#halcandran bean ;
parttimepuff · 2 years
"Oh sure, you can say that now." Magolor pouted, placing his hands on his hips. "You like math, you are a nerd." Beep teased. "Wh-hey!! …not wrong, but still." The Halcandran grumbled, clearly not that upset. Reverie chuckled at how well the two bounced off each other. "I kinda expected you'd be more bean-shaped myself." He expressed. "A Beep bean." His daughter added.
The other matter chuckled. "I can see why. Though, the only other matters I know anything of are orbs." Magolor thought aloud. "I, used to be an orb." Beep replied, a bit hesitant. "I guess you can change it?" "Huh! Didn't know that! Maybe it's just not something most people know about." He mused. The dream fae mulled that over. "That'd make sense. There's very little real info about Matters and how they grow." Reverie pointed out.
"Yeah, they’re usually… not well received." Beep mumbled. "Right..." Magolor commiserated. "I haven’t tried going back into an orb, though." She continued. The Halcandran tapped his chin. "I wonder if you could? Or if it's an irreversible thing." He wondered. "I think she looks great either way." Reverie interjected, always taking an opportunity to compliment her.
"I mean, I could always try!" Beep replied. Thinking about her growth spurt brought back some memories, not all great ones. She wondered... "Hey, when you turned long was it from something bad happening?" She asked. Magolor was very silent, frozen. "……..y-yeah, it was." He eventually managed with great difficulty. It was clear that she'd just breached a subject that was a sore spot.
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sanjismuskyarmpits · 2 years
Mago lor is an egg, a bean, and a potato. All in one.
lovingly brushing magolor with butter and putting him in the oven (dw he’s fine halcandrans can withstand very high temperatures)
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quotes-of-dreamland · 4 years
Susie: Magolor, that is a spaceship. You are a Halcandran.
Magolor: Oh, Susie, don't be so intolerant. Why can't the spaceships and the Halcandrans learn to live together in harmony, along with the fairies and the wood-sprites and the bean-sprouts?
Susie: I stand corrected, Magolor. That is a spaceship. You are an imbecile.
Magolor: Thank you.
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ohhimarx · 5 years
My Magolor isn't as big LGBT energy like yours, but he's still a bisexual bean. I personally headcanon that his species is very social and with him you can either be someone he's attached to, or not even existant with him. He doesn't really mind gender, and openly supports LGBT. He's all "Love is love fuck you if you disagree" and shit.
I’m always glad to see supportive Magolors—
And! I like to think Halcandrans were very social when they existed too!
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parttimepuff · 2 years
Another egg joins the carton it seems
"I think I’m more of a bean, actually." Beep responded, the other Matter chuckling. "Heh, yeah, huh? An honorary egg, maybe." Magolor thought. "An egg bean?" She mused, glancing at him. "You do kinda look like an egg though, huh?" He shrugged with his hands. "Yeah, I get that a lot. Halcandrans are just shaped like this. Or… well, I'm not technically one anymore, but y'know."
"Halcandrans? I thought Ren was a Memlin." Beep remembered, confused. "Ren?" Magolor echoed. The dream fae stepped in. "She's a friend of ours. And a Memlin. I, can't say I know how different that is from a Halcandran." Reverie explained. Thinking on it for a moment, the Halcandran shook his head. "Never heard of em before." He conceded. "I dunno either, it’s just what I know from g-mmmy uncle- from what my uncle told me." She barely saved herself, her father just as on edge by the near slip as she was. "But they’re pretty egg-like, too, I guess."
The obvious cover-up wasn't lost on Magolor. While he didn't quite understand why her uncle's name was so important, he understood why she didn't want to share it. He knew a thing or two about secrets. "Uh, huh. That's interesting. Maybe they just have different name for themselves? If she doesn't come from Halcandra, that'd make sense." He theorized. "Oh, so you get the name from your planet?" Reverie asked, happy to carry on with this topic. "Yeah, spot on!" The Halcandran praised.
Interested, Beep offered her own question. "What’s Halcandra like?" She piped up. "Hot! Super hot! It's mostly covered in lava. You can only really get a breather if you stay inside." Magolor explained. "That's kinda cool, but doesn't sound like the best place to live." Reverie pointed out. "It isn't." The Halcandran replied, clearly not missing his home planet too much. "Isn’t lava the really hot rock water?" The matter asked, making him laugh. "Haha! I like that description! Pretty much, yeah. Though it's a lot thicker than water. Not that trying to swim in it would be a great idea anyway."
"But I wanna touch it…" Beep whined, the other Matter tapping his chin. "I dunno if your hand would grow back or not." Magolor replied, Reverie shaking his head. "Y-yeah, I don't want you to test that." Her father added, the idea of her getting hurt not sitting well with him." Hey! Gremlin got to!" She protested, catching her slip just as she finished the thought and clamping her mouth closed. The cave fell silent. "Gremlin..? The nightmares guy?"The Halcandran questioned.
Beep gave Reverie a pleading look, unable to think of what to say now. He was frozen for a moment. The last thing he wanted was to get Gremlin dragged into trouble again when it wasn't long ago that he was under constant surveillance. But, would that be a worry here? "…you, can keep other people's secrets, right..?" The Dream Fae hesitantly asked. Magolor paused. So they weren't sure if he was trustworthy enough for that... Well, he'd brought that on himself. "Oh. Oh, uh, I mean, yes. I'm not sure exactly what reason I'd even have to share 'em."
"I mean, it’s kinda important… I don’t want someone else in trouble just because I, you know… exist. And they know about it." Beep elaborated, worried and guilty. "Ah… Well, I promise I won't share anything. I get that you guys don't want anyone to know about you and, I don't want to ever invite something bad to happen to you." Magolor assured them both genuinely. Father and daughter both seemed more at ease. "Thanks, Wiz… She replied.
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quotes-of-dreamland · 4 years
Hey, me again.
So I already did the; Galacta is halcandran things so.. what if he Was Magolor’s relative or something, like, this is a silly headcanon, not really serious.. but like it’s fun to think that that is the reason why you can sometimes see the Lor starcutter in his beam attack.. like, again with a dumb interaction;
Meta, SULKING: I want to fight the greatest warrior in the galaxy.
Magolor: sure hold on let me just call up my cousin and then get him to call his cousin and then get in contact with their great great uncle, who I’m sure that’s the guy you want to fight.
Meta: what.
It’s just SO ridiculously funny to me to think they might even be distantly related.. like, cat bean related to murder orb..
A stretch? Definitely. Hilarious? Absolutely.
-Mod Susie
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