#hades game heracles
tootsmcscoots · 4 months
Fuck you, have another Hades II character design thing I noticed and really like.
For those who know about Heracles, which is all of you lets be honest, you know he has a bit of a rage problem, Hera induced or not. I think SGG shows this off in a very fascinating way.
OK, so, Heracles' first and most well-known Labor is his slaying of the Nemean Lion after which he takes removes its impervious pelt with its own claw, taking it as a trophy and his first of many enchanted items.
Another thing I think we can all agree on about Heracles is that he's a fucking asshole, even by the standard of the Golden Age of Greek heros. This write-up will not be going into all the things he's done but just know he's not the most humane person while he was alive, and I can only imagine he only got worse after he ascended to full godhood after his death.
And I think Hades II shows that loss of what little humanity he had in a very interesting way.
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It can be hard to notice when first looking at his portrait but look at his beard, how it's the same colour as the lions pelt, how they seamlessly flow into one another, making it nearly impossible to differentiate the two. And this is clearly a much much older Heracles, he died around the time as the other Golden Age heros like Jason, Theseus, and Perseus, who themselves were far before heros like Odysseus who as of Hades II has already gone through his odyssey, assuredly died of either old age or something incredibly stupid, and helped raise Melionë to adulthood, so all in all, Heracles is OLD old.
All those years have seemingly gotten to Heracles. Any drop of humanity that may have not been burned away in his pyre is, if not completely eradicated, very, very buried. He has fully become The Lion, a weapon of Olympian design, told to seek out and destroy the enemies of the Gods with no remorse. How he speaks with Mel shows this as well, how he thinks he is the only one who can stamp out the Undead inside of Ephyra, confused and annoyed in their first encounter on why she'd even bother.
It's... very hard to feel bad for Heracles. His life wasn't great to start out with, but he did many things in his adult life that were just outright cruel with no reason. But seeing him lose himself to The Lion, it does make you a bit melancholic, right? One of the most well-known figures of Greek mythology finally falling into what many of the Gods children become, a weapon.
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ultravioletqueen · 9 days
Hey...does anyone remember iole?
She was one of the wives of Heracles in Greek mythology, she was a beautiful princess daughter of King Eurytus of Oechalia, who had offered his daughter's hand in marriage, however he had rejected Heracles as his daughter's husband due to what had happened to Megara and his children, what did Heracles do? Simple, HE LOATED HER CITY, KILLED HER FAMILY AND TOOK IOLE AWAY BY FORCE, their love story was not an enjoyable one for Iole.
It doesn't help at all to see that in the artistic representations of iole she never looks happy and even looks a little scared, she was in a highly dangerous situation with a man who ripped her away from her family and took her as a trophy, and He did not settle with her and in that same period of time he began to court Deyanira😒
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Now why am I talking about this character that almost no one remembers? Because I think it would have a lot of potential for Hades, specifically the second part where we meet Heracles personally.
We know that Heracles, being favored by the gods, can leave the underworld, and I imagine that at this moment there could be two paths for Iole:
1) she is alive and trying to rebuild her life: in mythology she left home with the eldest son of Heracles but I prefer to think that here she would stay single or with another man, this is the possibility that most favors Iole.
2) she is dead and with her family in the underworld: here comes the guilt that Heracles could feel upon seeing her again, she would be afraid of him and her family would have contempt for him, this is my favorite since it puts bad actions on the table of Heracles and shows the consequences it had on third parties.
I imagine that in both cases, as a sign of solidarity, Heracles would try to avoid running into Iole because 1) he recognizes the fear she must have of him and 2) he knows that he doesn't deserve to be near her after everything he put her through
Something else that I found interesting about Iole is that at no time did Deyanira try to get rid of Iole, she being the reason why Heracles stopped paying attention to her, knowing what jealous wives are like in Greek mythology, I was surprised not to find a story where Deyanira takes revenge on Iole or treats her badly.
My vision is that Deyanira is a girls girl and had no resentment towards Iole because she saw how sad she looked being with the murderer of her family, probably thanks to this she thought that if she made Heracles only love her she would leave Iole in peace or I would let her go at best.
The thing that make me believe this is the myth where iole makes heracles wear women clothes and she wears the clothes of the hero, heracles only wanted to flaunt his great deeds but deyanira told him to not keep talking and accept his place(i know that the most popular version is that the queen onfale did that but i like this one too bc iole in this version avenges her father's death)
What if we made iole and deyanira kiss?
Oigan...¿alguien se acuerda de iole?
Ella fue una de las esposas de heracles en la mitología griega, ella era una princesa hermosa hija del rey eurytus de oechalia, quien había ofrecido la mano de su hija en matrimonio, sin embargo había rechazado a heracles como esposo de su hija debido a lo que había ocurrido con megara y sus hijos, ¿que hizo heracles? Simple, SAQUEO SU CIUDAD, MATO A SU FAMILIA Y SE LLEVO A IOLE POR LA FUERZA, su historia de amor no fue una disfrutable para iole.
No ayuda en nada ver que en las representaciones artísticas de iole ella nunca se le ve feliz e incluso se le ve algo asustada, ella estaba en una situación altamente peligrosa con un hombre que la arranco de su familia y la tomó como un trofeo, y no se comformo con ella y en ese mismo intervalo de tiempo empezó a cortejar a deyanira😒
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Ahora ¿porque hablo de este personaje que casi nadie recuerda? Porque pienso que tendría mucho potencial para hades, en específico la segunda parte donde conocemos personalmente a heracles.
Sabemos que heracles al ser favorecido por los dioses puede dejar el inframundo, y me imagino que para este momento podría haber dos caminos para iole:
1)ella está viva y tratando de rehacer su vida:en la mitología ella de casa con el hijo mayor de heracles pero prefiero pensar que aquí se quedaría soltera o con otro hombre, esta es la posibilidad que más favorece a iole.
2)ella está muerta y con su familia en el inframundo: aquí entra la culpa que heracles podria sentir al volver a verla, ella le tendría miedo y su familia le tendría desprecio, esta es mi favorita ya que pone sobre la mesa las malas acciones de heracles y muestra las consecuencias que tuvo sobre terceros.
Me imagino que en ambos casos como muestra de solidaridad heracles trataria de evitar toparse con iole porque 1)reconoce el miedo que le debe tener y 2) sabe que no merece estar cerca de ella después de todo lo que le hizo pasar.
Algo más que me pareció interesante acerca de iole es que en ningún momento deyanira trato de deshacerse de iole siendo ella la razón por la que heracles le dejo de dar atención, conociendo como son las esposas celosas en la mitología griega me sorprendió no encontrar una historia donde deyanira toma venganza en iole o la trate mal.
Mi visión es que deyanira sea una girls girl y no tuviera resentimiento hacia iole porque veía lo triste que se veía al estar junto al asesino de su familia, probablemente gracias a esto pensaba que si hacía que heracles solo la amara a ella dejaría a iole en paz o la dejaría ir en el mejor de los casos.
Lo que me hace creer esto es el mito donde iole hace que heracles use ropa de mujer y ella usa la ropa del héroe, heracles solo quería alardear de sus grandes hazañas pero deyanira le dijo que no siguiera hablando y aceptara su lugar(lo sé, la versión más popular es que la reina onfale hizo eso pero esta también me gusta porque iole en esta versión venga la muerte de su padre)
¿Que tal si hacemos que ellas se besen?
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Me rn at the thought of deyanira x iole/yo pensando en deyanira x iole
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caffstrink · 4 months
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That flute in polyphemus theme...
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schrl · 4 months
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I had a vision
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mcsiggy · 4 months
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kitty want drinkos?
Melinoe and Heracles :)
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cichoriumin · 4 months
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«His third labour was different from the first two as instead of killing, he'd only need to catch. His prey was the Golden Hind of Artemis, her sacred animal. He chased it for a year and successfully wore it out. While on his way to present the hind to Eurystheus, Artemis intervened, but as soon as he explained the situation, he was free to go»
🌸 Commission info
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hyeonoll · 3 months
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other Hades doodles with my friend
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hertist-art · 25 days
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[HADES] Console
Date: 4/26/2024
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poreyneel · 4 months
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sketching a little
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menacewithawolfcut · 2 months
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giggling kicking my feet blushing twirling my hair
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codenamethebird · 4 months
Ok here's a little (not really) analysis/theory post about Hades 2, because I'm obsessed. Its consumed all my thoughts. And I need to talk about a theme I think will (hopefully) be addressed as the game progresses.
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Here's some examples of dialogue that starts to touch on this conflict between mortals and the gods. What exactly do mortals deserve? We also have literal Icarus "flew too close to the sun" here too (and probably Pandora). Chronos was able to sway many to his side with a promise of a golden age without the gods, which is presented by the narrative as a foolish venture. And not saying it isn't, or that Chronos is the secret good guy here, but I believe Chronos is taking advantage of a very real hurt that exists for mortals.
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This line from Nemesis really stood out to me, because it implies that while mortals have a concept of evil, the gods don't. Which sounds ridiculous but the more you think about it makes total sense. The gods in Hades (and just greek myth in general), are kind of the worst. They are petty and selfish, they literally attack you if their boon isn't picked first, and most vitally in this context, often utterly disregard mortals.
For example, one of the things that drove me a little crazy in Hades 1, was how chill everyone was with Demeter's never ending winter. Demeter was killing possibly millions upon millions of mortals and everyone else just sort of let it happen. Maybe complained a bit because it was annoying to them, but just stood by. And that's just one example. Mortal's have a very valid reason to hate the gods.
And considering we have more areas of the surface to explore that aren't out yet, I have a feeling Melinoë is going to be meeting some of these discontent mortals. And my hope is they are going to be nuanced characters, that will challenge Melinoë not just in a fight, but her very ideals.
Because Melinoë is very deferential to the gods, waaaaaay more that Zag ever was. Unlike Zag, who was more like a bro to them and was willing to suck up to them for personal gain, Melinoë seems to genuinely mean all the respect she gives them. She praises them, defends them when they are insulted, and just generally very polite to them.
In a smaller scale, she describes Hypnos as having a wisdom about him and can somehow sense her intensions while asleep. Which as Nem implies, the version in Melinoë's head doesn't exactly line up with reality (though sidebar, I am a believer in Chekov's Hypnos and that he's going to somehow save the day and put Chronos in a never ending sleep or something, but that's beside the point haha).
Melinoë's reverence to the gods makes total sense of course. She was denied her family and a happy childhood, and because of that has glorified them all in her head. The Olympians are sending her vital aid on her holy mission for vengeance and to save her family, even as their own home is being attacked, how honorable of them!
And I think part of Melinoë's arc is that perfect picture of them breaking into pieces. Yes, they are the better of the two options between them and Chronos, but that doesn't mean they aren't also kind of the worst. That mortals deserve better than frivolous gods that can decide on a whim their fates for better or worse (love u Moros but I'm still fucked up over you and your sisters giving mortals horrible doom endings when you were bored. At least he feels bad now but still. Perfect example of gods even when not intending to having horrific consequences for mortals). And maybe like how Zag healed relations with his family, Melinoë can start repairing relations between the Gods and Mortals.
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captain-renas · 4 months
My opinion about hades 2 in summary:
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bootsy-owo · 3 months
Old men memes
(i added one with my sona because i need to practice drawing this buddy more often)
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jivderz · 2 months
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Haven't seen anyone draw this dude and he looks cool asf
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rootmash · 3 months
too many people are complaining about the nemesis encounters when they could be complaining about heracles hitting you over the head with his club 1000 times and stunning you. whos complaining about that miserable old guy
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tattypoo · 3 months
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Fun fact! The rope on Heracles' strap and wrist are tied in Hercules Knots!
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