aftokrator-official · 2 years
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World Trigger - Rated T - Hyrein/Izumi if you squint
Part 2 of Afto AU, in which Izumi gets acquainted with his new situation.
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freshdickies · 1 year
World Trigger Ship Stamps
You can Right Click>Copy Image Link and add these bad boys to your Bio, Pinned, or About Page! I’m slowly creating more & I’ll add them to the original post as I go.
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promisinininining · 5 years
posterior posting // shitposts
the content creator is gurgling again // rambles about current fic projects
mewmews // cats
mis-takes // hcs/fandom-related chatter
mis-types // personal chatter
postmoogling // answered asks
mp100 / mp11
world trigger / watori shitposting
char: eyes on the hunt // esme
char: rabbit heart // kozue kiyomi
char: an undesirable child // akechi goro
char: defy fate // persona 5 protagonoist
char: extraordinary commoner // hanazawa teruki
char: just for funsies // shimazaki ryou
char: lying is a bad habit // kuga yuuma
char: the burden of foresight // jin yuuichi
char: an untrustworthy smile // inukai sumiharu
ship: a tender violence // shimateru
ship: our dream to grasp the stars // jinyuu
ship: catch and release // haiizu
ship: second nature to love you // faume
ship: a love that shapes the narrative // shuake
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more ship ask meme responses for @freshdickies!
4. Who initiates affection? Why does the other not initiate affection as much?
They're both pretty physically affectionate, I think, but I think Ranbanein in particular would constantly be touching Azuma even in just casual little ways, an arm around his shoulders or leaning on him or a little kiss to greet him. It's just who he is. Azuma's very willing to indulge his cuddly golden retriever of a partner, but I do think it takes some getting used to for him, since physical affection usually involved or led into sex with his previous relationships, and that's very much not the case with Ranbanein. Once he gets used to it, though, I think Azuma would enjoy the frequent casual physical intimacy, and finds it reassuring.
14. Do they enjoy PDA, or are they more private with affection?
Ranbanein is very affectionate regardless of circumstance. He doesn't mind! Everyone should know how much he loves Azuma and how wonderful Azuma is!! Azuma… is far more private, and very easily embarrassed by this, even though Ranbanein's PDA is all pretty innocent in nature. When he's more comfortable in their relationship, I think Azuma could actually turn the tables on him and get Ranbanein flustered if he's being seductive in public or getting Ranbanein turned on - as physically affectionate as he is, Ranbanein doesn't have too much experience in sexual relationships, so it doesn't take much to get him blushing and awkward about it. 
42. What’s their relationship like with each other’s friends/families?
Honestly pretty good, in both directions. Azuma and Hyrein get along, though I think (at least early on) they'd be tremendously awkward when left alone together, before they know each other well. But Hyrein both respects him as a combatant and tactician, and is tremendously glad his brother has found someone who makes him so happy, so he has a generally positive impression of Azuma. I think Azuma would also respect Hyrein and recognize the difficulties he faces in a command position, though he'd also be harder on him than on Ranbanein when it comes to… Afto cultural practices he doesn't approve of. After all, Hyrein is in a position of authority and Ranbanein isn't.
Ranbanein wouldn't find it hard to endear himself to Azuma's "kids" in Border, for the most part. Most of them would be wary of him at first, but Ranbanein truly doesn't take offense at this and considers it a worthy challenge to earn their trust and respect. In situations that don't involve anyone being captured Koarai and Okudera would come around pretty quickly and get along with him like a house on fire. Miwa, on the other hand… would have a really hard time, for obvious reasons. I think he'd get past it, but it'll take a long time, and a lot of patience on ranazu's parts.
I haven't fully solidified my headcanons for Azuma's parents… but I do have the vague sense that even just learning he's gay was a huge hurdle for them, so "I'm getting married to a man from another dimension, also he's nobility" is PROBABLY A STRETCH lol. If their relationship survives it's probably fairly strained and distant, but that's not Ranbanein's fault, or even particularly related to him personally - it's just inevitable. I feel like Azuma was always closer to his mom, and she might be more likely to come around on her surprise son-in-law and develop a good relationship with him eventually.
2. Who wakes up early/Who sleeps in late?
Hyrein is definitely the early riser of the two, Izumi likes to sleep in. Usually Hyrein is waking up early to work, but I think he'd really enjoy a quiet, relaxing early morning routine when he has time for it - listen to the birds, watch the sunrise, have breakfast. Izumi thinks that's all well and good but he'd rather be sleeping all the same. I think a leisurely morning for them usually looks like Hyrein enjoying a quiet, contemplative moment while Izumi uses him as a pillow and continues to sleep. 💖
4. Who initiates affection? Why does the other not initiate affection as much?
In the beginning it was Hyrein, but overall it tends to be Izumi. Hyrein is… not repressed, but keenly aware of his position and the propriety expected of him. Izumi has no such qualms, and a higher sex drive besides, so he's pretty shameless about getting up in Hyrein's personal space and putting his hands all over him. He'll also very casually lean on Hyrein or even fall asleep on him, and I think this makes Hyrein feel things - the trust it shows Izumi has in him now, after how hard won it was, and the fact that almost no one else in his life is this casually affectionate with him (probably only Ranbanein).
11. How do they feel about nicknames/pet names? If they like them, what pet names do they use? If they hate them, why do they feel that way?
I think Hyrein is more likely to use pet names - things like "my love" and "my dear", and I also really like the idea of him calling Izumi "fledgling" ;u; Izumi… is easily embarrassed by it, I think, but secretly really likes it. I don't think he calls Hyrein by anything but his name as much, but one GUARANTEED to fluster Hyrein and turn him on is when Izumi calls him "my lord" after they're in a relationship. It was a perfectly normal way for Izumi to address him when he was simply his apprentice, but as his lover/husband… for some reason Hyrein can't handle it in this context, and Izumi thinks it's adorable (and a fun way to wind him up).
19. Do they wear each other’s clothes/jewelry?
Izumi is a boyfriend's-clothes-stealer for SURE. After the first time seeing Izumi wearing nothing but a shirt of his, slipping off his shoulder, Hyrein does not mind in the least. Hyrein's taller and broader than Izumi and doesn't fit in his clothes as easily, but Izumi does enjoy it very much on the rare occasions he can get Hyrein to wear Meeden clothes. (Izumi thinks he looks adorably awkward in casual wear, and very hot in formal attire.)
22. Are they comfortable joking around with each other and being silly/playful?
Hyrein is a fairly serious person, but I think being around Izumi helps him loosen up a lot. Early on, catching glimpses of a lighter, gentler side to Hyrein is a big part of why Izumi fell for him - seeing him play around with Alektor's animal bullets or being soft for cute animals. Hyrein's sense of humor is subtle, but Izumi is pretty good at picking up on it and thoroughly enjoys it, and Hyrein feels incredibly pleased every time he makes Izumi laugh. Izumi jokes around with him a lot, more and more as he becomes more comfortable with him and more confident that he doesn't need to maintain a stiff formality all the time.
42. What’s their relationship like with each other’s friends/families?
Izumi does fine - he gets along great with Ranbanein, and probably Viza as well. Hyrein, though... has a harder time, for obvious reasons. Izumi forgives him for the invasion and capturing him far more easily than most of Izumi's friends and family. Out of everyone Karasuma would probably come to terms with it most easily - he's seen Hyuse's struggles with being in a fairly similar position to Izumi, and understands that Izumi's emotions are far more complicated than most people expect them to be. He's probably heard a lot about Hyrein and House Beltiston from Hyuse, too, and is more willing to believe that Hyrein truly isn't abusing or manipulating Izumi because of it. Midorikawa also forgives Hyrein and Izumi fairly easily, mostly just glad to have Izumi back in his life even if circumstances are different. He has no idea how to interact with Hyrein, though, and vice versa - I think seeing his friends, and especially Midorikawa interacting with Hyrein would be a stark reminder to Izumi of the age gap between them, haha.
Yoneya has a harder time. He's an easygoing type who doesn't hold grudges easily, but Hyrein took his best friend and then his best friend chose to stay. It's hard for him to understand that and I think he'd be bitter for a while, though he makes an effort to get past it for Izumi's sake. He really leans on Miwa for support after Izumi is taken and Miwa's own emotional state is... not the greatest influence on him. I think he would definitely be able to reconcile with Izumi in time. Miwa, though... I'm not sure his relationship with Izumi would ever recover? That feeling of betrayal would cut deep for him, especially after watching Yoneya fall apart over losing Izumi, and I think it'd leave a scar.
Tachikawa also has a really hard time. He's really protective of Izumi, was single-mindedly determined to rescue him after he was taken, and Izumi's eventual reconciliation with and marriage to Hyrein feels like a horrible blow after he thought it was all over. He's not just angry at Izumi for leaving, he's also half-convinced that Hyrein has somehow brainwashed or manipulated him into this, not trusting him even after most others have come around on their relationship. But Izumi stubbornly fights to maintain a relationship with Tachikawa anyway. I think it's when Hyrein and Izumi's first kids are born that things really start to heal between Izumi and Tachikawa, because Izumi very much wants "Uncle Kei" to be a part of their lives and Tachikawa, in spite of everything, adores them. It's always a little strained between him and Hyrein, but they both do their best to set that aside for Izumi's sake.
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Hyrein: lord of House Beltiston, wielder of Alektor, and v comfy pillow
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aftokrator-official · 2 years
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Haiizu fankids - the twins, Eirene and Dinetai.
The Afto characters' names are all based on Greek words, so I did the same for the twins. Eirene means "peace" and Dinetai is based on "given" - a reversal on Hyrein and Ranbanein's names, which are both based on verbs meaning "take/conquer/seize" etc.
Izumi writes their names in kanji as well, though the reading is the same as their Afton names - 平和 ("peace") for Eirene, and 恵赦 ("blessing" and "forgiveness") for Dinetai.
Eirene takes after Hyrein in personality - she's thoughtful, cautious, and quiet, usually taking a moment to assess the situation before acting. Dinetai is relaxed and outgoing, and can sometimes be impulsive.
Eggs are usually produced in clutches, but it's rare for more than one to wind up viable. That Izumi and Hyrein's first clutch produced two healthy children was celebrated and considered a good omen. It also helped Izumi to be accepted as Hyrein's consort, as there were those who objected to Hyrein marrying an offworlder.
In their teens, the twins move to Mikado City as "exchange students" to attend school and train with Border. Outside of Border, their cover identity is that they are the children of Izumi and his Canadian husband, raised abroad. When they reach B-rank, they form a squad with Katori and Osamu's oldest child. Eirene is a shooter like her dads, Dinetai is an all-rounder who starts out as an attacker. Tachikawa mentors him in Kogetsu techniques - the twins consider him an uncle.
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aftokrator-official · 2 years
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Izumi doodle. I believe this one stemmed from a conversation with Mis and Zeda about an AU where Izumi is in Aftokrator on a diplomatic mission, being wooed by a hopelessly smitten Hyrein but having No idea what's going on due to cultural differences and "i guess this is just how they treat diplomats here???"
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aftokrator-official · 2 years
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World Trigger - rated T - Hyrein/Izumi
here, have the first(?) part of the Aftokrator AU that's been eating me alive for the last two weeks
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so I've been concocting this Afto swap AU with @freshdickies which started as an excuse for haiizu/ranazu and... continues to be, tbh, but with more and more characters roped in. here's the first half of the invasion team 👀
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B, C, F, and G to start~?
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
Man, so many! I am very suggestible when it comes to ships and my friends are talented so it is very easy to draw me into things 😂 Some examples off the top of my head, mostly MP100 and World Trigger:
Minori/Mob, which i hadn't really thought about until Mis put it in my head and now they're married with children in my endgame headcanons
Hatori/Minegishi - that one's your fault hehe
Not from anyone I know personally, but various Pixiv artists and doujinshi sold me on TachiNino
....I feel like at least half of my watori ships are Mis's fault now that I'm thinking about it hahaha
(honorable mention to jinyuu as well, since it was in my mind when I started the series from Mis talking about them - i feel like it's very likely I would have started shipping them independently anyway, bc the dynamic is Very Good, but Mis made it inevitable ksdjfskd)
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will.
YuuOsa and TachiJin come to mind... I LOVE both as platonic relationships, but I just... don't see Osamu or Tachikawa as someone Yuuma or Jin would be attracted to, respectively? And top Yuuma just isn't it for me. (I do actually own a single OsaYuu doujin... because the art was gorgeous and it had post-body-recovery Yuuma with his missing limbs and eye, which I am always down for, lmao.)
Azuma with his kids, especially Miwa/Koarai/Okudera - I just can't imagine him not being incredibly scrupulous about maintaining healthy boundaries with the teenagers under his care, and the alternate character interpretation of "predatory Azuma" that i've seen in a lot of the azumiwa/etc content is... extremely Not For Me.
It's not a huge ship, and basically nonexistent on the eng side of fandom, but Hyrein/Osamu still baffles me. Like, Osamu-fuckers chase ur bliss, etc, but Hyrein had SO LITTLE to say about Osamu personally compared to other Border agents he fought (Izumi, obviously, but even Miwa and Karasuma) that I just cannot imagine Osamu leaving any impression on him at all, let alone the obsessive villain/hero ship that has apparently spawned more doujins than haiizu no i'm not salty leave me alone
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom?
HMMM this is a really hard one to quantify since there are some fandoms that I tend to return to periodically, and often have like... one primary fixation but several running in the background that can still Activate me periodically. The longest individual fixations tend to be around 1.5-2 years (Transformers, Star Trek, Promare, and MP100 all reached that point) - but there are comfort fandoms that I circle back to repeatedly that have been in my life for decades (Star Trek and Pokemon are a couple of the major ones, and Ar Tonelico is a more recent example that hasn't quite hit a decade yet but shows no signs of going anywhere). And while MOST of my fic/art consumption and creative output is in Watori right now, I still would say I'm in MP100 fandom to some extent - I still buy shimateru/Claw-centric doujins when I see them, a lot of my friends are still active in the fandom, and I've got shimateru WIPs I hope to circle back to eventually. OTOH I don't really see myself returning to writing for Promare and don't currently have any interest in my older Star Trek WIPs, but I still like to rewatch both of them, I have no intention of selling any of the Promare merch that is in every room of my house, and I still love going to the Trek con in Vegas every couple of years and have some future cosplay plans... And you can still absolutely activate those parts of my brain if you talk to me about the Dominion or Kraylio, hahaha. It's very nebulous but I kind of like it this way! I like still feeling connected to my fandoms even after the intense hyperfixation phase has faded.
G - Have you ever had an OTP? If so, do you remember your first one? Who was in it?
I always have one or two Big Fav Ships in any given fandom, but I've always been a multishipper also, so "true" OTPs are a little rarer. I remember Ishihime in Bleach being one of the first non-canon ships I felt pretty strongly about, and disliking Ichihime as a result, but I also liked Ulquihime a lot, so... lmao. The first truly exclusive OTP I can remember might actually be Han'Gerrel/Zaal'Koris from the original Mass Effect trilogy, which was incidentally also the beginning of my shift from primarily-het shipper to primarily-gay shipper hahah.
I think in my mind, something qualifies as an OTP if it's like... the True Ending in my mind, even when I also enjoy other ships. Like- in MP100, Shimazaki and Teru just Are Together, even though I also sometimes enjoy other ships involving them like touishima, shimamine, riteru etc - those other ships just always are "relationship history" or "alternate timeline" in my head, and I never really imagine them long-term in the same way.
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Ranbanein/Azuma for the ship ask meme from @jesterrring!
3. What was their first impression of each other?
I think Azuma could tell from the start that Ranbanein was a formidable foe, but had to revise his initial assessment a little because he'd taken Ranbanein for more of a "shoot first ask questions later" type, but was surprised by how much thought Ranbanein had put into his attack. By the end of the fight I think he'd have a certain respect for him as an opponent, though he was so focused on protecting and guiding the other B-ranks through that battle that I think Ranbanein lingered in his mind less than the other way around.
Ranbanein didn't initially realize that the unseen Meeden commander whose tactics caused so much trouble for him was the same person as the sniper who was there when he first warped over. He would've been very curious, though, intrigued by the commander who'd had such loyal soldiers and had directed them so effectively. I don't think he particularly looked at Azuma when they first met face to face, but I like to think he put the pieces together later and realized Azuma must have been the Meeden commander, looking at footage of the battle... and that's when he finds himself captivated by Azuma's appearance, too. :3
24. How do their personalities affect their relationship? Do their characteristics compliment each other, or clash often?
I think their personalities balance each other out really well. Ranbanein's a lot more extraverted and high-energy than Azuma, but they're both really warm and genuine people who care about others and I think they'd have similar priorities in life. They're both people who take joy in the simple things, I think? Good food, physical activity, spending time with loved ones. I think they'd like learning about each other's cultures and hobbies. Ranbanein in particular seems like he'd really take to Azuma's love of the outdoors, I could see the two of them taking long camping/fishing trips together and really enjoying themselves.
Plus, Azuma in my headcanons is someone with a rather fraught relationship history, slow to open up or reveal much of his inner life. I think being with someone as honest and straightforward as Ranbanein would be good for him - he'd never have to question how much Ranbanein cares for him, because Ranbanein would be cheerfully telling him (and everyone else he knows) all the time.
26. What sacrifices do they make for the other?
I think the specifics would depend on the AU/scenario for them, but in any case there's no way they would be able to make it work without significant sacrifice, coming from different worlds. At best, one of them would have to leave behind their home and family for their partner, even if only temporarily. It's hard to imagine Azuma ever willingly leaving Border, but parting from Aftokrator and his brother would be really hard for Ranbanein too. I see them as kind of the inverse of Haiizu in that regard - Hyrein and Azuma have deep roots and responsibilities tying them to their respective homelands, but Izumi and Ranbanein could choose to leave to be with their lover in Aftokrator/Earth, even though both of them would still be leaving a lot behind.
40. Do they have any regrets in their relationship?
Again depends on the AU, since I can see a number of potential outcomes for them... I think in any scenario that started with Azuma being captured by Afto, even if it ended well for them, Ranbanein would regret taking him in the first place - even if what he did was perfectly acceptable by Afto standards, he sees firsthand how much pain it causes Azuma, and knowing he's the one responsible for that pain would leave him with a lot of guilt.
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📄,❔, 📝, 🗣, 🤔 for any series/wips you've got!
yes I already answered some of these for mis but there is ALWAYS MORE TO SAY SO
📄What’s a WIP you never finished that you would like to go back and revisit?
Shimateru family AU is another I'd like to go back to someday, I've got a number of WIPs for that one but in PARTICULAR: the Shimazaki+Shou fic, the Hotaru+Serizawa fic, and the one where Teru wakes up from his coma are all ones I'm hoping to clean up and post someday! Still have so much love for that AU arghh.
❔Choose a random WIP and talk about it.
Barely qualifies as a WIP, considering I have barely written anything of it, but: current brainrot is this fic about Azuma Squad winding up stranded somewhere in the Neighborhood, in which Azuma is injured and incapacitated and Okudera and Koarai are trying to take care of him and survive. I'm not sure where it's going, it's mostly running on vibes right now, but I'm just EXTREMELY feral thinking about those boys relying on each other in a desperate situation, unable to lean on Azuma for support this time because he's the one who needs protection and care right now. WEH. It's got very... post-apocalypse, survival horror type flavor, except not really an apocalypse unless you count the very localized apocalypse of one particular planet-nation falling to pieces around them.
(It's funny, actually, because I've always said Azuma would be super great in a survival horror setting, except now the one time I've actually placed him there, he's not actually doing any of the survival things and instead has to be cared for by his kids, haha. I guess the Azuma whump was inevitable though.)
📝Share a snippet of an unposted WIP, with or without context.
i put ranazu in the last post so... have some haiizu~
Hyrein finds himself stroking Izumi’s hair, and the boy leans into the touch. His eyes open to slits, tears clinging to his lashes and slipping down his cheeks. “H-hyrein-sama?” “Yes.” The confirmation makes Izumi’s body relax, just slightly, and for some reason some tension seeps out of Hyrein, too. “Hurts,” Izumi whimpers. “Still hurts.” “I know. I’m sorry.” And he means it. He doesn’t regret his decision, not exactly, but– he wishes there were an easier way. If he could protect Izumi from the pain of this process, he would have. “It won’t be long now. You’re healing, and you’ll be stronger for this. You’ll see.”
🗣️Talk about your favourite WIP
I've already talked a bit about Afto AU, but I'll just go more specific - my favorite WIP from that series so far might be what I've written about Izumi recovering from having horns implanted (a bit of which may or may not be quoted on this very post). It's such a turning point in his relationship with Hyrein, AND with Yuuma, both of whom are also stressed to the breaking point over Izumi's recovery, if for slightly different reasons. It's gonna be MESSY and I absolutely love it. Too bad it's quite a ways off in the timeline though haha, lots to do before I get there.
🤔Do you have an WIPs where you wish you had chosen a different fandom/character?
Hmm, not really... everything I write tends to be so specific to the characters that I can't imagine transposing it. WHICH sounds a bit silly because I do revisit my favorite tropes/AU "genres" a lot across multiple fandoms, but even then, it's the subtle variation that makes them fun... so it's hard to imagine any of my fics coming into existence in quite the same way in a different fandom or ship.
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📝Share a snippet of an unposted WIP, with or without context.
have some RanAzu i haven't finished yet! which I'm certain you've already seen but i've not shared it anywhere outside the gc so. (unrelated to Afto AU despite also being.... a captive-in-Aftokrator AU lol)
House Beltiston is not what he expected. Neither is Ranbanein. Azuma had expected him to be another brute, another violent Afton soldier with all the arrogance that nobility implies, but while the man clearly loves a good fight - and is good at it, too - he seems to have little interest in exerting dominance over his inferiors. Perhaps, Azuma thinks, he has never needed to - Ranbanein seems genuinely well-liked by his subordinates, and doesn’t appear to bear any bitterness about being a second son. Azuma has not met his brother, the head of House Beltiston, but the warmth in Ranbanein’s voice when he speaks about him is obviously genuine. It seems almost peaceful, but Azuma’s guard is up. Just because Ranbanein hasn’t laid hands on him yet doesn’t mean he won’t, or that he won’t eventually tire of Azuma’s service and sell him on to the next buyer.
📄What’s a WIP you never finished that you would like to go back and revisit?
I still really want to finish my Shimateru Dawnverse fic about Shimazaki and what happens after Teru's death in that AU. Hell, I'd like to finish Dawnverse someday and get it to the resolution we'd had in mind, but I don't know if or when that will happen - but I at least want to post the Shimazaki fic, it's so close to done and deserves to be seen.
for watori, something that's kinda on the backburner but I'd like to return to at some point is the Azuma backstory fic... there's just SO many headcanons in there that contextualize how I write him at this point, and there is so much I want to explore about him joining Border and forming these relationships that will be such a core part of him down the road. My Azuma brainrot lately has been more specifically focused on current Azuma Squad and on RanAzu, but I really want to get back to this one at some point!
🗣️Talk about your favourite WIP
Is it cheating to say Afto AU when that's technically, like, a long string of multiple WIPs...?? The next installment has been giving me fits for months, but boy, there's so many aspects of this series that I'm really excited about 😭 Especially the haiizu relationship and the yuuma+viza friendship dynamic, I really can't wait to write more of those interactions.
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