#hamin somang
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It took me a bad viral infection and forced time off work to watch Seasons of Blossoms. I just haven't been able to bring myself to watch the drama, having read the webtoon.
Seo Jihoon and So Juyeon are phenomenal! I don't understand for the life of me why they haven't won awards for this drama. Especially, Juyeon. It was such a balance act to portray her relationship with Jae-min as something born out of her love and guilt and helplessness for Hamin, but mostly love. It could have so easily been cheesy or worst still creepy. But she pulls it off so well. My heart broke every single time for her and Hamin and Jae-min.
I know it is nigh impossible but I would love to see So Juyeon and Seo Jihoon act together again. They are just so precious together!
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Seasons of blossom
Omg finally done with it T_T
This was WILD but guess what??? RIGHT when I finished it, a new sequel dropped TODAY!! Like is this a coincidence or FATE?? The timing is crazy :'>
Anyway lemme tell you about the Winter arc real quick. But first, I gotta say—I underestimated Gaeul. In the autumn arc, I didn’t really pay much attention to her but now I totally get her. Like imagine living when it feels harder than dying... just trying to survive everyday. And asking for help? That's a whole different struggle (big respect to her for admitting to her mom she was being bullied)

I'm so glad things worked out for Dongchae, Eunchae and Gyuri in the end... such a relief. But when Dongchae jumped off the building and Jaemin and Subin caught him?? Broo I cried. That moment was so intense for everyone. And Hamin has such a huge impact on everyone.

Did y'all notice Jaemin’s baby sister is named Somin?? That’s literally Somang and Hamin combined T_T
Also random thought... do you think Subin’s friend with the glasses (forgot his name) might end up with Somang? I know it sounds greedy but she’s too young to spend her whole life alone. I still believe that love only happens once and it’s hard to move on. But still, I want Somang to live a happy life. It feels selfish but I want someone to be there for her too when everyone else moves on...

As for the sequel, I’ll talk about that in another blog.
This is my current FAV webtoon and it’s gonna be my fave for a long time T_T

#webtoon#seasons of blossom#webcomic#hamin#jaemin#winter arc#winter#dongchae's flower#dongchae#eunchae#gyuri#seasons of lovesome#love#subin#gauel#somin#somang
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han somang from season of blossoms!
“the primary colors of fate” is what i entitled my recent painting. i’ve been painting since i was 10 and i could say that i am really not that artsy kind of kid. i was the creative type of kid in my head but i was not in my physical attributes in terms of painting. i can somehow relate this painting to han somang. she’s the character who loves lee hamin dearly and truly to her heart. i would be really stupid if i would relate her to me. she’s a great painter and i’m not. anyway, this painting resembles the three primary colors. as you can see, there’s a lot of entangled lines and strings in the painting and it would be color red, blue or a bit of yellow. i used a lot of red and blue. red was the red string of fate that resembles the two characters with their soulmate chemistry, blue resembles sadness which i can relate to somang’s depression when she lost hamin. and yellow? i used only a bit of that because i can still remember that hamin and somang only had a little time to spend with each other to enjoy and be happy at least in the moment of their lives. and that won’t be back because hamin passed away and left somang on her own. she was all alone. and that yellow resembled hamin which is happiness. happiness in a short time and the greatest lesson that she would never ever forget. these primary colors represent them. the two that made me realize how asking for help is necessarily needed especially when you’re all alone and how love will stay in our hearts for a long time even though that person won’t be by our side anymore.
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Somewhere out there in an alternate universe Somang and Hamin are happy together and that's all I need
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Seasons of Blossom: Summary Review
**Spoilers Ahead!
Seasons of Blossom was a wonderful read. Everything in it tied together neatly, and actions and events that happened in the past affected what happened towards the end. I think Bomi and Jinsong were cute. But they were the only season of the story. Bomi’s Flower, which represents spring, is the opening season that we start off with in the webtoon. Part of it is because I don’t really care much for high school first love romances since I’ve consumed so much media that has the same premise. The only “difference” about this love story is that the girl is taller than the guy in the case—not a very commonly used trope, but it’s still not that impactful in the grand scheme of this story. I would describe Bomi’s Flower, as being very similar to what you would find as the main plot in a shojo manga or typical fake dating, high school set, misunderstoodlove story. This is not to say that I hate Bomi’s Flower, but more so that there were parts of this story that better resonated with me.
Meanwhile, Hamin’s flower (Summer) was so heartbreaking to read, and it made me sob. The feeling of pressure weighing down as the eldest child and trying to protect your younger siblings from having to meet the same expectations your family expects of you—I don’t think anyone could have blamed Hamin for his choice. I think the most gut wrenching thing about Hamin’s flower, was that we were reading everything that led up to his death. We, as readers, knew what was going to happen, but it was a bomb with a timer that no one knew would go off. I love how the entire series places a very big theme on understanding that someone choosing suicide can hardly ever be counted as one person’s fault. If it’s one’s person’s fault, it was also anyone else’s fault that the deceased met that day, or the weather, or the clothes they wore, or place they were in. Everything would have been at fault. Grief was also something very prominent, and Somang, Hamin’s classmate and love interest, is such a strong and kind woman. She has had to keep living without ever knowing how Hamin felt about her until Jaemin gave her Hamin’s diary, which detailed how much Hamin cherished her and wanted to reach out but couldn’t. The way she grows up and does her best to help people through art is also wonderfully done, because she was able to give Jaemin, Hamin’s younger brother, a piece of Hamin to remember him by.
As for the rest of the series, Gaeul’s flower (Autumn) was also a favorite of mine because of Subin, to be honest. And also for the fact that it focused on those in college rather than high school. I still find there’s a lack of representation of media that is geared toward or written with college students involved in the plot, so this was something I really liked about this webtoon. I loved Subin and Gaeul’s relationship probably the most. But I think the unfortunate thing is that if Hamin were alive in the series, Gaeul wouldn’t be. Because Gaeul only stayed alive for the sake of Somang, who was dealing with Hamin’s death. She couldn’t allow herself to die when Somang had practically nobody to rely on. Had Hamin stayed alive, Gaeul would have offed herself, knowing that Hamin would catch Somang in his arms. I also loved, loved, loved the development of Seonhui, Subin’s younger sister, and her classmate, Jaehyun. I mainly started “Seasons of Blossom” to witness their development, but I’m glad I ended up being able to read about all the other wonderful parts that the story had to offer. Seonhui and Jaehyun were important in the sense that Seonhui was able to find someone who made her feel special, and so she was able to move on from her crush on her childhood friend, Jaemin. Jaehyun also found someone whom he didn’t necessarily have to be a mediator for all the time; if anything, he likes to start things with Seonhui because she reacted cutely. Jaehyun being raised around three sisters also made sense as to why he knew how to handle things so well. The height difference was also super cute!
Lastly, Dongchae’s flower (Winter) was mainly an accumulation of everyone working together like cogs in a clock to prevent him from doing the same thing as Hamin. Everyone played a part in making sure Dongchae was okay and that his bullies didn’t get away with the trauma they created for him. Dongchae’s flower was a very good arc but also a good conclusion that encapsulated all the main themes we learned from the other flowers.
Bomi’s Spring Flower focuses on blooming love and friendship. Hamin’s Summer Flower tells a tale of grief, acceptance, and pressures set upon kids by their parents to achieve success. Gaeul’s Autumn Flower details the consequences and aftermath of bullying and the concepts of forgiveness and consideration. Dongchae’s Winter Flower then encapsulates the story by showing how community and connection will be one’s strongest weapons against declining mental health and suicide contemplation.
If there is one webtoon that I would recommend that isn’t solely a romance or only for aesthetics, I would recommend “Season’s Blosson” to anyone who wants to be served a multitude of life lessons all encapsulated in a beautifully written webtoon.
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Hey,manhwa anon,I was wondering if u have read seasons of blossom(sob) its recently ended so it'd be the best time to read I think you would like this story alot and as you said u liked romance in the response that make me more confident that u would like it
It's has romance but it's also touches other topic such as friendship,su1c1de,being bullied, pressure from parents to get grades etc nd imo all couple r good(execpt for one which I personally don't like) it's has 4 szn all have diff mc but! All of the characters r connected somehow it's funny,has good romance,touches serious topic,they help e/o through hardship
I love it nd I like ur opinion on many things so I wanted you to read this & give your opinions😅
Hey, anon, from this post. Thanks for your rec. Actually, i read first season before and maybe season 2 too, i dont really remember though. But i didnt complete it before but after getting your message, i decided to give another chance and i recently restarted it and finished the whole story. Also you made me curious about which one you didnt like, lol, let me know. And Here’s my opinion about series;
First of all, art is good and characters are generally good too . Though i prefer romance as sub-plot more because when it become main plot, it has cliches. I think this story make certain post too quick, like characters moving on, changing mind and growing and falling in love happened to fast, to the point i find it unrealistic. Though, i would still say this story is far better than most romances, at least.
Season 1; I think this one was my less interested in. I hate love triangle and misunderstandings, and all that fake boyfrien thing so cliche but also, i really didnt root for main couple since Jaemin and Bomi had a thing. And i thought what Bomi did is so unfair to Seounhi, Jaemin and Jinyoung, it was really frustrating because i think it was selfish act so. And i kinda felt sad about it and i wasnt big fan of Jinyeong and his brutal honesty and rudeness. He is cute but dude needs to learn some manners. But other than that, they look good together so i didnt really hate it. But i kinda get bored and forced myself to continue. And another problem with this one is the way Bomi described her feelings for Jaemin and Jinyoung. She says she feels more comfortable with Jaemin while to her, Jinyoung is unexpected, make her explode etc...I mean, actually love is all about feeling comfort, not unexpected events or excitement, thats more like lust and crush but we can also say love is different to anyone so. The fact that she fall in love with Jinyeong cause he is more rude while Jaemin was just kind...I mean, she just said she fell in love with Jinyoung because she felt more comfortable with his honesty at last scene of spring season, just like she said before when she talked with Jaemin.
Season 2; This one might be my favorite. Ironically, summer is my favorite season too. At first, i thought it was gonna be Jaemin x Somang but it turn out to be about Hamin and Somang. And you might say, Hamin is also rude to her so i wouldnt like it but actually, i love them together a lot. Their interaction happens so naturally and its also funny. Also sad. Jaemin and Somang making connection together is also very nice too. Something i didnt like, ‘its everyone’s fault but noone’s fault’ speech. Like , i get what she was trying to say but honestly, it is Hamin’s parents and school’s fault for him ending up like that. They are responsible for what happenned to Hamin. Its nowhere near to Jaemin and Somang, they were innocent. Also i wish story showed Jaemin’s tension building up in spring season, it would be better. Btw, i also like the fact that Hamin didnt kill himself because he was just in darkness but because he witnessed the light he couldnt reach make him suicide because thats how mental illness works. We dont feel miserable until we saw some people have better. Thats so realistic. And as last, i wish Jaemin and Hamin didnt look too similar. I mean, they look like twins, i feel weird when i see him with Somang and others lol. And this also the season i started to warm up to Seonhui and other mcs because they were kinda annoying at start/first season.
Season 3; This one might be my second favorite. At first i was so sure that i wouldnt like it because Gaeul’s revenge plan and using his feelings, also the fact that he was kinda related to her bullying but i actually liked it because they were so good together. The chemistry...between serious mature girl and kinda silly dense boy. My only issues would be she became too comfortable with someone who is indirectly related to her bullying, like that kind of discomfort dont go that easiely. And bully girl's plan was too silly and it got destroyed too quickly, it was kinda unrealistic. And even though Gauel was already comfortable with Subin, what was the point of them breaking up? I wish at least we saw her discomfort with Subin’s presence so it would make more sense that her wanting a little time and space. And one more thing, i hate the idea that Subin had to take care of that bully kid, just because he was indirectly related to his bullying as child....because i disagree. He doesnt have to be friends with him/them, after all they did. Another couple of the autumn season, i actually ship Jaemin and Seonhui more but i kinda warmed up with the idea of Seonhui and Jaehyeon more at the end of fall season and winter season. Like, i kinda like them too because they are cute together.
Season 4; And the winter season. I was waiting for this one since the beginning to the point sometimes i couldnt focus on others because how can i, when there is a bullying at the background? So messed up. But i was actually disappointed with this season. Because even though, i am glad to see other main characters with happy moments, we hardly get Dongchae as main character. He deserved more screentimes, more narrative but he was like a side character in his own story. I was also very dissapointed in Jaemin in this season. He literally lost his brother because of bullying but he saw someone else is also dealing with it and he said its none of my business and only interested in because he fell in love with his sister....Eunchae is good girl, i get it but your brother is being bullied and you have time for romance with random dude you just met? It was actually frustrating to read because Dongchae was suffering to the point that he was planning to kill himself while everyone is being lovey-dovey. It was painful to read. Though, i love his connection with Hamin and everyone coming together to save him from suicide. But instead of last minute speech before he was about to kill himself, we could’ve get more effort. Because you cant change someone who wants to kill himself’s mind that easiely. I wish we saw all that small efforts for Dongchae and that saving scene would be the last one, the one that finally reach Dongchae’s hearth but it all happenned one time. Until that moment they all (later Jinyoung’s friend too) ignored him when they know what was happening, so it was so annoying and disappointing but generally, ending is good. I didnt really ship Eunchane and Jaemin, Gyuri and Dongchae etc. And i ship Somang only with Hamin, not with glasses friend of Subin. And i am glad that Subin and Gaeul meet again and end up together. Anddddd i must admit i love the speech of ‘if you dont know how to love yourself, i will teach you’. That was amazing.
This is all but there might be things i forgot to say so for now, thats it. Despite some of the issues etc, i did have good/sad/emotional etc times too. So i think it was worth to read and give it another chance so again, thanks for rec. it to me.
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I can't be the only one who thought of that Lee Hamin painting that Han Somang drew in Season's of blossom
On second thoughts, Ash Lynx-

Paint Me Away
Sometimes I just want to disappear into the canvas, vanish beneath layers of paint, and become something more beautiful than reality.
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AHH god I loved Hamin x Somang 😭
#seasons#Seasonsofblossom#manhwa#hamin#Haminxsomang#blossom#summer#tragic#cannon ship#😭#like 😭😭😭#tragedy
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right person right time: bomi & jinyoung
right person wrong time: gaeul & subin
right person not enough time: somang & hamin
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Seasons of blossom
Just finished Hamin's Flower and tbh I knew it’d hit like this… heavy weight, crying my eyes out, runny nose, the whole thing… Like we all knew what was comin’ in the end so even the cute happy parts didn’t hit right. Just this big void yk?

How Hamin went through it all… and how it was literally everyone’s fault but also no one's at the same time… and Jaemin too, struggling tryna act all radiant like he's got it together.
I didn’t even realize how much I was crying till I stopped like what if my family saw and was like "yo! you’re crying over a webtoon instead of studying?" Like what do I even say? They’d be like “why read something that makes you cry? Go prep for your entrance!”

I knew the story was gonna feel incomplete but I still had to finish it.

And all these what-ifs tho… like what if Somang saw his text that day… what if Hamin didn’t hear Jaemin say that… what if Hamin had real friends to rely on… what if his mom wasn’t like that… But nahh there’s no ifs and buts in this. Sometimes it’s just how it goes.

I already hated summer and after this, imma keep hating it. It’s too radiant idk why people need to be all radiant all the time. Can’t they just be enough? Please don’t be so radiant and take on all the burden. I hate summers.
And now I’ve ended up hating rain too...
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𐙚𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ ⭒ ⠀ 𝕲𝗋𝖾𝖾𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌, 𝗏𝗈𝗒𝖺𝗀𝖾𝗋𝗌 𝗈𝖿 𝖣𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗆-𝖳𝗋𝖺𝖼𝖾𝗋𝗌!
From us, the radiant 𝑓𝑖𝑟𝑒𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑘𝑠, let us embark on this odyssey, where dreams unfurl their wings and guide us through realms untold, until the journey's end unfolds. ᭡𖢻ֹֺ໋᳝ ࿔
@rendacrouch1734 — Saionji Ukyo
@1O364 — Dan Heng
@chrollophii — Hirano Taiga
@luckysyndromes — Tokisaki Kurumi
@besteststrk — Dot Barrett
@MahligaiGabriel — Angel Devil
@xwanlike — Oikawa Tooru
@kisegoreng — Yatora Yaguchi
@clioistral — Bang Iz
@baudelerai — Denji
@crudtowm — Ijekiel Alpheus
@marioneltte — Topaz
@127O82 — Kim Dokja
@Courierlynette — Akechi Goro
@ivantillgila — Leona Kingscholar
@dimefnsi — Han Somang
@AkaneToLove — Athanasia de Alger Obelia
@aqventurine — Kaveh
@berserk_healerr — Asuna Yuuki
@graviore — Itoshi Sae
@ignittedflame — Arlecchino
@HerzHidelton — Otoya Eita
@YASSlFIEDS — Isolde von Dittarsdorf
@confusqe — Asagiri Gen
@disjtance — Aventurine
@kabukirono — Itoshi Rin
@MoiMovingCastle — Ruby Hoshino
@uinearth — Shoko Ieiri
@hilzrious — Nagisa Hazuki
@blissofwooyoung — Yuuta Okkotsu
@hopelessclosed — Saitama
@SeerShiina — Mizuki Akiyama
@amtple — Lee Hamin
@beiyonds — Portgas D Ace
@gaethimback — Mikage Reo
@curenator — Sigma
@conqusr — Gojo Satoru
@Danta1541 - Seishu Inui
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ojalá me recuerden como Jaemin y Somang recuerdan a Hamin: con amor.
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Eunchae calling Jaemin radiant activated emotions I can not properly describe
#seasons of blossom#seasons of blossom webtoon#jaemin lee#hamin lee#lee jaemin#lee hamin#somang han#han somang#hamin somang#hamso#hamin’s flower#somang hamin#dongchae's flower#eunchae#dongchae
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