#haha pun
king-of-men · 7 months
Thinking of making a diceless RPG - the characters will be ghosts who have something to accomplish on Earth, the win condition is for your character to "move on", ie die but correctly this time, and the main mechanic is to "move into" living humans and make them work towards your goal. I've got lots of background and worldbuilding for this mechanic, it's not full Masquerade but sort of disreputable because of course "a ghost made me do it" is unfalsifiable even when it does sometimes happen. I've written out a number of legal precedents and whatnot; actually looking through my notes I think possession is nine tenths of the lore.
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ninja-knox-ur-sox-off · 6 months
I desperately wanted to make a Hard Knock Life amv for the Lego Ninjago Movie Lloyd but the only versions I have of the movie don't have sound and I NEED SOUND IF I'MA MAKE IT AAAA
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milesofstars · 23 days
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i mostly made this account as a way to look at other peoples art on tumblr, and only really started posted a couple pieces of art for fun, but the positivity ive received so far is so encouraging for me and my art that this is most likely going to become an actual art blog (which i wasnt expecting!!)
thank you again for interacting with my posts and leaving kind messages, i appreciate it more than you can know =))
PS: i am considering making some sort of Ask The Characters blog (idk what theyre called) possibly for danganronpa... lmk if that sounds cool...
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kom-poetry-channel · 6 months
When I translate poems
from English, or German, or Norwegian
into another of the languages I speak
I always find a curious effect:
Although I know no West Slavic
I need to do a final pass
for Polish.
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gojixfan23 · 9 months
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This was a concept I've been meaning to draw for a long while. He's looking rather cute isn't he (I wonder who's the groom?)
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groupalpha · 5 months
"That I can do!, just anything to the plants right let's see here, hmmmm... ooh I have a fun idea!"
[Alter Objects]
{Alter objects using one magic point, cannot alter the world itself, but merely basic objects}
*the popcorn plant and various mosses and grasses in and close to string's chamber begin to morph cardnon decides to go for something blatant but obvious, the flora turning distinct blue, violet and pinks, the popcorns kernals on display and quickly growing when one is removed, as cardnon pops one into his mist, each kernal resembling a star, among many other newfound starry berry fruiting flowers and vines, the plants saturated with the same magical energy as cardnon*
"Decided to go with something basic, what d'ya think?, mystical plants seem interesting?"
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poisoned-pearls · 6 months
I never planned on you from newsies is florid coded. If I could make animatics I would illustrate my point
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i-eated-paint · 4 months
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sevyn-stars · 1 year
I would stop the whole world if it meant 15 more minutes with you.
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thepiratefish · 7 months
??? Talking to Benny while looking at the kids: you've gone soft Sharp
Grgrurhrhruhrr He's SHARP not Dull
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king-of-men · 11 months
Poseidon, like most male Greek gods, was both an incredibly jealous husband and a terrible philanderer. When he accused his wife of cheating, the wine-dark sea would roll white with his rage from the Hellespont to the Pillars, and mariners would make for home, or for a port, or for any shore that might spare their lives if not their vessels, as fast as the howling winds could push the taut-stretched sails.
But Amphitrite knew how to handle him. When the storm neared its height, she would raise one eyebrow and gently inquire after the health of Amymone, or Larissa, or Canace as the case might be - whichever female Poseidon had most recently gotten pregnant; and behold, Poseidon would slink away ashamed, and the storm would subside, and the wine-dark sea would again carry ships safely from port to port.
This was the first sea-quell query.
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dungbeatposse · 1 year
ren is too goddamn sexy for his own good, arrest him!!! he’s too hot!!! also ryushin’s white outfit for fire is something i would wear
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tumblr isnt doing alright
all left maybe but categorically not alright
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akascow · 2 years
what if gege releases gojo at the 999 day mark and doesnt give us the satisfaction of hitting 1000 days when then
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thedankmemes · 1 month
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2649901 · 2 months
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