ringneckedpheasant · 11 months
Hey hi what did your url used to be? Have you changed it recently? Genuinely can't remember following you but you seem like a delight, 10/10 will keep following anyway
oh my gd this is from over a month ago i'm so sorry
as far as i can recall my url history has been dameron420 -> halwardpavushatersclub -> gaysolavellan -> ringneckedpheasant
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dalishious · 3 years
you’re the first person I thought to tell about this because you might find it as frustrating as I did but I was playing as my Lavellan last night and running around the Emerald Graves with Cassandra to do her personal quest and unintentionally started the Knight’s Tomb quest with her in my party.
I’m normally a bit of a Cassandra apologist—I think she kind of sucks, especially if you’re Dalish, but I like her as a character—but the fact that she sees a murdered Dalish clan and then still has the audacity to tell a Dalish Inquisitor that they should hand over a primary source on what led to the Exalted March to the Chantry is just. infuriating.
And I know the game doesn’t register your approval with companions over this stuff but with this particular Inquisitor, I managed to trigger her disapproval scene for the first time ever because of how vocally pro-Dalish and anti-Chantry I was in conversations with her, which made it extra frustrating. I’ve yelled at her over the damage the Chantry has done to the elves and she still thought that she should offer that suggestion? Fuck off, Cassandra.
Cassandra at her most frustrating, for sure.
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goblin-gardens · 3 years
PLEASE yell about tama bull, i have been thinking about qunari gender so much lately and i’d love to hear your Thots
yessss a single piece of encouragement
So, basically, my take on Qunari gender is that it gets a lot more interesting if you don’t apply real-world western gender structure (”human” in Thedas) to it at all. The implication is that in Qunari society, kids grow up without gender until they reach an age when they can start training for a role. It’s the roles themselves that are gendered, although not necessarily along the lines that match up with western irl gender roles. Basically, look at the “gender roles” section in the Qunari entry on the DA wiki and turn it all the fucking way inside out. Then throw it in the trash. Then light the trash on fire.
I’m torn between two scenarios: 1) that there are three primary “genders” of role: Military, Craftsmen, and Priesthood, to match the three members of the Triumvirate (Arishok, Arigena, and Ariqun, in order) and that the application of western gender structure (esp. he and she pronouns) is a necessary but slightly misleading effect of translating this structure into “Trade” (English or other player languages).
or 2) that the structure is more that each role essentially is its own gender, since it comes with expectations of behavior and responsibilities that are distinct from any others.
I’d think that Aqun-athlock individuals would be more common than straight-up irl transgender people, especially in the second scenario, since people change over the course of their lives, and even the most exact aptitude test given when you’re 11 or whatever will not hold true for your whole entire life. So I imagine that “gender” (role) fluidity or change over time is actually pretty common under the Qun.
So as for the Iron Bull himself, obviously he is cis-coded in the game. But is that an expression of the actual expectations of his role under the Qun? If roles are individual genders, I think he can do basically whatever he wants and still have it be “right”, however he also makes it clear that he is playing into stereotypes (mostly racial, but some gendered) in order to project the right front for his job.
His job, which is not actually warrior, but spy/informant. One question here is, would this role fit under the general heading of “military” and thus match the translation of “male” that he projects (and that we expect based on Sten and the DA2 Qunari) or would it fit more under “priesthood” and actually be “correctly” translated as “female”, and if so, why would he not use that translation? Well, probably for Spy Reasons. Either way, doesn’t he actually seem quite comfortable in the Southern/Human role of “man”? Perhaps he is coming to identify with it more strongly than his originally-assigned gender of “spy”? Perhaps he is just as much a trans man as Krem?
And then, Tama!Bull. There’s a few ways I like to play with this: one, an AU where instead of joining the Ben-Hassrath (or the Beresaad and then the Ben-Hassrath) he was trained as a Tamassran and stayed in that role (there’s an AMAZING fic out there on Ao3 with this premise. I’ll link it in a reblog when I track it down) or a semi-AU where he was trained as a Tamassran before going to Seheron. Basically, I headcanon that he’s great with kids, a good teacher, a good therapist, good at the things that Tamassrans are good at.
And then taking a step to the left of that, a related headcanon, which is really just that Bull is afab. The whole game/fic/headcanon/theory is exactly the same, but Bull is (what irl western/non-Qunari cultures would call) afab. I just think that’s neat.
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protect-him · 3 years
Ohhhh Fenris in kinloch hold for the palette meme? Please and thank you, have a lovely day!
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Oooh goodness, @halwardpavushatersclub same thought! You are both so sweet to send me a request. I tried to draw two Fenris’s for you!
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Thank you so much <3 Here is the link for the palette challenge post!
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lavalierre · 3 years
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@halwardpavushatersclub’s poor little meow meow
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zevistaird · 3 years
trans merrill is my biggest trans fem headcanon for dragon age 👀👀 i love her so much
Literally same! Don't get me wrong I do love my twinky trans men but ah give me my gorgeous trans femmes and buff trans men too :')
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queerspacepunk · 3 years
the line ‘I’m still comparing your past to my future It might be your wound, but they’re my sutures‘ (immortals - fall out boy), fenders. discuss.
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tevinterdays · 3 years
thank you for all of your very nice tags on my art, omg 🥺🥺
your art is very nice!! thank you for making nice art!!!!
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blackbackedjackal · 4 years
i was given a Mystery Leg Bone recently and was wondering if you knew of any good resources for identifying what kind of animal it might be from? Thanks!
Is the @boneidentification tumblr still active? Or you can post a pic on r/bonecollecting
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whisper here where shadow dwells sounds intriguing 👀
oh thank you for asking!!
Whisper Here is going to be The Descent part of my pavellan longfic. while i personally tend to play the DLCs prior to beating corypheus, timeline-wise, it makes more sense for descent and jaws of hakkon to occur between that and trespasser (i mean, we’re already supposed to believe that the main game happens within a year lmao)
anyway, post-inquisition dorian goes back to tevinter, but yuo asks for his help during these two events, so ofc dorian drops everything into mae’s lap and /runs/ back to ferelden to help yuo. Whisper Here will follow the events of the DLC, although i may change things? i usually do lmao but that’ll be a ways off so i haven’t thought much about it yet, although i am excited to write the DLC parts!!
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kakashibestie · 4 years
hi marc ilysm and i hope things are going well for u rn <3
today i woke up in the CRANKIEST of moods like fr i had zero desire to have a good time and then i sliced up half an apple and ate it w/coffee before a work meeting that was suprisingly not dreadful AT ALL...then i had a moon shaped bread for breakfast and i stg it was one of the most delicious things i’ve had in a while...maybe things are less than ideal right now but i had a lovely breakfast earlier and i think overall being alive is a good thing and always worth it!!!
mutuals send me 🕊 & i’ll tell u something nice :-)
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waveridden · 4 years
marcid with hadrian/samot for the prompts list?
(set in spring, just after samot nearly dies)
marcid (adj) - incredibly exhausted; withered; lean; pining
Hadrian visits Samot every day in his convalescence. For the first few days it’s a shock to look down and see the starstuff spread across his face, the way his eyes glow when he’s awake. But Hadrian gets used to it. It would, quite honestly, be hard not to adjust when he spends hours looking at Samot every day.
Samot gains a little more strength every day. Hadrian brings books at first, but by the fourth day Samot is strong enough to carry on a steady conversation. He asks a lot of questions: about the university, about Ephrim, about things changing. About Hadrian.
The conversations go on for hours, eventually; long, meandering talks that go nowhere. Hadrian stops trying to pretend like everything is going smoothly at the university, and Samot stops asking about their defenses six times in every conversation. It’s a rapport different than they’ve had in the dreams and in prayer: one that’s built on something mutual, on a kind of understanding that nearly frightens Hadrian. It’s good to be understood, certainly, but there’s something terrifying and tender in being permitted to understand Samot.
It’s no surprise, then, when Hadrian arrives one day for their daily conversation, and Samot takes one look at him and says, “Tell me what’s wrong.”
It’s futile, but he has to try anyways: “I don’t-”
“Hadrian,” Samot says quietly, without reproach but he can feel the rebuke all the same. “Please.”
And that’s what does it, in the end: Samot saying please. He couldn’t possibly resist that. So he sinks into the chair by Samot’s bedside and starts talking about the defenses for the university, and a troupe of bandits that’s been trying to gain entrance. They’re not going to get inside, but it’s still exhausting to deal with day in and day out, and one of them had managed to get inside today, and Hadrian is tired of swinging a sword around to deal with this. Ephrim and Corsica think it’s not a problem, so somehow it’s fallen to him, and he doesn’t want it.
Samot listens, brow furrowed. It’s no different than prayer, or than Samot guarding him when he wears the cloak, but it’s much more intimate being able to watch his face as he listens. Hadrian ends up averting his eyes more than not, but he can still feel Samot’s eyes on him.
“My paladin,” Samot murmurs, and Hadrian finally meets his gaze. “You look so tired.”
“I’m doing my duty.”
“And what an exhausting duty you have.” Samot reaches out and takes one of Hadrian’s hands in his. The motion is slow, but his grip is firm, squeezing Hadrian’s fingers tight. Hadrian automatically lifts his other hand to cover Samot’s, and Samot smiles at him, scarred and warm in a way that makes something seize inside his chest. “Will you stay with me?”
“Of course,” Hadrian says, confused. “Don’t I always?”
Samot shakes his head. “Not as my entertainer or as my babysitter. As someone who needs rest, just as much as I do.”
Hadrian opens his mouth, but before he can say anything Samot squeezes his hands again and murmurs, “Please.”
How strange it is, Hadrian thinks, to allow a god to rely upon him.
“Yes,” he says simply, and Samot relaxes, settling back into the bed. He doesn’t let go of Hadrian’s hand.
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ajani · 5 years
what are ur thoughts on fero/samol bc i get sad abt them a lot
hey so literally why im thinking about this is because I saw a Fero/Samol playlist and checked it out and its fucking me up I loved their dynamic in Spring and Samol in general was such a charismatic characterThe playlist has some like fuckin genius picks.Like “Hey, Thats no way to say goodbye” as a song fucking KILLS me just in the TITLE. The Fero Hey thing and how Samol DID say goodbye like SHIT the LAYERS
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actuallygodzilla · 5 years
halwardpavushatersclub replied to your post: Should I listen to the mountain goats and clean my...
yesterday i tried to follow the holiday spirit and record a cover of this year but you could pinpoint in the audio the exact moment i started crying
omg marcus. okay today i will eat at the mountain goats. hope 2020 will be kind to us..
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ot3 · 5 years
halwardpavushatersclub replied to your post: [[MOR]
this is really cursed but i have 100% seen people say that making fun of crytyping or making valid jokes is ableist
an infinite number of monkeys on an infinite number of typewriters . . .
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elvesofnoldor · 5 years
your posts about dragon age compelled me to buy da:i like a month or two ago but I can’t even play it because there’s not enough storage space on my laptop gjshdhehfhdb anyway I love dorian
sjdsjdsf  thank you, i just dumped 2000 words incoherent rambles on my blogs occassionally cause if i dont i’d explode and every once a while message me and be like, “you make me like da:i and dorian” and it always amazes me. i guess dorian and the game are just that compelling cause it certainly isn’t because how eloquent i am sjsj
can you download it to an external hard drive or something and play it from there? i doubt everyone playing on pc put that monster of a game in their computer’s hard drive. but good luck dude, warning: you WILL wander in hinterlands for like, 10 hrs before u can even meet dorian, so prepare for the wilderness of ferelden my dude, it’s here to stay 
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