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I travel in order to understand cultures and shape my personality.
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Roots by Martin Bennie
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How much I’ve missed you Geoje...
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Shinjo Studio
Thank you again Shinjo Studio for a great collaboration and a dope photoshoot.
To be continued...
Multumesc inca o data Shinjo Studio pentru o colaborare faina si un photoshoot de exceptie.
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Ivory Coast
From the age of 11 (when I first started playing basketball) and until now, my summers have always been full of basketball activities, like training camps, tournaments or different international events. I never complained about it but I didn’t like it that much either because I felt like I was sacrificing a lot of my free time and that I couldn’t have ‘normal’ vacations with my family, like the rest of my friends. As I grew older, I’ve realised that thanks to all of those summer basketball activities, I had the blessing and the opportunity to see a lot of countries and lost cities, and the chance to experience different cultures and to meet beautiful people.
Last year I was constantly thinking and debating whether to visit the States or Africa; I believe that if you really want something and put your thoughts into The Universe, of course through actions as well, you can achieve it. So, the Universe answered my prayers and got me a ticket to the Ivory Coast this summer. I was very happy because first of all, I’d never participated at the Francophone Games before, and second of all, I’d never been to Africa. Unfortunately, my team and I didn’t have much time to train together (I had the 3x3 Europe Cup), but we did manage to have one friendly game against the Romania U20 national team and two games with Tunisia before we left for the competition.Even though we finished on the 6th place out of 16, I’m very proud of my team for giving everything on the court and being able to adapt to the different style of basketball there. My coaches did a great job, they were always pushing and motivating us. I know that in every competition, everybody is looking for results but you can’t have sudden results without smart, long term training. Same in life, you’re never going to be 100% ready and the perfect moment doesn’t exist, but that’s the point. It means that every moment is the right moment and I strongly believe that each one of us grew as a player and learned a lot during these couple of weeks.
Like Cambodia, the Ivory Coast had a huge impact on me. As one of my good friends once told me, ‘There are people who would love to have your bad days’ - this sentence pretty much sums up my experience there. I’m sure that everybody involved made efforts and tried to organise and make everything look as good as possible but for some people, living in containers without hot water and wi-fi for twelve days is an ordeal. I think that’s why for me, one of the keys to my happiness is travelling. It allows me to grow and see certain things in a different perspective. When I’m caught up in this kind of situations, outside of my comfort zone, I like to work with my patience, try to adapt and see the positive side in everything. For some of the girls, this experience was hard to take in, but I’m sure that after a few years they will value their time there and realise that the problems they face back home are small compared to the health problems, poverty and corruption that some people have to deal with every day.
Outside of the campus, the poverty in the Ivory Coast was visible to the naked eye. One time, one of our teammates gave away some t-shirts to some kids and after that, a lot of people gathered and they followed us to the bus. It was so bad that the local policeman had to force them back from our bus. You could see people struggling and hustling in every corner of the street but despite appearances, every time they saw us passing by, they would always wave or smile to us. I’m truly inspired by the African culture and as I was looking through my photographs, I’ve noticed their beautiful, colour-rich design clothing. After doing some research, I’ve learned that most of the colours on the ‘pagnes’ possess different values and meanings.
Personally, I had my ups and downs during this journey but I saw it as a blessing. I created many beautiful memories and had the chance to meet kids with beautiful souls; even though my French is terrible, we managed to understand each other through body language. On our day off, along with the Romanian delegation, we visited the local zoo and one day before our departure, we went to the beach.
This kind of experiences humbles me. Not only does it make me understand and be thankful for what I have, but it also reminds me that there are parts in this world that need more love and kindness. We are living in the 21st century but poverty, corruption, racism and slavery still exist. We see it every day but yet fail to make a significant change. Small, young people like me should be more aware and less ignorant of this reality. Simple acts of kindness can help and being a better person every day doesn’t cost a thing.
Hope you’ll enjoy the pics and get the message.
De la varsta de 11 ani (cand m-am apucat de baschet) si pana acum, verile mele erau intotdeauna pline de activitati cu baschetul. Ba aveam turnee nationale, ba cantonamente la ‘Cerbu’ cu minibaschetul, ba diverse evenimente internationale. Nu ma plangeam, dar in acelasi timp simteam ca imi sacrific mult din timpul meu liber si nu puteam sa am vacante “normale” cu familia mea, precum restul prietenilor mei. Pe masura ce am crescut, am realizat ca datorita acestor activitati cu baschetul de-alungul anilor, am avut binecuvantarea si oportunitatea de a vedea o multime de tari, orase, sansa de a cunoaste diferite culturi si de a intalni suflete unice.
Anul trecut, ma gandeam ce as alege daca ar trebui sa ma decid intre America sau Africa. Si uite ca, Universul mi-a rezervat vara asta un bilet catre Coasta de Fildes. Eu cred ca daca iti doresti ceva cu adevarat si iti pui gandurile in Univers, bineinteles si prin actiuni, sunt sanse mari ca acel ceva sa se adevereasca. Am fost foarte incantantata si fericita pentru ca inainte de toate, nu mai participasem niciodata la Jocurile Francofone si, in al doilea rand, n-am fost niciodata in Africa. Din pacate, ca echipa, nu am reusit sa ne antrenam prea mult impreuna (eu avand competitie europeana cu 3x3) dar, am reusit sa avem un meci amical impotriva echipei nationale al Romaniei sub20 de ani si doua meciuri cu Tunisia, inainte de deplasarea din Coasta de Fildes.
Chiar daca am terminat pe locul 6 din 16, am fost si sunt foarte mandra de echipa mea. Am dat tot ce am avut mai bun din noi, reusind sa ne adaptam stilului diferit de baschet. La randul lor, antrenorii au facut o treaba buna, mereu motivandu-ne si incurajandu-ne in toata perioada. Sunt constienta ca in fiecare competitie, toata lumea cere rezultate insa nu putem sa obtinem rezultate peste noapte, fara o strategie si o pregatire inteligenta pe termen lung. La fel si in viata, niciodata nu vei fi 100% pregatit, iar momentul perfect, nu exista. Asta inseamna ca fiecare moment este oportun si cred cu tarie ca fiecare dintre noi, prin aceasta competitie, am crescut ca jucatoare si am avut multe de acumulat si de invatat.
La fel ca in Cambogia, Coasta de Fildes a avut un impact imens asupra mea. Cum unul dintre prietenii apropiati mi-a spus odata: ”Exista oameni care ar da orice sa aiba zilele tale proaste” iar aceasta propozitie face lejer rezumatul experientei mele acolo. Sunt convisa ca toti cei care au participat la organizarea competiei, au facut tot ce s-a putut ca sa iasa cat se poate de bine, insa pentru unii oameni, traind in containere fara apa calda si wi-fi timp de dousprezece zile este o tragedie. Cred ca de aceea, pentru mine, una din cheile fericirii, este sa calatoresc. Ma ajuta sa evoluez ca persoana si sa vad anumite lucruri dintr-o alta perspectiva. Cand sunt prinsa in astfel de situatii, in afara zonei mele de confort, imi place sa lucrez cu rabdarea mea, sa incerc sa fac fata situatiei, sa ma adaptez si sa vad partea pozitiva a lucrurilor. Pentru unele dintre fete, aceasta experienta a fost una greu de digerat, dar sunt sigura ca, dupa cativa ani, vor aprecia timpul petrecut acolo si isi vor da seama ca probleme de acasa sunt mici in comparatie cu problemele de sanatate, saracia si coruptia pe care unii oameni trebuie sa le confrunte in fiecare zi.
In afara campusului, saracia din Coasta de Fildes se vede cu ochiul liber. O data, una dintre coechipiere a donat cateva tricouri unor copii, dupa care mai multi oameni s-au adunat si s-au napustit dupa noi spre autobuz. A fost atat de rau incat politia locala a trebuit sa ii forteze sa se distanteze de autobuz. Puteai sa vezi oameni pe strazi sau in mijlocul drumului, incercand sa vanda disperati orice, dar in ciuda aparentelor, de fiecare data cand treceam pe langa ei, ne zambeau si ne faceau cu mana. Ma inspira cultura africana si uitandu-ma la fotografiile pe care le-am facut, am remarcat imbracamintea lor foarte bogata in tesaturi si culori. Am descoperit mai tarziu ca majoritatea culorilor de pe rochile traditionale Africane, poseda valori si semnificatii diferite.
Personal, am avut urcusuri si coborasuri in timpul sederii mele acolo dar, am luat toata aceasta calatorie ca pe o binecuvantare. Am creat multe amintiri frumoase si am avut ocazia sa intalnesc copii deosebiti, cu suflete frumoase; Chiar daca fraceza mea este teribila, am reusit sa conversam prin limbajul corpului. In una dintre zilele libere, impreuna cu toata delegatia Romaniei, am vizitat gradina zoologica locala, iar cu o zi inainte de plecare, am mers pe plaja. Momente unice.
Astfel de experiente ma face sa ma inclin. Nu numai ca ma ajuta sa inteleg si sa fiu recunoscatoare pentru tot ce am, dar, de asemenea, imi reaminteste ca sunt parti in aceasta lume unde este nevoie de mai multa dragoste si bunatate. Traim in secolul 21, dar in continuare exista saracie, coruptie, rasism si sclavie. O vedem in fiecare zi, dar, inca esuam sa facem o schimbare semnificativa. Oamenii mici si tineri ca mine ar putea sa fie mai constienti si mai putin ignoranti fata de aceasta realitate. Fapte simple de bunatate pot ajuta, iar a vrea sa devi o persoana mai buna, pe zi ce trece, nu costa nimic. Sper sa va placa fotografiile si sa fi inteles mesajul.
Alexandra Florea
Gabriela Ursu
Dora Ardelean
Ana Ferariu
#Romania#halfkorean#halfromanian#basketball#ivorycoast#africa#humanity#abidjan#jeux de la francophonie#francophone#games
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For me, it really doesn't matter if I play 3x3 or 5x5, I will always give it 100%.
Like I mentioned in one of my Ig posts, I started playing streetball when I was 14. I would literally be everywhere, from 7am till 10pm. Every time I would see an empty court, I would run there with my ball to shoot or challenge someone to play 1on1 with me. I was loving the hype, the atmosphere and wanted to participate and win every tournament from under 14 till under 18. Things became a little different when I joined the national team. The coaches forbid us to even go watch the games, telling us that streetball is not basketball, that we could easily get injured, that it was not worth it and so we could say bye bye to the nationals. I guess they had their best interest for us but that wouldn’t stop me to sneak out from time to time to go there. Eventually over the years, I started being more focused on 5x5 and let’s say, I put 3x3 aside.
In 2014, our men’s team won the gold medal in the 3x3 European Championship. It was a huge accomplishment for our country, especially because realistically speaking, Romania haven’t had a basketball achievement in a very long time. Our girls participated too but unfortunately lost in quarter finals with Russia, finishing on the 6th place. I was pleasantly surprised to see that Gabriela Marginean, one of the most professional players I know and who reached the Euroleague level, was also part of the women’s team. When I talked with her about 3x3, she said that at the beginning, she never thought she would ever play streetball, but eventually it turned out to be the opposite. She started liking it a lot and comparing with 5x5; in 3x3 you need to think and react faster, there is a lot of adrenaline in your system and the effort is doubled because it’s a lot of physical contact. I agreed with her and after our conversation she asked me if I wanted to join their 3x3 team.
Next year, I was already part of the team, representing Romania and playing at the European Games in Azerbaijan. I was disappointed because we couldn’t get a medal but no doubt, it was a big step for me into the 3x3 world. It also helped me expand my horizons and comprehend the difference between an average athlete and a high level athlete. I’m sure that every sport and every athlete have their own sacrifices but the difference is that little extra. I saw athletes running at 6am on their free day, going to treatments when I’m sure they would have rather slept, eating clean even though you could tell they were craving junk food and athletes who were putting that 1h extra work while others were partying outside the camp. A lot to see and a lot to learn.
Finally, in 2016 we were very close to our goal and I can gladly say that hard work always pays off. We won the silver medal at the European Championship in Bucharest. It was an even greater feeling when we got to slap the faces of non-believers with our achievement. It was an unforgettable experience and I was happy that we did this in front of our country and all of our supporters. 3x3 is not 5x5 and some things will never change, but some people should understand that as long as you have results and you are doing your best to represent your country, in the best way possible, regardless of the sport, there should be only words of encouragement, support and respect. That’s how you grow in sports and as nation.
I’m very proud of my team and we will definitely not stop
here. This was just a launching ramp towards bigger
accomplishments that are awaiting. We just need to have the
same desire and dedication, to be hungry for success and
to stay focused as a team throughout the journey. Let’s go
Pentru mine, nu conteaza daca joc 3la3 sau 5la5, o sa dau tot ce este mai bun din mine de fiecare data cand ma aflu pe teren. Cum am mentionat in una dintre postarile mele de pe Instagram, am inceput sa cochetez cu ‘baschetul de strada’, streetball, pe cand aveam 14 ani. Eram atat de fascinata, incat stateam de la 7 dimineata pana la 10 seara. De fiecare data cand vedeam un teren liber, alergam pana acolo cu mingea sub brat si aruncam la cos sau gaseam pe cineva sa joace 1la1 cu mine. Imi placea foarte mult atmosfera si vroiam sa particip si sa castig toate turneele, incepand cu categoria sub 14 ani pana la sub 18 ani. Lucrurile au inceput sa fie diferite atunci cand m-am alaturat echipei nationale. Antrenorii ne interziceau pana si sa mergem sa vizionam meciuri, spunandu-ne ca streetball-ul nu este baschet, te poti accidenta foarte usor si nu merita (poti sa iti iei adio de la nationala). Banuiesc ca au avut cel mai bun interes pentru noi dar asta nu m-a oprit sa ‘ma furisez’ din cand in cand sa merg acolo. In cele din urma, cu trecerea timpului, m-am axat pe jocul de 5x5 si sa spunem ca am pus 3x3 la o parte.
In 2014, echipa noastra de baieti a castigat medalia de aur la Campionatul European de 3x3. A fost o realizare mare pentru tara noastra, mai ales ca realistic vorbind, Romania nu a mai avut o realizare in baschet de foarte mult timp. Au pariticipat si fetele noastre insa au pierdut in sferturile de finala cu Rusia, clasandu-se pe pozitia 6. Am fost placut surprinsa sa vad ca Gabriela Marginean, una dintre cele mai profesioniste jucatoare de baschet care le-am cunoscut, si care a reusit sa atinga nivelul de Euroliga, facea parte din echipa de fete. Cand am discutat cu ea despre 3la3, mi-a spus ca la inceput, nu s-ar fi vazut niciodata jucand la streetball insa se pare s-a intamplat chiar opusul. A inceput sa ii placa si daca ar fi sa faci o comparatie intre 5la5 si 3la3, la 3x3 trebuie sa gandesti si sa reactionezi mult mai repede, ai multa adrenalina in sistem si efortul este dublat deoarece contactul fizic este mult mai dur si mult mai des. Am fost de accord cu ea iar la sfarsitul conversatiei noastre, m-a intrebat daca as vrea sa ma alatur echipei de 3x3.
Urmatorul an, eram deja integrata in echipa, reprezentand Romania pentru Jocurile Europene din Azarbaijan. Am fost dezamagita ca nu am reusit sa castigam o medalie dar fara nici un dubiu pot sa spun ca pentru mine, a fost un pas mare catre lumea 3la3-ului. In acelasi timp m-a ajutat sa imi deschid orizonturile, si sa inteleg diferenta dintre un atlet de nivel mediu si unul de nivel inalt. Sunt absolut convinsa ca fiecare sport si atlet are propriile sacrificii dar diferenta si-o spune acel efort aditional. Am vazut atleti care alergau la 6 dimineata in ziua lor libera, mergeau la tratament cand sunt sigura ca ar fi preferat sa se odihneasca, mancau sanatos desi puteai sa citesti pe fata lor ca ar fi infulecat o felie de pizza, atleti care se antrenau o ora in plus, pe cand unii se distrau in afara campusului. Multe de vazut si multe de invatat.
A aparut si soarele pe strada noastra in 2016, unde am fost foarte aproape de a ne atinge telul, si pot sa adaug ca munca grea, va fi tot timpul rasplatita intr-un final. Am iesti vicecampioane la Campionatul European tinut la Bucuresti. Este un sentiment si mai placut atunci cand reusesti sa le dai peste nas cu asa rezultate, tuturor celor care nu au crezut in tine si echipa ta. A fost o experienta de neuitat si am fost fericita ca am reusit sa facem asta in tara noastra, alaturi de sustinatorii nostri. 3la3 nu este 5la5 iar unele lucruri nu se vor schimba niciodata insa unii oameni ar trebuie sa inteleaga ca, atata timp cat ai rezultate si iti reprezinti tara in cel mai bun mod posibil, indiferent de sport, trebuie sa existe numai cuvinte de incurajare, de sustinere si de respect. Asa crestem ca sport si natiune.
Sunt foarte mandra de echipa mea si cu siguranta nu ne vom opri aici. Aceasta a fost doar o rampa de lansare spre rezultate si vise si mai mari. Tot ce trebuie sa facem este sa avem aceasi dorinta, dedicatie si sa ramanem concentrati ca echipa, de-a lungul calatoriei noastre. Hai Romania!
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South of Spain 2
I’ve spent the last days of my vacation visiting Malaga, Fuengirola, Seville and Marbella. All four of them have their own particularities and beauty which I enjoyed discovering. I went in many places but what captivated me the most was exploring the gardens of Alcazar and parasailing 200m above the Mediterranean Coast. Overall tho, it was a wonderful experience and I would gladly come back, too bad they don’t have a women’s basketball team there, but who knows maybe in the future :)
Mi-am petrecut cea mai ramas din vacanta, vizitand Malaga, Fuengirola, Sevilla si Marbella. Toate patru au propriile particularitati si frumuseti pe care m-am bucurat sa le descopar. M-am dus in multe locuri insa ce mi-a placut cel mai mult a fost sa explorez gradinilie din Alcazar si sa fac parasailing la 200 m deasupra Coastei Mediteraneene. Per total, a fost o experienta exceptionala si m-as intoarce cu drag inapoi, pacat ca nu au o echipa de baschet feminin dar cine stie, poate in viitor.
Avenida del Mar Marbella
Fresh Food Cafe Marbella
Paseo Maritimo When ball is life
Bonsai Museum Marbella
I see two trees, that even though they’re both preoccupied with their own thing, they got each others back, no matter what.
Vad doi copaci care desi fiecare isi vede de-ale lui, isi pazesc spatele unul altuia, indiferent de situatie.
Home Malaga Morning View
Home Malaga Night View
The Sushi Bar Malaga
Seville Cathedral
Plaza de Espana
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South of Spain 1
Like I said on my last post on instagram, I like to be surrounded by people that allow me to be myself and that make me appreciate life more. Those beautiful souls that come across your path and change your way of thinking and your life in a positive way.
After my season, one of my closest, strongest person I’ve ever met, invited me on a vacation in south of Spain. I didn’t know if I will have the time, wasn’t sure about my training schedule, but then again, it’s up to me for how I set my priorities in life. If you want to elevate and expand yourself, you have to see the big picture and to make time for some opportunities. And if those around you are on the same level with you, you’re on the winning team.
In four days, I’ve visited six cities, eaten at seven vegetarian/vegan restaurants, went hiking on Los Cahorros trail, visited Dorne (ha, not really), but the Palace where they used as a location for scenes of season five of Game of Thrones, visited the Marbella’s Bonsai Museum and parasailed above Mediterranean Coast.
On this post, I will share some pictures that I took from Nerja and Granada. Enjoy!
Asa cum am spus si in ultima mea postare pe instagram, imi place sa fiu inconjurata de oamenii care ma fac sa ma simt in largul meu si ma fac sa apreciez viata mai mult. Acele suflete frumoase, ce ii intampini in calea ta și iti schimba modul de gandire si viata intr-un mod pozitiv.
După ce am terminat sezonul, una dintre cele mai apropiate și puternice persoane pe care le-am întâlnit vreodată, m-a invitat într-o vacanță in sudul Spaniei. Eram indecisa, deoarece nu stiam cum stau cu timpul si cu programul de antrenamente, insa am realizat ca majoritatea lucrurilor, tin de cum iti stabilesti prioritățile in viata. Daca vrei sa te dezvolti ca persoana, trebuie sa privesti in ansamblu, sa iti creezi timp pentru unele oportunitati. Iar daca cei de langa tine sunt pe acelasi unda cu tine, atunci ai numai de castigat.
În patru zile, am vizitat șase orașe, am mâncat in șapte restaurante vegetariene/vegane, am hoinarit pe traseul Los Cahorros, am vizitat Dorne (nu chiar), dar Palatul unde au folosit ca locație pentru unele scene din sezonul cinci din Game of Thrones, am vizitat Muzeul de Bonsai din Marbella și am facut parasailing deasupra Coastei Mediteraneene.
In aceasta postare, voi pune pozele pe care le-am facut in Nerja si Granada.
Young Souls
Deep Roots
Los Cahorros
P.S: Even though I’m sharing my mind, my views, my basketball journey but also parts of my private life with you guys, I will never show everything. I value my privacy and the special people in my life, and certain things I like to keep it to myself. The old me would probably do it to impress and crave attention but along my spiritual and mental growth, in a world where everyone is overexposed, I choose to be discreet and selective not only with what I post, but also the people I create memories with. I’m here just to tell my story and to inspire.
P.S: Desi impartasesc cu voi felul meu de a gandi, perspectiva mea, cariera mea baschetbalistica de-a lungul timpului si unele momente din viata mea personala, vreau sa stiti ca niciodata nu voi arata totul. Tin mult la intimitatea mea si la persoanele speciale din viata mea, iar unele lucruri le voi tine doar pentru mine. Vechea versiune a mea poate ar fi facut asta ca sa impresioneze sau sa cerseasca atentie dar in timp, crescand mental si spiritual, intr-o lume unde toata lumea se supraexpune, am ales sa fiu mai discreta si selectiva, nu numai cu ce postez dar si cu cei cu care imi petrec timpul. Sunt aici doar sa imi spun povestea si sa inspir.
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Resume 16/17
I must say it was a quite unique experience for me this season. A lot to see and to learn. From this journey, I’ve learned that a professional athlete has to know how to deal and give the best version of themselves, regardless of the obstacles and the circumstances. From the outside, you can’t see the private sacrifices that a player has to go through, only the public glory, and that’s how it goes and it will never change. As soon as I experienced and comprehended these things, it became easier for me to reduce the negativity, to adapt, to grow, not only as an athlete but also as a human in a social life. At the end of the day, I will always be thankful and grateful for the ability and opportunity to play the game I love, and to finish what I have started. Savage Mentality, always.
Trebuie să spun că acest sezon, a fost o experiență unică pentru mine. Multe lucruri de vazut și de invatat. Din aceasta experienta am invatat ca un sportiv de performanta, trebuie să inteleaga si sa știe cum să presteze si să ofere cea mai bună versiune a sa, indiferent de obstacolele și de circumstanțele intalnite. Din afara, nu se văd sacrificiile din culise care le face un sportiv, ci doar scena si rezultatele, asa merg lucrurile. De indata ce am realizat si acceptat asta, mi-a fost mai usor sa diminuez negativitatea, să ma adaptez, si să cresc, nu doar ca atlet, dar și ca om in viata sociala. La sfârșitul zilei, voi fi întotdeauna recunoscătoare pentru abilitatea si oportunitatea de a putea juca sportul pe care îl iubesc atat de mult, și de a termina ceea ce am început.
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During my flight from Berlin to Catania, I looked through their magazine and saw this article. The portraits captivated my attention, so while I was taking a picture of the page, I saw the words 'Romanian photographer'. I was happy and proud to see that among all nationalities with gifts to spread positiveness through their work, our Romanian also received recognition for her beautiful photography message.
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Took my free morning to share with you guys some moments of my life in Barcelona. Even though I’ve been there twice, I’ve seen the city from two different angles, and I believe that has to do with my company and my state of mind. Regardless of these particularities, the feeling of freedom, happiness and curiosity which Barcelona gives me, remains intact.
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My therapy
What do you do whenever you’re down? When I searched this question on google, it showed so many titles with what should I do to help improve my mood. Like, “10 things to do when you feel down” or “4 ways to get happy when you’re in pain ” etc. Statistically speaking, most of the women living in this society find shopping extremely therapeutic and stress reliever. For me, it does have an effect but it only creates a temporary happiness and I’m back at square one. Alcohol? Numbing the pain for a while will make it worse when you finally feel it.
I’ve concluded that everybody has their own definition of therapy and how they heal themselves whenever they go through a certain pain. Analyzing myself and really getting to know me better, I’ve realized that I don’t need to go to therapy. I don’t need to buy books to tell me how to heal myself because everybody function differently. I’m a joyful person but like everybody else, sometimes frustration, sadness, depression, gets the best of me. It’s ok to admit and accept it because these are emotions too and without them, we’ve got nothing. In the end, what you do is what keeps you going. Time solves most things. And what time can’t solve, you have to solve yourself. I choose to lift myself up every time I’m down by focusing on the positiveness and find pleasure in the little things. Writing, watching movies, talking to my family, dancing, taking pictures. But above all, my sanctuary and my therapy is my work.
Whenever I step on a basketball court, I leave all my emotions at the door. The smell of plastic, rubber and dust all combined, it makes my heart pound but in the same time it relaxes my mind. From touching a ball, jumping, running, to visualizing, creating and using my imagination. All of this helps me get my mind right and focus on the present moment. It’s not always like this but whenever I’m aware of my surroundings and think of how I’ve got here and how blessed I am, I just stop thinking at the bad things. At the end of every practice or game, I want to be exhausted and leave everything on the court because that makes me fulfilled. I won’t be able to play professional all my life but who cares? Right now, in this moment, it’s all I have. I love it and it brings the best version of me.
I do not neglect my emotions or bury them into my work. I try to take out the negative emotions and transform it into positive ones. I don’t want to spread the poison or effect the people around me. That’s how I evolve and that’s how I learn to control and heal myself. What’s your therapy?
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While I’m at the airport, sitting cross legged on the floor, with my macbook on my lap and my headphones on, I’m thinking of my past experience before entering 2017. How sometimes things don’t work out like we plan in our head but when you put something on your mind, regardless of the obstacles and the circumstance, you make it happen. My recent favorite word is ‘act'. I believe that when I really want something, 50% I put it in the universe and pray for it, and 50% I work for it. That’s how I function. In two days and a half, I traveled in 5 different cities and 3 countries. But the essential thing from this whole traveling was that I was able to spend my last days of 2016 with my family. It was a big deal for me because I don’t have a lot of breaks due to my basketball schedule. I’m very happy and glad that eventually, it ended up my way.
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