#hang in there everybody 🫂
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canon-notcanon-warriorcats · 4 months ago
river ripple being like "why is everything so hard, why do bad things keep happening, why can't i just live in peace with my friends and loved ones, why can't i just fish and live peacefully by the river, why can't cats just help each other and be kind to one another" is such a fucking mood, probably one of the most relatable things any warrior cats character has ever said or thought tbh
especially today
reading river ripple feel that way and think that hit
ESPECIALLY hard today
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nenynrawrites · 3 months ago
Def Leppard members as your boyfriend
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There's so much yet so little I know about him as a boyfriend / partner
But I know he'd be very doting
Like, as soon as you tell about anything that you're hyperfixating on, he will learn everything about it
Loves fangirl Fridays, where the both of you watch a bunch of interviews (old & new) on YouTube, or back then, on VHS, 'cause you always recorded at least one or two
He's fangirling about Ian Hunter obviously (it's so funny to me, but all hail the fangirls and fanboys♡)
One time you were hyperfixating on Sav, and therefor your attention was put a little bit more towards him
Poor Joe got a bit jealous, 'cause it was his best friend, but eh, he wasn't better, and it was harmless, so it's good, right?;3
Listens to you like there was nothing else going on
Hugs from behind, quick side hug, hugs during cuddling...All the hugs!!💕🫂
Kisses range from every possible kind there is
Loves deep and long kisses, the ones where you basically lose your breath
You're kind of his personal heater / cooler when you're cuddling
Clings like a koala to you
Furthermore, very loyal and loves to have you on tour, but not too long, so that you won't get sick of it:)
Loves to call you ,,love" or ,,babe", or any other nickname you like, like childhood nicknames:)
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He always looks so slightly confused to me, omg-
Like, it took him so long to realize, that you two were a couple
It were two weeks, but it still felt like an eternity, like forever
Definitely teaches you bass (you gotta know where the rhythm comes from;3)
Will introduce you to the big and wide world of fashion
Will get you a custom suit (or dress...Or both):>
Breakfast in bed whenever he can:3
Cuddles EVERY night, even on call (no matter analog or digital)
Loves deep conversations about anything
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He is such a sweetheart
Won't stop looking at you when you two hang out
Like...He's so enamored, his eyes literally formed to hearts♡
Loves driving out somewhere:]
Asks everybody what he should get you for special occasions, despite knowing you in and out🤭
Loves telling you about the random stuff he saw on walks
I wanna squish his cheeks:3
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Active boy
Be prepared to always go anywhere with a bike if possible
He probably tries to swim so so far
But! If you wanna have a lazy day a few days in a row, he's not opposed to that
From reading his book, Phil is a deeper thinker than you might imagine, so lots of talking about his philosophy of life and how the world works. He genuinely believes you are soulmates. He cooks you vegan food, and takes you to the gym, whether you want to or not! Very keen on, ahem, bedroom activities, and probably pretty good at it after all that practice lol <- @steveinscarlet
(Somebody help me, I don't know what to add-)
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Do I have to say it?
I'll just say it again
Like, he's so fun to be around, talk to etc. etc...
Kisses all the time
Late night talks until dawn
Love making? Yes sir:)
The softest hugs known to mankind
Steve is super-shy, so you probably had to make the first move, or be so painfully obvious that even he couldn't fail to notice that you like him. Talks to you in funny voices and probably has a silly pet name for you which makes the other guys make vomiting noises when they hear him use it. He alternates between being really loved up and soppy, and needing reassurance that you really do love him. Buys you classy presents like jewellery and fancy perfume. You steal each other's clothes and eat from each other's plates. He tells you you're beautiful even when you have a spot the size of mount Vesuvius on your chin! <- @steveinscarlet
(Feel free to add, I'll add them:))
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The first thing I thought about was Stu
He always had a little companion with him, wherever he would go (if he could take it with him, that is)
Absolutely loves playing your favourite songs on an acoustic, especially fast ones, 'cause they sometimes sound weird (he does it on purpose, 'cause it makes you laugh)
Lets you do his hair:)
Shy boy:>
Loves cuddling up in the middle of whatever you or he were doing
Forehead kisses
(Feel free to add!)
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thetxtdevil · 8 months ago
heyy i really really like your writing!! it definitely suits your devil theme(?) and its elegant in a way😸
i kinda have a thought, socially awkward reader x sly yeonjun. its like yeonjun was hanging out in reader's place and reader is just "okay cool😀" but she really didn't know what to do so she just...did her homework😔 yeonjun is CLINGYYY and pouty and all he was so cute and soft honestly.
you can add some fantasy themes too! i only thought of vampire💀 like he was trying to get her attention whining and all and then he suddenly bit her😭
the rest is whatever you want to add😸 nsfw or sfw, up to u! i trust that you'll do amazing🫂
College/vampire au loading ...
Yeonjun found his way in the limelight of college. Most of the time people are doing their own thing worrying about their studies when it comes to college but everybody knows Yeonjun.
Girls are obsessed with him because he's kind, handsome, and he's a vampire. Boys are scared of him because he's smart, buff, and a vampire.
You just wanted to go to class and then go home to study.
Yeonjun was surrounded by heart eyes but he had his crimson eyes on you. This semester it felt like all your classes were with the vampire. Yeonjun would always try to make conversation and you would stutter a word. "The weather is nice too bad it can't be in the sun for too long" "y-yeah"
Yeonjun thought you were absolutely adorable. Loved how you would focus so hard on the lecture, hide within your oversized clothes, bite your lips. He would also love to bite those lips...
He's become a little bit of a stalker and noticed that before you rush to the pubic bus after class you grab a iced coffee. So when the coffee shop was closing early for the day Yeonjun might have used his vampire powers of persuasion to get the barista to make a tall cup. Then once you arrive at the now closed shop you get all flustered face turning pink and to gasp when the handsome vampire handing you your usual iced coffee order.
You open up after that, first letting him accompany you on the bus ride home after he insists over again, then starting to invite him in your dorm room.
His crimson eyes would read the book you're reading and studying your soft features. You observe how his eyes only glow when you were looking at them.
You found that the vampire has the habit of sitting close to you. You liked his cool temperature making it a good reason to cover in soft blankets while reading.
Your cuddling however, tortured him. He loves it, he insists to have you close but oh my god does he want a taste. Your shyness never stopped him from yapping but it did make him shy from asking to take your blood.
One winters day when finals just ended you find yourself relaxing in between his legs, underneath a pile of blankets, and watching a movie. Yeonjun rested his head on your shoulder, his cold pointed nose rubbing against your neck every once in a while. Your blood rushes quickly during an action sequence appearing on the screen. The warmth, the scent overwhelmed Yeonjun's senses.
Before he knows it his fangs are deep within your carotid artery. A loud gasp leaves you lip too stunned to say anything. Yeonjun feels bad once he realizes what he has done but you taste so good.
He apologizes over and over again but you quietly dismiss it. Secretly you liked it, your couldn't believe he didn't sense the tingle happening in between your legs when it happened. You felt dirty that you thought of the experience pleasurable while Yeonjun was worried about ruining things.
Little did you know he admires his teeth marks that he left on you. The two little burgundy dots with faint bruising looked so hot on your skin. He was particularly excited to see your bashfulness when going back for another semester showing off what he has done.
Now how to get you to open up for other ways of pleasurable feasting...
A nuisance,
TxT's Devil
taglist: @inkigayocamman, @naoristerling
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pop-punklouis · 5 months ago
hi… how you holding up?! thank you for being so gracious with your grief and so open for others to find a safe space on your blog.
i’m gunna be honest and say that i was never a 1d fan… i’ve always been a solo louis fan (and even had a tumblr account but deleted it a few yrs ago until recent events had me crawling back). anyway, the past few days have been weird… weird in a sense where i was sad over the loss of life and the impact it would have on who he left behind (esp louis outside of his family/gf) but i wasn’t truly impacted. now while i was never a liam fan i always admired his honesty- even in his wrongdoings he’s always been conscious enough to admit them and try to be better. i’m sure if he was given more time, he would’ve not only healed but also taken accountability but unfortunately that wasn’t the case and now healing would be that much harder for everybody involved (those he left on good terms and those that weren’t as much). anyway, i say all this to say that today for the first time i grieved liam. i cried, i obsessively watched old 1d footage and his solo footage (something i’d never done before), i cried some more, i listened to his album (live fast, die young?!?), i read tweets, and tumblr posts. i’ve been so emotional. so distraught over how he’s left this world, what he’s left behind (all the potential he had, all the amends he could’ve made) and who he’s left behind. it’s impacted me more than i could ever admit because again the only thing i ever knew about him was how he was a friend to louis and that louis valued him so much and saw him for who he was. and yet here i am, up since 4am with tears running down my face and the harrowing thought that that crinkly smiley man who just wanted to be loved, accepted and seen is now gone. who was so open about needing so much help but wasn’t given any help or grace. another soul lost because people were so quick to give up on him… and the saddest part of it all was he saw it all… he saw the darkest sides of the internet target him for years now… almost as long as the band ended. and that’s how he left this world… a man who was once on top of the world but was left to hang and dry with nothing to hold onto. may he rest in peace, and may everyone he’s left behind find peace as well. liam payne- you shined bright earth side and now you will forever shine bright amongst the stars.
i also want to add that louis tweet “let me live a little before i make another album” from a week or so ago has devastated me. no one should ever go through as much intense loss as he has and now he has to do it all over again… may he once again find the light and joy he so graciously shares with us all.
take care, grey. hugging you so tightly. thank you for being vulnerable enough to share all of this with me. ❤️‍🩹🫂 there are so, so many things to grieve here.
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opiumsturn · 1 year ago
More than friends..
IN WHICH Chris and Y/n are bestfriends
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| Y/N'S POV |
It was silent..
"Exactly." I say biting my inner cheek before running out of their house. I walk out side to see its dark, pouring rain, and thundering that I couldn't hear from all the yelling.
I check my phone *8:57pm* I sigh and walk into the rain in a tube top and sweatpants.
• Flash Back From Earlier Today •
| Y/N'S POV |
Matt and I were walking to our next class that we had together before I realized I had forgot my algebra text book in my locker.
"Oh shit, Matt I need to grab my notebook. You get to class I'll meet you there." I say smiling at Matt and he gives me a reassuring nod before heading off to our class while I walk to my locker which was a few lockers down from Chris', but he rarely needed things from his locker so sometimes he would let me use it to spare extra things.
I walk through the crowded halls being pushed and shoved left and right trying to get to my locker. I finally reach my locker row and just as i turn i see Chris and Aliza full on making out. I dropped the English notebook I was about to switch out to the ground causing a loud bang to the ground, grabbing Chris' attention as well as maybe 40 other people around us.
Chris pulls away from Aliza looking at me with eyes wording 'I fucked up'. and he did, big time.
"Chris?.." I say saddened and hurt but also angry.
"No.. Y/n wai-" He says trailing off as I run away into my class crying.
Now I should have gone to the bathroom but if Aliza came in there god knows what she would do or say to me. plus I needed Matt.
| Y/N'S POV |
Back last year our Junior year of high school I was in class with Aliza. Who was the mean girl, and the perfect,pretty captain of the cheer team. She hated me for.. i don't know why, but it seemed like she hated my bond with Chris as because everybody knows she was in love with Chris, but he had zero interest in her.
We were all sitting in English. Me and Chris, and these two other boys Chris was friends with. I was next to Chris as his two friends were sitting in front of us. I was tired, I had gotten maybe an hour of uncomfortable sleep. so I was barely awake laying my head on Chris' shoulder before Aliza, and her friends walk up to us with a bottle of water in her hand.
I lift my head off chris' shoulder to see what she wanted. But before I could even ask what she wanted she opens the water bottle in her hand and splashes it straight in my face causing me to be soaked.
I froze. I didn't know what to do besides cry. I bursted into tears crying as everyone bursts out laughing, and taking photos and videos. I got up out of my seat running out Chris following after me.
I sobbed running before Chris grabbed me by my shoulder turning me around hugging me holding my head.
"Oh love i'm so sorry, its okay just brea-" I cut him off.
"Chris i- why would she do that? she ruined me!" I say sobbing
| Y/N'S POV |
And I wasn't over exaggerating because she did. The whole school went on about this for Months!.. now i don't know why, but it did and Aliza did not stop,And ruined who I was at Somerville high.
I finally got home and about an hour passes and my phone rings.
*CHRISSS 🫀🫂* Is calling- answer//decline?
I for some reason answer the phone.
"Hey idiot, open the door I'm freezing"
I hang up the phone, got out of bed, and opened the door.
"what does your pathetic ass want?" I say rolling my eyes.
"Can I come in please? its -8 degrees" He over exaggerates.
I open the door wider signalling for him to come in. I shut the door and face his guilty eyes.
"What do u want?" I say trying my hardest not to cry.
"Look.. Y/n I'm so sorry for kissing Aliza, but that's not the full story, And just- before you cut me off let me explain. Okay so..."
I was walking with my friend Nate to class realizing I had left my AirPod's in my Lacross bag which was mainly the only thing I needed in my locker. The rest of it is my best friend Y/n's stuff.
I walk to my locker and open locker door half way before Aliza slams it shut. God this bitch again. I say in my head. Aliza has been obsessed with me since freshman year, and I hate her. Especially after what she did to my sweet girl y/n she is my best friend, and I hate Aliza for what she did to her last year.
"What do you want Aliza." I huff already pissed and annoyed.
"oh why I just thought you looked really good today so I just wanted to give you this." she says and before I get to ask what, she slams her lips onto mine holding my face so I couldn't move. I could have thrown up right there. She kissed me for about 5 seconds until a loud bang. It was Y/n. Shit.
"No Y/n wai-" I trail off as shes already gone. I try to chase after her, but she was already gone. Fuck.
"So that's what happened Y/n/n I'm so sorry I tried pulling away from her but her hands literally wouldn't budge. I'm so sorry you know I would never do that to you. I love you so much I'm sorry."
I felt terrible for what I said to Chris. Hes not selfish or annoying. He's the best, He's perfect, and I was so wrong for what I did. I didn't even let him explain. I felt terrible.
"No no no Chris don't be sorry I should be sorry for what I said. I didn't mean any of it, and I'm sorry for not letting you explain I'm sorry I love you." I blurt out quick.
"Shh its okay I know you didn't mean it love." he says hugging me tightly before letting go. "So are we good now?" He chuckles.
I nod my head yes before speaking.
"Look at you. you're soaked!" I giggle "Its okay I still have your hoodie, and sweats you gave me" I say grabbing his hand, and going upstairs handing him the clothes.
"You know how you have a drawer of clothes in my room cause you're always over?" He asks
"Yeah.. what about it?"
"We should keep one of those here for me" He says letting out a small laugh.
"I would be the one wearing them" I say chuckling
"Yeah you fucking clothe thief" He says holding up his clothes I gave him
"yeah, yeah, shut up" I say before walking out so he can change.
He get's changed, and tells me I can come in.
"So I get the hint you're staying here?" I ask.
"Yeah, but where are your parents?" He questions
"oh they went on a couples vacation i guess" I say as my black, and white 8 month kitty walks in.
"Hey Luna babyyy" I say picking her up. She was super tiny, and very fragile, but shes adorable.
"Ayeee Lunaaa my fav!" Chris says, carefully grabbing her from my hands while I close my door.
"Hey I wanna watch Riverdale so just watch it with me" I tell Chris as i put Riverdale on.
"AGAIN?" He yells startling me and Luna. "Whoops sorry lil Lun (loon), but haven't we watched this together like 8 times already?!" He asks
"Yeah, and we're about to watch it for the 9th" I say grinning
He chuckles but knows there is no changing my mind. I turn my lights off, and turn on my star light projector, and hop in bed next to Chris, and Luna.
Luna lays by Chris' legs and I lay on his chest. Most people might think it's odd that we are this close, but we have known each other since day one. literally! they were in my hospital room while I was being born. Since our parents are best friends, and they were a year older than me, but still our bond is different and I love it.
Eventually I got tired and fell asleep before I knew it with Riverdale still playing, and Chris playing with my hair.
"Good night love" He whisper's shortly before he also falls asleep.
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angiesrot · 1 year ago
a small fic request: some fluff about Papa IV. pairing can be reader insert / one of the ghouls / OC or platonic relationship is okay, too. maybe a birthday fic would be nice...? 😊 thank you in advance if you will write this 🧡
HELLO ANON🫂 !!! this is my first time doing this, im squealing over the fact that people actually sent in requests..literally so sorry it took me so long to post this, i wrote it like two days after you sent this in and then i just never posted it cuz i didnt like it at the time, i think it okay now though, so here you go! also im not sure if this was for your birthday, but if it is then happy birthday :3 most likely very late
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You had been part of the ministry for years now, working alongside Sister Imperator, making sure all of the pieces of the tours stayed on track. Keeping them all together was hard work, and it had slowly taken a toll on you. Sometimes the looming idea of another long day amongst ratty organisers felt like carrying a bag of bricks on your shoulders. You were some hardy earthen clay, but this much going on in your head was a hydraulic press.
It had been a rough day, Sister had said it herself as she sipped on a random cup of coffee she had laying across your planning table. You didn’t know how she did it, keeping all of it in and still making such a wonderful outcome. She had kept you in late today, for some odd reason. All the work was done, you’d already stacked all the maps and papers and booking files for the next tour together in one, intimidating pile. Every time you tried to leave though, she would call you back to look over very random things.
“How does this email look? I want it to be perfect.” Sister Imperator mumbled timidly, with a strangely still smile, like she was keeping a terrible secret to herself. Everybody knew she had the most pristine email skills in the world. It should’ve been criminal how that woman could get anyone under her thumbs with the click of send or a meek phone call. Of course though, you nodded and returned to the table. Leaning down, you ignored the crimp ache in your back and read through the— as expected— incredibly well written message. It was condensed but not lacking what it needed. Simple, quick, effective. That was how she rolled, and she executed it with a clean cut every time.
“It’s…fine, Sister.” You replied after a quick pause, holding a heavy drawl in your voice. It was your birthday, for hell’s sake, and all you’d done all day was work. Your eyes hurt, your spine feels twisted and damn…how does your right leg go half numb? Don’t get it wrong, you loved your job; and you didn’t blame anyone for having you labour on your special day. You were just tired, and yearning for your comforting bed in the abbey.
Sister Imperator closed her laptop with a swift hand, the screen coming down across the keyboard silently. A look of sympathy flashed in her eyes, followed with a sparkle of guilt, almost as if she were hiding something from you. “I’m sorry for keeping you in, you know how this gets.” Her hand waved sluggishly over the table. Following her gesture you pondered over her words, eyes fogging over briefly.
“I do, Sister. It’s not a problem. Um…” You looked sideways hesitantly, your bag hanging limp over your shoulder. “Is that all?”
She opened her mouth quickly to say something, and your knees drew somehow more magnetically drawn to the floor at the idea of her proposing another task. In a split moment, her lips sealed.
Sister’s eyes dashed to the doorway behind you, and a riveting smile dashed across her face. Satan, she looked so excited you half assumed you’d turn around and see the anti-christ himself waltzing in with a pretty bouquet of wild roses. Your feet dragged against the floor as you spun to face the door. You were seriously contemplating popping out to go to the store, and maybe grabbing a nice treat so you could at least get yourself something nice on your day. Almost immediately— after your sleepy head processed the sight in the doorway— a sweet warmth bubbled in your chest.
Copia stood there in his usual zip-up jumper, lazy sweatpants underneath, and the most gorgeously handmade cake ever in his palms. Weakly lit candles burned in the middle, lighting up the cute piped icing around the edge. You swayed on your feet with the soft mellow melting down your heavy limbs.
“Happy birthday!” He blurted awkwardly, removing one hand..dangerously..from the cake to make jazz hands…jazz hand? You just stood there, eyes wide and fatigued, a pure smile tugging helplessly at your lips. Copia shuffled forward to put the small cake on the table before he shucked his hands to his hips, a little proud expression over his usual.
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staring-at-a-blank-pagee · 6 months ago
soooo I had a dream that ffxiv had Tumblr but everybody was like. really mean and incredibly unhinged, and this is the result of me trying to recreate it lol
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⚔️ pvyou Follow
Whether you like it or not, I WILL duel you. I hunger, for blood, for glory.... For VICTORY!!!! RAAAAAH!!!! Prepare to die!!
🪄 hardcastingverraise Follow
There is something deeply wrong with you people.
⭐ worlds-sleepiest-astrologian Follow
..... Oh my gods, were you the Red Mage who got us all killed last week by not moving the giant meteor away from us because you were too busy, well, hardcasting verraise? The resurrection fees from that almost drove me bankrupt!
🪄 hardcastingverraise Follow
Probably, yeah. I do that a lot. Sounds like a skill issue on your part though tbh
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💧 cinimininamon Follow
I don't know what you guys were doing in the Tempest with Emet-Selch but I sure know what I was doing 💦💦😉
💀 arr-vet-sendhelp Follow
The multiverse was a mistake.
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⚕️ forestspirits-deactivated039562
Look, I'm not rolephobic, DPS are just objectively stupider than the rest of us. All they have to do is "hurr durr stand around stab enemy", and they still fail that half the time! I can do better damage than a DPS.
🛡️ protecc-attacc Follow
Um. No, that literally is rolephobia. It's 1577, are we really still talking about this? You're a pathetic excuse for a White Mage if you can't stop being toxic for two seconds and consider that DPS are just as valuable as you or me.
⚕️ forestspirits-deactivated039562
Damn I can't believe you really think that 💀 They got you good. You probably multiclass, don't you? A real tank would never act like you.
🛡️ protecc-attacc Follow
Lol, that's the funny thing. So I did some digging and found your public licensing information, and wow, how funny... It looks like you have Dragoon up to 90! I suppose that was somebody else stealing your licenses and racking up experience on them, right? Because surely, you would never stoop so low.
🛡️ protecc-attacc Follow
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💛 honeybee-leiver Follow
🐝 honeyblovely-official
Aww!! Your support means the world to me! <3 My little bees, I love all of you so much!
🔮 firefirefirefirefirefirefire Follow
I don't get it, honestly. What's the hype?? She just seems like another overblown idol, no offense.
🐝 honeyblovely-official
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🐾 sundown-nightclub-official Follow
[18+] [RP] [LGBTQ+] Come check out the Sundown Nightclub, TONIGHT from 9pm - 3am EST, in Cactuar (Mist w8 p24, Goblet w16 p1) and Exodus (Shirogane w30 p28, Mist w13 p22)! Hang out with other like minded-warriors, have drinks, watch the dancers, gamble, and make new friends while listening to our awesome DJ! You'll have the time of your life, especially if you go for our special offer 😉😉 More details can be found at discord.gg/sundownnightclub/hJmw83D9s ~
🐰 hats-or-die Follow
I'm so tired of ERP bots. They're single-handedly ruining wolblr. Like, seriously, this is ridiculous.
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💎 bestwolever Follow
Does anybody know how our Azem crystals work, anyways? Are we all just like, from parallel universes or something and we can use the crystal to summon 7 other versions of ourselves to help us in battle? That's really confusing though, and I am, admittedly, just a simple catgirl. Somebody explain it to me pleaseee :33
🫂 crystal-lover Follow
Hold on. Wait a moment. You guys have been using the crystal to summon 7 other people for battle????? 😳
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🌱 spreeng-sproot Follow
why doesn't my tomestone let me open wolblr :((
👝 botomless-pockets Follow
Are you actually stupid?? Why in the hells would any app open on a tomestone. The currency. It's not an electronic..... It's literally currency. Lmaooo you're never gonna make it out here if that's your intelligence level, idiot.
🌱 spreeng-sproot Follow
I look forward to watching you die as I pull w2w and shirk all of my enmity into you. I will find joy in watching you struggle hopelessly to stay alive as countless wounds pile up, slowly, painfully, until at last the light leaves your pathetic, sunken eyes. And as soon as you return, sick and shaking, a new trauma falling over your shoulders, I will look you dead in the eyes and say, "Oh no, I'm so sorry!! >.< I'm new, I don't know what I'm doing yet but I'm trying my best! Please forgive me!! 🙏" And you will feel obligated to forgive me, since I'm just a widdwe spwowt..... And then, I will run right back in and do.
thanks for answering my question!!! :33
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bean5prouts · 10 months ago
🫂🍫🧬for Aggravain or Gaheris for the head cannon ask game if you want=)
I DO WANT!!!!!! i’ve been thinking about them so hard for thesis bahdjgkdfh
for agravaine:
🫂 A friendship headcanon agravaine is a nerd. a loser, even. (affectionate ofc) askdjg i think he wouldn't really have a whole lot of friends at the round table, his brothers are his closest friends and we love that for him. i think he would be close with lionel, they stand together like high school mean girls and gossip about people right in front of them. i also think he'd get along with hector, but also i think hector would get along with pretty much everybody lol
🍫 A headcanon about food i think that gareth should not be the only orkney brother who is good in the kitchen. agravaine can make a mean dish okay. he knows how to season his shit. in this essay i will
🪢 A headcanon about their family (i think) this is coming straight out of me just turning in my thesis animatic BUT!!! i think agravaine would have been like Super jealous of gaheris when they were kids. gaheris was gawain's favorite brother and gawain didn't do a good job of hiding that and agravaine Hated gaheris for it. and he'd try and get at him about it and make him feel bad. i'm just telling you the plot of my senior film now. i'm normal i'm so normal kdjgdhskd
for gaheris:
🫂 A friendship headcanon gaheris is similar to agravaine in my mind, i don't think he'd have a lot of people he considers actual friends at the round table and he'd be closer to his brothers. however i do think he likes to play pranks on people. i don't know why i think this about him but idk i think gaheris would be a practical jokester at times
🍫 A headcanon about food AS A GUY WITH ENTIRELY TOO MANY FOOD ALLERGIES. i think gaheris would have some allergies. but also they would be mild enough that he just genuinely wouldn't know. like one day he's like "yeah i don't really like walnuts, i don't like that tingly feeling they leave in your mouth" and the rest of the people he's talking to are like dude. that's not normal. that's called an allergy
🪢 A headcanon about their family in classic gaheris fashion i don't really have any headcanons for just him specifically LOL but i think that the brother he'd get along with most is gareth once he joins the round table! they're VERY opposite in the amount of attention they get and how they handle it, and i think they'd kinda be able to give each other some perspective and also hang out as brothers. we are not going to talk about gaheris's family problems right now i refuse asdkjgdh
i'm so sorry this got so long again AKJDSKG thank you for the asks!!!!!
headcanon ask game
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lighthouseas · 2 years ago
HAPPY PRIDE MONTH EVERYBODY!!!!! reminder that we support and welcome all letters of the lgtbq+ over here !!!!!! come in, hang out, listen to my rambles about gay people . hugs all of u queer lovelies 🫂🫂🫂. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
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onlyswan · 1 year ago
hi art! if it's okay I want to ask you something, because this year, I've been meeting friends that are also ending abruptly and not in good terms. I've lost many friendships before (the two are caused by their relationship problems that I just didn't want to support) when I was in senior high, I am in this friend trio where in one of us left and made another friend group while my other friend has her own friend group too and I felt so out of place bc I don't have that, and now another friend of mine at the moment has been ignoring me bc of unknown reasons, it feels like I'm the only one reaching out for her. I'm the kind of person that is friends with everybody, one might say. now it makes me think that maybe there is something with me or how I treat people bc what do u mean I've lost 4 friendships in a span of a year :(((. i mean, i understand that some friendships are just fleeting feelings and it comes and go but why do mine ends abruptly and sometimes it seems like they just changed? I've been mourning for months bc of my childhood friend cutting me off from all of their social media without me knowing what did I do wrong and now someone's doing it to me again and it hurts so much. I just keep being left behind and I wanna be a better person and a better friend so I wouldn't be abandoned anymore. Have you felt like this? If so, how do you handle friendship breakups and the haunting feeling of isolation or being left behind? and I wanna know what do u think makes a good friend?
I'm sorry for putting all of these here. I just really really want to know your opinions on these and maybe share my situation if ever someone have also experienced this. And your blog is a safe space of mine!!!! Thank you, Art!!!!!!!
hi anonie :( i’m sending you an endless supply of warm hugs 🫂🫂🫂
of course i’ve lost some friends myself, mostly because we just naturally fell out of touch or we have changed, and those changes weakened the special connection we had. and that’s okay. i’ve learned to accept that. when you also perceive the changes in yourself throughout the time that’s passed you’ll realize that you actually need to be around different people when you’re in a different place in your life, sometimes that could mean cutting someone off. personally, it’s been painful having experienced both sides of it. but i have two best friends i’ve known for 13 years, and a very dear one for 6. i find consolation in knowing that i will always have them even if i lose a hundred other friends. sometimes i get scared that i’ll lose them too.
and i’ve realized over time that what makes our friendship strong is that we know each other so well. and because of that, we are kind, loving, and compassionate with each other. i think vulnerability isn’t necessarily sharing your whole life story, it’s just being transparent with how you feel <3 don’t be afraid of telling them how much you cherish them (after you have a great day of hanging out say thank you, i love you, let’s do this again, let’s do this other thing again next / reach out to them, say what happened, do you want to talk about it, what can i do to help, i’m sorry, i miss you, how are you, or share a story or a memory). don’t be afraid to tell them when they hurt your feelings too !! and how they can treat you more gently bcs if they care, they will learn. and if you care, you will give them the chance to do so. and vice versa !! that is how you grow together and know each other better 🩵 in friendships, i think that’s where effort really goes in.
heh i don’t know if i was much help 🥺 but the fact that you want to be a better person and a better friend is already a start and a big step!! however i hope you remember to value yourself and your energy too, and that you can always make new friends!! ily 🫂🩵
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faithlesslovee · 16 days ago
well darling 👼 I've just left ➡️ the bar 🍸 and I misplaced 🚮 all my credit cards 💳 my self-preservation 🛟 and all of my reservations 🚧 are sitting 🪑 and contemplating 🤔 what to do with me❔️do with me ❓️ think 💭 I took it way too far 🗺 and I'm stumbling 🌪 drunk 🍻 getting in a car 🚖 my insecurities 🎭 are hurting 🥊 me someone please 🙏 come and flirt 😘 with me I really need a mirror 🪞 that'll come along 👫 and tell me 💬 that I'm fine 👍 I do it every time ♾️ I keep on hanging 🧗‍♀️ on the line ☎️ ignoring 🙈 every warning sign ⚠️ come on and make me feel alright 😎 again cause it's 3am 🕒 and I'm calling 📣 everybody that I know 🙋‍♀️ and here we go again 🔁 while I'm running 🏃‍♀️‍➡️ through the numbers 🔢 in my phone 📱 I'll take fake moans 🫦 and dial tones ☎️ let em spill 🫗 right down the microphone 🎙 I need it digital 👾 cause baby 🤰 when it's physical 🫂 I end up alone 🧍‍♀️ and every night 🌕 I wanna live in color 🪁 through a white ⚪️🔵 blue screen 💻 I got a technicolor 🎞 vision👁 going vivid 🌅 in my white ⚪️🔵 blue jeans👖I know it's complicated 🔣 cause everyone that I've dated 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 says they hate 👎 it cause they don't know 🤷‍♂️ what to do with me do with me❓️know that my identity's 🏳️‍🌈 always getting the best of me🤺 I'm the worst 🍅 of my enemies 🧟‍♀️ and I don't really know 🤷‍♀️ what to do with me yeah I don't really know🤷‍♀️ what to do with me ⁉️ I keep on hanging 🧗‍♀️ on the line ☎️ ignoring 🙈 every warning sign ⚠️ come on and make me feel alright 😎 again cause it's 3am 🕒 and I'm calling 🗣 everybody that I know 🙋‍♀️ and here we go again 🔁 while I'm running 🏃‍♀️‍➡️ through the numbers 🔢 in my phone 📱 I'll take fake moans 🫦 and dial tones ☎️ let em spill 🫗 right down the microphone 🎤 I need it digital 💻 cause baby 👶 when it's physical🫂 I end up alone🧍‍♀️I'm reckless 🤦‍♀️ treat it like a necklace 📿 take a different version 👭 and I try it on for size 👘 with everybody that I know 🧑‍🧑‍🧒‍🧒 and will you please pick up ⬆️ the fucking❗️phone📱cause it's 3am 🕒 and I'm calling 📣 everybody that I know 🙋‍♀️ and here we go again 🔁 while I'm running 🏃‍♀️‍➡️ through the numbers 🔢 in my phone 📱 I'll take fake moans 🫦 and dial tones ☎️ let em spill 🫗 right down the microphone 🎙 I need it digital 👾 cause baby 🤰 when it's physical 🫂 I end up alone🧍‍♀️
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mydictionary-yume · 5 months ago
🎂🎉🎁🫂 for Azuma PLEASEEE
Ask game
🎂 - What would they get for your birthday? What would you get them?
UMMMMM. I think they wouldn’t like spoil spoil Lu, but they’d def get her something nice!! Maybe like some pretty jewelry and an offer to go out to a nice restaurant with her sometime! (Her birthday belongs to Saku primarily lol) As for Lu to them, I think she’d try to get some time with them sometime during the day or the day after to go to a cafe and gossip about everybody in the troupe lolol<3
🎉 - Favorite holiday to celebrate together?
Fuuuck I hope this isn’t basic, but I like spending Christmas with them :) The company’s party is very fun and chaotic, but I love getting to stick around to hang with Saku. Izu.mi usually lets me stay the night, but this past year I ended up not being able to sleep and bumping into Azu in the lounge. We ended up hanging out on the couch, he had sake and I had cocoa, and it was heavenly tbh. Not exactly Christmas-y, but a nice winter night in with them hehe<3
🎁 - Would they spoil you?
Ignore my answer for the birthday question YES. Tbf he spoils everyone because um. Money. But it’s the sweetest thing🥺
🫂 - How would they comfort you from a nightmare?
BROOOO. THEYRE LITERALLY GOD WHEN IT COMES TO NIGHTMARE COMFORT. They’re def the type to offer physical affection as comfort, starting with something simple like back rubs and working up to fully cuddling once we’re both calmed down. And like. Those are some amazing cuddles tbh. Immediately healing. Being hugged by them would fix me 10000%
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newdirection · 1 year ago
To everybody who doesn’t want to hang out with their family tomorrow 🫂🫂
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binarybitex · 6 months ago
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thanks for hanging out everybody 🫂
hi everyone 💕
it's been a minute since I've been online. truth be told, things are shaking up in my personal life 💔 I had a lot of free time this summer to draw and work on HH since my partner was working a few states over.... he's home now, and we're working through some complications in our relationship. needless to say, I am not in a creative headspace at all.
please stand by for Court Date: Part I.... thank you for your continued patience and support ☀️
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quasimyth · 3 years ago
My mom wants me to cut off all but 10 of you guys. My stepdad is supporting her. But I’m not going to listen.
I don’t have as much time as I’d like, so I’m going to keep this short. Today my mom sat me down and made it very clear to me that she was going to make me cut off all of my friends until I only had the 20 people I talked to most left--then she was going to make me get that number down to 10. She’s doing this because she doesn’t want me hanging out with Internet friends when I go to law school, so she’s making me cut off everybody right now “in preparation” for law school--and to add insult to injury, my stepdad made it very clear that he was in support of this because he didn’t want me hanging around you guys either. I have 158 friends on my Discord right now, and she WILL check the number of friends I have on my account to ensure that I’m serious about this.
So here’s my plan.
As all of you are aware, I actually have another Discord account. It’s my old one, with a tag of #5287. What I’m going to do is keep all of you guys on my current Discord account Emperor Edgelord (天)#6669, and only invite 20 people to my old Discord account, whose name is currently Emperor Edgelord (天)#5287. Then I can show my mom my old Discord pretending it’s the one I currently use, and she will be satisfied because that account has only 20 friends on it. In case she checks my Tumblr followers, too, I’ll make a new blog @tiansmulti, follow only 20 people on it and get some activity going there so I can “prove” to her it’s legit if she ever checks. I will be primarily using my account #6669, but you may catch me sometimes on #5287--especially when I’m trying to fly under my mom’s radar. To be absolutely fair to everyone, I will invite the 20 people at the top of my list of Discord chats to my alternate account--that is, the last 20 people I talked to. If I have to clear out 10 more people from account #5287, I will clear out the bottom 10 people on my list--once again, to be fair.
If somehow my plan fails and I ever have to ghost anybody completely, please try not to take it personally. If we’ve been talking for a while and I suddenly remove you from everything, it’s because my mom made me do it. I will try to send you a message to let you know that my mom made me do it at the earliest possible convenience, and I will re-add you as soon as I can. I hope to be able to re-add everybody this happens to as soon as possible, but if I can’t…well, I’ll see you in September when I go to law school. 🫂
In parting, I would like to say that my Discord activity will most likely be spotty from now on, except on Sundays. If my parents’ behavior is anything to go by, they’re trying to squeeze every last drop of Internet time from my schedule--which means I may only be available in the early mornings and late evenings. Once again, they are doing this in preparation for how busy I’ll be in law school, but at the same time, they’re probably also doing this as a deliberate tactic to cut me off from you guys. One thing is for certain, though: my time may be sparse, but my friendship with you all remains the same. <3
With love,
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skyloftian-nutcase · 2 years ago
~ 🌲
(What I mean to say is I miss you but I hope you're having a lovely Advent (I also love Advent) Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!)
Aww thank you! I missed hanging out with everybody too, but I think it was helpful to do what I did. :) Merry Christmas!
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