#had a lot of fun answering these personally thank u legend!
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neurotonic · 1 year ago
I looove your latest fic... I was rereading it again and it got me thinking about their entire situation. If things didn't escalate the way they did, do you think Prism would have been able to sick her robots on Phoenix after being so up close and personal? Seeing their scars and realizing they're as much of a human as the agents she was trying to save? Sure, Phoenix could have broken out at any time, but would they even need to?
Thank you so much, first of all! ;u; It really means a lot, especially since I don't...really write all that much and this one's a little more self-indulgent wuhjkhrger BUT um. yeah. If you meant without the whole agency 101 seduction stunt I still think Prism wouldn't have been able to find the strength to kill Phoenix, even with her robots. One of my earlier ideas for this had absolutely none of that making out stuff involved, and it still virtually ended the same way. If she was given the chance to really think about it, I don't think she could kill them. A bit more of my thought process under the cut :]
I wanted to toy with the idea that humanizing the legend is enough for Prism to like... doubt what she's really doing here. The proximity I think is something I wanted to keep in mind, because even in the games, she's always somewhere else or there's a barrier in between them that she couldn't interact with Phoenix directly. I could only think of two instances where Prism gets real close to Phoenix before her eventual change of sides: the Robot confrontation in Blind Spot, and the ending of Cold Shoulder (WHICH is what directly preceded her change of heart). I thought to myself mmmmmMaybe there's something I can work with here. Maybe she did have a distorted image of Phoenix in her head that only fueled her frustration and vengeance towards them............... so what if she finally meets them and they're. much realer than she anticipated? so this was born.
I call it kind of self-indulgent because. Well. There was no other reason I added the makeout thing except for me going "AH I just wanted to do it" LMAO!! Half-joking half-serious though, I just think exploring the agent's body was the tipping point for me. There was also one time where I wanted to let them have their fun and finish what they started, but that felt like I was straying a bit too far from what I originally wanted to do. That, and I feel very insecure about writing something That explicit.
.......Well I hope that answered your question KSJDFHS sorry I just used your ask as rambling grounds for this fic. I think the girlies are allowed some more yuri in the tags okay. Okay? Okay. Short answer she would've still released them, in the hopes that the distance between them will make her vengeance return again. It would've been a much shorter fic if that happened.
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jimbartholomew · 12 years ago
Meeting a Personal Hero - Bob Gibson (reprint from February 2013)
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Meeting A Personal Hero
I began my professional music career as a folk singer. I played and sang with bands during and after high school. I was a horn player and vocalist. We never made money, we just played for the fun of playing . Just loud, brassy, swaggering teen aged rock and roll.
But what I really wanted was to sing harmony and play the acoustic guitar. I didn’t know anything about the so-called “folk revival” in 1969, but I had an uncle who did and introduced me to albums by the Clancy Brothers with Tommy Makem, the Kingston Trio and the Chad Mitchell Trio, and I soon found Bob Dylan on my own.
I learned that one of the premier places to hear the kind of music these men played was the Earl of Old Town, and that the Chicago guy to see was the great Bob Gibson.One Of My Heroes the Great Bob Gibson
My first year after high school, I was trying to transition from Byrds-like rock to more authentic folk, when I finally had the chance to see Gibson play at the Earl. I had met a friend from high school downtown over Thanksgiving break, and after touring the Art Institute, I asked her if she wanted to grab a burger at a folk club. She said, “sure”, and not having any real sense of distance in the city, we set off walking. Straight up Wells Street, the 40-or-so blocks from the loop to Old Town, Chicago’s answer to the Haight. Did I mention it was November?
When we got to the Earl, we realized that it was well worth the walk. There, on that tiny little stage with the Shure Vocalmaster P.A., was the man himself – Bob Gibson, American folk legend. He was exactly as I had imagined: a man of the people, reminding us to keep our “skillets good and greasy”, and having a heck of a good time.
In addition to a great set by the master, we also got to see and hear for the very first time at the Earl ; “a great new singer-songwriter on the scene, who’s going play a few songs for you”. I had never heard of Steve Goodman, but after that afternoon I wasn’t likely to forget him. Truly, a day tucked away in the back of my mind, pushing me further toward my calling; I was going to be singing my own songs, there, on that stage, someday.
It took some work, but by 1973 I was playing the North side folk clubs in Chicago in an act known locally as “Bartholomew and Douglas with C J Holton”. I played guitar and sang, Teddy Douglas played guitar and banjo and sang, while our friend C J tried his best to keep up with our frantic take on folk and bluegrass on the bass. We were young and brash; we played every open mic and showcase we could find, scored big with the crowd at the Saddle Club, and even did a guest set of our own at the Earl. Eventually, Dan Johnson, who owned a club, Orphans, up on Lincoln Avenue, took a shine to us and we began playing his club regularly, and for real money too.
Orphans was a place where a lot of players would go to hang, have a drink, and catch the show in the back room, and one night, sitting in the back with a couple of friends was Bob Gibson, himself. And he seemed to be enjoying himself.
At the end of the set, I was packing up my Martin when Gibson himself walked up and introduced himself. He said he’d seen us a couple times and liked our harmonies and energy. He said he thought we had a future and introduced one of his buddies, Pete, who was a Record Producer, to us. I was stunned. He said Pete was an independent producer and engineer. Pete had just come to town from Champaign/Urbana, and was looking for some people to work with. “Would you like to record a demo?” Well, hell yes we would, and thank you very much Mister Gibson for the benediction. With that, Bob Gibson walked away and Ted and I sat down and laid our plans with young Pete from Champaign.
Some things simply are not what they seem. Pete had done a solo album down at the U of I, called “Thesis”, which should have been a large tip off to more experienced players. All we knew was that this guy had mics and a reel-to-reel recorder and he would be at Ted’s place on Monday to begin our demo sessions. It would be a location recording, because that would give it a “more natural vibe”, and the location was our place.
Pete was the type who wanted everybody to get comfortable before recording, which required as many beers, as much food, and as much weed as anyone else could provide. We recorded the vocals in the bathroom (“Man, the reverb in there is outrageous”) and managed to crank out five songs before the supplies ran out along with our energy and enthusiasm for the project. At one point, Pete hit the wrong button and erased the three-part vocals on the outro for one of the songs. Ouch!  We gave Pete some money and said thanks and that was that. We had a tape. For what it was worth.
It took a few years for me to understand exactly what had gone down between Bob Gibson, Pete the producer, and Bartholomew and Douglas. I think I know now, how it all came about, but I can’t be sure; and with Bob passed on to through those Golden Doors, I’ll never really know.
I can see Pete hitching to Chicago, after finishing his college “Thesis”, looking for a way to get into “the Biz”, and meeting Bob Gibson. He was a big name and a nice man, and probably didn’t have the heart to just say “buzz off” to this enthusiastic young admirer. So he passed Pete on to us. I’m sure he believed he was doing us both a favor. I never got a chance to tell him how the recording turned out. I never saw him at Orphan’s again, as a matter of fact. Funny how that worked out. But I know in my heart that when I saw him listening to our set that night before this goofy business was transacted, he was having a good time. Keep that skillet good and greasy.
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judesstfrancis · 4 years ago
so I was late to asking u things and I don't want u to have to repeat yourself so answer all the questions in the thing that you haven't already answered thank u 😌
the way I had to pull out my laptop to answer these bc I couldn’t keep them straight on my phone clipboard................ fdskjfsdkj I think I’m gonna put most of these under a read more so they don’t take up too much dash space. thank u!! <3
zinc white; how are you really feeling today? no one-word answers please!
honestly I’m great! it is currently almost 2 in the morning but my day was nice, I got some new clothes, did my laundry, made a good dinner...good vibes all around, loving it for me rn
yellow ochre; name an artist/band whom you just discovered & can’t get enough of!
I haven’t really listened to a lot of new music lately dkfjskj I think the most recent new artist I started listening to was orville peck?? but that was back in like february
naples yellow; where do you feel most at home?
uhh when I’m at home. yes I’m a homebody <3
raw sienna; with whom do you feel most at home? 
truly it’s with the thots I just feel so at ease
golden ochre; describe the relationship you have with your closest friend.
it’s just easy, u know? like no matter what we’re doing, even if we’re just vibing on our own together, it’s nice. I can tell them absolutely anything and it’s not weird and I don’t have to force it out at all
cadmium orange; what do you like to do on your days off?
ok first I always see if any of my friends are busy fkdjsfkj and if they aren’t I see if they wanna just chill or w/e but otherwise just like. turning some music up and sitting in my room with a book/a couple movies I love is ideal for me on a day off. I am very simple I just like to chill
orange lake; do you have anyone you can turn to when you’re sad?
yes! there are two whole people in this world that I spill absolutely everything to bc I trust them with my life and esp when I’m sad bc they always make me feel better. talking to them when I’m having A Day is like I vent and instantly I am normal again. they know who they are I’m sure but for transparency’s sake, it’s u (robin) and maya, no one else gets to unlock my tragic backstories <3
titans; do you prefer slow mornings or relaxing evenings? 
relaxing evenings!
shakhnazaryan red; are you currently binge-watching anything? 
actually I am currently rewatching cycles 1 through 22 of america’s next top model, I’m on like cycle 5 rn I think. having the time of my life, thanks for asking
red ochre; are you more right-brained (creative) or left-brained (analytical)?
I am very much more into creative endeavors, like work-wise, but I feel like the way I think about things is much more analytical. like I prefer Making things, writing or various crafts or what have u, but even when I create I think about the things I’m doing like analytically?? so ig left-brained
burnt sienna; is there a painting that brings you peace when you look at it? 
boy with squirrel by john singleton copley. I love him
english red; what animal do you relate to most?
interesting question! I have no idea. maybe birds? like a finch, maybe. they seem like they have fun
cadmium red; do you have a “type” when it comes to a significant other? 
this one is hard for me to answer bc like. I truly have no idea what a “type” is idk if that’s an ace thing or what. no? maybe? all the people I’ve had crushes on have been vastly different, in terms of like physical looks so probably not actually. I’m not attracted to muscular people tho bc I don’t think they have feelings <3
carmine; what does your ideal second date look like?
once again I have never pictured a date. I just want to hold hands! I think for the ideal first date question I said it just had to be going somewhere where we could Do things together, like walking around a museum or going through shops downtown or something, and that does still apply here, but for the sake of shaking it up, uhh...idk maybe staying in and watching a movie. like not at a theater no one needs to know my business like that but like. at a House. whoever’s, I’m not picky, again ideally I just want to hold hands.
madder lake red; would you ever kiss someone (or accept a kiss) on a first date?
yes. literally if the first thing u do is kiss me I am okay with it. I’m 23 someone just take the shot and kiss me already I’m going crazy over here
quinacridone rose; what’s something you’re really looking forward to? 
really looking forward to the holidays personally I got everyone some really good gifts this year and I can’t wait to hand them out. also my copy of 13 storeys is supposed to finally ship out this week, for real this time! so that’s exciting too
violet rose; what does your dream house look like? 
u know that idealized house with the yellow paint and the white trim? yes. just small and cute and homey
violet; is there any place in particular you’d like to settle down? 
I guess not?? I’d like to be somewhere near my mom bc she’s important to me but like. as long as I’m living with someone I love it doesn’t really matter where I don’t think
blue lake; what would you like to do/accomplish before you settle down?
uh. settling down to me equates to like falling in love and living together so honestly that could happen any time. I need to get a job before we live together so I can like Help Out but like. really any time
cobalt blue spectral; what is the most beautiful place you have ever been to?
I have not been to a lot of places! I’ve been to new york, and san diego, and like. phoenix outside of where I live so. actually if I can include like buildings in places I would like to say that one opera house I went to in new york. I learned I wasn’t a fan of operas BUT I also learned those chandeliers were cool as hell
ultramarine; when was the last time you were in a good mood? do you know/remember what sparked it?
I’m usually in a good mood, I think? my baseline mood is genuinely just like. happy/chill, pero I think the last time I felt Euphoria (tm) was a couple days ago when my mom and I made a really nice dinner together and my brother was there and we just played board games all night
blue; what’s the most recent dream you remember?
I have this recurring habit of waking up from dreams but only barely so when I fall back asleep it feels like I just woke up within the dream? anyway the last one was like that but in one of the times I ‘woke up’ I looked out the window and instead of outside there was like this. static photo of buffalo grazing in open fields?? and it was like green screened kinda, so when I move the image moved with my line of sight it was weird. that’s how I knew it was a dream and woke myself up again, only to immediately fall back asleep and feel like I was waking up from a dream within a dream again
bright blue; what does your dream family look like? any kids or pets? how many of each?
I think living with friends would be cool. like I want to have a significant other I live with but also if we lived with other friends that would be fun. kids, maybe! would be something I’d have to discuss with whatever partner I have in the future. if yes to kids, max two. also I don't want babies, preferably I would adopt older children. pets absolutely, however many doesn’t matter. I’m open to just living in a house with the love of my life and like twelve dogs, that’s ok with me
blue cobalt; do you like your name? would you give yourself a different name if you could?
I do like my name! I think it’s nice and it feels like it fits me. I don’t think I’d change it ever, but if I did I think maybe I’d go with jude bc yes I do love to project <3
prussian azure; what’s your favorite scent?
it’s a tie between suntan lotion and the lumber aisle of any hardware store
azure blue; what’s your favorite type of tea, if any?
vanilla rooibos tea supremacy!
turquoise blue; if you could start a garden, what would you plant?
lots of flowers, first of all. also some kitchen herbs. maybe some fruits!
cerulean blue; if you were guaranteed to have a viewership, would you start a youtube vlog?
yes <3 I want to force people to listen to my pretentious horror opinions and get paid for it
glauconite; describe your body without using any negative adjectives.
look I just have to say it: I’m hot. last night I took a photo and saw my nose from the side and went “omg who IS she” like it’s cute. I’M cute. I’ve seen my ass in the mirror and nothing can top it, sorry
yellow green; picture yourself walking in a field. what do you see & hear in this scenario?
all I’m getting is those scenes from horror movies where eerie whistling starts and like birds start going crazy
green light; are you in a comfortable place in life? if not, what do you think might make it better?
I think so?? I’d like to be more financially secure, pero. I think for the most part yeah I’m alright
green; name three countries you want to visit; do you have any actual plans in place to visit any of them?
ireland and greece for sure, ireland is the one I have most planned out in my head. ig maybe england for the third one, just bc I know my mom wants to go and also I’m very bad at geography so I don’t know what counts as a country. I had to look all these up, I do want to visit them tho, genuinely! esp ireland
emerald green; do you speak any languages besides english? are there any additional languages you want to learn?
the one I’m most fluent in is spanish! and I’m still cracking along at russian, currently I can hold a conversation with like a 4 year old and we can understand each other, it’s pretty cool. I really wanna get into learning irish!! I have a few resources downloaded onto my phone I just haven’t gotten around to it yet
oxide of chromium; what’s your favorite book?
a little life <3 yes I hate it when things are sad just to be sad yes this is my favorite book I contain multitudes
mars brown; what’s a movie that always puts a smile on your face/makes you laugh?
the burbs! I’ve seen it so many times but it always hits
burnt umber; what’s something you plan to do before the day is over to take care of yourself?
the day IS over it’s like two thirty am now but uh. drink some water before I sleep probably
voronezhskaya black; what or who is your go-to outlet for when you need to vent?
I post the “kirby’s fucking pissed” meme on twitter and then I ask u (robin) if I can yell for like five minutes and then I feel valid and then I am normal again
payne’s gray; describe your aesthetic?
it’s a little bit jock and it’s a little bit 1980s skater boy but the best way I can really Describe it is just “gay”
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delicrieux · 4 years ago
☆ミ 𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚜𝚊𝚢 “𝚘𝚑”
PART 13: ...O-OH?
it’s the night of the big stream. y/n uncovers a strange, albeit deep, bond with charlie. corpse interrupts her garden date with sykkuno quite unceremoniously. tensions are high as ever; proximity chat reveals internal monologues and stray thoughts. y/n’s “batshit insane” energy affects everyone. this is, quite literally, the best game of among us bretman has ever played.
─── corpse husband x reader, sykkuno x reader (if you squint, it’s very one sided)  ─── soc. media + written fiction! ─── word count: 6.1k oops ─── ❥ reqs: sum people requested some interaction w bretman + jealous corpse + flirty sykkuno
author’s note: guys....GUYS WE’RE ON THE 3RD “OH” hope ur excited cus i am!!! this was rly fun to write, but then again, everything is better than writing an essay lmao! this is extremely chaotic and a bit seggsy but like a minuscule bit u wont even notice it i swear xx there’s not much social media in this one, mostly written lol. as always lmk wat u think n thank u for all ur kind words n sooo manyyyy ideassss!!! love u lots
ultimate masterlist.  ҉  myso masterlist   ҉   previous. ҉   next.
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It’s happening, you think, picking the discreet, angelic white color for your astronaut - with a halo and all, truly, you are a seraph that stepped through the gates of heaven and descended onto earth to grace these morals with your presence...quite literally, you’re not only donning white in game, but also in real life, cute as a button or more like as a bunny. Cat girls are overrated - cat boys, on the other hand, you’ll ardently defend till your last breath - but bunny girls...Safe to say, your chat had been going feral. Your endless ego is fed well. You even swore on your heart that no devilish trickery would follow in this game - you had left your snake ways behind you.
No one believed you. The Roaches know you too fucking well.
The influx of new subs, however, do not. Look at this cute girl! She wouldn’t hurt a fly! You chuckle at the compliments. At the exact same moment, Rae pipes up on the discord call, “Y/n is leering and cackling evilly. No one trust her.”
Demon woman herself must be watching your stream before starting her own. You pout, all adorable and innocent, but your eyes gleam slyly. Truly, a mastermind of manipulation! Look at you go! The chat is swooning. The viewer number steadily climbs past 16K and you hum happily, welcoming all that decided to join your little clan, “Don’t listen to Rae. Wifey is mad because I said I’m not bringing her back a souvenir. Well guess what, bitch, I’m the gift.”
Your perfect image does not quite align with your tone, nor the affectionate nickname you call your roommate (bitch, not wifey). The new viewers are none the wiser though, just like your new stream mates.
There is laughter from people you don’t quite know. The lobby is almost full, but not everyone has trickled in yet.
“Filing divorce papers right now.” Rae mumbles, but you hear the smile in her voice. It makes you crack a grin, too. 
More hello’s and shy introductions to the people in the lobby. Sykkuno’s green astronaut pops in with a upbeat, “Hey, everyone! Hi, Y/n!” as his character circles around yours. A collective awww echoes in your stream chat as you, quite breathless at the wholesomeness, reply with a “Hi! Hi hi!” as well.
Corpse is next to join, mysteriously ominous. The discord call is pure chaos, everyone screaming over the other variations of his name while stressing different syllables. Silent as a grave, he just stands there, his black astronaut seemingly eyeing everyone in the lobby. 
Alas, when the noise dies down, he utters, “Whaddup, baby.” and it’s pandemonium all over again. You are screeching/laughing along with the rest. His astronaut swiftly glides to Sykkuno, still circling around you, “Hey, Sykkuno.” He says. The latter abruptly stops. The game hasn’t even started, and already - betrayal! Sykkuno starts circling around Corpse now, leaving you in the dust.
“Hey, dude!”
“Yo,” You interrupt, “I’m like here too, yeah?”
“Fight, fight, fight!” Pokimane jeers. You can’t see her, but you’re certain she’s pumping her fists in the air. 
“Let’s leave the bloodshed for the game, yeah?” Dream offers past her laugh ridden urging.
“No, fuck that, let’s start this shit right now,” Charlie declares - his monotone is strangely pleasant to the ear, and you lean back in your chair with a thoughtful hum. Something about his energy just clicks with yours instantly, but perhaps you’re judging too quickly- “Got my fucking knife ready to slit some throats. You can all pretend you aren’t ready to kill on sight, but that’s not me. I’ll teabag your dead fucking body.”
-yeah, no, your initial estimate had been correct! What a pleasant surprise, you feel like you and he will get along beautifully. 
“Way to be subtle, Charles.” Rae snorts.
“Subtle doesn’t make an interesting game, Rae,” He’s quick to bite back, “and if I’m Impostor, you bet your fucking ass I’m going after you first.”
“Noooooo!” She shrieks, rushing to your astronaut, which is still just standing there, abandoned, like the equivalent of that one emoji, “Y/n, protect me.”
“Of course, baby.” You purr. 
There’s mumbling in the discord call, though it’s barely audible. Corpse seems to be repeating the word to himself: Baby...Baby?...Baby...
“You’re gonna stab me in the back the first chance you get, won’t you?” She questions, already painfully aware of the answer.
“You know it!”
“Finally, someone that’s not fucking cowering in their boots and flaunting their real nature.” Charlie says, “Y/n, form a Big Dick Alliance with me.”
“Oh for sure, man.” You agree immediately, trailing to his in game figure, “Let’s show these virgins how it’s done.”
“This is going to be a mess, isn’t it?” Sean’s voice rings with a cheerful laugh, making you flustered. Yes, you’re actually playing with THE JacksepticeyeTM. You still haven’t fully wrapped your head around that part, “I’m very excited to see where this will go.”
“Nowhere good.” You say with unparalleled sincerity - every word you speak to him, the icon, the legend, the one of the few youtubers you actually actively follow, must be genuine. You doubt you can lie to him. He’s too good of a person. You admire him too much. Stuck between wanting to be a shady bitch and an absolute saint, you refrain from addressing him more - you are simply not worthy.
its the y/n trying to act like a normal person in front of jack for me
ikr she looks ready to join the monastery
each day we stray closer to gods light???
Your viewers are snide as always. Gosh, you love them.
The last player pops in, fashionably late, “Hey, y’all.”
“Hey, Bretman!” The call choruses somewhat harmoniously.
“Hi, daddy.” He’s speaking to Corpse now, a smile in his voice - you can hear it even past the static of his atrocious mic. Your eyes widen, eyebrows shooting up. Your friends are cackling, but confusion refrains you from doing the same - were you not the only one Corpse offered, seemingly so long ago!, to be his sugar baby? 
One betrayal after the other. You’re glad for the Big Dick Alliance. The name has a nice right to it, too. 
Corpse laughs, “...Hey, Bretman. How are you today?”
Damn, two sentences for him, but not even a word spoken to you!? You’re already scripting a very melodramatic paragraph you will text him after the stream. With poorly masked discontent, you mutter, “Wow, thanks for such a warm welcome, Corpse, my day’s going great, yeah, loving the company.”
“Now now miss girl,” Bretman chimes, “we can’t be all daddy’s favorite.”
“Careful,” Charlie drones, “I think you just got yourself onto Y/n’s shit list.”
“Right next to Corpse Husband and Valkyrae.” You agree, “Sykkuno!” You suddenly call him.
“Uhm-Uh-Yes?” Is his nervous reply.
“You’re safe.” You state coldly, “For now.”
“You are not going after Sykkuno on my watch.” It must be a belated holiday miracle because Corpse finally decides to address you. His words seem to awake something in him, “Hey-Hey-Hey-” He swiftly glides to you, standing right next to your minute virtuous angel, “When are you coming back to Cali?”
corpse stop acting weird challenge
literally omg lmao
he does bring up a good point y/n y u not in cali yet?!
^pack it up corpse simp he disrespected the queen when he didnt say hi
“Back off, buddy,” Charlie interjects, “this spot is for Big Dick Alliance members only.”
“I’m never returning.” You inform him, your voice cold like the Arctic snow, and the look in your eyes is no kinder. You feel like you’re having a stare down through screen. 
Silence stretches. Is this an intimidation tactic? Because if it is, it’s a paltry one. Your conviction to be petty is stronger than any vulnerability you might feel.
“Then I have nothing to say to you.” He admits and fucks right off with that. Fine, go join Sykkuno and Rae in their little corner of betrayal! Friendship ended with Corpse, now Charlie is your best friend.
“Okay, guys, guys, guys-” Toast, noting this is going to spiral any minute now, tries to catch their attention, “Let’s start?!”
You look into your camera, and the roaches know what you’re thinking. You’re twins like that, communicating telepathically. You are taking back your tender promise of not being a conniving bastard. It’s fucking on. You will destroy everyone in your path, starting with the guy you have a stupid crush on - maybe?! Feelings are confusing, you’d rather just not think point blank period.
With no objections from the cast, the counter ticks away seconds and, for the first round, you’re stuck as CREW MATE.
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Charlie is a gift. Truly, you had not expected such a sudden, wonderful relationship to bloom. How have you not known of him sooner?! It’s a crime that you hadn’t spoken to him earlier. You are a 100% certain if you had found him before you started streaming, he would’ve been a big inspiration. 
The two of you do your silly little tasks and curse like sailors, commenting about this and that thanks to proximity chat. You wouldn’t have been able to stand the claustrophobic silence if it was just a normal Among Us game - to think, missing out on all his foully worded quips! It almost springs a tear into your eye. He’s just as unhinged as you.
worried about this dynamic 
its a trainwreck lol i love it plz collab more plz
Caught in a headed discussion in Electrical - TikTok trends, or audios specifically - you defend the app the best you can. Charlie thinks it’s super cringe, and you insist it’s part of the charm as you connect wires.
“I mean, have...-do you know that one audio, the one that goes, like,” You’re spilling your words, heated, frustrated that he’s so dismissive of the app that literally saved 2020, “it goes like, uhm,” You clear your throat, prep your voice - even take a sip of your favorite drink. Drawing the syllables, you try your best to make it drop an octave - it must sound like you’re doing an atrociously bad and nauseatingly scratchy Corpse impression with an extra dramatic flair, “My assssssss, your cockkk, you do the mathhh.”
“Did-Did I just-” You freeze hearing Corpse’s voice, finally done with your task. Charlie is muffling his laughter behind his palm; Corpse’s astronaut stands in the doorway, “What the fuck did I just walk into?” He seems genuinely confused, though a strangely winded. You’re mortified. Your shoulders are shaking. You look at the stream chat but it’s going too fast for you to follow. Manic laughter bubbles in your chest and you squeeze your eyes shut, mouth split into a toothy grin, lowering your head and trying to hide the blush dusting your cheeks.
“Hey? Guys? What the fuck are you talking about?” He questions again.
“Honestly?” Charlie chimes, “No fucking clue. TikTok, I think. Ask Y/n.”
You can’t reply. You’re crying. You cover your face with your palms, muttering a soft oh my god before bursting into a full blow laugh, throwing your head back, the motion accidentally knocking your headphones off.
“Y/n.” Corpse calls you, “Fuck was that?”
You’re howling. Your stomach hurts. There are literal tears in your eyes. You think Charlie might be laughing too, but you can’t really tell over your loud screeching. Hastily fixing your headphones, you wipe away the tears stuck to your lower lashes, heaving, “S-Sorry, I-” You stutter, breaking into another fit of giggles. Corpse patiently waits you to calm down. Catching your breath, you start again with a sniffle, “TikTok, yeah.” You idly fix your hair, trying to bite down a smile, “It’s an audio.”
“What- What kind of videos are you watching?”
“The good kind.” Your reply is instant, merciless, “Also, why are you here? We’re having a BDA meeting, you know.”
“I-I...” He trails off, “I...I heard people talking and...I just came here to check it out, but...I’m regretting it.” There’s a lilt in his voice, and you know he doesn’t regret jack shit. You bet he’s smiling. You wish you could see it.
“Bitch, then leave!” You huff. You aren’t sure what is with him today, and you don’t want to stick around and find out - his playfulness makes your stomach flip at the most inappropriate times! Like when you’re trying to sound threatening. You must retreat posthaste, “No, wait, I’ll do it for you.” You say, brushing past his character. Charlie follows after you.
“Dude, you’re so fucking lucky neither of us are the Impostor because you’d be deader than I’ve been feeling since I was 10.” Your favorite companion comments. Charlie is truly a modern wordsmith. You’re pretty sure you adore him, because you’re nodding your head, so quick to agree with him that even you’re surprised. 
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A meeting is called. You spare a glance at your fallen crew mates. They will be missed. Sean most of all, God, why does heaven always take the good ones?! The game feels emptier without him, even if you really only passed him once on your trek to Cafeteria with Charlie.
You may or may not have been avoiding him, afraid you’d accidentally say something horrible and he would hate you. It’s a silly fear, though a deep one. And with Charlie keeping you company, you had not uttered a single objectively  good, or even coherent, sentence. Your parents can’t watch this stream once it’s uploaded onto your Youtube channel. They know you’re barely keeping it together in most of your videos, but here, now? Yeah, no. Charlie is already hard to listen to on his own for sensitive viewers, and hearing you agree with literally everything he says with your own chaotic ideas? Your dad would stumble into an early grave.
Mom probably wouldn’t mind too much, but you’d have to explain your relationship status again. She is under the assumption that everyone you collab with is your significant other. You’d say it began with Sykkuno, though the exclamation of “Finally! My daughter isn’t pathetically single! We need to celebrate.” had started with Rae. Truly, a scandal.
Speaking of which, Sykkuno is gone, too, but you had time to mourn him already. You found his body roughly ten minutes ago; so torn with the fresh agony of heartbreak, you could not do anything else but cry. It was Charlie, bless his heart, that reported it.
“Someone killed Jack,” You say, voice dripping with venom, “court is now in session. I’m ready to vote the fucker out.”
People speak all at once. Toast roars over them, “ORDER! ODER IN COURT!” as he slams his hand onto his desk repeatedly. That seems to work, though briefly.
“I think it’s Y/n.” Corpse says. You stare at him, hand gripping your heart, mouth falling open in surprise.
flame him
corpse boutta be a corpse fr
beat his ass queen!!!!!
“Pardon my french,” You grumble, “but nani the fuck?!”
“It’s definitely Y/n, I found her and Charlie conspiring in Electrical. Surrealist experience of my fucking life, but it’s definitely her.”
“Dude, we’ve been over this,” Charlie sighs, shushing Rae who was about to comment something - knowing your luck, it was probably in favor of the man throwing you under the bus, “we would’ve snapped your fucking neck the moment you walked in. But we didn’t.”
“Yeah, we didn’t.” Corpse notes, “I said nothing about you, I’m just saying it’s definitely her. She probably didn’t kill in front of you because of your stupid alliance-”
“Someone sounds salty because he wasn’t invited.” Pokimane snickers.
“-or possibly she did tell you and you won’t betray her for the exact same reason.”
“That’s some big brain logic you pulled there, genius,” Charlie says, absolutely unimpressed, “sure you didn’t have an aneurysm trying to connect all of that together?”
“Well,” Rae pipes up, “Y/n and Charlie did say they will kill right before the game started. If you ask me, it’s not unbelievable. And Sykkuno was sorta on the shit list.”
“I’m writing down your name twice, Rachell.” You spit.
“Not helping your case at all, Y/n...” Dream worries, “And Rae makes a good point. Charlie and you have professed desire for murder. I’m just saying! It’s a bit suspicious, you know?”
The next words to leave Corpse’s lips sound incredibly smug, “See?” He drawls.  The pressure is getting to you - you don’t understand where this beguiling talent of his to convince literally everyone comes from, but it doesn’t inspire any confidence. Your fist suddenly feels incredibly lonely, so useless - oh, how you long to swing at him, “It’s definitely Y/n.”
“I dunno...” Toast mumbles.
“It’s Y/n.”
“Corpse-” You try, but he's ignoring you - shocker, as if he hadn’t been doing that from the very start of this stupid game - and chanting your name like it’s a fucking mantra or something, a smile in his voice, knowing, relishing in the fact that he’s grating on your nerves, “FIRST OF ALL,” You scream into the mic, successfully cutting him off; catching your breath, you exhale, and continue, calmly, lowly,  “get my pretty name out of your mouth.” 
There’s a pause full of tense silence. 
Then, there’s a sound, seemingly stuck in the back of his throat, “...O-Oh...?”
“Second of all,” You continue, words like honey dipped in arsenic, “This is the clearest smear campaign I have ever witnessed. By how hard you’re trying to frame me for fuck knows what reason, I’m led to believe it’s you that killed them. You’re the Impostor.”
“Corpse wouldn’t kill Sykkuno, though.” Rae comments, skeptical.
“Then the other Impostor did it.” You counter.
“Maybe you’re both Impostors.” Pokimane chirps.
“Y/n would never betray the Big Dick Alliance like that.” Charlie states.
You grin, “Charlie, I literally love you.” 
“Wait hold up now,” Corpse seems to get his bearings together, “what’s this about love I’m hearing?”
“I have none for you, dick.” You snap, flipping him off. Your chat cheers. While he can’t see it, you hope he senses it through the screen, “I officially hate you.”
“No, wait-”
“Boo, Corpse, you suck.” Toast laughs.
“Y/n, please-”
“Let’s all vote for Corpse Husband, okay?” You say it like it’s his full official name with an encouraging smile and multiple soft nods. Sykkuno can’t be here to nod, so you’ll do it for him. You eye the rapidly decreasing timer before clicking on Corpse’s figure and voting for him. The VOTED icon instantly pops up beside your adorable astronaut.
“Baby, I-” It slips past his lips so easily, as if he’s not even thinking about it, like it’s only natural to call you that and a spike of anxiety shoots up, making you glare. It’s only halfhearted. You try your best to ignore the rapid and uncoordinated pulses of your heart. Replace unwanted feelings with anger and hate - works like a charm, every time.
“You are not allowed to call me that.” You hiss. The chat spams snake emojis. 
“Wait-” Bretman chimes, “Hold up, y’all, slow down a minute. Why does Corpse never call me baby?”
“Yeah!” Pokimane agrees, “I want to be baby, too!”
Pokimane may not have been called baby, but you just single-handedly decided her nickname for her - Target 4. Welcome to the shit list, she is officially your public enemy number 1. You aren’t sure why the thought of Corpse ever referring to anyone else as baby makes you sick to your stomach (you actually do know why, but brain no think at the moment), but you wish this whole conversation never happened. You don’t like it.
20 seconds left. More VOTED icons appear by your friends. Corpse is the last one to cast his ballot at, you assume, you, as the rest wait for his quick explanation before everyone (or not) returns to the game, “...Because she’s my baby.”
Goodbye. Life had been sweet, and there was sorrow, though the amount of embarrassment you feel now is worse than when the internet found your cringe worthy high school pictures on your mom’s Facebook. It’s a mixture of dread and excitement - the pleasure of being noticed, cherished even, though anxious from vulnerability. Someone is screaming a very prolonged “WHAAAAT?!”, or maybe multiple people are, you aren’t sure, your ears start to hurt from the loud, conflicting cacophony of voices as you stare blankly at the screen. You received two votes, just like Corpse, Charlie got one, the rest skipped. With no one flung out, you all find yourself back in Cafeteria again.
Baby. My baby? My baby. My baby. The sentence is playing ping-pong in your mind, reverberating louder each time. You’re actually speechless for the first time in your life; your chest hurts, your heart beating so fast your hands start shaking. Had he meant it? Or was this a some joke? Was he trying to get a rise out of you again? You might just go insane from so many questions. My baby. Holy shit, this is a heart attack, this is what a heart attack feels like, dear God, you figured you at least had ten years before you get one!
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First round ends with IMPOSTORS raining victorious. Your sixth sense had been working wonders since, true to you previous estimate, it had been Corpse. His companion was Pokimane. For absolutely no reason what’s so ever, you change her name once more from Target 4 to Target 1. Normally, you’re all for girls supporting girls. Men don’t deserve anything, really, but now you’re so flustered and still reeling from what you are 80% sure was cardiac arrest that you genuinely don’t care about your established morals.
Round two starts without much deliberation. You get CREW MATE again; the game must sense your growing bloodlust, making sure that once you do get IMPOSTOR, you will not hold back. True power is granted to those who are ready and strong enough to wield it. You wait for your moment with bated breath.
Charlie is taken from you too early. The two of you were once again caught in a discussion - God knows about what, Minecraft, hentai, oh! your server! - as you tried to card swipe for the umpteenth time. The lights blew out and you just knew one of you was getting murdered there and then. Charlie’s voice abruptly cut off, and you think a part of you died with him.
It’s a cold meeting; with your new best friend being the first to go, everyone decides to skip. You proclaim you seek vengeance. When the meeting comes to an end, Sykkuno is the first to offer his condolences.
“I’m sorry, Y/n.” He says, and while he’s not in Brooklyn, you somehow feel him patting your back. You feign a sniffle.
“There’s nothing to apologize for...” You murmur sadly, “Unless...” Your voice turns sharp as the knife that was surely twisted into Charlie’s back, “It was you?”
“NO!” He exclaims, “I would never-you gotta believe me! I would never kill him. I know he’s important to you. I wouldn’t do that, I swear.”
“He was like a brother to me.” You admit, solemn, “Charlie, if you’re haunting me right now, know I will avenge you. I will not let this go.”
Sykkuno hums, circling around you, “Hey, I have a task in Greenhouse. Would you, uh--Would like to, uhm, join me?” Despite the shaky start, he finishes on a firm, pleasant note. He’s trying to cheer you up. Having lost your closest friend, he’s offering you his company. You accept with a soft smile and a cute “Yes, please!” and he releases an airy little laugh. The two of you make your way to your favorite place in map MIRA.
It’s difficult to stay sad for long when Sykkuno’s so sweet; the atmosphere of the Greenhouse is strangely calming; your problems seem to be left behind the shut doors. If you tried hard enough, you could imagine being in an actual Greenhouse - the warm, damp air clinging to your skin, the unmistakable smell of earth and vegetation, the pleasant silence broken only by yours and his hushed voices and clumsy footsteps.
The two of you are talking. Mainly about your choice of attire. Cat first, Sykkuno ponders aloud, doing his task as you watch the plants grow, now bunny, what’s next? You affirm that you will most likely dress up in cow-print next, or as an adorable sheep. He laughs, admitting you’ll look good in anything before he trails off. His awkwardness is really endearing. 
“Or!” You chirp happily, content with being locked away with him for the whole game. The idea must be playing in his mind, too, because he seems in no rush to leave, “I could, like, dress as someone from My Hero Academia. I watched the stream you did with Stella, the one where she made you look like Todoroki. It was really cute. You were really cute.”
“Oh, uhm-well, uh, thank you, thanks, I, uhm-” He clears his throat, and despite his stutter, you hear the smile in his voice, “I-I think you’d look better, though. Not as Todoroki. Or, probably as Todoroki, too. But, uhm, what character are you thinking about?”
“Maybe Momo?”
“Momo!” He yeps, “Momo is good. Yeah, she’s great. You’ll-uhm-you’ll look amazing. Really. Momo is awesome. Very pretty. Just like you.”
You are blushing. A stupid, toothy grin makes your cheeks hurt. Your eyes flicker to the chat, but again, it’s going wild. Giggling, you thank him for his sweet words, so giddy it’s honestly embarrassing. Why can’t you stop smiling? This is incriminating. You hide your lips behind your palm.
“...What’s this?” Corpse question. You had failed to note his sudden appearance, too busy gushing. “Am I interrupting?”
“Hey, Corpse!” Sykkuno greets. For someone so awkward and shy, he sure is good at hiding it when he wants to. Perhaps it’s all an act and you had been deviously tricked! Probably not, but you can’t help but narrow your eyes suspiciously, finally able to calm down. You definitely underestimated him, you just haven’t figured out how yet, “Not really! Y/n was sad Charlie died so I took her here.”
“You interrupted our date, dipshit.” You deadpan. 
“...Fuck you say?” Corpse dares, his voice low and somewhat menacing - for someone who exclusively portrays his emotions through only his voice, he’s incredibly hard to read. This is payback. Your love for wreaking havoc resurfaces suddenly. Serves him right for pulling all this ignoring shit at the start. Maybe you’ll make him say oh again.
Your sly smirk is promptly wiped. Fuck. He said oh, he literally said oh out loud. The Teruhashi fangirl in you is screaming. You had been so caught up in defending yourself you didn’t even register it at first. Alarmed, you look at the camera, then at the chat. First oh, then my baby. There’s no way he had been teasing you, and this proves it. Holy shit. You mouth the words “HE SAID OH!” for your audience only.
now she notices
snail pace baby we’ve been loosing our shit for the past hour 
corpse x y/n saikik au enemies to lovers 500k words slow burn im here for it
opening wattpad rn^
Your heart races in your chest - it might be considered an Olympic medalist at this point; flustered yet again, you wish you could cave into yourself. You should’ve brought your bright blue wig with you to Brooklyn. Turns out it would have been perfect for this stream. Yes, yes thinking about unnecessary details always works in distracting you from the butterflies throwing a fucking rave in your stomach. 
“I guess it is a date!” Sykkuno admits, “Kinda after a funeral, but still.”
Corpse hums. You’re still too stunned to say anything. The black astronaut with adorable cat ears approaches Sykkuno. 
“It’s not.” He states. Your mouth falls open in shock as your date, your companion, the Shoto to your Momo is murdered in cold blood right in front of you. His lifeless body, cut in half, lays on the tiles by the growing flowers, right beside you, “You didn’t see shit.”
“...I didn’t see shit.” Is all you can utter, breathless and terrified.
“Thaaaat’s fucking right, baby.” Corpse coos, “Now I’m gonna report it, and I’ll say we found Sykkuno together. Better stick close to me after the meeting, got it?”
If Sykkuno is Shoto, then Corpse is definitely Dabi. 
why is that kinda hot tho omg
didn’t know i needed dom corpse since now but i do
y/n looks like shes boutta throw up lmao 
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You follow him around like a lost puppy - because what else is left for you to do!? You’re helpless in this situation. He’s got you in the palm of his hand, successfully eliminating everyone you had previously interacted with. First it was Charlie, then Sykkuno, even Sean, who said hello in passing, was shot instantly. Real Sangwoo behavior. You almost want to scream warnings at everyone to not approach you. You cannot mourn another lost crew mate, you don’t think your conscience can take it. But words fail to form. You’re too weak. You fake cry to your audience. They’re quick to remind you to stop acting like a little bitch.
“Mean.” Is all you say, eyeing the comments.
“Was talking to the roaches.”
“What are they saying?”
“That I should betray you.”
“...Better not.”
A shiver shoots up your spine and you half believe he will bust down your door and drag you into his basement for real. A nervous laugh slips past your lips, “I won’t, I won’t.” You reassure him, “Don’t worry, I’m sticking with you. I haven’t seen shit.”
“I like that you listen to me. You always this agreeable?”
“You’re kinda not giving me a choice right now.” You grumble, vending yourself a drink while he looms behind you, protecting you. From who?! Himself?!
“Oh my fucking God, finally,” Bretman exclaims, “girl, I’ve been running around the whole map trynna find someone, is everyone like, dead?”
You’re scared to reply. Corpse does it for you, “Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, maybe? Not sure. Where have you been?”
“Oh you know,” Bretman grins, “doing tasks, talking shit, the usual. You two are not, like, Impostors right?”
You shoot a look at Corpse, but he obviously can’t see it. Biting your lip, you murmur, “Nope.”
“Just your regular crew mates doing regular crew mate things.” Corpse says, no, purrs. Because that’s not suspicious at all. You’d recommend Bretman to run, and not only because that sounded shady as fuck. But he seems to enjoy danger, or he just doesn’t care.
“Hmmmm, crew mates, sure. Miss girl Y/n,” He’s addressing you now; you smile anxiously, “How come every time I see you, you’re with a different man?! Like damn, leave some for the rest of us, for real!”
You like Bretman. You like his high-pitched whine and drawl. You would like him even more if not for the complex situation at hand. You fear for his life. Chewing at your bottom lip, you snicker, “Sorry, Bret. I can leave you Corpse if you want?”
He laughs, “Girl, I’d say yes so fucking quick, but I know he wouldn’t want that. Normally I wouldn’t care, but y’all are such a cute couple it’s making me not want to be a shady motherfucking bitch. Changing my ways, embracing the lord. Love it.”
 Corpse doesn’t correct him that you are, in fact, not dating. His lack of reaction unnerves you slightly. Does he...? No! No think! Only exist! You catch that train of thought and steer it away from forbidden territory. Looks like it’s up to you to clear the air, and that is exactly what you do after trying to swallow down the lump in your throat, “Uh, we’re not together, actually. We’re just really good friends.”
“Bitch, then move over,” Bretman says snappily,”go like, back to your other boyfriends. Or find another one. I think I saw Dream near Navigation.”
“Near Navigation, huh?” Corpse hums thoughtfully. It’s a subtle warning, but you catch it. Yeah, even if you try running, Dream’s going to join your other ‘boyfriends’ in the afterlife. Granted, killing someone by just talking with them is kind of cool. Or maybe Stockholm Syndrome is finally kicking in, “Bret, the thing is, Y/n’s scared of dying, so she asked me to stay with her.”
It’s disturbing how good at lying he is. It is also really really attractive, as bizarre as that is.
y/n stop being in a toxic relationship with corpse challenge
making fanart of this omg her face
its the blushing for me girl get your head outta the gutter!
^she cant, it lives there
“Baby, you’re gonna fucking die if you stick with her,” Bretman points out, “have you noticed the mortality rate of her partners? Rest in peace, daddy.”
“He’s right, you know.” You mutter, dramatically looking to the side, “I’m no good, Corpse.”
“Not leaving you, end of discussion. Bretman, join us?” Corpse offers, catching you by surprise. He might still be lying, though. Creating a false sense of security before eliminating Bretman. Probably would laugh while doing it, too. Wow, he truly is evil.
Turns out he doesn’t have to do any of that, because when Dream strolls into Cafeteria, he kills Bretman instead. The two Impostors are finally revealed. You promised not to snitch on Corpse, but you didn’t say shit about not exposing Dream. You press the REPORT button and say just that: “Dream just murdered Bret right in front of me and Corpse.”
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The last meeting is called. Dream had been voted out with the help of Corpse, and now only you, he, and Rae remain.
“Baby, you know what to do.”
The VOTED icon pops up beside Corpse’s astronaut. Rae wheezes, “No! Y/n, it’s not me, you gotta believe me, I swear it’s not me!”
“...I really don’t know,” You murmur, “I’ve been with Corpse a lot, and...Rae, I’m not sure...”
“Please! I swear it on my Kagayama cardboard cut out, I’m not the Impostor, please! You know me, I’d never lie to you like this.”
“She’s definitely lying.” Corpse says, sounding pleased.
“Don’t listen to him! Remember, during the first round, when he tried to convince us that you were the Impostor? He’s doing the same shit to me!”
“I also remember you agreeing with him.” You remind her.
“I was stupid! Small dumb brain moment! He was using us to win! He’s using you right now!” She votes, “Please, Y/n, make the right choice.”
You’re silent for a moment.
“I’m gonna...I’m gonna vote for who I think it is.” You lastly say.
A slow, lazy grin makes it’s way onto your lips, eyes gleaming mischievously. You had not forgotten your promise to your brother from another mother, you had not forgotten the pride of the BDA, you had not forgotten your beautiful friendship. Two miniature astronauts pop up by Corpse’s at the exact moment Rae screeches “YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES!”
“Fuck.” Is all Corpse says with a laugh.
The screen changes, informing of the first CREW MATE victory.
Your ears are assaulted with different voices as you appear in the lobby.
“Now that’s what I’m fucking talking about.” Charlie raves, “I swear to fucking God, Y/n, you even got me going for a second. Pulled some 1000 IQ shit right there. It was fucking amazing. Best back stabbing I’ve seen in a while, and I’ve seen a lot.”
“That was absolutely fantastic, Y/n.” Sean applauds, “I really thought you joined Corpse like some crew mate accomplice or something. Can’t believe you switched on him at the last second.”
“That’s my wifey!” Rae cheers, strolling to you, “Love you, mwah.”
“Hey, Corpse,” Charlie calls him, “How does it feel to be a fucking loser?”
“I’m surprisingly fine with it.”
yeah he would be lmao
mom is the best snake ever i love you sm y/n
rae and y/n’s friendship....the feeeeeels
As the rest sing your praises for another solid minute or two, the third round begins. CREW MATE again. Though, just because you’re stuck as an underpaid worker in a dying spaceship, it doesn’t mean you’re innocent. Your last round proved that quite well. You can’t help but silently snicker.
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tags (in italics is those i couldn’t tag! make sure all’s ok w your settings!) : @littlebabysandboxburritos - @fairywriter-oracle - @tsukishimawh0re - @ofstarsanddreams - @bbecc-a - @annshit - @leahh19 - @letsloveimagines - @bellomi-clarke - @wineandionysus - @guiltydols - @onephootinfrontoftheother - @liamakorn - @thirstyfangirl - @lilysdaydreams - @pan-ini - @mxqicshxp - @tanchosanke - @yoshinorecommends - @flightsandfantasy - @liljennyx3 - @bingusmode - @unknown-and-invisible - @sinister-sleep - @fivedicksinatrenchcoat - @mercury--moon - @peterparkerspjsuit - @unstableye - @simonsbluee - @shinyshimaagain - @ppopty - @siriuslystupid - @crapimahuman - @ofthedewthesunlight - @mythicalamphitrite - @artsyally - @corpsesimpp - @corpsewhitetee - @corpse-husbandsimp - @hyp-oh-critical - @roses-and-grasses - @rhyrhy462 - @sparklylandflaplawyer - @charbkgo - @airwaveee - @creativedogs - @kaitlyn2907 - @loxbbg - @afuckingunicornn - @fleurmoon - @yeolliedokai
more tags are in the comments bcs tumblr only allows me to tag 50 people max 💙
4K notes · View notes
leejungchans · 4 years ago
random juliet moments.
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(a/n: this will probably be updated regularly as i think of more things to add!! i tried to organise these chronologically to the best of my ability but there may be some inconsistencies, so apologies in advance!!🤍)
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started crying when she saw yunho cry at their first fansign
when hongjoong forgot to say “dul, set” and said “8 makes 1 team” alone, san and juliet coincidentally said “1 makes 1 team” to clown him and they looked at each other like 👁👄👁
when san backwashed into his bottle of cola and hongjoong unknowingly drank from it which made her go 👁👄👁 and she made san pinky-promise that he wouldn’t do that to her
when felix, chan and somi hugged her when ateez got their first win on m countdown
when she wrote another one of their iconic instagram live “please leave” signs in her pretty cursive handwriting
she really said “𝓅𝓁𝑒𝒶𝓈𝑒 𝓁𝑒𝒶𝓋𝑒 ❤️” 😭😭😭
when that one australian interviewer asked “if you don’t have any sexiness or charisma like me, what do you do then?” and she half-jokingly went “yeah, that’d be tragic”
cried at their concert in sydney and couldn’t sing for the remainder of the song they were performing because she was crying so much
said “sorry, this is his mission, i’m just here for moral support” when the employees at the pharmacy heard her speak fluent english and asked her to translate for mingi during ateez treasure film
(disclaimer: i’m pretty sure mingi mentioned in a v-live that the producers (?) of ateez treasure film told him to exaggerate the mission for entertainment purposes. so this is in no way trying to make fun of anyone’s english, and is intended to be light-hearted. as someone whose mother tongue isn’t english, and is currently learning a fourth language, i can say with full confidence that learning other languages is really, really hard and i’m so proud of the boys for their english!! in conclusion, mingi english king and mingi bestest boy!! 🥺)
climbed the sydney harbour bridge with seonghwa and mingi for the former’s mission
when they all went to juliet’s house in sydney to have dinner with her family during ateez treasure film; she also saw her cat in person for the first time in years and teared up because it had grown a lot
also cried during the confessional activity on the beach while filming ateez treasure film and clung to seonghwa and yunho for the rest of the activity
reacted to the ateez meme song with hongjoong
“ateez meh-meh song?” pls he’s so cute
*dying in the background* “MEME song” 😭
laughed for 5 minutes straight after seeing yunho in his thor costume
showed off a hydro flask that she customised during a v-live before going “sksksksksksksksk”; this moment went viral on stan twitter
eating fairy bread and toast with vegemite during a v-live
making the boys and their staff try vegemite
san: “ewwwww!”
almost said “fuck” once during a v-live with wooyoung and he immediately slapped a hand over her mouth
“everyone, i apologise on her behal—JULIET WAS THAT YOUR TONGUE DID YOU JUST LICK MY HAND”
after joking about choosing a leader for the ‘99 line on idol radio, the djs asked juliet what leader she was, and she teasingly replied that she was the leader of k-pop’s “aussie line”; felix later brought this up in a v-live with chan to clown her
when it was time to shoot her solo scenes for the music video for answer no one could find her and everyone panicked until they found her curled up in a corner sleeping
was close to snapping during a group v-live because of the hate comments and didn’t bother masking her irritation towards the end; jongho had to pat her head to subtly calm her; this was the first time atiny’s ever saw her angry on camera and realised how scary she could be
when a few atiny’s brought juliet flowers during a fansign which made her incredibly happy for the rest of the event, so now atiny’s bring her flowers all the time
was so focused on eating during a v-live that she was completely oblivious to some of the boys quietly watching her eat adoringly
when an atiny told her that they hadn’t eaten yet at a fansign and she asked them to pinky-promise that they would eat something after the event
almost lost her shit with san when seonghwa rapped on weekly idol
covering “someone you loved” on weekly idol which went viral
almost died laughing when they sang “wonderland” in spanish on hello82
fangirled over basically every artist during mama 2019; clips of her just having the time of her life went viral and many asked about “the girl in the boy group who was jamming out”
when san almost gave her a heart attack by spinning the gold play button; she was still very impressed
rounded up all 8 of her members to sing “thank you” to them during “thank u” at their seoul concert and make them all emotional
during the same concert, she accidentally whacked herself over the head with her mic when waving to fans and went “ ᵃ ʰ ”
she’s babie :(
randomly asked “toes for fingers or fingers for toes” during a v-live and the other members looked at her like 👁👄👁 for a good minute
got very passionate about having fingers for toes being better than having toes for fingers
“how will you even find shoes that are big enough?” “custom shoes, duh🙄”
almost died laughing during san and mingi’s round in the “scream in silence” game during their v-live
nearly lost her cool from playing the “scream in silence” game with yeosang
“yOU I D I O T”
made friendship bracelets for herself, the boys, and some of their staff members on an episode of juliet’s archive; they can all be seen wearing the bracelets frequently
when she couldn’t attach the wristband to her lightiny and asked seonghwa for help, but he couldn’t do it either so they looked at each other in exasperation for a few seconds before deciding to give up together
wore her huge platform boots in a v-live so she could be taller than hongjoong, much to his dismay
when she tried to show her boots off by lifting up her leg, she forgot she was wearing a dress; seonghwa immediately panicked and moved in front of her to shield her from the camera, not knowing she was wearing shorts underneath the dress
watching seonghwa’s birthday v-live in the corner with san
when their staff brought out a “cake” that was built from packets of timtams for her birthday v-live and it made her so happy she almost cried
reacted to hongjoong’s cover of “black or white” during a solo v-live and teared up
when an atiny asked her to help with their maths homework during a v-live and she said “uh...i’m probably the last person you’d want to ask...”
cried during an inception music show performance because she got so into the performance; it scared atiny’s until she went on v-live explaining what happened
helping yunho expose san on weekly idol
when she imitated seonghwa’s “num-num” and did the “ottoke” song on weekly idol and made everyone on and off set soft for her
when her and wooyoung both lost it when yeosang sucked on a piece of radish on weekly idol during a game
when she said “i have the only braincell in ateez” and was almost immediately clowned by atiny’s who made compilations of moments when she acted questionably
“jeez, you guys didn’t have to come for me like that”
said “wow, geography king” when yunho said “thank you, scandinavia” for his “thanxx” acoustic poem during idol live tv
during a game on idol live tv, she caught wooyoung and yeosang copying the answer to the number of days since ateez’s debut from atiny’s live comments and subsequently changed her answer, unbeknownst to them
when even san didn’t want her to eat the “detergent hwachae” he, hongjoong, yeosang and mingi made on studiok
she ate it anyways and it was instant regret
“we’re not friends anymore >:(” — to jongho on ateez fever road after hongjoong found the real key which was attached to jongho’s bag all along
was so scared when the masked man appeared during ateez fever road that she hid behind hongjoong and they freaked out together
but started laughing when the masked man “kidnapped” wooyoung
“if we let you have him you won’t come back for us, right?” “yAH! BAEK MINYOUNG!”
then did the “7 makes 1 team” chant with the others, excluding jongho and wooyoung after the former suggested “saving” wooyoung
was slouching in a chair in the background of an ateez log but immediately got up and sat upright once the cameraman came over to film her while pretending nothing happened
when one atiny showed their cat during a video call with her and she went “CAT :D”
when she went on and on about her coffee preferences and opinions during a solo vlive without realising, and wooyoung had to call her for her to realise that she had been ranting about coffee for five minutes straight 💀
when she was about to fight hongjoong for slandering mint chocolate chip ice cream
being an iconic legend when she was on the kpop daebak podcast with eric nam (and also fangirled over him)
dancing to what type of x by jessi with san and yunho during their kcontact 3 interview
“jessi-sunbaenim i love you!!”
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(a/n: ajshakjska this is so long i’m so sorry 😔😔)
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otterplusharchive · 4 years ago
rey! do you have any recs for kdramas? i have never watched any, but i like lovable characters and romance ? thank you in advance!
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I DO IN FACT HAVE DRAMA RECS HII not all of these will be kdramas, but ill start with the kdramas ive watched and enjoyed and ill include all the warnings for them that i can remember off the top of my head and a brief synopsis for u!
1. weight lifting fairy kim bok joo
this was probably one of the first kdramas i saw people post about in like 2015 and i watched a little bit of it in 2016 but then only just got around to finishing it last year. the basic gist of it is its about a young sports college weight lifter, kim bok joo, centering around her navigating through her life and trying to figure out who she is and what she wants in life and what she wants to be. her romantic interest in the show is a swimmer and they have a sort of rivals to friends to lovers, he is SO in love with her and its adorable. i absolutely loved the side characters in this show theyre all so fun and kim bok joos best friends and weight lifting team are especially delightful. my main warning would be that this show addresses eating disorders and theres a lot of mention of both weight gain and weight loss, theres also a plot point early on where kim bok joo has a crush on her eventual love interests older brother but it gets resolved and the older brother literally goes "i didnt realize you had a crush on me and if i knew that i wouldnt have been so friendly with you, it would be completely innapropriate for us to be in a relationship". overall its a really sweet and emotional fun show but if you have issues with weight talk id skip this one
2. tale of the nine tailed
this one is really recent from last year and i didnt expect to be so hooked by it but boy howdy did i get attached to all the characters and the wild plot. it feels hard to explain the plot but basically a nine tailed fox named lee yeon is living in modern day seoul and is working for the underworld finding paranormal spirits/creatures/other rogue foxes that are causing havoc on the world, hes resigned himself to living this life while waiting for his girlfriend who died tragically 600 years ago to come back to life because he traded his status as a mountain god in order to ensure that her soul would one day be reincarnated. a plucky investigative journalist named nam ji ah figures out that hes not human and shenanagins ensue because she looks exactly like his dead girlfriend oooooo whatll happen. the plot beyond that gets really wild and its hard to explain and is easier to just watch. if u enjoy paranormal adventures this one is good. my one big complaint and issue with this is that the immortal mountain spirit meets his original girlfriend when shes a child and she continues to visit him off and on as she grows up which is Hm I Dont Like That! but thankfully the present time romance our female lead meets him when shes about 30 if im remembering right. also warnings for general fantasy violence, references to child abuse, animal death, and abandonment issues
3. extraordinary you
HUGE unreality warning for this. if you have issues with feeling unreal or have paranoia/delusions about not being a real person id avoid this one just because of its premise
ok i know i said tale of the nine tailed was a hard plot to explain but BOY extraordinary you is even HARDER to explain. because its so wild but so good. its about a girl who realizes that she is literally a side character in a comic book, and the story becomes her trying to change the story to save her character from dying but it becomes a lot more than that. the romance in this is literally tooth achingly sweet and the show itself is very pretty, i loved the side characters in this one and the show was engaging and interesting to watch it became really layered and meta. super reccomend this one honestly. my main issues/warnings that i can remember off the top of my head were just one character being the classic controlling boyfriend stereotype, bullying someone specifically for being poor, unreality like i mentioned before, and then at the very end there was this love interest for a side character who got reincarnated from a past piece of writing that they had been in and put in the comic but she was a student and he was the school cook which is weird but thankfully they like barely interact at all and theres no real romance he just like recognizes her and its barely a thing at the end of the show but its still weird
4. mystic pop up bar
big warning for suicide, sexual harrasment (which is framed as being bad and the guy whos harrassing the girl literally gets thrown off a roof)
i havent finished this one yet and thats mainly because im not emotionally ready because this one makes me soooo emotional. if you like found family this is a good one. its about a pop up bar run by a woman whos been tasked with solving the problems of a certain amount of people in order to atone for her crimes in the past before dying, shes able to enter the dreams of people and solve their issues using the information she gets in the dreams. paranormal shenanagins ensue, she acquires a son and a husband and it kills me its so fun and quirky and fun despite handling dark themes and peoples problems. also very sweet the found family murders me
5. kingdom (netflix original)
i literally am not going to be able to watch any other zombie media because kingdom and train to busan are the best pieces of zombie media ive ever seen. warnings for gore and violence and just general horror aspects.
i absolutely love this one its so thrilling and well done, i love the acting and the way that this show looks its absolutely gorgeous. a zombie plague breaks out in joseon period korea where the emperor has died and then was brought back to life by the queen and her father in a ploy to try and keep their family in political power, the crown prince must find answers. a lot more happens and its very dramatic and good i love the characters in this one
1. the untamed. if you follow me and you havent watched the untamed im begging you to watch the untamed. literally one of the most beautiful stories ive experienced in my life i am not joking when i say i cried multiple times over it. the main characters are canonically gay in love and have a son together please watch the untamed. handles a lot of dark themes, heres a tw guide
2. the sleuth of the ming dynasty
this is another one i havent finished but its fun so far, very gay, found family, food, and solving murder mysteries during the ming dynasty
3. hikaru no go (also known as qi hun)
havent finished this one, there is some propaganda about hong kong in the first episode but as far as i know thats the only instance of something like that in the show
this ones about the game go and so far its very sweet and fun, local boy awakens a ghost who was a master of the game of go hundreds of years ago and eventually is persuaded to learn how to play go with the aid of the ghost. im really liking this one so far its very cute and i love the characters in it. if youve watched the untamed nie huaisangs actor ji li is in this one!
4. the legend of yunqian
this ones very short and on youtube, all the episodes are about 5 minutes long and its a lesbian time travel fantasy adventure with a happy ending! funny and cute
1. cherry magic
please please please watch cherry magic. the premise sounds very much like a weird yaoi kind of thing but trust me on this. trust me. it is so heart warming and sweet and i was so emotional about it and the growth of the main character.
adachi gains the power to read peoples minds on his 30th birthday based off a urban legend that if youre a 30 year old virgin that youll become a wizard. after gaining this power he accidentally finds out that his extremely popular and handsome coworker has a crush on him, and shenanagins ensue along with adachi having blossoming feelings in return. this show was really refreshing in a lot of ways, adachi is a main character who like.. is unsure of himself and insecure in a very kind of realistic way, he closes himself off and is afraid to reach out to people and through the course of the show we see him slowly come out of his shell and realize that hes likeable and lovable and that people want to be around him and its so nice to see. my main complaint about this show is that i dont really like the background couple, but otherwise this is a very sweet and refreshing gay romance that has a happy ending!
some others that i myself havent seen but that ive seen people talk about a lot and that i want to watch eventually:
- the legend of fei (cdrama)
- the wolf (cdrama)
- gaurdian (cdrama, not the kdrama one called goblin)
- healer (kdrama, i did watch some of this one but it was in 2016 and i never finished it so i barely remember any of it but i do remember liking it)
- nobody knows (kdrama)
- its ok to not be ok (kdrama)
sorry this is so long but i hope youll be able to find a drama u enjoy!!
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shipmistress9 · 4 years ago
D E F G H I J K L M N O P, Q R S T U V, W X Y and Z 😇😉. I sung the alphabet while writing this as well 😂. You don’t have to answer all of them though, just pick which ones you want 😊.
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t.
My fandom life would be easier if I liked Heathstrid at least a little bit... But I can’t and I don’t really want to, either...
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
The oneshots Spin The Bottle and Pick Me Up.
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom?
Given that I only learned about the existence of fandom as a concept in late 2016, the longest I’ve ever been in a fandom is roughly 4,5 years.
G - Have you ever had an OTP? If so, do you remember your first one? Who was in it?
Many! Currently it’s Hiccstrid and Hicretstrid. And maybe a little Zelink. But thinking back, I think my very first OTP was when I was around five years old. From the Captain Tsubasa anime series, Tsubasa and... I don’t even know her name... 🤣 There was this girl who always cheered him on and was his no.1 fan. ANd in hindsight, I think I also shipped Tsubasa... with nearly all other players, mainly, Taro Misaki, Jun Misugi, and Kojiro Hyuga. 🤣
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., TV shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)?
TV-shows, mostly. I prefer the visuals over books and I prefer the slower development over those in movies.
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
Not caused me to stop liking them. But in some cases (ATLA and TDP, to name two) it raised my expectations so high that, when I finally got to dip into them, I was rather underwhelmed. It also didn’t help that I already knew the ending and some major plot points. If there’s one sure way to dampen my excitement it’s spoilers.
J - Name a fandom you didn’t think about until you saw it all over Tumblr. (You don’t have to care about it or follow it; it just has to be something that Tumblr made you aware of.)
Supernatural. Pretty much all other fandoms I dip into occasionally, I knew at least a little before. But literally everything I know about Supernatural is from seeing posts here. 🤣
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
I can’t think of an individual character right now, but in general an arc I like is someone (re-)learning to trust.
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves. (Characters you’re neutral about are fair game, as are characters you merely dislike. Characters that you absolutely loathe with the fire of ten thousand suns are exempt, as there is no point in giving yourself an aneurysm over a character that you hate.)
Snotlout has a great relationship with his dragon. Valka, too. Gobber and the twins are always fun, in their own ways.
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
Already answered before.
Hmm... First, I wanted to say Astrid. And I'd enjoy having her as a friend, as someone to challenges me to be more active, to work on my skills and someone to talk.
But I think, I'd enjoy being friends with Hiccup, too. I'd like to brainstorm ideas, ponder over inventions and exchange ideas. Geek out about dragons!
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
Acceptance, respect, and some common sense. But that’s not just fandom...
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
My very long list of favoured songs randomly gave me 9 Crimes by Damien Rice. There once was an absolutly stunning AMV with this song about the TV-show The Legend Of The Seeker, The Sword Of Truth (based on the books by Terry Goodkind). I was deeply in love with Richard’s and Kahlan’s relationship, and with Cara on a general level. That AMV featured them all, and I loved it!
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
Oh, oh, oh, oh! I just thought about this modern meet-cute AU for Hiccstrid a few days back, might as well write it down here. (And will also copy it over into an individual post, I think...)
Hiccup is a single father of a three-years-old daughter. One day, he meets Astrid in a supermarket; she’s in front of him at the check-out and when he hears her voice, he’s stunned. Because he knows her voice, hears it every day. Because she lend her voice to one of these talking toys for toddlers.His daughter’s favourite toy.
Hiccup always liked that toy best, too, because it didn’t sound as annoying as most others. Pleasant even. When he sees and hears Astrid, he recognises her voice in an instant. He jokingly thanks her for making his days more bearable. She’s confused, who is this weirdo? So he tries to explain. “The toy. My daughter’s toy. It’s your voice. A pleasant voice. I listen to it every day.” He keeps getting weirder, stammers, turns red like a tomato, until he eventually just flees, wishing a hole would open up to swallow him, that was so embarrassing.
Meanwhile, Astrid is touched. Knowing that there is at least one little girl who likes the toy she helped create. And her father, apparently. Who had been cute. In how shy he’d been. And how excited. She’s sorry he left before she was able to talk to him and thank him.
Over the next days, Hiccup would think of her a lot. Every time he hears her voice again, he’d think of her. Her face. Her smile. Until they, eventually, meet again... ^^
Q - A fandom you’ve abandoned and why.
Answered before
None, really. There are several fandoms I grew out of, like Sailor Moon or Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne. But I wouldn't say I abandoned them. I still enjoy seeing content about them.
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?
Those of the rider with their dragons. Hiccup&Toothless. Astrid&Stormfly.
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
Pretty much all of my headcanons are about Hiccstrid in one way or combination. One of my personal favourites is that Astrid has a tiny birthmark on the back of her neck. She doesn’t even know it’s there, she can’t see it and it’s almost always covered by her hair anyway. But Hiccup knows it’s there. And he loves to place a kiss on it. It tickles and would always make her giggle. And she smells so nice.
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending?
*snorts* No. If there are people who don’t share my headcanons, then... they don’t have to? I can live and be friends with people regardless of whether we share the same headcanons or not. And if people keep attacking me for mine, I’ll just block them and walk away. Arguing about something like that is not worth my time.
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
Astrid. HTTYD.
I really have difficulties thinking of favourites from any other fandoms here! xD
Princess Zelda from Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Kaladin Stormblessed from the Stormlight Archives.
I might have a type here. Brave, strong, not always easy to deal with. Fiercely loyal. Stubborn. Proud. Honourable. that’s all three of them. ^^
V - Which character do you relate to most?
Same answer as the above, mostly. I think I already wrote a long answer to a similar question once. 🤔 I relate to Astrid in many ways. Loyal and reliable, not always easy to approach, often prefers to deal with her problems on her own instead of asking for help.
W - A trope which you are virtually certain to hate in any fandom.
Anything jealously, especially it being portrayed as a sign of love or dedication. But also love triangles. Unnecessary.
Another thing I don’t like is when there’s a misunderstanding and they argue about it and get angry and yell and have a huge falling-out... when it all just boils down to them not listening.
X - A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom.
Answered before.
Forbidden Romance. In any form. I just love the angsty tension it brings without the characters fighting or arguing about misunderstandings.
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (i.e., fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)?
Supernatural, ATLA, TDP, MCU.
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go! (Prompts optional but encouraged.)
With all the critical thinking that’s encouraged in fandom culture, I wish more people would remember Ratatouille and this quote by Anton Ego.
“In many ways, the work of a critic is easy. We risk very little, yet enjoy a position over those who offer up their work and their selves to our judgment. We thrive on negative criticism, which is fun to write and to read. But the bitter truth we critics must face, is that in the grand scheme of things, the average piece of junk is probably more meaningful than our criticism designating it so.”
-- Anton Ego (Ratatouille)
Or at least respect it. It’s called entertainment and not lecture about every little detail that is wrong with other people’s opinions. I get why it’s important to look deeper and question meanings and intentions, I really do. But sometimes, I’d prefer to at least occasionally just enjoy something without getting lectured by others for it.
Thank you! 😘💜
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lucarioisinthevoid · 4 years ago
Twitch Streamer AU???
(I planned on pushing out a FEW AU asks, but then realized I don’t even have so many. There’s going to be a FNAC event, but that will be an event, not a specific AU ask, so- I guess this is it! Very cursed AU, thank you very much Anon Small warning for mentions of blood, I think? Nothing too bad.)
Streamers, youtubers, content creators. Some people are all of these, some people are none, and some are just one- because each of them needed a very different talent. Those who could do seemingly everything were few and far between- And they ruled the entertainment scene! Thankfully though, the main three as most called them, were also always out for new content to watch. Thus they boosted those that they saw potential in. With some taking the boost and then going off to do their own thing- And some becoming good friends. It always started with a letter. Mike had the habit to do things on stream, as long as no personal details were not visible on them. He used a false email which he regularly changed, and he generally kept himself as safe as possible. Opening emails on stream could be rather fun, even if it was a risk. Sometimes it encouraged people to send bad things- So to prevent the worst, nothing would be downloaded and all emails containing images would be put into the spam bin. Better safe than sorry, the internet was full of terrible people. This day so far had been successful. And by successful it meant that Mike was SCREAMING. “I HATE SUPER MEAT BOY. I WILL COMMIT VIOLENCE AGAINST MEAT IN A MINUTE. I HAVE A BIG F-CKING STEAK IN THE KITCHEN, AND I WILL THROW IT AGAINST THE F_CKING WALL. I WILL GET A HAMMER.” The chat was going wild, cheering. The chat’s phrase of today was “tender Mikey” and it didn’t help at all. “I DID. NOT. HIT THAT! I DID NOT!” A donation popped up, with a robotic voice. ‘Oh hai Mark!’ “NOT FUNNY! NOT F-CKING FUNNY. I’M SUFFERING HERE AND ALL OF YOU SUPPORT IT. YOU’RE ALL F-CKING MONSTERS HERE, I HOPE YOU KNOW THAT. AND I’M NOT F-CKING TENDERIZING THE MEAT WHEN I SLAP IT AROUND, I’LL RIP IT INTO PIECES AND CONSUME IT RAW!” Standing up, he genuinely went to get it- And fifteen minute later he had slightly calmed down, his hands and room slightly bloody. The chat was still celebrating and donating- another thing that never failed to make Mike BEG them to stop and use the money for something GOOD and SENSIBLE, LIKE THEM-FUCKING-SELF- but he had gotten out most of the energy. “Alright. Alright everyone. ENOUGH. I gotta stop you HERE. It’s email time.”   A celebratory jingle played, as Mike booted up the website, opening the inbox. Memes, storytime, I’m-not-fucking-reading-that-and-you-know-it, and- One of the emails caught his- and the chat’s- attention, however. Sender: Fazbear Entertainment Topic: Challenge Needless to say- once again the chat was out of control and this time there was NOTHING Mike could do to stop them. After opening the email, Mike slowly took a deep breath and looked into the camera, between concerned and honored- But that wouldn’t be enough to rip him from his carefully maintained persona. So he audible scoffed- albeit him being unable to hide an excited grin. “Alright bitches and bastards in the audience- we’re firing SuperMeatBoy up again. You won’t be catching ME losing to a pink son of a bitch anytime soon!” After the letter- provided it was accepted and responded to, the production happened. The deal was that a teaser was dropped on the big channel- The entire video itself was put on the smaller one, attracting the viewers over and hopefully make them more likely to want to see the other works the creator had put out. It was a win-win overall, the big channel being able to vary their content, testing the water for new things- and the smaller channel getting a boost and a lot of tips from very experienced creators. Henry and Dave were very generous people. Jeremy was sitting there, taking deep breaths, trying to stay calm. So far, everyone seemed to be rather kind, even if Jeremy was basically a complete nobody. Hell, he never wanted to be anybody. He just wanted to stream himself baking, for those who never had someone baking with them. Because baking could feel stressful, especially when you were missing ingredients or- many reasons, actually. Not only baking, but cooking too- Sometimes playing games on request, but not much in terms of requests ever came in. And now he was here in an actual studio, soon to be seen by an insane amount of people. A cooking competition. Sounded silly- you couldn’t really FIGHT in something like that… But… Henry and Dave had promised it would be fun. And they were nice. With and without the cameras rolling. Speaking off- There they were, approaching, their assistant coming along. He wore a weird phone-head, to ensure his privacy. Or something. It was kinda weird, but he had just accepted the answer he got. “Why, there you are, Jeremy! Would you like to see the equipment we have prepared?” Henry warmly asked, reaching down with his hand to help his guest stand up. “We have gotten a few extra things, just in case.” As they entered the studio, Jeremy’s invisible eyes went WIDE. “Woah- that looks really nice! I love it here! This is high quality stuff-!” “Fantastic!” Pleased Henry opened his arms in his typical theatrical manner- Before being abruptly interrupted by Dave jumping in, halfway over Henry’s shoulder. “ARE YA READY TO GO!? CAMERAS ARE READY!” “Ah- I- I guess- but-“ “YOU HEARD HIM, BOYS! GET IT ROLLIN’!” “W-wait, I don’t even have-“ “Everyone! Welcome to NOTHIN’ AT ALL!” Henry swiftly fitted in, continuing on with the intro. “Todays challenger is the man, the legend, the baker and occasional chef- Jeremy from Baking With Jeremy!” “Wait, what- that’s seriously your channel name, pal?” A bit offended Jeremy looked into the eyes of the people behind the camera. “U-uh- you guys here- I mean- he has literally called his channel Henry Miller! I- uhm- I-“ Snickering Henry put a hand on his guest’s shoulder. “You are very right about that. Say, are you nervous about losing?” “… n-no. I mean- maybe a little. This place here is big and very professional and I’m not used to many people looking at me…” Taking a deep breath, he gave off a nervous smile for the audience. “… yet, I know- it’s a good thing! And as long as everyone has fun, everything will work out!” “Awwwww, look at him!” Dave said, pleased. “You’re so right! We’ll be havin’ fun!” “But also, I will win.” Henry pointed out. “That is when I have the most fun.” Slightly playful Jeremy smiled. “K-keep that attitude, that will make it even easier to blindside you!” Simon whistled, clearly bemused as he held the camera in place- And Henry smirked. “Sure. Anyhow, the stakes are-“ “Steaks? We’re makin’ steaks? I thought we planned on-“ “Dave. I swear to god.” Henry looked at him from the side, before shaking his head. “What is on the line is easy to see- we have roughly an hour to cook the best meal. If Jeremy wins, we will donate 5000 to a charity of his choice!” “And if the young pal loses, he’ll be joinin’ our channel!” Dave chirped. This was news to the brown-haired boy. “W-wait, we never agreed to that-“ “GET TO YOUR STATIONS!” Someone in the back announced. “WHO’S TODAYS FAVORITE?” Simon checked the stream. “The chat says Jeremy is a clear winner. Nobody trusts Henry to keep his two braincells together for long enough to not forget the salt or something.” “Excuse?!” Not only Henry was APPALLED by the chat, Dave joined right in. “Ya guys have NO taste. I’ll be clearly winnin’… but hey, maybe ya peeps don’t know that I plan to cheat!” Surprised Jerry looked over to Dave’s cooking station. “How… how can you cheat at cooking-“ Before he could finish his sentence, he shrieked as Dave pulled out a flamethrower. “HELL YEAH BABY, I AIN’T WAITING 30 MINUTES FOR SOMETHING TO COOK IN THE OVEN, I’LL BE DONE IN FIFTEEN MINUTES MAX!” “W-WAIT THAT DOESN’T SEEM SAVE-“ Henry just raised his hands, cheerful. “Ready… set…” The Phone Guy made eye- well, rotary- contact with Jeremy, slightly raising a fire extinguisher that was by his side. … alright, it seemed the people here were well-prepared for this scenario. So instead he focused on the ingredients in front of him. Almost manic, Henry’s voice rang. “GO!” And… … that was it! Some joined, with amazing results- Mike rubbed his face. “Who thought that was a great idea. I fucking hate this.” Dave next to him on the couch just grinned. “It’s amazin’ what these websites all offer to sell. You won’t be BELIEVIN’ what’s in this box!” “I’M NOT OPENING IT.” “YOU WILL. OTHERWISE IT’LL HUNT YOUR DREAMS. I’LL PUT THIS BOX NEXT TO YOUR BED. YOUR TOILET. ONTO YOUR DINNER TABLE. INTO THE FRIDGE. I’LL ORDER MORE OF THESE BOXES.” “Jesus CHRIST, calm DOWN-“ “I WILL FIGHT YA TO THE DEATH OLD PAL-“ - and some people just went back to the usual pattern, with the occasional raid from Fazbear Entertainment. They asked first, of course. Each of them fulfilled their own niche, each of them had caught Henry’s and Dave’s attention in one way or another. Henry and Dave however- Well, Dave was the varied creator. Henry liked his niche. He played horror, investigated ARGs, read stories about real and fictional crimes against humanity. The world was a terrible place, wasn’t it? Yet he reveled in it. Aside from that he showed extra effects, he built machines and thought everyone one or another thing about creating special effects at home. From dry ice to genuinely ridiculous chain-reactions, Henry showed them it all. Blood too, multiple forms of it, depending on how and where it would be used. Sometimes breaking it off with more light-hearted one-off games and listening to what his community wanted to see… but the most comfortable he was with horror and analysis. He was a youtuber, a streamer, a content creator… … and one thing more. It wasn’t easy to find the code. But his intended audience were a very small amount of people. A small number of strangers. There was no way to know if anyone ever made it to more than one show, but Henry did not care. It wasn’t for them that he did this. Him and William moved down, down below the set, into the lowest regions of the house. The workshop. Nobody really question why you added what to your home if you were a creative person. Even less so if you were a famous, eccentric creator. Yes, the free reign was what he REALLY loved about his job. Maybe he should build his studio somewhere else- But like this it was so much more thrilling! Wordlessly both of them put on their suits. It would hide their identity perfectly- especially the animal heads that contorted their voices a bit. Enough. Today’s participant wore a mask too- another phone head, differently made, different style, but to hide their identity too. However, the voice was in no way muffled. Panicked the person dragged on the chains keeping them attached to the chair. “H-HELLO!? HELLO!? S-SOMEONE- IS SOMEONE HERE!?” A noisy one! Delightful! Both Fredbear and Springbonnie stepped out of the shadows, one form each side. While Springbonnie put his hands gently on the shoulders of the whimpering person, Fredbear stepped in front of the camera, bowing. “Ladies and gentlemen-“ The low voice sounded more like the one of an animal than from a person. Yet it was smooth and comforting. “- I welcome you to yet another installment of our show. I am Fredbear, and over there is my wonderful assistant, Springbonnie. Today we have brought a simple stranger, a nobody who might not even be missed. Thusly I encourage you to truly be creative with your ideas. And while your votes roll in, maybe I point out that next time we will have another little game-show, with quite the effects. We might even get a real bull! You will not want to miss it.” The board above the camera blinked up, as a bitter fight of votes started, everyone wanting to see something else. Three tiers to vote on! Foreplay (light injuries), main course (heavy injury leading to death) and of course what to do with the body. Below it was a little measure for “face reveal”. Some of their viewers really enjoyed seeing the expressions during and after. It came with a risk to Fredbear and Springbonnie, as the victim being recognizable meant their general area of activity was more obvious- thus it was incredibly expensive. They knew there was every now and again law enforcement mixed up between the genuine watchers. It was thrilling too- Yet Fredbear wanted to keep this game alive as long as he could. Thus it was important to hide what they could. Fredbear was a creator first and foremost, an entertainer second- And there was nothing that attracted an HONEST, an UNRESTRAINED, a PURE audience quite like violence. Once blood spilled, humans degraded and it was wonderful. Behind him, the victim began rattling even more erratic. “WHAT- WHAT IS THIS?! LET ME OUT- PLEASE- LET ME OUT- PLEASE- I- DIDN’T DO ANYTHING-“ Burying his hands into the shoulders of Springbonnie downright cackled, enjoying the mania that always accumulated in these situation. “Be still, new friend! The audience HATES too much whining, y’know? And at least you could die with your tongue still intact, wouldn’t that be nicer than having to swallow the thing? Once it almost killed someone, boy, that sure was a bother!” His voice was changed to a cartoonish, upbeat pitch- “While the votes come in, how about we quiz today’s friend… maybe if you are smart enough, they will want you to live! It happened before… o n c e.” Fredbear took out a long scalpel, the face a morbid grimace. “Surprise us!”
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80s-roger · 5 years ago
Not On My Watch (pt 5)
Pairing: Dad!Roger x Mum!Reader
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summary: you’re divorced with queen’s roger taylor due to constant cheating and irrational behaviour towards you. but u have one person in common: your daughter, Laura aka your favourite human on earth. Your marriage with roger had its ups and downs but laura was the happiness in it. Now that she’s 8 and starts to realise how your terms with roger are, you finally tell her that you’re seeing another man except her father and she took it really warmly. She seemed excited to meet the new man unlikely your ex husband who accidentally learns about it by Laura, the weekend you would leave her at his place: on weekends you had some cute getaways with R/N because the court decided that Laura could stay or visit her dad on weekends and stay with him for five days each Christmas and easter vacations. On summers he has the right to be with her for two weeks.
check: masterlist // dialogue prompts
If you haven't read the previous chapters, here they are: part one // part two // part three // part four
note: it wasn’t supposed to be this specific plot, but I promise you the good one is at next one ;)
warnings: flashback scenes, angst, fluff
words: 2,849
taglist: @madeinheavxn​ @namelesslosers​ @stacymaytaylor​ (send me an ask or a message if you want to be tagged)
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You set the table, eating like a proper family for the first time in two and a half years. Laura was extremely happy seeing her family reunited. You were telling her stories from the past, which she found intriguing and interesting. You didn't forget mentioning about Roger taking you with him on tour in the United States, a year after started dating. It was the first time you went abroad. You fell for Roger hard. Losing him made you lose yourself too.
"Wow mum, you never told me stories with dad. Fairytales are boring." She gasped after hearing your US experience.
"Why didn't you tell her stories about us?" Roger curiously asked.
"Because at the time, our marriage was going downhill. You know, so I tried to not think of you." You answered.
"Oh.." he didn't have to say something. "So Laura, do you want to hear another story of mum and me?" He asked. Meanwhile, you prepared the dishes for the washing machine. Laura nodded, waiting for the narration.
"So you're going out with Kath's friend?" Brian asked Roger.
"Yes," Roger answered while fixing himself at the mirror. "So Kath is your new girlfriend? I thought she was a groupie." He joked.
"Haha, very funny." Brian mocked him. "She's a nice company." He added.
"What about the bone zone?" The blond drummer pondered with a naughty smile on his face.
"That's good too, I don't complain." He shared a laugh with his friend. "So where will you meet her?" He questioned.
"Outside of the pub we met." He answered. "Where should I take her?" Roger nervously asked as if he never went on a date.
"Where do you take most of the girls you like?" Brian asked trying to help him think rationally.
"Bed?" He said back and gained an eye roll from Brian. "But Y/N is so hard to get, I don't know. I'm afraid if I say something wrong she'll lose interest in any second." He mumbled.
"Easy Rog.." Brian tried to calm his friend down. "She agreed to go on a date with you, that's progress, right?" He continued. Roger nodded. "Which means she finds you cute or hot or I don't know how girls describe us." He chuckled at the end making the blond drummer laugh.
"Alright, maybe if I take her to some other pub where we can talk?" Roger thought again.
"Excellent. She's not like the other girls you date, Roger. She's, you know, -" Brian tried to explain what type of girl you are.
"The I-want-the-man-to-chase-me. She's screaming that." Roger described what girl you are and he was right. "It was so hard for me to get to talk with her after our gig ended, I'm even surprised she finally agreed." He added, now wearing his perfume, ready to meet you.
"She likes you, pal. Good luck!" Brian hugged his friend and Roger was on his way to meet you.
You were nervous too. You didn't want to be late. You were used to never arriving on time, but this time, it was a date with a man you liked from the first moment, as much as you denied it. There wouldn't be any other second chance with him, he'd become a famous rockstar.
"There you are!" Roger spotted you coming faster to his place.
"Shit, am I late?" You asked, checking your watch.
"No, no, I just arrived." He was waiting for you, for about ten minutes. But he came at the checkpoint a little earlier due to impatience seeing you.
"Alright then." You stopped a little to catch your breath. Your high heels hurt your feet by walking so fast. But you wanted to look beautiful. The blue dress you were wearing had Roger staring at it and you all the time.
"You look so beautiful Y/N." He gasped as he was checking you out. "Nice dress, nice heels, nice hair, nice you." He ended the compliment with a hand kiss. He really wanted you to catch feelings for him.
"Thank you, Roger." You smiled after receiving his kiss and his compliments. "Where can we go?" You asked.
"There's another pub downtown that plays jazz music and we can talk without shouting." He joked and gently grabbed your hand, opened the door for you and placed you inside.
"Oh, I like jazz." You were surprised that he was probably into jazz. You waited for him to get into his red Renault car.
"Perfect, let's go." He started the engine and nervousness hit your body. You were shaking, feeling like throwing up. A handsome guy next to you, an upcoming legend wants to go on a date with you. "Hey, are you alright?" He asked after stopping at the red traffic light. He checked your hands trembling and gently placed his on yours. "You're not cold, are you?" He asked. You can't be cold on a May night.
"No, I'm just a little nervous." You tried to keep smiling. You're not the tough girl he met a couple of days ago, but a vulnerable nineteen-year-old girl trying to find love.
Roger was feeling split: He had two options in his head. Should he take you to the pub you both agreed or somewhere isolated to talk with no one seeing. That would make you feel more uncomfortable.
"What do you want me to do?" He asked waiting for any answer. "You want me to keep driving or stop somewhere? I promise I won't do anything." He shared his ideas with you. You looked at him confused.
"Could you stop somewhere, please?" You politely asked trying to not sound bitter after your sudden mood.
"Sure, are you alright?" He asked again, trying to find any isolated place for you two.
"Yes, it happens a lot when I'm feeling nervous." You explained.
He didn't say a word. Until he found that place, behind a church, with no soul around. It seemed creepy if you consider you are on the car with a man you met a week ago. But you liked him.
"Listen, if you are feeling nervous, we can call it off." He showed empathy at you feeling awkward.
"No, I won't have another chance with you if we call it off." You got out of the car, trying to get some air. Roger followed your moves, now standing behind you.
"What do you mean?" He asked raising his hands.
"I mean you'll become famous and everything that goes with it and you'll forget about me anyways." You tried to explain.
"Why would I forget you? I like you." He straightforwardly said, sending you shivers.
"I like you too, but I don't want me to love you."  You are a person full of emotions, throwing that to Roger made him feel weird.
"Why are you talking about love? This is a date, not a wedding." He objected.
"Exactly, I'm afraid if we become a girlfriend-boyfriend thing, I'll eventually love you and then things will get nasty." You could look years away. Look at you now.
"Are you nuts? I wanted to get to know you, I want to know you well, be my girlfriend, how do we call these things?" He questioned.
"Relationship." You answered turning around, to face him. "Would you like that? I wanted that for years." You asked trying to hide your desperation. But you couldn't.
"Hold on, you never had a relationship?" He asked confused, coming closer to you.
"Don't make fun of that, I never liked the boys who approached me." You admitted. You could see his eyes, sparkling from excitement because he knew now how inexperienced you were on that part. A hopeless romantic with huge fantasy.
"Well, I'd like to be the one." He smirked and grabbed his hands around your waist, pulled you into his arms and kissed your lips. Your first kiss ever. His lips harmoniously moved onto yours giving them what they needed all this time. Tenderness. "How was that?" He asked, his eyes now focused on yours.
"Amazing." You licked your lips and smiled, not feeling nervous anymore.
"Is the pub still a plan?" He asked.
"Yes." You were so hyped after your kiss you couldn't focus on anything besides Roger. His hand caught yours leading you back to his car.
Flashback ended.
"Wow, mum!" She turned to your place. "Dad was your first kiss?" She asked fully awed by the narration.
"Yes, he was." You blushed as you both looked at each other. He was fluttered by your current reaction. Your first everything.
"Oh dad, tell me more!" She begged for more stories, but it was time to leave.
"No young lady, I need to have some other memories between your mum and me." He playfully berated her. "Besides, we have to take you to Laura." You stood up from the chairs and moved towards the hall, wearing your shoes.
"Mum, will you tell me these stories instead of fairytales?' She asked while Roger helped her once more with tying her shoes.
"Yes, I will." You answered. You wanted to tell her stories about you and her father, but most of these are explicit. Not special for children.
Roger drove off to John's house to leave Laura. "I'll take her inside." He declared and you stayed in the car to wait.
"Daddy, what about my stuff?" She asked.
"We're going to mum's place now to take your stuff. We'll come again." He rubbed her head before knocking the door.
"Hey Roger, I was waiting for you now." He smiled at his bandmate and turned his gaze to Laura. "Hello, Laura! The other Laura waits for you inside! Come in!" He kissed her head.
"Bye, daddy!" She hugged him and walked inside the house.
"I'll come back again to bring her clothes and tomorrow's books for school," Roger said.
"Sure. I'm waiting for the details tomorrow." John winked.
"Ah, I see where you're getting with that." Roger laughed. "Just the abstract." He joked and left the grand house to come back to you.
"You have the keys to your apartment?" Roger asked you.
"Yes. And a piper spray for any case." You showed him that, referring to R/N who could wait for you around the corner.
"He won't harm you, over my dead body." He reassured you and placed a kiss on your forehead. "Shall we go?" He asked and you nodded.
There wasn't any talk during the car drive, but that didn't make it awkward. It was a peaceful silence you used to have before the dark days arrived. You couldn't hide your fear though, it was visible. Your hands were rubbing your thighs nervously. Roger, noticed your behaviour and placed his hand on yours. "It's going to be alright. That's why I'm here, with you." He placed his head on yours, giving you a reassuring kiss. You hugged him in return, feeling his scent against your senses. He smelled amazing. His perfume combined with nicotine was what you could characterize him.
You opened your apartment's door, seeing the inside of the house upside down. You knew he would fuck it up. All you could think of was who's going to clean this mess?
"Oh God-" you gasped and closed the door behind you.
"Y/N, don't worry we'll fix this mess together." He reassured you. "Do you think he did it on purpose?" He asked trying to figure out what was R/N's intent.
"Shit." You gasped again, looking at your ex-husband horrified.
"What?" He asked after seeing you turning pale.
"FUCK." You yelled, running to Laura's bedroom, looking for your diary. He knew about it.
You searched for it at the place you're hiding it and thanked your lucky stars it was up there inside the pillows you keep at the closet. "Oh God, oh God, thank you!" You stared above, kicking out all your angst while holding your huge notebook. It was clever of you to hide something personal at your daughter's room, in a cupboard she never uses. Roger followed you and sat next to you.
"Y/N, you alright?" He asked placing his hand at your back. His eyes fell at the notebook you were tightly holding. "What's this?" He curiously asked and tried to hold it but you politely refused. "Oh. Is it personal?" He questioned.
"I was keeping a diary all this time." You confessed.
"A diary? How long?" He asked as he was checking all these used pages.
"Before you." You smiled and scrolled a few of your pages.
"Wow, that's a lot..." he was amused. "So I guess I'm in there, aren't I?" He asked checking for assurance.
"Don't guess. Be sure." You smiled.
"Can I see just one page please?" He politely asked.
"I'll show you my favourite." You seemed too excited to get to a specific page.
Roger next to you was smiling through the entire process, trying to read while pages were fastly zapping, until you stopped somewhere from the first twenty pages. He focused on your point of view, trying to understand what you were writing about.
"Oh, your first time." He awed. After reading the sentence: my heart was beating so fast at the moment he was inside me, even my soul could see his, from our eyes. "I didn't know you were so sentimental about it." His cheeks blushed from everything you wrote.
"Of course I was, it was my first time. I loved you, Roger." You opened your heart to him for one more time. His eyes were wide opened. It was the first time he got to hear from you how you really felt about your first time. He continued reading to the next day, how you behaved after your first time.
It had to happen right? Or not? My parents are going to kill me. It should have happened after marriage. That's what they've been saying all my life. I love Roger but he would never settle for a wedding. He's a rockstar now, he would probably abandon me if I ask him to marry me. I have to keep it a secret.
"Y/N, you never told me that your parents are against sex before the wedding." He was shocked at what you were writing.
"I know, I had to do it, otherwise you'd break up with me. I didn't want that at the time." You said feeling secure now that he's still by your side.
"Oh, baby..." he whispered and kept you in his arms. "Was it too important to your family to keep your virginity?" He asked.
"It was for them to keep it until my wedding night." You started. "But you know? I only wanted to give it to the man I loved so bad one summer night. And it was special for me, you made it all about me." You continued and stayed in his arms for a couple of minutes. "They always believed my first time was at our wedding."
"I think you have to take this with you. It's not safe on its own. We should grab Laura's stuff and drive them off to John's." You both stood up and put your daughter's stuff in a bag.
You got in the car again, still silent. You were just reading random pages from your diary, getting all emotional. From you meeting him, dating him, marrying him, giving birth to his child, divorcing him... You wrote many things in there. It has an emotional value. You knew by now that Roger was the only person you wouldn't bother reading it, after your permission of course, because almost every page has his name on it.
After giving Laura her stuff, you went back to Roger's fancy house. You were getting used to getting there. He looked like wanting to stay with you again, without including the disagreements. He opened the door and you both walked upstairs, leading to his bedroom.
"Do you think you should stay here now?" He asked.
"Why?" You returned as you placed your diary at the nightstand.
"That asshole could come to your place, any moment. You're not safe." He explained. "Maybe you should stay here. With me." He came closer to you, his face inches away from yours. You didn't say anything. Just let him do all the work for you.
His kiss was deep and his hands couldn't restrict themselves from touching your waist. These couple of days, you are much closer than you were when your marriage went downhill. You wanted to give it a chance.
"Tonight, I want you to be loud. I missed that." He stated, looking you into your eyes.
"Loud?" You asked, trying to understand his motives.
"Really loud. This is why Laura isn't here." He winked and left his room, going to the bathroom to take a shower.
"You're the filthiest man I know!" You playfully yelled at him.
"Oh, I know love!" He loudly answered from the bathroom and so on, you went downstairs to fix two glasses of red wine. Chilling situations like these, haven't happened since Laura was a baby.
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taejeonie · 5 years ago
that punch, 날리고 🥊
— aka a markhee vlive scenario where they’re dating YAYY
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*english is italicized but if they’re speaking in korean it’s not (including the comments)
“guys guys guys guys”
“G U Y S”
markhee, harmonizing: “GuUuUuUYSSS!”
okay who gave them sugar
they’re both sweating bc they just finished practicing
we stan hard working legends amarite
mark was wearing his cap backwards but taehee flicked the back so it falls off his head :p
he sighs at her in disbelief, while smiling ofc, and places his cap back on his head
then taehee brings her face closer to the phone to read the comments
markswatermelons MY BABIES 🥺🥺🥺
taeyongcutiepie did you guys just finish practicing?
ncitygottagogetem PUNCH WAS SOOO GOOD!!
“did you guys enjoy punch?,” she asks
“we just finished practicing for a bit. everyone left already but taehee wanted to do vlive so i waited for her”
hyucksunshine you guys are soulmates
“actually, we filmed on weekly idol yesterday and we had a lot of fun,,,so please look forward to it!!!”
mark laughed bc he found the way she said it cute ;((
“ᵖˡᵉᵃˢᵉ ˡᵒᵒᵏ ᶠᵒʳʷᵃʳᵈ ᵗᵒ ⁱᵗ﹗﹗,” he copied her
taehee brings her phone out and puts her playlist on shuffle
happiness by roc plays first, “ahh i like this”
she pretended she was holding a mic while singing the lyrics in a quiet tone
meanwhile mark was talking about the photoshoot their maknae line had for star1
they looked so good in it PLEASE
“i’ll be the one,,,who stays til the end,,,,”
“honestly, the ambience helped us a lot get into the photoshoot. it was like warm and had like,,,an outdoor kind of feeling”
“and i’ll be the one that proposes,,in a garden of roses...”
taehee leans into mark’s shoulder while singing it’s free estate guys and he immediately puts his arm around her shoulders, still talking about the photoshoot
neoblink MARKHEEEE 💚💚
taeilsbutterfly i saw the behind the scenes!! mark and taehee kept dancing to ridin, it was so cute :>
“cause i am the one!! who waited this looong!! i am the one,,who might get it wrong”
at this point, mark finished talking about the shoot and is currently reading the comments
“and i'll be the one that will love you the way i'm supposed to”
taehee tilts mark’s head to face her while she sang the lyrics
and he had to hold himself back from kissing her right then and there
markswatermelons DID HE JUST LOOK AT HER LIPS
johfam i wouldn’t be surprised if they’re dating
jaeminanana they should just admit it already!!
mark realized what he was doing and pushed her away gently
but taehee and her dramatic ass pretended he pushed her really hard and fell on the floor
you hear taehee giggle before popping back into the frame and saying, “just kidding!!! hihi (*^▽^*)”
“ahh you and haechan are the same, really”
“hmm,” she pouts, “but i’m your-“
pause!!! since she was about to say GIRLFRIEND
mark tried to hold in his laugh since she knows she was about to slip up
but she didn’t!! hehe
when it comes to the instrumental part, taehee pulls mark to stand up so they can dance
they’re hiphop dancers but u know how like
old people dance
yeah that’s exactly what they’re doing
still cute tho,,,,
markheeyipee they’re just friends guys
taehyucktion taehee’s really affectionate with the members, just like haechan!!
taeheelovely taehee!! what’s your lockscreen?
“what’s my lockscreen? guess :>>”
mark takes a peek at her lockscreen and starts laughing, “what is that??? when did you take this haha”
chenlerap a funny picture of haechan???
jaehyunsdimple probably jisung? since he said he sent her a funny picture a few days ago...
markheepizza MARK!!!
after that one ‘mark’ comment,,everyone started saying it WAS mark
“CORRECT!!! it’s mark!! but for his sake, i won’t show it to you guys (*´꒳`*)”
it was a picture of mark in white tee, messy hair, kissable lips like u know that video of mark holding a sb drink and there was a fan in his shirt?? mm yes very boyfriend material
taehee takes a look at her lockscreen again, “hmm but you look handsome in it though?? i guess it won’t hurt to show- HEY”
mark grabbed her phone and placed it in his pocket
taehee ran her tongue along the inside of her cheek and was tempted to reach for it
but he raised his brow at her as if to say “what? are you gonna get it?”
i live for cocky and confident mark lee
so taehee just shakes her head at him and faces the camera
“these days mark LOVES to take my phone,,he isn’t even going to use it he just takes it and keeps it there”
in reality mark just wants her to pay attention to him more in the dorms awww
“ah my homescreen? secreeeet (*´ω`*)”
it was a picture of them sleeping in the backseat
taehee’s head was buried in mark’s neck, his head laid on top of hers while his arm was wrapped her shoulders
no one noticed except hyuck, so he took a pic of them
“oh i remember we have drinks”
she goes off screen while mark watches her
“do you want me to get yours?,” he nods
“mark’s is red and mine’s blue- what is that? watermelon?”
“i thought it was,,but it was strawberry. you wanna taste?”
she takes a sip from his straw and glances at him, “it’s good!! you wanna taste mine?”
later into the vlive you would notice that they switched drinks already
they spent the next few moments reading comments from czennies 
chenlescars netflix recommendation? pwarkjisung what songs do you listen to these days? neogotmyback TAEHEE I LOVE YOUR HAIR
“’taehee i love your hair’”
“oh thank you!! i wanted to dye it blue for quite some time and the hyungs- oppas told me i should go for it hihi”
mark giggleD as he pointed at the screen
“what is it?”
jeon_jieun taehee, my baby!!! you look so grown up now!! 💚💚💚
“AA MOM!! (o-_-o)”
“hi mom ;<< have you eaten?”
jeon_jieun yes :))))
“mark and i will eat at the dorms if you’re wondering. we just finished practicing so we’ll eat right away”
“teehee’s mom, hello!!” 
mark lee is the type of boy your mom would want you to marry 
and maybe teehee’s mom would too jdbjksb
“actually, the only members who met my mom, like in-person, were you, haechan, doyoung-oppa, and taeyong-oppa”
“yeah,,,the rest were through video call”
“she’s really fond of you,,”
“oh really?”
“haechan too”
markjohnjae the way mark’s face went from ☺️ to 😐
“don’t worry, if you come home with me next time, you could take haechan’s spot as her favorite”
“mom, please look forward to it! (☞゚ヮ゚)☞”
mark’s solo was the next song to play on her playlist
“ah this is my favorite song,” taehee said as she bopped her head to ‘talk about’, making mark laugh
she rapped the lyrics effortlessly and you could clearly see the heart eyes on mark’s face
until she imitated how mark growled during that one part of his rap
“this that MuRDER from the tongue-“
taehee chuckles at mark’s shy face, “okay, then show me”
“like right now” “mhmm”
“it’s the MuRDER from the tongue,,”
“it sounds the same!!”
“no it isn’t,,”
“oh what? yours is like,,sexier? is that what you want me to say?”
mark stares at her fondly for a moment before telling her, “i didn’t say thaaat”
“you like it either way ;))”
neodream07 do you watch ridin club?
“ridin club? what’s ridin club”
“it’s like the variety show of the kids”
“see? this is why they like me more than mark”
“jaemin kissed haechan, right? jeno did too, almost”
mark laughed, “really??”
“yeah, aaa that kid. one day, he’s gonna do it for real and regret it.”
“but he already did?”
“what? when?”
“when we were filming the music video for ‘go’,,,your lips touched haha,,right?”
taehee ( ˙-˙ )
“oh yeah right- i remember now”
her disgusted face while saying that made mark laugh
later on, mark felt taehee’s phone vibrate in his pocket so he brought it out and gave it to her
“haechanie texted me,,he said we should go back to the dorms- *laughs* he wants to play games already”
“what time is it?,” mark yawned
“it’s 11:57,,” she bit her lip and looked at mark
he does look like he’s about to sleep already
and he stayed with taehee so she won’t go live and go home on her own
(● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾ i want a mark
“guys, we’re gonna have to wrap up now,,sorry for making the vlive so short :((((“
it’s been an hour taehee wym so short :<<
markhee stans are well fed
taeheebubs awww
markhyucktingles it’s okay bb!! get some rest <33
doyoungbunny get home safely!! and stay healthy!!
“you guys stay safe!! we’ll see each other soon,” mark waved
“goodnight guys!! or goodmorning- wherever you are. enjoy the rest of your day!! byeeee”
taehee turns off the vlive and stretches a bit while mark leans back to lay on the floor
she stands up and grabs her and mark’s bags after throwing their drinks in the trash bin
“come on, let’s go home :>>”
mark grabs her hand as he stood up, gets his backpack from her, and slings it around his shoulders
gently, he pulls taehee towards him and places a short kiss on her lips
she holds back a smile, “why so suddenly?”
“i wanted to do it earlier but i couldn’t”
their voices sound so small even if they’re the only ones in the practice room at that moment
it’s the butterflies,,,(//∇//)
she smiles and cups his face to bring him in for a longer kiss
mark smiles as he felt her deepen the kiss, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her closer
short, sweet kisses soon turned into hot, opened-mouth ones and taehee’s got her hands in mark’s hair, making a small sound come out of him
taehee’s phone rings once again, making her pull away from mark before giving him one last peck on the lips
mark lee best kisser i think
mark intertwines their hands together as she accepted the call,,,led her out of the practice room and to the elevator
“noona, why are you laughing? it’s so late, are you still there?”
“we’re about to get off the elevator, don’t worry”
“the live ended a few minutes agooo. what took you so loooong”
taehee senses the pout in hyuck’s voice and chuckles at him, “secret. we’ll play games later, byeee”
“secret...? sECRET-“
“you ended the call just like that?,” mark laughs at her
taehee shrugs in response
later when they’re at home and in their taehee’s bed, they head off to sleep after taehee played rounds with hyuck and johnny
as taehee’s head laid snug on mark’s chest, his arms wrapped around her frame to keep her close, mark thought nothing could get as cozy as this moment.
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flickityfics · 4 years ago
Chapter 11 Attacked
A/N:Trigger warning: sexual assault, violence
Sokka woke up feeling relaxed and ready for the day. He'd like to just enjoy the day and sleep in but also wanted to visit Zuko before work. Since it was still early he sat down with his breakfast and got out his letters to read.
"We're glad to hear you're getting along with everyone and staying busy. We miss you Sokka, it sucks that you'll be working longer but we can't wait to see you when we can. Toph says she'd like to know about how your training is going while Aang misses goofing off and making jokes with you. And I miss my big brother as hard as that is for you to believe. I love that you're finally understanding women more, that's a big step for you to acknowledge and you better keep that up, hah. I hope you're taking care of yourself to. Love from all us."
"Hiya Sokka! You better be careful, sometimes they're dangerous people who go to far messing with women. I know first hand how mean girls can be but hey can't make everyone like you so you minding your own business is just fine. I'm doing good on my side just bit of the same old same old maybe a trip to see you is just what I need to cure my bit of boredom. Definitely look into spirits, I really think that's the answer to your mess. Oh, the second letter I enclosed along with this one is of the anatomy diagram you asked for. I hope it helps! Let me know in your next letter. Best of luck to ya."
Sokka gave the diagram a quick scan, he's definitely gonna take a better look and write down notes maybe even take up Zuko's advice and write a book to start educating people.
Sokka was glad to have kidnapped Zuko on his day off. They were both at the library together with each their own books, he liked watching how serious the fire prince looked reading.
"Pssst, Lee. Could you teach me more about the fire nation?" Sokka knew they had to be quiet since Zuko was quite paranoid but he genuinely wanted to get to know the other teen better, it probably wasn't the most ideal place for this conversation but there isn't really ever a right time or place when he wanted to talk seriously.
"Why do you wanna know?" Zuko furrowed his brows not getting why Miyuki brought up the fire nation out of the blue.
"We'll, I've never been to the fire nation so I'm curious but we don't have to talk about anything that makes you uncomfortable just.. tell me about food places you like or the festivals you celebrate from back home."
"Okay, let me just find a book real quickly." Sokka watched as Zuko scanned the library until he found a book and walked back towards their table. Zuko was turning pages when he turned the book around and pushed it towards him. He then went on tell him about the fire nations story, how the school system was setup, the locations of various markets to try out, what festivals they had and represent and what foods they served at said festivals. Sokka took in all the information enthusiastically, he also likes seeing a happy Zuko explain all the things he loved about his home and when his uncle would sneak a young Zuko out to have fun.
"It was my favorite sport that uncle got me in- hey are you listening?" Zuko asked nervously not sure if he lost Miyuki at some point and didn't notice.
Sokka loved the blush that crept on zuko's cheeks, "heh no, I just liked seeing you talking about something that puts a smile on your face." And he wasn't lying, this was a whole new part of Zuko expressing himself and there was so much to him that he wanted to know them all.
"Oh, I was worried I bored you there. Maybe I'll tell you more another time since you gotta head to work now."
"Would like that a lot, hey you wanna walk me to work?" Questioned Sokka.
"Sure." Zuko agreed.
"Let me just grab a book then we can head out." He scanned the rows until he found one called, 'Spirits and their Legends' it seemed pretty helpful.
The two walked out the library passing the lively streets of the city. They watched on as kids played around, an older couple fighting, and shoppers haggling with vendors. The silence was comfortable between them and Sokka had a strange urge to get even closer to Zuko's side.
"So, tell me more about yourself to." Zuko likes that Miyuki asks about himself be he'd also like to know more about her to.
"Mmm, well I learned how to fish at a young age. I sadly grew up to fast, hah in some ways anyway. I mean I had to grow up fast when my mom had died and my father left for the war so I just had my grandma whose quite fragile so I kinda had to teach myself things early on and I never asked anyone for help so it was especially harder." Sokka felt bad to omit quite a bit but he knew his current situation was tough to work around. "I did have fun though, goofed around and lazed about often. I had so many adventures traveling here even if it was by sad means, being driven from my home but I guess you gotta keep strong and find the happy moments or even create them." He looked to Zuko, he never talked like this, not to anyone.
"How were your adventures?" Zuko asked curiously.
"Fun, crazy, dangerous, beautiful and new, it was full of so many things. I want to keep traveling and just pack everything I can learn and see into my head. I got to meet so many people, I keep a journal of everything and everyone I came across, there's so many creatures I wrote about even. Sorry, rambling again. " He apologized.
"I like when you talk like that, it's nice seeing you get so excited and going on tangents or rambles." Zuko grinned down at Miyuki genuinely enjoying everything she had to say.
Sokka slowed down nearing his job and turned to Zuko, "Thanks for walking me and letting me talk your ear off."
"I like our talks especially when you do most of it since I don't talk much. I never really know what to talk about." He admitted.
"That's okay, I get it. Also did you want to try watching the play that starts in two weeks? I forgot what it's about but I heard it's got lots of action."
"Yeah, I heard it's going to be in town for a week, I'll even let uncle know if he doesn't already."
"Great. Alright, I'll get going now. See you tomorrow for training?"
"Come by around one and I'll also teach you more about maps." Zuko waved Miyuki off as he waited until she got through the door into her job safely before heading home himself.
Sokka couldn't believe how rude the parents were when they finally got back home. They could have at least told him earlier that they'd be so late, he would've charged them more while at it. Watching five kids on his own was miserable, he had to react to each one differently he swore he had an identity crisis. And now he was miserably walking in the dead of night and it was so quiet, it was the creepy kind of quiet where it was to dark and to silent. He was walking when he heard fast footsteps, he didn't have time to react when a figure passed him and snatched his bag running off with it.
He quickly found the guy turning into an alley and caught up enough to push him down grabbing his bag back. Before he could yell at the person on the ground he was grabbed from behind and arms trapped tightly into his sides.
"What a nice catch you got us Kota. The boss will definitely be pleased with us and give us tons of yuan for her."
Sokka did not have a good feeling about this situation. He noticed there was only three guys, the one in front that had already gotten up, one on his right and the other who had a hold of him. The one holding him seemed like the guy running things and guessing by his words he had to get out this fast. He hadn't been trained on fighting multiple fighters so this was gonna be tricky. Being limited on time he hoped his planned work fast enough for him to get away.
He stepped on the bigger one holding him and took advantage of being released to push the one on his left into the brick wall and running up the wall himself gripping the corner edge. Before he could pull himself over he felt his ankle being grabbed and the pain of his cheek hitting the concrete edge then falling hard to the floor knocking the air out of him. Before he recovered he felt a punch to his face and one of the men holding him down as he felt another pair of hands holding his legs. All he could do was shake violently and before he could scream he felt hands pressing over his mouth painfully.
"I love when they struggle. I don't think the people we'll be selling you to will mind if I try the goods first, they'll be getting plenty of use from you anyways. At least this way I won't have to pay myself." The disgusting man above him said.
Sokka could only scream in his head for anyone to save him. He felt tears leaking from his eyes as he felt a hand grope his chest and the other sliding up the dress he wore pulling on his underwear. He tried to struggle hard out the men's hold but it was proving fruitless, he was going to be violated. He strained his voice to spill from the man's hands but they were only muffled, all he could hear was their breathing and the rustling of clothes. No one was gonna come by this late or head into a suspicious alley with only a few conspicuous sounds. All he could do was stare up into the night sky as he tried to will his mind away from what was going on when a fast shadow came down fast towards him. It all happened so fast, seeing the butt of a sword hit the temple of the man on top of him and a spray of blood hitting his face and neck when he took notice of the masked man slashing a cut across the one who held his mouth shut. The one at his legs reacted slowly getting flames to the face and screaming his head off before being punched and knocked out. Sokka watched in stunned silence as the masked figure tied up his attackers.
He felt no danger from the man offering his hand, he was going to take it when he noticed his underwear around his ankles. He shut his eyes shamefully pulling them up before looking at the figure above him. He slowly took the hand noting no ill intent.
"Let me take you home." The blue masked figure offered.
Sokka shook his head vigorously in, "no, no please t-take me to the Jasmine Dragon's tea shop, i-its closer anyways."
Zuko who was behind the mask knew that wasn't true but would follow Miyuki's wishes. Zuko wanted to do nothing more than to kill these men now but he needed to keep them for information so he could go after the trafficking ring he discovered few months back.
The two made their walk silently  before stopping in front of the tea shops door.
Sokka faced the other man and thanked him, he watched as the other nodded in return and waited until the masked man jumped onto the roof before furiously knocking on the door, he didn't noticed how his knuckles had bled from his frantic knocking.
Iroh opened the door shocked at what he saw and saddened when he took in the appearance of Zuko's friend.
"Can I come in?" Sokka asked in a small cracked voice, his composure breaking.
"Yes." Iroh moved to the side as he watched Miyuki head upstairs, "his room is the first door to the left." He saw her nod hearing him. All he could do was worry until he got answers from Zuko later.
Sokka found himself opening Zuko's door and once inside with his back against the door did he finally break down. He was shaking and breathing so hard to keep from screaming, he couldn't scream like this not when neighbors were nearby or Zuko's uncle next door but it's all he wanted to do right at this moment. Next thing he knew he was wrapped up in arms, he knew this scent. He gripped onto Zuko tight and muffled his cries into Zuko's neck, he couldn't even think straight that he bit between the fire prince's neck and shoulder as he screamed and cried hard digging his nails into Zuko's back.
Zuko rocked Miyuki in his arms, he didn't care about the little pain she dealt him he knew her pain was a lot worse and he'd rather her hurt him than herself. When he heard Miyuki's cries stop did he move her to get a better look. She looked so out of it, he noticed the blood and torn clothes.
"Let me get you a cloth and some clothes." He went to get up when he felt her hand holding his arm, he sensed that she didn't want him to leave. "Let's go to the bathroom and I'll clean you up there." They went into the bathroom where he cleaned her face, neck and knuckles from the blood that splattered when he slashed one of the men. He wished he could take away the violent scene he caused her and just her whole experience entirely.
Going back to his room, he rummaged through his shelves for clothes and passing them to her as he turned around giving her privacy.
"Can you burn these later?" Zuko turned as she spoke and could only clench his fists in anger not knowing what more he could do for her.
"Of course." But whatever it is he could offer he will.
"I'm tired Zuko, I'd like to go to bed." He reached Zuko's hand and Zuko followed her lead. Zuko could only cry silently himself as he heard Miyuki's own cries and shaking body as he held her. He never felt so powerless as this. He held her until they both fell asleep.
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spectraspecs-writes · 5 years ago
Kashyyyk - Chapter 70
Link to the masterpost. Chapter 69. Chapter 71.
@averruncusho @ceruleanrainblues @chubbsmomma thank u for reading you get a tag. @skelelexiunderlord thank u for support you get a tag
A/N: Okay, one more complete chapter to type before I drift into the abyss for another week or so.
I think it is! It’s green, and it flashes quickly, accompanied by sounds of the beasts. Four at once, and they aren’t backing down. But before I get close enough to help, he takes out all four himself. Cool.
He turns and sees me. “Ah, the damnable racket of battle!” he swears. He sounds crotchety, but he’s got the same kind of attitude I have, which I love. “Watch yourself, even more of these crawling beasts are hiding in the underbrush.”
“Who are you?” I ask, “You’re not Czerka, are you?” He certainly doesn’t look like Czerka.
“I'm Jolee. Jolee Bindo,” he says, “Follow me to my camp and we'll talk a bit.”
“You use a lightsaber in battle,” Bastila asks him as he starts to head back to his camp, “Are you a Jedi?”
“Ah, don't start fawning just yet, I'm too old for it,” he complains, and then he sighs, “I…I know a few things, but we can talk about it at my camp. Keep close. It's nearby under a log.” He scoffs. “Yeah, I live like some burrowing rodent. I fought the Sith… now look at me. Hmph!”
We follow where he leads. He has a charming little hut-house, and he’s kinds enough to let us in as it starts to rain a little. The rain exacerbates my allergies, so I inject another of Canderous’s stim packs. Jolee huffs a little at that. “Well, welcome to my home,” he says, “such as it is. Pull up a stump and be comfortable. We should discuss a few things.” He offers us some fruit, being a kind host. 
Bastila and Canderous both take the offer in earnest, but I’ve got business on my mind. “No offense,” I say, “I’m sure you know a lot, but I don’t have much time.”
“You'll have nothing but time if you don't take what help you can,” he says gruffly, “I've been here for many years. I know things. Remember that.” He shakes his head and sits down. “My days of glory are behind me, but… perhaps there is something I can do for you. You must have questions.”
“I would like to ask about you,” Bastila asks, “If that’s all right.”
“Ah, what is there to tell?” he says simply, “Jolee Bindo is the crazy old man in the dangerous woods. I'm content with the impression I give.” My kind of guy.
“But you use a lightsaber in battle. You are a Jedi,” Bastila says.
Jolee sighs. “I follow the Jedi Way and I command the Force, yes, and I suppose that makes me as much a Jedi as anyone,” he says, sounding almost a little reluctant to admit as much, “… but what of it? Why should being what I am compel me to entertain others with tales of the 'good old days' huh?” Bastia doesn’t quite like his gruff manner. I like it, personally. “I've seen my share of the dark and the light. And frankly, both extremes annoy me. Of course… I have felt the rumblings of change… “
Bastila gets a small smug look on her face. “I can feel the power of the Force within you, old man,” she says - is she… trying to tease him? - “but I do not sense the taint of the Dark Side. I think you are a servant of the light, despite what you claim.”
While Jolee would certainly be understood if he gave her a talking-to, he doesn’t. “Well, I assure you, I see more grey than dark or light. I'm just a stubborn old man, tired of the foolishness of others.” I certainly agree there.
I’m here for a reason, though, and if he knows the area, I’m going to try to get the information I need to finish what I came here to do. “Chuundar, the Wookiee chieftain from R… Ruh-wook…”
“Rwookrroro,” Jolee finishes for me.
“Right, yes, thank you. He sent us after a crazed Wookiee,” I say, “Do you know anything about this Wookiee? Have you seen him?”
“Crazed? Maddened with grief, perhaps, but not crazed,” Jolee says. See, I didn’t think he was crazed, exactly. “I helped him pass to the lower forests where only a Wookiee could follow. Some other matters will determine if you can follow. There is a barrier that… well, we'll talk of that more in a moment.”
He’s a cool dude and everything, but the less time I spend on Kashyyyk the better. “I’m looking for a Star Map, mainly,” I say, “Do you know anything about it?”
He grins. “Now why would you be asking about that, hmm? Don't answer. I knew that had to be why you were here. The problems of a few Wookiees don't amount to anything before the concerns of the Jedi.” Now, that’s not fair. If I wasn’t allergic to this planet I would do everything I could to help the Wookiees. I’m just in mild agony and have been for several hours. “No,” he finishes, “you are here for the map.
“Kashyyyk is an interesting place, more so than anyone suspects. If Czerka Corporation knew,” he says with an ironic laugh, “the planet would be a strip mine.” Doubtless. Czerka is willing to destroy anything if it gets them a few more credits. “The Wookiees have their legends that they were not always here, but it is more than that. The trees themselves are strangers.”
Uh… what? “That sounds fascinating,” I say, “and I would love to hear more, but I’m confused.”
“What I'm saying is that there are literally walls in your way,” he says - and I don’t exactly see how that relates to the trees being strangers, but okay, “and you won't find what you need without my help. And my help has a price.” Of course it does. “You must do a task for me, and then allow me to join with you. I will then remove certain barriers in your path.”
“Oh, hell, no,” Canderous protests, “The port quarters are crowded enough as it is. You want to add a cryptic old man to your current entourage of a Wookiee, a Mandalorian, and your Republic boyfriend?”
“Canderous, Carth is not my boyfriend.”
He laughs. “You know what they say about people who protest too much.”
“Leave her alone, Canderous,” Bastila says, gently smacking him. She smiles at him but she doesn't like his suggestion any more than I do. “I’m sure we can accommodate you, Jolee.”
“Glad to have you aboard,” I say, “So what’s the task?”
“I’m glad you asked,” Jolee says, “Since they began expanding in the Shadowlands, the Czerka have left me alone, for the most part. Until recently, anyway. A group of them set up camp not far from here.” He scoffs. “Poachers, is all they are. I'd like them removed from this place.”
And this is supposed to be a difficult task? I’d chase the Czerka away for fun. “So you want me to get some kids off your lawn,” I say teasingly.
He takes the joke and returns it. “Yes, yes, I’m an old man that’s getting fussy,” he says, “Call me foolish if you will, I don’t care.”
“Perish the thought,” I say, “I’d do this just for fun. Czerka has absolutely no respect for the native environment or animals, I‘m sure they’re threatening the wildlife and the ecosystem balance, and I know some of the Wookiees hate the idea of them being down here.��� Gorwooken expressed as much, and I get the impression he’s not alone. “Out of idle curiosity, though, if you want them gone so badly, why haven’t you gotten rid of them yourself?”
“Don't talk back to your elders, child,” he says, teasing a bit, “Look, they know me quite well, and are always on alert when I approach. The only way I could get rid of them would be violence, which would eventually lead to trouble for the Wookiees.” I can see that. The Wookiees know he’s down here. If he removes Czerka, Czerka may ask why they haven’t removed him. Any hint of conflict could exacerbate this whole situation. “I want them gone,” Jolee continues, “but with as little fuss as possible. They have already caused enough trouble as it is.
“Their camp is in the far northeast,” he says, “And remember, if I wanted them dead, I'd have done it myself. Find a better way.”
“Gladly,” I say, “I don’t like Czerka any more than you do. I’d love nothing more than to get them all off this planet.”
“Well, you can start with the poachers,” he says with a smile, “Go on, now. Shoo! Shoo!”
Ah, he’s not so tough as all that. Despite the rain picking up, I still head out. Bastila and Canderous reluctantly follow me out into the wet. The moss glows brighter in the rain, and helps guide me close to where the Czerka poachers are hanging out. It’s dark, but my eyes adjust quickly to the low light. And I’m honestly enjoying myself. This is the closest I’ve gotten to my old scouting lifestyle in months, and I was starting to miss it. The days when water was scarce so the closest you got to a shower were rain storms like this one. When you kept lights low at night so as not to disturb the local environment too much, and to keep unwanted attention away from you. When what you ate was what you could kill, harvest, salvage, or store for months at a time, and you never took more than you needed. You were only a guest. You lived off the land, surveyed, gathered information, traded with any locals you found, learned their methods for surviving. I was with a Republic-aligned corps - not in the same field as the soldiers but I followed some of the same rules - but when we met up with Mandalorian squads, Hutt-funded expeditions, or even Sith corps, there was never much conflict between us. It wasn’t worth it. We were all at the mercy of the planet, the changing conditions. Would we ever keep information to ourselves? Yeah, of course, but nothing that would risk anyone’s lives. We’d keep shortcuts, or secluded resources to ourselves - I know about a hot spring on Utapau I’ve only told a few people about - but if my group ever came across another, we’d trade stories and tips, advice about where to camp, what to eat, who the natives were. Much as I hate Czera, their scouts were even tolerable. For them, Czerka was just an employer, not a way of life. Czerka may have funded their trips and asked for reports, but their reports were no different than mine. They may have had Czerka gear, but when it broke down they made do and improvised the same as I did. They were there to explore, provide reconnaissance for whoever paid the bills, just like me. I tried not to think about the fact that their information would lead to the leeching of a planet. 
But Czerka scouts and Czerka yes-men are two different types of people. It’s not hard to find the camp of these Czerka poachers. All the light hurts my eyes. The moss doesn’t glow. It looks a bit sickly. There are no tachs here, no beasts of any kind. When an animal starts to approach, it shrieks painfully and runs away. And for any that aren’t deterred, there are mines. They have tarps set up over some of their equipment, keeping it dry. And beyond the small camp, I can make out… something. A massive force field. Must be the barrier Jolee was talking about.
Something hurts my ears. Gives me a headache. Not the allergies, but I can ignore it well enough. There are four Czerka grunts and one with a hat - only bosses get the hats. And the boss comes up to me with his blaster. “Who are you, another civil merchant like that core-slime up on the docking ring?” he asks derisively. Rude-ass bitch. “This is my territory. I don't make deals and I don't persuade easily, so go back topside. Mess with my profits and I'll see you dead.”
What a jerk. Is a poacher incapable of being a nice person? “Are you going to stop me? You’ll need more than a blaster to do that.”
He rolls his eyes. “Look, I don't care if you want to play tourist down here, but you behave yourself or we'll have a problem. I've got a job to do, and I won't be gentle if you get in my way, understand?”
Geez, okay, fine. I’ll get out of your way. I’m not going to get anywhere with him. And I don’t want to. He moves away and I go past him, further into the camp. I hunker down under one of the tarps set up. (There’s an open plasteel cylinder with only one thing in it, some animal organs. I have to assume they’re tach glands. It doesn’t smell, so I reach in and grab it before anyone notices. There we go, I got the tach gland for Griff and possibly inconvenienced some Czerka asshole. All in a day’s work.)
Under the tarp is a piece of equipment with a slowly rotating head. Weird, wonder what it does. I would start messing with it, but one of the Czerka grunts is standing close to it, I don’t want to tip him off. I try to read him, see what I can see. There’s a patch on his jacket, or rather a spot where a patch has been removed. The shape is distinctive, because I’ve seen it so many times before. That’s the shape of the patch Czerka scouts wear. Which means I’m cut from the same cloth as this guy. “Hey,” I say to him, “you a scout?”
He seems surprised to see me or hear me. “Used to be,” he says, “But then Czerka decided my skills would be more valuable here.” He scoffs at that. Yeah, you can’t get rid of the scouting bug. We’re not happy sitting still. “You?”
“Yeah,” I say, “Republic corps. They called me in to the fleet, put me on a ship. I hated it.”
“Not on that ship anymore.”
“Yeah, Sith blew it up,” I say, “But then I met a Jedi, one thing led to another, and here I am.”
He looks impressed. “How’s Jedi life treating you?” he asks, “I bet you don’t miss roughing it.”
“I do sometimes,” I tell him honestly, ”Jedi aren’t really explorers. I miss exploring. Dropping down on a planet and going where the wind takes me. How about you?”
He drops his blaster to his side, relaxed. “I wish I could be here as a scout, honestly,” he says, “I’d love to explore down here, see what’s hiding in these trees, Can I tell you something? Scout to scout?” I nod, and he comes close. “I hate what Commander Dern has us doing. He’s in the tach harvesting business, selling their glands to make stims.”
“You could put in for a transfer,” I suggest.
“Yeah, sure,” he says sarcastically, “And risk them sending me to one of their corporate offices? No way. At least here I get fresh air in my lungs.”
“Maybe you could ask about being stationed to the docks,” I say, “Out of the Shadowlands.”
“That’d be a lot easier if there weren’t operations down here,” he says, “I wouldn’t say this to anyone else, they wouldn’t get it, but these emitters take all the fun out of being down here.”
“Yeah,” he says, tapping the spinning-head device with his foot, “this stupid thing. This and those other three generate a sonic barrier that allows us to stay down here. It keeps the big predators away, mostly katarns.” Must be those big things Jolee was fighting earlier. “I don’t know how it works, really. I just know that if they go down, the camp would be overrun. They’re permanent, too - these things will run for years. They say it makes harvesting easier. Personally, I think they should just equip it with a blaster and station us all somewhere else.”
“Hang on, let me get this straight,” I say, “The emitters keep you safe down here. What would happen if someone… shut it down? Theoretically speaking, of course.”
He gets a little grin on his face, and reaches discreetly into his pocket. Then he says, a little louder, “These emitters can only be programmed with a special code, specific to each emitter. I would never share my emitter’s code.” He says, while handing me a small programming strip. Then he whispers, “Thanks,” and turns away from me. With that strip, shutting the emitter off is simple. Now my headache lessens - it must be these emitters that are hurting me.
“Well done, Rena,” Bastila says, “How did you know he was a scout?”
“I recognized a patch spot on his jacket,” I say, “Czerka makes all their scouts wear a certain patch. I got to know that patch pretty well after all the years I spent scouting.”
It doesn’t take much persuasion to get one of the other guards to give me his code, too (admittedly for different reasons - this one just really didn’t like waking up every morning to find a tach in his tent), and with just two emitters down, the field deactivates. It doesn’t hurt my ears anymore. Shouldn’t take too long before…
“Run! Run!” the commander shouts, as a small group of katarns overtakes the camp. And just like that, the poachers are gone.
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4seasonswithiu · 6 years ago
[TRANS] 190711 OnlyU-IU China share fun moments they had with IU and her team on the set of Hotel Del Luna
Our staff members double checked the items before the departure with an anxious heart. Fortunately, we were able to reach the set on time despite the heavy traffic. The food truck, tent, tables and banners were all set up when we arrived at the set. Then, it took us another 40 minutes to prepare all the gifts by putting them carefully in each paper bag and stacking them up on the table beside the buffet tent.
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Not too long after we were done with the gift preparations, manager Hanteo approached us, gave us his warm greetings before checking out the buffet tent. As the weather was pretty hot, Hanteo jokingly told us that he would ‘drink’ all the (Ghana) chocolates within the gift bag right away. When going through the other gifts, we especially pointed out that the Voluspa aromatherapy candles were for IU Team, so Hanteo thanked us in Mandarin, saying “xie xie!” as well.
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He reminded us that since we would have to wait a little longer, so stay away from the sun in some shade. He also passed on the gifts to director Oh, actor Yeo Jin Goo and IU Team. Later, PD told us we could pass the gift to IU in person in a while.
We gave the staff of Hotel Del Luna the gifts we prepared as they passed by from time to time. During dinner time, some staff came to collect their gifts and we got the HDL team PD to pass on the remaining gifts to other busy staff on the set. 
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Around 8PM, IU finally appeared in her pony tail, white loose t-shirt and pants. Since the coffee truck was right beside the entrance, so she took lots of proof photos with the help of Hyesun and the new manager (Moon Ji Hwan) first. After greeting us, she expressed her gratitude for the gifts and meal that we prepared, telling us that she would enjoy the meal and asking whether we were hungry as well or not. We still managed to answer her that we were ‘hungry’ though our mind went completely blank at that moment as we were softened by her sweet tender eyes. IU then invited us to join her for dinner.
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The HDL team PD also encouraged us to sit beside IU for dinner. Together, we also had Hanteo, Hyeseon and the new manager (Ji Hwan) with us in one table, and thankfully all of them ate a lot. IU seemed to have noticed how nervous we were, so she kept initiating conversation with us. She said, “we (IU Team) are usually quiet whenever we eat, and given the hot weather and packed filming schedules today, so everyone’s still in a daze. Did all of you travel all the way from China? It must have been hard for you guys to be here given the scorching hot weather.” When she was told that some of us would have to catch the early morning flight in a bit, she frowned as pain and sadness clouded her features.
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When eating, director Oh came by so IU introduced him to us and we quickly bowed to him. Director Oh was pretty adorable and not all that serious or solemn as he greeted us enthusiastically and expressed his gratitude for our support. He kept the Hotel Del Luna customised towel around his neck all the time, even when he was having his meal.
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Seeing how most of them were almost done with eating, we brought out the gifts and explained to them about the Diptyque’s limited edition ‘The Legend of the North’ series’ candles first. IU was touched upon knowing that we chose the candles because it suited Man Wol’s mysterious aura, saying “ah~ because it suits Man Wol!”. She also let out a tiny ‘wow’ when we told her we bought GUCCI’s A Kiss from Violet perfumed oil for her because its violet scented (IU’s favourite). We also let IU have a look at our charity/ donation certificate, telling her that hundreds of Uaenas participated in this donation and some of us visited the institute with some necessities and played with the kids there to which IU replied ‘aigoo’ tsunderely/ proudly and dearly. She also asked about the details and complimented us ‘Hen BBang!’ (so amazing) in Mandarin since one of us personally went to the welfare institute. IU gave us a big thumbs up, saying ‘Zzen Bbang! Xie xie!’ (really amazing! thank you!) when we mentioned about the necessities that we have donated. One of us caught on the right timing of the atmosphere and started applauding, to which IU joined her right away, followed by Hyeseon, Hanteo and all HDL staff from other tables who had no idea of what’s going on. It suddenly turned into an ocean of harmony 😂.
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Click here for more details of IU’s birthday gifts (candles and perfumes), fan donation and fansupport by OnlyIUcn.
We also told IU about her super topic ‘#IU’ that has accumulated over 10 billion reads on Weibo recently and she was ultimately shocked. Since she’s not familiar with how weibo functions, so we explained to her that the hashtag is sort of a community on weibo where people could leave their posts, comments, votes and screenshots there to support her. She seemed to have grasped on the super topic concept after going through some of our posts in the hashtag section and showed off the milestone achievement to people around her. 
IU: Hey, I achieved 10 billion reads! Hanteo and Hyeseon: As expected from the scale of mainland China, they don’t just simply go with (small numbers like) ten thousands when it comes to calculations.
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We passed the <10 Years of Flower Road> book to IU, sharing with her that C-Uaenas designed, edited and compiled everything about her within this book in celebration of her 10th anniversary. We also tried to find the best printing manufacturer that we could to bring out the best quality of it. As soon as she got the book on hands, she kept gasping in admiration, saying “wow this is truly amazing. This is impressive, OnlyIU’s scale is no joke” as she flipped through the pages slowly. She especially stopped at one of the pages which contained IU Team’s photo, too bad the whole book was written in Chinese so the staff unnie tried to cheer her up by telling her that they could translate right away using mobile apps. All of them joked a few times about looking for someone who knows Mandarin and asked everyone to hurry up and learn the language too.
Click here for some details of the book
IU really likes the calligraphy gift that we gave her so she took a special proof shot with it. Since it’s written in Chinese, she asked us about the meaning of the poem. We were still in a daze at that time so we only explained briefly that it’s a poem about the moon. IU said she would try to look for a professional to interpret it.
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Poem: The Moon Festival by Su Shi
When will the moon be clear and bright? With a cup of wine in my hand, I ask the blue sky. I don’t know what season it would be in the heavens on this night. I’d like to ride the wind to fly home. Yet I fear the crystal and jade mansions are much too high and cold for me. Dancing with my moon-lit shadow, It does not seem like the human world. The moon rounds the red mansion stoops to silk-pad doors, Shines upon the sleepless Bearing no grudge, Why does the moon tend to be full when people are apart? People may have sorrow or joy, be near or far apart, The moon may be dim or bright, wax or wane, This has been going on since the beginning of time. May we all be blessed with longevity though far apart, We are still able to share the beauty of the moon together.
Even though we are thousands of miles and oceans (Yellow Sea) apart, nothing can stop us from surrendering our hearts to the full moon (Man Wol) C-Uaenas present president Jang Man Wol this poem And may the opening of Hotel Del Luna blossom 
*Yellow Sea is a marginal sea of the Pacific Ocean located between mainland China and the Korean Peninsula. *Full Moon is pronounced the same way as Man Wol in both Chinese and Korean.
밝은 달은 어느 때나 떠오를지 술잔을 잡고 하늘에 물어본다. 달 속에 있는 궁궐은 오늘밤은 어느 해인지 모르겠구나. 나는 바람을 타고 돌아가고자 하니 달 속의 궁궐이 높은 곳이라 추위를 견디지 못할까 두려워라. 일어나 춤추니 그림자도 따라 도는데 어찌 인간 세계와 비길 수가 있으랴 달그림자가 붉은 누각 빙 돌며 곱게 조각한 창문에 드리우니 달빛에 비추어져 잠을 이룰 수 없네. 더 이상 번뇌가 있을 수 없는데 무슨 일로 오래도록 이별할 때에 이렇게 둥근가? 인간에겐 슬픔과 기쁨, 이별과 만남이 있고 달은 흐리고 맑고, 둥글고 이지러짐이 있으니 이런 일은 예전부터 완전하기가 어려워라. 다만 바라기는 멀리 떨어져 있는 이가 오래 살아서 천 리 밖에서도 이 밝은 달을 함께 구경했으면.
Note: This is a famous Mid-Autumn lyric written by Sushi(a poet in Song Dynasty) for his brother Zi-you(1039-1112) when the poet was away from the imperial court. According to some commentators, “the palace on high” might allude to the imperial palace and therefore, after reading this lyric, Emperor Song Shen Zong said that Su Shi was loyal.
When IU was giving us her signature as acknowledgement (of the fan support), we noticed that IU’s mandarin pinyin skills were remarkably impressive, she came up with most of the pinyin (as shown in the picture) and kept seeking confirmation from us (just incase she made a mistake). She wanted to write 시원한 여름 (a cool and refreshing summer) so badly because it kind of means “watching horror movies” in Korea too (납량). She wanted to write “we will see each other very soon” so she added “see you soon” in English too. It was obvious that IU urged to write using lots of pinyin but she didn’t have much time since the drama team was rushing to another filming venue already. Nevertheless, she drew a big thumbs up and yummy bowl of rice for us and was eventually made fun by IU Team. They jokingly asked her “what are those?”, making IU shooting daggers at them keke.
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“Dear. OnlyU-IU China ♥   Thank you all!! Well done!! 👍 Yummy 🍚💕 Miss you guys…♥ I love you guys! Stay healthy! - from IU” 
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“Dear C-uaenas ♥ I miss you all very much See U soon! Don’t fall sick...☆ Thank you! 😊 - from IU”
Lastly, we told IU that we would enjoy watching the drama to which she replied “please do enjoy (watch) the show (properly), it’s very interesting.” She kept thanking us a few times in Mandarin after bidding farewell to us too.
The PD came by after that and took the huge IU (with her head facing down) photo away, explaining that he would hang it in the waiting room. We weren’t sure whose waiting room he was referring to since we didn’t dare to question more, so we could only pray and hope earnestly that he’s taking it to IU’s room TT.
Then we sent off the coffee truck & buffet tent owners and bid farewell to the entire crew on the set before leaving. We lost count of how many times we went around the set to bow (give greetings) to make sure we didn’t miss any corner of it.
Despite being short of hands due to some of our members who couldn’t make it last minute, but we are very happy to have completed the fan support, passed IU her gift in person and relayed her greetings and thanks to C-Uaenas safely. We are fully aware that IU made lots of adorable facial expressions and kept a smile on her face all the time because she wanted to express her gratitude towards Uaenas who worked hard together to bring up the fan support to her on the set. Once again, we thank Uaenas who contributed in this fan support. We will continue to give IU the best fan support!
Source: OnlyU-IU 中国首站 @ Weibo  Translated by IUteamstarcandy
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kae-karo · 6 years ago
Hi Katie! I just want you to know that I want your analysis of this new sims video more than anything and I'll just patiently wait for it... Have a nice day!
hi dear!! new sims vid, did u mean dnp simulator?
dorks spending the first ten seconds dancing in fake snow 
why virtual friends???? ??
my daddies gave to me y’all,,,,,,there’s knowing your branding and then there’s acting on that knowledge and i think this may have been one time where acting on your knowledge maybe was not a good call like ily and u do u and all but
i love phil loving his branding it’s cute also shoutout to @dnpscloset​ thanks for finding it (x) bc i want one now if anyone needs a last minute xmas idea i’m lookin at u mom u always wait til the last minute
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same dan, same
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‘we all have new faces and new lives and everything’s changed, this is gonna be hella dramatic’ *inhale* *exhale*
‘when u imagine the howlter family’ god they’re such adorable n sentimental nerds i love them
phil’s actual default is bein a leany boye
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dnp arguing about what ‘desperate’ actually is as if the entirety of their first year after meeting they weren’t talking as often as they could five hour skype calls amirite
get away from me stalker lmao bold of u to say that danny
phil sweetie i love you with my entire heart he’s so so excited abt the virtual snow i love him
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tiny zoom in jumpcut at 2:08 overlapping audio interesting
a mood and a half
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phil immediately going ‘yeahhhhh thin walls family hearing things they gotta get out’ abt dab and evan like m8 we get it all u think abt is sex we get it god u and ur husband really are made for each other aren’t u (dnp = devan reference #1)
‘i presume evan is also jobless’ ‘i hope so!’ phil is it really,,,,,,smth to be excited about,,,,,,,
dan’s doin a lot of the hand phone lately u cute boy
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we should have a redbull what is wrong with them phil can barely handle having too much sugar y’all thought it was a good idea to have a redbull also we should have a redbull they share literally everything which tbh is probs for the best lbr phil on a whole can of redbull hmmmmm yes ik it’s v possible and in fact probable that phil had his own can let me live
‘it’s a sensible lightweight jacket’ in the fucking snow wow dan u really did just set urself up for phil to drag u about not dressing for the weather
dan’s fucking laugh at 4:39 gives me life literally there is no purer and more adorable sound like that’s up there with kittens purring
‘i think he’s gonna be a bit of a diva in this relationship’ did you mean: dan howell (dnp = devan reference #2)
[slight bit of ankle is showing] dan: ‘and now you’re wearing shorts’
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where’s the lie tho honestly that lil pause before he said mate
this clip will live in infamy bc i want this in every fucking phan edit for the rest of time like i can’t even think of the right out-of-context clip right now but anything that can be answered with phil saying ‘it’s dan’ i need it
mandatory phil covering his mouth and bein a cutie
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yes destroy gender roles in the snow universe (although seriously dan’s ‘life is just about uncon-doing the horrible conditioning of all these gender stereotypes, phil’ is so important also i stan phil recognizing that before dan i think it’s really easy to forget that just bc up til recently he’s not been as expressive as dan of his opinions on how stupid gender roles are doesn’t mean he doesn’t have just as if not more progressive a mindset than dan)
‘it’s like a dan vs phil’ dnp = devan #3
dan has such a lovely singing voice i miss him singing
dude phil’s eyebrows are making a Solid appearance v expressive
i s2g this is a different moment from the one above he’s just so fricken cute???
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‘but they’ve got each other’s backs, phil, just like dab and evan’ yeeeeaaaa i’m gonna go ahead and go with dnp = devan reference #4 here i think that’s fair
snow angels are the least fun thing to do and yet (x - it literally won’t let me put it in bc it’s a privated vid rip)
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amazing they just started having a snowball fight how cute n domestic am i talking abt dnp or dab and evan hmmmm - dnp = devan #5
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i get that infinity war was a meme but lads it’s time to let it go
‘and they’re called the howlters’ lmao as if u ain’t an honorary lester daniel (dnp = devan #6)
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i’m living for phil’s excitement i mean if that’s what redbull does to him i’m here for it i guess?
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hi they’re dumb this was cute
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‘we don’t want to be those people, but for us personally, we very much found that you just need to just move into a big city of some kind and just jump into life with both feet’ this is not only adorable advice but also where dnp simulator comes into play aka we did this so uhh dab n evan should do it (dnp = devan #7) also dan speaking for them both singular pronouns are quaking
‘don’t trust that’ what on earth are u on abt phil what don’t u trust the fuckin desert or?????
scalyburg phil stop pls we know we get it dan’s a furry ur a scaly we got it
why does dan spend an entire 7 seconds (8:40) adjusting is he moving closer to phil? switching which leg he’s sat on? idk but it lead to me pausing at this moment which was a gift in and of itself
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‘the deposit on that one, plus the weekly went would make us instantly broke, so that’s fun, us when we moved to london’ bih do u hear me crying
does dan remember phil’s first manchester apartment what kind of question is that phil have u met dan he probably remembers every bloody inch of that place i mean he did remember that there wasn’t a bedside table so
stop that
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middle of the city, romance festival, geekcon, pretty views and cherry blossom trees sounds like dnp’s ideal location do u get why i’m calling it dnp simulator yet also dnp = devan #8
we don’t want to move next to the karaoke legends wow dan bold of u to say after belting helena at 2am real bold
phil having flashbacks to the apt they toured where they found out people died there
hi phil just looks so excited by everything
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look i’m not saying anything except they’re managing to find a lot of similarities b.w their lives and what they’re doing for dab and evan okay like this apartment is great for people-watching? which is what phil did in his manchester apt?
context whomst? idk her
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shoutout to the wardrobe
big bold life-changing steps
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anon spitting truth up in this house (but like,,,,,my thoughts exactly lmao i was like they’re such introverts they would’ve avoided meeting their neighbors at any cost including apparently smacking into a locked door trying to avoid small talk phil we love u bab)
casually mentioning dan saying ‘we are dil-’ was he gonna say dil’s son, maybe but i like to remember the bloops of dan repeatedly calling dab dil so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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omg okay so from like. this point on, when dan’s like ‘here is my vision’, i’m absolutely getting queer eye vibes like amateur queer eye tho like two gay nerds trying to embody queer eye in their lives a bit oh wait
okay okay okay dan u said an ensuite bathroom and then failed to add a door to the bedroom do u understand how frustrating that is???????? do u understand how stressful it was for me to watch that whole damn vid and know that u forgot the door????
a space for hobbies what hobbies who has hobbies
they learned nothing from building their house before: phil should take the mouse away from dan immediately look at him he is such a sugar baby in this jfc
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god dan is so cute get these idiots a penthouse apartment super high up so he can have his bath next to a window okay he deserves that in life
stop it they’re literally agreeing on almost every single thing god they literally share a single brain
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leany boye
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‘they are young adults moving into their first apartment, you don’t have art!’ okay first of all don’t even go there daniel second of all i’m sorry you’re the one arguing for spending literally all their money but u don’t want to get some art bc it’s unrealistic????
dan saying lovely
phil’s mr carpet
navy??? navy? when did they? why? 
i would get involved in a criminal plot to have that / i’m gonna throw you out of one
wow pro tips makin a comeback
phil is Losing Steam
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oh my god okay so i was joking but literally phil is losing steam lmao 18:35 he says ‘ayy’ and it’s so tired-sounding
leany leany boyes
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okay look ik dan’s going into ‘aww poor philly’ mode but also he knew that very quickly like honestly that’s not a Thing i would ever notice about someone tbh i’m not saying it’s like Significant but damn danny was really into phil to know that shiz man
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the high-fashion gigantic rug of our dreams
okay look i can’t make this up phil literally leans away for a bit and then
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hello daniel’s Curl
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i stan phil getting excited over plants
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dab and evan will be having a mario kart fest will they (dnp = devan #9)
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dude big mood god they’re so fond and full of memories 
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honestly dnp made it that way like u cannot convince me they didn’t purposely decide to do that mmkay
‘see they are ready to have their romantic dinners. and then they can pretend they have another friend and it’s fine!’ am i talking abt dnp or dab and evan who knows :) (dnp = devan #10) 
cold in the middle what on earth i literally have no memory of that i mean it could just be my shit memory but jfc they just remember that stuff goddamn
scrunchy boyes also phil where’s ur arm at hm
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like i’m not fuckin joking where is it
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you can’t exist without a computer i mean
what is important in life / the internet
they don’t even have fucking doors and dan’s like ‘uhm they need a terrarium’ dan i’m stressed
oh my god i’m sorry phil is so done with this now it’s actually comical
hi they didn’t add a door for the ensuite
give dnp an interior design series honestly give them any series
phil reached for dan’s hand u cannot convince me otherwise
‘not my personal taste’ really,,,,,really
when dab n evan hug dan looks at the screen n phil looks at the camera things u didn’t need to know but now u do
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lmao jumpscared by the kiss
‘i feel like i’ve never nailed anything more in my entire life’ hmmmm hmmmmmmmmmm hm
the fuck was dan’s ‘getting a job’ that’s his fnaf voice u stop that
doon doon doon doon
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hi uhm what the Fuck was that jumpcut at 28:30 i hate Obvious Jumpcuts with a burning passion specifically bc of dnp
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emeraldwaves · 6 years ago
Title: A Dragon’s Magic Chapter 7 Pairing:  Kacchako Rating: M Word Count:  5,498 Summary: Uraraka Ochako has always believed in dragons, though she was constantly told they were long since extinct. Now an adult and professional mage, she’s ready to help her parents as a healer for their village. The last thing she expects is for her beliefs to become a reality, but when a dragon attacks her village, she learns there’s more to magic than she ever could’ve realized. Read on AO3 Thanks to @its-love-u-asshole for reading this over.
"It should only take a little over a day to get there. If we walk fast enough we could make it there in the evening, if you two don't mind walking in the dark."
It was early morning, and Todoroki locked his door, leaving the small apartment behind.
"You have to ask Cheeks that," Bakugou snorted, glaring at her. "She's the one who kept making us stop for the night."
Ochako rolled her eyes. "I'm fine with walking through the night. We didn't know how long it would take to get to the city so I wanted to save my strength.
"I see," Todoroki smirked, leading them towards the edge of the city. "It seems you two are a lively traveling party."
"No," Ochako said quickly, pouting her lips. "Bakugou doesn't want to talk normally."
"What point is there to fucking talking. I'm using you to get to my other dragon and then we're fucking leaving," he said, stomping ahead of them.
"I'm so glad he is so pleasant even after a good night sleep," Todoroki sighed, following after Bakugou's loud stomps. Of course, Ochako knew Bakugou would eventually pull back since he had no idea where he was going.
"Yeah," she sighed, "he's always like this. At this point I just let him be angry. It'll be nice to have you here, Todoroki! Someone fun to talk to!"
"OI! Pink Cheeks!" Bakugou hissed, immediately turning around. "I'm fucking fun to talk to."
She raised her eyebrows and shrugged. "Okay, Bakugou!" she giggled and stepped around him, following Todoroki out of the southern gate of the city. The sun was slowly rising, the sky a light, cheerful morning blue, and though the sun was out, a winter breeze flowed through the air.
"Anyway Todoroki," Ochako continued, ignoring Bakugou's muttered grumbling behind her. "What do you know about this place?"
"Not much," he admitted, tapping his chin. "I haven't been to this village despite it being close to the city center."
"Any reason?" she asked. Her brown eyes flicked back towards Bakugou. His hands were shoved in his pockets, his lips curled up into a pout. A typical attitude for him she had come to learn.
"No," he shrugged. "All the supplies I need are in the city and I've never had to go this direction," he admits.
"I see!" she nods. "So we have no idea what we're getting ourselves into."
"It can't be much different than your home village," Todoroki chuckled. "It's not as if we're traveling to a different continent."
"True! Where did you hear the rumors from?"
"They came in from a fellow informant the day before you arrived. It's what made me think the stories line up. This town is apparently hiding a large red beast, said to look like a dragon. However, nothing is confirmed."
"Since you fucking morons don't even know dragons exist, no one wonder you can't 'confirm' it," Bakugou hissed. "Red beast... sounds like Kirishima."
"Can I ask what you two hoped to accomplish by attacking human villages, especially if your magic was so weak?" Todoroki asked.
"...No, you can’t ask," Bakugou hissed, narrowing his eyes. "I don't like you, Half and Half."
"Really? Even though I'm the one potentially leading you to your missing friend."
"Shut it."
"But you like Ochako?" Todoroki accused, raising his eyebrow.
"She's... No!" he yelled. "I hate all humans! Once I get Kirishima, I'm fucking out of here."
"Interesting," Todoroki mused, tapping his chin. "You know... they say when humans and dragons are close, they form a bond which allows them to use magic freely."
Ochako blinked, immediately turning to Todoroki. "W-What?"
"It's... what all the old myths say!" he elaborated. "Written history from humans states that humans and dragons used to live peacefully together-"
"But humans got greedy and wanted all the magic for themselves..." Ochako continued. "My grandmother used to tell me the story all the time. She said it's why dragons left us."
"Right. According to legend there is some truth to the myth. But it also states that unlimited power could be found when a mage and a dragon shared a special bond. Magic could be harnessed from various places and shared among the two. It would basically connect your magical currents."
"That would be... incredibly powerful... TWO magical currents?! Even if a human and a dragon were to share... that's a lot of energy."
"Admittedly, when you showed me what Bakugou was, I thought you were perhaps trying to get closer to Ochako to bond with her."
Ochako's cheeks turned red as she looked at Bakugou's surprised face. "Fuck no," he snorted. "That's not a thing. It's just a fucking myth."
"I don't believe that's true, perhaps it's just a forgotten art among your people."
"It's not!" Bakugou yelled. "I-I don't know what the fuck you're talking about."
"Maybe it's not real..." Todoroki muttered. "Ruins my theory about the other dragon sighting..." Todoroki seemed to be lost in thought, and Ochako had a few questions about this bond... but neither Todoroki nor Bakugou seemed capable of answering.
The three walked quietly for a bit, until Todoroki began to speak once more. "I do wish you were more willing to answer questions about dragons, Bakugou."
"HAH!?" he yelled, his voice echoing through the trees. "What more do you need to know? You shits practically figured everything out."
"Mmm..." Todoroki nodded, continuing to stay with his thoughts. Both he and Ochako accepted by now it was impossible to get any more information out of Bakugou. He was probably claiming they knew everything to get them to shut up.
"Ah... Todoroki..." Ochako said, stopping in the middle of the path. "How... exactly are we going to find this dragon... If the town does have him captured, I'm sure they have him locked up somewhere... and he must be hidden if no one has seen him... A-And even if he is in human form... T-That doesn't mean we'll be able to break him out!"
"How did you free Bakugou?" he asked.
"I...I didn't? I just sort of threw myself in front of him so they didn't kill him," she laughed awkwardly.
Todoroki blinked. "I can't... believed that worked."
"Yeah... but it's probably not going to work again..." she said and shook her head.
"No... Bakugou... can you smell him?"
Narrowing his eyes, Bakugou turned his nose up slightly. "No scent yet. I should be able to pick it up when we're closer... unless..." he trailed off glaring forward, "the humans already killed him. I wouldn't put it fucking past them... with how quick they were to try and put me down."
Ochako gasped, covering her mouth. "I-I really hope that's not the case."
"We should come up with some sort of plan," Todoroki said, glancing at the setting sun. "I'm concerned we're farther out than I originally thought."
"We're not stopping. If Kirishima is alive, I need to fucking get there!" Bakugou snapped.
"If we made it... we could spend the night in the inn," Ochako suggested.
"That would be much better compared to sleeping outside," Todoroki chuckled. "Let's pick up our pace."
Silence fell over the party, and Ochako truly hoped Bakugou's friend was alive. He was so tense and angry anyway, she couldn't imagine what he would act like if he lost someone important to him. Or... well.... she assumed this Kirishima person was important to him. She couldn't imagine he would go out of his way like this for someone he didn't care about.
He turned his nose up to the air again, his pupils widening. "He's there," he grunted, walking faster.
"You smell him!?" Ochako asked, stepping forward after him.
"Yeah. The fucker is definitely still alive." In the distance there were a few lights which shone brightly and Bakugou immediately flung up his hood. "I can't pinpoint him directly until we get closer."
"Good idea to keep your hood up," Todoroki said. "We need to stop at the inn and regroup before we do anything," Todoroki admitted. "Most inns are attached to a pub, Uraraka and I might be able to gather more information there as well. Rumors fly around towns easily in places where people are intoxicated and have their guard down."
"Oi, why the fuck can't I gather information about my own damn friend?" Bakugou glared at Todoroki. For some reason Ochako couldn't understand, Bakugou was always looking to pick a fight with Todoroki. At least, he seemed angrier with him than he was with Ochako.
"Because," Todoroki hissed, glaring right back. "First off, you drinking sounds like a disaster. Second off, if anyone notices your scales or ears, you'll be thrown wherever your friend is. Uraraka and I can handle it."
"Maybe if I get thrown there I can fucking rescue him. I don't need you two dipshits," he snorted, walking towards the inn.
"I take it he's sticking with us," Todoroki muttered.
"Mhm," Ochako nodded, following his intense gait. "He just... says stuff like that when he's all angry and riled up," she giggled.
"I see. You seem to know him very well."
"I mean we've only spent a few days together, but... he's not been too difficult to figure out," she said, following the path down the hill to the already rowdy inn.
The lights were on, and they could hear cheers coming from the basement, raucous noises clanging and echoing in the air. Todoroki was the first to step into the inn, walking forward to the woman at the front desk.
"Hello, do you have a room for the evening? Potentially two if possible."
"Two rooms? Of course. One for the lady and one for the men?" the woman said.
"We can do one room, Todoroki. We don't need to spend so much money," Ochako urged, but the elemental mage shook his head.
He slid money across the desk to the woman, taking the two keys she handed him. "Rooms 20 and 21, right across the hall from each other. I do apologize for the noise. The town is celebrating this evening! Feel free to join us in our pub if you would like."
"A celebration!?" Ochako asked, leaning over the counter, her brown eyes wide with excitement. "What for?"
"Well... tomorrow we're going to have our first annual dragon slaying competition!" the woman cheered.
All three of their faces paled.
"WHAT?!" Bakugou snapped.
"I know! I know what you're thinking! Dragons are extinct... but we found one!"
"Then... why are you slaying it!?" Ochako gasped. "You know how rare they are!"
"Rare... and incredibly dangerous! We can't have this red beast terrorizing our town anymore," she said, pushing the keys towards Todoroki. "The pub has some drink specials tonight in celebration if you would like to join in. Have a good night."
The woman stepped away from the desk, obviously not wanting to argue the point about keeping the dragon alive. Ochako glanced towards Bakugou, his fists clenched and trembling. "I'll fucking murder her," he hissed, his voice deep and gravely, rumbling against his throat.
"C-C'mon Bakugou!" Ochako said, pushing him towards the stairs. "Let's go talk in the privacy of our rooms!"
He stomped up the stairs, smoke pouring out of his nostrils. Ochako's hand shakily put the key in the lock, swinging the door open.
"I'll fucking kill this whole goddamn town!" he said.
"I-I don't think we should do that," Ochako admitted softly, tucking the key into her pocket. "But I can't believe they're doing this..." she said. "Why would they not want to protect such a rare creature!?"
"Not all people are like you, Uraraka," Todoroki said. "People don't like what they cannot control or understand."
"I don't know what to do to get him back!" she said, knowing there was no way she could run in front of him like she had with Bakugou.
"Kill them all," Bakugou stated flatly.
"No. We'll enter the competition," Todoroki said. "If we enter, we can injure him... and take him for ourselves."
"T-Todoroki... do you really think you can take on a dragon?!"
"Of course."
"Someone's confident," Bakugou snarled.
"I have to be, don't I?" Todoroki sneered back. "Uraraka and I should go to the pub and try and gather more information. Hopefully it won't be too late to join in."
"You're right... there's so much we don't know..." She placed her staff down on the bed, and removed her cloak and hat. She ran her hand through her brown hair and nodded. "Alright. Let's go get drunk!" she cheered.
"Let's not do that," Todoroki snorted. "But one glass of something to fit in sounds smart."
"Sorry to leave you behind Bakugou," Ochako blushed.
"S'fine. If I go down there I'll blow someone's head off the more I hear. I've been dying for some fucking peace and quiet." He leapt onto the bed, folding his arms behind his head. He crossed his legs and sighed. "With you two morons gone, maybe I can actually think and try and figure out what to do. Smarter than your stupid plans!"
"R-Right..." Ochako whispered. "Well... let's go Todoroki." She followed him outside the room. As she shut the door, she watched Bakugou lay comfortably on the bed, and she wondered if he was scared of losing his friend.
The pub was rowdy, patrons dancing and cheering loudly. Drinks were sloshing and splashing on the table and floor. People were singing and cheering, and a crude drawing of a large red dragon hung on the side of the wall. A group of loud men were throwing darts at it, cheering whenever they would hit the creature's face or heart.
"This sure is... something..." Ochako muttered, smoothing her tunic out. She pressed her fingers together, feeling uncomfortable in the giant crowd.
Todoroki looked even more uncomfortable, his eyes darting between groups of people, as if he wasn't sure where to focus. "Yes. Let's find out more information and then leave."
"Let's get a drink to blend in," she said, tugging him towards the bar. "Two beers," she said, leaning over the counter, slamming the coins down. Large pints full of frothy liquid rushed towards her, and she grabbed the cups, handing one to Todoroki.
She took a sip and immediately wrinkled her nose. Why did beer taste like dirt sometimes!?
"Not much of a beer drinker, Uraraka?" Todoroki said, casually sipping on his drink as he leaned against the bar.
"Not really," she said, taking a large gulp. "Deku, Iida, and I rarely spent time in these sort of places."
"I see," he said, glancing around, continuing to casually sip at the beverage.
"What about you, Todoroki?" she asked, watching him seem so casual.
"I hate places like this. Far too loud," he grumbled, wincing when a girl hollered loudly for another round of drinks.
"Yeah... I can see that," Ochako laughed, taking the last gulp of her drink. The faster she drank it, the faster she wouldn't have to drink it anymore. She placed the cup against the bar, her skin feeling tingly, her blood buzzing in her veins. "Another please," she said, pushing the coins against the counter.
Another beer came rushing towards her and she scooped up the mug, sucking down the drink.
"Please don't get too intoxicated, Uraraka," Todoroki muttered. "The last thing we need is you drunkenly telling people about Bakugou."
"I'm fine, I'm fine!" she insisted.
She certainly was not fine, especially after sucking down the second drink. The beers were far more alcoholic than she realized. She couldn't stop staring at the men throwing darts at the awful drawing of who she presumed to be Kirishima. How could they just do that!?
Well... she was certainly going to give them a piece of her mind.
"I'm going to go talk to those men playing darts!" she said, her face filled with determination.
"Uraraka..." Todoroki muttered, concern flickering across his gaze.
She slammed her empty cup down on the bar and shook her head. "I'm gonna kick some ass," she said, already making her way towards the men.
"Okay… Good luck, I'll be here," he sighed, leaning against the bar. He glanced towards two women talking quietly, and she heard him ask what everyone was celebrating. Perfect. There would be no way they wouldn't find the information they were looking for now.
She stumbled over to the men standing by the dart board covered by the ugly picture of the red dragon. "So, boys," she smiled, folding her arms purposefully under her breasts. "What is this all about?"
One of the taller men smirked. "We're practicing!" he slurred. "Tomorrow we're going to slay this ugly thing!"
Ochako swallowed, biting down hard on her lip. How could these people be so cruel? Dragons were beautiful creatures and they deserved to be treated with respect.
"Really?" she asked, tilting her head. "I thought dragons didn't exist!"
"We found one! Saw it with my own two eyes!" A burly looking man laughed. "Anyone can enter tomorrow to attempt to slay it! You wanna try girly?" he smirked, waggling a dart in her face.
She snatched it from his hand, glaring. "'Course I do," she hissed.
"If you actually land a shot, I'll buy you a drink!" The man challenged, his attitude cocky and annoying.
As much as Ochako didn't feel like drinking another beer, she certainly didn't want to back down from a challenge. "Alright," she said, holding the dart in her hand to aim.
The drawing was absolutely horrible and though Ochako didn't know if Kirishima looked different from Bakugou, the idea of slaying a creature almost extinct sounded horrible to her. "So... anyone can sign up tomorrow?" she asked, tossing the first dart forward. She hit his tail and bit her lip, closing one eye to aim again. This time she hit his chest, the men cheering as she did.
"Yeah! You going to sign up little lady?" he asked, winking. She resisted the urge to wrinkle her nose at the drunken man. "Here!" he said and shoved a beer towards her. "You've earned this for being so brave. Plus you did land a shot."
"O-Oh!" she gasped, and took the drink. "Don't worry," she mumbled. "I can do better!" The first two drinks hit her surprisingly hard... probably because she rarely touched alcohol. Already she felt her entire body humming.
She took a large gulp of the third beer, standing in front of the picture. Aiming again, she tossed it forward, hitting the dragon right between his eyes. "See? Perfection!" she laughed, taking another swig.
"If you fight as good as you play darts, I bet you can slay the dragon!" the man laughed.
"Oh, I won't... I won't need to slay the dragon!" she declared, slamming the mug down as she slurped up the last drop. "I will tame it!"
The men stared at her. "Tame... it?"
"Yes!" she yelled, pointing at the horrible picture. "I'm a dragon tamer! And I will tame this dragon like I have... the... the one upstairs!" she said, wobbling backwards.
The men began to laugh. "A tamer!? I'm sure you've tamed plenty of dragons upstairs!" One of them nudged her and smirked.
She frowned. "I-I have!" she called out, but was yanked backwards by Todoroki. "Todoroki! Tell them... Tell them I tamed the dragon upstairs and I'll tame the dragon tomorrow!"
He blinked and glanced at the men. "Come on, Uraraka," he whispered. "Let's go," he pulled her away from the men, who all looked disappointed to see her go.
"I was being serious! I bet I could prove I'm a... I'm a dragon tamer! If Bakugou just helps..." she slurred, rushing all her words together.
"Uraraka... I think the alcohol hit you a little hard. Maybe it's time for bed?" he suggested, gently touching her shoulder.
"I'm serious, Todoroki!" she yelled.
"I get that... and it's not a horrible idea, but we should talk about this in private tomorrow," he hissed.
Ochako rolled her eyes. Just because her body was a little woozy didn't mean she couldn't come up with amazing, coherent ideas! "Fineeeee," she whined, tilting her head to the side. "I'll go upstairs."
"Let me walk you," Todoroki said, but Ochako shook her head.
"No! I promise I'm good!" she said. "Seriously!" she urged, especially when Todoroki's brow furrowed in concern. "It's... It's just right upstairs. You should finish your drink and keep gathering information!"
"If you're sure..." he said, narrowing his eyes at her.
"I swear." She took a few steps forward and tried her best not to stumble, though she was very close to toppling over at one point. "See? I'm doing... great!" she said and gave him a thumbs up.
Todoroki raised his eyebrow. "Just... be careful."
"I will, I will!" She waved her hand up and down quickly, and made her way to the stairs. As she climbed to the top, she felt herself stumble forward. The world was spinning more than she realized, and she wondered if she should've accepted Todoroki's offer.
No... it was fine. She only had to climb one more set of stairs and then their rooms were in the middle of the hallway.
Ochako felt exhaustion hit her, the alcohol making her far sleepier than normal. She was ready to crawl into bed and get some sleep in a comfortable place for once.
She stumbled up the stairs, her body still tingling from the buzz the alcohol gave her. As she made her way down the hall, she stopped in front of the door to her room. She swallowed, digging into the pocket on her pants to pull out the key.
Oh, right. Todoroki hadn’t given her the key to her room, she only tucked away the one to the boys’ room. Oh well, he could sleep in the private room alone.
Turning the key, she swung the door open, finding Bakugou completely asleep in the bed. She didn't know why she expected him to be awake. He really had nothing else to do but sleep. Biting her lip, she slowly tiptoed into the room.
She wanted to do her best not to wake him, especially since he was probably exhausted from traveling so much. She knew she was. They hadn't had the opportunity to sleep in an actual bed for the past few nights, and she was certain he was probably exhausted.
Making her way closer to the bed, Ochako picked up the staff and her hat, almost dropping them when she stared down at Bakugou's peaceful face. She'd never seen him looking so... so calm!
Her cheeks flushed and she lowered her staff and hat back down to the ground. She slowly sank onto the side of his bed. Her cheeks were throbbing with her heartbeat, her pulse racing. The alcohol made her whole body feel warm and fuzzy, especially when she was looking at him.
She took a deep breath, leaning her fingers forward to gently brush against the scales on his cheeks. He was so handsome when he wasn't yelling and looking so damn pissed off. Of course, he still looked handsome then too... this was just more pleasant.
Bakugou's scales felt cool against her fingers, the surface of his cheek rough, but it sparkled with the golden color, even in the gentle lighting of the room.
There was a small part of her that still couldn't believe dragons existed, which was partially why she wanted to touch him. She had to be certain he was right there in front of her. She leaned closer, her nose practically tapping against his. She wondered if his lips would be soft... they looked a little dry. But she could almost feel the hum of excitement at just the thought of kissing him.
Suddenly, his hand shot up and grabbed her wrist, his red eyes snapping open.
Sleeping was something Bakugou didn't get to do often, especially lately. It was part of the reason he was so damn grouchy. So when the Half and Half idiot and Uraraka went downstairs, Bakugou was quick to shut his eyes and try to rest.
It was difficult however, with his brain being so fucking noisy. He kept thinking about Kirishima. Was he trapped in his dragon form? Why were the humans talking about slaying a dragon when Kirishima could've changed back and proven they had no way of killing him.
Then, Bakugou's thoughts drifted to his stupid dragon clan and magic... and humans being confusing as shit. Who the hell was taking their magic if not idiot humans?
And right as he started to drift off, he heard the door open. He didn't wish to open his eyes, not wanting to talk to either of his travel companions. From the scent, he could tell it was Uraraka... she smelled nicer than Half and Half... kind of like roses... and though humans in general had muted scents, he could tell she also smelled of alcohol currently.
He was trying to sleep, so he wasn't going to engage... though he wondered if she knew she technically was in the wrong room. Not that he cared where she slept.
It became difficult to ignore her however, when he felt the bed sink under the weight of her, and when her hand brushed against his cheek. He knew he needed to stop... whatever was happening exactly.
"Oi-" he snapped, flicking his eyes open.
"Bakugou!" she gasped, still staring directly in front of his face. Her breathing grew heavy and she swallowed quickly. "I... You... you're really pretty," she hummed, her face bright red. Fuck, she was so intoxicated, and why the hell did he think she looked so cute?
"Hah!?" he breathed, his eyes flicking towards her lips. His nose twitched slightly and he frowned. "Are you drunk?"
"No..." she hummed. "I only had three drinks! How could I be drunk!?" she gasped, as if she was horrified at the suggestion. Her fingers stroked down his face, touching at his jaw. "I've never seen someone as pretty as you. I just can't believe you're a dragon," she mumbled, slurring her words again. A shiver rolled through his spine. She was so close to him, her breasts pressed against his bare chest and holy shit she was getting closer to him. What the hell was she doing?!
"Oi. Believe it. You're drunk, Cheeks. Go to bed," he hissed.
"But... But I love you," she said. She loved him!? What the hell was she talking about!? She didn't even fucking know him.
Leaning down, she pushed her lips up against his. His eyes widened, feeling her soft lips press against his own. The kiss was kind of sloppy and she tasted like alcohol, and Bakugou froze, unsure of what to do.
But as soon as the kiss began, it ended. "Ahhhhh," she sighed, pulling away to let her head flop against his chest. "I love dragons... they're so cool and amazing... you're amazing..." she mumbled, her eyes fluttering shut.
So she loved dragons, not him. Right. Of course. What the hell else would she have meant? She didn’t fucking know him, it had only been a few days!
Then, her lips were slightly parted as she breathed gently, her chest rising and falling against his.
"Oi..." he grumbled. "You really sleepin'?!"
He waited a moment, wondering if she was going to answer... and when she didn't, he let out a long sigh. So much for sleeping comfortably. He yanked the blanket over both of them and wrapped one arm around her waist, holding her in place.
"You're... an idiot, Pink Cheeks..."
Ochako's eyes fluttered open, her head throbbing. "Dammit..." she whined, regretting having anything to drink the night before. What even happened? She barely remembered playing darts... Her neck felt sore and she pushed herself up, the bed feeling oddly hard against her palm.
She blinked, gathering her surroundings, and she suddenly realized she was pressed against Bakugou, lying in bed with him.
"B-B-Bakugou!?!" she yelled, pushing backwards as she flopped onto the ground, her butt landing on the floor with a loud pound.
Bakugou groaned, pushing himself up. "Oi... Uraraka... why the hell are you making so much noise!?" he snapped.
"E-Eh!? W-What did I... What did we... what?!" she gasped, pointing her finger directly at him.
Swinging his legs over the side of the bed, Bakugou stretched up. "What the hell are you getting so worked up about?"
"W-What did we... did... we... what did I do!?" she squeaked out, clutching her staff to her chest.
Todoroki jolted up in his own bed, glancing at the two of them. "What's going on?"
Bakugou smirked, folding his arms over his chest. "Yes, Uraraka... What the hell did you do?"
"I don't know! Why did I wake up in your bed!?" she yelled.
"You were here the whole time?" Todoroki asked, tilting his head. "I thought it was odd the door was unlocked when I came in."
Rolling his eyes, Bakugou huffed out a long breath of air. "Calm down, Cheeks. Nothing fuckin' happened. You came into get your hat and staff and you fucking passed out on my bed next to me."
"R-Really!? That's all!?" She let out a sigh of relief. If anything else happened, she probably would've felt insanely foolish.
Bakugou glanced to the side, his cheeks heating up. "Yeah... that's all," he muttered. She couldn't tell if he was actually telling the truth. Something about his behavior felt off, but she couldn't quite place it. She wished she could remember anything from last night besides the stupid dart game...
The dart game!
"T-Todoroki! she gasped, suddenly remembering the entire reason they spent their night at the bar. "Anyone can sign up to slay the dragon today, but... I have a better idea."
"You're going to pretend to be a dragon tamer," he stated flatly.
Ochako blushed. "Oh... did I already tell you about this?"
"Sort of..." he mumbled. "I heard you yelling about it."
She rubbed the back of her neck and pushed herself up as she cleared her throat, trying to ignore how much of a mess she had apparently been all evening. "If I can prove that I can tame dragons, they might let me take Kirishima back," she said.
"And how the fuck are you going to prove something as ridiculous like that?" Bakugou hissed. "Tamer..." he clicked his tongue as though he were offended at the very idea.
"With you," she said flatly.
"Oi, what the fuck am I supposed to do about it."
"You'll come with me and transform into your dragon form. Then you'll listen to every command I give and we'll prove I can take care of Kirishima! You can talk to him when you're both in dragon form right?"
"Oh hell fucking no! I'm not gonna play the part of your pet dragon!" Bakugou hissed, his red eyes burning with a flame of anger.
"Please Bakugou! Trust me, I know you couldn't ever actually be controlled by me! But if we could pretend and prove it, it would stop them from murdering your friend and we could escape unharmed!"
"Do you actually think humans would fall for such an... idiotic plan!?" Bakugou yelled.
"Actually, yes," Todoroki mused, cutting into their arguing. "If the people in this village think Uraraka has a way to control dragons, they might be scared of her, and by that I mean scared she would attack them with you. If she could make it seem like she could control you and your captured friend, they would most likely not wish to fight us."
"..." Bakugou huffed out. "I already said no. I'm not being your fucking pet."
Ochako glared at him. "Do you want your friend to die?! This could be the only way. Even if Todoroki and I enter the battle there would be no way for us to communicate with him and one of us could accidentally kill him! Or worse, someone else will get to him first!"
Bakugou growled, folding his arms across his chest. "I fucking hate this!" he snapped, punching his fist against the wall. "I should be able to go get him myself."
"Unless you want to be the next dragon they throw darts at down in the pub, I suggest you listen to Uraraka's plan," Todoroki said, clicking his tongue.
"Yeah... I fucking get it. But I can't stay transformed for long. You know what will happen if I do..." he grumbled.
"I-I know. So we have to be quick. I have a plan if you're willing to listen," she said softly.
"Fine," he hissed, glaring at her, "but only so I can take Kirishima back with me."
"That's... the whole goal," Ochako nodded.
They would get Kirishima back, and she would convince Bakugou to help her help him find his magic, all in one day.
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alo-piss-trancy · 7 years ago
ohmygod you’re like the only piss blog I’ve seen that likes dangan/ronpa skskskkssksks this makes me so fuckin happy hhhhh could you possibly do headcanons for some of the dr1 cast? id prefer all of them - but if you want to choose your favourites that’s fine 💗💗 i fuckin love u and ur blog already daawwww
Ahh thank you, I’m glad you like my blog! 💛 And yeah there isn’t much omo for DR which surprised me! I’ll do most of them, sparing a few I don’t know well (Leon, Sayaka, that spoilery girl from the beginning) or didn’t like (Hifumi and fortune guy)! :
Naegi: I’m not a huge fan of bedwetting, but I agree he definitely would in times of stress. Also he has a kinda weak bladder in general. Soda and stuff goes right through him. For the most part he can manage during trials (even if he tends to rush off as soon as the execution is over), but investigations run even longer so he usually ends up having to take breaks (to the possible annoyance of anyone he’s sleuthing with). When he’s desperate he thinks he’s subtle but absolutely isn’t, constantly squirming and bouncing/rocking on his heels, shoves his hands in his hoodie pocket like he isn’t actually grabbing his crotch, tends to whimper and groan under his breath. Often tries to hold longer around composed/strong ppl like Kirigiri, Byakuya, Sakura and Mondo, but often with embarrassing results. Not too shy to speak up around friends or more casual people if nothing’s going on, but the often serious situations they find themselves in make it more difficult (darting off to pee right after you find out a friend died is both in poor taste AND suspicious). Probably doesn’t have a piss kink. Willing to go in odd places if necessary.
Celeste: Ever poised, she’s the type who wouldn’t want to say anything and just holds it until she can slip away to maintain her dignity. For the most part she knows her limits and doesn’t get desperate often, but during times when she’s heavily invested in a task or just really doesn’t want to leave, she may overestimate her abilities, since she’s convinced she can ‘simply adapt’ to the increased pressure and ignore it until a more convenient time. Since she has a great poker face she usually manages to avoid letting on that anything’s wrong even if she’s absolutely dying, but once she gets close to or actually is wetting herself, the act falls apart and she gets really panicked and flustered. Around ppl that annoy her (like Hifumi or Byakuya) though, her temper will flare instead and she’ll lash out, converting all of her embarrassment into rage at them for somehow causing/witnessing the event (even if they had nothing to do with it). She’s extremely embarrassed when wetting herself (and also disgusted), but will try her best to play it off afterwards like it isn’t a big deal (again, with a speech about adapting and going with the flow), but her voice is noticeably shaky and she probably cries as soon as she’s alone. Would rather die/wet herself than go in odd places.
Also I kinda like the idea of her teasing other ppl when they’re desperate if they’re alone together (maybe a slight omo kink, or just bc she likes controlling ppl). Preferably Byakuya or Kirigiri (idk why those are just my two fav pairings for casual fun times with her).
Kirigiri: Always composed, aims to stay that way. Usually slips off without a word because it’s private business anyways. If asked when it isn’t a big deal, she’s fine with saying where she’s headed, but once she gets desperate enough she’ll feel self-conscious of ppl knowing how bad it is and makes up a lie instead. If a restroom isn’t available or it’s a serious situation, she would rather die than breathe a word, and will do her absolute best to avoid giving off any signs of her issue until she’s literally on the verge of wetting herself. Might work up the trust to tell Naegi if they’re close enough by that point, maybe Celeste, Sakura or Aoi if Naegi isn’t around and she knows it’s Ask For Help or Wet Yourself, but she’s just as likely to stay quiet if her proper nature gets the best of her. Refuses to hold herself under any circumstances, tends to just use her legs to help stave off the urge. Due to her resourceful nature, she will consider using odd things/places as a last resort, although she also has a chance of freezing up when attempting to actually go, since she’s nervous and isn’t used to it (personally, I LIVE for the idea of Naegi helping her with this and trying to relax her while she’s like, actually whimpering and showing vulnerability for the 1st time).
Might have a piss kink bc I do like the idea of her being attracted to something that’s the opposite of what she is (messy, juvenile, vulnerable). Also consider her genuinely wanting to help Naegi when he’s desperate but at the same time she’s really tuned on and praying it doesn’t show.
Chihiro: So shy oof, will never breathe a word and is really good at not giving any signs until he’s suddenly pissing himself. Would definitely cry and be mortified, needs lots of comfort afterwards (luckily p much everyone gives it to him). Practiced at holding for LONG stretches of time thanks to his secret making things inconvenient, and also because programming takes a ton of time in single sittings and he doesn’t want to get up and wreck his train of thought. I think he actually would be the type who has a huge closet kink, gets turned on by desperation and holds, fantasizes about wetting in public a lot, but would actually die and hate if it happened for real.
Mondo: Bladder of steel actually, takes great pride in this. He’ll often tease others for being weaker. When he does get desperate, he won’t whine pathetically or hold himself, but he will get snippy and make a few complaints about it. Has no qualms about pissing outside or in anything else, even if there are people around. If he did wet himself, it would be a blow to his pride, but he’d eventually get over it (it helps that ppl are too afraid to tease him unless they want a beating). I could see him having a piss kink for both sides, and also being into 'marking’ his lover.
Taka: Will ask as soon as he needs to go bc there’s no point putting it off, but if someone tells him no then that’s it. The answer is no and he’ll hold it without protest until he’s literally leaking, then maybe he’ll work up the nerve to choke out a plea. If denied again he’ll hold on as long as physically possible, only to finally lose control and be mortified. Thinks he’s good at hiding desperation but is even more obvious than Naegi. Has a decent enough bladder capacity, but once he has to go, he has to GO. Like right then. He can’t stand bothering ppl or being disrespectful, so he would refuse to use anything but a toilet (maybe he’d go outside if there was enough cover and he was coaxed into it). No piss kink at all, would be baffled by the concept.
Sakura: Bladder of Steel (stronger than Mondo). Shows no real sign of desperation, even up to the end. When it gets bad she’ll start sweating though, and her posture is even stiffer than usual. Is actually pretty shy about bringing up her need (both bc of how strong she’s supposed to be and just bc she’s bashful), but she will if she knows she’s at risk of wetting herself. More likely to tell Aoi than anyone else, or maybe Naegi. Will never hold herself bc tbh those thighs can already crush together enough to hold it. Might go outside or in odd places if no one is around and she absolutely can’t wait, altho she is embarrassed af (and it’s kinda hard to hide when you’re that big o o f). Has no piss kink and is actually a bit disdainful of it, altho she would never shame a partner if they confessed. Might do it once in a while for them if asked.
Aoi: Will be the first to tell you the blue pool dye thing is just an urban legend. She’s the girl who whines for all of her friends to come with her when she has to pee, makes a lot of jokes the whole time. Not super weak bc she has to hold it on jogs and stuff, but she tends to drink a lot and doesn’t really like to hold past a certain point. Not shy at all about mentioning her need unless it’s a very grim situation, and if prevented from going she will dance around a bit, cross her legs, maybe a quick crotch grab, while still whining the whole time bc it helps distract her. Will use anything and go anywhere if it’s bad enough, too chill to care as long as ppl promise to keep their backs turned. Might have a mild omo kink.
Byakuya: Doesn’t go out of his way to admit his need, but will walk off and say so if it’s a fairly casual situation. Has a harder time hiding it than Kirigiri and Celeste despite also being uptight, bc his temper flares up and he gets extra snippy if he has to go, which usually clues ppl in. Also he taps his foot/jiggles his leg CONSTANTLY. Wouldn’t touch his crotch unless he was literally wetting himself, but will cross his legs/bend at the waist. Refuses to go anywhere but a proper restroom. Wetting himself is humiliating and he would brush off any comfort and storm off to be by himself. Probably takes his anger out on Touko. Has zero piss kink to speak of, will spit on you if you suggest it.
Touko Fukawa: Can’t stand ppl knowing she has to go, would probably kill over if anyone mentioned it. She fidgets a lot when desperate, but ppl actually don’t notice bc she already acts pretty weird and fidgety and is so closed off anyways. Wouldn’t dare leave if she was supposed to be with a group of ppl, but the second she’s alone she’s making a dash for it. She’s used to holding for a pretty long time (too anxious to leave during class, long writing sessions at home, etc.), and even then if she’s determined enough to avoid embarrassing herself, she can hold longer. Probably the only one who can (and does) let out tiny leaks in order to hold longer, and has exceptional control. During moments of terror though, she fear wets, which mortifies her. Does not have a kink in the slightest, it grosses her out.
Genocider Sho: Urine doesn’t bother her at all, which is good since sometimes she wakes up only to find Touko pissed herself. Has the same capacity, but is much more outspoken when she needs to go. Complains a lot, exaggerates her body language and cracks jokes, might get cranky if it’s inconvenient for her. However, she doesn’t care if she loses control, and might do it on purpose just to piss somebody off. She has a HUGE piss kink. Be it herself as the victim for her own pleasure, or her getting to dom somebody else and force them to hold (BYAKUYA). She’s also a big slut for watersports. Sometimes she does this to have fun and get filthy, then makes herself sneeze and switch afterwards just for the sake of fucking with Touko.
Junko: Absolutely has a piss kink, loves to tie ppl up and watch them squirm and blush until they soak themselves. When she has to go she’s very vocal, bouncing around and groaning, whining, playing it up and holding herself to put on a show. Would be fine to go anywhere tbh, but pretends she only accepts proper bathrooms so that she has an excuse to hold it longer. Doesn’t care if she wets, but insists she gets cleaned up and in new clothes right away bc she also cares about looking pretty.
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