#hallelujah breakdown
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actual-changeling ¡ 1 year ago
this might be a me thing (probably is) but honestly i think aziraphale intentionally saying everything he did KNOWING what it was going to mean to crowley is way, way worse than him being unintentionally cruel.
carelessness can be fixed with conversation and understanding, if he really did not know better there's pain and heartbreak, yes, but also hope that you can move on from it.
but him intentionally saying those things to crowley? even as part of a trick or farce or double meaning? that means he knew exactly how to be cruel to him and then decided that it was either the easiest and/or the best option. i could not forgive that. there is ALWAYS a way that does not involve breaking the soul of the person you love.
so no, i don't think it was all a trick or that he was trying to secretly communicate something. i'd rather have aziraphale go through a genuine learning experience and properly talk to crowley about all of it than have crowley realise that it was all on purpose. that aziraphale looked at him and went "yeah, i'll say all that horrible shit to his face with a smile, this is definitely the best option and will have no consequences whatsoever".
there is always a way. always. i have been in situations with incredibly high stakes and emotional distress and being intentionally cruel is never the option you choose if you really love that person. you just don't. you rather bite off your own tongue than hurt them like that.
honestly, i would want crowley to walk away from him in that case because to me that's unforgivable and not fixable anymore.
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hannigramislife ¡ 4 months ago
The way I'd pay money to know what Dazai was thinking during that one scene where Kunikida showed Atsushi a photo of Akutagawa and was like "If you see him, run."
Like, genuinely how can one get over the fact that Dazai doesn't care about Akutagawa at all? In the sense that, you have seen this man form relationships with plenty of people around him, regardless of how bad or good his mental state was–
Yet he refuses to even attempt at helping the boy he himself took in?? Unprompted??
How can you not feel even the tiniest sense of responsibility? Obligation, connection, sympathy–
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hiort ¡ 9 months ago
I BEAT HORNET ON MY FIRST TRY... hiort hollow knight pro player in the making
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nami-moittli ¡ 1 year ago
Oh appmon, you will always be famous to me…
^ is listening to the chara songs
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thefadecodex ¡ 2 months ago
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Our first real exposure actually beings with the Grand Oak tree in DAO! (Thank you @meganooooooooooooooo for pointing this out!)
Players began to notice a distinct cadence in Solas's speech during interactions in DAI. Notably, when he recounts moments from the Fade, his voice occasionally takes on a rhythm and tone reminiscent of a hymn or chant, evoking the cadence of "Hallelujah," specifically the K.D. Lang cover.
(note: @the-northern-continent does a great breakdown of the Hallelujah cadence vs iambic pentameter in this post. And @liaragaming does a good breakdown of Solas speaking in that cadence in this post.)
This has led The Fade Codex to theorize that this cadence reflects a dialect used by spirits—an ancient, rhythmic way of communication that blends emotion and intent through a deliberate structure. The 6/8 musical framework of the K.D. Lang Hallelujah cover. This framework prioritizes reflective pacing, 1-2-3 / 4-5-6 measures, and allows secondary stresses to create an emotional cadence.
This concept is further explored in Dragon Age: The Veilguard through various encounters with spirits. Below are examples that demonstrate this rhythmic, almost lyrical, pattern in their speech:
The Anxious Spirit (A Spirit of Comfort) - Arlathan Forest
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"Trapped. Can't get out. It hurts. It's dark. Please. They didn't know what to do. They didn't want to die."
TRAPPED. CAN'T get OUT. It HURTS. It's DARK. PLEASE. They DIDN'T know what to DO. They DIDN'T want to DIE.
"Stop the thoughts. Stop the fears. Quiet, please. Make it quiet."
Eulogy (Originally a Spirit of Compassion) - Minrathous
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"Something larger stirs. Calling the desperate. I cannot see what."
SOME-thing LARG-er STIRS. CALL-ing the DES-per-ATE. I CAN-not SEE what.
"Know the hope you bring Dock Town thwarts it. And may you continue."
"As you found their names, I felt them whisper through the Fade."
As YOU found their NAMES, I FELT them WHIS-per THROUGH the FADE.
"My own name changed. I am now Eulogy."
My OWN name CHANGED. I AM now EU-lo-GY.
Hope Unyielding - Hossberg Wetlands
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"Light glimmers the surface. Flowers break through snow. Hope unexpected. I am such."
LIGHT glim-MERS the SUR-face. FLOW-ers BREAK through SNOW. HOPE un-EXPECT-ed. I AM SUCH.
"No. But nor was I forever."
NO. But NOR was I for-EV-er.
Pluck - Hall of Valor
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"What foul-hearted spirit tugs at the corners of your lips to turn them down so?"
What FOUL-heart-ed SPIR-it tugs at the COR-ners of your LIPS to TURN them DOWN so?
"Greetings, Mourn Watcher. You are a long ways from Nevarra."
GREET-ings, MOURN Watch-er. YOU are a LONG ways from Ne-VAR-ra.
Emmrich (to Pluck)
"Hail to you, child of Valor. As voice of our lightless shores, I pray your blade may never sunder."
HAIL to YOU, child of VAL-or. As VOICE of our LIGHT-less SHORES, I PRAY your BLADE may NEV-er SUN-der.
"You honor me. Few remember the old ways."
You HON-or ME. Few re-MEM-ber the OLD WAYS.
The phrase "the old ways," as used by Pluck, is believed to reference this rhythmic, cadenced speech. It’s a pattern steeped in intent, echoing the emotional resonance of the Fade itself.
Grand Oak - West Brecilian Forest
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(image source)
What manner of beast be thee that comes before this elder tree?
What MAN-ner of BEAST be THEE that COMES be-FORE this EL-der TREE?
Ahhhh, yes, I remember thy kind. So brief of life and all but blind to the peril you cause, the lives you take, such chaos is down within thy wake.
AHHH, yes, I re-MEM-ber THY kind. SO brief of LIFE and ALL but BLIND. To the PER-il you CAUSE, the LIVES you TAKE. Such CHA-os is DOWN with-IN thy WAKE.
This dialect may serve as both a form of communication and an expression of a spirit's essence, allowing them to convey ideas, emotions, and purpose in a way that transcends mere words.
This theory deepens our understanding of how spirits interact with mortals and each other, highlighting the unique and poetic nature of their existence.
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tarnishedtwill ¡ 28 days ago
Wanted to share my Solavellan Playlist, I adore the challenge of timeline based mixes. Check blow the page break for my breakdown 🥰
• Forbidden Fruits of Eden
• I Found (He watched over her for months, but the world changed when she awoke.)
• Wolves of Revolution (F*ck the Chantry & Corypheus)
• Last of the People (Bonding over feeling isolated as the Elven Herald of Andraste)
• The Keeper (He will be there Keeper to her Da'len. Her confidant.)
• Bluebird (Solas catching feelings he didn't think possible)
• Foreigner's God (Oh you know, just an Elven god falling for the Herald of Andraste)
• Running with the Wolves (Inquisitor getting her stride)
• Hyacinthus (you change everything.)
• Liar (but you can't)
• Your Best Mistake (Lavellan feeling as though she did something wrong)
• Full Moon (stay)
What Pride has Wrought
• Not Sorry for Loving You (Lavellan blaming herself for him leaving)
• Gilded Lily (She saved the world, sacraficed so much, and still she feels alone.)
• Love Comes Home (DAI epilogue card)
• Where's my Love (Searching for him)
• I'm Your Man (You believe me like a god, so I destroy you like I am)
• A Dangerous Thing (Var lath vir Suledin, I wish it could Vhenan.)
• The Tower (Rage of Betrayal)
• (Born) Blue (Wish I could just add the second half; But realizing he may be past saving)
10 Years of Searching
• Lavellan's Lament (How can she possibly go back to normal life? Why couldn’t she go with him)
• Notre dame (Disbanding the Inquisition)
• Long Time Ago (Searching, losing hope)
• Hallelujah (I had to include this, primarily for the sound more than theming since this is how Solas' cadence flows. It felt right to put here, as a way to show the Dread Wolf gaining power.)
• End of the World (Lavellan hearing about the ritual, but too late to try and stop it)
• Broken (Solas facing regrets *coughs* about Lavellan, in the Fade Prison)
• The Moon Will Sing (Because it was his anchor that got her in to everything. That made her the Inquisitor)
• No Way Out (Lavellan finally catching up to Solas)
• Streets of Gold (Vhenan...)
• My Hand and Vallaslin (Reprise in elvish, both as a "you are free" & "you don't have to go alone")
• Would you fall in love with me again? (Despite all I've done... you still love me? Atonement)
• Souls on Fire (Joined in the Fade)
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anchanted-one ¡ 3 months ago
Books of Ciphers and Book of the Ghost
Thanks for the interest, @alverrann !
My series is set in swtor. It mostly follows the Knight, Vajra, but most of the others play huge roles as well. It diverges at times, and becomes virtually its own story every so often.
Sorry for the long rant, but I'm deeply passionate!
Each Book mainly follows a hero, so it's like Book of Storms (Knight) Book of Wrath (Sith Warrior) Book of Ciphers (Agent), and Book of Night (Sith Inquisitor). Other books focus on more than one.
Both Books of Ciphers follow Lana Beniko, who I reimagined as the true identity of Cipher Nine. It's a long story 😅.
The first Book of Ciphers, Limbo, follows her during the five year gap between Knights of the Forgotten Empire chapter 1 and chapter 3. She is desperately searching for the Knight, her husband, in an increasingly dangerous galaxy. It's full of heartache and longing and a slow breakdown of self-confidence. I like it, though i did have to cut it down a lot to make it manageable.
The second Book of Ciphers, Mission Scorpion, is Lana's hunt for Darth Jadus after he slips up and reveals his location. It will also raise the curtains on my main antagonists for the next three books, the House of Masks. It's meant to be a shorter book than I normally write.
Book of Ghosts is set forty years after this story. Lana and Vajra both take on a common apprentice, who is a Ghostsister from Dathomir. She is now the Commander of the Eternal Alliance after her Master stepped down following Lana's death by natural causes. The galaxy has been at peace ever since Vajra used his political power to force all sides to stop fighting. The governments of the galaxy all try to rebuild and recoup the losses of the almost seventy-year war while the Eternal Alliance keeps the peace (peacefully, hallelujah) and provides supplies wherever they are needed. But she faces a new threat that resents what her master did, and has to find and oust this new organization before they can reignite galactic war. I hope for this to be my shortest book, and serve as an epilogue to what has proved to be a long but interesting endeavor.
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hold-him-down ¡ 9 months ago
8. What project(s) are you currently working on?
Here's the breakdown!
Immediate/Active WIPs:
The Fighter (Luke/Leo) - currently in progress is this piece where Parker returns Leo to the government prematurely and Leo freaks, also on the immediate docket is continuation of the hospital arc and a Rob/Leo piece
Belleview (Felix) - currently in progress is a piece where another former worker befriends/attempts to protect a very unwell felix
Derek's Back (Derek/Jack) - nothing currently in progress, but if I had to guess what was next I'd guess a past-prison piece
On My Mind but Inactive:
Make It Better (AFTG Fandom) - Next up is Andrew learning Neil is still alive (this is so niche)
Midnight (BOM) - Next up is the 4 years delayed last chapter
Hallelujah (BOM) - I'll never let go Jack, we'll revisit eventually
Hello (BOM) - Same as Hallelujah, I won't give up these children I just will not
On My Mind for the Future:
Original Novel for Nano - This cabin in the woods-esque piece wherein there is much suffering and h/c
How to Break a Billionaire (Ardy/Caspian) - At least two fics for this series bang around in my head off and on whenever I'm feeling jazzy
This one-shot for AFTG that details Andrew's time in rehab
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not-goldy ¡ 7 months ago
So no. If Jimin acted like Jungkook I'd build an alter and worship him like I have been eloquently worshipping my Jungkook all this while😁
I would have loved to see your breakdown if Jimin fell asleep drunk on live .
Hallelujah praise God I would get drunk and sleep to his snores tooo take that parasocial relationship to the next level🤭
Just the Crack head energy I need🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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mathisshiftss ¡ 10 months ago
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A scenario in my Coffee Shop DR
I arrive at Spencer’s house after a very long week.
Warnings: Drinking, boys kissing, lowkey a breakdown
Immediately after I’m done at work I go to Spencer’s apartment. It’s been a hard week and it’s finally Friday, I can finally keep him up because he finally doesn’t have work the next day. Thank god.
He answers the door, still in his regular clothes, lacking the blazer and tie. Brown pants, green cardigan, dress shirt.
“Matt? What’s up?” He asks gently, inviting me inside.
“I missed you.” I say gently. “I had a hard week.”
“How come?” He asks, his hands finding my jacket as he helps me slip out of it.
“Just… I don’t really know.”
He knows it’s a lie. He doesn’t press me about it, he knows better than to. I’d just get upset and leave, he’d rather me not be alone when I’m upset.
“Okay, well… do you want to do something? Need anything?” He asks gently.
“You keep the good wine around here somewhere, don’t you?” I ask.
“You don’t think any wine is good.” He teases, pushing the hair out of my face.
“Maybe I will tonight.” I say with a smile. “Please?”
“You sure you’re okay?” He asks, his voice softening as he asks.
“Yeah, I’m just really in the mood to take some edge off.” I force a smile.
“Fine… just, let’s not overdo it, okay?”
He gets the wine and we sit down, sipping quietly. I definitely end up overdoing it. Within about 20 minutes I’m sifting through his records, looking for something to listen to.
“Your music taste is ass.” I giggle. “All classical. Where’s that album I got you?”
“Oh, it’s next to the player.” He says. We’re both slurring our words a little, I’m more drunk than him. Neither of us are surprised about that.
I get up, stumbling over my own two feet as I walk over to the record player. I almost fall, causing me to curse under my breath.
“Ah, found it.” I say, putting it on the player. It takes a second before music starts coming out of it.
The story behind the gift is funny. A few weeks before Christmas last year I had been at Spencer’s, looking at his stuff, and I noticed that he has no good music. So I went out and found my favorite album ever recorded; Grace (legacy edition) by Jeff Buckley. With it, there was a handwritten note.
“Here you go, Spence. The start of good music in your collection. It’s my favorite, you’d better like it.
Love, Matt.”
“I listen to it a lot.” He admits from the couch. I turn to him with a soft smile.
“Yeah?” I say softly. “Glad I got it for you?”
“Definitely.” He smiles. I put on the record, the first song that plays is “Mojo Pin.” I sing along drunkenly. The words are slurred and I’m slightly behind on the words but I know it by heart.
Spencer watches as I dance around his apartment, although, it wasn’t exactly dancing, more so waltzing around the apartment, occasionally throwing my hands up and tripping over my own two feet.
When “Hallelujah” comes on I look at Spencer. I smile forms over my lips and I step toward him, stumbling a little. He isn’t nearly as inebriated as I am, he usually isn’t.
“Spencer.” I say in a singsong tone. “You should dance with me.”
He smiles and lets out a quiet laugh. “What? I can’t dance.” He says, trying his best to get out of it.
“Come on. Please? For me?” I ask.
“Matt, I can’t dance when I’m sober, what makes you think I’m gonna be able to dance when I’m drunk?” He says, smiling up at me. I offer him my hand.
“Then just sway with me.” I say softly.
He rolls his eyes. “I can’t!” He giggles.
By the time he is finally convinced, Jeff Buckley has gotten through almost a minute of the song. I pull him up and I wrap my arms around his waist. He doesn’t know what to do with his.
“Matt, I don’t dance.” He giggles.
“Just hold me. You do that, right?” I say, looking at him with a gentle gaze. He smiles and looks down as he rests his arms over my shoulders.
“Is this good?” He asks.
“This is perfect.” I say gently. I shift forward and rest my head on his shoulder.
Well it goes like this, the fourth, the fifth
As the music progresses, I begin to make more dramatic movements with my body, guiding Spencer’s along with mine. He stumbles and blushes with embarrassment.
“I’m so uncoordinated!” He says. “I can’t do this.”
I smile at him.
“Yes you can, come on.” I say, pulling him back into me. My hands rest on his hips.
“Put your hands here.” I say, and I move his hands to my waist, they wrap around slightly. “Would you like to hold one of my hands or stay like this?”
He pauses for a moment. “Um… Hold hands.”
I giggle and take his left hand in my right. I hold it to the side, near our shoulders.
“I’ll guide you, okay?” I say softly. “Step with your right foot.”
He does, I do it at the same time. He smiles at me. I tell him to move his left and he does.
Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew you
He’s finally starting to get the hang of it, although, he accidentally steps on my feet every so often. We laugh together.
“You’re doing great.” I say softly.
“Am I?” He sounds like he absolutely does not believe me. “I keep stepping on you and I’ve never danced before in my life-“
I kiss him to interrupt him. The movement stops.
“That’s why I’m teaching you.” I whisper when the kiss finally ends. His face is red. “Come on. Left… right…”
I guide him and we dance in circles around his living room.
And I’ve seen your flag on the marble arch, and love is not a victory march. It’s a cold and it’s a broken hallelujah
Our dancing has slowed. It’s turned more into a standing hug. My face is buried in his shoulder and his hand is on my head, gently playing with my hair.
“Matt?” He asks, his voice is gentle.
“Hm?” I ask gently.
“It’s not healthy to drink away your problems.” He says gently. “I’m not trying to tell you how to live or anything. Just…”
“I know.” I say quietly. My hold on Spencer tightens, just a little. “I don’t know what else to do. There isn’t anything to talk through…”
“That’s okay.” He whispers. “This was fun though, right?”
“Mhm.” I admit.
“And I’m glad you didn’t just get sad drunk all by yourself. I’m glad you came to me.” He says softly. His hand runs up my hair.
“I knew you’d be upset if I ended up drinking myself into a coma.” I joke.
“Maybe a little.” He laughs. He puts his hand under my chin and makes me look at him. “I love you, Mathis.”
I smile, looking over his face.
“I love you too, Spencer.”
He places a gentle kiss on my lips, his hand finding my jaw.
“Stay the night?” He asks softly. “You can’t exactly drive home, anyway.”
“I’ll stay.” I whisper. “Thank you.”
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oxygenbefore1775 ¡ 5 months ago
nvm, I'm truly a Zeke in my sibling dynamic
just had a full breakdown with tears and snot over a perceived quarrel and realization that I'm a toxic person and always bring my sister down with my antics all the while listening to Hallelujah on repeat to beat myself up even more about it, whereas in fact she was just in a bad mood after her shift and decided to tease me with mean words
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eden-has-rotted ¡ 1 year ago
haha anyways. the first part of the bass riff in house of wolves during the part when he says "hey hey hallelujah" is the same as the bass part in mama during the breakdown when the tempo slows and theres the war siren
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ange-la-ange-ootd ¡ 1 year ago
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September is my birthday month, so I went to get afternoon tea! My outfit theme was !!! Ghost Party !!! which is to say a vaguely Fumi from Jack Jeanne inspired coordinate lol. (Rambling, outfit breakdown, and image descriptions under the cut.)
The cardigan was amazingly helpful for practicality because those blouse sleeves contain multitudes!
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Oufit inspo: Dollmaker!Fumi from JJ because I am absolutely obsessed with this game, and he's my fav! Roughly borrowing the color scheme and some of the motifs and the Bishop Ring is to add a bit of Hallelujah ~shout the name of god, my friend~ vibe. (I'm sorry, this makes no sense out of context.)
Holy Lantern JSK - Angelic Pretty Alchemist Chemise - NUIT Clothing Atelier Layer Cake Sweater - L.o.M.O. Loungewear apron - The Black Ribbon Beth beret - handmade Cut It Out earrings - Kikay boots - Demonia rings - Dandy Puppeteer, Voodooodolly monster badge - Listen Flavor
[ID: A red, black, white, and grey lolita fashion coordinate. The main piece is a red jumperskirt with corset-style detailing on the bodice and a print with chandeliers, crosses, stars, and birdcages. It is layered over a white blouse with voluminous sleeves and paired with a black apron, black tights, and black platform boots. A grey and black cardigan with a dripping design is worn with it in two of the views. The accessories include: a beret, scissor earrings, a crucifix ring, a black heart ring, and a gold monster face badge.
A screenshot of Fumi from Jack Jeanne is included in the post. He is wearing the dollmaker costume from one of the theater performances. He has blonde hair swept to cover one eye and the scene has a spooky/halloween vibe to it. His outfit is red, grey, and offwhite with various sewing motifs: oversized yellow buttons, spools of thread, and a pair of scissors in an apron-like pocket. The set behind him is a dimly lit workshop filled with dolls and crafting supplies. ]
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supervisormeero ¡ 2 years ago
An Unhinged Analysis of 10 Songs That Remind Me of Syril and Dedra 
Behold, a breakdown of/ramble about a few songs with lyrics that I think fit Syril, Dedra, and whatever delightfully messed-up mess they're likely to have going on in Season 2. Putting most of it under a cut because seriously, I had Too Many Thoughts (shocker) and no one needs to see all of them unless they're prepared. Anyway—
“Egoist” by Jenna Holiday
“I see myself in you, I’ve always been an egoist/I want the best for you, you show me where my ego is…” 
For two of the most self-obsessed people in Star Wars canon, a song all about egos and arrogance and loving someone because “I see myself in you” is a little too perfect. After all, Syril and Dedra don’t care for each other because they’re actually in anything resembling real love; at least in Season 1, Syril’s obsessed with Dedra because she is who he wants to be, and Dedra tolerates Syril because he’ll help her get what she wants. Also “you’re thinking of you/while I’m kissing myself”… like, yeah. Provided they ever kissed, that’d be them.
2. “Oleander” by Mother Mother
“And if you leave me/rest assured, it would kill me/like an oleander, white, white leaves”
This song describes a toxic, codependent relationship, and that’s one of the directions I could see Syril and Dedra going in Season 2 (the toxicity, certainly). They don’t love each other, but for various professional and personal reasons that get inseparably jumbled, they need each other - perhaps more than they’ve ever needed anyone. That terrifies them. Neither of them have the capacity to deal with those emotions healthily, and thus, the possessiveness, jealousy and toxicity commences. Also “I’ll make a mess/and you’ll be there to help me undress” has the spirit of post-Ferrix Keero, what with Dedra “making a mess” of Ferrix and Syril “being there to help” by rescuing her and calming her (take or leave the ‘undress’ lyric, but at least half the fics on AO3 are about something of varying levels of spice happening in the broom closet). “If you leave me, rest assured, it would kill me…” I suspect they might be the death of each other in the end, so... sure. Either that, or somebody’s ending up alone and very pleased with their advancement to a lucrative new position on the Death Star.
3. “Money Power Glory” by Lana Del Rey
“I want money, power, and glory/oh hallelujah, I’m gonna take them for all that they got…”
This is probably more Syril than Dedra, since (in my opinion) he cares more about money, power and glory; she doesn’t need accolades, she only needs control. It’s a typical Lana song, but it’s all about climbing to the top and wanting power above even a romantic relationship. I suspect that’s the direction we’ll see Syril go in Season 2, eventually leading him to betray Dedra in favor of climbing the Imperial ladder.
3. “Drumming Song” by Florence + The Machine
“There’s a drumming noise inside my head, and it starts when you’re around/I’d swear that you could hear it, it makes such an almighty sound…”
I think most would choose “Kiss With A Fist” for Keero. I understand that. But for reasons I can’t fully articulate, this song makes me think of Dedra being dragged into having feelings for Syril entirely against her will. It’s about falling for someone to the point where their presence has a physical effect on you; hence, the “drumming noise that starts when you’re around.” She wouldn’t know what to do with any of that, of course, because I sincerely doubt Dedra “never been touched” Meero has felt any of it before. But I do think it could happen - and if it did, she’d hate him for causing that "drumming noise" and making her weak.
4. “Love Love Love” (Cabin Sessions) by Of Monsters and Men
“Those bright blue eyes can only meet mine/across a room filled with people that are less important than you…”
This song is almost too sweet for Syril and Dedra. But certain of the lyrics fit so perfectly that it's unsettling, so I threw it on here. At its core, it’s about having someone fall in love with you and knowing that for whatever reason - circumstance, a lack of reciprocation, you having no understanding of or experience with relationships whatsoever and being more rattled by someone touching you than stalking you - you can’t return their feelings. I’m probably too stupidly sentimental about a ship that laughs at sentimentality, but it almost landed to me as Dedra reflecting on Syril’s attitude toward her. Plus, “bright-blue eyes across a room filled with people that are less important than you?” In my ridiculously elaborate headcanon that will never happen on this show, that’s Dedra making eye contact with Syril across the meeting room table after he weasels his way up from the Bureau of Standards to the ISB.
5. “Us” by Regina Spektor
“We’re living in a den of thieves/and it’s contagious…” 
A den of thieves = the ISB, and the Empire in general. Aside from that, the song references having a “statue built of us,” and while I don’t think Dedra’s necessarily after that level of recognition, I don’t think she’d turn it down were it offered. Syril would love a statue built of him so he could proudly show it to his mother. He and Dedra are both trying to achieve a goal that would lead to that sort of laudation within the Imperial ranks, and in the end, they’re probably hoping for a timeless level of appreciation and respect. In some form, that’s probably Syril’s greatest hope: a statue of him with Dedra at his side. 
6. “Easy to Hate” by Waterparks
“You’re selfish and a half, and the other half is me/all that I can do is fall in blame with you…”
This is a fun, catchy song. 2. This is a song about hating someone almost as much as, if not more than, you love them, because your partner loves themself more than they love you. To me, that rings as Syril realizing Dedra doesn’t really care about him, much less love him or see him as an equal, and she never will. So, “it’s too easy to hate you/you’re hard to love.” And yet, as the lyrics state, he’ll “fall in blame” with her, but he won’t initially break off whatever weird connection they develop. Partly because of what he feels for her despite her apparent and cutting indifference, partly because he thinks if he keeps trying he’ll make something happen between them, and mostly because he needs her in his quest to gain power. 
7. “Breezeblocks” by Alt-J
“Please don’t go, I’ll eat you whole/I love you so, I love you so, I love you so…”
I have loved “Breezeblocks” and the whole An Awesome Wave album since the early 2010s, and so now I have little choice but to cram Alt-J onto any fandom mixes I create. In this case, though, I think it mostly fits: especially after the bridge. Much like “Beggin for Thread,” there’s a power imbalance here and such a consuming, obsessive desperation to keep someone close that you’d “eat them whole.” Huh. Who’s known for having consuming, obsessive tendencies almost to the point of delusion? 
8. “Beggin for Thread” by Banks
“Stooped down and out, you got me beggin for thread/to sew this hole up that you ripped in my head/stupidly think you had it under control…”
Look. I can’t resist a sewing reference because of Mr. “(Please) Look At Me, I Tailored My Uniform, And My Suit, And Everything I Own.” But like many others on this list, this song deals with power imbalances, mind games, and needing to have the upper hand in an unhealthy relationship. Kyle’s talked about how Syril and Dedra’s relationship in Season 2 delves into the concept of who does and doesn’t have power, and I think this song is a decent example of that. Whether intentionally or not, Syril and Dedra are going to mess with each other’s heads in their unending attempts to Prove Themselves to the Empire. The vibe of this song aligns with that. Also “my words can come out as a pistol and I’m no good at aiming/but I can aim it at you”… Dedra sure can’t defend herself in a riot, but she can definitely “aim her words” right at Syril’s heart.
9. “Sober II (Melodrama)” by Lorde 
“They’ll talk about us, all the lovers/how we kiss and kill each other/they’ll talk about us, and discover/how we kiss and kill each other…”
Circling back to The Toxicity, this song is all about two people who have an on-and-off relationship riddled with miscommunications, misunderstandings, and constant tension. If that isn’t Syril and Dedra, I don’t know what is. Plus - “all the glamour, and the trauma, and the fucking melodrama” - seems very ISB/Imperial to me. It’s glamour on the surface and backstabbing and trauma beneath, and the reality of that is going to cause some very real melodrama for Cereal and Debra. Plus, this song has the coolest combination of strings and a beat. Just… listen to it. It’s short, it’s one of my favorite Lorde songs, and you won’t regret it. 
10. “Daylight” by David Kushner
“Oh I love it and I hate it at the same time, you and I drink the poison from the same vine/oh I love it and I hate it at the same time, hiding all of our sins from the daylight”
Okay, so, because I’m old and not cool and on TikTok or wherever I suspect this song blew up, I just found it. It’s actually probably just about garden-variety infidelity, but there’s enough wiggle room in the writing that you can twist it to the right angle to fit Syril, Dedra, and their (presumably?) super-secret Season 2 investigation into Axis and Andor. “Hiding all of our sins from the daylight” could be embarking on a “sinful” non-sanctioned hunt for the rebels who ruined both of their reputations, or it could be embarking on a sinful non-sanctioned hunt for the rebels who ruined both of their reputations and falling in the most doomed, toxic, imbalanced, non-sanctioned love at the same time. “You and I drink the poison from the same vine” feels very Keero to me; the poison, of course, being Imperial ideology. And, because Syril and Dedra are twin flames, they’ll “love it and hate it at the same time.” Dedra would love how well they work together and how efficient they are as a team, but any of the feelings… cannot process. Complete shutdown. At least listen to the last minute of this song; whether or not you think it applies to Keero, it’s gorgeous. 
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cosmixsoupmix ¡ 1 year ago
A Deep Dive into Gorillaz's "Hallelujah Money" (repost)
I have already written this post on my main blog (@cosmixbun) but I am putting it on this one so I have it here too !! (originally written in 2022-2023)
For those who don’t know the song ‘Hallelujah Money’, it is a song released by the band, ‘Gorillaz’ on the ‘Humanz’ album on January 17, 2017. Or more known as the eve of Donald Trump’s inauguration (keep this in mind, it’s very important.). The majority of the vocals were sung by Benjamin Clementine, the rest of course, was 2-D. The lyrics can be found here, if you want to read them. The music video can be found here. I suggest watching and reading both before really looking into this.
DISCLAIMER: I am not a big music person, I only find music video interest in the Gorillaz music videos. If I say something that you do not believe or have differing opinions, great. This is just what I bring to the table all these years later. There’s plenty more where I come from.
I’m going to explain as best as I can with both parts so bear with me. Again, it would help to watch the video to see the background and the emotions in the video as portrayed by Benjamin. So, in the music video upon opening, we see the only person who will be the center of the whole music video, Benjamin. We see him in a shiny, gold building. This hallway, in the building, is a reference to the Trump Tower and Benjamin is portraying Trump, or at the least his ideals. The background images that are used in the music video are disturbing and can sometimes set an uneasy feeling. I’m not going to go super in depth on each image or video because there’s a lot but you can find the breakdown somewhere. In the music video we see flashes for symbols or things that symbolize power, such as the pyramid with the eye on the back of the US dollar bill (which is said to represent God or the illuminati, so pick one), a cowboy, and even a creepy clown video (not really a ‘power’ in a societal sense, but they affected how we lived for a while.) While the videos and pictures are shown in the back, the lyrics are being said. The majority of the time, the video and pictures have somewhat no connotation to the lyrics being sung. The end of the video ends with a clip of Spongebob screaming and crying, this was taken from the episode called ‘Karate Choppers’ from season one. The clip is right after Mr.Krabs, his boss, tells him that he’s fired. “You’re fired.” is one of Donald Trump’s signature quotes.
Going into the lyrics I will also tie into the things that I had talked about in the music video. The lyrics in the beginning are more of acknowledging that the US is a growing country and that everyone is allowed here, except for `The scarecrows that come from the far east”. Benjamin then sings that to keep them away “Is by building walls, Walls like unicorns In full glory and galore” making a reference to the wall Trump had promised in his campaign that he was going to build. A lot of people in the states were looking forward to this and as it states, it was going to be a big project that would be looked at by many. Benjamin at this time in the music video is calm and collected and seems to be confident in what he is saying. He is also singing his thoughts about the American Dream, and how it is only for the starving, To me, this is saying that the people who don’t have it bad in this country don’t even have to think about the American Dream because they think they are already living it. Those who are struggling to get by everyday dream about the day where they won’t have to get up and wonder what their next meal is or even if they will see next week. Those people have their own dreams about the American Dream. He then thanks the people for trusting him, a reference to the fact that he is going to get inaugurated the next day. I’m going to skip 2-d’s parts for now and skip to the next time Benjamin starts to sing. The next verse that Benjamin sings is ‘Trump’ saying that even though this is how life is, we can’t do much about it, everyone in the world just wants power. We can’t be upset over something that is bound to repeat itself. He even says, “And the whole beasts of nations desire, Power”. In some way or another we want power. Trump definitely understood this and had taken it to a whole new level.
Now going into 2-d’s parts he sings both bridges in the song. In both parts that he sings he is singing directly to Benjamin. He’s asking these questions that we still ask today, “When the morning come, We are still human, How will we know? How will we dream? How will we love? How will we know ?” These questions are from the people and they are asking that if the world is so corrupt, how will we ever be able to love each other if all we can do is fight and argue. The first time 2-d comes to ask these questions, all Benjamin can do is listen. 2-d sits in Benjamin’s silhouette and Benjamin stays still. The second time he sings the same lyrics, Benjamin seems uneasy and  worried, scared, and fearful. Benjamin’s hands are shaking and the book he’s holding, he is weary about. The music becomes more, ‘anxiety filled’. Then not too long after 2-d is done, Benjamin goes back to normal. Symbolizing that in his campaign and unknowingly, the years to come, he was going to be questioned and under heavy watch because not only was he a public figure, but a lot of allegations and scandals came up about him. In the same moment, he starts to sing, “Hallelujah Money” and rub his hands together in a way that you would say money, with your thumb, pointer, and middle finger. This was then showing that even after all of that, he still had support and his fame, all the efforts did nothing to him. He wasn't phased by a single thing that came towards him.
So what are my thoughts on this music video? Three words.
This music video was not only amazingly made, but Benjamin did the entire music video in one take. But coming away from that, the message that this brings to the table about how the former president saw the American Dream? How he felt about power and wealth? I think it captured it perfectly. The imagery that was used in the back of the video is stunning. The way they used the analogies in this was so intricate, but it worked and fit so well. The way that they went into it and went, ‘Ya know what. Let’s give it to em’.’ My absolute favorite part of this was the lines used to describe the different sides of the American Dream. The way they also used the tree analogy in the beginning to describe the idea of western prosperity just really sold it for me.  The way this song was produced and how it sounds like a choir is singing with Benjamin to me is just the opinions of the people who agree with Trump and his ideals and them being like, ‘yeah, for the money.’ The kind of tone that song has is kind of 'rejoiceful' but having that hint of that ‘uneasiness’ that I had mentioned earlier. It just makes you think that it’s a normal Gorillaz song. The entire song is just powerful to me and after seeing it once again and hearing the song once again, and celebrating 4 years of the album...My appreciation only grows for it.
That’s pretty much it but I would like to close out with a quote from none other than Murdoc Niccals himself:
"In these dark times, we all need someone to look up to. That's why I'm giving you this new Gorillaz song, a lighting bolt of truth in a black night. You're welcome."
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reyesstrand ¡ 1 year ago
Hi Maddie!! For Nice Ask Week, Lone Star, especially in seasons 1-3, gifted us with so many great songs to go along with scenes! What is your favorite song that Lone Star has used and the accompanying scene with it?? 🎵🎶
hi desi!! thank you for this, even though it was so hard SJDNSJ. i’m going to cheat i can’t help myself
season one — the night we met in the finale. when we didn’t know when the show would be coming back for sure due to covid, it was such a lovely way to end the season and fill us with hope for the characters. honourable mentions: simple man when judd and owen ride horses, sex & stardust during the first tarlos hookup, a hard rain’s a-gonna fall when tk and owen talk about owen’s cancer, i wanna be sedated during the bull call.
season two — is it anything other than fever? will never forget the thrill of it….them coming back together after their fight, owen and judd and billy trying to save them from the attack they didn’t know was happening, the first fire sparking to the beat of the music. honourable mentions: the chain in the finale, always something there to remind me when judd is getting his tattoo after he leaves grace (almost every needle drop in saving grace tbh), hallelujah after tim’s death, 1950 when marjan goes to meet salim.
season three — i genuinely cry every time i watch 3x08, and so amen’s gotta be high up here. it’s just. insane. the whole sequence makes me hold my breath. the instrumental in push when tk comes back and grace gives birth gets me every time, too, so! honourable mentions: breakdown with marjan and owen singing along!!!, bloom when the 126 comes together at the end of push, i fought the law when the brawl breaks out at the baseball game, transatlanticism when tk’s sadly listening to music before carlos calls cooper. <3
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