#halfdan the black x female reader fanfiction
ryuzakemo128 · 6 months
Food for the heart and soul - Vikings Drabble
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Genre: Fluff/ Angst
Pairing: Halfdan the Black x Freyja Raengyreon [Female Reader]
Content Warning: Possible themes of angst, heart melting fluff and mention of death.
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Freyja's cooking was as chaotic as it was beautiful to watch. She insisted that she did it because it was a way of expressing her creativity and individuality. She also said that her father had taught her the importance of knowing what you put into your body, and that cooking was a way of ensuring that she took care of herself and her loved ones. And to make treats that tasted like home.
Halfdan watched her as she moved around the kitchen, humming to herself as she cooked and the reason she had him get the brie cheese became rather clear to him. Although at the time it was rather amusing, now he was quite curious as to why she was so interested in it. He'd never been one to really think much of food beyond the fact that it filled him up and gave him the energy to keep moving. But then again, he'd never been around anyone like Freyja before.
"Food is meant to taste good, give you more than just energy and enough to keep you alive," Freyja said, "I have a contact that gives me a small wheel every week, along with two other types of cheese along with it, just to try. He's a very loyal friend." She paused, giving Halfdan a sidelong glance before she added, "You should try it sometime. It's not just about the taste, but about the experience of enjoying it. You can really appreciate the difference."
He replied, "I'm not sure if I understand. You're saying that food can be more than just something we eat to survive?" She nodded, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "But why?" he asked, genuinely confused. "It's not like it's going to change anything about who we are or what we do."
"It will make it far more worthwhile, enjoyable and at the very least pleasant." Freyja answered with a small smile. "I went to Frankia, I had all sorts of things there, but Brie cheese stood out to me the most during my time there, my father also taught me it was important to know how to stay healthy and still eat well, just because we're Vikings, doesn't mean we can't enjoy what we eat."
From that day forward, she wanted to cook for him more often. He was never one to turn down her food, and after tasting the Brie cheese, he found himself enjoying it more than he thought he would. He began to see the world through her eyes, appreciating the little things in life that made it worth living.
At the end of each night, she would say, 'I love you and get back safely,' Despite never living together as a normal couple, they had become quite close. Halfdan found himself looking forward to the times he spent with her, and he couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to have a real home with her, filled with her cooking and the warmth of her presence.
Perhaps one they would or at least they would have in another life, had he not died that day. Had he not died on that battlefield. He would be with her one way or another. Even if it wasn't going to be then. It most certainly would in another lifetime.
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I'm back! Kind of! This was a request from @thelirofnorthlands I hope it meets your expectations dear! Please excuse any errors, as I'm sure everyone can tell I haven't posted in almost a year and it's been a while since I've watched Vikings... but, I couldn't NOT write a fanfic for my beloved Halfdan!
Halfdan loved Bjorn... really he did. He was close to Ironside, respected him, travelled with him, fought alongside him. Halfdan shared a wanderlust and meals and voyages with the blond viking. Really he would share most anything with Bjorn... but you. He refused to share you with anyone. And that was how he found himself, leaned wholly too close to the crackling fire, watching you laugh with the larger man a short distance away. He could not stand for it, would not. It was true, you were not his, not in so many words , but he had thought there to be an understanding, a mutual sort of affection created by sharing bedrolls and stories and lingering looks. Perhaps he'd been a fool, a short sighted idiot oblivious to your pining for his friend just as you were oblivious to his own pining.
Halfdan found a heat rising within him quickly, one entirely different from the heat the fire provided him. This was a green sort of flame rising in his chest, one that demanded some action being taken. It was only stoked as he saw you hand land upon the blonde's arm. He pushed himself up from the fire suddenly, earning a half glance from a man beside him who's name he did not care to remember. The acrid taste of ash from the fire coated his tongue, he was fairly sure it was soot anyway, he hoped it to be soot and not his bodies response to what he thought to be some sort of betrayal.
You turned your head as a hasty movement erupted in your peripheral vision, you had been joking with Bjorn all evening, both of you finding you had some shared experiences that lent themselves to easy conversation. Of course you had wondered about the whereabouts of your closest companion, Halfdan. Closest companion? Perhaps more, certainly one of your bedrolls was empty more nights then not. Either way, you had expected him to come and join you as the moon rose but he had not made an appearance. Although mild concern flitted through you, you knew him to be a capable warrior, as were you, surrounded by loyal men and women no less. No harm had befallen him, you soothed yourself. But Bjorn's knowing look cast towards you told you, you had not hidden your concerns well as the conversation partially trailed off. "He has been sat by the fire watching us like a hawk for hours. How you have not felt his eyes burning into you is some small wonder." Was all he said, placing a hand on your shoulder as he turned his attention to another person talking.
It was when you felt Bjorn's hand suddenly moved from your shoulder that the ounce of concern grew to something bigger, until a familiar weight settled around your shoulders, the scent of smoke and pine and salt enveloped you. "You have been missing all evening." You hummed casually, turning your body into Halfdan's embrace. His arm tightened around you, just a modicum tighter then normal, no where near enough to hurt you, but enough for you to know something was wrong. "Is my company not enough for you?" His voice was hoarse, almost a whisper, as if the volume at which he spoke would betray the inner turmoil that was as plain as day upon his face.
"You wish me to only speak to you?" You asked, eyebrow raised as you moved to separate yourself from him. Close as you may be, and as in love as you thought yourself to be, you would not be chained in any capacity, especially when it came to your friends. A concerned, surprised look pained Halfdan's face and he shook his head hastily.
"Of course not, silly woman." He muttered "I just wish you to only caress my arm, only look so enthralled and enchanted by me. I wish you to stop this, if this is only your way of getting closer to Bjorn." He muttered, the words tasting like acid in his mouth, and still quiet. Oh so quiet, and completely unlike Halfdan. "You are more stupid then you look." You mused to him quietly, taking a step closer towards him once more and using a hand to cup his chin. "Bjorn could neither captivate, enchant nor enthrall me half as much as you do, sweet fool." You murmured, anyone else saying these things might have been reaching for a shield right about now. But instead you looked the viking square in the eyes, they were shining and held wide as he listened, as captivated by you as he thought you to be by Bjorn. "It is you that captivates me, it is you I wish to share my bedroll with, I have no greater wish than to return from exploring and raiding to a hearth with you." That was all the viking had to hear, as you described your wishes, he pledged himself to you, heart and soul, verbally and spiritually and as he did, he finally pulled you in for the kiss he'd been waiting years to be granted.
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queenfinehair · 3 years
Until the bitter end
Chapter four
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Warnings: Mostly angst. A lot of angst. Dark Halfdan makes an appearance. Harald also comes into play.
Song mood and This one
Disclaimer: gif isn't mine, it belongs to
The great hall roared with noise. Mugs clanging together, children screaming and laughing as they ran around and so many voices intermingling. It was a festive night so all were merry. A couple that you knew had married, the woman being one of your longtime friends and sparring partners.
You lovingly looked on as the mentioned couple made a toast. A hearty round of "Skol!" Being echoed around the large room. Your mug was raised as the words cheered from your lips, a wide smile on your face.
The hall was decorated for the occasion, king Harald had generously lent his finest and most savvy slaves to help. Garlands of fir dangled from the ceiling rafters. Fur pelts lay on the tables as covers. Candles were placed everywhere to give the place a more cheery atmosphere.
The ceremony had been simple and small but the love that radiated off of the pair was the secret to a perfect wedding. Idunn was a picturesque bride with long flowing auburn hair and bright blue eyes. Her new husband, Ulf, was a fantastically tall, wide, beast of a man. His light brown hair was cut short but the long beard that grew from his face complimented such short locks.
Halfdan had been with you at the ceremony, looking utterly ravishing in his black tunic and breeches, a light color of fur had hung from his shoulders. He wasn't that into it but had agreed to accompany you nevertheless. Where he was now though you hadn't a clue.
"Ah, Y/N!" A deep voice bellowed from across the way, Harald looking to you as he crossed the threshold. You still had some misgivings about the shorter of the brothers, something predatory that rubbed you wrong. But tonight was special, let the king be jolly.
"Hello, king Harald." You smile to the man, tipping your mug to his when he reaches your side. "This is quite the party." You commend and he beams with pride, "It was the least I could do. Please though, tonight at least we can drop the titles." Harald's hand takes yours and brings it to his lips, beard and mustache scratching the skin lightly. "If that is what you wish, Harald." You nod and he lets your hand go, dropping it back to rest on your side.
"Perchance have you seen Halfdan?" He had been missing since the end of the ceremony and you knew he was off with Bjorn. As much as you enjoyed Bjorn's company and respected him as a warrior, you also knew that where he went women followed.
Harald, not caring anyways, looks around, "Well he isn't here." The king says stating the obvious, completely drunk. You bite the inside of your cheek before excusing yourself. Harald makes a show of bowing to you as you take your leave.
Outside the sun is setting fully and you grab your gown and take it up over your ankles, descending the steps. Everywhere you look neither viking can be found until one woman points to a small house. "I saw them enter there." She points a gnarly finger in that direction.
Before you even step foot inside you can here Halfdan's unmistakable moans, the usual sling of curses and a smack. Jealousy wasn't in your bag but you were sick of the sneaking. Sick of the lies. Sick of him.
You fling the door open to discover not just Halfdan, but Bjorn as well, balls deep in two slave women. Both men turn and Halfdan barely stops rutting the woman from behind, his fingers tangled in her mess of brown hair. The women, of course, were not to blame. Had they said no would have been unfortunate for their fate. You wanted to blame Bjorn but Halfdan was a free man. What he chose to do was entirely up to only to himself.
"Alright." You state, nodding your head solemnly. Turning on your heel you leave, already plotting your next move. It was a dangerous option but it was time to pull out all the stops. Give Halfdan a dose of his own nasty medicine.
---------- Later ---------
Halfdan steps into the great hall in a much more casual outfit than he had worn to the wedding. A simple loose fitting beige tunic covers his upper body, light grey pants on the lower half. He's all smiles and content while he grasps hands with guests, joining in the merriment.
From up where you're sitting you can see him, your attention falling back to the man whose lap you're sitting on. Harald's eyes shine up at your face as his hand rests on the very lowest part of your back, two fingers toying with the red fabric of your gown. He's even more lively now that he has you.
For a split second Halfdan doesn't register what he sees. A slave woman was one thing but for your revenge to be so intimately close to his brother stabs him sharply in the back. His hands curl into fists and his head cocks to the side.
Harald spots Halfdan at that particular point and the king looks at you, his hand squeezing your back as if to protect you, or claim you. "I know he's there." You offer lightly and Harald isn't sure whether to be amused, turned on or mad. His head is too foggy to consider any option, but he does know he'd been played.
Halfdan watches the two of you talking and once you begin to laugh after a whisper into your ear from Harald, he snaps. Beginning the walk towards you, Harald keeps his head in your direction but his eyes are darting back and forth from you to his brother. The game you're playing is a twisted one of cat and mouse.
"Y/N." Harald warns as Halfdan gets closer, by this point pushing people out of his way. The mood in the room changes quickly, voices quieting. The bride and groom's smiles falter as they watch Halfdan reach you.
"Halfdan-" you begin but immediately you're taken from Harald's lap. The younger brother simply throws you over his shoulder, your drink spilling on your gown as he lifts you. Harald grinds his teeth as Halfdan again claims what the king thinks is his prize. You were his tonight, he was banking on it. How did his younger brother continue to win you over?
People part like the sea and only then does Bjorn make his appearance. "Halfdan, what do you think you are doing with Y/N?" He asks but Halfdan pushes past the tall blonde and doesn't stop until he's taken you outside.
Far from the comforts of the great hall he finally sets you down. You had been slamming your fists onto his back the entire way, not liking the grip he had on you.
"And just what the hell was that, Y/N?" Halfdan is seething, an absolute bomb ready to go off. His breathing is rapid and his eyes are pure anger. You feel small then but you refuse to back down. He continues, voice raising, "Acting like a common whore! With my own brother!" His fist pounds into his chest with the last statement. He's in your face and you're unsure of what his next possible action could be.
Taking a step back you grit your teeth. "So you can fuck whoever pleases you. Whenever it pleases you. You can sneak behind my back, but me? I'm the whore? And a common one at that!" Your hand goes to your chest, placing it on your heart, "When all I did was sit with him, I'm the whore?"
Nodding his head Halfdan laughs sickeningly. "You are common. A slave woman means nothing, a quick fuck and that's all, but to run straight to my brother? I thought I knew you to be better than that. I thought you were better than that."
"And I thought you had a brain!" You scream, "I give myself to you night and day but still you sleep around! You, Halfdan. It is you who's the common whore!" Your finger pokes into his chest, pushing him back with what little strength you held in a single digit.
His hand flies up and you're almost sure it's going to connect with your cheek and you're ready. Ready to kill him should one finger even graze your face. Halfdan had never put a hand on you like that before but tonight you weren't sure what else he was capable of.
Then he lowers his hand and looks up. Sucking his tongue to his teeth he then yells to the gods. A shout so loud it startles you and you fall back even further. The veins in his neck pop out with the effort and you're scared.
"Y/N." Halfdan finally says after his outburst, looking at you with wet eyes. "My brother?" His voice is a hoarse whisper.
Only then does the gravity of his feelings hit you. You wanted Halfdan to hurt and your mission was successful. Now you feel the weight of your decisions and only now do you see a single tear shed from his eyes.
"Nothing even happened, Halfdan." You mutter, not wanting his tears to sway you over.
"Y/N..." His voice breaks and he takes your face into his hands, resting his smooth forehead against you own. "You do know I love you, right?" He is crying silently. You shake your head, his hands moving with it, "No actually. I don't know."
Eyes closing, Halfdan shudders before he steps back, more vulnerable than you had ever seen him. Wiping his nose on his sleeve, a sad laugh slips out. He shrugs his shoulders and pats his thighs. "Y/N," he takes your hand, "I love you. More than there are stars in the sky. More than grains of sand on a beach. I'm not my brother, I'm not charming or open to others like he is. But this?" Halfdan places your hand on his chest, "This is for you and only you."
You swallow hard and meet his eyes, sighing deeply. You had both been wrong tonight, both of you failing the tests the gods had given. Halfdan had never said "I love you", he just assumed you would know. Harald had been right all along, his brother was horrible with women.
"Please... say it back." Halfdan pleads with you and you can no longer take seeing him cry. In fact, tonight was the first time he ever had around you. An emotional virginity had been broken. That cherry had popped.
"Halfdan the Black you are terrible," you begin, statement not yet finished and his shoulders shake more. "Terrible at sneaking. Terrible at lying. Harald may be right about many things he says about you..."
"But...?" Hope returns to his eyes and he takes you into his arms, kissing the top of your head as a hand smoothes your hair down.
"But nothing you oaf, I love you."
In the background, far enough away, Harald watched the scene unfold before him.
Tags: @naaladareia
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Masterlist (Remastered)
For some reason Tumblr won't let me update my old masterlist, so here's a new one!
Ok so, this account is dedicated to fanfictions and this - my first post, will be both an intro and a temporary masterlist! I do take requests for the following. All fanfics unless explicitly stated otherwise are x female reader
I do write smut (probably badly) and if you venture into my blog then on your head be it!
I do write for SPN - I will NEVER write any form of incest (for any fandom) whether they’re bio or adopted siblings - that’s just nasty siblings are siblings
Please feel free to make requests in my inbox! Doesn’t have to be for these guys! Go wild with any character you want 
I will write for a character based off of a song! 
Sebastian Du Poitiers
The Falls
Mary Queen of Scots 
(More to come?)
The 100
Malachi (Kai) Parker
Elijah Mikaelson
Klaus Mikaelson
Bonnie Bennette
Rebekah Mikaelson
Marcel Gerard
Ivar ‘The Boneless’ Ragnanrsson
Hvitserk Ragnarsson
Halfdan ‘The Black’
Ubba Ragnarsson
Jack Kline
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
American Horror Story
Michael Langdon 
(I will not be writing James March, Richard Ramirez or Charles Montgomary or any others based off of real killers (to the best of my knowledge) my morals might be loose - but they’re not that loose!)
(More to come)
Miscellaneous fics:
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