#hajs original posts
Festa de Santo Antonio live posting vambora
O pastel q tão vendendo aqui tá com a massa crua por dentro, amanhã eu que lute
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jaygabler · 10 months
Review: Guthrie Theater’s “Christmas Carol” constrains its characters
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I suspected my mom would have one question about this year’s production of A Christmas Carol��at the Guthrie Theater: Does the turkey trot?
Fifteen years ago, the Fezziwigs’ onstage party was so riotous, a roasted fowl was produced and “the darn turkey causes an uproar by hopping off the table,” my mom wrote in a 2008 review for the Twin Cities Daily Planet. “It runs around the stage several times and exits stage left.”
Director Gary Gisselman’s Christmas Carol was chockablock with physical humor and treated Scrooge’s journey broadly, playing to the peanut gallery (as the headline on that 2008 review put it). The Guthrie added some discipline in 2010, commissioning a new script from Crispin Whittell for a rendition that, with various edits over the course of its decade-long run, came increasingly to focus on the spirit of the story and its social conscience.
The current Christmas Carol was adapted from Charles Dickens’s 1843 novel by Lavina Jadhwani, in a script that debuted in 2021 with artistic director Joseph Haj at the helm. This year, Addie Gorlin-Han directs the show, though Haj retains a “based on the original direction” credit.
This was my first year seeing the Guthrie’s post-lockdown Carol, and it was moving just to browse the program: the cast is full of familiar names, taking regular Twin Cities theatergoers on their own journeys of memory — not only to previous Guthrie productions, but also to the stages of Penumbra, Mixed Blood, and even Theatre de la Jeune Lune.
While I’m not particularly nostalgic for the era when Fezziwigs’ prank turkey was followed by a scene where a prop dog ran amok on the streets of London (“chasing an unfortunate soul out the same exit where the turkey disappeared,” noted Mom), the current Carol left me thirsty for just a bit of the character humor that this material lends itself to.
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angrybell · 9 months
Posted @withregram • @hagit_sagi #israel #palestine #uk #hebron
—-(end original caption)—-
A common argument of the pro-terror/Hamas lobby is that there was a peaceful coexistence going between the Jews, Muslims, and Arabs prior to 1948. That it was all ruined by the Jews wanting their own state.
The massacre she is describing did happen. All the Jews from Hebron were expelled by Arab gangs. Hebron was not a settlement. It had been the homes of Jews since Abraham bought some land there to bury his wife.
The British did not do anything to compel the Arabs to return the homes and property to the Jewish owners. They simply allowed it to occur because it was easier than doing the right thing.
Now, what did the Jews do to provoke the riot? They held a rally where people shouted “The Wall Is Ours” followed by singing Hatikvah. There was no violence. They didn’t call for the death of anyone. They didn’t call for the destruction of the Muslim mosques or Al Aqsa.
The Grand Mufti, and future Hitler bestie, Haj Amin Al-Husseini then gave a sermon in response where Muslims burned Jewish prayer books. The Arab press then began spreading inflammatory reports that misrepresented what the Jews had done and said the “Honor of Islam” had been violated.
The next day, stabbings began when an Arab stabbed a Jew from Mea Shearim (a neighborhood in Jerusalem) when he went to retrieve a soccer ball that gone out of bounds and rolled near an Arab girl.
And it went downhill from there as the British police failed to make arrests or protect the Jews. Within a week, Arabs had come from all over and the riots began.
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Sleepy Cuddles With Iwaizumi
Pairing: Hajime Iwaizumi x f!reader
Prompt/summary: After a hard day, what does Iwaizumi want more than anything? To come home and be with you, his wonderful fiancée, though he knew that you might have been asleep because you’d worked all night the previous night and also some of today. He thought that in the worst case scenario he would be able to shower and curl up with you while you slept, but much to his surprise and happiness, you were awake and cooking dinner when he got home. While maybe the night didn’t go as you’d originally planned when dinner burns, you couldn’t have regretted Iwaizumi distracting you even at the cost of the dinner
Word count: 1.8K
Warnings/contents: Fluff
Notes: It’s Hajime time!! Now that I’m no longer shadowbanned, I’ve been thinking more seriously about what to write. I was worried I might be shadowbanned for a long time like some people happen to be, or even my blog might’ve been deleted if Tumblr was going to be that way, but thankfully it wasn’t! So for my returning post, I have Iwa. This isn’t necessarily sleepy cuddles like the other chapters, but it’s sort of like it? This was just what my brain decided would work for the story, so I hope that you like this!
@iwaizoomiess​ It is done. I hope that you enjoy this! It wasn’t what I originally planned on doing, but it’s Iwa and my brain chose differently, so... here we go! 
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His stress level was exceeded as he pushed the key into the keyhole. Iwaizumi was stressed after this shitty day, and it had given him a bad stress headache. For the first time in his career, Iwaizumi had wanted to go home early more than anything. He loved what he did— helping people out with their fitness and inspiring them to not just get fit, but to take steps further in life to not be miserable anymore and to learn to love themselves. It was something that he’d always known he wanted to do— but today had sucked, and all he wanted was to come home.
Thankfully when he pulled into the parking lot, your car was here. He knew that you occasionally worked nights at the morgue, and he really needed you right now. The issue was that he didn’t know just how tired or frustrated you were going to be. Being the kind of guy that he was, Iwaizumi chose to comfort other people rather than be comforted himself. Unless it was from you or Oikawa, he had never really wanted to let himself be so vulnerable— and even with you, who he trusts so much, he would rather comfort than be comforted.
You’d worked all night yesterday, and he knew you had some things to get done today, meaning you most likely only got a few hours of sleep, and he wondered if you might have even been asleep now.
Pushing the thoughts aside, Iwaizumi opened his door and stepped inside. The apartment was still, but his hopes weren’t down for too long before you popped your head around the corner from the kitchen and sent him a big grin as you set something down.
“Haj!” Instantly, he felt himself smile as he looked at you when you walked around and hurried over to him. He dropped his bag and opened his arms, that small smile still on his face as you wrapped your arms around his waist and buried your nose against his chest. "Oh, it feels like I’ve hardly even seen you lately.” You said, happy to be with him again and nuzzling your nose against him. “I’ve missed you so much.”
Despite how stressed, hungry and exhausted your fiancé was, he couldn’t help the smile on his face as it widened. He tightened his arms around you and rested his head on top of your own, the smell of your shampoo letting him know that you had showered recently.
“I’ve missed you, too, baby.” He said, pressing a little kiss to your head. “How was work?”
“It was great! Or— well, for me it was.” You said, showing no effort to pull back from the man to speak to him like you usually did so that you could meet his eyes, but he wasn’t complaining one bit as he held you in his arms and enjoyed the feeling of your chilled hands over his shirt holding him back after this shitty day. “The hairdresser didn’t come after I’d finished embalming a patient, so I got to do it myself and earn a little more money.” You explained simply. “How about you? How was work for you?” Since you had such a good day, Iwaizumi was torn. He hated to dampen the mood. What if he’d just lied and said it was fine rather than telling you it had been a bad day? Would anything really change? Your touch would be just as comforting and you wouldn’t seem sad with him for a few minutes, but ultimately, he didn’t have too much time to think before he sighed.
“It was rough.”
“Aww, I’m sorry, baby.” You said, gently rubbing the man’s back and pulling away just a little bit to look up at him. “Do you want to talk about it? Or do you want to come help me make dinner and I can distract you from it?”
“I don’t want to think about it anymore,” he said, gently cupping your cheek in his hand as he leaned down and pressed a kiss to the tip of your nose. You smiled, leaning into the man and closing your eyes as he gently pressed his lips to yours. He felt your chilled fingers wrap around his before you suddenly broke the kiss and smiled at him.
“Come on, let’s go make food. I’m starving. I took a 2 hour nap and then showered when I got home, so I have so much energy right now.” You said, waiting for Iwaizumi to kick his shoes off before tugging the man gently after you as he softly chuckled to himself.
“I can see that.” You sent him a cute grin before turning your head around and bringing him with you to the kitchen.
“I’m making honey sesame shirataki,” you said, making your fiancé’s stomach growl at the mere thought of eating. You snickered softly at him but said nothing, pushing a loaf of bread to the side and pulling yourself up onto the counter. You scooted back a little bit, looking at Iwaizumi and opening your arms with another smile as the noodles bubbled in the water beside you. He smiled, wrapping your legs around his waist as he leaned in and pressed his hands beside you on either side of the counter. Your fingers went up into his hair as you pressed a quick kiss to his forehead before he buried his nose against your shoulder.
Leaning your head against him as you reached over to stir the noodles, you were making Iwaizumi already feel more relaxed as you held onto him and played with his hair. He was excited for tonight— to lay on top of you and sleep for the rest of the night with you in his arms. Maybe tomorrow wasn’t Saturday, but he knew that by time tomorrow morning came, he was going to be so much more relaxed and ready to head back to work after being with you.
He always missed you so much when you were at work all night. He understood that your job had the tendency to be rather demanding, but that didn’t make him miss you any less.
You pressed another kiss to his head, looking at the pasta as you stirred it and reaching for the vegetable spatula to stir them as well while Iwaizumi leaned into you. This wasn’t an unfrequent occurrence— for Iwaizumi to be leaned against you while you made dinner after a hard day, though often times he was behind you with his nose buried against your shoulder and his arms around your waist.
“Oh, how is Matsukawa?” Iwaizumi suddenly asked as he slightly pulled back to look at you. He looked tired as you looked at him, but no matter how exhausted he’d looked that day, you still found him so handsome that it was almost ridiculous. As many people had always been so attracted to Oikawa, the man was like a brother to you, and you’d found yourself flushing the second your eyes met Iwaizumi’s.
Now you were somehow lucky enough to be engaged to the man.
“He’s good. He told me to tell you hi— sorry, I got a little bit too excited when I saw you.” Iwaizumi gave a soft chuckle and leaned down to press a kiss to your forehead.
“That’s alright. I don’t think I would ever complain about you being excited to see me.” He said, grabbing the wooden spoon to stir the noodles and helping you take care of dinner. You leaned against him, reaching beneath his arm to stir the vegetables while you relaxed against his shoulder. He pressed another kiss to your head and rubbed your back gently with his thumb while he stirred the pasta.
“What do you want to do tonight?” You asked, breaking the comfortable silence that was shared between the two of you.
“Uhh, do you want to watch a movie?” You nodded gently, nuzzling into his chest.
“Sure. Will you cuddle with me?”
“Of course I will.” He said, glancing over the counter into the living room and thinking of any way to curl up with you— whether it be with him on top of you or you curled against him. Honestly, after this day, merely being in your presence was refreshing enough that he didn’t care if you were sleeping, cuddling in silence, talking, or watching a movie. All he wanted was to be close to you.
A soft kiss to his neck stole Iwaizumi’s attention away from his thoughts. He looked at you, seeing you already looking at him with a cute little smile on your pretty face.
“Whatcha thinking about?”
“Oh, really?” You asked, your little smile curling into more of a small smirk as you raised an eyebrow. “What about me?”
“Anything about you.” He said simply, reaching up and brushing your hair back. “I’ve had a really shitty day, but just in these few minutes that I’ve been home with you, you’ve made it so much better.” He said, making your cheeks warm a bit. “I just can’t believe that I’m lucky enough to be the guy you chose to spend the rest of your life with.” You gave a soft laugh and gently shook your head.
“You know, I think that same thing about you.” You said, reaching for his hand and sliding your fingers between his own. “You’ve always been so kind to me even when I felt like I didn’t deserve it. I know that this is kind of cheesy,” you started with a playful eye roll, “But you really do have a heart of gold, Haj. You care about other people, you take care of other people, and never once have you ever asked anything in return. There’s really not anybody else just like you, and I couldn’t ask for a better guy to want me.” He bit his tongue trying not to smile as big as he wanted to.
“I’ve always wanted you.” He said softly, giving your hand a light squeeze and forcing himself to hold eye contact even as he got flustered by your words. “Ever since I saw you. I thought… I don’t know— right at first I thought that you might have been the type to go for Oikawa. You have no idea how happy I am that you went for me.” You smiled and leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to his lips and resting your forehead against his afterwards.
“If I could do it all over again, I would still choose you.” Iwaizumi smiled wider, about to say something back before he sniffed and pulled back to look at the noodles.
“I think the food is burning.” You hesitated for a second, slowly looking away from your fiancé to the food that was in fact burning. Slowly, you reached over and shut the burners off before looking back at Iwaizumi and sucking your teeth.
“Take-out and cuddling while we watch Godzilla?”
“You really do know me.”
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toscanoirriverente · 3 years
[Arafat] The KGB's Man
By Ion Mihai Pacepa
Before I defected to America from Romania, leaving my post as chief of Romanian intelligence, I was responsible for giving Arafat about $200,000 in laundered cash every month throughout the 1970s. I also sent two cargo planes to Beirut a week, stuffed with uniforms and supplies. Other Soviet bloc states did much the same. Terrorism has been extremely profitable for Arafat. According to Forbes magazine, he is today the sixth wealthiest among the world's "kings, queens & despots," with more than $300 million stashed in Swiss bank accounts.
"I invented the hijackings [of passenger planes]," Arafat bragged when I first met him at his PLO headquarters in Beirut in the early 1970s. He gestured toward the little red flags pinned on a wall map of the world that labeled Israel as "Palestine." "There they all are!" he told me, proudly. The dubious honor of inventing hijacking actually goes to the KGB, which first hijacked a U.S. passenger plane in 1960 to Communist Cuba. Arafat's innovation was the suicide bomber, a terror concept that would come to full flower on 9/11.
In 1972, the Kremlin put Arafat and his terror networks high on all Soviet bloc intelligence services' priority list, including mine. Bucharest's role was to ingratiate him with the White House. We were the bloc experts at this. We'd already had great success in making Washington -- as well as most of the fashionable left-leaning American academics of the day -- believe that Nicolae Ceausescu was, like Josip Broz Tito, an "independent" Communist with a "moderate" streak.
KGB chairman Yuri Andropov in February 1972 laughed to me about the Yankee gullibility for celebrities. We'd outgrown Stalinist cults of personality, but those crazy Americans were still naïve enough to revere national leaders. We would make Arafat into just such a figurehead and gradually move the PLO closer to power and statehood. Andropov thought that Vietnam-weary Americans would snatch at the smallest sign of conciliation to promote Arafat from terrorist to statesman in their hopes for peace.
Right after that meeting, I was given the KGB's "personal file" on Arafat. He was an Egyptian bourgeois turned into a devoted Marxist by KGB foreign intelligence. The KGB had trained him at its Balashikha special-ops school east of Moscow and in the mid-1960s decided to groom him as the future PLO leader. First, the KGB destroyed the official records of Arafat's birth in Cairo, replacing them with fictitious documents saying that he had been born in Jerusalem and was therefore a Palestinian by birth.
The KGB's disinformation department then went to work on Arafat's four-page tract called "Falastinuna" (Our Palestine), turning it into a 48-page monthly magazine for the Palestinian terrorist organization al-Fatah. Arafat had headed al-Fatah since 1957. The KGB distributed it throughout the Arab world and in West Germany, which in those days played host to many Palestinian students. The KGB was adept at magazine publication and distribution; it had many similar periodicals in various languages for its front organizations in Western Europe, like the World Peace Council and the World Federation of Trade Unions.
Next, the KGB gave Arafat an ideology and an image, just as it did for loyal Communists in our international front organizations. High-minded idealism held no mass-appeal in the Arab world, so the KGB remolded Arafat as a rabid anti-Zionist. They also selected a "personal hero" for him -- the Grand Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini, the man who visited Auschwitz in the late 1930s and reproached the Germans for not having killed even more Jews. In 1985 Arafat paid homage to the mufti, saying he was "proud no end" to be walking in his footsteps.
Arafat was an important undercover operative for the KGB. Right after the 1967 Six Day Arab-Israeli war, Moscow got him appointed to chairman of the PLO. Egyptian ruler Gamal Abdel Nasser, a Soviet puppet, proposed the appointment. In 1969 the KGB asked Arafat to declare war on American "imperial-Zionism" during the first summit of the Black Terrorist International, a neo-Fascist pro-Palestine organization financed by the KGB and Libya's Moammar Gadhafi. It appealed to him so much, Arafat later claimed to have invented the imperial-Zionist battle cry. But in fact, "imperial-Zionism" was a Moscow invention, a modern adaptation of the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion," and long a favorite tool of Russian intelligence to foment ethnic hatred. The KGB always regarded anti-Semitism plus anti-imperialism as a rich source of anti-Americanism.
The KGB file on Arafat also said that in the Arab world only people who were truly good at deception could achieve high status. We Romanians were directed to help Arafat improve "his extraordinary talent for deceiving." The KGB chief of foreign intelligence, General Aleksandr Sakharovsky, ordered us to provide cover for Arafat's terror operations, while at the same time building up his international image. "Arafat is a brilliant stage manager," his letter concluded, "and we should put him to good use." In March 1978 I secretly brought Arafat to Bucharest for final instructions on how to behave in Washington. "You simply have to keep on pretending that you'll break with terrorism and that you'll recognize Israel -- over, and over, and over," Ceausescu told him for the umpteenth time. Ceausescu was euphoric over the prospect that both Arafat and he might be able to snag a Nobel Peace Prize with their fake displays of the olive branch.
In April 1978 I accompanied Ceausescu to Washington, where he charmed President Carter. Arafat, he urged, would transform his brutal PLO into a law-abiding government-in-exile if only the U.S. would establish official relations. The meeting was a great success for us. Carter hailed Ceausescu, dictator of the most repressive police state in Eastern Europe, as a "great national and international leader" who had "taken on a role of leadership in the entire international community." Triumphant, Ceausescu brought home a joint communiqué in which the American president stated that his friendly relations with Ceausescu served "the cause of the world."
Three months later I was granted political asylum by the U.S. Ceausescu failed to get his Nobel Peace Prize. But in 1994 Arafat got his -- all because he continued to play the role we had given him to perfection. He had transformed his terrorist PLO into a government-in-exile (the Palestinian Authority), always pretending to call a halt to Palestinian terrorism while letting it continue unabated. Two years after signing the Oslo Accords, the number of Israelis killed by Palestinian terrorists had risen by 73%.
On Oct. 23, 1998, President Clinton concluded his public remarks to Arafat by thanking him for "decades and decades and decades of tireless representation of the longing of the Palestinian people to be free, self-sufficient, and at home." The current administration sees through Arafat's charade but will not publicly support his expulsion. Meanwhile, the aging terrorist has consolidated his control over the Palestinian Authority and marshaled his young followers for more suicide attacks.
Mr. Pacepa was the highest ranking intelligence officer ever to have defected from the former Soviet bloc. The author of "Red Horizons" (Regnery, 1987), he is finishing a book on the origins of current anti-Americanism.
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Creator Tag Game
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 (ish) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
Tagged by @primeemeraldheiress !!! Thank you very much for thinking of me!!! I am answering this very late, because finals were hard ;-; 
2020 was the year I started really writing fanfic and getting into fandom again and that has been so much fun!
not the place that I was born in (doesn't mean it's not the place where I belong) : The thing that got me back into writing fic! Also, writing it broke me out of a 3-month long quarantine slump/weird depressive episode where I was unable to force myself to do much of anything other than shower and read every day. I got to worldbuild in the Star Wars universe and test out some character voices and write about different love languages and people being soft, and there are a few things I’d change about it in retrospect, but it still makes me really happy!
Etiquette Lessons (Type A, Type B): I got an idea, I was went into writing the idea with a goal, I excecated the idea and met the goal. Writing this felt effortless, and I am still really happy with the result. I love character studies and body language and character parallels, and I was able to explore all of those things in this fic. Also, I got to write about Cody wearing a military cape. Which is still an image that makes me smile. 
Purest Expression of Grief {haj dai}: Listen. I am really emotional about linguistics and the idea of languages dying out and post-66 padawans make me so sad and all of that squished together to make this. It is a very particular type of angst, and there is was less comfort than I usually like when I write angst I am thinking about a sequel though, we’ll see, but the Cal and Ahsoka sections of this are another example for me of “I had an idea, I had a goal, I went in and executed both.”
Step Outside (You Won’t be Safe): When I pitched the Indentured AU, I was tricking other people into writing content angst that I wanted to read, make no mistake (and then people ran with it and I love that), so it was only fair that I get around to writing it at some point too. I think this is a really successful mood piece. There’s not much plot, but I think the emotions and horror come across very clearly and I’m proud of that. 
Dai Bendu Conlang: This is special to me for so many reasons-- it gave me a chance to participate in one of my passions in a way I haven’t been able to do in way too long, it gave me a chance to do something I’ve always wanted to do, it gave me a chance to share my love of linguistics with more people, and it let me meet so many amazing friends! Getting to know and work with @jasontoddiefor and joot was just the best, because I got to work with two really smart people with tons of  amazing ideas, and I also got to make two incredible new friends!
And, really, that’s my takeaway from getting back into fandom in 2020. I got to make so many new friends and positive connections, and it reminded me why prose writing is fun, which is something a terrible 9-5 job and other things beat out of me for awhile. So thank you to everyone I got to meet this year-- you’ve all made my life better <3 
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things2mustdo · 4 years
“White people are terrible,” “I have white privilege,” and “most of the world’s problems are caused by white people” are three general statements countless social justice warriors and their enablers agree with. Yet they are all based on the severest distortion of reality. You or I should no more apologize for being white than an African-American should for being black.
Just as many blacks, Hispanics, and other minorities are made more pliable by the media and the establishment by being told they are eternal victims, white people are made more pliable by agreeing that they need to always feel guilty. Using an SJW “anti-racism” that feels awfully like the leftist version of a Nazi book about hereditary, white people supposedly inherit the evil deeds of dead dudes who owned slaves prior to the Civil War or arrived on a foreign continent in a year like 1492 or 1788.
The establishment-enforced guilt is even greater for those directly descended from such people, but even culturally and genetically unrelated individuals like Polish- and Italian-Americans, whose ancestors pretty much all arrived after periods like the slavery era, are held accountable, too. Why? Even if we ridiculously assumed we can find descendants “guilty” of their ancestry, the white guilt thesis is like putting all of Harlem’s young black men in 2016 under house arrest because 20 of them were involved in a vicious street brawl… in 1937.
Provided you adhere to our creed, neomasculinity and the Return Of Kings community form the broadest functional church you will find. We do not care where you come from, so long as you support our goal of a return to masculine societies that emphasize community-building and do not apologize for taking pride in their own cultures. ROK readers who are black, white, Asian or something else are all equal in this regard.
Here are just three of many reasons why I will not hate or feel guilty about my skin tone.
1. I’m the descendant of victims myself because many of my ancestors were from oppressed ethnic and religious groups
Look at those privileged starving Irish!
Are you heavily Irish-blooded, like me? Italian? Polish? Ukrainian? Were your ancestors Catholics living in heavily Protestant areas, or perhaps Huguenots who had to flee persecutory France?
It’s funny how SJWs prance on about white privilege when over half of all whites who emigrated to America, Canada or Australia, from the Puritans to Yugoslavian Civil War refugees, came because the civilian government or monarchy representing another ethnicity or religion essentially chased them out, had killed their family members, or wanted them dead, too. Many of the white groups who did take the journey, particularly the Italians or Irish, were then subjected to quotas and mistreatment in places like New York for years.
A great deal of my ancestors were Catholics in Prussia and other Protestant parts of northern Germany. This section of my family tree is replete with persecutions, including one great-great-great-great grandfather who lost sight in one eye and movement in his arm after being brutally assaulted by a Prussian policeman. His crime? Being an ethnic German leaving a Catholic church on Sunday in the 1800s. Catholic churches were only for “subhuman” Poles. Catholic Prussians were seen as traitors who belonged in Bavaria, prison, or dead. He ended up eking out an existence as a tailor with one good arm, after both he and his brother were repeatedly refused admission to the civil service for their faith.
In addition, I had Irish immigrant forebears whose fathers, mothers, brothers, and sisters died as a result of the Potato Famine. One of these ancestors, the eldest child in his family, was working in Dublin to make money for the family when, in the space of three months, he received news that his parents, all his sisters, and all but one of his brothers had died from starvation, malnutrition, or diseases related to them.
When my aunt did the genealogy over three years, she counted 37 family members in one corner of an Irish county who died from starvation or starvation-related illness in 13 months. The famine was predicted and even aggravated by the British. Considering the squalor into which the occupiers had driven the Irish Catholics, the whole ordeal was fundamentally caused by them, too. With only an extra mouth to feed, this great-great-great grandfather of mine took his barely school-aged brother with him to Australia two months later. What role did these two have in oppressing others, white or non-white, that I should feel shame about today?
Look further back into my family tree and you find German, Dutch and Swiss Jews, many of whom were shunted around various locations within Europe, depending on what limited patience local authorities had for yarmulke-wearers at the time.
With this lineage, what exactly do I have to apologize for, aside from my supposedly very, very privileged, at best lower middle-class English forebears from drab West London and grim Yorkshire? Most of them never saw a dark person, let alone mistreated one. To boot, the vast majority lived poor, thankless lives without clean sanitation, abundant food, or anything close to job security. And these are the stations in life, through no fault of their own, that 95% of your ancestors reached as well.
2. Minorities and other non-whites frequently treated and still treat each other far worse than white people did
Rwandan genocide, anyone?
From the pre-Columbian Central and South American peoples to the Rwandan genocide, non-whites have very often treated one another even more abysmally than whites have treated them. European technology may have amplified the number of indigenous and other deaths in places like the Americas, but raw hatred, aggression, and the continuity of violence can be found in even greater quantities in non-white historical squabbles.
Europeans have also been incorrectly blamed for things like infectious diseases, despite the scientific work of antiseptic procedure pioneer Ignaz Semmelweiss being years, sometimes even centuries away. Meanwhile, non-whites have been allowed to kill non-whites without serious condemnation from SJWs.
For example, critics of the Iraq War and the attempted rebuilding of post-Saddam Iraq have said that the whole country is based on a fiction that dates back to the European post-World War I mandate systems. In other words, if Kurds, Shia Arabs, and Sunni Arabs inhabit the same country, they kill each other! Whilst it is appetizing for SJWs to blame the big, bad British and French for this, it is far from the truth. Kurds and Arabs have been butchering each other for countless centuries. The greatest Muslim figure of all the Crusades, Saladin, was consistently mistrusted because of his Kurdish origins. Similarly, intra-Arab or Arab-Iranian Sunni-Shia violence is age-old and has little if anything to do with Europeans.
Last year, Rock Thompson wrote a superb piece about the hypocrisy of attacking Columbus Day in the Americas. His work exposed the double standards of many Native American and also Central and South American tribes, who pretend their ancestors were routinely peaceful when, in fact, they regularly engaged in deplorable acts of gratuitous violence, including human sacrifices and the sadistic mutilation of enemies who were not so ethnically different. The conquistadors and Puritans are falsely seen as the harbingers of cultural and racial genocide in the Americas. Local indigenous tribes, however, were already hunting each other down for sport well before the tall ships arrived.
3. White-majority countries make the humanitarian world go round
A tent city the Saudis refused to make available for fellow Arab Syrian refugees.
Whenever you find an aid program for starving Africans, war-torn Arabs, or other suffering people, chances are that a number of white Westerners are behind it. Even if they’re not all white, they invariably come from white-majority and/or white-founded Western countries, or are funded by them. All to assuage the guilt of white people living in 2016 who feel the need to apologize for a European colonial regime that replaced almost always far more brutal indigenous ones.
Western countries also welcome non-whites in droves, both as immigrants and as “refugees.” The recent Syrian crisis is a testament to this (over-)generosity. While Saudi Arabia refused to accommodate fellow Arab Syrians in their already-constructed tent city, used normally for the Haj Priligrimage, Germany and other European states bore the brunt of those fleeing, including through the open door policies of leaders like Angela Merkel.
In general terms, white people care more about the developmental outcomes of non-whites. Wealthy non-white countries like Japan and Korea have perfected a system of meticulously keeping their populations pure and rejecting the asylum claims of over 99% of claimed refugees. This asymmetrical state of affairs is ironic when Japan’s own history of colonisation, notably the Rape of Nanking, is taken into consideration.
White guilt is also very profitable for certain establishment figures and zealous entertainers. It’s why twats like Bono and Bob Geldof get up every morning, after all. And, far from sucking the world dry, white folks have repeatedly tried to make it better. Very often this generosity is taken to an extreme, but the point of white-majority countries acting and non-white countries stalling or ignoring remains valid.
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earthstory · 5 years
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Maidan Saleh
While the fabled city of Petra in Jordan (see https://www.facebook.com/TheEarthStory/posts/625412657519782) was the centre point of the Nabatean Kingdom, their trade routes, outposts and subsidiary towns were scattered throughout the nearby deserts whose exchange networks they controlled. (such as one of the western ends of the Silk Road from the Far East and the frankincense/myrrh routes flowing north from Arabia, all terminating in the rich, luxury loving empires that surrounded the Mediterranean).
Also known as Al Hijr (Arabic for rocky place) and Hegra (maybe the original name), the site of Maidan Saleh is found in the Al Madinah region of Saudi Arabia and is the second largest Nabatean city known, situated some 500km from its mother city. While a settlement already existed there, most of the remaining visible structures are Nabatean and Roman (whose legions eventually conquered the kingdom in 106CE).
Like in Petra, homes, temples and tombs were often carved out of the living rock (due to an obvious lack of other construction materials, and also effective against the burning desert heat), interwoven with complex well designed systems of water channels and cisterns that cleverly exploited the local geography, squeezing every possible drop of moisture out of the catchment area. Unlike Petra that was almost entirely dependent on clever water management, parts of the site have a relatively shallow and accessible water table. The site is on a plain below a plateau of basaltic lava that is more resistant to erosion than the sedimentary sandstones out of which the monuments were hewn.
The expansion of the growing city was mostly during the first century of the common era as the kingdom's monopoly over the Arabian/Indian Ocean trade in particular was consolidated, and it eventually became a second capital. It was quite easy to control caravan routes across deserts, since all you had to do was put a fort and customs post at every water hole, thus ensuring that every trader would have to pay his due in order to water his animals, without which he was going nowhere. Many of the rock drilled wells are still in use today.
After the Roman conquest, both cities faded from glory as ship borne traffic through the Red sea and Egypt sapped their economic base, in much the same way that later journeys of discovery to the Indies and Far East destroyed the commercial value of the Silk Road. It later became a caravanserai on the Haj pilgrimage route to the holy cities of Mecca and Medina, being mentioned in the famous travels of Ibn Batuta, a Muslim explorer of the 14th century CE who managed to wander around most of the known world (and whose subsequent book is a delight to read). Ottoman Sultan AbdulHamid the second then made it a watering and coaling post on the Hejaz railway, his modernised version of the old pilgrimage route (and the target of many of Lawrence of Arabia's escapades).
It was named Saudi Arabia's first UNESCO World Heritage Site partly due to its 131 rock cut tombs, similar to the glorious ones more familiar from Petra. The arid environment and lack of tourists mean that the site is excellently preserved.
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Image credit: Saudi Sammy Six
http://www.madainsaleh.net/ http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/1293
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tasksweekly · 5 years
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In celebration of Arab American Heritage Month, here’s a masterlist below compiled of over 260+ Yemeni faceclaims categorised by gender with their occupation and ethnicity denoted if there was a reliable source. If you want an extra challenge use random.org to pick a random number! Of course everything listed below are just suggestions and you can pick whichever faceclaim or whichever project you desire.
Any questions can be sent here and all tutorials have been linked below the cut for ease of access! REMEMBER to tag your resources with #TASKSWEEKLY and we will reblog them onto the main! This task can be tagged with whatever you want but if you want us to see it please be sure that our tag is the first five tags, @ mention us or send us a messaging linking us to your post!
THE TASK - scroll down for FC’s!
STEP 1: Decide on a FC you wish to create resources for! You can always do more than one but who are you starting with? There are links to masterlists you can use in order to find them and if you want help, just send us a message and we can pick one for you at random!
STEP 2: Pick what you want to create! You can obviously do more than one thing, but what do you want to start off with? Screencaps, RP icons, GIF packs, masterlists, PNG’s, fancasts, alternative FC’s - LITERALLY anything you desire!
STEP 3: Look back on tasks that we have created previously for tutorials on the thing you are creating unless you have whatever it is you are doing mastered - then of course feel free to just get on and do it. :)
STEP 4: Upload and tag with #TASKSWEEKLY! If you didn’t use your own screencaps/images make sure to credit where you got them from as we will not reblog packs which do not credit caps or original gifs from the original maker.
THINGS YOU CAN MAKE FOR THIS TASK -  examples are linked!
Stumped for ideas? Maybe make a masterlist or graphic of your favourite faceclaims. A masterlist of names. Plot ideas or screencaps from a music video preformed by an artist. Masterlist of quotes and lyrics that can be used for starters, thread titles or tags. Guides on culture and customs.
RP icons [of all sizes]
Gif Pack [maybe gif icons if you wish]
PNG packs
Dash Icons
Character Aesthetics
Graphic Templates - can be chara header, promo, border or background PSD’s!
FC Masterlists - underused, with resources, without resources!
FC Help - could be related, family templates, alternatives.
Written Guides.
and whatever else you can think of / make!
Margalit Oved (1934) Yemeni Jewish - dancer and choreographer.
Ze'eva Cohen (1940) Yemeni Jewish - dancer and choreographer.
Hedva Amrani (1944) Yemeni Jewish - singer.
Margalit Tzan'ani (1948) Yemeni Jewish - singer and tv host.
Gali Atari / Avigail Atari (1953) Yemeni Jewish - singer and actress.
Camelia Malik (1955) Hadhrami Yemeni / Minangkabau Indonesian - actress and singer.
Christine Hakim / Herlina Christine Natalia Hakim (1956) Yemeni, Lebanese, Minangkabau Indonesian, Acehnese Indonesian, Javanese Indonesian, Possibly Other - actress and producer.
Timna Brauer (1961) Yemeni Jewish - singer-songwriter.
Khadija al-Salami (1966) Yemeni - filmmaker.
Dafna Dekel (1966) Yemeni Jewish - actress, tv personality, and singer.
Khadija al-Salami (1966) Yemeni - writer.
Achinoam Nini (1969) Yemeni Jewish - singer.
Yosefa Dahari / Yosefa Iazen (1971) Yemeni Jewish, Moroccan Jewish - singer.
Dana International / Sharon Cohen (1972) Yemeni Jewish / Romanian Jewish - singer. - Trans!
Wafah Dufour / Wafah bin Laden (1975) 1/2 Persian Iranian, 1/4 Hadhrami Yemeni, 1/8 Swiss, 1/8 French - singer-songwriter, model, and socialite.
Kadia Saraf (1976) Yemeni Jewish / Swiss - actress, director and writer.
Andi Soraya (1976) Yemeni / Buginese Indonesian, Cirebon Indonesian - actress.
Becky Griffin (1977) Yemeni Jewish / Irish - actress, tv presenter, and model.
Arwa / Iman Salem Ba'amiran (1979) Yemeni / Egyptian - singer and tv host.
Atiqah Hasiholan (1982) Hadhrami Yemeni, Indonesian / Batak Indonesian - actress and model.
Scha Alyahya / Sharifah Nor Azean binti Syed Mahadzir Alyahya (1983) Hadhrami Yemeni, Malay Malaysian, Chinese - actress, model, and tv host.
Shlomit Levi (1983) Yemeni Jewish - singer.
Fera Feriska / Fera Feriska Bakar (1984) Yemeni / Chinese - actress.
Sara Ishaq (1984) Yemeni / Scottish - filmmaker.
Maria Al-Masani (1984) Yemeni - Miss Universe Canada 2010 contestant and fashion designer.
Shefita / Rotem Shefy (1984) Yemeni Jewish / Ashkenazi Jewish - actress and singer.
Tair Haim (1984 or 1985) Yemeni Jewish / Moroccan Jewish, Ukrainian Jewish - actress, singer-songwriter, and musician (A-WA).
Liron Haim (1986) Yemeni Jewish / Moroccan Jewish, Ukrainian Jewish - musician (A-WA).
Annie / Annie Khalid / Noor-ul-Ain Khalid (1987) Yemeni / Kashmiri Pakistani - singer and model.
Balqees Fathi / Balqees Ahmed Fathi (1988) Yemeni / Emirati - singer.
Asyifa Latief (1988) Hadhrami Yemeni, Indonesian - model and Miss Indonesia 2010.
Tal / Tal Benyerzi / Tal Benizri (1989) Yemeni Jewish / Algerian Jewish - singer and dancer.
Tagel Haim (1989 or 1990) Yemeni Jewish / Moroccan Jewish, Ukrainian Jewish - musician (A-WA).
S. Olvah Alhamid / Syarifah Olvah Alhamid / Olvah Alhamid Bwefar (1990) Hadhrami Yemeni / Papuan Indonesian - model and Miss Eco Universe Indonesia 2016.
Sherina Munaf (1990) Yemeni, Sundanese Indonesian, Minangkabau Indonesian - actress, singer-songwriter, and dancer.
Amani Yahya (1993) Yemeni - rapper and women’s rights activist.
Hanan Tarq (1994) Yemeni / Ethiopian - actress.
Aysha Abdul / Aysha Harun (1995) Yemeni, Harari Ethiopian, Turkish - youtuber.
Danya Alkhalifi (1997) Yemeni - singer, host, and MC.
Inbar Bakal (?) Yemeni Jewish / Iraqi Jewish - singer-songwriter.
Mariam Al Riyashi (?) Yemeni - model.
Nadine Das (?) Yemeni - instagrammer (nadinedasofficial).
Rana Al-Haddad (?) Yemeni - singer.
Sali Hamada (?) Yemeni - actress.
Zainab Merchant (?) Yemeni - instagrammer (zainabrights).
Karin Bauman (?) Yemeni Jewish / Ashkenazi Jewish, Italian - model.
Maha Haj (?) Yemeni - actress.
Najiba Abdullah (?) Yemeni - actress.
Ceharasohh (?) Yemeni - Instagrammer (instagram: ceharasohh).
Nadoosh (?) Yemeni, British - makeup artist and Instagrammer (makeupbynadoosh).
Talya G.A Solan (?) Yemeni, Bulgarian - singer.
Michal Cohen (?) Yemeni - singer.
F - Athletes:
Reema Abdo (1963) Yemeni - swimmer.
Hana Ali Saleh (1968) Yemeni - sprinter.
Isra Girgrah (1971) Yemeni - boxer.
Rossy Pratiwi Dipoyanti / Rossy Syechbubakar (1972) Hadhrami Yemeni / Sundanese Indonesian - table tennis player.
Waseelah Saad (1989) Yemeni - sprinter.
Fatima Dahman (1992) Yemeni - sprinter.
Linoy Ashram (1999) Yemeni Jewish / Greek Jewish - gymnast.
Nooran Ba-Matraf (1999) Yemeni - swimmer.
Ayoob Tarish (1942) Yemeni - singer.
Daklon / Joseph Levy (1944) Yemeni Jewish - singer.
Ahmad Albar (1946) Hadhrami Yemeni - singer.
Boaz Sharabi (1947) Yemeni Jewish - singer-songwriter, guitarist, lyricist, and composer.
Avihu Medina (1948) Yemeni Jewish - singer-songwriter, composer, and arranger.
Ahmed Salah Abdelfatah (1949) Yemeni, Moroccan - actor.
Izhar Cohen (1951) Yemeni Jewish - actor, singer-songwriter, and jewelry artist.
Tzion Golan / Zion Golan (1955) Yemeni Jewish - singer.
Haim Moshe (1955) Yemeni Jewish - singer.
Adam Saif (1957) Yemeni - actor.
Ahmed Fathey (1957) Yemeni - singer and guitarist.
Basem Abdelamir (1965) Yemeni - actor.
Erann DD / Erann David Drori (1967) Yemeni Jewish - singer.
Bader Ben Hirsi (1968) Yemeni - filmmaker.
Mosh Ben-Ari (1970) Yemeni Jewish, Iraqi Jewish - musician, lyricist and composer.
Omer Avital (1971) Yemeni Jewish / Moroccan Jewish - bassist, oud player, bandleader, and composer.
Hamuchtar / Gilad Philip Ben-David (1971) Yemeni Jewish / Dutch Jewish - singer and cabaret artist.
Abboud Khawaja (1972) Yemeni - actor.
Reshef Levi (1972) Yemeni Jewish / Polish Jewish - tv presenter, comedian, and filmmaker.
Assaf Cohen (1972) Yemeni Jewish, Russian Jewish, Possibly Other - actor.
Bucek / Bucek Depp / Al Aththur Muchtar (1973) Yemeni, Betawi Indonesian / Dutch - actor and model.
Ron Shoval (1973) Yemeni Jewish - singer.
Tomer Sisley (1974) Yemeni Jewish, Belarusian Jewish, Lithuanian Jewish - actor, comedian, screenwriter, and film director.
Mocky / Dominic Salole (1974) Yemeni, Somali / English - singer-songwriter, drummer, bassist, guitarist, pianist, producer, and composer.
Naseem Hamed (1974) Yemeni - actor and boxer.
Tomer Yosef (1975) Yemeni Jewish - actor, comedian, singer-songwriter, guitarist, and producer.
Waleed Aljilani (1977) Yemeni - singer.
Alex Abbad (1978) Yemeni - actor, musician, host, visual artist, music producer, and poet.
Assi Azar (1979) Yemeni Jewish / Bukharan Jewish - tv host.
Diwon / Erez Safar (1979) Yemeni Jewish / Jewish - DJ.
Harel / Harel Skaat (1981) Yemeni Jewish / Iraqi Jewish - singer-songwriter.
Aviv Alush / Avraham Aviv Alush (1982) Yemeni Jewish, Tunisian Jewish - actor and singer.
Mohammed Bin Ishaq (1983) Yemeni / Saudi Arabian - youtuber (The Baigan Vines Official) and instagrammer (mohammedbinishaq).
Dudu Aharon (1984) Yemeni Jewish - singer-songwriter.
Bader Saleh (1984) Yemeni, Saudi Arabian - comedian and presenter.
Pe’er Tasi (1984) Yemeni Jewish - singer-songwriter.
Boaz Ma’uda (1987) Yemeni Jewish - singer-songwriter.
Fouad Abdulwahid (1987) Yemeni - singer.
Chen Aharoni (1990) Yemeni Jewish - singer-songwriter and tv presenter.
Hashem Al-Ghaili (1990) Yemeni - youtuber.
Ben El Tavori (1991) Yemeni Jewish / Unknown - musician.
Fahd Bassem (1992) Yemeni - actor.
Faisal Binladen (1992) Yemeni, Saudi Arabian - instagrammer (faisalbinladen).
Adam Saleh (1993) Yemeni - actor and youtuber.
Aamer Bin Ishaq (1994) Yemeni / Saudi Arabian - youtuber (The Baigan Vines Official) and instagrammer (aamer.bin.ishaq).
Omar Daniel / Omar Daniel Assegaf (1995) Hadhrami Yemeni - actor, presenter, and model.
Aliando Syarief / Muhammad Ali Syarief Alkatiri (1996) Yemeni / Minangkabau Indonesian - actor, tv host, and singer-songwriter.
Alseidi Nation (1999) Yemeni - instagrammer (alseidination).
Talal Besm (2000) Yemeni - actor.
Umay Shahab / Muhammad Arfiza Shahab (2001) Hadhrami Yemeni / Betawi Indonesian - actor, presenter, singer, and model.
Akbar Subhani (?) Hadhrami Yemeni / Muhajir Pakistani - actor.
Shake / Dato Shake / Sheikh Abdullah bin Ahmad (?) Yemeni, Malay Malaysian - singer.
Youssif Albadji (?) Yemeni - singer.
Ammar Alazaki (?) Yemeni - singer.
Salem Algahoshi (?) Yemeni - actor.
Doran Danoff (?) Yemeni Jewish / Sephardic Jewish, Ashkenazi Jewish - singer-songwriter, composer, and arranger.
Ali Aljemhi (?) Hadhrami Yemeni - singer (instagram: alialjemhi).
Sami Karim (?) Yemeni - actor.
Ammar Mohammed (?) Yemeni - singer.
Nawal Atef (?) Yemeni - actor.
Abdallah Alkhelifi (?) Yemeni - singer.
Sal Tylinski (?) Colombian [Yemeni, Polish] - instagrammer (vegas_sal).
Ravid Kahalani (?) Yemeni Jewish - singer.
M - Athletes:
Ali Al-Ghadi (1952) Yemeni - long-distance runner.
Ehud Ben-Tovim (1952) Yemeni Jewish - footballer.
Ali Mohamed Jaffer (1955) Yemeni - boxer.
Sami Hasan Al Nash (1957) Yemeni - footballer.
Abubakar Al-Mass (1958) Yemeni - footballer.
Avner Golasa (1958) Yemeni Jewish - footballer.
Mohamed Mahfood Sayed (1960) Yemeni - boxer.
Eli Mahpud (1961) Yemeni Jewish - footballer.
Abdul Al-Ghadi (1962) Yemeni - middle-distance runner.
Ali Al-Shiekh (1962) Yemeni - judoka.
Mohamed Kohsrof (1965) Yemeni - judoka.
Amin Al-Sanini (1965) Yemeni - footballer.
Fahim Abdul Wahab (1965) Yemeni - middle-distance runner.
Abdullah Al-Ghrbi (1965) Yemeni - wrestler.
Mohamed Moslih (1966) Yemeni - judoka.
Sharaf Mahfood (1966) Yemeni - footballer.
Abdullah Al-Shamsi (1967) Yemeni - wrestler.
Sahim Saleh Mehdi (1967) Yemeni - sprinter.
Abdullah Al-Izani (1968) Yemeni - wrestler.
Yahia Mufarrih (1968) Yemeni - judoka.
Ehab Fuad Ahmed Nagi (1968) Yemeni - sprinter.
Mohamed Al-Saadi (1968) Yemeni - long-distance runner.
Awad Saleh Ahmed (1969) Yemeni - middle-distance runner.
Guy Sharabi (1969) Yemeni Jewish - footballer.
Farouk Ahmed Sayed (1970) Yemeni - long-distance runner.
Ronen Harazi (1970) Yemeni Jewish - footballer.
Abdul Karim Daoud (1970) Yemeni - long-distance runner.
Mansour Al-Soraihi (1971) Yemeni - judoka.
Tal Banin (1971) Yemeni Jewish / Egyptian Jewish - footballer.
Anwar Mohamed Ali (1971) Yemeni - sprinter.
Mukhtar Al Yarimi (1972) Yemeni - footballer.
Anwar Al-Harazi (1972) Yemeni - long-distance runner.
Mohamed Al-Jalai (1972) Yemeni - judoka.
Assi Tubi (1972) Yemeni Jewish - footballer.
Muaadh Abdulkhalek (1972) Yemeni - footballer.
Salah Al-Humaidi (1974) Yemeni - judoka.
Khaled Afarah (1974) Yemeni - footballer.
Prince Naseem / Naseem Hamed (1974) Yemeni - boxer.
Khalid Al-Estashi (1974) Yemeni - long-distance runner.
Awad Salah Nasser (1975) Yemeni - middle-distance runner.
Anwar Mohamed (1976) Yemeni - middle-distance runner.
Aref Thabit Al-Dali (1976) Yemeni - footballer.
Abdulsalam Al Ghurbani (1976) Yemeni - footballer.
Shuki Nagar (1977) Yemeni Jewish - footballer.
Adir Sharabi (1977) Yemeni Jewish - footballer.
Saeed Basweidan (1977) Yemeni - middle-distance runner.
Abdulsalam Al Gadabi (1978) Yemeni - swimmer.
Fekri Al-Hubaishi (1978) Yemeni - footballer.
Shay Aharon (1978) Yemeni Jewish - footballer.
Abdul Al-Salimi (1979) Yemeni - footballer.
Yasser Basuhai (1979) Yemeni - footballer.
Fathi Jabir (1980) Yemeni - footballer.
Ali Al-Nono (1980) Yemeni - footballer.
Ali Omar (1980) Yemeni - footballer.
Mohamed Saad (1981) Yemeni - swimmer.
Basheer Al-Khewani (1982) Yemeni - sprinter.
Omer Golan (1982) Yemeni Jewish - footballer.
Mohammed Al-Ashwal (1983) Yemeni - wushu practitioner.
Amer Al-Omari (1983) Yemeni - footballer.
Saeed Al-Adhreai (1983) Yemeni - sprinter.
Mohamed Omar (1983) Yemeni - footballer.
Eyal Meshumar (1983) Yemeni Jewish - footballer.
Mohammed Al-Yafee (1984) Yemeni - middle-distance runner.
Kaid Mohamed (1984) Yemeni - footballer.
Maor Janah (1984) Yemeni Jewish - footballer.
Salem Saeed (1984) Yemeni - footballer.
Mohammed Al Abidi (1985) Yemeni - footballer.
Mohammed Ba Rowis (1985) Yemeni - footballer.
Ali Nasser (1986) Yemeni - footballer.
Mesaad Al-Hamad (1986) Yemeni - footballer.
Abdo Al-Edresi (1986) Yemeni - footballer.
Khaled Baleid (1986) Yemeni - footballer.
Anwar Al-Aug (1986) Yemeni - footballer.
Yasser Al-Baadani (1986) Yemeni - footballer.
Akram Al-Selwi (1986) Yemeni - footballer.
Mohammed Ayash (1986) Yemeni - footballer.
Sami Juaim (1986) Yemeni - footballer.
Akram Al-Worafi (1986) Yemeni - footballer.
Wahid Al Khyat (1986) Yemeni - footballer.
Abdulelah Sharyan (1986) Yemeni - footballer.
Zaher Farid Al-Fadhli (1986) Yemeni - footballer.
Nashwan Al-Harazi (1987) Yemeni - gymnast.
Akram Al-Noor (1987) Yemeni - taekwondo practitioner.
Nitzan Damari (1987) Yemeni Jewish - footballer.
Sami Abbod (1987) Yemeni - footballer.
Alaa Al-Sasi (1987) Yemeni - footballer.
Roei Beckel (1987) Yemeni Jewish - footballer.
Khaled Abdulrahman (1988) Hadhrami Yemeni - footballer.
Mohammed Al Yazeedi (1988) Yemeni - footballer.
Saoud Al-Sowadi (1988) Yemeni - footballer.
World Kid / Sadam Ali (1988) Yemeni - boxer.
Irfan Bachdim (1988) Yemeni, Indonesian / Dutch - footballer.
Kal / Khalid Yafai (1989) Yemeni - boxer.
Mohamed Abdulrahman (1989) Hadhrami Yemeni - footballer.
Fadhl Omar (1989) Yemeni - footballer.
Omer Damari (1989) Yemeni Jewish - footballer.
Tameem Al-Kubati (1989) Yemeni - taekwondo practitioner.
Waleed Bakshween (1989) Yemeni - footballer.
Mohammed Fuad Omar (1989) Yemeni - footballer.
Liroy Zhairi (1989) Yemeni Jewish - footballer.
Kid Galahad / Abdul-Bari Awad (1990) Yemeni - boxer.
Naif Mubarak (1990) Yemeni - footballer.
Hussein Al-Ghazi (1990) Yemeni - footballer.
Saoud Nasser (1990) Yemeni - footballer.
Abdulaziz Al-Gumaei (1990) Yemeni - footballer.
Hamada Al-Zubairi (1990) Yemeni - footballer.
Omar Abdulrahman (1991) Hadhrami Yemeni - footballer.
Zeyad Mater (1991) Yemeni - judoka.
Abdulrahman Nasser (1991) Yemeni - footballer.
The Beast / Gamal Yafai (1991) Yemeni - boxer.
Eyal Golasa (1991) Yemeni Jewish - footballer.
Ali Khousrof (1992) Yemeni - judoka.
Jamal Bajandouh (1992) Yemeni - footballer.
Ben Zhairi (1992) Yemeni Jewish - footballer.
Ahmed Sadeq Al Khamri (1992) Yemeni - footballer.
Emad Mansoor (1992) Yemeni - footballer.
Galal Yafai (1992) Yemeni - boxer.
Salem Al-Omzae (1992) Yemeni - footballer.
Adel Saleh (1993) Yemeni - footballer.
Yousef Al-Nehmi (1993) Yemeni - swimmer.
Waleed Al-Hubaishi (1993) Yemeni - footballer.
Aiman Al-Hagri (1993) Yemeni - footballer.
Shawn Dawson (1993) Yemeni Jewish / African-American - basketball player.
Nabil Al-Garbi (1993) Yemeni - middle-distance runner.
Yaser Ali Al-Gabr (1993) Yemeni - footballer.
Mudir Al-Radaei (1993) Yemeni - footballer.
Saleh Bader Al Yazidi (1993) Yemeni - footballer.
Yaser Ba-Matraf (1993) Yemeni - taekwondo practitioner.
Gil Itzhak (1993) Yemeni Jewish - footballer.
Ahmed Dhabaan (1994) Yemeni - footballer.
Abdulwasea Al-Matari (1994) Yemeni - footballer.
Ahmed Al-Haifi (1994) Yemeni - footballer.
Mohammed Boqshan (1994) Yemeni - footballer.
Ahmed Abdulrab (1994) Yemeni - footballer.
Ammar Hamsan (1994) Yemeni - footballer.
Ahmed Alos (1994) Yemeni - footballer.
Mohammed Al-Sarori (1994) Yemeni - footballer.
Ala Addin Mahdi (1996) Yemeni - footballer.
Mokhtar Al-Yamani (1997) Yemeni - swimmer.
Ali Hafeedh (1997) Yemeni - footballer.
Salem Al-Harsh (1998) Yemeni - footballer.
Ahmed Al-Sarori (1998) Yemeni - footballer.
Mohammed Rageh (1998) Yemeni - middle-distance runner.
Abdullah Al-Qwabani (1999) Yemeni - long-distance runner.
Shimi Tavori (1953) Yemeni Jewish - singer - Married a 17-year-old when he was already well into his 30s.
David Copperfield (1956) Yemeni Jewish / Ashkenazi Jewish - magician and actor - Allegations of sexual assault.
Yishai Levi (1963) Yemeni Jewish - singer - Convicted of domestic abuse and arson.
Eyal Golan (1971) Yemeni Jewish, Moroccan Jewish - singer - Rape allegations.
Jade Thirlwall (1992) Yemeni, Egyptian / English - singer - Cultural appropriation.
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finnishfun · 7 years
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I hope this hasn’t been done yet! Inspired by the Finnish list by @languagesandshootingstars​ and original post here
kutya - dog macska - cat hal - fish madár - bird tehén - cow disznó, malac - pig egér - mouse ló - horse szárny - wing állat - animal vonat - train repülő(gép) - plane autó, kocsi - car teherautó, kamion - truck bicikli, kerékpár - bicycle busz - bus csónak - boat hajó - ship gumi - tire benzin - gasoline motor - engine jegy - ticket közlekedés - transportation város - city, town ház - house lakás - apartment út - way, road utca - street, road repülőtér - airport vasútállomás - train station híd - bridge hotel - hotel étterem - restaurant farm - farm bíróság - court(room) iskola - school iroda - office szoba - room egyetem - university klub - club bár - bar park - park tábor - camp bolt, üzlet - store, shop színház - theater könyvtár - library kórház - hospital templom - church piac - market föld - country; ground; soil; Earth épület - building (világ)űr - (outer) space bank - bank hely(szín) - location kalap - hat ruha - dress öltöny - suit szoknya - skirt ing - shirt póló - t-shirt nadrág - pants cipő - shoes zseb - pocket kabát - coat folt - stain ruhák (plural) - clothing piros - red zöld - green kék - blue sárga - yellow barna - brown rózsaszín - pink lila - purple narancssárga - orange fekete - black fehér - white szürke - grey világos - light sötét - dark szín - colour fiú - boy; son lány - daughter anya - mother apa - father szülő - parent (kis)baba, bébi - baby férfi - man férj - husband nő - woman fiútestvér - brother báty - older brother öcs - younger brother lánytestvér - sister nővér - older sister húg - younger sister család - family nagypapa - grandfather nagymama - grandmother feleség - wife király - king királynő - queen elnök - president szomszéd - neighbour gyerek - child felnőtt - adult ember - human barát - (close) friend haver - (casual) friend áldozat - victim játékos - player rajongó - fan tömeg - crowd ember, személy - person tanár - teacher tanuló, diák - student ügyvéd - lawyer orvos, doktor - doctor beteg, páciens - patient pincér - waiter titkár(nő) - secretary (male/female) pap - priest rendőr - police hadsereg - army katona - soldier művész - artist író - author menedzser - manager riporter - reporter színész - actor munka, állás - job vallás - religion menny(ország) - heaven pokol - hell halál - death gyógyszer - medicine pénz - money dollár - dollar számla - bill házasság - marriage esküvő - wedding csapat - team faj - race szex - sex nem - gender, sex gyilkosság - murder börtön - prison technológia - technology energia - energy háború - war béke - peace támadás - attack választás - election magazin - magazine újság - newspaper méreg - poison fegyver - gun sport - sport verseny - race; competition mozgás, torna - exercise labda - ball játék - game ár - price szerződés - contract drog - drug jel - sign tudomány - science Isten - God együttes, zenekar - band dal, ének - song hangszer - instrument zene - music film - movie művészet - art kávé - coffee tea - tea bor - wine sör - beer gyümölcslé - juice víz - water tej - milk ital - drink, beverage tojás - egg sajt - cheese kenyér - bread leves - soup torta, sütemény - cake csirke(hús) - chicken disznó(hús) - pork marha(hús) - beef hús - meat alma - apple banán - banana narancs - orange citrom - lemon kukorica - corn rizs - rice olaj - oil mag - seed kés - knife kanál - spoon villa - fork tányér - plate csésze - cup reggeli - breakfast ebéd - lunch vacsora - dinner  cukor - sugar só - salt üveg - bottle étel - food asztal - table szék - chair ágy - bed álom - dream ablak - window ajtó - door hálószoba - bedroom konyha - kitchen fürdőszoba - bathroom ceruza - pencil toll - pen fénykép - photograph szappan - soap könyv - book oldal - page kulcs - key festék - paint levél - letter jegyzet - note (as in “to take notes”) fal - wall papír - paper padló - floor plafon - ceiling tető - roof medence - pool zár - lock telefon - telephone kert - garden udvar - yard tű - needle táska - bag doboz - box ajándék - gift kártya - card gyűrű - ring szerszám - tool óra - clock lámpa - lamp ventillátor - fan mobiltelefon - cellphone hálózat - network számítógép - computer program - program laptop - laptop képernyő - screen fényképezőgép- camera (for photos) (videó)kamera - video camera televízió, tévé - television rádió - radio fej - head nyak - neck arc  - face szakáll - beard haj - hair szem - eye száj - mouth ajak - lip orr - nose fog - tooth fül - ear könny - tear nyelv - tongue; language hát - back lábujj - toe ujj - finger lábfej - foot kéz - hand láb - leg kar - arm váll - shoulder szív - heart vér - blood agy - brain térd - knee izzadtság - sweat betegség - disease csont - bone hang - voice; noise; sound bőr - skin test - body tenger - sea óceán - ocean folyó - river hegy(ség) - mountain eső- rain hó - snow fa - tree; wood nap - sun hold - moon világ - world erdő - forest növény - plant szél - wind virág - flower völgy - valley gyökér - root tó - lake csillag - star fű - grass levél - leaf levegő - air homok - sand part - beach hullám - wave tűz - fire jég - ice sziget - island domb - hill hő - heat természet - nature üveg - glass fém - metal műanyag - plastic kő - stone gyémánt - diamond agyag - clay por - dust arany - gold réz - copper ezüst - silver anyag - material méter - meter centiméter - centimeter kilogramm - kilogram hüvelyk - inch font - pound fél - half kör - circle négyzet - square hőmérséklet - temperature dátum  - date súly - weight szél - edge sarok - corner térkép - map pont - dot mássalhangzó - consonant magánhangzó - vowel fény - light igen - yes nem  - no darab - piece fájdalom - pain sérülés - injury lyuk - hole kép - image minta - pattern főnév - noun ige - verb melléknév - adjective rajta - (on) top alatt - under oldal - side előtt - in front of mögött  - behind kint - outside bent - inside fel - up le - down bal - left jobb - right egyenes - straight észak - north dél - south kelet - east nyugat - west irány - direction nyár - summer tavasz - spring tél - winter ősz - autumn évszak - season nulla - 0 egy - 1 kettő - 2 három - 3 négy - 4 öt - 5 hat - 6 hét - 7 nyolc - 8 kilenc - 9 tíz - 10 tizenegy - 11 húsz - 20 huszonegy - 21 harminc - 30 negyven - 40 ötven - 50 hatvan - 60 hetven - 70 nyolcvan - 80 kilencven - 90 száz - 100 kétszáz - 200 ezer - 1000 tízezer - 10000 százezer - 100000 millió - million milliárd - billion első - first második - second harmadik - third negyedik - fourth ötödik - fifth szám - number január - January február - February március - March április - April május - May június - June július - July augusztus - August szeptember- September október - October november - November december - December hétfő - Monday kedd - Tuesday szerda - Wednesday csütörtök - Thursday péntek - Friday szombat - Saturday vasárnap - Sunday év - year hónap  - month hét - week nap - day óra - hour perc - minute másodperc - second reggel - morning délután - afternoon este - evening éjjel - night idő - time dolgozik - to work működik - to work (“function”) játszik - to play (children, games, sports, instruments) sétál - to walk fut - to run vezet - to drive repül - to fly úszik - to swim megy - to go megáll - to stop (moving forward) abbahagy - to stop (doing something) követ - to follow gondolkodik - to think beszél - to speak mond - to say eszik - to eat iszik - to drink öl - to kill meghal - to die mosolyog - to smile nevet - to laugh sír - to cry vesz, vásárol - to buy fizet - to pay elad, árul - to sell lő - to shoot tanul - to learn ugrik - to jump szagol - to smell hall  - to hear hallgat - to listen ízlel - to taste érint - to touch lát - to see néz - to watch csókol - to kiss ég - to burn olvad - to melt ás - to dig robban - to explode ül - to sit áll - to stand szeret - to love vág - to cut veszekszik (verbally), verekedik (physically) - to fight (le)fekszik - to lie (down) táncol - to dance alszik - to sleep felébred - to wake up énekel - to sing számol - to count házasodik - to marry imádkozik - to pray nyer - to win veszít - to lose kever - to mix, to stir hajlít - bend mos -  to wash főz  - to cook nyit - to open zár - to close ír - to write fordul - to turn épít - to build tanít - to teach nő - to grow (by itself) rajzol - to draw etet - to feed elkap - catch (e.g. a ball) dob - to throw tisztít - to clean talál - to find esik - to fall tol, nyom - to push húz - to pull visz - to carry tör - to break visel, hord - to wear lóg - to hang ráz - to shake jelez - to sign üt, ver - to beat emel - to lift magas - tall hosszú - long rövid - short alacsony - short (person); low sekély - shallow (water) széles - wide keskeny - narrow nagy  - big, large kicsi - small, little lassú - slow gyors - fast forró - hot hideg - cold meleg - warm hűvös - cool új - new régi - old (object) öreg - old (person) fiatal - young jó - good rossz - bad nedves, vizes - wet száraz - dry beteg - sick egészséges - healthy hangos - loud halk - quiet boldog - happy szomorú - sad gyönyörű, szép - beautiful ronda, csúnya  - ugly süket - deaf vak - blind kedves - nice gonosz - mean gazdag - rich szegény - poor vastag - thick vékony - thin drága - expensive olcsó - cheap lapos - flat szűk - tight laza - loose magas - high puha - soft kemény - hard mély - deep tiszta - clean koszos - dirty erős - strong gyenge - weak halott - dead élő - alive nehéz - heavy; difficult világos - light sötét - dark nukleáris - nuclear híres - famous én - I te - you ő - she, he az - it mi - we ti - you ők - they ön, maga - you (formal)
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sohaibahmadu · 3 years
Orange Line BRT Project in Limbo Amid Sindh Govt’s Apathy
Despite several years of criticism, Karachi’s public transport sector remains an eyesore, not only for the city dwellers but also for the entire country. The local government, however, seems unbothered by the matter, which is reflected by the leisurely development pace of the Orange Line Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) project.
The project was conceived and launched by the former Chief Minister of Sindh, Qaim Ali Shah, in June 2016. The service was intended to offer a convenient and pocket-friendly traveling facility to around 50,000 inhabitants of Orangi Town, Karachi.
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According to a report from ARY News, the project is still only 70 percent complete and is a far cry from becoming operational anytime soon. The report says that, although the main elevated track has been readied, four stations, four pedestrian bridges, and a depot are still awaiting completion.
The Orange Line bus project covers four kilometers between the Orangi Municipal Office and the Matriculation Board Chowrangi. As per the plan, 18 buses will traverse the route back and forth on a daily basis.
Haval Announces Yet Another Huge Price Hike for the H6 SUV
The project was originally expected to become operational in around a year at a cost of Rs. 1.14 billion from the Sindh government. However, industry experts have reportedly claimed that at its current pace the project is likely to be completed around February 2022.
The construction and other developmental activities are still continuing with no significant follow-up progress report from the current provincial government.
The post Orange Line BRT Project in Limbo Amid Sindh Govt’s Apathy appeared first on .
source https://propakistani.pk/2021/09/30/orange-line-brt-project-in-limbo-amid-sindh-govts-apathy/
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favorite machine?
Printer, she literally never betrayed me so! i trust her to print something last minute. However there's Lots of machines so I might be missing out on some cooler ones
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Tourism in Service of Israeli Occupation and Annexation
Since its founders set their sights on Palestine in the late 19th century, the Zionist colonial project has professed to offer superior governance and intelligence in settling the land. Indeed, in 1944, David Ben-Gurion, a leader in the Zionist movement and Israel’s first prime minister, delivered his famous speech, “The Imperatives of the Jewish Revolution,” in which he suggests that Jewish laborers would be teachers who bring “modern cultural, scientific, and technical knowledge” to make “the wilderness bloom.” Zionist iconography from the early 20th century reflects these notions of superior Jewish development and “Hebrew Labor.” Moshe Shertok, Israel’s second prime minister, echoed this idea with pejorative views of Arabs: “We have not come to an empty land to inherit it, but we have come to conquer a country from people inhabiting it, that governs it by virtue of its language and savage culture.”
Zionists deployed archaeology in an endless pursuit to legitimize their claims to the land. As anthropologist Nadia Abu El-Haj argues in her landmark book, Facts on the Ground, Zionist organizations and early Israeli society in the 1950s and 60s emphasized archeology as a “national hobby” which was crucial to the “formation and enactment of colonial-national imagination and in the substantiation of its territorial claims.” Indeed, Edward Said noted that Zionists actively removed Palestine and Palestinians from the historical record through tourism predicated on selective archeology and orientalist depictions of Arabs and Palestinians. In other words, archeology was a tool of legitimation tied fundamentally to touristic and communal recreation, forming the basis for what have emerged as some of the most popular touristic destinations in the present.
Israel also actively denies Palestinians economic development in their own tourism sector by restricting the movement of tourists, Palestinian tourism professionals, and tourism vehicles. In the December 2017 report, the PLO documented the disparate licensing practices of the Israeli Ministry of Tourism, finding that Israeli tour guides numbered over 8,000 in approved access permits to sites throughout Israel and the West Bank, whereas approved Palestinian permits constituted 0.5%. The Palestinian Authority (PA) has also requested permits to develop over 10 touristic sites throughout the West Bank. As with similar efforts in East Jerusalem, Israel has systematically denied these.
Such obstacles to Palestinian development represent an active continuity of early Zionist narratives of superior ability to develop the land, in a self-fulfilling prophesy then utilized to represent a biblically ordained destiny.
sources are in the original post (linked in the title)
NOTE: although the beginning of the post highlights the idea of jewish supremacy, it's important to remember that they specifically meant white/ashkenazim/european jews, as israel has a long withstanding history of dramatically oppressing non-european jews, particularly black and arab jews (link to source). it is also important to note that several jewish groups and organizations dramatically oppose the israeli apartheid and zionism, such as Jewish Voice for Peace and Anarchists Against the Wall. finally, that the rethoric that zionism = jewishness directly benefits israel, and several jewish ppl have outlined that it is antisemitic and erases jewish history (link to source)
the source also goes into deep detail on how christian zionist groups have played an essential role in this process, maybe even more so than jewish zionists. i didn't include these parts in my (very, very) little snippet as it would make it too long and i wanted to highlight the historical aspect, but i want to make it clear that this is in no way a jews vs palestinians conflict, and the text does not treat it as such
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A Quick Review On Cheap Hajj Packages Season 2018 For UK
Do you want to get some information about the Hajj pilgrims at the cheap and affordable rates? We are sure that one such similar question would even spin around in your minds as well. Here through this post, we will be discussing in detail about the arrival of the Hajj season 2018 and affordable Hajj packages too. Important Things Related About New Hajj Policy 2018:                This latest new policy of Hajj 2018 has been has been all put together into the first come basis. You have to be quick and early in relation with the booking procedure and so as the flight reservation. As much you will be quick the more it will be helping you to hold the application forms of Hajj in your hands.   It is much important to learn out with! Important Terms and Conditions About Hajj Visa Procedure:                 Now let’s have a discussion about some of the vital and major requirements of new Hajj visa procedure 2018: 1. It is important to hold the original passport in your account. 2. You also require to be submitting 2 passport size pictures all set with the white background. 3. You should also be providing with the Biometric card. This condition is just set on the basis of the Non-British passport holders. How Can You Apply For Hajj Visa 2018? • It would not be appropriate in view apply in favor of the Hajj visa by your own. You should carry out with this whole process through the help of the agent. The agent will help you to apply for the visa keeping in mind the customs and rules of Saudia Arabia Government. • If you are already holding visa type in UK, then you are not supposed as apply in favor of the Hajj or Umrah visa. Private Hajj Arakan Application Form 2018 Download Online Last Date Government of India Ministry of Hajj has finally come up with the announcement of the Hajj policy 2018. By making a visit over this webpage you would be able to get complete insight information related with the Private Haj application form 2018. We would even be making you give out with some information about the last date for applying all along with the application procedure too. This year all the Hajj authorities have bring about with some of the certain changes as for the easiness of the pilgrims. Straight away from the home to Haji Camp to Makkah Madeena and return journey, there is an arrangement of the special Hajj teams that would be providing complete sum of the guidance. Information About Hajj 2018 Application Form India Date Last: • It is to be mentioned that this year in 2018 almost 179210 Pilgrims will perform hajj. • 120, 000 that would be almost 67% applications will be getting the under government quota while 59210 that would be 33% applications will be receive under private hajj scheme quota. • According to Ministry of Religious Affairs India, the Hajj 2018 application in India for the applicants will be able to get it as from 15th January 2018. • Last date for submission of hajj 2018 application form is Friday 24 January 2018. • The process of the Balloting will be held on 26th January, 2018. • If you will be performing Hajj in 2018 year then you will be paying off with the 50% amount advance as being the private or government hajj performer. List of Hajj 2018 Important Dates: • Hajj 2018 will be commencing as from Sunday, 19 August 2018. • Hajj 2018 procedure will be ending on 24 August 2018. • Dates can vary as accordance with the Hajj authorities.
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techcrunchappcom · 4 years
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New Post has been published on http://techcrunchapp.com/warning-apple-suddenly-catches-tiktok-secretly-spying-on-millions-of-iphone-users-forbes/
Warning—Apple Suddenly Catches TikTok Secretly Spying On Millions Of iPhone Users - Forbes
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AFP via Getty Images
As I reported on June 23, Apple has fixed a serious problem in iOS 14, due in the fall, where apps can secretly access the clipboard on users’ devices. Once the new OS is released, users will be warned whenever an app reads the last thing copied to the clipboard. As I warned earlier this year, this is more than a theoretical risk for users, with countless apps already caught abusing their privacy in this way.
Worryingly, one of the apps caught snooping by security researchers Talal Haj Bakry and Tommy Mysk was China’s TikTok. Given other security concerns raised about the app, as well as broader worries given its Chinese origins, this became a headline issue. At the time, TikTok owner Bytedance told me the problem related to the use of an outdated Google advertising SDK that was being replaced.
Well, maybe not. With the release of the new clipboard warning in the beta version of iOS 14, now with developers, TikTok seems to have been caught abusing the clipboard in a quite extraordinary way. So it seems that TikTok didn’t stop this invasive practice back in April as promised after all.
Worse, the excuse has now changed.
According to the Telegraph, TikTok now says the issue its caused by “a feature designed to identify repetitive, spammy behavior,” and has assured that it has “already submitted an updated version of the app to the App Store removing the anti-spam feature to eliminate any potential confusion.” Let me translate that for you: We’ve been caught doing something we shouldn’t, we’ve rushed out a patch.
TikTok also said that the platform “is committed to protecting users’ privacy and being transparent about how our app works.” No comment on that one.
When I covered the original TikTok clipboard issue, the company was adamant it was not their problem and related to an outdated library in their app. “The clipboard access issues,” a spokesperson told me, “showed up due to third-party SDKs, in our case an older version Google Ads SDK, so we do not get access to the information through this (presumably they do but we cannot speak to that). We are in the processes of updating so that the third-party SDK will no longer have access.”
TikTok assured me it was being fixed and questioned coverage that suggested this was an issue. “It’s a Google Ads SDK issue,” they assured again in a later email, “so we need to make the change in which version of that SDK we use. TikTok does not get access to the data, but we are updating regardless to resolve it.”
Now Apple’s welcome iOS 14 security and privacy changes have caught them red-handed still doing something they shouldn’t. Something they said was fixed. TikTok isn’t alone—other apps will now need to change deliberate or inadvertent clipboard access. But TikTok is the highest profile and most totemic of the apps caught out, given its prior coverage and wider issues.
The most acute issue with this vulnerability is Apple’s universal clipboard functionality, which means that anything I copy on my Mac or iPad can be read by my iPhone, and vice versa. So, if TikTok is active on your phone while you work, the app can basically read anything and everything you copy on another device: Passwords, work documents, sensitive emails, financial information. Anything.
Earlier in the year, when TikTok was first exposed, the security researchers acknowledged that there was no way to tell what the app might be doing with user data, and its abuse was lost in the mix of many others. Now it’s feeling different. iOS users can relax, knowing that Apple’s latest safeguard will force TikTok to make the change, which in itself shows how critical a fix this has been. For Android users, though, there is no word yet as to whether this is an issue for them as well.
“Apple dismissed the risks that we highlighted and explained that iOS already had mechanisms to counter all of the risks,” the researchers told me earlier this week. “But the mechanisms that Apple provided were not effective to protect user privacy.” Following their initial report, they explained, “there was a tremendous public interaction with the topic—not only iOS users, but also Android users demand more restriction and transparency about the apps that use the system-wide clipboard.”
Apple originally dismissed the clipboard vulnerability as an issue, and only provided a fix after significant media coverage of the security research. This latest news shows just how important a fix that will be.
All iPhone users should update to the latest version of TikTok as soon as it’s released—and given it is actively reading your clipboard, you might want to bear that in mind while using the app ahead of that update.
TikTok has been approached for any comments on this story.
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vocabmeme · 5 years
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New Post has been published on http://dailyvocab.com/photos/pilgrimage/
(noun) a pilgrim’s journey. “he wanted to go on a pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela”
(noun) a journey to a place of particular interest or significance. “his passion was opera and he made annual pilgrimages to Bayreuth”
(noun) life viewed as a journey. “now is the thirty-first year of my dark pilgrimage on this earth”
(verb) go on a pilgrimage. “thousands pilgrimage there every year”
Pilgrimage meaning in Hindi (English to Hindi meaning)
तीर्थ, तीर्थस्थान, यात्रा, तीर्थक्षेत्र, तीर्थयात्रा, तीर्थ यात्रा, तीर्थगमन, तीर्थयात्रा करना
Pilgrimage origin
Middle English: from Provençal pelegrinage, from pelegrin (see pilgrim).
Pilgrimage in a sentence (word usage in recent Hindu newspaper)
India curbs on highway for Hindu pilgrimage anger Kashmir residents, SRINAGAR (Reuters) – Curbs on civilian traffic along a highway linking disputed Kashmir to the rest of India, imposed for a Hindu pilgrimage, …
Modern day ‘Shravan Kumar’ on pilgrimage across India, Nepal …, Tinsukia (Assam) [India], July 1 (ANI): Forty-year-old D Krishan Kumar who had embarked on an unusual pilgrim expedition with his mother …
Pakistan, India to discuss pilgrimage corridor July 14, Pakistan has conveyed to India the schedule for a meeting to finalize the modalities for opening of a key border crossing for the Sikh pilgrims, …
Haj pilgrimage: Supreme Court refuses to pass order on tour operators …, NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court on Monday refused to pass any order on a plea by the Federation of Haj Private Tour Operators of India …
Ahmedabad: ‘Hindu pilgrimage sites not sole beneficiaries’, AHMEDABAD: The Gujarat government denied the charge of discrimination against religions other than Hinduism in allocation of funds for …
Pilgrimage pronunciation
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