#hakuren x reader
alexa-fika · 8 months
A girl Lost in time AU
A/N: This work is a piece that includes plot and characters from the talented and wonderful @arashi-chan336 @arashi-goddess , she is incredibly talented and I am forever greatful to her for mentoring me trough my artistic endeavors both writing and writing, I miss you ❤️
This does not follow arashi’s nor does it suggest this is how arashi’s story will go, this is simply a take, I wrote a while back to practice encouraged by the goat herself, please take some time to check out her stories and art works, they are simply fantastic , true talent right there
This was my very first work that I completed a few years ago, I do hope you guys enjoy it as there is not too much content on these two royal blueheads
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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Hakuren and Hakuyuu were walking on one of the palace’s hallways talking about what happened during the 9 months they were away from each other when suddenly a soldier came running and stopped in front of them bowing his head.
“State your business soldier” Hakuyuu demanded.
“Please follow me princes.”
“I will inform you on the details on the way”
“On the way to what?” Hakuren said following him with his brother next to him.
“I-Its Nemurihime, she woke up.”
“What?! I want talk to her! “ Hakuren responded getting excited but calmed down after a stern look sent by his brother, this left the youngest pouting but lost it when the soldier continued talking.
“Shes not alone.”
“What do you mean”Hakuyuu asked narrowing his eyes.
“When the monks went to check on her she was awake with a girl next to her and she...”
“She what?” Hakuyuu pressured wanting to have all information on this stranger invading the palace. Wondering how could someone enter the room without any of the guards noticing.
“She seems to have the characteristics of an assimilated household, but there is no sign that she is one,” the soldier answered, still trying to take in everything that was happening.
“Wow, I thought nothing could top a possible-century old girl but seems I was proven wrong.” Hakuren commented getting more and more exited to get to the room but not letting his guard down, after all no one knew what the intentions of the stranger were nor of what she was capable of.
“And how is it that a stranger managed to go all the way to a room heavily guarded by guards?” Hakuyuu inquired voicing out his previous thoughts.
“W-We don’t know, your highness she simply appeared out of no where
And now she is attacking every soldier that gets near Nemurihime”
“How can one simple girl hold back the whole guard?” Hakuren questioned
“About tha-
“Surround her!”
“Don’t let her gain ground!”
Their conversation was interrupted by a series of screams that came from the isolated room surrounded by a multitude of guards.
“Make way for the Princes!”
Weapons in hand the siblings approached the source of the screaming. There,surrounded by soldiers, was a panther bearing it’s teeth to anyone who dared tried to get near it or the person behind her.
“How did this animal get here?!” Hakuren exclaimed
“Its the girl, your highness”
“I don’t know who educated you but that ain’t no girl!” The youngest Haku exclaimed freaked out.
“The girl transformed into it sir.”
“A shapeshifter?” The first imperial Prince mumbled.
“Things are getting more and more interesting” he mused
“Give us some space!” The oldest ordered
The soldiers ,although hesitant, vacated the place after the look their commander gave them.
Hakuyuu quickly glanced to where Nemurihime was sleeping minutes before.
Said girl did not looked scared at the growling panther if anything she seemed lost and confused.
Meanwhile Hakuren started cautiously approaching the feline ,still holding his Naginata tightly in case the latter attacked. “Hey miss its okay we aren’t here to hurt you we just want to talk to you, could you transform back?”
After thinking it over for some time the creature approached the bed where the other girl was and sat next to her .After that, smoke started to surround her and in place of the haired beast was a girl with striking green eyes staring back at them.
“ Alexa whats going on” said the blackhead still trying to get used to her surroundings
“To be honest, im not quite sure” the pinknette replied looking at her fellow Alma Torran friend.
“ I died...”Esher mumbled knowing her friend would still hear her no matter how quietly she talked.
“‎You think I don’t know that?”she responded just as quietly.
“... “
“I saw you die
And that's why when I heard they found a girl a century old, apparently, I had to check her out.
I'm glad I did.
I don't know how, but you're back.
I missed you “ The wolf hybrid confessed hugging her friend at the end. After some time they let go of each other and looked in front of them, there standing in front of them were the Haku brothers. Hakuyuu had his brows knitted trying to understand the strange language the two girls were using. Hakuren was just looking back and forth between the two trying to understand what was happening,in a less serious manner.
“So, what are your names?” The youngest prince asked the girls.
“ What?” Esher replied
“Yeah... I don’t think they speak our language” Hakuren stated. He had hopes that maybe they were talking in another language because they wanted to and not because they didn’t know their language.
“What are we suppose to do Yuu?” he questioned.
“Well maybe we could try to find a translator , but without knowing what language we are translating thats gonna be near impossible.” Hakuyuu explained
“You can do that or you could simply ask me to translate for you” All heads rapidly turned to the ,now grinning, pinkenette.
“You Can speak our language?!” Hakuren exclaimed gapping at girl.
“Why did you not inform us before that you could understand us” Hakuyuu demanded annoyed at the fact that the girl had kept quiet about it all this time.
“You didn’t ask” she simply responded giving a lopsided grin. Hakuyuu sighed annoyingly and continued.
“Well now that you have so kindly informed us of that can we know your names?” Hakuyuu asked trying to keep calm.
“Im Alexa and this here is Esher, I hope we can become good friends” she introduced her smile never faltering, shocking the brothers a bit, no one ever had introduced themselves like that to them heck they barely met anyone who was informal while talking to them.After the shock of her statement wore off ,clearing his throat Hakuyuu started speaking.
“Hey Alexa do any of you know why Esher was in a stone coffin?”
“Now that you mention it Im curious about that too...” the girl pondered aloud before turning towards her friend.
“ Hey Esher do you know why you were sleeping on a coffin?” she questioned
“No,the last thing I remember is...happiness” replied the blackhead mumbling the last part. That answer filled Alexa with sadness and guilt.
“No, she doesn’t know why she was in that coffin” mumbled turning back to the princes who were staring wide eyed at her.
“Y-your eyes they turned blue!!” shrieked the youngest of the two answering Alexa’s unsaid question.
“Ah, yeah that happens sometimes please don’t worry about, it will turn back to green eventually” Alexa brushed off avoiding eye contact with Esher, knowing that would worry her.
“B-But why does that happen!” Hakuren insisted still awed at the girls unique eyes. The oldest although did not show any excitement physically you could see the interest and curiosity in his eyes.
“It’s just something I was born with, some people get super intelligence or incredible strength I got color-changing eyes and a few other things” She answered with a forced smile.
“Thats so cool” the youngest gushed. While the prince was expressing his excitement Alexa glanced at the blackhead giving her a view of her eyes. When Esher saw them, knowing immediately what was wrong , embraced her. After some time they separated and looking straight at her, now blue, eyes she stated
“It was not your fault. Please do not feel sad”. Even after hearing this guilt still lingered in the shifter’s eyes ,so the blackhead continued.
“ Don’t let the past affect you, live on the present”with that last statement from the former Resistance leader Alexa smiled gratefully at her companion ,her eyes changing back to their original vivid green. Hakuren was about to start gushing again but stopped when he noticed his brother staring at the pinkenette with furrowed brows and a small frown on his face. Knowing that that look probably meant he had a question for the girl, the youngest moved on to try to communicate with Esher, even though they the latter was not able to understand.
When the firstborn noticed the pinkhead was looking at him he voiced his thoughts.
“Alexa I’ve been wondering ,but why are you here?” what she replied next surprised both him and his younger brother.
“Why? I was able to feel Esher’s magic, i gave her a small memento before we departed, I felt it power on again, I knew the chances were low but i had to see, im glad I did, I was able to find a friend I thought I had lost” she finished with a toothy grin and unwavering eyes that showed that she meant each and every word she just spoked.
To say he was impressed was an understatement. In all his years of being the first Imperial prince he had never met someone like the girls sitting in front of him. Although he did not know much of Esher seeing as he couldn’t directly communicate with her ,but what he did know is that she was found in a place full of century looking things, she definetly peaked his curiosity.
Alexa did not fall behind in the slightest. Not only was she the first person to speak to her informaly,besides his family and Judar, she had a view on things he has never seen in anyone and she wasn’t afraid to show show her opinion something that Hakuyuuu found shocking. Plus there was her unique abilities and appearance ,it was needless to say that for the first time in a long time he was intrigued.
A girl who only spoke a strange language, wore strange clothings and who’s age could surpass all ancient things they had encountered before. And a girl with animal like appearence and eye-changing colors. Hakuren was curious yet exited for what was to happen in the near future.
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Arashi I really miss you girl, I cannot put into words how much you helped me and inspire me both to write and draw, im so sorry if I did something wrong or if I was too much. I love you 💜 ( here’s to hoping that you’re okay, have been worried that something happened all these years)
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arashi-chan336 · 7 years
Hakuyuu and Hakuren walks in on Reader in the wrong bath house
Hakuren nonchalantly opened the door leading to the bathing area. He saw the naked back of a girl… and immediately slid it shut. He took several steps back, his mouth opening and closing in shock. He couldn’t utter a single coherent word.
“Ren? What’s wrong?” His older brother, Hakuyuu, went over to him, one of his hands holding his towel in place at his waist.
“I-I-I.. bath-wha… huh?”
Hakuyuu scrunched up his eyebrows, not understanding a single thing that his brother had just said. “What?” He then looked towards to the sliding door where Hakuren currently had his eyes fixated in and he wondered whether there was something weird inside the baths.
He went towards the door, slim fingers curling on the edge, and opened it wide. He had ignored his brother’s calls for him to stop and he wished he had listened. Because there, right there, was the familiar back of a certain young woman.
He silently closed the door and backtracked his steps, ignoring his brother who watched him deftly put on his royal garbs. “T-That surprised me.” He said, halfway out of the changing room.
“Wait! Do you know her!?” The younger Haku pulled on his clothes and demanded, “Tell me who it is!” The other slapped his hands away from him. “Ow!”
“That was (Name), you fool!”
“What!?” Hakuren was then seen by the sliding door to the baths and was in the process of peeking in. “Really?”
Hakuyuu punched him over the head. “Right yourself this instant! She might see us!” he hissed.
“Oh yeah? Then why are you peeking, as well?” He pointed out as he rubbed his head. He snickered. “I know you’re much more dangerous than I am!”
“S-Silence!” The oldest of the two gritted his teeth as he glared at Hakuren below him, his cheeks reddening slightly. “I was only w-wondering what she might be doing at the wrong bath house,” he justified but in truth, (Name)’s naked body was intruiging him right now. He actually wanted to see even just a little bit more skin than he saw before. Now was actually the perfect chance.
Besides, what was she doing in the male bath house?
So, seeing as A Girl Lost in Time is not gonna be out for awhile even though I’m itching to write it, why not just post the scenes I already wrote here?
And the main character doesn’t have a name yet so I decided to just make this a Hakuren x Reader x Hakuyuu thing.
Hope you enjoyed~
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lancermylove · 4 years
Spy (HC)
Fandom: Magi
Pairing: Sinbad x Reader, Armakan x Reader, Hakuyuu x Reader
Warning: Contains major angst!!
A/N: For Hakuyuu’s hc, let’s just pretend that Hakuyuu didn’t die and became emperor of Kou. 
Prologue: You’re a princess, and your kingdom decides to get you married to the king of their enemy kingdom. You heavily oppose the idea, but when you learn the truth behind the marriage, you decide to play along. At first, you work to gather intel on your husband and his kingdom, but as days turn into months, you suddenly have a realization. You have fallen for him. Now you have a choice to make, either tell him the truth or send all the information to your kingdom. Your heart wins against your brain, and you decide to tell him everything. 
“I was sent here by my kingdom as a spy. They wanted me to gather as much information as I could manage, so that they could use it against you. I wasn’t suppose to...,” you wiped your tears and took a deep breath, “supposed to f-fall in love with you.” 
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As soon as those words left your lips, you saw Sinbad smiling. Not knowing how to react, you remained silent but looked at him questioningly. 
"I didn't expect that you would confess." He spoke in a clear yet surprised voice.
"Y-You knew?" 
"My dear, did you think that I would allow an enemy to roam about the palace freely?" A smirk appeared on his lips, but he was a bit hurt to learn that you underestimated him. 
"Then, why? Why didn't you stop me?" You asked aghast. 
"I was intrigued to see what you were capable of, but I wasn't expecting you to confess." Your husband arose from his throne, his smile no longer visible. Sinbad glared at you with a piercing gaze as his eyebrows drew downwards. 
"Sin, I-I am sorry." You knew you were in trouble, but deep down, you hoped that he would forgive you. 
Behind Sinbad, his generals were staring at you as if they were going to rip you to pieces. For the first time, you felt as though you were going to die. 
"My queen, are you prepared to suffer the consequences of your actions?" 
"Yes, your majesty. I will accept any punishment that you give me, but..." Though you wanted to speak in your defense, you decided to trust your husband.
"Very well, first, you will inform your kingdom about your decision. You will not be permitted to walk around the palace freely, and you will only be allowed in certain areas of the palace. Lastly, you will have to prove your loyalty to me." 
You were relieved to hear that he wasn't going to break the marriage. Just as you were about to sigh in relief, Sinbad spoke again in a razor-sharp voice. 
"If I get even the slightest hint that you still plan to betray me, then I will have you executed." 
Every muscle in your body tensed up. You knew the road was going to be long and difficult, but you were not going to give up. 
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Armakan kept his eyes closed and remained as calm as ever. You were baffled as to why he remained unfazed even though you just informed him that his wife is a spy. 
"Your majesty?" No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't keep your voice from shaking.
"I know." 
His short response was enough to shake you to the core. He knows? He knew all along?
Narmes stood next to the throne, glancing at his king as if he was waiting for a signal. 
When your husband continued to remain silent, Narmes spoke in his stead, "We have known all along that you were a spy. King Armakan ordered us to stand down for the time being."
You shifted your gaze from Narmes to Armakan, waiting for him to speak. 
After what felt like ages, he opened his eyes and stared at you emotionless. "What do you expect in return for your apology?" 
"My king, I will do as you say, but please have mercy." Even though you knew it was selfish, you hoped that he would forgive you. You wanted to spend the days by his side, and the nights in his strong arms. 
"I can no longer accept you as my queen. It is my duty as the king of Heliohapt to protect my kingdom and my citizens. I, King Armakan Amun-Ra, banish you from Heliohapt." 
"Your majesty." Tears began to roll down your cheeks as you stared at him, frozen. "P-please, don't..."
Your pleas fell on deaf ears. Studying his expressions, it was evident that he had no intention of changing his decision. 
The guards approached you to escort you out, but your eyes continued to plea to your husband. Please, don't. I love you and want to stay with you. 
He did nothing to stop the palace guards from dragging you out. When you turned your head to get one last glimpse of your beloved, you saw him watching you with soft, sad eyes, almost as if he was saying take care, my love.
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Emperor Hakuyuu couldn't believe his ears. How could his wife be a spy? His council warned him, but he was foolish enough to discard their warnings. He trusted you, but you betrayed his trust.
Prince Hakuren, on the other hand, clutched his fists and glared at you, "How could you? My brother trusted you!" 
"Hakuren." The warning in the emperor's stern voice was enough to stop the prince from speaking further. 
"Why are you telling me this now?" Your husband had regained his composure, at least on the outside. 
"Your majesty, I could no longer stay quiet. I came to Kou as an enemy, but then I realized that you were a good man. You don't deserve this." 
Though you poured out your heart, Hakuyuu stayed silent. Meanwhile, your words only added fuel to Hakuren's anger. 
"I am sorry. I have yet to send any information to my kingdom. Please forgive me." 
"Forgive you!? You are the empress of this kingdom. Your duty is to stand by the emperor, not backstab him!" Hakuren grabbed his spear and pointed the head in your direction. 
Your eyes darted in your husband's direction, pleading him to stop his brother. 
"Hakuren, enough." 
A small smile appeared on your quivering lips upon hearing his words. Your heart tightly held onto the last bit of hope you had. 
 "Brother, will you permit her to walk away from this crime?" 
Hakuyuu rose from his throne with his gaze fixed on you. "No, Hakuren, I am an emperor before a husband." 
His words were enough to shatter your hope, but you were not expecting to hear the next words. 
"Guards." Upon hearing their emperor's call, two guards rushed into the throne room. "Escort the empress to the dungeon. Provide her with the comfort she desires as this will be her last night." 
"Dungeon? L-last night? My king?" You were confused and could only manage to get those words out.
"Tomorrow, you will be branded as a traitor, and," he paused for a second before continuing, "then, you will be executed." 
Your mind went blank as soon as you heard the word executed. Never once did you expect to hear such words from your caring husband. 
As the guards dragged you away, you screamed out in a panicked voice, "Please no! Hakuyuu, I am sorry. Forgive me! I don't want to die."
The last words Hakuyuu heard were I love you. 
Hakuyuu turned on his heels and walked away, ignoring his brother calling out to him. 
Only when he reached his chambers did his tears escape his eyes. As an emperor, he gave the order to kill you, but as a husband, he was falling apart. 
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yanderewhims · 5 years
Hello, this is a new imagine blog dedicated to magi! Feel free to send requests pertaining to the anime/manga (I am mostly caught up with both so spoilers are fine). As the title suggests, this is a yandere centric blog. If you are not comfortable with anything pertaining to the yandere genre, I suggest you blacklist or avoid this blog/block it for the sake of yourself. I will not deal with any hate/antis/fandom policing individuals.
Here are the characters I am most comfortable writing for:
Kou Empire-
Hakuryuu Ren
Kouha Ren
Kouen Ren
Koumei Ren
Kougyoku Ren
Hakuren Ren
Hakuyuu Ren
Any of the eight generals, though I'm not 100 percent on some.
(I'll probably add to this list later:
Characters I probably won't write for:
Muu (sorry Muu fans, I'm not very knowledgeable about his character!)
Seishin (is that how you spell it?)
Not to say I won't write for them, just that I don't really have a grasp of said characters' personalities to where I think I'll portray them correctly.
This  blog is intended to be Character x Reader only! Please, no ships/character x character requests. However, poly is allowed so Character x reader x Character is welcomed.
PLEASE be specific on what you desire! I usually have problems coming up with prompts and ideas on my own, so I appreciate it when readers give me proper detail and a fleshed out idea to work on.
NSFW/Horror is allowed, however I ask you to truly think about what you decide to request-yandere is a very touchy subject for many after all, just be mindful of what you request.
Always check to make sure ask box is open! I do hope to get lots of requests, but please don’t overwhelm me. I am a college student after all, so I may not be able to do everything in time. Also, there may be times when only certain types of requests are allowed-such as head-canons only, scenarios only, etc. please be mindful of that.
Only 4 characters per ask concerning head-canons. 2 characters for drabble/scenario
Understand that I am allowed to deny any request I find uncomfortable-Yes, this is may be a yandere blog but I may not want to do certain things.
YES- I AM AWARE that yandere relationships are unhealthy and toxic. but PLEASE bare in mind this is FICTIONAL. Don’t be one of those people who get upset about others using fictional characters the way they want to.
Last but certainly not least- do not send any hate/harassment to the mod/s, followers, or anyone in general because that is not tolerated here whatsoever. I’m aware of the whole anti/fandom policing movement going on in various fandoms, but I personally find it to be ridiculous so don’t bring none of that here. As stated before, this is yandere and it may contain some triggers. If you dislike yandere, again, this blog is not for you. Block it if it bothers you. I do take it upon myself to warn any readers about certain subjects, I will post TW! (Trigger warning) on requests should requests contain such content. But if you ignore that, that’s on you. I understand some people don’t like yandere and why, but it is completely your responsibility to avoid content you are not comfortable with. Don’t put that on strangers over the internet to coddle you and abide to your rules, and don’t expect others to stop enjoying things just because you yourself don’t like it. We’re all at an age where we can understand that harassment/hate is wrong and to know to avoid things that make us uncomfortable. Any anon hate/harassment will be deleted and blocked.
This got a bit long, but that’s it! Feel free to send requests, as ASKBOX IS OPEN! I will update rules and such later on.
~Mod A
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yuki-d-raizel-blog · 7 years
Chapter 36/??
Relationship: Todoroki Shouto x Reader (Your/Name), (Full/Name)
Summit: It all begin at the Sports Festival when Shouto’s other half met Endevour by mistake. The student never thought to see his partner fight against his father just to show him that he is wrong. It started from that instant, Shouto’s new path started exactly from that moment thanks to his friends and his beloved one.
When Izuku and Katsuki's exam was over, Recovery Girl convinced Khrome and the components of the meeting to postpone (Y/N)'s turn until each teacher will recover.
The time passes and the sky starts to assume warm colors, the teachers are almost ready, they tried to send at home the students, but no one wouldn't do that, they must see this round. They think it's impossible even for you, Aizawa can erase your quirk, and there's All Might who is more than enough for everyone, why that woman, Khrome, suggested something like this? She doesn't want you to pass?
The professors take their places in the stage, the class stays to see what will happen, even Midoriya and Bakugou are there, they can study her under a new way and think a plan to beat her in the future. In that moment, Khrome and her guests walk in, she must prove her words, this time, you must obey. Khrome feels so bad doing this to you, but her position and the situation doesn't let space for emotions that can lead her in the wrong way.
The screens reflect your figure walking towards the giant door while you touch the ribbon on your hair. Todoroki comes back and looks worried, until now he was with you talking about something... Maybe he is just worried because his girlfriend is going to fight against not one, but ten teachers, ten pro heroes at the same time.
The doors open and the girl sees that Aizawa is already waiting her, the others hid in the surroundings to support the coworker if the first plan wouldn't work. You walk inside and the gate closes behind you...
"I don't want to become a monster... I don't want to look scary..." she thinks staring at Erase Head, "I won't use my quirk at full power against my teachers... All Might-sensei is even injured, how could I hit him if I know that he is already hurt? Hurt people that isn't my enemy is something that I really can't do..."
When the exam begins, Aizawa traps you inside his resistant scarf and actives his quirk, immobilizing you from the start. You didn't even move, you are not going to fight no one of them, you are practically giving up.
<<Khrome-sama... I think this is too much for the young Master.>> whispers Ran, <<Unleash her quirk is linked with bad memories, she would never do that for something like this, especially against her professors.>>
<<I will force her then.>> the woman approaches Recovery Girl politely, <<Excuse me, is there a microphone with which I can communicate to (Y/N)?>>
<<Yeah, over there.>>
<<Thank you.>> Khrome presses the button and her voice reaches the exam field, <<Unleash your quirk, you must play the villain role here.>>
From the screens, everyone sees your head moving towards at one of the cameras showing an angry gaze, <<I remember you that I'm here to become a hero. And I'm not going to unlock my full power...>>
"This girl..." the high priestess sighs and presses the button once again, <<Stop being so childish and do it. You are the only one who can show how strong Seatiel is.>>
<<I will fight him, the others don't need to know about him. I refuse to become a monster... I refuse to become scary...>> you look down again, <<My quirk is not heroic at all, I'm working hard to change that image, you are destroying all my efforts...>>
<<You were raised to become a weapon, don't forget it.>> Ran tries to stop the woman, but she looks at him angrily, <<Until you are 20 years old, you haven't any right to disobey to my orders, you can't take your own decisions. Until that age, you are controlled by us, remember it. If I say unleash you quirk, you must obey and do it.>>
<<Khrome-sama, that's too much.>>
<<You were born inside this family with Kafka's power, you will live under our rules until the day you can decide by yourself. You know what happens to the ones who breaks our law, right?>>
<<......>> you bite your lips so hard that blood is coming out, <<Aizawa-sensei....>>
"This is bad, I can't keep my eyes open anymore...." the last words that Shouta could hear before the darkness are: "I am really sorry."
The screens reflect (Y/N) holding the teacher's body and drags him near the gate to keep him safe. What the heck happened?! No one could see anything, it all happened in a blink of an eye. She unties her ponytail and ties the ribbon on her hand. She kisses the soft clothes and looks forward with sad eyes.
A new attack begins; this time Cementos and Power Loader charge together, but the girl doesn't move.
<<Dance, mystic wolf of the icy lands.>> she actives the fusion with Hakuren and the beast grows at the huge waves of concrete that is coming towards its Master. (Y/N) isn't agitated or scared at all, she just stares at that grey tsunami while the other teacher disappeared under the ground.
Suddenly, the wolf cuts the roof once creating a large ice circle; then it dances creating new cuts with its claws in the ground in front of the owner four times in a semi-circle. As ice particles begin to flow up from cuts, it takes a battle stance, as you hold the hand in front of you to aim the target, <<Hunt, Hakuren.>> the particles, building up around the wolf, are blended with it and released as a large, powerful avalanche of cold ice which surges forward and engulfs the tsunami, freezing it solid and shattering it, soon afterward.
Cementos was hit by the avalanche and now he is trapped by a freezing coffin, while the ground of the whole exam field is frozen as well. Power Loader can't get out anymore, he is trapped by his own strategy. Breathing, you free a cold steam from your sharp teeth, Hakuren comes back to your side and walks with you.
<<Wow...>> whisper a few students impressed by your strength, you were always holding back all this time?
<<Wait, that girl defeated three heroes in less than two minutes?>> says Best Jeanist surprised, <<Are you serious...? May I ask how did you train her, milady?>>
<<We always train hard the members of our family, but since she was born with the power of our god, she did the hardest and horrible training we have.>> says Khrome, <<We prohibited her to have friends, to play with anyone, to cry or look vulnerable, she spent her childhood closed inside a room to study and train to fight from day to night every single day.>>
<<That isn't too much for a child?>> comments another hero.
<<Please watch carefully, our enemy is even stronger than her.>> the woman cuts the conversation since she's feeling guilty and regrets what she did, but as the heir of the family, she must respect the traditions, if a child has Kafka's gift, the path to walk on is only one.
This time, the professors are going to charge harder, they didn't aspect so much power from you. As heroes, they must stop the villain immediately. The new squad is composed by Midnight, Ectoplasm and Sniper... (Y/N) looks like a puppet, she doesn't show any emotions, she doesn't talk unless if it's not to give orders to her beasts... It seems that someone stole her personality...
The wolf glows as you make a slashing motion. When you do this, the creature divides itself and runs in circle around each target.
<<Howl.>> the wolf sits and howls, activating the ability: the shiny circumference doesn't freeze only the ground, but everything within the circle's influence, including anything above it in the air, creating an extending pillar of light which freezes all within the circle. The zone is full of huge pillars of ice, and only Ectoplasm didn't make in time to escape.
Feeling something, the girl swings her arm throwing a blade of icy wind, that as soon it touches the concrete, the entire building is inside a frozen coffin. Raising her hand, the icy circle from before, form on walls behind Sniper for a surprise attack, but the hero is saved by Midnight's whip. The heroine tears off her costume to release her quirk and the pink smoke walks on the road towards the girl, while Sniper shoots at her.
.....Again.... No one saw what happened....
Now (Y/N) has Ba'al's fusion activated and has the bullets firm between her fingers. Before she could move, Midnight ties her up with the whip and walks nearer to increase the effect of the quirk. The girl falls but it's shady... If she fainted, why the fusion is still on?
Strong shocks run over the whip and almost reach the heroine who leaves the grip, and the student disappears from everyone's sight. While the two pros are back against back to check every way possible, they forgot to look up. (Y/N) raises her arm as to command the sky to stand ready to unleash all its strength...
<<Go mad, Ba'al.>> the rain of thunders falls loudly and powerfully, knocking two teachers down immediately with serious injuries and all the buildings in the surroundings collapse burned or cracked by the thunders...
"This kid is a monster!" <<YEAAAAHHHH!!!>> Present Mic screams as loud as he can from a high height, and he is the first one who could actually hit (Y/N) with his quirk.
You close your ears, walk backwards and wait patiently...
Present Mic runs out of oxygen and finally stops his screams; his student doesn't move, but a red aura rises from her crouched form.
<<Oi, oi... Is that thing legal?! C'mon!>> comments Mic looking scared at the girl.
Her nails become claws, her teeth become jaws, her eyes are snake-shaped and burn with the brightest red never seen...
<<Send them flying and show your true form, rise under my command, beast of corruption...>> when everyone sees your eyes, something pierces them, something cold is flowing inside them and bring fear, her figure looks like an undefeatable warrior who can win thousands of wars, she's like a god that a mere human cannot defeat.
<<Ok, that's definitely not legal....>> whispers Present Mic walking backwards looking upper and upper.
A huge and massive dragon burn out from your aura and destroys everything with just his deafening roar, <<Be by my sword and my shield, King of Dragons...>> (Y/N) is moving her body like a dance and the burning fire follows her loyally, <<Destroy him, Astraroth.>> the beast spreads out his giant wings breaking kilometers of road and buildings apart and charges the teacher evilly, more like, eager to eat the opponent.
<<Fuck that! I'm not paid for this!>> Present runs away as fast as he can, when he looks over his shoulder to check, an unbelievable pain hits him on the chest, "W-what... H-how she came h-here...?!"
Silently, you grab the falling body of the professor and laid him down, looking at him with a sorrowful face. The beast flies and returns to your side again, waiting for a command and new noises attire your attention towards the sky. A few buildings are falling on you with a precise scheme, so this is must be Nezu principal's fault, but once again, you are the calmest person in the world.
Calm is not the right word though... More like... lifeless.
<<Moon Fangs.>> two enormous electric quarter moons destroy the buildings into pieces, breaking the silence with the sound of the rocks that hit the road.
All around you there's a horrifying destruction, behind you there's nothing left, it seems that everywhere you go, everything is going to die. You begin to move again, but the pros and your classmates see for the first time, a sign of hesitation when All Might shows himself. Both are staring at each other and Astraroth encloses you inside his fiery wings which are absorbed by your skin, turning into shiny and enigmatic symbols all over your body. As soon the living legend moves, you disappear breaking the concrete of the road...
The screens show that you ran away, hiding inside a building and turned off your quirk. You breathe rapidly, holding your arm and lay your head on the cold wall. After calmed down a bit, you start to open and close your fist as if you want to check that your arm is working right.
"I can't hit All Might-sensei... He is the idol of the persons that I love..." you sit on a rock and caress the ribbon on your hand, "I showed it clearly, right? There's no need to hurt him, right?"
Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 21.5, 22, 22.5, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, Last Chapter
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would it,, be okay for me to request a scenario of Hakuyuu (im sorry but i just,, love him so much,,,) getting a bad feeling (like a gut instinct type of thing) a couple weeks before the fire happens and setting time aside during those weeks to write letters to his s/o, who's away in another country doing business and when they get back after the fire and find out about his death they find the letters and just ?? angst omg I'm breaking my own heart heLP I LOVE HIM
*nonchalantly drinks from mug labeled “your tears”* Have fun reading~! I was looking forward to this request… Angst is my fuel to keep living, especially when it’s x reader angst and now thanks to this song (LISTEN TO IT) and this one-shot I’m tempted to write a mini-series about the reader struggling to get over Hakuyuu’s death…
Hakuyuu gave you one last kiss to your forehead as he was seeing you off, you were off to settle some business somewhere and wouldn’t be back for a few weeks. “Come back safe, okay?” He asked with his hands holding yours. 
You nodded and unclasped a necklace around your neck, you grabbed his hand and put it there. You clasped his hand around it, “keep this with you to remember by while I’m gone okay?” You asked. 
He nodded and pressed a kiss to your lips, “of course.”
Hakuyuu’s eye twitched while you giggled, he turned to Hakuren with a glare, “SHUT UP, HAKUREN!” 
This only caused his younger brother to laugh and clasped a hand around his shoulder, “oh come on, you’re acting like you’ll never see them again! They’ll be back soon, right Y/N?” 
You nodded, “of course I will.”
“See. Now come on, it’s time for them to go.” 
Hakuyuu hesitated and then let go of your hands, “okay… we’ll see each other in a few weeks. Promise?”
Hakuren rolled his eyes, “what? Are you guys going to pinky swear?” 
You and Hakuyuu both turned to glare at Hakuren’s childish antics. He only laughed and walked off, “don’t forget to go play with Hakuryuu later!” He reminded his brother. 
Hakuyuu rolled his eyes and turned you only to see a frown on your face. “What’s wrong?” He asked. 
“I don’t know… I just wish I didn’t have to go, I have a bad feeling Haku…” 
Hakuyuu only chuckled, “everything will be fine. Now go and fulfill your duty.” 
You nodded and ran into the boat, “I’ll see you in a few weeks!”
“As will I!”
Hakuyuu sighed as he worked on various documents. Ever since you had left his boredom had reached its max. He dropped his pen and leaned back in his chair. He gazed at the necklace and smiled.
He began to stretch but soon stopped when he heard his mother walking through the halls. Her voice seemed oddly cold and menacing, speaking of which Hakuyuu had begun to get a bad feeling ever since you left. 
He quickly picked up his pen and began writing. 
You got off the boat with a skip in your step, you were finally back and what’s more is that you were finally able to see your lover’s face again. 
As you looked around the docks you grew concerned as you didn’t see him anywhere. What you did see was a crying Hakuryuu with a giant scar on his eye. 
You ran towards him, fearing the worst. “Hakuryuu! What happened?!” You asked as you looked at him for more injuries. 
“Onee-chan,” he sobbed, “I’m sorry…” He whimpered. 
Your eyes widened, “why…? What happened?” 
He shook his head, not wanting to stay. He only gestured to where their home once stood, you staggered over there and fell down to your knees. In front of you was now a burnt pile of wood covered in soot and ashes. 
“W-What happened…?” You asked as tears filled your eyes. A melancholy aura surrounded everyone but one servant came up, you recognized them as Hakuyuu’s personal maid. 
“I’m sorry to say that prince Hakuren and Hakuyuu are…” The maid could barely finish her sentence as she heard sobs begin to rack your body. You gripped the skirt of the maid’s dress. 
“Please don’t say it! Please tell they’re both okay!-” you buried your face in the skirt- “please tell me… He’s okay…” You whimpered. The maid placed a comforting hand on your head. 
“I’m sorry… A fire happened and… Not everyone made it out in time…” Tears filled the maid’s eyes as she looked down at you with your face in her skirt, “I’m so sorry… But he left you something.”
You immediately looked up, “what is it?” You asked eagerly. The maid reached into the pocket of her skirt and pulled out a couple of letters, she handed them to you and you immediately ripped open the first one. 
As you read it, it almost felt like you could hear his voice reading it to you.
My dearest Y/N, 
As I write this first letter to you I cannot help but think of something terrible that is coming around the corner. I can only hope you’re not here in time to see this horrible event take place. I love you more than life itself… 
You wiped your tears and opened the second one. 
My love, Y/N,
This is my second letter and I hope my feelings reach you through my words. My suspicions are being confirmed and I don’t like the sound of my future ahead. If I die, please live one without me… Strong and independently. 
My dear, 
Y/N, I’m becoming more and more apprehensive as the days pass. I wish you were here… Maybe then you could calm my nerves. I only hope you don’t hold a grudge against me after this horrid event comes to pass. 
Your eyes widened as read the next one.
I was right. Something terrible is going to happen and I must warn Hakuryuu, he most know of our mother’s plan. Remember, she cannot be trusted! I hear her coming… Remember do not trust her!
As your eyes widened you reached for the next letter and felt a small object inside.
My dearest love, 
This may be the last letter I write you to but in this one, I will share all the love I hold for you. Words may not be enough but I will try with the ones I know. 
I love you more than my own life. I would risk everything just to see that sweet smile grace your features. 
I would give up everything, even my life if it meant that you would live your life with love as your aura. 
I love your soft skin and shining e/c eyes. I love it when your brows crease when your curious and I love your strength and resilience. 
Your strength and resilience are why I know you can make it, even without me by your side. I am sorry that I broke our promise… I can make it up to you, look at what I left in the envelope. 
You shook the envelope and in your hands fell an engagement ring. You began shaking like a leaf as you held it in your hands. You turned back to the letter. 
Y/N, I may sound selfish but even if I’m dead I want you to be mine forever. Will you marry me? I love you.
A hand covered your mouth as sobs racked your body. “Haku… You jerk…” You gaze landed on the ring and you placed it on your finger, “of course I’ll marry you…” 
You flipped the letter only to realize that there was another paper. It was a marriage certificate. You smiled as more tears ran down your cheeks. There was also pen inside the envelope. 
This jerk thought of everything and it may not be like the normal ceremony you dreamed of but it was just as bittersweet. You grabbed the pen and signed your name. 
Looks like you were now Y/N ren. 
The horrid feelings still came back as the burning building came to focus. All the sobs and tears came back as you looked up to the sky.
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Helllooo could I ask for love language hcs from each of the Hakusibs? Thank you!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Absolutely!! Oldest to youngest
Hakuyuu’s love language is quiet, and expressions of it are far and few in between. Mostly, you just have to know that he loves you, he’s just very private and rarely alone with you.
Both verbally and physically, he’s usually rather distant. Will not express ANY affection around others. At all.
You really have to be in private to get any affection, and even then it’s subtle. He’ll run his hand down your arm to grab your hand, or briefly brush his thumb along your jaw as he speaks (fondly) to you.
You can still tell though. How he treats you is a far cry to the more severe and pragmatic demeanor he regards others with.
His touches are gentle. Caresses, really.
His confessions also come quietly. A simple “I love you,” or compliments in a soft voice in private will do it for him.
Despite how busy he is, he’ll always make time to see you, and makes sure to take any spontaneous moment he gets to seek you out.
A little more forward than his older brother.
Less prone to reservedness. His love language is showing affection. Absolutely the definition of young love.
A romantic, you can’t convince me otherwise. He was in three panels I Make The Rules.
Cuddling and physical affection will have to wait until you’re totally alone for propriety’s sake, but he does enjoy it. Wants to be wrapped around you, always big spoon.
He’ll openly express verbal affection in public though.
“My love” “Sweetheart” etc
He’s not quite as busy as Hakuyuu, which means he has more time to steal you away to some secluded corner of the palace to get some alone time.
Extremely forthright, not so much into physical affection. Her love language is, ultimately, just showing you.
If physical affection is what you want she’ll accommodate that, but of her own volition it’s mostly surface level- a kiss on the cheek/jaw, hand holding, etc. Absent minded affection. Never seems forced, just what feels natural at any given point in time.
Will definitely cook meals for you, writes lengthy love letters and poems for you.
Never without something positive or romantic to say about you. Turn-your-knees-to-jello type thing. Not cliche romance. She’s classy. Sing you a song? No, she’ll write you one. Hakuei is SMOOTH.
Even if she’s not particularly physically affection, she’s always close to you. Finds a way to squeeze herself as close to you as possible all the time.
Quite frankly, Hakubaby’s love language is just doing whatever makes you happy.
Will go to the ends of the earth for you, drop just about anything for you. You could never question his devotion. You’d literally never have a reason to be insecure in your relationship- he only has eyes for you.
Will openly, around almost anyone confess his love to you. Affection is toned down around others, but still happens. He’s totally unconcerned about it.
Wants you to know you’re loved no matter what situation the two of you are in.
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Next Time
Hakuren x F!reader
words: 4k
warnings: implied suicide
soulmate reincarnation au
One day bleeds into the next, turning to passing years and blurring lifetimes. Even with heavy fogs descending on inherited memories, your hearts had held firm. You and Hakuren had belonged to each other since your soul’s conception.
You began as childhood friends, struggling to survive in destitute families. You had grown up together. You showed each other your birthmarks by the creek, hiding behind trees so your parents wouldn’t catch you revealing so much skin to each other. Improper; even with chubby cheeks and tiny fingers you knew you weren’t supposed to reveal so much skin to a boy- your parents would have your head. 
When you got older, you massaged his shoulders and hands, sore from work on the farm, averting your eyes as he boyishly smiled up at you while you worked your thumbs into his palm. You ignored the butterflies in your stomach until you couldn’t hold them back anymore. 
After that, more childish sneaking. Your parents would have his head for stealing kisses the way he did. You met at night, and when he was supposed to be working the field, and sometimes the two of you managed to sneak off to the creek you two played at as children, showing a little too much skin again while you splashed in the water and didn’t even try to avert your eyes anymore.
He had wanted to take his time when it came to marrying you- wanted to propose when he had some money to his name and could take care of you and have a family with you. He wanted to have something to bring to your father when he asked for your hand. Neither of you expected the marriage proposal from the merchant’s son. 
You had only seen the boy before, but had never spoken to him. But he was well traveled, intelligent, and had wealth to offer your family for your hand- of course your father accepted. Hakuren was devastated, and avoided you for days before insisting on eloping. You wondered how could he even ask such a thing of you. To abandon and shame your family, potentially launch them into ruin by scorning a higher ranking member of society? It was unthinkable and you told him such.
You had your first real argument in your lives that day. You were both devastated; he felt betrayed by your refusal and you were just sad he refused to understand. You were picked up and mere week later without so much as a chance to speak with him again, and within the month you were a merchant’s wife- he wasn’t even invited to the ceremony.
You never saw him again in that life. You both died longing for something you hadn’t truly even known you’d lost, and the cycle started anew.
In your next life you shouldn’t have had the slightest chance to meet Hakuren, but you did. Poor again, you found yourself a little orphan left soaked and dirty on cobblestone streets. This time he was wealthy, the heir to a banking family. You met as teenagers by chance once, twice, then thrice, finding yourselves getting into and out of trouble each time. Stolen bread paid for, bruises from a fight treated with precious, dwindling supplies, and a warm meal brought on a cold night.
The fourth time he came accompanied by a young lady, blonde curls peeking out of a meticulously done updo. He introduced her as his fiancee and she glowed as he said it. Childhood friends, he said. Everyone had just known they would end up together from the time they were little. You stifled a cough as you eyed her. Some part of you felt bitter when you heard their story, but you didn’t know why so you ignored it. 
Over the next few weeks they brought you clean clothes and food, and when you broke into a fever they even had you treated by her own brother, a doctor. Unclean drinking water, cold, starvaton, and a number of other maladies had finally taken their toll. You died not long after of an illness that they couldn’t find a way to treat.
Your third life took him far too soon, death robbing him of his breath while he was sleeping in a cradle. You lived your life never having met him.
Your fourth life you met once the two of you had already married, your sons attending class together. While your husband traveled and Hakuren’s wife socialized and attended parties, the two of you met in private, without the knowledge of anyone else. 
Your husband divorced you when he found out, calling it scandalous as he sent you away without so much as a word to anyone, including your son and daughters. You went back to your childhood home in the country, where your aging parents still resided. Try as he might, Hakuren was never able to find you. 
Yours and Hakuren’s children eventually found you- Hakuren’s youngest daughter married your son. They moved you in with them and you were dismayed to find out Hakuren had passed on years ago: dropsy. You visited his grave and tended to it until the day you died. Your children buried you beside him, hoping that even if you were separated in life, you should at least be close to each other in death.
In the fifth, the first time you saw Hakuren he looked at you funny.
“Have we met before?” Your brow furrowed. You were fleeing a civil war in your country, and your ship had docked in this strange new place only two days ago. How could you have ever seen each other?
“I can’t say we have, I’m sorry. You must be mistaken.” In consolation, you offered him your name and he offered to show you around. You accepted.
You met the next day at midday, after he had snuck away from the other merchants he worked with. He showed you historical sites, shopping districts, markets, and he bought you a much too expensive necklace with a sapphire set in the pendant.
“It’s a welcome gift.” He says, too stubborn to take no for an answer. You’re forced to accept the overly generous gift, even if it’s beautiful and you secretly had really wanted it anyway.
Before you part ways that afternoon, you agree you meet again the next day, and it doesn’t stop there. You go from seeing each other during afternoons to seeing him in the evenings too, and then he’s staying overnight in your home and you wake up together the next morning. At some point in the relationship he shows up for an afternoon meeting with meals, bashfully admitting the two of you had been found out, and another member of the caravan had made the two of you something to eat for when you see each other.
One morning he turns over in bed, looks at you, and grins. You grin back, still a little drowsy, but giddy despite the hour.
“What are you smiling about so early?” You inquire. He rolls over onto you and buries his nose in your neck.
“I remember where I know you from.” His words are muffled by your skin, and you can feel the smile still on his face. You bury a hand in his hair and kiss the crown of his head.
“And where is that?”
“It’s a secret.” He kisses your shoulder, then the base of your neck, and works his way up to your mouth as you wrap your legs around his waist like they were meant to be there.
After a few more months you feel as if you’ve never been closer to anyone- like you’ve never known anyone better. You could spend the rest of your life with Hakuren and be so happy you feel as if the time might pass in an instant. When he tells you his group is leaving he sounds so disappointed, you almost don’t expect him to say that he’ll be coming back for you, but you laugh when he does.
“You sounded as if you we going away forever!” You joke, but Hakuren takes it very seriously.
“It feels like forever! I’d rather die than leave you for a second.” He whines, but as soon as you start laughing again so does he. 
The two of you dress together and eat breakfast together before heading out the door, into the warm sunshine and to the docks, where the other members of his merchant group wait for him. You converse with them for a few minutes until they’re due to leave, and when the ship sets sail you wave and watch until it disappears over the horizon. You already miss him.
“One month,” he had told you, “then I’ll be back.”
After two weeks, you got a letter. He arrived safely after ten days, and had sent a bird as soon as he had gotten on land, he wrote. Reim was truly something else, and he wanted to take you there someday. They’d be staying for a few days to pick up new merchandise to sell before coming back- there’d be a surprise for you as well. He couldn’t get you out of his head and he missed you more than anything. You traced the characters on the page as you read it, imagining the excitement he had written it with.
Another two weeks pass, and you don’t receive another letter but you’re not worried. He should be home any day now.
Another week- no word.
Five more days. Would he have sent another if they decided to stay longer?
Two more days pass before a body floats to shore, any flesh left exposed fish eaten and decaying. You don’t see it, but the fishermen who found her report that she was one of the people on the merchant ship Hakuren had been on. You tune out the rest of any rumors or gossip you hear, dodge the pitying looks of acquaintances. The ship likely sank, they said. Maybe from a sea monster, maybe from a storm, or maybe from deceptively calm waters. Either way, if nobody was back by now, they weren’t coming back.
You still held out hope. Hakuren wouldn’t just die on you- he was too stubborn for that, too devoted. He’d come back no matter what the cost.
You bit your fist to muffle your screams and cried when you couldn’t smell him on your sheets anymore.
You reread the letter in the middle of the night when you wake up from dreams of him. Any of number of nights pass doing this routine before you meander out of the house, no longer a home, to the dock where you last saw Hakuren. You look out over the horizon, dark against the night sky, as if the ship might appear and he was just late. There are other ships docked there right now, bobbing gently over the water.
You clutch the letter in your fist, feeling the paper crumple between your fingers, and take a step over the dock, dropping into the inky depths.
Finally, in your sixth lifetime, you remember him. Some cosmic sense of mercy or sadism, you don’t know, but you’re eighteen and a servant for the Kou royal family. You don’t often see the royal family, especially the older princes, who lead foreign conquests as military generals. You hear stories of them; Crown Prince Hakuyuu’s valor and strategic genius, and Prince Hakuren’s bravery in the thick of battle and his ability to rally the men. The pair make a perfect team and an unbeatable duo, and with their father have conquered Gou and Kai under the Kou Empire.
You first see him at a celebratory meal, the Royal Family and members of other noble families gathered together. There are dancers and musicians there for entertainment, and the Emperor and his family sit at a raised pavillion, looking down at the other families and the festivities. You stand behind them, your sole purpose for the evening being refilling their cups when they need it. You keep your eyes low, head down, and stay quiet. 
You do well and keep yourself in check the entire night, until at one point when you’re filling Hakuren’s glass your eyes glance up, meeting his. The sudden onslaught of five new- old?-  lifetimes startles you enough you drop the pitcher, the porcelain shattering on the floor near where he’s seated.
He only halts in his staring when the sound of the glass hitting the floor resonates, jerking away in surprise before looking down at the shards and puddle of alcohol and then back at you. At this point though, your focus is no longer on him- rather, your wide eyed fear is directed at the rest of his family and the nearby nobles who had heard the commotion over the music. Quick to react, Hakuren brushes the incident off.
“I bumped into her, it’s not her fault.”
Prince Hakuyuu and Princess Hakuei, directly across from him, both send him looks as if they know he’s lying, but don’t say anything. His parents buy it, which is what counts, and young Prince Hakuryuu just seems puzzled at the sudden tension.
“Clean this up and go get another pitcher, quickly.” His father orders. To your credit, you compose yourself rather quickly after you’re addressed, bowing low towards his father.
“Yes, your majesty.” You said, before kneeling and setting to work picking up the shards. Hakuren worries you might cut your hands. 
You mop up the spill with a rag another servant brings over before depositing the porcelain in the center of the cloth and rushing out with it. He watches from the corner of his eye as you rush out of the room to get more drink. He’s anxious for the ceremony to be over- he’s certain you remember this time. Why else would you look so shocked? How long have you been right under his nose, in his home? He wonders to pass the time.
The rest of the night goes uneventfully, save for Hakuren getting more tipsy then planned so you’ll come over to fill his cup, close enough that he could reach out and touch you, if he wanted- but he can’t do that here, so he’ll take what he can get: proximity. His unusually exuberant drinking raises some eyebrows among his family members, but again, nobody questions.
When the celebration ends and the Royal Family and officials have excused themselves, the servants stay behind to clean. You spend nearly an hour bringing dishes to the kitchens to wash, cleaning spills, and cleaning the floors. As servants start filtering out, you stay behind longer for a scolding as an older woman reprimands you for dropping the pitcher. She makes sure you understand how generous Prince Hakuren was to take responsibility for something that could have gotten you fired and kicked off of the palace grounds, if not worse. You’re the last to leave for bed, and by the time you do you just want to sleep the day off.
You’re not expecting the hand that wraps around your arm, pulling you into a shadowed hall and holding you against a solid chest. You’re about to scream when another hand covers your mouth.
“Don’t scream, it’s me.” You know immediately it’s Hakuren and you fluster, pulling away to bow in front of him.
“I can’t thank you enough for earlier, you have my eternal gratitude.” He is silent for a moment, but you don’t move until he places his hands on your shoulders and rights you, looking you in the eye.
“I remember you, and I know you remember me this time.” He tells you. Your lips part in surprise and you gaze up at him, his eyes intense and searching your face for any hint of reaction.
“It took longer than expected, but I came back after all.” A crooked smile, and your eyes well up with tears. You wrap your arms around him, burying your face in his chest as he returns your embrace. Your breaths are heavy with the effort it takes to restrain your tears.
“I missed you,” you choked, “I didn’t know what to do with myself with you gone.”
“I’m here now.” He reassures.
The two of you hide in the shadows as you catch up. You tell each other about your current lives, fill in details from what you missed of each other in your last ones. He holds you tighter as you recount the end of your last life, taking a sharp intake of breath and muttering to himself as his eyebrows furrow.
“The surprise I mentioned,” he begins, ”in the letter. I wanted to propose. I had bought a ring while in Reim.”
You want to cry again.
When it’s time to leave each other neither of you want to, but you can’t risk being seen alone together, especially when neither of you had returned to your quarters yet. As you part Hakuren kisses your forehead and then your hand, promising to make time for the two of you to see each other again.
The secret meetings made a smile touch your face, reminding you of sneaking away behind the backs of parents and spouses and coworkers like you once had, lifetimes ago. Despite the reminiscent quality though, you had a hard time believing this relationship wasn’t as doomed as the last ones, needing to hide your feelings lest someone forcibly put an end to your affair with the Kou prince. Even if you remained undiscovered, what was the end goal?
“I’ll never marry, if I can’t marry you,” Hakuren offers as a solution. “I’ve waited long enough to have you and I won’t compromise anymore.”
Did that really settle it, though? You sincerely hoped it would be enough.
The tension in the palace grew thicker by the day, and you joked you worried about Hakuren sprouting grey hairs in an attempt to ease his mind. He and Prince Hakuyuu trusted each other implicitly, and he was acting advisor to his older brother. You had a suspicion that role was becoming more perilous and stressful by the day.
Hakuren became more protective of you, as well, warning you to be even more careful answering any questions pertaining to the Royal Family, particularly he and his older brother and their mother.
“And let me know who asks, if they do. If you happen to hear any gossip, no matter how outrageous, tell me that as well.” His request put you on edge more than anything else. You racked your brain trying to figure out what precisely was going on, but all you could manage to glean was someone was plotting something, but you didn’t know who or what. You could only pray Hakuren would be alright.
He made more time for you recently as well, to the point you felt he didn’t take any time for himself. Even sleeping, he insisted you be there.
“I can’t rest if you’re not with me anymore.” He explained to you. You pursed your lips at his reply. 
 He was laid with his head in your lap as you rubbed his temples at that very moment. Seeing how bloodshot his eyes were before he shut them made you wish he would just sleep for a few hours. Surely he could be spared that long? Was this threat looming so close he was afraid to even close his eyes?
“I fear for your safety. I have nightmares of these dangers finding you. I wish I knew somewhere away from everything going on I could send you, but I don’t trust anyone anymore outside of my siblings.”
This was the first time you had heard Hakuren so at a loss. He was well known for his intelligence and cleverness and severity in facing any threat. You could tell he could sense your concern, because his eyes opened and he smiled up at you.
“Don’t worry yourself over it. Hakuyuu and I will figure something out. I’ll keep you safe above all else.”
“I’m worried about you, my love. You’re in the thick of it.” You said. He grabbed one of your hands and shut his eyes again at you admission.
“I’ll be fine as long as I can keep you, my family, and the empire safe.”
You leaned down to kiss his forehead but your fears hadn’t abated.
You slept within your quarters less and less now, and people were beginning to notice your particular closeness with Hakuren. It wasn’t unusual for a prince to use a pretty servant to warm his bed, but it was unusual when it was nightly and monogamous. Other servant girls began questioning you directly about your relationship with the prince, their curiosity overtaking any hesitation they may feel. No matter how they pleaded for details though, you only answered in one way.
“I will be there for the prince in whatever way he needs me.”
They never left entirely appeased with that answer, as it didn’t answer any of their questions nor did it raise any more. You told Hakuren of their inquisitiveness in the gardens one day, and he only nodded.
“Why have you become so open about this? What changed?” You asked.
“We were spotted a long time ago, I believe. That’s why I’ve been keeping you close to me more often- I’m afraid someone might try to use you against me and I can’t protect you any other way.” His tone was somber as he explained this and you felt your blood run cold. So you were a target? Someone wanted to hurt Hakuren in that way?
He pulled you closer to him on the bench you two were seated on and held you tight to his side, tilting his face into your hair and breathing you in.
“I’m afraid this might be something that can’t be stopped.”
The night you woke up to the sound of fire cracking you felt as if all of your fears had come crashing down on you at once. Your first thought was of Hakuren, how this could be the culmination of what he had been trying to prevent. Looking around you, you found that he wasn’t even in the room. Your only accompaniment was the smoke steadily building up, filling your lungs and causing you to choke.
You lept from the bed, running desperately to the door and sliding it open in an attempt to escape. You knew Hakuren was still inside, he never would have left the building without you, but you didn’t even know where he could have gone. You held your breath as you moved towards the way out, searching for any sign of your lover as you went. The only thing you managed to stumble upon was Prince Hakuryuu, burned, covered in blood, and pink tear tracks left in the soot covering his face.
“My prince,” you called, “are you alright? Where are your brothers?”
This only seemed to upset him, tears building in his eyes again and leaking down his face. You knew what that meant, but now wasn’t the time to think about it.
“Let’s go, we have to leave now.” You urged, ushering him ahead of you as you left the burning palace.
Your chest tightened thinking of Hakuren in there, even if poor little Prince Hakuryuu had all but told of his demise. Even in death, you couldn’t stomach the thought of not being able to see him, hold him, tell him goodbye and that you loved him for the last time. Your only consolation was knowing that you two have done this six lives over, and eventually you will get to meet, fall in love with, and hope for a happy ending again with the man your very soul sings for for a seventh time.
You interrupted you melancholic internal musings and looked at Prince Hakuryuu standing nearby a tearful Princess Hakuei and strangely mild faced Empress Gyokuen. For now, you needed to keep an eye on what Hakuren had left behind and keep them safe the way he would have
Maybe your happy ending would come next time.
A/N: this has been sitting in my head for months and took way too long. it’s 6:30 am and I am so tired
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judarspeachtree · 5 years
Loved those parental hcs! Can I request the same, but for the Haku bros :)
yesssss hakubaess
Hakuyuu Ren
Similar to Kouen, Hakuyuu would be a strict father. He’s extremely dedicated to making sure his kids have good education and training–waking them up at the crack of dawn to train until afternoon where then it’d be time for lessons; he wants to install a good work ethic in them at a young age, so he’d push them a bit hard–but not that hard to where it’s too much for them. He wants them to be the best they can possibly be and bring greatness to the Kou Empire, but not at the expense of their health, physical and mental.
He’d probably end up being a little distant, due to the duties of being first prince keeping him quite busy, but he’d always try to make time for his little ones, as he loved them dearly and would want to be a prominent figure in their lives. He’d always make sure to spend time with them leisurely–having them sit on his lap in the library as he’d read to them, spending time in the gardens, having nice family lunches and dinners, etc.
Hakuyuu would want a son most likely; he’d want to raise him in his image and teach him everything he knew, from being a righteous, fair ruler and also a strong, good man that will bring peace and prosperity to the Kou Empire.
Hakuren Ren
Hakuren is the fun, easy-going dad; the go-to parent whenever the kids want something. He’s the type of father who’d sneak and let his kids eat sweets before dinner time and keep it a secret so they won’t get scolded by his s/o. The type who lets his kids stay up past their bedtime and read all different types of stories to them, even though the previous one he told was supposed to be the last one–needles to say, Hakuren would shamelessly be wrapped around his kid’s fingers, willing to give in to their wants always and would need his s/o to prevent him from giving them just about everything.
His kids would be his entire world–so he’d want to spend every waking moment with them, and because of that, he’s very reliable. He’ll take time off from his royal duties and enjoys quality time with them, playing all types of games with them or he’d take them out for a picnic on a nice sunny day by the lake, then go for a swim afterward. When they reach the right age, he’s eager to start their training himself–he’s a straightforward teacher, but he also enjoys making lessons enjoyable.
Hakuren would be happy with whatever gender his kid is–if it’s a boy, he’s happy to have a ‘mini-me’ running around and would be eager to show him all sorts of stuff. If it’s a girl he’d be extremely protective of her; he’d scare away all the boys who came her way, have tea parties with her, play dress-up with her; She’d definitely be a daddy’s girl.
Hakuryuu Ren
Hakuryuu is an extremely devoted and protective father and can be borderline overbearing. He has a habit of getting a bit paranoid over the smallest things–the moment he hears a simple sniffle or a cough, he’s wrapping them up in blankets and preparing a warm meal for them. They trip and get a little scratch from playing outside? He’ll try to forbid them from being outside by themselves without his or his s/o’s supervision (of course his s/o would have to soothe his nerves to calm him). He also has a habit of getting up at random hours during the night to check on his slumbering children to make sure they’re okay, due to his anxiety that anything could happen. It takes his s/o to calm him down and bring him back to sleep.
The last thing Hakuryuu wants is for his children to suffer any kind of pain like he did, so he does his absolute best to give his children a loving, happy childhood and raise them to be good people with the best of his abilities. He’s always there for them no matter what–he makes them delicious, nutritious meals, he’ll stay up with them if they’re sick, read them bedtime stories, etc. He has a hard time saying ‘no’ to what they want, so his children may end up with a room full of all types of toys and perhaps a pet or two, but he’d also try to be more grounded and put his foot down; while he wants his kids to be happy, he doesn’t want them to end up spoiled.
Like Hakuren, Hakuryuu would fine with either–if his child is a boy, he’s eager to train them to be strong warriors so they can defend themselves, and do his best to raise them with honor. A girl, he’d probably be twice as protective of her honestly. Would never wanna let his ‘precious little girl’ out of his sight and would definitely cry the day of her wedding. Though regardless of gender, he’d have a problem with ‘letting go’ and letting them grow up.
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judarspeachtree · 5 years
Hello all !
So this is yet another headcanon blog, dedicated to the underrated series Magi, however this one focuses solely on characters from the Kou Empire!
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(I couldn’t find a better group shot of the kou squad, bare with me lol)
Here are the rules:
As mentioned before, this is Kou Empire centric blog, so please send requests that only pertain to the characters from the Kou faction, such as:
Kouen Ren
Koumei Ren
Kouha Ren
Kougyoku Ren
Hakuryuu Ren
Hakuei Ren
Hakuyuu Ren
Hakuren Ren
 In the future however, I may consider being open to do other characters, but I have to consider that. For now, Kou empire only!
NSFW/AU is allowed! I don't really have many restrictions on what I won't do, just no pedophilia/incest. If you're feeling eager/curious feel free to send in a request or ask what I'm open to doing, I’m pretty open minded so I’m willing to do almost anything, however if I am not comfortable with it I will decline.
I'm personally not into character x character ships, so please refrain from sending those, only character x reader (s/o) or character-centric requests (ex. would Koumei ever consider growing a goatee?) , or even gen requests. But no ships please :3
As of right now, I'm doing HEADCANONS only, I do want to do full scenarios/drabbles/oneshots in the future, however atm headcanons are much more easier for me to write and put out quicker :)
Only 3 characters per hc requests, however if you want, you can send character groups, for example you could say Kou siblings, (Kouen, Koumei, Kouha, Kougyoku) or the Haku siblings (Hakuyuu, Hakuren, Hakuei, Hakuryuu) same thing for Kou/Haku bros
PLEASE be specific in requests. Such as the gender of the s/o (I usually lend more towards fem if not specified) and what request you want. Please don't send vague requests like 'hakuryuu and shy,innocent s/o' send in something more detailed like 'hakuryuu and a shy s/o who likes to dance, but doesn't like doing it in public because she's too shy' or something like that, just as long as it has detail it can give me something to work with ^_^
And that’s it! Before requesting, please be sure you look at the rules, may add to them more in the future once I get this blog up and running, but until then, feel free to start requesting!
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arashi-chan336 · 7 years
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Esther Dinah.
Her name means ‘Secret’ and ‘Judgement’, respectively. I drew her for Sakura even though she didn’t ask for it. But describing a character from scratch when I myself didn’t know what look to give her is hard.
At least now I didn’t have to think much on her background. I took that from Strange of Hearts’ ‘Reader’ from Arba’s story, same old same old.
If you didn’t know about it, that story is a future one I plan to write that features one-shots of Magi characters as… yanderes. Yes. And each character has ten parts each and five characters from each group (Kings, Magis, King Vessels, The Generals, The Resistance Members) gets updated at the same time so I expect the update for that to take a month each at least.
Arba’s story is from the last group’s.
And yes, it’s a ‘Magi!Character x Reader’ story.
But hey, at least I didn’t need to think about her personality for ‘Reader’ in that part. I haven’t written much about her yet so giving her a personality with her own quirks and stuff was easy~
(To be honest, I was planning on giving —’s backstory on another future story called A Girl Lost in Time; a Hakuyuu x OC x Hakuren story. She doesn’t have a name yet but when Sakura mentioned that she’s been asleep for a thousand years, I was really tempted to just up and give her over to her.
The role she was gonna give the OC I gave her was a magi who was asleep for a thousand years. You can say that that Magi and my OC have similar backgrounds~ — was found by Hakuren in a tomb he uncovered during an explosion in a battle.
Don’t tell me that you weren’t tempted by that, too. XD)
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yuki-d-raizel-blog · 7 years
Chapter 20/??
Relationship: Todoroki Shouto x Reader (Your/Name), (Full/Name)
Summit: It all begin at the Sports Festival when Shouto’s other half met Endevour by mistake. The student never thought to see his partner fight against his father just to show him that he is wrong. It started from that instant, Shouto’s new path started exactly from that moment thanks to his friends and his beloved one.
When everything calmed down, everyone goes back inside deadly silent. Hakkai is making some hot tea, Miraje prepares the sugar, honey and all the necessary, while you are in the living room, wrapped in a blanket and your friends are staring at you pretty badly.
“Oh crap, here it comes…” you just close your eyes ready to listen to the classic super long scold they’re gonna do, but nothing is coming, <<No scold?>>
<<Let’s be honest.>> says Tenka, <<I apologize for what I’ve done before to you, you were clearly stressed and I pressed too much. My bad, sorry (Y/N).>>
<<I’m sorry too… I treated you very bad when you were only worried for me.>> you look down showing with all your heart how sorry you are, <<Really, I just didn’t want to involve you…>>
<<Listen, maybe you saw it already, but I and my brother are terrified to lose someone again, especially you.>> the green twin says caressing your leg, <<You know, when you find someone that protect rejected people like us without wanting anything back, is an awesome feeling. You’re the youngest, the bravest and the strongest between us, but you never laugh at us, not even once. We treasure you a lot, more than our lives, so when we are too invasive or too short tempered like me, we are doing it just to protect you… Nothing else.>>
<<(Y/N), we aren’t blind, nor stupid.>> says Lenka with a sorrowful expression, <<We grow up all together, we got that you are scared too, you just hide it better.>> adds him, <<We all know that you spent your whole childhood to master the Wrath form. You didn’t have friends, you never played like a normal child…>> those words hit Todoroki really hard, bringing up inside his mind his ugly past when Endevour forced him to train day and night, <<You throwed away years and years of your life just to be accepted and show that you aren’t dangerous to the wrong people. We aren’t afraid of your beasts, we actually think that Shuu is much more terrifying when he is angry.>>
<<Hahaha, yeah… With his face, is the worst when he is angry.>> you whisper, finally smiling.
<<I heard you! It’s not my fault if I was born with this face and this voice.>> the man protests, <<And don’t say things like, “you are too tall, people are double scared.”; I don’t like being so tall either. I always hit my head on something in this country… Everything is so small.>>
<<You’re 203cm tall dude, what do you want?>> comments Tenka with his lively tone, making the others laugh a bit.
<<I just want my hero to be safe and healthy.>> Joel pats your head smiling, <<I’m glad you rejected them, but why you were about to activate your Inferno mode? That was dangerous, you know that.>>
<<I was…?>> you look confused, <<I felt strangely honestly, but I thought it was just the stress, but then I heard a voice and…>> trying to remember, you jump scared, <<Did I do something to you?! I’m sure that all the beasts were under my control, I always wear my earring so they couldn’t win over->>
<<Hey, hey calm down.>> he grabs your hand and looks at you with his glacial eyes, <<We misunderstood it, for sure. Just don’t do things always by yourself, ok? We are here for you, and always will be. Just like Yamato said; no one divide us.>>
<<We’ll never leave (Y/N)’s side. We’re a family.>> Shuu hugs you and smiles, <<We’re the eternal inferno.>>
<<Shuu says always right things!>> Tenka lays an arm around your shoulder and laughs, <<Always together to face everything! One for all, all for one!>>
<<Our sister has a solid base to count on.>> Lenka lays an arm around the other shoulder and laughs, <<Like Yamato wanted, we will be always by each other’s side with a smile, no matter what we must fight with.>>
After a lovely and funny hug, you look at your classmates and smile a bit, hoping that they aren’t mad at you.
<<Take the pen Izuku, because what I’m gonna show to you, it’s very special.>> she says, <<I’ll reveal every secret I hid about my quirk, so… I hope you don’t hate me.>>
<<Oh, oh, you are gonna do the same thing you do on the orphanage?>> Tenka is the most excited, what are you planning? <<I’ll announce them!>> he stands up and coughs a few times, <<The silver snake!>> hitting the earring, silver flames appear on your back and slowly, they start to form a big snake that moves his snout towards the students, letting them free to touch, <<Belphegor!>>>
<<Oh, I need to take notes about it!>> Midoriya breaks the silence with his comment, <<That is so cool!>>
<<Right?!>> Tenka takes his hand and drags him in front of the woman, <<Here, here, touch it!>>
<<C-can I, (Y/N)-chan?>> his eyes are sparkling for the excitement.
<<Go ahead.>> crossed sit on the sofa, you admire how the boys touch your creature with no fear, only a pure and big enthusiasm. “I wonder why Tenka become so childish when he sees my beasts. He is such a good guy.”
“She’s acting like nothing happened… I don’t like it.” thinks Shouto, “I really don’t. When everyone goes home, I will talk with her seriously. I won’t let her use such a dangerous quirk… I don’t want lose her.”
<<Kirishima-kun, Uraraka-san, Todoroki-kun come here and touch the snake!>> shouts Midoriya excited, <<My hand goes through it like air! It doesn’t have a temperature either!>>
The students join too moved by a strong curiosity. Tenka is the leader and the others are his pals in this show. Lenka, Joel and Shuu smile, remarking inside themselves that those flames have the power to light everything up, just like (Y/N) did with them almost ten years ago.
<<If you like him, look at this!>> Tenka stands proud and orders with his voice, <<The mystic wolf, Hakuren!>>
Without moving, the silver flames lose their color from the bottom, and slowly turn into a white and pure fire, a huge wolf guards your back burning aggressively. The creature looks at the students and like the snake did, he lets them free to touch him without fear.
<<I feel resistance this time. These flames are really cold and they are soft like the snow…>> Izuku’s muttering is started again, <<If I stand still, the frost forms on my hand… Amazing!>>
Even Kirishima, Uraraka and Todoroki are shocked to see such a big wolf being so cute and cool to touch, those three are waving endlessly their hand inside that fire.
<<What do you suggest for the next one, captain?>> Eijiro and Ochako are infected by Tenka’s childish side, <<Guide us inside this super adventure!>>
<<Let’s move on!>> the twin points at you and smiles, <<My pal, Ba’al! Oh, that was a good one!>> this time, the flames acquire colors and the pure white is painted with a bright yellow, the fire is dancing all around you, assuming the shape of a Chinese dragon, all the fire is converted into pure electricity lighting up the room.
<<This is-!>> no one can stop Izuku’s brain, <<It’s not strong as I thought. It’s tickling me, there’s no pain at all. There’s a little resistance, it’s like touching a wall of tiny strings. Interesting!>>
<<You like a lot my beasts, eh?>> you comment resting the head on your hand, <<Such a nerd, Izuku.>>
<<H-hey!>> he protests with a little blush, <<You are like me, aren’t you?>>
<<You can remember everything without writing it down on your notebook?>> you ask laughing, <<This is a lot to remember.>>
<<Don’t worry, I’m writing everything down inside my brain!>> Midoriya turns towards Tenka and adds what is the next creature, he is so excited that you are asking yourself who is the real kid.
<<This my top three, are you ready (Y/N)?>> he jumps on a chair to be higher, <<You need to impress them!>>
<<Shock us more, (Y/N)!>> even Eijiro and Ochako are excited. You look at Lenka and Joel, they are laughing too much about it, they never saw someone so happy about fire shows.
<<Breath of the Heaven, Uriel!>> the yellow fire become darker and darker, until it reaches a purple shade. All the fire runs in your hand and closing it, the fire disappears, leaving your classmates disappointed. Smiling about those faces, you blow while opening the fist and thousands of purple butterflies invade the room. The U.A. students stand up so shocked that they almost blink.
<<I think you hit them pretty hard with this, (Y/N).>> says Lenka holding down his laugh, <<Good job.>>
<<Hey, they asked to be shocked.>> you respond giggle, <<I hope they don’t faint like Tenka did when he saw the Envy beast.>>
<<C’mon, that thing is a blessing on this earth!>> the man defends himself, <<I bet someone will faint!>> after composed himself again, he shouts: <<Show us, fallen angel!>> the butterflies obey at Tenka’s order and go back to you, fusing together, and once again, the dark flames lose their color, assuming a bright and beautiful blue shade, <<Arsene!>> quenched a little, they rise again majestically assuming a human shape, long hair, beautiful face, perfect arms, and huge wings that enclose you inside.
They don’t faint like Tenka wanted, but their knees lose against that fiery beauty. When Midoriya tries to touch it, the angel itself moves his arm to approach the green boy and grabs his cicatrized hand. With the other one, it caresses gently Kirishima, Uraraka and Shouto’s cheek, invading them with something so warm inside, that they all start crying without a reason. Moving their eyes, they find a girl smiling warmly and happily that they don’t know who is the most beautiful anymore; the fiery angel or their classmate.
<<The last one->>
<<Wait.>> you stop the man that gladly listen to you, <<I think we should stop here. The last beast could terrify them, I don’t want to.>>
<<But there’s nothing to be scared about it. It’s just a bird.>> he understands your fear but doesn’t understand why people needs to be scared of something that isn’t.
<<Um… Guys, what do I do?>> you ask help to your friends, <<I really don’t want to lose them.>>
<<I think they will be fine.>> answers Shuu, <<If I wasn’t scared of it, they’re fine.>> even Joel and Lenka support that theory.
<<Ladies and gentlemen, admire all its glory, the unwanted God, Ash Crow!>> the angel retires his arms from the freckled boy and stands still for a few seconds, dark flames run inside it, as if they are devouring it, and the angel disappears, but a strange thing rises from your back. Suddenly, it wide opens his black wings and stares intensively at the adolescents. A huge, fiery crow lows his beak and touches gently your cheek, like if it wants to comfort you.
<<Wow… Can I touch it?>> Kirishima is the first who gets up and walks towards the creature, <<It’s so big and majestic, like a real god. Its look is intimidating, I can’t deny that, but it isn’t scary at all.>>
The crow moves its beak again, this time towards the U.A. student, laying it against his hand. After Eijiro, Izuku, Uraraka caress the bird too. This fire isn’t cold as Lust, but it isn’t warm for sure. It’s a strange feeling, it’s like dense air, and unlike with the wolf, if they stay still nothing happens; the fire keeps going through gently. The surprise for everyone, even for you and your friends, is when the bird lets Shouto touch him. The creature pretends more cuddles from the young boy, it even pushed him lightly back and when he is satisfied, he raises his big and fiery body.
                                             ------Thank you…------
<<!!>> your childhood friends stand up quickly pushing the chairs on the floor, you stare at Todoroki speechless while the creature disappears without your order.
<<Oi, oi! Really?!>> exclaims Tenka, <<He spoke again!>>
Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 21.5, 22, 22.5, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, Last Chapter
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yuki-d-raizel-blog · 7 years
Chapter 19/??
Relationship: Todoroki Shouto x Reader (Your/Name), (Full/Name)
Summit: It all begin at the Sports Festival when Shouto’s other half met Endevour by mistake. The student never thought to see his partner fight against his father just to show him that he is wrong. It started from that instant, Shouto’s new path started exactly from that moment thanks to his friends and his beloved one.
<<They arrived… Miraje’s superiors again?>> whispers Joel staring at the door.
<<Those motherfuckers?! They need to leave (Y/N) alone.>> says Tenka angrily, <<They are gonna kill her one day.>>
<<Tenka.>> Shuu instead, tries to calm them down, <<Hakkai-san is here, he’ll protect her, don’t worry.>>
<<I won’t lie, but I feel uneasy when those people come to call (Y/N). We must be with her, Hakkai-san and his wife can’t go against them, but we can as the chosen ones of the beasts.>> says Lenka, <<The last time, (Y/N) almost died, they don’t care about her health, they don’t even understand how dangerous is her quirk. They hurt her enough for my flavors.>> he stands up to go towards the door, but Shuu blocks his way, <<They came for Ash Crow once again, we need to protect (Y/N) or she’ll die. Her mom and Yamato will haunt us if we let this happens.>>
<<You noticed it too, right?>> Tenka approaches the twin and tries to move the giant from the door, <<Our (Y/N) is more violent from the last time we saw her. Move Shuu, we will protect her.>>
<<Hold on, hold on.>> Todoroki doesn’t understand a single word, he just heard the name of his girlfriend, the word “die” and his brain went in blackout, <<What are you talking about? Who are these Miraje and Hakkai?>>
Seeing the reaction of the student, the others sigh and calm down. They take their time to find the right words for explaining the situation, but Todoroki presses them.
<<We spoke too much.>> says Joel, <<How much do you know about Fiery Sins?>> Midoriya hands his notebook and the man starts to read carefully, while Shuu speaks to break the silence.
<<Let’s start from the beginning.>> says, <<Very often, her mother went in our orphanage to sing and play music for the children and one day, we met (Y/N). That little girl always invited us to play, having no judgments for us, quirkless people.>>
<<You are all quirkless?>> asks Kirishima politely, <<I thought it was a rare condition in this era.>>
<<The society is cruel, they think we can’t do anything because we don’t have powers, but living with (Y/N) for years, I’m glad I was born like this.>> comments Tenka trying to hear what you are talking about, but you are too far, <<(Y/N) taught us a lot, how to fight, how to play some instruments, but we spent only a few moments together. The reason is because she was born in a greedy house, and it started to train her to be the number one in each field. Study, knowledge, fighting… One day we went to see her, and the old men of the house won’t leave her even the time to say hi to us. We waited until she was done, but when an old man was gone, another one came and begin a new training.>>
<<It got worse when her mom passed away. We barely could talk with her, but after one year, she came back to the orphanage and started to do the same things her mother did.>> continues Lenka, <<She asked us to play something for the children and her would do a show. That moment we understand how hard she worked to control her quirk, but we were naïve to think that a huge power like that wouldn’t have a price to pay.>>
<<Miraje’s family didn’t want us because we are quirkless, but one day, (Y/N)’s beasts talked to us.>> says Joel laying the notebook on the table, <<Now we have powers, and we used them to help her with anything she was struggling, but we were naïve again. Shuu’s brother, Yamato, was chosen by the Wrath beast, and…. He died 4 years ago. It was really shocking for us, but for (Y/N) was something that I can’t even explain. The ribbon she has, it was Yamato’s wristband, she’s mirroring his hair style too. Yamato was her hero, he saved her from the darkness when she was lost, but suddenly, his light disappeared….>>
<<Thanks to the bond we have with (Y/N), we can use her flames without being hurt by them…>> continues Shuu looking at the piano, <<We know how dangerous are these beasts, but not Miraje’s family. If she uses Arsene, she loses weight. If she uses Ba’al, she tends to sleep less… The most hurtful ones are Ash Crow and Astraroth. If she uses Astraroth too much, she gets sick for weeks, her whole body is in pain and has big damages, she can barely move because it’s too painful to endure… And Ash Crow…>>
<<We can’t deny that Ash Crow is her strongest beast, but that strength has the highest price.>> Tenka takes the lead because Shuu refuses to keep going, <<Every time (Y/N) uses the Wrath flames, Ash Crow paints her soul with his ugly black, changing her from inside. The more she’ll use it, the more her life will get shorter and her personality will change in bad.>>
<<The last time we saw her was almost two years ago, and she wasn’t so aggressive.>> comments Lenka, <<If she uses Wrath, the beast will make her evil and merciless. The price Ash Crow wants, is her whole being.>>
<<……>> the classmates are breathing fast, they can’t believe that (Y/N) hid something so important, especially to Shouto.
<<Tell me more about the beasts.>> says Todoroki swallowing hardly his saliva, <<I won’t let her use her quirk anymore. It’s too dangerous.>>
<<Then go to kick those motherfuckers out.>> comments sarcastically Tenka, <<They want Ash Crow to resolve their stupid problem.>>
<<I knew that would end like this…>> a voice comes from the corridor, so your childhood friends run back to their seats and fake a conversation. You walk in with a letter in your hand, glasses laid on your nose and go to a painting across the room, <<Fucking bastards, why I can’t win over them? What stops me?>> those whispers attire the attention of everyone, <<…Useless living beings…>>
<<Shuu…>> Joel whispers to the man when he saw the girl opening her safe.
<<(Y/N), is everything ok?>> the giant moves behind her but maintains some distance for the privacy, <<Do you need us with you?>> he speaks with a sweet tone, even if his voice still sounds scary.
<<Don’t worry.>> she closes the safe, covers it with the painting and looks at him smiling, <<I can deal with it by myself.>> the girl walks over but a call stops her in front of the door.
<<You know that it’s not your fault if Yamato died, right?>> says Shuu, <<You mustn’t keep everything inside, we can solve this all together. Like the good old days… We will be always by your side, we are a family, you are our little sister, tell us if there is something->>
<<I won’t accept any help for these situations anymore.>> she turns with watery eyes, <<I will not do the same mistake never again. I won’t lose any of you, it will cost my life.>>
<<You got better in acting.>> Tenka’s voice is harsher, <<Stop hiding your pain, you always suffer and endure everything on your own. You don’t share bad emotions with anyone, not even with us.>> he goes nearer you and stares right into your eyes, <<We learnt how to recognize your fake faces, yet you pretend that everything is fine when is clearly not. That really pisses me off.>>
<<Done?>> that cold answer shocks everyone, <<I need to go->> the pale green twin pushes the door closed and blocks you between his arms, <<Move Tenka, they aren’t patience people.>>
<<What you will do if I won’t move then?>>
<<I’m upset now, I won’t say it again.>> her eyes are so evil and so her voice, <<Step.Aside.>>
<<Don’t stress her, stupid!>> Lenka grabs his brother and drags him back, <<Can we talk after this end?>>
<<Sure.>> the girl leaves and closes the door, when Tenka is cursing and trying to chase her just to talk with those stupid old men. He is too violent, suddenly, a thick lay of ice enclose him, leaving only the head free from that coffin.
<<Joel, you depressed bastard!>> Tenka tries to get out, but it’s impossible, <<Don’t you dare to use Hakuren on me!>>
<<You didn’t leave me other choice. When you will calm down, I’ll free you.>> the icy boy was about to speak, but the room is light up by lightnings coming from Tenka, <<Even using Ba’al, you can’t break that ice.>>
<<Fuck!>> Lenka was reading the letter that you forgot there, <<Oi guys, read this!>>
They read and at each phrase, their eyes open wider more and more. What they are reading exactly? On the back of the paper there is a wax seal…
<<Are fucking kidding me?!>> that is the first time Shuu swears, <<Now I’m angry.>>
<<Don’t under my watch!>> Tenka opens the window near the garden and exits looking for you, <<I won’t lose (Y/N), Yamato was more than enough!>>
They all run in the garden, so they U.A students follow them, even if the journey is short. On the back of the estate, there are Miraje, Hakkai protesting against three persons with elegant and ancient suits, and a white veil covers their faces. (Y/N) is far from them and stares at the grass immobile. When Shuu sees red veins near her eyes, he rushes towards her.
<<Hey, hey, come back here.>> he cups your face in his big and warm hands, <<Everything will be fine… I’m sure of it.>> the girl falls on her knees and Shuu hugs her tightly, <<Jesus, don’t do this crazy shit again…>>
<<(Y/N)!>> the others approach you quickly, and when Shouto brings you near him, your childhood friends, stand between the group and those three creepy persons, <<Are you ok?>>
<<Yes, just a little tired….>> you answer to him, feeling his fast heartbeat against your ear.
<<Please move aside.>> asks one man, <<We need her.>>
<<Arsene.>> the same blue flames that you have, now are surrounding Shuu in a chain shape.
<<Hakuren.>> now your white flames forge for Joel two long and sharp claws of ice.
<<Ba’al.>> Tenka magically has this long katana, which blade is surrounded with strong electric shocks.
<<Belphegor.>> Lenka grabs a long whip, that he cracks it showing those pure and silver flames.
The night is lighted by those flames and your friends don’t have the intention of step aside. Seeing the flames burning so vividly, the three men make a few steps backwards asking what they are doing.
<<That’s our line!>> screams Shuu, <<Stop calling (Y/N) to solve your problems! Her life doesn’t belong to you, leave her alone!>>
<<Her seven beasts belong to our lineage, as her quirk belongs to us! She will use it as we wish!>> says one of the chiefs, <<She is the third coming of Kafka, she will behave as so!>>
<<You don’t belong anything…>> voicing everyone’s thoughts, the four friends increase their flames and move a single step forward, scaring the chiefs, <<She is (F/N), not the third coming of Kafka! She wants to be a hero, not your stupid doll and you all are crushing her dream!>>
<<Her beasts are on our side, we will protect her and her dream form you all bastards!>> adds Lenka cracking his whip, <<Leave now, it’s the last warning.>>
<<We control the seven beasts as we wish, do as we say, or else…>> Tenka raises his arm and slowly, thunders fall loudly near him, burning the grass and destroying the ground, <<You’ll not leave this house alive.>>
<<Your will, (F/N)?>> this time is a woman who speaks under that white veil.
<<I thought I was clear before.>> you stand supported by Shouto and Izuku, <<I will not help this family anymore. You don’t worth my life and my emotions. Solve this crisis by yourself, I don’t want more sins inside my heart.>>
<<Very well, then we will leave for today.>> the woman walks followed by the others two who whispers their disappointments, <<Stop complaining. She voiced her will and we must respect that, since she’s the third coming of Kafka, that’s the rule.>>
Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 21.5, 22, 22.5, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, Last Chapter
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