#hades x wol
lili-spots · 4 months
"I just want to rest..."
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Nope! ♥
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jezziepoploves · 2 years
I couldn’t sleep so have some Emet ficness I spewed out while trying to make myself tired lmfao
Kinda like if the same thing happened to the WoL as Y'stola did (She goes Wheeee into the stream~) - how Emet would possibly react v: I dont normally write so please forgive any errors @v@ ... I also probably have an odd writing style, but I hope it's enjoyed. I probably also shouldn't have to mention to please not post this anywhere else without my permission ;v;
------- He tried to ignore the familiar colored soul drifting through the stream. It couldn’t have been you. You- the hero of Eorzea and the East. You- who had fell countless enemies- primals- near gods. Nay, that couldn’t be you.
And even if it was you, shouldn’t this make him happy? The Champion of Eorzea no longer a threat to his plans for the rejoining. He should be happy.
Then why did he feel such… a loss? Anxiety? Pulling at his chest?
He turned his slumped back away from the stream, your soul gently drifting through it.
The next few days were torture for him. Any attempt to banish the thought of the familiar soul from his mind failed. He found himself nibbling- biting- at the seams of his glove as he stared at nothing.
Surly that wasn’t you.
To prove it to himself- he paid visit to those who glared at him. Your friends and the Crystal Exarch- although the words he caught before they realized he had arrived caused no relief from the anxiety pooling in his chest.
You were missing. And had been missing for a few days. It was unlike you to leave without a word to at least one of them.
Putting on his usual airs, he played it off fairly well, hiding his concern and taunting the others. Oh what would they do without you?
He smirked as the Exarch tried to hide his clenched jaw in the shadows of his hood- obviously feeling worried and guilty if you had actually met your end here in the First. Guilt that he called you here just to meet your end.
With a huff and one last taunt, he waved to the now agitated group as he vanished, but he wasn’t just going back to his recreated home. No, he found himself slumped, standing where he first had seen your soul adrift, eyes scanning. Eventually they did land on that beautiful color, and slowly reached his hand out.
Should he do this? You would get in his way again. You would cause trouble and problems… but soon those thoughts got shoved to the back of his mind… and he snapped.
You had to be as careless as that Miqo'te. Or maybe just somehow lucky. Your body and self were pulled from the stream as easily as picking a flower and gently floated before him.
It was now that he hesitated- eyes landing on a spot normally covered by your armor… a birthmark that he long recognized.
Out of all the thousands of years and many more heartbreaks- nothing could have prepared him for the cruel reality that you were in fact… his dear Azem.
He clenched his teeth and tore his eyes away from your form- snapping once again to give you decency. He then paused, not trusting himself to hold you.
Could he let you go if he did?
His hands shaking, he reached out and took your limp form in his arms, holding the majority of you to his chest as he let out a shaky breath. You were not whole. Sundered. Ugly.
He kept telling himself this but the gentle breaths you took against him, and your peaceful face had his thought spinning.
Until your eyes cracked open barely, trying to focus on the face the warm embrace that held you belong to. His eyes were focused on you- preparing another taunt- about how the great hero-
Your lips cracked and moved, and he thought his heart would stop the moment he saw his true name form soundless on your lips.
The name you had called him countless times before- back when the world was right and unsundered.
His words caught in his throat and before he could react-- respond- you had passed out once more.
He stood there for a long while- holding your body gently- mind whirling. No. It wasn’t possible you remembered. He did not see correctly.
He clenched his jaw again as he opened a portal and stepped through- entering the room at the Pendants. This is where you stayed wasn’t it?
He gently laid you down and stared for a moment longer before pulling himself away and vanishing, shoulders slumped even more than they have been. A memory weighing heavier than usual.
You awoke quite some time later, confused to how you were in your room. Did one of your friends find you and bring you back? You would have to ask later. It only added to the confusion when you did see them again- and none of them had brought you back- nor knew you were in your room- not even the roomkeep.
A hazy memory was there but it was out of reach- like a dream slipping away.
And then it vanished.
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nidstiniens · 2 years
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title: verse two. rating: m. pairing: emet-selch x wol notes: challenged myself to write an emet/nara fic to every verse of “hallelujah.”
she broke your throne and she cut your hair and from your lips she drew the hallelujah
You’re not sure how it got this far, but you’re not doing anything to stop it either. She had called your name in the darkness and your body and heart had acted before your brain could convince them otherwise. It’s a betrayal of the senses only she can achieve, even though she’s not who she’s supposed to be. The memory is enough for you, you decide. The indulgence of a memory — that’s all this is.
The velvet lining of the armchair she’s pushed you into is soft against your bare skin. You only vaguely remember removing your coat and shirt, too enthralled by the sight of her following suit. She’s in only her underclothes when she straddles your lap and your hands immediately find their way to her thighs. You’re keenly aware of how little fabric separates you and an unforgiving abyss you will not return from, and the flash of surprise in her eyes tells you she is too.
And, gods, she is beautiful, isn’t she? The room is dark save for the moonlight pouring in through the window, but she is luminous. Her cheeks are flushed, her gaze wanton and inviting. You can’t help the need to disappear into the warm beige of her skin, can’t help the urge to drown in her rich, honey-colored eyes. You can’t stop your hands from roaming up her waist, can’t stifle the greedy smirk that tugs at your lips as you relish the way her flesh shudders beneath your touch. You won’t resist the need to feel every inch of her before this night is over, to taste every part of her that she’ll give you. She’s so real, so familiar, and it’s been so fucking long…
A moment of weakness, Hades. You tell yourself this as if it justifies anything, as if you don’t know that while she may have been the one to make all the moves, you’re both lying about who’s really in control. Warrior of Light or not, that soul intertwined with hers or not, she is young, she is hurting, she is insecure — and you are taking advantage of her.
But then again, who cares as long as you’re both getting what you want?
“Tell me what you’re thinking,” she says, stirring you from your thoughts. Your eyes meet hers as she rests her hands at the waistband of your pants and you forget the mask you wear. Are you sure? Are you sure she isn’t her?
“You want to know what I’m thinking?” You slowly repeat the question back to her and your voice drips with derision whether you mean it to or not.
She takes it in stride, brow pinching and eyes narrowing just enough to remind you how precarious of a position you’re in. A wicked laugh escapes your throat and you snake a hand up her spine to rest at the back of her neck. You may have the influence, but you will let her take it all away if she changes her mind — but, of course, you know she won’t.
“I’m thinking,” you say, voice barely above a whisper as you pull her close, “that this is merely another one of my famed moments of weakness.”
Her eyes are unreadable and her breath is hot against your skin. When she speaks, her words are not a plea or a proposition, but rather a bid — a challenge. “And how many of these moments are you willing to give me?”
Your gaze falls to her lips as you lick your own.
“As many as you’re willing to take,” you growl before hungrily closing the gap between your mouths. Her body responds to you immediately and you stifle a moan as she grinds her hips against the growing stiffness between your legs. She gasps and you seize the opportunity to deepen the kiss, savoring the sweet taste of her tongue against yours.
And maybe you’re wrong. Maybe you aren’t in control. Maybe you are powerless beneath her, and maybe you’re happy to let her prey on your weakness if it means you can prey on hers. After all, none of this will matter, not for her, not in the end. Maybe you're both just trying to endure, and maybe that's enough.
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laena-ffxiv · 17 days
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Curtain Call
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slimyhipster · 1 year
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some more Azem April stuff from before!
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zakifairer · 4 months
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Another similarity to Azem.
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stars-and-clouds · 2 years
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I did another thing
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winterheart · 5 months
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Diana x Thancred Crow x Hades
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dreiidrie · 12 days
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rkgk Mera 01
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lili-spots · 4 months
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I may or may not have created my WoL and Hades on The Sims 4. She may or may not be kind of in love with him. Also, he may or may not have his personality quite alike Hades. I'm proud. :,)
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akirakirxaa · 3 months
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[Takes place in An Echo Calling Me, the verse where Hyth and Hades return after Ultima Thule. Written as a prompt fill for @sylaurin, who gave me a few prompts but this one was for 'sharing a secret'.]
Akira stared out at the deep blue of the ocean, the sun painting the sky a soft orange as the sun set. Despite the joy that seemed to permeate Tuliyollal, she didn’t feel it. It was as if it were all at arm’s length, like she was some kind of beast in a cage looking out at it — separate in all ways. And no matter how welcome she was made to feel, it was almost as if she were…afraid to let her guard down.
So lost was she in her thoughts that she didn’t notice someone approaching.
“There you are!” Akira started in surprise before turning to see Hythlodaeus approaching. He’d changed into an outfit reminiscent of the locals, most of it dyed in familiar black, though the collar and accents were dyed in his favored lavender. Akira managed a tired smile in greeting before turning back to the ocean.
“Enjoying yourself?” she questioned as he settled at her back, reaching around either side to support himself on the rope railings. He dropped a quick peck on the top of her head.
“Always.” Oh, how she wished she could be as carefree as he was. “But what’s bothering you?” Akira frowned out at the water; she didn’t want to burden him, but she also knew if she didn’t tell him he would just continue to prod at her until she told him.
Or worse, go get Hades. And Akira swore he must have mind reading powers because she couldn’t seem to hide anything from him.
“I… I suppose I just feel like…” She struggled to put words to it, this knotting in her chest and this distance she felt. “I don’t know how to be just…a person.”
“But you are a person!” he lightly teased, and she gently elbowed him.
“I meant more…” Akira gave a heavy sigh, brow furrowed as she searched for the words. “All I’ve been since I lost my memories at Carteneau is ‘The Warrior of Light’. I don’t know how to just be…normal.” They stood together in silence, and when a cool breeze blew by, she was grateful for his warmth.
“Well, maybe you can use this as your chance to figure that out,” Hythlodaeus suggested. “Now that the world isn’t going to end if you take a breather, you can find out what you like to do when you’re not laying waste to your enemies.” She chuckled.
“I suppose so. As long as there’s no Allagan ruins behind a rock or something,” Akira gave a wry smirk.
“We can certainly hope not,” he replied, tucking his head against the top of hers and pulling her against him. Akira relaxed into the embrace with a sigh.
Yes, maybe she could use some normalcy for once.
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suwisuwii · 4 months
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sketch page commission for @thewitchofelpis
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underarchon · 3 months
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laena-ffxiv · 1 month
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A soul remembers
“And all it once, I felt a longing akin to nothing I had ever felt before. For a man I had never met before - or not in this lifetime, at least. That's what the ache that crept its way into my heart and buried itself in every fibre of my being told me. One glimpse into eyes of turbulent gold awoke in me hazy, fleeting, fractured memories of a time long, long ago.
I felt an almost irrisistable urge to run to him, to comfort him, to hold him - to love him. I could see the pain behind his eyes, the broken man behind the villainous facade he played so well. He always was a difficult one to read, the thought echoed in the back of my mind, not entirely my own. His gaze answered back in utmost subtly, like whispered secrets in a crowded room: anger melted into sadness; realisation accompanied disbelief, and then followed an empty look I could not decipher. Who is he? Who am I? What has caused him so much pain?”
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riceballgremlin · 5 days
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pebsterino · 2 years
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Sketch page commissions! 
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