#haikyu Drabble
ineedhaikyu · 3 months
Inspirational Drabble
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Summary: The match between Inarizaki and Karasuno is about to start! The crowd was buzzing with excitement, ready to cheer their hearts out for their favorite team. As everyone prepared themselves, one person couldn't help but torment himself. Luckily, Asahi didn't have to drown in his self-deprecating thoughts as someone became a lifeline.
Word Count: 2.8K
Warnings: Spoilers from the manga, especially chapters 248 and 249! A lot of fluff. Inspired by the picture above!
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Asahi tried his best to breathe as normal as he could. He had to stay calm, not just for his sake but for his team’s sake. All of their hard work paved their way all the way to Nationals.
Out of habit, Asahi traced the kanji of person (人) on his palm before swallowing it. It might look like a silly routine but it helped. Though for some reason, he wasn't as nervous as he usually was. They're playing against Inarizaki, one of the top favorites to win this whole thing.
Yet, here he was hoping to catch another glimpse of his opponents before the match officially started. Specifically, the girl that brought a storm of warm emotions inside his stomach. (L/N) (Y/N), Inarizaki's manager, the girl he met just yesterday but already made her way into his fast beating heart.
The eagerness to see her again began this morning when he woke up in the very shirt she gifted him. It wasn't just the fabric that kept him warm but the feelings he had for (Y/N) as well. It almost seemed to good to be true but once he replayed the conversations and read their texts from yesterday, Asahi could honestly believe that (Y/N) wasn't just his dream girl... She's the girl he wanted to be with.
But would she go for someone like him?
He hoped so and if not... Well, a guy could dream, right?
"On a different topic entirely," Suga began as everyone finished changing into their alternate uniforms. "I saw a girl carrying an Atsumu fan earlier. Is he an idol now?!"
"Actually, he pretty much is for high school volleyball. The Inarizaki team garners a different kind of popularity than Itachiyama." Coach Ukai explained. "They have a solid core of talent and a wide array of spectacular, crowd-pleaser plays. That makes them the ultimate contenders."
"We do see them getting interviewed on TV a lot too." Suga pointed out.
Asahi confirmed with a nod. "(Y/N) mentioned yesterday how they're always being interviewed by multiple reporters and journalists."
"Oh?" Suga smirked up at him. "Was this on your date yesterday?"
"N-No. We were just talking." He defended though he couldn't do anything to hide the stutter in his voice. "She even told me she once got interviewed."
"Woah, really? That's cool! I guess that's the advantage that comes with being a part of a high class powerhouse school. I mean, have you seen their cheering section? It's huge."
"And that means no one here... Not a single person in this whole crowd, thinks we have a chance."
To his and Suga's surprise, it was Daichi who voiced this sad fact. Asahi wondered if he was in an alternate dimension. Ever since last night, his friend has been wound up.
"Gah! Daichi, what's gotten into you?!" Suga shouted. "Pull it together, man!"
Asahi was just about to say something similar when he saw Daichi lips turn into a smile. His eyes gleamed with determination as he said, "Now I'm fired up!"
The two third-years sighed in relief, knowing they had nothing to worry about as their captain was back to normal.
"It's about time you snapped back to yourself, Daichi." Suga commented.
Asahi nodded in agreement. "Yeah. You've been awfully quiet since last night. Meek, even."
"H-Hey! I-I was focusing."
The moment Daichi opened the doors to the main arena everyone was blown away at the sheer intensity the crowd produced. The lights of the gym shined like mini suns above his head. The gleam of the laminated floor looked untouched, almost spotless. It was enticing, begging to be played on.
Then there was the crowd. Asahi can easily see their supporters standing behind their signature black banner, sporting their signature orange colors. It was a welcoming sight.
The warm reassuring feeling quickly left his body when he looked at Inarizaki's section. They had triple the amount of fans Karasuno had, not to mention they even had cheerleaders and a marching band. It almost made Shiratorizawa cheer section tiny in comparison.
Asahi clenched his fist tightly and took another deep breath to calm down his nerves. Though the Inarizaki's marching band wasn't helping his case at all.
Suddenly, the crowd cheered loudly and Asahi took this as a sign that their opponents have made their appearance. Which means-
(Y/N) walked next to Inarizaki's coach, looking unbothered by the amount of fans cheering for her team. The smile on her face was enough to calm his nerves from her intimidating teammates. Even from the other side of the court, his eyes met with her (E/C) ones. The connection was instant as they smiled at one another.
"Okay." DU-DUM! "Let's go." Daichi's voice could barely be heard over the marching band's drums.
So he tried again. "I said, let's-" WAAAA!!
This time it was the cheerleaders' collective cheering.
Asahi watched as Daichi grew frustrated with the crowd's interference. So much so that the captain yelled from the top of his lungs, "LET'S!! GO!!"
Official Warm-Ups
(Y/N) felt her heart lurch against her chest when she saw Asahi again. She felt a bit silly with how happy Karasuno's ace makes her, especially when they spoke to each other just a few minutes ago.
She shook those thoughts from her head. Now was not the time to daydream about Asahi.
'Focus! Your team needs you!' Thought her brain. 'Don’t get distracted!'
'But Asahi's so cute. He’s such a gentle giant.' Her heart argued. 'Omg, his biceps look amazing! Just imagine having those strong arms wrapped around you and having him lean down to kiss-'
'STOP! Now is NOT the time to think about that! At least, wait till AFTER the match is over.' Her brain tried to reason.
'Fine…' Her heart relented to her brain’s demand but it only took one more glance before crumbling once again. 'Those broad shoulders though… Asahi is literally hot guy status.'
“Yes, Coach?”
“It’s the twins' turn to warm-up and you know how superstitious they are. You know what to do, right?"
"Yes, sir."
She caught the ball with ease and made her way to where Atsumu and Osamu were waiting for her.
Ever since the Miya twins joined the club, they began a silly little routine of her tossing the ball for Atsumu to set to his brother. The first time was during the twins' first appearance playing for Inarizaki. Usually, the coach or assistant coach would do the tosses during warm-ups, but at the time they were occupied which led her to do the toss for them. Atsumu was perfect with his set and Osamu effortlessly spiked the ball. From then on, they demanded, Atsumu more than Osamu, for her to toss for them in future warm-ups, claiming she had the lucky touch.
(Y/N) smiled to herself at the memory. She didn't believe in luck but she went along with it. For two years, she tossed them the ball in each official warm-up and now that this was her last year with them... Well, they weren't going to change tradition now.
"You guys ready?" She asked them, tossing the volleyball up and down.
"Heck yeah!" Atsumu answered excitedly. He held up his hand for her to high-five. "No way are we going to lose."
(Y/N) laughed as her hand connected with his. She turned her attention on Osamu, the small pout on his lips was enough to know what was on his mind.
"The faster we win the match, the quicker we can go out to eat. I'll even treat you to dessert. How does that sound, 'Samu?"
With the promise of food, the twin straightened up and high-fived her. His eyes sparkled with joy. "Let's show these guys what Nationals is all about."
With both twins looking eager to start, (Y/N) stepped back and stood next to the net as the twins also went to their positions. Without meaning to, she looked over at Karasuno's players and internally smirked when all eyes were waiting to see the twins in action.
After counting to three, (Y/N) tossed the ball in a beautiful arch as it made its way to Atsumu's waiting hands. Not surprisingly, the ball was set perfectly for Osamu to spike strongly.
"Nice kill!" She told them, her chest swelling with pride.
"One more!" Osamu called out.
(Y/N) raised a brow and was about to ask why when she saw both twins sharing a look.
"Alright, last one!"
Tossing the ball one more time, (Y/N) watched as the twins jumped in unison and her smile grew when she witnessed Osamu displaying his setting skills for Atsumu to spike.
"Ha! Ha! Super body and soul switch time delayed spike!"
'If only they could find a better name for that move...'
Despite the move they just did wasn't a delayed spike, it still made the crowd go crazy, screaming several compliments.
After the twins waved to their fans, they made their way to her.
"How was that, (Y/N)-senpai?! It looked cool, didn't it?!" Atsumu bombarded, looking for her praise more than anything (as if the crowd's praises weren't enough for him).
"Amazing as always, Miyas!" She complimented them as she clapped both of their shoulders before making them lean down to her level. "What's your reason for doing that move?"
Atsumu looked smug while Osamu answered her. "We have to prove the other team what we're all about."
"Uh-huh..." (Y/N) raised a brow looking unconvinced with his answer. "Now give me the real reason."
The twins looked at each other and (Y/N) wondered if twin telepathy was real because a few seconds later Atsumu sighed before replying, "To intimidate that crush of yours. He kept starin' at you when you weren't lookin'. It's creepy."
Osamu lifted his head for a second before crouching back down. "He's still starin'."
"Oh my god, you guys. I appreciate you caring for me but focus on what's important, okay? Right now, in your eyes, Asahi is your opponent so just view him as that and nothing more."
And with that, (Y/N) gave the twins another pat on their shoulders before making her way to the bench. Unbeknownst to her, the twins didn't take her advice to heart. Instead, they focused on something else.
"Did ya notice how she's on a first name basis with that guy, 'Tsumu?"
The twin nodded as he placed his hands on his hips, his eyes narrowing on Karasuno's #3 from across the net. "They literally met yesterday, 'Samu! How did that samurai guy make an impression on our manager?!"
Osamu shrugged his shoulders because the answer was a mystery to him as well. "You're just jealous that (Y/N) likes him."
Atsumu whipped his head to glare at his brother. "AM NOT!"
"Are too."
"Am not!"
Osamu sighed, not wanting to continue this argument. "Whatever. We still have to beat them."
"Without question. If he can't beat us then he has no right to even talk to (Y/N)-senpai." Atsumu declared.
The twins took one more look at Karasuno's ace, making a mental note to pay special attention on the guy… and crush him.
National Spring Volleyball Tournament, Round 2
Hyogo Prefecture Rep: Inarizaki High School (3rd Appearance Straight, 31 Appearances Overall)
Miyagi Prefecture Rep: Karasuno High School (1st Appearance in 5 Years, 9th Appearance Overall)
It was time. Both teams stood on either side of the court, every member held a sense of seriousness as they tried to make themselves as imposing as possible.
At the sound of the referee's whistle, every emotion seemed to jump to another level. Asahi's hands fidgeted anxiously. Call it paranoia but he felt like he was wearing a large target. It looked like everyone wearing a black Inarizaki uniform were glaring daggers at him. He hoped it was just his imagination.
Then there was (Y/N) by the sidelines. Even from afar, he could see the excitement in her eyes. She looked so angelic with that smile of hers. He felt a wave of relief when he recalled how much support she gave him the day before.
"I’m not saying you should just get over yourself because we all have experienced some level of negative emotion in our lives, right? And it’s not as easy as turning a page in a book. Trust me I know. So believe me when I say this, it’s okay to express those feelings. Maybe one day, you’ll find solace in someone."
Asahi felt his spirits lifted when he thought about (Y/N)'s words. Solace... She didn't know it but that was what she became to him. Her words gave her comfort and alleviated all the strangling roots of anxiety that surrounded him. He smiled to himself at the memory. It was enough to fall for her all over again.
After mentally counting to three, both members of the Karasuno and Inarizaki team bowed down to each other and yelled, "Here's to a good game!"
Asahi's feet moved automatically to where the coaches were standing. His heart was still beating like crazy. His nerves were still going crazy because in a few seconds they were about to play a high caliber team that were the people's favorite to win this whole thing.
That's when Takeda-sensei came to the rescue and provided the much needed words of wisdom. Asahi listened as his head coach spoke, "You know... Two months ago, during the qualifier finals, no one thought we could beat Shiratorizawa either." A bright smile accompanied as he continued, "What say we surprise everyone again!"
"YEAH!!" They shouted in unison with Hinata and Nishinoya jumping with joy.
It was time for the announcer's to present to the crowd the starting lineup. Asahi took a deep breath as he waited for his name to be announced. Not wanting to look any more nervous that he actually is (and to hide away his fidgety hands), Asahi crossed his arms and tried to look brave.
Physically, he looked intimidating. Mentally... Well, it went something like this:
'Daichi's right. Nobody's paying any attention to us. I don't have to be nervous. Nope. Nuh-uh. I'm not nervous at all. Nobody's looking at me. That means I effectively don't even exist!'
With a furrowed brow, Asahi quickly shook his head at the thought.
'Wait, no. Now that I think about it, that was going too far. Heck, it was pretty sad!'
And of course his friends noticed how quiet he became.
"Asahi. Get over here." Daichi called, his voice full of authority and masking the slight anxiety he had. He didn't need his ace player to go down the rabbit hole before the match even started.
Suga couldn't help but laugh as he said, "I don't have to be a mind reader to know there's something laughable on your mind right now."
Daichi narrowed his eyes at Asahi. "Whatever you're thinking, stop it! That's an order!"
It was scary how frightening Daichi can get.
"I-I wasn't thinking a-anything bad." He defended through stutters. "At least... Not anymore."
Before Daichi could reprimand his ace, Suga cuts in with a slap on his shoulder and said, "Hey, don't make it obvious but (Y/N)-san has her eyes on you."
All the thoughts from a moment ago disappeared instantly at the idea of his crush paying attention to him. It gave him a new sense of motivation to play the best that he could. Volleyball was something he was good at, like really good, and (Y/N) took notice of his skills from yesterday's match. If he could impress her even more then maybe... He has a chance.
"Let's win this match and then win some more!" Asahi declared as he made his way to his assigned position. His aura was slowly but surely glowing with confidence.
Daichi and Suga sighed in relief as their ace finally looked mentally ready to play.
"Tell me the truth, Suga, was (Y/N)-san actually looking at Asahi when he wasn't looking?" Daichi asked his vice-captain.
Suga grinned. "Come on, Daichi. Just like I don't have to be a mind reader with Asahi, I don't need to be a psychic with (Y/N)-san. Those two are perfect for each other. Just you wait, a confession is going to happen in the future. Mark my words."
Daichi could only sigh at his friend's words but he didn't say anything against Suga's prediction. Even he could see the effects the pretty Inarizaki manager has on his gentle giant of an ace. He wouldn't be surprised if they kept in touch after all of this is over.
Little did anyone know, this wasn't going to be the last day for Inarizaki's manager to be a part of their lives, especially in Asahi's.
Next: Chapter Four
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mchlgayser · 1 year
✮ us against the problem ft akaashi keiji
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synopsis: Being in a three-year-old relationship with your boyfriend is never a hard task considering how collected, composed, and matured he can be.
─── ୨୧ warning: slight angst, and miscommunication
─── ୨୧ notes: I got my heart broken once again, by a different guy 💔 this pain is unbearable and to stabilize my mental, I'm doing a drabble of the loml akaashi. Question: where to find an Akaashi Keiji? Comment your ideas! ... And feedback, thank you, and happy reading xoxo.
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It was supposed to be a date, a date both you and Akaashi planned. A date to reconnect you both after weeks away from each other. It wasn't a problem for Akaashi since he's rarely going out for work but works at home instead but it was the otherwise for you, you are a flight attendant, always traveling and not home but today you supposed to be back after almost two weeks staying in London, England but a scene broke off that you had delayed your way home two days after. To make matter worse, you accidentally lost your phone at the airport during your work hours.
You've had to try calling him a few times but he wasn't picking up. After the problem was solved you didn't waste a single minute but to get home fast. You need to see your boyfriend. He might be getting worried about your whereabouts and well-being. The next wink, you entered the apartment, you could almost sense the clouded-over surroundings, the curtains is not pushed or tucked away like usual. It was dimmed. You put aside the luggage and stroll to your bedroom. The bathroom is running, so you assumed that he was bathing. You sit on the bed hitting yourself with a strong minty cologne of his. That sweet, peppermint smell hints at a tinge of his lavender-flavored shampoo.
As soon as the faucet closed, you stood up straight like you are in the military. The bathroom door slid open and his sight came into view. His half-bare and damp sight with a clean towel top his disheveled hair. He stops on his tracks, eyes moving from your feet to your face. You croak a nervous smile his way but he stood there, not saying anything.
You try to put on your acts, trying not to be so obvious by the fact that you are overwhelmed by his presence after nearly a month of not seeing each other.
'I missed you.' You said, eyes moving around the room watching him rummage through the closet to put on his shirt and short pant 'Yeah, me too.' He throws aside the towel on the bed and moves outside leaving you in utter disbelief. You try to maintain your cool despite the anger and heat building up in you. You stare at the spot he was at earlier, and pick up the towel he tossed away to go and shower, yourself.
You've had to compose your emotion, after bathing you strut your way to his on the couch 'Why are you like this? Are you fine?' You put the back of your palm to his forehead and he lets you be before he momentarily yanks his face 'I was worried, sick. I wonder where could've you been? Why haven't you answered my calls, and why you ditched me on that date? I was... Worried.' You try to reason with yourself but he cuts you off 'Do you know I was worried! And...! That date, was supposed to be our date, the one you promise to be at to spend our time together. You know, these days, it's fewer attempts from you to reconnect us again...' A hitch breath stuck on your throat, it's tight and suffocating. One more word coming from him, you are sure you'll break down in guilt.
Tears began to form in your eyes, you tilt your head back to dry the tear off and wipe the access 'I... I'm sorry... Something happened that day, when I was supposed to get back and my phone... I lost it, I try calling you a few times using co-worker's phone but you didn't pick up... I'm sorry... I'm sorry Keiji, I'm sorry that it seems like I haven't done enough these past weeks, I'm so, so sorry... I will do better-' He immediately brings an arm around you, his palm on your torso to pull you closer. The tears you fight back so greatly earlier fell like endless rain. You clutch on his shirt as you sobs from guilt and fatigue.
Once you calmed down, Akaashi push you away just a few inches to get a closer look at your face, your eyes swollen and tear-stained, your nose red and almost runny. You sniffle and groan at the same time, your nose clogged from crying and you try to unblock it with a harsh stroke of your nose. He took your balling fists, gripping them and bringing them closer to his cheek, his thumbs caressing the back of your palms and occasionally left kisses on your hand.
'My fault. I didn't hear your side of the story at first but can't help by feeling upset. That was so unlike me. I guarantee you, it'll never happen again. Sorry, Y/n.' You jump on him, hands on his neck burying your face in between his shoulder and collarbone.
'We are both at fault but partially mine if you think about it, and it's okay to show your unusual self to me. I fell in love with you who are you, not only the perfect, mature, and composed Keiji.' He fondled your back leaving featherlight kisses on your neck and down your shoulder.
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awearywritersworld · 2 years
He gets jealous
Drabble: Bokuto x Reader w/c: 608 warnings: sad lil jealous bokuto :( (before you reassure him<3) a/n: post!timeskip, gender neutral reader
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"Does this make it feel worse?" you question.
You're kneeling in front of Atsumu as he sits on the bench, having been pulled from the match. He landed awkwardly after trying to perform a jump set from a difficult angle. One of your hands rests just above his knee to keep his thigh from moving, while the other pulls his calf toward you.
He hisses in pain but tries to hide it. "Uh, maybe just a little."
"Nice try. Let's go do a few stretches and see if it helps."
You'd been an athletic trainer for MSBY long enough to know that most of the team would lie to your face if it meant getting back on the court. Your boyfriend, Bokuto, included.
In this particular instance, however, he'd have been willing to lose a bit of playing time if it meant he could take Atsumu's place. Bokuto can't possibly stay focused, not when his eyes keep trailing over to your figure. He's not really one to be possessive, he knows how much you love him! It's just that you're on your knees, sitting so pretty for Atsumu of all people, and-
His wandering mind makes him late in his approach to the next toss and it results in one of those blocks that can really crush a hitter's spirit. His despair is made worse when he notices you leading Atsumu to the open area behind the bench.
He soon learns that he hadn't known true agony, not until Atsumu is sprawled out on the floor, your body leaning over his, your hand on the back of his thigh pushing his knee to his chest.
Following the stretches, you reevaluate and decide that Atsumu can safely return to the game. It's too late though. Distressed whispers from the sideline catch your attention, something about the 'return of emo Bokuto.'
You look over only to see him moping around the court with sad eyes and sagging shoulders. It's already late in the match and Bokuto never does recover, so you pull him off to the side once it's over.
"Ko, what's the matter?" you ask, concern written all over your face.
"Nothing!" he exclaims. "In fact, I am totally chill. Cool as a cucumber-"
His mouth snaps shut when he sees the way you raise your eyebrows at him, very obviously unconvinced.
"Wanna try that again?"
"So, um, you see," he falters.
What can he even say? You were doing your job and he's not upset with you for it or anything. The rest of his response is mumbled, his eyes looking anywhere but at you. All you can make out is 'Miya' and 'hardly even fell'.
Still, it's enough for you to discern the situation. "You were jealous I was helping Atsumu stretch?"
"Well, it sounds kind of silly when you say it like that," he admits sheepishly.
The pout on his face tugs at your heart and your eyes soften.
"My sweet boy," you coo at him and reach out, letting your fingertips brush against his own. A tinge of pink appears across his features. "I might get paid to help your teammates stretch, but you're the only one who gets to return the favor."
You wink at him, standing on your tiptoes to give him a kiss on the cheek before returning to the rest of the group. He stands there for a moment with wide eyes, his face turning an even darker shade than before.
Nevertheless, it's not long until he's running to catch up, the goofy grin on his face and energetic bounce in his step reassuring you that he's back to his usual self.
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his-saiko · 2 years
Sleep - 3:23
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Tsukishima was lying next to you fast asleep while you’re watching videos on your phone. You happen to come across a very sad one and couldn’t stop your tears from falling. You only sniffed once.
You felt the bed shift and you see his large frame rise. He looked down at you with furrowed brows since he’s in the middle of waking himself up. “What’s wrong?” He asked with a groggy voice.
“I was watching someone say goodbye to their pet.” You muttered with a pout.
He clicked his tongue and flopped back down beside you. He sighed as he relaxed. He pulled you to him and pet your head. “Can’t you just sleep as well?”
You giggled as you nuzzle his chest. “I didn’t mean to worry you like that.”
He hummed. “Sleep.”
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© 2022 Alfi. Do not repost any of my work
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smh-yoon · 2 years
Ink ✰ Kuroo Tetsurou
a/n: okay so actually im doing much better than i thought after my breakup which i never told you guys about but yeah :')
genre: romance, soulmate au
pairings: tetsu x reader
warnings: none :) cursing maybe
• • • • • • •
you mumbled under you breath, letting out a sigh as you scrubbed the ink covering your wrists. he always did this. covering your skin with the most crude things in the middle of class, like it was funny.
and it might have been, if you were twelve. but no, you were a university student, and from what you knew, so was your soulmate. so you'd figure he would stop doing such childish things, wouldn't you?
once the ink was light enough to pass as unintelligible, you turned off the faucet of the school sink, wiping your arms dry with the paper towels next to the trash can. as often as you could, you avoided the cold bathrooms of the university, finding them far too unsettling to be in for more than a minute.
but of course as luck would have it, you got stuck after chemistry scrubbing obscenities off your skin.
with another heavy breath, you pushed open the door to the bathroom and hurried down the quiet hallways onto your next destination: calculus. not that calculus was particularly hard, the professor just made the content so.. boring. the old woman who taught the class was sweet, but so quiet and monotonous. you were hanging onto your grade by the edge of your seat.
a quiet whisper to your left barely caught your attention, but you paid no mind. you had no friends in this class, meaning it was probably not your business anyways.
but then there was a tap on your shoulder. you turned around, meeting the eyes of kuroo testuro. he was the biggest hotshot in your year, smart, attractive and quite popular. he was invited to every party, but he never showed up to any of them. most of all though, he was the annoying boy who was unfortunately placed in many of your classes.
he was always making jokes and laughing with his buddies. calculus was supposed to be one of your classes where you didn’t have to deal with him.
“look at that. it’s like we’re meant to be, huh?”
you narrowed your eyes, watching his pretty lips curl into a smirk. leaning back in his seat, his gaze flitted back up to the professor, going back to scribbling in his notes. letting out a breath, you turned back in your seat, trying to make it through the rest of your lecture.
as soon as the professor dismissed class, you hurried out, trying to make your way through the crowd and find the comfort of your dorm. an arm slung itself around your shoulder, drawing you into someone’s side.
you groaned, shoving kuroo away from you. “what, are you stalking me now?” he said nothing, smirking again as he stopped in place.
at this point, the two of you had made it into an isolated hallway near the back entrance of the maths building. it was the exit you took everyday. “y/n.” he called out to you, waiting for you to stop.
you turned slowly, raising a brow. if you ignored him and kept moving, you could make it to your dorm and lock him out. or to the security office where they’d tell him to leave you alone. either way it meant he would have to leave, and you’d make it to your nice bed.
a sly smirk slid onto his face, head tilted back with his hands in the pockets of his grey sweatpants. his eyes glinted, watching as you tried to avoid checking him out. “how about i ask you for a favor, hm?”
warily meeting his gaze, your eyes narrowed and you straightened your back. “go to hell, im not interested.”
as your back turned and you made your way towards the exit, kuroo’s footsteps echoed slowly behind you, sauntering slowly towards you like a wolf stalked a bunny. he just barely called out to you before you pushed the door open, sending chills up your spine.
“you’ll come back to me. you’ll see.”
❛ ━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━ ❜
you’d be damned if you ever admitted to kuroo that you needed his help. he had the highest marks in your year, practically a genius in the form of a cocky, annoying, hot boy.
it had been nearly a week since you began studying for midterms, and dread had begun to seep under your skin. every night was spent in the library, ears plugged with whatever music came on as you scribbled away in your numerous notebooks, running on two energy drinks. being a university student was no joke, you’ve learned.
a sigh left your mouth as you raised your hands above your head, stretching and shaking out your arms to rid yourself of the stiffness that came with sitting in the barely comfortable chair for hours.
“you’re going over this chapter again? i thought you had already.” you jumped, ripping out your earbuds and moving away from kuroo, leaning over the table at your side. he flashed a brief smirk, attention turning back to the mess of studying laid out in front of you. “you’re making this too complicated, try this way.”
he took the pencil from your hands, writing down the equation and solving it in a much simpler way. with furrowed brows you listened as he explained, sitting down in the chair next to you.
once he’d finished, he grabbed the textbook and wrote down a practice equation, placing it in front of you with your pencil. “here, try it. i can help you.”
as much as you hated to admit it, your heart was nearly drowning out your thoughts with how loud it was beating. kuroo was attractive, that much was true. not only was he physically attractive, he had a lot of redeeming qualities as a person. here he was helping you study, even though you’d shut him down before. you’d seen him with his friends, how supportive he was. there were deeper parts of him that you tried to ignore. there was no point in falling for him.
nearly an hour had passed at this point, and the energy drinks had begun to wear off. rubbing your eyes, you sighed, closing your textbook and throwing your pencil into your bag.
“thank you.” kuroo barely caught your mumbling, watching your tired eyes blink slowly, sliding over to meet his own gaze. your lips twisted and you averted your gaze back towards the rest of your supplies strewn across the table. this made kuroo smirk, resting his arm in front of you and leaning over you.
your gaze snapped up to meet his, eyes wide at the new proximity between the two of you. the blood rushing towards your face was making you heat up, your heart beating even louder than before.
kuroo’s dark eyes stared into yours, licking his lips slowly as you swallowed thickly.
“do i make you nervous?”
you couldn’t bring yourself to speak, gaze trailing down kuroo’s face, lingering on his lips, his jaw, his neck. how did you go from being so adamant about avoiding him, to holding your breath just sitting next to him? granted, he was provoking you.
with another sly smirk kuroo leaned back into his seat, fingers reaching out to take a pink pen from your bag with one hand and wrapping around your wrist with another. keeping eye contact with you, he slowly dragged the pen over your skin, creating a thin pink line over your palm.
just as you were about to ask what the hell he thought he was doing, he lifted his hand next to yours, an identical pink mark over his palm. suddenly, there was not enough air for you to breathe.
he quirked a brow seeing your shock, and dragged the pen over your wrist this time, as you watched the mark appear on his skin after yours.
“how did you–”
kuroo placed a kiss to your palm, over the pink line of ink. another quirk of his lips and he stood, gathering his own things and waving to you.
“you’ll always come back to me, doll. you’ll see.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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sweet-citrus-candy · 2 years
airport crush ft. lev haiba
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summary: at the airport you spot a cute silver haired boy and you absolutely must get his number! but as you walk run away you realize you forgot to ask for it :(
warnings: none! but i do sometimes add little comments in parentheses- i can’t help it lmao (also this is during high school era!)
this is another silly little fic based off a dream i had (in my dream the lady at the gate’s desk had a vision of the plane crashing but it never did thankfully)
*beep beep*
“eurgh what’s that sound? it’s so loud and annoying,” you think to yourself groggily.
fumbling your hand around with your eyes still closed, you find the source of the irritating noise. instead of opening your eyes to press one of the buttons on the phone screen, you silence the alarm by clicking the power button.
turning onto your side and adjusting the blanket, you sigh and then mutter to no one in particular, “five more minutes.”
you doze off once more until,
*beep beep*
you wake up again, but this time you begrudgingly sit up even though the comfortable bed calls to you and urges you to stay asleep.
“man, how do morning people exist??”
as you sit there wondering why in the world you would choose to get up at 8 in the morning, you realize that you have a flight today. wait a minute… you have a flight to catch?! at 8 am?! no wait- the flight is at 12 pm, so you have plenty of time. your heart calms down; no need to panic (too late for that lmao)! although getting ready 4 hours early seems ridiculous, you want to make sure there’s no chance of you missing the plane (which is some sort of phenomenon that seems to overtake dads- someone should do a study on this behavior…).
opening your phone, you read through your notifications and double check that the person dropping you off at the airport and the other person picking you up are still available. rolling out of bed and putting on cozy slippers, you trudge over to the bathroom to do your morning routine. washing your face helps you wake up, and you feel more ready for the day’s events.
when you walk back into your room, you put on the outfit you decided to wear to the airport. sweatpants and a t-shirt will be comfortable to wear during a long flight, and you make sure to have a sweatshirt as well in case the person next to you decides to blast their ac. perhaps it isn’t the most fashionable, but it doesn’t really matter as many other people also dress for comfort on long trips.
grabbing your phone, you head downstairs to the kitchen to eat breakfast. when you finish, you double check to make sure you have your ticket and passport, and that your suitcase is entirely packed. the few items that aren’t packed yet, like your toothbrush, will go into your carry-on.
your friend drives you to the airport and hugs you goodbye with promises to keep in touch until you see each other again.
inside the airport, you check in with the airline and go through security. now you have a little over two hours to explore before having to board the plane. as you ride the moving walkway, you wonder where you should go to pass the time. in the distance you see an array of stores, ranging from selling souvenirs to books and magazines. you don’t feel the need to buy any souvenirs yet, but you still want to look around. there are a lot of fun trinkets to look at and play with, and it’s always a fun game to see if any of the keychains have your name on them.
as you look at the variety of magnets to consider adding to your collection, you notice something bright red out of the corner of your eye. you turn your head, curious as to what caught your attention. the thing in question turns out to be a jacket. a sports jacket to be more specific. the back reads “nekoma”.
you wonder whether or not you have seen that name before. after pondering for a good minute, you remember seeing a section in the newspaper mentioning the school. something about a “garbage war”. or was it a “trash fight”? “dumpster battle” maybe?
sneaking another glance at the person wearing the red jacket, your jaw drops. he’s so tall! and his legs seem to go on for miles! “he must be an olympian or something” you think, amazed by his height.
you turn to look back at the magnets after admiring his tall figure when you do a double take. how did you not notice his hair the first two times you stared at him? it’s a beautiful silver color, making you wonder how you could have missed a detail like that. not a lot of people have entirely silver hair at a young age.
your staring must have made the person feel like they are being watched, because the next moment he looks up and tries to figure out who was looking at him with such intensity.
you don’t react quickly enough, resulting in your eyes meeting. you can feel your face heat up instantly, but the person only smiles and waves. not only that, he starts walking in your direction?!
“hi, my name is lev! were you looking at me?”
“uh yeah haha,” you say a bit nervously because you got caught, “i’m y/n.”
your breath is taken away as you notice his mesmerizing emerald green eyes and sharp facial features. “damn is he a model or an olympian? or both?” you mutter to yourself.
lev heard you and laughed; “neither actually! i do play volleyball at school though! i’m a first year!”
“WHAT? FIRST YEAR? NO WAY!” you exclaim. more calmly you add on, “i’m also a first year”.
“so what school do you go to? i go to nekoma high in tokyo!” lev says excitedly.
“oh, i go to ________ (any of the other schools besides nekoma),” you respond.
“no way! their volleyball team is really good! i’ll make sure to beat them though as soon as i’m nekoma’s ace!”
“woah you must be pretty good then! the only times i played volleyball was in gym class hahah. must be more fun to be on an actual team, right?”
“sure is! i’m what they call an outside hitter, or a spiker. a lot of people prefer to be called outside hitters, but i don’t mind either one. they both sound cool!”
“oh wow that position is really admirable! i would love to see it in person sometime!”
“you should definitely come to one of my games! we have one coming up pretty soon actually. i’ll send you the details as soon as i get them. here’s my numb-”
“LEV! are you in here?! come on we’ve got to go now or we’ll miss the plane!” someone calls out from the entrance of the souvenir store.
“oh shoot, that’s right! nice meeting you, but i’ve got to go! bye!” he waves smiling.
“have a safe flight!” you respond cheerfully.
remembering that you also have a flight soon, you pull out your phone to check the time. oh no, they’re going to start boarding soon! as you exit the store and run towards the gate, you realize that you didn’t get a chance to exchange numbers with lev.
there wasn’t anytime to worry about that though, since they had begun boarding the passengers. the best solution you could come up with at the moment was to just keep an eye out for any upcoming matches via the internet.
you reach the gate which luckily wasn’t too far away, and pull out your ticket and passport.
“will group c please board the plane. group c. thank you,” comes a voice on the announcement intercom.
this is your group. group a is for priority flyers such as first class whilst group b is for business class. groups c and past are for economy.
you give your ticket to the person scanning them and show them your passport. they confirm your registration and tell you to have a safe flight.
you take a seat near the back of the plane and turn your phone on airplane mode. you rummage around your carry-on looking for a book before placing your bag on the ground under your seat. you decide you’re going to read and listen to music for a bit before putting on a movie to entertain yourself during the long flight.
the flight attendants begin to make their mandatory safety announcement, so you close your book and place it beside you on the empty seat.
as they’re nearing the end of the buckle demonstration, your line of sight is interrupted by a silver blob in the seat a few rows ahead of you. you blink a few times. it’s still there. you lean forward a little to try and see what it is. wait… why does it look familiar? lev? no it couldn’t be. could it? you decide to wait until the light indicating seat belts must be worn turns off before investigating.
when you’re allowed to get up, you start moving towards the silvery blob, pretending to go to the bathroom. you can’t see the person’s face well from the angle you’re at, so you tap the person’s shoulder.
“excuse me, but-“
“oh sorry am i-“
“it’s you!” both of you say at the same time.
you didn’t recognize lev at first because he had changed out of his sports jacket and into a cozy sweatshirt.
“i can’t believe you’re on my plane! it’s like fate since we didn’t get a chance to share numbers,” he says beaming.
“yeah! i’m really surp-“
“hey kiddos, sorry to interrupt but you’re hogging the aisle,” says a sweet old man.
“oh i’m so sorry! i didn’t notice!” you respond hastily, “come sit next to me lev.”
“won’t we get in trouble for switching seats?” he asks while getting up (no hesitation whatsoever- head empty. he’s ready to do whatever you say).
“not on this airline. don’t worry i’ve flown with them before and they allow it.”
“can i have the aisle seat? it’ll be easier for me to get up if i need to go to the bathroom or something.”
“yeah sure. i don’t mind at all,” you say.
you place your book back into your bag and sit in the previously empty seat.
“thanks for keeping my seat warm,” he teases.
“anything for you, your majesty,” you joke back.
you continue talking to lev and cracking jokes for a good hour or so. honestly, you’re not sure how much time has passed, and you don’t really care. the two of you eventually put on a movie, and although you don’t usually fall asleep during them, you start to feel your eyes close. it was a busy day today, and you’re exhausted.
“can i lean my head on your arm?” you ask.
“hm can i hold your hand if i let you?”
“mm yeah,” you say as your face heats up.
you’re glad that you decided to browse the souvenir shop before boarding the plane. meeting lev was definitely worth waking up incredibly early.
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lookingforlia · 2 years
They are the type of boyfriend to ,
Daichi x reader
Sugawara x reader
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Sawamura Daichi
-Daichi is a mature person who understands his responsibilities.  And when he is serious about you , he would count you as one of his responsibilities .
- It's in his personality to treat women really well , and when it comes to the woman he cares about, he takes them really seriously.
- So like the gentleman he is he's the type to hold the door for you .
-He would pretty much give you the princess treatment so prepare to have him sulk if you split the bills .
- Also he would not let you walk home alone if it late . No matter how far you live or how busy he is , he would always squeeze in time so that he can drive you or walk you home .
- sometimes walking you home is just an excuze for him to spent 5 more minutes with you .
- Daichi is also the type of man who is going to take his relationships seriously . So if he is dating you , he does plan on marrying you and spending the rest of his life with you even if he's a bit hesitant to be upfront about it in the early stages of your relationship.
- He would generally treat you really well .
- Daichi is also the type of guy who doesn't know how to take life easy and  have fun . So he isn't very good when it comes to talking about his own problems or what's bothering him.
- So his love language would consist of lots and lots of reassuring physical contact . Holding hands , hugs , or laying his head on your shoulder or chest is his ways to express himself .
- he's not good with his own emotions although he understands everyone else's very well . So he is the type would would love to recharge with you just cuddling and Baskin in each other's warm touch in comfortable silence or light conversations .
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Sugawara Koushi
-Sugawara is the perfect balance in between gentle and chaotic it's in his nature to be careful and warm but also he's not afriad to let loose and have fun .
- but in general he has a very warm and supportive personality.  You really can't skip out on his careing nature .
- He cares and he's not afraid to show you that .
- Sugawara is the type of boyfriend who would support you in every possible way he can .
- you're feeling down ? He's there trying to get you to do things that would cheer you on.  He would also offer for you to vent and if you refuse he would just do silent acts of service .
- I think acts of service might just be his love language . He's less of a words and more of an actions type of person . You would feel his love in his actions on how he treats you and is constantly there for you. 
- he would not only tell you he loves you , he would show you.
- Sugawara is also pretty mature and would give you pretty good advices if you vent to him or if you feel overwhelmed with your day to day life.  And his advices are mostly practical. 
- if youre physically sick he would be there without questions to check in on you .
- he is the type of boyfriend who would show up infront of your house in the middle of the night because you told him you can't sleep . And ask you to come out for a walk or to get food. 
- He's a bit adventurous so he's not afriad to of trying new things . Ten on ten the type to go onto a rollercoaster and drag you with him . If he had fun , he would go for it again despite throwing up .
- expect a lot of last minute trips and plans with him which are very spontaneous and you guys always end up having a lot of fun .
- Sugawara is the type of boyfriend who isn't afraid to show public display of affection . And really appreciates it if you give him a small hugs or kisses and yes he would cling onto your warmth.
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bokutoko · 2 months
so i saw a tiktok about an athlete in the olympics who lost his wedding ring in the river during the opening ceremony…
and i couldn’t help but think of sweet, sweet bokuto who doesn’t mean to lose the ring, but he’s just so clumsy. and afterwards, he’s absolutely mortified and stresses so bad that you’ll be upset with him.
granted, you are sad, but you understand it wasn’t intentional. you just nod with a soft, slightly forced smile, telling him, “it’s okay, kou. focus on the games for now. we can worry about it another time.”
but bokuto can’t seem to forgive himself…
until he gets an idea. your anniversary is coming up soon…
so when japan claims the victory against argentina and wins the gold, bokuto turns to you in the stands, watching as you happily cheer him on. he basks in the spotlight and relishes the feeling of you, his sweet wife of five years, always supporting him no matter what.
while you’ve always known bokuto to be an unpredictable human being in all your years together, nothing could prepare you for this. all the cameras pan to bokuto with his usual dazzling smile, and they zoom in on the beautiful ring, adorned with your favorite gem, as he yells out, “marry me again!”
and with a shy nod and wide smile, you feel yourself fall in love with him all over again.♡
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a/n: akaashi helped him come up with this idea
like my work? check out my masterlist!
please do not copy, alter, or repost my work. ©bokutoko 2024.
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ineedhaikyu · 1 year
Precious Memories- Bokuto x fem! Reader
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Summary: As another school year came to an end, (Y/N) reminisces the moment where she became best friends with Bokuto and how he opened her eyes to the world of volleyball.
Word Count: 3.9K
A/N: My first Haikyu x reader fic. I’m an Asahi girl but my sister practically begged for this. She loves Bokuto so much so I decided why not. Hope you enjoy reading! Gif belongs to @reallysaltykou​ 
“(Y/N)-CHAN!” Bokuto’s happy-go-lucky voice echoed in the gym as he ran up to her. The volleyball-loving boy wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tightly. “We finished our second year! Isn’t that great?”
Leave it to her best friend Bokuto to put a smile on her face. He was always a beam of positivity ever since they were first years. She couldn’t believe that two years had passed by already.
(Y/N) hugged Bokuto back and laughed when he twirled her around in his arms. “It is. I can’t believe we’re going to be in our third year! Oh, by the way, did you get your yearbook?”
“Yep! A lot of people signed it but I made sure to save a spot for my best friend. You guys did a great job! This yearbook is so awesome!”
The girl smiled. “Glad you liked it, Kotaro, but you and the volleyball team made it awesome. You guys made it to Nationals after all. It’s why I was able to convince the yearbook editor to let me add a couple of extra pages to show the team’s success in making it to Nationals.”
“Really?! No wonder! You’re so awesome!” Bokuto looked over his shoulder. “Hey, Akaashi! Look! (Y/N) is here!”
Akaashi Keiji. A first-year (now going into his second year) that made up their little trio. Though he was a year younger than her and Bokuto, the calm and composed setter easily found his rhythm in the group.
Because before he came, no one on the volleyball team was able to keep up with Bokuto’s energy and as a result the silver-haired male would often beg her to make sets. At first, (Y/N) refused but when she saw his ‘emo mode’ coming she crumbled at the sight.
So she was forever grateful that someone like Akaashi came into her and Bokuto’s lives. At the very least she can count on Akaashi to be there for Bokuto. He already has the hang of dealing with Bokuto’s mood swings and mentally compiling a list of the ace’s weaknesses.
“Hello (Y/N)-senpai.” The setter greeted her.
“Akaashi, how are you? Bokuto isn’t pushing you too hard, is he?”
“(Y/N)!” Bokuto squawked. “I would never!”
Akaashi couldn’t help but smirk a little. “I’m doing well, thank you. Also congratulations on finishing your second year.”
“Ah, thanks and congrats on being a first-year in Nationals. I made sure to mention that fact in the yearbook.”
“Really?” The setter didn’t have the time to review the yearbook so this took him by surprise. “You didn’t have to.”
(Y/N) shook her head. “Of course I do. Your skills were amazing. Aren’t they, Bokuto?”
Bokuto nodded. “Your sets are the best, Akaashi. My spikes were so easy to make! The other team didn’t have a chance!”
“See?” She brought her yearbook out and showed him the page dedicated to the boys volleyball team. “I made sure to get good shots of you and Bokuto together.”
After signing each other’s yearbook, the boys continued to look at the yearbook and offered their praises. While she accepted their compliments with a smile, (Y/N) couldn’t help but recall the time she first met the ace for the first time.
Freshly enrolled at Fukurodani Academy, a first-year (Y/N) immediately applied to become a member of the photography club from which she learned that members of the photography club are also in charge of the yearbook. It wasn’t long when the yearbook editor gave her first assignment:
Shadowing the Fukurodani’s Boys Volleyball Team.
At the time, (Y/N) didn’t realize how desirable her spot was until many of her senpais offered their congratulations and her fellow classmates expressed how ‘lucky’ she was to get this assignment. Why was she ‘lucky’? Obviously, she played the sport back in middle school as part of PE class. She knew the basics. So why? What was so special about volleyball? It was just a game.
That all changed when (Y/N) went to her first official game. Never had she clicked the shutter button so many times before. She lost count on the amount of times she went from anxious to excited throughout the three sets against another Tokyo powerhouse school. Of course, she wanted her school to win. She had pride after all.
It wasn’t until her hopes of winning were dashed when a third-year regular injured himself at the final set. Oh well… Better luck next time. She focused her camera lens on the person who was subbing in. She didn’t have to look at the roster to recognize him.
Bokuto Kotaro
He was a first-year just like her, not in the same class as her but she had to be completely oblivious to the loud, overly friendly, and playful guy who can go from happy one minute to a sad boy in the next.
(Y/N) zoomed her camera to focus on him and she was taken aback by the lack of nervousness on his face. Instead, his golden eyes shined with excitement with a wide smile to match.
For some reason she couldn’t explain, (Y/N) decided this next shot was the one. No, that’s not right. She knew why. The momentum, the atmosphere, the tension, the hunger for victory… Everything was riding on Bokuto to make the point to secure their win.
She had to capture this moment!
At the sound of the whistle, (Y/N) wasted no time in pressing the shutter button repeatedly, hoping that one of these photos could work. With one last click from her camera, she watched the course of the volleyball with new found anticipation.
She squeezed her camera as the opponent pulled off a shaky receive. She bit her lip as the other team’s setter set the ball for their team’s ace. She refrained herself from letting out an excited squeal when Fukurodani was able to soft block it.
From the middle blocker’s block, the libero pulled off a receive. From the libero’s receive, the setter was able to set.
By muscle memory, (Y/N) brought her camera into the perfect position just in time to capture this moment. Her finger pressed the shutter button at the same time Bokuto’s hand slammed the ball with brute force. The volleyball bounced off the hardwood floor of the gym before soaring into the audience. For about five seconds, the gym was void of any sound until-
“ALRIGHT!” Bokuto raised both of his fists into the air. His smile was even wider than before. “HEY! HEY! HEY!”
The audience cheered with him. The sounds of applause and whistles filled the air along with the praises from the Fukurodani players directed to the person who secured victory.
With one last click of her camera, (Y/N) smiled at the scene before her. Bokuto looked so happy amongst his teammates. It wasn’t until a gentle nudge on her arm brought her out of her trance. (Y/N) looked up to see her senpai that accompanied her to the match.
The older girl held out a tissue. “You're crying, (Y/N)-san.”
“I am?” True enough, there were tears slowly escaping from the corner of her eyes. How long were those tears there? How did she not notice? A bit embarrassed, (Y/N) accepted the tissue. “Thank you senpai.”
“How do you like volleyball now?” The third-year asked her underclassman, knowing she wasn’t a huge fan of the sport. “Any change of opinion?”
(Y/N) fiddled with her camera’s neck strap. She took a quick peek at Fukurodani’s players, specifically Bokuto, before answering, “I think…”
The upperclassman strained her ears to hear the shy girl’s answer.
(Y/N) smiled genuinely. “I think I can get into it.”
The glint in her (E/C) showed determination only strengthened her answer and honestly it was a relief for the older girl. She can pass on the torch into (Y/N)’s hands knowing the girl will do her best to capture these moments. The senpai smiled down at her kohai. She remembered the first time going to a volleyball match. She’ll never forget this feeling and she hoped that (Y/N) wouldn’t either. This was her last year documenting the volleyball team, but it was only the beginning for (Y/N).
“Remember this, (Y/N)-san.”
“Yes, senpai?”
“Never let these moments be forgotten because one day these photographs may become something precious to someone.”
“Alright. Let’s go. I’ll treat you to some ramen!”
As they were leaving the gym, (Y/N) inspected all of her pictures and stopped at a particular one. It was of Bokuto during his jump serve. She smiled once more as she replayed the memory.
Maybe volleyball wasn’t just a game. Maybe she was lucky after all.
The next day was a normal school day at Fukurodani Academy. It was lunch time and (Y/N) was waiting for a certain silver-haired individual to be left alone. However, that wasn’t going to be the case. Ever since he scored the winning point, his popularity soared to greater heights and as a result he was surrounded by his friends and new admirers.
(Y/N) held her portfolio folder tighter. She printed the pictures from yesterday’s game and she thought it was only right for Bokuto to see them before anyone else. Obviously, in private. She would be so embarrassed if everyone saw her photos at once… Which, of course, didn’t make sense. Photos are meant to be looked at. She was just not confident enough. What if he didn’t like them? What if he calls her photos trash? Oh, god. What if he doesn’t like having his picture take-
“Hey, hey, hey! You’re the camera girl, right?”
The girl jumped when she saw the Kotaro Bokuto right next to her. His gray blazer was unbuttoned, his white collared shirt was completely untucked, and his blue/white striped tie was loosely tied. (Y/N) wondered if this was intentional or if he just didn’t care about the school’s dress code. She could only imagine the former.
“Oh, um, yeah. I'm camera girl?” She bowed and introduced herself. “My name is (L/N) (Y/N). I’m in Class 1-5. It’s nice to meet you.”
Bokuto could mentally hear his mother and older sisters telling him that he has to act properly with a girl. “Bokuto Kotaro. Nice to meet you too, (L/N)-chan. So did you get some great shots yesterday?”
“I did,” (Y/N) caressed her folder with her thumb and softly smiled as she felt excitement course through her veins. “I never thought volleyball could get so exciting.”
This of course brought the boy’s attention. “Are you serious?!”
(Y/N) faltered a bit at his sudden loudness. She wasn’t used to his extrovert personality and the proof was evident when everyone in the hallway carried on as normal, ignoring the two first-years.
“Please tell me that it was your first time watching a volleyball match!”
“Uh… No?” (Y/N) averted her gaze to the ground. “I’ve seen volleyball on TV but it never really caught my interest. I usually change the channel when it’s on. Never really liked it during middle school either…”
It was as if each word that came out of her mouth was a dagger and each dagger was perfectly aimed at his heart. He could feel his hair deflate as he pouted deeper and deeper. He wanted to cry. Hide in a small, dark area where no one would find him and cry.
(Y/N) looked back at the boy in front of her and she could feel her heart fall from her chest to her stomach. This must be Bokuto’s ‘emo mode’ she heard so much about.
“B-Bokuto-san? Please don’t be sad.”
“I can’t,” His voice sounded so hollow and his eyes lost their shine. “What you just said was the saddest thing I’ve ever heard.”
Not wanting to create a scene, (Y/N)’s mind raced to find a solution. “I have some grilled meat left from my bento, you can have it if you want-”
Bokuto visibly perked up at the girl’s offer. “Grilled meat? My favorite!”
“So,” Bokuto finished eating the last piece of delicious grilled meat and stared at the girl in front of him. They opted to sit in her classroom where it was less occupied. “Why do you hate volleyball?”
“Huh?” (Y/N) furrowed her brows at his question. “I never said I hated it.”
“But you did!”
She was sure -100% positive- that she never used the word hate and she was just about to point it out when a thought popped into her mind. What if -for Bokuto- the words ‘hate’ and ‘never liked’ meant the same thing to him? So does that mean her ‘normal’ and his ‘normal’ were completely different? Most likely.
“You know maybe that’s for the best.”
“Huh?” Bokuto tilted his head in confusion.
(Y/N) swallowed nervously before placing her portfolio folder on the desk in front of Bokuto. This was it. He’s going to see her work for the first time. With a bit of courage, (Y/N) opened up both literally (as she opened her folder) and figuratively (as this was the start of her friendship with the extrovert).
“I didn’t understand what the hype over volleyball was all about.” Bokuto opened his mouth, ready to defend his beloved sport so (Y/N) quickly continued, “But you changed that.”
“I have?”
(Y/N) nodded excitedly and flipped the pages of her portfolio before stopping at the one picture of the boy himself successfully completing a jump serve.
“Is that…” Bokuto couldn’t even finish his sentence. He was rendered speechless by the image.
“That was the moment,” (Y/N) gazed at the image with such admiration that she no longer felt nervous about sharing her work. “You helped me realize that volleyball isn’t just a game but a battle on the court. The momentum was crazy!”
Bokuto grinned at her words. “I know, right?! What did you think about my serve?”
No longer feeling shy, (Y/N) scooted to the edge of her seat. The smile on her face could match Bokuto’s. “That was amazing! I thought it was game over when your teammate injured himself but you came in and…and… I don’t know. Breathed new life into the game, I guess. It’s hard to explain-”
“No, no, no. I know exactly what you're talking about. It’s the best thing about volleyball. Anything can happen in a split second. When I was subbed in, I felt all eyes on me.”
“Weren’t you nervous?”
“Of course not! It was my chance to prove to everyone I’m here. That’s what Coach Yamiji told me. He told me I was the team’s secret weapon and the other team never expected me to be so awesome. Now, I have a chance to be in the starting line-up in the next match!” Bokuto looked back at the picture of himself, his heart beating rapidly with happiness. “I want to become the best ace this school has ever had!”
(Y/N) felt goosebumps on her skin at Bokuto’s declaration. Was this what confidence does to a person? Could she ever gain such confidence in her skills like Bokuto is with volleyball?
“This is an awesome picture! And this one! That one, too!” Bokuto’s grin never faltered as he flipped through her portfolio. “Wow, you even got me spiking the winning point! You’re amazing!”
Her (E/C) eyes filled with hope. “Y-You like them?”
“Like them? I LOVE THEM!” Bokuto’s confession could be heard from the hallway, causing some students to peer into the classroom. “I’ve never had my picture professionally taken before.”
“P-Professional?” (Y/N) could feel the heat rise from her neck to her face. “Th-They’re not that good, Bokuto-san. I still have a lot to learn.”
Bokuto wasn’t having it. “What are you talking about? These are great! Be more confident in yourself, (L/N)-chan.”
(Y/N) watched as he continued to marvel at her work and she couldn’t help the warm feeling of pride blossom within her. While Bokuto insisted her pictures were top-tier, (Y/N) knew that there was more she had to learn, but for now, she’ll take Bokuto’s words to heart.
“Alright. Then please call me by my first name.” She extended her hand towards him. “I look forward to working with you, future ace. I can’t wait for what you do next.”
Bokuto grinned at her confidence. With both hands, the male shook the girl’s entire arm. “I’ll do my best, (Y/N)-chan. Just you watch. When I become the ace, you're going to be in love with volleyball and it will be thanks to me! Bokuto Kotaro! Hey! Hey! Hey!”
The girl laughed. “When you become the ace, my camera and I will be there.”
Bokuto beamed once more. “Call me Kotaro. I have a feeling we’re going to be best friends.”
“I think so too!”
End of Flashback
(Y/N) chuckled softly at her core memory. Bokuto has kept his word ever since then and in return she has as well. Countless memories were shared between them and even more when Akaashi joined the group.
She was there to celebrate every win. She was there to mourn every loss but during those rare moments (Y/N) has watched Bokuto pick himself up and continue to play his heart out in the next match.
Of course, along the way, (Y/N) has met with other great people from other schools. She never thought she would get the chance to meet the people that make up a powerhouse team. There was Kuroo from Nekoma, Ushijima and Tendo from Shiratorizawa, and even Sakusa from Itachiyama. Along with the rest of their respective teams, it was no wonder they were contenders in the Spring Tournament.
But for some reason, the silver-haired boy was just an inch above the rest. Biased or not, it was Bokuto that introduced her to volleyball and (Y/N) would always be grateful for that.
“I can’t wait for next year!” Bokuto’s loud voice brought her back to reality. “It’s going to be so awesome!” With one hand over her shoulder and the other over Akaashi’s, “Let’s practice my cross shots!”
Both her and Akaashi looked at each other and laughed. Bokuto tilted his head to one side, confused as to why his best friends were laughing. Nonetheless, he laughed with them too.
“Alright,” (Y/N) smiled at her friends. “But first let’s take a picture.”
As (Y/N) took out her phone and Bokuto marveled at the various filters and stickers, Akaashi took a moment to analyze. He knew his seniors were close but he always wondered if there was a possibility that the two could be something more than just friends. And he wasn’t the only one who thought that either -the volleyball team, the managers, even the coaches- all watched from the sidelines whenever Bokuto and (Y/N) interacted with one another, hoping to see a confession.
It was the classic best friends-falling-for-another-but-they’re-both-oblivious scenario and everyone wants to know the ending. They’ve seen how the two of you are to each other. There were so many example to choose from, such as:
If there was an upcoming math test, (Y/N) would give out her notes to help Bokuto out. She would even spend the night at his place to make sure the lessons stuck, making a great impression on his family at the same time.
Bokuto would gladly volunteer to be (Y/N)’s muse in any of her projects, no matter the project’s purpose. As mentioned before, (Y/N) would help set the ball for the ace but she would put her foot down if HOURS have gone by, stating that resting is just as important. She would later treat Bokuto to his favorite meal afterwards.
Before Akaashi, (Y/N) was the only person to bring Bokuto out of his ‘emo mode’. The team knew this early on.
Washio, Sarukai, Konoha, Komi, etc.: Come on Bokuto. It was just a practice match. Don’t beat yourself up.
Bokuto: *pouts and hugs his knees tighter as he hides between the gym mats* I can’t. I was terrible.
Managers: We need (Y/N).
Coach: Someone go get (Y/N)!
Ten minutes later, ✨(Y/N) the savior✨ arrived.
(Y/N): Kotaro, please don’t be sad. It’s called a practice match for a reason. Please don’t beat yourself up. I know you. This isn’t going to stop you from becoming a great ace. We all believe in you.
Bokuto: *visibly perks up, eyes bright, and smiling brightly* You’re right! I will be a great ace. Hey, hey, hey!
And just like that, Bokuto was back to normal.
Washio, Sarukai, Konoha, Komi, etc.: We said the same thing and now he gets hyped up. What’s up with that?
Managers: Don’t question it. It’s different when he hears it from (Y/N).
After that, it was declared that (Y/N) was a member of the volleyball team. Position: Hype-woman.
Bokuto met her parents on an unplanned visit. Her parents were wary of him at first but that soon changed when they noticed how their usual reserved daughter grew more confident. From then on, they welcomed Bokuto.
Every away game the team has to take a bus and surprise surprise Bokuto claimed the seat next to (Y/N). The two of them would play games, tell childhood stories, take silly pictures or just share funny memes on social media. It’s late on the way back home. No one had any trouble sleeping. Akaashi was the first to wake up when the bus finally arrived at its destination. He was just about to wake everyone when he saw a rare sight: a sleeping Bokuto and (Y/N). Her head on his shoulder with his jacket covering her body while Bokuto’s head rested on her own. Akaashi quietly took out his phone and took a picture. And while the jacket covered (Y/N) like a blanket, Akaashi had a sneaking suspicion that the two were holding hands as they slept.
Akaashi would save the picture until he finds the right moment to share it -either graduation or whenever the two finally become a couple. He hoped for the latter.
When the team made it to Nationals, after hugging his team with pride, Bokuto immediately looked for (Y/N) amongst the various photographers in the gym. He easily found her and ran up to her with great speed before hugging her tightly. Neither one of them noticed how the cheers from the Fukurodani audience section grew louder.
“Akaashi!” (Y/N) waved him over, her phone in her hand. “Come on, we’re waiting for you!”
“Ah, sorry.”
“What were you thinking about Akaashi?” Bokuto asked.
“Oh, just some memories.”
(Y/N) gave him an understanding smile. At the same time, the words of her senpai from two years ago ran once more in her mind. “Never let these moments be forgotten because one day these photographs may become something precious to someone.”
“Well, let’s capture this memory while we can.”
“Oh! Let me take the picture. Please, (Y/N)? I won’t disappoint you.”
“You could never disappoint me, Bokuto.”
Bokuto felt his heart skip a beat at her words. Was he getting warm? He felt warm. Oh, he was in the gym. That’s the only reason, right?
With (Y/N) in between the volleyball players, she brought her arms over each of their shoulders. “Ok, smile everybody! Nationals on three! One…”
Akaashi made a peace sign with his hand. Mentally, he prayed to any god up there. That next year was the year a confession will happen. “Two…”
And that’s a wrap! Let me know what you think! Next fic will definitely be about the ace-with-the-glass-heart Asahi!!!!
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mchlgayser · 2 years
𝐘𝐎𝐔'𝐑𝐄 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄 ft kageyama tobio
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𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: Your neighbor, your friend, and someone you and everyone claims to like you a lot has taken time longer than you expected to confess - so you force him to.
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fluff / ( ✮ )
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: jealousy, and indirect confession
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: This one is pure shit, the idea inspo is based on my old fics on Wattpad but I redo it, don't really like it but don't hate it either, just a so-so but let me know what you think in the comments. happy reading xx
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'Good morning, Tobio!' Kageyama who just got out of his house is stunned, to say the least, he is late, so late for school, and the second he hurried outside the house, he sees you on the front porch of his house with a bag slinging over your shoulder and waiting for him.
The boy's face flushed bright red seeing you, he took upon your face with a neutral expression glued 'What are you doing here?' He questioned, looking down at you with a furrowed brow 'Oh, I was waiting for you. Come on we'll be late.' You take his hand in yours as you drag him along.
Kageyama Tobio, this stoic-looking sixteen-year-old kid is your neighbor, your friend, and someone you and everyone claim to like you lot. A lot happens since you two knew each other. It has only been a few months since you moved out from your hometown to Miyagi but over time the boy grew an overwhelming interest in you. It was apparent to everyone including you - everyone but him. It also grows on you about him, his passion for volleyball, and vice versa.
It was obvious that he likes you and you like him and there were a few times you encourage yourself to make the first move but your gut tell you otherwise and to wait until he makes the first move.
But as time passed, the opportunity never comes falling, but you would always console yourself to wait, I mean, after all, patience is a virtue. But Oh, God, it's been over three months since that, and no signs from the boy. You are growing impatience each second passes and today was finally it. The day you reached your limit. No more waiting is what you told yourself. If Kageyama won't make the first move. You'll force him to.
You two walk to school together, your hands occupied with a red-bean-flavored taiyaki. You look at him pointing one finger to the snack 'Want some?' He declines the offer making you huff in disappointment. You two continue walking and are met by Hinata, also on his way to school.
'Kageyama?! Oh Y/n, hello!' You smile at the tangerine-haired boy and wave at him 'Hi, Shoyo! Are you late to school too?' He chuckles, scratching the back of his non-itchy nape 'I overslept,' You chuckle before finding yourself occupied conversing chats with him.
You two walk to school, Shoyo pushing his bike instead and strolling with you to school leaving Kageyama behind, creating daggers on both your and Shoyo's backs.
The school period ended, and you, Kageyama, and Hinata are on your way to the school's gymnasium where their usual practices are held. You three change shoes as they two went running to the small circle of people warming up. You stand by the manager, Kiyoko Shimizu, and their manager, Ukai Kenshin along with the other assistant manager, Hitoka Yachi.
'Hello Yachi,' She smile at you shyly before she held her hand up to wave back. The boys began practicing their new formats with the coach and Kiyoko on the side, writing down on her clipboard. You watch them, partially Kageyama with water bottles in hand. 'Have Kageyama said anything to you?' You turn to Yachi with your forehead creasing 'No. I honestly don't know what is inside that bird brain of his.' You sass with a tinge of dissatisfaction lacing behind you. Yachi sat down on the benchers with you beside her 'What about your plan?' You knew, by all means, she implies the vicious plan you, and Kiyoko came up with to force Kageyama to confess to you.
'I... Don't know. I don't wanna feel half-bad doing that to him and use Shoyo for my benefit.' She glance your way before she went to Kageyama's 'But doesn't Hinata agree to it? Should be fine right?' You are reluctant to reply to her so you smile.
The day went smoothly, the boys practice like usual, always in their best mood and the same goes for the coach. Everyone is on their 100%. Everyone except you. Are you still in the train of thought about what Yachi said earlier? Should you continue with your plan or should you cancel and wait.
Half of the day ended, and the guys are now resting, and chugging down their water bottles while you and Yachi go around and handed them a clean tucked of towels to dry off their beads of sweats. Everything is fine until a senior from your club came inside the room, looking for you. The senior came and looking for you to talk and you followed him outside for privacy. The boy exchanged looks between each other, especially with Kageyama. Everyone could say that they did notice a certain behavior of the senior towards you and so did Kageyama. Obviously, when you two went out to have a time alone, they're all on Kageyama, eyes widen for him to go and snatch you away but all he did was roll his eyes.
'What?' He's quick to gnaw on, Daichi shakes his head at him 'It's obvious Kageyama. You liked her.' He widens his eyes in surprise, his cheeks hot and warm with blood gushing up to his ears. He put his hands on his ears to minimize the tingly sensation but he didn't move nonetheless.
It's been over ten minutes but you never came back, the boys look over at Kageyama to see him practicing his servings 'Kageyama, you should go and check on Y/n. It's been so long.' Kageyama drops the ball 'Why me?' Daichi shrug his shoulder and then went back to scolding Tanaka and Nishinoya for being nuisances.
Kageyama grumbles under his breath as he slow-walk to any possible place you and the senior would be at.
'I...' He heard a voice say from behind the gymnasium. He wander to the spot he was sure he heard the voice spot you and the senior. His figure towering over you and you both are extremely close to each other.
'I don't know Takashi, you seem like a very nice guy, I adore your passion for sewing a lot too but... I don't think I'm able reciprocate your feeling.' A glimmer of satisfaction flow through the blueberry-haired boy. He continue watching the scene before he unfold.
Takashi smiles at you, his eyes creasing a bit with his dimple showing 'But won't you at least try? We can go on dates but if you are still reluctant to choose me then I'll stop.' You stare into his eyes 'I...'
A sharp and husky voice came contact with you two, Kageyama strutted to where you two were with an annoyed expression 'I'm sorry, but I don't think Y/n will be able to do that.' Takashi gives him a smug smile 'And why is that?' Kageyama who is an inch taller than the boy continues inching his form to his with an intimidating look 'That's because she's mine.' You look between the two taller boy in gawking eyes.
He confessed
Kageyama confessed to you, to Takashi.
Kageyama grabs your hand dragging you out of the place 'Wait Tobio! What is that about?!' He stops his movement abruptly 'What do you mean, Y/n?' He asked, wondering.
'Back there, just now, you confessed! You told me - Takashi, I am yours.' He looks at you, head tilting before his eyes widen in bewilderment. He can't be serious. You can't be serious. That must be a lie right? There's no way...
'That's because she's mine.'
He's doomed. He just said it. He admitted he liked you. Kageyama is in panicked and already on the verge of running and he did but you held his hand 'Where are you going? I haven't given you my answer, yet?' He shake his head trying his best to pry free but you tighten your hold 'What if... I said that...' He close his eyes, already waiting for the rejection to come from your mouth 'I like you too.'
'It's okay, I understand that - Wait, what?' You purse your lip together to prevent laughing at the flustered boy 'I said that I like you too, Tobio.' His face is poker, still but his body reacted. His whole face becoming a hot pink down to his neck. His neck hair stands with anticipation 'So, would you be my... Girlfriend?' You ended up snorting at his confession.
'I don't know,' His head drop at your sudden unexpected answer 'Sure,' His looks on you making you smile
'You guys are so cute together!' Both Tanaka and Nishinoya exclaim, Sugawara laughs at the antics while smiling at you 'So cringe,' Sass Tsukishima with a sour utterance. Both you and Kageyama rolled your eyes at him
'Whatever, Sour-Shima.'
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yuquinzel · 3 months
atsumu who goes above and beyond to impress you, his crush and classmate of four years, in all definitions of “impress.”
honestly how the fuck isn't it obvious to you by now, he might as well be walking around with “i like y/n” tattooed on his forehead.
you mention you like guys that can cook once and holy fuck atsumu who still doesn't know how to use the microwave without quite literally burning the food, who's never chopped onions before without ending up with enough cuts to bandage his whole hand— that atsumu practices for weeks and stays up till 2 am to prepare for the lunch he'll make for himself, because osamu said said no and then because you bring homemade lunch to stay and eat in class with your friends— he'll casually just plop down on the seat next to you, his friends will then very obviously willingly talk loudly about his lunch and he'll just throw in a, “yeah, made it maself, 'm a solid chef, who do ya think taught 'samu?”
okay if that didn't get your attention, no worries, what are his friends there for?
if atsumu gets lucky in a day and catches you chatting away with your friends in the hallway, then he instructs his friends to walk past you, hover in the corner, just within your earshot— “'kay, so when we pass her by, ya gotta speak ma name real loud, loud enough so she can hear it, but don't annoy her”
and so for the time you stand there, trying to hold a conversation with your friends, all your mind can really focus on is the, “atsumu was so fucking good in practice today, if we're gonna win, then it'll be all him”
and then you hear the subject of the conversation speak, “nah, we're a team, every time we win, it's all thanks ta you guys,” because you also mentioned you like modest, humble guys.
god forbid the days you're absent in class.
atsumu who's sulking all day, doesn't know what the fuck is going on in classes, he's half in and half not in every conversation, even his passes are sloppy and weak. to the point osamu and suna are concerned, well, in their own ways, “are ya constipated or something, yer missin’ your spikes and yer passes as clumsy,” osamu says off-handedly.
“i heard y/n didn't come today, i think her friends said she's sick.” suna chips in, and atsumu shrinks in his spot like a grumpy cat.
“i already know that, wouldn't have come today if i knew she wasn't comin’.”
“you'd miss practice then.”
“don't care, don't talk to me, don't wanna do anything, what's the point.”
“down fucking bad,” suna muses, and atsumu glares at him.
atsumu's day is ruined and his disappointment is immeasurable. why did you get sick? how could you get sick? now he's worried and half of himself and his passes are shit and god, he wants to see you. he feels like he could die.
then when you finally show up the next day after what felt like eternity to atsumu, you find on your desk a pile of snacks with a little note— banana milk, everyone knows it's your favourite, the bar of chocolate they only sell down the convenience store near the school, the glazed donuts that you're always eating in class, and a lot of bubblegums that only one person in class knows you like— atsumu's handwriting is rushed and barely comprehensive but you know it by heart because he doesn't know you saw him slip the note you found in your locker this morning, and countless other mornings—
“i hope you smile because of this”
atsumu as a secret admirer is... not so secret because he's still unaware that you see him every morning, and let him giggle to himself as he slips the notes and the strips of bubblegums in your locker— you don't even like that flavor.
but he gave them, so you think they might just be your favourite.
then again, maybe atsumu doesn't want to be a secret admirer.
atsumu has a crush on you and you know that— he's very obvious. but he's also very dense and doesn't realise that everyone besides him can see you like him too. he doesn't know the only reason you bring homemade lunch is because he had started to eat lunch in class with his friends. you stand in the hallways with your friends pretending to talk so that when atsumu's walking past you, his friends will practically yell his name and you'll see him blushing shyly. he still doesn't know you come to his every match, cheering for him and scream with joy at every one of his scores.
atsumu makes it obvious he has a crush on you but is stupidly dense that you reciprocate all the same :'))))
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© yuquinzel 2024 [ plagiarism is a violation of moral rights ! ]
@kyoghurts hi bbg
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stunie · 2 months
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HAIKYUU + THIGH RIDING ᯓ⭑ ft. bokuto koutarou, daichi sawamura, kuroo tetsurou, miya atsumu, sakusa kiyoomi, & ushijima wakatoshi x f!reader
contains : explicit smut (18+), thigh riding / dry humping, phone call (keep quiet n ride!), risky sex / very mild: cw exhibitionism, squirting, teasing, praise, kissing <3, hair pulling (you to them), orgasm denial, usage of pet names — 2.9K WC
note : yayya my first haikyuu post on here ! this is my response to this thirst here ૮꒰˶˃ ^ ˂̵˵꒱ა hope u all have fun reading this <3
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“Whoa whoa,” Kuroo coos through a breathy chuckle, big hand wrapping around your hip to hold you still against his thigh. “Easy now, pretty thing. Let’s pause for a second, okay?”
The sound of your protests and whines almost make him cave right off the bat. “…Tetsu..” you sulk, corners of your lips curling into a sad pout even when he gives you an apologetic smile before he’s jutting his thumb to gesture at his phone, the irritating melody of his ringtone repeating itself as the screen lights up, “Incoming call from: Kenma!” displayed across the top.
“Sorryy,” he huffs. “Can’t. This one’s important.”
He’s giving you a reassuring squeeze around your hip, a silent reminder that he’ll give you everything you need in a few minutes, but you’re not having any of that. Your arms come to stubbornly wrap around his neck before he can pick up the call, sugar sweet voice already making pleas only a second later.
On any other given day, you would have let him take the call with only an irritated huff— just not today. Not with the way you can already feel your orgasm running away from you. “P-please, please Tetsu,” you sob, “I was so close. Can’t wait any longer.. please?”
His eyes are widening a bit at the unfamiliar desperation in your voice, grunt slipping out when his cock reacts to it too, twitching and slapping against his stomach— a reoccurring habit that seems to only occur whenever you give him that needy little look of yours.
“Awww,” he whispers, and you barely catch the strain in his voice. “Well I’m sorry for ruining your moment, angel.”
You’re practically purring as soon as you feel his hand come to lightly cup your jaw, immediately melting into his touch as he smiles in response. “Ah— fine,” Kuroo caves as soon as he sees your hands coming to cutely hold his wrist in place. “Guess i can’t stop you if you need it so bad. But listen here..”
His thumb moves from your jaw, digit pressing into your bottom lip to angle your face at him. The look you’re giving him is just to die for, pouty lips soft against his thumb and you’re peering up at him through those pleady eyes— as if there was even a single chance that Kuroo would ever deny his pretty girl of an orgasm in the first place.
“Nothing crazy. Deal? Kenma hears and..” he presses a little harder into your lip, watching the way your tongue comes to swipe at the invasive finger. “Me and you? Are never hearing the end of it.”
You’re swiftly nodding as soon as the words register, hands coming to rest on the muscles of his shoulders as you resume your movement the next second, gasping at the way your clit catches against his thigh. “Kenma?” You hear him hum, tucking his phone between his cheek and shoulder— quick and casual.
Maybe too casual.
“Mmm,” his eyes flicker back towards you when you take in a sharp inhale. “So it’s about that. You sure you don’t wanna meet up to go over it?”
A loud gasp slips out from you when he abruptly grabs you by your waist, and your hands slam over your mouth, Kuroo tensing beneath you. “…Hm? Yeah, I’m listening.” He chuckles, regaining his composure in an instant as he starts to rock you back and forth against his leg— and fast.
The roughness has your face contorting, nails digging deep into his shoulders as you try and resist the strong hands guiding you back and forth— try and slow him down a bit, delay your oncoming orgasm by even second if anything at all. You hadn’t expected it to come back so fast, and.. you both knew good and well that you weren’t gonna be able to stay quiet.
You give him a look, something resembling your best attempt at a glare, but he’s ignoring it— casually chatting with kenma about something you can’t quite catch. You’re only left to bite your lip, eyebrows deeply furrowed as you desperately fight the knot tightening inside your belly, thighs clamping against his own as he flexes his quad straight into you.
“Oh,” Kuroo says, hand leaving your waist to pick up his phone again, finger hovering over the ‘mute’ button, and your body is falling limp onto his chest, hands balancing yourself on him as you peer up at him through tired eyes and a heavy pant. “Actually..”
“..Looks like I got a bit of a problem to take care of here first.” He smiles. “So give me a minute, yeah?”
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“Gonna have to keep that pretty voice of yours down.” Atsumu’s lips brush against the shell of your ear, big hands tight around your hips as he drags you up and down his thigh. “Or ‘Samu’s gonna hear ya.”
Your hips stutter against his leg, drawing a sharp gasp from you- and he curses under his breath. Osamu would be back any second now, and yet he’s got you seated on him, your lounge shorts pulled to the side so he can draw one quick orgasm out of you before the three of you head out for dinner.
Because you— Atsumu’s impatient lil bunny, or so he calls you, just couldn’t wait until after the dinner to get a quick treat.
“‘M trying.” You whisper, voice breathless and whiny, and you tighten your embrace around his middle, burying your face deep into the fabric of his sweater. “Feels ‘s good… so good— need more..”
“I know, I know— later, yeah?” He sounds unsteady from how roughly he’s moving you against him, muscles of his thigh flexing and hardening underneath you. “Gonna give it to ya real good. stuff ya nice and full. How’s that sound, dirty girl?”
You want that.
You know exactly how easy it’d be for him to get you gushing underneath his cock if it weren’t for your insistence on him not cumming. And well.. it kind of made sense to him— considering how your last creampie went. His mind thinks back to how you looked with his cum dribbling down your thighs as you nervously clamped them together, and how no one seemed to noticed the juices dripping into a neat little puddle beneath you.
It’d be so easy— he’s got you all mapped out and knows you like the back of his hand. He could just push those pretty thighs of yours up to your face, hold them nice and still as he pummels the deep spot inside you that has you chanting his name over and over, and your cunt would be gushing right after that.
“‘Tsumu.” You choke out, tightly latching onto him like a koala, “‘M gonna cum..!”
“You are, aren’t ya? I can tell.” He groans, and his thigh bounces up into you, mumbling a curse under his breath when you squeal at the roughness. “Show me that pretty face when you’re lettin’ go.”
A couple more rolls of your hips and you’re gasping and stuttering against him, Atsumu pulling you just right against his thigh as your eyes slam shut, knot inside you violently snapping in an instant as you tremble underneath him, your mouth falling open in a silent scream.
“That’s my fuckin’ girl.” His voice comes out deep and breathy, hands tightening their grip on you. “Ride it all out f’ me, rela- oh s-shit.”
Your eyes widen as soon as the sound of footsteps registers in your mind, and your head swiftly turns back to see that Atsumu’s already pulling your shorts back over your cunt, your juices immediately soaking through the fabric as he holds you flush against his chest, big hand cradling the back of your head.
“‘Tsumu..!” You whisper, but he’s shushing you with gentle strokes along the back of your head.
“What, ‘Samu?” he calls out, his mind putting together a silent prayer that his twin was not about to open the door.
His prayers go unanswered.
“You two ready yet?” Osamu’s asking as soon as he flings open the door, the knob accidentally slipping through his grasp, and your door crashes against your wall with a loud thud a second later.
You faintly hear him mutter an “oops” before his eyes are finally falling on you, brow raising at the sight of you clinging tightly onto atsumu as your chest heaves up and down.
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“What?” you can feel your concentration falter as soon as the sound of Sakusa’s voice reaches you, and you’re immediately wiping at the frustrated tears that have begun to collect along your lashes. “Can’t cum like that?”
You’re quick to shake your head, and he doesn’t miss the slight tremble to your lips. Cute.
Sakusa had his doubts about this idea of yours from the start. He knows how needy you always get— knows that despite that innocent face of yours, your cunt’s anything but. It’s greedy. Something like this was probably not gonna be able to get you to finish, and he knew that.. but a part of him was just curious.
What he wasn’t expecting, however, was to see you this frustrated. Your chest is rising up and down with each angry pant, arm coming to rub at your nose from the occasional sniffle after being denied orgasm after orgasm.
And him? he’s never felt such a strong ache before. The dark spot on his shorts are a tell-tale sign that he’s been leaking with pre-cum, and he can practically feel it starting to drip down his cock. Neither of you were doing so well, and if he was being honest, he’s on the verge of flipping you over and putting you in a mating press— but the small voice inside him wants to see you come undone on his thighs. Badly.
He’s just gotta see how you look.
“Need your cock, Omi.” You mumble, rising onto your knees to scoot further up, but he’s stopping you only a second later. “Omi? Why..?”
“No.” he says flatly. “You don’t.”
“I do!” You’re protesting immediately after, hands balancing on his shoulders. “Can’t finish without it— ah!”
You yelp when he’s roughly pulling you back down, his quad flexing as soon as your cunt makes contact with his leg. The hands around your hips are tight, and Sakusa’s setting a rhythm only a moment later, keeping the muscles of his legs firm and flexed to better rub against your clit.
“W-wait!” You’re stammering, whining straight into his ear as you frantically latch onto him. He lets you bury your face into the crook of his neck as he works you closer to your high, forcing you into a mind-numbing pace to have you flying right off the edge in a few more seconds.
“You can— don’t fight it.” His voice comes out as a deep grunt, a result of his dragged out attempts at ignoring the borderline painful throb of his cock, and oh- he was so going to take you in a mating press after this. The second you’re finished gushing, he was gonna flip you over and finally rid himself this irritating ache.
“Omi!” You sob, eyes clenching shut as your hips start to stutter, and he can feel you trembling underneath his hands. “Omi.. O-omi— ‘m close!” He only responds by roughly pressing his thigh up against you, thick muscle hitting your clit just right as you choke out a scream, finally gushing all over his thighs.
“See?” He exhales, breath hitching in his throat when your nails dig deep into his back, his hands slowly moving you up and down to ride out your high.
“You can.”
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“Feeling good, huh? Don’t try to fight it.”
Daichi grunts when you tug at his hair a little harder, face buried deep into his front as you desperately hump his leg. He’s gentle with you, strong hands guiding you up and down his leg, but he’d be lying if he said his patience wasn’t starting to wear thin.
The sweet nothings he’s been whispering into your ear this entire time are starting to sound a lot less like cooing and a lot more like grunting.
He couldn’t help it. He can feel you so so vividly, feel your juices dripping down the sides of his thigh and hear you moaning straight into his chest. You were soaked through and through, and it’s taking everything in him to stay patient and let you have this.
“There you go.” He’s praising you when you grind against him particularly hard, ignoring the way his shorts are feeling painfully tight around his cock. “Just like that— move exactly like that.”
“Daichi,” you whine. “‘M getting so close— feels so good.”
“Yeah?” He exhales deeply, and the way his cock twitches suddenly has him groaning, hands squeezing a bit too hard against your hips as you wince. “Daichi..?”
“Oops, sorry princess.” He’s clenching his jaw, giving you a weak smile as you wrap your arms around him. “That’s my bad. Don’t mind me, okay? Just.. worry about yourself— this is all about you right now.”
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You weren’t as subtle as you thought.
His legs just looked so strong, so perfect to sit on, and you couldn’t help yourself. He didn’t seem to think too much of it when you first sat a little lower than you usually did, straddling his mid thigh as he flipped through another manga that Tendou had lent him earlier that week.
Just subtle movements up and down his thigh was your original plan, but it didn’t take very long for him to catch on.
“What are you doing?” Ushijima’s voice has you jolting from where you’re seated on his left thigh, his gaze now on you and the way you’re frantically waving your arms around in defense, barely able to stammer out a “N-nothing!”
You just barely catch the way his eyebrow raises in suspicion. It has you moving off him the next second, but he’s tossing aside the manga, big and strong hands easily wrapping around your hips to keep you planted on him.
“Don’t leave yet.” He says, stern and flat, but you catch the hint of curiosity swirling deep in his eyes.
The familiar heat of embarrassment is flooding to your face in an instant, and your head hangs low. “S-sorry, Toshi.” You mumble, fiddling with the hem of your shirt. “Your thighs just looked so big, just wanted to… ride them.”
It’s silent.
You work up the courage to snack a glance at him again, now faced with the sight of his head tilted a bit, as if confused by your confession. “B-but!” You continue, mouth already running off on its own. “Forget it, okay? It might be weird— Toshi..?”
It was just one little flex of his quad, one that had the muscle pushing up against your clit, but the way his name rolled off your tongue sounded sinful. You can feel his grip around your hips tightening a bit, and he’s leaning in to close the gap between the two of you.
“Wouldn’t it feel better like this?”
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It started off with an accidental brush of his knee against your cunt.
Bokuto had always been eager with his kisses. He had you pinned down on his mattress, body hovering over yours as he moved his lips against your own— and he hadn’t even noticed anything different until he heard you suddenly moan into his mouth. He’s pulling away the next second, eyes wide as he tries gauging your reaction again, bringing his knee back to rub over your cunt. And … just like clockwork, your eyes clench shut and you choke back a gasp.
He swallows thickly.
Only five minutes later and he’s got you seated on his thigh, moving you back and forth with a needy grunt, his free hand squeezing your cheeks as he forces you to look up at him. “Don’t look away, ‘kay?”
“You look pretty— pretty like that. I just wanna see.”
The look on his face isn’t much different from yours. His mouth is slightly parted in desperate pants, deep red spreading across his cheeks at the sight of you feeling good on his leg. He’s swallowing deeply before he takes in a sharp inhale right after, already pussy drunk and his dick hasn’t even touched you yet.
The way your face starts to contort when you’re rapidly approaching your high has him just hoping he doesn’t end up finishing untouched. It’s throbbing— absolutely aching with need and as soon as you start sobbing his name, he can feel his patience shatter into thin pieces.
You let out a loud yelp as soon as your back hits the mattress, Bokuto looming over you with a strained look on his face as he rushes to line his tip up with your hole. “S-sorry.” His voice is just above a growl. “I can’t help it after all. It’s okay though, right? Gonna make you feel good.”
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his-saiko · 2 years
POV: You teased Tsukishima too far
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Tsukki put his hand on the wall and smiled that signature smile of his. I did my best to keep my composure and tried to slide away but he slammed his other hand on the wall too, caging me in his frame.
Oh, knees don’t fail me now. “Tsukki…” I turned my head so he wouldn’t see me blushing.
Tsukki leaned in until our faces were an inch away. He breathed out his warm breath over my neck.
I bit my tongue to stop me from making a single sound. “Tsukki…” I tried to push him off me but the size difference between us made the effort futile. “Tsukki… I’m sorry. I teased you too far.”
“You can’t back out on me now.” He tilted his head.
I can feel his lips nearing my skin. His every breath was like blood pulsing on me. “Sir!” I covered my mouth when I realized what I had done.
“Oh, we’re roleplaying now?” He looked at me and smirked.
I gasped. “TSUKISHIMA KEI!” I shouted then pursed my lips.
“I mean, I don’t mind you screaming my whole name for tonight.”
I covered my face and screamed into my hands.
He laughed. “I’m not sorry, pipsqueak. Gotta remind you that I’m a man with fantasies too.”
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© 2022 Alfi. Do not repost any of my work
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tvhsleb3ww · 5 months
husb!oikawa who helps you do the taxes and puts his glasses on and brings a calculator only for him to get bored after 20 minutes and whines when you don't give him attention
husb!oikawa who is your plus one to any events your office is doing and your female coworkers gawking over him only for him to show off his ring before wrapping an arm around your waist, swiftly saying "i'm taken, ladies" with a smug smirk
husb!oikawa who panics and screams whenever he thinks he lost his wedding ring bc he can't wear it in games!
husb!oikawa who ties the ring to a necklace so he can wear it during games, he'll also give the ring a kiss before any serve
husb!oikawa who watches horror movies w you, expecting for you to hide your face in his chest from the jumpscares and he can act all tough and cool by protecting you from said jumpscares— only for him to be the one hiding in the crook of your neck when watching them
husb!oikawa who picks you up from the bar that you and your coworkers went to bc he doesn't trust anyone on returning you home when you're drunk as a sailor
husb!oikawa who makes hangover seaweed soup along with some hot chocolate when you wake up all lightheaded bc of the drinks you had and nags you for drinking too much
husb!oikawa who will reserve you a VIP seat for his games and will shamelessly kiss you in front of the whole crowd, he could also shamelessly make out w you too but that would earn him a smack
husb!oikawa who gets upset when you can't go with him to his overseas games because of your work, muttering a "you can be a housewife instead, yknow!! I'll be the source of income!!" which he got smacked for because you didn't work your ass for a degree just to be a housewife
husb!oikawa who'd act all tough and nonchalant when both of you have a fight and he's lying on the couch with crossed arms but in reality he's thinking about the fight and he hates getting into arguements with you
husb!oikawa who will beg you to listen to his explanation bc he doesn't wanna go to sleep with you being mad at him
husb!oikawa who just grins and wiggles his eyebrows at you whenever your parents start asking for grandchildren when you both come over to visit
husb!oikawa who will not show up to work if you're sick and will take care of you
husb!oikawa who whines when his mother and his older sister treats you like their own family to the point they forget about him (he's actually happy that the important women in his life get along)
husb!oikawa who has an ID photo of you in his wallet and has a polaroid of both of you on your wedding day in his clear phone case
husb!oikawa who comments on ALL your instagram posts and shares it on his story. he will also reply to every men in the comments section that dares to flirt with you
husb!oikawa who always has a hand on one of your boobs when he's sleeping because he says it's comfy! (he just wants to feel something soft)
husb!oikawa who spoils you rotten and sends bouquets to your office on a weekly basis
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keiscorner · 3 months
2:53 am
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"kei." no response. you know tsukishima has to get up early for work, but the window across from your bed is open, allowing the night breeze to creep in and sting your face. you could get up yourself, but that's what husbands are for, right?
you twist around, trying to wiggle out of your husband's grasp so you can take a better look at his sleeping face. he has an arm wrapped firmly around your waist, the other supporting your neck to, in his words, 'protect his ears from your constant complaints about your sore neck in the morning'.
"honey?" you poke his cheek, smiling to yourself when he grunts in response. tsukishima has always been a light sleeper. you lay in silence for a few seconds before he finally lets out a sigh, opening his eyes to look at you.
"what do you want?"
you muster up your biggest doe eyes, knowing that he hates getting out of bed just as much as you do. "close the window for me?"
"no. you do it."
you sigh dramatically, gesturing at his arms wrapped firmly around you. "i would love to, but someone is holding me hostage, so i think you're going to have to do it."
tsukishima rolls his eyes, untangling his arms from your body. "problem solved." he holds back a smile when you frown and pull the blankets away from him, turning your back towards him. you're so cute. tsukishima would do anything you ask of him without hesitation, but he can't help but tease you a bit first. he'll never get tired of your reactions, and he loves that he can be a little snarky with you.
you sigh again, this time louder and more pointed, pretending to shiver just to show your husband how cold you really are, and how cruel he is for not helping. "if only someone could hold me right now...", you trailed off.
"ok, do you want me to help you or not?" he finally gives in, getting up to reach for his glasses. you win, as usual. you turn back to face him again with a smile as bright as sunshine, and despite all of the years you've been together, his heart still stops for a second. wow. okay, maybe he is obsessed with you, but he can't help it. you've clearly worked your magic on him, considering the fact that he's getting out of the bed for you when he has to be awake in a few hours. he goes to close the windows with a firm click, walking back to his side of bed.
"kei...since you're already up...", he looks back to see your guilty smile, an empty mug in your hands. "please? last thing, i swear." he give you a look that reads, "you're lucky i love you." (you know you're the luckiest person in the world.)
he takes your mug and you hear his quiet footsteps making their way to the kitchen. he comes back, handing you a mug full of warm water. once you take a sip, he takes the mug from you again, placing it on your nightstand.
"i poisoned that," he quips, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead before finally lying down and snaking his arms around your waist, pulling you in closer to him. the only reason he hates getting out of bed is that he has to let go of you, but he doesn't need to say that. he's sure you already know.
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haikyu-mp4 · 1 month
coming home all tired from work, there was nothing like finding your husband Keiji in his home office and curling yourself around him in the most comforting squish. your eyes were already closed, sinking into his warm neck.
“mrs. Akaashi?” he asked you, and that alone made you feel all floaty.
“if I say you’re mine, does that make you feel like I’m seeing you as an object instead of a person?” Keiji asked you after planting a little kiss on your arm where it wrapped across his chest, completely serious in his questioning. you blinked for a moment before finally registering.
“uhh, not really. but if you suddenly went feral and tried to tell me what to do because you're mine, that would be pushing it,” you answered with a light chuckle.
“ahaa…” Keiji nodded as if totally understanding what you meant, before taking some notes in the open notebook beside him. “so… would you say it’s okay if it’s meant as you being my person? the one for me, as I am for you,” he asked, leaving space in the air for you to consider his wording. you tilted your head with a pleased expression, leaning forward to see his face.
“and yours as in your wife, of course. rightfully.“ you booped his nose with your finger before leaning in for a kiss. “you have such a way with words, dearest.” at this point, you were practically purring, but ended up choking on a laugh when you saw the amount of feminism-related media open on Keiji’s computer.
“Tenma is making a new character. she’s very political and it made me realise I’m not entirely educated.”
you just fell more in love with your husband every day, huh. “does this mean you’re making dinner today? challenging the gender roles one chore at a time,” you joked as if you didn’t already share all your chores evenly.
he laughed, stretching as he decided to finally clock out of work. “anything for you, my love.”
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