#haha i am banging what is essentially your older brother
aaronymous999 · 1 year
Deadpool just transcends the multiverse he’s like the same guy in everything and has memories of everything ( at least in my own headcanon )
So one day he just appears in Aaron Allan’s universe and ( this part of Deadpool is kinda underrated and not talked about enough ) just kind of parents the Spider Children. Aaron thinks he’s kinda funny but as a romance and sex repulsed aroace, Aaron does not like how much he flirts with the villains. Also he kills people normally but since he came on a mission from Peter he’s not. Cindy hates his guts and thinks he’s SO UNFUNNY. She wants to rip him to pieces. And lastly Miles is so weirded out and also makes fun of SMAA!Peter for his variant liking this dude.
Deadpool also finds it wild that SMAA!Daredevil is beefing with Aaron Allan Spider-Man and thinks it’s so funny so he alters his costume to match the two of them and they begrudgingly team up.
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purplesurveys · 5 years
Have you ever had a really bad haircut? I haven’t had any truly awful ones. The only time I felt ‘meh’ about a haircut was when I went to the salon on my own and told the hairdresser what I wanted myself. I was never good at that kind of stuff, and always prefer being with someone so they can tell me if I’m headed somewhere good or otherwise. Did you ever order any clothes from the Alloy catalogue? I’ve never heard of that. What brand, color, and type is your favorite eyeliner? I’ve only ever used eyeliner at one point in my life and I’ve forgotten every detail about it. It was black, though. Do you wear eyeliner? I used to. I wanted to look nice post-breakup, so I learned how to do makeup to feel good about myself. Was there ever a time in your life when you couldn't cry? I guess when I have HAD to cry in the past, as in for a skit, I couldn’t. But I can be triggered and cry very easily otherwise.
What's your favorite type of yogurt? I hate yogurt, I hate everything that’s sour (except for sour tapes, but even those I can only handle at a certain level of sourness haha). What posters did you have on your wall as a teenager? Wrestling. My mom took them down for no reason eventually, even though I loved having them up on my wall. What are your favorite type of calendars? I mean I don’t obsess over calendars enough to have a favorite type? so a digital one on my phone and laptop is fine with me. I do sometimes wish I was rich enough just to be able to spend on those novelty calendars with Audrey Hepburn photos and Monet paintings in every month, though. Do you have a full-length mirror? I used to but it got transferred to my sister’s room. I don’t mind it though; I don’t use mirrors all that much. When was the last time you bought stamps? Elementary school, probably. Do you have any overdue library books right now? HAH, yes I do actually. It was a book I needed to do a Powerpoint on, and I completely forgot that its due date was on the 4th. The fee is like ₱2/day so I’ll have to pay around ₱8 to ₱10 by next week, depending on when I’ll feel like returning the book. How often do you do laundry? I don’t; my mom prefers to do it herself. Do you have a piggy bank? Maybe as a kid, but I never took it seriously because I didn’t sit well with the fact that I couldn’t see the money I’ve been saving. I’ve stuck with a good old wallet ever since, just so I can know my progress. Do you remember your locker combinations from high school? I don’t, actually. I wonder what numbers I used to secure my locks :o What's your favorite DIY crafts youtube channel? Aren’t a lot of those misleading and downright fake? Could you spend hours on pinterest? I’ve never spent more than five minutes at one time on that website/app. Do you own plaid pants? Nah, it’s not really my style. Have you ever had to wear a school uniform? I had to wear my school’s uniform for 14 straight years. All I ever wore Monday through Friday for that span of time. What was your high school's mascot? We don’t have a mascot; we just have school colors. What were your high school's team colors? Gold, white, blue. Who were your best friends in high school? Angela, Gabie, Athenna, and Sofie. Others I was close with were Chelsea, Kaira, and Fern. Who was your first boyfriend or girlfriend? Gab. Have you ever been to Chicago? Nope but it’s a dream. If yes, what do you like best about it? The FOOD, the culture, the museums. Have you ever stayed in a hostel? Nope, never been. Would you rather sleep on the top bunk or bottom bunk? Bottom. I wouldn’t like sleeping somewhere that felt unnatural, and lying down way high from the floor is definitely one of those things. Do you love camping? I’ve never tried, so I don’t know. Would you rather sleep in a tent or under the stars? Lie under the stars for as long as I can, then pass out in a tent. What insects are you afraid of? Cockroaches. Have you ever had a secret admirer that left you notes? I haven’t. Are you close with your cousins? I have a good relationship with most of my cousins, mom’s side; but I’m especially close with my eldest cousin, who I essentially view as my older brother. I’m so-so with cousins on my dad’s side - we were very close as kids, but they moved further to the south and I never really get to see them anymore, so we grew more shy as the years passed.  Are you close to any aunts or uncles? I love my mom’s cousins; they’re all younger than her and they’re mostly late Gen X-ers so they’re more hip and cool hahaha. I wouldn’t say we’re close but they are definitely much easier to talk to than other older relatives. Are you close to your grandparents? I seldom get to see my paternal grandparents because they live with the ^ same cousins I’ve since grown quite distant from, so I wouldn’t say I’m close to them but of course I love them all the same. I was very close with my maternal grandfather when he was still alive as I always knew what to do to make him laugh; and I am also crazy for my maternal grandmother, although in the last few years she’s been all about Jesus so sometimes it gets a little draining hearing about how I should always pray and that “God can answer all [my] problems.” Still love her loads, though. Who betrayed your trust? A friend did, many years ago. Who was your first best friend (apart from a sibling)? Bold of you to assume a sibling was my first best friend, because you’re wrong lol. I’d consider this girl we calle Kaye the first one; we were class number buddies in Kinder 1 (I was 4, she was 5) so we got close quickly. She changed schools by Grade 1 and I haven’t talked to her since, but I still remember her fondly. What was your favorite thing to do at sleepovers when you were younger? I was never allowed at sleepovers when I was a kid. What kind of popcorn is your favorite? Sweet-flavored ones. I could never take dry-ass plain/salted popcorn. It has to be something like salted caramel or parmesan. Does your town have a big fountain in it? If we do have one, I’ve never seen it. But I’m pretty sure we don’t. What is your town known for? For being on a mountain and being ridiculously hard to get to because 1) of its winding, accident-prone roads, and 2) IT’S ON A MOUNTAIN. I live in the area of Antipolo just before you start to go up, so I don’t get offended much by the complaints of everyone else; but I’m in solidarity nonetheless with the ~mountain-dwellers~ just because I used to go to school in upper Antipolo. Do you currently live in the city you grew up in? I mostly grew up in Antipolo, so yes I still live here. I did live in Manila in my early childhood but that time was much shorter than the time I’ve spent in my current city. What's one way in which you're behind the times? I hate Minecraft and I hate Fortnite even more. What's one way in which you're still a child? I love coloring books :) What's one way in which you're old? I have a bad back. Do you feel old or young? Or do you feel both at different times? Definitely feel a bit of both, depending on my mood. The perfect example could be that I can be annoyed seeing younger kids make so much noise, but the next day I can be exactly like those kids making a bunch of noise with my friends. How old are you? I am 21. Do you know what you want to do for your next birthday? No, not yet. Quite early to think about at this point, really. If yes, what is it? A private dinner would already sound perfect. What is the last new thing you discovered that was really good? Vaping. I mean don’t try it if you haven’t already, but yeah. What would be the best surprise you could receive right now? Tbh if my mom came home carrying a box of Yellow Cab pizza. AKA something that would NEVER happen; she snobs Yellow Cab cos she thinks they’re too expensive for pizza. Do you usually forgive when someone hurts your or try to get revenge? I get my revenge, subtly. Were there any subjects in school that were really easy for you? Our subject Language, which was mandatory back in elementary school, was literally basic English grammar. Not everyone in my former school spoke fluent English so a lot of them weren’t all that good at the subject; but for people like me who had a solid grasp of English and read a lot to begin with, the class was basically a breather from the other more difficult classes. If so, what? ^ I already told ya all about it. Did you ever skip a grade or get held back a grade? Skipping grades isn’t a thing in my former school which is honestly a good thing for me cos it would have bred a lot of competition. But students would have to repeat a level if their grades showed that they had to; I wasn’t one of them. What time of day were you born? 9:11 in the evening. What is the best hairstyle you've ever had? I loved my layered hair like 10 years ago. It was probably the only time I did something to my hair that wasn’t just a trim, so I enjoyed that experience. I also liked cutting my hair way, way too short last year; it was a bold move but I liked how it look, as did everyone else. Do you think you look better with dyed hair or natural hair? I’ve never tried dyeing my hair so I wouldn’t know. Do you think your look better with curly hair or straight hair? Curly, I think. Do you have bangs? I have baby bangs but they’re just stubborn hair standing around my head lmao but no I don’t have actual bangs. Do you think you look better with bangs or without? I haven’t tried getting bangs as an adult. I did look cute with them as a toddler though :( Do you think you look better with long hair or short? Long. What's your favorite rock band? Paramore, if they still count. Who's your favorite country singer? None. Do you ever listen to Celtic music? No. Do you listen to Hillsong? No. Did you try the unicorn frappuccino, and if yes, were you a fan? No I never tried it. Have you ever won a contest? I won a school quiz bee and an essay writing contest before, but I wouldn’t call the latter legitimate. It was just a writing contest about wrestling held by a local TV station and the three best entries got to win WWE t-shirts haha. Have you ever wanted to be a model, actress, singer, or dancer? I wanted to be a model when I was like 12. No fucking clue what was going through my head at the time. When you look at your baby pictures, do you recognize yourself? Sure. Has your hair color changed since you were a toddler? Nope. Do you wear matching socks? Yes. How many drawers does your dresser have? Three. Do you own an American flag shirt? No thanks. Do you own a British flag shirt? I don’t. The Union Jack got overused by 2011 Tumblr, honestly. Do you have a seashell collection? I don’t. Aren’t we prohibited from getting those from beaches? That’s the case in the Philippines, anyway. Do you have a rock collection? I do not. Do you decorate for Halloween? We didn’t decorate the house but I celebrated it with friends this year. What is your favorite thing to do in the pool? Float around and relax. Flamingos or pineapples? ??? Flamingos, I guess? Cacti or seashells? Seashells. Maple tree or palm tree? Palm tree. Dreamcatcher or wind chimes? Dreamcatchers! Have you ever taken a picture at the perfect moment? I probably have at few points. Do you have a crush right now? Yes. What color was your first car? My first and current car is white. Was your first car used or new? I’m actually not sure. It was my dad who purchased it. Do you have a car now? Yep. What color(s) eyeshadow do you wear the most? I never wear any.
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creamronald71-blog · 6 years
Our Cyber Monday Sale Guide
Happy Monday everyone!
How was your long holiday break? I hope it was a great one! We got to spend a lot of time with family, with both my mom in town and celebrating family birthdays on Neal’s side–it was so much fun!
I hope you’re ready to shop, because there are a lot of amazing Cyber Monday Deals to be had! If you’ve been popping by all weekend, you know the drill already–I’ll be updating this post throughout the day, so check back often!
You can shop this guide three ways: 
Our top 32 item gift guide for her and him–all on sale!
The best sales alphabetically by retailer
My personal items that I own on sale (including photos)
**PLEASE READ EVERYTHING CAREFULLY–you’ll find many items in here more than once simply because they fit in more than one category–scroll down to the bottom of the post if you’re looking for sizing details, etc! If I own it, it’s likely listed in the final section along with sizing!**
Post last updated: Monday at 10:20AM
Our top 32 gifts on sale for guys and girls:
Best on-sale gifts for her:
1. Madewell Transport Tote: $141 (25% off) 
If I were to pick ONE thing, and one thing only for you to buy your mom, sister, best friend, or any woman this holiday season, it would be this bag. The zip-top transport tote is seriously the bag I get the most wear out of, and it’s my absolute favorite. It’s so roomy, so beautiful, so well-made–I’ve never met a soul who wasn’t obsessed with this bag. Definitely get it at Nordstrom (they price match, so it’s the same as Madewell’s price) because today they’re offering $50 in e-gift card cash when you spend $250 or more!
2. Sperry Saltwater Boots: $99 (15% off!)
These are in my cart right now! I’ve been looking for a boot that I can wear in snow that is waterproof but not gigantic and bulky–these are SO cute, too!
3. Blondo Ellie Boots: $129 (20% off!)
I can’t believe these are still in stock in every size! Blondo boots are the #1 brand I recommend to everyone–they are the most bang for your buck, and they’re all waterproof. These look just like Stuart Weitzman’s 50/50 boots, but you never have to worry about ruining them!
4. J.Crew Tartan Scarf: 50% off!
I have this scarf and LOVE it! It’s so pretty, and it sells out every year–so grab it now before it’s gone! This makes a great gift, it’s super warm and soft and perfect for the holidays!
5. Oversized Cashmere wrap: 50% off! 
This is such a nice gift for your mom or MIL–it’s really chic, but cozy at the same time! She’ll get so much wear out of it.
6. Pom pom beanie: $19 (50% off!) 
Beanies are something I recommend having in every color so you always feel put together but warm at the same time. (There’s nothing worse than ruining a cute outfit with an ugly hat!) At less than $20, you can buy them for all your siblings!
7. New! Beautycounter best-sellers travel size products: 
Today, Beautycounter (my favorite beauty brand!) launched a travel size of their Cleansing balm and overnight resurfacing peel! I am in LOVE with both of these products (I use them weekly) and they make the perfect stocking stuffers and are a great way to sample the products at a much smaller price tag! By the way, are you on my clean beauty email list? You’ll definitely want to sign up if you plan to do any clean beauty shopping this season! Wink wink! 😉
8. Spanx Faux Leather Leggings:
The best leggings around–this is likely the last time they’ll be on sale for the holidays, so snap ’em up now for yourself, your mom, and your sister! They run TTS–I wear a small.
9. Capri Blue Candle:
Nordstrom sells a bunch of Anthropologie candles, which is great, because Nordstrom doesn’t have a free shipping minimum like Anthro does!
10. Anthropologie latte bowls–$4.25 each!
These are the BEST bowls. I love mine so much and they make the best gift, especially for a kid going off to college, recent grad, or newlywed! Same as above, I never shop Anthro online because they make you pay for shipping so I prefer to buy Anthro gifts at Nordstrom now that they sell them there! 😂
11. Dainty Madewell jewelry: 
Madewell makes the prettiest dainty jewelry that makes a perfect gift or stocking stuffer! I have these earrings that I wear pretty much everyday (and they don’t irritate my ears!)
12. Factory Pajama Set: $27 with the discount! 
The cutest little red pajamas EVER. Could these be more classic? They look so soft too! Can’t beat that price!
13. Ugg Bow Slippers: 33% off! Or J.Crew Men’s Slippers (50% off!)
I LOVE these slippers for women! They’re a more feminine version of the classic UGG slippers with the bow, plus, they come in this really pretty burgundy color this year! What an awesome gift for mom or sister! UGG slippers for men aren’t on sale but the J.Crew men’s version is $25 with the sale price!(Lot’s of slippers at J.Crew in general!)
Best on sale gifts for BOTH him and her:
14. Portable Keychain Charger: 25% off! 
For the guy or girl who is always caught without a phone charger–no excuses now!
15. Bluetooth Earmuffs: $40– 50% off! 
How cool are these earmuffs!? They’re Bluetooth enabled so you can keep warm and listen to music or a podcast on your commute at the same time! I think anyone would love to open these on Christmas. (Especially your brother who you have no idea who to buy for.)
16. Leather Commuter Laptop Organizer: 25% off! 
Mark and Graham truly makes the most beautiful, practical gifts, and that includes this leather commuter laptop sleeve. It comes with lot’s of pockets for all the essentials, too–and is great because it’s a catch-all that make swapping bags easy.
17. Dagne Dover Toiletry Bag: 25% off!
They have several colors so this is ideal for both guys and girls. Dagne Dover is a GG reader favorite, and this toiletry bag is awesome because it has lot’s of pockets and compartments to stay organized, plus, comes with a separate pouch for your toothbrush!
[Updated note: GUYS. I skipped a number 😂sorry. There’s no 18. I’ve been up since 4am. Thanks for bearing with me!]
19. Earbud Case: 25% off! (Under $30!) 
The cutest stocking stuffer ever!? This is great for both wireless or non wireless buds–it keeps them from getting lost or tangled! Comes in two different looks–great for girls and guys!
20. Ray Ban Sunglasses: 20% off! 
Let’s be honest, you should probably get a pair for yourself AND someone else 😜From Classic aviators to the round Icons (this is the pair I have)–pretty much every pair is 20% off!
21. S’well Tumbler: $30–25% off
I love the shape of these–they’re way easier to fill without spilling and fill with ice! They keep cold drinks cold and hot drinks hot and are a practical but stylish gift that anyone will appreciate. They come in tons of colors and more shapes, too! S’well helps bring clean drinking water to kids around the world, so it’s a feel-good purchase, too!
Best on sale gifts for him:
22. Vince Camuto Peacoat: $99 (50% off!)
If you’re looking for a quality and budget-friendly peacoat for your guy, look no further! (For nicer coats, definitely check out our Bonobos post from today!)
23. Levi’s Skinny Fit Men’s Jeans: (50% off!) 
Neal loves these skinny fit Levi’s that are slim but not TOO skinny–they’re good for even athletic builds!
24. Fleece Robe: 50% off 
The coziest fleece robe that would be great for dad, brother, etc!
25. Bonobos Brushed Italian 5 Pocket Pants: 35% off 
Neal loves these pants–they’re the perfect pant to dress up for the office but also great for a party or dinner date as well! They’re really soft and come in awesome colors!
26. J.Crew Henley: 50% off 
Neal’s favorite comfy shirts are always henleys! He loves the J.Crew versions especially, and they’re such a good price! Get one for every guy in your life!
27. Vince Chelsea boots: 40% off
Neal’s favorite boots are Vince (he has an older version from years past but this is the newer iteration). They’re expensive but they’re NEVER this discounted. Nordstrom has lot’s of pairs at various price points!
28. Sonos Voice Controlled Speaker: 10% off! 
We have these in every room of our house–they’re amazing and rarely ever go on sale. The sound quality is incredible.
29. Jack Mason Chronograph Watch: 40% off! 
Nordstrom has a lot of really nice affordable watches, but Jack Mason in particular is heavily discounted right now and they make very sharp looking watches!
30. Greats sneakers: 25% off 
Normally $179, these are marked down to $134 and are supposed to be amazing sneakers–they come in tons of colors–these have been on Neal’s list to try and I rarely see them marked down! Neal’s other sneakers, the GrandPro sneakers are also marked down!
31. Portable Bartending Tool: 25% off 
Any guy who is into cocktails will love this bartending tool–it’s 10 tools in one and will be a great addition to his bar cart.
32. Beautycounter Counter Man skincare set: $38.25 (15% off!)
**Above photo is old, just for inspiration to break up the text, haha–nothing in the photo is still available!**
Cyber Week Sales by Retailer
ENTIRE STORE 50% off!! If you’re looking for super affordable jeans, I absolutely love my Simone high rise skinnies! They’re $39 right now! (Run TTS). Also your funny sister or BFF needs this cozy sleep jumpsuit ASAP. They also have amazing (and affordable) plaid PJS!
American Eagle: 
50% off all sweaters, 40% off everything else!Yes, Abercrombie and AE are back and I am fully embracing it. Like Abercrombie, they have incredible jeans at incredible prices! Their high waisted jeggings (run small) and Mom jeans (TTS) are two of my favorites! I also love their sweaters!
30% off everything + free shipping over $100! Anthro has the BEST gifts ever–honestly, I really only shop there when I’m buying gifts, but they’re always one of my top destinations when shopping for others! The discounts will be in the cart, FYI! If you want to buy candles, Anthro has the BEST candles–Capri Blue and Voluspa in particular are my favorite brands. They are absolute heaven! Seriously, you need to buy them in bulk. They also sell some of my favorite clean beauty brands, Supergoop and Caudalie, which are also on sale!
And Other Stories: 
20% off with code FRIDAYNOIR20! One of my new favorite brands. They make the most beautiful clothes that exude a french cool girl vibe, and the prices aren’t bad either. I highly recommend their shoes (I have their Chelsea Boots) and dresses!
Lot’s of good deals! All the Amazon devices are marked down, and they have “Deals of the Day” that are really great (tons of electronics!) so you’ll want to act fast before they’re gone!
Dyson Vacuum still marked down!! Over $150 off!
Never happens! Their cordless vacuum is literally the best thing that has ever happened to me. It’s as light and easy as a broom and you’ll be able to vacuum your whole house in minutes. (At least, well, my house. Which is small. And has all wood floors, haha!)
Amazon Handmade:
Did you know Amazon has a whole handmade section of their website? I just found this out! You can find one of a kind gifts from small makers with the benefits of Prime shipping–HOORAY! For example, how cool is this rustic wood Echo dot holder? A great gift for guys who love their tech! There are so many cute handmade gifts for kids, and home goods, too!
Ann Taylor
50% off everything with code CYBER2018, includes free shipping!
20% off everything with code HELLO20
Banana Republic
50% off your entire purchase!
15% off the entire site! Beautycounter will not be going on sale again until Memorial Day–so if you want to buy ANYTHING, buy it now! See my entire post here with all my favorite beauty products that are on sale! (So many good gifts!) They have free shipping with orders over $50! Are you on my clean beauty email list? Because I’m also doing a big beauty giveaway this week only to my subscribers 😘(You’ll probably want to sign up for that if you plan on buying anything from Beautycounter…just sayin 😉)
Take 25% off lot’s of items!
Not a sale, but 10% of all their proceeds today will be donated to those affected in the California Wildfires. Their travel pouches are my favorite and they make the best gifts!
Cyber Sales Weekend: Discounts from tons of makers! Etsy is one of my favorite places for out of the box gifts. Your best friend or sister definitely need this “Home is Where the LaCroix is” doormat! Or what about a customizable map print for someone who just moved? I also love Etsy’s selection of dainty jewelry that you can customize!
They don’t ever do a Black Friday sale, but instead, they donate proceeds from Black Friday to a very worthy cause. This year, it’s to clean up our country’s beaches. Proceeds go to the Surfrider foundation, and for every order placed, they’re donating $13 to Surfrider to fund beach cleanups across the country. They did the math, and one order will get a pound of plastic off the beach. Our goal: $260,000 (or 20,000 pounds). If you’ve been wanting to buy anything from Everlane this holiday season, do it today!!
60% off sale styles + 50% off everything else! I think J.Crew has the best sale of all–and I know J.Crew is on sale a lot, but it’s not going to ever be this discounted again! Definitely err on the side of OVER buying, you can always return, but you’ll never get it this discounted again this season!
Some great gifts that jump out so far: These texting gloves (they have a little slit for your finger and thumb when you want to use them–I feel like these would be way more effective than tech gloves, haha!) This cashmere wrap, ADORABLE and cozy snow boots, and the BEST flannel pajamas!!  Among other things I list below 😜
J.Crew Factory: 
60% off site-wide, 80% off clearance, plus more deals on select categories! Use code ADD2CART! Honestly at this point they’re basically paying US to shop there so we should definitely take advantage 😂
50% your purchase with code CYBER.
Lord & Taylor
25% off regular priced items and free shipping!
So many deals I can’t list them all! 60% off coats and men’s shoes, 20% off kitchen appliances like KitchenAid mixers, Instant Pots, and more! Save on apple watches, and more! Perhaps the most exciting of all though are the matching family pajamas starting at $19.99 😂Oh! Also, so many of you have been asking me for a lower-priced men’s top coat, and this Ralph by Ralph Lauren coat is beautiful and under $200!
25% off with code DEALWITHIT! Now includes new markdowns!
Mark and Graham: 
25% off everything site-wide, plus free shipping!
If you’re not familiar with Mark and Graham, they’re the same company as West Elm, Williams Sonoma and Pottery Barn! They have the BEST gifts–really nice leather goods, monogrammed everything, and really unique but beautiful and practical items that are great for that person who has everything! A great place to start is their bestsellers section! Personally I think this phone charging bracelet is the coolest thing EVER! Their commute laptop clutch is an amazing gift for anyone who travels a lot or commutes for work–it has inside pockets for your phone, credit cards, etc, so you can have everything in one place (especially great for women because we switch bags so much and this is a catch-all for everything you need for work!)
Up to 60% off!! SO much good stuff here, plus, if you spend $250, you get a $50 gift certificate!! (I’ve never seen Nordstrom do this…this is amazing!!)
Lot’s of specials and markdowns and amazing gift sets like this one from First Aid Beauty and this little $15 stocking stuffer with Caudalie moisturizer minis! (Both clean brands I love!) My hair dryer, the T3 is included! (Also comes in a travel size!) My curling wand and straightener (I hardly EVER use it, but it works really well! 😂) are also marked down.
Up to 25% off full priced items and 70% off reduced priced items! Also, buy more get more: 15% off orders of $200+, 20% off orders of $500+, 25% off orders of $800+ CODE: MORE18
My favorite brands to shop on Shopbop are: Madewell (faster shipping than on Madewell.com!) Levi’s, BB Dakota, Sam Edelman, Dolce Vita , Stuart Weitzman (yes, Lowland OTK boots are on sale as well as their famous Nudist sandals–I know you won’t wear them for awhile but they are NEVER on sale in the spring/summer!) Club Monaco, Citizens of Humanity and Splendid. Plus, they have the CUTEST gift guides! Also, if you’re looking for amazing gifts for little kids, Shopbop is my FAVORITE place for that, too! Check out their kids gift guide!
50% off one item, 40% off everything else! I just got this red coat from them and it is SO CUTE! Also, I just got this French Bulldog brooch from there and I put it on my nicer coats when I go out 🤗SO FREAKING ADORABLE!! (You can get it for $25 with the discount!) I also love their scalloped leather touch gloves–they’re so pretty–as well as this festive cardigan and these cute little flats that are perfect for holiday parties! Talbots runs big in my experience in clothes, so size down, but shoes run TTS!
Best of sales by category:
Women’s coats: 
J.Crew Cocoon Coat: My #1 most recommended non-puffer coat. It’s the warmest wool coat you’ll ever buy, and it’s 50% off and still fully stocked in both Grey and Red! It runs big! (Find more info on it in the below section!) NO IT IS NOT WARM ENOUGH TO BE YOUR ONLY COAT FOR CHICAGO WINTERS. LET’S NOT LIE TO OURSELVES HERE. But it will be your go-to NICE coat all winter.
Lole’s puffer coats: These are all truly incredible–they are the warmest and cutest you will ever find for the price. In order of warmth, I recommend the Emmeline, The Katie (on par with North Face in warmth, and 100x cuter because it’s fitted!) and Marybeth (on par with Canada Goose in terms of warmth–but less than half the price!) You will not be sorry you got these coats, I promise.
Women’s Jeans and pants:
My favorite J.Crew jeans are 50% off, as well as my favorite Abercrombie Skinny Jeans! Tons of Levi’s are also marked down at Nordstrom and Shopbop! Don’t miss Spanx leggings marked down at Nordstrom and Shopbop as well!
My favorite carryon suitcase is on sale at Macy’s. Ray Bans are on sale! I also love Mark and Graham’s toiletry bag and of course, my favorite tote ever, the Madewell Transport tote is probably my #1 gift recommendation for any woman!
Women’s Winter Boots:
ALL the best Sorel boots are included in Shopbop’s sale! (Note for Shopbop’s sale you have to meet the minimum threshold for the discount–it’s buy more save more, see above!) They are hands down the best heavy duty snow boots (that you absolutely NEED for a Midwestern winter!) I’ve got this pair in my cart right now, but the Joan of Arctic boots are the most popular! Hunter Boots are included in the Shopbop sale too!
If you’ve been looking for a winter boot that is warm and good in lighter snow but isn’t clunky like a Sorel, check out J.Crew’s Nordic Boots (50% off!) and Sperry’s Saltwater Duck Boots which are also marked down! Both are so cute!
Women’s Tall Boots:
These Steve Madden OTK boots are super popular, really pretty and are only $99 (20% off!) They come in both black and brown–I don’t own them personally but my friends rave about them! I also never talking about how amazing Blondo boots are–I have the OTK version but the knee-high version is on sale–they’re waterproof, so you never have to worry about ruining the suede! If you’re looking for riding boots, I always recommend Sam Edelman’s Penny Boots–they’re part of Shopbop’s sale! (Again, you need to meet the minimum threshold to get the discount.)
Women’s Ankle Boots: 
If you’re looking for a flat, suede bootie–Blondo’s are so cute, and like all their shoes–waterproof! If you’re looking for suede with a bit of a heel, I LOVE J.Crew’s Sadie booties. I’ve been eyeing a pair for months! My favorite pair is from Everlane, and while they aren’t on sale, a portion of their proceeds today go toward cleaning up America’s beaches!
Other women’s shoes:
Sam Edelman loafers are my favorite Gucci dupes, and they’re all part of Shopbop’s sale!
Women’s gifts: 
J.Crew always has the cutest pajamas and slippers (these bulldog slippers!! I die!!) They’re all 50% off too! Anthropologie and Shopbop are also two places that have truly awesome gifts that aren’t clothes. Mark and Graham is also my #1 recco for really nice personalized leather gifts, like their toiletry/travel bags!
Shop by category–Men: 
Levi’s  are marked down at Nordstrom! He has both the 511’s and 510’s and recommends both–but you can’t go wrong with Levi’s no matter what cut he likes. Lot’s of pairs are also part of East Dane’s sale (which is Shopbop’s site for men!)
Neal’s Cole Haan ‘GrandPro’ sneakers are marked down at Nordstrom in select colors! They’re super comfortable and require zero break-in, plus they’re much nicer looking than most sneakers! Lot’s of great Chelsea boots are also reduced at Nordstrom–it’s Neal’s #1 boot pick because they can be dressed up or dressed down and they look really sharp! Nordstrom has them at every price point, but Neal loves Vince specifically and this pair is 40% off!
This Vince Camuto pea coat is still full stocked and on sale for $99! Lot’s of Barbour coats are marked down at Bloomingdales and a couple others at Nordstrom.  If you’ve been looking for a nice coat, we highly recommend Bonobos! (We have a post going up on Monday with them!) Neal has both their car coat and their Italian glenplaid topcoat–both are 30% off today! This topcoat is also BEAUTIFUL!
Also, J.Crew’s topcoat is 50% off (normally $450 but now $225!) Their navy herringbone topcoat is beautiful as well and also 50% off! J.Crew’s Everyday Topcoat is now $124 with the discount!
Shirts and sweaters: 
Bonobos is Neal’s go-to for sweaters (he loves this turtleneck and this sweater for Thanksgiving) and button ups (he has this one in tons of different prints!) Also, J.Crew is a no-brainer. Everything is half off–you can basically knock out all the guys on your list for half-price! Neal especially loves their henleys (only $15 with the sale!)
This Mark and Graham briefcase is beautiful for those of you looking for briefcases, and it’s cool that you can monogram it with his initials.
Dagne Dover Weekender bag: (25% off!) If either of you have been needing a nice weekender bag, Jess says this is one of her top reader recommended brands. (Jess’ note: I never see Dagne Dover on sale, and you guys always rave about it! They’re beautiful AND practical!) The interior features include a 15″ padded laptop sleeve, a stretch key leash, a removable mesh pouch for your tech, a nylon shoe/laundry bag and two side pockets perfectly sized for water bottles. A handy pocket on the back of the bag is the perfect place to tuck away your passport or phone.
J.Crew is definitely the best when it comes to scarves, gloves, hats, etc.
Ray Bans are on sale (which NEVER happens!!)
Mark and Graham is also my #1 recco for really nice personalized leather gifts.
Tech gifts:
Nordstrom has Fitbit on sale, Macy’s has Apple Watches marked down to $330, Bloomingdales has tons of techy gifts marked down and Amazon has basically every gadget on sale today! Sonos speakers are also marked down! We have Sonos speakers throughout our whole house and the sound quality is unparalleled. If your guy is into techy stuff or music, the sound bar or voice controlled smart speakers are amazing gifts.
My personal favorite wardrobe staples on sale:
Madewell Bodysuit: 25% off! 
(See how many ways I style it in my Capsule Wardrobe Guide!) I’m obsessed with this bodysuit–it’s SO flattering, it’s so soft and comfortable, and it comes with three rows of snaps on the crotch so it’s adjustable based on torso length and it’s not impossible to get off 😂I went with small vs XS and I’m glad I did!
Madewell Track Trousers: 25% off!
I love these pants! They’re super lightweight and one of those magical pairs of pants that works great for the office but can be dressed up for a date or dressed down with a pair of sneakers! (Excellent for travel, too!) They run TTS.
Madewell Striped Sweater: 25% off!
This is one of my favorite sweaters! Sizes are going fast but I couldn’t not include it–it’s just so happy. I wear it all the time! Sizing is TTS.
My FAVORITE J.Crew Button-Fly Cropped Jeans: 50% off! (Less than $50 with the sale!)
You also saw these styled a lot in my Capsule Wardrobe Guide  but I wear these nonstop and they are so incredibly comfortable. They are super stretchy, very soft, and I love the cut–the straight leg crop with the raw hem makes every outfit cuter, and the high rise is super flattering!
Suede Moto Jacket: $125 (33% off!) 
I freaking LOVE my BlankNYC suede moto jackets. I own two of them and they are incredible quality–they seriously feel like $500 suede jackets and they are such an easy way to elevate any outfit–from adding an edgy twist to a classic dress or dressing up a t-shirt and jeans. My burgundy color as well as tan and this gorgeous dark green are 33% off right now!
J.Crew Sophie Blazer: $83 (40% off!)
One of my very favorite wardrobe staples (you can see it styled LOTS of ways in my Capsule Wardrobe + 30 Days of Outfits Guide! I know so many people who own this in three or more colors because it’s that great! Super versatile for work but just as cute with jeans or leggings! It’s as comfy as a sweater but put-together like a blazer!  This is a great gift for your friend, mom, or especially a recent grad who is looking for good wardrobe staples that will satisfy an office dress code! It runs TTS.
BlankNYC Corduroy Skirt: $24!
Another item in my Capsule Guide–another reason to download it because you can see me style this skirt 10 different ways! You’ll also remember it from this post yesterday! I love that it isn’t too short (I’m 5’6 for reference) and it runs TTS.
Ray Bans 20% off!
Okay sorry I know Neal JUST listed Ray Bans but in case you skipped over this–they NEVER go on sale! Mine above are the 53mm Icons (but they have a smaller 50mm version!) Pretty much every style is marked down though!
Leather + Velvet leggings: $78 (20% off!) 
Spanx makes the best leather leggings out there (they even have a subtle control top!) They also make my other favorite velvet pair–both are marked down right now! Both run TTS. (I order small).
Gibson convertible tunic sweater: $36 (33% off!)
You’ve seen this styled several ways in this blog post–this is seriously one of the softest things in my closet, and this was the FIRST thing I reached for when I switched my summer stuff out for my fall stuff–that’s how much I love it! I basically live in it and I love that I can wear it off the shoulder to go out and as a cowl neck when I want to be cozy! It’s almost sold out in the grey color but other colors are fully stocked! Runs big, size down!
Madewell Transport Tote: 25% off! 
My favorite favorite tote bag. This is THE best gift for any woman–I now own two of them (the open top version and the zipper top version) and I would recommend the zipper top the most, but honestly you can’t go wrong. They are the most beautiful, durable, classic, high-quality bags. They’re always one of my #1 gift recommendations! It’s available on sale at Nordstrom, Shopbop and Madewell!
Blondo boots: 25% off+
My #1 most recommended boot brand. They make several kinds of boots that are ALL waterproof! How amazing is that? The price point is tough to beat too, especially when they’re on sale! Their tall boots also have an elastic back so they stretch to fit any size calves (they even fit my child calves, but also fit friends who have wider calves as well!) 😂They look just like the Stuart Weitzman 50/50’s, but you won’t be scared to ruin them! Run TTS.
Budget-Friendly Packable Long Puffer: 33% off 
This coat was one of my best-sellers last year! Is it as warm as a larger puffer? No, but for the price, and the fact that it’s packable–it’s an amazing coat! This would be a great coat for Mom! This coat runs TTS!
J.Crew Cocoon coat: 40% off!
did you really think this wasn’t going to make my top picks list? 😜My #1 favorite non-puffer coat. It’s the warmest you’re going to get for a wool coat–and it’s 40% off. A lot of the colors are going fast but grey and red are still stocked in every size! This coat runs big, size down if you want it more fitted or order your regular size if you want it more roomy for lot’s of layers. I have a whole post that reviews it here!
Stuart Weitzman Lowland Boots: Up to 30% off! 
My favorite splurge boots–if you’ve been waiting for them to go on sale, you better get em FAST! They’re part of Shopbops Buy More Save More sale! These run TTS.
J.Crew Tissue Turtlenecks: $17.50 (40% off!) 
Another item you aren’t surprised to see here, but if you don’t go buy at least 3 of these I’m going to be mad at you. They are the BEST winter wardrobe staple–my #1 for ever and ever! With the sale they start at just $17.40!! Buy several for you and every woman you love! They will thank you! 😘These run TTS.
Leith long sleeved ruched t-shirt dress: $44 (25% off!) 
This dress is magic. It looks good on everyone! It’s so comfortable, can be dressed up or down (with heels or sneakers, with a moto jacket or a cardigan–the mixability opportunities are endless!) I would size up if in question if you don’t want it tight.
Leith faux wrap-front sweater: $34 (40% off!)
A few of you specifically have told me “I hope this sweater goes on sale for Black Friday!” haha! Well YOU’RE IN LUCK! It did! Note it is sold out in green (sorry!!) but it’s available in other really pretty colors that you’ll probably get more wear out of anyway 😂Runs TTS.
Sam Edelman Caprice Boots: $149 (33% off!)
These boots sold out during the Nordstrom sale and so many of you were so upset, but now they’re BACK, fully stocked (even in this tan color!) and they are my go-to boots that I reach for whenever I’m going out! They are seriously so pretty! (Just make sure you spray them with suede protectant!) They also come in black though if you’re worried about the lighter color! They are very comfortable (I walked what felt like 87 miles in them to a concert at Soldier Field recently 😂) Run TTS.
ASTR Lace Cocktail Dress: $66!
This dress is on sale in TONS of colors–the body does run snug but order your normal size–it’s seriously the most flattering dress I’ve ever owned! Perfect for any winter wedding or formal event!
Happy Shopping and make sure to check back again soon for more!!
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Source: https://thegoldengirlblog.com/our-cyber-week-sale-guide-live-updates/
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