#haircut training center
mdilip948 · 14 days
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VLCC HAIR  Institute provides short to advance hair  courses for beginners also as professionals in Hair Dressing and Hair Styling Techniques. Career Opportunity: On successful completion actually in Hair Technology ,hair Course qualified candidates can work as Hair Stylists, Freelancers, Faculties, Technical Trainers, Salon Owners or in Media Houses. VLCC Institute course in Hair Technology is devoted for beginners where we teach standard techniques employed by trained faculties, supplying you with the time and space to actually perfect lines, graduation, layering and their combinations. Salon Ethics, Different Techniques of Coloring, Hair Cutting, Chemical Treatments, Hair Extension and Latest Up Styles are added together during this course. This course lays the inspiration for enhancing your skills and knowledge, by providing you with hands-on practical work experience and detailed tutorials from highly qualified instructors. Choosing this course will provide you with the arrogance to expand your collection and develop your talent.
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apathygender · 10 months
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I couldn't decide which one I liked better.
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wintaerbaer · 3 months
things we don't say: part 6 (TEASER) (kth)
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banner credit: @itaeewon
summary: Three years after graduating college, everything seems to be falling into place for you: stable job, cozy apartment, and a long-term boyfriend with a ring box hidden in his desk drawer. But when a mutual friend makes a remark that your best friend of nearly two decades is clearly in love with you, you realize that life may not be as simple as it seems.
pairing: Taehyung x Reader (with some VERY brief Seokjin x Reader and Yoongi x Reader)
rating: 18+ (MINORS DNI)
genres: best friends to lovers, idiots to lovers, slooooow burn, angst, fluff
word count: 1.2k
teaser warnings: a very sad boy, references to sexual situations, brief mentions of child abuse, vomiting, someone has a wet dream, guilt, shame, a haircut
a/n: sincerest apologies that this series has gone so long without an update. i was struggling with some aggressive writer's block these past few months, but i think we're back in business! <3
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To say he falls into a state of depression may be an understatement.
He barely eats, barely sleeps, and while Taehyung has always considered you to be the center of his universe—his entire being oriented to you like a star—you’ve begun to haunt him in ways that you never have before. Reminders of you creeping into every minute of his days.
It’s passing your favorite ramen place on his way home from a photoshoot. Or finding a can of your favorite sparkling water buried in the back of his fridge. Or flipping past the cooking show you used to watch together or stumbling upon one of your sweatshirts in his closet or the fact that he still has that damn photo of you hanging up behind his desk.
You’re everywhere—your being so deeply ingrained into his life that he couldn’t erase you even if he wanted to.
And he certainly doesn’t want to erase you; he’s too selfish for that. Even now, even after he’s fucked up to catastrophic degrees by forcing his feelings on you, he still can’t bear to face you directly. Because he knows it would be the end of him for you to reject and abandon him too, even if he can’t blame you for it.
It keeps him up at night, thinking about what he could’ve done differently. How he somehow lost his handle on the control which he has always internally prided himself on (sans a drunken conversation with Namjoon last year where he spilled his guts as was met with a lack of surprise on his friend’s part). He’s always promised himself that he would never burden you, that his love for you was not your responsibility but something for him to manage on his own.
And yet, with you sitting so close on the hotel bed—looking absolutely beautiful in your simple PJs even after he spent the day with you all dressed up—his defenses had crumbled the second you pressed into his side and asked him the final question of your fateful game.
How could he not kiss you then? How could he not give you what you asked of him when he wouldn’t hesitate to lay down his very life if you required it?
But still, he spends hours each night staring at the white expanse of his ceiling wishing he had held back like he always did. Years spent training himself to resist the way his blood calls out for you reduced to naught the second he got his first taste of your lips. And now you likely hate him.
And as if it’s not enough for his brain to put him through this nightly torture, the guilt eating him alive, when he finally does manage to scrounge up a few hours of sleep, there’s the matter of the dreams.
He revisits the hotel room every night. Can taste you again, hear your moans, feel your mouth on him and your warm skin underneath his hands as his mind drags him back through every minute detail on a loop. It’s agony, having to both wrangle with the knowledge of how it felt to be with you as well as face his sins every time he closes his eyes. Realize just how badly he fucked up when he wakes to once again find the other half of his bed empty.
Because in spite of him spending years convincing himself that you were never meant to be, there’s still a small part of Taehyung’s subconscious that’s always carved out space for you in his life. It’s the part that stocks your favorite drinks in his fridge, keeps that photo of you pinned behind his computer, leaves a side of the bed open for you because he became so damn accustomed to sleeping next to you in high school.
He’d found that the bruises from his father didn’t hurt as much when you were sitting next to him making him laugh in your bedroom. That his brain would quiet enough from the terrors to allow him to sleep if you were there lying next to him. That he didn’t feel the dull pain, only the gentle touches of your fingers, as you carefully applied makeup onto the dark patches of skin before school.
It had been easy, then, to dedicate himself to providing you with the same support and care you had shown him in any way he could. To wish for your happiness above all else—his guardian angel through and through.
At least, that is, until he lost control in that hotel room.
One night, after a particularly vivid dream involving your body under his, he awakes to sheets that are soaked around his middle. He blanches at the evidence of his body’s desire for you even now, the horror at the audacity of his unconscious mind causing bile to churn and rise in his throat.
He bolts for the bathroom, barely making it there before he empties the contents of his stomach into the toilet. His body shakes as he retches above the porcelain, guilt rattling his bones until he can hardly keep himself upright.
When the waves of nausea stop, when he can finally pull himself up to lean his elbows against the sink, he stares hard at the mirror and man he sees there.
He looks haggard, dark splotches sitting under his eyes and hair hanging limp around his face and over his forehead. The pale skin of his cheeks and lips is surely due, in part, to the vomiting, but there’s no denying that he’s a shell of his former self. A ghost just going through the motions of a past life.
And it’s there, peering through the darkness at his own reflection, that Taehyung decides he hates himself.
He’s not sure if it’s the raw disgust or the unrelenting shame that has him reaching for the hair clippers, but as his sable tresses begin to fall in chunks over the bathroom counter and floor, Taehyung thinks he deserves this.
He deserves the torment of his dreams. That disturbing combination of his wildest fantasies and nightmares rolled into one.
He deserves to wake up alone. To be reminded of his transgressions at the break of each day.
And he deserves to lose you.
Hell, he never deserved to have you.
The silence that follows the buzz of the trimmer seems at odds with the roaring in his head. Still, he manages to scoop the mess of hair into the trash before dragging himself back to the tangle of his sheets.
He finds himself right back in that cursed hotel room.
When he shuffles into the living room the next morning, still fighting the lingering tastes of bile and your lips, Jungkook and Jimin are already awake at the kitchen bar drinking coffee. They freeze at the sight of him; the pastry that Jimin was halfway to putting in his mouth hits the ground with a thud as Jungkook lets out a low whistle and simply shakes his head.
“That bad, huh?”
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a/n: may or may not go back and revise this again for the final draft. in the meantime, a reminder that my ask box is always open! <3
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whoppert · 5 months
Hands on the Ground! (König/Reader)
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2,652 words
tagged: König protective stalker; non-con groping of MC by villain
AO3 Master Fic List
The new recruit has caught König’s eye. He's seen a lot, but this is new. He doesn't want to complicate her life, no, he will just watch her from the shadows.
It's just a crush. An obsessive crush. An addictive and feverish and all-consuming crush. Nothing more.
But when she has a problem, König takes it upon himself to find a solution.
König passes by the new recruits in the training area. It’s not often he particularly notices a recruit - sure, he’s incredibly observant. He’ll notice a change in breathing in an opponent in a fight, a slight change in the walking gait of a teammate when they’re hiding an injury, but rarely does someone actually make an impression on him.
He checks with the training leader and learns her surname. The leader says she has promise, and asks if König wants to meet her, but the king declines. No, he’ll just watch from afar.
That night he steals her personnel file. Just some light reading, a bedtime story. This is where he gets a full name, address and next-of-kin, her brother. A dishonorable discharge from a foreign militia is on her record, but there’s no explanation.
It wasn't a concern, KorTac had a high turnover in the lower ranks, so administration often ignored marks on people’s records when it came to new hires. From her records, König learns that she speaks four languages fluently, that she has pilot experience and the area she struggles in is sniper shooting.
König thought about her as he drifted off to sleep.
A few weeks pass.
He keeps to his internal promise to watch from afar, but that doesn’t stop him taking the long route to get around the base, just so he’ll have a chance to watch. She’s really something in combat and wins both of the hand-to-hand training sessions that König manages to watch casually as he strolls by. He can read the tension in the male recruits. She’s the only female who manages to win in a mixed-sex fight and it wounds their egos.
Good, König thinks to himself. He knows how men fight and the angrier they get, the easier they are to defeat if you can read the signs, which she seems to be able to, because she taunts them as she fights them, a verbal dressing down for their shitty behavior and arrogance, respectively.
Occasionally he’d see her in the mess hall when their schedules overlapped. She sits with two other female recruits, and smiles at them warmly, the group seemed to have an affinity to each other that usually signifies friendship. She isn’t shy about getting what she needs to fuel her body, she’s smart in that way.
The next training session König watched entirely from the shadows. She wrestles well, though she doesn’t have the strength or size of her opponent so she is quick to recover from his grapple. She’s very quick. This opponent, a man with a dark cropped haircut is much better than her previous sparring partners. The rest of the recruits don’t talk through this fight like they did during the turns of the other pairs. No, this fight seems to be significant for all of them as a group. Her legs are strong, and she kicks her opponent just over his center of balance, sending him stumbling backwards.
In the second she took to right herself, her gaze flicked over and settled where König was watching, leaning against the edge of a nearby building, arms crossed over his chest. Bright eyes bore into his, the only visible part of his face. Today was another day he was glad to have his mask, the surprised expression rendered invisible to the outside world. It is only one second at most, but her opponent spots it.
The battle is quickly concluded, and her streak is lost.
König is gone before she’s even hauled herself up from the dirt.
Some nights later, König checked the schedule and found that she had booked a time at the sniping range to practice and that only one other soldier had booked an overlapping session. König made sure he was called for guard duty.
This is how he would make up for costing her the match.
The sky is grey and dull. He watches as she fires several shots, observing her form and then steps up to the neighboring practice spot. They do not acknowledge each other. She is too busy practicing to notice. She is by no means bad at it, just struggles with moving targets, which is costing her attempts. König is proud of his marksmanship, and knows that if he had that rifle he would have put down each of the targets in half as many bullets.
After another round she looks up at König from her seat, pulling her ear muffs off. He is sitting too, but even so she has to look up at him - everyone has to look up at him.
“You jerk as the gun fires,” he says. “You need to square your shoulders in order to support the weight of the rifle.”
She blinks, and considers his critique. Pressing the start button for the next round of moving targets, she hits every single one, only missing one shot. She rubs her shoulder.
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
There is a pause.
“You’re the Colonel. König.”
“Yes. And you are?”
She gives him her name, though he already knows it.
“Good luck with your training, Lieutenant.”
König is called for a mission that will send him away for two weeks. Normally he welcomes the change of pace, but he mourns watching her each day. She is always in the back of his mind, and often in the front of it. He just can't stop himself from thinking about her.
When he returns, everything is the same on the surface, but she's different. Tense. König wonders what changed.
When he catches her sparring, there is a brutal ferocity to her movements, until she faces the only recruit who has ever bested her. König watches as she seizes up. The dark haired recruit easily takes her down, and his friends jeer. Perhaps it is a mental block?
A few days later, König collides with her - literally. He's making his way to visit a colleague when she comes out of a door, looking behind her, and smashing squarely into his chest. Strong hands grip her upper arms, so she narrowly avoids toppling over backwards. She's flushed, flustered.
"Forgive me," she stutters, glancing over her shoulder.
His hands don't leave her sides. For a second he short circuits. She feels so small compared to his large form.
"Hey," an unfamiliar voice calls from a familiar face as the dark haired recruit flies through the door after her. He stops suddenly, saluting. "Sir."
She seems to notice the breach of conduct and steps back quickly. König lets his hands fall to his sides.
"Is something wrong?" König asks, looking only at her.
“No. Sir,” she adds his title as an afterthought.
“Then you are dismissed.”
He didn’t believe her.
König had seen the growing tension between herself and this recruit. Naturally, he takes a look at the recruit’s personnel file as well. Adrian Meyer. No complaints. No formal military training, it seemed he’d been accepted to some relatively unknown private militia on a fluke. 24 years of age. Had left his previous employment voluntarily, but seemed to have made it into KorTac on the assurance that he was a quick study. It seemed true enough, his training showed exemplary marks - except in hand-to-hand. Always second place until recently. So he dislikes that she’s bested him, it creates tension, nothing particularly unusual, soldiers had troubles like this all the time. Still something doesn’t sit right with König. She had fought him a handful of times, and he’d studied her enough. She was always calm, collected, put together. Even first thing in the morning she’d report without a hint of exhaustion on her face. She could put on a show, hide her feelings as expertly as if she wore a mask, so what could have shaken her so badly the other day? Perhaps Meyer had said something to her, but what could he have said that left her so afraid?
There are hundreds of security cameras on a military base, with his clearance it was no issue at all to pull the footage. He isolated the record to about the rough time he’d run into her, and rewound from there. The video filled him with rage.
A few days pass and he watches the new recruits. She is shaken, making stupid mistakes and isolating herself from her friends. She eats lunch alone, practices alone and is easily defeated by opponents she had never so much as blinked at before. Meyer’s confidence grows each day, just continuing on as if nothing had happened.
König visits the trainees. She notices his approach, everyone else too deep in conversation, but as soon as she sees him, she turns her face away, refusing eye contact. He wants to tell her that he is going to fix this, but he doesn’t. König has said exactly forty words to her before, and he is not ready to add to the total.
“Meyer,” the training lead called out, König at his side. “The colonel is impressed with your training, he’d like a word.”
Meyer’s face split into a wide grin. “Knew it couldn’t be long before I started to get noticed.”
The pair step off to the side.
“Come visit me tonight in my office. 2100 hours. I want to discuss your future with KorTac.”
The smile falters momentarily. “Sir, I would love to, but I have guard duty-”
König interrupts, “I have arranged it. If you play your cards right, you’ll never have to pull guard duty again.”
Meyer is on time. He knocks on König’s office door at exactly 2100 hours. König invites him in, and at the sight of him Meyer stiffens.
“Relax,” König passes Meyer a drink. “This will be informal. I just want to get to know you a little better.”
König’s cheerful voice and the alcohol lulls Meyer into a false sense of security. The king is adept at this kind of hunt, he laughs on cue and flatters his prey with compliments, plying him with liquor, though Meyer doesn’t seem to notice that König has been nursing the same drink all night.
It’s growing late and still they talk. König knows the right time to strike is approaching because Meyer has started to talk absolute bullshit, too comfortable with the colonel.
“It’s just funny that you’re Austrian,” Meyer hiccups, swallowing the last of his glass.
“Why is that?” König makes sure the smile reaches his voice, since Meyer won’t see it.
“It’s just- to have an Austrian in charge of this place. Like shouldn’t you be running a farm or something?” Meyer laughs, and König pretends to laugh with him.
“You are a typical little Bavarian, aren’t you, Meyer?”
“I’m hardly little, I’m 190.5 centimeters!”
“You are little to me.” König replies.
The time is here.
König clears his voice. “Can I show you a video I found the other day? It’s hilarious.”
Meyer nods, pouring himself another glass.
König pulls up the security footage, pre-prepared and paused right before the crucial moment.
When Meyer notices, his eyebrows knit together. “Is this the security tape?”
König ignores him and hits ‘play’.
The shot is of one of the rooms used to take language lessons. It is completely empty until she enters. Moments later, Meyer follows her. He says something that causes her to freeze up, but unfortunately the feed is visual only. Meyer takes a step towards her and she takes a matching step back, her lips forming unheard words, her face pleading.
“What is this?” Meyer asks. He seems suddenly sober. “Why are you showing this to me?”
She faints right, breaks left, but it’s a move she frequents while sparring and he’s prepared for it, shoving her hard into the wall behind her. She struggles to regain her balance and throws a sloppy punch, which Meyer outmaneuvers, slapping her hard in the face and using the moment she is stunned to turn her around, pressing the front of her body against the wall as he presses himself against her back. One hand holds her by the back of her throat, her cheek against the plaster, the other runs down her body, groping the sides of her breasts and squeezing her ass before he kicks her legs apart and begins to touch between her legs. He is whispering something in her ear.
“It’s not what it looks-” Meyer stands abruptly.
“Sit down,” it is an order. All of the comradery König had exhibited early vanishes.
Meyer obeys.
Meyer is clumsy, too caught up in the moment. He releases her neck to step forward, sandwiching her body between his and the wall for maximum contact. He grinds his crotch against her, his lips close enough to kiss her neck, but she uses the second he is distracted and stamps down hard on the top of his foot. Immediately, Meyer staggers away, and she bolts. The camera shot switches into the hall as she bursts from the room, running straight into the Colonel.
The clip ends.
“Look,” Meyer pleads, “I know how that looks, but she came onto me, alright? You can’t hear her, but she wanted it. She’s been a tease for months, it’s not my fault is she panicked the second things got real, it-”
König does not care for excuses. “Left or right?”
The quest jars the recruit. “W-what?”
“I asked: ‘left or right?’”
“Right?” Meyer seems confused.
“Very well. Put your right hand on the ground.”
Meyer didn’t move. “Why?” There was panic in his voice now. He repeats the question when at first he doesn’t receive an answer.
“Because I am going to crush it beneath my boot.” There was a hint of sadistic pleasure apparent in the tone.
“Wh- no. No.” Meyer stuttered, cradling his hand to his chest. “You can’t do that.” Again he stands, but he does not back away, König stands between him and the exit.
“You touched her with both hands,” König said coldly. “It is by my mercy alone that your other hand has been spared. I have let you pick which hand you would like to keep, but you will be punished for touching her, Schwein. Do not disobey me. Put your right hand on the ground.”
“I didn’t know she was yours, I wouldn’t have ever-”
König steps towards him and this time it is Meyer shrinking back.
“Please,” he begs. “Please.”
But it is of no use. Meyer can see that. Face flushed and body shaking, he slowly kneels on the carpet, begging once more to no avail as he places his hand palm-first against the floor.
The next day, König walks past her like she was nothing to him. Like she didn’t consume every thought. He’d done what needed to be done and he had no regrets, but that didn’t mean he suddenly had a free pass to talk to her, she was his subordinate, that kind of fraternization would get him in trouble, and even if he got away with it, who’s to say she'd even want him? He could live in her shadow knowing that under his supervision she would befall no harm. He likes knowing that he took care of her little problem.
König watches her eating at the mess hall. Her friends rush to her, telling her something that he could not hear, though he could make out the excited tone they used.
“An accident?” She repeats.
“Yes, broke his hand. Doc showed me the x-ray, it was fucked. Crushed and twisted so badly he’ll be lucky if they can fit rods against the remaining bones. He’s resigned for long term medical care, but the doc said he’ll never shoot again.”
“What happened?”
“Apparently he fell in front of a Jeep and it ran his hand over.”
“That’s unlucky,” she says. For a brief moment she glances in König’s direction.
For an even briefer moment he holds her gaze, before excusing himself.
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lilyginnyblackv2 · 1 year
Dream Star Daycare vs. Blue Sky Daycare
I’ve already talked a bit about the differences between these two and how the first daycare (Dream Star) was colder than the second daycare that Miri actually gets accepted at (Blue Sky). But, I had a bit more commentary that I wanted to add, especially because that post in general wasn’t really about that topic (it was about Kazuki and Rei really accepting the roles of “Fathers” within the larger societal structure of Japan). This post is just going to be about these two different daycares though.
First we have Dream Star Daycare. The name alone, while cute, is a bit colder already. It’s about nighttime, sleeping, and stars (up in cold space). The outside is doesn’t really tell or say much about the daycare:
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There are two big smiling flowers at the entrance way, but everything else about the building is pointed and sharp. The color is a dull orange-brown, the pillars are white, large, and intimidating, and the windows are void of any children’s artwork or colors or anything that really says, “Welcome children!” in a nice and kind way. You can barely see the (pretty barren looking) playground in the back there, through the walkway entrance. I can see a pair of exercise bars maybe, and that’s pretty much it.
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Blue Sky Daycare really lives up to that warm name. When people think of blue skies, they think of nice days outdoors with their family and friends. Warm memories and experiences. Visually, the building is much more welcoming as well. The entrance way has low arches that are rounded, with small pictures of happy animals welcoming the parents and students in. 
The playground is front and center with lots of different equipment and things for the children to do. The playground is also very colorful, just like the roof, which is a pretty blue, and the walls of the building, which are painted an off-white color that allows all of the colorful images to be seen (like the flying birds and floating hot balloons). There are some sharp shapes, like the roof tops, but they are evened out with smaller and/or rounder windows that are more frequent as well. 
The way the building is structured also allows for the parents to see what is going on inside the classrooms and for the teachers to keep a better eye on the children from the classrooms when they play outside. Dearm Star Daycare didn’t allow for anything like that, because the building was more like a refurbished government building than Blue Sky’s Daycare, which feels more like a home.
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The first thing we are greeted to inside Dream Star Daycare is this woman. She likely is a head teacher or manager - someone higher up that doesn’t actually work with the children. The give away for this is how she is dressed. She’s wearing a very business and professional looking suit outfit that doesn’t allow for much mobility, and around her neck is a necklace that could be a choking hazard and just cause a general mess around actual children (like, if one of them pulled on it and it broke and the pearls went everywhere). 
Along with this, we have the stern lines around her lips, which are pulled down in a frown. Her squared jawline, narrowed and smaller shaped eyes, and furrowed brows combined with very bland colored and traditionally shaped glasses makes her come off as displeased, stern, and no funny business right from the start. Her haircut brings this whole look together as well.
In the background we can see some of the pictures the children have drawn...But they don’t look much like drawings the children made to express themselves. Those drawings definitely look more like academic based drawings, focusing on the children learning vocabulary and sight words. Since they are almost all single word images (dog, sushi, rainbow, train, etc.). None of them show true self expression or anything situational that indicates creativity and the children creating them to learn by living and exploring. Seems more rotary, repetition, learn-by-memorizing-sight-words based kind of learning instead.
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Someone in the comments of my previous post commented on how big the desk is, and they’re totally right. This desk is huge and places a lot of space between Kazuki, Rei, and the lady interviewing them. Miri is also far off to the side and playing alone with blocks. Blocks can help children learn some good social skills, but that’s only when they are playing with blocks with others.
Otherwise, blocks tend to focus more on helping children learn more conceptual ideas (math, spatial awareness, increase attention span, etc.). Concepts that are more beneficial for academics, rather than social learning and building.
Also, let’s take a look at the dialogue here, “We’re your first choice of daycare, then?” I’m sure, in a scene that we didn’t get to see, that the lady did common pleasantries and greetings, but the show decided that this sentence should be the first one that we hear this woman say to Kazuki and Rei. Before she asked this, she made a sort of disgruntled sound, so that combined with this...unpleasant greeting makes it clear that this woman doesn’t want them at her daycare. She is basically saying, “We were your first choice,” with the implication of “I wish we weren’t.”
After that, she goes on to ask them this:
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“And...you’re both fathers?” The “And...” is saying a lot here. Right, that pause before a question indicates some level of uncomfortableness with the question you are going to ask. Implies you find something off or wrong with whatever you are asking about. She also starts off only engaging with Kazuki and Rei. Miri has to literally force herself into the conversation, and then the woman only gives one word replies back to Miri (usually as a question). No true engagement.
In the other post I talked about the look of the room, so I won’t go into details with that here, but you can see how barren and cold it looks and feels.
Now, let’s check back with Blue Sky Daycare:
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What a difference our first impression of Blue Sky Daycare is! Cute, warm, and inviting pastel colors are everywhere, as are pictures and children’s crafts. You can see the boxes of toys in the back, but Miri isn’t playing with any of them, because she was brought into the interview itself. 
Miss Anna starts off the interview by talking to her directly, in fact. Asking for her name and age. She has a pretty smile, button nose, rosy cheeks, and big kind eyes. Her hair is done up in a loose ponytail, and she isn’t wearing any jewelry. The older man next to her has a kind smile on his face too, big bushy eyebrows, and wears very soft colors (pastels of green and pink, a muted red color, and white). Nothing about either characters design is sharp or cold like the other women.
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There is also a very prominent wooden piano right next to the table they are sitting at (it’s a dark wood color too, which has a “warm” tone to it). Sunlight is shining in form the windowed doorway behind them, and the desk they are all sitting at is big enough, but also allows the two groups to be closer, and is at Miri’s level. 
We also get a nice, full view of Miss Anna’s design here. Her clothes are comfy, she has an apron on with pockets, and she is wearing just socks. All of this indicates that she actually engages with the students. No jewelry anywhere for kids to break and cause a mess or possibly choke on, no stuffy clothes that would be hard to move and play and jump around in, an apron for her to get messy when it is craft time, and pockets to hold materials she might need throughout the day.
When she asks about them being two fathers, she says, “Two fathers, you say?” Things to note: there is no “And” or “...” no pause in asking this question. She also asks it politely. In the Japanese she ends it with “desu ka,” which is a general level of politeness. The English carries this over with the translation of “you say?” This carries over her tone of voice and expression (a nice smile) too, which are far more welcoming than the previous daycare.
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Finally, when Miri is talking (and not just introducing herself), Miss Anna bends down and closer to Miri. So she indicates that she is listening closely to what Miri is saying and is doing so more on Miri’s level, rather than Miri having to do so on the adult’s level (like what we see at the previous daycare).
They really do a fantastic job of visually showing why Blue Sky Daycare is not only a perfect fit for this little family of three, but also why it is a good daycare in general.
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In a way, Kazuki and Rei really...dodged a bullet.
(Sorry, I’ll end this now, lol).
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animementrash · 6 months
AOT veterans headcanons
Characters: Levi Ackerman, Erwin Smith, Hange Zoe
Tags: just random thoughts on the main three vets, they/them pronouns for Hange, some may be ooc?, SFW only
A/N: Here are my headcanons based on how I percieve them, I have some more for the rest of the characters but I'm posting only three for now because they are longer than expected. (I also have NSFW ones but I'm waiting until I get more comfortable with sharing my thoughts before posting those) Hope you like them and thank you for reading!
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Levi Ackerman:
Washes his hands constantly, almost too many times a day.
Would rather fight a titan with an arm tied to his back than do the dishes. The mere thought of soggy leftovers sticking to his hands makes him gag.
Avoids going out to public places because he’s aware of his popularity inside the walls and doesn’t know how to act when he’s the center of attention.
Following the previous topic and contrary to popular beliefs, this man would never reject a gift/letter/trinket given to him by a local. It can be the most random thing but he will always accept them with a small nod, he’s deeply thankful for their blind trust in him.
Yawns and stretches ALL THE TIME, he is known for sleeping as little as 3 or 4 hours per night and while he’s able to go on with his day without problems, this doesn’t mean he isn’t feeling drowsy all the time so he’s almost always letting out quiet yawns and stretching his arms to ease the soreness of his body.
Sneezes a lot when cleaning. It’s not rare at all to hear him sneeze when he’s dusting or sweeping, if someone says “Bless you” to him he’ll quietly mumble a “thanks” before getting back to cleaning.
Has a favorite seat at the dining table and gets grumpy when someone takes that place before him.
Speaking of dinner, this man eats SLOW AS HELL, he’s usually one of the last to finish his meal.
Is constantly thirsty because he refuses to drink anything but tea.
Has memorized everyone’s footsteps and knows who’s coming to his office before they even knock the door.
Cleans and calibrates his ODM gear daily even when he’s not planning on using it.
Doesn’t like to be in new recruit’s trainings because he gets anxious when most of them hurt themselves while getting used to work with the ODM gear.
Trims his hair weekly, most people believe he shapes his haircut and has hairdresser-like skills when in reality all he does is trim it to avoid losing the shape it already has.
Can’t read cursive even if his life depends on it. One time Erwin handed him a memo written in cursive and he got so frustrated because he didn’t understand what it said that he ended up ignoring the memo. Turns out Erwin needed him to turn in some reports earlier than usual and got scolded because of it.
Loves eating fruit. Fruit was considered an ultra luxury item in the underground so when he realized how much fruit he could eat once he was in the scouts, he got obsessed with it.
Whines and complains a lot for a person who’s known to be grumpy and stoic. Ask him to do something he dislikes and you’ll hear a bunch of huffs and puffs before he goes to do it.
Talks with his horse. A lot.
Wanders through the empty halls when he can’t sleep and doesn’t bother to bring a candle to light the path, the cadets now believe there is a ghost haunting the headquarters.
Erwin Smith:
Hums and whistles a lot, he’s always making some kind of noise while signing reports or walking down the halls. You can hear this man before seeing him.
Takes more time than he’s willing to admit in styling his hair every morning. He is a firm believer that appearance matters a lot so he puts a lot of effort on his.
 Has a specific pair of glasses he uses when reading, almost no one knows about it besides Hange who helped him choose the right ones.
Talks in his sleep, it can vary between mumbled nonsense to full on speeches.
Has a journal that is more like a diary because he writes all his thoughts/hopes/fears on it but he’d be damned if someone refers to it as a diary and not a journal.
Is lowkey afraid of insects but plays it cool when he comes across one because he doesn’t want to come out as “weak”.
Snaps his fingers when trying to remember something.
People think he’s a very wise and smart man because it’s very common to find him “deep in thoughts”, truth is he just tends to zone out and disassociates like crazy.
Loves dogs, he’s the biggest dog person in the scouts. Often stops and pets dogs he finds while taking a walk downtown.
Cleans and polishes his shoes every night before going to sleep. Whenever his face gets reflected on the shiny shoe a smile appears on his lips.
Not always but sometimes sneaks out behind the barracks to smoke some cigarettes, tries to hide all evidence afterwards because Levi will start complaining about the awful smell.
Would rather be late to an early meeting than go without shaving, has to shave daily because by the end of the day he already has a shadow beard.
Is well aware of his attractiveness and uses it to his advantage when needed.
Visits his father’s grave every Sunday and spends most of the day there. Sometimes brings a book and reads it out loud.
Smacked his face after trying to see through a clear glass Levi had cleaned earlier, after laughing for several minutes Levi scolded him for dirtying his glass.
His wardrobe is full of neutral-colored clothes, he sucks at matching outfits so goes with the safest options.
Knows very well Levi can’t read cursive so when he’s bored, he scribbles gibberish on a paper and gives it to Levi saying it’s important to get it done by end of day just to get a laugh.
Has relatives living inside the walls who refuse to acknowledge him, some of them even pretend he died the same day his dad did.
Has an ongoing bet with Hange to see who makes Levi laugh the most, so far Erwin is winning by one but only because he accidentally fell from his horse and Levi found it hilarious.
Arm-wrestles with Miche a lot, especially after they had a few beers.
LOVES dancing, this man knows how to dance and isn’t afraid to show it. (Sadly for him he also loves to clap when dancing and this makes everyone laugh)
Hange Zoe:
Is both street-smart and book-smart, is the only person who has beaten Erwin in a chess match and also beaten Levi in a wrestling match.
Almost always has pencils sticking out of their hair, they place them there for a moment and totally forget about them.
Levi restricted them from using fountain pens because they would spill ink and stain everything and everywhere.
The reason why their glasses have straps on is not only because the risk of them falling off is smaller but also because according to them “it makes them look cooler”.
Wanted to join Erwin in giving instructions to Levi written in cursive but since their handwriting wasn’t as good as Erwin’s they opted for giving instructions in riddles, this makes Levi even more furious than the cursive ones.
Just like Levi, Hange takes a long time when eating dinner but the reason for this is not because they eat slow but because they talk a lot. By the end of the meal their food is either cold or soggy.
Tried to bite a titan once just to show them how it felt to be “on the receiving side”.
Their horse has tiny braids on its mane made by them when they were nervous.
Refuses to brush their hair because their ideas may “fall off” if they do it.
Tackled Levi once when they saw an “eerie figure” roaming the headquarters halls and thought it was a new species.
Has read more books than anyone in the scouts, knows a little of almost everything.
Says “wait, what?” at least twice when talking with someone, before that person can repeat themselves, they interrupt with a completely related answer and expect the person to continue speaking as if nothing happened.
Almost all cadets go to them for advice, they take this very seriously and never joke around when listening to their concerns.
Just like Erwin, they have relatives living nearby the headquarters but they’re not interested in one another.
Has a tendency to bite their nails when nervous, all his fingernails are short and bumpy because of it.
Is very quick at math and calculations.
Always carry a pocket notebook with them and writes anything that catches their attention so they can investigate about it later.
LOVES bugs, is always trying to catch them and examinate them. One time they trapped a cockroach and created a full design of an “armored suit” based on them, when Erwin asked where they got the inspiration for it, they just placed the cockroach in Erwin’s desk and Erwin almost fainted on the spot.
Randomly goes to Miche and asks him “what do I smell like?”, Miche stopped participating on their little riddles when Hange decided to put rotting food in their pockets before asking.
All their books have little notes and highlighted parts on them. Sometimes has two or three copies of the same book because their view on certain parts changes over time.
Takes pinky-promises as a legit way of commitment.
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imabookadict · 2 years
azriel x reader
summary: azriel needs a haircut.
a/n: i’m sorry i haven’t posted in awhile, take this as an apology.
warnings: none (except for lack of proofreading as always!!)
for weeks, your mate had been complaining about his hair. he’d often come home muttering about how it “got in his eyes too much” or “felt gross after he trained”. azriel could be slightly dramatic at times, although you found it more funny than annoying.
unfortunately, azriel had been so busy with work he didn’t have enough time to go to the barber. he also didn’t enjoy relying on a stranger when it came to almost anything, but especially his hair.
so one day when you were talking in the kitchen you suggested you cut it for him, not being completely serious. he nodded his head like crazy and gave you a kiss on the forehead before running out of the room, “i’ll grab the supplies!” the last thing he says before dashing up the stairs. you sighed and shook your head.
he came down holding a hair of scissors in one hand and a towel in the other. “this good?” he asked as he pulled a chair from the table and dragged it to the center of the room. you nodded while he sat down.
you didn’t really have much experience cutting hair- only trimming your hair once in a while. “if i accidentally cut all your hair off, don’t say i didn’t work you.” you half-joked as you started combing through his hair with your fingers.
azriel’s hair was thick and fell down past his ears a bit, which deeply annoyed him. “your long hair is kind of sexy, az.” you said as you lay the towel on his shoulders. he snorted. “you’re just saying that because your my mate,” he replied, and you rolled your eyes and began.
you began by trimming his hair in sections, hands sweaty as you held the scissors to his dark hair. azriel sat still, humming a song he heard somewhere last week and relished the feeling of your fingers against his scalp.
“i’m so in love with you, sweetheart.” he whispered as you crouched in front of him, watching the scissors in your hands as you cut more hair in the front of his face.
“you’re just saying that because i’m your mate,” you mimicked. he smiled at you, unknowingly being a distraction.
you worked in comfortable silence for the next little bit, the only thing disturbing it was the occasional azriel shifting in his seat.
when you were done, black hair was scattered all around your feet and azriel was jumping out of the chair already to see his reflection in the mirror. you followed behind him to see his reaction.
“baby..” he trialed off, running his hands through his hair, examining the job you’ve done. you were slightly nervous when he opened his mouth to speak, sure you’d cut it uneven or too short.
“baby, i’m never going back to a barber shop for as long as i’m alive.” he turned around and pulled you to him. “thank you so much. you did such a good job.” he kissed the top of your head before pulling away enough to kiss your lips.
“you’re welcome for not ruining your hair,” you chuckled as you pulled away to look into his eyes. “but your cleaning up the mess.”
he groaned before laying his head on your shoulder, having to bend over to do so. “that’s only fair, i suppose.” he kissed your shoulder. “i love you though.”
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moonsunlovers · 9 months
I’m sorry about what I’m going to say because some of you probably won’t like it but I always say that I want to stay true to the facts and I need to get it off my chest: I believe it’s Jk in that video. And I believe it because:
- The structure of the windows and the house space is the same as his actual house
- The intercoms in the wall are in the right places
- The mood lamp is there with the lights changing the colors in the video as we saw in Jk’s lives
- The sofa is the same that were in bts dorm
- Bam is there, it looks exactly like him and based on the dates that this video was taken at that time (around february-march) Bam were at home with Jk, not in the training center
- Jk’s haircut in the video matches the one that he had at that time
So yeah, I believe the video shows Jk with a girl (somebody else posted another one with Bam in his house in which you can see the tattoos too). I’m not going to be like taekookers when Taennie was exposed and decided to invent the craziest theories. Some people said that this video was already proof to be a Chinese couple, when they were talking about jungkook all the time but with his Chinese name, that’s why some people misunderstood. So once again, I truly believe it’s him, there’s no point in deny it.
BUT. That means all we believe in is false? NO. I truly believe Jimin and a Jungkook have one of the most special relationships in the world. We don’t know what’s there behind the cameras. It’s clear that this video was taken with the intention of using it to cause chaos and problems to Jungkook. The fact that it was published yesterday, violating his privacy with the goal of sabotaging his new single makes my stomach twitch. It’s simply an atrocity. We haven’t seen the whole video, we don’t know if there were somebody else, if they’re just best friends, family members… It shows Jungkook hugging a girl from the back, so what? They are not kissing, not doing anything super intimate. And besides, even if she was somebody special to him at that time, it doesn’t change the fact that Jimin and Jungkook have been together for sure at some point in all these years. We don’t know the ups and downs of their relationship but we have countless moments that prove it. Rose bowl, hickey gate, Tokyo trip. These ones alone tell everything we need to know. They are the closest duo in bts and their chemistry is unmatched. It’s impossible that they haven’t crossed the line at some point. But still we don’t know what’s going on for sure. It could have been a quick break up, it could have been just nothing and the girl is just a friend. We probably won’t ever know. Let’s see what the following months brings to us.
The only thing that matters to me is that my two babies had an amazing time together in NY recently and that they are still there for each other, unconditionally. Their bond is unbreakable and nothing will make me thing that they are not soulmates destined to be together. As long as they are happy, I’ll be too.
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hollyhomburg · 2 years
Before I Leave You (Pt.38)
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(Sneak Peak) (Omegaverse au, Mafia au, Bts x Reader)
Summary: Everything sort of falls apart, but you and Namjoon help it all fall back together.
Pairings: Omega! Reader, Omega! Jungkook, Omega! Seokjin, Alpha! Namjoon, Alpha! Hoseok, Alpha! Taehyung, Alpha! Jimin, Beta! Yoongi,
Tags: Angst, hurt/comfort, implied sexual content, m/m, yoonjin focus, Tae x m/c focus, Secrets, Verbal arguments, Shame, Dysphoria, Trans characters, Trans! Taehyung
W/c: 12.0k
A/n: All aboard the angst train! this is chapter 1 of 3 that will focus on tae’s coming out! i expect them to come at bi-monthly intervals! thank you for being extra patient! super emotionally charged stuff like this takes me a while to write 
Previous Chapter- Masterlist
Chapter 38: Killing Kim Taehyung 
His face crumples, and he pulls you in just slightly, just a little pressing the briefest of kisses to your forehead. It’s the only bit of comfort that Yoongi allows himself to pull from you. “Yoongi- oh- what’s wrong- what’s-?”
It’s then that you register the scents, angry. The whole pack home and every one of them a tangle of distress. You'd had the door closed before he'd come in so you hadn't realized that the others where home let alone that there was something wrong. 
The pack’s scents are all terrible, all stinky and sticky filling the house with anxiety. Jimin’s gunsmoke, Jungkook’s rotting flower, Namjoon’s liquor coffee, Tae’s peppery cinnamon and Hobi’s metallic medicinal sugar. Even Jin smells a little gross- a little like a cross between curdled cream and wet puppy. Yoongi- Yoongi smells like the ocean, his salt and chocolate all murky, washing over you.You resist the urge to clamp a hand over your nose. It’s making your eyes water. 
“Tae’s asking for you.” He’s somber- doesn’t say anything more about what just happened with Jin it happens too quick. “He’s not letting any of us comfort him.” You rush out in the direction of her unhappy scent, nearly tripping through the doorframe in your hurry. 
One of Tae’s dresses sits on the floor, dropped from where you were folding it, discarded.  
You barely register Jimin trying to calm Tae in the crowded entryway. Jin’s in between the two of them, while Jungkook holds Tae up in the doorway. Jimin’s crooning, still in his work clothes that smell like too many people. White shirt rolled up at the elbows. He drove at quite frankly dangerous and record-breaking speeds once he'd received Jungkook's panicked texts. 
He holds Tae’s face between both of his hands, skimming his fingers up and over her eyebrows, eyes panicked. Arms scrambling to try and pull Tae into them. 
“Tae- I’m here baby, just come inside, we've got you, Babyboy-“ Tae shivers, swaying where she stands. She can’t see anything through her tears- can’t see but smell? 
Your comforting cake scent washes over her, hints of vanilla, a little soggy, a little wet- your body reacting to your pack’s distress. And Tae almost falls over in relief. Tae stumbles, pushing Jimin’s hands away. 
Jimin just stares blankly after her,  blinking, like his brain is struggling to make sense of the fact that his comfort is neither needed nor preferred by the one person who should prefer it. 
You barely spot the hurt look on Jimin’s face before you have an armful of Tae pressing small wet sobs to your shoulder. She drags you close by your waist- hands scrabbling like she needs to hold onto something. But only you could keep her from rocketing and crashing into nothing- bursting in a flurry of rose-colored petals or delicate feathers after taking flight. 
The short cut pokes spikey into your neck. Gone is her gorgeous shoulder-length shag, now buzzed on the sides and long at the top. Gone is the little piece that she usually tucks behind her ear or her tiny bangs that she'd constantly blow out of her eyes. Gone is everything that makes her happy with just a few clips. 
Everything that makes her boy is put front and center, it’s a good haircut in the sense that the barber had obviously know what style would make Tae look more conventionally handsome and a terrible haircut in the sense that you hate it instantly for what it does to her face. 
Her cheekbones look sharp against her ruddy cheeks and her jaw looks sharper without the hair to hide it. Even her eyes look more masculine when she looks up at you from her spot on your shoulder, face screwing awful with misery. 
It fits Tae as well as her masculinity does (which is not at all).  
Tae collapses dropping her full weight onto you, the heaving sobs coming stronger as she lays her crushed heart out for you to take care of. Hoping blindly that you will fix it- you always fix it and you always fix her and she’s not above begging. 
You, not Jimin. 
Minnie is the person that Tae should always run to first, the person she should always want first but not today and not with this. Now, Jimin stands in the doorway, stunned, shaking in time with Tae's sobs. Mouth hardening to a line, lower lip quivering. Neither needed or wanted by the one person he needs and wants above all others.
Tae makes a noise that sounds like your name, and Jimin flinches.  
Coming Saturday August 27th 5pm (time zone adjustments below)
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mdilip948 · 20 days
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Hair Course Academy | Hair Style Institute |Hair Salon Courses VLCC HAIR  Institute provides short to advance hair  courses for beginners also as professionals in Hair Dressing and Hair Styling Techniques. Career Opportunity: On successful completion actually in Hair Technology ,hair Course qualified candidates can work as Hair Stylists, Freelancers, Faculties, Technical Trainers, Salon Owners or in Media Houses. VLCC Institute course in Hair Technology is devoted for beginners where we teach standard techniques employed by trained faculties, supplying you with the time and space to actually perfect lines, graduation, layering and their combinations. Salon Ethics, Different Techniques of Coloring, Hair Cutting, Chemical Treatments, Hair Extension and Latest Up Styles are added together during this course. This course lays the inspiration for enhancing your skills and knowledge, by providing you with hands-on practical work experience and detailed tutorials from highly qualified instructors. Choosing this course will provide you with the arrogance to expand your collection and develop your talent.
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blouisparadise · 2 years
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Since there are too many amazing BL canon fics to count, we decided to make a third part to our canon rec list. You can find the part one here and part two here. Happy reading!
1) Just A Trim | Explicit | 2260 words
The one where Harry gets a haircut, and Louis, along with the rest of the world, loses his mind.
2) Lips Are Like The Galaxy’s Edge | Explicit | 2360 words
Harry licks over Louis’ hole slowly, deliberately, and his tongue is like velvet and Louis’ skin is burning at every junction where Harry touches him and it’s all so good he thinks he might cry. He licks a few more times, moaning softly like he’s relishing the taste of Louis and that’s just, well, fuck.
3) What’s Yours Is Mine (What’s Mine Is Ours) | Explicit | 2982 words
Prompt: Something about Louis always waiting until the last minute to pack his bag for tour so one time Harry does it for him and then they’re thousands of miles away by the time Louis figures out Harry hasn’t actually packed anything useful. Whether it’s because Harry is just genuinely useless at packing for other people or because he wants Louis to be forced to wear his clothes is up in the air. Also Louis refusing to wear Harry’s clothes out of pure spite until Harry makes it up to him.
4) A Touch Of Your Love | Explicit | 3856 words
Harry’s physical training has been intense. He wakes up before the sun to run. He spends long hours in the gym boxing and lifting weights.
Louis usually likes working out with Harry when they’re on tour, and even now he enjoys going on a run or boxing a bit with Harry. But Harry hasn’t seemed to stop moving since he accepted the role in Dunkirk. And it’s not that Louis always needs to be the center of Harry’s attention, but he very much wants to be. 
5) Power Inside | Explicit | 5861 words
Louis wrinkles his nose and pokes Harry again. “You want a baby,” he repeats.
Again, Harry frowns. “Uh, yeah, Lou, I want a baby. So do you.”
Where is this even going. Harry honestly has no clue.
Abruptly, Louis stops frowning and practically throws himself off of Harry, splaying himself out on his side of the bed, arms spread wide. “Okay. Let’s make a baby, then.”
Can eyebrows get permanently attached to a hairline? Harry has a feeling he’s going to find out. “You do realize - ” he starts.
“Yes, Harry, I realize,” Louis says, stroking his fingers over the inside of his own thigh, ruking his shorts up. “You gonna shut up about it and give me a baby or am I gonna have to go out and find someone else to fulfill my deepest desires?”
He’s a nutjob. He’s a complete nutjob. Harry’s in love with a complete nutjob.
6) Heart Beats Slow (I Wish You) | Explicit | 6011 words
“These,” Louis pauses with a half-eaten toast in his hand and a stale bite of buttery bread still in his mouth, he feels like choking on it, “are girl’s pants. Why would I look good in girl’s pants? Do you not like my current choice in underwear or what?”
7) Want It All The Time, Need It Every Day | Explicit | 6306 words
Louis visits LA a week before the boys head to Australia for On The Road Again.
He and Harry have some catching up to do.
8) You Drive Me Wild (You Know You Do) | Explicit | 6632 words
Their management informs them that they have an interview right before the ARIAs, and it isn't until he's in a suit, seated on a couch between Liam and Zayn, that he gets the idea.
The interviewer, Angus, smiles at them, right before the cameras roll on, and a metaphorical light bulb goes off inside Louis' head. He's perfect. Well, not as perfect as Harry, but enough. He's attractive, attractive enough to drive Harry crazy, and he doesn't even think of the consequences of his actions, just decides right then. It's all Harry's fault anyway. Louis should be allowed to have a little fun.
9) I’m Broken, Do You Hear Me? | Explicit | 6957 words
Louis starts acting weird and distant around Harry, and it takes Harry a little while to put together what's wrong. When he finally does, he's determined to help Louis see just how much he loves every piece of him.
10) Glimpse Of The Silhouettes | Explicit | 7181 words
Harry isn't sure what the rules are for this. It's hard to believe that there are any, that's there's a handbook just waiting for him to buy: why is my best mate getting hard in my lap when I touch his arse?
11) Call Me Shallow But I’m Only Getting Deeper | Explicit | 7367 words
The one where Louis is a brat so Harry spanks him with a riding crop.
12) I’m An Addict Of Magic, And I Need My Fix | Explicit | 7994 words
Harry surprises Louis in Los Angeles while Louis is there on tour. Smut ensues of course and Harry goes a little overboard with marking Louis up with hickies. Louis ends up having to wear a turtleneck onstage to hide all of the marks littered around his neck and body.
13) Under the Vanilla Sky | Explicit | 8006 words
Note: This fic is locked and can only be read by AO3 users.
Who the hell wears a hat like that on a yacht?  That's one of the things Louis thinks when he sees Harry from across the deck of the most expensive, ridiculous boat he's ever been on.  He also thinks he'd like to get closer.  Just to see what's under those aviators.  Just to verify that, yes, in fact, those white swim trunks might be a little see-through when wet.  Just to see if someone could really be that hot in real life.  On a yacht.  In the Caribbean sea just off the coast of St. Barts. 
Here's what really happened on that yacht.
14) Reminiscing The Other Day | Explicit | 8317 words
Harry's invited to a wedding, and there's only so much Louis can hide.
15) Anything Goes | Explicit | 10275 words
Harry probably shouldn't be amused that Louis has a death grip on his hand and is dragging away from an event that, you know, they should be at. And he still probably shouldn't have that god awful smirk plastered to his face when Louis shoves him into the bathroom and steps in before locking the door.
16) The Sweat On Your Skin | Explicit | 11014 words
Louis is certain there's no better way to come down from a post-gym high than a naked romp in the bed with his favorite workout partner.
17) Cut To The Bone | Explicit | 11133 words
Harry celebrates his birthday in Japan. Louis stays with him.
18) Fumbling in the Dark | Explicit | 21599 words
Louis is straight, Harry is not. They still shag a lot.
19) Another Day Gettin’ Into Trouble | Explicit | 25619 words
Harry’s drunk when the idea occurs to him. He’s also a pop star, so sometimes his drunk ideas turn into actual things instead of just ideas. The clone-a-willy kit is one of them.
In Harry’s defense, when he first thinks about it his intention is just to buy the kit and give it to Louis to make his own dildo with, because that’s what he wants anyway, right? To have a penis filling him up?
Then he realizes that it would be weird if Louis made a copy of his own dick to fuck himself with. It’d be super weird. Louis fucking himself? That’s a weird idea. Harry’s pretty sure Louis wouldn’t like that.
Clearly the only solution here is to use his own dick for the mold.
20) Something In The World Today | Explicit | 48027 words
It shouldn’t be a surprise, the first time that Louis drops to his knees in front of Harry. It shouldn’t be, because it’s been something that Louis has needed for a long time. It shouldn’t be, because he’s been crawling out of his skin for weeks on end. It shouldn’t be, because Harry always makes him feel better. It shouldn’t be, because he’s needed this even when he didn’t know that he needed it.
Somehow, it still is.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
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stupidwittlebaby · 8 months
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Relationship anarchy, city date moodboard ☆
. . .
All images found on Pinterest
[Image ID: A moodboard with images of various sizes. The three top-most images are as such: An open doorway to a laundromat with green machines, and a white vending machine outside. A little brown building. An outdoor ice cream counter with giant, plastic ice cream statues around it. The center image is of a picnic spread. A person with short, dark hair is resting their head on someone's leg. To the right of the center image are three colored boxes. From top to bottom, they are light blue, pink, and gray. Below the boxes is a black anarchy symbol. The left-most image is of a between-car doorway on a train. There's a banner over the doorway with strawberries on it. The bottom middle image is of two orange vending machines, with an vertical, orange banner next to them, and a small, blue, plastic sign. The right-most image is of an old, Japanese, haircutting storefront. The background visable between all the images is a soft yellow. End ID.]
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phanfictioncatalogue · 9 months
2023!Phan Masterlist
A Piece of Me (ao3) - Sinninghowlter
Summary: Dan is obsessed with Polaroids. Phil loves kissing Dan.
a six to a nine (ao3) - danhoweiis
Summary: phil has some doubts about his new haircut but dan helps to reassure him in his own way
a snapshot (ao3) - yonpote
Summary: phil takes a photo
birthday cake (ao3) - possumdnp
Summary: Dan is back home from tour just in time for Phil’s birthday.
And it just wouldn’t be a birthday without a slightly questionable cake.
fallow & blossom (ao3) - indistinct_echo
Summary: He’s half-drunk and laughing in the hotel room with these people that he loves and knows that this, this is living.
Finding my way back to you (ao3) - alltears_noricochet
Summary: Dan has a strange feeling something's going to happen. At first, it's nothing, until it's not. Will Dan and Phil make it home to each other safely after being separated?
fools before april (ao3) - okaydoomer
Summary: April fools day 2023 was in a few weeks and Dan and Phil still weren't sure what they wanted to do.
You know what they ended up doing, so here's a short fic about how it might have happened.
home (ao3) - SylvesterLester
Summary: Dan comes home to find things have changed.
In another life you still would’ve turned my head (ao3) - natigail
Summary: Dan comes across old black and white photos of two queer men messing around, one playing with the other's hair, just like he did in a recent video with Phil. He gets caught up in the emotions that he would have fallen in love with Phil in any universe. He crawls into Phil's lap and tells him exactly that.
“Is that really what you think?” (ao3) - yikesola
Summary: Phil is laying in the center of the bed, which is how Dan knows his head is bothering him today.
A ficlet about heads and humans.
japhan 3.0 (ao3) - danhoweiis
Summary: snapshots of the japhan trip 2023
keep quiet (ao3) - calvinahobbes
Summary: This feels indulgent in a way he hasn’t felt in a while. He’s tired after a night of being social, tallying up points and arguing with Phil and their friends about which countries had the best Eurovision songs, booing and complaining when their favorite didn’t win. And he’s sweaty from sleeping in close quarters. But he can’t bring himself to stop the building arousal between them.
pink + white (ao3) - maestronomy
Summary: dan and phil in japan, sharing bites of a dango whilst thinking about their enticing future together ahead - and forever.
safe like spring time (ao3) - danhoweiis
Summary: phil reflects on his teenage self
Say The Word, Back To You (ao3) - cafephan
Summary: During their third Japan trip, Dan and Phil reflect on a notebook of things to complete together, written in 2009.
so tell me i’m a rainbow (it makes me feel alright) (ao3) - natigail
Summary: Dan wanted to go to London Pride this year, but doubt and anxiety creeps up on him and he can’t make himself go. It’s okay.
third times the charm (ao3) - jestbee
Summary: Phil doesn't get sick in Japan, Dan worries anyway.
too soft for all of it (ao3) - theloveofbees
Summary: phil loves dan, and he loves dan's hair.
loosely based on phil's tweet on 26 march 2023.
We balance each other out on the seesaw of life (ao3) - natigail
Summary: Phil had dragged Dan to Isle of Man after his return home from tour. The sea air would do him good (even if it gave him hobbit hair) and he could be surrounded by Phil's family (who were his family too). He hadn’t actively planned to drag him onto a seesaw on a playground but it turned out to be a precious moment all the same.
would it be okay if i came home to you: part 2 (ao3) - danhoweiis
Summary: dan comes home after the final tour date
you can see it with the lights out (ao3) - calvinahobbes
Summary: Somehow it’s taken Dan until he got to Japan, but here it’s caught up with him, hit him like a freight train. Phil keeps laughing at him, showing him pictures on his phone of Dan’s face softened by it, posture loosened by it.
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abellinthecupboard · 10 months
We Left at Dusk
That was the first time I got a haircut, laid still against the porch as my mother slammed a knife down the middle the way she prepared meat. When crossing an ocean, she explained, leave anything too heavy. That included hair, family photos, the rugs my grandmother wove parts of her eyebrows into. In another memory, I was seven. I scooped fistfuls of afternoon, sparklers licking the cold crunch of November air. My sister and I posed before the faded film posters, modeled ourselves into good girls anyone would want to take home. Growing up, we both wanted to be actresses. Now, mother tells us to hide in the back of the van and help her count our inheritance in jewelry. Instead, I look outside at the black roads windmilling past, dissecting each pair of eyes that meet us and rehearse their scowl- smeared faces. Before we sold the TV, I remember an interview where a lady in a black dress said that actresses must be able to hide anything, even themselves. My mother weeps at how the next city over, we’ll be another headline splashed across the back page of the news. I asked her why being famous wasn’t a good thing. The car hobbled over a pothole, my stomach sloshing into my throat. I dreamed I wasn’t seasick. In my hands: an Emmy. My face lighter than her gold-coppered wings. At center stage, the camera beams so bright it lets me be anything, even loved. Everyone on TV is clapping, this admiration rare as a wound. The only girls on TV that looked like me were wrapped in a dark shade of dusk, their faces shawled with neglect. The orange filters from Mexican movies staining our cheekbones, only more dark, more dangerous. If I could paint my lips with honey, play the role of the main girl collecting prayers in the train station, maybe I would never find us here: my mother crying at the airport terminal as businessmen flock past, a knot of my hacked-off hair in the recycling bin ten-thousand miles behind us.
— Heather Qin, featured in Diode Poetry Volume 16 #1 (source)
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lake-archive · 5 months
Track 3 - My Relationship
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Content Warning!
Gender Dysphoria
If this makes you uncomfortable, I advise you to skip this one.
AO3 Link
Fandom: Hypnosis Mic
Characters: Ann Wolff (OC), Unnamed male character
Synposis: A date with her boyfriend is usually fun. Or so she likes to say… Either way, she brings up something to him, that she starts to feel uncomfortable and seeks his advice but…
Track 2 - Track List - Track 4
Going out with your boyfriend… A date. That is how someone calls going out with your significant other, isn't it? That is what this is. And dates are a bonding experience, usually meant to be fun. So it is only natural to say that she is having fun. Of course Ann has fun on a date with her boyfriend. The guy himself did not look like anything special. In fact the only thing standing out about him was his slim build. Her father would say that this guy needs to eat and train more to build some muscle. He looks like a twink. Other than that… The average looking guy – Raven hair with the usual short haircut, a common eye color and a pair of glasses. There is nothing outstanding about him, really. But that’s ok. Ann has known him for two years. He is fun to be around! That is how this is supposed to go after all, right? Yes, that is how this is supposed to be and how it will be. And it will always be that way… 
Enough about that! Let’s talk about this fun date instead! It has been fun so far at least. Both Ann and her boyfriend were busy the entire day already. It had started in the early afternoon, both going to one place to the next. They usually decided on the spot, whatever was open and nearby. This included visiting local attractions or going somewhere fun, like the bowling center. In fact, the two of them had spent most of their dates going bowling. It was what the two usually did for fun while bonding. Sometimes they would also do it in a group, including couple matches. Not today though, today it had just been the two of them.
And they were having fun, watching the other bowl, waiting for something funny to happen. They even talked about all sorts of things, it never got boring. Or so anyone would say. Anyone should say it even, probably. The mood was so relaxed even that it had slipped out of Ann’s mouth from one moment to the next. The two had just been cracking jokes honestly and talking about light hearted things. Maybe she had felt a little too secure in this situation. Maybe she actually believed at that time to have been taken seriously. Maybe she was just in the mindset where she wanted to say something about it. After all, it had plagued her thoughts for some time now.
So, after throwing the bowling ball down the lane full force and making it smash the pins away she turned back to her boyfriend, suddenly asking: “Hey. Would you still love me if I wasn’t a woman anymore?”
His face all of a sudden was something she had expected. After all, who would not be surprised hearing that? And it came out of nowhere, so she was giving him the benefit of a doubt here. “Like what? You being a guy?” He asked.
“Ah— I didn’t mean—” She was about to respond but… Being a guy… It would mean no longer being stuck in some obligations. Right? “Well, for example.”
“For example?” He only asked, raising an eyebrow in disbelief. Yet she only nodded. From one moment to the next however he suddenly laughed, leaning back onto the couch and waving her off with his hand. “No way! I’m not into guys and you know that! I would’ve never asked you out if you were!”
Hearing that… Honestly, it was that laugh which may as well have cut her deep. It was painful, to say the least. Her chest felt heavy all of a sudden. But she decided to ignore it, not thinking much of it. “R… Right…”
He was then looking over at her, looking the brunette up and down in the pink dress she was wearing today, specifically picked out for the date. A cute, frilly dress with long sleeves. And he smirked at the sight. He always did once in a while, looking her up and down like this. And she never knew how to feel about it. Though she was told that she is supposed to like it… 
“And you ain’t, so there’s that. You’re my cute girl!” He continued, sounding lighthearted yet dismissive all the same. “Where’s that coming from all of a sudden anyway?”
“W… Well…” She was stuttering, unsure if she should say. She hesitated for a moment yet swallowed. It’s her boyfriend. Surely, when she explains her situation more, he should understand… Right? He will listen and understand, won’t he? He’s just not attracted to guys, that’s all. And she isn’t one. At least that is not how she feels… Uh… It’s hard to put into words. But she has to try! “You know… I’m feeling weird recently.”
“Weird? Whaddya mean?” And yet, he leaned more against the couch, arms wide spread on it. It bothered her yet she dared not to say. She had to tell him what is on her mind after all!
“I… Uh… I never told this to anyone before but… I don’t like this.”
“Uh… Being called a woman and what comes with it.”
This had his attention all of a sudden, his face going from relaxed to forming into a grimace, almost disgust. At least there was some annoyance she had spotted. “Go on…”
“I don’t want to be called a guy either!” She continued. “Uh… I’d not mind but… I just… I don’t like having expectations laid out for me because I am a woman you know. In fact, it could also be said with guys? I mean, the set of expectations feels wrong to me! I just… Erm…” And yet she is tripping over her own words. It sounded so weird to explain but she had to say something, put it in a way easy to understand. After all, she felt as if she was losing her breath here, as if something was choking her all her life.
Ann had felt like this for some time. Sure, she is executing the expectations yet has never understood them, why she had to do any of this. Why? Because of her body? She is shoved into a corner because of that? If she acted only slightly different, that would be it after all. She had experienced this before and thus swore to herself to never slip up like this again. She was made fun of for preferring games over playing house. Or when she picked out an action figure over the pretty doll. That doesn’t mean she never enjoyed more emotional stuff either, she did. Small stuff like that. She likes whatever she likes. And while it is not everything, it had been a sign ever since.
She didn’t want to be part of the girl groups who gossip all day long and wear make up. She didn’t want to keep up with the latest fashion. She didn’t want to be seen as meek and fragile. At the same time she didn’t really want to be seen as a strong hunk either, the thought was not for her. All she knew was that it beat whatever she is wearing now… It’s hard to put into words but… She wanted others to see her as Ann. But she didn’t know if even that explanation made sense. It’s complicated. It’s hard for her to explain. But it is how she feels and has felt for some time… She just brushes it aside usually because it’s not normal, or so she had been taught. But she can’t help it all the same.
And yet, she was interrupted. And that sentence made her wish to have never opened her mouth. Just when she grabbed the next bowling ball to hold it in her hands. “This? Yeesh Ann, don’t tell me you’re believing this nonsense too.”
It made her drop the bowling ball onto the ground, a loud thud echoing. It was so close to her own feet yet luckily did not hit her. Instead she was only staring at her boyfriend who had an expression of utter annoyance mixed with clear disgust. It was as if he had punched her in the guts. Her stomach twisted slightly hearing that. It was just… Just…
“You're just following an online trend. You're a woman.” He added, eyeing her yet again, once more up and down with his gaze. Yet this time he even talked while looking. “Your boobs are saying it all. And last time I checked beneath that dress… Well, you know. You're a woman, end of story.”
Him pointing it out so bluntly… She held back yet she was so close to running to the bathroom. His eyes were something she could not bear looking at. She wanted to turn away at this moment, out of his sight and curse this body yet again, as she always did. And yet… She didn’t. Despite her stomach hurting, despite feeling as if she had just been shot, despite her head close to hurting… She just stood there and took it.
She tried to tell herself that he was right. Of course, he has to be. He grew up first, before her, he has been an adult for a longer time than her. He has to know better, right? That’s the only plausible conclusion. So… She is best off if she listens to him. Yeah, this is just silly talk. There is no way after all… What is she thinking? She is a woman, clearly. No arguing about that.
“You’re right. Sorry…” Ann said at the time before following it up with a weak smile. “It was just a random thought, nothing more. I shouldn’t listen to everything I read.” But that was probably a lie. She had lied to him… For a reason. Because even if her words agreed… Why was her stomach still hurting? The pain was not going away. His words hurt her, they cut deeply… And it would stay like this for the rest of the day.
Track 2 - Track List - Track 4
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that-fandom-writer · 1 year
I’m gonna just keep resharing these prompts a million times lol
The Rookie March Madness OK so I have posted some of these before sure, but I am thinking that since we are gonna have to go the entire month of March without new episodes of The Rookie I figure it is up to us as a fandom to entertain ourselves and each other while we wait lol. (I have another post just for Chenford as well lol) so here are prompts, write this into stories, make videos, make gif sets, whatever your creative fandom heart desires lol. please use the tag the rookie march madness with whatever you create please!
1- Wopez date
2- Wopez wedding
3- James and Nyla date
4- Double date with James/Nyla and Wopez
5- Elijah getting caught and arrested
6- Aaron getting a love interest lol
7- Aaron and Celina playing D&D
8- Abigail and Henry’s wedding
9- Nolan and Bailey wedding
10- Jack Lopez-Evers birthday party
11- Wopez smut
12- Jealous Wopez
13- Jealous James/Nyla
14- James and Wesley watch the kids so Nyla and Angela can have a night out
15- Patrice at the station again lol (that was so fun)
16- Smitty’s reality show
17- True Crime episode on Rosalind
18- Everyone at the station have different visits to Jacksons grave
19- The POV of Wesley while Angela was kidnapped
20- Nolan’s bachelor party
21- Grey’s retirement party
22- Angela discusses her trauma from her kidnapping
23- Celina’s mom finds out she actually does patrol
24- Nolan’s brother comes back
25- Main character death
26- The birth of the new Wopez baby
27- Henry and Abigail have a baby
28- New rookie is actually a badge bunny
29- One of the kids is in danger (please let the kid be ok)
30- Nyla talks to James about UC
31- James at the community center (just more about what goes on there)
chenford march madness
This is for Chenford March Madness since we are going the entire month of March with no new episodes, this is a list of prompts for writing, making gif sets or videos, please use the # Chenford March Madness if you create anything from this list please! Trying to keep the fun in our fandom while we don’t get new episodes lol.
1- I love you
2- Lucky (for march 17th)
3- T.O. / Rookie time
4- Proposal
5- Hike with Kojo
6- Pregnancy announcement
7- Wedding
8- Smut
9- Double date with Wopez
10- Metro dude flirting with Lucy
11- New female rookie flirting with Tim
12- Lucy tells Tim about Noah (the meaning of hot pants and that Bradford)
13- One of them goes missing and the other is worried
14- Lucy tells Tim “you said you are a show me guy, show me how much you love me”
15- Another baseball practice
16- Anniversary Celebration
17- Family Vacation outside of LA
18- Chaperoning kids’ field trip to aquariam/ museum/ historical site (with all the correct details)
19- New pet after Kojo dies
20- Kid has a temper tantrum
21- Tim catches his daughter making out with a boy in her room- how is she punished (she tries to manipulate him in response to get her way)
22- Lucy asks X to walk her down the aisle
23- Tim meets his first grandbaby
24- Vampire/werewolves or witches au
25- Tim taking his son for his first haircut
26- Tim’s motorcycle (Tim in leather pants must be included)
27- Magician Tim and Lucy
28- Tim and Lucy visit your favorite place
29- Getting hotdogs at Pinks
30- Date night at the LA Forever Cemetery for a classic movie
31- Accidently eloping in Vegas/ Reno/ Atlantic city
32- White elephant Christmas party
33- Tim needs Glasses
34- Genny gets married
35- Prom stories
36- Tim in basic training
37- Couples Halloween
38- 4th of July picnic
39- Tim tells their grandkids about the first and second date
40- Morning after their first time
41- Talking about the fake proposal to Ashley
42- Discussing why they dated Ashley and Chris
43- “I’ve never been in love”
44- I’m not your type Tim
45- Birthdays
46- kids pranking Tim and Lucy
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