#halloween vibez
kingrosalani · 7 days
Made a lil spooky vibe playlist for y’all
It’s our time 🧡🎃
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ladiablita209 · 2 years
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hauntedfurby · 1 year
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Orange Halloween vibeZ
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memurfevur-archive · 11 months
HADESA. What's your favorite part about Halloween? >:D
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She pauses, then elaborates further.
She gestures to the the giant pumpkin container that she's made a bed of, and the life-size Jason statue sitting on her couch. She gestures to the cobwebs she's hung up, the skeletons and fake bats, the glass chalices full of chocolate eyeballs and spider-rings.
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y0itsbri · 2 years
happy tag game tuesday! tagged by @celestialmickey @creepkinginc @metalheadmickey -- thx buds!!! <3 <3
hello, my name is: briiiiii
your age in roman numerals: XXII
the last song you listened to: evermore by taylor swift and bon iver for those nice autumnal vibez
look to your left, what’s the first thing you see? my watermelon sugar harry styles poster! hi harry!
you’ve just been handed a first class ticket to anywhere in the world. where are you going? italy!!!
do you collect anything? plushies, craft supplies, memories
quick! you have to paint your nails right now! what color do you choose? i haven't painted mine in aaaages, but i would paint twisha's a sparkly rainbow sunset. purple, pink, red, orange, yellow on one hand. indigo, blue, grey, dark green, light green on the other. w like that duochrome sparkle on top. yeah.
what’s one of your bad habits? picking at my skin 😔
a movie you could watch over and over again: *chanting* twilight Twilight twILIGHT
favorite Halloween candy (or favorite candy if you don’t celebrate Halloween): anything chewy or sweet or sour! not hard 2 please
and finally, give yourself a compliment: you're pretty creative at finding new solutions when things don't work out as planned
thx macy for the introspective snapshot of my life!!
tagging @grumpymickmilk @longjohnsoff @mrsinistertype @gardenerian @grossmickey @mishervellous @heymrspatel @gallawitchxx if u wanna! happy tuesday!
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infcinity · 2 years
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                          𝔪𝔞𝔰𝔮𝔲𝔢𝔯𝔞𝔡𝔢 𝔭𝔞𝔭𝔢𝔯 𝔣𝔞𝔠𝔢𝔰 𝔬𝔫 𝔭𝔞𝔯𝔞𝔡𝔢
this is me being extra with my plotting call lmao !!! but,, hit that heart for me to slide into ur dms and get the ball rolling with some plotting!! 
Hello friends! This is my plotting call for the event, I have unfortunately had to prepare this all early because I’ll be in disneyland when the event starts! But with that being said, below you will find all of my characters and you’ll find what they’ll be up to during the event, if they’re open up to having a date, if they’re open to being hurt or even killed to regain/lose memories and if you click on their name, you’ll be led to their individual board for their outfits for the event!
my characters who are open to either getting hurt or killed will have a lil skull emoji beside them and I have a separate thing with stuff that I maybe want to happen! 
annie james 💀 - pinterest board!
annie loves a good event like this!! it means that she gets to show of whatever she’s made for the event! will def be getting drunk and spending the night dancing and exploring. 
annie is open to dates, can be platonic or romantic, she’s open for pretty much anything! 
ben solo - pinterest board!
this isn’t exactly ben’s thing?? but he’s going with ari and since they’re free from the twins for the night, he’s going to at least attempt to enjoy himself and maybe have a few drinks. parents night out, lmao. 
ben is not open to dates, he’s going with his fiance and they’re both kid free for the night so he’s going to enjoy himself. 
chrissy cunningham - pinterest board!
chrissy never got to go to prom, so this is basically kinda like a prom for her lmao, she’s out here to have a good time and not to think about anything that’s happened to her before. so she’ll probably be on the dance floor or wandering around the gardens. 
chrissy is open to dates, either a date date or something platonic!
ewan mckinnon 💀 - pinterest board!
ewan will be unfortunately drinking and dancing to forget everything that is going on, will be exploring where he can and will be dancing with his wife even if she protests lmao. 
ewan is not open to dates, he’s hoping that his lovely wife will be his date for the night! 
ezra bridger - pinterest board!
this is v much not ezra’s kind of thing, but they will def be exploring around the white house and most likely getting into trouble, which is something they do best. will def be eating candy and lots of it. 
ezra is open to dates, they are open to anything platonic or romantic, so p much everything lmao. 
helena ravenclaw - pinterest board!
she’s super excited abt all of this!! and she can’t wait to dress up and spend the night dancing and exploring around the white house.
helena is open to dates, either platonic or romantic! just open to vibez!
jeyne poole - pinterest board!  
jeyne is so excited for this! she loves halloween and the whole dressing up thing is even more exciting! she’s going to be dancing and exploring all night and will be spending the time with her gf. 
jeyne is not open to dates, jeyne is going to the ball with her gf and they’re both being elves which was not planned by kasey and i lmao.
jiang cheng - pinterest board!
mans is not excited lmao, but he’s going for the free alcohol, may even be convinced to dance if he drinks enough? but will probs spend the night sulking in the corner lmao. 
jiang cheng is open for dates, anyone is welcome to attempt to convince him, he’s a grumpy bastard - maybe get him drunk that might make him more tolerable lmao. 
jyn erso - pinterest board!
jyn is not too sure what this is?? but she’s going to go just to check everything out?? will most likely stick to the edge of the room and has already mapped all of the exits for her to use lmao. 
jyn is maybe open for dates, she’s still ??? abt everything. 
kirei monsula 💀 - pinterest board!
this kid is literally buzzing with excitement, has already ate too much candy and will def be hyper the whole night. she’s going to dance and everything else and will def be sneaking some drinks to get a lil drunk. 
kirei is open to dates, either platonic or romantic! just open to vibez!
lan sizhui - pinterest board!
he’s never been to anything like this before?? so he’s lowkey excited to spend some time with his fam and friends and explore around the white house! 
lan sizhui is open to dates, either platonic or romantic! just open to vibez!
ling wen 💀 - pinterest board!
she is mostly there to show face bc she’s a senator?? but is also there to enjoy herself as well. will be found mingling with everyone in the crowds and will probably dance a few times too. 
ling wen is open to dates, either platonic or romantic! just open to vibez!
mai - pinterest board!
surprisingly, mai is actually excited abt this?? bc she lowkey enjoys halloween, but won’t admit that out loud. she’s even decided to dress up as well. will most likely be found wandering around and exploring? maybe even dancing. 
mai is open to dates, either platonic or romantic, she can be kinna grumpy, but once you’re passed the hard exterior she knows how to have fun and will even smile. 
martha hatter 💀 - pinterest board!
martha is dressing up as belle, which is her fav disney princess lmao, but other than that she’ll probably be exploring and dancing the night away. 
martha is open to dates, either platonic or romantic, she’s open to vibez. 
natasha romanoff 💀 - pinterest board!
she’s not working for a change, so will be enjoying herself while still keeping an eye on things, it’s something that she can’t help lmao. someone get her drunk and dance with her to make her relax a bit. 
natasha is open to dates, either platonic or romantic! up for anything! 
owen lars - pinterest board!
does owen have any idea what this is? nope, but is he still going, yep. will most likely spend the night exploring and dancing with beru and trying to figure out what the purpose of this is lmao. 
owen is not open to dates, he’s going with beru.
parker halliwell - pinterest board!
parker is so excited???? she loves halloween bc its her fave holiday, bc duhhh witch oop! will be spending the night getting as drunk as she possibly can and dancing the night away like the lil fairy she’s dressed as. 
parker is open to dates, can be anything from platonic to romantic, she just likes to go with the flow tbh and is not opposed to leaving with a date, wink wink. 
rhiannon fawley 💀 - pinterest board!
is not thrilled in the slightest to be here?? but she’s just going to see if she can gather any information that might be useful to the dark lord for his plans, so she’ll most likely be snooping or something like that. 
rhiannon is open to dates, can be platonic or romantic, she isn’t exactly the best company lmao, she’s grumpy, but if she’s around someone she genuinely likes she’s fine. 
robb stark - pinterest board!
robb is not much a fan of these formal events?? bc in his experience something always happens, ex the red wedding lmao. but he’s going to attempt to have as much fun as he can. 
robb is not open to dates, he’s going with his wife bc mans is whipped xoxo.
sarra palpatine 💀 - pinterest board!
sarra used to go to parties all of the time back home, but she was never really allowed to let her hair down and have fun, so she’ll be doing just that for the night, will def be dragging her kids to dance with her nd if they complain, she’s pulling the mother card xoxo, may drink a little too much champagne.
sarra is open to dates, can be platonic or romantic, someone pls give this woman a good partner pls nd thank u she deserves it. she’s a milf, that’s all i have to say. 
sirius black 💀 - pinterest board!
sirius is not a formal person, lmao, as u can see from his outfit and he used to be big on halloween, but not since what happened, sooo he’ll most likely be spending the night getting drunk or spending it with his friends. 
sirius is ?? to dates, who knows what this mess of a man will be doing??? he’s more preoccupied with making james remember him tbh. 
sola naberrie - pinterest board!
sola doesn’t quite understand the concept of this event ??? but the girls are excited to dress up as princesses, so she’s mostly going for them and to see more of her sister and to see more of this new place. she’ll mostly spend the night running around after the girls making sure they don’t consume too much candy. 
sola is open for dates, but it will be only platonic dates bc my gal here is asexual, so just platonic things for the moment! 
sophie sheridan - pinterest board!
sophie loves halloween, so this is right up her street! she found a cute costume for her son, and just ran with the vibez of being princess leia with her lil ewok lmao. she’ll probably have a few glasses of champagne and mingle in with the crowds. 
sophie is only open to platonic dates, since her husband isn’t here, she’ll need someone to go with or even people to meet there. 
winter celchu - pinterest board!
winter is p much just there to have fun and ignore her sister and maybe get a lil drunk ?? so you’ll most likely be dancing the night away and drinking one too many glasses of champagne. 
winter is open to dates, can be romantic or platonic ?? and can lead to more or anything like that!
xue yang 💀 - pinterest board!
my little asshole will be out here causing as much trouble as he possibly can, sorry jgy, he’s not sorry, but i am hehe. he will be eating as much candy as he possibly can lmao, will def take it from children. 
xue yang is open to dates, so if anyone wants to be his date feel free, it can be romantic or platonic, but be warned he is the worst. 
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ghosts-of-love · 2 years
Second song also by the name of Honey is by...Big Time Rush. Yep. The Nickelodeon made boyband. This song was written after their comeback and was released a few months ago. The lil thing about after their comeback is important cuz they knew by now that the fans they had that grew up watching their show and listening to them are now adults and shit so have allowed themselves the freedom to write songs more...mature. ANYWAYS, this song is mostly about Cap and his relationship with Damien (i-e-n or i-a-n ???)
"B-b-b-break my heart again Nobody does it like you can Hurt me so good I want it bad Know how to keep me coming back"
Even though Damien never really gave him much attention, Cap was still going back to him because it was still some form of affection.
2."Ruined my night, ruined my life, controlled my mind I could've, would've, I should've, but never said goodbye I never learned, love how it hurts, give me the works"
Cap realizing just how much Damien took from him. And ofc when the piece of shit shows up at the Halloween party and he ruins his night and then Cap spirals thinking about how his relationship and all the things Damien revealed has now ruined his life in his new home surrounded by possible friends. And the last line, Cap constantly going back to Damien (before leaving to the small "quiet" town) despite that small voice at the back of his head saying it's a bad idea that he never listens to or acknowledges cuz it's still some form of affection.
3. "The way you only call at night I can't resist to save my life (You know that) In pieces when the morning comes"
Damien calling Cap for nothing more than just some fun and never for anything else. Cap realizes Damien was only nice and polite at the start of their relationship cuz he thought he had to to get Cap's attention and then began dropping that facade (imagine the cedille is there.) And ofc Cap still went to him for a decent while before giving him up. Last line...tbh idk but it definitely just gives Cap vibez in regards to his relo with Damien.
4. "I'm stuck like honey on you"
A short yet simple line. But sums up Cap and Damien's relationship so well. Despite everything that man's done to Cap, he still went back to him time and time again before finally leaving him and his old place behind. He was attached to the only form of "positive" affection he had received. And ofc th fear of never finding anything better would set in but PAT IS RIGHT THERE. But yes, he become slightly dependent on the man and then finally escaped only for the mf to appear outta fuckin nowhere and remind him of everything they had done together. As if Cap would always be stuck with him. (which ofc he isn't cuz my guy Patrick fuckin Butcher knows how to treat a man.)
Thank you for coming to my (second) TEDTalk. I hope you appreciated my analysis and own interpretation of shit. it is currently 2am so i think im gonna sleep but i had to get these out before i forgot.
This is also a good song and i would definitely recommend. I woulda DMd you but tumblr was already open to your blog and the ask box was right there. ANYWAYS, gn king your writing as amazing 108784365/10 will read again
obsessed with your music taste. I never listened to Big Time Rush tbf, and had NO idea that they were made by Nickelodeon?! and now they are writing more mature songs...interesting 👀
bro your guess is as good as mine about how to spell Damian. I think I went with -an at the beginning but undoutedly switched it up at a later stage.
"B-b-b-break my heart again Nobody does it like you can Hurt me so good I want it bad Know how to keep me coming back"
so true king!! this is part of the idea that Cap doesn't understand how people who love him should treat him :(
2."Ruined my night, ruined my life, controlled my mind I could've, would've, I should've, but never said goodbye I never learned, love how it hurts, give me the works"
yes, omg this is SO Cap thinking about how Damian ruined the actual specific night, but also how he worries that he's going to lose his friends and that he'll have to move again.
It's been a while since I've reread my own fic lol so I don't quite remember how much detail I went into about this but the Captain definitely knew it was a bad idea to continue seeing him, but any time he stopped, his nights/general free time would become solitary and he'd be inundated with thoughts of other mistakes he'd made (*cough cough* Havers) - going back to Damian is a way of punishing himself for that, and also a way to remind himself that this is probably all he deserves and that he's lucky to have even this.
3. "The way you only call at night I can't resist to save my life (You know that) In pieces when the morning comes"
yes for sure! i just imagine him always like, totally hollow whenever he leaves in the morning. there's a lot of self-hatred there and that's what Damian picked up on before realising he didn't have to try so hard to get Cap's attention.
4. "I'm stuck like honey on you"
it's the fact that he knows! (i am rereading the beginning of chapter 1 now)
'He thought these things because it was what he’d been told, and what he’d been taught by multiple men while he was in a physically and emotionally vulnerable stage of his life and was susceptible to the words of others. And that made it a difficult thing to break away from.'
he knows exactly what's going on and that makes it all the more frustrating for himself to be unable to break away.
yes! the thought of 'is this really it for me?' and the fear that even though everything was Shit with Damian, it might have been the best he'd have ever gotten.
as always, thank you SO MUCH!! absolutely epic, i really appreciate your analysis! talking about my fics via the medium of Song is awesome and always hypes me up to start writing a lil bit more again :) thank you for that!! <3
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hkqueenxxx · 2 years
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Hippie Vibez 🌻💫🌈☮️ . . . #halloween #weekend #hippie #peace #love #happiness #costume #selfie https://www.instagram.com/p/CkUhr2kOGnT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jellyfishrprettycool · 4 months
Things I fw/love 🔥🔥
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- Exploring
- Gas stations
- Maximalism
- Cats
- Thrift stores
- “Ugly” things
- Tacky stuff as well
- Open minded people
- Galen Tipton
- Autumn
- Sunsets
- The beach
- Cool rocks
- Crystals
- Lakes/creeks
- Stuffed animals
- Indie games
- Individuality
- Cozy cafés
- Family owned bakery’s
- Small businesses
- Stars
- Women (I’m a lesbian 😻)
- Baggy clothes
- Melanie Martinez
- Long drives
- Road trips
- Aquariums
- Flowers
- Sun + Moon dynamic in ANY form
- JELLYFISH!!!!! 🪼🪼🩵🩵
- Tmnt (specifically 2012 tmnt)
- Studio Ghibli
- Will wood
- Makeup
- Halloween
- Holidays in general, love the vibez
- Scary movies
- Cute acne patches
- Trinkets
- Pretty lights
- Money lol
- Sturniolo triplets
- Quirky accessories
- Baking
- Cooking
- Shoes
- Paintings
- Clouds
- Trees
- True crime
- The paranormal
- Conspiracy theories
- Nighttime
- Farmers markets
- Fashion
- Walks
- The rain
- Antiques
- Parking garages
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systemsteamjunk · 2 years
had my first therapy appointment since like 2018 on halloween and second one today but this is the first therapist since the guy that just took me to watch turtles when i was tiny that i think will actually help start getting me somewhere. also in the middle of the appointment she was like "so,,, i have diagnosed Your Mom" (not actually just like 'respectfully, this is The Vibez') and said the thing that my mother was actually diagnosed with and something that a lot of people have speculated about her having but i had only been talking about her for like 5 minutes so now i'm like bruh have you picked up Thingz and Stuff on me or??? will i ever been diagnosed with something other than anxiety depression and ptsd by a professional because family i'm still on good terms with and friends that have been Diagnosed With Thingz are like how are you not Diagnosed With Thingz? and i'm like will i get Diagnosed With Stuff?
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anonymousrecipes · 2 years
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Swipe left to party 😎 Quinten Tarantino Vibez Halloween 22’ Felt great to have hair again 😂 “If my answers frighten you, then you should cease asking scary questions.” — Jules https://www.instagram.com/p/CkW4hoKviaU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lethargicsunlight · 3 years
Dabi XSpookyQuirk!Reader "Good-bye" (mini) (Part 6)
Dabi's palm was set against his chin as he looked out the passenger side window. He'd offered to drive, but you had insisted that was ridiculous because he had a head wound.
Which, to your point, his head was absolutely throbbing.
"You think we should try a pay phone?"
Your voice chases his grogginess, but it can't erase the pain.
"I think we're fine."
"…You, sure? I mean if we can get in touch with Kurogiri--"
"Do you remember the number?"
He did. But he wasn't going to admit it.
They could probably go about the situation a thousand ways. Drive into town and buy a phone charger from a twenty-four seven corner store, or maybe there was a computer café open at all hours where they could instant message or email one of the League..
But he wasn't going to voice those things. At least not yet.
He just wanted to extend this time, this drive with you, as much as possible.
And you did too. So you didn't argue.
Though, as the night progressed, the propensity for Shigaraki's anger to mount was nagging at you both.  (Even more so than the weird tension that followed after Dabi 'checking you for injuries')
You looked decent enough to go inside a corner store and buy a phone charger. After parking the car near an abandoned lot, you left it running and used the usb port to charge the device--and sent Kurogiri and Shigaraki both a text message with your location.
Daizou thumbs a part of his uniform, standing where you can see him.
"I guess this is goodbye."
You reach your hand out as though to shake, "I wouldn't have survived this without you. Thank you." And you mean it. He lends his hand, and though you don't feel it, you both enact the motion.
Dabi awkwardly stays off to the side, leaning against the doors of the car; watching you shake hands with nothing.
"Yeah, well. It was... interesting, I guess." He muses, then looks up at the sky. "...I suppose I should probably head on up. As much fun as this was.. being around someone that could hear me, reminded me what it was like to have friends. To be loved."
He looks back and winks, "Got me a wife up there, ya'know. I wonder if she'll look at me the way ya'll looked at each other after he woke up."
Flustered, but confident Dabi couldn't hear him, you hide it with scratching at your face.
"Yeah well--I hope so too. I'm sure she misses you."
On cue, Dabi clears his throat. "Uh--I'm not, sure how to go about this but.." he leans a little towards you. "Where is this guy standing?"
You blink, surprised, then gesture. "Four feet, that way."
He tries to configure that and look in Daizou's direction. "Thanks, dead guy."
Daizou just shakes his head, "Yeah. You're welcome."  You relay that message to Dabi, who gives a slightly embarrassed nod, then looks anywhere but the location you had pointed too.
Something about that little gesture infinitely warmed you. Most of your life, you had lived and dealt with people who had not believed in your quirk--no matter what proof you approached them with. They were always in denial. The League had been your first taste of acceptance.
But Dabi had not only proven his belief, time and time again--he accepted it as something he should respond to and be a part of. The ghost was as much a person to him, as he was to you.
Don't cry, don't cry...
You give the ghost a warm smile, watching as he begins to fade. "I'm glad I met you. Good-bye Daizou."
"Good-bye, you silly delinquent."
You chuckle, then wipe the little bit of wetness at the corner of your eye. It always hurts, just a little.
"He gone..?" Dabi asks after a few seconds of silence, and you nod. Your phone begins to ring, and you pick it up without thinking.
You and Dabi shared a grimace. Yep. Should've known.
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thepettypopper · 3 years
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marcelline16 · 4 years
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scoobidoobiidoo · 4 years
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allystrending · 4 years
Why are you guys up to? I’m catching up on Homework and I’m excited for Halloween tomorrow but idk what I’m gonna be ._. lol this year the lead up to Halloween hasn’t been as exciting as the last years since the main event of trick or treating is pretty much canceled... at least for me. But tell me what you guys think? And what your most excited for? What are you gonna be for Halloween have a good day guys ✌️
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