripping the blanket. His breathing was sharp and he was trying to remain as still as possible.
“You will feel pain when you wiggle your eyebrows for the next few days,” Hange said softly, finishing the last stitch. Jean breathed easier and Hange put the supplies in their bag. “Now, we’re going to do a quick test. Keep your eyes on my fingers as I move them across your face.” Jean kept his eye on Hange’s index finger as they moved it side to side and then up and down. His eyes looked like they were shuttering as he followed Hange’s finger. “You have a concussion, that's for sure. You’re a tough one, Jean, you’ll be better in no time.” 
“I’m glad you’re okay, Jean . . . I was so scared when I saw a knight turn you over and there was blood all along your head.” You played with the fabric of his blanket between your fingers. It was a relief to know Jean was going to be alright. 
“You’ll need your rest for when we travel tomorrow. Next thing to do,” Levi turned to you, “You need to try on some clothes.” Your eyes furrowed and you glanced at Hange who was nodding at you. You looked at your nightgown and a faint blush spread on your cheeks.
“I have your clothes, they’re just drying.” You said to Levi.
“I want you to try on a couple of Hange’s clothes. They have thicker pants.” You eyed Hange’s legs and they were long. Longer than yours especially because they towered over you. “Their pants might keep you warmer.” Levi started walking away. You stared at Hange for a moment and then followed after Levi. 
“We’ll have to roll them up of course—” Hange said behind you as they followed after you and Levi. “—considering our height difference.”
“Yeah.” The three of you walked to the large and wide tent. You thought about how kind it was that Levi and Hange tried to give you warm clothes. Another thought floated into your head of how Levi saved your nightgown when you changed into his shirt and pants. He remembered how you felt about losing your clothes from home. A soft appreciation for Levi, grew when you realized he cared about your worries. “Thank you for keeping my nightgown in your bag.”
“I have your cloth bag as well. You can put your nightgown in there once we figure out which of Hange’s clothes you’ll be wearing.” When you got into the large tent, Levi sat at the table he and Hange were at earlier. You sat in the chair across from him. You sat in silence with him for a few moments before Hange came in holding clothes.
“Alright, Princess. These are my nicest shirts and pants!” Hange laid them on the table. There was another white collared shirt, a pale yellow collared shirt, black slacks, and another pair of tan slacks.
“Did you get the hair ties?” Levi asked, standing up from the table. 
“Oh! I forgot!” Hange ran back outside the tent. Levi followed after.
“Come outside when you’re done.” Levi exited the tent and stood outside. 
The cotton on the white fabric was very soft and felt nice against your skin. When you tried it on, the sleeves were so long they ended near your fingertips. The shirt wasn’t too baggy, it had room to breathe while not hugging your figure. You tried on the black pants and the waist was falling down. There was no way that the black pants were going to fit. On the tan slacks, you saw there were buttons on the inside that would help with the size of the waist. You tried on the tan pants and tucked in the white shirt. The pants felt better than the black ones. You looked at the buttons inside of the pants and pulled the waist adjuster hooking it to the button that aligned with it. The clothes weren’t badly oversized because of Hange’s lean body, they were just slightly longer on the limbs. As you walked out of the tent Hange and Levi were whispering to each other. 
“ . . . Needs to gain more weight. The Queen and her King won’t be pleased seeing her look—”
“WOW! Looking good!” Hange said brightly. “How does it feel?” Hange started walking toward you and taking one of the sleeves. They started rolling the sleeve to your wrist.
“It’s alright.”
“I knew you’d pick these pants because of the waist! You feel comfortable right?”
“Yes, thank you.” Hange started folding your pant legs. They rolled the pants to your ankles and the pants felt less awkward. While Hange was kneeling in front of you, something stirred in you as you looked down on them. They stood up and rested their hands on their hips.
“Great looks better! Hey! We’re kind of twinning.” Hange was smiling and you looked down at your outfit realizing that you were. Same white long-sleeve and same tan slacks. They wrapped an arm around your shoulder and faced Levi. “Levi can you even tell us apart?!” 
Levi looked back and forth between you. You found it slightly humorous as it was very obvious you and Hange were not twins.
“I can’t tell.” You said which brought out a beaming smile from Hange and a slight chuckle.  
“That’s the spirit, Princess!” Then you smiled at them back, pleased that they liked your small joke. 
“Once your cloak dries you will have it on at all times again. I want you to tie your hair back and have your hood up.” Hange handed you a hair tie and you sighed thinking of having to deal with the inconvenience of your hood falling down. You took the hair tie and tied your damp hair into a low bun. “One last thing and you will NOT argue with me on this. You will move your bedroll into this tent and you and Hange will sleep together.”
“Levi no!” You got closer to him and held his arm. “Levi what if—”
“—I said no—”
“—someone tries to—”
“—arguing, brat!”
“—hurt me! I need your protection!”
“Hange will protect you.” You glanced at Hange who’s face remained neutral while hearing you tell Levi you didn’t want to share a tent with them.
“I don’t know them as well as I know you, Levi! Please!” You whispered to him.
“You can get to know them while sharing the tent.” Your face turned warm when Levi wouldn’t lower his voice after you whispered to him, Hange obviously heard Levi and could put the pieces together to figure out what you whispered to him. “Y/N, do you want your own tent?”
“No I want to be protected it’s—”
“Then you’ll sleep with Hange in this tent! Jean will sleep in Hange’s and I will have my tent back! Now that Hange is with us and you’re both women, you will share a tent!”
“ . . . Okay . . .” You sounded defeated.
“Hey! I’m not a bad tent mate, Princess! It’ll be like a slumber party and I can assure you that I will protect you. I dedicate my heart!” Hange playfully said. Their energetic voice took away the heaviness of the phrase. The phrase that Sir Zacharius said anyone who said it can be automatically trusted. Levi’s words from earlier crossed your mind how he thought Hange might be a good companion if you got to know them. Hange did protect you from the cult and they also knew how to sew skin properly. Their energy was light-hearted compared to everyone else. Maybe Hange might be a good friend. “Plus we’ll be in the nice big conference tent we’ll have lots of room than we would in the normal tents!” 
next chapter, Chapter 10: Secrets of the Twins
A/N: When I was young I used to think my nipples getting erected was weird until I saw through my friend's bathing suit that it's perfectly normal.
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caffeinateddino · 13 days
Pre-Rumbling Commander! Hange x Squad leader, gender neutral! Reader
Warnings: none
Tags: fluff in question, angst, gender neutral Hange and Gender neutral reader, Implications of Poly relationship (?),
i dont know i just love hange so much and I'm sad and i wanna kiss kiss
excuse my flair of dramatic, Hozier is haunting me these days
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The soldiers who had aided Eren's escape were now facing imprisonment themselves. As the last of the onlookers exited the room, Hange’s frustrated voice echoed down the hall. Stepping back inside, Y/n approached the exhausted commander. “Do you think that will keep them in line?” Y/N asked, their tone laced with concern as they walked over to Hange, who looked mentally drained. In fact, it seemed everyone was exhausted these days.
“Probably not” Hange replied, their head resting in their hands. Y/n, the squad leader pulled a chair and sit across from them.
“Hange” They gently reached out and cupped Hange’s face, their thumbs softly caressing Hange’s cheeks. “I’m sorry,” Y/N murmured.
Hange’s brow furrowed in confusion.
“For wh—” they began, but Y/N cut them off gently.
“I know how tired you are,” Y/N said, their voice tender in a way that was both familiar and long-forgotten. It was the softness that used to be so prevalent when their biggest worry was understanding the mysteries of the Titans, before everything became so complicated.
“Can I kiss you?”
Y/N asked suddenly, their eyes searching Hange’s face. Hange’s single healthy eye widened in surprise.
after a moment of hesitation and confusion, Hange gave a hesitant, yet almost imperceptible nod.
Slowly leaning in, Y/N pressed a soft kiss to Hange’s lips. Without pulling away, Y/N lifted their gaze to meet Hange’s. Hange’s single brown eye was fixed on Y/N, their expression unreadable. Y/N leaned in again, planting another gentle kiss, and then another, and another. They continued to kiss Hange softly until they felt the tension in Hange’s shoulders begin to ease. As the tension dissolved, Y/N began to pepper kisses across Hange's face.
To Y/N, Hange's face was the most beautiful sight imaginable—one that deserved a poet's lifelong dedication, a face that could rival the moon in beauty, one that would make the very forests burn with flames of jealousy.
The longing Y/N felt for their commander was beyond the reach of mere words—
it was a depth of feeling that surpassed anything they had ever known.
“I’m sorry,” Y/N murmured again. “I wish there was something I could do to help.” They rested their chin on Hange’s shoulder. “I’m also worried sick about Levi, and it feels like there’s nothing I can do to fix it.” Rubbing Hange’s back gently, Y/N’s tone remained soft.
“You deserve the whole world. I can't stamd seeing you like this” With a sigh, Y/N cupped Hange’s face once more. “I wish we could leave everything behind and find a place where it’s just the three of us,” they said quietly. “You’re all I’ve ever wanted,” they added, their voice barely a whisper as they leaned into Hange once more.
Hange’s face remained expressionless, but their mind was acutely aware. There was no escape, no hidden path, no glimmer of hope—only the crushing weight of an inescapable reality pressing down on them like a shroud. It was a reality they wished were just a bad nightmare.
Hange leaned in and kissed their dear unit leader tenderly before speaking. “I’m worried too,” they admitted softly. “I wish we could leave, the three of us.” They cupped Y/N’s face gently, their calloused fingers tracing over it as if trying to hold on to them, as if afraid Y/N might slip away like so many of their comrades.
“But we can’t,” Hange added after a brief silence, their gaze locking with Y/N’s. Then, they leaned in again for another kiss
Though suddenly, a stern voice interrupted the moment. “Commander Hange, the people protesting in front of the gates are getting out of control. Can you come and check?” A young soldier, entirely unaware of the intimate exchange, stood rigidly by the door
“I’m coming,” Hange replied, standing up and adjusting their collar without meeting Y/N’s eyes. Without another word, they left the room.
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marsbutterfly · 2 months
Need domestic Hanji x reader type sht. Does reader cut hanji’s hair??? Does Hanji bring home every stray?? Hanji never gave a crap about interior decorating until Y/N??? Slay??
Headcanons: Domestic Life With Hanji Zoe
a/n: i love them, your honor. i want to give them the entire world and stars and everything else this universe has to offer and then some more.
warnings: none, just fluff. you know the drill: not beta read, we die like men ♡
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/ hanji never really cared about the way that they look. Sometimes, they would wear the most atrocious outfits known to men and not brush their hair for days. It wasn't until they met you that they decided to put in the effort to look their best.
/ though, they never really got the hang on how to do their hair. eventually, they just let it grow. it was nearly down to their hips and it became too hard to manage when they sheepishly ask you to cut it for them.
/ by the blush on their face and a couple of tears in their eyes, you could tell that this whole thing was just too overwhelming for them and a sensory overload. your heart was aching so badly from seeing them in such a state, you didn't even hesitate.
/ so, at 3am, you grabbed a pair of scissors and began snipping away. one inch turned to two, turned to three... turned to eleven. by the time you were done and looked down at the ground, a wave of fear washing over you as you pull away.
/ your fingers shake their hair, making sure there aren't any uneven strands and that all the loose hair would fall from their head. the first thing they say when you are done? "wow, my head feels so much lighter."
/ they look at themselves in the mirror and fall silent. you can feel the pit in your stomach forming, your breath begins to tremble as you look at them, helplessly preparing to mumble a long apology. that is until they turn around, arms wrapping around you, "I LOVE IT!!!!"
/ after that, you start trimming their hair every so often, just to make sure it would always be at this manageable length. and even then you started learning new styles, buying small clips and headbands, anything to make them look even more adorable than they already are.
/ hanji is a very hard person to wake up. opening the blinds, countless alarms, pulling the covers, not even water will work. but do you wanna know what will? the smell of freshly brewed coffee and the promise of kisses.
/ "haaaaanjiiiii" you call out every morning and, immediately, you can hear rushed footsteps coming down the stairs, their feet tripping over one another as they desperately throw on a pair of sweatpants and a tank top.
/ they drink their coffee black with AT LEAST four spoons full of sugar. do they eat in the morning? a piece of toast and then they go about their day, not drinking a single sip of water until you DEMAND that they do. they only agree because the energy drink is making their kidneys hurt, which is why you have so many variations of cranberry juice: crangrape, cranapple, just plain cranberry.
/ they don't like going to the grocery store. it's too crowded, too loud and too bright. so you are used to doing the shopping by yourself most of time, but sometimes, every so often, hanji finds themselves feeling a bit too clingy to let you go by yourself.
/ so you offer to hold their hand the entire time. and you have to keep the promise, otherwise you'll find them a sobbing mess, like a lost child almost. usually, when you get to the store, you can see how much the environment is already affecting them, so you wrap your arm around theirs as the two of you work together to push the cart.
/ when you need something from a tall shelf, hanji will hold your hand with one hand and reach up with the other. they are relatively tall so it doesn't take much but their hand must be touching yours at all times.
/ you will often try to make up fun games, like "who can pick out the most veggies in a minute?" or "how many cans can you stack in the cart before they fall" or "$1 dvd hunt and snack baskets." silly things to take hanji's mind away from the anxiety and it works like a charm every time, as long as your hands are still linked together.
/ it is a constant struggle having to keep hanji from bringing home every stray they find. the two of you already have two cats and a dog, but they insist on feeding every neighborhood animal, always building warm outside houses for them during the winter, leaving clean water outside for them every day.
/ one time, they tried to bring a racoon inside, pretending it was a cat and hoping you wouldn't notice. you screamed so loudly that both of them ran outside.
/ in past relationships, hanji was never allowed to decorate anything, or even leave a single toothbrush at their ex's house. so when you asked about colors for the walls and the curtains, they were a little shocked, maybe even a little scared.
/ at first, they try to go along with things you like or what they think you might choose if it was up to you. they do it until you get annoyed and give them only options they might like. it turns them into a blushing mess when they realize but the simple knowledge that you are so determined to make them know that this is your home TOGETHER makes them even more sure that you are the one.
/ hanji is a heavy sleeper but they roll around in bed so much that it was actually hard for you to get asleep when the two of you first started dating. at the point where you move in together, you aren't even bothered by it anymore.
/ they have a little compartment for their glasses on their bedside table, but they never use it. instead, they just throw the pair anywhere before jumping into bed with you, their eyes fixated on you, even if they can't actually see you other than the shape of your body.
/ hanji has a massive garden in the back of your house. every time the two of you travel somewhere, they gather seeds to bring home and figure out what will grow and what won't.
/ the two of you travel a lot. when it's by car, hanji is usually the one to drive while you are the one to pack the bags and snacks for the road. you are also in charge of the songs but you make sure to choose songs both of you enjoy. unless hanji pisses you off, in that case you always choose that one band they can't stand.
/ if it's by plane, you are the one who has to wake hanji up, make sure the two of you have everything, that their passport is in their hand, that there is nothing missing, that they have medicines, chargers and everything else.
/ hanji is fascinated by planes but also scared of them. they can't quite explain why, but a simple look at it causes them to freeze in place, almost like.. it's a memory. a bad one. so you make sure to hold their hand the entire time, nuzzle your head on their shoulder and just shower them with love.
/ the two of you always cuddle. even when it's burning hot, you just ditch the covers and clothes, the need to be touching each other is much higher than anything else.
/ you and hanji are always together. and when they propose, there was no other answer you could give. it was an immediate "yes ♡"
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phantommaws · 29 days
I love writing married couple LeviHan
“Hange, please can you stop fretting. You’re making me feel on-edge. I’m sure that you’ve got everything you need in there and you aren’t going to fit much more in.”
Hange took no notice of their partner as they once again tipped the contents of their suitcase out onto the bed; haphazardly folded clothes and toiletries tumbled out over the bedding, and Levi couldn’t help the way his nose wrinkled as he scowled.
“I spent ages folding all of those and you just end up throwing them across the bed. I’m not doing it for you a third time.”
Hange gave a dismissive wave of their hand, chuckling slightly at his statement.
“Well they’ll only get crumpled up when I wear them, so I don’t really see the point in folding any of it.” Hange turned back to face their partner once again, seeing him sat against the wall; his knee was bandaged and splinted, a reminder of how much pain he had been in and Hange’s jovial demeanour immediately faded.
“Are you sure that you’re going to be okay?”
Levi merely scoffed slightly.
“Of course I will, it’s only an operation to try to correct more of the damages caused by the bite. Besides, it’s not like I’m going to be on my own.”
They’re so fuckin cute
Tag list: @youre-ackermine
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hangesfavles · 8 months
Kitties and Compromises
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4.3k words. nonbinary hange x fem reader, but readers gender is only mentioned twice.
Summary: Hange really wants a cat, and you don’t. On your way to work one day, you hear a distant meowing in a sewer drain.
No warnings btw! This is sfw and just fluffy <3
a/n!: hi! i don’t usually write fanfics. this is actually my first time seriously sitting down and trying to write a fic, but i was inspired by an experience that happened to me fairly recently!! i’m not sure if i’ll write any more fanfiction, but if y’all like my writing you can send in a request, but i can’t promise it’ll be done quickly 😓 i’ll probably only write wlw, nblw, or nblnb! as for characters, i’d be interested in writing for hange, yelena (from aot), moira o’deorain, junker queen, chloe price, or hazel callahan! also ik not that many people will probably see this, but if you like hange fanfics puh LEASE check out @abbyslev on tumblr and @sweetgirl_r on ao3! bc i love their works and they’ve both indirectly inspired me so much! pls read their work its amazing <3 cross posted on tumblr and ao3, pls don’t steal my writing btw :3
What were the odds of something like this happening to you? ​​Hange simply must’ve been manifesting this into the universe. The day started just like any other, waking up in the morning next to your spouse, Hange. You always wake up before them, reluctant to leave the warm comfort of Hange’s embrace. Even when they’re asleep they find ways to be clingy, whether that be trapping your body against their own as they cage you with their arms or simply latching onto your back and nuzzling your hair, it always makes mornings that much harder. You always admire their sleeping face before leaving your shared bed; Their peaceful expression and lack of their usual eyepatch reminds you how much they trust you. You groggily slip out of their arms, eliciting their normal whimpers and sleepy pleas for you to rejoin them. You kiss their cheek, not even bothering to respond to their words. You know they won’t remember their words or your own regardless. You get yourself dressed in your boring, formal work attire required for your office job. After fixing your hair in the mirror, you head to the bathroom first. You grab your toothbrush from the holder, smiling as you do so. The sight of Hange’s toothbrush next to your own always makes your heart flutter. Despite having lived with them for quite some time, you always fall victim to the butterflies in your stomach when you see your items mixed with their own. Simple things, like their “Best teacher” mug gifted to them by one of their students next to your plastic and faded Hello Kitty cup you’ve had since childhood, or your coat hanging on the same rack as theirs.
Your next stop is the kitchen. You always make lunch for yourself as well as Hange the night before, otherwise they’ll skip lunch entirely or on rare occasion buy fast food. It never bothers you, though. You love being able to do nice things for them. You know they appreciate it, because they send sweet ‘thank you’ messages along with a photo of them eating it every day without fail. Seeing their smile while eating the food you prepared specifically for them makes your effort completely worth it. You grab your food, placing it into your bag.
The third and final place you head towards is the living room. You grab your laptop- previously discarded- from the coffee table and place it in your bag as well. You groan softly with annoyance as you remember how Hange had distracted you last night from finishing a particularly long assignment from your boss. You had been working diligently for a few hours before Hange arrived home, demanding attention from you. You can’t even blame yourself, because how could you say no to your loving spouse’s puppy eyes? Not to mention the fact they had also enticed you by offering to watch a new movie with you until it was time to make dinner. That’s another action that never fails to make your heart beat faster in your chest. They make dinner while you prepare tomorrow’s lunch, always on the counter closest to them. You sigh as you think about the fact you’ll have a little bit of extra work to do while you leave the house and enter your car to drive to work.
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Hange loves you. Everything about you, and anything that comes with you. They love your day-to-day routine, never growing bored even when doing monotonous tasks and chores. Things they had hated previously have magically become more interesting, like grocery shopping or doing laundry. But even so, something felt… missing. They were 100% sure this feeling has nothing to do with the love they have for you, or the love you have for them. They undeniably and unconditionally love you, otherwise they wouldn’t have proposed to you. They knew early on into your relationship that they wanted to spend the rest of their life with you by their side. Because of this, they want to have a family with you. Neither of you had been particularly fond of the idea of having children- at least, not yet. Having a child is a lot of work, as well as an incredibly big time and financial commitment. They want a cat. They knew that they wanted a pet cat before they had even moved out of their parents’ house… However, they also knew that you were against the idea. They’ve been begging for the past few months about how badly they want to adopt one, only to be shut down by you, saying how expensive it would be to buy one, as well as the essentials for it: a collar, carrier, grooming supplies, litter box, litter, a scooper, toys, food bowls, food in general, as well as occasional vet visits. Between both of your jobs, you and Hange live comfortably. If the two of you agreed to cut back on recreational spending, they were sure buying a pet was within reason, but they knew you didn’t want to. You enjoyed being able to go on nice dates with them on occasion, to the movies, aquarium, dinner, art museums, and sometimes you even do escape rooms together. They also savor the dates you go on together, but that doesn’t stop them from asking you at least twice a week if you’ve warmed up to the idea of owning a cat. Spoiler alert, you haven’t. So imagine their surprise when they receive a video call from you in the middle of class, revealing you holding a dirty, gray kitten with one hand.
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Really, what were the odds of this happening? After getting out of your car when you arrived at the office building, you hear loud, high-pitched cries coming out of a nearby sewer. Your kind heart wouldn’t and couldn’t ignore it. You follow the sound, crouching in front of the drain, that’s when you see it. The tiniest kitten you’ve ever laid eyes on, seemingly trapped at the bottom of a sewer drain. You jog as fast as your heels can take you, alerting your boss about the situation, telling him you’ll clock in as soon as you can help the poor thing. He graciously allows you to do so, a perk of being a dedicated manager. You jog back towards the drain, kneeling down to look at the kitten again. You were sure if you called the cops that they would take hours to show up, if at all. Instead, you search for the phone number of your local fire department.
Saving this goddamn cat was a long process. Who knew removing the cover of a drain would take so long? It had taken over two hours to remove the cover, and then another forty five minutes to lure the kitten close enough for the firefighter to grab. The kitten was left in your care after it was safely removed from the drain. Luckily, it was dry except for its paws. You were considering what you should do at this moment. The kitten doesn’t seem to have a collar, and you can see a few fleas crawling around on its back. You realize that you simply can’t place it on the ground to roam free once more, what if it’s hungry? What if it gets hurt or stuck again? You’re not sure you would be able to sleep at night knowing you abandoned the cat. You figure you should first and foremost take it to the vet to see if it possibly has an owner who microchipped it. Before doing so, you decide to do what any rational person would do, call Hange. You feel bad for bothering Hange when you know that they’re working, but you wanted to tell them what you’ve dealt with for the past three hours.
When Hange feels the vibration of their phone in their pocket, illuminating from your call, they know that they should answer. They hold their phone in their hand before glancing around their classroom, the eyes of their students peering at them curiously. They chuckle nervously. “...Ah, pardon me for a minute! My wife is calling me. Feel free to chatter while I’m away, just be sure to keep it down, okay?” They give the class an awkward thumbs up and a matching smile. They aren’t sure if you’ve ever called them while they were working, and they feel a pang of worry as they step out of their classroom and into the hallway to answer the call.
The look on their face was priceless. Their eye widens a little with confusion, their lips parting as if they wanted to say something, but they clearly have trouble finding the words. You speak before they do, explaining briefly how you heard the kitten crying, the amount of time it took to save the small creature, and how you plan to take it to a vet to see if it has an owner. After you’re finished speaking, Hange is quick to ask you “Can we keep it if it doesn’t have a chip? C’mon, pretty please? This opportunity is perfect! We won’t have to pay hundreds of dollars to adopt one, we just gotta cover the essentials!” They beg you, barely even stopping for breath as they plead quickly. “I don’t know, Han… Let me take it to the vet first. I’ll let you know what happens from there.”
Hange has been on the edge of their seat all day. You’ve been sending them updates, albeit slowly, considering the kitten is being tested for multiple things, like parasites, ear and eye infections, and other long term health conditions like feline leukemia. What they know so far is that the kitten is- according to the vet- probably a girl, not microchipped, and the poor thing is infested with fleas. You had mentioned to Hange that the vet said it’s a little bit early to tell if she’s really a girl, but that she currently looks like one. Hange has never been so attached to their phone at work before. They can’t help but glance at it between sentences, hoping to see their screen lit up by a message from you.
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Today has been tiring, despite not even truly having gone into work. You’re stressed, nervous, and worst of all, bored. Your boredom doesn’t help your running thoughts. Instagram can only distract your brain so much when all you can think about is this kitten you’ve unwillingly bonded with. The longer you sit in the waiting room, the more you realize how worried you really are about being able to keep the kitten, despite your initial reservations about keeping a stray animal. She was just that cute. Throughout the whole car ride to the vet, she sat in your lap obediently, even curling up into a ball and purring. Not once did she cry or try to escape your lap. She had only started crying once you left her alone with the vet, and that broke your heart more than you’re willing to admit. You already feel like you have a bond with her, and it would be devastating if she happened to be sick or injured. What you’re waiting for right now is for her to use the bathroom. Number two is preferable, but they would work with number one if that’s all she could do. You silently thank yourself for stopping by a grocery store to get her some canned cat food, which she had eaten in the car on the way here. After waiting in the vet for a whopping 4 more hours, they had concluded all of the proper tests. The vet calls you back into the exam room, ready to talk about the results. Apparently, she ended up doing number 2 when she was left alone in a kennel. “Hello Mrs. Zoe!” He says with a friendly smile. “So, I’ll start with the bad news. Our little friend here has plenty of fleas, which I’m sure you saw already, and after running tests on her stool, I found that she does indeed have a parasite.” After hearing his words, you feel your nervousness festering more than ever. You nod at his words, urging him to continue. “But, there’s plenty of good news. The parasite is nothing life-threatening. She just needs to be medicated every day for a week. Other than that, she is entirely healthy. Do you plan on keeping her?” You think about your answer for a moment, but inside, you knew your mind was already made up. You had plenty of time to think about it in the waiting room, and you can’t deny the fact you’re already smitten with the small animal. You nod at him, a small smile appearing on your face as well. “Well, that’s great! You’ll have to come back tomorrow or the day after to pick up her medicine. We’ll give you a call when it’s ready to be picked up.” He flashes you another award-winning smile before leaving the room to retrieve the kitten. “Congratulations, she’s very well behaved.” He comments as he hands her back to you carefully. “Thank you, doctor. My spouse is going to be absolutely over the moon.” You giggle softly as you hold her once more and leave the office. You hold the kitten in one hand, and reach into your pocket to check the time on your phone. By now, it was almost time for Hange to get off of work. You sit in the car, the kitten once more making herself comfortable on your lap. You try not to think about her fleas as you take a moment to video call Hange once more.
Hange had just finished their last class of the day when you called. They were sitting at their desk, grading some old assignments before they officially left school. This was typical for them, because they absolutely hated dealing with the traffic caused by all of the other teachers, as well as students and school buses leaving the area at once. They see your call and immediately answer with a huge, dopey smile on their face. “Hi, love!” They exclaim, evidently excited for whatever updates you’re going to give them. When the video loads, they aren’t met with your dazzling beauty, but another small, adorable face. You can’t help but giggle as you look down at your phone, the angle making the kitten look funny. She paws the screen in front of her. “D'aww!! She’s so cuteee!” Hange squeals with excitement at the view. You giggle lightheartedly at Hange’s childish excitement. Their enthusiasm for the world around them was something that drew you in immediately about them, and it is still a trait that you adore. “Isn’t she? She’s so sweet and well behaved.” You move the phone away from the kitty, instead showing Hange your face. “Has she melted your cold heart already?” They tease with a soft chuckle. “Oh, shut up Hange!” You giggle at their joke anyways. “I’m just teasing, love. Soooo… Is she ours? Is she healthy?” They ask excitedly, but they already assume that the answer is yes, considering how happy you seem to be. “I just got done speaking with the vet, apparently she has a parasite.” You notice Hange’s lips part into an ‘o’ shape as you say this. You can also notice the concern morphing its way into their features. “But he said that after being medicated for… like… a week or so, she should be perfectly fine.” Hange’s earlier excitement makes a comeback, the worry melting off their features as they squeal a bit. “C’mon, we have to keep her!” They whine and plead. “You love her already, it’s obvious. Stop avoiding the question.” A pout forms on Hange’s lips as they try to convince you for the umpteenth time to have a pet. You sigh softly at their cute expression, giggling breathily at their antics. “I do love her. And you’re right, this is a perfect chance for us to have a pet since we didn’t have to buy her. I guess love is about compromise, or whatever… And since I know how much you’ve always wanted a cat, we can keep her.”
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Hange had rushed home in record speed. It’s shocking that they got home in one piece without any tickets or crashes. You were right in the assumption that they would be over the moon about this perfect coincidence, Hange wanted to meet her more than anything. You have been home for a bit by the time Hange arrives at your shared home. They practically launch through the door, before realizing their excitement might startle the kitten. When you hear the door opening, you greet them at the door with your arms open wide. They quickly rush into your embrace, lifting you up and enthusiastically shaking you around. They place a chaste kiss on your lips before putting you on the floor once more. “Not that I’m not excited to see you, but where is she?” They ask with childlike excitement. They’re practically bouncing off the walls. As if on cue, a high pitched cry emits from the bathroom. “I have her in the bathroom right now and I put a blanket in there with her. We’re-” Your sentence is cut off by Hange making their way to the bathroom, carefully opening the door. You smile at their excitement, following after them. “Make sure she doesn’t get out. We’re gonna need to give her a flea bath before she can leave the bathroom.” Hange mumbles out a ‘mhm’ before kneeling beside the bathtub. The kitten is looking up at them with big doe eyes. Hange is doing all they can not to squeal and shout from how utterly adorable she is. You decide to take a seat on top of the closed toilet, simply content to see your partner so lively. Hange carefully outstretches their hand to the animal, who seems to back away the tiniest bit. “Heeeeyyyyyyy baby…” They whisper quietly. “Pspspsp…” The kitten sniffs Hange’s finger skeptically, but doesn’t react otherwise. They take this as a sign that it’s okay to pet her. Two of their lithe fingers scratch at the top of the kitten's head, much to her content. Hange mumbles sweet, hushed words to the animal that you can’t really hear. The world around you seems to grow blurry, as you tune out everything else that isn’t your partner and your newfound pet. There wasn’t anything else worth caring about at the moment. The tenderness Hange displays, a stark contrast from their typical erraticism, has your heart thumping in your chest. Hange has always been equally caring as they are observant. While Hange will probably always be excitable, they’re very aware of other’s emotions. They know when someone is overwhelmed or tired, or maybe shy and nervous, meaning they always know when they should turn it down a notch. Quiet moments with them were always your favorite moments. Moments where you two could simply be, without the need for conversation or action. Moments like this morning, where you can stare at their tired face without any ounce of uncomfort. Hange scoops up the kitten into their arms, holding her near their chest, seemingly unbothered by the fleas littering her body. They look up at you, smiling with their teeth and giggling. Their eyes are squinted shut by how much they’re smiling. Even as you’re lost in thought, not fully aware, you smile back at them unconsciously because it’s second nature. You snap out of your trance when you see a flea jump off of her body. “Yuck.” You say, squishing the bug with your shoe and picking it up with a piece of toilet paper. “I picked up some flea shampoo when I went to get her something to eat.” You say, holding up a purple bottle. “She won’t like this, but put her in the sink.”
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The two of you have spent the better part of an hour picking the rest of the bugs out of the kitten's fur. The flea bath helped substantially, but there were still some that crawled around. Neither of you have spotted bugs for a few minutes, so you retire from your task, wrapping the small animal in a towel as Hange holds her, trying to transfer their own warmth to her. “She’s such a sweetie.” They coo softly, bouncing the kitty as if she’s a small child. “We should feed her soon. Did you get anything else from the pet store?” They ask, tilting their head at you as they ask. “No, she got really antsy when she was alone for too long, so I tried to run in and out as fast as possible. We’re gonna have to go back.” “Oh, but we can’t leave her to go out, what if she thinks we abandoned her!?” They ask you with puppy eyes. “We can’t take her out, she could still have fleas. I can ask someone to watch her while we go out.” You say, pulling out your phone to text one of your and Hange’s shared friends.
Levi and Erwin step into your home, the former appearing to be intensely displeased. “I can’t believe you’re making me do this on a weekday.” Levi grumbles, while Erwin smiles politely at you and Hange. “He’s being dramatic, it’s no trouble. You two will only be gone for an hour before we head home again.” Erwin chuckles, walking to the living room, where the now dried kitten sits on the couch. She runs and hides at the sight of so many people. “Thank you guys for doing this, I know it’s last minute.” You chuckle nervously at Levi’s obvious irritation. “We didn’t exactly have the luxury to give you notice, Shorty.” Hange teases, grinning as Levi rolls his eyes. “Whatever, three eyes. Get going so we can get home already.” Hange pouts, not only from the nickname, but also at the fact they’re being rushed out of their own home. You try not to burst out laughing at the nickname. “Three eyes is diabolical.” You choke out, opting to take their hand and head out, hopefully so Hange doesn’t feel embarrassed. “We’ll be back soon, thank you again!” You wave, before hopping in the car with a pouting Hange to get supplies for your currently unnamed pet.
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Who knew shopping with Hange would take so long? You knew, actually. You were vaguely aware of the fact that Hange’s erraticism isn’t the best trait when trying to go shopping quickly. You’ve only been shopping with them a few times, and after an hour of bouncing around the store, it becomes a little bit tiring. This doesn’t even account for the many different random items they tend to pick up and insist they need. A similar thing happens when you attempt to shop for your cat. You asked Hange to find a decently sized litter box, and they come back to beg you for toys they think look funny, a bed shaped like a ramen cup, a hat for the kitten, and a matching onesie for her. You have to refrain from twitching your eye as they entirely forgot to get the litter box you tasked them to find. You end up putting the toys, bed, and hat in the basket, since you planned on buying her these things anyway. “Han... My beloved... You forgot the litter box.” You watch as they chuckle nervously, rubbing the back of their neck. “Right... Be right back.” They turn away, determined to get the litter box, (and only the litter box,) while you decide between two bundles of kitten food.
Hange finds you once more, looping their arms around your waist. You’re momentarily shocked, but you quickly recognize the scent of them surrounding you. They place their head on your shoulder, proud of the fact they managed not to pick up anything except the litter box. They poke your cheek, giving you a grin. When you turn your head towards them, they tap their finger against their cheek, silently asking to be rewarded for completing the task you gave them. You roll your eyes playfully and give them a soft peck.
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You return home after an hour and a half, being slightly delayed by Hange’s typical short and ever-changing attention span. Erwin helps you and Hange bring in the bags of cat necessities. You and Hange tiredly plop down on your couch once you’ve finished, feeling tired from all the events of the day. Levi sighs from beside you. You and Hange look at him, seeing the cat curled up and sleeping on his lap. “This damn cat wouldn't leave me alone. Always craving attention, like it can't survive without constant petting. Needy little furball.” He grumbles. Despite his attitude, he still allows her to sleep in his lap, which you and Hange are both grateful for. He carefully picks her up, shifting her into Hange’s lap instead. They both try their best to ensure she isn’t disturbed by the transfer. You stand up as Levi does, seeing the couple out. “Thank you both again for doing this. We’ll see you guys on Sunday for dinner. It’s our turn to cook this week!” You giggle. Erwin pats your shoulder in a dad-like fashion. “Don’t mention it. Levi was loving the attention she gave him. See you Sunday.” He smiles. To this, Levi rolls his eyes, elbowing his lover lightly as you see them out.
Once again, you plop on the couch beside your own lover. They look at you with worry. “What are we going to do with her? She’s gonna be so scared if we leave her at home, all alone...” You raise your eyebrow, wondering where this conversation is leading. “I’m sure she’ll get used to it. It’s impossible for us to have someone watch her every day while we’re at work.” In response to your words, they cover the kitten's ears. “You’re evil! How could you talk about our daughter that way?” They pout, giving you puppy eyes. You laugh, rolling your eyes playfully at their joke. “You know...” They start. You look at them tiredly, knowing you probably won't like whatever comes next. “We could always get another to keep her company.”
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