#sm oc winifred
itsnotmourn · 4 days
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stinker and her clothes so i can finally code it in her wiki! yayyy finally!
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boobpancakes · 10 months
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winifred davis for @birdietrait's coven of simblrs
turned by an scorned potential suitor in 1567
returns the favor by feeding on men who lust for her
was burned at the stake after being mistaken for a witch in 1692
has a very rational fear of large crowds, especially if she happens to end up in the middle of one
refuses to sleep anywhere but underground in her coffin bunker
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1, 6, 8, 11, 14, 21, 22, 26, 28, 29, 30. maybe too many for one post but u can split it up as u like.
HIIII you always give me a billion qs from ask games i love u sm for it <3
obligatory link back to the npc ask game
1. What’s your NPC creation process like?
6. How do you pick names for NPCs?
same way i pick names for ocs of mine! if theyre not a one off npc or one off turned main npc then i search for a name that has a meaning relevant to who they are as a character! (swords's last name is lyon and her symbolic animal is a lion... winifreds name means reconciliation, giving her a fun ironic twist since she wants to KILL her ex husband soso bad lol) but if theyre a one off then typically i just generate the name using this american name generator and pick something i think fits the character at hand!
the only one that doesnt fit in either here is jacques who as i belief i said is named off of my old cat with the same name <3
8. What kinds of NPC (personality, class, culture, age, whatever occurs to you!) tends to be your favorite to make and/or play?
i really enjoy fucked up dudes!!!! if it werent obvious from my ocs... this was supposed to be a lighter campaign but i really love tragedy and making people have OBVIOUS issues and its fun to have stuff with those play out with the players, sometimes even being used to bounce off the players! also i like magic users. theyre fun. or people involved with the gods of this world! i think i really really enjoy making people who give off lore hints or just straight up tell you interesting stuff about the world c:
11. (which oc is...) Most unique?
oh this is a hard one... if we mean in context of the world itself like in that world then i would have to say speciallest girl ever henrietta but also not really bc theres also vanya.... hmmmmmmm but out of context i would have to say probably daggers, swords or dr. shi, i feel like those three have a good spread of not being too like many of my other ocs! (daggers having lots of image issues and being outwardly guilt trippy and feminine, swords being impulsive and almost like a shonen character, and dr shi being very monotone and intelligent (i like my dumbasses) plus all three have big as hell prides, they think they are HOT shit)
(putting the rest under a readmore so that people dont hate seeing me on their dash)
14. Most likely to be on a reality show?
HARD TO TELL... first instinct is to say daggers or swords bc those two interact with media enough to want to go onto a reality show (or henrietta bc shes. you know. leader of the old rebellion imagine the numbers that could do for the show) but i think final answer would be delilah bc not only would she LOVE to be on tv but she would like have an AWESOME time
21. Which NPC is the easiest for you to roleplay? Why?
22. Which NPC is the most difficult to roleplay? Why?
ouhhh hard one here but id probably say first of all vanya bc my russian accent skills are NOT there. but in terms of personality and roleplaying in general not just speaking as them then probably wiz or daggers! both have to have an incredible amount of balance, in daggers's case its so that she is nuanced and not an annoying caricature considering my concept for her and with wiz its just . not revealing some things too early and not revealing some things too late, plus hes the quest giver and PLUS idk why but doing his voice gives me troubles. this is all ironic bc he is like. one of my favorite npcs lmao (hes better in writing IMO)
26. Which NPC is YOUR least favorite and why?
oh interesting... this is like having to say i hate one of my children i really never dislike any characters i create i just get agonies over them tbh but if i HAD to choose one..... hmmm probably vanya and/or richter, i really enjoy them conceptually but i feel like i fumble them too much and their story, while interesting and exciting in the beginning, became a bit more extraneous as time went on ! but really its not by much that i dislike them, i really love every npc i make
28. Is there any NPC you wish your party interacted with more?
29. Are there any NPCs you wish you could play as a PC one day?
wiz probably fits most closely into the type of pc i would create for a game like this! however if i would want to be more fun more creative then i would actually really like to play jacques or vanya, mostly because they also are the types of characters i would make and they are easily translateable into a pc for this specific campaign (both in stat ways and in story ways!) as for a complete wildcard i think also playing as someone closer to the religion of this campaign (swords, rhys, etc) would be very interesting ! but im sure if i were to recycle a character concept from this game i would not expect who i would choose in the future...
30. Bonus question! Answer any that you haven’t been asked, or talk about any NPC you want!
oh god an open ended q ummm this is really the hardest question ever . i will give you a few little tidbits abt characters not on their toyhouse and not like fully really talked abt i tink...
Vanya is based on a character from dungeon meshi and originally followed this characters plot way more closely before i changed her up! not saying who tho
hook and rex came out to each other at the exact same time (as trans).... it was really funny and they almost immediately did a fun little clothes swap :)
even though wiz has his 50 ft vision, sometimes bc of habit when hes in his house he wont use it and if he has a guest he will often times get spooked by them... he feels silly after it happens every time lol
jacques is bisexual. also has never dated anyone ever. (he feels like its weird to date anyone from the village hes from bc everyones kinda like family there...)
rhys and the griffin god priest (mr hightower) have actually met once on occasion, they found each others company very enlightening but will not meet again ever
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itsnotmourn · 13 days
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kissing dilemma
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itsnotmourn · 7 days
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a little villager meeting her future self
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itsnotmourn · 6 months
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oc x canon jumpscare BOO
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itsnotmourn · 2 months
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was thinking about giving winnie a pet and boom, a bird !!! its name is “chu chu” and is a cute lil dove
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itsnotmourn · 4 months
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the second mouth is hungry
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itsnotmourn · 6 months
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new oc except they’re a yokai (futakuchi-onna) !!
she doesn’t reveal her second mouth unless it’s halloween or she’s at home
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itsnotmourn · 5 months
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winifred doodle dump + her celebrity partner
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itsnotmourn · 6 months
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itsnotmourn · 6 days
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A younger Winifred (or known here as Iori) and their first experience with dogs.
note: last pic should be "...does not MEAN it will..."
Seeing all the hunting dogs made little Iori all excited inside; she always wanted to get close to one but unlike the rest of the children who could easily walk to them, the size of the dogs rippled a tiny fear.
Two good friends of Iori, a girl and a boy, were determined to show her how cute the dogs can be. After all, they were all well-trained and loyal to the village folk.
There they all stood, near the mountain river on a cold Autumn day. As Iori stood from afar, the two children petted one of the beloved hunting dogs, then urged her to come forward. It seemed well and good. The two friends had nothing but good intentions for their little buddy.
The dog wagged its tail when Iori got near, nice and slow she went, just like what her friends advised her to do. Her tiny hand lowered to the dog's sight, and as its tail continued wagging, Iori—
The dog bit her hand.
And a shriek tore the air.
At the end of the day, three children were still three children. With the dog running away, they all panicked. None of them had expected the friendly dog to bite; it never did before! None of the other children or adult had been bitten!
Eventually, the three get scolded by one of the elders and a woman on break. The bite had only caused a bruise and by the following weeks, it was like it never happened.
Centuries past. What happened that day was just an accident. Now going by Winifred, they think dogs are still rather cute. It has come to her attention that most animals just don't like her presence.
She has one idea why.
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itsnotmourn · 26 days
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found some old art and decided to clean them up :]
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itsnotmourn · 29 days
HIIIIII I've always loved Winifred's design she's so pretty!!! :D <33 Youkai characters are some of my favourites! 💡maybe? /nf
💡 - How did you come to create this oc and what were you inspired by?
I really wanted a monster oc in Spooky Month.
Winifred was originally supposed to be a siren/mermaid with a passive-aggressive personality! Though, the colours I was choosing was too close to another character of mine (Felix), so I altered the green-blue to a bright-blue instead, which created a winter look to her.
Randomly, I was thinking about cranes so I thought to give her black. I couldn't decide between that or pale hair so technically, Winifred canonically has both (hidden in lore).
I went "okay" and continued with that energy. I have always loved the "white hair + blue outfit" combination. Off in the back of my mind, I wanted to keep the "monster" aspect to her... then I realised: oh, Spooky Month has plenty of characters dressing up as eastern yokai*, so there should be more eastern yokai characters in general!
*i say eastern yokai specifically because (depending on your definition of yokai) in the western culture, yokai would include creatures like vampires, leprechauns, fairies, werewolves, etc.
So, I went around to see what I can do with that idea. I was set on making Winifred a kitsune but I don't think I liked my ideas for it. It did however, set a key characteristic for her though: closed eyes. Anyways, I went around again for any particular ideas. Characters that are based off of the futakuchi-onna are a sweet spot of mine (like the pokemon, Mawile!) so I ended the hunt there.
Winifred was born and her personality has dulled down to something more secretive. Her design did end up more simplified to match the Spooky Month style but I'm thinking about redesigning her a little bit.
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Oh, and I always loved characters with coloured eyelashes.
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itsnotmourn · 1 month
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HEYY i've been coding something complex for a while now: a phone for winifred!
you can click on the little buttons on her homescreen to snoop around; the info-juicy parts are, of course, in progress because i am so very lazy BUT! clicking things are also good fun... fake instagram and youtube page as you can see! keeping them simple for my sake hehe
i made this originally to showcase the lovely art i got of winifred. while i can't physically show them all in this code, it (to me) was better than nothing!
please check it out! ♡(>ᴗ•)
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itsnotmourn · 4 months
for the ask game!! 2E for ur oc x canon Ship :3c
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and then they both fell over on their bums like the losers they are
(HELP I WASN’T EXPECTING ANY but i thank you anyways for sending one for my oc ship !!! <33)
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