#handsome ramblings
handsomemilo · 10 months
(I'm continuing working on my Handsome Jack fic, it's coming along well. I also am hyperfixated on Jujutsu Kaisen)
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deathsmallcaps · 6 months
I love how Dev Patel’s Character (I’m going to call him Hanuman) was told by his mother that his future can be found in the roots (lines) of his hands.
And how he tried to save his mother from the fire, grabbing with child’s hands, but instead burned his future away.
And how our first real view of them is when he bargains his way into a job that will lead him to the men that took his future away. Scarred, pale, blank and ruined.
Just like the monkey, Hanuman reached out to the burning desired life, and was supposedly stripped of his potential and power as punishment by the powers that be.
But then, with love and care from others battered, he was guided to his heart, and found it still beating and unfettered. A warrior’s heart.
And so drumbeat by drumbeat, he shaped himself, his hands, into a weapon of justice. To save the future. To remain nameless but to return vengeance upon those who would do others harm with no thought.
His hands, created by the past, shaped and balanced the future.
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When someone visits my Tumblr page... XD
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mblue-art · 11 months
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sans au sexyman polls doooodle
congrats to the kings<3 🫶🫶🫶
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nikoisme · 9 months
oh my god obsessed with these parallels
This is from book 11 of the iliad when Odysseus is fending off the Trojans by himself:
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boar. Boar.
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And this moment from the foot-race during patroclus' funeral games:
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A woman weaving?? Penelope. How did odysseus win her hand?? In a foot race.
Homer can i speak to you rq
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fangswbenefits · 10 months
This line is often used as a gotcha moment or weaponised by those erasing Astarion's pansexuality:
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As a non native English speaker, I initially thought he was exclusively referring to men since 'handsome' is an adjective that I would solely use for men.
However, one of my lovely mods on the Astarion discord server pointed out that it was used for women as well back in the day.
And then I remembered this line from Pride and Prejudice:
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I wanted to clear this out in case other non native speakers were unaware of it 😅
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phoenixkaptain · 10 months
A story like Thousand Autumns is very subtle in its romance.
Shen Qiao has only ever known his sect. He knows it very well, because of this fact. He knows the people, he knows the rules, he knows the daily doings and who is doing them. He knows every blade of grass and every stone. He’s like a lonely mountain flower, on the highest peak, unseen by any but a few birds and unknowing that there’s more it might never know.
When he finds himself away from his sect for the first time, he’s confused. At most, he’s gone to the base of the mountain, maybe the fields surrounding that, but no further. The flower was plucked and tossed aside.
For a man stumbling blindly in the world, literally and figuratively, there really isn’t a better guide than one that knows just about everything. And that’s, without a doubt, Yan Wushi.
Yan Wushi has lived longer than Shen Qiao, has been more places than Shen Qiao, and has fought more battles than Shen Qiao. Yan Wushi is the perfect example of something out of reach even for someone out of reach. He’s the only one who could answer any questions asked of him, but especially the questions that Shen Qiao would want to ask him.
And there’s no question in my mind that Yan Wushi doesn’t fall for Shen Qiao at first sight, but he’s certainly attracted to him. Not in an overtly sexual or emotional way, but Yan Wushi, the way his character is set up? It’s impossible for him not to be fascinated by Shen Qiao.
He knows Shen Qiao is the very picture of a peerless immortal. He’s well aware that Shen Qiao is considered untouchable by even the people closest to Shen Qiao. He’s most aware that Shen Qiao is Qi Fengge’s (coughhndisputedcough) favourite disciple, and honestly that’s enough for him to overwhemingly want to mess with Shen Qiao.
There are a lot of reasons for Yan Wushi to fall for Shen Qiao. Most of the people in the novel fall for Shen Qiao, after all, there is a precedent.
But the one I’ve seen questioned is Shen Qiao’s affection for Yan Wushi. Where does it come from? When did it start? Does Shen Qiao even fucking like that asshole?
The easy answer is: yes, he does. The novel tells us that. Shen Qiao, despite everything, does fall for Yan Wushi’s, um, “charms” in the end. This is made clear.
But why? A thousand voices cry out. Why the fuck would any reasonable person like Yan goddamn Wushi in any capacity?
Well, there’s your first mistake. Shen Qiao is not a reasonable person.
Shen Qiao as a character is absolutely terrifying. He could absolutely destroy the world given half the inclination, but he just doesn’t want to. He’s already considered unmatched before he’s pushed unceremoniously off of a mountain, and his journey only increases his strength. He isn’t quite equal to Yan Wushi, but he’s the only person Yan Wushi ever sees as equal to himself.
Shen Qiao’s best and worst trait is his patience. He’s unwavering. He really just embodies taoism, especially as it’s presented in the novels. He is the picture of a river that doesn’t stray from its path.
Which is why it’s hard for him to reconcile his own attraction to Yan Wushi, but let’s all be clear here. Yan Wushi absolutely starts seducing Shen Qiao on day fucking one. If he could’ve (if Qi Fengge hadn’t been there) he would’ve tried to eat that cabbage when it was just a little sprout. Shen Qiao is unpracticed in most social interactions, to be frank, but he’s especially unused to romance and Yan Wushi really is his first introduction to being hit on.
Yan Wushi is far from good, at really any point, to anybody but especially to Shen Qiao. But that doesn’t particularly matter because Shen Qiao chooses to forgive him, again and again. And I really think, after giving Shen Qiao to a confirmed terrible, awful person who has already promised to do terrible thing to Shen Qiao, that Shen Qiao himself wouldn’t forgive literally anyone else for doing that. And he shouldn’t, because it was really fucked up, but that still doesn’t matter because Shen Qiao ultimately DOES forgive Yan Wushi.
What am I saying? I’m saying that Shen Qiao fell for Yan Wushi first. It is the only way the story makes any sense. Shen Qiao is annoyed at him, he’s furious at him, he’s so fucking pissed he could kill that man, but he likes him. He likes Yan Wushi’s company. He likes that Yan Wushi gives him a challenge. He’s exasperated, but he likes it.
Shen Qiao forgives Yan Wushi SO MANY TIMES. Yan Wushi humiliates him and mocks him and is the absolute worst, but Shen Qiao forgives him and more than that, Shen Qiao always is waiting for Yan Wushi to come back to bother him more.
Is there more to Shen Qiao’s attraction? Probably. Is it a daddy kink? It could be. But I honestly can’t help but read it as Shen Qiao falling for the absolute pits of a man that is Yan Wushi. Shen Qiao likes that old bastard and decides to spend the rest of his life with the fucker and he is just too much of a block of ice to show it.
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A cold winter day, and for some reason Howdy is unusually fluffy and Barnaby loves it
NO YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND i think about them w/ winter coats So Fucking Much its not even funny-
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starsinmylatte · 1 year
Everyone is entitled to their own feelings about the newest Ahsoka ep, but what we aren’t going to do is body-shame Lars Mikkelsen
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peachducy · 6 months
professor layton azran legacy spoilers
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ready for reincarnation
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handsomemilo · 11 months
Just wanna brag real quick about a genshin thing..
I lost the 50/50 at the start of Wriothesley's banner, to Jean, and I was super sad. But at only 12 pity I got Wriothesley! And then at another 12-13 pity I got my SECOND WRIOTHESLEY!!
As a f2p player I'm super happy about that, I plan to one day get him to C6
-I'll get back to writing in a bit, getting my quests done 💀-
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yeukio · 1 month
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uue i did it again,, SORRY GUYS my mental health has been declining and every drawing i try to make turns out horribly, im trying to get better and hopefully i do it quick bc i really wanna post more art again!! have this stupid lukas doodle i made a whiiile ago, love you guys !!
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moonpie016 · 1 month
This'll be probably a long post because I have accumulated art again.
First of all, some random artwork.
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Mind design timeline, random doodles of the THDPH because I was bored, Heart (pre-ROE) trying to reassure Whole (which fails later), and HMSsonas trying to become "Whole". Or bond in a way.
Ok, now for the lengthy stuff. :]
Soo, since the toy symbolism of 'A human's Touch' was now in my brain, I thought, "what if I just made HMS toys?"
Then I went and thought more, I don't know whether this could be considered an AU or something. But it is still based upon Haiku and Hidden in the sand, as well as other songs that fit the narrative.
Whole/Harmonia and Berry (Love interest).
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Mind, Heart, and Soul as plushies/toys.
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Now I'm going to go on a full on ramble/ deep dive. Or whatever.
So, since it's shown in the animatic that Heart is mostly in control for the start of everything, he's happy, optimistic, affectionate, kind, sees the best in everything and tries to always see things in a wider lens.
Tries to do his best.
But after the trials of dealing with the ups and mostly downs of this new experience, he asks Mind to fill in his shoes, finding the whole thing tiring but still wanting and hoping for everything to go well.
And Mind obliges, trying to mimic Heart's personality, or at least seeing how Heart would react to certain feelings and actions. But it's more observant, seeing the nice and kind nature of this relationship dwindle. And the obvious pit in their vessel grow. Yet Lune pleads to stay. And the two just observe, cautious. Soon enough, it's too much for the emotional side to bear, but he pleads more to continue. Mind knows this isn't good, even Soul knows this isn't good, telling him that they need to leave. It will be good for them all.
Artemis refuses, fearing the thought of being alone. Trying to reason illogical things.
Berry sees through the unsure words of Whole that he isn't the same as he was in the beginning. He changed. Berry begins to leave... but not until they're met with a furious Harmonia.
Heart completely breaks, all the kindness and ever loving emotions turned into anger, yelling at Love interest through his tears.
Then, they're off.
Leaving a weeping Heart, a foggy confused Mind, a petty Soul, and a fearful Whole.
Cycling through this tiring and scary hole.
So yeah, that's the jist of this entire thing.
It's something.
I might compile a bunch of songs that fit with this narrative into a playlist. For fun.
Might ramble about this again.
But that's all for now, hope you enjoy. :]
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Adding Clint McElroy to the list of men I'm attracted to was the last thing I expected from rewatching Tiny Heist and yet here I am.
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inou-ie · 7 months
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so, uh... I'm on a dinner date. She's so beautiful, what do I do? It's our first date and I'm kinda nervous...
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meraki-yao · 8 months
You know, if Alex more or less looked like Marco's image when Henry first meet him, I too would panic, fuck up normal human social interaction and run away
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