#hadn’t drawn anything in my more stylised art style in a while
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lauravian · 6 months ago
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Modern day Merthur ❤️
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itsnotmourn · 27 days ago
two hundred (200) facts about winifred
both good and bad, both old and new, both obvious and maybe tmi
Winifred!  Her Japanese name is Iori (いおり).
She found the name Winifred while reading the newspaper and thought it sounded nice.
She does not have a surname or middle names.
Her most common nickname is Winnie but you might see me deteriorating her name to something more silly, like Wininifired or Winini.
She is 5’2ft or 157cm!
Winifred is Japanese.
She is a yokai known as the futakuchi-onna (two-mouthed woman).
Her true birthday is unknown.  She picked out April 29.
Her meta/creation date is March 28 2024.
Though, they have never really celebrated their birthday.  Since it was a randomly picked out day, they just forget.
She is ““27””.
Bless her heart; her handwriting looks like this.  UNREADABLE but enough for people to go “omg nice handwriting.”
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They were born in the mountains of Fukushima at an unnamed rural village.
Their earliest memory would be described as “without warmth.”
They would describe themselves as unlabeled in terms of sexuality.
After becoming a yokai, she felt like “a girl” and “a whole bunch of nothing” at the same time.
Her cause of death was an axe to the head.
If she hadn’t done that one thing that has led to her death… she’d still be dead but in a pleasant human way; as in, she would have lived life as an old lady.
Her zodiac is a taurus and a rabbit.
Her deadly sin would be Greed.
Her heavenly virtue would be Kindness.
On the alignment chart, she’d be True Neutral, maybe leading towards Neutral Evil.  
If she were a number symbolically, she’d be zero (0).
She has no living/known family members.
She currently works at an ice-cream parlour.
Her favourite flavour is mint chocolate.
They have a low opinion of Frank as he stole some ice-cream containers with the help of Skid and Pump, and left it at a scene.
She has the perfect customer-service smile.
On Halloween Spooky Month, she dresses up as her true self.
Their preferred outdoor clothing style is anything that at least covers up the arms and legs.
Their body shape is the inverted-triangle.
Since they have broader shoulders, a lot of the skirts have a flair to them.
Most of her cardigans were hand-made by a coworker/friend, Jordan.
All of her shoes are some variation of slip ones; something that’s easy to put on and kick off.
They are not blind!  Their iris colour is just close to white.  In a more realistic art style, they would still have pupils but it’s not drawn for stylisation purposes.
Her eyes being closed is a design trope to emphasise her mysterious nature.  She can still “see” with them closed.
That being said, their eyes are very sensitive to flashing/light.
She grew up in the mountains so the cold weather doesn’t bother her much.  Not including the winds, though.
Her skin is unnaturally cold to the touch.
White is not her original hair/eye colour (technically her eyebrows too)
Both were originally black.
Instead of being pure white, her hair is like an off-white cream, caused by a centuries’ worth of sun-bleach and bloodstains on it.
Both her hair and eyes have a pearlescent effect when there’s direct light on it (regardless of its colour).
Her hair can make itself grow about 3x its natural length.
If the hair is cut without consent, the strands will wiggle like a dropped lizards’ tail, or a chopped snake head.
It’s very easy to make her laugh, even if it’s just a light chuckling response to a mundane thing.
Unfortunately, this also includes uncomfortable laughter so sometimes, her pained chuckle can give the wrong message.
Snow brings nostalgia from her home place.  It’s both a good and bad feeling.
She has a habit of doubling words like “hello hello”, “bye bye”, etc.
She tends to omit the “I” pronoun too when she talks.  “I don’t like it” -> “Don’t like it.”
Their voice claim would be close to Suzuki Mayumi in the Mulan Japanese dub (speaking).  I like the pauses but I’m not sure if it’s accurate to the one in my head.
She prefers sweet and/or salty foods.
Her spice level is on the lower end.
Her comfort food is crab meat and anything potato.
She’s lactose intolerant but doesn’t care to avoid dairy products.
Except for milk; she will gag a little if forced to drink it.
Her favourite frozen food wouldn’t be ice-cream; it would be any form of frozen yogurt, preferably made with goat’s milk.
Their go-to coffee is Vietnamese coffee with a spoonful or two of condensed milk.
Their go-to tea is green/oolong tea.
She doesn’t drink alcohol.  She doesn’t like the taste of beer, but white wine is alright.
Winifred has never gotten herself drunk before so she wouldn’t know what “drunk” type she is.
Her favourite fruit is seedless green grapes.
She keeps the crust on bread.
She cuts bread diagonally or not at all.
Winifred is a fast eater/drinker.
The Second Mouth is a messy eater.
She doesn’t cook often as most of her money goes towards buying take out.  She needs to buy meals for two after all.
She presents herself as a realist, then gives up and reverts to a realist.
One of their pet peeves is when they tell others to talk off their shoes and they don’t.  She finds it a bit strange wearing shoes inside a home too, even if the host welcomes it.
She is a sock wearer, even in Summer.
If asked to pick between a dog or cat to keep, she’d opt for a fake plant.  A cat would be her proper answer though.
She is awful with directions.  She will get lost no matter what.
In terms of physical strength… Winifred is on the lower end.  She’s never winning an arm wrestle.
In terms of dexterity and speed, she is one of the better ones; to make up for having no strength!
She doesn’t do a lot of sports.
Actually, she can’t swim either.
The mouth on the back of her head is just called “The Second Mouth” by Winifred.  Technically, it is nameless.
If The Comedian had to call it by a name, it would be Fred (or Freddie)… because Winifred = Winnie + Fred.  He’s hilarious.
The Second Mouth is unpleasant and always whispers horrible things at night.
It doesn’t have any sense of sight but its sense of smell via tongue and ability to sense danger/bloodlust is great.
If Winifred doesn’t answer right away in conversations, it’s usually because she’s having an internal talk with The Second Mouth.
She used to just wear her hair down until The Second Mouth came by.  Now to hide it, she wears it in a large bun.
There’s no hair tie for her bun, it’s actually just keeping itself up.
She doesn’t brush the teeth of The Second Mouth but as long as she gives it raw bones to chew on, it will be okay.
It can eat anything after all, like the things Winifred doesn’t like.
She has a keitai flip phone.  There is an assortment of phone charms/stickers on it.
She drives and has her own car.  It’s of the Toyota brand.
They collect all sorts of charms for the car interior.
Because of her figure, most of the settings for the driver’s seat are set close to the max (e.g. raised the seat to the highest position).
She has a cushion for her car seat too.
She moved to wherever Spooky Town is when she was in her “early 20’s”.
Well… she is around 300 years old as an entity.
Before she manifested as a yōkai, she was a very young adult dealing with the feelings of alienation.
So, with some quick maths and the current fact that Spooky Month is in 2013 right now, she was from the Edo Period.
Specifically, nearly two decades before the Kan’ei famine.
Though… after being struck in the head, she fell into deep sleep for about a hundred years.
To find some companions, she joined a group of other yokai like herself for safety and food.  There was a leader there.
She hated their leader’s attitudes though and ran off to find her life again.
After that sour encounter, she believed that relationships with monsters wasn’t worth it.
In the modernising years, she has had two relationships before The Comedian.
Relationship A went well; Relationship B went well.
Winifred broke up with both of them… for certain reasons.
She is the type to have people come to her rather than her pursuing a relationship.
She never had any formal education, which makes me a little sad to think about.  I will draw her in a school uniform later.
If she did, she’s the type to get straight B’s with a few A’s.
Her best subject would be Biology.
Her worst subject would be Japanese (which would be like our English); analysing and writing essays are not her strong suit.
If she went to university… it would probably be food related, unironically; like a dietitian.
Her multiplication/division is stronger than her addition/subtraction.
She doesn’t play any instruments but if she did, she’d do violin, a bamboo flute, or shamisen.
It’s hard to get by any places without documents anyway so most of Winifred’s documents are fake aside from driver’s license.
In fact, she needed some spooky little friends in order to get through airport security.
Rainy weather is one of their favourites but only when they’re inside.
She is a silver jewellery person.
She doesn’t have tattoos but if she did, it’d be small ones on her ankles or rib.
She doesn’t have piercings either but if she did, it’d be the classic ear piercing.
She doesn’t smoke and wouldn’t like to be near anyone who does.
If they had a social media account (like uhhh???  spookygram?  lmao?), it would be full of food pictures and few with their partner. They rarely include face/s, but if they did, they’d censor it with cute emojis.
If she had a youtube channel, it would probably be cute and short clips of her making desserts for the ice-cream parlour.
In her wallet is a holographic Pokemon card that she found; it’s scratched and probably fake, but it’s cute.  Behind it, is her driver’s license.
She doesn’t mind most music genres but one that she would listen to the least is metal.
She likes the math music genre the most.
If a song genre would be a guilty pleasure, it’d be children's nursery rhymes.
I associate a lot of Österreich songs with Winifred; you might know the band from Tokyo Ghoul OP 2!
On her car keyrings is a liquid keychain and a plush.
She dislikes it when people try to analyse her or if people give her therapy talk about deeper issues.
Some goes for things like tarot cards or any sort of “readings”.
If under immense pressure, she’d just run from it all and then return a few days later.
Before the 2000s, she was VERY underweight.  
Then she was able to gain weight because she got herself a job.  And thanks to fast food.
After all, she couldn’t go and stand there for unmarried men to be charmed by her anymore.  The people aren't stupid anymore.
She’s really bad at gauging what gifts a person would like so she gives them plain money instead, usually $50–100.
In the town, there is a restaurant that only opens for all types of supernatural monsters/yokai.  Winifred is both their best and worst customer.
She was originally designed to be a mermaid, like a very passive aggressive mermaid.  I still want a mermaid OC but I’d rather buy/get it from another person.  I love adopting designs lol.
She THEN was designed to be a fox spirit (not necessarily a kitsune from Japanese folklore as she didn’t have an ethnicity in mind yet).
In terms of contrast in character design, she doesn’t have a very good one… but her lack of contrast is intentional.
One of the first things people would notice about her is her white eyelashes.
Although they have characteristics of one, they are not albino.
They’re the type of person to hold the railings when going up/down stairs.
Since they wear long skirts, they have in fact tripped over them while going up the stairs.
She can’t whistle.
She likes the sound of windchimes and she has a very small one inside her apartment.
Winifred would consider walking up to her apartment as her daily exercise, though there’s only one flight of stairs.
Her apartment is small and cramped.
Although they would like to live a minimalist life, they can't help but hoard a bit of everything.  It’s a mess.  Outfits are nice; home is a wreck.
Well, they don’t invite most people in any way.
She can still stay/do nothing for 5 minutes before she gets antsy/fidgety.
She doesn’t make her bed in the morning.
That said, her bed is just a futon on the floor she got from a garage sale. Mattresses are expensive y'know.
Winifred doesn’t have many enemies but if one picks a needless fight, then yeah, that’s an enemy now.
That being said, she's more of a flighter than a fighter.
If she is confronted with insults, she’d probably just stand there as she doesn’t like confrontation… or whatever ends the day with her alive lmao.
Can she kill?  Sure.  Would she want to?  No unless in self-defense.  Could a certain mouthy thing do that for her regardless of reason?  Yeah.
She believes in the concept of Heaven and Hell… because it actually exists for her.  At least the Buddhist version of it.
They hate bugs in their home.  Ooohhhh they kick out any bug they see.
Her favourite Disney movie would be Snow White because of the songs.
By herself, she would happily sing.  Though, it’s more like “saying the lyrics in a non-singsong way” because her voice is naturally stiff and quiet.
Her footsteps are quiet too; often making the people around her jump a little.
They enjoy hugs; longer hugs for the one they love.
If someone asks for an honest opinion, she would not give one if she had a negative thought about it.
She would forget to drink water than to eat on a daily basis.
Though, if feeling guilty about something, she would make herself stay a little more hungry.
She prefers milk chocolate over white/dark.
Mechanical pencils or gel pens are her preferred writing/drawing material.
When they get nervous, they fidget with their hands or hair.
She has small feet and hands.
She would prefer to buy something for herself than donate to charity, unless she was personally asked.
So yes, they can be a little stingy with spending money when it comes to others.
She knows most of the wage workers but doesn’t consider them friends… rather “people she knows.”
Out of the bunch, Kevin is one that they talk to the most since the ice-cream parlour gets their candy toppings from the CandyClub.
Winifred knows most of the children too; Hatzgang comes to the shop often to hang out during the Summer due to the air-con.
They have never been to human hospitals since they can heal physical damage.
Then again, she has never broken a bone to really test her limits.
She’s in a relationship.
She is dating The Comedian… who is not even a Spooky Month character but whatever!!!
She didn’t know the extent of his popularity so she was a little surprised when her coworkers freaked out about her dating a small-town celebrity.
Their ship name is Stagefright.
Before considering him, I was thinking of shipping her with one of the replacement cops…  leaning towards Captain Cop.
If I did, their ship name would have been CaptainCuspids but I never made any content with it.  So… anyway!
stagefright is freak4freak idk how else to say it
if taking a bite out of each other is love they might as well be full course meals to each other.  #cannibalism is #cool
She kisses the Laughter’s mouth/s when she can.  Though, a whole tooth is the size of her hand.  You can imagine how strange it is to try.
Both Comedian and Winifred are night people.  However, Winifred is the one to wake up first.
Her love language is physical touch.
Winifred prefers kaomojis and The Comedian uses emojis.
The Comedian’s home is arguably much nicer than Winifred’s, but he camps there from time to time.
Since The Comedian has close ties with the popular Actor and Actress, Winifred has a handful of merchandise for free.
She doesn’t care for decorative things in households like posters so she gives those to her coworkers.  Clothing she will keep though.
Winifred is okay with PDA but she can get shy if The Comedian decides to hype her up to his friends.
If Winifred randomly wears something that reveals more skin (usually legs), he gets a little flustered.
She banned The Comedian from playing music in her car after he played this on loop.
Okay so The Comedian DOES have a fan name in mind but I don’t think I will ever use it because it’s more fun without it.  Anyway, if Winifred needs to address him, it’s usually something vague like “gahhh, stop it, you!”
Marriage is not in the plans.
Neither is children (but I’ve been toying with the idea of a fan kid anyways lol)
Mostly because all that time being underweight has made her hormone balance go bonkers.
If she were to die like a human, she would want to be eaten.
But alas, the few ways she can die is by spiritual means like sacred objects/chants/resolving a deep grudge.
Holy water hurts her skin but since she covers up, the most she has trouble with is the evaporated water burning in her nose.
This has made her avoid the CandyClub as of Hollow Sorrows.
So, yes, she’d be afraid to get close to Father Gregor.
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one note on this post = one fact about winini perhaps
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