#hampton fancher
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brokehorrorfan · 1 year ago
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The Minus Man will be released on Blu-ray on April 9 via Kino Lorber. The 1999 psychological thriller marks the lone directorial effort of screenwriter Hampton Fancher (Blade Runner, Blade Runner 2049).
Fancher also penned the script, based on on the 1991 novel by Lew McCreary. Owen Wilson, Janeane Garofalo, Brian Cox, Mercedes Ruehl, Dwight Yoakam, Dennis Haysbert, and Sheryl Crow star.
The Minus Man has been newly restored in 2K from an interpositive. Special features are listed below.
Special features:
Audio commentary by writer-director Hampton Fancher and producer Fida Attieh, moderated by film journalist Max Evry
Theatrical trailer
When quiet, aimless and amiable Vann Siegert (Owen Wilson) drifts into town, no one suspects the evil that lies beneath the surface. Despite his easy charm, he is merely a reflection of what those who encounter him want him to be. The more Vann tries to make a go of his new life, the stronger the mysterious forces are that pull him in a darker direction. When locals start to disappear, it becomes clear that an eerie subtraction is at work among the lost and lonely of this sleepy, seaside hamlet. People look toward Vann, but no one can quite put their finger on who he really is. Through it all, he carries on a surreal dialogue with imaginary detectives who question his crimes and motives.
Pre-order The Minus Man.
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antonomasia09 · 7 months ago
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artificialharmony · 3 months ago
Listen, if Denis Villeneuve, Hampton Fancher and Michael Green could figure out a way for Officer K to have sex with his hologram girlfriend in Blade Runner 2049 then the devs at CD Projekt RED could've figured out a way to integrate V and Johnny Silverhand having sex to the plot of Cyberpunk 2077.
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simoneashley · 7 months ago
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Interview With the Vampire (2022) 1.02 written by Jonathan Ceniceroz & Dave Harris / Blade Runner 2049 (2017) written by Hampton Fancher & Michael Green / Goodbye, My Danish Sweetheart by Mitski / Chlorine (2023) by Jade Song / Rashomon (1950) written by Akira Kurosawa & Shinobu Hashimoto / In the Lives of Puppets (2023) by TJ Klune / Memento (2000) written by Christopher Nolan
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brooklynbutterflyarts · 5 months ago
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Blade runner poster framed Molding:Professional 1" Flat Top Black (solid-wood) Matte: 100% acid free board, Print: Full Color dry mounted glossy print Glass is included, Comes Fully Assembled Ready For Your Wall The double mat adds depth giving the display a unique "looking through a window'' appearance. The calendar print is bonded to foam core on a hot vacuum press. This bonding gives the print a perfect flat and smooth texture. This process also insures the print will never fold or fade with age or moisture. This wonderful display makes a thoughtful and original gift containing a classic vintage touch yet modern design, allowing it to fit alongside both modern and classic decor. BUY WITH CONFIDENCE. ALL OF MY DELICATE ITEMS ARE SHIPPED WITH A SPECIAL 3 LAYER PROTECTION SYSTEM. Blade Runner is a 1982 science fiction film directed by Ridley Scott from a screenplay by Hampton Fancher and David Peoples.[7][8] Starring Harrison Ford, Rutger Hauer, Sean Young, and Edward James Olmos, it is an adaptation of Philip K. Dick's 1968 novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? The film is set in a dystopian future Los Angeles of 2019, in which synthetic humans known as replicants are bio-engineered by the powerful Tyrell Corporation to work on space colonies. When a fugitive group of advanced replicants led by Roy Batty (Hauer) escapes back to Earth, burnt-out cop Rick Deckard (Ford) reluctantly agrees to hunt them down. Blade Runner initially underperformed in North American theaters and polarized critics; some praised its thematic complexity and visuals, while others critiqued its slow pacing and lack of action. The film's soundtrack, composed by Vangelis, was nominated in 1982 for a BAFTA and a Golden Globe as best original score. Blade Runner later became a cult film, and has since come to be regarded as one of the greatest science fiction films. Hailed for its production design depicting a high-tech but decaying future, the film is often regarded as both a leading example of neo-noir cinema and a foundational work of the cyberpunk[9] genre. It has influenced many science fiction films, video games, anime, and television series. It also brought the work of Dick to Hollywood's attention and led to several film adaptations of his works. In 1993, it was selected for preservation in the National Film Registry by the Library of Congress.
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briony-tallis · 1 year ago
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Blade Runner 2049 (2017), screenplay by Hampton Fancher and Michael Green
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byneddiedingo · 4 months ago
Cast: Harrison Ford, Rutger Hauer, Sean Young, Edward James Olmos. M. Emmet Walsh, Daryl Hannah, William Sanderson, Joanna Cassidy. Screenplay: Hampton Fancher, David Webb Peoples, based on a novel by Philip K. Dick. Cinematography: Jordan Cronenweth. Production design: Laurence G. Paull. Film editing: Marsha Nakashima, Terry Rawlings. Music: Vangelis
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Harrison Ford as Rick Deckard Blade Runner (1982) dir. Ridley Scott
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antonomasia09 · 7 months ago
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filmescultuados · 4 months ago
Artigo: Blade Runner, o filme mais cultuado de todos os tempos
O ponto de partida foi o livro de 1968 de Philip K. Dick, autor especialista em ficção científica, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Em 1969, o então novato Martin Scorsese manifestou o desejo de transpor para as telas o livro de Dick, mas apenas em 1974 os direitos foram adquiridos pela Herb Jaffe Associates e um roteiro escrito pelo filho do dono da agência, Robert Jaffe. Três anos depois, os direitos voltaram para Dick e foram repassados a Brian Kelly e um novo roteiro foi desenvolvido por Hampton Fancher. A produção ficou a cargo de Michael Deeley (O Franco Atirador), e o título mudou para Android. O nome de Ridley Scott surgiu pela primeira vez entre os prováveis­ diretores, mas quem se encarregou das filmagens foi Robert Muligan (Houve uma Vez um Verão), e novas alterações foram feitas no roteiro e o título alterado para Dangerous Days. Devido aos altos custos de produção, o projeto foi abandonado pela Universal e o roteiro original de Fancher chegou às mãos de Ridley Scott, que acabava de concluir Alien - O Oitavo Passageiro.
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Nessa época, Deeley entrou em contato com os advogados dos escritores William S. Burroughs e Alan E. Nourse e adquiriu os direitos de uso do termo Blade Runner, que pertenciam a eles, e a ação passou de São Francisco em 1992 para Los Angeles em 2019. A saída de Fancher, descontente com as mudanças no seu roteiro, levou à contratação de David Webb Peoples (Os 12 Macacos), que então criou o termo "replicantes" para definir os androides da história.
Ridley Scott tinha escolhido Dustin Hoffman para o papel de Deckard, mas o ator desistiu e o nome do astro em ascensão Harrison Ford surgiu durante as filmagens de Os Caçadores da Arca Perdida, e ele foi contratado. Rutger Hauer, conhecido pelos filmes do diretor holandês Paul Verhoeven foi contratado para ser Roy Batty, e não precisou nem fazer teste, ao contrário de seus colegas Sean Young, Daryl Hannah, Joanna Cassidy e Brion James.
A produção ficou a cargo de um consórcio formado pela Ladd Co., a Warner Brothers, a Shaw Brother e a Tandem Productions, num orçamento de 19 milhões de dólares, que consumiu 4 meses de filmagens. O mais respeitados técnicos e artistas da época foram contratados para a filme: o compositor grego Vangelis, que havia no ano anterior ganhado o Oscar pela trilha de Carruagens de Fogo; o diretor de fotografia Jordan Cronnenweth (falecido em 1996); o designer futurista Syd Mead (de Tron - Uma Odisseia Eletrônica) e o especialista em efeitos visuais Douglas Trumbull (de Contatos Imediatos do 3º Grau).
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As filmagens foram conturbadas. Scott se desentendeu diversas vezes com os atores e técnicos. Ele queria que Ford usasse um chapéu, mas o ator se negou, não querendo ser associado ao seu personagem em Os Caçadores da Arca Perdida, e criou ele mesmo o corte de cabelo que Deckard usa no filme. O escritor Philip K.Dick chegou a assistir as primeiras sequências rodadas mas faleceu logo depois, em 2 de março de 1982.
As brigas e conflitos cresceram à medida em que as filmagens chegavam ao fim, e ninguém imaginava que dali iria sair um divisor de águas no gênero. Os executivos da Warner não gostaram da complexidade da trama, e contra a vontade de Scott e do próprio Ford, obrigaram o ator a fazer uma narração ao longo do filme. Cortes drásticos foram feitos em algumas cenas e um happy end foi inserido utilizando cenas da abertura de O Iluminado.
O filme foi lançado em 25 de junho de 1982, recebeu crí­ticas negativas e foi fracasso de bilheteria, desaparecendo das salas de cinema. Quando passou a ser exibido fora dos EUA, recebeu maior atenção e o seu lançamento em vídeo o transformou em fenômeno cult, graças à propaganda boca à boca.
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Em 1991, a versão original de Blade Runner foi descoberta por um estudante de cinemas num depósito de uma universidade da Califórnia e o material foi recolhido pela Warner que, percebendo o tesouro que tinha em mãos, chamou Ridley Scott para realizar uma "versão especial", do jeito que ele queria fazer na época do lançamento. A "Director's Cut" de Scott estreou nos cinemas americanos em 1992, e em 1993 no Brasil. Scott retirou a narração de Deckard, cortou detalhes violentos (os olhos furados de Tyrrell não são mais vistos e Roy Batty não enfia mais o prego em sua própria mão), acrescentou a sequência em que Deckard sonha com o unicórnio e eliminou a fuga pelas montanhas, encerrando o filme quando Deckard e Rachael entram no elevador.
A influência de Blade Runner no universo sci-fi ainda se faz notar nas produções recentes do gênero. Mais do que um filme de autor, uma aventura futurista com toques de filme noir ou um fenômeno cult que já dura duas décadas, Blade Runner é uma experiência audiovisual única no cinema, dando margem à discussões intermináveis e à diversas interpretações pessoais. Um clássico absoluto.
Blade Runner - O Caçador de Androides
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Ficha Técnica: Título Original: Blade Runner Gênero: Ficção Científica Duração: 118 minutos Ano de Lançamento (EUA): 1982 Estúdio: The Ladd Company Distribuição: Columbia TriStar / Warner Bros. Direção: Ridley Scott Roteiro: Hampton Francher e David Webb Peoples, baseado em livro de Philip K. Dirk Produção: Michael Deeley Música: Vangelis Direção de Fotografia: Jordan Cronenweth Desenho de Produção: Peter J. Hampton e Lawrence G. Paull Direção de Arte: David L. Snyder Figurino: Michael Kaplan e Charles Knode Edição: Marsha Nakashima Efeitos Especiais: Dream Quest Images
Elenco: Harrison Ford (Deckard / Narrador) Rutger Hauer (Roy Batty) Sean Young (Rachael) Edward James Olmos (Gaff) M. Emmet Walsh (Capitão Bryant) Daryl Hannah (Pris) William Sanderson (J.F. Sebastian) Brion James (Leon) Joe Turkell (Tyrell) Joanna Cassidy (Zhora) James Hong (Hannibal Crew) Morgan Paull (Holden)
Sinopse: No início do século XXI, uma grande corporação desenvolve um robô que é mais forte e ágil que o ser humano e se equiparando em inteligência. São conhecidos como replicantes e utilizados como escravos na colonização e exploração de outros planetas. Mas, quando um grupo dos robôs mais evoluídos provoca um motim em uma colônia no espaço, os replicantes passam a ser considerados ilegais na Terra, sob pena de morte. Policiais de um esquadrão de elite, conhecidos como Blade Runners, têm ordem de atirar para matar em qualquer replicante encontrado na Terra. Como não são humanos, o ato não é considerado uma execução e sim uma remoção. Em novembro de 2019, em Los Angeles, um grupo de replicantes chega à Terra fugindo de uma colônia e um ex-Blade Runner é encarregado de caçá-los.
Postado no Cult Movies Multiply em 16/Dez/2004, 11:36 AM
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agendaculturaldelima · 4 months ago
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📽 Cine Club AF. NOVTEC Futuros Digitales, presenta:
🎬 “EL CAZADOR IMPLACABLE 2049” [Blade Runner 2049]
🔎 Género: Ciencia Ficción / Thriller Futurista / Neo-Noir / Cyberpun / Robots / Secuela / Reboot / Película de Culto 
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⌛️ Duración: 163 minutos
✍️ Guion: Hampton Fancher y Michael Green
📕 Historia: Hampton Fancher
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🤖 Personajes: Philip K. Dick
📷 Fotografía: Roger Deakins
🎼 Música: Hans Zimmer y Benjamin Wallfisch
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🗯 Argumento: Han transcurrido tres décadas después de los eventos de la primera parte, un nuevo blade runner, K (Ryan Gosling) descubre un secreto profundamente oculto que puede acabar con el caos que impera en la sociedad. El descubrimiento de K le lleva a iniciar la búsqueda de Rick Deckard (Harrison Ford), un blade runner al que se le perdió la pista hace treinta años.
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👥 Reparto: Ryan Gosling (Agente K), Harrison Ford (Rick Deckard), Ana de Armas (Joi), Sylvia Hoeks (Luv), Mackenzie Davis (Mariette), Jared Leto (Niander Wallace), Robin Wright (Lt. Joshi), Dave Bautista (Sapper Morton) y Carla Juri (Dr. Ana Stelline).
📢 Dirección: Denis Villeneuve
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© Productoras: Warner Bros., Scott Free Productions, Thunderbird Films, Alcon Entertainment, 16:14 Entertainment & Torridon Films.
🌎 Países: Estados Unidos-Reino Unido
📅 Año: 2017
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📽 Proyección:
📆 Miércoles 13 de Noviembre
🕖 7:00pm.
🎦 Sala Lumière de la Alianza Francesa (av. Arequipa 4595 - Miraflores)
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🎫 Entrada: S/.5
🎟️Adulto Mayor: Ingreso Libre
🖱 Reservas:  https://www.joinnus.com/organizer/cinealianzafrancesa
👀 A tener en cuenta: Película con sub-títulos en castellano.
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byneddiedingo · 7 months ago
Blade Runner has endured in part because it isn't over-infatuated with the technological whiz-bang of so many sci-fi films, especially since the advances in CGI. Its effects, supervised by the great Douglas Trumbull, have the solidity and tactility so often missing in CGI work, because they're very much in service of the vision of production designer Laurence G. Paull, art director David L. Snyder, and especially "visual futurist" Syd Mead. But more especially because they're in service of the humanity whose very questionable nature is the point of Hampton Fancher and David Webb Peoples's adaptation of the Philip K. Dick novel, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? It also helps that the film has a terrific cast. Harrison Ford can't help bringing a bit of Han Solo and Indiana Jones to every movie, but it's entirely appropriate here -- one time when a star image doesn't fight the script. Rutger Hauer makes Roy Batty's death scene memorable, and even Sean Young, a problematic actress at best, comes off well. (I think it's because when we first see her, she's dressed and coiffed like a drag-queen Joan Crawford, so that when she literally lets her hair down she takes on a softness we're not accustomed to from her.) And then there's Edward James Olmos as the enigmatic origamist Gaff, Daryl Hannah, William Sanderson, and especially Joanna Cassidy, who manages to achieve poignancy even wearing a transparent plastic raincoat.
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Blade Runner (1982) dir. Ridley Scott
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notforemmetophobes · 9 months ago
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The Mighty Quinn (1989) R-1h 38m Genres: Action, Crime, Drama
When police officer Xavier Quinn’s childhood friend, Maubee, becomes associated with murder and a briefcase full of ten thousand dollar bills, The Mighty Quinn must clear his name. Or try to catch him, which could be even trickier.
Director: Carl Schenkel Writers: Albert Z. Carr (novel), Hampton Fancher (screenplay) Stars: Denzel Washington, Robert Townsend, James Fox
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fmp24 · 1 year ago
Film research
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Blade runner
Blade Runner is a 1982 science fiction film directed by Ridley Scott, and written by Hampton Fancher and David Peoples.[7][8] Starring Harrison Ford, Rutger Hauer, Sean Young, and Edward James Olmos, it is an adaptation of Philip K. Dick's 1968 novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? The film is set in a dystopian future Los Angeles of 2019, in which synthetic humans known as replicants are bio-engineered by the powerful Tyrell Corporation to work on space colonies. When a fugitive group of advanced replicants led by Roy Batty (Hauer) escapes back to Earth, burnt-out cop Rick Deckard (Ford) reluctantly agrees to hunt them down.
Blade Runner is a science fiction film released in 1982, directed by Ridley Scott. The story is set in a dystopian future in which genetically engineered beings known as replicants are used as slave labor on off-world colonies. The film follows a blade runner named Rick Deckard, played by Harrison Ford, who is tasked with hunting down and "retiring" rogue replicants who have returned to Earth illegally.
Blade Runner is known for its stunning visuals, thought-provoking themes, and atmospheric soundtrack. The film explores complex questions about what it means to be human and the ethical implications of creating artificial life. It has had a significant influence on the science fiction genre and has become a cult classic over the years.
In addition to its thought-provoking narrative, Blade Runner is also renowned for its visual effects and production design, creating a gritty and immersive futuristic world. The film has inspired numerous sequels, spin-offs, and adaptations, including the recent film Blade Runner 2049, directed by Denis Villeneuve.
Blade Runner is a science fiction film released in 1982, directed by Ridley Scott. The story is set in a dystopian future in which genetically engineered beings known as replicants are used as slave labor on off-world colonies. The film follows a blade runner named Rick Deckard, played by Harrison Ford, who is tasked with hunting down and "retiring" rogue replicants who have returned to Earth illegally.
Blade Runner is known for its stunning visuals, thought-provoking themes, and atmospheric soundtrack. The film explores complex questions about what it means to be human and the ethical implications of creating artificial life. It has had a significant influence on the science fiction genre and has become a cult classic over the years.
In addition to its thought-provoking narrative, Blade Runner is also renowned for its visual effects and production design, creating a gritty and immersive futuristic world. The film has inspired numerous sequels, spin-offs, and adaptations, including the recent film Blade Runner 2049, directed by Denis Villeneuve.
Overall, Blade Runner is a highly regarded and influential film that continues to captivate audiences with its unique blend of science fiction, noir, and philosophical themes.
Blade Runner is widely regarded as a groundbreaking and influential film in the science fiction genre. It has garnered a large and dedicated fan base over the years, and many people appreciate its thought-provoking themes, stunning visuals, and atmospheric storytelling. The film's exploration of humanity, artificial intelligence, and the ethics of creating and controlling life has sparked discussions and debates among viewers. Ultimately, the appreciation and enjoyment of Blade Runner may vary from person to person, but it is widely recognized as a significant and impactful film.
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christiangittingsblog · 2 years ago
Blade Runner:
Main Titles Blade Runner with sound bites from the movie
"Blade Runner is a 1982 science fiction film directed by Ridley Scott, and written by Hampton Fancher and David Peoples. Starring Harrison Ford, Rutger Hauer, Sean Young, and Edward James Olmos, it is an adaptation of Philip K. Dick's 1968 novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? The film is set in a dystopian future Los Angeles of 2019, in which synthetic humans known as replicants are bio-engineered by the powerful Tyrell Corporation to work on space colonies. When a fugitive group of advanced replicants led by Roy Batty (Hauer) escapes back to Earth, burnt-out cop Rick Deckard (Ford) reluctantly agrees to hunt them down".
Cool movie.if you like science fiction watch this movie
Also, check out Blade Runner 2049, a sequel to the 1982 film Blade Runner, details of this movie are below
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kdc1987kdc · 2 years ago
I (falsi) rischi dell'intelligenza artificiale.
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Il sequel di Blade Runner (1982; dir. Ridley Scott) é: "Blade Runner 2049" (2017; dir. Denis Villeneuve).
La sceneggiatura, di Hampton Fancher e Michael Green, si basa sui personaggi del romanzo di Philip K. Dick "Il cacciatore di androidi" (Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?).
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bang2write · 2 years ago
Hampton Fancher is the screenwriter of both BLADE RUNNER (1982) and BLADE RUNNER (2017). He offers up 7 essential writing tips to B2W's Lucy V.
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