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blacklegsanjiii · 11 months ago
Hanhawk bullshit running through my head!
Boa annoying Hawkeye at meetings and him not falling for it. He's friends with Shanks, it takes a lot to get under his skin and he's more focused on leaving the meetings to get back to Sanji and make sure he's okay but he does invite her back at her leisure. Usually he's kicking away from the dock when he says that and she stares at him and his utter audacity. She's a princess and a warlord! Hawkeye!
She does take him up on it and goes back and he's giving her some rules for the visit which she's frowning at him but it's like 'dont bring up, Germa or his birth family, bugs are to be either taken outside or killed immediately, and if he hides don't find him' which is both the most understandable rules but the most heart wrenching. She agrees and when they arrive Sanji is on the rocky shores of Kuraigana looking at them and Mihawk ties the boat and scoops Sanji up as Sanji holds onto him and looks at Boa and Boa is telling him hi and asking how he is but Sanji is eyeing her with distrust as they go into the castle. Mihawk hanging his hat and shifting Sanji so he can hang his coat. Boa hangs hers as she listens to Mihawk tell Sanji about the meeting and the plans the government has for him and Sanji listens as Mihawk says he's only going to do maybe a fifth of the things the government wants him to do.
Boa laughs as they go to the kitchen and Sanji is set on the counter while Mihawk pulls stuff out to cook. Sanji tells him about what he was doing on the island while he was away and Mihawk listens and asks questions. Boa loves watching the two of them when she's there the first few times before Sanji really starts to trust her and view her as someone part of his life. He always meets them on the rocky beach unless it's particularly late which they'll find him asleep on a couch and Boa has to bite her knuckles to coo and squeal about how adorable he is and Mihawk is looking at her with this weird look and asks her to not bleed on the floor if she can help it. Boa pouts at him and asks how he can resits when he's doing that and Mihawk rolls his eyes and walks away.
She starts bringing things for Sanji after a few visits and he eyes her and the incredibly neatly wrapped present the first time she presents him one and she's like 'it won't bite' and sanji's eyes immediately flick to the trees and Mihawk assures him it's not a living thing. Boa encourages Sanji to open it and it's a drawing set and to his and Mihawk's confusion Boa explains that someone will have to draw all the new fish in the All Blue and Sanji's eyes light up so fucking hard as he thanks her and Mihawk says to go use it and watch his son bolt off.
One night after Sanji goes to bed and Mihawk and Boa are drinking she and Mihawk are talking and Mihawk is obviously very well connected and has been all over the world but he mentions that he and Sanji are headed to the East Blue soon to help Redleg Zeff with opening his restaurant so and Boa offers to help get them over the Calm Belt if she can go and Mihawk takes her up on it. Of course when they're at the Baratie for the preparations for opening day Zeff is telling Boa to sit and not work and Mihawk sends her off to town so Zeff will stop fretting over her. After the day, when the staff is done and Mihawk is holding a sleeping Sanji with Boa next to him as they talk to Zeff does the former pirate nod at them and tell they're doing a good job raising Sanji and congratulates Mihawk on finding a woman which leaves them both balking after him as he leaves. Boa recovers first and grins at the man who simply looks at her and sighs. Zeff isn't wrong, not outright at least, but still.
Boa has absolutely wormed her way into Sanji and Mihawk's life. She is able to pick him up and hold him and Sanji is so small that he fits so easily in her arms. She offers to take him to Amazon Lily when Mihawk has jobs which they agree to, albeit hesitantly but it's better than him being alone. Sanji is exactly welcome but the empress loves him dearly so they let him be. He is welcomed by Boa's sisters and dressed up in fancy clothing, treated like royalty and better than he ever was in Germa.
When they return to Kuraigana, Sanji is put to bed easily and Boa tells Mihawk about their time on Amazon Lily and Mihawk listens with a small smile. They've been doing this song and dance for a while now and Mihawk does like her, he just isn't necessarily an intimate person. Still, he is grateful for what she's done and she isn't as vain as one would think. She has truly somehow wormed her way into his heart that those before her haven't. They're relationship turns much more physical that night.
She is far more integral to them after that as well, she becomes 'mama' when Mihawk becomes 'papa', even if those are both accidental slips from Sanji. Boa squeals so loudly and swings the boy around and coos at him while Mihawk chuckles lightly. They raise Sanji and take him to Baratie to work and eat and Sanji draws and cooks. When he moves to Baratie full time to work Boa pouts until Mihawk points out they have the island to themselves and Boa promptly shuts her mouth and drags him away.
Then Mihawk calls her a few years later when she couldn't go visit Baratie with him to talk about how he didn't kill someone, Sanji was doing fine, Baratie was collateral again. Boa responded to all of these with questions or laughter. It was so unlike him to let someone live. She called him when Sanji's poster came out and they shared their puzzlement over the phone. Then Enies Lobby happened, and then Sabaody. Boa has her son's captain on her island and her love has the swordsman.
Then at the execution Mihawk watches Boa join Luffy in his fight and swoon and he knows he shouldn't be jealous of a seventeen year old, so he's going to be annoyed at Boa instead as he turns on the Marines as well. He's annoyed and pulls her to him at some point and it is like a whole Pirates of the Caribbean Will and Elizabeth scene where he yells at Jinbei to marry them. The Fishman does, with a lot of confusion and Boa is flustered as they're all fighting during this and the kiss they share at the end of their vows rocks Marineford as they help the brothers escape and stay to fight with the Shirohige fleet.
"What do you think is going to be bigger news? The brothers escaping or two warlords turning on the government?" Shanks laughs at Buggy.
"You know they got married right? Like that was also a huge part of why Mihawk turned." Buggy replies as Shanks looks at Boa and Mihawk in shock.
"Our son is Luffy's cook." Boa explains. Which makes everyone lose it promptly.
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blacklegsanjiii · 11 months ago
Hanhawk!Sanji with the crew after he joins. Drawing fish between cooking and taking care of the chores. He starts dating Luffy(of course he does) and they keep it to themselves mostly because the Merry is small and he isn't exactly keen on someone walking in on them. He draws his crew on lazy days and the dishes he makes. The fish and animals he finds. His mom got him into drawing for a good reason so he's going to use it by God.
Sanji enjoying his new friends and being around people his age, even if the mossball makes him frustrated. Everything is still going according to Canon and Sanji knows the two who raised him are from the new world and spent enough time there to not be surprised at what's happening, also they're warlords so like, it's normal. For them it's normal. Sanji knows how to use haki and does, especially when it comes to finding Zoro, his armament can be hit or miss depending on if he remembers it.
Then Sabaody happens and Sanji reads the news about his parents helping Luffy and while he's thankful, he is so fucking thankful. But it was supposed to be the crew. It was supposed to be him. He already has that feeling of being a disappointment for a lot of reasons(giving up swords, his parents not being together because of him, Germa, Judge) so this just compounds on it. He just vows to get stronger and be there in the future. So he does. He learns to skywalk and the attack cuisine and goes through the bridal arts training. He gets stronger and taller.
The crew reunites and still everything is the same. Luffy still loves the idea of sneaking around because it's like playing spies despite the fact they could go sleep in his room. They could do a lot of things in his room. Luffy just loves playing spies too much and Sanji is absolutely weak for the captain. Still everything is normal for the crew as they continue on.
When WCI happens Luffy convinces Nami to marry him and Sanji as they sale to Wano. She's confused, very confused but does it. Sanji then explains to her they've been together since he basically joined the crew and they weren't necessarily hiding it but the Merry was so small and Luffy loves sneaking around like it's a game so they just kept going like that. Sanji thanks her by making her favorite treat and she smiles happily.
Wano happens and Sanji wonders as they leave if his parents are looking at his bounty and wonder why it's not as high as the others and why his last name is back to 'Vinsmoke' when it should be either Mihawk or Hancock. The crew bids their goodbyes to the other crews as they sail on. Eventually they're teaming with the Cross Guild on Karai Bari and while Boa isn't on the poster she is there. After she got away from the Marines and Teach and that whole thing anyway, after the dissolution of the warlord system.
Boa is swooning for Luffy when they arrive and Mihawk is hiding his annoyance but Sanji is rolling his eyes. They're negotiating their attack on Teach and what they could provide to each other to come to an agreement when Usopp looks at Luffy and his whining that he's bored and just wants to fight.
"What is your future spouse going to do with you?" Usopp sighs.
"Future pouts?" Luffy ask.
"'Spouse', like husband or wife." Chopper clarifies.
"I'm already married?" Luffy answers in a questioning tone.
"You never told anyone because you're you, Luffy." Nami sighs.
"Oh, woops." Luffy laughs as Sanji sighs.
"That's also my fault, I assumed he would tell everyone because he's Luffy." Sanji explains as the meeting room goes ballistic. Luffy laughs as he climbs Sanji and Mihawk looks to Boa.
"Well now that you're both married you can stop acting like that." Mihawk chides his wife.
"Are we not going to talk about the fact our son is married?" Boa asks him incredulously.
"I think we need to have several conversations with our son and his newfound husband and their crew." Mihawk answers as he stacks the paperwork and Crocodile joins into the chaotic yelling at the new information, Buggy leans back in his chair and stares at the ceiling.
"That's what you were talking about Marineford." The clown says blankly as the chaos rages on.
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blacklegsanjiii · 11 months ago
The ASL x Sanji au is amazing, so I feel the need to add hc:
• when Sanji starts to use suits his boyfriends absolutely get mesmerized bc "so pretty"
• Ace and Sabo are certainly more clingier than Luffy when it's comes to kisses and touches more intimites than huges when they're teenagers
• the asl jealous would be funny, bc i can perfectly see some boy in Grey Terminal giving flowers or something like that to Sanji in front of them
• Sanji probaly make drawing of types of fish, the sea, dishes and more things, just like he knows a lot of luballys and tales from North Blue, the ASL absolutely love to see him drawing or hear him sing
(And to add in the RLS + ASL x S thing, when Law sends a copy of all their old photos, Robin would probaly use's the fact they're Sanji's boyfriends to make them hear her talking about young Sanji – they love seeing the photos)
I'm so glad you like them and your headcanons are all correct!
ASL first time seeing Sanji in a suit they're blown away. They keep telling him pretty whenever he's wearing one and the Onigashima suit is forever implanted in their brains as adults as well.
Ace and Sabo are definitely more about sexual intimacy when they're teens. It's a whole problem. Zeff has threatened them multiple times so they will talk Sanji with them and Sanji has gotten so good at make up to hide the love bites.
Sanji will make them go on supply runs with him because there's three people to carry everything and that's nice. However Sanji is paid a lot of completion and flirtation he misses and then someone gives him flowers and calls him the most beautiful person in the world. Sanji is so red and suddenly three feral jungle people are chasing the poor sod.
Sanji can draw in HanHawk!Sanji with the reason that he needs to be able to draw all the new fish in the All Blue. He absolutely draws his boyfriends too. Sanji doesn't sing often but Luffy convinces him and Brook every once in a while. It's a treat.
The photos. Oh Lord the photos. They get the box and Ace and Luffy are basically vibrating until Sabo gets there and then he and Koala, Luffy, and Ace are all sat around like it's fucking story time to hear about the photos and see them. Sanji and Nami are apologizing to Koala as Robin starts showing the photos and the boys melt next to her. She makes a note to tell Dragon Sanji needs to be protected at all costs because otherwise the seas are fucked.
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blacklegsanjiii · 1 year ago
Hello and welcome to my blog!
Here is my AO3!
North Blue Language - Mihawk x Sora raising Sanji - Complete!
Golden - Single Dad Mihawk raising Sanji and Mihawk - Under Rewrite
General AUs: Soulmate AU, Love Mark AU
A full list of head canons and associated head canons under the cut!
Shirohige!Sanji, Shirohige+Traf!Sanji, Shirohige!Sora
Trafalgar!Sanji, Heterochromia!Sanji, Vitiligo!Law, Nico/Trafalgar!Sanji, Nico!Sanji
Charlotte!Sora, Charlotte!Sanji,
Siblings Nami and Sanji
Clown!Sanji, Rayleigh!Sanji, Redhair!Sanji
Single Dad!Mihawk, Oisin!Sanji
Mihawk x Sora
All Blue!Sanji
Hancock!Sanji, Fishman!Sanji, Croc!Sanji, Donquixote!Sanji, Warlord!Sanji
Demon Slayer!Sanji,
Nephew!Sanji, Friend!Sanji
Zeff x Garp, HanHawk!Sanji,
Good!124ji, Swapped!Sanji, Loved!Sanji, Skylar D!Sora + Sanji
Skypeian!Sanji, Lunarian!Sanji,
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blacklegsanjiii · 1 year ago
Fuck you!
Hanhawk's your sanji
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