#hanabisays 01
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deathreversed · 2 months ago
It had all started with a new flower appearing in Nier's garden. They didn't quite match the aesthetic she was aiming for, and so she removed them and thought nothing of it. But it hadn't taken long for her body to start itching and for roots and stems and petals to start sprouting from on her limbs. It had all happened so suddenly, Nier's only thought was The Island Stars, again...
And now it hurt. It was like something was clawing at her insides, something that wanted out. And if Nier opened her mouth too wide it felt like it might slip out and ruin everything for her. So she huddles in an alleyway, far too far from the safety of her home, tearing at the flowers that cover her in the hopes that it will provide any relief at all. Ripping them off doesn't hurt that much- she's felt far worse before.
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The sound of footsteps behind her makes her head whirl around, revealing her wide, bloodshot eyes. "S-stay away..." she mumbles, looking away from the new arrival. "Get away, I don't... You need to leave before something bad happens..."
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grymfared · 5 months ago
❲ @hanabisays ❳
There's sorrow that radiates from her, it's permeated the space around her, and Malchior simply watches. Because of course he does. He's distant and proud and so very numb, because very little has been written in any color on his pale gold ⎛ parchment ⎠ body. He's dipped his fingers in various paints he's seen around the Ward, but he's yet to truly stain- to be filled with anything other than the base magic of a dragon. Not that it's such a bad thing, but ... it's so strange not being able to feel much at all. He has to re-learn emotion, a rather important thing to have in the first place.
❝ Your soul aches, ❞ he says, because he's felt in in the color as he's walked over it. It's dull, but he pities her for it.
Her color feels like the weight of the world, and Malchior wonders if he'll be filled with something like that, too. Surely, if he stays too long, if she reaches out to grab him- although she seems in a state where she'd be more likely to wrap her arms around herself. ❝ Carrying such pain at your core ... I once knew someone else like that- filled with a burden that was not meant to be hers. ❞
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ghostbxsted · 1 year ago
That girl across the mall cafeteria has been staring at him for the past, like, half hour. At first he wasn't sure but the way she kept hurriedly looking away every time he bothered glancing over was pretty telling. And weird.
After eventually deciding he's had enough of that, he gets up, picking up his tray of food, and—
Vanishes from sight. By sinking straight through the ground.
He returns to tangibility once he's close to her table. He remains invisible until after he sets his tray down from across from her. "So... This seat taken? I mean, you kept looking at me funny, I wasn't sure if you were trying to call me over or not..."
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mindchess · 8 months ago
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"...You're a spirit medium," It's less of a question and more of an incredulous statement. Miles taps a finger on his arm, "That's quite the claim. Unfortunately, I'm not someone who falls for such superstitions."
He was never a believer in the supernatural or psychic, even when he was a child--it just wasn't realistic in his eyes. Fanciful ideas spawned from an active imagination, or a way to deceive others for one's own benefit; that's all it was. No amount of "psycholocks" could convince him otherwise.
"...That is, unless you have evidence to support it."
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thenameoftheflame · 6 months ago
"I take it you work at this Starberry place, then? Whatever the case, I'll scope it out and see if it fits my vibes- if they can hook me up I'll make sure you're first to see me rockin' out!" As much as she wanted to achieve her old goal with this city at some point, she did genuinely enjoy being a rock star, and getting Hanabi first in line was the least she could do for pointing her in the right direction.
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"I'll need to find some others that can keep up with me, though. Killer as I may be on lead guitar and vocals, a star can only put her best work out there with a band that can bring the noise to back her up."
"Tehee! Honestly, if you ever decide to join Starberry Production, let me know! I'd be SUPER interested to see your performance." Hanabi may not be into rock ALL that much, but she couldn't pass up someone's hard-earned performance after all.
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"It'd be a step in the right direction too." More people would know her name and, well, what she desired would happen and maybe put her to rest?
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guidingstarmira · 2 months ago
Mira's been staring at the somewhat large piles of snow for a moment now where some children had been playing, watching them play amongst it. This was a different form of play she had observed, she'd seen the snowball fights, skating on frozen water, but seeing the children free falling backwards into the snow and just, waving their arms and legs around had her curious and confused.
How as that fun? How was it interesting?
So, once the snow has settled again enough for her to do it, she's making her way over before spinning to where her back is facing towards it and let's herself fall backwards with a solid thud for a moment, hair fluttering all along the snow before she's mimicking the motions she saw them doing, moving her arms and legs.
What an interesting feeling indeed.
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existentialismee · 1 month ago
    –  ( ❀; @hanabisays​​​​ ​​​​​​ )
The air of the shrine was so clear and clean; Watanuki had only traversed the Sky-Strewn Isles once before his previous departure, though surely if a place like this had been there then, he would have remembered it. In looks, and even in terms of power, it reminded him greatly of the Doumeki compound; a place where he was always safe from evil spirits who wanted to devour him in the past, despite his chagrin from having to even be there.
This, however.. brought solace to his very core. It had been a decade since Watanuki could physically step into a place like this, so the shopkeeper took his time looking it over; hands caressing the wooden beams, eyes trailing up towards the high roof. Before anything, he supposed, he should go and make an offering; heading over to give his prayers before he spotted a young girl by the front entrance.
He stilled at the sight of her, curiosity immediately taking over his frame. It looked as though she had been cleaning up, perhaps from debris the weather had brought in from the night before.. but there was no mistaking that this place was of her design. On this part of the island, where his senses felt closer to what he had at home, the blinding light filtering through her was clear as day; reminding him yet again of someone he left behind in another world.
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"Good morning. I'm not intruding, am I?" he called out from where he stood, hoping his sudden presence had not frightened her.
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ciphertone-a · 6 months ago
@hanabisays liked for a starter !
Surprisingly, he's checked out more bars than cafe's since getting stuck here. Considering he loved a good tea just as much as a good tequila, the need to change this quickly arises. The menu isn't terrible, surprisingly; it certainly wasn't the fancy stuff he'd had back at home, but they've clearly got taste. Now, there's no such thing as too many choices, but.. a second opinion couldn't hurt. Out of sheer curiosities sake, he decides to get a strangers input on the matter.
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He'd prefer a quick answer over someone explaining the pros and cons of each and every one.
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firehrt · 1 year ago
⠀⠀⠀❛ ⠀Yours is very good,⠀ ❜⠀⠀⠀AELIN ⠀starts by way of greeting, tilting her head with an appreciative hum. Four ornaments dangle from her open palm, one on each finger, and her gaze is squarely fixed on the tree in front of the young woman.
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⠀⠀⠀❛ ⠀Mine, on the other hand, looks as though it dressed itself in the dark. I pride myself on being much more fashion-forward than this... but I suppose it doesn't translate well to trees. Have any pointers ?⠀ ❜⠀⠀
@hanabisays : winterfes s.c.
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amerhauser · 1 year ago
random starter - @hanabisays
Hot Springs are a good idea for a relaxing spirit but here Beatrix again, back to her world as this place was merely messy and dried blood on the floor. Samurai Gear and all that, she ensures that there are no zombies around the corner.
Beatrix do rememeber that shortcuts are barricaded as main roads are the only way. Unexpectedly, someone is with her and waking her up.
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"Die Luft ist rein. Bleib bei mir, denn du bist in meiner Welt." With Naginata on hand, bailing out of this place is a must before overwhelmed.
Perhaps, it can be a chance to find a bookstore while at it. She will need it to learn their language someday.
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regress0r · 8 days ago
@hanabisays ♡’d for a starter!
          IT WAS THE SOUND OF shouting that made yoo joonghyuk turn his head, dark gaze immediately falling on a scene directly out of a cartoon. one that made even him, unshakeable as he was, frown a bit. a girl was running seemingly as fast as she could, face red and breath puffing raggedly from her mouth, clearly in distress. behind her was a true beast of a canine, its brindled fur dusty and its tongue lolling out of its mouth as it gave chase. it didn’t seem particularly aggressive, not to yoo joonghyuk at least, but he knew what cowards humans were. being chased by anything that looked like that was enough for them to run.
     he didn’t have any reason, really, to interfere. except that her shouting was annoying, especially when it morphed into yells asking specifically him for help. the aggravation was enough that when she passed, his hand was held out to snag onto the back of her coat, deftly lifting her into the air to dangle in front of him by her collar. above the dog’s reach.
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     ❝ You’re running for no reason. ❞ his tone was the same one that yoo joonghyuk used to chide one of the children, his expression unimpressed. he ignored the dog that was now swarming around his ankles, small boofs rumbling from its throat as its tail wagged.
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amorinie · 20 days ago
"There's another sculpture over here.."
Though the pair were asked to aid a very talented sculptor in his plight, neither Hanabi nor Cherie had found very many of his creations so far; scouring the fairgrounds high and low to find any sign of his chocolate masterpieces. The cupid was sure that if their wings were actually working, instead of just acting as some sort of decoration, they would be able to fly up high and see them easily.. it was unfortunate that it would take longer to do than the man probably hoped.
But, tucked behind a chocolate drinking fountain, Cherie picked up a small statue; carved in the shape of a bunny.
"That makes two, correct? Perhaps if we keep looking in this area, we'll find--"
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"Oh..!" but as they spoke, Cherie's eyes drifted upwards; spotting a peppermint candy ferris wheel. Their eyes began to sparkle, as if completely distracted by their own words, as they began walking towards it.
"Hanabi.. let's go up there. We may be able to spot them better-- and it also.. looks very fun."
–   ( ♡*; @hanabisays : sweet ​​​​​​sculpts resituated )
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deathreversed · 1 month ago
Thank the skies that Hanabi hadn't looked away, hadn't rejected her. If she'd done that, then Nier would've had to...
It doesn't matter, in the end. The relief that comes with being accepted is worth the pain. There's still a small handful of plants on her body, but they don't exert pressure anymore, and so Nier will keep the rest of her secrets to herself.
"That's very kind of you to say... Thank you. I guess I just don't have many people I can tell these things to..." she says, wiping tears from her eyes. "I wonder if that was the purpose of these flowers..."
Nier listens to Hanabi's explanation, giving a small nod. "I see... There's a girl I know back home who's in a similar situation, I think... But she's also a ghost herself, so she takes in lost spirits. I guess it could be kind of lonely, otherwise..."
With her heart stilled for the moment, Nier releases Hanabi's hands and takes Death's instead, letting the primal help her rise to her feet. "I feel very lucky to have met you, Hanabi..." she says, pressing her free hand to her chest. "Thank you for listening to my secrets, even if I didn't intend to share. You promised you wouldn't tell anyone, so I'm sure I don't have anything to worry about... I'll keep yours in exchange, so..."
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Mid-sentence, she stops and gives a small smile. "It's kind of romantic, in a way, don't you think...? Keeping secrets for each other like that? A way to ensure you won't forget each other... Eheheh..."
And there it is. The emotions that come from feeling seen perhaps, the kind that washes over you and you sob. The wanting of love.
Her actions from the past can't be forgiven, but wasn't that why you lived in the present to make things right? To do right by others to make up for the past?
She feels herself choke up. Her eyes becomes teary but she holds as much as she can back (she's not doing a good job.)
"I'm sorry..." she shakes her head and reaches to wipe those tears away. "I'm sorry that you had to go through all of that." And alone too. She's glad though, that along the way she's found people.
Hanabi looks up to Death. Even this being.
After a bit, when calmed, hanabi releases her other hand and bows her head respectfully.
"You didn't burden me with anything,"she then says when her attention is back on the other. She smiles and straightens her posture.
"I'm glad that you were able to tell me these things." And it would only be fair to share a bit,
"Kind of. It doesn't protect me to protect me, but it's been with me for as long as I can remember. I tend to attract all sorts of spirits, you know? But this one in particular."
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grymfared · 5 months ago
Malchior's tempted to reach out to her, because this was how Raven was when he first met her. A gloomy girl, lonely. She'd wanted a friend; he'd wanted ... what, another Rorek? So he'd told her stories of days long since gone, of things that had been, of things that never were. Belatedly, he realized that she had been rather smitten with him. He knew she had cried after everything. He'd heard her even from the chest she'd locked the grimoire in. What would he say if he saw Raven again?
Was she a friend of yours?
❝ Raven was my ... apprentice. All mages seem to have at least one or two across their lifetimes. She was my second; I doubt I'll take another ... ❞
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❝ She is someone important to me. I would like to think that we had been friends. ❞ She'd laughed with him. She'd told him her secrets, her hopes and dreams and fears. When they started working together, she was always so blue- and when the day came for her to uphold her end of their bargain, she was dressed in white.
❝ We ... parted ways, I wish it had been on better terms. ❞ The way this girl holds herself reminds him so much of Raven's early days- Malchior had wished to give her comfort; that part had not been a lie, even if most everything else had been.
❝ You most certainly aren't okay, but no one can be strong at all times. If there is a grief you carry, don't hide it, don't let it fester. I am here to listen, if you would like to get it off your chest. ❞
If anyone were to ask her if she liked this whole color thing, she would say Not really. On a deeper level though, she didn't like that she could be perceived. People can see the thing she's hidden so hard. Buried deep within her core. Not even her best friend Haru could spot the inner war she has with herself and now...now everyone can see it.
She isn't the only one. She knows that much, but damn. The guilt of feeling that she wishes she WAS the only one who didn't have to go through this is so, so strong.
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And here, she isn't even alone. A stranger sees her. TRULY sees her and she feels vulnerable in his eyes. He's right to think that she'd wrap her arms around herself because that's exactly what she does.
"I'm really okay." She attempts to reassure but fails miserably.
"That person....was she a friend of your's?"
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ultimatelifefcrm · 6 months ago
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"Well, I do like a black coffee every once in awhile." for when the crunch of a coffee bean just isn't appropriate. "I'd hardly call that inspirational. Basic, maybe."
He didn't really understand why he had autumnal vibes, anyway, he was more of a winterhog, if you asked him. the cold being enough to numb his hands.......Actually, not getting into that.
"Maybe you should look elsewhere."
She can't help but have that smile grow bigger when he takes his seat. That's a YES!
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"I wanted to do something Autumn-related. You give me Autumn vibes. Do you have a favorite drink? I'd like to incorporate Autumn, you, and your favorite drink into this thing."
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ghostbxsted · 1 year ago
Man. It's actually kinda fun leaning completely into the whole weirdness of being half-ghost, without having to worry about what his parents or classmates would think. It definitely helps that he's not the weirdest thing around here!
"Cool," he says casually, going ahead and sitting down. "Cuz, like, you were staring really badly at me. I figured I'd come over and, like, ask. What's that about?"
OH shit, she's been noticed! Hanabi really did try to be as discreet as possible, but it's hard when you're not sure if who you're looking at is alive or dead.
The ghost boy disappears and then reappears in her proximity and she isn't startled by the slightest. JUST even more embarrassed by how rude she was being.
"I am SO sorry. Gah! This seat is ABSOLUTELY not taken! Here!" Oh, this strange woman must be the absolute weirdest in his eyes.
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