#had my girl fist fighting squids and dragons
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theblehthatbloos · 5 months ago
I forgot to Post Abra on here and I'm so sorry, here they is
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spider-manholland · 6 years ago
I Am Delicate | Peter Parker
part five of the mending hearts mini-series
Pairing(s): Ex!Peter Parker x Female Reader, Peter Parker x Michelle Jones, Brad Davis x Female Reader
Warning(s): angst, swearing, mentions of sex, Far From Home spoilers
Summary: Sometimes it takes losing the person you once loved to make you realize how much they still mean to you.
Requested by @decaffeinated-turtle
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The argument Peter had with you was still running through his mind, his hands clenching into fists as his blood began to boil.  He swore he never felt himself get this angry and frustrated before but now here he was, cursing internally as he gripped on his brown curls tightly.  
Well the Peter I knew wouldn't have hurt me like you have.  Your words echoed inside his head, scoffing when he opened him and Ned’s shared hotel room’s door and stepped inside.  Its wasn't like he purposely meant to hurt you, and he can't help his feelings, he can’t control them they just develop.  But there was a part of him that blamed himself for that argument, he was technically the reason it started in the first place.  He shouldn't have been nosy but he couldn't help himself, the sight of a hickey on your chest, one that he didn't leave was weird. But you two weren't together anymore and he had to accept that.  Hell, he was the reason for your relationship ending.  He just didn't why seeing you, picturing you with Brad made him all.....angry.
He knew that since you two weren't together anymore it would only be a matter of time before you found someone else, but he didn't know why it bothered him so much.  He likes MJ, like really likes her.  He just had to accept the fact that you’d be--Brad’s and hopefully MJ will be his-
“It’s so nice to finally meet you, Spider-Man.” Peter froze in his spot at the sudden mysterious voice, turning his head to see none of than Nick Fury sitting in the corner of his room, his single eye staring him down.
“You’re Nick Fury.” Peter spoke, his voice low as he stared at him with wide-eyes, closing the door softly. “W-What are you doing in my hotel room?”
“Go put your suit,” was the only thing Fury said before standing up from where he was seating, causing Peter to tilt his head up to meet his eye level. “We need to talk.”
- - -
Why? Peter leaned against the side of the hotel’s building, his hands and feet stuck to wall as he closed his eyes, sighing. Why did Nick Fury have to sabotage my summer vacation? Why do I have to save the world? Why me?
After taking a few calming breaths, Peter continued climbing up the wall of the building until he got to his hotel room’s window. And just as he was about to climb through it, he couldn’t help but spot a familiar face through his lenses standing up on the roof. You.  Peter could immediately notice the redness in your eyes, meaning that you were recently crying.
It’s all your fault she’s like this, his mind reminded him as he began to feel guilt eat him all over again.  You're the reason she is crying.
Peter just...watched as you stood there, staring into the distance of the beautiful city.  As he stayed there, stuck against the wall, Peter found himself slowly climbing his way up past his room’s window to you.  But just as he was about to appear in front of you, a male’s voice was then heard, a voice that made Peter’s blood instantly boil, belonging to none other than Brad Davis.  
“Hey,” you whipped your head away from the view of the breathtaking city to face whoever spoke, cracking a small smile at the sight of Brad who was standing by the doorway of the rooftop’s entrance.  “Hey,” you greeted back, returning your attention back to the city as Brad walked over and stood next to you.  “Betty told me you were up here.  You okay?”
Peter could feel himself getting even more angry at the sound of Brad’s caring voice.  Why was he so concerned about you?  He doesn't even know you.  Peter knew he shouldn't be listening in your guys’ conversation but he couldn't help himself.  He could hear his inner self telling him, yelling at him to go back to his room and sleep but his curiosity got the better of him so he stayed, and listened to everything.
“I’m fine,” you just shrugged, feeling yourself frown.  “Me and Peter just had some stupid fight that’s all.”
“Oh,” Brad nodded, leaning his body forward and resting his arms on the railing.  “What did you guys fight about?  If you don't mind me asking.”  You turned to face him, not answering, and when Brad saw you raise your brows he knew, smirking.  “Oh, never mind.”
“Yeah,” you sighed, also leaning forward against the railing.  “The entire argument was just so stupid.” You let out an exasperated groan, running your hands frustrating through your hair.  “He had no right to get angry about you and I sleeping together-”
“We actually didn’t sleep together.” Brad quickly corrected, chuckling at the unimpressed look he got from you.  “You know what I mean.” You rolled your eyes, “He was the one that ended things with me, not the other way around.  And he’s here, on this trip trying to get with the girl he broke up with me for but gets angry when I try to move on.  It’s just not fair.”
“Do you hate him?” Brad asked after a brief silence that filled between you two.  Peter could feel his heart stop and drop into the pit of his stomach at Brad’s question, his mind filled with many different negative thoughts.  Did you hate him?  Peter wanted to climb back down and into his room, not wanting to hear your answer but he couldn't, he needed to know if you did.
“I want to.” You answered honestly, feeling the invisible weights lift off your shoulders.  “I really really want to but I can’t.” You shook your head, feeling tears prick your eyes.  “No matter how bad Peter hurts me I can never hate him.  He’s done so much for me, more than anyone has ever had.  And after everything he’s been through-” your mind drifting towards everything that Peter suffered through for the past eight months.  Coming back after missing for five years and losing Tony Stark just after, the man that took him under his guidance and became the only father figure he had left in his life.  “-he deserves happiness.” You voice cracked.
“Even if that means sacrificing your own?” Brad asked, frowning when you just nodded your head, refusing to say anything because you knew that the moment you opened your mouth you would break down.  “Hey, come here.”  Brad opened his arms, and when you fell in them that’s when you let the sobs fall from your lips.  “I just really miss him.” You cried out, shoving your face into his hard chest.  “I love him.”
“Hey,” Brad soothingly rubbed his hands up and down your back, resting his cheek on top of your head as he swayed comfortingly back and forth with you.  “It’ll get better, I promise.  And remember what I said back on the plane?” He asked, smiling softly as you nodded your head, wiping the tears that stained your cheeks.  “Parker’s a dumbass for letting a girl as wonderful and beautiful as you go.  Don't worry, you’ll find someone way better than him that actually truly deserves you.” 
Peter didn't know he was also crying until he felt his tears soak through his mask and drop onto his arm.  Fuck, Peter cursed, banging his head repeatedly against the brick wall as he continued to swear at himself.  Peter could feel guilty sobs slowly build up in his throat but quickly swallowed them down, not wanting to catch your guys’ attention.  Just as he was about to swing off and away from this conversation an idea then popped up in his head, hoping that it’ll help or least start to make up for all the horrible things he’s done to you.
No one’s better than Peter, your mind instantly said.  “We should head back.” Brad nodded towards the rooftop’s door, “We need to start packing again for our trip to Paris tomorrow morning.”
“I’m gonna stay here a little longer,” You said, pointing at the ground.  “Are you going to be okay?” Brad asked, receiving a nod from you.  “Yeah, I’ll be fine.  Just want to enjoy the view for a little bit.”
You watched as Brad nodded before heading towards the roof’s exit.  And when he was out of your sight, you then heard some sort of shuffling behind you, causing you to whip your head around.  You could then feel yourself smile and your heart flutter inside your chest at the sight of the Red Dragon necklace resting on the railing in front of you.  But as you grabbed the piece of jewelry and held it in your hands, one thought ran through your mind.
Did Peter just hear everything you said about him?
Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!  Let me know if you want to be added to this series taglist or my permanent one.
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asylum-miniatures · 7 years ago
Entry 15 - A proper explanation is required
session 15, part 1, disco electric boogaloo
Last time we had to end a fight part way through.  After nearly an hour setting up, we resumed, with sim the rhino, vex, a large earth elemental tackling Anubis/set.  Yurian was backing up her girl, two guards moved in and one became useless due to the famine aura.  Ocelot had gone to investigate a secret door while a small earth elemental tires to stop the last ghoul from killing the captain unconscious on the floor while draspher looked on.
Yurian decides to use her scheming wits and the rooms reflective properties to super-blast Anubis with a bouncing shot.  The dm asks her for a into roll.  She gets a 1.
What was supposed to happen was that the bolt would bounce off the ceiling and floor blasting him around 16 time, who knows maybe even kill her in the process.  Instead she hits the magical epicentre of the reflective spells.  The room lights up like a rave, hitting everyone in the room for 21 damage.  At least the ghoul died, but the captain is dying again and we’re all looking worse for wear.
Drashpher starts dragging the captain out and ocelot starts waving me over.  Just as draspher finishes dragging her, vex channels a healing surge, fixing most of the damage but missing the captain.  He gets to healing her with his wand while I dash over to ocelot and the door.  While I run open and start to get the door open he decides to distract Anubis with a smoke bomb.  The main group are all covered by the cloud.  just as I get the door open, Anubis turns to us.  He problems that this smoke does nothing to a creature like him, and I get a blow, reducing me to low hp.  Yurian has her turn.  due to the cover, she can’t see me, she decides to go with her initial plan, blast him with a lightning bolt.  I am at very low hp at this point.  I can’t convince her not to shoot out of character, and I fail my reflex save this time.  I am the only one around the table who doesn’t have/seem to have a death wish, and I’m about to die. DM – roll for your shadow clone This saves me.  Just as I open the door a lightning bolt smashes into my last shadow clone.  The good news is I don’t need the toilet, either kind, anymore.  Ocelot pushes my babbling screaming form aside, and pulls open the door.  He sees a rune circle, and in the middle a sword in sheath, bound in chains and covered in seals.  He goes to grab and run, but his hand goes straight through it.  The bound sword that’s supposed to stop the feast of dust is gone.
Part two, explanations and exposition
Anubis sees this and screams in rage, vanishing in a cloud of dust.  Sayid comes in (having been freed by draspher and takes one look at ocelot still trying to grab the illusion and he just drops to his knees a broken man.  I make my way over to yurian, and angrily demand to be healed, especially after the damage she did.  I get promptly ignored as she goes past me to investigate what's going on with the sword.  She identifies the runes as a permanent image, but the sword is one of the oblivion keys. Jaune – how can a sword be a key.  What kind of an idiot uses a giant key as a weapon Ocelot – what about a keyblade Jaune – that’s a dumb idea Draspher – what if it’s just a sword that sometimes works like a key Jaune – maybe it’s always a key, and when you stick it in someone you unlock their death
These keys supposedly were set up to seal away several very powerful demons.
As vex comes over her paladin aura helps sayid pull himself back together.  We finally start asking him what's going on.  Sayid explains that his family have been guarding the blade for generations, each one keeping one of the four demons of something sealed away.  He doesn’t know when the sword was taken, the only other person who knew about was his son, whome he had been training to take his place some day. The disease is this demons signature curse, he must have gotten free when all this started.  Also of note is that the son had been falling in with a distrust-worthy foreign trader.  The same trader who slept around the brothel, the one reported to have been one of the first locations of the disease the symptoms fist and the girls from the brothel had the symptoms first.
We slept the night there.  Which is to say sim and yurian slept in sims collection of firs, draspher spent two hours in the morning in a sleep roll thanks to the ring of sustenance, the captain spent the night in sayids son’s bed, I spent the night in sayids bed and sayid spent the night restlessly, both with the burden of failing his duty and unable to relax while I spooned him in his own bed.
The dm has us roll fortitude rolls, and we all fail our saves.  The next day we wake up and go down for breakfast.  We are all properly parinoid after the failed fort roll.  Sim decided that sayid is probably distrustworthy, or at least something might have happened to the food since he was gone and the ghoul was staying here.  she decideds to stealthily cast a purify food and water spell to nutrilize the poison.  she rolls a 1.
sayid - what are you doing sim - ....cleansing the food...... sayid - oh good idea, carry on
after draspher starts getting parinoid, wanting to roll to make us eat first incase it is poisioned.  After much depate we can't decide whether or not ro roll initative or to syncronise eathing.
Ocleot - I love that our party goes 3, 2 ,1 eat
We all go to eat but find it revolting.  We’ve ended up with the same curse that is affecting the town.  What's more, this takes place every time we eat or drink, giving us the fatigued condition.  One of the party is wearing something that provides constant nutriment.  Draspher will have the condition constantly re-applied, and once again the dm has to swear he did not make this campaign, he just found a path and ran with it.  Once we finish we discuss the situation.  The only cure we have is the white spring water, but it’s not permanent.  We’d have to find the demon and finish him, but the water will do for now while we figure things out.  Problem is the guards have still got the compound in lockdown.  Our best hope is the letter from sayid that ocelot had found before, and the unconscious captain.  We make a makeshift stretcher for her, and sim and sayid take each side.  We set off to the compound, to see what we can negotiate.
Part three, it’s a jackal
We head off, vex and I in front, sim and sayid carrying the captain behind us, Dwain carrying fumbles to the side of them, ocelot and yurian  behind them and draspher right at the back.  The dm initially questioned that we left the sorcerer right at the back again after what happened last time.  At this point we’ve decided to stop fighting the inevitable and let fate have him.  As we head through town we notice a commotion by some of the tents set around town.  We make our way over, and we find six jackals surrounding a half collapse tent.  Inside is a woman's body being defended by a child with a stick.  We roll imitative and draspher charges ahead from the back of the group to the front.  he decides the best course of action is an immediate fireball Dm – roll wisdom Draspher – I thought you weren't doing that anymore? Dm - I'm not, just roll [gets a 0, again] Dm - ….... Draspher – I don't know how that happened What the dm was trying to warn him about was that there are several other tents all dotted around the first tent, a fireball would easily set fire to them Draspher – ok, I cast burning hands then Jaune – your 20' away Draspher – yeah, I should be in range Jaune – it's a 15' cone Draspher – yeah, I'm in range Jaune – your 20' away Draspher – yeah, I should be able to catch them with the edge of it Jaune – it's a 15' cone This went on for a while until we finally pulled out my copy of the rulebook and showed him exactly what squares it covers.  for some reason he could not understand what a 15' cone actually was.  So as a last action he just uses ghost sounds to make it sound like a dragon roared next to them.  That might have worked against normal jackals, but there was something off about these ones.  All the roar did was draw their attention to us.  I then get a stern gaze of disapproval from vex when I suggest we both back off and leave draspher to it.
The fight begins in earnest.  Yurian got a bless spell off and Vex charged up and started taking on the three to the right, killing one instantly and drawing the other two to her while I moved to flank with her.  Dwain decides to jump right in and start clawing up one on the left while draspher decides to start with the big guns and summons a bison to flan the one Dwain went after.  The rest hang back, with ocelot contributing by helping shoot two on the right and one on the left.  It around this point vex notices one of the jackals she's fighting doesn't seem quite right.  I think it's mostly to do with the smoke/dust coming from its nostrils.  It then opens up with a sand blast breath attack that's aimed for vex and myself.  I luckily dodge, but vex isn't so luck and takes the hit, getting disorientated and unable to see next turn.  I move in (the first jackal died) to flank this sand and draspher starts giggling to himself about the plan he has Draspher - I summon a squid! [Table is silent] Jaune – you can't do that Draspher – yes I can Jaune – no, you can't summon a water creature on land Draspher – oh [DM breaks down laughing and nearly falls off his chair] So as a group we have to explain that a. water creatures won't summon out on land, b. this game rule is regardless of any real-life occurrences and c. you just tried to summon a water breathing sea creature to the middle of a desert.  He then changes it to a frog (say what you will about appropriate environment, at least it can move and breath) and it goes to attack the other dust breathing dog.
With the paladin distracted the dog decides to go for the guy who just stabbed it in the back.  In one bite it rips through half my health, knocks my con down 2 points and my cha by 1 point.  I do what I think any brave adventurer would do in this situation.  I turn tail and run to yurian for healing.  I promptly get a clip around the ear, she's ticked I'd forgotten she can heal me at a distance.  She quickly regretted that action when she actually examined me.  It turns out these dust jackal things can inflict instant bubonic plague upon with their bites.  That’s right, I'd managed to lose half my health and get the black death.  She, and everyone else in the party, now no longer wish to touch me.
Vex gets pretty annoyed at this, and decides to take her frustration out on the dust jackal.  it does not survive this, and the second decides this really isn't worth it.  It's pretty fast, and gets virtually out of sight within a round.  Doesn't stop ocelot from pulling out his rifle and sticking a bullet straight into its ass as it ran.  I think the DM only allowed this a. because he rolled high for it, and b. he was just happy he used his rifle for once.
we make our way over to the kid.  during the fight draspher at one point tired to save the kid, and when he didn't come he uses a charm person spell to get him to come along (both a creative and good way to use a spell, so thumbs up from me draspher) and I guess he left an impression on the kid.  he goes to his moms body and removes the amulet, offering it to draspher.  he then immediately tries to offer the kid the +1 chainmail he got from the first ghoul (he had looted the body without telling us).  as a group, we are of all disgusted at this.  I think nearly everyone at that table had a plan to steal the shirt back, and in a couple of cases steal the pendent off him.  the kid doesn't take it/draspher changes his mind and gets to examine his new pendent.
A bit of backdoor.  when we first made our characters draspher had (and still has) a bit of a thing about unusual magic items, particularly in unique (not necessary effective) ways.  he initially wanted to spend almost all his gold on a pendent of adaptability, but the dm didn't want him to a. spend so much on one item and b. waste the gold that's supposed to be used to round him out on one gimmicky item.  needless to say when he identifies the amulet as said pendent of adaptability he needs a new set of trousers.  we decide to take the kid with us and see what happens. We finished the session there.  draspher left me a cure disease potion on the floor and backed off so I'm good on that front.  now the only thing we have to worry about is what happens when we finally get to the white water base.
Our dm also told us about his plans for the game.  after this we're going to have a side session so to speak.  we've been playing this group over a year, so he's going to give us a chance to play something else.  He's going to give us sheets initially, then mix we can mix things up, that way we can get a party role before we customise and try to fill that role, rather than just everyone coming along with a mash-match sheets that don't blend well.  it's still related to the overarching plot, and later we can mix up who we play as based on the mission, e.g. one mission might need a rogue, another a cleric, another a really good fighter etc.   This will also give some of us a chance to retire characters on a better note.  Yurian really has been getting sick of doing nothing every combat, but she's ended up with a couple of important plot hooks stuck in her.
Lives saved – 5.5, the Girl being mauled by his commander, the crazy homeless person that almost burnt, the nun we healed (.5), the captain, sayid and the kid
Lives killed – 6, the one guy we pulled up to stab, the civilian that got shot (she went at him with a knife), the broken armed escapee that got shot, the city guard (he only had 2 days left till retirement) and the other two guards
Vexes Harem – 2.25, the Girl being mauled by her commander, the nun and a librarian who was really a ghoul
Times Drilled over by Draspher – 3, he convinced me there was a dragon in the desert, got me glued to the ground with a crazy infected woman ready to beat me to death and now refuses to heal me
Times Draper got drilled over (both his own and others fault) - 30, his adhesive spittle keep breaking (2), I knocked him out (his own fault), he got assaulted by an air elemental and no-one cared, nearly killed by demon breath, his spider webs did nothing (15), the dog that fell to its death, the earth elementals that did nothing (3), the medium earth elemental critical that did nothing, the fireball, the 15' cone that can't go 20', the dragon roar (got the jackals attention) and the squid
Jaunes brave advances towards future victory - 5, when jess attacked in the night, the barn, the demons, the fear from Anubis and running from the dust jackal
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pureloveandcompassion · 7 years ago
Inklantis Part I
A few years later…
 “Hey, you.” A green Inkling child pointed to a light blue Inkling girl sitting on a swing set nearby. Behind the green Inkling stood a few more Inklings.
“That’s my turf.” The Inkling girl on the swing looked up and quickly stepped off the swing set as the boys stepped forward. She began to walk off towards the pond nearby only to be stopped by them again. “Where are you going? You should know better…” He said sternly before looking at her name tag on her shirt, pushing on her chest. “Aurora, huh? I think you might need to be taught a lesson.”
He smirked at her before he leaned in and tilted his head at her tentacles and began to pull on the smaller ones towards the top of her head. “Hey you’re the first squid I’ve see with tentacles right here and weird patterns…” He said as he grabbed at the larger ones. “S-stop it…” Aurora said as she immediately pulled away from the green Inkling. He smiled again and began to poke again Aurora. “What’s wrong? Are you going to tell mommy?” He began to tease Aurora his friends joining in a laughing at the now tearful Aurora. “Waah, Waah. Aurora!” They teased her tugging at her tentacles. Aurora began to back up near the pond her feet hanging off the edges of the pond. She looked back and put her hands up, shaking her head, an orange girl Inkling stepped forward and stood next to the green inkling. “I don’t like you either, so, stay away from our play area. Your dad’s an Octoling and my mom says you aren’t welcome here, neither your mom! We don’t like Octolings here! Octoling freak!”
She stepped forward shouting, at her. Aurora slipped and fell in the water yelling, the Inklings backed up from the water quickly and looked at each other in both fear and shock. In the water, Aurora closed her eyes, preparing to lose her life but after floating for a while, she felt herself very much alive and breathing, opened her eyes to see herself suspended in the water in a bubble. Her eyes widened as a force seemed to push her out of the water and back on the grass. The Inklings looked at her in surprise as Aurora stood in front of them perfectly dry and alive.
“She didn’t splat…?” The orange Inkling girl asked huffing out her annoyance. Aurora looked up, in her eyes reflected pure anger as suddenly a column of water rose from behind her, the column of water began to form into the shape of a snake then eventually into the form of a dragon. The dragon roared at the kids as Aurora stood in front of them and lifted her hand. Water begin to pool around her hand snaking around it. The Inklings stared in fear and begin to scream and run.
“Y-you’re a freak! She’s a monster! Run!” All the Inklings ran off, leaving Aurora by herself to stand alone. She stood there and watched them run off, her eyes returning to their soft nature. She began to walk home crying her hands covering her eyes, eventually her walk turned into a full sprint as she neared home, Coventina who was in the yard nearby peaked over the fence to see Aurora running towards home. She immediately dropped her pail and met Aurora in the front scooping her up as she ran into her arms. “What happened, Aurora!” She seemed to be hurt more than Aurora, who continued to cry in her mother’s arms. Earendil who was appeared looked at Coventina who cradled her, he too concerned for his daughter. Earendil tried communicating with Coventina by looking and she looked at him with a concern but confused look. She took the sobbing child inside. “T-they said I’m not from here and we aren’t welcome! They said I’m an O-oc-octoling freak!” Conventina widened her eyes as Earendil grit his teeth. Aurora continued to cry as Conventina comforted her. “They said you’re weird, too Mom…And that…that I’m a monster!” Earendil clenched his fists together and kneeled in front of Aurora. He took his handkerchief out and wiped her tears. “You’re no monster nor are you a freak. You’re OUR perfectly, normal, beautiful inkling daughter. With her Sky-blue tentacles and pink rosy cheeks that flare up when someone visits. I won’t let people say bad things to you. You’re our miracle.” He said taking her from Coventina and hugging her tightly as Aurora seemed to calm down as she held on tightly to him. “I love you, dad…” Aurora whispered to him as his hard eyes softened. “I love you too, Aurora.” Coventina smiled as she jumped on both and screamed out tickle fight. Aurora giggled as they began to tickle each other, eventually then turning to Aurora. “You’re not getting away!” They both yelled as Aurora screamed and attempted to run before being grabbed by both and tickled.  Developing elsewhere, trouble had began to brew.
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