#half siren guzma
lostonehero · 3 years
Under the full moon
Tw mentions of sexual assault and abuse, hospitals, animal attack
Nanu was a life saver, he managed to pull some strings and get Cyrus to Alohla without any suspicion or even his sisters finding out. Guzma was practically walking on air when he arrived back in Alohla, Cyrus in tow looking uncomfortable in the heat even though it was cooler as the night sky lit up the sky as the full moon hung up above.
Guzma watched Cyrus stare up at the starry sky, he could see the smaller trying to suppress a smile of wonder as he looked.
Cyrus was still distracted as a growl was heard from the bush and a large lyconrock jumped the two biting Cyrus's arm with a loud sickening crunch.
The next few hours were a blur to both Cyrus and Guzma, but what was clear was the end where Guzma's large frame was contorted awkwardly in a small hospital chair as he fell into an uneasy sleep watching over Cyrus. Cyrus woke up to the sounds of hospital equipment he knew all too well from being a sickly child growing up. He wanted to bolt out of bed, but he looked over and saw Guzma and he couldn't bare to abandon him.
He groans covering his face with his one good hand the other was bandaged to hell and back to the point where he couldn't move it. Feelings were not something he was equipped to deal with and Guzma brought up so many, and he wanted to spill his guts be open with him, but he wasn't as strong as he was. He could never be as great as Guzma needed him to be. He swallowed the growing lump in his throat and wiped his eyes. He just wanted Guzma close thats it.
Plumeria was one of the three now that knew of Guzma's secret, the man was half siren. She didn't know the specifics but she did know that his mother that raised him wasn't the one who had him. That wasn't important what was important was how frustrated she was getting with Guzma what she could only call nesting, his new sinnoh friend was coming back from the hospital. Guzma insisted that they were just friends but she wasn't an idiot and could feel the tension between the two hell she could probably cut it with a knife, even there pokemon notice it.
She sighed watching Guzma again rearrange his bed again, and yet he refuses to admit that they would even share a room. "GUZMA." She shouts annoyed as all hell.
Guzma stiffens and shoots up. "Plumes you know better then to sneak up on me sides I haven't done anything wrong."
"That's not the point everyone in this house can hear you moving your furniture for the nth time today Guzma."
"So nobody but you has complained."
Plumeria gave an auditable sigh. "Guzma you know none of the grunts would ever bother you when you're in one of your moods."
"I'm not upset Plumes "
"They don't know that."
Guzma looks away somewhat embarrassed. "Shit yo didn't mean to "
~~~later that day at the hospital~~
Cyrus moves his now freed arm from the cast, he had never healed this fast before. His arm didn't hurt he just had a pink mark left on his arm from the bite. It was kind of odd, maybe it was a side effect from the distortion world, but in reality he didn't know. He cuts off his own thoughts spotting Guzma and he swore his heart skipped a beat when there eyes locked, he decided to push thoes feelings down. He would deal with that later even if his heart was still beating out of his chest when Guzma approached close enough he could smell the scent of moss, honey, and even the sea off of him.
Cyrus didn't have a good sense of smell to beginning with, he used his sense of time to cook to perfection. As a child due to his sicknesses his sense of smell was partially damaged. Alarm bells rung loud in his head but were went silent when Guzma pulled him into a hug and all the panic dissipated from his head like the clouds after a storm.
"Cy look at you all patched up you had me all worried." Guzma was loud as always but it was comforting.
"You seem perfectly content without me." Cyrus bristles at the praise as his entire being screams at him to lean into it. He was scared of seeming soft.
"Ah I'm glad a hospital visit hasn't changed you I set up my room nice for you till you can find a place in po town, I mean if you want to stay there you don't have to if you don't wanna."
That was the last thing Cyrus could ever want to be away from Guzma. "Your room will suffice for now." He answers a bit too quickly for his own liking. He probably sounded needed but that thought had no room to grow when he heard Guzma chirp and grin.
"Your boy made it so comfy for you spaceman you're going to love it."
Cyrus covers his face quickly he couldn't stop the smile that spread across his lips. Something was different and he couldn't understand why his emotions were so easy to keep under wraps maybe the pokemon bite had side effects.
Guzma loves the fact Cyrus decided to stay in his room, and he loved the nest he made too, fuck he never knew embracing the siren half of himself would actually feel good. Maybe it was because he had the right partner. He quickly shook his head Cyrus wasn't into him like that, and he knew not to force anything onto the smaller man. Cyrus's half sister had done that, well more so used him as some sort of plaything and he let her.
He couldn't let anyone use him like that again, he couldn't let anyone have control over him again like his siren half begged. He wanted Cyrus to control the bedroom he wanted Cyrus to make the decisions when it came to his body like she forced herself into that role. Guzma groans turning over to look at Cyrus sleeping. He wasn't weezing so the wet air was helping his lungs hopefully.
Guzma stared at his sleeping form his heart twisted and raw wanting to love again, but his mind was already hurt too many times, but what screamed louded then both was his siren instincts that refused to be silenced anymore and insisted that he let Cyrus claim him. He was getting a headache, and angry at his conflicted feelings, and he knew when he got upset he broke things and he really didn't want to wake up Cyrus.
He sat up pulling at his hair his feelings only growing more complicated as he let them fester. He wanted to punch something but he heard a soft whimper come from his sleeping companion and all his thoughts seem to bend into one cohesive thought. He needed to comfort Cyrus.
He wrapped himself around the smaller man who seems to melt in his touch and all the worry and pain drains into bliss as he falls back into a deep sleep.
A small sense of pride seems to grow in Guzma chest as he drifted off listening to Cyrus sleep softly next to him.
Cyrus's temper was like a fire cracker even his pokemon noticed and ran to Guzma when he showed slight frustration. His houndoom however kept his attention for some reason Cyrus was now content chasing after his dog pokemon and she was happy to comply. She obviously knew something changed within him, but atlas he could not understand her.
"The humid air seems to really help you Cyrus." Guzma hums in the small pond behind Po town his gosilepod was splashing around with him. Cyrus wouldn't call it a pond it was more of a micro lake it was deep enough that Guzma could dive down to explore the many caves it hid below.
Cyrus pauses letting that comment sink in. Guzma was right he hasn't had any lung issues since arriving to Alohla. He was even running around like he had the energy of a child. "I concede that I have been feeling much better here then I have sinnoh, but it is much too hot here."
Guzma rolls his eyes and splashes Cyrus with his tail. "Cooled off enough?"
Cyrus against his normal facade and how he liked to act he scoffs and croches near the water and splashes Guzma back and even laughs.
His own pokemon froze hearing that noise and seeing Cyrus smile was an enigma in itself.
Guzma challenged this and splashed again causing an all out water fight, and Cyrus couldn't remeber any other time where he felt this happy. He felt safe as Guzma carried him back into the Shady House. He knew this wasn't normal behavior for him but Guzma was carrying him and his smile was so nice. He clung to Guzma like he was the best treasure he had ever found.
Cyrus could not get comfortable for the life of him, his own skin felt too tight, and wrong. He felt miserable and just needed something. He flips over again in the mock nest Guzma made he had pushed the larger man out an hour ago.
Cyrus groans and glares at Guzma from the position he was in on the bed.
"Good your awake I need to talk to you."
Cyrus stretches and sits up. "Its not as my body will let me get comfortable go ahead." He says with more bite then he wanted to.
Guzma seems to hesitate and Cyrus doesn't want to be alone right now, why did he sound annoyed, but Guzma didn't leave he took a breath and sat in his throne. "Do you mind if I get personal Cyrus? I'm loosing my courage here, stupid Guzma."
"You're ok, please speak your mind." For some reason Guzma being there made him feel better and all he wanted was for him to be comfortable to, only to return the favor. That thought was tact on but he wouldn't acknowledge that fact.
Guzma's face turns red as he stumbles over his words forgetting English for a second. "Cyrus I want you to take control, I mean I just my siren half has been screaming at me for you and I fuck I fucking like you a lot and I want to be vulnerable around you. Not like how your sister forced that out of my with you I feel safe enough to let you see the real stuff." Guzma sighs putting his face in his hands. "I like you spaceman and I want you to yaknow do the nasty with me I want you to control the scene, I want you to take care of me."
Cyrus could feel his own face heat up his mind wasn't entirely there anymore but he somehow knew exactly what Guzma was asking and he wanted the same thing. His voice didn't sound like his own. "I love you too- I -gah" his own words cut off as a scream escapes from his lips as burning hot pain fills his his veins. His whole body felt as it was on fire and that was the last thing Cyrus can remember before it went black.
Plumeria lead the charge hearing the scream come from Guzma's room a few brave grunts followed behind her as they opened the door they expected the worse, but that isnt what they got.
Guzma was laughing trying to pull a lyconrock that was five times bigger then normal off of him it was also completely blue like Cyrus's hair. The closest thing to an attack the dog was doing was locking Guzma senseless as there tail wagged hard and fast.
The grunts seem to braven up even more as one shouted puppy then the rest piled into the room petting the dog who seems to melt at the attetion and Guzma could finally get up but he didn't stop smiling.
"Cyrus is the puppy Grunts." Guzma got through his laughter as the dog Cyrus began another lick attack.
The grunts gasps as cheers of werewolf ran through along with spaceman is puppy space man, along with team skull mascot.
Guzma was having too much fun to notice or listen to what his grunts were saying.
Cyrus woke up startled he was just in the worst pain in his life where was he now. His panic ebbed away into comfort as he realized he was curled around Guzma his scent was everywhere, and that purple tattoo was a dead giveaway. He absolutely no memory of what occurred last night nor did he know where his clothes went. Wait why was he wearing a collar did they have sex? Was he drugged? Guzma confessed his feelings did he use him?
Cyrus's own stomach growling made him stop his downward spiral of thoughts. He was starving, was that normal after sex? He needed to research. Guzma shift making Cyrus give a startled oof noise in response.
"Oh you're back to normal, the grunts were right." Guzma yawns and stretches. "Man you kept us up till like 4 in the morning."
This brought up more questions, so he didn't have sex, the grunts were involved, and he wasn't normal. His face must of betrayed him because Guzma was looking at him with concern.
"You don't remember last night."
"I remember saying I love you." He says embarrassed and his voice a bit horsed.
This seems to ease some worry from Guzma's face but not all of it. "Well apparently Z one of the grunts likes looking into myths and he can say for certain werewolf, and now the grunts know about me because you kind of dragged me into the pool to go swimming."
"It was actually kind of cute, I got upset and you did the whole ears and tail down and puppy dog eyes and actually you were fuckkng adorable and I couldn't stay mad at you but now the grunts are clamoring to make a full moon schedule that needs your approval of course." Guzma laughs. "For the first hour you wouldn't stop licking me you also kept trying to steal my socks."
Cyrus's face was red as he put his head in his hands. "I'm so sorry "
"Why it was a blast, and you make a great puppy Cy even if I'm a bug guy." Guzma chuckles. "Now we know it wasn't a normal pokemon bite."
Cyrus looks away. "You aren't mad? I outed you and I didn't even know until you told me."
"I mean no Cy you were being cute and now I have blackmail we took so many pictures. Want to see "
"Abostutley not." He gets up. "I'm going to get dressed then eat you can talk when you want to be civil "
Guzma laughs and gets up hugging Cyrus from behind. "I love you too Cyrus even if you can't express it well. I'll be emotional for the both of us."
This dried up every ounce of shame and anger Cyrus had at the new he could feel wet streaks down his cheeks before he realized he was crying. He immeditaly turned and buried his face into Guzma's chest. He refused to let go.
Guzma didn't realize what he said meant so much, but he didn't want to upset Cyrus anymore so he let the smaller man cry until he was done.
They got dressed in silence but left the room holding hands with a unspoken love between them only growing.
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bellafragolina · 2 years
Guzma/Piers/Plumeria see a popup concert and listens in. Cops show up to break up the concert and the singer yells "Scatter!" before vanishing into thin air. Their soulmate's first words are "Scatter!" and it's written on their arm. My explanation for why it isn't a song lyric is because it has to be directed towards the person specifically and they made eye contact with Guzma/Piers/Plumeria when they said it. Hope this is a nice start! - FTM Anon (feel free to not do all 3 of them)
Yeeeeeeeaaaaaaahh I love the soulmate AU!! You didn’t specify but I think this is all separate let me know if that’s not correct!
He loves your concerts, and always tries to attend one whenever they pop up somewhere. He drags Plums and the grunts to your concerts too, and everyone has a great time jamming out to your music. It’s heavy and hard hitting and everything the Team Skull loves. The only issue is that the police hate you and your bands, and a constantly chasing you down
And this concert is no distance. In the middle of one of Guzma’s favorite songs, the shrill of sirens pierce the air. You freeze, and suddenly, your eyes are staring into Guzma’s, pinning him to the floor. And you shout into the crowd “SCATTER” before disappearing to help your band escape the cops. And Guzma stays frozen, the words on his forearm burning furiously
He’s excited and terrified at the same time. He waits anxiously for the next concert to pop up, rehearsing lines in his head and trying to find a decent outfit to show up in. He already knows you’re so cool, but he wants you to think he’s cool too, and not that you have some dweeb of a soulmate. That would kill him if you thought that.
Luckily for him, you find the nervous “bad boy” showing you his soul mate tattoo and rambling about how you’re his soulmate cute. If only he didn’t make your own tattoo take up half your back
Guzma tends to drag her along to your concerts, but she never fights. Your music is good, and she likes vibing along to the beats and listening to the lyrics. She wonders about you, the one she knows writes the songs, and tries to glean things from the lyrics you sing. You’re interesting to her, forming these pop up concerts and then disappearing into the night when the cops arrive. She’d like to know more, but there’s never time to act on it
Until one night. It’s a regular concert, with a regular police breakup. But this time, your eyes meet hers as you shout into the crowd for everyone to scatter. Plumeria feels a heat across her bicep, and her heart jumps about in her chest. Guzma is already dragging her off, though, so all she can do is watch you disappear once more. This time, however, she’s more determined to find you
When the next concert pops up, she’s there, towards the front. You make eye contact with her again between songs, kneeling down to smile and say hello. She shows you her soulmate mark, and shouts that you’re her soulmate, dipshit. The dipshit makes you realize she’s your soulmate too, and you half drag her onto the stage to kiss her in your panicked excitement of finally finding her
The crowd goes nuts, and Plumeria gets quite a few songs dedicated to her. If only the little grunts would stop begging her to meet you
Piers always prefers the local rock scene to anything official. Sure, he’s official now, but he fights tooth and nail to make sure some company doesn’t take away the authentic nature of his music. He likes going out to these concerts, half disguised so no one bothers in as he takes in the tunes. You’re one of his favorite underground bands, if he’s honest. He likes your music a lot, and you’re not sore on the eyes either
He’s one of the first to head out when the cops eventually bust the concerts, but this time, he lags. You look him in the eyes, wild and bright, and shout for everyone to scatter over the wails of sirens. Piers chest burns, the words of his heart alighting. He tries to force his way through the fleeing crowd to get to you, but they’re too thick, and you’re already gone by the time he makes it. He slips away from the scene with a sigh, heart beating hard in his chest.
Marnie insists on following him to the concerts after he tells her of what happened. She likes your music too, and wants to meet you anyway, so you being her brother’s soulmate is the perfect excuse. She badgers him into going back to whatever concerts pop up, and when they find your band again, she’s tearing through the crowd. Piers is almost mortified, but you smile down at Marnie and greet her kindly, asking if she wants to sing the next song with you
But instead she points out her brother, shouting something at you. “Sorry about her!” He huffs when he finally makes it to you. Your eyes widen. “She’s a brat.” Any irritation is washed away by the blinding light of your smile. Piers blushes. He’s going to have to thank Marine later
Here we are!
Hope you have a great day, lovely!!
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claitea · 4 years
Tag Game
Rules: Name your top 10 favorite characters from 10 different fandoms and tag 10 people.
tagged by @masterfuldoodler :D thank you for the excuse to ramble about these characters that i love to death haha
Kingdom Hearts—Sora: my favorite characters tend to be the lovable idiots, stupid but mean well and just want to help out. sora fits the bill exactly, with a pinch of sass to make it interesting! and the subtle way they go about implying how negative sora actually feels under the happy-go-lucky front he's been keeping up for a while, especially in kh3, where he actually broke down... sora character development good!! someone unfreeze him, get this kid into a therapist's office and stop him self-sacrificing, please
Final Fantasy—Zack Fair: also another chirpy idiot type!! maybe i only like him because he really kind of is just the sora of ff7 - kind, sometimes stupid, loves his friends, self-sacrificial - but still, i love him. like look at how fiercely loyal he is!! willing to put his life down to keep cloud safe!! he's great!! i had decided he was my favorite ff character before i even started ff, after seeing how fun of a character he was in khbbs. i thought he got kidnapped at the end,,, half of the reason i started ff was to see how they save him,,,,,, they didn't save him,,,,,,,,,,
Dragalia Lost—Orsem: honestly i can't pick a favorite dragalia character between him, luca, euden, cleo, alex, sylas, vixel, fritz, heinwald, curran, lathna, ieyasu and ricardt, but i had to just pick one for this-- another chirpy, excitable character, he just wants everyone to appreciate ice skating like he does and i think that's adorable. shame that ingame he used to be a pretty decent damage dealer but is pretty quickly getting overshone. i spent a lot of currency and materials getting him fully upgraded only to learn he dropped a tier and melee fighters like him currently suck in the current boss fights :( i'll keep using him for fun in lower difficulties, of course!
Mother—Lucas: mother 3 is tied with ff crisis core for being the saddest pieces of fiction i've ever seen, no other series has made me cry as much as those two games. lucas deserved NONE of what happened to him or his family and friends, and god i hope that open ending saw him living the rest of his life happily. he's a good kid ;-;
Pokemon—N: now THIS is how you write a villain!! no other villain in pokemon even comes close to how good n was!! except maybe guzma but they're very different you can't compare them. wish n would come back.... colress keeps reappearing, and he's cool, another one of my favorites, but WHERE is n???
The World Ends With You—Shiki Misaki: the character development in twewy is phenomenal and shiki is no exception!! she's just a really fun character too ;w; give me a sequel where we see her and eri interact,,,, blease squeenix its all i ask,,,,,,,
Kid Icarus—Pit: again, chirpy idiot type. the characters in kiu are just so fun, the dialogue is so great. pit gives us gems like "step three: remove pants" "again today i will go soaring through the skyyy!!" and the classic "floor ice cream gives you HEALTH!" he's just a great, adorable character, and so is everyone else in kiu, i love this game. wish i could play it :')
My Hero Academia—Kaminari Denki: ah would you look at that, yet another chirpy idiot type character. really he's tied with kirishima for my favorite but :,) really need to catch up on bnha, i kind of fell behind a lot--
Professor Layton—Luke Triton: oh i dont really have much of a reason for luke being my favorite, i just think he's neat. i'm slowly playing through all the layton games, and i'm up to last specter right now, i do appreciate how they're fleshing out luke's character a bit more here! seeing standoffish constantly-glaring tiny luke after being so used to happy positive luke in the first three games kind of scared me at first, what did you do to my boy--
Castle Swimmer—Siren: listen listen i know i only started reading this webcomic literally last night, like 12 hours ago but. castle swimmer good. siren is great. so is kappa, skiff, silver, i cannot for the life of me remember the name of the queen with the long nose that i also like idhjdvdksb i am very bad with names. siren took one look at kappa and immediately decided that he was willing to risk it all to save him? same.
i dont like to tag, please steal this from me if you'd like to!
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guzma-hates-cgl · 5 years
@KYS anon
"KYS." they say, coming for my head. I hear the wolves coming with their twisted mouth and savage tongue.
"KYS." They cry with their jagged teeth and growled voices. Their predatory eyes locked on me.
"KYS." They break through my windows, and the scent of moldy bread fills the air. I seek shelter in my closet, and tear clothes down from hangers to cover me.
"KYS." They bellow as they stomp their paws on the ground and throw their fits. The wolves, yes the wolves, they are hunting me. The wolves yes the wolves, they are after me!
My laptop is forcibly taken from me! "KYS!"
My hands tied behind my back! "KYS!"
My body thrown across the room! "KYS!"
The wolves read my half done post out loud, "Sebaciel fans are annoying and they smell like moldy bread."
They start booing and telling me to die. They act high and mighty as they type paragraph after paragraph trying to excuse it. They try and say that it hurts no one as a wolf uses it to lure in a lamb. The wolves open their mouths to devour me.
"No, Guzma-hates-Cgl is quite right." A voice says from the doorway. There stands Sebastian Michaelis. "You fans are all annoying and smell of moldy bread."
With those words the wolves begin their dying chant, "KYS! KYS! KYS! KYS!" Until they are all swallowed to Hell in a red and blue glow. All that remains in the haunting words fade and the faint smell of moldy bread. Police sirens fading out.
I am freed from my bindings and treated for injuries. I now have protection from the wolves, and the wolves are in jail where they will remain.
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storylocke · 7 years
Connections 14
[As the Skull Grunt explained about finding Devin, the urgency to tell their boss about hitting the wrong kid dwindled. Guzma‘s usual scowl made it had to tell if he was about to erupt in anger or simply contemplating the news. A smirk finally crossed the man’s lips.]
[Rises from his chair, cutting him off completely as the spy flinches. Hollers at the top of his lungs as he knows someone will deliver the message.] GLADION! GET IN HERE!
Grunt B:
[Somewhat hopeful] So… you're not mad at me?
[While his volume returned to normal, his tone turned to a sour mix between playful and sarcastic.] Mad? Nah. I’m absolutely FURIOUS! But not at you. [He steps down from his pedestal and shoves passed the grunt to head over to his closet. The wall of junk piled high within the frames of the door from years of being compacted into place quickly comes pouring out as he starts digging.] I told that half-baked researcher that even kids ain't dumb enough to fall for a trap so obvious. Damn device only gets one shot anyway- [Turns to toss a couple of worn out wooden boards to him] -which means now we get to do things my way.
[Arms crossed as he stands in the doorway.] What do you want? [He wonders if he should really ask after seeing the time-worn Trial Gate that looked like it hadn’t seen the light of day since the Kahuna died. Heavy sarcasm.] Am I on trial?
[Leaves the mess for the moment as he turns with a huff to the young mercenary.] You're going after Plumeria. She's stuck dealing with the Chosen now.
[If it's who he’s thinking of, Plumeria needs no help at all. Still rather annoyed.] And how do I go after her? She already took the boat.
She’s got a ride down at the dock. [Tosses him the keys] Boat’s all yours, so get going.
[While he’d normally have some snarky comeback with the leader, he looks at the keys in his hand with a sickening feeling. He knew they planned to catch Lillie, but he’d been waiting for the chance to strike once she’d been brought in. Something told him now that she wasn't coming… But who…? He looks back up at Guzma to ask, his usual cold stare showing the starting signs of suspicion and distress.]
I don't ask twice! [Turns back to his pile and steps over it to grab a particular box that had caught his eye.] Now get out before I make ya get out!
[Gladion takes his leave without another word. There wasn't any time to waste on these scum now anyway if he was right. The grunt had stood silently staring at them as he held up the gates in front of him like a shield.]
Grunt B:
Yo, Boss… you don't think Sis is really in trouble now, do ya?
[No, he didn't, but their last conversation still stung at the back of his mind. Their last conversation...? He needed to crush any such ideas. It wasn't anything any grunt needed to know anyway. They were talking about Gladion.] We’re just tying up the loose ends, B. I don't know what Gladion’s deal with Aether is, but he won't work when they're around. And if he won't with us, he's no use to us. Y'all have been wantin’ to drop the little punk anyway, right?
Grunt B:
… … … [Glances away in slight shame.]
As for Bird Boy… [In the slightly crushed shoebox, there's several little, very old, odds and ends, but he pulls out the thing he’d been looking for. After being hidden away all these years, the Z-ring from his trial days still bears the simple white stone Hala had given him. Nothing special, nothing like the one he’d seen on Devin anyway. The white leather band certainly didn't fit anymore, but he wonders for a moment if the stone might still work.] We’re gonna have ourselves some fun.
[As the rain passed over the Aether House in it’s usual waves from the north, the darkness revealed the sun had already slipped away. It was after nine, and still no Devin. Acerola was trying her best to get the two restless pre-schoolers to bed despite Kayla’s whining how she couldn’t sleep until her Yungoos came home. Lillie would share the bed with Acerola when they finally settled down for the night. Hau planned to stay on guard in the lobby. Except…When Acerola moved to the lobby to wish him good luck for the night, Hau seemed to be missing. She could feel her jaw drop at the thought since, no matter how worried he was, they PROMISED not to leave the building until they heard from Devin or Nanu. Hau didn’t seem like the type to pull something like this on them. Especially without telling anyone? No, no, she had to consider he just might be in the other room. Or hanging out with Mrs. Nanners. Or… as guilty as she felt for doubting him, she couldn’t help but carefully push the door open to peek outside.]
[At least he didn’t go far. She heaves a sigh of relief to spot the boy hung up at the edge of the stairs, fidgeting as he fought himself on whether to stay or go, somewhat pacing as he couldn’t get the nerve to actually step down yet. She glances around the area before sliding out the door to talk to him.] Hau? [He doesn’t respond at first, so she went to go tap him on the shoulder. Instead, he startles her by abruptly turning to look at her as if he’d been expecting her.] Oh! I’m sorry, I just wanted to check on you. Are you okay?
No, no, no… I’m not okay. [He tries to shake the thought as he’s aware of her staring at him] I need to… something. I don’t know, I’ve got too many things going through my head, I don’t even know where to start!
[Yeah, she’s noticing that too. And given Devin’s odd behavior all day, she’s a little annoyed to think why. Crosses her arms with a bit of a huff.] Dad?
[They both come to a stop as a large black shadow slides out from under the door to stand beside her. The Gengar rises up with ease and looks at her with a wide, smug, grin to prove her wrong.]
Uh… No. [He gives the captain a weak smile as well, trying to be reassuring.] I’m fine as far as that goes. I think? [He scratches at the back of his head as he’s not really sure how to begin on that] I’m kind of used to it, it’s just never been this bad.
[Still eyeing the Pokemon, but she’ll not question it for now.] Then what’s up? Are you sure you and Lillie want to stay here for the night?  
She can, but I have to go. [As his head is reeling, his hand is still shaking from the energy, but he slowly lifts it to cover his face.] I sh-should have just gone in the first place.
[Leave Lillie? That didn’t sound right…] Alright? We might be able to make the last ferry-
[Looks up at her in surprise, he’d gotten lost in the rain of comments, he almost didn’t know what she was talking about. But then, he’s the one who wasn’t being very clear. How could he?] What? No! Not leave the island. I need to go after D76, he’s in trouble! [He finally managed to spit it out and all his fears spilled forth] I, I got like… a warning, a siren, just… [how to describe it?] like this screaming over and over again that D76 is in trouble! He’s lost, he’s- he’s hurt…he’s… [he pauses to make a small grasping motion as if he’s physically trying to pull words from the air. Nothing clear seems to come clear though and he just looks to her in exasperation] He’s in trouble, that’s all I really know. I can’t understand anything, it’s just a lot of panic and debating about WHAT exactly happened, but I know I should- [Spins away as he walks off towards the edge of the porch again, only to turn around again, still fighting with himself on the matter] But I shouldn’t leave you guys, I promised Devin I’d stay out of Skull’s way. But the Voices are really insistent that-
[Now she’s VERY concerned and places a hand on his shoulder to make him stop long enough to listen.] This “screaming,” you mean literal screaming right now? Like… Little voices telling you to go after him?
[Just stares at her a moment in bewilderment. Acerola didn’t seem like normally a very serious natured person, but the look she gave him now came off as stern. The expression on her face seemed to demand he tell her the whole truth, and be quick about it. He gives her a very nervous smile] Um …yeah? Most of them are, but some want me to go check on Lillie, and a few keep reminding me that I haven’t completed your trial, but both of those can wait. [It’s pretty bad when someone used to listening to disembodied voices is looking at him like he’s crazy, but he’s not quite sure he’s convinced her yet that he’s not possessed either. On second thought, he possibly was. Shakes his head.] But it’s always been like that for me. More like really stray thoughts, vague urges, random numbers, but it was always really soft. Like I’d have to concentrate to realize I was being told things and not just acting on my own impulse. It’s just really super subtle. Unless D76 is around, but I thought all of you could hear it too, so I never thought…
….. I think you need to go back inside.
[Frustrated sigh as she takes him by the hand and starts to march him through the door.] But what about Devin?! We can’t just ignore this!
I’m not~! You just sound like you’re super overwhelmed right now. [She seats him on the couch and tries to make herself look cheerful.] I’ll go after him myself. I am still Captain, after all. And it’s my job to keep you two safe when you’re under my jurisdiction. Besides, it’s after dark, and you wouldn’t have any way to get there even if you could find the place.
But you don't understand-
[Nooope, she already made the mistake of letting one of you go she’s not losing both of them.] I believe you, I do. But if Devin really did get into trouble, what makes you think you won’t fall for the same thing? I’m entrusting you with the house until we get back, okay?
[If he can fight it that long.] Yeah… I guess. How far away is it?
[That’s a good question, really. Normally she could Fly straight to Po Town, but since Devin may have fallen anywhere along the roads between, it might be better to take the long way] Hmm… Give me about an hour, alright? If you haven’t heard from me, I need you to take everyone to Malie City. You can hide in the library until we get everything settled.
[That he could do. At least it wouldn’t be sitting around, and to just do SOMETHING might help relieve the tension with the Voices.] Thanks. I hope it doesn't come to that.
[As the girl rushes out the door, another one very quietly tries to slip out of her room. Hau had already gotten up to wander the length of the lobby when he suddenly noticed the figure in white, so good at blending into the colorless Aether facilities.]
Whoa! Lillie, I almost didn’t see you come in here. Can’t sleep?
I heard Acerola was leaving. [She had a bad feeling as to why. Her frown only deepens as she glances down at Nebby already at her heels.] What happened?.
[Should he tell her? Of course he should, because there was no amount of “we got this” in his bag of lies that would likely comfort her. He starts to fidget with his Z-ring as if it were some kind of watch, a feat he’d never actually done before now, but he shyly glances away as he explains what he told Acerola.]
[Outside the house, a pair of shadows watch carefully as the door finally opens and Acerola can be seen bounding out of the house. They make their way out of the tall grass, pausing a moment at one of the trial-guides’ posts and wait to see if anyone else followed.]
I don’t know about this, Sis. Seems too easy. And we just saw that Chosen kid, or whatever, go back inside. I don’t know who they got at the base then.
[That’s a very good question, but she’s got a feeling. Damn little bird keeper trying to play hero. But that did mean that the house was unguarded otherwise. No last minute heroics to stop them this time.] What, you’re not scared of him, are you? I don’t care if he’s special, he’s not invincible. That’s just old kids’ tales anyway. Come on, we better move quickly while they’re gone.
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