#haha ANGST
hop-a-lot · 1 year
I NEED MORE SAXWELL (I am going to be sent to the shadow realm for simp crimes)
*banging pots and pans* the food is ready albeit it taste a little bitter
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ryoko-san · 6 months
[fem! spouse]
moonlit nights strangely empty.
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drowninginblox · 1 year
Between a Rock and Moss Place
TW: Fighting in general, accusations of being suicidal, Zoro dealing with the actions of his consequences
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"I will never understand you," I confessed while a numbness I knew too well branched up my arm. We've been at this for hours, painstakingly redressing his wounds while a thick silence entangled with tightly loomed thoughts. He ceased his struggle just a few minutes ago when he finally realized there was no way out of there until he was fully healed. "Join the club sister." He snickered under a sinister growl. I rolled my eyes. "You know, I've seen far scarier than you."
"I highly doubt that." He countered through a doubt-filled glance. But rather than give in to his curiosity, I continued in my work. He eventually noticed my lack of an explanation while I reached over for a new roll of bandages. It's been- god- not even a day? "And you're already itching for a fight," The thought slipped through a huff I thought was quiet enough. "Not a fight. I know my limits-" Again, he tried to defend his bruised pride from the slab but all I could do was fail in holding back my bitter laughter. Whether it be out of rage or fear, the bandages and scissors I held were slammed onto a nearby table. "Do you now? Was that before or after you got your ass handed to you what was his title again? Oh right, the strongest swordsman in the world, Zoro. Honestly." The moss head tried to get up, the searing pain that coursed through his chest kept him down though. "Y/n, It is my dream-"
"I know! To be the world's greatest swordsman! I know that Zoro. But, god damn it. You have to be alive to do it." A crass laugh swept through the heavy air. "Tell that to Gold Rodger," I glared daggers at him, getting up from my station to grab a bottle of alcohol spared for disinfecting. At least, that was what it was supposed to be for. Opening it was easier with all the rage. "Gold Redger's dream was to have a legacy. To be king of the pirates. You don't need to live long enough to see it happen. You just need to make an impression." With that, I dared to down whatever was in the bottle. Its rancid taste reminded me of nail polish remover and the smell made my eyes water as soon as it wafted through my nostrils. But that didn't stop me from dedicating myself. This conversation isn't something I planned on having, but Zoro can die. Especially not by biting off more than he can chew. Regardless of how big that stupid mouth can be. "So I haven't left an impression on you?" Speaking off.
Zoro's voice barely made it, but the ghost of his intention was obvious regardless of how quiet he meant to be. A tired sigh broke through my bitterness. "Zoro, I couldn't forget you even if I tried." He scoffs. His rebuttal slithered up his throat, bathing itself in something I hadn't heard out of him yet. At least, not directed at me. "Nice acting. You should go professional." I take another sip, this time staring into his eyes. Something was building behind them at the fact that I wouldn't share with him while he was in this state. I couldn't tell what it was though. He didn't give me enough time to properly ponder what it was before he turned over to stare out that small port window. "Are you done yet?"
When I made my way back to him, I leaned over his slab of bed just to see for myself if it was a struggle to look at me. I like to think it was. It looks like it was a battle to focus on those ever-changing waves. "That depends. Are you?" His eyes narrowed while his Adam's apple swallowed down what could only be assumed to be a bark for me to back off. "What put that stick up your ass y/n?" I bit the inside of my mouth at that. But that sweltering pain didn't stop you from banging a fist against his bed, making the damn thing almost capsize in the process. "What the hell is wrong with you?!"
"You! You asshat!" I didn't mean to shout as loud as I did. "Ever since you decided that you'd die to a master swordsman than to admit that you're not all you're chalked up to be!" The silence that followed was telling enough. I didn't need to see that stupid, blank face Zoro puts on when tensions are high. But he still bothered to egg me on. "What's that supposed to mean?" And he knew I always took the bait too. "You heard me, just before we picked up Sanji, you heard me talking to Luffy about what I think of y'all. And I was honest. Even after I realized that someone was eavesdropping on us, I was honest."
"Oi y/n! Why don't you join us when we dock this time?" It was dark. I like to think that I was reacquainting myself with the ship after years of only seeing it from my apartment and in my dreams of running around with Usopp when we were children. Knowing him, he probably knew this ship front to back. I didn't expect to see Luffy up this late. Considering his child-like demeanor, I'd thought that he'd comedically pass out at 8:30 on the berry like any other child. "Oh hey, Captain! After everything that happened over on 'Syrup? Consider it a no. 'Sides, someone has to watch the ship while y'all are dinkin' around. Rev the engines to ready our escape ykno?" I say, mimicking a motorcycle in the process. He keeps quiet, cocking his head to prove that he has no idea what I was talking about. "Eh, never mind. But seriously though, I'd rather stay here. Get some alone time from..." I didn't know what to call them yet. Crewmates would be the best answer but being official isn't Luffy's style. So what would've been good enough to call these guys? Not-
"Our friends? Why'd you want that?" Beat to the brunt. Even though Luffy didn't seem like the type to, he can rip the band-aid off pretty well without even knowing it. "Well, Luffy, it's nothing against you or them. I just, I don't see them as friends yet." Even in the dark, I could see him slouch at that disappointing truth bomb. "It's not that I don't like y'all. I just, don't know you that well." Luffy huffed like a child, making me smile. "Well, then why did you join the crew?" I sighed. Part of it was Ussop, Kaya and I knew too well he needed a grounder and Kaya was in no state to leave her home. Not even for him when her health was so poor. Another was Luffy. The genuineness, the optimism, it screamed like a bad idea but when he asked both Usopp and me, god damn it. But, if I were being really honest with myself, "Regardless of what everyone else says, Luffy, you're a really good judge of character. And you read me." He smiles slightly at that. "But, even though I don't what you see in me to offer up a place, I wanna make it worthwhile." I leaned up against the railing of the ship. "I never liked disappointing people. 'Especially not the ones who matter."
"How am I one?" I smiled. "You just... I don't know how to describe it other than... You're like raw hope Luffy. I haven't even known you a week and I can see that." I straightened slightly. "I've met and seen a lot of sailors and pirates, you're unlike any other I've experienced." I could feel his smile. Even in the cool darkness, the air seemed to warm with it. "Okay, but what about them? What do you think of the others?" I don't remember what was going through my mind initially but my immediate reaction was to sigh. "Okay, well, going off the top of my head... Usopp may be a coward and prophetic liar, but he's good. Like, good good. The type of good that everyone is born with but not everyone actively chooses to be. And yes, he does bad things. He's a liar," my right-hand grazes over the railing of The 'Merry, momentarily admiring the polish of the painted wood. "..but he always tries to do what's right. Even when he's scared out of his mind." I smiled. "He's one of the realist people I know." Luffy took after me and leaned against the rail, but rather than face the sea, he positioned himself to face the deck. But his eyes remain on me. "Now Nami, I want to know her. But I just don't. And you and I both know that she can be scary-" out of habit, Luffy tensed as if bracing for a blow to the head. "You don't need to tell me twice." I laughed for a moment before regaining myself. "I think she's hiding something Luffy. Granted, It's not my place to pry," He nodded in agreement. "but I'm worried for her. She seems strong on her own, but there's always strength in numbers y'know?" He shrugged, his posture returning to being loose. "Do you think she's made a deal with someone or something? Like a monster?" At that point I didn't think I knew what he was saying so I just laughed at it and went along with the joke. "Yeah. Totally sold her soul to the devil." I concluded intermixed with a chuckle. Luffy's gaze turned back to the door leading below deck for a few moments before he returned to me. "What about Zoro?"
I didn't mean to tense up when he asked. There wasn't a reason to, it was just Zoro after all. We were amicable both on and offshore. "I... I don't know what to say about him." I didn't notice Luffy was leaning over my shoulder until I could feel his cheek squished into mine. "What do you mean?" he whispered just before I shoved him away with a hearty laugh. "Look, I just... I don't know what to say okay?" Luffy steadies himself on the railing again before properly standing. "Do you think he's boring or something?" I will admit, I took some time to consider it. But that didn't change my answer. "Yeah? I think so. I mean, swords can only be so much of someone's personality though so I may be just missing something or-" Luffy's laughter interrupted me before I could properly explain myself. "Hey! C'mon, man!" From the corner of my eye, I could've sworn I saw a light. Not a lantern or anything, probably a candle with how dim it was, but just as soon I saw it, it was gone. It wasn't until Luffy called out for me to get to bed, that I noticed the door leading to the upper floor from the mast was slightly ajar. I didn't think about it much at the time but,
"But you keep on putting up this 'Master Swordsman' front but you aren't there!" I continued. The anger from before kept building and building from my feet to my chest. "Of course, I'm not!" Only grew hotter and harder to control with every acknowledgment I gave him. "Then why did you walk in front of one of the deadliest people in the world and tell him to make you into a pincushion?! What is wrong with you Zoro? Are you suicidal?" For some fucking reason, this time he managed to get up, using his elbows to prop himself up rather than relying on his core muscles. "Of course not!" My throat tightened just as I screamed the loudest I had ever been in my entire life. "Then what is it? Why are you so careless with your life?!"
"Because I have to be strong enough!" He screams, tears threatening to spill from his face. "Because I have to! I was the first person Luffy asked for, that makes me the first person he looks to! If I'm not strong enough for him, for this crew," He opened his mouth but closed it just as soon as he realized. Instead, he took the moment to breathe and level out his voice. "Y/n, I have to be strong enough to achieve both my dream, and to be the person Luffy can rely on when he achieves his." Through his defense, I realized just how emotional I got and whipped the tears I had away. "You wouldn't understand." He eventually concluded before he turned back to his damned window.
"No! Of course, I wouldn't understand. How could I? How could I- the "weakest bitch" on the crew, not understand about getting stronger? Rather, how could I understand the complexities around being relied on?" He turned back to me. "No, don't bother Zoro. Clearly, I wouldn't understand your constant and tedious struggle. Absolutely none of us can!" I declared while I motioned my arms above my head to the main deck above us. "y/n-" I don't bother to hear him out. I was on a roll anyway. "Not me, not Sanji, not Ussop, not Nami, no! None of us know the struggles of the master swordsman Roronora Zoro!"
Part 2
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zero06iranosaurusrex · 5 months
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angsthour before sleep..again idk i always have a hc that lately after bye bye bunny never be heard again about it's productions and with stuffs happened around the franchise,he gets more stressful and try to rise his own moods by watching lots of his old shorts,but whenevere it was a shorts with him and daffy in it he tend to watch it more than three times and even sometimes until he accidentaly fallen asleep in the middle of the rewatch basically i often hc-ed him being so under stressful circumstances more and more and watching his old shorts (especially with daffy and him in it) as some sort of escapism and hoping things get better just like the old days
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stardust-sunset · 3 months
imagine paul and darry as best friends because they met in fifth grade due to both being team captains on field day. they’re both competitive little shits and yelling insults at one another until the teachers have to make them sit out for a little bit. they get to talking and find out they have a lot more in common than they thought. so from that day on they’ve been best friends
until high school hits.
once high school hits paul and daddy are competing for the same position in football; quarterback. obviously, paul is a soc. and a filthy rich one at that. paul has a personal trainer. he has someone who will help him. while what does daddy have? he has his father and that’s about it. and who ends up getting the quarterback position?
this kinda resonates with paul because he thinks darry gets everything in life. i mean…yeah, paul is filthy rich. but his parents just feed into whatever he want. all he has to do is throw a bit of a fit and he gets what he wants. darry on the other hand…darry worked for what he got. darry worked his tail off in school, in sports, in clubs…darry was a sweetheart. darry was everyone’s favorite. darry got all the academic awards and all the athletic scholarships while paul barely got anything.
this jealously kinda manifests into something a lot more ugly. he’s downright envious. darry has everything he wants. darry has it all made for him. but now, darry lost his parents. and a sick, sick part of paul is actually somewhat happy that darry lost everything. because darry gave him about fifty percent of his scholarship money, which he regretted doing because paul didn’t technically need it. paul just lied about his parents cutting him off. paul actually had it made and was trying to squeeze darry out of everything. and the final blow?
the final blow comes when darry confesses how afraid he is of the tracks. so paul and his friends are waiting at the tracks with flashlights, planning on scaring him by making him think a train is coming. They know his brothers are with him too. he sees darry’s old beat up truck and something catches his eye. darry looks so…so tired.
darry never looked like that. darry could go to school and olay football for five hours right after and still play a game without batting an eye. darry was never this tired, even when the two smuggled alcohol in the back of paul’s house. darry never looked that tired. and it all hits him.
darry lost everything. his parents. his money. his academics. hell, he might’ve been on the brink of losing the only family he had left. his brothers. and paul realized that darry never had it made for him. but before he even knew what he was doing, he commanded his friends into doing the horrible prank. and now he’s watching darry’s truck swerve into a ditch and flip over. he’s hearing the screaming of his two brothers in the back. and all paul can do is run.
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themlemever · 2 months
I'm sorry, but I have to yap about this Sam & Max Fullmetal Alchemist AU (Freelance Alchemists I guess) or I'll die <3
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Essentially it's Sam & Max characters in the FMA universe, so everything takes place in Amestris.
Instead of them being brothers who fucked up because they wanted their mother back (they have to be gay married in every universe I don't make the rules.) they're in their twenties and depressed as fuck. Basically, they were raising their daughter, Darla, (She probably wouldn't go by the Geek in this au but maybe I'll change my mind later.) but eventually she became ill like Ed and Al's mother.
Then she died. Sorry Geek fans but it's for character development.
Sam and Max are obviously grief-stricken and turn to Alchemy. Human transmutation happens and badabing badaboom Max is left with two missing limbs and a dead husband bound to a suit of armor with his blood. Romantic? Now they get to travel to find a Philosopher's Stone because they can't live without each other.
Girl Stinky and Grandpa Stinky take the place of Winry and Granny, I enjoy the concept of Sam having to watch his husband argue with his automail engineer because he fights like a feral animal.
Sybil would take Izumi's place, I think her learning/teaching alchemy with them would be cute. Until it's not and she dabbles in human transmutation to bring her kid back too. (Have you learned nothing?) Idk about Abe though, I might replace him with Superball because no one likes Abe.
Flint Paper could take Maes Hughes' place, two silly guys that get along with the main characters. I'm sure nothing bad will happen to him :)
The Commissioner would be Roy Mustang, it just feels right. That would also mean he'd be the Flame Alchemist and I don't know how to feel about that.
The short Ed jokes becoming short Max jokes and Sam being mistaken for the state alchemist between the too, it makes too much sense.
Some of the FMA cast would still stick around, they'd just be a bit more unhinged. (Not too much tho.)
I think they would both feel guilty about what happened but Max more so. He'd end up trying to cover that up by acting more cynical/sassy, (think of his Hit the Road characterization) and he'd be a bit smarter than normal due to having to be good enough at alchemy to become state-certified.
Sam would be somewhat the same, mainly to keep Max under control otherwise he'd wreak havoc with the ability to transmute without a circle. I say only somewhat because he'd be more protective of Max after the incident, touch the bnnuy and you'll get hell from both of them. He'd also be the one to convince Max to wear clothes, the state wouldn't let him be an official state alchemist if he just paraded around naked. ("Facist oppressors."/ref)
And yes, Sam would take great offense to the term; "Dog of the military."
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Thank you for coming to my yapping session, I'll add more if I feel like it.
Give me suggestions too and I'll judge/insult them./j
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Error. Error. Error.
Does not compute.
Who are you, Cyborg Sonic?
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c-animates · 8 months
Some Solving Time Stuff:
Since it's been over 170 days since last episode,here's some Solving Time AU painful bits! Enjoy:
After going though 5 timelines,N decided to start drawing his past loops to both not forget about them in case the solver does something to him during the run and to remind himself of how much he failed his loved ones over and over again. N also has to hear the solver taunting him every time he tries to do something. Just hearing this asshole eldritch being mocking him over and over,making jabs at him with V's death or how he failed Uzi and Tessa.
With the solver mocking him with CYN's voice and him constantly trying to find a way to save everyone and destroy the solver,he is more anxious and irritable than before. Barely holding on until something causes him to break down mentally and emotionally.
No happiness for this Cinnamon roll in this AU! :]
Also some bonus memes!: N: Please god! Just let me have one good day! Solver: Oh my god,you again? Give it a rest buddy. ---------- [In N's mind] CYN: Solver,stop! Solver! Stop! Stop tormenting my brother! Solver to N: Fat Bitch. ---------- :] Pain is delicious!
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parurutori · 6 months
oh boy it's time for a pikmin oc!
this time i got one based on a very special pikmin au that inspired me
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meet ram! a castaway koppaite explorer that studies the "edible" things on pnf-404, while she also lives for dandori battles and specialises in yellow pikmin! she comes off as an energetic, quick-tempered (and a little childish) explorer to others, but... is there more she's hiding underneath her brash and arrogant facade...?
bonus under read more! (cw: angst and body horror)
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while it might not seem like it at first, ram is actually a wraith that yearned to be just like the "space people". ram's true form doesn't have a design, but it's based on a very certain angel :) (the hint being in her name and overall appearance)
i might come out with more for this fella with so much angst (and fluff) potential :^)
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ceo-of-diaphone · 8 days
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Hi uhhhh im like new here so uhh it’ll take a while for me to get used to
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carecarry · 8 months
an almost love...
lingered, like an ever-present reminder of a dream that fluttered and danced but never found its way into the fullness of being.
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nouns-are-bad · 1 year
Soap is afraid of dogs, we know this, it’s a fact.
I headcannon that older kids in his area would terrorize him by sicking their dogs on him and watching him either try to run and get to safety or watch him get attacked by these dogs and get hurt
There are a bunch of scars on his body from these attacks
When he wears a tank top and shorts all of the scars can be seen, scratches, bites, infections that weren’t flushed out correctly, the whole nine yards
Sometimes he gets questioned about the scars, all he says is he was attacked by a dog and leaves it at that
Ghost finds it hard to understand how Johnny hasn’t gotten over his fear of dogs and makes fun of him for it sometimes, not knowing the extent to which Johnny has gone through
One day the teasing gets too much, Riley the dogs on base and ghost parades around with her at his side, ghost even going out of his way to find soap and make the dog be in his company
Soap avoids ghost for the next couple weeks, he looks panicky and he looks like he hasn’t slept good all that time
Ghost doesn’t know what he did wrong, after all it was just some teasing, it didn’t hurt soap at all
It got so bad that on a mission soap didn’t even joke with ghost in the meantime they had, didn’t even look in his direction and only addressed him when needed
Ghost corners him after that and asks why he’s being avoided and Johnny spills his guts, tells ghost about the kids and their dogs and all the pain and blood that he spilled and when Simon brought Riley around and sought him out all Johnny could do was panic and close off Simon to not get hurt again
And suddenly Simon understands, and holds Johnny close and whispers that he didn’t mean to hurt Johnny like that and he’s sorry, so sorry
And Johnny, Johnny just cries harder into simons chest because even if he didn’t mean to hurt him it still happened and it still hurt
And for a while after that things were rocky.
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schantsan · 2 years
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drowninginblox · 1 year
Manfred Von Karma
How I read a man I love to hate
TW for abuse- specifically parents to children. Take care of yourselves y’all
I subscribe to the idea that Manfred is verbally, and mentally abusive. Specifically towards Miles. But in a very undercut way. Like guilt tripping and gaslighting. I’m talking mother Gothel from Tangled but softer towards his children. He is the reason Miles’s guilt runs through him so deep. Van Karma made and grew the scars that grows on Miles’s soul. Under the guise of being a rather respectable father and remarkable prosecutor
Manipulate, Mansplain, Manfred.
Francheska wasn’t a intentional victim to any of this. She was an observer though. I like to think that she was clueless to the majority of this.
She understood that her upbringing was different to other children. However, she couldn’t process exactly what it was.
I also like the idea that Francheska was Miles only ally for his adult life. Especially when Miles’s dog dies.
Yes y’all- the I’ve seen a free clips of the AA anime. (Because it of Wendy Rocket’s video on the man we’re talking about today)
Sidebar- please watch Wendy Rocket’s video. It’s wonderful. It honestly made me reevaluate how I view this… monster of a person. It’s gonna be right here. Please watch it when you have the time
Back to the action
I like to think that Von Karma only had two loves of his life outside of his children. He was married to both his profession and his wife.
I like to think the marriage was arranged at first, but slowly the couple fell in love.
I don’t know if his partners death is discussed in the anime. Like I said, I’ve only seen clips. However, I’m assuming either a car crash, freak accident, or may be a terminal illness.
Whatever it may be, I like to think that Manfred truly loved this person, and they were understanding of the fact that he loved prosecuting more. Even if he wouldn’t admit it.
 Regardless of who Von Karma was married to, I don’t think Francesca remembers them.
Whether it be out of grief or respect, Von Karma doesn’t mention them nor does he show any photos or paintings of this person in the house unless it’s in his room specifically or in a secret section of his office.
Manfred absolutely listens to music without earbuds or headphones in public. He is that bitch.
At the same time he isn’t because he doesn’t think Starbucks is real Coffee. On the rare occasion that he does order coffee it’s always black.
I like to think that if Francesca and Miles have trophies, he has a trophy case set up in the main living room/entrance of their home, showing off everything his children have done until Miles heads off to college
He is one of those dads who lives by bi-curiously through his children. You cannot tell me otherwise. Other than the obvious that both of the Von Karma children pursue prosecution as a profession, I don’t think it ends there.
Clubs, friends, partners, etc. If their lives were cars, Manfred would be at the wheel. Or piloting from the starting line with the remote control, meeting them every other mile.
Speaking of miles, if Miles were to have met Phoenix at any other point in his life, weather be in or out of court, and they became friends or something more, Von Karma would put an end to that immediately. For lack of a better example I’m thinking the situation from Crazy Rich Asians. Very much “you aren’t good enough for my son”/ “you could do so much better”.
In the same vain, I don’t think Francesca would choose her own partner either. If we’re going off the same train of thought that I have, I think she would be in a arranged marriage. Unless Manfred takes the excuse of being married to the profession.
Regardless, I like to think that after Manfred was convicted, and once the adrenaline of not guilty leaves Miles depressingly empty, I think him and Francesca have a long conversation about their childhood.
Agony would be an understatement.
Truths that neither of them would ever speak out loud finally coming out. So many tears. So many things broken-!
Like how Francesca truly cares for Miles, even though she is brash.
And how Miles felt very alone in the years after his father’s death. And how he hasn’t really grieved because of that need for perfection that Manfred stride for.
I think that ordeal would be one of the reasons why Miles left the country, other than Phoenix making him reevaluate his career.
I also like to think that both of them have strained contact out of fear. And ofc for the fact that they can’t communicate for their lives.
At least not with their words.
For better or worse Miles and Francesca communicate better with their actions. Both with the understanding of each other that no one else really knows yet. Mainly since they are very afraid of making connections outside of themselves.
I’m going off into a tangent about how I’d like to think they overcome this. I’ll put all that in another post and link it once I finish it,
right here
Regardless, this is the end. But there is more. This post is a part two to this post. So go ham if you want more of my ramblings.
Take care of yourselves yall
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trying brush in angst hour while feels sleepy is kinda...something
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hermitcrossovers · 2 years
Trick or Treat! 🎃
zedaph held skizz in his arms for a brief second before he was ripped away from his arms back into the game. it was hard being forced to act as death, watching from the sidelines as his friends brutally fought each other, dancing in the apathetic arms of the watchers. the best he could was to offer the littlest piece of comfort before returning to the battlefield.
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