#handpan origine
handpan-instrument · 2 months
Innovations technologiques dans les accessoires pour handpan
Les accessoires pour handpan jouent un rôle crucial dans la personnalisation et l'amélioration de l'expérience musicale. Cet article explore les dernières innovations technologiques dans les accessoires pour handpan, en mettant en lumière les avancées qui enrichissent la pratique de cet instrument unique.
De la conception de supports ergonomiques aux systèmes d'accordage améliorés, découvrez comment ces innovations transforment la manière dont les musiciens interagissent avec leur handpan et optimisent leur performance.
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1. Housse de transport
La protection du handpan est essentielle pour le préserver des chocs et des rayures lors du transport. Les housses de transport pour handpan ont connu des innovations significatives ces dernières années :
Matériaux améliorés : De nouveaux matériaux plus résistants et imperméables sont utilisés pour protéger le handpan des intempéries et des chocs accidentels.
Système de protection renforcé : Des rembourrages en mousse haute densité et des renforts intérieurs protègent mieux le handpan contre les chocs violents.
Design ergonomique : Les housses de transport sont désormais plus confortables à porter, avec des bretelles rembourrées et des poignées ergonomiques.
Fonctionnalités supplémentaires : Certaines housses intègrent des compartiments pour ranger les accessoires, comme les maillets ou les chiffonnettes de nettoyage.
2. Support pour handpan
Le support pour handpan est un accessoire indispensable pour jouer confortablement et en toute sécurité. Les innovations technologiques ont apporté des améliorations notables :
Réglage en hauteur et en inclinaison : La plupart des supports modernes permettent de régler la hauteur et l'inclinaison du handpan avec précision, pour une posture optimale du joueur.
Stabilité accrue : Les supports sont fabriqués avec des matériaux plus robustes et disposent de pieds antidérapants pour une stabilité optimale, même sur des surfaces inégales.
Modèles pliables et transportables : Des supports pliables et légers sont disponibles pour faciliter le transport et le rangement.
Fonctionnalités supplémentaires : Certains supports intègrent des espaces de rangement pour les maillets ou d'autres accessoires.
3. Système d'amplification
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Le handpan est un instrument acoustique relativement discret. Pour les concerts ou les enregistrements, des systèmes d'amplification spécifiques ont été développés :
Microphones dédiés : Des microphones à condensateur omnidirectionnels ou cardioïdes sont conçus pour capturer les nuances subtiles du son du handpan.
Préamplificateurs : Des préamplificateurs de haute qualité permettent d'amplifier le signal du microphone avant de l'envoyer au système de sonorisation.
Interfaces audio : Des interfaces audio permettent de connecter le handpan à un ordinateur pour l'enregistrement ou la diffusion en direct.
Systèmes de sonorisation portables : Des systèmes de sonorisation portables compacts et légers sont disponibles pour amplifier le handpan dans des environnements variés.
4. Accessoires de nettoyage et d'entretien
Un entretien régulier est essentiel pour préserver la beauté et la qualité sonore du handpan. Des innovations technologiques ont été apportées aux accessoires de nettoyage et d'entretien :
Huiles protectrices : Des huiles naturelles et biodégradables sont développées pour protéger le métal du handpan de la corrosion et lui donner un aspect brillant.
Chiffonnettes microfibres : Des chiffonnettes microfibres ultra-douces permettent de nettoyer le handpan sans l'abîmer.
Kits de nettoyage complets : Des kits de nettoyage complets regroupent tous les produits nécessaires pour l'entretien du handpan, y compris des huiles, des chiffonnettes et des brosses.
5. Outils d'accordage
L'accordage régulier du handpan est crucial pour maintenir la qualité sonore de l'instrument. Des outils d'accordage innovants facilitent cette tâche :
Accordeurs électroniques : Des accordeurs électroniques spécifiques au handpan permettent de mesurer la fréquence des notes avec précision.
Applications d'accordage : Des applications mobiles d'accordage pour handpan proposent des outils et des tutoriels pour accorder l'instrument de manière simple et efficace.
Outils d'accordage manuels : Des outils d'accordage manuels traditionnels, comme des marteaux et des clés de réglage, sont toujours utilisés par certains accordeurs et artisans.
6. Accessoires électroniques
L'innovation technologique a conduit à la création de nombreux accessoires électroniques pour le handpan, enrichissant ainsi les possibilités créatives de cet instrument fascinant. Parmi ces accessoires, les capteurs de pression jouent un rôle clé en capturant les nuances des frappes du handpan.
Ces capteurs sont souvent intégrés au corps de l'instrument et se connectent à des synthétiseurs ou à des ordinateurs pour permettre une analyse et une modification approfondies des sons produits. Les pédales d'effets, spécialement conçues pour le handpan, offrent une gamme d'effets tels que la reverb, le delay et le chorus, ajoutant de la profondeur et de la dimension au son.
Enfin, les systèmes de sonorisation améliorés permettent de projeter le son du handpan dans de grands espaces, tout en préservant sa qualité et sa clarté. Ces accessoires électroniques pour handpan transforment l'expérience musicale, rendant l'instrument encore plus polyvalent et innovant.
Les accessoires pour handpan ont évolué avec des technologies innovantes qui enrichissent l'expérience musicale et facilitent l'utilisation de l'instrument. Les nouvelles avancées offrent des solutions améliorées pour l'accordage, la protection, et le transport des handpans, répondant ainsi aux besoins croissants des musiciens.
En intégrant ces innovations, les pratiquants bénéficient d'une meilleure performance et d'une plus grande facilité d'utilisation, contribuant à l'évolution continue de l'univers du handpan.
Découvrez les dernières innovations en accessoires pour handpan sur Zenapan et améliorez votre pratique musicale avec des équipements de pointe ! 🎵
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daily-instruments · 8 months
Daily Instrument — Handpan
The handpan is an idiophone originating from Switzerland in 2000 and based on the Trinidadian and Tobagonian steel pan. The handpan is made of two hollow steel domes bonded together. The player places the handpan on their lap and strikes with their hand one of of 8–9 dimples.
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ansu-gurleht · 6 months
doing a bit of research on musical instruments for the purpose of coming up with original fantasy instruments and i have discovered that unfortunately handpans are apparently a 21st century invention. not going to stop me from putting them in but still
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Carol of The Bells - VasilisV
Handpan [ Hang ]
An instrumental Christmas song, epic handpan ( hang ) cover of Carol of the Bells. *clarification: The song ‘’Carol of the bells’’ which is associated with Christmas actually has nothing to do with it. It was originally based on a Ukrainian folk chant called ‘’Shchedryk’’ and in 1914 it was adapted by Ukrainian composer Mykola Leontovych using words by Peter Wilhousky, and became well known especially in the United States as a Christmas song.
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year
I definitely ran overly long on the last prompt and Tumblr's word limit cut me off! Because of this, I'm going to finish up the prompt here!
Cashew – Okay, I’ll openly admit Cashew’s my favourite of the phone flings! And nobody, not even the creators themselves, will ever convince me this good, bookish boy is not studying Library Sciences to become a librarian! Which is why Librarian by My Morning Jacket is the song I really associate with him.
Boss – I can’t place quite why because by all extents and purposes, his phone fling was the silliest out of all of them, but Boss seems like a really, really stressed guy. Like the kind of guy who is a workaholic and has indigestion from chronic stress but can’t let go of any of it really and can’t seem to ask for help even though it’s obvious he needs it. When I was thinking of songs for him, even though it initially doesn’t seem like it should fit, Help! by The Beatles really kept popping back into my head and that’s the one I decided to go with!
Felix – Felix is the quintessential bad boy that your parents would hate but you just can’t stay away from. Is it any wonder I chose Bad to the Bone by George Thorogood for him?
Reece – As with a lot of the others on the list, gotta pay homage to the obvious inspiration while also trying to fit the character. Couldn’t resist and definitely had to go with the upbeat, energetic, and then strangely mysterious, seductive, and almost dangerous Boom Town Suite from the Doctor Who soundtrack!
Ace – My second favourite baseball boy! This man just…yum, yum, he looks good with that bat in his hand and he’s just got this bright, welcoming demeanor! Is there any doubt I think of the good, old classic Take Me Out to the Ball Game?
Ferris – My poor, poor Ferris. This boy needs a cup of coffee, some Advil, and more than a few days off! He’s definitely stressed out, burning the candle at both ends, and so overworked. He can definitely sympathize with and deeply connects to Dolly Parton’s 9 to 5!
Poe – So, to reference a chat between Poe and Marshmallow, and because, let’s be honest, this little emo boy absolutely adores Marilyn Manson, I had to use Sweet Dreams by Marilyn Manson. Also, fun fact about the writer but this is one of the few songs where I love the cover version more than the original!
Logan – He’d hate it. This song actually, in my headcanon, makes him irrationally angry any time someone so much as hums it. He takes firefighting so seriously, after all. But I definitely think of Burning Down the House by Talking Heads every time Logan shows up on my screen!
Finn – Again, playing into obvious associations and inspirations, but it’s always Song of Storms from Zelda for the cutest Link expy! That and this is a solid song and always pretty enjoyable…nothing amazing, honestly, but solid and that’s about my thoughts on Finn. Oh, and if I remember correctly, can’t you actually make him play this song or something really similar?
Leo – The Cyborg Fights from the One Punch Man Soundtrack, of course! Aside from the obvious Genos inspiration, Leo is a cyborg…and he fights. Pretty damn explanatory, haha!
Seth – Stirling is a devil…literally. That’s what he is, he’s canonically from hell but honestly, a pretty stand up guy. Charming, slightly manipulative, not much in the way of morals, but overall still a damn good guy! I think Sympathy for the Devil from The Rolling Stones definitely sums Seth up pretty nicely (saying this without fully getting him levelled up so I might be proven wrong!)
Jaxon – Going with the very natural, obviously Australian vibes here. This is upbeat enough, has got a sense of adventure to it while still hinting at some melancholic touches so I had to go with Dabo’s Tales of Goapan for Handpan and Didgeridoo! Jaxon is an outdoorsman, an Aussie, and with the fact he’s mourning some things, I do feel this is such a great fit for him.
Drake – Okay, but Drake is at a magic school where the uniforms are very Hogwarts-esque (not to mention the school is actually named Snogwarts). He needs to practice magic, and he’s got this thing with a figure called He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Referenced? You’re damn right I can’t help but use a Harry Potter song! In this case, I thought The Dueling Club from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets soundtrack was really the right fit for Drake!
Theo – Theo’s this fun, happy, charismatic gamer boy who’s just super easy to talk to. Gaming is something he’s really into, so I associate him strongly with video game remixes, but particularly the Animal Crossing Title Screen Synthwave Remix!
Basil – Again, playing to theming here. Basil looks a lot like Sherlock Holmes and even has you solve a mystery in his chat with you. He’s a master detective, with sharp analytical skills and keen observational skills. I can’t help but fall into the trap of thinking Sherlock for him, so the song I strongly associate with him is Spark’s Sherlock Holmes!
Fabian – Ariel ain’t got nothing on Fabian! Arrogant and confident that everything under water is so much better than on land, I can’t help but sing the opening notes to Under the Sea from The Little Mermaid soundtrack.
Nico – Nico loves music, especially music you can dance to. A DJ by trade, I definitely think any song that suits him has to be something you could find him playing in the club. I can’t explain exactly why but dubstep is definitely something I associate strongly with the character so that was the direction I went in. Flux Pavilion’s Bass Cannon is the one I settled on – it’s just impossible not to move to!
Mikey – Mikey’s whole shtick is food, and I just couldn’t resist – it’s definitely Weird Al’s Eat It for me!
Alfie Alfalfa – Given the obvious inspiration for the character, the catchy, energetic beat of the song, and how much I think Alfie would love the song, I went with Driving with the Top Down from the Iron Man soundtrack!
Sascha Ton van Twilhaar – Given his princely nature and his clothing and theming, it definitely had to be something with a sort of Persian theming. It had to be slow and sensual and charming so I kind of am heavily leaning towards Babak Afshar’s Ghesseh Dou Mahi for Sascha!
Sven – It’s the Sonic the Hedgehog theme, in particular the Sonic X theme, and we all know why!
Cole – Cole is yandere to the highest degree. He’s more than a little unhinged and so fixated on Marshmallow. It’s confirmed in game he stalks Marshmallow and everyone around them and I definitely have to go with Every Breath You Take by The Police, even if it is super obvious!
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wolfprincesszola · 1 month
Echoes of 50 Chapter 11
As always, check the TWs and CWs in the masterlist. The drama's picking up and I thought the song I picked just goes to show the suspense. Hehe. Enjoy <3. ——————– Now Playing: Here, Before, Now, and After by Morgan Clae
<Previous Chapter> <Next Chapter> ——————–
“What’s our plan?”
Logan raised an eyebrow, staring at Roman who had joined the rest of the group at Logan’s apartment dining table. “Roman, you are not a part of this.”
“What? I want to be included!”
“What? Why not?” Roman pouted. “Everyone else is!”
“Janus and Remus have been sneaking consistently into the government and DS Enterprise buildings to obtain information for over two years. I have been researching Project Orange for over a year now and have made crucial steps to finding out what they plan to do. Virgil has been caught up with every information because he accompanied me with research on days, and has shown an interest in protecting his family by helping. Finally, Patton has dealt with this since the moment he was born. Pray tell, what do you have to offer to this conversation? You have neither the brains nor the fast instincts to help us.”
Roman paused for a moment as he stared at the group.
“I don’t want to feel left out. I can help too. I can protect. I have the bravery that none of them seem to possess. I go out and do things. Do they not see that?”
It was true. Roman did, in fact, possess the audacity that so many others seemed to lack, especially in this group in particular.
“Logan, please. I want to help.” Roman pleaded with him.
Virgil’s thoughts came in, “I don’t want him to get hurt. Please say no, Logan.”
Logan sighed. They needed all the help they could get, even if Logan didn’t like the idea of having another fatality to avoid. Roman was reckless, but he was strong. They were going to need that in this case. With Roman’s strength, Logan was sure that they could all survive.
“Fine. Patton, why don’t you fill him in on what Project Orange is about?”
“Yay! The entire group’s here.” Patton gleefully clapped his hand as he began to fill Roman in. “So Project Orange is a project led by a guy named Phobus Graves. He’s a man famously in an orange suit. His original plan was to create a society where Medeis and Impotens shared magic, but as the years continued to go on, he became more resentful of the Medeis’ powers. He was jealous, so he ended up switching up the final plan. Now, it’s about finding a way to get rid of every Medeis’ powers and either giving them to the Impotens or to control the system in which people get their powers, allowing for those he finds favorable to have magic. They’ve made a lot of products throughout the years that have managed to hurt those around them. The second most important is the one you guys saw at the convention. The aura handpan is one of the modified Aura devices. It temporarily uses sound and touch to block out the magic sensors from Medeis and instead, copies those magic signals to Impotens, therefore allowing every Impoten around hearing distance to gain the ability to use that Medeis’ power. It affects me both ways. When it’s played, it blocks out my resistance powers, but when others play it, I gain their powers as well. The most important is the one that they want to use against me as Patient 50. They hook me up to the device, which is supposed to transfer the Medeis’ power to me, where it’ll become storage to be placed into use with another Impoten.”
When there was silence at what Patton said, Patton replied weakly, “Orange you glad I escaped all those years ago?”
Logan groaned, “Patton, my darling, why must you torture me with such wordplay?”
“I thought it was good!” Patton pouted.
“It was funny!” Roman defended his best friend.
“It really wasn’t.” Logan scoffed.
“What kind of device is Patton talking about that may be the weapon to wipe away the Medeis as they know it?”
Logan echoed the question that Janus had. “What is the device? All I know is that it’s called the DS device.”
“I think we saw it while we were sneaking into buildings to find more information. It’s the orb thingy, right?” Remus turned to Patton.
“Yeah, it’s hard to explain, but it’s an orb that they put me inside of and press a button that hooks me up. That gets rid of any surrounding Medeis’ power within an area, which can go up to 50 yards, and any Impoten that is hooked up to the device with a headpiece can have a power transferred into them. It is temporary or permanent for as long as they’re in the headquarters with the device turned on.” Patton tried to put his visualization into words as best as he could.
“Janus, Remus, and Logan may be affected the most by this operation.”
“So we’d need to find a way to infiltrate the area and destroy this device?” Logan raised an eyebrow, “Seems easy enough, especially with the blueprints Janus and Remus had composed for us.”
“Yeah, at least that’s what I know.” Patton nodded.
“Janus? Remus?” Roman raised an eyebrow.
“I know my way around. I can make a plan.” Janus locked eyes with Logan just as he composed his thoughts.
“I can-”
“Logan. I know that you’ve done a lot of research. I need you to do more, especially on the DS device. Work with Patton. You’ve done a lot and I commend you for finding the information I would have never come in contact with. Now, it’s my turn to help everyone. I can create a plan and get everyone in order. Roman and Virgil will be to our advantage in knowing everyone’s strengths. I need you to figure out how to disable the DS device. You are our best bet.”
“Alright.” Logan murmured. Janus was right, as much as Logan hated to admit that he couldn’t have as much control as he wanted.
The next three weeks were spent with the six of them brainstorming on what to do. It became their new schedule. As soon as work was done, they would head back to Logan’s apartment, where there was research and drawings sprawled everywhere. Roman would help Patton with cooking in the kitchen before the two would join the discussion. Oftentimes, Virgil would order out when everyone decided to train on the roof of the apartment. They needed to prepare and pull out all the stops if they wanted to defeat Phobus and bring down the power DS Enterprise had on the government. It took two more weeks after that for them to create a plan. They were running out of time. Everyone was sure Phobus was on the search for Patton and to find a way to bring Patton in as the weapon once more.
“Good evening, Janus and Remus.”
“Evening.” Janus nodded.
The first thing that Logan noticed upon Janus walking into the room was that he could not hear Janus’ thoughts. He could hear the chaos of everyone else’s but it was weird not to hear Janus’. The second thing Logan noticed was that Janus was wearing his gloves, and different ones at that. They were a deeper shade of yellow that wasn’t as pale as normal. Janus never wore them at their planning sessions, as he had aforementioned that he found those uncomfortable.
“New gloves?” Logan raised an eyebrow, staring at Janus’ gloves.
“Yes.” Janus nodded, “The other ones were just too uncomfortable.”
Logan knew Janus was lying. Having been around the man for so long and having lined up his tells with when he was lying meant that Logan knew when he was. He didn’t bring it up. It wasn’t his place to hear Janus’ thoughts and he trusted Janus enough to know that it was probably for privacy reasons.
“What are we doing here, L?” Virgil groaned as he laid tiredly on the kitchen table. “I thought we had a solid plan.”
“We need to go over it one last time, plan when we’re going to infiltrate the area, and plan for anything that may go wrong, Virgil. I didn’t know you were that adamant on all of us dying.”
Virgil sat up, raising an eyebrow at Logan.
“Woah, a little brutal much?” Roman raised an eyebrow as he came over with bowls of spaghetti. “Come on, you five, eat up. We’ve got work to do.”
Logan sighed as he adjusted his glasses, “Apologies. I did not mean to snap like that. I’m just…frustrated.” “Why? We have a plan down.” Remus raised an eyebrow as he began to scarf down the food in his bowl. “Hey, you don’t mind if I eat the bowl too right?”
“You ask that every night and for the umpteenth time, I do in fact mind.”
“Aw.” Remus frowned.
“Logan never lets me have any fun.”
Logan huffed.
“Patton, may I talk to you outside?” Janus turned to the man next to him.
“Uh oh. The last time one of you goobers asked that, I relapsed into my PTSD.” Patton remarked with a playful look in his eyes.
“Patton, I don’t think that’s something you should be-” Roman began, concern spreading across his face.
“I think we should pay for Patton’s therapy after this is done.”
Logan couldn’t help but agree to that sentiment from Virgil. It would definitely help Patton, especially in the long run.
“Would you like me to do it again?” Remus grinned at Patton, his eyes beginning to glimmer with green.
“Only if it’s about unicorns and rainbows.” Patton remarked back.
“Gross.” Remus spat out, crossing his arms. “Roman, we should draw out the plan so they can visualize it!”
“Great idea, Remus!” Roman grinned as the two began to get to work.
“Great. I’m stuck with two idiots.” Virgil’s thoughts came through as his eyes finally traveled to Logan. “Oh, and you too, Logan.”
Logan sighed as he sat down next to Virgil, grabbing a bowl of spaghetti to eat. He watched as Janus motioned out the door. Patton glanced wearily at Logan before nodding and turning to follow Janus out. Janus closed the front door behind them as the two men talked outside in the cold night.
“Alright, I know that face. Stop looking so down in the dumps, Egghead.” Roman pointed out to Logan, “My brother-in-law isn’t going to steal the love of your life.”
“Besides, if you’re so worried, why don’t you read his mind? Can’t you hear it from here?” Remus raised an eyebrow, gnawing on the plastic fork Roman had given him. “Jan isn’t private about his conversations.”
“That is not what I’m worried about, Roman.” Logan scowled, glaring at the Prince brother before turning to the other one, “I believe Janus’ new gloves are power suppressors, am I right?”
“How’d he know they’re new?” Remus asked in his head.
“They’re pretty on him, aren’t they? I can’t wait until he’s on the couch wearing nothing but those gloves-”
“Ew! Remus!” Virgil made a face. “That is disgusting and I don’t need that mental image in my head!”
“I don’t either.” Logan glared at Remus, “I especially don’t need the mental image from all three of you too.”
“Well, I’m just saying.” Remus shrugged, “You guys are just such spoilsports.”
“We’re people who respect that we don’t need to know your every intrusive thought.” Roman shuddered.
“Oh come on, that wasn’t even an intrusive thought. I thought you’d know better, dear brother.”
“Oh god.” Virgil groaned as he clutched his head, “I can’t get it out of my mind now. I hate you, Remus!”
“Good.” Remus grinned, “Now, to answer your question, yes. They are power suppressors. New ones he just got a week ago. He says it’s more comfortable.”
“Well, it works too well. I can’t hear a thought that comes out of his mind.” Logan grumbled. “I am not one to be nosy-”
“Oh cut the shit, you’re the nosiest person alive, Logan Sanders.” Virgil rolled his eyes. “Your telepathy only fueled that need for gossip.”
Logan groaned, “Alright, fine. I have to admit I’m a little curious.”
“Nosy bastard.”
“I can still hear you, Roman. You’re not the one with the power suppressors on.”
“Maybe I should invest in a pair of those gloves, though yellow is such an ugly color on me.”
“Good point, Roman.” Logan perked up, “If the power suppressants work with my passive power, who is to say it wouldn’t work on other passive powers? When we prepare for the day, we should remember to have power suppressants on hand.”
“Aren’t power suppressants usually to suppress the power of the Medeis wearing it?”
“If powerful enough, it can suppress any power from affecting them too.” Logan explained.
“I’m just saying, Janus. This idea is to die for.” Patton grinned.
Logan whipped his head to see Patton and Janus entering the apartment once more, with Patton having a grim expression, covered by his fake smile of optimism.
Janus groaned as he turned to Logan, “Please restrain your boyfriend from making any more jokes. I swear that I cannot stand another one of his puns.”
Logan could agree with that sentiment, though it was true that he was starting to find it quite endearing and adorable the more Patton was doing it. Patton hadn’t been doing it recently because he was never nervous anymore around any of the group, but to say it suddenly to Janus made Logan worried. What could Janus have talked to Patton about that made Patton so nervous he began to make puns once more? Could that have anything to do with dying someone’s hair?
“What pun would go with die?”
“Oh come on, Janus. It was not that bad.” Patton shook his head as he sat down next to Logan. “Lo, you have to agree with me.”
“I’m afraid I didn’t hear the joke, so I wouldn’t be of much help. Besides, you know my relationship with wordplay, Pat.”
“I know.” Patton giggled as he pressed his lips against Logan’s forehead. Logan melted at the touch of Patton, but gave no expression change to show that Patton made him weak.
“Alright, let’s go over the final plan.” Janus sighed. “We will all enter through the gates which Remus and I have cut into. From the last time I surveyed the area, they have not fixed it just yet. We will cut through this field and get to the vents through accessing the first floor. This is most likely the way that Patton escaped and this is the way that Remus and I have been accessing this building for as long as we have. Roman will survey the area and stay in the back while I will lead at the front. In case we get split up, Remus will be in the middle to help with anything. Everyone should be equipped with a couple of self-defense weapons and should try and disarm a soldier as fast as possible to gain their weapons. From the vents, we will navigate left, right, up, down, left, left, right, straight, straight, right, and then left to get to the room with the DS device. Logan, do you have a plan as to disarm the DS device?”
“Yes. Unfortunately for me, the village idiot also known as Remus Prince Wright-”
“That was mean.”
“Deserved. Remus is stupid sometimes, or most the time.”
“That was a sick burn, L.” 
“-and a temporary solution that can destroy the device is by hijacking into the system and shutting it off. Once I’m done with that, I will cut the wires and disarm the mechanisms, as well as begin to disassemble the machine, taking one of the most valuable parts alongside it. The microchip.”
“Great. Virgil and I can help with the disassembling. Roman will keep a lookout and be the brawns.”
“Hey! Why am I always the brawns?”
“Would you rather be the brains?” Janus raised an eyebrow.
“No. You’re right.” Roman flexed his arms, “Shows my bravery too.”
“Alright, babe. We’ve got it.” Virgil pat Roman’s shoulder, “Now sit the fuck down and let me listen to the rest of the plan.”
Roman huffed.
“For some reason, Roman reminds me too much of Gaston.”
That was fair enough, though it seemed more like an insult because it was Remus remarking that within his mind. Logan shared eye contact with Remus and nodded to agree with him. Remus just broke into a grin as the two focused back to the plan.
“While that is happening, Remus and Patton will be on the other side of the facility.”
“Why?” Logan raised an eyebrow.
“They will be trying to find where Phobus is. Once they find where Phobus is, they will contact us with where he is and proceed to wait on the rooftops.”
“Aw! No way you put me on the boring job!” Remus pouted.
“We need you to protect Patton.” Janus replied calmly. Logan couldn’t tell if Janus was lying or was just not as caring about Patton’s life as he was about the rest.
“Boo!” Remus rolled his eyes.
Janus sighed, ignoring Remus’ comments, “Hopefully from there, we can safely meet up on the rooftops and scout out for a secret force to come.”
“A secret force? And do, pray tell, where may we get access to that? As far as we know, the local police are working with Phobus.” Virgil scowled, crossing his arms. “Me.” Patton spoke up. “When I was an escapee, I ran into a lot of unusual people. One of those people was training to be a Special Force Agent in the FBI.”
“Patton, that’s still with the government.” Roman raised an eyebrow, concerned.
“The Special Force agency is probably one of the only agencies not affected by DS Enterprise. In fact, it’s partnered with LS Corporations.” Virgil grumbled as he crossed his arms, “I can’t believe you thought of that, Janus.”
“Well, it was all Patton.” Janus shrugged, “Would you mind explaining more?”
“I kept in contact with him all these years. I contacted him recently to ask how he was and told him all about what I was doing. He said that he’s been investigating DS Enterprise for years, but has not been able to find anything. He said to give him a call if I found good evidence. He said that he’d be there with a team right away.” Patton remarked.
“What’s his name?”
“Thomas Sanders.”
Oh. Logan knew that name. Better than anyone else could. After all, who could forget someone whose his blood ran in?
“Well, that is news to me.” Virgil murmured. “What’s news to you?” Roman raised an eyebrow.
“My older brother ended up becoming a Special Force Agent, despite being adamant against the corruption present in the government.” Logan cleared his throat, “Though I guess I should’ve seen it coming after he had run away.”
“What the hell, Logan?”
“Oh my god, did no one else know about Thomas?”
“This seems tense.” Janus blinked between everyone.
“Well, aren’t you surprised?” Patton motioned as he was gaping at Logan.
“Yes, but there are bigger things to worry about.” Janus’ eyes flitted in annoyance, “Why are you surprised, Patton? Aren’t you dating him?”
“Well yeah!” Patton sputtered, trying to explain himself. Logan spared Patton the embarrassment.
“He only knew I had an older sibling. I never talked to him about it because I found it unnecessary. My older brother ran away pretty early on when I was only 16 and unfortunately left me behind. By the time I, too, had run away, it was too late to find any contact with my brother. We both have never looked back. I guess it also does not help that neither of us have reached out or really looked for the other.” Logan shrugged it off, “Now, may we leave this conversation out and go back to the issue at hand?”
“Yes, yes.” Janus nodded, “Thomas will lead a team in and help us with capturing Phobus. Patton will help by playing the aura handpan that he will search for while he is also finding Phobus. It’ll help all of us once we meet up on the rooftop and protect each other before the team arrives.”
“Yay! We’re done! Jan, let’s go get a drink from the beer!” Remus jumped up before going to tackle the man onto the ground.
“Remus, I’m holding papers still-” Janus spoke up as he tried to focus his grip to catch Remus before the two of them could fall to the ground. He barely caught Remus in time as he stumbled back.
Logan was quick to grab the papers from Janus’ hands. “Don’t ruin my floorboards, Wright.”
“Thanks.” Janus scowled as he pulled Remus to stand up normally, “I guess, since that’s it, we should get some rest?”
“Most definitely. We can finalize the things we need tomorrow. We should strike during the night. Easiest to stay hidden and there is less likely to be as many workers to worry about.” Logan nodded.
“Great job everyone!” Patton giggled. Everyone began to say goodbye in pairs, first Janus and Remus, and then Roman and Virgil. When Patton was left, Patton hummed, turning to wrap his arms around Logan’s shoulders.
“Hey, my love. How are you feeling?” Logan murmured.
“I’m okay.” Patton nodded softly, “I love you.”
“I love you too.” Logan smiled.
“Do you want to dance with me?”
“What’s gotten into you, Pat?” Logan raised an eyebrow as he swayed his hips to Patton’s humming.
“I could say the same about you, Sanders.” Patton grinned, “Not telling me about your brother being Thomas Sanders, smiling all the time, telling someone you love them, listening to others’ advice, dancing along to my voice? What have you done with my Logan Sanders?”
“I like that.” Logan chuckled.
“Like what?”
“Your Logan Sanders.”
“I like it too.” Patton giggled.
The two began to sway in place to the sound of Patton’s humming. Logan spun the two of them around, letting them slow dance around the living room of his apartment. It was peaceful like this. Logan wished he could always be like this, especially with Patton. He would, once all of this with DS Enterprise was over.
“I wish things could always be like this.” Patton vocalized.
“It will be. After all of this is over.” Logan remarked as he pulled Patton away to spin him around. Logan watched as a flash of melancholy entered Patton’s eyes before he tucked it away behind a smile that spread to his eyes. Patton was happy, especially in Logan’s arms.
“Tell me then.”
“What’ll you do after this is over? After this is all done.”
“Go back to my job.” Logan sighed, “Go back to the same routine.”
“Oh yeah?”
“6:30 AM. Wake up and get ready for work. 7:30 AM. Head out of the apartment and walk to the nearby coffee shop. 7:45 AM. Order my regular: a caffè mocha. 8:00 AM. Arrive at work on the dot. 5:00 PM. Arrive at home and prepare dinner. 9:30 PM. Get ready for bed. 10:00 PM. Mandatory cuddles with Luna and no blue light. 10:30 PM. Sleep.”
“That sounds lifeless.” Patton giggled. “What else?”
“Well, hopefully get a promotion enough to leave and become an astronomer, adopt a puppy just for you, have dates with you from time to time, move in with you, get the courage to talk to my brother, make amends and involve my brother in my life once more, visit my mother at the grave more often, take the puppy on walks, dance more often, tell you “I love you” more, support you in becoming a daycare worker so we can live out the fieldtrip dreams of you coming to my observatory, but most importantly, watch you grow old with me.” Logan grinned as he pulled Patton in for a tender kiss.
Patton smiled as he let go of Logan to grab the glasses from off his face. He pulled a cloth out of his pocket and wiped it all clean. He put the glasses back on Logan’s nose, perfectly framing it against his face, “I love you, but don’t you think you should look at more than just plain old me?”
“You brought purpose into my life, Patton. I’m sure I do look forward to more than just having you in my life. I know I do. It’s just easier to think about it with you by my side to go through life.” “Hm.” Patton giggled, “I love you, Logan Sanders.”
“I love you too, Patton Morris.”
It was all the pair needed to say as the day came to the close and they continued to dance within the safety of their apartment. There, no one could hurt them. There, no one could take their love away. There, they were happy and content. There, they could be forever in each other’s arms.
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takdrumhandpan · 5 months
Get the best Handpan Drum for Sale
Your search for the perfect handpan is finally over. You've whittled it down to a few favorite makers and scales, and you've saved up your cash. That's so cool! At the perfect time, you've arrived on our steel-tinged planet. There used to be very few makers of high-quality Handpan Drum for Sale and even fewer players looking to sell or trade their instruments, but that has changed in recent years. As a result, unfortunately, there has also been a growth in the number of dubious offers, scams, and frauds. 
We have seen or heard of the following in the previous several months: ‍
Many buyers purchase to sell them for a high profit as soon as they receive them (legally, but in violation of community rules). ‍
It's too wonderful to be true. Facebook users attempt to sell you their '1st gen PANArt Hang for 799€' via Private Message. 
Ebayers who are being dishonest or deceptive: 
Get the items for sale with a “Buy It Now option” from vendors with low or no ratings. Similar items may appear on more than one listing site. Their "amazing new hang drumming for only $999.99" includes YouTube URLs that don't work and little technical information. 
Even more heinous Ebayers include: 
Handpans they don't truly possess but that have been stolen from a reputable handpan merchant are listed on their website.
Scams on Craigslist include the following - 
Ads with a blurry photo from someone claiming to be selling on behalf of the person (a simple method to claim ignorance or avoid answering inquiries), but of course, it's going cheap if payment has been made in advance via PayPal or another service. ‍ 
For a "mere" €2,000 or some other ridiculously exorbitant figure, people are selling items that look like handpans but sound like dustbin lids. ‍ 
Ingenious ruses:
For $1,800, you can get an original Bells Magic Hour (or similar) on an auction site in Belgium/Dutch/other. One who seemed knowledgeable about handpans and had real reasons for selling posted a series of thorough posts. 
In addition to Western Union's negative reputation, the price, the method of payment (especially Western Union), and the fact that the identical photo/wording was used elsewhere (presumably by the same fraudster) were all warning flags.
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asteman · 5 months
Handpan Musical Instrument: All To Know About
Handpan Musical Instrument: All To Know About
A handpan musical instrument is a musical tool that captivates the listener with a robust hypnotic draw and has a unique vibe to its tone. This tool stays elusive in its acquisition. It drew its origins from the metallic drum's circle of relatives emulating the conventional metallic pans of the Caribbean Islands.
History Of Handpan To Know About:
The records of the handpan may be traced lower back to the metallic pan, and drum units evolved in Trinidad and Tobago in the 1940s. Of course, this specific metallic circle of relatives of units has a unique sound that right away transports you to the Caribbean Islands. The handpan might be considered a cousin to the metallic drum. The unique idea for the handpan evolved in 2001 through the PAN Art enterprise in Bern, Switzerland, and is known as a "Hang." 
Already a metallic pan producer for over a decade, they had been poised to satisfy the request of musician Reto Weber who desired a device much like a metallic drum. However, that might be performed with the arms instead of conventional mallets. Thus, the "Hang" turned into a born. Handpan musical instruments became the extra not unusual call in 2007 as extra producers positioned their spin on the way to constructing a satisfactory device. Handpan records can be short. However, with its recognition developing rapidly, people count on it to be around for a long time.
Working Principle Behind Handpan:
The working of a handpan musical instrument tuner is to take a rough-hewn tone subject and exactly manage the steel to convey three awesome frequencies into alignment. The perfect alignment of many of the frequencies produces a good-sounding observation. The dating of many frequencies on a given pan might also differ; however, in trendy, every observation resonates with an essential tone, an octave, and a compound fifth. This specific and carefully administered talent achieved with hammers creates the matchless sound you characteristic to the handpan. 
What creates the precise sound is regular sympathetic vibrations of the repeating frequencies located inside the notes throughout the device. That wealthy chorus-like impact is quite precise to the handpan. However, it has to be well-tuned for that to happen.
Handpan is a very popular musical instrument in the Caribbean countries. There is not much history of the handpan due to its fairly new invention, and the working principle of a handpan is fairly simple. 
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pianotwede · 1 year
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msamba · 1 year
Documentary - How to make Steel Drums 1956 (Remastered)
This is an important documentary about the birth of the Steeldrums….the very root of the instrument of the 21st century, The Handpan! I took the freedom of make a little remastering of the audio and video as well as synchronizing the parts that were in need. I believe its a little bit more pleasant to watch it now. Here is the link to the original video with the name: How to make Steel Drums1956…
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seoconnect · 2 years
Pay For Handpan Drum For Sale
Are you looking for a handpan drum for sale? So here is a sampling of our exciting collection of drums, which you can purchase at a discounted price.
 1. Lighteme Hand pan drum
The idiophone class of musical instruments includes the lighter Hand pan drum. It is constructed of two convex lens-shaped, deep-drawn metal half-shells with hollow interiors. A "note" is hammered into the top ("Ding") side, and seven or eight "tone fields" are hammered surrounding the note. The bottom ("Gu") is a plain surface with a tuned note that can be produced when the rim is struck. It features a rolling hole in the center. The original price of this hardpan is $134731 but it is available at $59147 in the exciting handpan drum for sale.
2. Huluru  handpan
It is another type of handpan under the idiophone class. It is made of two half-shells of deep-drawn construction, has a hollow interior, and is shaped like a convex lens. A "note" is hammered into the top ("Ding") side, and seven or eight "tone fields" are hammered around the note.it is available at a sale price of $68097.
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handpan-instrument · 2 months
Le handpan dans la musique du monde
Le handpan dans la musique du monde a émergé comme un instrument captivant qui transcende les frontières culturelles. Cet article explore comment le handpan, avec ses sons enchâssés et harmonieux, a trouvé sa place dans divers genres musicaux à travers le globe.
Nous examinerons son influence croissante et son intégration dans les traditions musicales diverses, offrant une perspective sur son impact unique.
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1. Un instrument universel
Le handpan, avec ses sonorités envoûtantes et harmonieuses, se distingue comme un instrument universel dans la musique du monde.
Cet instrument, créé au début des années 2000, a rapidement séduit des musiciens de divers horizons culturels grâce à sa capacité unique à produire des sons apaisants et captivants.
Sa simplicité d'apprentissage, associée à sa richesse sonore, le rend accessible à un large éventail de personnes, indépendamment de leur formation musicale ou de leur origine culturelle.
Les notes claires et les harmonies complexes du handpan lui permettent de s'intégrer facilement dans différents styles musicaux, allant des compositions traditionnelles aux explorations contemporaines.
Sa facilité d'utilisation et la variété des émotions qu'il peut exprimer font du handpan un choix privilégié pour les musiciens cherchant à enrichir leur répertoire et à explorer de nouvelles dimensions sonores. Ainsi, le handpan dans la musique du monde continue d'inspirer et de rassembler des passionnés de tous les coins du globe.
2. Un voyage à travers les genres musicaux
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Le handpan s'intègre avec facilité dans une grande variété de genres musicaux, apportant une touche unique et originale à chaque composition. On le retrouve ainsi dans :
La musique classique : Des arrangements de pièces classiques pour handpan émergent, offrant une relecture inédite de ces oeuvres intemporelles.
Le jazz : Les improvisations au handpan apportent une dimension méditative et poétique au jazz, tout en conservant la spontanéité et la liberté d'expression caractéristiques de ce genre.
Les musiques du monde : Le handpan dialogue naturellement avec les musiques traditionnelles du monde entier, enrichissant leurs mélodies et rythmes ancestraux.
La musique électronique : Les sons aériens et planants du handpan se marient parfaitement avec les textures électroniques, créant des ambiances sonores immersives et envoûtantes.
La musique d'ambiance : Le handpan est un instrument de choix pour créer des atmosphères relaxantes et apaisantes, propices à la méditation et au bien-être.
3. Des artistes qui explorent les frontières musicales
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De nombreux artistes à travers le monde intègrent le handpan dans leur univers musical, repoussant les frontières des genres établis et créant des oeuvres innovantes.
Parmi ces pionniers, on peut citer :
Giovanni Raimondi : Un virtuose du handpan qui explore les possibilités infinies de l'instrument dans des compositions solo et des collaborations avec d'autres musiciens.
Hang Massive : Un groupe suisse qui a popularisé le handpan dans le monde entier avec leur musique électronique mélodique et envoûtante.
Fabrizio Benevento : Un percussionniste italien qui intègre le handpan dans ses improvisations jazz, créant des dialogues fascinants entre tradition et modernité.
Shahzad Mistry : Un musicien indien qui fusionne les sonorités du handpan avec la musique classique indienne, créant une expérience auditive unique et spirituelle.
4. Un instrument vecteur d'échange et de partage
Le handpan, avec sa facilité d'apprentissage et son accès universel, se révèle être un puissant vecteur d'échange et de partage dans la musique du monde. Grâce à ses sonorités harmonieuses et envoûtantes, cet instrument a le pouvoir unique de rassembler des musiciens venant de divers horizons culturels et linguistiques.
L'un des attraits majeurs du handpan est sa capacité à être joué par des personnes de tous niveaux, qu'elles soient novices ou musiciens expérimentés. Cette caractéristique favorise les rencontres musicales, où des individus de différentes cultures peuvent collaborer et créer ensemble.
Les sessions de jam et les ateliers de handpan deviennent des lieux de fusion culturelle, où les barrières linguistiques et culturelles s'estompent au profit d'une passion commune pour la musique. Ainsi, le handpan ne se contente pas de produire des sons ; il construit des ponts entre les gens, permettant des échanges enrichissants et des expériences musicales partagées.
5. Un outil pour la méditation et le bien-être
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Le handpan, avec ses sons apaisants et harmonieux, s'impose comme un outil précieux pour la méditation et le bien-être. Ses vibrations uniques et enveloppantes créent une atmosphère de calme et de sérénité, propice à la relaxation et à la introspection.
En émettant des tonalités profondes et résonnantes, le handpan aide à libérer les tensions accumulées, favorisant ainsi une profonde réduction du stress.
Lors des sessions de méditation, les notes du handpan interviennent comme des guides sonores, facilitant la concentration et permettant aux pratiquants de se recentrer sur l'instant présent.
La musique générée par le handpan agit directement sur le système nerveux, aidant à réguler les émotions et à induire un état de relaxation profonde. Ainsi, cet instrument devient un compagnon idéal pour ceux qui cherchent à améliorer leur bien-être mental et physique, en offrant une expérience immersive qui nourrit l'âme et apaise l'esprit.
6. Un avenir prometteur
Le handpan, instrument en pleine expansion, continue de captiver l'attention des musiciens et des amateurs de musique à travers le monde.
Sa popularité croissante témoigne de son impact significatif sur divers genres musicaux, allant des compositions contemporaines aux performances spirituelles. Chaque jour, de nouveaux artistes émergent, apportant des perspectives innovantes sur la manière de jouer et de composer avec le handpan.
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Ce phénomène se manifeste par une diversification des styles musicaux intégrant le handpan, allant de la musique classique à l'électronique, en passant par le jazz et les musiques du monde.
La richesse sonore de l'instrument et sa capacité à créer des ambiances uniques offrent un potentiel expressif presque illimité. En outre, le handpan est de plus en plus utilisé dans des contextes de bien-être et de thérapie, démontrant son adaptabilité et son influence grandissante dans ces domaines.
Avec un avenir aussi prometteur, le handpan s'affirme comme un élément incontournable de la scène musicale mondiale et du monde du bien-être.
Le handpan dans la musique du monde a prouvé sa capacité à enrichir et diversifier les expressions musicales. Son adaptation et son adoption dans divers contextes culturels témoignent de sa polyvalence et de son attrait universel, consolidant ainsi sa place dans la scène musicale internationale.
Découvrez comment le handpan enrichit la musique du monde et explorez notre collection unique sur Zenapan. Visitez-nous pour plus d'inspiration musicale !
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mommytitta · 2 years
Notes for memory undertale
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#Notes for memory undertale pdf#
#Notes for memory undertale code#
#Notes for memory undertale Offline#
#Notes for memory undertale code#
You can download and use the source code under the MIT license.
#Notes for memory undertale Offline#
You can download an offline version of BeepBox to use when you don't have access to the internet. Those who yearn for simpler times can still use the 2.3 or 3.0.13 versions of BeepBox. You can find the release notes for the latest versions of BeepBox here. Sheet Music Direct is your home for premium sheet music. BeepBox does not collect, track, or share any user data. Download and print official Hal Leonard sheet music for piano, choir, violin, flute, guitar & more. All song data is contained in the URL after the hash (#) mark, and your song data will not leave your device unless you copy and share the URL. No songs are ever received, recorded, or distributed by BeepBox's servers. Neither John Nesky nor BeepBox assume responsibility for any copyrighted material played on BeepBox. Music Sheet 19 (hoo) Music sheet 3 ( for handpan only) (CrabbyLemons). If you find something you like, you should let the creator know!Īnd if you see any beginners asking for advice, maybe you can help them!īeepBox is developed by John Nesky, also known as does not claim ownership over songs created with it, so original songs belong to their authors. Undertale: Memory (Medium) Ryuichi Sakamoto: Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence. Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs tagged as Memory Undertale with no restrictions, modern design and the best experience Tumgir. audio samples (video) Key: F-sharp Minor Show/Movie: Undertale. Adventure Times Theme Music Notes, Adventure Time Songs, Adveture Time, Secret World Of.
#Notes for memory undertale pdf#
You can also click on the label next to each option for a description of what it does.Ĭheck out some of these songs that other people have posted on Twitter! Official sheet music for Memory (Toby Fox) for piano - PDF download, instant print. Memory - Undertale Ocarina Tabs, Ocarina Music, Undertale Music. Try playing with the buttons and menus on the right side to find out what it can do! Drag on the numbered pattern boxes to select multiple patterns to copy and paste parts of your song. You can also click above or below an existing note to add more notes to be played simultaneously, which is called a chord.ĪDVANCED: Drag vertically from an existing note to bend its pitch, or drag vertically from above or below the note to adjust its volume. In the note pattern editor, you can click and drag horizontally on a note to adjust its duration.
Shift & Drag: select part of a pattern (long press on touch screen).
F/H: move to First or Highlighted pattern.
0-9: assign pattern number to selection.
Shift Spacebar: play from mouse location.
how on : little dit : op - winda ss of the I notes it undertale plementi Aidzu. When BeepBox has focus (click on its interface above), you can use these keyboard shortcuts: oned a Gy.n he Tools thought : of thers : nach, fic Tisane IS own memory.
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huntertrust · 2 years
Percussion instruments quiz
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Try writing your own music or learning a new technique. Have you ever played the piano? How about another instrument? Do you have a favorite instrument family? Whether you play the organ or the kazoo, the most important part of playing music is to enjoy it. Keyboard instruments have a broad range of sound, making them some of the most versatile musical instruments. That includes the piano, harpsichord, organ, and many others. Today, many people even see them as part of a completely different family of instruments-the keyboards.Īny instrument that produces notes when keys are hit falls into the keyboard family. That’s right! It can be put into either family. The piano is both a percussion and a string instrument. Would that make it a percussion instrument? Where does the piano fit? But those strings vibrate because they’re struck by a hammer. is the piano a string instrument? Or is it percussion? The sound comes from vibrating strings. It is a percussion instrument that does not sound like a human voice. It is a kind of brass instrument that does not sound like a human voice. When keys are pressed, small hammers hit strings inside the piano. Musical instruments quiz See all quizzes Go to topic Question 10 Which of these instruments can make a sound like a human voice This is a trumpet. How does a piano player make music? By pressing the piano’s keys. One of the most popular instruments of all- the piano-is hard to classify. But sometimes, it’s not so straightforward. You play the tambourine by hitting it with your hand, so it’s part of the percussion family. It’s played by blowing wind to vibrate a wooden reed. The saxophone is clearly a woodwind instrument. Often, it’s pretty obvious what family an instrument falls into. Percussion instruments make a sound when hit, whether with a stick or hand. They also have valves that help change the sound that comes out. Brass instruments are also played using wind, but they’re made of brass. Most members of the woodwind family can be made from wood and are played with wind. Cowbell, wood block, tambourine, guiro, hand drum, triangle Classroom Percussion Listening Quiz. They make music when their strings vibrate. Music Classroom percussion instruments listening quiz. They are string, woodwind, brass, and percussion. Traditionally, there are four families of instruments. Many even believe that making music improves brain function.Īnd there are so many instruments to choose from! They fall into groups that people call “families.” Instruments in a family are alike in certain ways, such as how they’re played or what they’re made from. Music helps people express emotions, connect with others, and just have fun. c) A Marinba is smaller than a Xylophone.Have you ever strummed the strings of a guitar? Do you often hum a tune or beat a rhythm? If so, you know what a joy it can be to make music. 10) Which is correct about "Marinba " ? a) Marinba is a percussion instrument of "Indefinite Pitch b) Marimbas should be played with 2~6 mallets. c) Stomp uses many traditional percussion instruments. 1) Which is Tubular Bell ? a) b) c) d) 2) What is it ? a) Steel tongue drum b) Steelpan c) Handpan d) Bongo 3) Which is percussion instrument of "Indefinite Pitch"? a) Vibraphone b) Timpani c) Handpan d) Guiro 4) Which is percussion instrument of "Definite Pitch"? a) Castanets b) Tambourine c) Timpani d) Cajon 5) What is it ? a) symbals b) Triangle c) Gong d) Maracas 6) What is it ? a) Vibraphone b) Xylophone c) Glockenspiel d) Marimba 7) What is it ? a) Temple block b) Triangle c) Tambourine d) Maracas 8) What is it ? a) Steel tongue drum b) Handpan c) Steelpan d) Vibraphone 9) Which is correct about "Stomp "group? a) Stomp is originating in American.
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juckalope · 6 years
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inktobard day 31: fortune teller
aaaand finally done! this month felt very long and frustrating at times but im really happy i participated!
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scrivenger-grimgar · 3 years
venti thonks
always knows the best gossip, somehow (the winds carry words far).
can speak dead or ancient languages; it might be when he forgets a word, becomes overwhelmed, or exhausted.
can go from absolutely smashed to perfectly sober in minutes, and has a terrifying alcohol tolerance.
can fight with a pole arm, but prefers a bow. is actually fights best at hand-to-hand, but its not as efficient for killing.
tends to speak in rhymes, for whatever reason.
“why are his teeth so sharp?”
can mimic peoples voices if he knows them well enough.
can play the lyre, cello, dihua flute, violin, fiddle, guitar, irish lochlainn flute, piano, mandolin, bodhrán, bones, boukouki, guzheng, koto, handpan, pan flute, pipe organ, qinqin, and biwa.
eyes are reflective like a cat’s!
only needs one full day of sleep to function for a full week.
killed a guy who tried to kidnap diona by removing the air from his fucking lungs.
knows songs and ballads thought to be lost to history, and regularly teaches them to other bards in mondt.
said that he would absolutely decapitate dottore if he got the chance.
one of the few people aware that rosaria is a vampire and that albedo is a homunculus. he tells rosaria locations of fatui patrols (yimyum), and gave albedo his hair tie.
has insinuated that he’s consumed humans before, never elaborates.
cannot differentiate between hot and cold temperatures, and they don’t actually effect him anyways, so he uses it to mess with people.
his tiny body condenses all of his anger and rage, so he constantly vents this anger via general sass, making passive-agressive comments about the Lawrences, and using vague and ambiguous threats against fatui agents and treasure hoarders.
bothers morax every month or two with a wine date; when he hears about his ‘death’ he is absolutely devastated, thinking that he’s the last of the original seven. when meets zhongli, venti actually fucking shoots him in the thigh. he then starts poetically insulting him in ancient Bætsian while sobbing.
related to the previous, he is physically unable to cry tears.
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