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gh0stwriting · 2 years ago
heya! You write for Ben? (TWDG)
If so, may I request ben x a s/o who’s rlly cold? Like, body temperature cold? how is PDA like w that?
(I’ve been playing twdg again so the influx of these requests is giving me life keep them coming)
First of all, this mans such a softie for you like i don’t even think he’d try to deny it unless someones hardcore teasing him about it, he’s completely smitten so you have a lot of power when it comes to him, ask and you shall receive type thing
The second the leaves start falling in Crawford, he’ll offer you his varsity jacket and insist he’s okay in just his hoodie even if you can see him shaking like a leaf
But if his jacket isn’t enough he wouldn’t be opposed to asking the group to take a bit of a travel break specifically so he can hold you and warm you(and him) up some
I’m talking setting up a fire if he can, finding anything to cover you guys with and holding you against his chest, he’ll totally tell you stories about his childhood and travis and stuff until he can feel the warmth coming back to your face and hands
Also expect thousands of kisses whenever you have that kind of downtime because again, this man would build a city in your name if he could bc he’s so down bad
This man would 1000% not let you sleep alone, even if that meant almost ripping a sleeping bag at the seams trying to squeeze the both of you in there, but if it’s obvious he won’t fit in the sleeping bag he’ll let you have it and just pull you close anyways
This man is completely in love and will drown you in affection for the smallest reason
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robin-the-enby · 5 years ago
hi! can i please have some cute hcs with larry johnson with a short punk s/o? you can simplify it if you need to :) -gh0stwriting (thank you!)
Pairing: Larry Johnson x short!punk!reader
Warnings: fluff, description of injury (just a mention, nothing graphic)
A/N: I hope you’ll like this! I’m not sure if it’s as cute as you expected, I guess it’s a bit because I just can’t picture punk as anything cute, but I’m just going from my experience with punk people (because it’s very common around where I live)
* * * * *
Larry Johnson with a short punk s/o
This man is intrigued from the first moment he saw you.
Your appearance would be the first to catch his eye.
You didn’t dress anything like rockers or metalheads, or anyone he’s ever seen actually
Your outfit looked looked like it was pulled out of a dumpster, given how torn and worn out it looked, and yet it was creative in a special way and he could appreciate that.
He especially likes all the chains, padlocks, clips and pins attached everywhere, it’s just so unique and cool!
Needless to say you two click without a problem.
Definitely asks you what this aesthetic is all about.
To which you respond that punk is not just an aesthetic, but more a lifestyle.
A lifestyle full of rebellion and personal freedom.
It was honestly adorable seeing you get so worked up about your beliefs with how short you are.
Not that he’d tell you that, because he was sure you’d kill him for it...
Is definitely on board with the rebellion part.
Nothing feels better than to piss off some close minded jerks after all.
Depends on what type of punk are you into, because the original lifestyle promoted some pretty controversial ideaology that I don’t think even Larry would agree with, like complete personal freedom with no order.
Anarchy is nice and not living up to what society wants from you is definitely the part of rebellious behaviour he likes and supports.
But it definitely shouldn’t cross other people’s freedom, which in itself ruins the idea of complete anarchy.
No matter what, he isn’t going to treat you differently unless you are a jerk to others for no reason, so rest assured.
If anything, he loves that you believe in your thing and don’t let anyone give you shit for it.
He would absolutely love causing trouble with you.
You’d be such a power couple, I’m swooning just imagining it!
Wouldn’t be opposed to going with you to a concert of your favourite band.
He would totally be the tall guy in the moshpit, I’m sorry.
He is used to headbanging, this is completely new to him.
Not that he doesn’t like the idea and I could see him joining you if he’d be in the mood.
But he’s very worried about you, you could get hurt! What if you fall and no one notices! They could stomp on you! And that would hurt, given the heavy boots everyone is wearing...
Relaxes when he sees people picking up others from the ground, only to nearly die when you come to tell him you probably dislocated your jaw for a moment there (A/N: that legit happened to my classmate on a school trip XD).
I think Larry is open to all kinds of things, so he’d be surprised by the atmosphere of the concert.
Agressive music with agressive dancing.
Everyone is having fun though, including you, so he doesn’t mind but definitely asks you what is all that agression about.
In conclusion, he wouldn’t be 100% into it, but wouldn’t mind it and would love you even more for being your unique self <3
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slasher-lovers-blog · 5 years ago
Marry, kiss or kill game 🙃
Thomas hewitt 🥵
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Brahms Heelshire
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Freddy Krueger 😤
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I'll tag: @gh0stwriting !
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mostfandomstrashcan · 5 years ago
bro, hear me out... be my mutual? 💍🥺 -gh0stwriting (also the last ask was me ;))
wait let me breathe
My asthma can’t handle this 🤩
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gh0stwriting · 2 years ago
do u still write for twdg? if so, nate general hcs? 👁️👁️
My inbox has been so dry lately so tysm for the request
Also it’s hard to think of ideas for him so i’m gonna try my best
(TW: mentions of accidental self injury, blood and typical zombie violence)
He’s lowkey super protective over his friends and moreso over his partner if he ever gets one, like he 1000% has scary dog privileges bc everyone knows he won’t hesitate
Either listens to metal or country music, couldn’t tell you why but he does
Probably has a bit of a nervous tic of tapping on things and being hyper-vigilant of his surroundings because if he can sneak up on people as easily as he does, what’s stopping others from doing it to him?
Would probably try to give himself a tattoo in the apocalypse bc he’s bored, besides he seems like the type to have tattoos already so what’s a few more
Can, has and will continue to shave with a literal hunting knife, if his hand slips then he’d just accept his fate lmao
Thinks scavenging for clothes is a waste of time and energy even though some of his clothes are literally fucking crunchy and torn to hell
I feel like he’d purposely swerve while driving to mow down some walkers, has sacrificed many cars to do so
Kinda gives me intimidating himbo vibes, like kinda pretty and dumb but also 100% lethal
Insists he’s too good for a can opener and has abandoned food cans if he couldn’t open it with a knife
Also has broken knives several times by doing things like this
Never actually had a driver’s licence and gets by in the apocalypse with a prayer
Doesn’t remember important locations while scouting like food shops but remembers every liquor store like a GPS
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gh0stwriting · 4 years ago
Can you do the slashers (manly thomas) with a reader that has Congenital insensitivity to pain (CIP), also known as congenital analgesia. If not I understand
(until i saw this ask i truly didnt know this existed, but i’ll try my best.)
(A/N Jasons is lowkey sad but i tried to make it as accurate to CIP as i could through 5-6 bullet points and mediocre writing skills)
(i always start these with “well you first met by/during _____”
well he first noticed it when you had been brought to the farm with cuts littering your body, courtesy of Nubbins
but the strange part was despite how hard you kicked and screamed you didn’t show any signs of pain, and that intrigued him
when Luda Mae told him to take you to the basement he did, but he was surprisingly gentle. he found you to be a very fascinating creature, he could poke and prod at you as much as he wanted with no reaction
in the end he refused to unalive you because not only had he grown to like your presence but he didn’t see the fun in harming you if you didn’t feel it, to which his family agreed
Also Nubbins is a nuisance and has poked you with very hot/sharp things to see if you’re faking not feeling pain, even though it usually takes you feeling blood dripping to notice it in the first place smh nubbins
idk who else the slashers may entail uhhhhh
in a way he’s incredibly similar to the Hewitts, he doesn’t see the fun in killing if the person doesn’t react so when he landed an expertly placed slash on you and you jumped a little but didn’t scream he was disappointed
“aw cmon dollface, not even a little squeak? i know you’ve got it in you”
he keeps going, laying slash after slash over your torso and legs, but to no avail, he’s never seen someone this iron-willed, everyones usually begging for mercy by now, but not you
like Thomas he finds you interesting, but less in the test subject way and more in the “they can help bring people to Ambrose” way, seeing as you can take quite a beating before going down
you become the brothers’ right hand man, helping Vincent with his sculptures (he’s still worried you’re going to burn yourself on it one day) and helping Bo with the people-watching
no matter how long you’ve been dating this man he’ll still worry about you, no matter how many times you tell him you can’t feel when you stub a toe or slam a finger in a door
every time without fail he’ll get you a bandaid and a kiss, whether its bleeding or not (theyre probably hello kitty or smth) and baby you for the rest of the day bc in his eyes you’re incredibly injured
the worst of it was when he was vibing in the walls while you made dinner and accidentally cut your hand, not noticing until the countertop was sufficiently stained and the food was mostly ruined
Brahms panicked and did his best to patch you up, thanking whatever god might be watching over you that you didn’t need severe medical attention and refused to let you near knives for a week, adding it to your personal “ouchie list” of things that have hurt you
he’s also ridiculously gentle with you seeing as half the time he doesn’t know his own strength and you can’t feel when he’s being too rough so he doesn’t accidentally want to break any of your bones, he’s a good doctor but he isn’t that good
big baby towards you, one time you came back from a hike around the campground with your legs torn up from the underbrush and he freaked out, thinking a counsellor had harmed you
after a while he gets semi used to it, like if you’re in the woods together and you scratch yourself on a tree, but he still tries his best to protect you, after all you are his, he won’t let any living thing harm you intentionally
when your health started to decline he was quick to notice, you couldn’t go for hikes as much and you had apparently injured your foot sometime in the near past as it had turned nasty shades of blue and purple
he knew you couldn’t make it to a doctor in your condition and he couldn’t take you himself so he hoped you’d be alright, though your condition only seemed to get worse
eventually you going out was rarer than you not going, as your body felt uncomfortably tense when you tried to move, but Jason didn’t show his worry as to keep you calm, instead cooking to the best of his abilities and making sure you’re as comfortable as possible, after all he does still love you
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gh0stwriting · 5 years ago
May I get hcs for Jason, Brahms, Michael n Thomas reacting to their s/o sleep-walking. Like they think reader tried to escape but turns out they just got themselves in a v dangerous situation because of the sleep walking (Like for Jason: his s/o sleep-walking and ending up almost drowning in the lake or something) Thank youuu
(i had just started thomas when the app crashed so i’m writing this again, it might suck)
so jason normally goes “hunting” at night, whether it be animal or human, and leaves you to sleep soundly in the cabin
though he didnt notice your new habit of sleepwalking, created by the stress of him being found and potentially killed by campers, but the farthest youve gone before is the grass at the edge of the porch before you woke up
so one night he’s out hunting while you somehow manage to make it down the stairs, out the front door and all the way to the sand without waking up
jason hears movement in the water and runs down there expecting to nab himself a stupid camper, but instead sees you, knee deep in the lake and walking deeper
you wake up to loud running footsteps and jason scooping you up and carrying you back to the cabin, where he tucks you in and vows to never leave the cabin at night for your safety
alright so it may just be the atmosphere of the old myers house, but youve never known yourself to sleepwalk before
but now when you do, its normally just to the kitchen to grab a snack and then to the couch where you wake up in the morning
this time however, michael had just come home from his activities, and had forgotten to close the door in favor of cleaning off his knife
he didn’t notice you unconcious and surrounded by snacks on the couch when he walked in and when he heard your shuffling footsteps going down the hall he thought you just woke up to use the bathroom, until he heard “run, the boogeymans coming” and you walking out the door
he silently followed you until you reached the end of the porch and then he picked you up with an arm around you waist, causing you to wake up screaming, him slapping a hand over your mouth in response
he now sits at the end of the bed like a statue until you wake up each night so you dont hurt yourself in your sleep
Brahms normally sleeps in the walls, while you sleep in the master bedroom which causes him to be a light sleeper, unlike when hes next to you in bed, then he sleeps like a baby
but tonight he wakes up to shuffling footsteps leaving your room, causing the old floorboards to creak
he makes his way to a peephole and peers out to see you, eyes closed and approaching the grand staircase
he rushes out of the space between the walls right as you take your first step onto the stairs and grabs your arms, pulling you back to the top, which in turn causes you to wake up
he carries you back to your room and after putting you down, slides into the bed next to you and snakes his arms around your waist, have fun getting out of that one
thomas was in his “workshop” making the leather for a new mask, while his current one sat on the table as he stitched it back together, the only sounds being the occasional grunt or whimper when he poked himself with the needle and the crickets outside
that is, until he hears the crunch of dry grass leading from the direction of the house and towards the forest, this causes him to panic, forgetting that theres no victims trying to escape
he throws the workshop door open and rushes outside, chasing down the footsteps with a mallet clutched in his fist, but when he realizes the shuffling was you, the mallet hits the earth with a dull thud
he figures out the path you’re taking and picks up his pace, there’s bear traps all over these woods, and he doesn’t want you to get caught in one
he manages to catch you and scoops you up into his arms, making noises of concern while looking you over as you slowly wake up
btw he totally cuddles you all night and gets yelled at by Hoyt in the morning for leaving his mallet in the field
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gh0stwriting · 5 years ago
Can you do something with Brahms and the slashers reactions to their s/o tending to their injuries please? Also I hope you have a wonderful day 🌈💖🙃
(aaaa tysm🥺 you too!! also i just picked my favorite boy bc you didnt specify, i wouldve done more but i got lazy)
ight its not an injury from another person, its his own stupidity. as ive said before he falls a lot when running through the walls and most of the time doesnt tell you as its just a few scrapes with little to no blood.
this time however, after an especially loud thud from inside the walls, he came to you sniffling, blood trickling out from under his mask and his pant legs rolled up to show a mix of scrapes and small cuts on his knees. you arent sure if the sniffling is from tears or his presumably broken nose but you immediately sit him down and run to grab the first aid kit.
when you come back you open it up and start to clean and bandage his knees as thats the easiest to handle, small whimpers being muffled by his mask as the disinfectant stings the broken skin. you tenatively ask if he’ll take off his mask to clean his nose and like expected he shakes his head.
you carefully explain why exactly you need him to take off his mask, with the fact that if his nose is broken it wont set properly with it on and things like that and also promise that you wont look anywhere but his nose to clean it up and he very slowly pull his mask up and rests it on top of his head, covering his cheeks and eyes much like a child playing peekaboo would.
you thanked him for trusting you before wiping off the blood that dripped down his face and off of his nose before sneaking a kiss to his real lips, you just couldnt help yourself. you give him a wet towel to clean the inside of his mask and an ice pack for his nose and baby him the rest of the day.
also he might just lift his mask for kisses more often, but only if its his choice, not if you ask.
you had been with the Sawyers when the whole Hardesty problem occured, anxiously waiting with Nubbins for Bubba to come home. when he finally did you were happy but also scared when you saw how much blood was on him as you werent sure what was his and what was theirs.
you take him to the kitchen immediately and wash off the blood to see the extent of his injuries and are shocked to see the deep cut in his thigh from his chainsaw. it looks like its mostly stopped bleeding for the time being but still may require stitches, which is far out of your medical expertise. you very carefully explain that you need to disinfect his wounds and that it will hurt.
you slowly dab on the disinfectant and he whines as it stings at his open wounds, opting for slamming his fist on the counter instead of grabbing your arm, not wanting you to be hurt too. his eyes fill with tears that start to pour down his face as he tries to wipe them away.
when youve cleaned, bandaged and kissed his wounds better you kiss his forehead and praise him for being so strong, to which he coos in happiness and stands up to give you a huge hug.
he loves you so much and knows you care when you help him clean up the blood and guts hes covered in and especially when you say things like “youre such a good boy for sitting still, even if it hurt really bad.” he really loves being pampered and praised honestly.
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gh0stwriting · 5 years ago
Hello, what if thomas, jason and Michael found their o/c hurt in a abandoned place? How would they react?
(hello! :) i hope this is sufficient, after i finished thomas i got too tired to think straight)
he saw you first inside of the meat packing warehouse, bleeding heavily, while he was chasing Erin, debated leaving her to help you but felt the need to kill her first. when she managed to get away he came back for you and realized you were hurt a lot worse than he thought.
by the time he came back you were on the verge of blacking out and sitting in a pool of your own blood, slashes littering your body as you had tried to assist Thomas in taking out Morgan and he had somehow gotten a knife, causing you to ultimately lose the fight and a lot of blood.
he carries you over his shoulder back to the house as best he can while also bleeding heavily and drops you gently onto the couch, leaving temporarily to bandage his arm. he comes back with a first aid kit and haphazardly tries to patch you up, which does little good except for helping his hope that youll be alright.
you do end up blacking out, from blood loss, exhaustion or another cause you arent sure, but you wake up to Hoyt pouring beer on your face and telling you to get out of the way bc theres some sports game on tv.
Thomas comes out of the basement, hands slightly bloody, and drags you to the bedroom to get you away from Hoyt. he is very worried about you but tries not to let his emotions consume him bc he has work to do and he doesnt like admitting feelings, but he will tuck you into bed with a kiss on your forehead so you can rest before he goes back to the basement to work on his projects.
he hadnt seen you in a few hours which he thought was strange but brushed it off as you having gone to the store for food. but as he walked past Pamela’s shrine he heard sniffling and cries of pain and the sound of something get hit, hard.
he threw the door open to see a bunch of counsellors surrounding you, calling you things like “freak” and “psycho” while alternating between punching you and hitting you with a broken canoe oar
he made quick work of your assailants and after disposing of them came back to check on you. you had bruises covering most of your face, torso and arms as well as blood pouring from your nose. now he doesnt know first aid in the slighest as most injuries he sustains are usually brushed off as flesh wounds, so he has no clue how to help you.
he gently picks you up and carries you back to your shared cabin while doing his best to stay out of sight, his heart breaking every time he hears you cry out in pain when you get jostled too hard.
he stays with you 24/7 while youre healing, making sure you rest as much as possible and getting you ice and food when you ask for it. when youre finally healed you ask to help him dispose of those counsellors bodies, opting to burn them in a pit and then filling in the hole when youre done.
you were hiding, from who he wasnt sure, but what he was sure of was his desire to eviscerate whoever hurt you. he found you huddled in the corner of your closet with tears streaming down your face, jumping in fear when he opened the door.
you had been walking home from the store when you realized a small group of men were following you, no matter where you turned or what detours you took. you sped up and so did they. you went into a store and they followed.
you had made the mistake of walking past an alley, giving them the chance to jump you, dragging you into the alley and proceeding to mug and beat you senseless. when they had let up slightly to discuss their plans with you, you ran. faster than youve ever ran before with only one destination in mind, Michael.
he assumes they decided not to follow you into the creepy old Myers house and carefully get you out of the closet, holding you tightly as if trying to shield you from the world. that is until the front door slams open and he hears voices shouting for you to come out so they can finish you off, calling you a handful of derogatory terms in the process.
lets just say you dont have to worry about them or anyone else hurting you, you just have to tell Michael and then they have a whole other problem to deal with.
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gh0stwriting · 5 years ago
Hsc with michael, jason, thomas n brahms reacting to their s/o getting dizzy/lightheaded and passing out from exhaustion???
(i’ve already written almost this exact thing with michael and jason but with heat exhaustion so i hope its alright that i skip those two as i cant see how id change enough to be noticeably different)
(i just realized how much more it features Luda Mae than Thomas whoops)
you’ve been unreasonably exhausted for a while now, but just wrote it off as the texas heat catching up to you or something that makes more sense. that is until you’re standing in the kitchen of the Hewitt house with your mug of tea and it suddenly slips out of your fingers and smashes on the floor, your delayed reaction only worsening the damage as you manage to dig the porcelain further into your feet.
you yelp in pain as it finally registers to you that youre standing in scalding hot tea and the remains of your favorite mug, the sudden noise of pain drawing Thomas out of wherever he was in the house, directly to you. when he sees the blood and shattered remains of the cup he quickly runs off to find Luda Mae so she can patch you up while he tidies up to avoid the lecture from Hoyt.
by the time they come back, which is realistically only a few minutes, youre gripping the counter for dear life as your legs start throbbing and your head starts spinning. Luda Mae sits you on the counter to bandage your wounds while Thomas disposes of the porcelain and rushes to your side, making sure you didnt sustain any more injuries.
“darlin’ you really ought to be more careful, cant have you dyin on us now” Luda Mae tells you, causing you to roll your eyes and push her away, your attitude coming out of nowhere and shocking her. you hop off the counter and open your mouth to sass Luda Mae but before you can you faint, almost hitting the ground before Thomas catches you and with a worried whine carries you to your shared room, lying you down so you can hopefully rest up.
when you wake up hours later, the suns starting to set and it looks like Thomas hasnt moved, still sitting on the end of the bed and watching you to make sure youre alright. when he sees youre awake he rushes to your side and holds your hands, babbling incoherently in happiness. now you just have to apologize to everyone for being rude, but its fine.
(im tired and brahms initially came out beans and i cant stop laughing about it)
dating a manchild is tiring to say the least. he always wanting to do something with you and half of the time wont take no for an answer. so needless to say, youre incredibly sleep deprived and your only source of energy comes from caffeine.
on this particular day Brahms was even more relentless than normal, no wasnt an option, if he wanted to dance around the living room with you hed pout until you gave in and thats just how it was gonna work. the only problem is that youre living off of less than an hour of sleep and enough coffee to kill the hulk, but the energy boost was quickly fading.
he was effectively pulling you around like a marionette at this point, your energy plummeting so fast its almost impossible to adjust. you manage to shuffle towards the couch and sit down for a second but as soon as you pulled away he was watching you sadly repeatedly asking you whats wrong, but youre too out of it to reply.
he pulls you to your feet again only for you to go limp in his arms, dropping to the wood floor with a thud when he lets go in confusion, the confusion quickly being replaced by worry when he noticed you werent moving.
he lifts you onto the couch, sitting next to you and laying you down so your heads in his lap. he pets your hair and waits patiently for you to wake up, apologizing profusely once you do.
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gh0stwriting · 5 years ago
Hcs for Jason, Thomas, Brahms and Michael reacting to their s/o drinking an energy drink and their heart rate jumping through the roof. Reader is super hyperactive at the moment and the slashers are kinda worried at how fast their heart is beating. (This is happening to me rn) pleaseeeeeeee thank chuuu
(i just drank an energy drink so i thought this was too funny)
hes so confused. he cant hear your heartbeat but he can just imagine that with how much youre jumping around that its skyrocketing.
he tries to calm you down but you push him away and try to run into the lake, your feet moving faster than your brain causes you to trip in the sand though.
he sits with you on the sand while you tell him stories, most likely leaving a few bits out because of how fast youre talking, and just waits for the crash.
it takes longer than he expects, you still having the energy to jump in the lake and swim around for a while before wading back to the sand and just muttering “ ‘m tired now”
upon your request, he carries you back to the cabin and you make him watch movies with you while you fall asleep using him as a pillow
less confused than Jason, but definitely more scared, you’re bound to get yourself hurt in your caffinated state so he decides to accompany you in your hyper state, hoping to keep you mostly safe.
he follows you as you run into a nearby field and pick flowers, tucking one behind his ear, much to his “annoyance” (he loves it but doesnt show it). and also when you try to do cartwheels through the same field, resulting in some scrapes on your knees. he didnt even try to join in for that one, big guy knows his limits.
your caffeine filled escapades continue on for a few hours, effectively exhausting poor Tommy, but at least youre still mostly unhurt. it’s now sunset and youre starting to complain of an oncoming headache, signalling the end of your adventure, much to your dismay.
when you return to the farmhouse you watch Thomas as he does some of his daily chores, willing your eyes to stay open. he stayed with you while you did dumb shit, youll stay with him while he does dumb shit.
but the second you two head to bed, youre out like a light and Thomas finds it almost endearing, how you went from acting like a hyper puppy to sleeping like a baby.
the only caffeine hes ever had has come from tea, as his parents probably never gave him soft drinks as a kid, so hes quite scared of how energetic you are now compared to how you normally act.
you said the energy drink was to help you stay awake while you were busy doing whatever it was, he cant quite remember. but its been so long that hes getting exhausted just watching you.
youve done everything from attempt to bake cookies, which were a disaster because your shaking hands threw off every measurement to racing him around the house, him winning every time.
he thought you were calming down until you grabbed him by the hand, dragging him to a spare room and turning on your favorite song. you pulled him up on the bed with you and danced around to the beat, almost falling every time you got too energetic.
you could hear his bashful giggles being muffled by his mask and you could tell he was enjoying himself as much as you were. and after hours of dancing you dropped down on the mattress pulling him down with you and whispered your thanks for him dealing with that as you fell asleep, the crash hitting you like a truck all of a sudden.
hes usually killing babysitters, but now he feels like one. youve been begging him to do random activities with you, starting a few minutes after you dared yourself to shotgun a whole energy drink.
hes turned down all of the activities thus far, none sparking his interest as they require too much energy, of which you had most of his share too.
the one thing you managed to get him to agree to though, was carving a pumpkin. low energy and hard to mess up. perfect.
while you had many crazy ideas for what you wanted on yours, he stuck to a simple face, carving it with swift precise cuts. you on the other hand, nick yourself with the knife almost every time you pick it up, too excited to get your idea out of your brain and onto the “canvas”.
you finished your masterpieces and put a tea candle inside of them, lighting them before you returned inside. michael lead you to the kitchen immediately and washed the blood off of your hands before covering them in bandaids. you thanked him with a kiss and ran off to go do more argueably stupid things while michael relaxed, you finally deciding to do something without him.
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gh0stwriting · 5 years ago
Michael, Thomas and Freddy (Im OK if u dont write for Freddy) reacting to his s/o getting drunk? Pretty please?
(ive never written for the burnt chicken nugget but im willing to give it a go because you said please :) )
(the horny drunk)
oh god, he hates it so much. he has no good memories of drinking as the only intoxicated people hes seen have been people that hes ended up killing.
he wont show his annoyance if you do happen to drink, but he also wont let you do stupid shit. no touchy time, no leaving the house, no sharp objects, nothing dangerous.
hed probably try to distract you with music, but that got far too sexual for his liking far too quickly and he shut that down real fast.
he ended up sitting you down on the couch and turned on some shitty low budget slasher while you whispered things into his ear and fondled his chest
the only time when he was very annoyed and showed it was when you tried to remove his mask because you wanted an actual kiss. if he takes the mask off its on his own terms and while youre mostly sober.
(the giggly drunk)
ngl hes scared that youll get hurt, but your laughter is so infectious that its hard to focus on anything other than you.
you try (and mostly fail) to flirt with Thomas, but no matter how cheesy or stupid the pick up lines are, you can just barely see the pink rising on his cheeks just above the edges of his mask.
you call him handsome a few times, and each time he nearly cries and eventually ends up grabbing you in a bear hug and just holding you for a minute.
you fell asleep on his chest while he was holding you so he carries you to the bed and lets you sleep it off. though the next morning hes extremely concerned when he wakes up to the sound of you heaving into the toilet and Hoyt yelling at you to keep it down.
he walks down the hall, slamming his fist on Hoyts door as a way of saying “shut up” and meets you in the bathroom to rub your back as you empty your guts of your bad decisions. Hoyts real pissed at both of you now though.
(the reckless drunk)
honestly, he loves how much of a daredevil you become when you get drunk. you do shit youd normally never dream of doing without thinking twice.
though youre in the dream world, you can still get real world hurt so he’ll make sure you dont end up dying, but wont stop you for much else.
inside of the Elm St house, youre sliding down the railing and the stairs, trying to jump over things you realistically cant and somehow climbing onto the roof, all the while Freddy watches in amusement.
he finally stops you with a snide comment of “woah there sugar lips, cant have you dyin’ on me now, can i?” and pulls you back inside, to somewhere that wont kill you
you do quite a few more stupid things before you start to wake up, quickly rushing to Freddy and giving him a quick peck on the lips as you mutter your goodbyes. he sends you off with a smack to your ass and you wake up, feeling the sting of small cuts on the top of the back of your thigh, that asshole.
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gh0stwriting · 5 years ago
General relationship hc’s for Michael Myers and Vincent Sinclair pretty please 🥺?????
(i have no clue when i got this ask omg im so sorry)
-Listen, he hasn’t really ever been in a relationship before but he saw something special in you
- he had his knife raised over your prone form and was ready to end your life, but something he saw made him lower his hand and tilt his head like a confused puppy, after all he probably doesnt know what love feels like
- youll have to be the one to establish this relationship but once you do, he’ll try his best to pull his weight
- hes cooked before, but its come out burnt to a crisp, he cant see perfectly with the mask on and was in a sanitarium for his developmental years so you cant blame him
- the most he can reliably do is “cuddle” you when youre sleeping, but by cuddle i mean he lies there like a board while you cuddle up to him
- hes never taken his mask off in front of you, and you arent sure if he ever will, but he does try to kiss you through it, however rare him initiating it may be
- honestly he thinks youre an angel sent from heaven, someone who could love him despite his mangled face and evil ways
- he cherishes you like youre the most valuable thing on the planet, because to him you are, and he makes sure you know that
- though when it comes to art, he mainly prefers sketching on scraps of paper found in his workshop, hes a fantastic sculptor, no surprise there
- you found him scultping a bust out of wax one day and were initially scared of who he killed for it, but he turned it to you and it turns out that it was just a harmless sculpture of his angel
- when he kisses you with his mask on, hes fairly gentle bc he knows how easily wax breaks but also bc no matter how many times youve told him otherwise, he still believes youre incredibly fragile
- this man will easily do anything for you, he’d drop everything hes doing just to exchange the boring task he was assigned for anything involving you, hes even been known to sit on the roof of the gas station with you to watch the sunset or even just have time away from Bo
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gh0stwriting · 5 years ago
Hold up hold up, you write for until dawn? Say less, would you mind writing hc’s for Josh Washington having a shy s/o? Just the dynamic between the two? Please and thank you!
(i aint mad about my other requests but finally someone requests for something else and its my favorite boy. anything for you beyonce!🥺)
(ps. i also have an alt version that includes the wendihos if you want that too)
he invited you to the lodge as a kind of date, sure the others would be there but he was focused on you. though you did almost say no when he mentioned were were gonna be so many people there, only a few of which you knew. but ultimately you did go to pay your respects to his sisters and comfort Josh as you knew this would be a hard time for him.
most of your trip was spent with you scoping out the house and only leaving your room if you were sure there was nobody else in a room as you wanted to minimize conversations. and that works for the most part, though you do eat meals with them as you dont want to seem rude.
but its incredibly obvious that Josh loves you and wouldnt dare make you uncomfortable, youre his rock after all and he doesnt want to lose you. (we just wont talk about that time he introduced you to everyone like youre the new student in front of the class)
his favorite place to take you, oddly enough, is the cliff. you two can just sit there for hours enjoying the solitude as well as each others company, and even though horrific screeches cut through the silence from time to time you dont think much of it. you can protect each other and dont fear much as long as youve got each other.
he tries his best to find secluded spaces for the two of you, whether it be the cliff, one of your rooms or somewhere else away from everyone. he just uses this alone time to cherish you. quick kisses followed by whispered “i love yous”, cupping your face and promising to never leave you. he’ll say it all a million times just to make you believe him.
by the end of the trip youve only talked to everyone a handful of times, just how you liked it. but youre almost sad to leave and wish the trip was longer so you could have more of these moments with Josh. its not that you wouldnt have more at home, these just seem so much more special and intimate between the two of you.
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gh0stwriting · 5 years ago
may I request hcs for Jason, Thomas and Wall Boy with a S/O who's very tall, maybe even taller than them and v v insecure about it at times 👉👈 maybe cause they're not this petite, cute figure they feel like they have to be
(yall out here wanting to be giraffes lmao same im 5’3. but also apparently most of the hella tall slashers are 6’5 so i changed it up a lil)
(him= 6’7. you= 6’4)
hes thankful for your height because he wasnt about to break his spine just for some affection, he loves you but he also loves being able to stand up straight.
you actually met in your last year at the camp, well, he saw you, you were fiddling with your swimsuit and mandatory lifejacket trying to somehow stretch them to fit more comfortably, to no avail. you got in the canoe with your friends and actually saw him but didnt scream, as you thought he was dead.
turns out he isnt, shocker, and took a liking to you for not instantly being terrified of him. you frequently woke up to see flashes of a hockey mask in the cabin window but just played it off as a nightmare or lucid dream.
you eventually started to have one sided conversations with him out in the woods and it evolved into how you are now, whether youd call it love or not. if youre ever visibly insecure hed just kinda eye you for a minute and not do anything unless it was really bad, then hed let you cuddle him or whatever you wanted to do with little objection.
also he makes it very clear that he actually prefers the fact that youre tall and loves you exactly how you are, no matter your appearance. also just because he prefers your height doesnt mean hed hate/kill you if you were short, it just makes things a lot easier.
(him=6’5. you= 6’6)
hes never met anyone taller than him and is honestly intimidated but like him, you’re mostly a gentle giant with a heart of gold. but considering you’re taller than Thomas you’re also taller than the whole Hewitt family, that doesn’t stop them from messing with you though.
you have been known to help the family with their “activities”. acting like you were a victim too and then using the sheer size difference between you and the stranger to take them down and hand them off to Thomas. we dont talk about that though.
though most people are jealous of your height, its not all that great all the time. especially with the fact that most of your clothes are just ever so slightly too short but you cant go and buy more.
Thomas physically refuses to let you be insecure about your height for more than a minute though. if he sees you looking in the mirror and focusing on your legs or trying to pull your skirt/pants down more than what would be considered normal then he’ll grab your hands and just stare at you with the love of Cupid himself.
this man literally loves you so much and will not let you think badly of yourself for a second, he’ll do anything in his power to make you as confident as you can be and will be visibly upset if you talk badly about yourself.
(him= 6���3. you= 6’5)
he already has enough trouble running through the walls with his height, evident by the huge chunks broken out of the support beams from where hes obviously hit his head and the cracks lining the top of his mask from the force of the impact. so have fun trying to go anywhere inside the walls with him.
he actually finds it kinda cute that youre taller than him and it kinda makes him feel like a kid because he has to look up at you, if that makes sense. but he loves everything about you, and if youre a little clumsy because of your height he finds it even cuter.
at times you feel like youre a doll in a dollhouse, what with the mansion and your porcelain faced boyfriend, but those thoughts are often soured by the negative thoughts of how dolls dont look like you do, theyre usually small and fresh faced and cute, which youve never seen yourself as. but brahms does, and he makes sure you know how cute he finds you with nicknames like “doll” and “button” and borderline aggressive compliments.
he’ll carry you around the house even if you say youre too tall for that, but he’ll deny it and ask you to carry him too, its just fun to him. he’ll also do stupid things like play tag with you but inside the walls, and if you happen to get hurt, expect a dozen bandaids per scratch because he thinks thats how it works, dont tell him the truth though you might break his heart.
also he’d find it funny and cute if you tried to put things just out of his reach, because that means you underestimate his willingness to climb on the counters or whatever he has to just to get what you tried to hide.
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gh0stwriting · 5 years ago
Can I get some hcs for jason, michael n any other slashers you like reacting To their s/o passing out from heat exhaustion plsss 🥺?
(yall really out here feeling that summer heat, be careful yall)
ight so, you came to the camp to visit your favorite murder man, but you definitely didnt dress for a heatwave as it had been raining previously
its just before camper season so youre sitting outside with jason having a fairly decent conversation, all things considered when your head starts to spin
you ask him to get you some water and he obliges, disappearing inside for a moment, but a moment was all it took for the heat to take its toll on you and have you black out
he comes back outside to see you on the ground and fears the worst until he sees your chest rise and fall with labored breaths
so he carries you inside and runs a cold bath and puts you in it to cool down, sitting there for the few minutes until you wake up, to which he is noticeably relieved and keeps a close eye on you for the next while while youre outside
this man loves you, but hes still a stalker at heart and his mask gets really sweaty, so he watches you from an upstairs window while you partake in your hobby of choice in the backyard
and in the blink of an eye you go from enjoying your hobby to being on your knees heaving into the grass and shaking like a wet dog
before you know it, hes right next to you trying to help you to your feet but you cant seem to keep upright for more than a few seconds before collapsing into his arms again, and after the third attempt at standing, collapsing altogether
he carries your unconcious body over his shoulder into your bedroom and carefully drops you on the bed before leaving the room to obtain a wet cloth, which he places on your forehead
he watches you sleep for a good while before you wake up, wondering how he didnt notice the signs sooner, he is very attentive after all
this boy knows better than most what its like to be out all day in the scorching texas sun, but he still hates it as much as the next person
you however, seemed to love the heat, choosing to help Drayton with whatever activities he needed you to, so Bubba could have a break, and he was thankful but nervous, as he obviously knew the extent of Draytons wrath when something wasnt done to his liking
every time you messed up a task, drayton would poke and prod at you with a broom like an animal until you managed to do it right, despite the pain in your sides from the broom handle
Bubba would make small noises in protest whenever it happened, not wanting to be heard but wanting to seem like he tried to help
it was pushing 6 hours of labor now and it was wreaking havoc on your body, your legs shook with every step and your vision blurred while your head pounded, and eventually gave up
you fell to the ground and Drayton laughed “this is why we dont take in strays, i mean look at em, theyre dead from a little yardwork, Bubba go get the saw”
but while Drayton assumed you dead, Bubba was overcome with worry, small whimpers pouring out of his mouth as he ran to you and scooped you up to sit you in the kitchen, pressing a packaged frozen slab of meat to your head to reduce your temperature
once you wake up he wont let you go for hours, always touching you in some way, after all Drayton did want to kill you
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