#hang nadim
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comparativetarot · 2 years ago
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Ten of Swords. Art by Rowen Ong, from The Southeast Asian Myths & Stories Tarot.
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stargazer-sims · 6 months ago
In The City of Love
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Belle: Excuse me!
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Belle: Hello, parents! Is that necessary?
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Davian: As a matter of fact, it was.
Félix: We are in the City of Love, after all.
Belle: Yeah, City of Love, not city of lust.
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Davian: Hey! How do you know what lust is?
Belle: You and Félix are my parents. Do you think you really need to ask that?
Davian: No, seriously.
Belle: I'm ten years old and I know how to read at a university level. I find out stuff. Plus, you should visit the trailer park sometime. You can learn a lot, hanging out with Dylan and Nadim.
Davian: No thanks. I had enough of the Willow Creek trailer park when I was a kid. And now I'm not sure I want you visiting Junior any more when he's over there with Dylan and his boy toy.
Belle: *giggling* Boy toy.
Félix: We can discuss all of this when we're back at home.
Davian: Right. This trip is supposed to be all about fun.
Belle: And minimal embarrassing public displays of affection.
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Félix: Belle, the last time Davian and I were here was when we were expecting you. We have a lot of nostalgia for this place. We'll try to restrain ourselves, but a few public displays of affection may be inevitable.
Belle: I thought you went to Tartosa while you were expecting me.
Davian: We did, at Christmas, but we came here in February. I got a contract offer that I couldn’t turn down, and Félix didn’t want me to leave him, so…
Belle: But, my birthday is in March. You must've been like, super pregnant or... whatever it's called when you have a science baby. It couldn't have been much fun to be here.
Félix: I had a few good days, although I'll admit it would've been more fun if I hadn't been so tired and uncomfortable. I'd say 'super pregnant' is an accurate description.
Davian: So much so, he actually needed a note from a doctor to say it was okay for him to travel.
Belle: Really?
Félix: We were here during the week of Valentine's Day, and you weren't supposed to be born until the eighteenth of March. We thought there'd be plenty of time between our trip and the date my surgery was scheduled for.
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Davian: Except there wasn't. We were home for... what? Maybe less than a week before you started having problems?
Félix: Which were entirely my own fault, in retrospect.
Davian: You weren't going wild at the love hotel by yourself, you know, and we weren't exactly taking it easy when we got home either. I'd say it was partly my fault too.
Belle: Eww! Love hotel!
Félix: The important thing is, we got home safely and it all worked out in the end. We may have had you a little earlier than we anticipated, Belle, but I promise nobody was complaining.
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Davian: The moment I saw you, I said to myself 'that is a princess'.
Félix: He did, honestly. The first words out of his mouth when he saw you were, 'our princess is here'.
Belle: I'd rather be an archaeologist than a princess.
Félix: We know, but you'll always be a princess to us. Besides, princess and archaeologist aren't mutually exclusive.
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Davian: We're going to make this trip as much about you as it is about us, okay? We want you to have a fun time and learn a lot. Félix and I have some memories to revisit here, but we want to make a bunch of new ones with you, too.
Belle: I don't mind if you want to revisit old memories or whatever, but can you promise me one thing?
Davian: What is it?
Belle: No going to the love hotel, okay?
Davian: And leave you alone at our rental? I promise that's totally not going to happen. You don't have to worry.
Belle: Good.
Félix: Speaking of the rental, we should check the address and see if we can find it before dark. If it's not too far, I think it'd be nice to walk there.
Davian: Sounds good, and if it is far away, maybe we can hail one of those pink taxis.
Belle: Ooh pink taxis? Even if we can walk to the rental, we have to ride in a pink taxi at least once before we go home.
BONUS: Here is their rental house!
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outletcrash · 9 months ago
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killer moth backstory below!
nadim was raised by a single father and he certainly had a childhood. he was indeed raised. (he was a boring as hell nobody).
until one day when a portal to the otherworld opened behind his minimum wage job. the fairies chose him as their mortal host, the servant used to do their bidding. at first he was exited! until the fairies told him to buy cocaine.
so he went off with his sparkly companions to buy drugs. nadim was a straight-laced fella and had no idea how to go about this, even in gotham. predictably, he got his ass beat by a small gang after some fairy-based shenaniganery. the fairies stopped any blows from landing with invulnerability and fairy dust shields. now nadim has magic!
next, the fairies told him to get revenge on the grave of a former minion. the one chosen a hundred years ago. he helped them sneak in, the madness of the fae slowly seeping into his brain. they destroyed the headstone and alerted the security guard. the fairies gave him super strength (something i forgot to include on the reference) and he hit the lady into traffic (she survived).
his final task was to get revenge on a previous minions descendant, bruce wayne. the fairies gave him supernatural charm (which he was barely able to use) to sneak past security and receptionists in wayne tower. when he finally reached the top, he discovered the identity of batman.
they fought, and nadim (sanity hanging on by a thread) bested batman in combat. the fairies wanted to hang him by his underwear over traffic before killing him, but nadim slipped and fell while tying the man to a gargoyle. he almost fell to his death, but the fairies gave him fairy wings!
he flew back up, but by this time batman had beat the fairies. he was about to apprehend nadim, but he managed to fly away (batman was light-headed from being upside down so long).
the fairies cursed him for his failure. batman didn't remember his encounter with nadim and the fae, and nadim would never be able to tell the truth. the fairies then returned to the otherworld.
nadim is now completely insane, hallucinating fairies, his greatest desire so close and yet so far. he desecrates graveyards, beats up groups of people he thinks are the "gang" and "kills" people by hanging them from their underwear. its all in a desperate attempt to please the fae, to make them lift the curse. it never works. he always goes back to arkham, hoarsely screaming words he can never say.
he does meet firefly and man-bat in arkham, which is nice!
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dinitian · 2 years ago
thirty! well plus one. LOL
thank you for keeping yourself sane. thank you for always having hopes. thank you for hanging in there. you've passed another year with yeah njungkir njempalik gulung kuming BUT YOU ARE SURVIVE.
mami adik might not say happy birthday today, maybe they are too busy and happy with Nadim. it is okay, you still have Qenis to say it. one of your bestfriend asked you about that horrible thingy. another one just tagged you in instagram that she reread the book you gave over and over.
din, you are blessed. it might be the craziest thing youve decided lately. but in the end of the day you did. it is okay. you will find a way or another.
cheer up! and yeah, happy birthday din. HAPPY birthday :)
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bwrentcarbatam · 12 days ago
Rental Mobil Batam
Rental Mobil Batam menjadi salah satu destinasi wisata terbaik di kepulauan riau Maka dari itu sewa mobil di batam akan menjadi solusi kamu menjelajahi kota tersebut dengan Perusahaan BW Rent Car Batam.
Nikmati keindahan tiap sisi kota BATAM selalu penuh kejutan dari Segi Kuliner, Wisata Alam, Sejarah Kota Batam, apalagi Air Port Hang Nadim Batam Sudah Internasional di karenakan sudah ada penerbangan untuk menuju Tour Korea .
Untuk Reservasi Hubung kami Di 085374695533
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cinews-id · 1 month ago
BMKG Mengimbau Masyarakat Kepri Agar Mewaspadai Potensi Banjir Rob di Batam-Tanjungpinang
BATAM, Cinews.id – Kepala Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika (BMKG) Stasiun Meteorologi Kelas I Hang Nadim Batam, Ramlan mengimbau masyarakat Kepulauan Riau (Kepri) mewaspadai potensi meningkatnya ketinggian pasang air laut maksimum yang dapat menimbulkan banjir pesisir atau rob “Akibat adanya fase bulan baru pada tanggal 29 Desember 2024 berpotensi meningkatkan ketinggian air laut…
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gooselacom · 3 months ago
Pangdam I/BB Menyambut Ketum Dharma Pertiwi di Sela Kunker ke Korem 033/WP
Pangdam I/BB Menyambut Ketum Dharma Pertiwi di Sela Kunker ke Korem 033/WP
Batam – Pangdam I/BB, Mayjen TNI Mochammad Hasan didampingi oleh Ketua Persit Kartika Chandra Kirana Daerah I/BB, Ny Anggi Mochammad Hasan menyambut kedatangan Ketua Umum Dharma Pertiwi, Ny Evi Sophia Agus Subiyanto beserta rombongan di Bandara Hang Nadim, Batam, Kepri, Rabu (30/10/2024). Ny Evi beserta rombongan transit di Batam dengan pesawat TNI AU Boeing 737-500, untuk kemudian melanjutkan…
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britaslotgacor · 4 months ago
BP Batam optimis penerbangan internasional buka peluang ekonomi baru
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Batam (ANTARA) - Badan Pengusahaan (BP) Batam optimis penerbangan komersial internasional Incheon, Korea Selatan - Hang Nadim, Batam akan membuka peluang ekonomi baru.
"Kehadiran penerbangan internasional ini selain dapat memberikan dampak ekonomi yang signifikan terhadap kunjungan wisman, konektivitas dua negara juga tak menutup kemungkinan peluang-peluang investasi baru di kota Batam," kata Plh Kepala BP Batam Purwiyanto dalam siaran pers yang diterima di Batam, Kepulauan Riau, Jumat.
Menurutnya, peresmian penerbangan itu akan memberikan angin segar bagi iklim investasi di kota Batam.
Penerbangan reguler itu menggunakan maskapai Korea Selatan Jeju Air Boeing 737-800 dengan nomor penerbangan 7C-5301.
"Jadi BP Batam ingin bagaimana mengembangkan investasi, mendorong ekonomi di berbagai sektor, salah satunya sektor pariwisata ini, yang hidup apabila ada kunjungan ke sini," ujarnya.
Pihaknya sangat bersyukur mengingat pengembangan bandara dikerjasamakan dengan PT Bandara Internasional Batam (BIB) yang merupakan konsorsium bentukan PT Angkasa Pura I, Incheon International Airport Corporation dan WIKA pada Juli 2022 lalu.
𝐁𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐚 𝐋𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐤𝐚𝐩𝐧𝐲𝐚 : Klik disini
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elyshahalifi · 5 months ago
CTS A Week 2 - Collaborative Skills
From today’s activities, my group has focused on showcasing an old Singaporean history called “Hang Nadim & the attack of the Swordfish”. While diving deeper into the history, my group has found out about how Hang Nadim seeks a plan of suggesting banana tree trunks as a barricade along the seashore to protect the villagers from getting harmed by the swordfishes. In my role as a collaborator, my strength would be contributing to ideas in a collaboration. I’ve contributed by providing concise pointers of the historical background of “Hang Nadim & the attack of the Swordfish” and suggested how we incorporate the key elements of the boy, Hang Nadim, swordfishes and banana tree trunks as the focus of the monument. My weaknesses would be coordinating with my group members. As someone who is an individualist and perfectionist at times, it can be difficult for me to empathise with my group members with different methods and approaches. Throughout the group work (image 1) , I am able to see myself balancing my personal ideas with the group’s objectives. If I had unlimited time and budget (image 2), a central life-sized sculpture of Hang Nadim in a defensive pose, with his arm outstretched, surrounded by swordfish positioned mid-motion to convey their threat. Banana tree trunks would be arranged to recreate the barricade from the story. It creates a striking and intriguing monument that honours the story of Hang Nadim. 
(230 words)
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Attack of the Swordfish https://www.roots.gov.sg/stories-landing/stories/attack-of-the-swordfish/story titleROOTS
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qisme · 5 months ago
CTSA Week 02 | Collaborative Skills
Collaboration is a process and is super important for me in the future as a designer, as we need to collaborate our ideas with multiple people at times to be able to get the best outcome.
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[Nadim and the Swordfish- The Redhill Story]
My group and I brainstorm and finally came up with an idea on what we wanted our monument to be and it is Sang Nadim and the Swordfish. This story is one of the two tales from the Sejarah Melayu also knows as Malay Annals. The "better- known" one of the two tales is the legendary tale of Hang Nadim, the wise kampong boy who gives his suggestions to the people in his village and saves them from a bloody swordfish attack. However, he was then being executed as a threat to political stability. Legend has it that the soil of Bukit Merah is red stained due to the unjustly spilled blood of Sang Nadim.
Our group felt that this should be a monument in Singapore as it is not only one of our legendary stories however this story is only popular amongst the locals and not foreigners that are visiting Singapore. This should be a monument to allow people from around the world that is visiting Singapore to know about one of our most popular local history of Singapore. We also planned to place this monument near the Singapore River along the Merlion as that is where most of the tourist go to.
This monument would help to educate tourist about the downfall of Singapore in the past and how the "King" failed the people of Temasek at one point of time. This is a lesson learnt to all of us that even being one of a first world country, we also used to have a time where people with more authority abuses their power just because they are jealous of a certain person and do not want the citizens to think of them as a useless leader.
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This activity allows me to collaborate ideas with my teammates in order to think of a monument that is suitable and has a lot of meaning behind it. At first, it was not easy for us to break the ice, however I managed to speak up first and suggested the idea of creating the monument of Sang Nadim and the Swordfish. With much thought and process, my group also agreed with me and we began with our drafts of how our monument would look like.
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This was our "rushed" idea as we did not have much time to think about what it would look like. We planned to put Sang Nadim, the swordfish and the banana tree as the main focus as we want to focus and tell the tourist and locals that Sang Nadim is one of our legendary heroes that we should remember of when we think of Temasek's past.
Collaborating with the rest of my teammate, makes me realised that we make better decisions and get better outcome as there are 4 brains instead of 1. Not only that when collaborating, it is important for me to empathise and accept different views and ideas from my teammate and improvise on that in order to work things out as a group. It is easy for me as I make that a habit during every group work. However, I am impatient when one of my group mate was not being helpful when the rest was brainstorming and that is one of my weakness. In the future, I want to be able to be more patient and instead of being annoyed, I will communicate with them instead to help out with the group work.
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pardomuansitanggang · 7 months ago
BANDARA HANG NADIM BATAM, PARDOMUANSITANGGANG.COM – Bandara Internasional Hang Nadim, yang terletak di Kota Batam, Kepulauan Riau, adalah salah satu bandara utama di Indonesia dan berperan penting dalam mendukung mobilitas warga dan pengembangan ekonomi daerah. Berikut adalah beberapa poin penting mengenai Bandara Hang Nadim: Fasilitas dan Infrastruktur Landasan Pacu: Bandara Hang Nadim memiliki…
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turisiancom · 10 months ago
TURISIAN.com - Bandara Internasional Sam Ratulangi, Manado, Sulawesi Utara, mendadak kembali ditutup dampak dari meletusnya Gunung Ruang. Hal itu berdasar Keputusan Kementerian Perhubungan (Kemenhub) untuk memperpanjang penutupan bandara hingga Minggu, 21 April 2024 pukul 12:00 WITA. Kebijakan ini memberikan gambaran betapa kuatnya dampak aktivitas Gunung Ruang terhadap lalu lintas udara. Oleh sebab itu, menjadi perhatian bagi para wisatawan untuk sementara agar tidak mendekati kawasan ini. Ditjen Perhubungan Udara (Ditjen Hubud) Kemenhub menjelaskan bahwa langkah ini diambil setelah meneliti Notice to Arimen (NOTAM) Nomor A1021/24 NOTAMR A1016/24. BACA JUGA: Bandara Hang Nadim Batam Terapkan Aturan Baru, Larang Tenant Pakai Sandal Alasan utamanya adalah masih adanya ancaman abu vulkanik yang berpotensi membahayakan penerbangan di wilayah Sulawesi Utara. "Keputusan ini kami ambil setelah memantau aktivitas abu vulkanik Gunung Ruang. Yaitu, yang terletak di Kabupaten Sitaro, Sulawesi Utara," jelas Ditjen Hubud Kemenhub dalam keterangan resminya, Sabtu 20 April 2024. Sementara itu, Gunung Ruang telah mengeluarkan letusan sejak Selasa, 16 April 2024, menimbulkan keprihatinan karena jaraknya yang hanya sekitar 95 km dari Bandara Sam Ratulangi. BACA JUGA: Bandara Hang Nadim Batam Menuju Pelayanan Sejajar Changi Penutupan ini berdampak signifikan dengan pembatalan sebanyak 47 penerbangan yang berangkat dan tiba di Manado. Bukan hanya itu, dampaknya juga meluas ke sejumlah maskapai dalam dan luar negeri. Pada Kamis (18/4), Malaysia Airlines terpaksa membatalkan sejumlah penerbangan. Baik, dari dan menuju Bandara Udara Internasional Kuala Lumpur (KUL) ke Sabah dan Sarawak. Sedangkan pada Jumat (19/4), Lion Air Group mengumumkan pembatalan seluruh penerbangan. Yakni,  dari dan menuju Bandara Internasional Sam Ratulangi serta Bandara Sultan Babullah, Ternate, Maluku Utara (TTE). Dibagian lain, Danang Mandala Prihantoro, Corporate Communications Strategic Lion Air Group, menyatakan kebijakan ini diambil dengan mempertimbangkan aspek keselamatan dan keamanan penerbangan. ***
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gurindammedia · 1 year ago
Adapun agenda hari keempat, Jumat, 19 Januari 2024 sebelum kembali ke Batam Cen Sui Lan dijadwalkan kembali sarapan pagi di kedai kopi Ayong
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tvworkshopasia · 1 year ago
Choose Harris Barelang Resort for your next company outing in Batam!
A beautiful resort facing the sea, located 5 minutes away from Batam Landmark – Barelang Bridge! It is located 30 minutes from Batam Center International Ferry Terminal and Hang Nadim International Airport.
This Batam resort is the ideal place for those looking for leisure and business accommodation with a modern look.
Harris Resort Barelang Batam provides 174 rooms with Harris Room, Harris Suite, and Harris Villa. Harris Café and Pizza with live cooking, a juice bar, a kid swimming pool, a beautiful infinity swimming pool
TVworkshop Singapore is the local Batam Specialist, arranging your 2-way ticketing, local transportation, local tour guides, local tours, and local makan Batam:). Team Building, meeting arrangements, and many more!
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Take a look at our website www.tvworkshop.com for more information about the TVworkshop concepts in Asia!
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#singapore #tvworkshop
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samuderakepri · 1 year ago
Sudah saatnya Nyat Kadir Tampil, Tanah Melayumu Terenyuh
Sudah saatnya Nyat Kadir tampil, Bertanggung jawablah wahai orang tua kami. Tanah melayumu terenyuh karena kelakuanmuBy : Nuri Che Shiddiq : Sejarawan dan Tokoh Budaya Melayu Indonesiasamuderakepri.co.id, OPINI – Catatan panjang pasca 20 tahun bergumul cuci-cuci diri. Ada satu bait yang tersibak dari bait Drama Bangsawan Hang Nadim yang dimainkan para pemeran bangsawan dari Pulau Penyengat, yaitu…
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devirefriyantiputri · 2 years ago
‘Menyongsong Masa Depan Baru’, Galeri Hang Nadim Pajang  11 Karya Seni Rupa Sang Maestro
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