#haikyu yahaba
👑Being Seijoh’s Manager 👑
Having a crush on Yahaba Shigeru
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Yahaba Shigeru fearing Seijoh x GN! Reader
Warnings: mostly fluff, possessive Yahaba, light Iwaizumi type swearing, Oikawas presence
A/N: I had a thought. This is that thought.
Oof YN 😅
This boy is a little bit of a self absorbed one
But you know what, that’s ok because we all are
He’s an ESFP (like mwah) and I can confirm that, deep down, we are very caring and passionate about the people we admire
Such is the case with Yahaba
Literally the definition of “I don’t care but I really do care you just don’t see it”
*enter YN* 🙌🏻 our magnificent, wonderful and amazing manager 🥰
The team honestly adore you and I do not blame them on bit
You are extremely competent and hardworking, you make practice fun and make all the boys work their hardest
You’re in your second year along with Watari, Yahaba and Kyotani
But of course, you have to deal with your wonderful 🙄 upperclassmen
*cough* OIKAWA *cough*
Now you respect your upperclassman
Let me rephrase that, you respect Iwaizumi, Hanamaki and Matsukawa and sure you’ve noticed how cute they are
But your type was definitely someone else on the team 👀
You see, you’ve had a crush on Yahaba for a while now, since first year really
You always thought he was cute and fun to be around, his drive for school and his favorite support really encouraged you to try your hardest
But you see, Yahaba seemed to never really pay much attention to you
Sure he was nice and sweet but he kind of just, well co-existed with you
It honestly broke your heart a little 🥺
You’d see how he’d act around other managers, saying how cute they were but he never gave you that same energy back
It was always “thanks Yn” or “hey Yn can you do this for me?”
But you see 👀 my precious Angel, that was merely a front to hide our dear Yahaba’s true feelings for you
At first, he was conflicted
You had always been a little shy but sweet, never really making waves or doing anything to rock the boat
His teammates fawned over you and boy did it annoy him 😅
But at the same time, he was in denial of his feelings for you
He just thought he liked you simply because you were cute, funny, kind, amazingly generous, sweet, etc.
It definitely wasn’t because he liked you in any other way, definitely not-
Sure hunny, keep telling yourself that 😏
He watched you intensely as you interacted with his team, avoiding your gaze when your attention turned to him
However there was a certain someone who noticed all of this
One of our favorites, Kyotani 🥰
While he doesn’t particularly like Yahaba, he does have a soft spot for our sweet manager
He sees how you look at Yahaba, how your mood changes when he talks to you and how you deflate when he ignores you
It honestly annoys him how desperate you seem sometimes, so he decides to take action
One day at practice, he walks up to you and says “YN why don’t you tell that idiot how you feel?”
You 👉🏻👁️👄👁️ huh?
“Come on YN, we can all see how much you like him, just to confess,” he says, rolling his eyes
You 👉🏻👀 no idea what you’re talking about-
“Do you want me to tell Oikawa?” He prodded
You 👉🏻😐😳
“Kentaro, please don’t! I know I should confess but he doesn’t like me in that way and I don’t want to get rejected. It will crush me,” you say in return
Kyotani doesn’t probe you any further but he still isn’t satisfied with that answer
So he decides to move onto the main source of the problem
“Yahaba!” He shouts as he walks into the club room
The room goes silent because these idiots are all so nosy
Iwaizumi is on guard because like, it’s Kyotani
He’s on his way to break up the impending fight when Kyotani says something…
“Do you like Yn or not?” He bluntly says as Iwaizumi stops
Mattsun and Makki have their shirts half way over their heads
Watari is just stops and listens 👂
Kunimi and Kindaichi are slowly putting on their knee pads
Yahaba just stands there, eyes narrowing on Kyotani
“Pppffttt, of course I don’t like Yn. At least, not in a romantic way,” he says, turning his nose up at kyotani and adjusting his shirt
Sure bby, keep lying to yourself 🙃
Kyotani 👉🏻😐😑
“Ok then you won’t care if I ask Yn out then?” He says as he turns to walk to his locker
Yahaba 👉🏻😃 whet-
Suddenly the air has become a little more tense
But then it’s ruined when Oikawa enters the chat…
“Hello to my favorite team!” He rejoices as everyone turns to glare at him
“SHITTYKAWA SHUT UP!” Iwaizumi yells as a volleyball is belted in the setters directions
Oikawa 👉🏻😁 🏐💨 = 💀
“Iwa-Chan I just wanted to greet my team!!” He cries as everyone continues to ignore him
“What do you mean you are going to ask Yn out?” Yahaba cuts off Oikawa’s whines
Oikawa now 👉🏻 🤕 😐😳 say what-
“I mean, if you don’t like Yn, then I’m going to ask them out because why shouldn’t I? It’s not like it’s going to interfere with the team,” Kyotani shrugs as Yahaba continues to stare daggers in the back of his skull
Oof Yahaba is big M A D now
“You don’t even like Yn like that, why would you ask them on a date?” He says, coming up next to Kyotani
The rest of the team is all like 👉🏻👀 🍿🍵
“What’s it matter to you always? You don’t like Yn like that remember?” kyotani says, slamming his locker and walking to the gym
Yahaba is seething with anger as he balls his fist and continues to get ready
I’m standing by this fact, all the Seijoh boys are hella possessive
Like literally you do not encroach on what’s theirs
And while Yahaba might THINK he doesn’t like you in that way, he’s starting to feel like maybe he does
At practice, he watches your every move
He tenses every time he see Kyotani looking at you or even coming close to your space
He gets bothered when the other guys do it too but Kyo is the one that really sets him over the edge
During a practice match, Yahaba is up to serve and is slamming them straight into the other teams court
“Dang man, that’s your third service ace,” Mattsun says as he watches Yahaba look between you and the court
His eyes fixate on Kyotani who is on the other side as he slams yet another serve
You watch in awe, clapping and cheering when Yahaba lands yet another serve ace
“Shigeru you are killing it!” You scream as Yahaba looks over at your beaming face
That’s it, he definitely has to do something
So when the match ends and he’s picking up, he notices Kyotani approaching you again
Oh heck no 😡
“Hey!” Yahaba shouts as you immediately turn to face him, “I told you to back off YN!”
You 👉🏻 🧍😳😲 what???
Kyotani 👉🏻😒
Yahaba 👉🏻😠😳
Seijoh 👉🏻🫣
Oikawa 👉🏻 probably laying on the floor with a concussion
“YN don’t listen to him! He’s just trying to ask you out because he knows I like you,” Yahaba says as you continue to stare
“Actually I was just asking Yn for a towel,” Kyotani 🙃
“You like me Shigeru?” You ask 🥹
“Uhh yeah I guess I do,” he says rubbing the back of his neck
You get so excited that you fling yourself into his arms, hugging him so tight
“I like to you too,” you say as Yahaba settles and hugs you back
The team is all smiling and fawning over their sweet bbys
Until someone ruins it 🙄
“Now make sure you treat our little Yn-chan well Yahaba,” Oikawa interrupts
Yahaba just glares at Oikawa as you roll your eyes
Iwaizumi is all like, “just say the word” 🏐 💨
“Oikawa I’m sure Shigeru will treat me just fine,” you say as Yahaba squeezes your waist
“You should probably call me by my first name too Yn, we don’t want to show any favoritism now so we?” oikawa grins
You 👉🏻 😐 Iwa
Iwaizumi 👉🏻 say less 😈
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madokackerman · 7 months
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Chibi Aoba Johsai 😻
(From the game touch the dream)
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revols-headcanons · 2 years
weirdly specific aoba johsei headcanons
oikawa is a younger brother, but specifically in the way that his sister is like 7 years older than him (and she went to college), so he’s been raised as an only child (aka with his own room and bathroom, and no one else bothering him) since he was like 11.
iwaizumi is half filipino on his mothers side and he visits the philippines a couple times a year to see his cousins. he takes photos whenever he goes and makes sure he has photos of his cousins flipping off the camera to show oikawa.
hanamaki can play the flute, can ride a motorcycle, and can surf but can barely do basic math and confuses his left and right sides. he says he’s “focusing on real life skills” but that’s code for “i only remember what i want to know.”
matsukawa’s the only third year with a license, and he only has it because— since his parents were too busy working to provide for the family— he had to get it quick so he could drive his two younger siblings to places. he drives all the third years everywhere and pretends to hate it.
yahaba has a condition where his hair is naturally white, but he dyes it brown to fit in. he also started keeping it brown when he started admiring oikawa, and even started copying his skin and hair routines.
kyoutani has two pet dogs— one he found starving on the street and helped heal, and the other he found in a pound missing a limb— and he would die for them. most of the time when he’s skipping school, it’s for his dogs (or working a less than legal job to support them) but he’d rather die than admit that, so he keeps up the bastard persona(?) for it.
watari is the only person besides oikawa who has rizz, but he doesn’t even want it. watari has lots of girls flirting with him but he doesn’t want a relationship. he constantly brags to the third and second years about it and how he doesn’t even have to try.
kindaichi lives with his single mother and they are barely getting by. he’s a mommy’s boy but in a “i’ll literally die for my overworked, exhausted mother.” makki and mattsun noticed how he wouldn’t bring lunches, so they would be like “it’s so annoying how my mom packed me an extra sandwich. you can have it” or “the vending machine glitched and it gave me two bags of chips, you want it?”
kunimi has an incredibly strict schedule for sleeping and cannot sleep for more than half an hour without having an eye mask, tea, and either lofi music or asmr playing through his headphones. team sleepovers are hell for him because he gets constant (joking) shit about it.
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thiassin · 3 months
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hoeforinarizaki · 2 years
Type: Scenario
Aoba Johsai x Dying!Fem!Reader (Whole Team)
Summary: Staying always by their side, the team had learned to always be by yours as well. But as days go by, sometimes even the best things in life haave to go very soon. Or so it is.
Warnings: Cursing, Death, Angst To Fluff, Ghosts
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You sat, expressionless on the bench. Face leaning upwars to the sky, you enjoyed the calm peace the stars in the tranquil night had provided. Focusing quietly, your eyes darted around to look for the brightest one– you had always did that every single time you went stargazing.
"How beautiful." You mutter, as your eyes reflected the clear galaxy right above. Right it was. "Not as beautiful as you." Another voice comes along, and your head smoothly turns around to look at the culprit. Ah, of course. It's your team. Never once had they separated when they were around you. It was pretty obvious, but still sweet how they really just want to hang out with you. To be very honest...it was cute.
With a small smile twitching onto your mouth, you looked away. "Is that so..." Seems practice already ended. You just sat at the back of the gym, around the grassy hill at the back of the school. You enjoyed it since it was quiet, and no one was to bother. Standing up, Iwaizumi offers you a hand. You accept.
Times like these were so nice– always wanting things to stay this way with all those you loved, it just had you a good feeling. It is indeed the best though, isn't it? To feel so loved and accomplished. Every single minute that passed, you cherished them as much as they did with you. Hell, Seijoh loved you. Some confessed, but you never gave back an answer.
And the reason why...had come, during that day.
"Liar. Fucking liar." Oikawa stressfully states, his tears already theatening to spill out of his glistening eyes. The sound of a dangerous slow heart monitor was in tow, everyone else in the team standing right beside the hospital bed. So why didn't you even tell them? When you promised to always say what was on your mind? Did you not trust them enough?
You struggled to move, and yet smiled ever so softly as the captain began to cry. Yes...this was fine. Maybe you can't be happy anymore because this is happening– they still have a long life ahead of them and they can be the ones carrying out that happiness instead.
With a shakened sigh, you try your best to move you head to look at them all. "You knew it, didn't you...Kindaichi? Kunimi?" Knowing that they saw you collapse that day at school right before lunch. The horror visible to their faces, you could never forget that. Kindaichi's hands balled into fists.
"Why didn't you say anything?!" He shouts, and Kunimi grips his sshoulder to stop him from going even further. But the moment itself had already felt too heated. "Sorry...i guess it's just by bad luck huh?" You giggle. You always smiled. No matter how bad it all was, you always kept an optimistic attitude.
Is that why they're so drawn to you? And even so now, they're so awetruck on how you kept happy even though you're probably on the verge of death? "I don't understand you.." Kindaichi's voice cracks, and he backs off. The four third years were the only ones tearing up which was ironic, but the others had already been full on sobbing their hearts out. Why– why did it have to be you of all people? Their sweet, precious manager.
"Well..." You spoke, earning their attention. "I'm actually very sad right now. But what can i do about it? It's already happening, so i might as just smile to ease the pain a little." Softly speaking, you were slowly closing your eyes. Yahaba kept holding onto your hands as if it were the most important thing in the world, squeezing it tight not wanting you to have your rest just yet.
"No...i don't want you to leave." Watari mumbles, gripping his uniform pants tight. He was already crying, so nothing else really mattered anymore. It was all...just you. The fact you're dying right now and nothing could be done about it, hurt so much. "Please...don't take my sunshine away." Sobbing, Kunimi whispers to himself.
Time was moving forwards, there was no more going back now. Your breathing became more shallow, and this was not gone unnoticed by your friends. "(Y/N)." Hanamaki held onto the foot of the bed, not wanting to accept. No, no. Please don't–
With the weakest smile you could manage, your hand goes up to slowly caress Yahaba's tear stained face. Upon the action, he had began to cry even harder because of your weak stature. "Hey, i want you to do me..a favor. J-Just.." Your voice croaks, finally giving up the smile you had once had. "Since now i can't see you guys go to nationals...i want you to keep living until the day we must reunite with each other. Okay?" You began to slowen...
"Wait..(Y/N), don't leave..." Matsukawa mutters, barely looking at you at this point. His eyes were drooping down, not wanting to look at the you he had once known. Your voice kept replaying in their heads, not once faltering. Right. And yet, once the day comes they get to see you again, it'll take so long...
...So i guess now, it's time let go. Hysterical crying and begging could be heard inside the hospital that night. Even the nurses or the doctor themselves managed to pull those boys away from your body. The moment the next day came, they went home reluctantly as well. No one...felt motivated anymore.
What was volleyball again? Oh right, the sport they pursue. Every day at practice, they could barely even focus right while playing. Missing serves, bumping into each other, not having enough energy to save the ball...just everything. Oikawa felt the worst for not knowing your condition earlier. Why didn't his dumb brain realize you were suffering? Why did he not do anything before you collapsed that day..?!
Because of their unwilling selves, they were easily beaten by Karasuno and lost the privilege of being in nationals. Well then, guess this is how it ends. Sometimes things really don't go the way you want them to, really. It may be painful, but then again, no one can predict the future anyway.
The third years cried every night, chanting your name over and over and not a single day was even spared from their mourning. The second years were barely almost passing their exams due to pressure of your death. The first years? They never once stopped visiting your grave at all.
There was despair in their hearts, complete drowned in the sea of guilty and sadness. Was there hope? Maybe, but even if there was the chance of seeing you with them again was low as hell. So maybe that's why...
Maybe that's why they were so happy to see you again.
Now it was your time to cry. Surprisingly, almost more than 50 years later they came to you looking like they always did when you watched over them as close as you could be. Older, dashing and handsome men that you used to manage over. "Finally...reunited huh?" Caressing your cheek, Iwaizumi couldn't believe it. As they always say, your younger self will alway live on with you deep inside your heart. Even after death, comes eternal peace and wished youth.
"You still look like the (Y/N) we know." Matsukawa jokes, and you could only laugh by the intense happiness you genuinely felt. Now it was finally time for a genuine smile again. Rushing forward to group hug your favorite team, your arms were pulled and your feet almost tripped if it wasn't for Kentarō supporting your hips. Your face was flushed.
"What–?" Before you asked, a soft pairs of lips had taken your own, much to the dismay of the others. So soft...and it felt nice though it was slightly awkward. You guessed it to be Yahaba. Pulling back, Kentarō bonks him over the head. "I can't hold it back okay i missed her!" The brown haired boy argues.
Despite the time cut short, it was so much nicer to not be alone during the times you needed more them most. Guess sad endings didn't exist after all. Evem at the end of the day, after all the stress and tears shed, night will always come and give you the rest you always needed. And to reunite with your loved ones, was definitely a very good thing after all.
Looking around in boredom, you walked the streets of Tokyo as you always did when you wanted to see something fun. Yawning, you even wondered why being transparent and dead was cool. Nobody saw you so could try making pranks, but then you forgot you were basically gonna go through everything except your own supernatural friends.
"Hey, girlie!" Oikawa jumps to your side, almost scaring you shitless once you heard him. Sighing, you look at him with the most annoyed expression you could make. "What?" "Since we are technically ghosts now and nobody can see us, how about we have a little fun~?" "STOP IT ALREADY TOORU–"
Right in the distance, the boys prayed for their captain. "Damn, he got called by his first name. F in the chat guys." Hanamaki dramatically claps his hands. Watari snorts. "Poor guy indeed."
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theheightofdishonor · 6 months
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Futakuchi, Yahaba, and Shirabu would hate each other's guts but imagine if they ever teamed up? I imagine that the likes of Goshiki would be totally eviscerated.
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yaku-paisen · 2 years
That last one seriously fascinates me. I wish we'd gotten more interaction between them in canon!! Is his concern "Being Oikawa's successor is tough" because of Oikawa specifically? Or is he worried about being a leader in general? Does Oiks mentor him because he doesn't perceive him as a threat, unlike Kageyama? What kind of lessons does Yahaba take from his captain? What does his anger look like when he's with his senpai? Is it more simmery or does he still have his outbursts?
And what is he like as a senpai himself?! Does he silently scare the life out of his kohai even when he's chillin? So so so much to think about...Shigeru...Yahaba...
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bartyssimp-riley-16 · 3 months
Haikyu!! characters as SKZ lyrics~
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Hinata, Daichi , Takeda, Kita, Noya, Tendou, Goshiki, Aone, Yams, Suga, Asahi, Kinoshita, Yachi, kindaichi, Lev, Yamamoto, inuoka, Yuki, Kanji, komori<3
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Osamu, Sakusa, Tanaka , Oikawa, Atsumu, Ushijima, Kageyama, Ennoshita, Kiyoko, watari, Kuroo, Yahaba, Bokuto, hoshiumi, saeko<3
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Ukai jr, Iwa, Suna, Semi, Makki, Mattsun, Tsukki, Narita, kunimi, Kyotani, Kenma, Yaku, fukunaga, Kai, Kenji, Akaashi, shirabu, Aran, Terushima<3
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more bullshit ideas
Be More Chill the musical but make it haikyu
Jeremy Heere - Lev Haiba
Michael Mell - Eita Semi
Christine Caniglia - Shigeru Yahaba
Rich Goranski - Yūki Shibayama
Jake Dillinger - Yūji Terushima
Chloe Valentine - Kazuhito Narita
Brooke - Hisashi Kinoshita
Jenna Rolan - Chikara Ennoshita
Mr. Heere - Kōtarō Bokuto
The SQUIP - Ryūnosuke Tanaka
Mr. Reyes - Kanji Koganegawa
imagine being nekoma ,going to this musical and seeing your cute, sweet libero dish out insults like its nothing meanwhile the other first year is just saying shit like I'm not that tall like Lev your 6,3 yaku is coming for your ass
being seijoh , going to a musical and see your yahaba act like the most awkard person on earth.
sugawara actually bouncing up and down during rich set a fire, pitiful children, be more chill parts 1&2
Akaashi was officially done with life when bokuto came on stage
Being date tech and seeing their usually cheerful setter just be done with life
BONUS: on day two of the week long nightly proformance semi was occupied and ushijima was the understudy
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gentlemenslotus · 2 months
[the camp]event special athletes in Haikyu!! touch the dream app
These tweets are written in Japanese but just watch the official arts and videos.
If you could like or retweet the original tweet that would be much appreciated.
from @haikyu_haidori (JP) @haikyu_haidream (KR)
[the camp]Yahaba-kun
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[the camp]Komori-kun
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[the camp]Aone-kun
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[the camp]Bokuto-kun
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[the camp]Kuroo-kun
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lele-11 · 1 year
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Haikyu!! Memes
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Hinata 1
Hinata 2
Hinata 3
Kageyama 1
Kageyama 2
Kageyama 3
Tsukishima 1
Tsukishima 2
Tsukishima 3
Yamaguchi 1
Yamaguchi 2
Yamaguchi 3
Sugawara 1
Sugawara 2
Sugawara 3
Daichi 1
Daichi 2
Asahi 1
Oikawa 1
Oikawa 2
Oikawa 3
Oikawa 4
Oikawa 5
Oikawa 6
Oikawa 7
Yahaba 1
Kenma 1
Kenma 2
Kuroo 1
Akaashi 1
Bokuto 1
Shirabu 1
Atsumu 1
Haikyuu Masterlist
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Yahaba is definitely an underrated character, there I said it 😌
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madokackerman · 7 months
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Happy Birthday Shigeru 💖
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revols-headcanons · 2 years
aoba johsai pet headcanons
oikawa literally begged his parents for a pet bird when he was in middle school, even though he’s rarely home to take care of it (his parents take care of it). the bird is called tweety and oikawa’s private snapchat story (tooru’s hoes; has all of aoba johsei’s team and many of his volleyball rivals) has tons of videos of him making fake retro/beatboxing/2016 youtube channel intro noises while spinning his phone around his bird. the birds like “…🧍🐥🐦🦜 what is this giant creature doing.”
iwaizumi had a bulldog who he defends with the world. the dog will literally try to eat oikawa, forcing that poor man to climb a tree while screaming, and iwaizumi will be like “oh he don’t bite. he’s chill don’t worry.” the worst part is that the bulldog loves everyone else on the team but hates oikawa. oikawa uses it as a sign that either he’s too sexy for every being on the planet that the universe sent him a mere pet in spite of him or that aliens are real and sent this demon dog as a way to lure him away.
matsukawa has three pet fish; one for himself and the other two for his siblings. their names are, respectively; titty, princess sparkles, and sharknado. he’s disappointed that his siblings didn’t get the memo. he often spends his time wrestling with iwaizumi’s dog because of this. whenever the others brag about their adorable pets, he says ‘well at least i have a clean car that I can drive’ to shut them up. iwaizumi and hanamaki always respond with ‘well fair enough’ while oikawa glitches out of existence like ‘we- you can’t just- that’s not fai- i have volleyball!’
hanamaki has an orange cat that never gives him a break. the cat will hide inside the couch until hanamaki’s mid-breakdown searching for it while thinking it died or ran away. the cat has purposely shat on his laptop multiple times. his teachers are tired of the excuse ‘my cat destroyed my homework/laptop, so I didn’t finish the work’ but it’s always true. the cat has also clawed up $200 shoes before. hanamaki’s private snapchat story (‘satan’s furry little shitbag’) where it’s just him recording what his cat has done with the caption of ‘orange cat tings’ or ‘bruh ur scaring da hoes’ or something similar.
kyoutani has two dogs (as previously mentioned), and they’re both the sweetest pets in the world. he unexpectedly gets hit on a lot because he looks less threatening with two happy dogs dragging him along, and he has to awkwardly reject people while trying to play fetch with his dogs. multiples times he’s sat down in front of his dogs like ‘listen here guys. you are actively destroying my reputation. i need you to be mean, cold hearted, and ruthless from now on, okay?” and the dogs will just have these dumb, happy looks on their face while panting, and then lick his face. he responds by sighing and then cuddle/wrestling his dogs because they are the most important thing to him.
watari has an elaborate hamster set up for his four hamsters. it takes up a whole wall of his bedroom and there’s this whole wheel and upwards maze for them. he’s incredibly precise when he cleans the cage and feeds them. he brags about it often, and makes sure he has a hamster on his head or in his lap whenever he video calls someone. their names are turbo, milk, porkchop, and sticky. he let a random english word generator name them and then didn’t put any extra thought into it.
yahaba has that crusty white dog that’s prim and proper. he regularly washes it and feeds it, even though he’s upset that his dog started to hate him after he dyed his hair. he’s been like ‘even though my hair isn’t white, i’m still me! don’t hate me now!’ whenever he has to wash his dog. his dog also has separation anxiety so yahaba wakes up most mornings with his dogs ass in his face became the dog refuses to sleep anywhere that isn’t touching her owner (even after yahaba spent the money and put the effort into making a literally royalty passage/mini bedroom for his dog to sleep comfortably (yahaba now just throws his shoes onto it because he’s accepted that his dog will never sleep on it)).
kindaichi has no pets so he often visits this giant aquarium near his house. he’s gone so often that, more often than not, they let him in for free because they know all he’s going to do is stare at the dolphins for an hour and then try to over compensation financially for it. he’s gone so frequently that he’s been allowed to meet the dolphins in person and pet them. the dolphins adore him because his hairstyle reminds them of their fin. the employees see how sad he gets when he sits by the dolphins, so they started actively tutoring him on how to take care of them, in hopes that he’ll work a part time job there.
kunimi also has no pets, but he’s fine with that because he hates doing any form of work and also hates messes. though he does appreciate sitting in parks and watching squirrels run around because it brings him peace. he started internally naming all of them after his teammates after a while. out of the team, he favors yahabas crusty white dog the most because the dog loves attention and is fluffy, though he would never admit that out loud.
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sleepyxxhead · 1 year
here's a list of characters i'll write for! comment/dm if you see any characters you'd like me to write for missing in my list!
bold: my favs :))
*: i'll try lmao
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◦ Karasuno: Daichi Sawumara, Sugawara Koshi, Asahi Azumane, Nishinoya Yuu, Tanaka Ryunosuke, Ennoshita Chikara*, Kinoshita Hisashi*, Narita Kazuhito*, Yamaguchi Tadashi, Tsukishima Kei, Kageyama Tobio, Hinata Shoyo, Shimizu Kiyoko*, Yachi Hitoka*
◦ Nekoma: Kuroo Tetsuro, Yaku Morisuke, Kai Nobuyuki*, Kenma Kozume, Yamamoto Taketora, Fukunaga Shohei, Inuoka So, Teshiro Tamahiko*, Lev Haiba, Shibayama Yuki
◦ Aoba Johsai: Oikawa Toru, Iwaizumi Hajime, Hanamaki Takahiro, Matsukawa Issei, Yahaba Shigeru, Watari Shinji*, Kyoutani Kentaro, Kindaichi Yutaro, Kunimi Akira
◦ Date Tech: Aone Takanobu, Kaname Moniwa*, Futakuchi Kenji, Koganegawa Kanji
◦ Fukurodani: Bokuto Kotaro, Washio Tatsuki, Akaashi Keiji, Konoha Akinori*, Komi Haruki*
◦ Shiratorizawa: Ushijima Wakatoshi, Tendou Satori, Semi Eita, Shirabu Kenjiro, Goshiki Tsutomu
◦ Inarizaki: Kita Shinsuke, Omimi Ren*, Ojiro Aran, Miya Atsumu, Miya Osamu, Suna Rintarou
◦ Misc.: Terushima Yuji, Daisho Suguru, Sakusa Kiyoomi, Komori Motoya*, Hoshiumi Korai*, Hirugami Sachiro*
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Kimetsu No Yaiba (Demon Slayer):
◦ Kamaboko Squad: Kamado Tanjiro, Kamado Nezuko, Agatsuma Zenitsu, Hashibara Inosuke, Shinazugawa Genya, Tsuyuri Kanao
◦ Hashira: Himejima Gyomei, Tomioka Giyu, Kanroji Mitsuri, Iguro Obanai, Shinazugawa Sanemi, Tokito Muichiro, Uzui Tengen, Kocho Shinobu, Kocho Kanae, Rengoku Kyojuro
◦ Demons: Kokushibo, Doma, Akaza, Hantengu Clones*, Gyokko*, Gyutaro, Daki, Muzan, Enmu*
◦ Misc.: Sabito, Makomo, Lady Tamayo, Yushiro
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◦ Students: Midoriya Izuku, Bakugo Katsuki, Todoroki Shoto, Kirishima Ejiro, Kaminari Denki, Sero Hanta, Iida Tenya, Uraraka Ochaco, Ashido Mina, Yaoyurou Momo, Kyoka Jirou, Shinso Hitoshi, Tetsu Tetsu, Togata Mirio, Hado Nejire, Amajiki Tamaki
◦ Pro-Heroes: Todoroki Enji (Endeavor (ew idk)), Takami Keihgo (Hawks), Usagiyama Rumi (Mirko), Aizawa Shota, Yamada Hizashi (Present Mic), Kayama Nemuri (Midnight)
◦ Villains: Dabi, Toga, Twice, Mr. Compress*, Lady Nagant, Overhaul
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◦ Tokyo Jujutsu High: Itadori Yuuji, Fushiguro Megumi, Kugisaki Nobara, Zen'in Maki, Inumaki Toge, Okkotsu Yuta, Gojo Satoru (LMAO ALL OF THEM ARE MY FAVS <33)
◦ Kyoto Jujutsu High: Zen'in Mai, Miwa Kasumi, Kamo Noritoshi, Todo Aoi, Nishimiya Momo
◦ Curse Users: Geto Suguru, Yoshino Junpei, Fushiguro Toji (idk, he's a non-curse user but like- imma still put him here)
◦ Misc.: Nanami Kento, Sukuna, Amanai Riko
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◦ Haikyu!!: KageHina, TsukiYama, Daisuga, Asanoya, TanaKiyo, KuroKen, YakuLev, IwaOi, BokuAka, UshiTen, SakuAtsu, OsaSun(Mori), DaiMika/SuguMika
◦ Kimetsu No Yaiba: TanKana, ZenNezu, AoIno, GenMui, GiyuShino, SaneGiyu, SaneKana, ObaMitsu, SabiMako, UzuKyo
◦ BNHA: (i'm going to come back to this one day but it's 3am and i'm tired :,))
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have a nice day cutie <33
dividers by: @cafekitsune
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theirtheretheyre · 2 years
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I posted 11,111 times in 2022
That's 1,347 more posts than 2021!
2,589 posts created (23%)
8,522 posts reblogged (77%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 4,860 of my posts in 2022
#finger food from the deez nuts demon - 30 posts
#tw caps - 20 posts
#nate in its vexillology era - 19 posts
#ask to tag - 19 posts
#unreality - 18 posts
#tw periods - 16 posts
#cats for cal - 15 posts
#hot - 15 posts
#prevs - 14 posts
#oikawa - 12 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#theres a very clear line in nick’s head from ‘this girl asked me out’ to ‘her dog died’ but theres a few bits of context that you forget-
My Top Posts in 2022:
i just really like yahaba being more batshit than kyoutani bc kyoutani is more of a “all bark no bite” guy, he looks like he’ll rip you a new one but he just wants people to stop bothering him and has a really mean resting face, but his boyfriend? oh sure yahaba looks like a polite harmless boy at first, but underneath that nice exterior, hes fucking feral. he had a behavior chart in elementary school, he literally threw his boyfriend against a wall and yelled at him in the middle of a game, he says he’ll rip your throat out and he means it
130 notes - Posted May 29, 2022
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art for the haikyu!! x v.league all star special match
191 notes - Posted March 13, 2022
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302 notes - Posted May 20, 2022
do you think bokuto knew about the first time akaashi saw him and that being the reason he went to fukurodani or did he find that out when they exchanged wedding vows
356 notes - Posted November 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
consent is important and not just with adults in a sexual context! i have a lot of little cousins and neighbors, and i always ask before picking them up or hugging them! and if they dont want to be touched, i let them know its okay! one of my cousins always wants me to pick her up as soon as i see her, but usually wants to be put down after a bit, so i do. sometimes one of the neighbors only wants to do a fistbump, so we just do a fistbump. another one of my cousins is really iffy about touch, so i always ask before holding his hand or sitting down next to him, and if he says no, then i dont do it! even before they can talk, babies and toddlers can communicate about touch, and they deserve to have that respected!!!!!
419 notes - Posted June 4, 2022
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