#i also really enjoy jealous harald
queenfinehair · 3 years
Until the bitter end
Chapter four
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Warnings: Mostly angst. A lot of angst. Dark Halfdan makes an appearance. Harald also comes into play.
Song mood and This one
Disclaimer: gif isn't mine, it belongs to
The great hall roared with noise. Mugs clanging together, children screaming and laughing as they ran around and so many voices intermingling. It was a festive night so all were merry. A couple that you knew had married, the woman being one of your longtime friends and sparring partners.
You lovingly looked on as the mentioned couple made a toast. A hearty round of "Skol!" Being echoed around the large room. Your mug was raised as the words cheered from your lips, a wide smile on your face.
The hall was decorated for the occasion, king Harald had generously lent his finest and most savvy slaves to help. Garlands of fir dangled from the ceiling rafters. Fur pelts lay on the tables as covers. Candles were placed everywhere to give the place a more cheery atmosphere.
The ceremony had been simple and small but the love that radiated off of the pair was the secret to a perfect wedding. Idunn was a picturesque bride with long flowing auburn hair and bright blue eyes. Her new husband, Ulf, was a fantastically tall, wide, beast of a man. His light brown hair was cut short but the long beard that grew from his face complimented such short locks.
Halfdan had been with you at the ceremony, looking utterly ravishing in his black tunic and breeches, a light color of fur had hung from his shoulders. He wasn't that into it but had agreed to accompany you nevertheless. Where he was now though you hadn't a clue.
"Ah, Y/N!" A deep voice bellowed from across the way, Harald looking to you as he crossed the threshold. You still had some misgivings about the shorter of the brothers, something predatory that rubbed you wrong. But tonight was special, let the king be jolly.
"Hello, king Harald." You smile to the man, tipping your mug to his when he reaches your side. "This is quite the party." You commend and he beams with pride, "It was the least I could do. Please though, tonight at least we can drop the titles." Harald's hand takes yours and brings it to his lips, beard and mustache scratching the skin lightly. "If that is what you wish, Harald." You nod and he lets your hand go, dropping it back to rest on your side.
"Perchance have you seen Halfdan?" He had been missing since the end of the ceremony and you knew he was off with Bjorn. As much as you enjoyed Bjorn's company and respected him as a warrior, you also knew that where he went women followed.
Harald, not caring anyways, looks around, "Well he isn't here." The king says stating the obvious, completely drunk. You bite the inside of your cheek before excusing yourself. Harald makes a show of bowing to you as you take your leave.
Outside the sun is setting fully and you grab your gown and take it up over your ankles, descending the steps. Everywhere you look neither viking can be found until one woman points to a small house. "I saw them enter there." She points a gnarly finger in that direction.
Before you even step foot inside you can here Halfdan's unmistakable moans, the usual sling of curses and a smack. Jealousy wasn't in your bag but you were sick of the sneaking. Sick of the lies. Sick of him.
You fling the door open to discover not just Halfdan, but Bjorn as well, balls deep in two slave women. Both men turn and Halfdan barely stops rutting the woman from behind, his fingers tangled in her mess of brown hair. The women, of course, were not to blame. Had they said no would have been unfortunate for their fate. You wanted to blame Bjorn but Halfdan was a free man. What he chose to do was entirely up to only to himself.
"Alright." You state, nodding your head solemnly. Turning on your heel you leave, already plotting your next move. It was a dangerous option but it was time to pull out all the stops. Give Halfdan a dose of his own nasty medicine.
---------- Later ---------
Halfdan steps into the great hall in a much more casual outfit than he had worn to the wedding. A simple loose fitting beige tunic covers his upper body, light grey pants on the lower half. He's all smiles and content while he grasps hands with guests, joining in the merriment.
From up where you're sitting you can see him, your attention falling back to the man whose lap you're sitting on. Harald's eyes shine up at your face as his hand rests on the very lowest part of your back, two fingers toying with the red fabric of your gown. He's even more lively now that he has you.
For a split second Halfdan doesn't register what he sees. A slave woman was one thing but for your revenge to be so intimately close to his brother stabs him sharply in the back. His hands curl into fists and his head cocks to the side.
Harald spots Halfdan at that particular point and the king looks at you, his hand squeezing your back as if to protect you, or claim you. "I know he's there." You offer lightly and Harald isn't sure whether to be amused, turned on or mad. His head is too foggy to consider any option, but he does know he'd been played.
Halfdan watches the two of you talking and once you begin to laugh after a whisper into your ear from Harald, he snaps. Beginning the walk towards you, Harald keeps his head in your direction but his eyes are darting back and forth from you to his brother. The game you're playing is a twisted one of cat and mouse.
"Y/N." Harald warns as Halfdan gets closer, by this point pushing people out of his way. The mood in the room changes quickly, voices quieting. The bride and groom's smiles falter as they watch Halfdan reach you.
"Halfdan-" you begin but immediately you're taken from Harald's lap. The younger brother simply throws you over his shoulder, your drink spilling on your gown as he lifts you. Harald grinds his teeth as Halfdan again claims what the king thinks is his prize. You were his tonight, he was banking on it. How did his younger brother continue to win you over?
People part like the sea and only then does Bjorn make his appearance. "Halfdan, what do you think you are doing with Y/N?" He asks but Halfdan pushes past the tall blonde and doesn't stop until he's taken you outside.
Far from the comforts of the great hall he finally sets you down. You had been slamming your fists onto his back the entire way, not liking the grip he had on you.
"And just what the hell was that, Y/N?" Halfdan is seething, an absolute bomb ready to go off. His breathing is rapid and his eyes are pure anger. You feel small then but you refuse to back down. He continues, voice raising, "Acting like a common whore! With my own brother!" His fist pounds into his chest with the last statement. He's in your face and you're unsure of what his next possible action could be.
Taking a step back you grit your teeth. "So you can fuck whoever pleases you. Whenever it pleases you. You can sneak behind my back, but me? I'm the whore? And a common one at that!" Your hand goes to your chest, placing it on your heart, "When all I did was sit with him, I'm the whore?"
Nodding his head Halfdan laughs sickeningly. "You are common. A slave woman means nothing, a quick fuck and that's all, but to run straight to my brother? I thought I knew you to be better than that. I thought you were better than that."
"And I thought you had a brain!" You scream, "I give myself to you night and day but still you sleep around! You, Halfdan. It is you who's the common whore!" Your finger pokes into his chest, pushing him back with what little strength you held in a single digit.
His hand flies up and you're almost sure it's going to connect with your cheek and you're ready. Ready to kill him should one finger even graze your face. Halfdan had never put a hand on you like that before but tonight you weren't sure what else he was capable of.
Then he lowers his hand and looks up. Sucking his tongue to his teeth he then yells to the gods. A shout so loud it startles you and you fall back even further. The veins in his neck pop out with the effort and you're scared.
"Y/N." Halfdan finally says after his outburst, looking at you with wet eyes. "My brother?" His voice is a hoarse whisper.
Only then does the gravity of his feelings hit you. You wanted Halfdan to hurt and your mission was successful. Now you feel the weight of your decisions and only now do you see a single tear shed from his eyes.
"Nothing even happened, Halfdan." You mutter, not wanting his tears to sway you over.
"Y/N..." His voice breaks and he takes your face into his hands, resting his smooth forehead against you own. "You do know I love you, right?" He is crying silently. You shake your head, his hands moving with it, "No actually. I don't know."
Eyes closing, Halfdan shudders before he steps back, more vulnerable than you had ever seen him. Wiping his nose on his sleeve, a sad laugh slips out. He shrugs his shoulders and pats his thighs. "Y/N," he takes your hand, "I love you. More than there are stars in the sky. More than grains of sand on a beach. I'm not my brother, I'm not charming or open to others like he is. But this?" Halfdan places your hand on his chest, "This is for you and only you."
You swallow hard and meet his eyes, sighing deeply. You had both been wrong tonight, both of you failing the tests the gods had given. Halfdan had never said "I love you", he just assumed you would know. Harald had been right all along, his brother was horrible with women.
"Please... say it back." Halfdan pleads with you and you can no longer take seeing him cry. In fact, tonight was the first time he ever had around you. An emotional virginity had been broken. That cherry had popped.
"Halfdan the Black you are terrible," you begin, statement not yet finished and his shoulders shake more. "Terrible at sneaking. Terrible at lying. Harald may be right about many things he says about you..."
"But...?" Hope returns to his eyes and he takes you into his arms, kissing the top of your head as a hand smoothes your hair down.
"But nothing you oaf, I love you."
In the background, far enough away, Harald watched the scene unfold before him.
Tags: @naaladareia
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The Lothbroks, aka, the European version of the Kardashians.
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Summary: When Barbie Murray time travels, she finds out that pink isn’t available in Viking times. Luckily, her new besties all understand that boobs are the best and slay (literally?!) with her.
Notes: I’m finally done! This was so much fun to write to all the kings, queens and gender-neutral rulers, enjoy this crack fic. It’s my new fave.
My inspos for bimbo dearest are Karen smith, Elle woods and the lovely @chrissychlapecka on insta
The character speaks Norse bc reasons and magic, and she’s besties with Hvitty bc he’s the biggest himbo in the series. Also she’s QUEER bc queer bimbos are the best bimbos. Only platonic relationships in this one!!
Based on this request, i hope you like it!
There are a few things to know about me, Barbara Murray. One, don’t call me Barbara, unless you want me to put you on my list of idiots and douches. Barbie or babe is fine. Two, I LOVE pink and three? Umm, well, I kinda forgot about three. We can come back to it later.
Anyways, you may be wondering, what is this thing? Technically, it’s my English notebook, but I’m in a cellar right now. And it’s weird. Plus, Annie Frank got famous for her diary, and we don’t even know if she was up to date with the tea from the forties.
The cellar is really musty, and I hope that they’ll just get me out of here and sell me back home. This sicko with brown clothes found me in the woods with a bunch of other men who all haven’t showered in at least a week and dragged me down here!
He tried to take my purse too, but there’s no way that I’m letting go of my baby, so I whacked him over the head real hard and he let it go for now. I’ve been here for what? Three days now?
Let me be honest, the food they have sucks too! And not only because it doesn’t fit my diet (I’m totally animal cruelty free by the way) but also because it’s just gross. It’ll be good for my stomach though. Like a natural detox or something.
On the first day, the castle was totally loud, and I couldn’t even sleep, but then it got kinda quiet. This old guy with a beard came down here, and he gave me Santa vibes, but in a bad way. He gave me some wine – that was good at least and then he left again. Right now, this priest (or at least I think he’s a priest, he’s been singing in Latin or so) is staring at me. Everyone stares at me here, but I know it’s just because they’re jealous of my jumpsuit.
Actually, maybe my daddy screwed them over too, and that’s why I’m here.
“Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto. Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper, et in saecula saeculorum. Amen.” The priest suddenly said.
Gloria Patrizi? I know that girl!
“You know, I don’t understand half of what you’re saying babe, but you should know that Gloria is a total bitch. She’s a cheater and she broke my baby brother’s heart!” I tried to tell him, but he just kept going. Don’t ask me why, neither of us was getting anything out of the conversation.
And then, this priest had the audacity to throw water at me! Literally! He just splashed it on my hair. I told him some nasty words that I won’t put into my biography and then he looked terrified and left. Kinda rude of him.
Well, after that I tried to get some beauty sleep but then they had the audacity to ring church bells! Who even does that in LA?
The raid had been successful of course. Who was going to stand in the way of the Heathen Army? Or him, for that matter? However, his brothers were fighting again, over what to do with the Saxon king, and he didn’t want to listen any longer.
Harald’s men were already searching for wine in the cellars, but Hvitserk was more interested in the people that had been left behind in the dungeons. Perhaps one of them would be able to tell him more about what happened to his father.
He found himself disappointed at the amount of prisoners. At first it seemed like there were none at all, but when he got to the last cell, he saw a woman sitting in one corner, wearing extremely bright clothes. Brighter than anything his mother had ever worn!
“Ragnar Lothbrok.” Hvitserk demanded, hoping that the name would ring a bell in this woman’s mind. She looked up, and Hvitserk narrowed his eyes at her make-up. She wore something that was similar to the eyeliner Yidu had once drawn on herself in Frankia and her eyes were encrusted with – were those gems?!
It was either gems or something else that was glittering while she turned her head.
“Who?” she asked. “Wait, is he famous? Or is that your name? It’s a weird name if you ask me but- “
“You speak Norse?” Hvitserk interrupted.
The woman snorted and rolled her eyes, as if Hvitserk was the biggest idiot to ever grace the Earth. “No, I’m speaking English sweetie.” She laughed.
Hvitserk found himself blushing under her open affection. She was certainly more direct than other Saxon women.
“I’m Hvitserk.” He introduced. The woman’s brows furrowed for a moment, and she laid her head to the side as if she was pondering over a difficult question.
“That sounds like a sneeze babe, no offense. I’m going to call you babe, okay?”
“I’m not a babe!” Hvitserk protested angrily, stepping towards the cell’s bars. Instead of shrinking back, the woman only rolled her eyes again.
“Fine, I’ll call you Hvitty then.”
“And you?” Hvitserk asked. If she was going to be rude about his name, he would be rude about hers.
“What about me?” the woman asked. Absentmindedly, she took a vial with a clear liquid inside out of her bag and smeared some on her lips. It made them shine nicely, and momentarily, Hvitserk was distracted before he snapped back to attention.
“Want some? It’s cherry flavored.” She offered, holding the thin stick from the vial out.
“I like cherry.” Hvitserk agreed, and stepped even nearer, unsure why. The woman put some of the liquid on his lips and a sweet smell that was much to strong immediately hit his nose, before he licked his lips to taste it.
It did not taste much like cherry.
“Why did you do that?” the woman shrieked, and she looked flabbergasted (one of Hvitserk’s favorite words).
“You said it was cherry flavored.” He shrugged. She huffed, crossing her arms.
“So what’s your name?” Hvitserk tried again.
“Oh my name! It’s Barbara.” She began, but suddenly she jutted her finger out, stabbing a brightly painted nail into his chest. “But! Don’t call me that! Call me Barbie!”
“Barbie? That’s not a real name.” Hvitserk laughed and the woman turned on her heel, grabbing a small, also very bright sack from one corner of her cell.
“Well, I exist, so it’s real.” She said, as if that was the most obvious thing. “And I don’t really know what a Lothbrok is, but maybe that’s just because you’re European.”
European? What did that mean? Was it an insult?
“I’m also a Lothbrok.” Hvitserk informed her proudly, trying to ignore the fact that she wasn’t paying much attention to him, instead staring into a small, round device. Suddenly, she snapped it closed and smiled at him brightly.
“Oh! So it’s like a last name? That’s super cool. Hvitty, do you have the key for this cell? I’ve got a mani-pedi scheduled with my girls tomorrow and I really need to get home.”
Hvitserk didn’t bother asking what a mani-pedi was supposed to be, choosing to instead grab the keys from one of the dead guardsmen. When he came back, Barbie was brushing her hair, but clapped her hands together at the sight of him.
“Bestie! You’re back!” she squealed, and Hvitserk found himself more and more confused by her by the second.
As soon as the cell door was open, the woman walked outside, immediately hooking her arm with Hvitserk’s. He would’ve made a comment about it, if he hadn’t noticed her strange shoes in that moment. They were, of course, in that bright color he had never seen before, and had stilts at the bottom. He almost wanted to shake his head.
Somehow, Barbie noticed, immediately stopping in her tracks. “Are you hating on my heels? ‘Cause I can run in them, and I’ll run after you if you make one shady comment.”
“I’ve- I’ve just never seen such shoes before.” Hvitserk stuttered.
“Men.” Barbie muttered under her breath but put her arm back in his. “So, are you like, the only Lothbrok? Or are there more Lothbroks? ‘Cause my family is like, big. You know, I have lots of siblings, and half-siblings, and stepsiblings and everything. My daddy calls it the horribly big Murray clan, but I like them all.”
“I have four brothers. One half-brother and three full brothers. They’re fighting, so I doubt- “
“Family drama? There’s no way you’re keeping me away from that.” She protested, before coming to a halt before the guardsman.
“Is he like, dead?” she whispered.
“Why are you whispering?” Hvitserk replied, also lowering his voice.
“He could be sleeping! It’s important that your sleep cycle isn’t interrupted, that’s just bad for your skin.”
“I’m pretty sure he’s dead.” Hvitserk said.
“Pretty sure?” she shrieked. “You didn’t check? Did you kill him?!”
“I did not kill him.” Hvitserk replied, trying to hold back his laughter as Barbie prodded the Saxon with her ‘heels’.
“You should totally introduce me to your brothers.” Barbie demanded, and Hvitserk almost wanted to pinch the bridge of his nose. She obviously had no idea how dangerous they all were, but she had survived the Saxons with all her bullshit, and speaking Norse, so he decided that this was all fate.
“Just to prepare you, my youngest brother Ivar has a bit of a temperament.” Hvitserk said, but as Barbie cheerfully nodded, he gave up on warning her – she’d manage somehow.
Ubbe was the first to notice Hvitserk and Barbie standing in the doorway, and Hvitserk quickly noticed the questioning brow his older brother gave him, quickly shaking his head in response.
“Hey guys!” Barbie began enthusiastically, “Are you Hvitty’s brothers?”
While the others stared at her, Ivar began to snigger. “Hvitty?” he asked.
“Yeah, totes!” she replied. “It’s my nickname for him. Who are you? Ivar?”
Ivar seemed a bit taken aback by her manner, just like Hvitserk, but still nodded. She listened as the other brothers introduced themselves and then nodded to the ceiling.
“Okay, but why do you guys have a guy in a cage? Are you some kind of cult?”
“That’s the man who killed our father.” Ivar replied darkly.
“We’re getting revenge for him.” Sigurd added.
“That’s like totally medieval, but I love it for you guys!” She laughed, walking over to Ivar. “Can you scooch over a bit? That cell was like, totally uncomfy and I really need to rest my knees. Walking in heels is hard work.”
Hvitserk was surprised when Ivar did move, and Barbie sat down next to him, crossing her legs and setting her bag down on her knees.
“So who are you, and what is it you do?” Ubbe asked.
“Well, I’m Barbie, and mostly,” she paused for a second, stretching out her legs and leaning onto the chair. “Well I guess I slay, most of the time.”
“You” Bjorn began, “Are a warrior?”
“Well that’s what my Pilates coach says.” Barbie shrugged. “Do you guys do Pilates too?”
“Is that a fighting style?” Ivar asked, suddenly interested.
“No! It’s a lifestyle. Of course, I don’t expect you guys to understand. You look like tough mudders, which is totally gross because my ex did it every weekend. Being the supportive girlfriend I am, I went with him and it ruined two of my handbags and three pairs of heels!”
Slowly, Ivar began nodding along. He was confused, just like the rest of them, but Hvitserk could tell that he found her just as amusing as he did. “And what did you do in response?” he asked.
“Well, I asked him to apologize, and when he went on an ego-trip because of it, I broke up with him.”
The conversation went on for a while, and Hvitserk watched as Barbie answered all of his brothers questions. He was beginning to realise that she probably wasn’t Saxon or Viking, or anything else they had ever encountered.
“Where are you from?” he asked carefully.
“LA, duh. I’m American, even though that’s gotten a little problematic nowadays, but it’s the Golden Coast, so I still slay.”
Before any of the brothers could ask her any more questions, King Harald burst in.
“Are you finally done with Ecbert? The people are getting impatient.” He announced, not noticing Barbie. Absentmindedly, Hvitserk let his hand wander down to the axe in his belt. He liked Barbie, and he considered her a sort of strange friend.
“We are not.” Ivar replied. “Tell them it’ll take some more time.”
“Don’t tell me what to do.” Harald said.
“Why? Because I’m the youngest or a cripple?” he asked. Hvitserk heard Barbie gasp.
“Ivar! Don’t let others define your worth like that! I think you’re amazing. You know what, you can do what Ivar says. I might only have known him for an hour or so, but he gave me a seat, so I’ll be the judge of character here. I think you suck.”
“And who are you?” Harald asked, his voice dangerously low.
“Barbie Murray. Last year’s Miss California, and the best fashion advisor you could ask for. And it looks like you are in desperate need, mister.”
To Hvitserk’s surprise, Harald did not kill Barbie on the spot, instead choosing to turn around and slam the door behind him.
“Hvitty, is he always like that?” Barbie asked, and he nodded with a sigh.
“Come on, I can’t imagine the Saxons gave you very good food while you were in there, let’s get you something to eat.”
After dinner, Hvitserk and Ivar made sure that Barbie got a well-protected and comfortable tent to sleep in, and Hvitserk himself was about to settle down, when he suddenly heard a shriek from Barbie’s tent.
Immediately, he sprung up and hurried to her, only to see her kneeling over her ‘handbag’.
“Hvitty, it’s broken!” she cried, holding it out to him, and Hvitserk realized that there was a large tear in the leather. He would’ve laughed at the comical horror in her eyes, but during the day, he had learned how much her handbag meant to Barbie (almost as much as her current girlfriend), so he rushed to her side to examine the tear.
“Oh this world is so cruel!” Barbie cried, and Hvitserk attempted to pat her on the back.
“Don’t worry Barbie! .” He reassured. “I’m sure one of the shieldmaidens will be able to help you.”
Barbie sniffled on his shoulder, but nodded, leaning into Hvitserk as they walked towards another part of the camp. Hvitserk had to smile to himself. His new friend might be strange, but she was one of the kindest people he had ever met, and that included Helga. He was going to get that bag fixed for her.
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ijustwant2write · 4 years
An Unforeseen Future-Hvitserk Ragnarsson x Reader (Part 5/?)
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(GIF credit to @honestsycrets​)
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
Tags: @littlemessyjessi @hains-j @cliffdidanelvis @satsuma-livewasp-nightmares @miss-artemis-wild @thoughtsmeander2tumblingblindly @millie67 @absolutelynoregretsonlychoices @the-loud-and-crazy-rabbit-pirate @mysticalfairytales @snowblazeblack @darkwolfpeanutskeleton @thatchampagnebitch @thiahilmarsdottir @mzliterarydreamer @newlifeforus​@x-valhalla​ @jazzycasino​ @blonddnamedhandz​ @enchantedbones​ @severewobblerlightdragon @sad-letter​
Summary: Reunited from afar with Bo and the rest of his crew, (Y/N) realises that she can’t rebel against Hvitserk like before. However, she won’t give in to him, she will continue to find the new life she is desperate for, even if it means making an unlikely alliance. 
Characters: Hvitserk Ragnarsson x Reader, Bo x Reader
Meanings: (Y/N)=Your name
Warnings: Swearing, violence, weapons, threats, arguing
Walking into the tavern, I saw how busy it was, spotting familiar faces within the crowd. A lot of people stared at me, watching as I sat alone on a table, ironically the only one available being in the centre of the room. A thrall immediately served me a cup of mead, scurrying away as soon as I took it from her. Everyone’s conversations got louder once again, though I could tell that their topic had changed. Peeking over my shoulder, I made eye contact with some of the crew members. I had to speak with them somehow, though I had already seen some of Hvitserk’s guards scattered around the place. Before I could think of a plan, someone sat down opposite me, and I couldn’t believe who it was. 
“You dare sit in front of me?” I hissed, my grip tightening around my cup.
Siv looked nervous, but sat up straight and tall. There was faint bruising on the left side of her forehead, as well as her left cheek, and I assumed it was what remained from when I attacked her. It was tempting to lunge over the table and do it all over again.
“Your highness, I-”
“Don’t call me that.”
“Then...what shall I call you?”
I hesitated.“Actually, keep referring to me like that. It’s better than having my name in your mouth.”
“I am not here to argue with you. I’m here to apologise.”
I scoffed.
“No, really! You know deep down that I have regretted my decision ever since I realised Hvitserk had lied to me.”
“It seems he does that a lot now. Apparently he’s now manipulative.”
“He told me that you two were so desperate for children that you both agreed to look out for someone you could trust to birth them. At first, it had been some fun for us whilst on the raid, and even then I knew it was obviously wrong. But he charmed me, and I was excited to be with a prince.”
“You were stupid.”
“Let me right my wrong doings, I can help you.”
“And if I I let you, how would you do that exactly?”
“I can tell that you’re restricted to who you can talk to here.”
“And how do you know that?”
“You’re sat here alone, whilst the men and women you sailed with are sat in the same tavern. Where’s the happy reunion?”
I squinted my eyes at her.“I don’t trust you.”
She sighed, starting to stand.“Well, if you change your mind...”
Siv sat back down straight away.
“Prove to me that you can help me.”
“Pass on a message for me. Tell Bo that he has to ignore me from now on, leave me alone.”
“Bo? Is that the leader of the ship you were on?”
“Yes. Do you know what he looks like?”
“Yes. I saw the spectacle of him being dragged away from the docks.”
“Can I ask-”
“No.” I downed the rest of my drink, rising from my seat.“One more thing.”
Quickly pulling my fist back, I swung it straight for Siv’s face, pleased with the loud cry that came from her as she fell to the floor. The tavern went quiet again, apart from some men cheering, encourage us to fight each other. I knelt down next to her, whispering in her ear.
“Don’t let me down.”
As I walked away, I noticed two of Hvitserk’s guards follow me outside, and to of Harald’s guards were already waiting on the other side of the door. Glancing between them, I lazily held my hands up in surrender as if they were going to arrest me.
“Go on then, take me to my husband.”
Two of them walked in front whilst the other were behind me. I was being treated like a prisoner, going to meet my captor. I noticed we were moving away from the main part of the town, there were less houses and only one thin path winding up to a cabin, though not as big as Harald’s. One of the guards knocked on the door, hearing Hvitserk call them in before opening the door. Staring at the man as he held the door open, I slowly walked in, keeping eye contact until he felt too uncomfortable and had to look away. Smirking to myself, I waited for Hvitserk, who was sat in a large chair by the fire, to say something. He simply waved his hand, dismissing the guards. Once the door was shut, he started speaking.
“I was worried about you.”
“Were you?” I said, pouring myself a drink.
“I need to speak with you, about that man.”
His jaw clenched as I mentioned him.“Yes.”
“What about him?”
“You can’t see him anymore.”
“I know.”
Although I didn’t want to, I got closer to Hvitserk, standing in front of him, but not too close.“I knew you wouldn’t want me to see him. So, I told him to leave me alone.”
A small smile appeared on his face.“Did you really?”
“Yes. I don’t want anyone hurt, Hvitserk. Do you hear me? No bloodshed will come out of this.”
“I promise.” 
As he got out of his chair, stepping towards me, I created more space between us.“Not yet Hvitserk.”
“Can’t I just hold you?”
There was a tiny sign of the old Hvitserk, only for a second. It was sad really, my Hvitserk had been taken over by a jealous, cruel spirited man, he was unrecognisable. His arms were raised, expecting me to fall into them. Crossing my arms over my chest, I shook my head, the realisation of his wicked ways clicking in my head.
"(Y/N), I ask just one small thing of you."
"No Hvitserk. If you think all can be forgiven so quickly, you have grown stupid."
Letting his arms fall back down to his sides, he let out a small chuckle. I could tell he was frustrated, wanting things back to normal but having to deal with how stubborn I was. I stood my ground as he approached me, snatching my hand away as he tried to hold it, but he grabbed my forearms, not even struggling to hold me as I thrashed about.
He shook me.“I don’t understand you!”
My eyes widened.“You don’t understand me?”
“Yes! I love you, I want to be with my wife.” his voice was strong, but I could see the pain behind his eyes.
“You should have thought of that before you brought that whore back with you.”
“She’s gone, Siv means nothing to me now.” his grip loosened.“I realised the mistake I made, isn’t that enough?”
The door creaked open, grabbing our attention as it hit the wall. Standing in the doorway on his crutches was Ivar, an amused look on his face. He spoke as he dragged himself inside.
“I see the happy couple are getting along well.”
Hvitserk finally let go of me, I instinctively rubbed my arms, something he didn’t miss.“You never have been one to knock brother.”
“I have come to see if things are finally settling down between you.”
Hvitserk closed the door.“You could have asked tomorrow.”
“You might have been dead tomorrow.” Ivar stared at me. 
“What are you talking about?”
“Has she not told you about her little plot with the sailor?”
Hvitserk’s head whipped around to face me. If I wasn’t scared before, I was beginning to feel the fear now.
“Plot?” Hvitserk reiterated.
“There is no plot!” I defended myself.“I told you, he is leaving me alone now.”
“Was that before or after you sneaked away with him. It looked very cosy between you two.” Ivar smirked, loving the drama he was causing.
“Hvitserk, he is lying to you.”
“Why so defensive?” Hvitserk snapped back.
I was speechless. There was nothing I could say to change his mind. The softness that had appeared was long gone, and I had been counting on that to use to my advantage. 
“(Y/N), what exactly did you say to him?”
“I just told him to leave me alone. I did it out of sight because I didn’t want to be seen with him. I knew you would be angry, and I knew you had people watching-”
“I don’t believe you.”
I raised my voice.“What do you think happened then? Do you really think I’m that much of an idiot to do anything with him in public?”
“You’re going to stay in here until he set sail.”
“What? No!”
Ivar was grinning now, enjoying the show. It was extremely tempting to jump over that table and hurt him.
“You’ll be safe here, my men can guard you-”
Instead of arguing back, I sprinted towards the door, only to have Hvitserk grab me. With quick thinking, I stomped on his foot, managing to wriggle out of his arms. Spinning around to face him, I unsheathed my sword, growing worrisome when he did the same. 
“I don’t want to hurt you (Y/N).” he breathed out.
“You won’t.”
I swung down my sword in the first attack, knowing he would block it. His attacks were as strong as mine, and we went back and forth, knowing each others movements too well. Luckily for me, I was starting to gain ground, pushing him back towards the fire. He tripped backwards over the chair he was originally sat on. Instead of fighting him further, I turned around to flee, only to also fall flat on my face. Quickly looking behind me, I saw Ivar, who was now gripping onto my leg, somehow sneaking up on me, as if he were a snake. Kicking back, I missed his face, yelling out as he pulled himself higher up my leg, axe in his other hand. Just as I raised my sword, he did so with his axe, a manic look in his eyes until Hvitserk grabbed his wrist, preventing him from hurting me.
“Grab her legs.” he ordered.
I screamed as Hvitserk abandoned his brother, easily missing my swings. He pinned down my arm with the weapon, kneeling on it so that I would release it. I fought against the pain, but had to cave in when it became too much. Sliding it away from us, he produced rope that I hadn’t spotted, tightly bounding my hands together. 
“Don’t do this! Don’t tie me up like this!” I shouted.
“I need to know that you’re doing as I say. And if it means keeping you here, then I’ll do it.”
Glancing down at Ivar, who still had a hold of my legs, I spat at him. On instinct, he let go to wipe it away, giving me a chance to kick him in the face again. The pleasing sound of him in pain gave me brief happiness, but it went away when Hvitserk started dragging me along the floor. I made myself a dead weight, not having the desired effect. As we entered the bedroom, he hauled me to my feet, swiftly picking me up bridal style; this used to make me swoon, especially when he would throw me on the bed. Unusually, he laid me down gently, attaching the rope around something above me, something I couldn’t see. There was no use in moving, because I was tied up tightly.
“Hvitserk, please, this is the only thing I’ll ask of you, the last thing.” I pleaded.
He slowly turned away, and as he left, I heard him call out to his brother,“Ivar, come on. I need to track down this sailor.”
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Silk, Spices and Lies Part 4
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ok, some sweet fluff before chaos and heartbreak. @waiting4inspiration​ @inforapound​ and @gearhead66​ wanted to be tagged. And if anyone was intersted, because I can’t write dancing to save my life- here are some belly dancing videos that I watched as part of my inspiration- Here, Here and Here and of course this, this and this  those last two arial sik performances are killer. 
Silk, Spices and Lies Part 4
The next two days flew by, there had been so much to do! But before you knew it, the time had come and Harald and those who had been in his hunting party including Hvertserk had been welcomed into the tent that had been put up and they were being served refreshments by your hosts while you put the finishing touches on the meal from the kitchen area. 
When you came out, you felt Harald’s eyes on you instantly as you put the meal down in front of him and his men, noticing that there was purposefully left an empty space beside him before you retreated to eat with the women and children, your hosts had a young boy of 6, Fehmi, who you were especially fond of who ate the meal from the comfort of your lap. Even though he was a young boy, he was already a master of drums and you both adored each other and Harald, while jealous that he couldn’t eat from the comfort of your lap, did however now have a fantasy of you feeding your future children with such tender loving care. 
“How come they’re eating over there?” Harald asked as he frowned over to where you were. 
“She’s a woman, it is forbidden for her to join us.” Ufuk, one of the interpreters informed him. 
“But didn’t she make the meal?” Harald countered. 
“Yes of course, she is a woman, she should be making all the meals.” Ufuk nodded in agreement, since this was the first time you were really making food for them. You either ate what your host family made or you made your own food in your little house, really only allowing your best friends or Fehmi to join you, never the interpreters. So to have you cooking in the royal ottoman style with splashes of Bedowin and Arabic was an extra perk and the smell of your cooking had been killing your hosts for the last day and a half and you had been anxious to make sure everything was perfect. 
“But she can’t eat it...with us.” Harald repeated in confusion. 
“It’s just how their culture is, normally women are not allowed to speak unless spoken to and in a setting like this, normally they wouldn’t even be in the same space to eat, they would normally have to wait until we are done eating and then wait until the end of the night to eat what is left over.” Darius explained and Harald was appalled as Darius smirked. 
“And it’s because of that reaction that I urged our hosts to simply have it be like this. So they are still being honored by eating at the same time as you and in your presence but that their culture is still observed by them simply eating in the lowlier part of the tent.” Darius explained proudly as Harald simply humphed. Darius and Ufuk had been assigned to you because Ufuk knew the languages of the ottoman empire, especially the ones around the Medeteranian while Darius spoke the languages common in northern Europe and they both knew one common language and together they were able to teach each other and you and your host family the other languages using the common language as a base since your host family was actually from around Rajasthan in India and so the food they made reflected that so it was like Harald and those with him got a taste of the entire silk road tonight. 
Harald had wished he could sit next to you, maybe even sneak in a secret touch or two. But he did enjoy the meal. He had never eaten such finely spiced food before and he didn’t have a clue that game meat could taste that spectacular. Everything was amazing and he made a point to say so loudly so that you could hear and he could see your beaming face even from his distance even behind your veil. 
Once he had eaten past fullness, you came and got the platter and replaced it with the dessert tray as you had the hashish passed around as your hosts then got their special lamps. They were normal oil burning lamps but the glass lamp shade outside was divided into different colored glass so that when you spun the shade, it cast a kaleidoscope of colors around the tent space before they got their instruments and began playing music while you anxiously prepared the stage area to make sure you wouldn’t accidently trip over anything and embarrass yourself. 
You worried he would look at your dancing and think it was strange or you worried that he would look at your dancing and think it’s stupid. You wanted to impress him, no- you wanted to enchant him. You wanted to dance so well that he’d be willing to do anything to see you dance again, he’d be willing and ready to go with you and do whatever it took to make you his queen. But you also knew that from here on out, you would get nothing but harassment from your interpreters. Because you worried that they would look at you and your dancing and see you as a common entertainer and forget that you were still in charge. So you needed for Harald to make a claim on you tonight so that they would leave you alone. Harald was after all, a king, and he had the power behind that to make them mind themselves. 
“So now what?” Harald asked as he noticed the interpreters would not take their eyes off of you and were looking at you with a hunger that had his own possessiveness roaring inside of him. You were just simply existing and they were like ravenous wolves ready to strike and devour you and that was his destiny damn it, not theirs. 
“We are going to be entertained. Shahana has agreed to dance tonight. She reserves herself for her Sultana, so tonight is special in that she is sharing herself with us since you are a king and she has said that she will only ever dance and entertain royalty.” Darius explained before you bowed in front of your guests before you prostrated yourself in front of them with the other daughters of the host family who also danced doing the same from behind you. 
“What’s this then?” Harald asked Darius but you answered before Darious could. 
“Before we entertain you for the evening, I must ask for your protection King Harald.” You pleaded respectfully as Ufuk rolled his eyes while Darius smirked. 
“From what?” Harald asked curiously. 
“There are laws of my homeland that I would be breaking tonight in order to entertain you. Ufuk is the only other muslim here that abides by these laws and I fear that he will kill me to keep any dishonor from coming to Allah or my Sultana or my family and if I reveal myself, that may invite harm by others touching me. So for tonight, I must ask since you are the highest ranking guest, that you ensure my safety and the safety of the other dancers, otherwise, our lives and honor may be in jeopardy.” You proposed as Ufuk and Darious were intrigued, you must be very good if you were following this particular custom. 
“The right answer to this is- ‘you may do whatever your heart desires, no harm will come to you and no one except by your invitation may touch you’.” Darius whispered to Harald with a scheming smirk. 
“Please, do whatever your heart desires, no harm will ever come to you, I swear on my life. Please, you are and always will be, as free as the wind and if any man except by your invitation were to touch you, he will lose his hands.” Harald beamed and it felt like warm sunshine on your soul as Ufuk rolled his eyes, King Harald overdid it, overdramatic bastard. 
So you sat up on your knees and withdrew and waited for the other girls to do their dances, which were very good and once they were done, you traded places on the little stage and gave the musicians the nod and when you looked back at Harald, you let the side of yourself that you had been dying to show him- come out and it was like you transformed from one being one moment to a creature altogether different the next. You rhythmically took the overcoat off to reveal your dancing outfit and you grinned evilly when everyone’s jaws dropped on the ground. 
You were technically covered, more or less, head to toe. However your top, except for your breasts were covered by black, sheer fabric, skin tight which led to a black flowing skirt that had slits on the sides to reveal your black, sheer harem pants. A smile never left your lips you could feel everyone’s gaze on you but your gaze never left Harald as his eyes drank you in like a man dying of thirst getting his first drink of water. 
He wanted you, so badly. His hands were fisting into the pillow in his lap that he had quickly put into his lap to cover his erection as were all the other men watching you. Some of them were barely hanging onto their load and it was still only the first song. But Harald’s words rang true. You did dance as freely as the winds blew and your rode that beat better than any stallion even your host family had trouble keeping up with the songs because even they were almost hypnotized while your BFF was trying to figure out how on earth you were doing those moves so smoothly. You were by far a much better dancer than her. 
Meanwhile Harald’s body was already like a tight like bowstring at full draw, he was sure he would let loose at any moment. He had no fucking clue that a woman could even move like that. You were plump, your curves dangerous and voluptuous he could see the softness of your whole body, especially your breasts and lower belly jiggle with your body practically vibrating. He wondered what that would feel like with his cock in you while you did that above him and he felt like everyone except for you fell away from his vision. Like you were at the end of the long tunnel that his vision became. He also had no idea fabric could ever even be that sheer. It was like you were wearing nothing but jewels and a skirt of shiny silk. And your legs? He wanted those wrapped around his waist or even crushing his head as soon as humanly possible. It was a good thing you weren’t a thrall because he’d be selling his kingdoms for you. By the gods. 
When the song was over you had never heard so few people make a roaring applause like they did. It was as if the tent was overflowing with cheering people but yet there were not even two dozen people including your hosts. But you weren’t done, no you were going to spend the rest of the night entertaining them. So you brought out your swords. 
“Woah, woah,” Harald’s men began to hold their hands up, not sure what to make of this. The hashish had softened their senses and their guard had been down so to see a weapon alerted them. 
“No harm, no harm.” Your interpreters managed to reassure them before you came forward, holding your sword out to Harald. 
“King Harald, would you help me?” You asked demurely as you came forward and crouched in front of him. 
“I am at your command.” Harald replied, completely bewitched. 
“Pull out your sword.” You commanded him before he did as you asked before you handed him one of your swords so that he could compare the two before you took a scarf off and let it fall over the two swords, smirking when yours cut the scarf in two while the rest of your scarf simply hung over his sword as everyone gasped as they realized how sharp your sword was compared to his. 
“At least it’s not bigger.” one of his men joked which got everyone to laugh. 
“True,” Darious said before he pulled the scarf over and did it again with the same result. It wasn’t a trick, your sword really was that sharp and once they were satisfied you took your sword back and blindfolded yourself and danced with it and balanced it on your head and everything and once that song was over, you took off your blind fold then you dipped it in special goo and lit it on fire and continued to dance, mindful of the tent around you, not wanting anything to catch on fire other than desires of the men watching you and you were pretty sure at some point, they had all lost their loads and were about to lose a second. 
Meanwhile Harald was pretty sure he was in one just...one huge long orgasm. He had been so satisfied that he had managed to last through the whole first song, but when you had pulled out your sword? It was all over. Normally he would perhaps feel a little emasculated that your sword was sharper. But if anything he was impressed. It was even a better sword than his. It was one of those curved steel swords from Damascus, he could see the swirling in the metal and to see you dance with it showed that you knew exactly how to wield it. You were even literally playing with fire! He had not seen that coming. It was like you were bending the fire to your will. He felt his own emotions for you become inflamed. If he could not claim you as his, he was going to be eaten up by the very flames on your sword.
As your last feat, you extinguished the flames and put the swords away before you untied a long length of silk tied to the very top of the tent, you had tested this earlier and knew it was strong enough to hold you before you let your skirt drop to the ground as you shed all your jewelry since you didn’t want it to get caught or snag on the fabric to just reveal your legs in the sheer harem pants as Ufuk and Darius both looked at you in shock, not thinking that you could also do arial dances on silk as well. You must be a dancer and performer for the Sultana, that was the only explanation they could come up with. 
You looked and saw that everyone was leaning as far forward as they could, watching you climb the silk and do feats practically floating in air. You heard collective gasps every time you did a tumble before a knot would catch you from hitting the ground, the tent walls fluttering just enough to give the hint of danger. 
Meanwhile Harald looked at you in complete awe. He thought he was in the presence of a Valkyrie, no human woman could do what you were doing. You had too much grace, too much beauty. And for the first time, he felt humbled and unworthy of you. Who was he compared to you? Just a man with a title, whereas you had actual real talent and courage. You were pure magic and charisma and he was hopelessly and completely enchanted and willingly under whatever spell you had just cast over him. You were going to lead him as a slave from this moment on, he just knew it. He considered himself to be a strong warrior but there was no way on earth he could do what you were doing. 
When you had finished you gladly got redessed, in something much more modest before you went up to Harald and bowed again. 
“Have I pleased you King Harald?” You asked. 
“Yes, very much so.” He confirmed with the proudest most beaming smile on his face. “Won’t you sit with me then?” He invited and the interpreters nearly spit out their coffee and were already shaking their heads ‘no’ at you, giving you warning glares. 
“No, it’s forbidden, no one is to touch her for the rest of the night.” Ufuk argued hotly. “She has already surpassed the limits, to do any more will invite danger.” He growled threateningly at you and Harald knew right then and there, he was going to kill Ufuk if not tonight then just some time later.  
“You are not at home Lady Shahana, you don’t have to obey their rules, if you would like to sit with me, you can, it’s your choice. Because you are as free as the wind.” King Harald repeated the invitation. 
“Is that spot still open?” You asked as Harald instantly shoved Hvertserk over as far as he could before he practically fluffed the cushion for you to sit down. Although, if there hadn’t been an audience, you would have loved to sit in his lap, but that would have been too far. 
“Where did you learn to do all that?” Harald asked as he passed you some dessert and a cup of tea. 
“After I came into the Sultana’s charge, she made sure I learned all sorts of things, reading, writing, mathematics, dancing, art of conversation, how to entertain my Sultana and her guests among other things.” ‘Swordsmanship, the art of poisons and cures, political intrigue, espionage’ you continued to list off in your head. 
“Tell me about this Sultana of yours.” Hvitserk invited and you nearly threw your neck out whipping your head over to him. 
“Well, she’s actually single and looking for a husband…” you began as you painted the prettiest picture you could of her. 
“I would like to meet her.” Hvitserk decided. 
“I could definitely arrange that.” You grinned victoriously, so thankful that everything was going according to plan.
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golden-pickaxe · 6 years
Odal - Part 20
Fandom: Vikings
Paring: Ivar x Reader
Type: Viking Times
Word Count: 2852
Warnings: very light smut and angst
[All Parts Here]
A/N: I rewrote this chapter 4 times, and am finally (kind of) happy with it. I hope you lovely, lovely readers will enjoy it!
Summary: When you were just a child, you had been adopted by two shieldmaidens, as one of six sisters. Now, all grown up, the lot of you join king Harald to avenge the death of Ragnar in England. A journey, that is going to change the life you’ve known before.
Tagging: @lightningwitcher @lovelynerdytraveler @everlasting9 @cbouvier23 @hallowed-heathen @twilight-loveer  @kingniazx @moondustmemories @karmezii
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“I don’t want to disband the great army..” Ivar murmured into your hair, his strong arms wrapped around your body, his face burrowed in the crook of your neck.
 It was late at night, you had once again sneaked out of the tent you shared with your sisters, unable to bear being apart from Ivar for another night, and were now lying in his bed, under his furs. Both of you were only dressed in a light tunic, although he was still wearing his trousers, his firm body warm against your back.
 “Me neither.” You admitted, your fingers lazily stroking over his calloused hands, that were around your waist. “I don’t want to settle here.. in between the Christians. They are not trustworthy.”
 “They showed that much when they killed the settlement my father built here. And this land they gave us.. it is even farther south, right in the middle of the country. We would be surrounded.” Ivar continued, before pressing a small kiss onto your neck. “We could never defend it.”
 “What would stop them from just taking it back?” you swallowed, your question rhetorical.
 “Nothing.” Ivar still answered, a sigh leaving his throat.
 “What do you propose, then?” you turned around in is arms to face him, his hooded blue eyes looking down at you. Lying next to him always made you realise how tall he actually was, and you often imagined how he would look like standing up, towering over you.
 “That we go back north, closer to our lands. Try to find a good position there.” He said, raising his hand to stroke some of your hair out of your face.
 You nodded slowly, thinking about his plan, when you suddenly remembered something Asta had told you when she had returned from her raid in England. It had been years ago, and you had been quite young, but the information should still be accurate.
 “There is a town up north, called York, close to where we defeated king Aella. When my sister was here on a raid, she and the men she was with raided trading ships making their way there from the sea. It is close to the shore, and lies on a major river.” You explained, trying your best to remember the details. You had been so excited when your oldest sister had told you about it, that you probably had not properly listened.
 “York..” Ivar repeated, his brows furrowed in thought. “We would be closer to our home from where we defeated Aella, closer to the sea.. do you know anything else?” he mustered you intently.
 You sighed, turning onto your back, your eyes fixed at the tent ceiling while you strained your mind to recall what Asta had told you all those years ago.
“My sister never saw the place, they went never that far inland, so I don’t know too much about it. But she said that she had heard that York has high walls, and strong buildings, like a fortress.”
 “It would make a great stronghold.” Ivar’s fingers traced your jawline, reaching your chin to turn your head towards him. A soft smile was on his lips, as he studied your face. “You are very beautiful.”
 “So you’ve said.” You chuckled at his words, closing the distance between you to press a kiss onto his lips.
 Your hands found their way into Ivar’s hair as you turned your full body towards him once more, deepening the kiss. Ivar sighed, his arms wrapping themselves around your waist once more, to pull you closer against him.
 Even though he had seemed inexperienced at first, he had quickly gotten the hang of it, and you lost yourself in the sensation of his lips, lost yourself in the feeling of his tongue moving against yours, your fingers massaging the back of his neck, stroking through his hair.
 Without really thinking about it, acting more out of instinct than anything else, you hooked your leg over his hips, pulling yourself flush against his body, causing his breath to hitch in his throat.
Ivar broke the kiss, but your hands on his head kept him from moving away from you.
 It had been months now since the two of you had shared your first kiss, on that cold day by the small stream, and it had been months since you had slept next to him under his furs for the first time, him resting in your arms as if they were a safe-haven. You needed to know what it was that kept him from going further, what kept him from barely moving his hands beyond your waist.
 “What is it, Ivar? Why does this scare you?” you whispered against his parted lips. “I told you that I don’t care about your legs.”
 And that was the truth.
You had told him many times that you never knew him differently, that his legs were as much part of him as his eyes, that they made him what he was. He had not shown them to you, as of yet, had always worn his trousers when you slept next to each other, and had never let you into his tent on washday. You wanted to give him the time he needed to be comfortable enough to show them to you, to understand that you really did not care, but by now you grew a bit impatient.
 He was a man after all, and even he had to have his needs and desires, just as you had. The thought of him not finding you attractive enough had crossed your mind, but with the way he looked at you, and told you that you were beautiful every chance he got, you dismissed that thought rather quickly.
 “It is not my legs.” Ivar swallowed. “I tired.. to tell you before, but I could not bring myself to do it.”
 “Tell me what?” you were confused, and slightly scared, you had to admit, now moving a bit backwards to be able to look the youngest Ragnarsson into the face, although your hands and leg were still around him.
 Ivar closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, as if he was bracing himself for what he was about to say.
“I..” he paused. “I can’t please a woman.”
 There was silence between the two of you, and you stared at him, although his eyes were still closed, squeezed shut as if the words he had just spoken brought him pain.
Everything seemed to fall into place now, his hesitation, his fear of being too close to you, of you touching him.
It was not only your reaction to his legs that he had feared, but also to this piece of information. He had probably been scared of you noticing on your own, to laugh at him or leave him because of it.
You swallowed, as still, you had to ask.
 “Have you.. tried?” you kept your voice as calm as possible, the way Ubbe always talked to Ivar if he was angry or distressed, so that he would know that you would not just get up and leave him.
 Ivar nodded.
 You chewed your lip.
“With whom?” you hoped that you did not sound jealous to him, as you truly were not, but there was a thought in your head you needed confirmed.
 Ivar opened his blue eyes again, his brows furrowed a bit.
“What does it matter?” he asked, voice weak, and you saw in his face that he did not like to remember it.
 “Just tell me.” Your fingers continued to caress the back of his head, trying to make him relax.
 “She.. she was a slave girl.” He finally said, still hesitating a bit.
 “Did she want you?” at that the man froze a bit.
 “I.. I don’t think she did.” He admitted, looking down at the fur between you, once more seemingly unable to face you. He looked beaten down and sad, a view that broke your heart.
 Your hand moved from Ivar’s neck to his cheek, as you searched for the right words, trying to bring a point across that Gudrun had told you a few years ago.
“Maybe that was the problem.” You spoke, causing him to look back into your eyes, now frowning even more in confusion.
 “What do you mean?” he asked, looking from one of your eyes to the other.
 “Well..” you started, licking over your lips. “I just.. I will speak honestly with you, as I always do, and I hope you won’t be angry with me and my observations.” You searched his eyes for a reaction, but he just quickly nodded, eager for you to go on.
 “Since we met, it seems to me as if your feeling of confidence and self-worth is highly connected to your ability to do things. So, if something does not immediately work out the way you think it would, you get angry and frustrated.” You explained carefully.
 He did not say anything to that, and you saw in his face that he knew you were right. Being normal, being able to do what his brothers did, all of that was a big part of his life, always trying to achieve to be just like everyone else.
 “The first time being with another person in this way, is always stressful and things can go wrong. I don’t even want to think about my experience, it was just awkward and weird and not satisfying at all.” You chuckled drily, causing one corner of Ivar’s mouth to raise slightly at your words.
 But he was still listening, taking what you had to say seriously, and that was what mattered. You saw him roll his eyes and blend out the words of his brothers when they annoyed him, and you were happy that he did not do that to you.
 “So of course you are nervous and afraid that things will go wrong, and she is there, not really wanting to be there..” your eyes wandered down to his lips, as his eyes were too emotionally open for you to be able to look into them, while your hands traced down his neck and onto his chest. “That all just adds up to a big mess of feelings and all that..” you sighed.
 You licked your lips, trying to sort your thoughts, trying to think about what you actually wanted to bring across, while at the same time showing Ivar that there was nothing wrong with him, and also showing him that you very much wanted him, the way this slave girl apparently didn’t.
“When we know that the other person does not really want to be there, it is hard to enjoy it..”
 You carefully pressed a kiss onto Ivar’s lips, but before he could deepen it again, you broke away, starting to kiss along his strong jaw, down to his neck, causing him to groan lowly.
 “But when we are with a person we trust, a person we are close to, where we feel safe..” you continued, speaking the words against his heated skin between your kisses. “.. and who wants us just as much as we want them.. who want to be exactly there and nowhere else..” you let your teeth scratch against the soft skin under Ivar’s ear, nipping at his neck. “..things can feel very differently.”
 “But I never even got to the point where I would enjoy it.. my..” he groaned.
 Shaking your head lightly, your hand continued to move down his chest, finally slipping under the hem of Ivar’s tunic, stroking over his side. He flinched a bit, as your hands surly felt cold against his hot skin, but did not complain.
 “Gudrun told me that such things are not unnatural in situations like these. She once had a lover who grew so nervous every time she was with him, that his dick did not seem to work. Then one night, he was drunk on ale, not nervous, and it worked just fine.” You giggled.
 “Can this really happen?” he asked, shivering under your touch.
 “Yes.” You whispered, before you bit down on his neck, causing him to moan, his hands gripping you tightly.
 Before you could react, Ivar rolled over you, sliding in right between your thighs, his blue eyes fixed on you like a wolf on its prey. In one smooth motion he pulled his tunic over his head, causing you to release a shaking breath, as your eyes wandered over the man’s strong shoulders and arms, his broad, firm chest looming above you.
 His hair fell forward and into his face, but he brushed it back.
“I trust you, Y/N, and I do want you.” He said breathlessly, his hands on both sides of your head to support himself.
 Before you could answer him, he had lowered himself, his weight now resting on his elbows to not crush you beneath him, pressing his lips against yours, kissing you with so much passion and fever, like he had never kissed you before.
 Automatically you wrapped your legs around his hips, your hands stroking over his chest, your whole body starting to tingle with the familiar feeling of arousal building up inside of you.
Oh, how long you have thought about this, dreamt about this.
 Ivar grabbed one of the furs that covered the two of you, pulling it off his back as he felt too hot, and the cool night air hitting your skin made you shiver under him.
 You felt him grin into the kiss, before suddenly, he grinded his hips into yours, causing you to gasp against his lips. You only wore your tunic, and the knowledge that there was just the fabric of his trousers separating you made you shiver for a whole different reason.
 Ivar stopped, breathing against your mouth, swallowing hard.
You felt it, before he started to speak, felt him slowly harden against you, proving you right.
 “It.. works.” He just whispered, his breath shaking.
 “I told you it would.”
Afraid that he could become so nervous again, overthinking too much, you pulled him towards you by his neck, resuming your kiss and wrapping your legs around him even tighter now. He moaned into the kiss, one of his hands moving to your waist and stoking up and down your side, while his hips started to grind against yours again, the rhythm erratic and irregular, the friction still feeling incredible.
 Still, it was not enough, the tingling feeling inside of you only growing with the sounds he made against your lips. You did not want to rush him though, just kissed him, touched him, and let him do what he needed right now. There would be a time to teach him what you liked, but this was not now.
Now you just enjoyed his raw and passionate kisses, his body moving against yours, his hands on your side and the fact that for the first time, he did not hold back.
 His hand wandered lower along your side, finally reaching your naked thigh that was wrapped around his hips, stroking over your soft skin, his calloused hand feeling hot in contrast to the cool air of the tent. His breath grew heavier, his movements quicker and more erratic, and you felt that it would not take much longer.
 You raised your hands to his shoulders, stroking over the firm muscles before your fingernails scratched over his skin. You bit into his lower lip, and that was apparently all it took to send him over the edge, as he moaned loudly into your mouth, his whole body stiffing for a moment, before he collapsed onto you, burying his face in the crook of your neck.
You regretted that you had kissed in the moment he had come, as you would have loved to see his face, but you knew that you would have many other chances to see it, now that he knew tht he was capable of it.
 “I..” he started, his breath still heavy and hot against your neck.
 “No holding back now, yes?” you asked, lips pressed against his ear.
 Ivar sighed, and you felt him nod, before he rolled off of you, an expression of pure bliss, but also slight embarrassment written all over his face. You had to giggle, pressing a kiss onto his reddened cheek.
 “If you want to apologise, don’t.” you said, stroking over his lips with your digit finger. “You can show me what kind of man you are on many other occasions now.”
 Ivar chuckled, running a hand through his face, before looking back at you as if you were the most precious thing he had ever seen.
 “Being with you, I think I’m really favoured by the gods.” He smiled, wrapping one arms around your shoulders, pulling you against his naked, firm chest. “I want to feel everything with you.”
 “And I want to be yours.” You sighed, puling the furs over both of your bodies once more.
 “If the gods will it.” Ivar kissed your forehead, but you just closed your eyes and sighed.
 “They do.”
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