hms-harmony-discord · 2 years
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The results of the 2022 'Harmony Hollow Fest', hosted by HMS Harmony (Discord, Facebook, and Instagram), are in. We would like to thank everyone that participated and submitted poetry, fanfiction, and/or fanart to the Collection, which has nearly 50 entries at the time of this post. Find them through the AO3 Collection or linked individually below.
40 Days by Myst867
Type: Fanfiction Summary: Ron left on November 15, 1997, and was gone for 40 days. Each day that passes the locket wears down Harry, peeling back his layers, revealing aspects of his personality that Hermione had never before seen. Harry Potter the boy from the cupboard under the stairs was her best friend. She's about to find out there was a monster inside there too. Rating: Explicit Status: Complete
I'm a Cat Duh by Tiffany
Type: Fanart Sumary: A Mean Girls inspired fanart for the Harmony Hollow event. Rating: Explicit
Alpha of Alphas by Myst867
Type: Fanfiction (+ Fanart) Summary: Dying the second time, hurt more than the first, and Harry realizes when you're the Master of Death-- the bite of a werewolf is much more than just growing furry once a month- especially when two Werewolf Gods advise him they have 'chosen' him as their new Alpha of Alphas, something they haven't been able to do since a pesky wizard Myrddin bound their reach. Rating: Explicit Status: Work in progress
and if you lose yourself, i will find you by feelslikeivy
Type: Fanfiction Summary: “You came,” said Harry. “You called.” replied Hermione, simply. Rating: General Audiences Status: Complete
and they were roommates by dragonmarked
Type: Fanfiction Summary: As part of the Creature Student Program at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, new students Harry Potter and Hermione Granger—a vampire and a werewolf—learn how to coexist as roommates (and perhaps more) while dealing with their respective conditions. Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Status: Work in progress
bite me by dragonmarked
Type: Fanfiction Summary: It all starts because Harry can't stop looking at Hermione's neck. Rating: Explicit Status: Complete
The Blackbirds by RJGriot7
Type: Fanfiction Summary: Dumbledore was wrong, Potter was dead. Hogwarts has fallen, Voldemort has won. But the struggle continues. Bloodied but unbroken, a changed Hermione and her fellow survivors still continue to fight an apparently losing war against escalating odds just to survive. However, what neither side knows yet is that after so much has gone so very wrong, sometimes, just sometimes, someone thought lost might just come back again, to put those wrong things right. Rating: Mature Status: Work in progress
Changes by Forgive_Me_Severus
Type: Fanfiction Summary: During the Battle of Hogwarts, Harry is attacked by a werewolf. After the battle is won, a routine medical exam confirms that Harry has been a victim of potion abuse. While the changes brought on by the attack prevent him from being potioned again, Harry starts to recognize other startling truths. For one, Harry realizes that Hermione and Ron’s relationship is not as happy had he once believed. Then, on Halloween, Harry saves Hermione from Ron’s anger and realizes she is his mate. Can two abused souls lean on each other and begin to heal? Can their friendship develop into every lasting love? Rating: Explicit Status: Work in progress
The Cruelest Walls (Are Made of Glass) by moonwitching
Type: Fanfiction Summary: "There isn't a way to articulate it to Harry, how he was gravity. The thing that kept her molecules bonded together. There isn't a way to transmit this without revealing the other, more private thing that has always churned in the deepness of her, pushed down, down, further than blood, further than bone. Her dark matter. In a universe made of it, held together by it—what happens when gravity is not a force, but a person? How do you go on without them? Maybe you don't. Maybe you can't. Annihilation. A whimper, and then a blur. The truest nature of grief." Rating: Mature Status: Work in progress
The Dare by Chloe_Parker05
Type: Fanfiction Summary: It was all Ginny’s fault. If she hadn’t dared Hermione, none of this would ever had happened! Not that all of it was bad, but, well, it was her fault anyway. And Seamus too, who organised the whole thing in the first place. Rating: General Audiences Status: Complete
A Darkness So Tender by maraudersaffair
Type: Fanfiction Summary: Hermioen knows something is wrong with Harry. She also knows she's in love with him. When she discovers his vampirisim, she is willing to risk her own life to help him. He finds the smell of her blood irresisitible, but Hermione is willing to take the chance if it means she can finally have him. Rating: Explicit Status: Work in progress
Doorway to our Dreams by occulted
Type: Fanfiction Summary: There are many secrets within Grimmauld Place, like the library that Harry recently uncovered. He invites Hermione to come and stay and help him reorganise it, because she would love that. But will they love what the library makes them realise about each other? Rating: Explicit Status: Work in progress
Downfall by LordCroussette
Type: Fanfiction Summary: A different plan to destroy the Horcruxes during the Battle of Hogwarts leaves Harry open to an attack by a creature, which he wrongly assumes is an untransformed werewolf. A few days later, he looks at his wound only to realize he had the entire thing wrong. This was no werewolf wound. No, this was much worse. Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Status: Work in progress
even death has a heart by dragonmarked
Type: Fanfiction Summary: Hermione is dying. Desperate, Harry makes a deal with an unknown man that promises him the power to save her, if only he surrenders his own soul and relinquishes himself to a lifetime of servitude. Rating: Mature Status: Complete
Freaky Friday by damadape
Type: Fanfiction Summary: Friday 31 October 1997, Something always happens on Halloween. Without the threat of Voldemort, he was destroyed when he attacked Hogwarts at the end of their sixth year, Harry is hoping for a quiet day. Perhaps he will make it a good memory and finally ask out the girl he likes. Too bad for the occupants of the castle as they all wake up switched with someone else! Who wakes up as who and what will they do?! Can Harry find his secret crush and still ask her out, what if they are all trapped in these new bodies? Rating: Mature Status: Complete
The Ghost's Tale by Sorvik_Corsair
Type: Fanfiction Summary: Harry is having conflicting feelings about his best friend. She is angered by his continued use of a certain potions book. Deciding not to attend the Halloween feast he instead spends time with his house ghost learning about his ancestors with his best friend. Rating: General Audiences Status: Complete
Ghostly Visits by Jesselouu
Type: Fanfiction Summary: Harry and Hermione Potter are trying to get their children ready to trick-or-treat before they visit Godric's Hollow for their yearly Halloween celebrations. Rating: General Audiences Status: Complete
Hallowed Death Be Denied To Me by Aeyliana
Type: Fanfiction Summary: Auror Captain Harry Potter has a secret. Since he united the three Deathly Hallows, he cannot die. Seven years since he came back to life the first time, he finds himself to not be the only immortal at large in Great Britain. A rogue cult of vampires threatens both muggle and magic lives, forcing the Ministry to drag Harry back into the frontlines. With no choice but to do his duty, Harry not only has to deal with vampires, but with keeping his own immortality a secret. He at least is not alone with Hermione Granger on his side, the only person who knows his secret. She alone knows that he is the Master of Death. Rating: Not Rated Status: Work in progress
Harry Potter The Werewolf Of Hogwarts by Morrigan_Raven
Type: Fanfiction Summary: AU. Harry is turn into a werewolf when he was 8 years old by Fenrir Greyback. When he goes to Hogwarts, he falls in love with Hermione but she is afraid of him, later he starts writing letters to her without signing them. When Ron finds out he takes credit for them and tries to win Hermione. Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Status: Work in progress
The Haunting of Everly House by Rouch
Type: Fanfiction Summary: The Everly House has a dark secret. Muggles who enter, don't always exit. These disappearances caught the attention of the Muggle Protection Division of the International Confederation of Wizards. Suspecting magical foul play, Hermione Granger was assigned each case. Year after year, no cause was found until suddenly, the disappearances stopped. Hermione tried to move on, never forgetting about the cold cases. This Halloween, she'll learn the truth. Rating: Mature Status: Work in progress
Her Auror and His Healer by harmonious (accidentally_hi)
Type: Fanfiction Summary: The day before the Ball, that Hermione has been looking forward to, Harry comes home disoriented and ill. She does her best to take care of him. Rating: Explicit Status: Complete
Horcrux Hunters by Rouch
Type: Fanfiction Summary: After Ron leaves while on the Horcrux hunt, Harry and Hermione have the space to realize what they really want. Rating: General Audiences Status: Complete
i saw you in every sacrifice and every suffering by bellairestrella
Type: Fanfiction Summary: In which Harry and Hermione take a trip to India for the Festival of Lights, and all doesn't go according to plan. Rating: Mature Status: Complete
An Inferius Bride by unbroken_halo
Type: Fanfiction Summary: When a reluctant groom practices his wedding vows in the inadvertent presence of a deceased young woman, she rises from the grave assuming he has married her. Rating: Mature Status: Work in progress
it lurks in the shadows by dragonmarked
Type: Fanfiction Summary: Hermione Granger gets caught at the crime scene of Cho Chang's murder with bloody hands and a bitter history with her fellow Ravenclaw, becoming the prime suspect in the eyes of almost everyone at Hogwarts. Rating: Mature Status: Work in progress
Just Enough by Myst867
Type: Fanfiction Summary: A modern day Harry Potter is sent to school armed with a charmed cell phone from his muggleborn mother and the advice from his father that he probably has just enough Veela heritage to recognize the person who is destined to be his partner for life. Its not until 6th year when a transfer student by the name of Hermione Granger makes him think his father may have been right. Rating: Explicit Status: Work in progress
La Petite Morte by Aeyliana
Type: Poetry Summary: A little piece of verse about Hermione claiming her prey and making him hers forever. Rating: Mature Status: Complete
Lady Hermione and the Duke by harmonious (accidentally_hi)
Type: Fanfiction Summary: Ever since she was young, Hermione has been trapped inside the castle by her father. She wishes nothing more than to be free.  Everything changes when her father falls ill. She is set to be married to Duke Potter, a man she never met. After her father's death, she is faced with a new challenge. Rating: Not Rated Status: Work in progress
Monster Ball by harmonious (accidentally_hi)
Type: Fanfiction Summary: Hermione hated that the All Hallows' Eve Ball was mandatory. The last thing she wanted was for others to see the creature she longed to hide. Having no choice, she attended with no expectations. Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Status: Complete
my hand was the one you reached for, all through out the great war by feelslikeivy
Type: Fanfiction Summary: Halloween is a mysterious occasion. It speaks of people long dead, of swords never broken and darkness that forever remains. Halloween 1981 would forever leave its darkness on the wizarding world, but it would bring some light, some hope to the frail minds whose hearts reeked of war. A story of the love of two of our favorite characters, told through 9 Halloweens, with interference from some deities. Inspired by Taylor Swift's The Great War. Rating: General Audiences Status: Complete
Nepenthe; or, The Raven-Haired Wizard by HarmoniousConvergence
Type: Poetry Summary: Once upon a midnight dreary, Hermione Granger ponders, as is typical, over several curious volumes of forgotten lore. But suddenly she hears a tapping—even, dare we say, a rapping—at her bedroom door! The late-night visitor turns out to be a familiar raven-haired wizard, upset and needing her love. Hermione realizes just how much she is ready to give him. Rating: Explicit Status: Complete
A New Beginning and Pumpkin Pie by TheAdamBomb505
Type: Fanfiction Summary: Harry goes after Voldemort on Halloween, intending to end the threat once and for all. He wants a new beginning, without him hanging over his head, and will protect all those he loves. Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Status: Work in progress
no light without darkness by harmonious (accidentally_hi)
Type: Fanfiction Summary: Harry and Hermione needs to adjust to their life without Ron. She notices that there is something different about him. Rating: Not Rated Status: Work in progress
Once Upon a Full Moon by LunarianCrescent
Type: Fanfiction Summary: Nearly three years after the second wizarding war, Harry Potter has joined the weakened Auror Corps, helping to keep a shaky peace in a recovering world. But after two Wizengamot members are murdered by werewolves, a new threat seems to loom on the horizon. And Harry soon stumbles across a larger conspiracy that threatens everything and everyone he fought to protect when he put an end to Voldemort. Rating: Mature Status: Work in progress
Our Doubled Desires by Aeyliana
Type: Fanfiction Summary: An obsessed Romilda Vane turns to a sinister potion to turn herself into Harry Potter's deepest, darkest desire. Instead of turning into his famed paramore, Ginny Weasley, she takes on the appearance of Hermione Granger. Harry falls for the deception and becomes trapped by his own desire, manipulated for Romilda's gain. She, however, crosses the wrong witch to get what she wants and faces the consequences, but not before exposing Harry's secret. Will his desires cause him to be shunned by the one he loves the most? Or will she accept his darker nature? Rating: Explicit Status: Complete
Pale Moonlight by gamer0890
Type: Fanfiction Summary: When the nightmares returned, they were about her. When the nightmares returned, she was there to help. Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Status: Complete
Pieces by The_Astrophile
Type: Poetry (+ Fanart) Summary: After the war, Harry and Hermione are broken individuals who struggle with the demons of their past but ultimately find solace in each other. A poem where we see Harry and Hermione as they truly are on the night of Halloween, and the concept of "real monsters" is explored. Illustrations by HastyHand. Rating: Mature Status: Complete
A Potato, Harry Potter and the Wolf by arwrite
Type: Fanfiction Summary: Hermione and Harry help their kids make Halloween cookies and costumes. Rating: Explicit Status: Complete
soul by harmonious (accidentally_hi)
Type: Fanfiction Summary: After the war and the funerals, Harry decides to move to 12 Grimmauld Place. Hermione helps him clean his residence, making it look and feel more homely. Rating: Explicit Status: Complete
stripped down by Anonymous
Type: Fanfiction Summary: After Harry helped Hermione find her parents, they try to move on with their lives, but nothing is what it used to be. With Hermione's help, Harry tries to restore 12 Grimmauld Place back to its former glory. Rating: Explicit Status: Work in progress
take me home, luv by feelslikeivy
Type: Poetry Summary: Poetry based on the Edgar Allen Poetry Prompt for the Harmony Hollow Event. Rating: General Audiences Status: Complete
Three Chocolate Frogs by HarmoniousConvergence
Type: Fanfiction Summary: Several days after Ron leaves Harry and Hermione alone in the tent, Harry struggles with emotions regarding both of his best friends. But a late-night conversation leads to some revelations from Hermione, as well as an unexpected treat and an opportunity for the two of them to reconnect. Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Status: Complete
The Vampire at Loamly Lane by TheSmuttyMuse
Type: Fanfiction Summary: When Harry is bitten by a vampire, he turns to the only person he can trust: Hermione. The problem is he finds the smell of her blood irresistible. Can she make the antidote before Harry loses all control? Rating: Explicit Status: Complete
whispers by harmonious (accidentally_hi)
Type: Poetry Summary: The Horcrux is more than they bargained for. Harry and Hermione must fight it. Rating: Mature Status: Complete
wreck my plans, that's my man by feelslikeivy
Type: Fanart Summary: I don't normally do art, but a figure from a video editing app my friend uses has me shook. Rating: General Audiences Status: Complete
you drew stars around my scars by dragonmarked
Type: Fanfiction Summary: “It’s not that bad. I don’t look completely hideous,” Hermione murmured, turning her head sideways and looking at the scars on her arms.  “You could never look hideous, Hermione,” Harry stated confidently, trying to get the nervous stutter of his heart under control. Rating: Explicit Status: Complete
Happy reading!
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ghost-infestation · 2 years
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Day 31 (Farm). Sorry about his mouth.
Happy Hallowenn! (and congrats to me for managing to hold out through the entirety of october with this)
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jinabacarr · 11 months
Halloween, Speed Dates & Vampires, oh my!
Halloween, Speed Dates & Vampires, oh my!
Halloween, Speed Dates & Vampires, oh my! @jinabacarrauthor Happy Halloween! My Speed Date with a Vampire is coming up… find out all about my short story dramatic podcast with sound effects!! #halloween #halloweenpodcast #vampires #shortstory #authorlife #halloween2023countdown #halloween2023 @theboldbookclub ♬ original sound – Jina Bacarr Historical Author♥ – Jina Bacarr Historical Author♥ My…
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louplsp · 2 years
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Make-up de MR Tate Langhon.
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luciferslater · 2 years
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HALLOWEEN ENDS!!! What better way to round of the #hallowenn season than with a cheeky #michaelmyers #tattoo show some love for the undisputed king of Halloween using @chakracarts and @radiantcolorsink from @saviourtattoosupplies #halloweentattoo #tattoos #tattooideas #tattooed #ink #inkedgirls #altgirl #horror #tattooedgirls #inkedlife #inkedup #darkillustration #horrormovies #horrorgirlsclub #horrormovieart #halloween🎃 (at Sin city tattoo studio ltd) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkkwIauMJNw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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skycrorg · 2 years
Este año vuelven los 'meteoritos de Halloween'. Qué saber sobre detectar una bola de fuego
Este año vuelven los ‘meteoritos de Halloween’. Qué saber sobre detectar una bola de fuego
Es posible que veas bolas de fuego en el cielo esta semana. Los “meteoros de Halloween” están de vuelta por primera vez desde 2015, según astrónomos de la NASA. Hace decenas de miles de años, un gran cometa se rompió, creando una corriente de escombros cometarios, dijo una publicación de Facebook de NASA Meteor Watch. Cada año, por esta época, la Tierra pasa un par de meses atravesando esta…
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littledemo0n · 11 months
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Trick or treat :3
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juuuuunaaaaaooooo · 2 years
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4nuttyaddict · 11 months
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Costume sorcière moderne: Réalisation du chapeau. Base réalisée par Laurence Niro Lien page facebook Laurence Niro: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100010159211982 Lien facebook: https://www.facebook.com/4-nutty-addict-850962241666113
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captwiles · 2 years
Happy Halloween !!!
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is popee the preformer popular here, i binged watched the first season on request of a friend
im also planning to learn the theme on the violin
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fanarts09 · 2 years
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(via Halloween Dinosaur Throw Blanket for Boys Girls, Tapestry by Fanarts09)
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480pfootage · 11 months
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Gotta put the best girls together.... you get what I mean.. I love you kate and mandy....
Maybe I will make this a series maybe not.. I have 8 others planned but i do not have the motivation to draw them before hallowenn... (wahhh this was gonna be my halloween posts that i didn't do goretober for... m just not good with planned things)
xtra doodle:
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gambeque · 11 months
trick or treat
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happy hallowenn
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tiredfemboy · 11 months
Trick or treat :3
uwah, i didnt prepare for hallowenn… oof ahh
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take himb
baskemt kity
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misudrawsshit · 2 years
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Im into halloween. Like... REALLY into hallowenn.
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