#hamilfans unite
*I own absolutely NONE of them, credits to the original artists, y'all are amazing!! <3*
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I have more but this post will be WAY too long..
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crookedtable · 1 year
Close Watch Episode 18: 'In the Heights' (feat. The Lady-Wan from Screen Run)
Way back in 2020, a few hardcore Hamilfans — including this episode’s guest — united for the first-ever Crooked Roundtable to talk up the Disney+ release of Lin-Manuel Miranda’s Tony-winning musical Hamilton. Now, at last, loyal listeners get the long-awaited spiritual sequel to that discussion. On this episode, Close Watch continues its year-long analysis of movie musicals as The Lady-Wan of…
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devintrinidad · 4 years
So Uhm, CAW anon here. I haven’t been into Hetalia for years. But I feel like talking about a few things I noticed back in fandom a lot that I didn’t see at all in the canon manga/anime (though Hetalia itself is just a fanfic of history. I’m only focusing on character and relationships present in the canon series). 
Ok a lot has probably changed since the last couple of years in fandom. But back then I saw a lot of depictions of the FACE group: England and Canada not having much of a relationship. France and Canda being the closest while France and America aren’t close at all. America and Canada having a strained if not dysfunctional brotherly bond. Canada having no backbone and being a sad sack all the time or just being a pure angel with no flaws. America being too childish.
I’m going to try to remember all the canon bits to back me up. But I’m mostly curious if there’s anything off and your (most likely much more up to date and informed) thoughts. 
Canada and England have a pretty good relationship from what I’ve seen. We’ve sen plenty of material of England being present in colony Canada’s life. He used to cook for him too (poor Canada) and Canada spent almost about the same amount of time with him as America did. Later on Canada chose Enlgand over America when the colonies revolted. He didn’t want to pick a side but in the end he did. He fought against American troops. Was there when England was heartbroken over the fighting. He even acted as a strategist, using his knowledge as America’s twin brother to use America’s weaknesses against him (sending surrender papers inside a basket of food. America was so hungry it took George Washington telling him to resist to not take the bait).  Later on when America and Canada were trying to mend their relationship. Canada would get so nervous and have England talk for him all the time instead (which only confused America). England did it without any fuss despite any issues he and America might still have. Overall Canada recalls having a good childhood and England was a part of that. The two might not be as close as America and England are, but they have their own history and bond both are very comfortable and happy with each other. 
America and Canada. Fans I ran into often focused on America and England’s dynamic history. But the North American brothers have a lot of their own turmoil and strength to them as well. While Canada might,moan about being invisible and such. Canada also remembers having a very fun childhood with America. So much he remembers how sad he was when America grew up much faster then him and couldn’t play with him all the time like he used to. When Canada told America he didn’t want to fight, only to choose England, America felt betrayed. He loved Canada and wanted his twin brother to fight for freedom with him. Their relationship went pretty sour for a long time. But the two did end up trying to be mature later on in life and congratulate each other despite how annoyed they are at how different the other is. 
From there we only get brother goodness. They can bug each other a lot. Canada takes for granted everything America has done and gone through, things that have also been good for Canada. While America likes to mess with Canada and act pushy with him. They do like to horse around and spend time together. Despite their differences, they’re probably the closest siblings in the world of nations. They’ve gone through their bitterness and still chose to be close brothers in the end. They like to play sports together. They like to use their appearances to mess with England who can’t tell them apart like France can. They call each other on the phone a lot. They have a joint Search for Santa Claus operations every winter. America respects Canada’s opportunity and ability to easily get along with others. He also takes Canada’s concerns very seriously and offers reasonable and helpful advice such as how to help his citizens get along. Canada’s opinions must mean a lot to him since Canada is the only individual to make America cry in despair when he went into his 3 hour insult rant against him. Despite his complaints about his personality, Canada looks up to America as a big brother who he always goes to for comfort or help. He respects and admires America a lot and trusts him as his closest confidante (after his polar bear. Not that that bear is ever helpful). Overall America and Canada have their downs like every sibling pair has. But they also seem to have a very strong and stable connection where they can act like brothers and best friends. Sometimes I think it’s easier to imagine America is closer to Canada then he is to England. 
America and France. Back then these two didn’t get a lot of attention. Which is strange because there’s tons of material of them interacting throughout the centuries. France used to cook for America when England wasn’t around (I bet when Colony America said English food was as good as French food, some thing broke inside France. The reason America started disliking English food is because France made it his mission to salvage some of his tastebuds. Xp). France has been the only FACE member to stay by America’s side without conflict. Both of them obviously had a close bond since France gave America Lady Liberty and you could see teasing and ruffling America’s hair like a big brother. The two hang out a lot. They go to Maid Cafes together. They seem to have lunch together all the time at conferences since France is always looking for America to go eat together. They apparently also have sleepovers a lot and like to compare different genres of movies. Whatever issues their people can have with each other never seems to affect their personal interactions. France is the big brother of love and that’s sometimes a running gag for jokes. But he really seems to be like a normal big brother figure for America. He often worries about America and Russia’s scary relationship and chides England for raising America to be weird. In a deleted strip, France is preventing America from drinking alcohol because he’s too young (being physically 19). It also gets a bit heartwarming when you recall the Joan of arc strips where France meets the reincarnation of Joan and she’s an American. Almost like America is now taking care of Joan and giving her the opportunity to be free and happy in ways she couldn’t before. 
Also while it’s not part of their dynamic. It’s always interesting that when the author wanted to show the Nation’s personal relationships with humanity. He always chose America and France. The supposed happy go lucky airheads who often gain a affectionate yet somber (to even downright tragic) experience from it. 
Overall America and France have a nice quiet and stable relationship. You could say while England raised America as a colony. France was among the mentors to America on how to be his own Nation. 
I think that’s it. Again my memory might be foggy but that’s what I can recall. =P
Okay, I’m going to prioritize this ask/submission thing first because wow, you’re a Hetalian and Hetalia has a special place in my heart. First of all, I’m kind of flattered that you think that I’m up to date for this, hahaha. I’ll have to tell you, while I do know a lot about American history, I’m actually more of a fan of the Itabros, hehehe.
A few tumblr people that I know specialize in Hetalia and have already posted FACE dynamics a lot in the blogs are, but not limited to: @historihet  @stirringwinds and @ellawritesficssometimes. I’m not sure if Ella is still active, but there’s a lot of content that you can browse through if I’m not thorough. Also, again, the list of tumblrs that have been associated with FACE are definitely more than I can imagine, those are the three that I follow and know off the top of my head.
To @historihet @stirringwinds @ellawritesficssometimes, I love your interpretations and love for history! If I say anything inaccurate or something you don’t find to your liking, please inform me! I don’t want to spread misinformation and I’m just so excited to talk about Hetalia to my dear Anon Friend :D 
If you’re reading this, I hope that you all have a wonderful day! And keep up the great work with your own analyses/fanart/fanfiction/etc. You guys rock and keep the fandom alive. :D
Anywhoozles, what you said here is fairly accurate. FACE definitely has its up and downs. Assuming that you haven’t been active in the fandom since... let’s say 2012-2014ish era, you might have noticed that the common bonds are Canada and France (platonic), France and England (rivalry/lovers/enemies), and the most concerning relationship America and England (brothers/rivals/lovers???). What you said in your analysis really applies within the sense of what is considered to be manga/anime canon, not necessarily historical canon. 
In historical canon (if you want to go down that route), FACE is one dysfunctional mess if you want to consider it as one family unit. Every one of them at one point has been at each other’s throat at one point (whether it be at war or just snubbing the other because of politics). 
We have:
1. The Revolutionary War (England vs America)
2. War of 1812 (Canada/England vs America, with special emphasis in 1814 because Canada burned down America’s White House if I remember correctly)
3. The XYZ Affair (I’m pretty sure it was a snub in diplomacy??? which actually started a war???)
4. The fact that American promised to help France in their own revolution, but Washington said no because we’re still a new country and all that jazz (...I know this because of Hamilton IF YOU’RE ALSO A HAMILFAN I WILL CRY)
5. And like the entire history of France/England is just its own thing
As you can probably tell, FACE... I think was just a  term for the fans to make this makeshift family dynamic that is cute in some respects if this was like a human au, but definitely a cluster of effs if you imagine them as eldritch abominations that were brought to life because of human imagination. 
Like, the dynamics can go in so many directions if you want to choose one aspect of history over another. 
In @stirringwinds, they often write/draw about America as this Prodigal son who happens to be like the Crown Prince succeeding his once proud father. (America turning into a superpower after the World Wars and the English Empire just kinda dismantling itself because of everything.... OF COURSE THAT’S AN OVERSIMPLIFICATION, PLEASE DON’T KILL ME FOR INACCURACY!
Whereas for another tumblr, @historihet they portray the USUK relationship as more of a ship. Like, the whole brother relationship that is skewed in the anime/dubs/subs (this is due to the fact that some fans take the whole older brother thing too literally because in Japan, you call your elders/peers that happen to be older than you via polite endearments) is more of a... I’m not gonna say paternal, but it was more of a mentor thing? I’m not sure, I haven’t interacted with them much, but I’m pretty sure they ship it. Plus, their art is so amazing and they’re obviously a fan of history because wow, their head canons and their art is so beautiful and detailed.
As for the whole France and Canada relationship, I think this can be further elaborated via @ellawritesficssometimes. I remember reading that France and Canada, while having a similar relationship to England and America, it wasn’t that close or as heartwarming as many fans make it out to be. If you follow Canadian history, I’m pretty sure Canada was under French rule for a sort time before becoming part of the English Empire. Like, Canada was part of the Empire for a longer time than under France. This means that France wasn’t always there, England was. You can further read between the lines about the English/Canadian relationships, especially if you consider the fact that America fought an entire revolution to get away from England because of neglect on England’s part and on Canada’s part.... all he had to do was ask. 
Overall, I’m glad that you told me that you were part of the Hetalia fandom. It’s nice to see that the fandom is still alive and kicking, hahah. That reminds me, I’ve got to finish my series concerning Italia Veneziano, oops. Just wondering, but why did you want to talk about this? Not that I mind, it just seems out of the blue... 
Thanks for the analysis and your chat! I hope that you have a wonderful day! :D
Please don’t tell me you want a FACE fic, hahahah. XD
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Im new to Hamilton and have an idea on the plot but don't fully understand it. Could you help out?
*tries not to immediately start babbling about how much I adore and will defend this show omg* first, understand my sweet anon that I have absolutely zero chill about Hamilton. So you have come to the right place but also be ready for way more information than you probably cared to know. 
Hamilton is a rap/hip-hop opera written by Lin-Manuel Miranda based on the life and death of United States Founding Father, Alexander Hamilton. It features a predominantly minority cast (which is its greatest point of controversy). If you’ve listened to the soundtrack, you have heard all but one scene of the show. It is based on Ron Chernow’s biography, which Miranda read while on vacation. It is hard to briefly summarize the plot, but I’ll do my best. (I kept it as brief but thorough as i could and it was long as heck so I put it under a cut, friend)
The opening number gives us a crash course on Hamilton’s background as an immigrant from the Caribbean. In the beginning of the show, he meets Aaron Burr, Lafayette, John Laurens, and Hercules Mulligan. All of them end up joining the military shortly before the American Revolution breaks out. Once it does, Aaron Burr attempts to win the good graces of Washington only for Washington to request Hamilton to be his right hand man. Hamilton agrees. 
While fighting the war, he meets Angelica and her sister Eliza at a ball. Angelica has a crush on Hamilton but realizes that Eliza likes him too, and on top of that, Angelica is expected to “marry up” since she is the oldest sister. Hamilton is of poor means, so for all kinds of strategic and sad reasons, Angelica decides to take a backseat and lets Hamilton and Eliza meet and fall in love. Eliza and Hamilton get married.
Back at the war, things are falling apart but Hamilton is doing his best to help Washington pull through. But Hamilton is a hothead and impulsive and when a disgraced soldier starts ranting publicly about Washington and blaming him, Hamilton challenges him to a duel (or rather, has his friend Laurens challenge him to a duel). The solider gets shot in the duel and Washington finds out and sends Hamilton home as punishment. This is how Hamilton finds out that Eliza is pregnant. 
BACK AT THE WAR (there’s a lot of back and forth in the first act), Lafayette tells Washington that he has a plan but like, Washington really needs Hamilton yo. So Washington sends a letter and Hamilton goes back to the war-front but now is like “cant be so impulsive i gotta kid on the way”. ANYWAY he helps Lafayette and Washington win the battle of Yorktown which wins the war.
Now, as a side-note, Aaron Burr had fallen in love with the wife of a British soldier. She had his daughter, named Theodosia after her mother, but I think either died or stayed with the British dude so we never get to meet her but we do know Burr has a daughter now.
Also, Washington becomes president.
The show then speeds through a bunch of years following the war effort in one song (”Non-Stop”) in which we learn that Hamilton and Burr both worked as lawyers. During these years also was, of course, the formative years of our government in which the Constitution was getting drafted.  Hamilton works on the Federalist papers to help the Constitution get accepted. Burr refuses to help him with it, but it gets passed anyway and Hamilton is generally showing Burr up left and right. Thus ends Act 1. 
If act 1 is about the war, act 2 is about the politics. Thomas Jefferson shows up from when he’d been in France during the war and is asked to be Secretary of State while Hamilton is asked to be in charge of the Treasury. They show two political debates throughout act 2 that shows how they butt heads: the first being about whether the federal government should “assume states’ debts and establish a national bank” (Hamilton is in favor, Jefferson is against) and the second being about whether or not the US is obligated to assist France with their revolution (Jefferson says yes, Hamilton says no). Hamilton is trying to establish a banking system for the government and do his job but politics are politics and they’re complicated.
Meanwhile, Eliza wants Hamilton to take a break and spend some time with his family but Hamilton is all like “i got sh*t I gotta do” and refuses to take time off. This leads to Eliza going to visit her family for a few weeks upstate but Hamilton stays behind and ends up having an affair with Maria Reynolds. Maria’s husband finds out and basically blackmails Hamilton into giving him money to keep quiet about the ongoing affair. 
Also, Washington decides to not run for President anymore and John Adams takes over.
As political tensions run even more high, Burr, Jefferson, and Madison (who supports Jefferson) figures out that something fishy is going on with Hamilton regarding money. They assume he’s basically taking money from the government and pocketing it for his own benefit. When they confront him about it and accuse him of treason, Hamilton is like “AW NAW IM JUST HAVING AN AFFAIR HERE’S THE EVIDENCE” and they’re like “yikes but a’ight you’re not treasonous i guess and nah we wont tell anyone”. 
Hamilton is afraid they won’t be true to their word, though, and writes the Reynolds Pamphlet basically saying “hey world i had an affair which is bad but i promise i didn’t commit treason”. Eliza finds out and is devastated and angry. 
Now, remember how I mentioned that Hamilton had a baby? Yeah, turns out it was a son. And that son hears someone talking trash about his dad and is like “imma fight you” and challenges the guy to a duel. Hamilton doesn’t want his son to get hurt and tells him to shoot his gun in the air instead of at the other person, and how the other person should do the same if they’re “truly a man of honor”. Duels are mostly about having the guts to show up anyway. 
But WOOPS because the other guy doesn’t shoot in the air, he shoots Hamilton’s son, and the son dies. 
Devastated and grief-stricken, Hamilton and Eliza move upstate and Hamilton… well, just listen to “It’s Quiet Uptown”. I can’t do it justice here (not that I’m doing any of the rest of this show justice with this summary but yanno)
Now the next Presidential election is up and people are actually campaigning now because Burr is tired of not getting what he wants so he decides to go out and get it. So it’s Jefferson vs Burr and the public keeps harassing Hamilton for his opinion. Hamilton backs Jefferson because even though Hamilton has never agreed with him, he appreciates that he’s at least honest and forthright with his opinion whereas Burr never wants to commit to anything. 
Jefferson wins the election.
This pisses Burr off and he challenges Hamilton to a duel. Hamilton agrees. 
He aims his pistol at the sky, just like he told his son.
Burr shoots him, and he dies.
Eliza is the one left behind to tell his story and continue his legacy. 
This ends our show. If you ever want to know more about characters or the controversies of it (I do have strong opinions on those whoops) or just about anything else regarding the show? I am always completely down to talk about it. I’ve written papers on it for college, I got to see it in Chicago a few months ago, I’ve basically memorized the album… I’m a huge Hamilfan. So don’t be afraid to hmu.
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alicedaydreams · 4 years
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We the People of the United States demand a 3rd National Treasure... & a more perfect Union! All jokes aside, I hope this weekend was one of personal celebration & reflection on the history & current state of our nation. The actual Founders may not have had the wherewithal to imagine freedom & justice for all of us, but they left a document that can be changed (um remember when the government banned & then un-banned alcohol?) & I think we, the people now, CAN imagine & work towards a truly more perfect Union. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Here’s my favorite #Hamilton inspired #ootd to finish off Week 1 of @sartorialgeek #sgfashionfix Rise Up! The film/play has been a relevant point of discussion this week too, and what I’m taking from it at the moment is “I am the only one I can control” & “pick up a pen, start writing.” 🖊 💵 On that note, please check my Linktree for 2 new links. 1️⃣ Link to Black Hills Legal Defense & Bail Fund in support of the Native protestors at Mt. Rushmore this weekend 2️⃣ Link to Actors Fund in support of theater artists (on & off stage) who are currently out of work due to the pandemic. . . Week 2 of the challenge starts tomorrow & the prompt is Ready Player 1! 🎮 . . #superyakistuff #nationaltreasure #hamiltonmusical #hamilfilm #yayhamlet #sartorialgeek #geekchic #geekfashion #historynerd #geekstyle #workwork #july4thweekend #fandomfashion #wiw #hamilfan #fashionchallenge #shopsmall #closetcosplay #sundayfunday #saferathome #stayhome https://www.instagram.com/p/CCSFzoUAhgh/?igshid=6se4hp33euu8
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shoddymusicalmemes · 7 years
Scene in the Daily Life of a Hamilfan
MY FATHER: What are you doing? ME: Drawing the third and fourth presidents of the United States, as black people, with flowers on their heads. MY FATHER: ME: MY FATHER: ME: MY FATHER: I'm starting to wonder if when I dropped you on your head as a child it had more adverse effects than I thought. ME: Dad!
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bsbpuertorico-blog · 7 years
Backstreet fans: Anthony Ramos
Have you ever wondered who also likes your favorite celebrity? 🤔 I know I have! Sometimes knowing which other celebrities like your favorite is great! I know I have found a new fandom or great celebrity to follow from my research. Today I want to call the Hamilton fandom into OUR fandom. Most Hamilton fans are younger members of our society so maybe they know our boys, maybe they don’t. It doesn’t matter if we don’t belong in the same fandom or who we like, we can all learn a bit with this new series. I will try my best to include other celebrities backstreet fans and spread the word that the Backstreet Pride is still alive. So sit tight and take notes, who knows, you might find your new favorite here. 😁 If you would like to know more about celebrities that like our boys as well, or have more information and would like to share it with us, don’t be shy and contact us! Let us know what you would like to know about these celebrities too! •••••••••••••••••• So, Anthony Ramos…. Now I don’t really know much about Broadway and it’s actors, but I am on my way. Today I want to talk about this amazing man. Anthony Ramos Martínez is of Puerto Rican descent (like our boy Howie) raised in New York. According to some sources(correct me if I’m wrong Hamilfans) he was a great baseball player but lost interest and auditioned for a school musical. He actually got the lead role, and from there on the rest is history… He is best know for his dual role as John Laurens and Phillip Hamilton in, you guessed it, Lin Manuel-Miranda’s musical “Hamilton”. He also colaborated with Miranda in “21 chump street” and “In the heights”. If you haven’t seen “Hamilton”, chances are you haven’t since tickets are harder to find than Narnia, you can buy the original cast recordings in ITunes or listen to them on Spotify. If you search thoroughly, maybe you’ll get lucky and find “21 chump street” somewhere as well. He is a super talented man, you will not be disappointed. Now, he has also participated in other musicals and even movies/tv shows. Here is a list of some of his recent work, again, Hamilfans correct me if I’m wrong! • 2011 “Grease” as Sonny • 2012 “Damn Yankees” as Henry “In the heights” as Sonny • 2014 “21 chump street” as Justin Laboy • 2015 “Hamilton” as John Laurens/Phillip Hamilton • 2015 “Younger” Episode: Liza sows her Oates as Julio • 2016 “White Girl” as Kilo “Law and order: Special victims unit” Episode: Forty one witnesses as Juan Flores You might be wondering by now, what does he have to do with our boys? Well, he stated in a interview one of guilty pleasures 😏 What is his guilty pleasure? Boybands! Namely, Backstreet Boys and *NSYNC 🎊 Check it out in the link provided: https://youtu.be/eSPqkyjA37Y Chances are that by now, you have fallen in love with this cinnamon roll 💕 Too bad, he is already taken 🤷🏻‍♀️ Luckily he has the most beautiful and equally talented girlfriend ever, Jasmine acepta-Jones! Thank you, Anthony Ramos, for Keeping the Backstreet Pride Alive~
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nikchick · 7 years
This #Hamilfan keeps thinking: "The revolution’s imminent. What do you stall for?"
Revolutionaries is just a couple thousand dollars from its funding goal. I'd really like to see this one and have the chance to play a cross-dressing Revolutionary soldier-spy. *ahem*
"Welcome to the Culper Ring.
Go behind the scenes of a war that birthed a nation. Take a stand alongside the founding fathers. Based upon early successes in Setauket and New York, Washington’s spy network has expanded across the United States and throughout Europe. Conduct secret missions for the commander in chief and his senior wardens Tallmadge and Hamilton. Help Benjamin Franklin recruit allies in France and other parts of Europe. Take the fight to the enemy and shake an empire to its very core."
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Dear The Internet (specifically the Hamilfans, anti-Trumps, Americans, people who can sing or rap, and anyone who wants a laugh)
Subject: The 45th President of the United States and parody that I’m surprised no one has thought of yet.
I made a Tumblr account for the sole reason of putting this out to the public so click the read more to see something that will make you howl in laughter and that I desperately want to be sung. And if you saw my user name, you can tell what it’ll be about. (Hint: parodies and sick burns)
I’m not American, but the whole world is feeling the shockwaves from the political unrest in the west. And since before his inauguration, I’ve had this idea swirling in my brain. For the Hamilton fans: what song (and its cut rap) is absolutely perfect for the new US President?
I gave you three weeks, America. Three weeks. And not a single parody of this song has shown up anywhere (aside from one made before election day that is now, sadly, inaccurate).
I don’t have the best pipes, and I used up what little self-confidence I had gathering the nerve to create a Tumblr and post this. I am begging (four or possibly less) people, anyone who can sing and/or rap to put up a video on YouTube singing the lyrics down below. Credit for the parody’s creation (even in the description) would be greatly appreciated, but if you’re going to be a jerk, please at least credit the wonderful Lin-Manuel Miranda for creating the original piece (and take a listen to Hamilton too, it’s fantastic).
So now, without further ado, I present to you:
The Trump Administration
(Parody of The Adams Administration by Lin-Manuel Miranda) 
[PERSON 1] How does the orange-faced, short-tempered Primary producer of The Apprentice Owner of the Sentient Jets Ardently abuse his large assets Destroy his reputation? Welcome, folks, to [PERSONS 1, 2, 4 – DEEP VOICE] The Trump Administration! [PERSON 1] Mike Pence is a sycophant, which makes him the Vice President [PERSON 2] Obama can’t help you now, no more mister nice President [PERSON 1] Trump degrades the media Calls all the Muslims lying terrorists in his taunts [PERSON 2] Say what? [PERSON 1] America cries out in response
*falling bomb noise* [PERSON 3] An open letter to the fat Arrogant Anti-charismatic National embarrassment Known as President Donald Trump [PERSON 1] Shit! [PERSON 3] The man's irrational. He claims that they’re in league With ISIS in some vast international intrigue? Bitch, please! You wouldn't know what we’re doin' You're always goin' berserk But ya never bother to work Give my regards to Ivana Next time you slam the press’s lack of moral compass At least we do our job up in this rumpus [PERSONS 1, 2, 4] Oooh!... [PERSON 3] The line is behind you You crossed it again And the president lost it again Aw, there’s so much strife Bannon’s runnin’ your life Now the prez is out posting again Let me ask you a question. Who sits At your desk when you tweet ‘bout your bullshit? They were calling you a dick back in '76 And you haven't done anything new since You're a nuisance with no sense You'll die of irrelevance Go ahead, you can call us the devil You aspire to our level You inspire to malevolence Say, "Hi," to the DeVoses! And spies all around us Maybe they can confirm Your authority’s as fake as the tan on your face We’re confining you to one term! Sit down Don, you fat mother[BLEEP]!
*explosion noise* *shouts*
Trump's outta control!
Yeah! It's awful. He controls the US, the majority didn’t want him in office, and he’s just appointing his friends and cash cows!
He’s a host unto himself. As long as he’s in power, he’s a threat. Let’s get him impeached before he starts World War 3.
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crookedtable · 1 year
'In the Heights' (feat. The Lady-Wan from Screen Run)
Way back in 2020, a few hardcore Hamilfans -- including this episode's guest -- united for the first-ever Crooked Roundtable to talk up the Disney+ release of Lin-Manuel Miranda's Tony-winning musical Hamilton. Now, at last, loyal listeners get the long-awaited spiritual sequel to that discussion.
On this episode, Close Watch continues its year-long analysis of movie musicals as The Lady-Wan of Screen Run joins us to talk 2021's In the Heights. Based on Miranda's other Tony-winning musical, the film follows a group of largely Latinx characters in New York's Washington Heights.
We'll discuss why In the Heights underperformed at the box office, how it thematically matches up with Hamilton, and why director Jon M. Chu's film deserved better. Plus, we'll count down our favorite In the Heights songs in a brand-new edition of Let's Talk About SIX!
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