#had my coworker go 'i thought you werent coming back' 'i like working with you youre great' 'i think you should be a lead' 🥺
onepiexe · 2 years
work was nice
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prince-jjae · 13 hours
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pairing; hueningkai/reader, taehyun/reader
tags; angst, mild fluff, mild smut [mdni!!!], poetic smut lol, barista!reader, barista!taehyun, jealousy, sorta maladaptive daydreaming, unhealthy coping mechanisms. lmk if i missed anything???
warnings!!!! vomiting, self-hatred, self-deprecating remarks and thoughts.
this is my first txt fanfic, and my first tumblr fic as well!! feedback is encouraged and appreciated. happy reading! title and general idea for the fic is based on the song ceilings by lizzie mcalpine.
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"but its not real, and you dont exist. and i cant recall the last time i was kissed."
Life was easy, you were happy.. until you werent. come to think of it, had you ever truly been? now you cant even manage to get through your day without daydreaming of him. the perfect man. the one who would brighten your day, love you, save you. everything about him was perfect.
except for the fact he didnt exist.
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You were cuddled up to him, thoughts swimming and keeping you perfectly dizzy as he played with your fingers. He was talking about something, rambling on about his day and what he was going to get up to in the next few weeks, but all you could focus on was the rumbling timbre of his voice, soothing your nerves like a balm. His breathing, his heartbeat, his scent, everything that made him so.. Him.
The rain battered softly against the window, but you didn’t mind. You sighed, content, head resting against his chest as you watched a race between two raindrops. You always loved dreary weather like this, as it gave you the perfect excuse to cuddle close to him and absorb his warmth. He was still mumbling into your hair, pressing kisses to the crown of your head every once in a while as if silently reminding you how much he adored you. You craved this more than air. He was sweeter than you could ever imagine, ever deserve. Nothing could take the fluttery feeling from your chest as your heart swooped and stuttered. You lifted your head to look up at him, stars in your ey-
The ringing of your phone snapped you out of your daydream. Your vision cleared as the sound jarred you back into reality, finally settling on the pillow you were cuddled against. You sighed, running your fingers through your hair in a way that tugged painfully at the knots there. You hissed but sat up, picking up your phone and holding it to your ear with a bored look on your face.
“What do you want?”
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You busied yourself behind the counter of your job, moving through the motions of making coffee after coffee with practiced ease. This job was good for you, your friends decided. It allowed you to fall into an efficient routine, gave you something to stay busy with. Always moving, always working. You washed counters, mopped floors, stocked the fridges for your coworkers– anything to keep yourself busy and push the daydreams from your head.
It had been months of this. Day in, day out, dreaming of some handsome prince that with otherworldly beauty that would come save you from your mundane life. Maybe he would breathe life back into you, provide you with the spark you lost over the years.
..or did you even have it to begin with?
It started innocently enough, imagining what would like in a partner so you could finally begin opening yourself up to the idea. Being with another person had always been a terrifying idea. Letting someone so close? Allowing them to see you in all your drab, boring glory? You had counted yourself out, but your closest friend and coworker had slowly worn you down.
“Just make a list,” he had said, shrugging as if it was that easy. As if this wasnt world-crushing. “youve gotta start somewhere, right?”
And so you did. You listed every ideal thing your perfect partner could have or be. ..And then you started imagining what this perfect man would look like.. what he would sound like.. feel like-
Even now, when you were supposed to be hard at work as always, you found yourself getting distracted again, vision blurring around the edges as you made the 15th iced americano of the day.
What kind of coffee would he like? Would he like sweet things like you did? Would he like bitterness instead? It would make a nice contrast, you supposed.. you always had a sweet tooth when it came to drinks. What would his order b–
You were startled out of your thoughts as your name was sharply called. You jumped at the sound, looking down at your hands. Shit, the coffee you were making was ruined. You sighed, tossing the bitter liquid down the drain beside you before you began making a new one, completing it quickly and placing it on the counter for the customer to take.
You looked over your shoulder, frowning as you made eye-contact with your aforementioned coworker, who was watching you with sharp, judging eyes. Taehyun always knew when you fell into your fantasies, and it was beginning to get on his nerves. He grabbed your arm, tugging you back to the break room to fix you with a stern look, hands on his hips. You shrunk under his gaze.
“You're dreaming about him again, aren't you?” His words were cold as ice and straight to the point, something that you had once appreciated about him. But times like this, his straight-forwardness left much to be desired. You weren’t exactly soft either, a fellow tsundere, like your other coworkers used to call you. Taehyun always could see through you, though. Through the tough and cold exterior into the pool of softness that festered underneath.
You still flinched at his words, looking away as you adjusted your glasses on the bridge of your nose. They were dirty and smudged again, something Taehyun took notice of with a sigh. He plucked them from your face without a word and began cleaning them, glancing up at you as he did so to prompt your answer.
“It’s not like that.” You argued, slightly indignant. You couldn’t bear the thought of Taehyun seeing through you like glass. You couldn't bear the thought of anyone seeing through you.
Taehyun sighed, because he knew. He always knew, and it pissed you off to no end. “If it's ‘not like that’ then what the hell is it, huh?” He stepped closer, face steeled and calm as he placed the glasses back onto your face where they belonged.
And with that, you froze. Your pulse fluttered under your skin, and dread creeped up your throat. He couldn’t know. No one could know. You couldn't possibly tell him that not only had you indeed been fantasizing about your dream man, but you were beginning to have.. more involved daydreams. No, that was something he could never find out.
Taehyun watched the way you stiffened, eye twitching in irritation as he pushed past you to go back to work. All you could hear other than the shrill ringing in your ears were Taehyun's parting words;
“Just get back to work.”
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The feeling of smooth silk and warm skin was the only thing you could think of. Plush lips and equally plush words, sweet nothings being whispered into your ear. You keened, brows furrowing as you arched into the feeling of fingertips brushing over your torso, making their intentions known as they slid lower, lower, lower still.
It drew a gasp from your lips, the fever rising under your clammy skin was slowly turning your mind to mush. He was so careful, so attentive to every little minute detail. He was perfect. Every detail about him from the fluffiness of his messy hair to the way his face would scrunch when he laughed, the sound ringing in your head like bells and just as clear. Even now, with his mouth pressing slow, saliva-slicked kisses to your skin, making you writhe under his touch, he was still perfect. He took your breath away with every movement. You found yourself becoming so lost in him that you couldn't find the line between you two– where one soul ended and the other began. Falling into pleasure with him was just as easy as breathing. Even the simple act of being near him set your soul alight, even with mundane tasks like laughing over a shitty movie, cooking easy meals together, dancing in the kitchen to your shared harmonies.
“Please–” Your voice was shaky and pleading, foreign to your own ears as your fingers clutched desperately at his arms. Your eyes watered, pretty tears clumping your lashes together in a way that made him coo down at you. You had the distinct feeling that you would surely explode if he wasn't the one holding you together with such an iron grip. The thought made a thrill pleasantly buzz under your heated skin, and you could feel his grin against your neck. What you were begging for, you hadn't a clue. All you knew was him. All you wanted was him. And gods above, you felt greedy. You needed more, more, more. Craved it, even.
You whined as he pulled away from your neck, looking down at you with the kindest eyes you'd ever have the pleasure of seeing. His mouth moved, words pillowy and full of promise, but you couldn't hear him. You never really could.
When you came down from your high with a long whine of his name, reality hit you like a bucket of ice water.
Huening Kai.
His name. You said his name. It rolled off your tongue like you were made to say it. Like the syllables were always meant to fall from your lips like a desperate prayer. A prayer to a god that didn't exist.
Saying his name suddenly made it feel real. Too real. Your stomach churned, making you lurch out of bed and scramble for the bathroom so you could empty your stomach into the porcelain. You hoped that with every obscene gag and whimper, that your dreams would be expelled, too. That you'd be free of this beautiful hell. Maybe then you could be normal.. perhaps even be loved for real.
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It was later in the workday when you found yourself swaying on your feet. You hadn't gotten a wink of sleep, the gravity of your daydreams finally settling on you like a lead weight around your neck. You could only hope it would take you under the angry waves of your turbulent mental state.
It was sick, right? You were sick for this. Feeling so desperate and lonely that you would make up a whole boyfriend. A perfect, loving boyfriend. But none of it was real. He didn't exist, only in your twisted little brain. Had you really been so pathetically alone that you had to dream about being loved? Being wanted?
Taehyun caught your eye with a sideways glance, and you knew instantly that he knew. How was he so perceptive? How did he always know? Your shoulders sagged as you could assume how this would end. Sure enough, a few hours later when your lunch break rolled around, you found yourself being pulled along by Taehyun once again.
“What happened this time? These dreams are making you worse.” Taehyun frowned, eyebrows pinching together almost imperceptibly. You could see it. Just as he could see you, you could see him in turn. His concern was palpable, with the way his touch lingered on your shoulder before you shrugged it off. If it bothered Taehyun that you did this, he didn't show it.
“Look,” He leveled with you, sharp eyes meeting your own. You desperately wanted to run, something screamed in the back of your mind that this was too close. That everything was too close to you.. to the ugly truth you tried to shove down with all your might.
You were in love with a dream. Devastatingly, sickeningly, irrefutably in love.
“Something is seriously going on with you. Have you called any of those therapists I've sent? You've been looking like a shell of yourself for months now, but today you look like death fucking warmed.” His words always had a way of slicing right through you. ‘No use in sheltering you from the truth,’ as Taehyun would say. You pressed your lips into a thin line, tearing your gaze away from his.
“Gee, thanks. You really know how to make a person feel pretty, don't you?” You were deflecting. You knew it, Taehyun knew it. He groaned, grabbing your chin and tilting it so he could look into your eyes again. He wouldn't let you hide, you knew that. Still, you recoiled back out of his grip like it scalded you, but remained meeting his eyes as he wanted.
“I mean it. Tell me what's going on, now. You can't keep fantasizing about some made-up life with a made-up man-” But you cut him off hastily, so desperate to defend what little pride you had left that you couldn't even process what you were saying.
“Kai is just a dream, youre right. but I’m trying to get be-” You slapped a hand over your mouth, but the damage was done. The words had already been spoken.
Taehyun blanched, eyes widening a fraction in shock. His hands clenched into fists where they lay at his sides.
“...You named him?” Taehyun speaks carefully, words measured and precise, but you didn't miss the edge that skirted around the syllables. He was seething, and you knew it. You gnawed on your lip until metal filled your mouth, looking pointedly away from him. The floor was suddenly much more interesting than Taehyun's eerily silent rage.
Something dangerous swirled in his eyes, and the heat that rose to your face was dizzying. You felt so ashamed, rage rising in you over the sheer embarrassment you just threw yourself into.
“Just forget it, okay? I didn't mean it, it’s nothing-” But Taehyun was having none of it. His shocked expression was now schooled into something darker. Something angrier.
“Forget it? You expect me to forget that you've been spending every conscious and unconscious moment dreaming about someone who doesn't exist? It's nothing!?” He was seeing red. You thought, distantly, that this was the most you had gotten out of him before. You were stunned into your spot, cemented to the floor under Taehyun's anger.
“I'm sorry, I-” Again, you were being cut off by Taehyun retreating, irritation rolling off of him in waves as he pushed past you again, shoulder bumping harshly against your own.
“Get it together. Maybe someday you'll wake up and see what you've been missing out on, but I can't promise I'll still fuckin’ be here when you do.”
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It was a few months later, and you were barely any better than you were in the wake of your argument with Taehyun. If you could even call it that. Your connection had almost entirely been severed, only feeling the weight of his stare whenever he thought you weren't paying attention. It made you shiver.
You tried so hard to listen to his warnings, that this would only make you more sick. You needed to wake up from your delusions and face reality. You were lonely, yes, but you could fix that if you took control of your own mind again. If you controlled your own life again. Taehyun was right, he was always right. This wasn't healthy in the slightest.
Now you were back to working regularly without fucking up. You were efficient as they were before this hell began, albeit a bit more hollow than normal. Your mind still tortured you, but you were strong enough to begin to push it away. These fantasies, these delusions were only a poison. You had to stop drinking it by the mouthful if you ever expected to be happy.
The bell above the front door of the cafe rang, signaling you had more work to do. You pulled yourself together, hearing the customer approach the counter. You didn't look up, opening up the order screen on the register before you.
“Hello, what can I get for you today?” You asked, a practiced and saccharine sweetness staining your voice.
“Ah.. could I just get a few egg tarts?” You blinked. That voice.. it itched something in the back of your mind, but you pushed it away. He was probably a regular customer. Nothing to get excited about.
“Sure thing,” You selected the requested items, head moving up to look at the customer with a pleasant customer-service brand smile on your lips. “What's the name for the order?” You hadn't quite looked at his face yet, just a quick glance to not seem rude. You weren't the best with eye-contact, anyway.
“Oh- Kai. Huening Kai.”
The pen fell from your hand, eyes snapping up to finally, finally meet the eyes of this stranger and any words you could have had in your mind died on your tongue. It was him. It was really him. Holy fuck.
“Everything okay?” He was so sweet. So perfect. He was everything you dreamed and then some. You swallowed thickly, nodding like a fucking idiot as you punched in his total in the machine.
“Yeah- yeah, your total is $10.25” You managed to squeak out, voice stunted and shaken. You felt like a flame in a hurricane, on the blink of blinking out of existence. You moved in a daze, grabbing his items and handing them to him after he paid. Your hands were shaking, and you swore your knees almost gave out when his fingers ghosted over your own, flashing you a warm smile that nearly ended you then and there.
You were blissfully unaware of the weight of Taehyun's gaze this time, and the anger behind it.
He knew. He always knew.
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commander-wame · 7 months
expaaaansion update thoughts ( SotO spoilers) in no particular order
peitha ily forever
i wish there was more character building/connection. i don't mind taking commander/wayfinder away from their regular group and putting them in a new and unfamiliar dynamic, but seeing as zojja was a big selling point for the expansion n now she's just memory wiped and barely even present in the bagground.... ***eh***. :(
nayos is a very cool and pretty place. i like the events! exploration is neat as well. i really don't mind using story to help explore, even if the events-meter thingy is grindy at times.
that said ^ i am however worried that this Otherworldly Realm of Dreams that could Impact Tyria so much will just be confined to one map. and then... that's it. i mean i was really looking forward to more Cantha but instead we just ,, don't explore those implied plotlines or areas? the story feels pretty rushed :c
i miss tyria. i love tyria. i REALLLLY love tyria, tyria is so cool and diverse and grand with so much to see and so many stories to explore. nayos is cool but man do i love tyria. i want to know how everything is effecting tyria, IF anything is affecting tyria orz. the dragons arent/werent the only thing going down in tyria!!! theres so much there!!
but also getting whisked away to another dimension and not knowing What Else Is Up is also pretty cool. (but man. i LOVE tyria)
i DO like commander/wayfinder back in the role of sidekick/attack dog. i loved it with trahearne and i love it with peitha.
frustrated huff. im pretty satisfied with this expansion so far but also im not used to settling for 'pretty satisfied' when it comes to gw2, personally. i know they can't continue the way they used to, with long expansions and content-filled living world eps. but even if the living world ep was small, they usually still managed to pack a LOT of stakes into them!! i really hope they round the story off well, but with there being another expansion in the works already... hhhh...
i really wish we spent more time discussing and exploring the fractals introduced in the beginning of the expansion.
actually, i think what i really miss is taimi (or anyone) sending us on our way to collect every bit of data possible in every corner of a new map, with fun dialogue to accompany it.
i miss the characters we got to know in the first bit of the expansion. man first i dont get to see the guild, then i dont get to see zojja, now ive only goth Peitha and Galrath. i love you Peitha and Galrath 💕. but where's our buddies :( yeah i know they explained. but. hrmrmff.
like idk i was really expecting we'd get to spend more time with zojja at least, even when memory wiped. you're telling me being stuck with your old friend/coworker in a mysterious demon dream dimension while your old friend/coworker remembers nothing about the bond you two had except that you two had it at all doesnt sound like grounds for amazing dialogue?? cmon!!!!!!
i think thats all for now ! thanku for reading my wall of text (i didnt mean to dwell on negatives sm bc theres still quite a lot i really like!! but i just. know what gw2 can be at its best. and if gw2's best can't happen anymore then im still really happy ive got the best to replay whenever i want)
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daadddysprincessss · 2 years
Part 1; Stranger things shiftverse.
Summary: Your Dustin Henderson older sister(your going into senior year) - this part takes place in season 3. Your working at Starcourt mall, upper level floor in the brand new record store - your coworkers are Eddie Munson & Gareth. Every lunch Robin and you share some fries in the food court. (of course within season 3 Robin knows who Dustin is and he is present for when the group goings to see Dawn of the Dead)
(you were present for all seasons) - Things have gotten tense between Steve and you since he basically saved you from the tunnels when you decided to help the kids distract the demodogs (season 2). You were one of the popular girls in school - you also happened to be a secret nerd who loved playing DND with her little brother, your best friend is Robin Buckley - until you dropped band to hangout with your "new friends". Those same friends teased and humiliated Nancy Wheeler, you werent a bully but you sure didnt like Nancy - maybe thats why the both of you never got along, because of the shared likeness of Steve - of course only Robin knew how much you liked him (season 1).
It was a normal day in the record shop - stock, hangout, front face, hangout - and took a lunch somewhere in there. "Hey Eddie - im gonna head for lunch" a smile ripped across your face "you know your like the coolest boss i could ever ask for" -
Eddie exhaled sharply - "if your asking for a FREE extra 15 then you better come back with some Orange Julius for me" he smiled. Before you could squeal your bottom lip was between your teeth -"thank you Eddieee".
You were zipping through the crowd of people on the escalator to reach scoops before it was too busy in the food court - 'thank god' the table Robin and you usually sit at was unoccupied. Quickly you walked over to scoops to grab Robin - to your surprise Steve stood front and center slinging ice cream, "Wheres Robin?' you asked while walking in-
"Ahoy there" Steve softly shouted with his big goofy smile - "shes just grabbing more cones in the back, but judging that your here im assuming its lunch?" Steve spun the ice cream scoop in his hand - quickly to attach it to his side.
You nodded softly - "yeah - let her know ill be at the table" you smiled back - Steve nodded. You heard the door fling open behind you as soon as you turned around.
"ill be right there y/n - just a sec" Robin shouted - she was holding what looked to be at least 6 really long boxes of cones. You wanted out of there - looking at Steve was reminding you of his 'heroic' moment - saving you from that demodog, sharing a soft kiss - just for him to run right back to Nancy's side. You rolled your eyes at the thought and waited for Robin. Robin came jogging out of the back with her backpack on and holding her cassette player - "go go go" Robin laughed -
"ROBI-" Steve shouted behind the both of you. - "what did you do??" you questioned while walking over to your table-
Robin still laughing - "I hid both ice cream scoops" she snickered.
Lunch always felt short, Eddie always gave you a free pass with letting you go for longer lunches but Robin always had to go back at the 30 minute mark. Robin packed up her backpack and took the rest of the fries(you usually shared) - "I'm still good to come to your house this weekend right?" you asked while picking up your mess.
"yeah yeah my dad said it's cool" - Robin smiled - "see you after work"
Robin walked back to scoops and you walked towards Orange Julius to grabbed Eddies drink. You stood in line tapping your foot to the beat of the mall music - well of what you could hear, 'why was it always so busy at this time' you thought to yourself-
"Hey" Steve's voice chimed through your ears - startling you
"what the hell dude" you jumped "that was not cool" your heart was racing
"What are you doing? I thought your lunch was done 5 minutes ago" Steve asked - now standing beside you.
You looked down at your feet - then quickly back up at Steve - "just grabbing a drink for Eddie." you practically vomited out that sentence - "he lets me take an extra 15 if I grab him a drink"
Steve's hand quick met the back of his neck - looking down at the ground now - "so are you and Eddie - like a thing now?"
You started to laugh "sure he's cute - but Eddie is just my friend" still laughing - "well and my dudgeon master"
Steve's face quickly lifted from the ground - "NEXT" the cashier yelled out - quickly Steve and you jolted forward, Steve stood there silently while you ordered Eddies Original Julius smoothie.
"So - y/n, I'm throwing a party this Saturday - would you uh like to come?" Steve looking down at you with those soft brown eyes-
You exhaled sharply and grabbed Eddies drink - "maybe - I'll think about it" you smiled - "Have a good lunch Steve" you smiled.
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angelfoxgirl · 3 months
an open letter to the kids who saved my life
i work at a mcdonald's in a small town. only two days a week, because i can't afford gas to go an hour a day to work. (30 mins each way).
when i started working there, it was rough. i'm neurodiverse an my managers+coworkers are constantly yelling at me and scolding me for spilling/making drinks wrong. they expected me to know everything after 2 days of working there.
my second weekend working there, you two came in. i was coming back inside from taking out an order and you two were ordering food from the kiosk. one of you had curly brown hair with green ends that reminded me of my favorite dessert and the nose of a god, and one of you had the prettiest eyes and a blue wolfcut. you guys werent wearing anything fancy but i loved your energy. i complimented both of your hairs and outfits, and stuttered over my words a lot. i complimented the makeup you weren't wearing. i felt embarrassed, i wanted to cry. i thought i had made a bad impression on you two.
when i brought you your food, you thanked me for the food, and made a joke. "hey, i always order this happy meal and order my burger a certain way. if it gets messed up again, i may just burn down this mcdonald's." i laughed, and said "yes, please!"
your simple jokes and smiles changed my perspective on my job.
you came back the next day, and smiled at me. i wanted to cry, but for a different reason this time.
since then, i've been working harder and now am earning praise from my managers. i know it's stupid, but god just people like you make the world worthwhile. i haven't seen you since then, and if you see this, yes, i was the chubby red haired (well, its cut different and dark green now) mcdonald's worker in your small town who complimented your appearances and embarrassed myself.
stop by sometime again please, i'll buy your food this time
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that1girlnoonemisses · 7 months
I'll never be the same...
I didnt think I'd feel this way when I left you. I knew it would hurt and it would take time to bounce back, but now Im not sure I will ever fully bounce back. Being with you was the best days of my life, but I saw you were ready for more then I could give. I saw what we could be together, and how amazing it would be. It scared me so much because if we could be that happy, we could be just as upset too. I looked around at my life at the time and how much I was being weighed down by it and instead of leaning on you I pushed you away. I thought it was going to crush me and I didnt want it to crush you too even though I knew every blow that had come my way up to that point, you had softened the hit.
These days I dont sleep to well. Im ok during the day I can find things to distract myself, but then I lay down and I'm in my big and empty bed again missing you. I hate sleepimg, and waking up alone, only to face another day without having you there. I hate knowimg I did this to myself. I post on Instagram because I know you use it more then fb, and I know you'll see the pics of me and the baby. It broke my heart telling the baby that you werent there when she asked me where you were.
I dont want you to worry about me. Ive been an independent woman my hole life, I can get through this. Ill bounce back like I always do. Ill be with the family when they need me. Ill spend time with the girls, and keep the peace with my mom and dad. Ill babysit my coworkers daughter for her, and somehow manage to keep her and the baby in line. Ill wake up and keep going to work everyday with a smile on my face and I'll keep the hurt out of my eyes. When they ask me I'll tell them im fine, just tired. Ill find some excuse as to why I'm not sleeping well. They dont need to know im broken inside, and dont know if I'll ever be whole again. Ill do my best to be the woman you thought I was. But after everything, at the end of the day im not the same I was when you met me. Ill never be the same again. But that's ok. Im the one that left, I dont get the right to hurt or upset. Ill survive this. I have to. But ill never be the same.
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shadowofahope · 2 years
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Pairing: College student Han Jisung!xFemale Reader
Warning: pure fluff and one extremely flustered Quokka
Premise: When the overly flustered Jisung has a crush on you. Do you ignore it or fall with him?
word count: 4.5K
Authors notes: Not going to lie, I love me a flustered Han Jisung.
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“You do realize that boy is madly in love with you right?”  Changbin breaks you out of your concentration bubble, going over study material in your head as you wipe down tables. Your hand stils, peering over at him over your shoulder, standing behind the counter. He had been cleaning the desert bar behind you when you both had dropped into a comfortable silence. 
“Yes.” You turn to face him, arms crossed over your work apron, cloth in hand. “Wait, which one?”
“Are you implying there’s more then one?” He scoffs, eyes rolling away from you as he put down a cup he had finished drying.
“No, I’m just verifying that we are talking about the same person and I haven’t neglected to notice something” You shrug innocently. You had an idea of who he was talking about, only one person crossed your mind. Besides being Changbins coworker and bestfriend, it opened up your acquaintance pool quiet a bit, but it did make dating hard because people assumed you were taken. Much to your disgust.
“Oh, then yes I have realized.” Tables now abandoned like his mug drying you saunter over to the cash counter, voice still filled with nonchalance. 
“Ok? And you have plans to do what about it?” Now someone was being too nosy for their own good. 
“No plans. I have no intentions to say anything.” Casually you wipe down the counter, moving over to him. 
“Come again?” Disbelief coats his voice. This catches your attention, seeing the genuine confusion on his face you feel a touch annoyed. So you huff at him.
“I’m not going to force him out. If he wants to tell me he can and if he doesn’t want to then that’s ok too.” 
Jisung tended to be really shy and jumpy around you. You had noticed it immediately, when it didnt subside like the others said it would you grew suspicious. So you kept an eye on him, doing things that may have been subtly accidental or maybe they werent exactly accidents, either way you would watch his reactions. It wasn’t hard to put two and two together. He wasn’t a hard read. 
“But you at least have an answer?” Changbin still pushes
“More or less” You nod, pretending to drop deep in thought.
Now it was his turn to look annoyed, impatiently tsking at you “.......Are you going to tell me your answer?”
“No” You nonchalantly brush off, making your way past him into the back room.
“Ouch you’re gonna break our sungies heart” Feigning dramatics, he clutches his chest staggering slightly, but perfectly catching himself with his free arm on the counter. 
Stopping in the door way you laugh at his antics, shooting back a dramatic eye roll before clarifying. “No as in I’m not going to tell you.”
You throw the dirty cloth in your hand at his head, he barely catches it in him before it splats dirty water onto his face. You let the door swing shut behind you before receiving retaliation but ot soon enough kto not here him shout at you.
“Come on! Seriously?!” 
“I know I won’t be able to reach the same bulk as Changbin, but at least my definition has improved.” Jeongin sighs, showing the picture on his phone of him and Changbin at the gym flexing to Minho and Jisung. “Thakfully he’s been alot of help.” 
“I think you’re making great progress, Innie.” Minho chimes, nodding in approval. “There’s no point in comparing.”
“True.” Pulling his phone back he begins to zoom out on the picture. 
“Wait!” Minho grabs Jeongin’s arm from receding, realizing himself that there is more to the picture. “Damn, I wasn’t expecting that.”
He chuckles as Jeongin pulls back “Right? You’d never know under those clothes huh?” 
“Under what clothes?” Jisung finally comes back into the conversation. He barely looked at the picture Jeongin showed before going back to the webtoon on his phone. 
“Don’t show him-” Minho tries too stop the youngest before he can fully turn his phone to Jisung. Ultimately failing.
A loud crash echos through the apartment. Jisung had not only caught a glimpse of the full photo, but upon doing so had lost the ability to to keep balance on the chair. Plummeting to the floor from the barstool he was sitting on. 
“You literally floored him, again.” Minho couldn’t help but laugh at his bestfriend. Clutching his stomach, he wiped his eyes from tears, before focusing his concern. “Are you ok Sungie?” 
“She’s not w-wearing a-a-a- shirrr” Jisung chokes from his harsh landing. Zooming out of the picture exposed that next to IN was you. You were also flexing as a joke, to make fun of the boys. More times than not they would drag you with them to the gym, normally in the middle of the night. 
In that particular picture you three had ended your weight training session and were getting ready to head home. So you were wearing black sweats that hung low on your hips along with your favourite sports bra and cap, sweat glistening off your body. It had been a really stressful day at the cafe and then with exams so to blow off steam you had mentioned that you were going. Which led the other two to coming with you. 
With Changbin being your bestfriend and Jeongin feeling like your younger brother, you felt comfortable to wear whatever you wanted around them. 
“She doesn’t normally wear a shirt when we work out. Just a sports bra and joggers or sometimes shorts.” The youngest smirks, he knows he provoking. This isn’t a version of you that the others normally got to see. 
“You’ve been seeing her this whole time like this and you didn’t tell me?!” Jisung groaned, remaining on the floor, holding his chest in mock pain. “I think I might pass out…”
“I’ve invited you before but you’re the one who said you couldn’t come.” Jeongin nonchalantly shrugs, eyes cast to him on the floor. “Always coming up with lame excuses.”
“What if she thinks I’m like super weak?! What if I embarrass myself…again?” 
“I’m pretty sure she won’t be surprised by it anymore. She must be used to it.” Minho snickers evily, giving Jisung a light tap with his foot. 
“How are you ever going to get anywhere with this crush if you wont hang out with her?” Jeongin pushes. “We all can be with her one on one but you.”
“It’s not that simple! I can’t just ask her to hang out now, she’d think it was weird.” 
Laying on his back on the floor staring at the texture on the ceiling he misses an evil smile appear on the youngests face, an idea emerging.
“...not just a crush…” He mumbles to himself, dread weighing him down. He had to be confident, he had to show you he wasn’t the weird, possibly creepy, clumsy friend. That he genuinely wanted to be around you, to get to know you. 
Maybe that was asking too much of his cowardess. Maybe he should stay here, on the floor.
Somehow constantly keeping a cautious subtle eye on Jisung, had turned into you truly not being able to look away. When he was in his own world, muttering to himself, becoming flustered over his clumsiness, passionately talking about his music with the group, munching on his favourite snacks, he was beyond cute. There was something so endearing about him you couldn’t bring yourself to neglect. At that point you had slipped passed sneaking glances to full blown staring, not because you had to but because you wanted to. You wanted to keep looking at him all the time. 
Times he glanced at you and caught you, you had offered a soft smile and watched the blushing panic grow on his face. By the time you noticed what was happening you were too far gone, you had slowly, accidentally fallen for the cute quokka. 
But still, it looked like he was struggling around you. The last thing you wanted to do was overwhelm him. You wanted him to be brave and tell you about his crush so you could claim the same. You were afraid you might scare him away from you farther if you tried to approve, so you stayed casually in the same group but never having one on one. Unless he came in to sit at his usual corner table, with his cheesecake and iced americano, laptop infront of him and headphones on. Once again lost in his world. 
Just like he was today, right now. 
The cafe was slow, only an hour left until closing. There was currently 2 tables with a single person at them, giving you plenty of time to stare. You were at the counter refilling straws and stir sticks when you vaguely heard the chime of the front door. You were too distracted by the excitement sparkling his his eyes and the wide smile on his face. 
He claps for himself, clearly giddy with something he’s done. Realzing he’s created an outward fuss, his eyes widen darting around the cafe. His eyes lock on yours, somehow growing even wider then you thought possible. You give him a small wave, a small giggle leaving you. You’re too far for him to hear, not to mention his head phones, but the wave itself was clearly too much for him.
His hands fly up to cover his face, collapsing on the table infront of him. 
Ok, that you weren’t prepared for. He’d never actually hidden from you before. This time you cant stop the laugh that erupts, you’re head shaking at his ridiculously adorable reaction.
A harsh throat clearing breaks you out of your trance, startling you. You quickly look over at the order counter, heart racing, body ready for fight or flight reflexes, customer service smile plastered on your face. Trying to hide all traces of the almost heart attack. But you abandon that plan quickly when you see who is there.
“Couldn’t of found a nicer way to get my attention?” You shoot at them.
“I called your name 3 times Y/N.” Jeongin chortles. “Apparantly you had something important on your mind.” 
He glaces over, your eyes following his. By the time you look back to him he already staring you down, a smirk plastered on his face. You’ve definitely been caught. There’s no point in trying to hide it from the youngest, he’s always been too perceptive for his own good.
“You could say that.” You sigh, ignoring the look he's giving you. “The usual I’m guessing for the late night run?”
You punch in his order in relative silence, it’s not until you start to make his order to go that he finally speaks. 
“There’s no way Ji would be able to see the heart eyes you’re ever so not subtly sending him, you however…… theres no way that you don’t see his crush on you.” He states matter-of-factly. 
You only nod and hum to in response, continue to keep your eyes down and hands busy.
“If that’s the case why don’t I jus-” 
“Innie.” You cut him off. “I don’t plan to tell anyone, and that includes Jisung.” 
Sighing you shake your head and turn away to grab his order packaging. He’s silent once again, this time only for a moment.
“Why not?”
You face him, all seriousness and honesty laid out. Only one person other than yourself will know. Not even Changbin.
“Even with my feelings for Jisung, you’ve seen how he reacts around me. He might have a crush, but he can’t even handle sitting next to me. If there’s a chance we end up just the two of us he finds any excuse to leave. If it’s just a crush I don’t want to force him to do anything he doesn’t want to.” You explain calmly.
“Y/N, I think there’s more to his feelings then you think.” Jeongin suggests, eyes almost pleading. “He struggles with self doubt and self worth sometimes.” 
“If he’s scared to be around me, how could he be with me?” You counter, eyebrow raising in question. 
Finishing to pack his order you look back to hand it over and see he is standing at Jisungs table talking. Jisung’s headphones are now off but he looks nervous as he chews on his bottom lip. Whatever they were discussing it made you uneasy. Before you could rationalize anything Jeongin was back infront of you, taking the bag out of your hands.
“Please tell me you didn’t tell him…” Your voice wavers, unsure if it was a good idea to tell him anything. Too self aware to look at Jisung now, if the youngest mentioned anything, there goes any attempt to get closer to the jumpy quokka. 
“No, I didn’t and I won’t.” He expresses genuinely concerned. You exhale the breath you didn’t realize you were holding. “On one condition.” 
“What do you want you evil steamed roll?” You should have seen that coming. 
“You, me and Jisung are going to the movies tomorrow night. You have the night off- Changbin told me. Ji and I are already going, everyone else is busy.” He’s too cheerful in his response. Making you feel highly suspicious.
You weigh your options. On one hand, you had no idea what Jeongin had planned in his diabolical brain, which knowing him…you might need to be scared. On the other hand, you could possibly get closer to Jisung if he could relax around you in a smaller group.
“Promise to keep this between us then?” 
“Yep. As long as you come!” He exclaims excitedly, but still firm in your part of the deal.
“Ok, fine.” You concede. 
Really, what was he planning?
“And here I thought I was early.” You chuckle as you approach Jisung standing just inside the entrance of the theatre. He looked slightly nervous when you noticed him from afar, his eyes glued to his phone in his hands. His fingers rapidly typing away unbeknownst to him you had arrived. 
He jumps at the sound of your voice, wide eyes shoot up to meet with yours. He flinches again when he realizes how close you’re standing to him. 
“Y/N! You’re h-here!” He sputters taking a step away from you. You pretend his obvious recoil doesn’t feel like a punch in the gut. Knowing that he had a crush on you didn’t stop the tinge of heartbreak that crushed your lingering hope, by his reactions. But that would never mean you’d want him to know how much it hurt. 
You smile softly at him, faking obliviousness. “Yep. Is Innie here too?” 
You scan the crowd to see if you could find the youngest of your trio. You don’t see him lingering anywhere, but a mumble of a noise from the other jostled your focus back to him. He had his phone held out for you to see, his face slowly turning a shade of pink. You lean closer to get a better look at it but you notice his hand shaking. 
Without thinking you reach out to grasp his hand, keeping him and his phone steady. You hear a squeak escape him, you ignore the panic rise in you slightly as you register what you’ve done. Instead you focus on the phone:
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“Ah…” You want to throttle this bread boy. You steady your breath as you can feel your heart rate increase. Eyes lifting up to now look at Jisung, the pink on his cheeks and neck now a slightly darker shade. Even in the dim lights of the foye can’t hide the colour. “He’s sending the tickets?” 
You slowly drop his hand as to not startle him. 
“....yea….” He avoids eye contact with you, looking over to the box office, chewing on his bottom lip. 
It gives you a moment to really look at him. He’s now holding the hand that you had close to his body, his other hand encasing it. If you hadn’t known what just happened you would say it almost look like he’s protecting it. His shoulders are stiff, and by the way his chest is moving he’s doing some deep breathing. His big eyes look slightly dazed with his pupils dilated, making his eyes shimmer in the led screen light. His light blueish grey ripped jeans with a slightly too big for him cream sweater and his iconic platform converse. 
How could one man look so cuddly and beautiful all in one. You fight back a coo, not letting yourself get drawn in further to his adorableness. 
“Then,” You snatch his attention back to you. Clearly he hadn’t expected you to speak. “How about we use them? I’m free. We could pick a movie together?”
This was it. This was you throwing your lifeline. You wanted him to take it, to accept your invitation for just the two of you. One nonchalant question would show you which way you would fall. Farther in love with him, or down the hill to heartbreak. 
You held your breath waiting for him to respond. You could see his thoughts swimming behind his eyes. As much as you were afraid, you couldn’t look away from him. 
“I’m free…” He whispers, finally breaking your inner turmoil. 
A heart stuttering, genuine smile breaks out on your face. Falling in it is. 
“Lets’s go!”
After managing to agree on which movie to watch you had mentioned needing the washroom. You hadn’t been to this particular theatre before and somehow Jisun seemed to know that too. He had walked you over to the washroom, letting you know he was going to go buy snacks at the concession. He didn’t ask you what you wanted before he hurriedly walked off. 
You smiled as you watched him dash through the crowds that began to form. You quickly enter the washroom, not wanting to keep him waiting. You were buzzing with excitement, never in a million years did you actually think you’d be ‘alone’ with Jisung. Yes it was in public but still. 
Upon exiting the washroom you head over to the concession. At first you don’t really see him, until you scan towards the straw dispenser counter. You watch as you see him cram a bag of your favourite candy into his pocket, he has two large popcorns and two drinks with him. Baffled you have no idea how he would have gotten them there. Imagining him adorably struggling another smile creeps onto your face. At this point there’s almost nothing he can do that isn’t endearing to you. 
If this was all you could have, if this was as close as you could get to him… then you would be happy with just this. You were confident in yourself, there’s no doubt about that, but when it came to him you always seemed to falter. Maybe that wasn’t the best habit you’ve formed. Staring at Jisung made you unaware of your surroundings. 
“What’s a lady like you doing here all alone?” A voice grates on your ear drums. Leaving an uncomfortable shudder steeled into your skin. You don’t bother to hide the annoyance on your face when you look away from him and to the new figure standing uncomfortably close to you.
“Not alone.” You voice void of emotions, two men leering over you from either side. You give them a once over. Sure, in most cases they could be considered attractive. Attractive as the next person, but just because they had a decent face didn’t mean you’d be interested. 
“Here with friends then?” The other males voice was just as unpleasant. 
A friend? You couldnt help the shy smile from forming on your lips when thinking of Jisung. 
“Kind of.” Giggling you looked back up to where Jisung was. He was still there, however he looked almost uncomfortable, but it was hard to tell at this distance. His hand scratching the back of his head as he stared intently on all the items he bought. 
“That guy?” One of them scoffed. 
Your blood began to boil, searing at his implication. 
“You wanna come with us? I promise it’ll be a better time than hanging with that guy.” 
Now it was your turn to scoff. You laugh at their cockiness before waving them away stepping towards Jisung. 
“Nobody beats my quokka.” You smile brightly over your shoulder. Leaving them confused and rejected behind you. 
“Need help?” You chuckle upon reaching Jisung at the counter. 
“Uh, yea…” He won’t look at you, but he has a solem look on his face. You’d seen it before, but you had never been able to place why it had appeared on him before.
“You ok?” Genuine concern swims in your words. He looks briefly over your shoulder before looking back at the popcorn. 
“Those guys…” His voice comes out small, scared even.
“They were hitting on me, wanting me to go with them. I said no.” You shrug. You didn’t like lying and you absolutely wont lie to him. 
“But they are attractive.” He mutters. Jeongin’s voice of jisung being insecure rings through your mind. It may not have been a big deal to you, but clearly it may be a big issue for Jisung. 
“I’d rather be here with you.” You tell him straight forwardly, eyes locking with his trying to prove your sincerity. 
“Let’s go, I want to see the trailers.” Picking up a popcorn and a drink you, nod at him to pick up the remaining. His plush lips finally forming a smile, finally he was smiling. 
“Yea, ok.” 
You make your way with him next to you into the theatre and pick your seats. He hands you the candy from his pocket and your straw. You watch him take a sip of his drink, a thought pops in your head.
“Oh and I was going to ask, what does a cupcake emoji mean?” 
He chokes on his drink, hysterically coughing to clear his airways. In shock you rub his back to try to help. 
All you hear is a “Uuuuuuh,” before the lights darken and he sinks into his seat. The trailers start rolling. 
“You dont understand!” Jisung whines dramatically, falling onto the couch at IN’s place. “They were buff and super handsome, definitely older. They must have been like the perfect catch! Someone worth being near her. BUT she said she would rather be there with me! WITH ME!” 
Minho chuckles at him, shoving him off the couch onto the floor. 
“Stay down there, it’s where you belong.” 
Jisung had called an emergency meeting the day after his ‘date’ not date with you. Jeongin had suggested they meet at his place, he insisted Jisung bring him food as a thank you for bailing on the movie.
Propping his head on the couch seat, body draped on the floor Jisung continued his rambles.
“She’s just so beautiful and smart AND FUNNY! How can one person be so amazing?” 
“Well if you actually would spend time alone with her you’d get to see even more of it.” Jeongin reprimends, setting drinks on his coffee table. 
“I know, I know. I just get so in my head when she’s around. My thoughts are a cluster of all my feelings and my mouth doesnt react.” He flops back down fully to the floor. 
You quietly saunter towards the bedroom door. You had locked yourself out of your apartment and had been waiting for a call from your landlord when Jeongin had messaged you about coming over. You had worked the early morning shift this morning and you said you would agree if you could take a nap. 
Upon hearing a commotion in the living room you begrudgingly rolled out of Jeongin’s bed to go take a look. You hear Jisungs voice before you see him.
“When she first joined our group she was like this amazingly beautiful being. Like a goddess. I couldn’t stop looking at her. She was just so pretty. Whether she was working or studying or singing karaoke or even goofing around with Changbin and Chan. I realized she was goofy, she was confident but funny. She always had a genuine smile when she enjoyed herself and when she was happy her eyes would sparkle.”
Your breath stuttered. His words sinking into every inch of your heart. His true feelings for you.
“But I felt like she forced herself to smile at me sometimes, you know? Maybe she knew I was always staring and she thought it was creepy. I felt so guilty, I tried to stop looking at her. Then there was that time she was helping us study and I realized just how smart she was and dedicated! When Seungmin broke his leg and couldnt go to class, she made him extra notes to help him. She didn't want him to fall behind because it would wreck his everage, she knew how hard he worked for his scholarship. She’s attentive, she’s caring, she’s….she’s… everything.”
His words to describe you were probably the most beautiful thing you had ever heard. No one had ever talked about you like that before. 
“If I fall anymore in love with her, I’ll fall off the face of the earth.” 
You peek around the corner that conceals you, Jeongin is already staring at your direction. Jisung laying on his back on the floor staring at the ceiling. Minho keeping an eye on his friends meltdown. 
“You’d have to be able to tell her how you feel first.” Minho sighs, knowing his friend is too nervous around you. 
“Or you can ask her right now.” Jeongin laughs, still looking at you. He planned this. This evil conniving wet bread planned to have you overhear. 
“Huh?” Jisung sits up abruptly from his spot, eyes panicked as he looks to where Jeongin is watching. 
He makes a gargled noise and falls back to the floor when you step out for them to see you. 
“This is our que to leave you two alone. Minho why don’t you join me in my room to look at the new system I bought?” Jeongin stands, gesturing to the other.
“Sounds like a good idea. Now’s the time Ji, good luck.” He pats Jisung on the leg before walking away with the the youngest. 
“Jisung..?” You try, coming closer to him. His eyes now shut, his face completely red. “Jisung, listen,”
You take one final deep breath before continuing. Steeling yourself for any reaction he might have.
“I can either say I didn’t hear anything and we can pretend this never happened or…”
You pause, siting next to him on the floor, legs crossed, finger stretching out to poke his soft cheek. Him whimpering in response. 
“Or You can say that all again to my face and then we can discuss us.” 
“U-us..?” He flings himself upright, almost knocking into you. You laugh at his excitement. 
“Only if you want there to be, because I’d really like there to be.” 
“Yes. Yes. YES.” He abruptly, but confidently takes your hand in his. Constantly repeating a mantra of yes’. 
Maybe falling wasn’t too bad in the end, especially since you both landed together. On the Floor.
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clementinesjourney · 3 years
Record Shop Funk - Pt. 1 Like real people do
A.N. : Hey guys, so i had this idea yesterday, and i really hope you'll like it. <3
Words: 1,9k
Pairing: camboy!Steve x Reader, roommate!Bucky x reader, Stucky x reader (as the story goes)
Warnings: nothing yet :)
Summary: Who knew that having a secret crush, then a hearbreak will end in such a sweet thing..
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You and Bucky shared an apartment above the recordshop you both worked in. Your aunt was the owner of both, so it was a fairly good payment, and a fairly good apartment for a cheap price. It was a bright and big apartment with two bedrooms, so your decided to rent it out, all while searching for a helper to the shop downstairs. When Bucky came in applying for the job, you asked out of joke if he needs a place to live since you had seen around 5 people already and none of them felt right. His eyes lit up as he said he is in fact looking for a place. Since he was fitting for a job, and looked like a decent guy, you congratulated him on his new job, and asked if he wants to see the place today. You still had one and a half hour to close, but after it you would gladly show him the apartment.
He had nothing better to do, so he agreed to it, feeling happy about having a job he might actually like and a coworker he might actually will get along with.
-Do you drink coffee? I was thinking of getting one in the meantime. My friend works close by, and they make the best coffee in town. - He asked.
-I could go for one thank you - you smiled at him - iced cold-brew, no sugar, i'm sweet enough.. - you said with a smile.
He couldn't help but smile back at the joke. When he arrived at the café, he saw his friend Steve flirting with a girl whom he could visibly see trembling just cause he talked to her. Steve always had his way with girls, ever since the serum of course. After he broke up with Peggy, it was mostly just hookups, never finding a girl worth keeping around. Not as if they werent kind, pretty or good to him, it just never felt right. Bucky smiled at his friend, Steve immediately shifted his gaze from the girl, to a very happy Bucky.
-Did you get the job?
-Better.. I got the job, and she has a room for rent which i'll see tonight.
-Wow Bucky, i didn't know you were even better then i am.. sooo how does she look? - asked Steve with a slight wiggle of his eyebrows. He wanted Bucky to get a girl since ages and hearing this, his mind immediately ventured there.
-5'7, ginger, green eyes, freckles, curvy just the right places. why?
-Nothing Buck.. nothing.. - Steve said smirking at his friend.. Bucky never realized when he liked a girl, so he never really acted on it. He last had a woman back in the 40's.
-Sooo i know you didn't come to have chat with me, one black coffee and.. ?
-ah, iced cold-brew, no sugar..
After paying for the coffee, he hurried back to the shop, hoping to get to know his coworker a little bit better.
You thanked him for the coffee, and when you tried to pay, he refused.
-Next round's mine then. - You smiled at him with your 1000 watt smile, which again he couldn't help but smile back at.
-So tell me about you Bucky, what do you do in your freetime?
-Nothing really, just reading, spending time with my friends, kind of thats it.. I have a boring life really. What about you?
-Well, i work here, then i go home and listen to music, cook, god i love to cook, thats a big pro for the apartment.. just saying. - you said with a playful wink. - besides that nothing much. Sometimes i go to a nearby bar with my friends maybe concerts and thats it.
-I like washing dishes if that helps with the application for the room. - he said with a shy laugh which made your heart skip a beat.
- It sure does.. Do you leave your stuff around?
-No i'm a tidy person.. thank you very much. - he said cockily (just for the sake of being funny really).
-Okay okay, if you like it you can have the room, just promise to tell if you bring up a girl so i can leave. The walls are kind of thin.
-It's okay, i don't really...
-Oh um i'm sorry, i didn't meant to intrude, it just something i would really like everyone to add to their rental contracts. - you chuckled embarassed.
-Noo no, it's okay, i'm not embarassed by it. I guess i don't want hook ups, if one day there's someone i'll tell in advance.
-yea me too, i promise. If you end up renting it anyway haha. on that note it's time to close so i can show the room in a min.
When you opened the door to the apartment Buckyquietly took in it all. It was really bright, white walls with paintings all over the walls, plants in every corner or shelf you can put one on, a comfy looking mustard couch, aztec-y rug under the coffeetable, and a wall fully shelved, filled with books and little trinkets, it looked like a home he never had a chance to have. The livingroom had an american kitchen on the side, island in the middle of the kitchen area, it was white, and blue which reminded him of greece, down the hallway you showed him the bathroom which of course had a lot of plants that liked the atmosphere of a bathroom, a shower in the corner and a bathtub under the window. You then showed the empty room he could rent out. It only had a shelf and a wardrobe, and a queen sized bed. No decorations, no signs of anybody ever living there. You then pointed to the room the opposit of what could possibly be Bucky's in the future, saying that is yours. You didn't show your room, he wasn't gonna go in there anyway, and showing your most private space on the first day didn't seem like a good idea either. You then invited him out to the balcony, watching the setting sun, smoking a cigarette.
-So thats about it, what do you think?
-I really like it, and i mean.. my workplace is pretty close so thats a plus, also you said something about cooking all the time.. sooo if it's alright with you i would love to rent it out.
-It's settled then roomie. I'll give you the keys, you can move in whenever you want to. Tomorrow we are closed, so maybe that would be ideal.
-Yea, then tomorrow it is then. I'll ask my friend to help, then we can maybe hang a bit if you're free.
-Sure, i have nothing planned, and it's good to know who i'll be living with. - you said with a smile.
Before closing the door, you said your goodbyes, and you realized what did you just do, after he wished you good night with a killer halfsmile that almost had your knees buckle. You just agreed to living together with possibly the most handsome man you've ever seen who is also your new coworker, so you will basically spend most of your time with him.. Guess we'll see how this goes you thought to yourself.
Morning came soon enough, you were sitting out on the balcony when you saw Bucky arrive with a very tall, just as handsome man, carrying boxes of books, and bags of clothing. Bucky looked up at the balcony, waving towards you, you waved back, then moved to open the front door before going back out to the balcony, resuming your coffee and smoke.
When they finished bringing all Bucky's stuff in, it was already midday, so you decided you'd order pizza for all of you, as in like a welcome present.
-Hey guys, i'm thinking of ordering pizza, what kind would you like?
-Oh (y/n) you don't have to. - said Bucky, earning a smirk from Steve as he looked back and forth between you two.
- Noo i insist, today won't be the day i'll start to slowly kill you with my cooking. - you said giggling a bit.
- Whatever's fine peach. - said Steve with a wink, that you decided was just out of friendlyness. You didn't veen knew his name, and he seemed like a lady's man anyways. Not really your type no matter how handsome and muscular he is.
- Steve, by the way, nice to meet you.
-(Y/n), likewise. - you shook his hand.
When the pizzas arrived you called them to the kitchen, listening to all their shared stories from their early years. They seemed like really close friends, and genuinely good people. You had a really great time. It was nearly 9 pm when Steve left, for saving a dame from dying cause of boredom he said. You and Bucky chuckled, then he let him out, closing the door, locking it for the night.
-I guess i have some packing to do, so.. good night (y/n).
-Good night Bucky, if you need anything just knock. - you said with a smile, and he couldn't help but smile back. He felt at peace. He had Steve, now he had a job, and a room to make a home of, and you as a new addition. You were so kind, so eager to help if he needed anything, he loved how the scent of raspberries and flowers lingered in the apartment mixed with coffee and cigarette smoke. It seemed to have a calming effect on him.
You heard a soft knock half an hour later. WHen you opened the door you saw a smiling Bucky, awkwardly scratching the back of his head.
- Hey, um.. sorry. I forgot i didn't bring a blanket, could i borrow one until i get my own?
-Yea sure, i'll get one in a min. - You said, leaving the door open, letting him see a bit of "you" while you were searching for your spare blanket in your wardrobe. The room really was you. White, with mustardy curtains on the window, plants everywhere, books piled up here and there, a really comfy looking bed, pictures of you and your friends on the walls. And damn, your room smelled even more like you. If he wouldn't pay attention your scent would lure him into your room and never let him leave he thought.
-There you go. - you handed him the blanket smiling.
-Thank you very much.
Then he stood there for a moment drinking in the sight of you in front of him. You were wearing an oversized tshirt, that ended just around the middle of your thighs, hair in a messy bun, no makeup. He could swear he thought you were pretty before, but seeing you as you were made him fancy you even more.
With a small smile you told him goodnight again, then closed the door in his face.
You could hear his little laugh on the other side of the door, then his door closing. For the first time in months he didn't wake up in the middle of the night, and he didn't had a nightmare either. He was afraid he would, and then he would wake you up with his screaming, but looks like the blanket which smelled just like you calmed him enough.
After waking up because the rays of sunshine on his face, he smiled to himself guess i'll wait with getting my own blanket then...
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quackisinnit · 3 years
Coffee Shop AU || irl!Quackity x Reader
Request: heard you were taking requests,,, coffee shop hc for quackity? Maybe reader just started working there and that’s the café he always goes to????
Notes: i love coffee shop au's sm. ALSO NOT PROOFREAD CAUSE I HATE DOING THAT!!🖕🖕
Genre: fluff, romantic, irl, gender neutral
Warnings: none
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when he first saw you, he immeadiately knew you were new. he was a regular there
he also noticed how attractive you were
"y/n?" he read your nametag aloud, not noticing he did. "yes? oh and welcome to [cafe name]! what is your order for today?"
ok now he's fallen for you and he doesn't even know it!! yet
"oh uhm..."
this was the first time he was speechless. your voice was just so soothing that he couldn't say anything
"uhm? hello sir? are you alright?"
"oh uh yeah, i uh want uhm, you know what? give me a bit more time please, i'll be back when i'm ready."
you smiled and nodded, "alright then"
alex walks to a nearby table and sits down
you know he messaged karl
it went something along the lines of 'karl i just saw the prettiest person ever'
karl: 'is it me??'
he talks with karl for a bit before he realizes he's been sitting there for 10 minutes
'i mean, yeah but anyways, its a new cashier at a cafe i always go to'
after mustering up the courage, he finally stands up to order
fortunately, he wasn't stuttering as much and wasn't as nervous
once he was done, he walked as fast as he could back to his table
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as you took orders, he saw how you interacted with the other workers there
alex saw how nice you were and how you made your coworkers laugh easily
soon, he starts going there more than usual
he also tries to strike up a conversation with you whenever he can
he asks you stuff like, "how are you?" "how's your day?"
but soon, alex starts to learn more about you
your hobbies, what you're favorite book is, and if you have any pets!
you start to learn more about him too. even the fact he streams
alex also helps in closing up if he can even if he doesnt work there lol
from time to time, he stays 'til the end of your shift just to walk/drive you home
your relationship is kinda,,, confusing?
you both know lots about eachother but you don't even have eachother's number/social media
so after many messages of karl convincing him to ask your number, alex finally did it
the only way you both talk to eachother is by him going to the cafe
its not that you both didnt want to know, it just never came up so you both never thought about it
it was,,,,,,, an experience
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so here's the plan he made
step 1: go to the cafe with flowers and ask for your number
step 2: hope it goes alright cause this was his whole plan
he knew it wasnt the most thought out plan, but a plan is a plan
when he arrived at the flower shop, he got your favorite flower (if you have one)
unfortunately, he got into traffic on the way to the cafe
alex was trying to think of every kind of solution he could to get there as quick as possible since your shift was almost over
but he ended up just driving through it since nothing worked
as if things couldnt get any worse, it started to rain
he checked his backseat if he had an umbrella and he didnt
"as if my day couldnt get any worse" he mumbled to himself
after a bit, he finally arrived
alex was so nervous and his palms were sweaty
when he walked in, you werent there
he panicked cause where the hell are you?? did he come all this way for nothing???
but sir alex quackity never gives up!!
he asked your coworker where you were and they said you were on break
(and you decided to take your break in the park)
he thanks them and speed walks to his car
and alex drives to the park like his life DEPENDED ON IT.
fast and furious typa beat😩
he arrived there and saw you sitting on a bench
he was ready to ask you but he was still nervous
"hey, uh its me alex" he was holding the flowers behind him and had a small smile on his face. "oh hey! what brings you here?"
"i wanted to give you these" alex handed you the flowers and bit his lip. 'what if you dont like them? what if you think he's creepy?'
"thank you, they're beautiful. but you sti-" you were cut off by an alarm from your phone. your break was over. "my break is over so can we talk later?"
"i can't talk later, i'm busy but can i have your number?" alex stuttered. "wow real smooth," you giggle. "but sure."
you wave him goodbye and start walking back to the cafe. was it a mission succes? definitely.
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blxetsi · 4 years
Imagine pampering Reiner. I would love to kiss him silly 🙈 is it obvious he’s my favorite character?
id like to kiss him silly too 🤩🤚 tysm for the request !!!
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pampering reiner after a long day (modern au)
warnings: taking care of ur man 😁👍 uhh construction worker!reiner (of age, obv), gn!reader, face care n shit idk, cute names like baby and love, mentions of sexual harrasment/assault in a workplace.
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living in the city had it ups and downs. well, so did everything in life, but you never really thought about that until you moved into the city. you and reiner both came from a small town, and then went to the same college in a bigger town, before you two decided to move to the big city together. downs happened more often than ups, but anything was an up if you were with reiner. rent was expensive, especially for the shoebox of an apartment you two live in, but youve both made it into your home, a cozy little sanctuary away from the rest of this chaotic world. another down was that the city never sleeps, someone, somewhere was always working, and you too found yourself taking nightshifts at the diner you worked at. it was minimum wage, and middle aged men and women would come in and flirt (more like harass), but your coworkers were nice, and if you made sure to dress up a bit you'd get a fat tip.
you and reiner originally thought that you'd get well paying jobs as soon as you moved into the city, which was a lie. considering the time, effort, and money you both put into getting your degrees, you thought you were more than qualified for certain jobs, but you werent, and that sucked, and now your boyfriend over works himself physically building houses while you let freaks make weirdly sexual comments about you so you can earn more money. it sucks on both ends, but you know that you'd do anything to be with reiner, so you could take a couple of gropes and sleazy jokes.
today you had gotten off work early, your boss closing the store because of a family emergency. you felt bad for the man, he was nice, and offered to switch you to dish duty when he'd seen older people be weird with you, you'd declined knowing that you wouldn't earn as much in the back. he was a family man, and generous, and cared about others, which was a nice change from other employers in the past. you were surprised reiner wasn't home yet, because today was friday, and he usually got off fridays around six, but now it was almost nine, and you were starting to get a bit worried.
just as you started gnawing on your lip, your phone vibrated beside you. grabbing it you saw it was reiner calling you, and quickly paused your episode of shameless to answer. "rei, where are you ?"
"just got off work baby." he sighed.
he sounded exhausted, and you could hear cars honking so you knew he was outside.
"do you need me to come get you ?"
"no, its okay. jack's giving me a ride home."
you let out a breath, at least he didn't have to wait for the bus, getting a ride meant he'd be home faster. "okay my love. you want me to run you a bath for when you come home ?" you knew how sore reiner got from working, and being out in the sun all day. with the weather becoming warmer it would become harder on him, and he'd always forget to wear sunscreen which meant he'd burn.
he let out a soft moan. "that sounds great baby, thank you so much."
you heard talking from his end, assuming it was jack. you tried to keep listening but reiner's voice cut in again. "only ten more minutes and im back to you."
you smiled, getting excited that he'd be here so soon. "okay lovey, i'll get that bath started. i love you."
you could hear his smile on the other end. "i love you too baby, thank you so much."
you quickly said your goodbyes before hanging up, cutting him off. you felt a bit bad but quickly brushed it off as you walked to your bathroom. you got everything together, moving from the bathroom to your bedroom and back again. you set out a clean towel, a pair of sweats and a white tank top for him, as well as a hoodie if he was cold. you filled up the tub, making sure it was hot, before adding a cup of epsom salt and stirring it around with your hand. you got up again, going to the kitchen area of your little home and filling up a cup with a jug of cold water from the fridge. you brought it back to the small bathroom, sitting it on the tank cover of the toilet. he needed to be hydrated.
you were changing the sheets of your shared bed when you heard the from door open, close, then lock. reiner dropped his backpack and toed off his shoes. he hung up his jacket before slowly walking around the apartment, cracking his neck and stretching his arms above his head. "baby ? where are you ?"
"in here rei, just changing the sheets." you called out. you could hear his heavy footsteps make his way down the hall towards you.
he thought you looked beautiful. dressed in just a tee shirt (his tee shirt) and plaid pyjama pants, the lights from the city reflecting all around the room and on your body, a small lamp which casted a soft warm glow around the room, made your eyes shine.
"you don't have to change the sheets baby." he whispered, making his way over to you. he helped you put the comforter over the bed. a simple grey colour, which matched the baby pink sheets and pillow cases.
"i wanted to. you always feel good sleeping in new sheets." you answered, making your way around the bed to him. you wrapped your arms around his torso while he wrapped his around your shoulders, pulling you close and kissing your head. he sighed, and just held you while you rubbed his back.
"your bath is ready, and i left you clothes for you there too." you whispered. he hummed in response before squeezing you tighter.
"i missed you so much." his words were soft, but held a lot of weight, and your heart hurt because you knew he was working himself to the bone.
"it's okay baby, i'm here now."
he nodded before kissing your head again. he smelt your hair, sighing before pulling back to look at your face. "did you shower ?"
"when i got home, yeah."
"okay. i won't be long then."
you shook your head, moving your arms so you could hold his face in your hands. "no rei, take all the time you need. i'll wait for you." you knew that reiner was too tired to fight you on that, so he simply nodded, giving you a soft kiss before stripping down to his underwear and leaving the room.
you put his clothes in the hamper, putting his wallet on his bedside table and plugging his phone in to charge. then you opened up the window so the cool breeze could come in, you knew reiner liked the room to be a bit cooler at night.
slowly you made your way to the bathroom, peaking in to see him in the bath, the water up to his neck as he was almost fully submerged. his eyes were closed and his breathing was slow, you could see his tan lines from working. his muscles that bulged even when relaxed and the crinkles in his eyes from smiling so much, even when he was so young. his stuble which was just a bit darker than his sandy blond hair, and his calloused hands from his labour, wrapped around his torso in a hug. those hands that held you, that protected you, that tickled you, that loved you. you never got to admire reiner often, usually because he'd notice early on and tell you to stop, he'd get all flustered and his face would turn red, getting all blushy that his lover wanted to look at how beautiful he was. and he was, reiner was gorgeous, and its a blessing to call him yours.
his voice was raspy from not speaking for so long. "baby, stop looking at me like that." you could see the apples of his cheeks turn pink while his lips quirked up into a small.
"i can't help it, you're just so pretty." you replied, walking into the small bathroom and closing the door behind you. it took less than two steps to get towards him, and you crouched down beside the tub to look at him closer.
he slowly opened his eyes, like he was in a daze, before peeling an arm away from his body and holding it out for you to take. you grabbed his hand with both of yours, rubbing his palm and fingers while you softly kissed his knuckles. you two never looked away as you did so, relishing in the soft moment together.
he closed his eyes again, and sighed while moving deeper into the tub, making the water go from his neck to his chin, and his long legs stick out of the water at the knees. "you know that face mask you have baby ? the one that peels off and makes your face smooth ?" he asked, his voice echoing throughout the room.
"yeah," you mumbled against his hand. "you wanna use it ? want me to put it on for you ?"
he nodded. you slowly put his hand back into the water before crawling to the cabinet under the sink, reaching for your peel off face mask, you turned around and went back to your love, shifting as close as you could ger before the toilet got in the way, before opening the tube and squeezing some onto your hand. the clear gel felt cool on your finger tips, and you rubbed it along both pointer and middle finger on your two hands, before leaning over the side of the tub and rubbing some on his face. you made sure to keep it away from his facial hair and his eyebrows. after rubbing it in you rinsed your hands off in the bathwater, before moving them to hold reiner's hand again. "if you cant peel some if it off after its dry just rinse with warm water, okay ?" reiner nodded before squeezing your hand. "thank you baby."
you two sat in silence for a couple of minutes, just listening to each others breathing and the slight swish of the water. "i'm gonna make some tea, would you like any ?" you asked.
reiner shook his head. "i'll just steal a sip of yours."
you chuckled before kissing the back of his hand, a smile on your face. "okay my love, i'll wait for you in the bedroom."
he leaned over quickly, grabbing your face with his free hand and giving you a soft kiss, over and over again. his lips were a bit chapped, which caused your own to tickle, but to him it felt great. this was so domestic, so simple, it made him feel safe, it made reiner forget all about his horrible day. all he could think about was you, all he could feel was you.
because of your kiss some of the product from his face mask had transferred onto yours, causing him to giggle before wiping it away with his pruny hand. "i love you so much baby. i'm so happy to be with you." he whispered, his face millimetres from your own.
"thank you rei, i love you too." you responded. you loved him so much, you wanted to spend the rest of your life with him. and you're sure you will.
you pecked his lips before kissing his hand one more time, then you got up and left the bathroom, reiner's eyes on you as you went.
you went about tidying up the living room, putting away reiner's dinner on the table (if he didn't scarf it down when he came in, you knew he wouldn't touch it until tomorrow) turning off the tv and folding up the blanket you were snuggled up with on the couch almost an hour ago.
you quickly boiled your water for your tea, getting out your favourite mug and putting the tea bag in. then you went into your bedroom, where you moved through the open window to sit on the fire escape. the breeze of the night brought with it a chill, and you wished you'd brought that blanket with you. the lights and the cars moving down brought comfort to you. after living here for over a year, the noise became berable to you, just second nature.
you could hear faint shuffling inside the bedroom, before reiner's head popped out of the window. "i was looking everywhere for you."
you gave him a sheepish smile. "sorry my love, would you like to join me ?" he nodded and crawled out of the window too, which was a bit hard considering his long limbs. he sat down beside you, his skin looking soft and smooth, his hair wet and all dressed in his hoodie and sweats.
the two of you huddled together, watching people walk by and cars drive around, looking into the windows of other apartments and stores, seeing if you could see the people inside doing weird things. you two passed the mug of tea between each other, before all that was left was the wet tea bag at the bottom of the cup. reiner reached up and set it on the window sill, before pulling you into his side by your shoulders.
"do your muscles hurt still ?" you asked.
reiner shook his head before replying. "not anymore, thank you again for the bath."
you giggled, turning your head to look up at him, he looked down at your own head, resting on his shoulder, and matched the smile that painted your lips. "you don't have to thank me so much silly, i love taking care of you."
he rubbed his nose against your own. "i love taking care of you too. which is why i was thinking of looking for a new job."
your eyes opened again and he watched your reaction closely. "that tech company near downtown, they're looking for a new software developer. i've already set up an interview, i just didn't know when to tell you." he whispered.
your eyes lit up as you smiled again, leaning up and smacking kisses all over his face. he let out a loud laugh before cupping your face with his hand, guiding your head away from his own so he could speak, but you started talking before that could happen. "i'm so happy for you. i hate seeing you come home so tired and in pain."
he nodded. "and i hate seeing you come home with a new story of some creep making moves on the love of my life." he replied, giving you a soft kiss.
you two sat in silence again. reiner felt happy that you weren't upset about his idea for a new job, he had a degree, and a great mind, and he somehow knew he'd get this job.
"y'know," you started. "that new art museum that opened near the science centre, they're hiring too. said on their website they're looking for tour guides."
reiner pulled you closer to him, if that was even possible. "baby you'd be great at that. you know so many art things."
"'art things?'" you laughed. "yeah, maybe i'll call and see if i could get an interview."
reiner nodded. "that sounds great baby. but tomorrow, your tea made me so sleepy and now i just wanna sleep." you shook your head with a chuckle before pecking him on the lips again.
you two made your way inside, closed the window, and got ready for bed. while you put the mug back into the kitchen sink, reiner took off his hoodie and unfolded the comforter from the bed, ready to get under. when you came back inside you shut off the lamp and got in beside him, where reiner immediately pulled you into his chest.
your head rested on his bare pec, and you could hear his heart thumping. he was calm, content, and happy with you in his arms. and you two went to bed that night with dreams about your future together.
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not me going overboard with that one 😁👍 anyways love u all stay safe requests r open 😍🙏
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pbandjesse · 2 years
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It got really cold tonight! Last night was cold to but it's like very windy right now. I woke up a few times cold last night, I hope I am cozier tonight.
Today was not a bad day at all. I got a lot more accomplished. It wasn't perfect. But it was something.
I didn't sleep great. I was up to late and it just wasn't great sleep. But I felt alright when I got up.
I got dressed and would have preferred a sweater but the shirt James picked was still nice and I still felt cute.
We got to the museum early. I hung out in the back room eating breakfast. Stanley came and hung out with me for a bit. And he pointed out that the group I was with only had 5 kids?? Super weird. We thought maybe it was a special needs group. But we were prepared for anything.
It was nice though because it was 3 programs and the 3 of us were tag teaming them. I was technically in charge but we each out take point and be in charge of a different one and I would just jump in when needed.
When the school got there it turned out they were a robotics club! Neat! But it was weird we were doing like a little kids program with them. But honestly it was fine and we just took them on a longer tour. It was fun. They were good kids.
One little girl became my best friend after having a little break down during our assembly line project. She was sweet but got flustered easy. But we would end up having a good day. Even if three programs was tough! Like just on the body and mind. I think two programs and a tour is a little better but it was still fun.
We even did a scavenger hunt and I got to give the flustered girl a prize of a torn pokemon card, a pin, and a marble. It was very silly and good.
At the end of the day there werent a ton of supplies to do. So I ended up joining my coworkers up in the cannery and just hanging out with them while they glued cans. We talked about how wild some theaters and museums are and how we gossip and complain and absolutely love our jobs. Also how me and James got together. And just general slutty behavior. It was a lot of fun and very goofy.
I was very glad to go home though. I was determined not to be to sleep. I had to accomplish stuff!!
I got home and ran into Kim and Nick. They invited me to come for an acupuncture thing tonight but I ended up falling into a project and wasn't able to make it work. But maybe next week. It was still really nice to chat with them.
I would do some cleaning. And dye my hair. And did my knitting. And then James was home!
I just did some hanging out. I washed the dye out of my hair. I opened the mail. And was disappointed in one thing because the size was wrong. But I decided I want to try to change it up. I don't know if this is going to look good but I'm excited to try.
I did not do the sewing part but I cut the fabric and did all the pinning. Maybe tomorrow I will sew. I also did some water color. And decided to start another print playing with more open shapes. It was nice to carve something.
I took a bath and put on my jumpsuit and did a lot of reading. I have been having a really nice night honestly.
Tomorrow is a different schedule then planned and I get to go in a little later then normal. So I can just have a chill morning and then it's just tours and it will be good I think. I hope it's a lovely day for all of you. Sleep well my friends. Good night!
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gh0stwriting · 4 years
Hello, could you write some HC’s on how the slashers( michael and Billy, Rest is your choice 😁) would react to their s/o volunteering at a haunted house as an actor? Like getting that creepy persona, the makeup, and just being able to act crazy? Really just their overall response? ( Bonus points if billy and stu actually go through the haunted house, but it’s okay if you dont wanna write that) please and thank you 😁
(thats literally my dream job omg. i also made the bubba, michael and jason ones have the s/o adopt some traits from their man for their character bc i probably would and it would be fun)
he saw you rehearsing your characters mannerisms and your few lines, things like “get out” and “you’re next” , typical horror movie things. he was amused by how committed you seemed to whatever you were doing though he didnt know what it was yet.
a few days later he found your characters mask and brought it to you, asking what it was for, to which you told him every detail about the haunt. he really loves when you get animated while talking about something you’re passionate about.
he’s vaguely interested and would very much like to see you at work though he knows he cant, so he settles for watching you rehearse, both alone and on video calls with your coworkers. you never invited them over for obvious reasons.
the day of the haunted house came and you panicked, fear overtook you as you overthought each detail and how it could go wrong. Michael quickly noticed your unease and simply handed dropped a cheap looking necklace into your lap, staring at you until you thanked him and stuffed it into your pocket before hugging him and packing your things for work.
when you came back you were quite possibly the happiest he’s ever seen you, a huge smile never daring to leave your face regardless of the amount of fake blood and sweat covering covering your skin and clothes. as soon as you cleaned yourself off you told him all about it and he quickly shared your enthusiasm over the topic, though he didnt make it evident.
so, your actual character isnt inspired by Ghostface in any way. but, your horror buff boyfriends have given you several tips on how to maximize the creep factor of your character.
they’re probably more excited than you are about the haunted house, they can’t wait for opening night and even tried to persuade you to ask your boss if they could be actors too, though you knew if you did there would be a lot more bloodshed.
on opening night you’re sitting inside a fake vent waiting for the guests to start walking through when you hear your boys laughing to each other as they point out all the horror references ranging from the nightmare on elm street furnace to a recreation of the pamela voorhees shrine.
when you heard them walk by you snuck out of the vent, making sure the hinge creaked as much as possible before you hid, knowing they were looking. you followed them through a majority of the house, always hiding when they turn to look and just being out of sight at all times. Billy knew it was you but Stu was effectively creeped out and a handful of guests had already left bc of how scared they were.
you knew you werent supposed to touch the guests but thought it wouldnt matter if you did it to your boys so when Stu walked past a room you were in you grabbed him by the ankle, pulling him to the floor, causing him to shriek and Billy to laugh at him before continuing to walk. he thought you were too cute to be scary, but Stu on the other hand needed many cuddles when you got home.
so your character is inspired by Bubba in the way of being a chainsaw wielding but otherwise silent killer, known for maintaining the spook factor and keeping everyone on their toes.
you ask Bubba for advice on the characters mannerisms and other things like how to hold the saw to make it seem weighted and real, mostly learning from example.
you spent the weeks leading up to the opening of the attraction practising with Bubba, in and out of costume to make sure you perfect the character, even throwing in a few of Bubbas noises (particularly the shrill squeals) as a quirk of your character and an homage to person that made your character what it is.
admittedly he does get quite spooked the first time you show him your costume but it also very intrigues and loved the feeling of the different fabrics beneath his fingers, your costume consisting of a tattered apron, a dirty tunic and ripped pants, topped off with old boots, all of which stained with copious amount of fake blood and dirt.
hes there on opening night, from the sidelines of course and giggles every time he hears your chainsaw rev up, followed by the shrill screaming of horrified guests, oh by the way he gave you one of his old saws, so its very much real but very dull. its mainly there for the realistic rev sound and probably cant hurt anyone. probably.
halloween was by far your favorite time of year, not only bc of the candy but also bc of the annual haunted houses. you were fortunate enough to get a job at one of the more popular ones and wasted no time creating a character based on the guidelines for the houses theme.
you ended up making most of your costume by hand to make sure every detail was perfect, regardless of the shoddy stitchwork. Jason watched as you worked through all hours of the night, either trying to figure out the characters makeup or putting finishing touches on the costume and props.
he confronted you around the 36th straight hour of work to try and get you to sleep but you denied him, insisting you had to finish the current part you were working on so he sat with you. he watched enthralled by how delicately you held the fabrics as you passed the needle through them, making something would perfect your characters horrifying visage.
he was anxiously waiting for you to come home from the second you left, thoughts of you never returnning flooding through his head, deciding to clear his mind with some good old fashioned murder. you did return of course, covered in fake and a bit of real blood from where guests would react physically to your scares.
you were so clearly happy about it he happily sat while you talked about how fun it was and how cool your coworkers were and then followed you around after as you demonstrated some of your characters best scares.
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glossvrse · 4 years
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CHERRY is the debut EP of ATHENA, better known as YEJIN, a South Korean vocalist and member of up-and-coming South Korean girl group, GLOSS. The EP was released January 1st, 2021, alongside a music video of the main song, CHERRY. Lyrically, the whole concept of the EP is about the love you feel for not only your significant other, but for your friends and others.
The music video, which was filmed by ATHENA herself, accompanied the release. In the music video, ATHENA was seen dancing around and playing guitar. It wasn't professional whatsoever, though the fans thought it was sweet.
These songs are merely inspirations, meaning the lyrics and meaning are not going to pertain to the songs in GLOSS-VERSE.
01. CHERRY ! ーー INSP.
"This song is," Yejin chuckled briefly, obviously amused by her own thoughts, "Pure, unadulterated love. Before I even came up with the lyrics, I had the melody in my head playing over and over so I played it on my guitar. Oh my gosh, when I tell you this song made me grin just to think about it and it wasn't even born! I've always been inspired by the elements of love, because it's not just your significant other you hold love for. It can be your friends, your family, your coworkers, your pets but it can also be your little cute frog tea set your friends told you not to buy." It appeared Yejin was speaking almost from experience.
"So, right after I wrote CHERRY, I just knew I needed this to be content packed." She explained, using her hands to talk, habitually. "Like I said previously, I hold absolute fascination with the concept of love, however, love isn't always a good thing. Sometimes love can be destructive and anarchy. When I thought of this song, I thought of a friend I made back in High School. I loved her to bits, though we realized we couldn't be friends because we were kind of hurting each other with our friendship. Did you know, even though I broke off our friendship, I still love her to this day? Basically, this song is the epitome of "you can love someone even though they are not in your life anymore."
"This is, by far, my favorite track on this EP. This song is about the love you hold for the people who are your family. I mean- just 'cause you guys don't have the same bloodline doesn't make your family less family-like. The special thing about our chosen family is that we have a say. You don't get to chose who birthed you but you get to choose the people who surround you. My chosen family has gotten me through so much that I couldn't help but express my love. I love you all~!" She smiled, making a heart then continuing to wave her hands.
"Yes, this song was named after the 1975's song. I really like that song, though I did want to change up the concept of it a little. Now, this song is pretty flexible with meaning, but all meanings lead back to the title. I would absolutely love it if we made it." Yejin paused, trying to collect her words, "See, I always tell myself 'hey, it's gonna be okay', and I find I say the same thing in my relationships. When I get into fights with members or friends, I always assure them it's going to be okay. This song is kinda like "yeah, we have ups and downs, but that's what a relationship is all about. Though, we are still going to make it through and I'd love it if we did."
05. WHERE U ARE ! ーー INSP.
"Okaaay so, I wrote this song at 3 AM. I actually wrote it prior to debut. It's a bit of a confusing song to some, but it's simple. I wrote this song about a scenario I had a dream about. Imagine you are lonely, working a mundane life. But every time you fall asleep, you see the person of your dreams *in* your dreams. Like a soulmate, every single night. This song is "I wish I could escape my mundane life and go to live where you are, which is in my dreams."
ATHENA filmed this MV on her own with her own camera and edited it on her own as well. It's obviously not extremely high quality since it isn't professional, but it gives it a lot of charm with shaky camera angles and abrupt cut offs. Some scenes are when she's at the local park or Han River, just dancing around, walking and giggling. Some scenes are in her room, where she's writing and playing her guitar while grinning at the camera. The rest of the scenes aren't even of her, rather her members and the people around her. Some are her zooming in on the GLOSS member's faces while they're talking and laughing.
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This digital release was so surprising, it caught everyone off guard
NOBODY expected this release
A lot of these songs Yejin had came up with predebut
Yes, she wrote all of them and came up with acoustic demos
It came from Yejin's heart so please be gentle with it
Though some people didn't understand that
There were a lot of people complaining about the lack of GLOSS content
Like "you cant give a group a comeback but you can focus on one member"
At this point QUARTZ had given GLOSS two comebacks within the span of a year
Anyways it didnt effect Yejin but in the end, the ratio of reflections who liked it and who didnt were pretty balanced
Not much happened with this release except that it got SO POPULAR
Hot take: Yejin was carrying GLOSS on her back
If not for this release, GLOSS would've forever been nugus
These songs brought a lot of international fans in because it blew up on TikTok
Yes the reflections who werent mad at Yejin were commenting on every trending video with her songs saying "THIS IS YEJIN HYUNGS GIVE CREDIT TO OUR FOUNDERS"💀💀
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kikosaurscave · 4 years
The Cheater and The Bear Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
10/6/21: PLSSSSS THANK YOU FOR THE SUPPORT ON THIS FIC BUT I HATE IT. I love the plot but i hate how i brought on the story towards the end, its boring, quick and sloppy as well, sorry for that. Ill touch it up...later🦖🦕
A/N: Kinktober, I dont know when Ill be encouraged/inspired enough to finish it, besides its obviously already overdue. This was written in a little under 5 hours and I think its pretty good.
The Angst isnt too bad, a bit of a weak ending but its alright.
F/F= Fav Food F/A=Fav Animal F/C=Fav Colour F/D=Fav Drink
Fandom: Boku No Hero Acadamia (My Hero Acadamia
Genre: Angst
Warnings/Contains: Angst. Slight/mentions of; Insomnia, Cheating, Abuse and Death(Reader), Sicknesses(Unspecified) and Suicude(Not directly)
Word Count: 1,934
Angst Level: 2-3
Bakugou and Y/n have been dating since they graduated college, they live together and Bakugou has been coming home late because “his boss is asking him to do extra hours” y/n being a good girlfriend, stays up and waits for him to get home so she can help him calm down from the foul attitude he’d usually have.
Trying not to fall asleep most the time, she would rarely get some sleep just to make sure he’s alright.
What he really does while his GIRLFRIEND is slowly falling ill for his sake is gradually getting closer to his coworker, spending the late nights with her and not his own girlfriend.
Slowly, week after week he starts recognising the late hours he’d yell at y/n for ‘Not minding her own business’ when she asks ‘Where he was’ or ‘How he was’, he’d notice his coworker being nothing like y/n, for example; when y/n would hug him, he’d feel warm inside, not with her.
When y/n would compliment him, he could tell she meant it, but she didnt even bother to. When y/n would wait for him and care for him, though she didnt? It just wasnt the same at all, it felt useless, he felt weird, sad in fact, he didnt know how he felt but he knew that if he looked into the e/c eyes of the person he loved; he would practically fall apart.
Checking the mail when he arrived home to see a letter from their local doctor to his y/n and opening it to see that his girlfriend had a bad condition with no possible ‘cure’ or ‘last resort’ to help with her condition caused by stress and insomnia he was scared, he rushed inside the house, stressfully slamming the door shut and walking into the living room to find his what looked like a now fully alert girlfriend with dark bags under her widened eyes with her hair a little messy, she tried to keep it tamed, but the first thing she still asked him was if he was alright, then she checked his forehead for a temperature while he stared speechless at her, mouth ajared and eyes wide with regret, sadness, anything in remorse “Youre sick and you didnt tell me?” He managed to mutter out after grabbing a soft hold onto her hands, something he hadnt done in a while because all his touches to her were violent and dangerous, the way he just spoke to her was the calmest in weeks, months even because he had been noticing the raggedness in his throat whenever he left to work.
She looked down, sadly, “I tried telling you but you told me I was just lying and being selfish..” his breath hitched realising that she wouldn’t live because of him.
Sure she told him she was fine and he didnt need to worry or that it wasnt his fault but that only made him realise how selfless she was, how much she really loved him and how idiotic he was, he finally realised what an idiot he was, a dirty unloyal cheater is what he called himself, undeserving of the very person he vaguely remembered promising to himself that he would give his life and propose to, because, because? He didnt remember because his mind was poisened with the thoughts of the nights he spent with someone else.
He knew that the memories would rush into his mind either after she died or while he tried his best to care for her during her last few days, when he couldve been doing this for until they grew old together.
He didnt remember why he did what he did but he knew that would be the greatest regret of his life; destined to burn into his mind while he recited her very words about moving on and living his life as strong as he always did or at least now could-though she didnt say that last part herself, he knew its what he knows wont stay out of his mind.
And so the days went by, he had stayed home from work to comfort her while in denial about the inevitable death ((Unus Annus👀)) coming to her.
He gave as much love to her that he could, made her the food she desperately needed, made her feel as needed as she was to him, bathed her himself and made her feel comfortable.
Even when she knew he was cheating on her she never stopped loving him, making sure HE was alright even when her very own health was slowly dropping as the weeks passed.
She knew what he did and she still didnt stop caring for him and his health, not her own. She shuffled and shivered in his embrace, causing him to adjust the blanket on her while smiling softly, the other rested on her back hugging her closer to him.
When her breathing evened once again he continued thinking, ‘Was it worth it?’ He would sometimes think to himself while brushing her hair.
He remembered the time he asked her if he was that worth it that she would sacrifice her health for;
‘Was I that worth it?’ He asked her while he adjusted the f/a bag on her back, to which she sadly looked down and said ‘You werent supposed to find out, When that letter arrived I was supposed to leave after seeing how bad my condition is,’ he stared down at her in shock as she continued,
“If I had gotten to the letter before you and left it would all be a little better..you wouldve forgotten me and moved on, I know you wouldve. I didnt want to bother you anymore, so I figured it’d be better if I left and probably went and lived with Hanta or Jirou instead of dying and leaving my body for you to find..I didnt want to cause so much trouble for you..’ His eyed watered and so did hers when she looked up at him..
Driving her to what she knew would be her last festival and what he denied it to be, he held her hand as if it would be the last time he would ever get the chance to.
She pulled him weakly by the hand, taking him from ride to ride—while he complained about how it might not be safe enough for her to ride, she didnt listen though, she still dragged him on, the cycle kept on going with y/n taking him on rides wether he worried about her safety or not, she took him to get some food and candy from time to time, she even asked him to win the f/c bear for and he nodded.
They watched the fireworks with her arms wrapped around her new bear and her bag and his wrapped around her, he watched as she looked up at the bright lights in the sky, he noticed how they reflected in them.
When they got home, she didnt tell him that she felt more unwell than usual, she just told him that ‘I had a great night, ‘Suki. I really love you, you know?’ She hugged him while he wondered where this came from but didnt take much mind as he listened with a smile on his own, she then continued ‘When Im gone, I dont want you to be sad,’ she whispered, ‘Dont say that.’ He shook his head, arms wrapping atound her and hugging her close ‘Youll be fine, you told me youll be fine..’ ‘I know..I just want you to know that, I love you and I want you to be happy and smile, dont dwell on the past, I forgive you, you know that right?’
He nodded, picking her up and taking her to their room, undressing her and putting her pyjamas on then the same with himself while she climbed under the cover and continued, ‘I mean it okay? So dont think it was your fault’ ‘But it was’ he muttered, sadly. ‘It wasnt.’ He didnt argue, he just stayed quiet, contemplating and dwelling on how he knew it was. ‘Are you hungry? Ill go make you some f/f..’ he left the room, not waiting for an answer, leaving you to look down disappointedly.
He didnt want to listen because he knew what you were going to say. Weakly closing your eyes, your hands wrapping around your torso, you opened your eyes a few minutes later, you felt awful, you felt your time closing in you, you swallowed some saliva or at least tried to, you heard Bakugou walk back in and the smell of f/f invaded your senses, you looked up and he walked over with two trays, both holding f/f and f/d, you smiled a small smile that weakly faltered when he put the trays down on the bed and grabbed the remote to the tv in your shared room.
That night when he held you in his arms and ran his finger through your hair and you slowly faded away, youre heart beat faltering, to which only the bear you held—between you two chest to chest—could hear.
‘I love you so much you know that right?’
‘I know..I love you too y/n’
You smiled, hearing him as he spoke genuinely, he really did love you, he just didnt remember or realise that he did so much until he woke up the next morning, your time had come and gone, your heart—
—‘Y/n? Baby wake up, its time to get up’ he shook you softly, you still clung to both him and the bear between you both—faltered that night, it had finally given up and you had lost your last game—
—‘Y/n wake up!’ He checked your breathing, your pulse, anything he could think of to try and give himself some hope that you weren—
You didnt want to die unhappy but you didnt want to stress him or frustrate him when or if he found your body had you stayed and he didnt read the letter.
—t dead, to try and give himself some hope that you werent dead, but the large lack or little to none of heartbeat and the fact that you werent breathing only made the tears fall from his eyes faster—
Its not the time to dwell on the past anymore, you just had to focus on not being scared of what was to come next, so instead you took in as much of Bakugou as you could, you latched closer onto him and took in his warmth and tried to focus on the bear, the calm bear that basically had no idea what was happening around it.
—‘Please wake up, Please wake up’ he repeated while dialling Emergency Services—
At least Suki would have it to take care of him while you were gone. You closed your eyes, and let out one last breath, feeling his grip tighten on you, a tear ran down your cheek as death took you with a gentle touch.
—‘I love you’ Bakugou whispered to your grave, tears running down his face as he hugged the bear the won you at the festival the night you died in his arms..when the found his body and a note saying,
‘Bury me with the bear next to her -Katsuki Bakugou’
It turned out he really did love you?
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Best friends.. but more💕
Takanobu Aone × fem!reader
Tags: NSFW,, biting,, daddy/princess petnames,, heart break
Tw: drinking, drunk sex,,
Word count: 1800+
Im a wee bit drunk atm if yall find any grammar errors or would like tags or tws I could add message me and let me know. Other than being drunk Im also new to tagging stories so sometimes I don't pay attention 😅
NSFW under the cut♡
It was sometimes rather odd being best friends with Aone. Everyone else in your class and well the whole school seemed to think he's so intimidating. Which is kinda funny considering its based on his height. When in reality hes just a big ol teddy bear.
You were rather glad no one really knew him like you did. Still he wasn't very talkative when you two hung out but you could tell by his body language that he always had a good time. Especially when you two played games together. Who would imagine this very stiff, quiet guy actually gets angry when he loses at video games. It wasnt very noticable until he'd always makes an excuse to go get snacks every time he would lose. You caught him quietly fuming to himself in the kitchen after a couple times. Which turned into many times of sneaking out of his room just to watch him and having your heart race trying to make it back so he wouldn't know that you essentially were stalking him in his own home. It was then you realized maybe your feelings toward him were for more than just friendship. A thought you'd never have expected to have towards your best friend. So you shook it off everytime you felt it a little more not wanting to hurt your relationship.
After graduation things stayed the same mostly. The only real difference was after you two had gotten jobs and places of your own and it was a bit harder to spend time together. So when you two had time to spare you were either at his house or him at your apartment. It was never abnormal for you two to stay the night together. Most of the time you'd drink and play games together. Which really wasnt very often lately because your boyfriend didn't like another guy spensing the night.
It didnt matter how many times you told him that Aone is just your best friend and nothing more. He never believed you. Finally after countless texts and calls of Aone asking to come over you decided to go to his place. You got drunk and vented to him about everything, eventually passing out. Being the sweet guy he is Aone helped you to the couch and covered you up. The very next day you woke up to multiple calls and messages from your boyfriend. It was clear he was pissed but you shrugged it off and stuffed your phone in your pocket. You explained the situation and Aone offered to drive you home. It didnt seem like too big a deal that was until you made it home. Your boyfriend standing next to his car outside your place. Seeing you with Aone made him furious. "I guess Im gonna go sort this out. I'll text you later." you said before exiting the car.
Immediately your boyfriend dragging you up to your apartment. Not even two seconds inside and he berates you with questions. "Were you at his place last night? Is that why you weren't home this morning? Did you fuck him? I cant believe-" you stopped him right there and told him plainly "No. I didn't fuck him. I missed my best friend and I got drunk and passed out. If it werent for that I'd have come home last night." None of it seeming to have any bit of a difference to him. He shook his head with a deep scowl on his face, "We're done." he said and walked out the door. You didnt try to stop him and just let him go.
It took a while for the sadness to hit but when it did you got pretty depressed because you actually really liked the guy. But in the end you werent going to give up your best friend time for some guy no matter how much you liked him.
A couple days after the break up you had went out drinking with your work and got absolutely shitfaced. Thankfully one of your coworkers got your phone. "Dont worry y/n I called a friend to come get you. He should be here any minute." You were barely coherent to what she said and ended up face down in your food crying.
Aone finally showing up, and everyone being in awe of his demeanor towards you. They all drunkenly tell him how good a boyfriend he is. He didnt correct them, just thanked them for calling and said that he'd take care of you. He rubbed your back and leaned down to say "Y/n Im here to take you home. Hop on my back Ill carry you." Your coworkers cheering him on yet again for being so sweet. You being wasted beyond belief got entirely too excited at the idea of a piggy back ride. It took a couple tries but you eventually got on his back.
The walk to his car was kind of cold and your nose was especially suffering. "Aoneee~ my nose its- *hiccup* c-cold." You said right before you snuggled your face into his warm neck. The smell of him almost making you melt. You leaned up into his ear "aoneeeee," you said with such a pouty tone, "A-o-ne Ivee got a seeecret.. I think I might like you.. e-even in high school." You lean back down to nuzzle your face into his neck not noticing how much the tall silent man was blushing. He didn't really say much back and honestly you didn't really notice from how drunk you were.
You hadnt even realized that at some point he had put you in his car. He decided to just take you back to his house since it was closer. You ended up falling asleep blabbering about how hot you were and trying to take off your clothes. Pulling up you were still out of it and thankfully clothed since you were too drunk to get them off. He picked you up and carried you inside up to his bed. Normally you would sleep on the couch but with how things were tonight he'd take the couch.
He laid you down and gathered up a tshirt and some of his sleeping pants, which were way too big. He woke you up enough to have you change clothes and tuck you in. "If you need anything at all Im right on the couch." He stood up to walk to the door. Only to have you grab his hand and pull him down over top of you. "don't go." You said in barely a whisper almost whining. Looking down at you in this way causing his body to react to you like it never has before. Almost making him leave immediately, seeing as how you werent in your right mind, but the way you tugged at him he let you win. He moved over to the other side of you whispering back "okay but once youre asleep im going to the couch."
He laid there looking at you thinking about what you had said when he picked you up and this overwhelming feeling of wanting you filled his mind. You in search of warmth rolled over to cuddle your back against him. Your body kind of going on its own at this point from your drunken and slightly horny state. He had no idea what to do and felt a panic wash over him before you grabbed his arm and wrapped it around you. Feeling the neediness of how his hand held your waist your ass began grinding against him. His hand gripping you tight trying to keep his composure forcing a low moan out of you and the words flowed out of your mouth, "Aone please♡ touch me please." Thats all it took for him to break. You could feel both hands now on your waist pulling you into him grinding his hard cock against your ass. Every thrust and his tightening grip forcing a moan out of you.
The pants he gave you slowing riding down leaving you in just his shirt. He freed a hand to roam over your body and leaned down just barely breathing over your neck before running his tongue along your skin to find the most sensitive spot. You gasped at how good it felt. A little further he thought, just a nip right there in that sensitive little spot. Grabbing your hips as you grinded against him begging for more. "Pleasee Aone more.. bite me more mmm please" gasping between every word. He obliged and sunk his teeth into you. He immediately felt your body tense up as you moaned for more from him "Aone♡ fuck- fuck me please."  "You sure?" He said back. Your hand reaching back to grab his lengthy throbbing cock "yesss~ mmmm fuck you're so big" stroking it listening to his quiet moans in your ear turning you on even more. Enjoying the feeling of your small hands fondling him so needily. Pushing him so close to his climax he had to remove your hand before wound up cumming all over your backside. The pleasure overcoming his mind he rolled you over to your back legs falling off to either side of him he looked you over as you watched him pull off his shirt, his muscles gleaming from all the sweat. "Fuck.." you gasp breathlessly.
"Like what you see, princess?" His words like honey to you. "Mmm fuck yes daddy, I like every.. last.. bit of what I see~" Barely able to get your words out before he thrust his big throbbing cock inside you. "Mmf♡ fuck~ oh fuck~~" Your moans fueling his lust filled mind as he went harder just to see your expressions as the pleasure took you over. Your words jumbled as you barely were able to get out anything between moans. The squelching between your legs at every thrust on top of the low moans coming from his lips driving you mad as you felt him hitting the deepest part of you. "Mmmf♡ i-i.. fuc- i-mmmm im cu-" your moan cutting you off as you came all over his thick cock. The feeling of your walls tightening around him sending him over the edge he grunted grinding himself deeper inside you painting your insides in his juices. His moans stifled by your mouth as you pulled him down into a deep kiss. Neither of you having the want to move just laid there intertwined. Exhaustion taking over you both passed out almost simultaneously.
You woke up to an empty bed and your clothes folded neatly on the dresser. Only remembering bits and pieces from the night before but enough to know what had taken place in this bed right where you were laying. Your face as red as a beet you pulled the covers up over yourself, almost wanting to squeal. You heard the knob twisting and you laid back down pretending to be asleep. You could hear him walk in closer and closer until it felt like he was right over you and your eyes snapped open. His face directly above yours he leaned forward and kissed you and scooped you up with the covers you were rolled up in. Your face hot and embarrassed as to the suddenness, " Wh-what are you doing??" He smiled down at you continuing on, "Don't worry princess, Im just taking you to the bathroom so you can clean yourself up.. unless of course you want to continue last night?" Every bit of the night before flooded your head as he sat you down. You almost couldnt believe it. Slightly embarrassed you knew if you didn't take this chance now you'd hate yourself for it later. Dropping the blankets you pulled him into the bathroom. "You helped make the mess now you can help clean it." A tiny smirk crossed his mouth and you knew you were going to get way more than you bargained for.💕
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seihun · 4 years
"Girl I'm Your Candy" written by me (🍬 anon) bc I love you💕 (part 1/??)
Imagine Baekyun being a student in university. It was his third time messing up the dessert he had prepared for himself as a treat for a long week of midterms, and he was running short on money for all the ingredients he acquired in the past month. Not to mention the amount of times he has been late to class after many attempts to make his own coffee in the mornings.
He sighed in defeat, taking the bowl of extra whipped cream he had prepared to the couch, as he threw himself on the furniture and ate away at it with a spoon.
"Maybe baking isn't for me. But chemistry isn't for me either...Maybe I should just audition somewhere and hope I become famous!" Baekhyun exclaimed loudly in frustration with his mouth full with slightly salty whipped cream (yes, he did mistake the salt for sugar. yes, he thought if he put 1 cup of sugar it would overpower the salt).
The following day he decided to spend the rest of his day in a cafe that Chanyeol had suggested to him.
(okay i am posting the rest of your asks/the story under the cut but let me just say here NOT YOU GUYS WRITING WHOLE FICS IN MY INBOX ?? 🥺🥺🥺🥺 WHAT THE HELL YOU’RE SO CUTE I LOVE YALL 🥺🥺😚💘💘💘💘)
"yeah remember when I bought like 6 iced coffees" his tall friend had texted him.
"ooooh thats where u got them from??? u let me had one sip out of 6 drinks 🧍🏻‍♂️"
"like I said, the 6 iced coffees I bought as in for me"
Baekhyun scoffed at his friend, stuffing his phone into his pocket upon entering the cafe. It was a bit smaller than he imagined, given the popularity the location receives. The place wasn't filled to the brim with customers, being that it was only noon on a Tuesday. He placed himself in the line of three people, turning his attention to the large menu hanging on the wall behind the cashier. It seemed like they were the only employee working at the moment. Their bright smile as they greeted the customers, their concentration when taking orders, and their speed at preparing drinks.
"Sir?" Before Baekhyun knew it, he was at the front of the line, eyes wide as the cashier smiled at him. "What can I get for you?" They asked. 
Baek cleared his throat, chuckling nervously. "Uh..can I just get a medium iced americano, please?"
"Of course, would you like one of our signature croissants or muffins with that? They're fresh out of the oven." They smiled brightly while inputting his order into the system. How could he deny such an adorable face?
"Uhm, sure!" Baek replied a bit too enthusiastically, "I-I'll have a muffin..."
The cashier chuckled, "And can I have your name?" They asked, retrieving a plastic cup and a marker as they looked up at Baekhyun's reddened face in awe. Baek couldn't help but avert his gaze when he felt his blush spread up to his ears, "B-Baek."
They hurriedly scribbled his name on the side of the cup, "Alright, $4.13 is your total for today." Baek turned his attention back to them, "Only $4.13? What about the muffin?"
Their smile grew, "It's on the house." They winked, "And how would you like to pay?"
Ever since then, Baekyun has been coming back to the cafe almost every day. He would go there before his afternoon classes, after his morning classes, to study, he even brought his friends there a few times. Of course you had to tell them to keep it down a few times, and Baekhyun not wanting to upset you threatened to not pay for their meal, but they loved it at the cafe and they all loved seeing you there. 
Today was different. You knew Baek had finished his morning class by now, and would be arriving some time soon. However, he didn't show up around his usual time. You felt a bit disappointed, 'He's probably studying.' You thought to yourself as your coworker suggested you go for break.
Thirty minutes prior to closing, Baekhyun finally made his appearance. His backpack clung to his back that was clothed in a grey hood with hands hands in the pockets of his black ripped skinny jeans.
"Baekhyun!" You said his name gleefully, pulling him into a small over-the-counter hug, "Where were you today? I was worried you wouldn't show up."
He chuckled, "Just had some stuff to do, I wasn't expecting it to take that long." He replied with a cheeky grin. 
You had just closed the cafe with Baekhyun accompanying you, happily kicking his legs as he sat upon the front counter while you swept the floor.
"C'mon 'Cinderella', you're gonna miss the ball if you dont move faster!" He teased, the both of you giggling.
"Whats your rush, Baek?" With a smile, he hopped off the counter and went to retrieve his bag that resided under the table he usually sat at.
You placed your broom back behind the counter, watching Baekhyun rummage through his bag and remove items you wouldn't normally put in a school bag (a toothbrush, a comb, five packets of sugar, a tube of lip gloss and a sock). Baekhyun huffed in frustration before unzipping a different pocket of his bag and letting out a loud "aha!".
"Found it!" He grinned, pulling out a small white box. He made his way back to you, thrusting the box in your way with a blush spreading across his cheeks.
Taking the box into your hands, you looked back up at Baekhyun and saw his smile widen, eyes crinkled in excitement. You couldn't help but smile back, lifting the white paper lid and unveiling the sweet contents.
"Macarons? Where did you get these from?" You asked.
Baekhyun laughed at your response, clasping his hands together happily, "I made them!" He replied.
Your eyes widened in slight shock. Macarons werent the easiest treats to make, even you struggled with them from time to time. But Baekhyun making them surprised you the most. You two had always discussed your hobby for baking, not one day went by where Baekhyun didn't bring up a failed attempt he had at making desserts, but you knew he was trying. While the macarons didn't look perfect, they looked better than any of your past attempts at making them.
Each one was made of different colours and flavors, with little faces messily adorning each delight with black icing;
⊙ㅅ⊙ (glasses)
'Dorky Mint'
•ㅅ- ~☆ (wink)
'Mature Cinnamon'
•ㅅ• ~♡
'Sweet Honey'
"Pfft," You laughed, covering your mouth with your hand to not embarrass the cute boy in front of you. "These are so cute!"
Baek smiled back and let out a laugh of his own, "Thanks. These were keeping me away from you today." He admitted bashfully.
Your hand moved from your mouth to your chest, right above your heart as you looked at him in awe, "You did all this just for me?" You cooed, pinching his squishy red cheek.
He whined as he removed your hand from his face and interlaced your fingers together. "I did. "I did...I tried my best to make them perfect l-like you.."
There was a brief silence before you both broke it with your boisterous laughter, "That was so cheesy," you started, setting the box down on the counter and taking Baek's other hand in your own. "But awfully sweet...just like you."
Baekhyun felt a grin spread across his face, "That was even cheesier-" he stopped in the middle of his sentence when he felt you gently cup his face, leaning in slowly until your lips finally connected.
End ♡
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