#hand operated directional control valve
canmom · 3 months
l'aventure de canmom à annecy - épisode deux: XR
so I'm going to abandon all semblance of chronological order at this point.
just like last year there was an VR room operating on a morning booking system - each thing had two headsets and a signup sheet. I didn't get to try every one but I did get most of them. enough that the volunteers noticed me coming back every day x3
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^ some random people immersed in the Wired
this is easily the longest annecy post so far... so please read on for a big old discussion of the unique difficulties faced by VR film as a medium, and how this year's annecy films meet them... or more often don't.
so annecy's vr films section is for essentially linear vr projects (i refuse to write "experiences") that can be watched/played in less than an hour. i don't know if that's a hard rule but that's how long all the ones here were!
let's get the technical stuff out of the way: the Quest 2/3 was by far the headset of choice. some ran natively, some were PCVR with a wire connecting to a computer, and some were 360° videos which played back on the headset with 3dof tracking. some had a degree of interactivity, up to about a 'walking simulator' level. the average runtime was between 20m and an hour.
the preamble: on the limitations of VR
the big question I have with XR movies is basically... how well does it actually use the medium? like, is it doing anything that wouldn't work better as a flatscreen game or a film?
this might seem like a high bar to clear, like why shouldn't it be in VR - but VR is uncomfortable, the headset is expensive etc etc, and that's before even the formal stuff I'm about to get into. so that's 'why not'. and also, this is a new medium, I want to see what unique features it has to offer!
I'm sure I've said this before, but despite on the face of it being more 'inmersive' than traditional flatscreen games or films, VR is actually a pretty restrictive medium! compared to flatscreen games with their many 'buttons', you are very limited in the possible interactions. your main interaction is to 'pick up' and 'hold' objects, but this is close enough to actual physical interaction to highlight how much it isn't. what it actually means is that you position your hand or controller in a trigger and press a grab button or pinch your fingers, at which point the object snaps to your hand and moves weightlessly with it.
you also can't accelerate the pov too much without causing motion sickness, etc etc.
ok, what about film? well, compared to film, the big big thing VR lacks is the frame of the camera. you can't cut, you can't frame a subject, you don't have long shots or closeups, you can't even rely on the player/viewer looking in the direction of an interesting thing.
since movement is also tricky in VR due to the motion sickness problem, you're also limited in your ability to steer the viewer to interesting sights with Valve-style 'vistas' using the level architecture. it's not impossible - Valve themselves have their familiar vistas in HL Alyx - but it's something that depends on the player being able to move through a large space, so it doesn't fit these kinds of movie-like project so well. otherwise you can draw attention to a direction using various means, like visual effects that converge on a spot, or just keeping most of the action in the same area.
what you can also do, closer to camerawork, is move the viewer's point of view, and shrink or enlarge their surroundings. the language of VR 'shots' is still far from defined, but we have a few recurring ones: standing in a normal sized room, the giant's view in a tiny city, the floating perspective looking down on a diorama, the ant's eye view inside something regular sized.
how about theatre, which also has most of these limitations? well, compared to being in person with a real human being, you're limited by the capabilities of realtime animation systems and the rendering tech available on the device. you're looking at the character in a slightly fuzzy low resolution and unless you have AAA money which noone in VR does, you're a bit limited in the 'acting' you can pull off. this may change if the apple vision pro gets popular - apple already have a 'gertie the dinosaur' style demo where a very detailed dinosaur emerges from a portal - but it's definitely out of reach of most teams working on the Quest.
so compared to all these other media, what does XR offer?
compared to film and theatre, there is the game aspect of agency: a story feels different if you are the one doing it. so most VR narrative games have characters interact with the player somehow, though this introduces the problem of how to write the player into a story without feeling like you're railroading them or that they're superfluous to the real story.
it's very easy to undercut this sense of agency by having an amount that's not zero but still too small, e.g. if it just feels like the player is touching a button that lights up then you wonder why they even bothered.
the role that most games put the (vaguely defined) player character in is 'terrifying violence doer'. this is a fairly easy role to write around, and it gives the player a lot of control of the 'how' while letting the writer control the 'what' and 'where' and 'why'. similarly if the player's role is something like 'puzzle solver'. but for a purely narrative presentation, these roles don't exist.
still, this is the idea that a lot of VR rests on: an 'immersive experience' which puts the player into the story.
the other big thing that VR has is the joy of experiencing visual effects in 3D. particles, trails, transforming geometric shapes etc are cool on a flat screen and even cooler in stereo vision where you can move your head around. another benefit is spatial audio by default - something that is gradually coming to games but provided 'for free' by vr consoles.
in the land of games, you also have incredibly precise position and direction input... as long as it's in arm's length of the player. the most successful genres of VR games (so far) use this: a lot of shooting games, and some games that let you interact with physics objects, offer 3D jigsaw puzzles, or simulate sports to provide some real exercise. it can be really good for rhythm games as beat saber demonstrates.
VR is also really for social games like VRChat - similar to MMOs but with the benefits of more complex tracking in lieu of canned animations.
but... none of these fit the form of a predictable 15-50 minute narrative sequence! they're not films! so the VR films category at annecy is a tough problem to crack.
last year, the VR project that most impressed me was one that put you in the seat of a novice spotter in a bomber in the second world war. this was a great fit for a lot of reasons. you are in a vehicle so you have no reason to move from seated; the scenario is full of loud scary sounds that can make full use of spatial audio; your 'character' is well-defined but also doesn't have much reason to speak within the scenario. this had a small amount of interaction (by pointing your head) which you could actually fail, making it a bit closer to a game, and also giving you reason to play close attention to the bombed out cityscape below you. it did a fantastic job of capturing the tension of a dangerous air mission, the pilot character interacting with you was compelling, and overall it really benefited from being in VR.
this year's films
sadly nothing I saw this year comes close to that. but still, some are interesting, so let's go through them!
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My favourite this year was probably Flow - completely unrelated to the movie in the main competition, though they share the trait of being completely wordless, conveying their story simply through imagery and music.
Flow's big trick is a very cool visual effect where characters and objects are conveyed the trails left behind by little particles, causing them to appear ghostlike . At first you're just flying through a cityscape, passing various people on the street and in the subway, with the particle trails conveying the breaths of the passengers; gradually a storm brews, the trails becoming the wind that tears at everything.
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I believe this was a prerendered film, with only 3dof tracking - i think i saw some compression artefacts at some point. So it's less technically impressive than if they managed to do it realtime but it does make full use of the power this gives to render loads of particles and move rapidly through different scenes. it was also an effect that benefitted from the ability to put you in the middle of it - something that would not work as well on a flat screen.
But it also benefitted a lot from being more film-like. It has an original soundtrack, and progresses without input from the player. There's no awkward 'player' character to write around, no space you stand about in. The film can simply unfold and let you appreciate it. In this case, no interaction is better than bad interaction.
My Inner Ear Quartet from Japan did not do anything particularly novel with the medium, but to my mind it had by far the most compelling story. It tells of a young, introverted boy who habitually digs in the dirt for objects that other people would consider trash. The title refers to a string quartet which he hears when he cries, imagined to be in his inner ear; also there is a pair of tiny shrimp which he saw grow in a net.
The first half is narrated by a man who turns out to be the boy grown up, now a hearing aid salesman. While the boy abandons his box of treasures, as an adult he returns to collecting and documenting abandoned objects as a kind of urban explorer.
The geometry here is stylised in a kind of rough, children's drawing way. I think this could have been pushed further with more complex shaders but it works. For the most part, you're watching as an invisible observer seated on a floating chair. At certain points, the viewpoint is taken inside the boy's ear, or into the tin of treasures, where you can grab the objects and get the boy's brief, poetic description of each one.
I liked this story because it had substance, but left enough up to interpretation to be engaging. By showing the treasures to us with the descriptions we get to understand why they might be significant to the boy. It plays well with the classic anime theme of objects as vessels for emotional significance. I think it would have worked just as well on a flat screen, but I enjoyed my time with it.
Now the rest...
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The Age of the Monster had some things going for it, but honestly I think this one shouldn't have been in VR. It's basically a film about how bad we're fucking up the planet, putting us in the house of a man who works in the nuclear industry in the 70s up to a future where the cooling towers lie in ruins. The 'monster' is a giant anthro catfish, seen first as a B-movie monster and dream vision and finally as a real kaiju scale creature in the final future scene.
We're told about the economic circumstances that led to the man getting this job, and his relief at working in nuclear during the oil crisis; we're told about the infamous repressed oil industry report about how climate change is gonna be a thing; we're told about the man's fraught relationship with his radical daughter who is furious about his extractivist ways. Then we get a collapse and humans learn to take the force of nature more seriously, i forget the exact phrasing they used.
The main problem is? These are mostly things you are told, by voiceover. There is some environmental storytelling in the evolution of the house but not enough to convey much without the v/o. the film does not seem to have the confidence in its imagery to show us what it's trying to say.
I feel like the film's vision of the post-collapse future, with flocks of birds flying over a wide river and collapsed overgrown cooling towers, is a huge missed opportunity. Here's an opportunity to apply some true visual imagination of how humans might live in a climate changed future... but nah, giant catfish kaiju just kinda hanging out there.
The environmental message is generally a stance I sympathise with, but the film doesn't make a good case for it on a propaganda level. We see the cooling towers outside the window and eventually the house, flooded, but it does little to make the collapse narrative emotionally compelling - and I question a little the choice to make it nuclear focused in a film about climate change. It's probably based on an actual guy, right? Maybe someone's parent? But... despite putting us in his shoes i don't really feel like i understand him very well.
Does this seem harsh? I know full well how involved vr dev is, and even simple things can take weeks. But i also want someone to make the most of this medium. To make something as compelling as the best short films on the main screens.
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Gargoyle Doyle tells another 'skipping though time' story, depicting a gargoyle on an 800 year old church from its construction through to demolition. I would compare this one perhaps to a puppet theatre - it certainly stands out in terms of character animation, with Doyle played by Jason Isaacs as a classic grumpy old British theatre guy, his foyle foil a goofy statue of monk acting as a drainpipe with a penchant for puns.
I didn't get to watch this one in full, since I got to sub in for someone who left early (thanks to the volunteer who took pity on me when it was fully booked lol). So I didn't see the full arc of this. What I saw was... definitely edutainment material, but pretty well done. The player is cast as a visitor to a future museum and nature reserve built on the site of the church. It seems like this was originally shown in a real museum in Venice, with the 'in the museum' sections portrayed in mixed reality; obvs this wouldn't work at Annecy so they have these virtual too.
The narrative as a whole seems a tad self congratulatory and pat, with Doyle learning a valuable lesson about not being a cunt to his only friends as he's resurrected in the museum, and it doesn't do a whole lot with the VR framing, but taking it as an educational puppet show, it works pretty well - the voice performances are good and the jokes, while a little predictable, work for the kid-friendly style it's going for. I'm not sure it really needed to be 40 minutes long, but I can see they wanted to go maximalist for a proof of concept like this. It is kinda limited by the rendering capabilities of the Quest, the lack of shadows in particular, and could definitely benefit from some baked lighting given the relatively static scenes, but I give it a lot of credit for the character animation and VA.
Apparently the jury liked this one too because it won the competition!
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Nana Lou has been in development a few years apparently, casting the player in the role of a psychopomp spirit whose role is to ease the passing of a woman dying of a stroke. Visually, this is one of the best looking, with elaborate forest scenes and strong environment design.
What I really like about this one is its use, at times, of a diorama-like presentation where the player looks down on tiny characters in a room. This is a concept I've wanted to try in VR for a while, and it's cool to see someone do it.
I found the kind of spiritual aspect of the story a lot more underwhelming. The player is accompanied by two other spirits who explain everything that's going on and point out the significance of all the imagery. The player is informed they have an important role, but they don't have a name and can't talk back, and the only interaction is to grab floating photos to initiate flashbacks.
I wish this film had had the confidence to trust in its acting and visual storytelling. While Nana Lou's life is a bit too lacking in serious conflict to make the premise work, it would still be far more interesting and compelling with the frame story largely trimmed. You could still cast the player as a psychopomp but you don't need to have a greek chorus telling them what to click on!
The actual story concerns Lou's relationship with her daughter, who became estranged when she quit university to raise her child, instead of staying on as Lou thought she should. This caused them to spend decades estranged. Finding out this story frees up the daughter's spirit as well, and the penultimate scene has her speak to Lou and make up.
There's definitely something to work with there, but the main delivery mechanism is rather ponderous narration triggered by interacting with objects, with the dramatic scenes largely having taken place off screen. Like The Age of the Monster, it suffers a severe telling-not-showing problem.
It's a shame because there are nice touches here. When you are beside Lou's bed in the hospital, your touch leaves a glow effect which is very evocative. The acting is solid, though the script undermines it a bit.
I don't think narration is evil - evidently, Yuri and I used it in our film, it's a very efficient way to convey information - but I do think it requires a lot of thought put into style and rhythm.
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Spots of Light... ok. This one tells the story of an Israeli soldier who lost his sight in the Lebanon war, and later regained it temporarily through surgery. Given my general feelings about the Israeli military (presently carrying out a genocide), I was definitely not disposed to like this one. Nevertheless, it was the only one free so I decided to give it a shot.
This is one of those films where you interview someone and then put an animation to it. So this guy tells you what it was like to be blind and then not blind to see his family briefly, and it's illustrated with various images. And (if i remember right) some parts are on tvs showing video (and if you're using vr to embed a flat screen what is even the point??). When he's blind, everything disappears except vague outlines suggested by small points of light.
Ultimately this is a film about blindness, not the war (of course, meaning this is a person who could leave the war behind - though not to make light of the cruelty of conscription). Making a film about the experience of blindness in a purely visual medium is a choice all right, and I don't feel like this film expressed anything unexpected about it - he was sad to lose his sight, glad to see his family, depressed to lose it again but ultimately at peace. Which is conveyed, of course, primarily by narration.
So yeah this one didn't do much for me!
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Stay Alive My Son, now. Agh. This one was... this one was a mess.
So this one is about the Cambodian genocide, right. It's based on a memoir by a survivor of the genocide, Pin Yathay, who became separated from his wife and son while fleeing the Khmer Rouge.
The way this is presented is essentially a walking simulator that takes you through a dungeon-like environment full of skeletons. Every so often you encounter 3D films - filmed with some kind of depth camera - showing actors playing out scenes from the life of the family. There is also a frame story where you visit Pin Yathay in his modern day house, where he sees a digital reconstruction of how his son might look as an adult
This one is difficult to review because it was severely marred by technical issues with the spatial audio, which caused the sound to cut out when you turned your head the wrong way or moved it to the wrong place. It would probably be less of a rough experience if the audio worked as intended. Nevertheless, I have plenty of reservations with the way the story is told as well.
It seems the director of the VR experience (fine! I'll write experience, there isn't a better noun for this kind of thing that sits between game and film) met Pin Yathay, there's video of her speaking to him at the end, but he had pretty minimal creative input beyond providing inspiration through his memoir. So this is a Greek/US interpretation of the Cambodian genocide. The narrative it tells is basically: Yathay and his family are living a pretty idyllic life, then the Khmer Rouge happens, seemingly not for any particular reason. Yathay and his family are evacuated and then put to hard labour growing rice; eventually, their son is put to work too, so fearing for his life, they flee into the jungle.
The Cambodian genocide is - obviously! - one of the worst atrocities of the whole bloody 20th century, and the circumstances surrounding it are worth reading about (though pretty unremittingly bleak). But you won't learn much about, say, cold war geopolitical alignment, Prince Sihanouk, the absolutely horrific civil war, the different ideologies in play in the Marxist milieu that influenced Pol Pot, or the spillover from Vietnam and the massive bombing by the Americans here which helped put the Khmer Rouge in power. You definitely won't learn much about the Cambodia that existed before the war. Instead, you're mostly traversing a dungeon that could come from any horror game, shining your torch on the things you're told to in order to unlock another segment of narration from (the actor playing) Yathay. It is, in pretty literal terms, a tour of atrocities.
Unfortunately the '3D film of actors' conceit doesn't really work because... even audio issues aside, the acting is pretty unconvincing. For some reason - perhaps that subtitles are tricky in VR - the dialogue is in accented English rather than Cambodian, and it's pretty quickly evident that they just have one guy in the role of 'Khmer Rouge soldier' and the lines he's given are kinda awkward. The horror game aesthetics of the environments and the amateur actors and costumes all clash pretty badly. The 3D filming is also kind of jank, only really working if you're fairly close to the camera position, so you aren't really free to move too far even if the audio didn't crap out.
The basic feelings it's trying to explore - the horror of living through a genocide, separation from a child, guilt for abandoning him, not knowing if he's alive or dead - is definitely worth depicting, but honestly this would have been far far better expressed as a 10-20 minute film than a slow 55 minute VR walking sim. The more abstract bits toward the end with paper plane imagery and a Buddhist temple (where you have to put a block in a slot to unlock a door) also feel too jank and videogamey to really have much impact, though by that point I had been wrestling with the audio for nearly an hour so I wasn't in the most receptive mood.
But all the execution flaws aside, that leaves the question of what even is the right way to portray a genocide artistically? This approach is very abstract, reducing the events to dislocated symbols - propaganda posters, the tree against which children were dashed - which perhaps might reflect how fragmented memory becomes, but seems to be wasting the potential of VR to establish you in a place. But then, I guess rice fields are harder to render than enclosed dark rooms.
Speaking of rendering, this was PCVR, so your torch casts shadows and it has other features that would be hard on realtime. But the lack of ambient light and general harshness of the materials adds to the 'horror game' feel.
There is something here about how genocides become associated with certain images. For Cambodia, it is primarily phrases like 'killing fields' and the stacked skulls in the genocide memorials such as Choeung Ek - few people know the name of the memorial in the west, but I think everyone who's heard of the genocide has seen the big stack of skulls. I imagine this is what all the skeletons in this experience are supposed to call to mind: they're representatives of the many ways people died. The problem that this kind of environmental storytelling has long ago been made kind of camp by videogames. A photo of a stack of real skeletons still has power to disturb, but less so a low poly 3D skeleton.
Should it have tried for a realism? The idea of trying to realistically simulate the experience of living in Cambodia though the genocide is kind of ghoulish, and I'm glad they didn't take that approach. But the 'tour of images' approach falls flat. I think The Most Precious of Cargoes elsewhere in the festival makes a stronger case for how to approach a topic like a genocide in a consciously constructed way, but it also has the ability to be in dialogue with a lot of other films made about the Holocaust. There is less in English about the Cambodian genocide - the viewer can't even be assumed to know what happened.
Overall, I think it would be possible to make a much stronger film about the genocide in Cambodia. But I'm not sure what that film would look like. I did learn one thing from this story, which is that there is a reality show in Cambodia which shows survivors of the genocide being reunited with their families. Not much is made of this here, it's something of a background detail. What would it be like to grow up in the shadow of an event like that? I wish the film had been willing to portray more of modern Cambodia - and I hope at some point someone in Cambodia will have a film at this festival, in VR or not, which can talk about it all from the first person.
Is there a good way to try to answer the curiosity of people who live safely in rich countries about what it is like to go through an actual genocide... using a Meta Quest 2 VR headset that costs a few hundred quid? I don't really know, but this film could have done with being a bit more reflective, I feel. So it goes.
the others
there were three films I couldn't see - The Imaginary Friend, Oto's Planet and Emperor. If I get some other chance to try them I'll write about them too!
Overall I felt a bit disappointed with the VR this year, but also I kind of want to put my money where my mouth is and try my hand at making this kind of thing. I do have the technical knowledge at least!
If you read all this, thank you.
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secretgamergirl · 2 months
I hate Steam, and it's weird that you don't.
Easily, hands down, the single worst piece of software I have ever had on any computer is Steam, the game shopping/library/I-guess-social-media-app? from Valve that I'm fairly certain anyone who has ever used a personal computer to play a video game within the past, what, 20 years or so, is quite familiar with. It's ubiquitous. People have a level of affection for it they get kinda frighteningly weird about. But it is honestly JUST THE WORST, and I'm going to ramble about why for a good bit under the fold here.
I hate Steam as a store.
Primarily, Steam is a storefront. If I want to purchase a game to play on my computer I can, and often have to, either launch this here app or use the same credentials on a website, where I can fill in my credit card info and, one would assume, get a copy a game I can then install and play. But uh... while this is nowhere near the top of my personal list of issues with Steam, it is worth noting that that is not actually the nature of such a transaction, really.
What I am really paying for, in practice, is for whatever game it is to be "activated in my Steam library." That means I can then open the Steam app, pick that game off a list, and click a download button, which WILL grab all of that game's files from a server and copy them onto my computer, but not in the form of an executable application I can move around and properly back up and launch on its own. Rather, what I have downloaded is a plug-in for the Steam app that will let me launch that game from within the Steam app, if the Steam app is currently connected to the internet and having a good day. In every other context where any other piece of software pulls that kind of crap, everyone quite rightfully throws a fit over it, and frequently will outright refuse. Sometimes things go to court over companies insisting on this weird level of control and spying over the files people have on their own computers. I have plenty to get into about this later, but I'm still not done griping about Steam as a store.
Because see, sometimes, exchanging money for a game to be activated in a steam library doesn't even work. For whatever reason that I'm sure makes sense to someone's accountant, activation of a game in a steam library is based on the use of I want to say 16 character unique "activation keys," and sometimes they run out. Admittedly this issue comes up more frequently when I am acquiring a game from somewhere other than steam- a giveaway the developer is running, buying something from the Humble store and getting a steam key from them instead of a direct download, backing something on kickstarter, whatever. But PRETTY FREQUENTLY, I give someone my money, and in return I get a little notification that "Steam keys for this product are not in stock." I don't get my money back. I don't get some kind of gift card to use on something else. I just get, "welp, sorry! We don't actually have the thing you paid for available! Check back sometime later and we might?" And the operative word there is might. There are games I've paid for whose keys have been out of stock for YEARS. Oh and sometimes, those keys expire! I pay money for a game, get what is essentially a tag to take up to the front counter, and if I don't get on that, someone just pockets my money and I get nothing. Sometimes this happens THE DAY I PURCHASE IT. Sometimes THE DAY BEFORE I PURCHASE IT. No warning up front.
So, OK. Surely though there is some upside to this weird key tracking setup, right? Like if I somehow get into a situation where I have a key for a game that I already own (perhaps it's my birthday, and two people both decided to gift me the same game that I had on my wishlist). I have the one activated copy. I put in this second code and... here's a message that I already have this. Oh well OK. Will you refund me for the key then? No. ... can I pass the key along to someone else who also wants that game? I believe it depends, but the answer is at least sometimes no. Especially if there's some sort of sale or bundle involved, no splitting those keys up between several people, arbitrarily. Steam is all too happy to just take your money in these sorts of situations and give you nothing in return. Hell, I can think of at least 3 or 4 instances when I have ended up with an activation key or an on-site sales button for a game with various DLC expansions included, and because I already owned the base game, I was unable to activate this extra copy with the DLC included. No DLC for me, no refund.
Those pretty serious issues aside, it's just... really badly laid out and run as a store. Plenty of people will gripe about how hard it is to find something, or how there will just be a weird mix of porn and shovelware (often describing the same game) on the front page, but even just working out what you're buying or what a sale covers is kind of a confusing mess? Like right now, going to the front page, here's a big Wales Interactive sale. Let's just click through that and... OK what the hell is this complete mess? Don't judge me if you see "in library" on garbage by the way, it was all blind box bundle stuff. Anyway right at the top of this special dedicated sale page we've got
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OK the one horror thing is 25% off... or 27% off with its DLC. The other is 81% off. Let me just scroll down more though...
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OK so wait the one game they're really pushing the hardest here has a deluxe edition, an ultimate edition, and a collector's edition. All on sale, I think all with the DLC bundled in... and like, this version here is "-20% -33% so $51.66" and this other version which comes bundled with a whole other game is "-10% -58% $21.14" What are we even trying to convey? In what world would the former be a good deal? And those FMV bundles are similarly confusing. Well, let me just click through and see if it's clearer looking at just this one game and see if that clears it up?
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No! Somehow this is even more confusing! I can however apparently buy just this game, if I were inclined, for MORE MONEY than buying this game bundled with this other game I already own. Why? How? Or if I want the DLC, I can get it with all the DLC for $50, OR I can get it with all the DLC for $30? Again, I am just incredibly confused, and glad I really don't have any desire to own this and don't need to care.
I will say though that the first time I ever purchased anything from Steam it was when they were running a sale like this on the Oddworld games. The confusing as hell bundle buttons and redirects and such set up a world wherein I had the option of getting literally every Oddworld game to date (this was before New and Tasty was a thing) for $25 OR I could get a bundle of every game except for Munch's Oddysee... the one game I had never had a chance to play before... plus those were uh... older buggier PC ports apparently. Anyway something bugged out in the cart, I had two identical things in there, just listed as "Oddworld..." and I end up charged for the.... objectively terrible option instead of literally that plus a whole other game.
So you know, IMMEDIATELY, when I see the full list of what I'm actually getting for the first time after hitting confirm, I see something went wrong, and promptly set about trying to cancel that/order the correct thing/get hold of some tech support person because hey what the hell? Now with LITERALLY ANY OTHER STORE, this would get taken care of immediately. Online, brick and mortar, whatever. In person? "Hey, I gave you the money for these 5 things, you only put 4 of them in my bag." "Oh sorry, here you go!" or "Hey the wrong thing was on the shelf" or "hey this literally wasn't in the box" these get sorted. I've had online stores literally send me completely the wrong order, got that sorted out. I've ordered clothes that didn't fit, they refunded me and didn't even want me sending the baby-sized one back. I once had a weird collision where a friend bought me a whole huge pricy bundle of games and software from itch.io, because she had contributed to it and wanted to share, meanwhile I bought it myself for the same reason. One quick support e-mail and I got them to send HER a refund, like within 5 minutes. Steam though? It has literally been a decade now, multiple support tickets, I still don't have my collection, no refund, nothing.
And you know just sticking with this a moment... appeasing customers upset about this sort of thing is kinda the one thing stores are for. If something is on sale in a store for $50, that store paid somewhere between $5 and $25 for that to whoever supplied it to them. When I buy it, I am forwarding along that small percentage of the price to the people who actually made the thing, and the rest of the money I am forking over is me paying the store for the service of making this a low stress low headache situation. Functionally that means I am buying insurance against random weird issues like... paying for something and not getting it. It happens rarely enough that the store still profits, but sometimes yeah you just give an angry customer whatever the hell they're haranguing you about, even if you're confused about what their deal is, so they don't spend the next decade griping to everyone about how terrible your store is to anyone who will listen and swear off ever shopping there again. Especially if they have a paper trail on how you didn't give them what they were attempting to buy. But anyway, moving on to the next problem.
Wait no! One more thing! It is SHOCKINGLY DIFFICULT to do gift shopping on steam! If I set up a wishlist, nobody can see it unless they're friends with me, and even then it's kinda weirdly buried in submenus to a point where I always need to search up a guide on how to even find it. And you'd think there'd be some option to just like... buy one of these keys everything is using for a game, and mail it to someone as a surprise gift, but nope. Not an option. Everything about buying a game for a friend or relative is like pulling teeth. In the store for buying games.
I hate Steam as a launcher app.
There is really no reason for launcher apps to exist. We are all perfectly capable of, say, putting all of our games into a nice little "Games" directory on our computer and setting a nice shortcut to that or whatever other little organizational things we might want to do. I will grant that just freaking displaying a directory is something Windows in particular is weirdly bad at, but it does a better job than Steam does. Just opening this window with a list of games requires a weird amount of startup, possibly a login, it puts a shocking load on processor and ram. It opens a big annoying pop-up ad. It signs me into a messenger app I'm never going to use. And when I'm done with it, attempting to close it out like any other piece of software on my computer just straight up does not work. In theory if I formally "Exit Steam" from a drop-down it will cleanly quit, but sometimes I forget, and I swear, sometimes that doesn't do the trick, and while it certainly looks like Steam isn't open from a glance at my taskbar, if I open up my task manager, here's like... 5 separate running instances of something called "Steam Web Helper" and one of them is eating AN ENTIRE FREAKING GIG of RAM! It is absolutely absurd for anything to ever be doing that. The only other thing I have that eats RAM that absurdly is my web browser, where I have like 200 tabs open across 20 windows at any given time, all loaded up with gross bloated sphagetti scripts instead of functional code. But it's not like this Steam web helper is secretly a web-browser opening pages up for every game in my library or anything right?
... no apparently that's what it is. Yeah all those screenshots, trailers, reviews, "community content" sections full of creepy fan art and Russian youtube LPs of games that load up in a full page splash zone when you're just trying to click the name of a game off a simple text list and hit launch are secretly a big web page we're quietly launching an invisible web browser to load up. And hey, even if you don't have that window open, it's still loaded. And even if you go mess with preferences and ask not to be spammed with all this stuff, it's still loaded. And even if you try to keep steam closed at all times to avoid the whole mess, it really likes to worm its way in to load on boot up and also update itself whenever it feels like it.
And hey! Speaking of updates! The real reason the steam launcher even exists of course is to serve as super aggressive DRM (the sort where even if you have single player games locally "installed," you can't play them if you are offline or otherwise unable to connect to Steams servers, and to spam you with those pop-up ads, but the sales pitch to keep you from just treating the whole thing as gross malware is that there is some convenience here. Doesn't matter if you have 10 computers scattered about, Steam will keep your favorite games all ready to go and fully up to date and cloud sync saved data between them so they can be loaded up at the touch of a button!
Well that end of things straight up sucks. I am inherently distrustful of automated updates in general. I tend to hit a version of a given piece of software I like, and from there on any further updates can only make it worse. Also, I like to have total control of when my bandwidth is being hogged. I don't want to be streaming a movie, or hosting a stream on twitch, and have oh... Steam, let's say, decide that 100% of my bandwidth is needed RIGHT THIS MINUTE, because there was a 30 gig update for I dunno, Granny Simulator. But... Steam feels differently, and will absolutely queue that up. Even after I dug through preferences looking for a way to disable that. Even when I don't have the game in question installed, and haven't had it installed for years, if ever. Aside from the serious bandwidth issue, I constantly find myself mysteriously out of disk space because Steam decided it was time to download a huge patch for some game or other I've never even touched, and I just have to go through like I'm hunting for mushrooms in a basement or something finding these unwanted games.
And it doesn't even really keep them up to date! I end up with games that are "fully installed and ready to launch" but when I try, I have to sit there for upwards of multiple hours after hitting launch buttons because oh, the installation process forgot that every game for some baffling reason needs its own personal copy of DirectX and 20 other software dependencies, and it just didn't feel like running the installers for those when installing the game.
The worst part though is the damn cloud sync saves. I have absolutely lost count of how many dozens or hundreds of times I have completely lost all save data for a game because some cloud sync failed, or an automatic update corrupted save files. Or less damaging but still quite annoying, I've lost my connection to steam while playing a game, causing my local save to be more up to date than the version stored on a server, and Steam's answer to that is TOO FREAKIN' BAD! There is, to my knowledge, absolutely no way to push a save file to the cloud by hand. It is always considered the master copy, and if it's out of date or corrupted, oh well. I didn't ask for this, I'm always playing on my one desktop, but I just gotta deal.
I... greatly dislike Steam as a compatibility layer.
So the thing with Steam and the separate copy of DirectX for every individual game is that IN THEORY, Steam does a lot of handy things behind the scenes to get older games to work smoothly on modern hardware. And it... often does a kind of OK job at that? I put it through its paces on that front more than most people do, streaming my whole library, which includes some 20 or 30 year old games, but... most of those are from modern promotions explicitly linked to Steam so you'd think those would all be guaranteed to... run, at all. Hopefully not too many would have terrible interactions with the resolution on my monitor. DOS games in particular tend to really suck through Steam. There's a one size fits all DOSBox solution, but... it's an old buggy version of DOSBox, and if I could just manually launch a more current and nicely customized one and run these things through that, and not have it, you know, completely break should I alt-tab away, that'd be nice. But I can't. Because aggressive DRM.
I hate Steam as a social media... thing.
Back at the dawn of time, I like a lot of other people made the mistake of picking AOL as an internet service provider. Everything about this was absolutely miserable, except for the whole Instant Messenger thing. That was a nice way to stay in touch with people that I used for many many years... and the reason I used it for many many years was that it was available as a small lightweight independent program I could still use for decades past when I swore off AOL forever. Steam has a little chat thing, but... it does not have that very important feature. I can't access my steam friends chat deal unless I am actively running this awful piece of software that eats more than half my RAM and fills my hard drive with garbage. And also, you know, I have multiple other ways to keep in touch with people. If I did use it though, I'd hate the UI. And I hate how you have to cut through it half the time to invite a friend to play a multiplayer game.
Beyond that, Steam has all this "community" stuff where... again, unless I actively disable it, I'm bombarded with weird LPs and fan art and this whole baffling ecosystem of neo-nazis spamming negative reviews at everything not staring a white guy and... reviewing each other's reviews like some kind of weird reddit gold system? Totally burying any useful information, and also throwing "user tags" on games destroying any sort of usable organizational info. And then there's trading cards? I've never understood what those are about. It all just seems terrible, and I want to be rid of it, and it definitely enables all kinds of horrible stalking, too.
I hate Steam as... you know, a general vestige of horrible capitalistic crap?
While Steam isn't the ONLY game in town as far as a store you can buy games from, it has enough of a stranglehold on things, and this weird cult-like following of people who I guess missed out on the whole 16-bit console wars thing and are hellbent on recreating it with... what stores people shop at. So there's a lot of baseline stupidity and aggressive weirdos from that, but also, as a developer, you really can't afford not to put stuff in the Steam store, which as I understand it is the absolute worst deal financially for any possible place you can sell a game these days, and forces developers to eat the loss with the constant weirdly advertised sales. Plus, you know, I personally have like... two or three thousand games right now which I can ONLY run if I have Steam going. Eventually it's going down and taking all those with them. Any unilateral policy changes Steam makes, we're all stuck with. Games get pulled without warning or recourse. Hell, game developers get snatched up by Valve on the promise of getting their stuff published and getting relocated to... maintenance projects on Steam with their projects killed. So that all sucks.
But again, mostly I hate the bloated malware aspect and them stiffing me on a game a decade ago. And it's weird that everyone seems to just give them infinite free passes on all this stuff while harping on anyone else they see doing similar stuff.
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nearen · 18 days
Prompt #1: Steer
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“Adra! ADRA!”
Thud. Thud. THUD. THUD.
Blaring alarums almost drowned out the sound of Sven’s desperate efforts to break down the door to the engine room. They overlapped in a deafening, discordant rhythm as multiple systems reported critical failure throughout the ship.
Shut up, she snapped at him in her mind. Winding her fingers through her hair, she grasped handfuls of it as she paced the narrow corridor. Shut up, I need to think.
Above her, a valve blew its gauge. There was a metallic pling as a bolt shot across the room. Steam started to hiss, misting the air with oppressive, humid heat that made every breath feel like a gulp of warm water.
A saboteur had infiltrated the ship and meddled with its mechanisms. She surmised that much when she realised she was locked out of her failsafes. She was going to die, but that was fine. They didn’t all have to. Sven wouldn’t. Not if she had anything to say about it.
Arterial pipes ran throughout the ship. First, she had to close them. That would localise the damage to the room she was in—its insulated belly, the beating heart of the vessel, currently in the throes of cardiac arrest. The ship had more hope of staying in one piece if she could. It would still go down, and every system aboard would lose power, but they could control the descent.
As she set to work, readings poured in and streamed down a flickering console to her left, distorted by visual noise and the crack across the screen.
You don’t say. Drenched in sweat, she could feel the very walls around her radiating heat. Each time she touched the console had to be brief or her fingertips would blister.
We’ve exhausted plan B, then. Not that she’d held out much hope that any of her contingencies would save them at this juncture.
I know it hurts, old girl. Hold on just a little more, for me. All she needed was a few more precious moments. Adra knew she didn’t have them.
That was the one that troubled her the most, because it suggested they’d been fried. But where was all that aether coming from?
A massive concentration of condensed, aspected aether would cause an explosion. It was going to happen. All she could do was decide where, and when. She’d have to manually direct the channels utilising analogue controls and trigger the detonation, because if this had to happen, it was happening by her own hand.
She’d been in two minds about installing aether-based technologies. It wasn’t easy finding engineers with the requisite expertise, and she didn’t like dealing with aether. Its raw form wouldn’t heed her, nor could she operate the technology required to direct it. She couldn’t abide the idea of entrusting that much power over her own vessel to someone else.
But the potential had been too alluring to deny. They’d tried to adapt a teleporter relying on the same principles utilised by aetherytes. In theory, it could warp the entire vessel and all its crew to another location instantaneously. In theory, because she’d never gotten it working. And now that useless chunk of crystal was going to destroy everything she’d achieved, everything she loved.
But not everyone.
Pipes burst around her. Searing hot ceruleum streamed down the walls, melting the metal in its path. A small explosion rocked the ship, and Adra was forced to hang onto a burning hot valve to avoid being tossed to the ground. It was now, or, well, now.
Grasping the lever with both hands, she pulled back. Every measure in place to prevent catastrophic failure was simultaneously deactivated. The result was instant. She didn’t have time to scream, feel pain, or regret the fleeting fragility of life. A soundless white flash engulfed her.
And then she woke, soaked in sweat, in her cot in the engine room. Its rhythmic purring assured her all was well. This was the CETEA, and she was en route to Kugane.
This dream, again.
When she’d heard what had happened to an unlucky number of the Unsung and one member of the crew, she’d been reminded of what had happened all those years ago. The similarities were plain. She’d even found herself flinching when she felt the explosion in the hangar as it shuddered through the ship.
An infiltrator. An aetheryte. A sudden displacement… even the destination was—not the same, but near enough to Doma. The only difference was that it hadn’t been her, this time.
She was still here.
It was time to get up and back to work.
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hirocimacruiser · 11 months
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Engine specs for the 1st Gen Mitsubishi Pajero Mini.
Pajero Mini Detailed explanation
Two types of optimal tunes to suit your RV concept
Two types of 4-cylinder engines are available as the featured power units.
The VR series is equipped with a DOHC intercooler turbo that will satisfy sports enthusiasts and cross country users. The specs are top-class, with a maximum output of 64ps/7000rpm and a maximum torque of 9.9kg-m/3000rpm!
DOHC has 5 valves per cylinder.
Uno is common. However, this unit uses 3 intake/exhaust valves and an additional 5 valves, making it 4 cylinders with a total of 20 valves, and has a mechanism that rivals even racing engines. It goes without saying that the compact combustion chamber and excellent intake and exhaust efficiency improve power performance and fuel efficiency. On the other hand, having multiple valves has the disadvantage of increasing power friction, but we have taken measures to counter this by adopting an end-pivot type roller rocker arm to drive the valves and reducing the weight of the valves themselves. .
The turbocharger is the world's smallest twin-scroll type. Converting a light engine to a four-cylinder engine is useful for making it quieter and reducing vibration, but exhaust interference becomes a problem when matching it with a turbocharger. To prevent this, the exhaust gas is divided into two parts from the exhaust manifold and drawn directly into the turbo's scroll chamber. Low-speed boost pressure is significantly improved compared to single exhaust.
Of course, when installed in the Pajero Mini, special and detailed tuning has been performed. Intake and exhaust timing has been optimized to improve torque characteristics in the low rotation range despite the increased body weight.
In addition, to enhance the driving sensation without discomfort, To achieve this, a slow limited idle speed control and a non-linear throttle lever have been adopted. In situations where running resistance is extremely high, such as on sandy terrain, the power may suddenly be applied when starting, etc.
The initial response of the accelerator is made slightly duller to prevent sudden increases.
The other unit is a single overhead-cam, 16-valve naturally aspirated (NA) engine. 52ps/7000rpm、6.0kg-m/5000
The rpm performance and the mileage characteristics unique to NA are perfect for utility vehicles mainly used around town and for female users.
Not to be overlooked are the adoption of a large 4-liter chamber type in the intake duct and improvements to the inlet manifold that increase intake and exhaust efficiency at low and high speeds. The shape of the oil pan takes into account driving on slopes, and the positioning of the air cleaner relative to submerged waterways is a common feature of both units.
Transmission options include 5-speed and 3-speed AT. Improved mission based on minicab
It has a new case and is highly reliable. The first thing to pay attention to when using MT is the straw.
Short and reliable shift feel. This is a major advantage of a longitudinally mounted engine, but the careful design of the shift system, along with the direct shift control without wires, cannot be overlooked. Additionally, the VR turbo's system uses large-capacity double cone synchronizers in 1st and 2nd gears. Friction dampers are also used in 2nd and 3rd gear and reverse, making shift operations and quietness reliable and comfortable. Another characteristic unique to turbos is that they have a particularly low gearing compared to NA.
AT is an electronically controlled type that promises comfortable and reliable automatic gear shifting. A cable-type control system is used to prevent lever vibration and gear slippage when driving on rough roads.
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middleeastvalve01 · 1 year
Gate Valve supplier in Oman
Middleeast valve is one of the best  Gate valve supplier in Oman . We supply to cities like Ibri, Sur, Muscat, and Mutrah.
A gate valve is a type of valve used to control the flow of fluids (liquids or gases) by using a gate or wedge-like disc that moves perpendicular to the flow path to either block or allow the passage of the fluid.
The main function of a gate valve is to provide a tight shutoff, effectively stopping the flow of fluid through the pipeline when the valve is fully closed, and allowing unrestricted flow when the valve is fully open. Gate valves are commonly used in applications where the fluid flow needs to be completely shut off, such as in water supply systems, oil and gas pipelines, industrial processes, and more.
Gate valves consist of several main components, including the body, gate (wedge), stem, actuator, and seats. Here's how they work:
Open Position:
In the open position, the gate (wedge) is fully retracted into the valve body, allowing the fluid to flow through the valve with minimal obstruction. The gate moves perpendicular to the direction of the fluid flow. The valve is opened by turning the valve stem (either manually using a handwheel or with an actuator) which is connected to the gate.
Closing Position:
To close the valve, the stem is turned in the opposite direction, causing the gate to move down into the flow path of the fluid. As the gate descends, it gradually restricts the flow until the valve is completely closed. The gate makes contact with the valve seats located at the bottom of the valve body, forming a tight seal that prevents any further flow.
Middleeast valve is the greatest Gate valve supplier in Oman and are known for their ability to provide a tight seal and low pressure drop when fully open. However, they might require more turns to fully open or close compared to other valve types like ball valves. It's important to use gate valves in appropriate applications and avoid using them for flow regulation where frequent adjustments are necessary.
Available materials: SS304, SS904, SS904L, SS316, Aluminium Bronze, Monel, Bronze, Brass, Duplex steel, Inconel, Incoloy, Titanium, WCB, CF8, CF8M, CF3, CF3M, WC1, WC6, WC9, Cast iron, super duplex
Size: 1/2″- 64”
Class: 150 to 2500
Nominal Pressure: PN10 to PN450
Operations: Hand Wheel Gate valve, Gear operated Gate valve, Electric actuated Gate valve and Pneumatic Actuated Gate valve
Ends: Flanged(FF,RF,RTJ), Buttweld, Socket weld, Threaded
Standards: API607, DIN, BS, ANSI, AWWA, ASME, API6D
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Gate valve types:
Rising Stem Gate Valve                                                               
Non Rising Stem Gate Valve
Bellow Seal Gate Valve
Pressure Seal Gate Valve
Cryogenic Gate Valve
Forged Gate Valve
 Gate valve advantages :
They have low fluid resistance.
They have superior sealing capability.
They come with a wide application range.
They have dual flow directions.
Gate valve Industries:
Power generation.
 Petrochemical plants.
 Chemical industry.
Paper factories.
Gate valve parts:
Hand wheel.
Stuffing Box.
Body seats
Visit our website: https://www.middleeastvalve.com/product-category/gate-valve/
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sandhri123 · 15 days
A Comprehensive Guide to Auto Spare Parts: What You Need to Know
Auto spare parts are the backbone of vehicle maintenance, repair, and customization. Whether you're dealing with routine maintenance or an unexpected repair, understanding the variety of spare parts available can be crucial in keeping your vehicle running smoothly. In this guide, we’ll cover what auto spare parts are, the different types available, how to select the right ones for your vehicle, and a brief history of OEM and aftermarket brands.
What Are Auto Spare Parts?
Auto spare parts are individual components that make up a vehicle, allowing it to function as a whole. These parts can include everything from engine components, transmission parts, and brakes, to smaller elements like bolts, screws, and gaskets. Spare parts are often needed for vehicle repairs, replacements, or upgrades, ensuring the vehicle remains in optimal condition.
A Brief History of OEM and Aftermarket Brands
OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) brands have their origins in the early automotive industry, where car manufacturers produced most of the parts themselves or relied on specialized companies to make parts according to their designs and specifications. Companies like Bosch, AC Delco, and Denso became synonymous with high-quality, original equipment parts. These brands partnered with major car manufacturers, supplying components that were built specifically for certain vehicle makes and models. Over time, OEM parts became known for their reliability, fitment, and consistency in performance.
On the other hand, the aftermarket industry began to grow as vehicles became more common and demand for repairs increased. Independent manufacturers recognized the need for affordable and customizable options, which led to the rise of brands like Moog, Monroe, Brembo, and Magnaflow. These companies developed parts that could replace or enhance OEM components, offering customers more variety in terms of price, performance, and even aesthetics. Today, the aftermarket industry is massive, giving vehicle owners a wide range of choices when it comes to upgrading or replacing parts.
Common Types of Auto Spare Parts
Engine Parts:
Pistons, Crankshafts, and Cylinder Heads: These are essential for engine function, converting fuel into mechanical energy to power the vehicle.
Camshafts and Timing Belts: These control the timing of engine valve operations, ensuring smooth engine performance.
Fuel Injectors: These parts deliver fuel into the engine’s combustion chamber.
Suspension and Steering Parts:
Shock Absorbers and Struts: These parts ensure a smooth ride by absorbing impacts from the road.
Control Arms and Ball Joints: They connect the wheels to the vehicle and allow for steering and suspension movement.
Tie Rod Ends and Power Steering Pumps: These are key to maintaining precise steering control.
Transmission Parts:
Clutch Discs and Pressure Plates: These manage the transfer of power from the engine to the transmission.
Gearboxes and Differentials: These components help control the vehicle’s speed and torque.
Transmission Fluids: Essential for lubricating transmission parts, ensuring smooth gear changes.
Braking System:
Brake Pads and Rotors: These parts are critical for slowing down and stopping the vehicle.
Calipers and Brake Lines: They help apply pressure to the brakes and transfer brake fluid to the system.
Brake Drums: Used in drum brake systems to provide friction for stopping the vehicle.
Electrical Components:
Batteries: The heart of the vehicle’s electrical system, providing power to the engine and other components.
Alternators and Starters: They generate electrical power and start the engine.
Spark Plugs and Ignition Coils: These parts are essential for igniting the air-fuel mixture in the engine.
Exhaust System Components:
Exhaust Manifolds and Mufflers: They direct exhaust gases out of the engine and reduce noise.
Catalytic Converters: These help reduce harmful emissions from the vehicle.
Oxygen Sensors: They monitor exhaust gases and help regulate the fuel-air mixture for better efficiency.
Body Parts and Accessories:
Bumpers, Grilles, and Fenders: These exterior parts provide protection and enhance the vehicle's appearance.
Headlights, Taillights, and Mirrors: Vital for visibility and safety while driving.
Windshields and Wipers: They provide clear visibility in various weather conditions.
Why Are Auto Spare Parts Important?
Vehicle Performance: Spare parts ensure your vehicle runs efficiently by replacing worn-out or damaged components.
Safety: Parts like brakes, tires, and suspension components are vital to maintaining vehicle safety.
Longevity: Regularly replacing spare parts helps extend the life of your vehicle.
Customization: Aftermarket parts allow vehicle owners to upgrade or modify their vehicle to meet specific needs.
OEM vs. Aftermarket Parts
OEM Parts: These are made by the vehicle’s original manufacturer or a specialized supplier who works closely with the car company. Brands like Bosch or Delphi are recognized OEM suppliers for many major automakers. OEM parts are designed to match the exact specifications of the original component, ensuring proper fit and performance. Though typically more expensive, OEM parts provide a higher level of assurance in terms of quality and compatibility.
Aftermarket Parts: Aftermarket brands produce parts that are not made by the vehicle's original manufacturer but are designed to work as replacements or upgrades. Brands like Brembo (brakes), MagnaFlow (exhaust), and Bilstein (suspension) are well-regarded for offering high-performance alternatives to OEM parts. Aftermarket parts can vary in quality, but reputable brands often offer equal or superior performance to their OEM counterparts at a lower cost. These parts also allow for more customization and innovation.
How to Choose the Right Auto Spare Parts
Compatibility: Ensure that the spare part you’re purchasing is compatible with your vehicle’s make and model. Check the manufacturer’s specifications or consult a mechanic.
Quality: Look for parts made from durable materials that can withstand the wear and tear of daily driving.
Brand Reputation: Whether choosing OEM or aftermarket parts, opt for brands with a proven track record of reliability and customer satisfaction.
Warranty: Many parts come with warranties, so ensure you are protected in case of defects or early failure.
Price vs. Value: While it may be tempting to go for the cheapest option, consider the long-term value of choosing a high-quality part that will last longer and provide better performance.
Signs You Need New Auto Spare Parts
Unusual Noises: Grinding, squealing, or clunking sounds could indicate worn-out components.
Reduced Performance: Sluggish acceleration, poor fuel efficiency, or difficulty steering might mean certain parts need replacing.
Warning Lights: Dashboard warning lights often indicate a problem with specific vehicle components.
Visible Wear and Tear: Regularly inspect parts like tires, brakes, and belts for signs of wear and damage.
Auto spare parts are vital for maintaining the functionality, safety, and longevity of your vehicle. Understanding the different types available and how to choose the right parts can help you keep your vehicle in top condition. Whether you’re dealing with routine maintenance or a more significant repair, having access to the right spare parts can make all the difference.
Find High-Quality Auto Spare Parts at Sandhri Associates
At Sandhri Associates, we offer a wide range of auto spare parts to meet your vehicle’s needs. From engine components to body parts, we ensure that our parts meet high-quality standards, ensuring durability and performance.
Why Choose Sandhri Associates?
Extensive Selection: We offer a comprehensive range of spare parts for various vehicle makes and models.
Quality Assurance: Our parts are sourced from trusted manufacturers, ensuring reliability and performance.
Expert Guidance: Our knowledgeable team is available to assist you in selecting the right parts for your vehicle.
Competitive Pricing: Get high-quality parts at affordable prices without compromising on performance.
Explore our collection and find the perfect spare parts for your vehicle today: https://sandhriassociates.com.
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basublog · 24 days
Direct Action Hand Pumps
Hand pumps are manually operated devices that use muscle power to move fluids or air, making them essential for various industrial, marine, irrigation, and recreational activities worldwide. These pumps operate on principles like piston, diaphragm, or rotary vane mechanisms, using check valves to control fluid flow. Most hand pumps are positive displacement, efficiently transferring fluids with each motion.
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High-quality pumps and pumping equipment are valued for their reliability, safety, and low maintenance. Products that meet these standards are often ISO certified, ensuring top-notch performance for a wide range of applications.
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easeun · 1 month
Explore the right-hand man in the industrial field-the oil suction gun
In the rapidly developing industrial field, efficient, safe and environmentally friendly production operations are the goals pursued by every enterprise. In this context, the oil suction gun, as a tool designed for liquid transfer, plays an indispensable role in mechanical maintenance, oil management, environmental protection cleaning and other aspects with its unique advantages. This article will explore the working principle, application field, advantages and characteristics and future development trend of the oil suction gun in depth.
Working principle of the oil suction gun The oil suction gun, as the name suggests, is a tool that absorbs and transfers oil Heavy Duty Pistol Grip Grease Gun or other non-corrosive liquids through a specific mechanism. It usually consists of a pump body, an oil suction pipe, a handle, a valve and other components. When working, the user drives the pump body manually or electrically to generate negative pressure, so that the air in the oil suction pipe is discharged to form a vacuum state. Subsequently, the oil suction pipe extends into the liquid to be transferred, and the difference between the atmospheric pressure and the negative pressure in the pump body is used to suck the liquid into the pump body, and the flow direction is controlled by the valve, and finally the liquid transfer process is completed.
Wide application fields Mechanical maintenance: In scenes such as automobile repair and engineering machinery maintenance, oil suction guns are often used to replace engine oil, gear oil and other operations, which greatly improves work efficiency and reduces oil waste. Oil management: In gas stations, oil depots and other places, oil suction guns are important tools for oil packaging and transfer, ensuring the safety and cleanliness of oil during storage and transportation. Environmental cleaning: When dealing with environmental protection tasks such as oil spills and oil pollution cleaning, oil suction guns can quickly absorb and transfer leaked oil pollution, reduce environmental pollution, and protect the ecological environment. Chemical production: In the chemical industry, oil suction guns are also widely used for precise measurement and transfer of non-corrosive liquids to ensure the stability and safety of the production process.
Advantages and characteristics Efficient and convenient: The oil suction gun is easy to operate and transfers liquid quickly, which greatly improves work efficiency. Safe and environmentally friendly: Through precise control, oil waste and environmental pollution are reduced, which meets the requirements of modern industry for green production. Durable and reliable: Made of high-quality materials, it has a compact structure, wear resistance and long service life. Versatility: It can be equipped with different specifications of oil suction pipes and valves according to different needs to meet various liquid transfer needs.
Future development trend With the continuous deepening of industrial automation and the increasing awareness of environmental protection, the oil suction gun industry is moving towards a more intelligent and environmentally friendly direction. In the future, we are expected to see more oil suction gun products with integrated sensors and intelligent control systems to achieve accurate monitoring and automatic adjustment of the liquid transfer process. At the same time, the application of environmentally friendly materials will further reduce the carbon footprint of oil suction guns during production and use, and contribute to sustainable development.
In short, as a powerful assistant in the industrial field, the importance of oil suction guns is self-evident. With the continuous advancement of technology and the continuous expansion of the market, we have reason to believe that oil suction guns will play a greater role in more fields and contribute more to the efficiency, safety and environmental protection of industrial production.
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stoutsanitaryware · 1 month
Understanding the Three Function Diverter: A Comprehensive Guide for Modern Bathrooms
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In today's modern bathrooms, functionality and design go hand in hand. One essential component that enhances both is the Three Function Diverter. This small but mighty device plays a crucial role in the efficient operation of your bathroom fixtures, allowing you to seamlessly switch between different water outlets. Whether you're looking to alternate between your showerhead, hand shower, or bathtub spout, the Three Function Diverter makes it effortless, ensuring a smooth and comfortable experience.
What is a Three Function Diverter?
The Three Function Diverter is a valve that enables you to control the flow of water between three different outlets. Typically found in sophisticated bathroom setups, this diverter is essential for managing multiple water sources, such as a showerhead, hand shower, and bathtub spout. With just a simple turn of the lever, you can easily direct water flow to your preferred outlet, enhancing your shower experience with minimal effort.
How Does a Three Function Diverter Work?
A Three Function Diverter operates on a simple yet effective mechanism. Installed within the plumbing system, it controls the flow of water by redirecting it to the chosen outlet. When you turn the handle or lever, the diverter valve opens the desired water path while closing off the others. This ensures that water flows only to the outlet you want, providing convenience and ease of use.
Benefits of Using a Three Function Diverter
Versatility: The primary advantage of a Three Function Diverter is its ability to manage multiple water outlets from a single control point. This means you can enjoy a luxurious shower experience with the flexibility to switch between different fixtures without needing separate controls for each.
Space-Saving: By integrating the diverter into your bathroom design, you can eliminate the need for multiple controls, creating a sleek and uncluttered look. This is particularly beneficial in compact bathroom spaces where maximizing every inch is crucial.
Enhanced User Experience: A Three Function Diverter simplifies your daily routine by offering an intuitive way to manage your showering experience. Whether you're rinsing off under a powerful showerhead or enjoying a relaxing soak in the tub, the diverter ensures a seamless transition between functions.
Installation and Maintenance Tips
When installing a Three Function Diverter, it's important to hire a professional plumber to ensure proper setup and functionality. The diverter must be installed correctly to prevent leaks and ensure long-term performance. Regular maintenance, such as checking for any leaks or buildup, can help prolong the life of the diverter and keep it operating smoothly.
Click here for more information:-
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netsolwatersblog · 1 month
Are You Looking For The Best Commercial RO Plant Manufacturer In Noida?
A sudden increase in the demand & requirement fulfilments for clean water solutions in Noida, which is an industrial hub located in Uttar Pradesh has given a way for Commercial RO plants to come in action. Leading Commercial RO plant manufacturer in Noida, Netsol Water is always at the leading front of this uprising in water purification.
We'll go into great depth of information about commercial RO plant manufacturer in Noida & related industries. We'll go over the state-of-the-art technology that Netsol Water bids the advantages of our systems, & how we're influencing the direction of water treatment in the area. This thorough guide will provide you with relevant knowledge about the water treatment industry & our place in it, whether you're a company owner seeking to invest in a dependable system or you're just interested in learning more about the complexities of RO technology.
The Growth of Noida's Commercial RO Plants
The industrial environment of Noida has changed significantly in the last several years. The need for effective water treatment solutions has grown as a result of higher environmental restrictions & greater awareness of problems with water quality. Commercial RO plants are currently the most recommended technology for companies to sterilize water for various purposes.
Engineers at Netsol Water have in person witnessed this transformation in action. Our order books are more filled than ever due to companies realizing the value of having high-quality filtered water, including textile & pharmaceutical industries. RO technology is ideal for removing pollutants, reducing the amount of dissolved solids (TDS), as well as ensuring consistent water quality because of its versatility.
Netsol Water
Netsol Water possess as top rank as the commercial RO plant manufacturer in Noida, has always been at the forefront of development. Highly skilled technicians & engineers work nonstop to design & build RO systems that meet the unique requirements of every client.
We employ a modular construction style for our RO systems, which facilitates easy customization as well as flexibility. Our hands with simple compliance aid in many sectors, from major power plants to food processing companies, thanks to our easy operating system. Netsol Water has established itself as the leading commercial RO plant manufacturer in Noida & throughout the world thanks to our commitment to quality & innovation.
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Important Characteristics Commercial RO Plants designed & manufactured by Netsol Water.
Energy-efficient Design: To reduce operating expenses, our systems are equipped with energy-recovery equipment fitted with all kinds of latest advanced technologies.
Control Monitoring Systems: Simultaneous tracking of various parameters for smooth constant processing is fully assure by the new age PLC-based control panels (PLC-SCADA).
Pre-treatment Systems: Pre-treatment components with high grade materials to protect & assist in increasing the durability of the RO membranes.
Post-treatment Options: Remineralization following with pH adjusting components connected for the post-treatment options.
The Method of Manufacturing:
At Netsol Water, we adhere to strict production guidelines to guarantee the highest caliber requirements:
Phase of design: Our engineers collaborate closely with customers to comprehend their needs & create customized designs for RO plants.
Component Sourcing: We obtain instruments, pumps, & valves as well as other high-grade components from reliable vendors to procure fully assembled as well as functioning machineries.
Testing: To guarantee peak performance along with adherence to industry standards, every system is put through a rigorous testing process.
Various Applications of Netsol Water’s Commercial RO Plants
Our RO plant systems find various purposes through various industries in Noida: Textile Industry, Pharmaceutical Manufacturing, Food as well as Beverages, Power Plants, Medical Amenities such as Hospitals, Hotels & Hospitals.
Benefits of Selecting Netsol Water as the Manufacturer of the Commercial RO Plant
Offering unmatched expertise in every major project Netsol Water initiated leads to excellence.
Personalizing: Our modular designs enable the creation of specialized solutions to meet the demands of individual clients.
Post-purchase Assistance: We provide thorough maintenance agreements along with swift technical assistance.
With high efficiency in the operating of the plants results in Low expenses in the functioning of the plant architecture for a streamlined operations.
Compliance: We guarantee our clients' piece of mind by making sure our systems both meet & surpass regulatory requirements.
The commercial RO plant manufacturer in Noida is expanding quickly due to growing industrial demand & worries about water quality. In this fast-paced industry, Netsol Water, a top producer, is pushing the limits of quality & innovation.
Our dedication to providing customized, effective, & dependable RO solutions has put us at the very forefront of the sector. We are committed to offering cutting-edge water treatment technologies that satisfy the changing demands of companies in Noida & beyond this city as well, even as we negotiate the difficulties & welcome new trends.
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enginesexpert · 2 months
What Advancements In Technology Are Found In The Latest Range Rover Engines?
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The Range Rover, synonymous with luxury and performance, continues to innovate in its latest engine offerings. The new generation of Range Rover engines integrates cutting-edge technology to enhance power, efficiency, and environmental sustainability. We explores the technological advancements in the latest Range Rover engines, focusing on key aspects such as hybrid technology, engine management systems, and materials used. We will also discuss the benefits of engine replacement, the reliability of reconditioned engines, and the best practices for supply and fit. Hybrid and Electric Powertrains The latest Range Rover models feature hybrid and electric powertrains, representing a significant shift towards sustainable mobility. These powertrains combine internal combustion engines with electric motors, offering improved fuel efficiency and reduced emissions. The plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) variant, for example, allows for zero-emission driving in electric mode while providing the flexibility of a conventional engine for longer journeys. This dual capability not only reduces the carbon footprint but also meets stringent environmental regulations. Advanced Engine Management Systems Modern Range Rover engines are equipped with advanced engine management systems (EMS) that optimize performance and efficiency. These systems use a network of sensors and actuators to monitor and control various engine parameters, such as fuel injection timing, air-fuel ratio, and ignition timing. The integration of adaptive algorithms allows the EMS to adjust these parameters in real-time, ensuring optimal performance under varying driving conditions. This results in smoother acceleration, improved fuel economy, and reduced emissions. Lightweight Materials and Construction To enhance performance and efficiency, the latest Range Rover engines incorporate lightweight materials and advanced construction techniques. The use of aluminum alloys, carbon fiber, and high-strength steel reduces the overall weight of the engine, improving fuel efficiency and handling. Additionally, the adoption of precision engineering and manufacturing processes ensures that each component meets stringent quality standards. This focus on lightweight construction not only boosts performance but also contributes to the vehicle's overall durability and longevity. Turbocharging and Supercharging Technologies Turbocharging and supercharging are key technologies in the latest Range Rover engines, providing significant boosts in power and efficiency. Turbochargers use exhaust gases to spin a turbine, forcing more air into the engine and increasing power output. Superchargers, on the other hand, are belt-driven and provide instant power boosts, eliminating turbo lag. These forced induction technologies allow smaller engines to deliver the performance of larger engines, enhancing fuel efficiency without compromising on power. Variable Valve Timing and Lift Variable valve timing and lift (VVT) technology is another advancement found in the latest Range Rover engines. VVT systems adjust the timing and lift of the engine's valves, optimizing the air-fuel mixture entering the combustion chamber. This results in improved combustion efficiency, increased power, and reduced emissions. By continuously adapting to driving conditions, VVT ensures that the engine operates at peak efficiency across the entire RPM range, providing a seamless and responsive driving experience. Direct Fuel Injection Direct fuel injection technology is now a standard feature in the latest Range Rover engines, offering precise control over the fuel delivery process. Unlike traditional fuel injection systems that spray fuel into the intake manifold, direct injection delivers fuel directly into the combustion chamber. This allows for more accurate fuel metering, resulting in better combustion efficiency, increased power, and lower emissions. Direct fuel injection also enhances throttle response and reduces fuel consumption, contributing to overall engine performance. Enhanced Cooling Systems Efficient cooling is crucial for maintaining optimal engine performance and longevity. The latest Range Rover engines feature enhanced cooling systems that use advanced materials and design techniques to dissipate heat more effectively. These systems include high-capacity radiators, electric water pumps, and advanced thermal management software. By maintaining optimal operating temperatures, these cooling systems prevent overheating, reduce wear and tear, and ensure consistent performance under demanding conditions. Emission Control Technologies The latest Range Rover engines incorporate state-of-the-art emission control technologies to meet stringent environmental standards. These include advanced catalytic converters, particulate filters, and selective catalytic reduction (SCR) systems. Catalytic converters reduce harmful exhaust gases, while particulate filters trap and eliminate soot particles. SCR systems inject a urea-based solution into the exhaust stream, converting nitrogen oxides into harmless nitrogen and water. Together, these technologies significantly reduce the environmental impact of Range Rover engines. Engine Replacement: Enhancing Performance and Longevity Engine replacement is a viable option for enhancing the performance and longevity of a Range Rover. Whether due to wear and tear or the desire for upgraded performance, replacing an engine can breathe new life into a vehicle. Modern replacement engines come with the latest technological advancements, ensuring improved efficiency and power. Moreover, opting for a professionally replaced engine guarantees compatibility and reliability, providing a seamless integration with the vehicle’s existing systems. Reconditioned Engines: A Reliable and Cost-Effective Solution Reconditioned engines offer a reliable and cost-effective alternative to purchasing a brand-new engine. These engines undergo a thorough refurbishment process, where worn or damaged components are replaced with new or remanufactured parts. Reconditioned engines are rigorously tested to ensure they meet or exceed original performance standards. For Range Rover owners, choosing a reconditioned engine provides the benefits of advanced technology and improved reliability at a fraction of the cost of a new engine. Supply and Fit: Ensuring Optimal Performance The process of supplying and fitting a new or reconditioned engine is critical to ensuring optimal performance and longevity. Professional supply and fit services offer a comprehensive solution, from sourcing the right engine to installing it with precision. Experienced technicians ensure that the engine is compatible with the vehicle’s systems, and all components are correctly integrated. This meticulous approach guarantees that the engine performs at its best, providing a smooth and reliable driving experience. Conclusion The latest Range Rover engines are a testament to the brand’s commitment to innovation and excellence. Incorporating advanced technologies such as hybrid powertrains, turbocharging, and direct fuel injection, these engines deliver unparalleled performance, efficiency, and sustainability. Whether through engine replacement, reconditioned engines, or professional supply and fit services, Range Rover owners have numerous options to enhance their vehicle’s performance and reliability. By embracing these technological advancements, Range Rover continues to set the standard in luxury and performance. Read the full article
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Doosan DA30 Dump Truck engine assembly -Removal
七月 04, 2024
This article introduces doosan DA30 Dump Truck engine assembly -Removal
Doosan Diagnostic Tool UVIM Support Doosan Excavators High Quality
Place the dump truck on level ground and apply parking brake. Apply articulation lock. Turn off main switch in battery case. Raise the dump body and lock it with the safety support. Raise the tiltable cab and lock it with the safety support. Remove bonnet. Drain engine coolant. Look in OPERATION & MAINTENANCE MANUAL chapter 2 for instructions.
WARNING: Never turn off battery main switch when engine is running Never turn off battery mainSwitch when ignition is on Leave battery main switch on for atleast 3 minutes before engine has stopped
DANGER:lace wheel chocks to the front wheel
Take away the cab bolt, left and right hand side. M46 mm Bolt torque: 277Nm
Turn the direction valve on the pump in lifting up position. With the handle, pump and raise the cab
Left side: 1. Disassemble the cab pump unit from the air filter stand. 2. Remove the water hose from the pipe socket. 3. Remove the fuel hoses (3 pcs) and 4. Disassemble hydraulic hoses
Disasssemble the cable to the Air filter sensor and cable to the sensor for the cooling water expansion tank. The unit will have two sensors on T4i/stage 3B (black arrows). Doosan Machine Engine Diagnostic Software Package 2024 One PC Installation
Slack the transmission belt. Detach the Air Cond. compressor with the hoses on, from the engine. Check that all of the clamps are undone. Place the Air condition compressor on the left side while the en gine is dismounted.
Disconnect the hose from the termostat housing and the pipe between the air cooler and engine air inlet. Disconnect bracket for the air pipe and bracket between engine and fan bracket
Disconnect the outlet pipe bend from turbo, and the inlet water hose from the transmission cooler.
Disconnect the retur hose. (Engine - expansion tank) (Quick release coupling) (Front of the engine, view from the right hand side)
Disconnect the urea venting filter
Disconnect the cables between starter motor and the frame
Disassemble grounding cable attached to bracket underneath the engine starter. 2023.07 Doosan DMS-5 Data Monitoring System Diagnostic Software
Disconnect contact on the dynamo.
Remove the cover and disconnect the electrical contact from the engine ECU -S6 control unit Unwind wires from engine to frame
Front- Left and right hand side, disassemble screw on the engine mounting bracket. Assembly torque: 560 Nm (M20 10.9)
Remove clamps and dissasemble hoses connected to hydraulic block (red arrows) 1 2 Drive shaft Remove safety archer. Remove driveshaft between transmission and engine coupling, 1 Assembly torque: 114 Nm 2 Assembly torque: 141 Nm 3 Assembly torque: 141 Nm Disassemble front brake oil cooler hose from the brake cooler circulate pump.
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specialityvalve9696 · 3 months
Knife Gate Valve Manufacturers in India
Speciality Valve proudly leads as the foremost Knife Gate Valve Manufacturers in India, with our products reaching global destinations including Canada, France, Australia, and Mexico.
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What are Knife Gate Valves?
A knife gate valve, designed specifically for on-off and isolation applications, is meticulously engineered to provide precise control over fluid or slurry flow. Its design enables it to efficiently facilitate complete shut-off or minimal-resistance flow control, making it ideal for managing various fluids or slurries in industrial settings.
We, the Knife Gate Valve Manufacturers in India, meticulously engineer our valves to excel in handling abrasive, viscous, and highly contaminated media such as wastewater, pulp, mining slurries, and bulk solids. Their unique design incorporates a sharp-edged, flat gate or blade that moves laterally across the flow path, efficiently obstructing or permitting the passage of fluids as required. These valves serve as indispensable flow control devices, engineered for precise regulation of fluid or slurry flow in industrial processes and systems.
Recognizable by their distinctive construction, they feature a flat and sharpened gate or blade housed within the valve body. Positioned perpendicular to the flow path, the gate is controlled by an external mechanism such as a handwheel, pneumatic actuator, or electric actuator. This external mechanism facilitates smooth movement of the gate into or out of the flow path, enabling precise control over the passage of fluids.
Valve Body: Main housing of the valve that contains and directs the flow of fluids. Gate or Blade: Sharp-edged component that moves laterally across the flow path to control fluid passage. Stem: Connects the actuation mechanism to the gate, facilitating its movement. Actuation Mechanism: External mechanism such as a handwheel, pneumatic actuator, or electric actuator used to control the gate's movement. Seat: Provides a sealing surface for the gate to prevent leakage when the valve is closed. Bonnet or Packing Gland: Encloses and secures the stem, preventing fluid leakage. Port: Opening through which fluid flows when the valve is open. Yoke and Stem Nut: Components that support and guide the stem's movement. Gland Follower: Helps maintain the packing gland's compression, ensuring a tight seal. Bolting and Fasteners: Secure various components of the valve together.
Through Conduit Knife Gate Valve Uni Directional Knife Gate Valve Bi Directional Knife Gate Valve Slurry Knife Gate Valve
Unobstructed Flow Isolation Handling Slurries and Solids Low Maintenance Compact Design Quick Operation Versatility Corrosion Resistance Long Service Life Cost-Effective Bi-Directional Flow Zero Leakage
Wastewater Treatment Pulp and Paper Industry Mining and Minerals Processing Chemical Processing Bulk Material Handling Power Generation Oil and Gas Industry Marine and Offshore Applications Construction and Dredging Textile Industry Petrochemical Industry
Available Materials: SS306, SS904, SS316, Aluminium Bronze, Monel, Bronze, Brass, Duplex steel, Inconel, Titanium, WCB, CF8, CF8M, CF3, CF3M, WC1, WC6, WC9, Cast iron
Size: 1/2″- 64”
Class: 150 to 2500
Nominal Pressure: PN10 to PN450
Operation: Hand Wheel, Gear operated, Electric and Pneumatic Actuated
Ends: Flanged, Wafer, Lug
Standards: ASME, API6D, API607, DIN, BS, ANSI, AWWA
Explore our range of Valves on our website: https://www.specialityvalve.com/product-category/knife-gate-valve
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The Importance of Quality Hydraulic Equipment for Efficient Machine Operations
With the rising importance of fluid technology for the operation of various machines there is a need for quality hydraulic equipment to ensure proper operation of machines. Such types of equipment can be categorised into many different types and one can choose a particular product after due consideration. Machines in different industries like defence, mining, automotive, aviation, agriculture, and many others.
A Glimpse into The World of Hydraulics Machinery
Hydraulic Valves: They are quintessential since they regulate the pressure and flow of hydraulic fluid and most machines nowadays including vehicles require hydraulic systems. Pressure relief valve is used for the regulation of hydraulic pressure and can be further divided into many categories like accumulator charging valves, overpressure valves, etc. Some of the parameters that are generally controlled using hydraulic valves include adjusting the fluid's direction, pressure, and flow rate within the system.
Mobile Control Technology: Mobile machine controllers, which are made to manage input and output modules also known as I/O are required to perform complicated tasks and are important for better control of hydraulic technology. These software and hardware technologies are designed in a way that enables superior control over machines which results in better safety.
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Use of Safety Valve and Accumulator in Various Modern Machines
The use of valves like safety ones are essential components in hydraulic systems, and ensures operational safety by automatically releasing excess pressure to prevent potential system failures. Accumulators on the other hand are indispensable for energy storage as they are able to ensure that hydraulic systems have a ready supply of power during peak demand periods. Popular accumulator products in the market include piston accumulators, accumulator accessories and safety devices, accumulator stations, bladder accumulators, charging kits, diaphragm accumulators, and hydraulic dampers.
Piston accumulators that are available from the leading brands have a separation element that separates the gas and the fluid and the permitted operating pressure of accumulators is up to 1000 bar. Standard bladder accumulators are great in the sense that they are able to offer high discharge speed, compact and low maintenance and many other features.
A Look at Filter Systems Offered by Leading Manufacturers of Hydraulic Products
Filter Systems: The hydraulic sector places a strong emphasis on the value of cutting-edge filtration systems for preserving fluid purity and extending machinery life. These systems include solutions for fluid condition monitoring and systems for oil purification.
When it comes to hydraulics there is a need for quality products so that machines do not fail during crucial times. Check out the catalogue of the leading companies offering such products and buy from online.
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deepak28 · 3 months
The Untapped Potential of the Idle Air Control Valve Market
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The "Idle Air Control Valve Market" is a dynamic and rapidly evolving sector, with significant advancements and growth anticipated by 2031. Comprehensive market research reveals a detailed analysis of market size, share, and trends, providing valuable insights into its expansion. This report delves into segmentation and definition, offering a clear understanding of market components and drivers. Employing SWOT and PESTEL analyses, the study evaluates the market's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, alongside political, economic, social, technological, environmental, and legal factors. Expert opinions and recent developments highlight the geographical distribution and forecast the market's trajectory, ensuring a robust foundation for strategic planning and investment.
What is the projected market size & growth rate of the Idle Air Control Valve Market?
Market Analysis and Insights :
Global Idle Air Control Valve Market
Idle air control valve market is expected to reach USD 15,094.23 million by 2028 witnessing market growth at a rate of 13.90% in the forecast period of 2021 to 2028. Data Bridge Market Research report on idle air control valve market provides analysis and insights regarding the various factors expected to be prevalent throughout the forecast period while providing their impacts on the market’s growth.
When the engine of a stationary vehicle is operating, an idle air control valve, abbreviated as IAC, modifies the amount of air flowing through the engine. It is commonly known as idling to run the engine while the vehicle is not in motion. Typically, this happens while waiting for others, stopping at a traffic light. Technically speaking, the engine operates without any cargo other than engine accessories at the time of idling.
Increasing expansion of production in the automobile sector across the globe, rise in the number of research and development initiatives that lead to the development of new products and increase the scope of end-use applications, growing focus of companies on decreasing the overall weight of automobiles by integrating electronic components in place of manual components are some of the major as well as vital factors which will likely to augment the idle air control valve market in the projected timeframe of 2021-2028. On the other hand, increasing levels of disposable income of the people along with growing number of initiatives by the government to attract foreign direct investment and rising production of the product which will further contribute by generating massive opportunities that will lead to the growth of the idle air control valve market in the projected timeframe mentioned above.
Lesser air density will likely to act as a market restraint factor for the growth of the idle air control valve in the above mentioned projected timeframe. This idle air control valve market report provides details of new recent developments, trade regulations, import export analysis, production analysis, value chain optimization, market share, impact of domestic and localised market players, analyses opportunities in terms of emerging revenue pockets, changes in market regulations, strategic market growth analysis, market size, category market growths, application niches and dominance, product approvals, product launches, geographic expansions, technological innovations in the market. To gain more info on idle air control valve market contact Data Bridge Market Research for an Analyst Brief, our team will help you take an informed market decision to achieve market growth.
Browse Detailed TOC, Tables and Figures with Charts which is spread across 350 Pages that provides exclusive data, information, vital statistics, trends, and competitive landscape details in this niche sector.
This research report is the result of an extensive primary and secondary research effort into the Idle Air Control Valve market. It provides a thorough overview of the market's current and future objectives, along with a competitive analysis of the industry, broken down by application, type and regional trends. It also provides a dashboard overview of the past and present performance of leading companies. A variety of methodologies and analyses are used in the research to ensure accurate and comprehensive information about the Idle Air Control Valve Market.
Get a Sample PDF of Report - https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/request-a-sample/?dbmr=global-idle-air-control-valve-market
Which are the driving factors of the Idle Air Control Valve market?
The driving factors of the Idle Air Control Valve market include technological advancements that enhance product efficiency and user experience, increasing consumer demand driven by changing lifestyle preferences, and favorable government regulations and policies that support market growth. Additionally, rising investment in research and development and the expanding application scope of Idle Air Control Valve across various industries further propel market expansion.
Idle Air Control Valve Market - Competitive and Segmentation Analysis:
Global Idle Air Control Valve Market, By Type (Pulse Solenoid Valve Type, Rotary Solenoid Valve Type, Stepping Motor Type), Sales Channel (Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM), Aftermarket), End Use (Light Commercial Vehicles, Heavy Commercial Vehicles, Passenger Cars, Two and Three Wheelers, Sports Cars), Country (U.S., Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Rest of South America, Germany, Italy, U.K., France, Spain, Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Turkey, Russia, Rest of Europe, Japan, China, India, South Korea, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Rest of Asia-Pacific, Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, South Africa, Egypt, Israel, Rest of Middle East and Africa) Industry Trends and Forecast to 2031.
How do you determine the list of the key players included in the report?
With the aim of clearly revealing the competitive situation of the industry, we concretely analyze not only the leading enterprises that have a voice on a global scale, but also the regional small and medium-sized companies that play key roles and have plenty of potential growth.
Which are the top companies operating in the Idle Air Control Valve market?
The major players covered in the idle air control valve market report are Robert Bosch GmbH; BorgWarner Inc.; Continental AG; EDELBROCK, LLC.; GB Remanufacturing, Inc.; DENSO CORPORATION.; Hitachi Automotive Systems, Ltd.; Kinsler Fuel Injection; Tenneco Inc.; RUIAN CITY YANGYU MOTOR VEHICLE PARTS Co.,Ltd.; AISIN SEIKI Co., Ltd.; Mikuni Corporation.; NINGBO MIDLAND AUTO PARTS CO.,LTD; Guangzhou Marvine Auto Parts Co., Ltd.; Jiangsu Great Industrials (Group) Corp.Ltd.; Tridon Australia; Ruian Fanwei Auto Parts Co.,Ltd.; Wenzhou Guocheng Electrical Parts Co.,ltd.; Ruian Kingway Auto Parts Manufacturing Co.,Limited; PUCHENG SENSORS(SHANGHAI)CO., LTD.; among other domestic and global players.
Short Description About Idle Air Control Valve Market:
The Global Idle Air Control Valve market is anticipated to rise at a considerable rate during the forecast period, between 2024 and 2031. In 2023, the market is growing at a steady rate and with the rising adoption of strategies by key players, the market is expected to rise over the projected horizon.
North America, especially The United States, will still play an important role which can not be ignored. Any changes from United States might affect the development trend of Idle Air Control Valve. The market in North America is expected to grow considerably during the forecast period. The high adoption of advanced technology and the presence of large players in this region are likely to create ample growth opportunities for the market.
Europe also play important roles in global market, with a magnificent growth in CAGR During the Forecast period 2024-2031.
Idle Air Control Valve Market size is projected to reach Multimillion USD by 2031, In comparison to 2024, at unexpected CAGR during 2024-2031.
Despite the presence of intense competition, due to the global recovery trend is clear, investors are still optimistic about this area, and it will still be more new investments entering the field in the future.
This report focuses on the Idle Air Control Valve in global market, especially in North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific, South America, Middle East and Africa. This report categorizes the market based on manufacturers, regions, type and application.
Get a Sample Copy of the Idle Air Control Valve Report 2024
What are your main data sources?
Both Primary and Secondary data sources are being used while compiling the report. Primary sources include extensive interviews of key opinion leaders and industry experts (such as experienced front-line staff, directors, CEOs, and marketing executives), downstream distributors, as well as end-users. Secondary sources include the research of the annual and financial reports of the top companies, public files, new journals, etc. We also cooperate with some third-party databases.
Geographically, the detailed analysis of consumption, revenue, market share and growth rate, historical data and forecast (2024-2031) of the following regions are covered in Chapters
What are the key regions in the global Idle Air Control Valve market?
North America (United States, Canada and Mexico)
Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia and Turkey etc.)
Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Australia, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia and Vietnam)
South America (Brazil, Argentina, Columbia etc.)
Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa)
This Idle Air Control Valve Market Research/Analysis Report Contains Answers to your following Questions
What are the global trends in the Idle Air Control Valve market?
Would the market witness an increase or decline in the demand in the coming years?
What is the estimated demand for different types of products in Idle Air Control Valve?
What are the upcoming industry applications and trends for Idle Air Control Valve market?
What Are Projections of Global Idle Air Control Valve Industry Considering Capacity, Production and Production Value? What Will Be the Estimation of Cost and Profit? What Will Be Market Share, Supply and Consumption? What about Import and Export?
Where will the strategic developments take the industry in the mid to long-term?
What are the factors contributing to the final price of Idle Air Control Valve?
What are the raw materials used for Idle Air Control Valve manufacturing?
How big is the opportunity for the Idle Air Control Valve market?
How will the increasing adoption of Idle Air Control Valve for mining impact the growth rate of the overall market?
How much is the global Idle Air Control Valve market worth? What was the value of the market In 2020?
Who are the major players operating in the Idle Air Control Valve market? Which companies are the front runners?
Which are the recent industry trends that can be implemented to generate additional revenue streams?
What Should Be Entry Strategies, Countermeasures to Economic Impact, and Marketing Channels for Idle Air Control Valve Industry?
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Inquire more and share questions if any before the purchase on this report at - https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/inquire-before-buying/?dbmr=global-idle-air-control-valve-market
Detailed TOC of Global Idle Air Control Valve Market Insights and Forecast to 2031
Market Segmentation
Executive Summary
Premium Insights
Market Overview
Idle Air Control Valve Market By Type
Idle Air Control Valve Market By Function
Idle Air Control Valve Market By Material
Idle Air Control Valve Market By End User
Idle Air Control Valve Market By Region
Idle Air Control Valve Market: Company Landscape
SWOT Analysis
Company Profiles
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omgoat332 · 3 months
How to Install a Ball Valve: Step-by-Step Instructions - D Chel Valve
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D Chel Valve has firmly established itself as the premier provider of Ball Valve Manufacturers in India. Over time, these essential components have continually evolved to meet the growing needs of various industrial processes, ensuring the utmost precision and effectiveness.
As a respected Ball Valve Manufacturer, our primary responsibility is to furnish the necessary tools for controlling the flow of liquids or gases throughout different operations. These valves possess the ability to start, stop, and redirect various pathways. Typically, fluids move from high-pressure areas to low-pressure areas, but our valves enable us to adjust the direction of flow as required. Our organization operates within India, actively engaged in the production, distribution, and global trade of these vital valves.We are recognized as the leading Ball valve manufacturers in Mumbai, India, delivering products of exceptional quality.
 Valves Manufacturer cater to the diverse needs of industries, including chemical, paper pulp, electricity, shipbuilding, and more. Our unwavering commitment to quality ensures that all our products adhere to strict international standards. Furthermore, we take pride in our status as the premier Gate Valve Manufacturers in India.
Ball valves are an essential part of many plumbing setups, giving users the ability to manage the flow of water easily. Putting in a ball valve is a simple task that only requires a few basic tools and some basic knowledge. In this step-by-step guide, we'll show you how to properly install a ball valve.
Tools and Materials Needed
Before you begin, gather the following tools and materials:
Ball valve
Pipe cutter or hacksaw
Pipe wrench or adjustable wrench
Teflon tape or pipe sealant
Pipe cleaner or sandpaper
Bucket or towel (to catch any residual water)
Safety gloves and goggles
Step 1: Turn Off the Water Supply
Turning off the main water supply is the essential first step when installing a ball valve. Identify the primary valve that controls the water flow to your house or the specific location where you'll be working, and switch it to the off position. This will drain any leftover water from the pipes and release the built-up pressure.
Step 2: Cut the Pipe
To install the ball valve, first, you must cut the pipe at the desired location. Measure and mark the section where you want to place the valve. Then, using a pipe cutter or a hacksaw, make a clean, straight cut. Remember to wear safety equipment, such as gloves and goggles, to safeguard yourself from any metal fragments or debris.
Step 3: Clean the Pipe Ends
After slicing the pipe, employ a pipe cleaning tool or sandpaper to meticulously clear the pipe's ends. This crucial step guarantees a snug fit and prevents unwanted leaks. Carefully eliminate any rough edges, rust, or residue from the cut portions, resulting in a uniformly smooth finish.
Step 4: Apply Teflon Tape or Pipe Sealant
To guarantee a watertight joint, coat the pipe's threads with Teflon tape or pipe sealant. Wrap the Teflon tape around the threads in a clockwise direction, slightly overlapping each layer. For pipe sealant, spread a thin, uniform coating over the threads.
Step 5: Install the Ball Valve
Securing the ball valve is the next step. Properly position the valve in line with the pipe openings, with the handle conveniently placed for use. Carefully screw the valve onto the pipe, turning it right until it is snug by hand. Take caution to avoid misaligning the threads during installation.
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Step 6: Tighten the Valve
Grab a pipe wrench or an adjustable wrench, and give the ball valve a firm tightening. However, be careful not to go overboard, as that could harm the threads or the valve itself. The goal is to get a snug, secure fit to stop any leaks, but too much pressure can create issues. Find the right balance to ensure a proper, effective seal.
Step 7: Check for Leaks
After ensuring the valve is firmly installed, it's crucial to check for any water leaks. Slowly turn the water back on and closely monitor the valve area for any signs of moisture. If you detect any leaks, immediately shut off the water supply and give the valve a slight additional tightening. If the leaks persist, you may need to wrap the threads with Teflon tape or apply pipe sealant, and then reinstall the valve.
Step 8: Test the Valve
Confirming the proper functioning of the ball valve is crucial. Begin by inspecting it for any signs of leakage. Then, turn the valve handle, observing its smooth and effortless movement when opening and closing. When the valve is in the closed position, it should completely prevent water from flowing, creating a tight seal. A properly installed ball valve should be easy to operate and effectively control the water flow.
Step 9: Finish Up
To wrap up the job, take care of the work space. Thoroughly wipe away any extra pipe sealant and clean up any water that got spilled while installing the valve. Get rid of any pipe pieces and used supplies the right way. When the area is clean and dry, the ball valve installation is done.
Additional Tips
Picking the Ideal Valve: Pick a ball valve that works with your plumbing setup, taking into account the size and material of your pipes.
Prioritize Safety: Wear proper safety gear like gloves and goggles to shield yourself from possible dangers.
Use the Right Equipment: Having the correct tools makes installing the valve easier and faster.
Get Expert Assistance: If you're unsure about any part of the installation, it's best to consult a professional plumber. Improper setup can result in leaks and water issues.
To know more, visit:Any Queries, Website::  dchelvalve.com
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