#hands OFF megatron wait your turn
in1-nutshell · 7 months
Human Buddy taking care of shrunken bots with Brainstorm, Nautica, and Perceptor
SFW, Platonic, Human reader
It was his fault that he became this tiny. He had been fiddling around with his latest creation when he had this little accident. Good thing Buddy and Nautica were in the lab when he turned tiny.
“Brainstorm? Brainstorm!”--Buddy
“Right here!”--Brainstorm
“Oh, my stars! You’re so tiny!”--Nautica
“I know right!”--Brainstorm
Brainstorm is now roughly the size of a barbie doll. He is ready to discover his world from a new perspective. Granted he didn’t know he would end up being smaller than Buddy, but that’s beside the point.
Perceptor walks in as Brainstorm is trying out his out his altmode in the lab, with a frantic Buddy running across the desk trying to catch him and Nautica trying to get him in the air.
“Brainstorm stop flying so fast!”--Nautica
“Nautica get your wrench ready. If you need to hit him, then do it!”--Buddy
“… Do I want to know what happened here?”--Perceptor
Brainstorm is lucky that Perceptor’s morals are in the right place.
At first Brainstorm tries to stay in the lab and help out but Perceptor and Nautica were quick to shut that idea down.
“You are in no position to be helping anyone Brainstorm.”--Nautica
“Well, how else are you two going to fix this? You need my help!”--Brainstorm
“Brainstorm as smart as you are, in your current state you’re as useful as Buddy in a fist fight with Megatron. No offense Buddy.”--Perceptor
“None taken… but just for the recorded I could totally beat him.”--Buddy
“It’s nice to dream isn’t it.”--Brainstorm
“Brainstorm I could literally punt you across the room.”--Buddy
Buddy is now given the job of looking after Brainstorm for the time being. Yeah, Buddy is now a glorified botsitter.
“Let’s head to my habsuite while the others are fixing this whole situation.”--Buddy
“Boring. How about we go to Swerve’s instead. I heard that there was going to be a dance today.”--Brainstorm
“… So, you want to go to an enclosed room of your gigantic companions in your Barbie doll sized body and ‘dance’?”--Buddy
“Well, when you say it like that…”--Brainstorm
Brainstorm also realizes that traveling across the Lost Light in his current size was tiring. First, he tried his jet mode, but after a few minutes he had gotten tired. So, he decided to try just walking. He took one step and Buddy looked like they had sprinted to the other end of the hall.
Buddy taking pity offer to carry him. Brainstorm trying to salvage some of his dignity declined the help… which took him a couple of seconds to ask quietly if the offer was still on the table.
“I can carry you to the room if you want. I know that the walks can get a bit tiring the first time around.”--Buddy
“Oh, no thank you I’m fine just walking here.”--Brainstorm
“Okay then.”--Buddy
Brainstorm sees Buddy walk miles in each step.
“…Maybe I should retract my previous statement.”--Brainstorm
“Come here.”--Buddy
“Wow! Not too fast! Wait is this how you feel every time we pick you up?!”--Brainstorm
“Welcome to my world.”—Buddy
Buddy picks him up with both hands and continues walking to their room.
Brainstorm despite the how he felt being picked up, he wants to try multiple positions of sitting/ standing on Buddy. In the name of science, of course. His two personal choices were shoulder perching and being on top of their head.
“Now I know why you like being up here! It’s fun here!”--Brainstorm
“Brainstorm… your pinching my ears with your pedes.”--Buddy
“Oops! Sorry.”—Brainstorm
After a couple more minutes they finally arrive at the habsuite.
Entering the room, Brainstorm jumps off from Buddy’s and flies around the room before nose diving on their bed.
While Buddy was recovering from their near heart attack Brainstorm is now in love with their pillow.
“These are so fluffy! And that one is firmer than this one. And these ones smell much better than this one. Why do you have so many pillows anyways Buddy? OH! This one looks--”--Brainstorm
Buddy in the meantime was huddling in the corner, hand to their chest trying to calm their little heart.
Buddy soon gets a call from Perceptor. He said that the machine wouldn’t be ready to use until the next day. Buddy thanked him for letting them know and hung up.
“Guess we are having a sleepover then.”--Buddy
“Is it going to be like the ones on the holofilms Swerve and Rewind have?”--Brianstorm
“Kind of?”--Buddy
“Then let’s get this Slumber party started! But first we need some color to this room, it’s almost depressing in here. No offense.”--Brainstorm
As Buddy is getting ready for bed Brainstorm is noting all his findings in a data pad Buddy had in their room. He had taken the liberty to investigate some of the drawers in Buddy’s desk and look for any interesting things.
Brainstorm looking at Buddy’s shimmer body spray.
“What are you?”--Brainstorm
Buddy coming out of the bathroom after hearing a little scream.
“What Happened!?!?”--Buddy
Brainstorm wiping his optics covered in glittery body spray.
“I gave it a pat and it spat at—Oh my is this glitter!?”--Brainstorm
“… Its only one night… Its only one night…”--Buddy
When it was time for Buddy to go to bed Brainstorm flew over and laid down on the pillow. He gets attached to some of the fluffier pillows on Buddy’s bed. Buddy gave him a part of the blanket in case the draft came in the room. He doesn’t know what he loves more, the fluffy blanket or the pillow.
“All right Storm. Good night.”--Buddy
“Aww, it’s too early to be sleeping. This isn’t in the movies.”--Brainstorm
“Brainstorm its 3 in the morning and we have watched an entire season of Bill Nye the Science guy. We are going to sleep.”—Buddy
Buddy found out the hard way that Brainstorm is a very active sleeper. How did they find out? Brainstorm had gotten some joints knotted into Buddy’s hair. After getting ready the two set off to the lab to get Brainstorm back to his normal size.
When Brainstorm returned to his normal size, he kind of mourns his little body. He did like being held by his friend and having that improv sleepover with Buddy.
He is now looking forward to sleepovers with Buddy if he can convince them to do it again.
He misses the pillows.
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She was messing around with Brainstorm’s machine. To be fair though, he asked to see if she could spot any problem. But apparently Nautica had activated the machine the same way Brainstorm had last time.
Poof! Tiny Nautica.
It takes a bit to get Brainstorms attention about her current situation. Once Brainstorm does see Nautica he comms in Buddy and Perceptor.
“Brainstorm! Brainstorm!”--Nautica
“Thank goodness I got your attention. We—”--Nautica
“You’re so tiny!”--Nautica
“Yes, Brainstorm I know that—”--Nautica
“Can you still transform into a tiny sub?”--Brainstorm
“Okay! Okay! I already commed in Percy and Buddy.”--Brainstorm
“Well at least this time we can just get the machine now and use it right now.”--Nautica
“Actually, Perceptor and I are going to need some time to fix the machine to return you to your normal height.”--Brainstorm
“Why? Didn’t we fix it last time?”--Nautica
“Yes, but that was for my height. We would need to adjust it for your height. Even the slightest miscalculations can rip you to shreds.”—Brainstorm
“Why would it do that?!”--Nautica
“I don’t know!”--Brainstorm
“You invented it!”--Nautica
“…Percy what did I walk into?”--Buddy
“My next problem.”--Percy
Perceptor looks like he is about to hit someone, and Buddy is already preparing themselves for the next round of botsitting.
Once outside Nautica tries to walk alongside Buddy but is quick to realize that she isn’t going to last the trip. When Buddy offers to give her a lift, she is ready to accept.
“Hey, I can carry you the rest of the way if you want.”--Buddy
“Yes please. I’d very much appreciate—OH MY STARS!”--Nautica
“Sorry Nautica.”--Buddy
“Don’t apologize. It’s just… I am sorry for picking you so suddenly. I am very sorry.”—Nautica
Nautica likes being cradled the most. But she is also fond of sitting on Buddy’s shoulder. She loves seeing things from Buddy’s level and gains some new respect for Buddy getting around the ship with their now longer legs.
Reaching the habsuite Nautica respectfully stands and watches everything in the room. Everything is so new, and she wants to explore every cervices of the place. But decides to calm down on the exploration part, she was a guest in their room after all.
“This is amazing!”--Nautica
“It’s not every day you get to go into a humans room and see their things in such detail!”--Nautica
“Huh. I guess it is then.”--Buddy
“Though maybe some new paint might be needed, it looks a bit depressing.”--Nautica
“…I’m sensing a trend…”--Buddy
Nautica loves Buddy’s mattress and little diffuser in their room. She loves smelling the lavender scent and seeing the little purple light it blinks every now again.
She offers to sleep on the nightstand for the night, but Buddy isn’t having that.
“I don’t want to intrude.”--Nautica
“You’re not intruding anything Nautica. Come on there’s plenty of space on the mattress.”--Buddy
“I don’t know…”--Nautica
“You said that you wanted to see things in a human room, right? What better way to immerse in the experience than sleeping in a bed in an actual sleepover.”--Buddy
“… I guess it would be a once in a lifetime experience.”--Nautica
“I have a purple pillow set near the diffuser.”--Buddy
“Move over please.”--Nautica
In the morning, Nautica is on buddy’s stomach cuddling the fabric of their side. Buddy also finds out that Nautica snores a bit, but it’s a soft snore.
When Nautica gets to her normal size again, she starts setting up a little sleepover between her and Buddy. And if Velocity can come by then she is welcomed.
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Perceptor wants to maim Brainstorm now. Well part of it was his fault. Perceptor was trying to put the machine away for good when he activated the machine.
Poof! Tiny Percy!
He s yelling for Nautica or Brainstorm to come in.
“Nautica! Brainstorm! Come here quick!”--Perceptor
“What is it Perceptor—OH Primus!”--Nautica
“Nautica what’s wrong with—HAHAHAHAHA!”--Brainstorm
“Quit laughing this is serious!”--Perceptor
“It was only a matter of time before the machine got you to Percy! Tiny Perceptor.”--Brainstorm
“When I am back to my normal size, I will shoot your knee joints.”--Perceptor
Brainstorm laughs a bit while Nautica picks him up gently and comms in Buddy. Once they are done with the call, Buddy is seriously wondering if this is going to be a regular occurrence, maybe start charging money if it keeps up.
Perceptor does not want to leave the lab. Buddy has to grab him to get out of the lab while Nautica and Brainstorm put the machine away and work on getting preceptor big again.
“Perceptor let go of the wall!”--Buddy
“I. Am. Not. Leaving.”--Perceptor
“I thought you were the one with the most brain cells Percy. Quit whining its only for a night.”--Buddy
“Brainstorm if you mess up my tools--”-- Perceptor
“Too late Percy.”--Brainstorm
He is a bit pouty getting out of the lab but like his friends before gets interested in how the world looks for Buddy. He honestly prefers to walk… but sitting on their shoulder is the next best thing. It was an unspoken thing with Buddy now to pick up the bots after a few feet from the lab.
When they arrive at the habsuite, He makes mental note on fixing some of the machinery in Buddy’s room and electrical units.
“Your lamps are flickering.”--Perceptor
“Yeah, been meaning to fix it but it’s not a priority right now.”--Buddy
“… The paint on the walls looks a bit dull—”--Perceptor
“There’s the comment on the wall color.”--Buddy
He takes some interest in the little sound device on Buddy’s nightstand. He takes an interest in some of the soothing noises.
He has already heard the slumber party stories from Brainstorm and Nautica and is ready. He waits for Buddy to get ready before asking about the sleeping arrangements.
“You’re sleeping on the bed.”--Buddy
“Guessed it from the others, left or right side?”--Perceptor
“Take your pick.”—Buddy
He is determined not to bother Buddy in their sleep and takes on a small part of the bed for himself. In the morning, he is slightly cradling Buddy arm. He tries to apologize but Buddy isn’t taking it.
“Again, my apology for last night. I shouldn’t have done that.”--Perceptor
“Percy really its fine.”--Buddy
“Are you sure?”--Perceptor
“You didn’t knot any joints in my hair so we’re good.”—Buddy
Once Preceptor gets big, he is dead set on destroying the machine.
Buddy later that night found a new lamp, a fluffy blanket and new oils for their diffusor.
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tinydefector · 20 days
*careless whispers playing* swerve: so this one’s part of a human mating ritual. It’s sad, cliche melody and themes make nearby humans pitty the performer and assume they get none. The dim lighting means the humans can’t tell it’s not night time, and makes them more aroused.
Caught out - Human Effects
Warnings: unrestricted internet access
Word count 2.3k
I had so much fun doing this and working it into the human effects series so I hope you enjoy it. Bumpin, also I can't wait to do the other one you sent in.
Rodimus pinches the bridge of his nasal ridge as he vents loudly. "Swerve, for the last time, that song is not actually part of human mating rituals. Please it's so stupid" he exclaims in annoyance. Since they got the music set so the crew could listen to the collective Spotify on the human crews request, Swerve had been raving about the song Careless Whispers.  
Meanwhile Whirl is cackling, their one optic on the mini-bot as he sways ridiculously to the music. "Aww c'mon Roddy let Swerve have his fun! I think it's working, look, those humans will definitely feel sorry for ol' Sweeeevy." The helimech cackles. 
Swerve ignores them, enthusiastically crooning along at the top of his vocalizer. "Oh I...I'm never gonna dance again... guilty feet have got no rhythm!" He attempts a crude mimicry of human hip shaking that has several crewmembers watch in mixed emotion.
Rubbing his chevron tiredly, Rodimus cuts in. "Swerve. Buddy. For your own good, please shut it off before the humans see you making an aft of yourself, plus I know for a fact that Daniel would start withering into a husk if he heard that song." 
Whirl creases with laughter at the minibot's antics as Rodimus shakes his helm, wondering if he can find the will to survive another one of Swerve's "cultural exchanges." 
Megatron walks in looking rather tired and ready for a drink when his optics land on Whirl and Rodimus. He pauses in the doorway as the chaotic scene before him registers - Whirl cackling hysterically as always, Rodimus with an expression of long-suffering exasperation, and Swerve... dancing? to some strange organic music. One eyebrow plate arches high, and the barest ghost of a bemused smirk tugs at one corner of his mouth. 
"I leave you all alone for a few cycles and return to find the Lost Light devolved into complete anarchy, it seems." His rumbling voice cuts through the din, Whirl just slams his claws on the table as they maniacally laugh, not an ounce of shame. Rodimus heaves a sigh. "Swerve was just...educating us on human courting rituals. Apparently that song is a big part of it. Which I would argue is a lie! " 
Megatron's other brow joins the first. He regards the tiny bartender with an air of dry amusement. "Is that so. Well, carry on by all means. we wouldn't want to disrupt such... illuminating cultural exchange. But do try to keep the debauchery contained, yes? There are still functioning mechs aboard this ship." 
With that and a brief nod to Rodimus, signalling the matter settled, Megatron turns on heel striding purposefully toward a table hidden in a corner so he doesn't have to deal with the chaos. He requires nothing less than a stiff drink After the cycle.
Rodimus, on the other hand, looks close to joining Whirl in hysterics - though from frustration rather than mirth. One hand grips his audial fins tightly as if to block out the noise. "Swerve, please, for the love of Primus, stop. You are NOT courting humans like that!" 
At that moment Whirl's gazing gaze Shifts to Rodimus. “ I don't see you getting any Captain,  what makes you think you know what the fleshies like, don't listen to him Swerve” calls back loudly Before Rodimus decides he's had enough. throwing his servos up. "Ugh, forget it. I'm joining Megatron for engex, have fun." And with that, he stalks away muttering about finding more suitable crew members to share drinks with. 
But Whirl is having too much fun, falling over themself in mirth. "Go Swervy go! Shake that fine aft, get you some Earth tail! Yeaaah get it!" His exuberant hollers only encourage the bartender, who throws himself with renewed vigour into his poor approximation of human dancing. 
After Swerve's crude example of a dance other bots begin inquiry about it. Some are interested in learning about humans. "But where did you learn about Swerve,  I need sources" Skids states while his optics narrow on Swerve. Nigthbeat sat off to the side not paying much attention. As Tailgate, Nautica and Skids inquired for more information, they doubted he had asked any of the human crew members on ship about such a thing, plus it had been a while since the ambassador or any of the crew had been to the bar recently. 
Swerve shifts nervously under the intense gazes boring into him from Skids and the others. His visor brightens as he attempts a shrug. "Oh you know, around...the holoweb. Places, the internet"
Skids narrows his optics further. "Uh huh. And when exactly were you surfing the human internet from the Lost Light?" He crosses his arms, expression clearly stating he isn't buying Swerve's story. 
Tailgate tilts his head curiously. "But didn't you say you learned it from a human, I don't think they'd teach dancing like THAT..." 
A sly grin spreads across Nautica's faceplates. "Unless...were you watching those strange organic videos? What were they called again - tiktoks?" 
Swerve visibly blanches, waving his arms wildly. "Wh-what? No no, of course not! I would never -" 
But Cyclonus, who has been silently observing, speaks up then with quiet certainty. "He's lying. He has had no contact with humans outside of when they come to the bar, he hasn't talked with any of them except Nadia on the rare occasion” The bartender deflates completely as amused chuckles rise up around him. Nautica pats his shoulder kindly. He had been called out for not really talking with the crew, but in his defence he didn't know how to socialise with them outside of serving drinks. 
 "It's okay Swerve, next time just acutely get your information from a human, doubt the ambassador would like you going around spreading misinformation" 
After a moment of processing Rodimus looks up in shock. "Wait a klik We have access to the human internet!?" He asked in shock, when had that happened who set it up and why wasn't he informed. Beside him, Megatron pinches the bridge of his noseplate wearily. "I had hoped to keep that information need-to-know, Rodimus. But yes, Brainstorm installed a transfer several deca-cycles ago to...broaden cultural understanding, and make it easier for a cross line from the holo to the internet so information trade was easier." 
Skids pipes up helpfully. "I believe his exact words were 'for science!', but we all know he just wanted to look at more theories about humans and their social behaviour. Fleshie fragger!." He sings out the last part which makes some of the other mechs laugh. 
Tailgate gasps excitedly. "Ooh, that's really cool, I wanna see the cute Earth pets!" It makes Cyclonus chuckle softly as he watches the smaller bots' optics widen in wonder. 
Rodimus throws his servos up. "Why am I always the last to know about these things?! As Captain I should be informed of any new ship systems or tech!" He grumbles, directing a half-hearted glare at Megatron. The former warlord merely sips his drink placidly. "Think of it as a learning experience in responsible leadership, Rodimus. If you would have read the highlighted parts of the report like i had asked you would have seen that we did this installation"
Rodimus grumbles to him as he takes another sip of his own drink, still glaring at Megatron over being called out on his neglect of the reports, he had been doing more reading of them but it did get to a point where he wanted to slam his helm into a wall.  
It makes Sunstreaker freeze for a moment, realising that it meant the humans most likely had access to their own sites. "Wait if we can access their internet does that mean they now also have access to our holoweb, sites and forums?" He asked rather worriedly, Silence falls over the group as Sunstreaker's question sinks in, optics widening in collective horror. they all know exactly the kind of classified, compromising or just plain embarrassing things lurking on Cybertronian networks. 
Hound is the first to break the quiet. "Primus, can you imagine if the humans found some of the stuff posted on ProwlFanForums? Or some of the theories on WireTap, Commlink?" 
Blaster groans, faceplates pale. "My holovids from Vos Carnival are still online! If they find those videos Primus..." He wasn't expecting this but if one of the humans found it, one of the crew they would know he had shown them a few photos of his cassettes and it wouldn't be hard to put too and too together.  
Rewind sits back watching the chaos in amusement. “It be a shame if they saw how many of you are interface Feral scrapers” he teases which makes even more bots panic. 
“Frag, frag, frag, I need to delete my profiles, I never existed!” 
“Oh Primus, of any of the thirteen listening,  please erase myself”   
“No, no, they can't know about those sites can that, they wouldn't think to look that far!” 
Rodimus hurriedly waves his servos. "Alright everyone stay calm! We'll get Brainstorm on containment ASAP. In the meantime everybody delete and scrub everything questionable from your personal archives. I mean it!"
A flurry of typing ensues as bots scramble to protect their digital dignity. Only Megatron seems unfazed, a corner of his mouth quirked in dark amusement. "Humans have proven resourceful. I suspect they've seen far worse than what little dirt we may have to offer..." 
Rodimus shoots Megatron a glare. "Thanks, that's really reassuring Megsy." The chaos continues as a new threat looms for the Cybertronian populace - human seeing their thoughts, questions and information.   
Megatron turns an optic on the fretting collection of Mech's, interest piqued. "So tell me, precisely what sorts of... delicate matters have you been discussing regarding humans?" 
The bots abruptly find other places to look, fields filled with nerves and not-so-subtle guilt. Trailbreaker coughs awkwardly. "Youknowjust,casualobservationsandcuriositiesSir." 
Rodimus, clearly wishing to be anywhere but here, attempts distraction. "It's not important Megs, let's just focus on containment -" But Megatron is not so easily deterred. His crimson gaze settles on Blaster, who shifts stiffly. "I do believe there was mention of a particularly risqué forum... One addressing compatibility between our species, was it not?" 
Blaster tries to look anywhere but Megatron, clearly feeling uncomfortable under the ex warlords stare. “It was merely an... academic discussion of theoretical interspecies relations." Suddenly Whirl howls with laughter. "Oh Primus you should see the threads about 'interface ports vs human orifices'! They go on for orns!" It makes all the bots helms snap to the helimech.  “SHUT UP WHIRL!” A collective yell comes from the panicked Mech's. 
A collective groan arises as Megatron rolls his optics, he had been expecting something else but this seemed quite tame compared to what he was expecting. After all, he had seen what floats around on the human internet and had the unfortunate experience of coming across a lot of stuff. In the end the human Ambassador had been rather embarrassed and apologetic over it. 
Megatron can't help but let out an amused huff of ventilation at the collective embarrassment of the Autobots. Clearly they had yet to witness the depths humanity plunged into given anonymity and technology. "Trust me when I say your little... theoretical discussions would barely cause a ripple among humans. I have borne witness to the unfiltered fleshling internet, and what I glimpsed there was far more depraved." He recalls with bemusement the memory file of Ambassador mortified face.
Skids eyes him curiously. "Really? What kind of thing could be worse than interfacing forums?" He grumbles dragging his servos down his faceplate. "Let's just say their proclivities extend far beyond our frames. Entire databases dedicated to the debasement and degradation of simulated strangers. Acts I'd not care to repeat lest they scorch even my memory banks." 
The collection of Autobots, Decepticons and neutrals recoil in mingled horror and fascination. Whirl cackles gleefully. "And to think we thought WE were deviants! Humans have us beat tenfold!"
Rodimus shudders violently. "Okay deleting that file dump NOW before it ends up in human hands." 
Megatron turns to Swerve. "I would recommend actually looking up the song before trying to perform, it isn't what you believe, and under no circumstances is anyone allowed to play the song Cbat. I refuse to be responsible for what happens by cybertronian stupidity" he explains Megatron pins Swerve with a stern glare, ensuring his message has been received. The tiny bot nods frantically, clearly intimidated. Satisfied, Megatron turns on a heel striding from the bar, Autobots parting hastily to avoid collision with the imposing warlord. 
No sooner does he exit than there are shouts and whoops of laughter from within. Whirl's distinct cackle rises over the din, triumphant and slightly manic. "Oh sweet Primus, humans are WAY more glitchy than I even dared dream! Swerve, you've gotta see this slag, they call it the 'CBAT Incident'!". 
“Frag Whirl dont you ever listen to what anyone says!” Nautica huffs as she tries to make herself seem not intrigue in hearing about the story.
“ Hey Millian come take a look at this” Nadia coos tho her friend. The Swed turns and makes their way over to have a look at what Nadia was looking through. “Is, is that a Cybertronian human fucker poll!?” They state in shock only to start wheezing in amusement. 
“Oh you know it Sweetheart, but wait it gets better, seems the bots didn't check to make sure their personal files didn't transfer when we did the Interstellar holo/internet upgrade and by Allah is it juicy” she hums to Millian who quickly sits down eyes glued To the screen. 
“Does anyone else know about this yet?” Millian asked in delight. “Not to my knowledge,  I've been enjoying myself making a little QNA blog for bots to ask questions about humans, and boy has it been fun giving miss information to them.” She flashes Millian a smile while in turn laughs. 
“Oh I'm so down for this, lets see what we can find, Nadia you have just gifted me the best presents ever, I'm about to have a field day reading through these” they press a quick kiss to the side of her face before quickly typing away looking throight the multitude of different groups and forum's they can find. 
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Since we've got Bumblebee, Megatron, and Optimus babies, i think it's only fair we add Soundwave to the bunch! Especially after the pregnancy scenario with him a little while back. I'd love to see how Soundwave and the cassettes would react to human reader having a baby and adding a new sibling to the fam!
Yes, indeed it is!! I wrote this adorable little fic, I hope you like it!!
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"Status; positive?" Soundwave asked you one final time, kneeling beside the floor level berth as he ensured your blanket nest was sound. More snuggled than you'd ever been in your life, you smiled patiently as your mate continued his endless fussing over your comfort, and nodded your head as your eyes met his visor.
"Yes, I'm still sure." you assured him yet again, taking one arm off the bundle in your lap to lay a comforting hand over his. Trusting your judgment but as careful as ever, he nodded in return and lingered his gaze on the newborn peeking out of his swaddling, a kind of softness settling over his angular features as the two of you sat in a moment of comfortable silence. The little one was more or less asleep at the moment, but had already made a habit of waking in short, bleary bursts of cuteness before inevitably conking out once again, and the two of you had yet to grow tired of the awe you felt at everything he did. Hopefully his siblings would be just as happy to meet him. 
"Affirmative." Soundwave said after collecting himself, rising to his pedes to access the bot sized door to your makeshift maternity ward. It took a few steps for him to unlock all the security features he'd personally installed, but as the final lock came undone with an audible thunk and the heavy metal doors whooshed apart, you had just enough time to catch three human sized bots waiting on the other side. "Cassettes granted access-"
Soundwave stepped in front of the eager trio just as they tried to charge inside, his visor leveling on Frenzy in a voiceless repeat of a warning he'd delivered many times already. Thankfully the bitlet in your arms merely gave a tiny twitch at the noise, but was otherwise silent as the cassettes sheepishly shrunk down before approaching with almost exaggerated tip toeing. Looking beyond the big bot, Frenzy spoke up again in a much more controlled whisper, craning her neck for a better view. "Where is he?"
"Right here." you invited gently, encouraging them to approach. Seeing the bundle in your arms gave Frenzy, Ravage and Laserbeak a moment of pause before all three hurried to your side, moving as quietly but swiftly as their respective legs and wings could take them. Having expected such excitement, you merely ensured the sparkling was easily visible before preparing for the inevitable flood of questions.
"No way, he really is a bot!" Frenzy said first, crawling over the berth for a closer look but keeping a comfortable distance. Soundwave kneeled behind you as the entire family gathered around, and even with hushed tones all the action had the little one perking up to look around with his broad visor. The purple cassette only grew more awed as he cooed in mild confusion. "The teeniest one I've ever seen, too!"
Laserbeak, though equally touched by the new arrival, brightened at the sight of his chubby face and rounded visor before turning to his sister with an expression of victory. "Ha, you owe me ten credits! I told you he'd have a visor!"
"Don't be so darn smug, you had half a chance of getting it right." Frenzy scoffed, crossing her arms and meeting the other bot's insufferable gaze. "Besides, I'm the one who predicted him in the first place."
"True, but we didn't wager on that." Laserbeak countered with a snicker, the sound of which caused the sparkling to stir with more energy. Yawning and rubbing his face, the bitlet made an adorable show of smushing his rounded cheeks before his digits found his way to his mouth and he began to suckle, emitting a quiet hum of contentment. The adorable sight softened him, and the avian lowered his voice as he continued.  "Cute lil feller, isn't he?"
"Yeah, can't pretend that's not adorable." Frenzy concurred as Ravage sat quietly at her side, observing the newborn with a few tentative sniffs as the others continued talking. "But how long until he gets an altmode?"
"Development rate, uncertain." Soundwave answered simply, reaching over you to adjust your blankets. The movement made the sparkling reflexively reach for his sire, stubby digits flexing before the uncertain mech offered his son one of his own, which the newborn grasped tightly.
"There's not a lot of info out there about how these things go, so we're just going to figure it out day by day." you explained further, chuckling softly as the sparkling nommed on Soundwave's digit. "For now, he's just a normal newborn."
"A cute one. Look at his widdle servos..." Frenzy said without thinking, so enamored with her new sibling she briefly forgot to be cool. Catching herself with a blush and a cough once she caught Laserbeak smirking, the femme averted her gaze and mumbled a quick addendum. "That uh... that grip will make him a good guitar player, that's all."
Oblivious to how much his arrival had been anticipated, the sparkling decided to return to napping right in the middle of nomming on his sire, yawning once before conking out in your arms once more. The cuteness was too great for anyone to resist, and even Ravage gave a soft purr of adoration as the group gathered more closely around the new arrival, basking in his presence as he snoozed in perfect contentment. He couldn't know it yet, but he was perhaps the safest little one on Earth. 
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thanksjro · 5 months
More Than Meets the Eye #51 — Ten Has Done So Much for All of You, and for What? You Don't Deserve Him.
So, obviously, last issue ended rather poorly for Team Rodimus and Pals. It doesn’t look like the start of this one going much better, as a mass of baddies bombard the late Necrobot’s “Fortress”. Whirl, being Whirl, wants to go out and face his certain death head-on. Everyone else is more than fine to wait for death to come to them.
Rewind, showing off the skills he’s picked up as a videographer over the last several thousand years, gets the security cameras up. I’m assuming that Censere had these installed to keep an eye out for bored space teens who might have wanted to graffiti his millions of plinths. Too bad it didn’t save him, or his property, as outside, Tarn is shooting the ground with his twin fusion cannons. He’s having to hold his arm in place with his other hand, as I’m sure the kickback of firing two lasers at once must be something fierce. He finishes and commands his troops to cease firing, everyone withdrawing.
The Lost Lost Lighters are super jazzed about this, Brainstorm stating that they must have heard about Tailgate’s Power Punch, an attack with a name so banal, it surely must kill anyone who faces it, if only so they don’t talk shit about it after the fact.
Megatron, however, knows what Tarn’s pulling, as he’s a theatre kid, and everyone knows that the really intense theatre kids follow their scripts to a T, and will murder you for trying to ad lib like some filthy fucking improv performer.
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By doing this, he’s honoring Shakespeare.
Swerve has begun to bawl like a baby over how bad the situation has gotten, likely recalling all the awful shit he witnessed the last time he crossed paths with the DJD. Magnus, who still has his arm off, because Velocity is all about uplifting her fellow women, demands that they try to call for assistance, then apologizes for swearing, even though he’s absolutely at the very least said “damn” in the past. Maybe he’s confusing the total inability to curse with the IDW publication law that you’re not allowed to say “bitch” until your series has been truncated by 50%. Or maybe he only allows himself to swear in the presence of poor snack management. Anyway, it’s not like it matters— Megatron’s just informed everyone that Tarn also likes to cut the phone lines in situations like this.
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All of this, because you wanted middle management for your faction.
Because Megatron never baked any sort of loophole into the DJD’s way of handling shit, because how the fuck could he have possibly known he’d one day have to denounce his entire reason for existing to satisfy the commercial whims of Hasbro, the gang is going to have to figure out some way to defend themselves or escape in the next eight hours. Rodimus orders everyone to split up and look for clues, blowing off Ten in the process.
Velocity calls Swerve, the closest thing to a doctor besides her, to come look at the Necrobot’s corpse, which appears to have turned into a pile of ash. Swerve informs her that this is what happens when someone who’s old as balls kicks it. Now, it may concern you that Velocity, who was the only doctor for a ship of over 200 until this morning, doesn’t know what a dead old man looks like. However, we must recall that age-related spark burnout hasn’t been a thing until very recently for Cybertronians, and Caminus, the colony Velocity is from, is marginally younger as a society. It probably just hasn’t happened in her circles yet.
Velocity and Swerve play around in the pile of old man dust, until she pulls a key out, with “1/001” written on it. Her search party will be focusing on finding what this key goes to, as it was surely important, given that it was on Censere’s person at the time of his death.
Over on the DJD’s ship, The Peaceful Tyranny, Deathsaurus stares at the corpses Tarn’s nailed to the wall of his room. The nails have Decepticon insignias on the heads, because of course they do. These are the same corpses Tarn had on the wall of his office in Grindcore. Tarn asks if Deathsaurus is impressed with his first editions, and when Deathsaurus is understandably bewildered by this question, Tarn explains that these are corpses that were sent home after dying in the mines of Messatine, who had Megatron’s writing etched into their organs by Terminus, so that said writing would reach the outside world. Tarn thinks it’s pretty fucking cool, but Deathsaurus is, again, bewildered by this interior design choice. In general, Deathsaurus is bewildered by a vast majority of the ways Tarn chooses to live his life.
Tarn, opening the mouth section of his mask to drink a shot’s worth of energon, likely totally unable to see as he does so, since the eye holes don’t line up anymore, says that if Deathsaurus was a true intellectual like Tarn was, he’d understand that trying to chase down a ship with quantum jump capabilities is really difficult when you no longer have a sneaky little double agent to give you exact coordinates, so grounding their targets was the best option. No word on how Tarn feels about the ship he super-nightmare-death-murdered being perfectly fine now.
Deathsaurus really just wants to know why they backed off after having their targets cornered, because he hates Tarn and his stupid little games, having been working with him for at least a couple months by this point. Tarn, however, has the audacity to be smug about how all the Autobots are probably tearing each other apart out of fear, as the sun makes its way across the sky.
Back with Velocity’s search party, Nautica’s joined the one-and-a-half doctors in the Key Quest. Velocity asks Swerve about why Ten came down with the rest of the group, and in Swerve’s defense, it’s not like anyone knew this was a murder trip until after they’d arrived. When the brain attack happened last issue, Swerve hadn’t disclosed what exactly he’d heard— now, however, he admits that he’d gotten an earful from Ten about the Ambus Test, and how just because he’s made up of the corpses of multiple religious hermits doesn’t mean he isn’t a person too, and also once that union gets going, he’s gonna sic lawyer-mode Magnus on him.
Anyway, they found the door that key went to.
Back with Rodimus in the main room, he’s collecting the notes of all the other search teams. Rung’s face has been shaded to look like he got lip fillers. Rodimus isn’t pleased, but it isn’t because of Rung’s gotten work done.
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Nightbeat, however, DOES have good news to pair off with the bad. News so good he starts using metaphors, which confuses and frightens Magnus. Nightbeat has found the quantum travel device the Necrobot used to travel to the deaths he recorded, and what do you know? It’s got just enough juice to get everyone out of dodge and into the loving embrace of safety. Hooray! Time to form an orderly queue, going from most to least obnoxious paint job.
Then Team Killjoy shows up, Velocity and Nautica letting everyone know what’s behind door #1: it’s a bunch of organics in stasis.
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I will say, the inverse of Transformers fans collecting robot toys mint in package is decidedly more disturbing.
Whirl isn’t horribly keen to die over a bunch of squishy nobodies. Nautica states that the organics are vulnerable and need protection. Skids, really wanting to be in that straight-passing relationship, agrees that the DJD will totally kill these guys, because they learned their technoism from SOMEONE MEGATRON. Chromedome, who has had his husband back for maybe six months at this point, really doesn’t want to stick around for the sun to set. Cyclonus asks just why the fuck there’s a bunch of dudes in the basement. Tailgate wonders if it really matters, considering the situation at hand. Magnus, needing direction in his life, makes sure that Rodimus hasn’t decided to take a nap standing up like a horse. Brainstorm, who has been oh-so-subtly trying to edge the door to the quantum tube shut, makes the point that they could do a lot of good after the fact, if they left now and then vowed to protect a slew of organics afterwards, which would eventually even out their sins, probably.
Rodimus feels pretty good about this proposal, but he loves looking like the most appealing, middle-of-the-road choice, and says that they have some time to talk this out. However, we’ve forgotten that we’re riding with Mr. Ex-Peace Through Tyranny, who does nothing in half-measures and loves to be contrarian to Rodimus at every given opportunity.
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This turn of events is such a shock to Rodimus, he shouts at Ten for trying to show him something. Poor Ten.
Rodimus reminds Megatron just what exactly they’re up against and what he’s signing himself up for and for what variety of living creature, but Megatron is aware of all of these things. Looks like the talking to Skids gave him on the duplicate Lost Light finally sank through his thick skull, and he’s ready to be a big boy about this whole Autobot thing. He then informs everyone that he’s not doing this to make a point, and that anyone who wants to dip is welcome to do so, as long as they’re doing it for themselves.
Of course, it’ll be a cold day in hell before any Autobot lets Megatron out-Autobot them, and it’ll be an even colder day before Cyclonus leaves his not-boyfriend alone on Murder Planet. Oh, and the fact that organic life is just as valuable as mechanical. Totally. Everyone defaults to stay, Rodimus closing the door to the quantum tube.
Swerve then offers a real heel-clicker of an alternate escape plan: what if… we just stole the DJD’s ship, stuffed it full of the organics, and flew away before anyone noticed? Now, this is, of course, an immaculate plan, which no man could ever find fault in, but Whirl is not a man, but rather a machine, and does question where exactly they’d be getting the keys to such a ship. Cyclonus is trying to be a bit more of a supportive friend to Swerve, since the last time the guy felt left out, they all had to project their consciousnesses 400 miles out and pay NYC rent, asks if there is more to this perfect, perfect plan, crafted in one of the finest minds of any generation.
There is not.
So, we’re gonna steal a ship.
Ravage offers to track the smell of unwashed bachelors and Megatron body pillows to see where the DJD parked. Rodimus gives him his blessing, marveling at the skillset at his disposal, as Magnus makes a fucking wild face of incredulousness and Ten sulks in the corner.
Before he runs off, Ravage brings Megatron a phone and asks that he talk to Tarn, because surely if anyone can get him off the warpath, it would be his old boss.
Back at the Peaceful Tyranny, Tarn, Deathsaurus, Nickel, Tesarus, and Vos are going over the plan for the day. Sure hope Deathsaurus can parse Primal Vernacular. Tesarus reminds Tarn of the time they went after Heretech and he turned a storm shield into a forcefield that held them off for days, but this band of Autobot nerds aren’t Heretech, now are they? Even if they do have an ex-Wrecker, a Skids, and the power of love on their side.
Then Tarn tells everyone to shut the fuck up, because he’s getting a call on his electric razor.
Back at the “Fortress”, Megatron stands astride the space scooter, looking horribly depressed, as he prepares to have a little chat with his most murderous fanboy. Rodimus questions this decision, having clocked that even on his best day, Megatron wouldn’t just whole-heartedly decide to effectively kill himself for the sake of 50-60 organics he doesn’t even know.
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Of course, we’ve seen that at least one planet in the Magisterian system still has life, as the Scavengers had to use holomatter avatars at some point, as seen in issue #45. Perhaps if Megatron knew about this, he wouldn’t be so keen to go on a suicide mission.
Over with Ravage, he passes by Skids’s plinth, which I’m sure isn’t an omen of any kind, and discovers that the smell of B.O. and hot pockets he was following wasn’t attached to the Peaceful Tyranny, but rather a base the DJD and Deathsaurus’s boys threw together. Also, Ten’s been crawling after him in an attempt to keep hidden this whole time, over what was likely multiple miles. He didn’t do a good job in the slightest, but points for tenacity, buddy. Ravage understands that Ten’s just trying to help in some form or fashion, so Ravage gives him a special job: bullet sponge.
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Deathsaurus’s men, Helex, Kaon, and the Pet all see Ten up on the hill. Kaon in particular looks very excited at the promise of a plaything, so much so that he lets his rabid little chihuahua off-leash.
Meanwhile, Megatron races across his personal field of spark flowers, on his way to rendezvous at his plinth with Tarn. I wonder who suggested this meeting spot? When Megatron arrives, he demands that Tarn at least face him with his, well, face, but Tarn says that his mask IS his face, even though we know it isn’t, because Tarn couldn’t commit to the bit hard enough on this particular front for some reason.
Megatron offers himself up for surrender. But enough about his crisis of morality, let’s get back to Ten.
Ten, former Legislator that he is, fights valiantly, throwing four guys in the air at once, even as the Pet scratches his collar bone and Helex punches him in the head, his face telling me that he’s gonna do horny mouth shit with Ten’s brain if he manages to get ahold of it. Kaon’s in the background, shooting electricity into the sky. I think he’s just happy to be here. This nonsense up on the hill allows Ravage to sneak over to the base to check for a ship that DOESN’T smell like wine, jockstraps, and viscera.
Back with the Autobots, someone finally remembers that Ten’s a person, and asks where the hell he’s gotten to. Magnus isn’t sure, though he knows where he HAD been. I expect better from you, Magnus. Ten is your little buddy! Your brother in artistic arms! He even left something for your enjoyment, while he went out to help Ravage!
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After having solved the issue of their defense system, Ten went out and got his ass shredded for multiple pages, where he was repeatedly shot and set on fire and torn limb from limb and electrocuted (I guess someone finally pointed Kaon in the right direction). It seems like the end for Ten, but his assailants are suddenly shot and dealt with, blanketing the hill in silence.
Silent enough to hear the equivalent of twenty USD in Australian dollaridoos, having been converted into English pounds, rustling around in a British guy’s wallet.
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quetzalpapalotl · 5 months
Darlings, let's do this again, properly this time. Less you forget what I'm about
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Do you vote for the one you like best or the one you hate most? Yes
Propaganda under the cut, provided by your local bastard politician fanatic
Nova Prime: Served under Prima as Nova Major. The only one in this list that held the real Matrix, but he didn't become Prime because of it, he became the leader of Cybertron when he united it after the 13 Primes break up during the First Civil War (not to be confused with the Autobot-Decepticon Civil War). His reign was supposedly the most prosperous but it had all the seeds that would later make Cybertron get worse. He actually had a hand in ruling and did things like gettting the Cold Contruction program going. He fucked off to do expansionism and went MIA, returned 6.2 million years later to try to merge this universe and the evil universe he got sucked in. Is defeated but comes back again some years later and is stopped again.
Nominus Prime: He somehow became Prime after Nova dissapeared around the same time the Functionist Council was established. Notorious bigot whose reign was characterized by social disparity. However by the time of Chaos Theory he's more of a figurehead with the Senate being the ones that really do the ruling, but before that, it's said that it was the Coucil who called the shots, so for good or bad, I don't know what this dude ever actually did besides looking pretty. His contribution to the narrative is to be put in a coma and then dying, he has no spoken lines. His own Senators sent an attack on him to try to get to his matrix and dispose of him to put their own puppet Prime when they figured the thing was fake. In the alt timeline, the is the Council that kills him alonside the rest of the Senate. This guy just doesn't seem to have anyone on his team. But hey, he actually stays dead. Doesn't have any good shots in the comic so I had to use his reference sheet for this poll.
Sentinel Prime: The aforementioned puppet Prime that Proteus put on the job after killing Nominus. Also doesn't seem to do any legislation, but he does lead the Cybertronian Security forces, so that's something. Got Orion's boyfriend empurated and shadowplayed. The Council lost even more influence during his time. Megatron kills his whole senate and then him. He didn't really die and was wearing a suit the whole time, because he's really a servant of Onyx Prime that was waiting for his return. So it's revealed in an executived mandated-event in a plotline that you could erase and wouldn't really change the overall plot, but it allowed us to learn that he things romance is for people who are deranged.
Zeta Prime: Was friends with Shockwave who tought him such a trustworthy guy he left his boyfriend in Zeta's care. When Orion was this close to turning against the establisment, Zeta somehow becomes Prime after Megatron "kills" Sentinel and gets Orion to stay on his side only to constantly manipulate him and use him for propaganda. Pretends to be all cool and progressive and did technically do away with official functionism, but didn't fix Cybertron's inequality and secretly brainwashes people and other nasty stuff, but he is rulling. When he couldn't deal with the Decepticons he lost it and became worse until Orion got fed up and joined Megatron in killing him. Also actually stays dead. Pretty sure he only exists bc they killed Sentinel too early in the timeline. I have to constantly remind people who he is because they forget about him or get him confused with Sentinel.
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sketch-mer-6195 · 11 months
Scare Tactic (Earthspark Megatron x gn!Reader)
My very first gender neutral reader for all who love this handsome mech! It is a bit of a shorty but, I'm glad how it ended up! Word Count: 666 (by the allspark we're doomed) Warnings: Fluff, sfw, lots of cybertroninan anatomy terms...if that's a warning?
Anywhizzlepop, enjoy the funny!
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You think that you're so funny, right? Scaring the former Warlord and Leader of the Decepticon's half to death and making him think he actually squished you beneath his peds.
Well it was kinda funny for a moment.
You had Dottie take you to Ghost Headquarters as you had several close calls with Decepticon's since your move to Witwicky. In reality, you wanted to see Megs and catch up a little bit since he had been swamped thanks to Agent Croft. So, when you got the opportunity to find him in the halls reading over a communication pad. It was just perfect. Hiding behind the large pillar that supported the walls, you waited till he got close to where you were until you let out the most Energon curdling screech you could muster.
Poor Megatron jumped a good 12 feet in the air hearing your scream. He knew it was you. His spark about ready to go into supernova if he knew he was the one who actually hurt you.
But as he began to think of what you were going to look like under his ped, the sound of your laughter was soon replaced. Making the titan raise a brow in utter confusion, he looked down to see you rolling on the floor and clutching your midsection because of your laughter. Your feet kicking in the air as tears started to prick at the corners of your eyes as your laughter continued. Megatron was deeply relieved that you were perfectly fine and let out a heavy ex-vent he had no idea he was holding. But what was once relief in his ruby optics were soon replaced with slight annoyance with a hint of mirth.
"(Y/N)! What in the Allspark do you think you're doing? Deceiving me into thinking I severely harmed you." He lectured you.
As your laughing fit soon fizzled to giggles, you sat up and wiped your eyes and cheeks. Looking up at your beloved 'Con, you knew you weren't going to get out of this so easily.
"I'm sorry, Megs. But… it was just too easy to not pass up the opportunity!" You explained as you stood and brushed off the dust on your pants.
With a slight glare, Megatron offered you his servo to which you happily accepted and perched yourself into his palm. With his thumb securing you around your waist, he lifted you to his chassis only to see Elita-one and Optimus running down the hall.
"What's wrong!" Elita exclaimed.
"We heard someone in distress! We came as fast as we could." Optimus said before laying optics to see the only culprit.
“Apologies, old friend. (Y/N) here came to visit and surprised me.” Megatron replied as he carefully lifted you to his shoulder plating. “Come to think of it, I was thinking of showing them my latest simulation.”
Turning on his struts, Megatron had a smirk on his own dermas to which Prime had no intention of figuring out what his plan was. You on the other hand were not planning on what was about to happen next. In the training simulation room, Megatron activated the system with a simple command where a pillar formed and rose to his eye level before plucking you off his shoulder.
“Ah! Hey!”
“This will teach you not to scare me.” And with a simple wave of his servo, the pillar rose an extra 15 feet into the air with Megatron chuckling.
“Megatronus! Put me down this instance!” You ranted only to hear your lover chuckle and soon begin to full blow tanks-laugh.
Again, it was funny. And in the end, it was worth it. Even if you scared the Spark out of him. He forgot about work, laughing and relaxing with you. Which you ended up laughing and him bringing you back to his level so you two could have a little stroll through the halls and talk about each other's day.
Now… what’s next to get your ‘Con lover?
Tagging: @robot-horde @mysticboombox @nilawii
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theoceanoasis · 1 month
Roddy surprises everyone on the lost light.
All of them were conjunxed and Roddy didn’t have one but he suddenly has a betrothal helm necklace and obviously sparked with a cute heavy tank thats still growing.
They are do surprised by who the sire is when they bring him his latest craving that he happily eats full focus with his spoiler fluttering.
Your choice on who.
Hope you’re doing better
On their last mission the Lost Light had been heavily damaged, after they rescued some people from their planet, which was destroying itself and would have killed all of them as well.
The damage was so bad they were forced to land on Cybertron. Where it would take a few months before they could fly again.
During that time people had to find accomodations elsewhere because the ship needed to be empty while they worked.
Everyone split off going with their Conjunx as they found somewhere to stay and enjoyed their time on Cybertron, meeting up with old friends.
As the only one without a partner he wandered the streets by himself untill he came across a bar. Where he saw a familiar face.
Months later and the Lost Light was finally fixed. Drift was packing his stuff as he talked to Ratchet who was doing the same.
"I'm worried about Rodimus."
"Why's that?"
"We haven't seen him in a while and he usually hangs out with us whenever he's bored, since he doesn't have anyone else. It's weird that he hasn't contacted us or come to our apartment."
Ratchet frowned.
"That is weird... Although we are seeing him tomorrow when the Lost Light launches. I'm sure he's hiding out somewhere pouting because he's all alone."
He sighed.
"I wish he'd try and find someone instead of always hanging out with us. I've tried a few times but he's never seemed interested in anyone."
"Thunderclash is interested in him. Maybe we can get them in a date together."
"Roddy doesn't like him."
"Rodimus doesn't know him. I'm sure when he gets to know him more he'll realize what an amazing guy he is."
"Yeah I guess you're right."
"Don't worry about it I'm sure Rodimus is fine."
In the morning they gathered with the rest of the crew as they talked amongst each other. Waiting for Rodimus who was surpringly late.
"I thought if anyone wanted to get off this planet it would be him."
Some of the others nodded when they heard a voice through the crowd.
"Sorry I'm late I overslept."
They stared in shock when they noticed Rodimus holding his large belly, as he waddled onto the stage. Megatron and Ultra Magnus were both speechless. The reprimand being forgotten as they stared between his large belly and the helm jewelry on his head signifying that he was bonded.
Drift was the first one to speak as he stepped closer looking his Amica over.
"Roddy what happened? When did you get bonded?"
Rodimus smiled holding his belly with one hand.
"Recently. We decided to get bonded shortly after we learned I was sparked. Since we didn't want to waste any time and I would be leaving soon."
Rodimus turned to the rest of his crew who were still in shock and acted as though it was a normal thing as he welcomed them back.
Halfway through his speech he ended up needing to sit down because he couldn't stand for long and his feet hurt. Ratchet tried scanning him and he waved him away as he finished his speech.
Putting a hand on his belly he struggled to stand with it in the way. Ultra Magnus helped him looking worried.
"Where's your Conjunx are they not coming?"
Drift frowned looking upset on his Amicas behalf that his Conjunx wouldn't come with him. Especially when he's sparked with their child and would need their transfluid.
He glanced at Ratchet who also looked worried. He felt terrible and berated himself for not reaching out sooner. If he had he would have stopped Rodimus from making a mistake and bonding his deadbeat Conjunx.
Rodimus went back to his room where he was planning on getting unpacked when Drift, Ratchet, Megatron and Ultra Magnus followed after him.
He gave them a confused look as he sat on the bed wondering what they wanted. They seemed to be giving each other nervous looks and he frowned worried something was wrong with the ship.
Drift began when he was interrupted by the door opening.
"Sorry we're late we realized you didn't get breakfast and went to get you something."
Sunstorm handed it over and Rodimus eagerly took it. His spoiler fluttering as he focused on his breakfast.
Soundwave came over and kissed his forehead giving Megatron an icy look obviously wanting him to leave.
The others stared in shock as Soundwave and Sunstorm looked Roddy over making sure he was feeling okay.
Drift had so many questions and was glaring at the two Decepticons wanting answers. Sunstorm glared back while rubbing Rodimus belly.
"These two are my Conjunx."
Rodimus kissed them both unaware of the tension brewing. He snuggled against them and they both cuddled him as well ignoring the people still watching them. Until Rodimus became uncomfortable wanting to nest and not wanting so many people in his home.
All four of them were forced out with Rodimus promising to speak with them soon. They stared at the door in shock after it had been slammed in their face. All of them trying to comprehend the strange scene they'd just witnessed.
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screamingseeker · 2 years
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merformer megatron x marine biologist!reader
If you knew what was waiting for you when you went into the water that day, you would've stayed in and start packing to go home.
But there were only a few weeks left of your summer research trip left and the Troian Isles were home to the one of the most unique ecosystems in the world. It would be a crime not to spend as much time in the water as possible.
So, armed with your trusty underwater camera, you hopped into the old speedboat tied to the dock and sped away from shore.
You slowed down just before you were out of swimming distance from the docks. You had learned the hard way to keep close to land.
You tossed the anchor overboard and while it made it's way to the ocean floor, you suited up in your fullbody swimsuit and oxygen tank, complete with goggles. You sat on the edge of the boat and let yourself fall backwards, quickly descending with the extra weight of the tank.
You reached the ocean floor. The coral reefs glittered in the sun and colorful fish swam around you in every direction, but you paid special attention to a small octopus that moved towards you on the ocean floor.
It was curious, but kept it's distance and you didn't try to get closer to it. You took several photos and lost your in your favorite place in the world.
You didn't even notice how much time had passed until the water became darker around you and you looked up to see a purple sky.
There were no sharks anywhere near the Troian Isles, but as a rule of thumb, it wasn't a good idea to be in the water at night. So you put your camera's strap around your neck and swam up towards the surface.
By the time you pulled yourself back onto your boat, the sun was dipping below the horizon and you took a moment to just admire the view. Purple and orange hues painted the sky, slowly being overtaken by a deep blue.
You really were lucky to have gotten the chance to spend your summer here.
You grabbed the steering wheel and turned the boat towards the docks, speeding away as the sun set behind you.
The boat reached the dock just as night fell. You securely tied the boat to the dock and were just about to get off when you noticed something in the water.
Below the dock, something gray and shiny shape was thrashing around.
It must be a dolphin, you realized in horror.
You immediately shrugged off the oxygen tank and dove into the water before it even hit the floor. Swimming blind, you followed the warped sound of the dolphin moving until you felt sleek skin beneath your outstretched hand. You also felt the netting holding it down.
You reached for the knife strapped to your hip and the dolphin thrashed harder, which made it that much harder to make sure you didn't hurt it as you cut away at the net.
You could barely see in the dark, but you felt the net give way and you gave it some space so it could swm away.
But it stayed where it was.
You realized much too late it was too large to be a dolphin.
It looked at you and red eyes glowed in the dark water.
You gasped and water filled your mouth and nose, immediately making you scream in your mind. You needed air. Kicking your legs, you fought your way to the surface and away from the creature, but you were already lightheaded and black spots were filling your vision.
You were going to die with water in your lungs and no one knowing where you were.
Claws suddenly hooked into your arms and you screamed as you sped upwards, exploding out of the water and landing hard on the dock.
Sea water burned as it rushed out of you, nearly making you throw up from gagging so much. You just laid there, grateful for every breath and once you had the strength, you lifted your head to look back at the ocean.
Unblinking red eyes stared up at you, the rest of the creature's face hidden in the water.
You stared at each other for several moments, your heart pounding in your ears.
It spoke.
"I am in your debt." It said in a low, rumbling voice.
Before you could get a word out, it's head dipped below the water, disappearing into the dark. Like it had never even been there.
You should've just stayed home.
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starliights-shining · 2 years
Special Person.
Pairing - Bumble Bee x Reader
A/N: Uhhh, this was for a friend, but you guys can have it to. Anyways the reader is GN, all fluff. its not for a specific Bumble Bee. Enjoy :)
Everyone has one, either it being a parent, son, daughter, pet, or special someone. A person they can call theirs, someone who will be there for them, no matter if it's raining, or the sun has collapsed. There will be someone who is there for them, as their person. Well, your person wasn’t a person. More like a car, who turns into a talking, walking and thinking metal alien from space. At least that's what he told you, along with the seven other warnings about why he’s here. A war over a planet, protecting earth from someone named “Megatron”. It didn’t make sense, but the space robot seemed to like you. He comes around for visits and even takes you to random spots he finds. You look forward to seeing him and as the time went on, his visits came more frequently, until they stopped for a moment. You figured he was off saving the world, or something. So you ended every night wishing for his return.
The moments of him being gone were weird. You were left to think that maybe he no longer enjoyed talking to you. The same thought kept coming back, you liked him. That’s why the time without him felt horrible, too far from the one you like, the one you loved. But that leaves his feelings. He doesn’t like you like that, right? He can’t have feelings for someone as small and fragile as you. He would be better off with someone from his own species. You have no chance with him. His return came later, a month later. The sound of the familiar exhaust as you looked out the window. You walked out to him, a bright smile plastered on your face. You stood away but not too far away, giving him the room he needs and extra so he can approach you. He walked up to you, smiling as he handed you a small metal flower. You took it, as you looked up to meet his cobalt blue optics. 
“Aw, thanks Bee. What have you been up to?”
You twirled the flower around between your fingers, waiting for his answer. Thinking about the flower, it wasn’t all too weird for you to receive it, friends can give each other flowers, right? 
“Ah, just the same stuff, saving the world and a bit of thinking.” 
“Thinking? What ya been thinking about?” 
The silence while you waited for his answer was weird, it felt heavy, a little too heavy for your liking.
“I really like this person.” 
He pauses, you see him squint his optics as he looks at the sky. 
“They're so super cool, and has to be one of my favorite people on the planet.” 
You were right he doesn’t see you the same way. How could he ever see you the same way, when he already likes someone who is probably ten times better than you, and is constantly there for him. He’ll never have feelings for you. The small fleshy woman from earth. 
You got lost in thought, as he spoke about this new lady he liked. The simple thought of losing Bee to someone else was starting to weigh on you. Your mood started to dampen and all you could do was respond to him with simple hums and nods as you stared at the night sky with tears in your eyes. 
“Hey (Y/N), ya there. I didn’t mean to scare you with my confession.” 
Confession? What confession, did he say he confessed to the lady. 
“Oh no, Sorry I didn’t hear your confession. What were you planning on saying to them?”
“Oh uhh,” 
He paused, releasing what is your version of sigh, as he closed his optics. Turning to you he opens his eyes, grabs your small hands into his larger metal ones, and locks eye contact he says. 
“(Y/N) I like you a lot. So much I want to marry you, kiss you, make sure you’ve eaten and slept well, watch your hair go gray and your skin wrinkle and your belly go soft- be next to you for the rest of my life and whatever comes after it. I don't care if you don’t look like me or come from the same planet as me. That’s what makes me like you as you. As my special person.” 
You were shocked, you felt him squeeze your hands a little, a small amount of pressure just to bring you back to him. You thought, all this worrying he was going to choose someone else, and run away with them, just for him to tell you the moment he got back, you were his person. You sighed, the original weight of the conversation was gone, you felt as light as a feather. With no worries you smiled brightly up at him. 
“Come here Bee.”
Pulling him down towards you, and giving him a kiss on the side of his face plating. He pulled back and looked away flustered for a minute before you spoke. 
“You had me worried for a moment, Bee. I thought you were going to run off with some random girl. Plus you hadn’t been to visit for a while.” 
You both laughed, not just any laugh, one of those breathless happy laughs. Happy that you know you’ll spend the rest of your life with him, Your Special Person.
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in1-nutshell · 2 months
Hello teacher I'm just resending my request cause I remember you said some of the request you get from other followers disappears and I haven't seen the other request that I have send you when your request box was open
So I took the liberty of myself when your request box was open to copy and paste my requests so here they are
1.) Not too sure where this idea came from but I would like request a (our world buddy again) who happens to have a great fatherly like relationship with Prime Verse megatron who ends up meeting IDW Optimus who actually is her adopted dad he has the papers and data pads to prove everything and Prime megatron and his decepticons decided they were gonna fight IDW Optimus for custody of buddy and it ended somewhere along the line of Prime megatron ended up in the medbay completely unconscious and half of his army traumatized after they found out what an how angry a prime who is a father can really get (technically related to my story)
2.) Don't really know what to think for this one but what about IDW Bots meet G1 bots?
3.) Buddy from our world meet team prime and team megatron from cyber verse world? I would love that interaction
Oh and cyber verse starscream got really attached to her to the point he doesn't like sharing her attention which buddy has no problems with cause she knows why he is the way is. And maybe megatron and sound wave got attached too and devised plans to steal her and keep her the nemesis for a little while cause it's not everyday you meet someone who show so much affection
P.S feel free to write these last cause I know you are busy😃✌
This is a pretty big list, so I went with number 2, minus the Cyberverse part. I don't write for Cyberverse as of now.
Hope you enjoy!
Human Buddy from the real world meeting Team Prime
SFW, Platonic, Human reader
Buddy was starting to think that maybe the new coffee mixture they had made was really an elixir to travel dimensions.
They didn’t know how hard they hit their head when they saw Wheeljack arguing with Ultra Magnus.
The two bots didn’t even notice the human until they came literally running to Magnus’s pede and hugged him the best they could.
Buddy hugging Magnus’s pede: “If this is a dream I don’t want to wake up!” Magnus nearly jumps feeling the random human hug his pede. Wheeljack looks like he is going to glitch, though he doesn’t know for what reason. Wheeljack: “Hey… umm, kid what are you—” They turned their head so fast Wheeljack was sure that he heard a snap. The human starts running up to him rapidly shaking their fist in excitement: “Wheeljack! I can’t believe I’m actually talking to you! Either that or I may have found the limit of coffee I am allowed to drink.” Ultra Magnus and Wheeljack: “What?” Buddy: “Hey, aren’t you supposed to take me to meet the rest of the team? Isn’t it like, the whole protocol?” Ultra Magnus gives Wheeljack an uneasy look: “You seem to know quite a bit…” Buddy waving their hand: “I’ll explain that later, now, who am I climbing in?!”
When they arrive to the base, they are practically bouncing off the walls.
They are even more excited than when Miko first showed up.
In fact, the new human is excited to meet the kids, Fowler and June just as much as they are excited to meet the bots.
Miko has a taste of her own medicine and feels the need to apologize… someday.
Buddy does calm down when explaining how they know who they are and how they had been through a similar situation like this before.
That leads to more questions, but Buddy refuses to answer them.
Something about ‘Not wanting to mess with the universes’.
Buddy: “Anyways I need to keep you guys from finding out about some spoilers, like Bee’s voice coming back. Team Prime: “WHAT?!” Bumblebee: BEEP!? (MY VOICE?!)” Buddy: “…Rats…”
Optimus does allow Buddy to stay on the base while they wait until they return back home.
Most of the team thinks that another Miko is among them now.
And to a point they are right.
But Buddy also knows when to stop and tries to be useful around the base.
Buddy sweeping the human area. Miko: “This has been the third time you’ve cleaned this place this week. You can leave some stuff around you know?” Buddy still sweeping: “Ratchet finds the mess distracting; I’m just trying to lighten some of the load.” Ratchet, who overhears this now has to rethink his opinion of Buddy.
More respect is earned when they see Buddy football tackle Miko from going into the groundbrigde.
Many hugs are given on what seem like random days.
Those days turn out to be heavier than others and Buddy is always behind the bot ready to hug or do whatever they can to make them feel better.
Smokescreen walks into the base with his doorwings a bit drooped. Buddy running over to him: “Hey Smokes.” Smokescreen puts on a fake smile: “what’s up Buddy?” Buddy patting his pede and giving a genuine smile: “You’re doing great.” Smokescreen just nods because he doesn’t want to cry in front of Optimus. Later… Ratchet still on the main console. Buddy grabbing a blanket and places it nearby. Ratchet: “And what are you doing? You should be in bed.” Buddy: “That’s where you should be too.” Ratchet scoffs and continues working. Buddy: “Don’t think I didn’t see you put back your rations today.” Ratchet stops mid key stroke. Buddy: “I am NOT going to sleep until you get some energon and go to sleep.” Ratchet: “Well then prepare to stay awake for a long time.” Buddy cracking their knuckles: “Bring it! I’ve been awake for 3 days and 3 nights straight during exam week!” Ratchet suddenly worried for Buddy’s health: “…You win this round.” Buddy laughs in sleep deprived.
The bots are wrong to assume that Buddy wouldn’t pull a Miko.
… and now some are considering bringing them out with them.
Buddy fan almost as much as they do with the bots and some cons are now afraid of getting the feral human on them.
But Buddy has also thrown rocks at certain cons out of pure spite.
Buddy throwing some rocks at Breakdown: “SWALLOW YOUR PRIDE AND JOIN US!” Breakdown looking at the human questioning: “What?” Buddy still chucking rocks: “YOU COULD BE A GREAT AUTOBOT WITH YOUR POTENTIAL! BRING KNOCKOUT TOO!” Knockout: “I think this human lost it.” Buddy: “DO NOT LET YOUR MAN GO OUT HUNTING THAT TRAITOROUS SPIDER!” Arcee: “Finally something we agree on.”
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cyberrose2001 · 1 year
Girl, I have a good one for you. If you recall the episode s2 ep21 in TFP when Prime got the Starsaber destroyed. He had a bit of an attitude at the end. Sure, everyone could understand why, but it makes you curious.
Place a f!human reader, supposely close to him. She cannot stand him acting this way and basically yells and bitches at him. In the end, he argues back which frighten her since she hasn't seen him mad. She runs only for him to come and apologize leading to confession and a nice NSFW!!
TFP Optimus x human!fem!reader
I'm so sorry that this took waaay longer than intended, my word doc glitched and didn't save half of it so I had to rewrite the rest from memory :(
Either way, Medli, your requests are always so delicious to write, and I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Overstimulation, orgasm denial, oral sex.
Word count: 2531
You can't stand him being like this, cold and distant. Optimus had just returned from retrieving the first set of the precious Omega keys that supposedly would revive Cybertron, but only with great sacrifice.
It was bad enough that Optimus thought he had lost another team member at the hands of Megatron, our rookie who tends to bite off more than he can chew. He hid his emotions well, but at that point, you could tell in his optics that he was about to snap. A force that you were sure would send shockwaves throughout the team and across the cosmos.
You knew that impact was evident when you watched Optimus walk through the ground bridge with a shattered Star Saber. A powerful weapon forged by the Primes solely delivered for Optimus's use is now destroyed, broken beyond repair. You can feel his EM field in the air, instantly dampening the atmosphere in the room. It's heavy, laden with sorrow and, worst of all, silent.
He hadn't said a word to you. Not even a glance or a nod. Nothing, nada. He skipped past everyone's worried looks and made a bee-line to the base computer, where the next set of Iacon coordinates remained projected onto the screen, waiting for him to decode them. The emotions on Optimus's face were difficult to read, a mixture of despair, desolation and, most of all, focus, all colliding behind these brilliantly blue optics you've come to love and drown yourself in.
But those hardened eyes won't prevent you from giving him a stern talking-to. You've grown close with the stoic leader for the short time you've known him compared to his potential billion-year lifespan. You're not afraid to tell him to take a break or say things how it was, no matter his intellect. And right now, the Prime needs a break.
You slowly approach him from behind. Even when he is helm deep in the monitor's circuits, you are sure he can still hear you. After all, Archivists were the eyes and ears of his home planet. You give him a light tap on his pede to try and draw his attention to you.
"Hey." You call out to him. His frame is unmoving, delicate servos feverishly typing away. He hadn't seemed to notice you, or maybe he was ignoring you. You give him another firm tap of your foot, which turns into kicking.
"HEY!" You yell to him, "I know your ears work. Get your head out of the computer and stop ignoring me!"
That got his attention. His servos stopped in their tracks, but his back still faced you. He seems to be listening.
"You need to take a break. You're overworking yourself." You fold your arms, "Those coordinates can wait. You can't decode them properly while your processor fries from lack of recharge."
"I'm fine." He says bluntly, not even bothering to turn and look at you.
If there's one thing you hate more than being ignored, it's when Optimus lies through his teeth.
"Optimus, you're not fucking fine!" In frustration, you throw your hands in the air, "Don't lie to me because I know when you do. Ever since you got back, you've totally ignored everyone… your team… even me! You're being a total bitch to everyone that actually cares about you. That's not who you are. Now, it's best that you get your head out of your aft and that damn computer and get some fucking rest!"
Now that struck a chord. Optimus spins around fast, slamming a fist into the concrete floor next to you and sending debris into the air, some almost hitting your face. He crouches close to your frame, harsh ex-vents grace over your body, and whips your hair around. But you stand your ground, albeit slightly terrified at the change of Optimus's demeanour.
"I do not suppose you believe Megatron wouldn't stop at nothing to get his claws on the next Iacon relics?" He growls. He's so close to you that you can see every dent and imperfection on his faceplate, some from his most recent battle with the Decepticon tyrant, "I will NOT stop until I decode the remaining coordinates. I will not let you or anyone prevent me from doing so. So if you would be so kind…"
He looms closer to you. He's growling at you. You step back but almost trip on the rubble scattered behind you, "Leave me alone."
You're trembling because of two potential reasons. Optimus has never raised his voice or got angry at you, not even at the other bots. And the second is the ungodly amount of blood rushing to your loins. You're at his mercy under his gaze. While you are surprisingly horny, you're intimidated by the pinpoint optics burning holes in your body.
"Fine. You wanna be left alone? Then I'll leave you alone." Your own fists are clenching now. You can't look vulnerable before him, "Come find me when you're not busy making out with the computer screen."
And with your final blow, you turn on your heel and storm out of the base, ignoring the wide-eyed faces of the other bots, who had unfortunately witnessed the whole thing. You didn't care where you were running to; you just needed to get out of there and blow off some steam. Something that Optimus should be doing as well.
Optimus watched you run out of the base, his optics softening a fraction. While what he said about not resting until he decodes the rest of the coordinates was true, Optimus caught himself lying when he told you to leave. You were the only thing preventing him from breaking down and losing his shit. You are why he hasn't locked himself in a stasis pod and cranked the dial to ten billion years so that he doesn't have to endure a moment longer of this Primus-forsaken war.
But watching the human he loved run away from him, he realised his mistake. Optimus has just pushed away the only human tethering him to the edge of a self-hatred cliff, and he's just cut the cord.
He releases his death grip on the crumbled floor, letting the pebbles fall out of the servos. You probably hate him now. You probably don't even want to see him again, and he doesn't blame you. But the least he could do was apologise before you leave for good.
Your feet are starting to ache. You know you've been walking for a while when there's nothing but desert sand and the worn-down asphalt of the road to keep you company.
You hadn't meant what you said to Optimus to come out so harsh. Most of the time, when you would first tell him to recharge, he would be reluctant but would oblige. Tough love was your philosophy. But this time, your philosophy may have been a step too far today. You greatly underestimated how stressed the Prime was. That was a mistake on your part. That fact that he was grieving the potential loss of a teammate and the weapon that could win the war? It would've helped if you were more understanding and compassionate.
You should turn back; the sun was beginning to set. It looks beautiful, and you wish Optimus was here because you know he would enjoy this as much as you do.
Speak of the devil. A low rumbling noise grows louder from some distance behind you; you know it's Optimus. Most likely coming to banish you from the base for how you spoke to him.
He rolls behind you and flashes his high beam, and you stop. You can feel and hear him transform behind you, but you don't turn to look at him because you feel ashamed.
"Optimus, I'm sorry for how I spoke to you." You take a deep breath and cradle your arms to your stomach, "I… I didn't realise how troubled you are about…"
A cold servo wraps around your shoulder, sending goosebumps across your body. Optimus carefully spins you around to face him, and he oozes your exact amount of regret. His optics cast a brilliant glow across your form, and the remaining flickers of the sunset reflect off his metal, casting him in an orange hue.
"Y/n, I should be the one who apologises." His downturned dermas hurt your heart, "There was no justification for my actions. I should not have lashed out at you the way I did."
"But there was justification for it, and I was careless about your feelings." You say, bringing a hand to the servo resting on your shoulder, "I shouldn't have said those things, I realise now."
A small smile creeps into the corner of Optimus's dermas, "Perhaps not, and while I am very saddened by today's events, I do not think you realise how much your words encourage me."
"But…" You're cut off by a smooth thumb brushing over your cheek.
"I should have told you this a long time ago, but… Primus, you are the only thing in this universe holding me together." He takes a sharp intake, "I love you more than anything."
Your breath catches in your throat. Optimus, the greatest warrior to ever grace this Earth, just confessed to you. In the middle of the desert, when the temperature is dropping but you don't even feel it because the warm glow of his optics and his confession sparks a fire in your chest.
"Optimus… I do… I love you… I." You struggle to find the words—instead, you involuntary shiver.
Of course, Optimus notices and give you a slight chuckle, "It is getting cold. May you accompany me back to base?"
You nod, and instantly, he transforms into his alt mode, leaving the passenger door open for you and you make haste and climb in, and he buckles the seat belt for you. Staring out the window to witness the last of the sunset, resting your head against the window as Optimus turns his heater on for you. You sigh in contentment as he pulls onto the road and journeys home.
"OptiMUUS… hngh… please." You whine from the bed and tug at the restraints on your wrists, soft, breathless begging as Optimus's grip on your thighs tightens and relaxes with every swipe of his glossa.
You could say that this was a form of payback, a playful punishment from when you yelled at him earlier. Even though he had forgiven you for saying those harsh words, he told you on the way home that he still needed to "put you in your place". At the time, you had no idea what that entailed, but little did you know the method Optimus liked to 'punish' you was to edge you on the cusp of euphoria multiple times only to deny you of any orgasm.
It was torture, but you kind of deserved it.
"P-Please, fuck…" You beg, writhing your hips as Optimus drags his glossa around your folds, then circles your clit, "I can't- no more… FUCK."
It was an endless back-and-forth pattern. Optimus would lick your folds and collect your fluids on his glossa before dragging it back to your clit, circling it and increasing the pressure momentarily. And just when you were so close to cumming he would stop teasing the bundle of nerves and go back to licking strips up your pussy. You tried rocking your hips desperately to chase the high, but it was in vain as he would instantly pull away and watch as your hips writhe around to find friction.
"I do believe you are close. Am I correct to assume so?" Optimus grins, pressing light kisses to the inside of your thigh and, in turn, smearing your fluids over your soft sweaty skin.
"You asshole," You groan as he presses a firm kiss to your clit, "You know I am-aahHHH!"
Your whine cuts you off as Optimus wraps his dermas around your clit and gives you a harsh suck, and rolls it around his denta.
"I do not like your choice of words, Y/n." He growls against your clit, sending vibrations throughout your body, "I am not the 'asshole' you speak of."
The sucking at your clit sends electrical shocks through your thighs, making them shake and clench around his helm. Your hands find purchase on the berth under you, and you grip the sheet so hard you can feel it rip. You can feel him smiling against your mound as you thrust your hips into his intake, finally feeling your orgasm wash over you. It was sweet relief from a long two hours of edging, and you weren't sure how much longer you could've handled his glossa torturing you.
Optimus lifts his helm from your pussy, and you're trying so hard not to whine as you watch him lick up a string of arousal still attached to his dermas.
"F-Fuck…" You whimper, hips stuttering. The torment is finally over, you think. But you were severely wrong when you felt a cold digit rub at your folds, and he pushed it inside. You cry in overstimulation as he curls the digit, pressing against your G-Spot in a mind-numbing, relentless thrust. Similar to Megatrons antics in retrieving those Iacon relics, this bastard is stopping at nothing until he retrieves every last orgasm from your trembling body.
Optimus chuckles as you throw your head back and try to maneuver your hips away from his servos. He's enjoying watching you become an overstimulated mess, he's getting a high out of it, and it's taking all your strength not to slap him in the helm. You love him, but this is getting too much for you.
"You seem to be enjoying your punishment, hm?" Optimus smirks and strums his thumb to your already hyper-sensitive clit, "It certainly looks that way. I wonder if I can make you overload again."
You let out a string of swears as he thrusts his digit with haste, his thumb circling your clit and increasing the pressure. The wet sounds between your thighs are lewd and only add to your pleasure. The room becomes hazy and distant as you clench around his digit, and a second orgasm slams your body within the span of two minutes. Optimus lets out a guttural groan as he feels your walls clench around his digit; Primus knows what it would feel like with his throbbing spike inside you.
Optimus watches as you pant, sweat covering your entire skin. He gives a breathless laugh and leans down to kiss your soft lips, his glossa transferring some of your fluids onto your tongue. During the kiss, he groans as he slowly drags his digit out of your dripping pussy and relishes the little whine you give him.
"You're mean." You groan out against his intake. Your body is exhausted from his torment, and you're sure he can feel your muscles quivering against his plating. He innocently chuckles as if he hadn't just made a mess of you.
"I can assure you this was a one-off. No more torment, love." Optimus kisses your forehead, servos tracing circles on your thighs, "But on this occasion, you needed to know the consequences of your actions in future."
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rawmeknockout · 5 months
Your possessive Dadatron got into my brain with the cyberformed liason. While poor obsessed Rodimus is not being left alone with the Liason he's also one of the handful of bots outside of the medics that consistently remember the Liason was a wholeaft adult human and treat them as such, along with Rung, Swerve, Perceptor and Whirl.
This also leads to Megs and Mags being shocked when the Liason just matter-of-factly tells Rodimus, "I'm not opposed to the idea of a potential date in the future, but right now I don't have enough coordination in this body to try Meteor surfing. Worse the medics said Interfacing is out untill I have some concious control of my transformation sequence preferably after I've scanned an altmode."
Just two old Mechs clutching their pearls stunned In Horror while Rodimus is blithly is going on with the conversation.
"Wait you haven't scanned an alt yet?! I thought you'd checked all the potentials on the Lost Light?"Rodimus looked shocked.
"I did but nothing clicked or activated the sequence." The Liason shrugged helplessly. "It's not like this frame had one preloaded."
"Huh you should have told me. Next time we get off on a planet you should come with me and Drift and Ratchet. See if any of the wildlife triggers-"
"I forbid it! Ultra Magnus choked out. The other three mechs turned to look at him.
"Ultra Magnus," Megatron sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Please don't discourag Rodimus when he makes sensible seguestions."
"I, no." The Duely Appointed Enforcer of the Tyrest Accords gathered his wits. "No Rodimus' seguestion regarding his alt mode acquisition was not the issue. The conversation with regarding Interfacing however-" The Liason cut him off voice flat with uncharacteristic frustration.
"I do not have the spoons to say this gracefully or diplomatically right now so I'm going to be blunt. I am an adult human, note the term adult, in the frame of cybertronian newbuild. I'm currently experiencing frame dysphoria and body dismorphia. And you can add gender disphoria because i have a gender and if this frame I'm in lined up with it I would be a femme!"
"I'm aware of what interfacing is. In the before times," the Liason gestured curtly at their frame, "I had quite a few lively slightly tipsy afterwork discussions at Swerve's compairing and contrasting human and cybertronian sexulity, sensuality, and romanticism. Which Rodimus took part in. Spark play, Plug and Play and feild play arent options for humans but Valve Plug is" Ultra Magnus' engine choked in shock. Megatron took a reflexive back in extreme discomfort.
"I dont think I need to hear about that!" Megatron cut her off hastily. It was a mark of his discomfort and Ultra Magnus's distraction they both missed Rodimus pulling a packet of Cesium Crisps out of his subspace.
"No Mechs, these are exactly some of the sorts of conversations that need to happen with anybot who steps up to Parent me if this is permanent. Be my Mentor," she added to clarify the twin looks of confusion. "I am a middle-aged parent of grown children with an ex-husband who remains a dear friend now that he's out of the closet. I know the two of you are both trying to parent me. God and Primus both forefend my body dies of old age before Brainstorm and Perceptod can fix me because the number of Mecha on this ship who are psychologically capable dealing with the complexities of mentoring a newbuild that is simultaneously a sentient organic who is of analagous to their devlopmental age are profoundly limited."
"How about Rang," Rodimus seguested just a bit too cheerfully around a mouthful of snacks.
"Rung, unfortunately, as my therapist has a professional conflict of interest. And since you guys have, between all your factions, a grand total of two therapists left alive it's not like switching providers-"
"Oh! Liason! There you are!" First Aid called out, cheerfully oblivious conversation he was saving Megatron and Ultra Magnus from. "Ratchet just commed me, he's looking for you. He's freed up his schedule to chaparone err moniter Brainstorm and Perceptor while they run some tests on you. Well mostly Brainstorm needs the monitering. If you could come down to the lab?"
"Oh best not keep them waiting then," Rodimus put in quickly husteling First Aid and the Liason off down the hall. "I'll walk with you, Mags and Megs have to go on shift on the Bridge."
Well this ended up longer than I expected. The characters that live in my brain just started talking and went for it.
How do you reckon Protective UM and Possessive Megatron are taking this conversation? Or this type given that Liason suddenly went from generic insert to proto-OC with a backstory while I was typing. I cant be the only one on here who's had a character grab the plot ball and run away with it for a bit.
Megatron is fine with them having a life before even tho it’s not preferred but they’re a MECH now and he knows better (this is a lie) than anyone what type of mentoring you need he’s completely ignoring this conversation bc that was your life as a human, this is your life now
Magnus is conflicted but ultimately he still keeps other mechs away. you may have some knowledge of Cybertronian sexuality, but it’s not just the interfacing that’s the problem. All the mechs on the lost light are fucked up and aren’t just looking for vanilla sex.
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minniethemoocherda · 6 months
Iridescent: Chapter 17
A/N: Happy Easter!!! Also next update is probably going to be another one-shot so keep an eye out for that! And don't be alarmed if there isn't a new chapter on this fic in three weeks time as it will be a separate story! Xxxxxxxxxx
Jazz spent the rest of that night in the officers' washracks trying to scrub away the stench of waste and stains of energon.
In the morning, he finally went to see Ratchet who claimed to be lost for words at the fact that he'd somehow been walking around for the past three days with a broken back strut. After proceeding to get yelled at for the next forty-five minutes, Jazz left with a fixed back and ringing audials.
Still, even though Jazz hadn't slept a wink during the night, (what was one more day after staying awake for a week straight?) he didn't regret waiting till the next day to get seen too. If Ratchet had tried to shout at him yesterday, Jazz probably would've stabbed him.
Plus, waiting until the morning to go to the medbay gave Jazz an excuse to check in on a very important patient.
After his examination, he pushed back the curtained of the area that been sectioned off for Bumblebee.
Swaddled in a blanket he looked as small as he had the day they'd rescued him.
Unsuprisigly, Optimus was by his berth side. One servo stroked Bumblebee's helm, the Prime's hand never quite leaving his sparkling's touch.
Optimus didn't even look up as Jazz took a seat besides him. Only the slight nod, of his head acknowledging that someone else was now in the room besides Bumblebee
"How is he?" Jazz asked.
"He is stable." Optimus whispered as though scared that even speaking too loud could accidently cause the unconscious bot further damage. "It was only his throat and jaw that received substantial damage."
"And his voice box?"
Optimus recoiled as though Jazz had just punched him in the face. Jazz watched as his oldest friend took a deep breathe before forcing the next words out of his mouth.
"There was nothing left to fix. And even if there was we would not have had the spare parts to fix it. We will never hear his voice again."
Jazz sunk into the seat. Even though he had been there to witness the event, his brain module still found it hard to process the information.
They both turned their attention back to Bumblebee taking in the the quiet vents of his slumber that mean that he was alive.
With the energon cleaned away, Jazz could now clearly see the extent of the damage for himself. Not only had his throat been ripped off, part of his lower jaw was gone too. Bumblebee was so small that even a dead mech's jaw wouldn't have fit him so instead a miss match of scrap metal had been used to reconstruct it, leaving only a round hole so that he could still drink energon. Jazz didn't doubt that Ratchet had done the best he could. But it didn't change the fact that perhaps the one thing that was worse than never hearing the young scout speak again, was that they would never see him smile.
Jazz couldn't help thinking of everything that had lead to this point. Particularly how he had trained and spared with the young bot growing up, telling himself that it was all in the name of self defence.
"It wasn't your fault." Optimus said because even without the Matrix, he had been one of the few bots able to tell what was on Jazz's mind.
"It wasn't yours either." He told their leader.
Because as Prowl had remined him, Megatron was the one who had done this.
"Megatron has to be stopped." Jazz stated.
"I know." Optimus conceded. Whatever they had been in the past, and frankly Jazz had never wanted to know the details, it was finally over. There was no coming back from this.
That was when for the first time since escaping the Nemeisis, Bumblebee opened his eyes.
Blue light flickered as their optics darted around the room, suddenly widening as they caught something in the shadows that neither of them could see.
Bumblebee thrashed against an imaginary enemy, the machines surrounding him screeching out an alarm as he yanked out the energon drip from his wrist. Optimus leapt to his feet to hold him down but Jazz grabbed him by the shoulder to hold him back.
"Don't." Jazz warned. "Just talk."
Reluctantly Optimus nodded, joining Jazz as they tried their best to soothe Bumblebee down with soft words of reassurance.
Jazz watched as their voices must've have eventually broken through whatever horror Bumblebee was experiencing, as those big blue eyes settled on the bot that he had come to see as his sire.
Bumblebee tried to speak, probably Optimus's name, but all that came out was a static BZZZZZ.
Jazz was powerless to help as Bumblebee clutched his throat, eyes widening once again as he no doubt remembered why he could not talk.
Moments later, he broke down into a fit of static fits, not even able to properly cry.
Jazz finally let go of Optimus's shoulder, letting their Prime lean down to cradle the bot they'd raised into a hug. Bumblebee latched onto him, the claws of his servos digging into the Prime's armour. Not that Optimus appeared to care, as he held his ward's scared face against his spark.
Jazz let the pair be.
The last thing Bumblebee needed right now was for him to be The Fun Uncle.
There was no fun to be had when coming to terms with the fact that your body was broken beyond repair.
Besides, Bumblebee wasn't the only person he owed a visit too today.
It was still early. Most mornings shifts weren't due to start for another hour. But Jazz knew Prowl well enough by now, so he was well aware that the mech would already be up re-reading meeting notes and overanalysing battle plans.
Jazz made his way quickly down the empty corridors to Prowl’s room. He reached up a hand, about to knock on the door when it opened and he had to catch himself from accidently hitting his fellow commander on the chassis.
Immediately Jazz's eyes were drawn to Prowl's wrist. Prowl's self-healing nanites had been hard at work over night and now the crack was barely noticeable. You wouldn't notice it if you weren't looking for it. But Jazz was.
Now Jazz knew that he had done bad things in the name of the greater good and that when this was all over he wouldn't be surprised if Primus condemned him to the pits for it.
But he tried.
He knew what he was capable of and refused to let himself cause harm without a damn good reason.
Injuring Prowl whilst in the middle of a mental breakdown was not a good reason. And he hated himself for it.
"I'm sorry." Jazz said, even though the words felt inadequate for what he wanted to say.
"It doesn't hurt." Prowl reassured him, no doubt having noticed Jazz looking at his wrist.
"That's not the point." Jazz said, his voice coming out as more of a spat than he would usually allow in public. Not that there was much point pretending in front of Prowl anymore when the mech had seen him at his worse.
For once Prowl didn't take the opportunity to argue with him and instead decided to move on to the other cyber-elephant in the room.
"Have you seen Rung?" He asked.
"There's no point." Jazz snorted, his laugh genuine if still slightly bitter. "I already know what's wrong with me."
"But are you doing anything about it?"
Well Jazz had to admit that Prowl had him there. As Jazz struggled to come up with a retort, Prowl continued.
"I don't care if you hate me for telling you this, but you need professional help."
"I know." Jazz couldn't help but sigh. He could feel Prowl's calculating gaze bore into him. The intense look making him feel naked and not in a fun way. At least the bot wasn't looking at him with disgust, or worst pity. Jazz did his best to match his stare. "And I know that you don't care if I hate you but I want you to know that I don’t."
Jazz walked away. The last thing his physical needed today was to hear how much Prowl still despised him. In his haste, he almost missed Prowl's reply.
"I don't hate you either."
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maltmealo · 6 months
Chapter 6: Start a war
"Do you hear that?"
"hear what?"
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A hiss of frustration left your mouth as you looked down at your chest, your own blood had come off reasonably quickly, but the bright blue substance had stained your skin. skin starting to flake off where it touched, great, you probably swallowed something that was disintegrating your stomach. A soft sigh left your mouth, leaving the stain alone for now.
Stream rolled off your body in waves as you stepped out of the shower, turning the water off after you. Grabbing one of the dusty cabinet towels you dry yourself off, stopping in front of the mirror. The bright blue stain on your chest stands out like a tattoo, you lean on the counter staring at yourself with a tired expression.
Killer, truck, aliens, you repeat in your head as you look at yourself. You got chased by the person who killed your friend, you got hit by a truck, and now you're temporarily living with aliens. your headache was gone though, that was good. You sigh and decide to finally exit the bathroom, running a hand through your damp hair and shut the door behind you.
"Human, do you feel better?" The deep voice made you jump, Optimus had been waiting for you in the exact same spot you had left him in.
"Yeah, thanks…" you say, leaning on the wall behind you. The metal red and blue giant kneeled down in an attempt to seem less threatening as he offered his hand again.
"You must be confused." He states as you climb into his palm, kneeling firmly in the center. He stands up and begins to move down the hallway, taking long strides to move, he keeps his hand as steady as possible to ensure that you don't get jostled.
"Very." You reply, looking up at him. "Can you explain to me what exactly is going on?"
“Yes,” Optimus replied, his face ever unchanging, the dull humming that was surrounding your ears changing. Instead of the constant humming, it sounded like a slow somber song, whispering melodies of long lost battle and even longer lost friends. “We are Cybertronians, a race of non-organic beings, our race has been divided due to a war between our factions, the Autobots and the Decepticons. Myself being the leader of the Autobots, and Megatron being the leader of the Decepticons.”
There was a moment of silence, the somber melody ringing in your ears as you speak.
“I’m sorry.”
“What for? You did not cause the war, nor are you wrong for asking what is going on.” Optimus speaks as you enter the room you first woke up in, Ratchet standing at the massive computer, not giving a second glance at the two of you.
“I’m sorry that you’re in a war, no one deserves to be in a war.” The silence comes back, you start to connect the dots, how rough they looked, how sad every word sounded. “I’m sorry.”
The repetition of the words echoed through the room, the metal walls making everything sound louder. Optimus lowered his hand so you could get back onto the platform. your bare feet touch the cold metal, a chill running up your spine as you severely regret not putting your socks back on, even if they were stinky.
“Optimus, Agent Fowler is bringing a human doctor with him to check her.” Ratchet grumbled, finally breaking the empty silence.
“Has this doctor been properly informed and given the proper clearance?" Optimus asked, turning his attention to Ratchet, after Ratchet nods, Optimus speaks again. "Tell him we will ground bridge him until this doctor proves that he is trustworthy."
Ratchet nods again and types something into the gigantic computer. You sit there in silence for a while, still trying to process everything that is going on.
"Human, I can assure you that you are safe here, there is no reason to stress," Optimus speaks, lowering himself so that you two were eye level again. The sharp glowing blue eyes drilling into you.
"Kinda hard not to." You retort, the ground is the most interesting thing in the room at the moment, choosing to turn your gaze to stare at that instead of the drilling stare.
"I swear to you, as leader of the Autobots, no harm will come to you as long as you are in our custody."
"It's not that I don't believe you, it's just the fact that I don't exist at all here and the fact that I'm being held by giant metal aliens is kind of, oh I don't know, shocking?" You say, returning your gaze to Optimus.
"Cybertronians." Ratchet corrects, not tearing his attention away from the screen.
“I understand your frustration, to be torn away from your home and then put in a situation where your life may be in danger is a shocking experience for anyone,” Optimus says, the somber melody changing to a slow yet determined beat.
“Wait, what do you mean my life is in danger?” you interject, “I thought you said I was safe here.”
“You are safe here, but if you were to leave the base even for a moment with the EMF reading you have right now, the Decepticons would undoubtedly find you, and they will not hesitate to torture you for whatever information you might have gained while you were here.” Optimus pauses, a huff of warm air blowing from the vents on his shoulders. “And whatever happened to your body while traveling through that portal.”
“What? What happened to my body?” you asked nervously, looking between the two metal giants, who were sharing a look.
“We are unsure of the effect this may have on you but…” Optimus starts to say, his face scrunching up in discomfort as he tries to explain what is happening to you.
“Your EMF signal is changing rapidly, for cybertronians, this could be an indicator that you had a multitude of things wrong with your body, but for a human…” Ratchet pauses, his eyes meeting yours. “We have no idea.”
“What do you mean my EMF signal is changing rapidly?”
“I mean your EMF is increasing at rapid speeds, it's quickly surpassing even our own EMFs,” Ratchet explains calmly, pulling up a chart of you when you first arrived.
“Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” You ask nervously, wringing your hands together in an attempt to comfort yourself, not even one day of giant robots, and you're already too deep.
“We have no idea,” Ratchet says not doing much to calm you down. God, were you going to die again? Was the rapid increase of your EMF going to fry your brain? Scramble everything up so you are nothing more than a lobotomized animal? Ratchet notices your increasing panic and begins to speak again, “But then again, you humans are resilient, you may not have any effects whatsoever.”
“Ratchet is correct, even though you may be small, humans have an incredible ability to bounce back from even the worst injuries,” Optimus confirm, giving a reassuring nod to you, “Even if you do not, we will make sure nothing bad happens to you, we will find a way to fix this.”
“Comforting.” You say sarcastically, sitting down on the floor and putting your head on your knees with a groan, “My body is dying and I'm at risk of being kidnapped by evil robots.”
“You're not dying,” Ratchet says firmly, his frown deepening as the calm beat gets overtaken by a steady wind chime sound off in the distance, “we won’t let you.”
You close your eyes, trying to focus on the wind chimes, not really caring where they were coming from at the moment.
“Thank you.”
They seem surprised by your sudden gratefulness, Optimus is the first to recover.
“Why are you thanking us?”
“Because you didn’t have to save me, and yet you did, so, thanks.”
“We did have to save you, as Autobots it's our duty to protect the innocent from the Decepticons.”
“Yeah, thanks for doing that.”
Optimus seemed even more surprised, even though he didn't show it, the windchimes slowly faded into the background as the slow melody returned.
“You are welcome, human.”
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searchingforatrail · 1 year
Title: Keys to the Kingdom Summary: Megatron is not good with words. And honestly, what words could undo the damage he had done to Starscream?
But actions? Megatron could do that.
-- There was a sudden change in the Seeker beside him. Like the eons of war that had shrouded him to the very core, that had dragged him down in every waking moment, dribbled off of him like beads of dew on morning grass. Like a vibrant blade, weighed down by the shackle of the long night’s precipitation arose with eagerness to meet the sun.
'Oh', Megatron thought to himself, as he took in this new creature before him with curiosity, 'This is who Starscream is when he’s not scheming or fighting for his life.'
“My trine mates, you’ve contacted my trine mates?”
“What am I looking at? Why in Primus’s name did you drag me out in the middle of nowhere alone, with you.” Never idle with his complaints, Starscream hissed at Megatron as he kept a relatively safe distance behind him. To be fair, the silver mech did not blame him for his caution. The last time Megatron had dragged him into a remote location, he had indeed tried to kill him. 
“Optimus won’t be pleased if you kill me.”
Still, he could not stop himself from rolling optics, particularly harder at the last line. Regardless of his newfound allegiance to Optimus, the old mech did not control him. While Optimus acted as an occasional buffer between his impulses, he did not hold a trigger or remote on Megatron that dictated his actions.
Everything he did was because he wanted to. That included bringing Starscream here, in the middle of nowhere as the Seeker accurately put it. Though it was not quite so. While they were the only two bots here, they stood atop of a mountain that overlooked a very large empty city. 
“I didn’t bring you here to kill you, Starscream.” He swallowed the urge to add in his casual “if i wanted to kill you, you would have already been dead,“ reminder and continued to the point at hand, “I brought you here to look at something that once belonged to you. Do these ruins mean nothing to you?” 
Starscream took in the ruins, red optics widening as his processor landed on familiar structures and landmarks. The abandoned city of flyers, adorned with metal monuments of aircrafts and archaic art. The city hummed with uneasiness, as if the vast space remembered the bustling metroplex it used to be. Like it waited with bated breath for it’s citizens to breathe life into it’s empty streets and vacant airways. 
“Is this–”
“Vos?”  Megatron cut him off, wincing internally. Optimus had gotten on him for that, and reminded him of the importance of letting others speak first, “It was revived with the rest of Cybertron. The Autobots were fighting tooth and nail to see who would be able to keep it. But I figured as it’s former leader, who better to take the reins than you.” 
Starscream slowly turned his helm to Megatron, expression clearly disbelieving. “How on…”
“There are perks to–what did you say– ‘Warming a Prime’s berth?” Megatron parroted the Seeker’s cheeky response, “do not mistake my relationship with him as me surrendering the cause I built. I intend to continue my role as leader of you all to some capacity. If that means keeping you safe, then I will do so.”
“I only said that because you found it appropriate to divulge your relationship with our former enemy moments after we were all arrested,” Starscream bit back. It took all of Megatron’s power not to rise to the bait, not to quell the aggression spewing from Starscream like he’d done before. But Optimus’s words rang in his processor, and his commitment to his new, peaceful life steadied him on. 
He was not here to hurt Starscream. He was not here to chastise him for his insolence. He and Starscream no longer existed in each other’s company as they had to begin with.  He would hand him the keys to his city and leave him to live a good life. 
“Be that as it may, Optimus felt it right that you regain full control of Vos, as you did before the war.” Megatron spoke, “at my insistence.”
“Do you want a present for treating me with basic dignity, Lord Megatron?” Starscreamed hissed, his voice deepening into a growl as he continued,  “And what is the catch? How do I know you won’t seize control the moment Vos is thriving once more.”
“Did you give Knockout one when you groveled for his forgiveness? Or will your former Seekers provide you with one for so eagerly abandoning them?” Despite himself, Megatorn was quick and silver tongued as always, biting back an insult as equally damaging as Starscream’s. To his credit, the Seeker did not respond with another retort. Simply let his wings droop low as he looked at the vast expanse of an empty Vos.
Frag it, Megatron cursed inwardly. He vented, reeling his emotions in check. When unable to use his fists, his words were his greatest weapon. And all too often Starscream was at their brutal end. He would not apologize for the comment about Knockout, though. Not with the living hell Starscream had apparently put him through. But he would make amends where they were due. 
“I do not expect anything from you, Starscream. I am doing this because you lost so much in the war, and I am responsible for at least half of that.  I only ask that you take on the position as the Senator of Vos as you once did in the past, before the war broke out” Before me, went unsaid. And there is no catch, Optimus’s word should be enough for you to believe that. however, if you’d rather him approach you alone and assure you of my- his- our honesty, then that can be gladly arranged.”
“His word is enough. I have no need for him to meet with me,” Starscream said, quickly, “but should you double cross me, I know how to reach him.” Megatron nodded, not doubting the accountability measure that Optimus had put in place. He was well aware Megatron was working to be a better mech, and had gleefully agreed to help hold him accountable for his mistakes. 
“It is no secret that Vos thrived under your leadership,” Megatron returned to his original point, servos clasped behind his back as he spoke, “ and I hope that with proper resources and a a team of individuals willing to work with you, you can bring it back to it’s former greatness.” Maybe then you’ll be at peace, he thought silently to himself. 
“A team?” He was clearly skeptical, looking Megatron up from pedes to helm. 
“Fear not Starscream, I will not have anything to do with the rebuilding of Vos. But, I took the liberty of getting in contact with your old trine members. They will be here within the week.”
There was a sudden change in the Seeker beside him. Like the eons of war that had shrouded him to the very core, that had dragged him down in every waking moment, dribbled off of him like beads of dew on morning grass. Like a vibrant blade, weighed down by the shackle of the long night’s precipitation arose with eagerness to meet the sun. 
Oh, Megatron thought to himself, as he took in this new creature before him with curiosity, This is who Starscream is when he’s not scheming or fighting for his life. 
“My trine mates, you’ve contacted my trine mates?” His voice hitched, on the edge of a shout and a sob. 
Megatron nodded slowly, “In the meantime, there will be Vehicons stationed here to help you with your efforts to rebuild. They will be under your full control, Starscream. Do not mistreat them, they are their own mechs now. And that, Opitmus will not tolerate. I will take my leave now.”
Megatron was not sentimental. Whatever floodgates of emotion Starscream was to process, Megatron was not willing to witness it. Of what little he knew of Seekers and their trines, the bond was almost comparable to that of a cassette and their host. Megatron was cruel to have separated them all to begin with, but their talents took them elsewhere. And when Thundercracker deserted, it had been Starsceam’s choice to hunt him down. 
Regardless, news of his reappearance followed by that of the other was sure to cause Starscream emotions. And if he hadn’t ruined his relationship with Knockout, Megatron would have asked that the speedster accompany Starscream in Vos. 
He turned on his heel, T-cog whirling to life as he prepared to ascend into the sky. 
Starscream grabbed at the spike on his shoulder. He tensed, as did his former SIC. Seldom did Megatron let anyone touch him, with the exception of a prized few. They all knew what his time in the mines and Pits entailed for him. And with Starscream being who he was, and their shared history, it added an entirely different layer of discomfort. 
But still, Megatron managed a simple, “Yes, Starscream?”
“I am not going to forgive you, never. At least not yet. But I appreciate the lengths you have gone for me when I have not been always deserving of it,” he continued, a wry smile creeping onto his faceplate, “and if this comes from you warming Prime’s berth, then by all means, let him frag you into next year.”
“Oh frag you too,  Starscream,” Megatron jerked his shoulder away, though unlike the times before, there was no malice, no real strength behind it. It was almost…playful. 
Starscream seemed to notice it as well, but the old miner gave him little chance to comment on it. 
Megatron jumped into the air, frame contorting and expanding all at once, body transformed into an aircraft. With  no more to say to his former SIC, he left the new leader of Vos to oversee the regrowth of his city. 
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storm-breaker7 · 1 year
This is gonna be specific but can you make a Cyberverse! Cheetor x Snow Leopard! Femme! Reader. The plot is that the Autobots including Cheetor have to find the Crystal of Unity and they found the guardian of the Crystal of Unity (Y/n) and the deceptions stole the Crystal of Unity and Cheetor falls in love with Y/n
Ok first of all, I love snow leopards. Second of all I love cyberverse Cheetor. Third of all I love cyberverse Cheetor.
Need Someone
Summary: A bad day turns out to be slightly rewarding. After being lonely for so long, this might not be so bad.
Pairing: Cheetor X Reader
Warning: lil angst with comfort, (idrk it seems safe enough but tell me if i missed somthin)
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I drag my servos across my faceplate. A low groan escaped me before I picked up a small pebble. I threw it elsewhere swiftly. I threw my servos up and my frame crumbled back to the ground. A clunk echoed. Then more, rhythmic ones followed, faintly getting closer.
I don't bother to turn around when I hear the clangs stop near the entrance to the temple. Don't even bother. Somebot walks up next to me, reaching their hand out. I smack it away and cower into the corner more. Continuing to run through the what-ifs.
"What are you doing here?" A stoic voice asks a-ways-away, only now letting themselves in. The hand that reached out for me earlier was their medic.
I gave them all a hard glare as I pulled myself up. Returning to my full height, rivaling their leader (or who I assumed was their leader).
"Why do you care? Came back for seconds, couldn't get enough?" I hissed, flexing my servos.
A few shared glances and a large, yellow bot stepped up and offered a servo, "You see, us Autobots haven't been here before. We however did detect Decepticons here. Care to Explain?"
My optic twitched, how dare these bots come into my home and demand answers from me after I was robbed of the only thing I was made for.
"I will explain nothing. Your friends pried the Crystal from my unwilling servos. And you come again!" I yell, balling my fist and giving the yellow bot - that, in my defense, was nearest to me - and gave them a strong right hook.
He yelped and fell backward, the bot behind him jumping out of the way. I jabbed a digit in the leaders direction.
"Why can't you and your hollow friends leave me alone. The big grey lugnut going to come back and help you finish me off?"
"Wait slow down," A smaller, more yellow bot waves their servos around, "Megatron came here and stole what off you?"
"I told you I'm not explaining anything to the likes of you." I grumbled, turning away and pacing around.
"Well, I'll start." The yellow bot offered, "I'm Bumblebee, were all Autobots and the bots that just came and stole this crystal thingy off you are Decepticons. They aren't our friends."
I hum, narrowing my optics. After Bumblebee introduced me to everyone, I grimaced and apologized to Grimlock for punching him. Then I went off explaining who and what I was. Though I could feel curious green optics trace my every movement.
"The Crystal of Unity is, long story short, a manipulation device. In the right hands it could bring together worlds on the brink of civil war. But in the wrong hands..." I sigh, "I'm afraid it is just a tool of mind control. The Crystal, no matter how strong or trained the mind is, will always be able to make the victim do whatever the wielder desires."
"So this can be used against any living being?" Prime spoke up,
"I'm afraid so. Now if you wouldn't mind, I'd like to be alone." I dip my head before turning around. The lights shining on the white panels annoyed my optics to no end, but I continued on.
Once I was alone, the other bot like me - Cheetor, I think - sat down next to me. I turned to him before I turned back to the horizon.
"Don't you think this world is beautiful?" He suddenly asked, his optics flicking around.
"I have seen a few planets that rival this one. But this dust ball has its moments..." I shrugged, glancing at him.
He nodded the turned to me, a look in his optics I refused to believe was there. "Just know, you did whatever you could to protect the Crystal. We will make sure Megatron does not use it against anyone."
I grimaced and gazed away, "Thanks. Just hope we get it before he figures out how to use it."
"If you ever need someone, I can get them for you." He smiled warmly, his servo patting mine softly and reassuringly. How can someone be so Optimistic? I wondered as he got up and left me to my devices once more.
I watched as he left. My white tail flicked from one side, to the other. I brushed my grey servos over the face of my maximal form. Dusting myself off.
At this time of day, it really did make my panels shine. I wonder if it did to Cheetors aswell?
(If you want me to continue i can but im so sick rn and i just want to get this out C:)
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