#had Remilia on her last life but no
moonsinkfoxgirl · 2 years
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sooooooooo close
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soulstagger · 24 days
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Like Eloisa Annalisa of the standard verse, she was a huntress for the church who would come across a vampire that would turn her after killing her teacher.
Where in reality Eloisa would continue with the church for a bit, hunting her sire before ultimately being exiled.
There she would, with her own concoction spend several hundred years as a long life half-vampire, trying to fight her vampirism before finally given into it while finishing off the one who sired her and becoming truly free.
From there she runs an agency to look into strange disappearances, a private investigator, a facility that doubles as a front for either hunting down bad paranormal things, or helping good ones. Like others who were turned, or entities just trying to survive.
Where it differs is that it would be Remilia Scarlet (written by Lara back in the day), would be the one that turned her. Having ambushed her and her teacher after several hunts. Eloisa would track her down, almost killing the vampire.
But her own unique blood fire technique that gave her the upper hand, would ultimately lead her to overusing it. Falling to her knees before striking Remilia through the heart. Here Remilia would turn Eloisa leaving her to become the monster she wished to kill.
In the end however, Eloisa would resist. Tracking her down one last time, hoping to kill her before a comatose state would overtake her. As warned by Remilia, the refusal to drink won't lead to death. It'll lead to a comatose trapped dormant forever state.
Eloisa would fail, her body would go cold. And she would sleep, not realizing that the vampire didn't leave her there to die. Instead she would be collected at a later date, and brought as a trophy to be stored away in the depths of the mansion. A dressed up doll essentially, laying in the basement for centuries.
Until one overly helpful boy woke her up.
Having been awoken, Eloisa. Now calling herself just Annalisa, came to realize what had occurred. A full vampire now, her life lost to time, she set a challenge to Remilia, abiding by the laws of this new land.
She would ruin her.
Thus Moonlight Mishaps, an event in the community in which, with the power of illusion and the moon's light. Cast a reflection upon the land, making people's perceptions of herself and Remilia swap. Effectively stealing her position and subjecting the vampire to lowly abusive treatment.
It didn't last long, several powers conspired against her, and Remilia's own tenacity and fate manipulation brought them to clash one last time. Annalisa losing in the end, cast out. The stolen moonlight and powers faded, leaving a beat up Annalisa to drag herself out of the rubble.
From there her fate was left unknown.
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hitsuyou-fukaketsu · 1 year
also do you have any villainess manga recs you have been reading?👀
(rubs my hands mischievously)
My preference for villainess manga is very particular, I mostly enjoy the ojou-sama type more than reencarnations of nice girls!
Okay, first! The shoujo villainess manga!
With One Day Left I'll Break All the Destruction Flags: "Serves You Right!" RTA 24 Hour Record
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Alexandra recovers her memories from a previous life 24hours before she's denounced! She learns she's the villainess and only has 24 hours left to fix her future! This was an interesting pick, the protagonist is very interesting and although its very forward in the beginning everything starts to be more complex as the hours pass by.
Also she has rly nice boobs
The One Within the Villainess
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Emi, a nice girl, is reincarnated in her favourite character in her VN! The villainess Remilia! Remi however didn't disappear, she existed trapped in her own mind, seeing how Emi lived her life through her body. She came to like her a lot! When Emi is inevitably condemned Remi takes control of her own body once again, the story is about how Remilia takes revenge of everyone that wronged Emi. She even kills various gods, she's amazing.
Some other shoujo mangas that are also interesting!!
The Beloved Daughter of a Crime Family Was Reincarnated as the Daughter of a Gangster in an Otome Game. ~ Highest-Ranking Villain, That Doting is Unnecessary! ~
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The Condemned Villainess Goes Back in Time and Aims to Become the Ultimate Villain
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Endo and Kobayashi's Live Commentary on the Villainess
(this one had an anime recently!! The girl is a huge tsundere it's cute <3)
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Now!!! One of my favourites! Yuri villainess manga!
I'm in Love with the Villainess
(this one will have an anime next season!)
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This is everything I want in a villainess manga, OHOHOHO ojou sama tsundere lady with blond hair and ringlets and devoted reincarnated heroine that absolutely loves her! There's also discussions about sexuality, classism and magic tournaments!! their relationship is very cute and i absolutely love them with all my heart <33
The Fed Up Office Lady Wants to Serve the Villainess
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This villainess is on the colder side but she's still quite charming!
This one below is on hiatus right now... But the anime comes out soon this year too!
The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People
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This one has an interesting setting, it really sit out to me! At first glance it's your typical nice girl villainess manga but with a twist! I really liked it... The found family is strong in this one
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devouring-hive · 7 months
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This being her first proper "meal" in a long time was enough to make the Scarlet Devil tremble in nervous rapture, the rush of stimuli offset by the vampire's anxious nature. Though she drinks slowly at first, getting used to the taste of blood again, she picks up the pace after a while, draining the small creature of its warm, reddish ichor with each unsure-mouthful.
Every now and then, she stops for a moment, as if afraid she's doing something wrong after all, like she just stole precious food from her darling Sister... yet Flandre's cold, uncaring gaze was oddly reassuring in that regard, going back to her own needs for once.
Yet... once she's drained the fae' of her blood... she was surprised to discover that she felt... a bit peckish, still... and so-
"Nnngh... Mmgh... nnfh..."
She simply tore into the body instead. Bite after bite, gnawing at flesh and bone alike, working through a good half of the fae's obese body before fullness finally settled in, a modest curve underneath her clothes, in contrast to her otherwise emaciated frame.
"Nnfhh... uurph... o-oh... oh, e-excuse me dear I... I didn't mean to-... uhm..."
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She really could have warned Flandre that she was going to be shredding the meat- But again, Flandre bites down on the disgust response at having flensed ligaments and shredded skin tossed in her direction from her sister's gorging.
She reminds herself, with great inner patience born over years of sitting alone in her room, that Remilia is simply out of practice- That the elegance she expects from her elder sister will fall back into place once she's had more opportunities to properly feed...
To that end, the glint of anger in Flandre's eyes flees out and into nothingness just as fast as they'd formed. On seeing that Remilia has had her fill- Perhaps more than even- Flandre at last releases her hold on the fae's life, allowing the shattered thing to finally crumble into the dust her body had been desperately trying to self-destruct into for the past several minutes.
"Good..." She affirms again, flicking faerie dust off of her hand. "I got worried you forgot how to eat at all." Flandre then follows that statement up by pulling her sister into the bed-like swell of her flabby body. "You're going to do that more often.." She finally finishes, bluntly as ever.
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peace-bone · 1 year
It had been a long time in Remilia's new hell. It felt like centuries. Remilia had been suffering for as long as she could imagine, but Wriggle insisted it had been only a couple months. It had taken hellish days for Remilia to notice the cruel detail that would make her life infinitely worse. She was getting smaller! She had slowly gone from the same size to her vile mistress towering over her! Every day, Wriggle's feet were getting bigger compared to her. The stench was getting worse, the grime was getting all consuming, and every day it was getting worse. Every day was the filthiest, stinkiest, most feet filled day of her life, and it was getting worse fast!
The gigantic toes playfully clasped over her as Wriggle's huge feet kneaded her between the soles. Wet squelching over and over muffling her Mistress's laughter. "Ehehe, you're one of the more fun tinies! Still hoping, still protesting~" Wriggle laughed.
"Let me... Let me go you filthy monster! You're going to die!" Remilia shouted. Any day now, her sister would come and kill this monster, any day now. Or Sakuya. Or someone. Please, please, please. "They're going to kill you!" She said, panicking.
"Ehehe~ Your anger is great. It's all you have, isn't it? It can't last, but I'll enjoy it as long as it's there!" Wriggle laughed as she sat down, toying with the tiny.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Part 4 of Remilia's misadventure, things continue to get worse for her! That's impressive, considering it was as foot filthy as possible from the start.
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awakenedmaiden · 2 years
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"... Lady Satori, my mother, for White Day... The person who has taken me in after all these years and taken care of me for as long as I can remember. I would like you to have this. Please."
To the mistress who has raised him and made his life into what it is... To the woman who has shown equal love among all her pets... And the mother who made his life into what he is today.
The kitsune boy provides his last gift to her, his most prized possession, something, to him, is worth as much as his life.
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A journal. And it really looks like it's seen better days. Unsurprising, as it's been by his side for years by now with repeated use.
In these pages records almost every person he's met, containing their personality, their appearance, even their measurements and the things they've done. Reimu, Alice, Remilia, Seiga, Sakuya... Especially Satori and Orin, all of them, housed in these pages.
This book is proof of his time in Gensokyo. The memory of his friends, family, and loved ones, years of love and care went into this small object.
This book is, in fact, something he always kept dear to him, right by his side, as it records the people he saw and met. The people he knew. The people he cherished. His Hymn, recording the time in the Land of Fantasy.
"Please promise me... to keep it safe."
There were only two words in his mind, and his smile says it all as he hands the book over to her.
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'Thank you, Mom.'
In the face of Eri's imminent departure, Satori has tried to remain strong. Yet this was the final straw. The camel's back had given out. A tear fell from her eyes. Then another. In a matter of moments they were streaming from her eyes down her cheeks.
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"This will be the greatest treasure in all of Chireiden. Until the day that you're ready to reclaim it."
She clutched the book tightly to her chest. Knowing that, for a great time, it would be the last remaining connection to her son. She knew that someday they would meet again but, until then, this book would help her through the pain. For it contained the proof that her son's life within their home had been a happy one.
"I love you so much more than words could ever describe. No matter what should come, you will always be my son. Just please promise me that every day you'll live your life to the fullest and make many stories to tell me about."
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"♪Because I know we'll meet again some sunny day♪"
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maidmyth · 11 days
i reject the anonymous feature. anyway, what isn’t my favorite detail about remilia? if i had to narrow it down, though, i’d say that her bravery ( because in my eyes it certainly is brave ) to face such a hefty title as the last dragonborn is incredible. and the fact that you can tell how good of a person she is through your writing.
favorite detail, @saintsdawn.
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you!!!! are always such a sweet & supportive light on my dash & in my life. i appreciate you so so so so so much & i’m beyond grateful to have you as a mutual (& dear friend). you are always there to support me & inspire me & just be there for me that it makes me kinda emotional sometimes! i cannot thank you enough. 🤍 thank you from the bottom of my heart, you piece of true sunshine. 💫☀️
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evajellion · 2 years
KKHTA: Timeline and Plot Summary for newcomers
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I noticed that this series is getting a resurgence through funny memes and recreations on YouTube, so for anyone who is new to this Touhou fan-series, I’m gonna lay out a summary of each event so no one gets lost. (because there are several parts and chunks of videos that are flashbacks)
I am going to keep things brief as I possibly can, but a lot happens in this fan-work.
Some things to note:
A majority of powerful Touhou characters are nerfed/killed. So take off your “Touhou power level” goggles for this. (which you should for fan works in the first place)
PC98 is not canon to this, so do not expect Mima to appear.
This series was created before Touhou 14 and the current entries, so certain characters do not appear until near the end or at all. (ie: Okina)
Billions of years ago, the Moon and Earth are people with third eyes that meet and fall in love. They do the deed, which causes the big bang, Earth goes into a sleep and is invaded by “closed eyes” which become life on Earth.
A heartbroken Moon goes to rest, hoping to open the Earth’s eyes despite how far apart they are. This leads into the Moonlight Descent, a plot created to reunite the Moon and Earth.
Fast forward- Satori and Koishi, a pair of third eyes (who are sisters in name only, not by blood) have lost their vessels. They temporarily take the corpses of a dog and cat respectively as hosts. At first, Koishi enjoys witnessing a budding romance between a man and woman. After they are married and have a child however, it falls apart.
The man leaves his wife and the woman drowns her infant child. Koishi, traumatized by the event, takes the drowned child and her postpartum mother to be her next hosts. Following this, Koishi reads the minds of several onlookers (including people watching on TV) who call her a freak, then forcefully closes her third eye.
A bloodbath created by Koishi ensues. Watatsuki no Toyohime, one of the Lunarian sisters, gives Satori and Koishi new bodies. They are then brought to Gensokyo in hopes of getting Satori to aid in the Moonlight Descent plan.
Eirin Yagokoro, a traitor to the Lunar Capitol, creates a rain that filters out toxins from the Moon that drive all living creatures into insanity. This madness is in part due to the (fictional) peace on Earth, and things that no longer exist get transferred to Gensokyo.
Sanae is born to a young couple outside of Gensokyo while two goddesses, Suwako and Kanako, watch over her. Being able to communicate with the two goddesses leaves her relentlessly bullied by her fellow classmates by the time she enters high school. Said bullies end up killing her parents, and Sanae ends up slaughtering them all. Soon after, Sanae, Suwako, and Kanako are moved to Gensokyo.
Before the main story events, the Lunarians make one final deal with Patchouli’s familiar; Koakuma. They gift her with the power to absorb abilities of the deceased, which will aid them in the Moonlight Descent. In exchange, Koakuma can have Patchouli to herself with no one else in the way.
Remilia has a conversation with Reimu, in which she wants to give Flandre a parasol so she can finally go outside, as she has improved in her destructive tendencies. 
The story truly begins when Koishi leaves the Palace of Earth Spirits to go play outside and catch a fish for dinner. This results very poorly, as she just so happened to be near the Misty Lake and Scarlet Devil Mansion. After being refused to acquire a fishing rod and her hat destroyed, Koishi leaves Meiling and Flandre horribly mauled.
Sakuya brings Meiling to Eientei, Koakuma brings Satori to the SDM. After a rainstorm (the last one that would be had), Satori punishes Koishi’s violent behavior by locking her in a room.
Eirin is subdued by the Lunarians for her work, unable to keep the rain going. The Lunarians and Koakuma experiment on the fairies by the Misty Lake, making them all murder each other. Thanks to Koakuma’s newfound power, they cannot re-spawn like normally.
The next morning, Remilia talks to Flandre, only to be immediately kicked out by the little sister who only views herself as a burden. Satori visits the mansion, and offers herself to be punished in Koishi’s place. In an act of betrayal to the Lunarians, Satori suggests Patchouli cut her contract with Koakuma.
Refusing to listen to her, Satori attempts to kill Koakuma herself in a diversion, but a fight breaks out which gets Okuu involved.
Meanwhile, during the rest of the day, Gensokyo goes absolutely bonkers. Mokou burns the human village, Byakuren goes full dictator, Yuyuko devours her servant, and Sanae tortures Kogasa before being killed. Koakuma obtains the abilities of anyone who passes.
Koakuma makes her escape while Okuu is fighting the SDM residents, and manipulates Flandre by belittling her. After enduring torture, Koakuma tells Flandre to destroy the Hakurei Barrier.
Yukari, noticing that Ran is acting unusually, ties her up and goes to investigate what could be the source of everyone’s conscious getting messed with so badly. She deduces that Koishi must be the source, and goes to the Palace of Earth Spirits. They battle with, Yukari as the victor, decapitating Koishi. It’s a short-lived victory as the Lunarians captured Ran and Chen while Yukari was distracted, turning them into living bombs.
Since her third eye was not destroyed, Koishi takes Yukari’s body as her own, fusing the two of them together with a proper conscious. Sharing her soul with another, Koishi begins to feel regret over her past actions.
Reimu has the incident already figured out and confronts Koakuma in battle. Satori gives a mercy kill to Orin who tries to get her away from the mansion, and returns to the Watatsuki sisters for the Moonlight Descent plan. She defies them one last time, but her body is destroyed and she is caged.
The plan is now in full effect with Flandre on her way to destroy the barrier and the Lunarians having their super powered, youkai-killing ships fully prepared. Patchouli sees Koakuma’s true colors and is kidnapped by her own minion. 
Kanako rushes to Reimu to warn her about what’s happening, and returns to the Hakurei Shrine, alongside Remilia, Reisen, and Koishi Yakumo. Unfortunately, Yorihime has beaten them there.
Reisen attempts to reason with Yorihime, but is immediately sliced in half. In a rage at the Lunarian’s arrogance, Reimu, Remilia, Kanako, and the God of Gensokyo itself gang up on her. Sadly, not even gods are a match for the overpowered Lunarians ships. Remilia and Kanako are slaughtered soon after.
Out of seemingly nowhere, an imprisoned Kaguya gives Koishi Yakumo an antidote version of the rain Eirin created, supposedly able to cure one person under madness.
The dark side of the Moon is shown fully with no rain filtering it, transforming most of residents, most importantly Flandre, into kaiju monsters. Flandre proceeds to destroy the Hakurei Barrier with her maximized power. This forces all of the Gensokyo inhabitants to Earth, where they are viewed as nothing but mindless kaiju monsters.
With the country officials of Earth being tricked by Toyohime into thinking the Lunarians are their allies that will protect them from the kaijus, all of Gensokyo’s residents and a majority of the Earth humans are slaughtered. But not before Reimu and Marisa take Yorihime down in one last shot.
(One of them being Junko, who had terrorized the Lunarians in the past and was not even a kaiju but still required several ships to take down… that’s how badly she needed to be nipped in the bud before it was too late.)
With all of the kaijus slaughtered and most of mankind gone, the Moon is able to descend to Earth and forcefully open its “eye”. All sentient life on Earth now have opened their third eye, even the animals and insects.
An uncertain amount of time later, only a depressed Yukari and a cheerful Koishi are seen living together on Earth. After a harsh talking to, Koishi opens her third eye for the first time in years by cutting it open.
Toyohime, Satori, Koakuma, Patchouli, and Kaguya are most likely still alive as of this part. (although Kaguya could have been executed the same way Mokou was)
The series has not updated since late 2016, which is unfortunate, but I find Koishi opening her eye after a conga line of destruction to be a satisfying note to end on. I was going to add my own thoughts overall to this series, but this is getting long as is.
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evilisk · 3 years
Random Impressions and Thoughts on Chapter 3, Act 1 of Touhou LostWord
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Full impressions are below. tl;dr this chapter has a pretty strong start
= = =
Let’s get straight into things
-I quite like how different this AU is. In this AU, it seems as if the Saigyou Ayakashi almost fully bloomed. Now, the only way of preventing its full awakening is through ritualistic / sacrificial duels. As an edgelord at heart, I can appreciate a dark setup like this.
- The structure of the story (at least for now) is pretty great. You spend most of this first act trying to escape with the other team. This is pretty good writing: the tension is great, it’s also smart of them to make you care for the other team you’re going to have to fight
- They actually give an explanation about the difference between phantoms and ghosts and, after looking it up on the Wiki, it’s... actually a really good explanation! Like, I legitimately found it hard to understand the difference between the two until now.
-This is the chapter where it becomes VERY obvious that the main character has a thing for Sakuya. Not gonna lie, I’d be annoyed by this if the MC wasn’t a girl 
-I have mixed thoughts about the Kung Fu Fairies. So in this chapter, the heroines have to fight fairies from what is basically a Kung Fu Gensokyo AU. Some of the explanations are acceptable e.g. if Fairies are pure life force, then theoretically they should be able to manipulate Qi and use Kung Fu right? But then they really stretch the concept here, like the Fairies being able to create duplicates cast from their own lifeforce or Cirno being able to throw out exploding ice punches because “Kung Fu Cirno can generate cold and cold also generates heat”. It’s way less impressive than the last few chapters, which were more about the non-combat applications of character’s powers.
-Our heroines aren’t any better tbh. Reimu is able to dodge Kung Fu Lily White because of some convoluted explanation about spirit manipulation when I would have been perfectly okay with “Reimu good at dodging”. There’s also Sakuya speeding up Marisa and Reimu’s metabolism so they can fight longer. 
-The only reasonable power up was Marisa using some of Byakuren’s magic to fight on an equal footing. Unfortunately, Marisa later pulls up some Joseph Joestar-style BS about creating ice hands with Narumi’s magic and then using Alice’s magic to puppeteer them later on. Unless I’m missing something here, Narumi has never had an ice themed spellcard before.
-Don’t know how to feel about this chapter really upping the power level of the tree from Touhou 7. The Saigyou Ayakashi is obviously dangerous but here it’s an apocalyptic, world ending threat.
-There’s an early joke about how Master Youmu and Little Yuyuko’s explanatory play has extremely outdated slang, and not only is the moment funny but it’s actually rather good foreshadowing about exactly how long these sacrificial duels have been going on for.
-Knowing how Act 3 plays out, I’m surprised an explanation for the concept for Temperaments appeared this early in the chapter. I *definitely* forgot about it.
-Not gonna lie, I’m not a fan of the alternate Yuyuko being a little girl, even though there is a story reason for it.
That’s all I’ve got so far. I don’t have a lot to say about the specific character interpretations here. It’s mostly plot, plot, plot, with most of the character writing happening for the alternate character OC’s. I guess it’s worth pointing out that while LW-Sakuya is fairly serious and no-nonsense, canon-Sakuya can honestly be a bit of a weirdo at times.
LW-Yuyuko has a slightly better showing this chapter (though she’s only here for five before we change settings). It’s still not great (Remilia and Sakuya give her some really bad excuse about why they should hand over their Red Seal Crystal, and she and Youmu totally buy it and have to be scolded by Reimu of all characters) but she’s also straight up drunk for most of her appearance here, so that’s... an excuse, I guess. 
I should also mention that while Okina and Yukari are known to be Sages by a few select characters, I don’t remember if Reimu or Marisa are aware that Kasen is a Sage too. Actually... Marisa may know, because of the events of Touhou 14.5. I’m pretty sure Reimu only knows that she’s an Oni. 
Before I go onto rewatch Chapter 2, here’s a list of my random, favorite moments from this Chapter:
Before going to the alternate Arena AU, OG Okina and Kasen introduce themselves to the MC by saying they are both much nicer and much more trustworthy than Yukari is
The whole scene with Remilia and Sakuya breaking into Hakugyokurou, Yuyuko pointing out that they’re trespassing and Remilia and Sakuya actually going back the way they came and politely knocking on the front door so they can re-enter
Master Youmu literally saying “DONG DONG” to signify that a gong is being hit during their play 
Marisa countering Cirno, who froze the inside of her Hakkero, by hitting Cirno over the head with her heavy, frozen Mini-Hakkero
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toho-literature · 4 years
Perfect Memento in Strict Sense: Pages 112-116 - Heroic Legends: Reimu Hakurei
Shrine Maiden of Paradise
Reimu Hakurei
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Occupation: Shrine Maiden
Ability: Flying in the air
Residence: Hakurei Shrine
The current shrine maiden at the Hakurei Shrine, which lies on the border of Gensokyo.
The Hakurei Shrine exists to watch over the Great Barrier necessary to the present Gensokyo, and the Hakurei shrine maidens resolve incidents for a living, generation after generation (*1).
Out of the generations of shrine maidens, her sense of danger is the most lacking and she has meager training, yet her power is considerable.
She's exterminated multitudes of youkai with her keen intuition and her natural good luck.
She's unusually easygoing and lacks any sense of danger. She treats everyone in the same uninterested manner, neither kindly nor harshly.
Perhaps as a result of that, strong personalities tend to like her, while weak youkai fear her.
However, her opinion regarding youkai is that exterminating them on sight is her job.
She has the power to defy gravity and fly freely through the sky.
Nothing can tie her down.
In addition, she has abilities as the Hakurei shrine maiden.
The Hakurei shrine maidens manage the Great Hakurei Barrier and watch over Gensokyo.
If the Great Barrier were destroyed, either from inside or out, Gensokyo would likely not fare well.
Gensokyo relies on the Hakurei Shrine and its shrine maidens to preserve the form it exists as today.
As a result, no youkai oppose them.
Due to her easygoing appearance, it's impossible to tell whether she realizes this or not, but the Hakurei shrine maidens really do have all of Gensokyo under their thumbs.
Spell Card Rules
Without a way for any youkai to defeat the Hakurei shrine maiden, many youkai felt that their meaning to exist had disappeared, but by taking some ground-breaking measures she solved this problem.
That is, the introduction of the spell card rules.
The spell card rules are dueling rules that allow both parties to show off their skills in a beautiful competition.
The major points are:
*Spell cards are techniques specially-named by the individual, and they must be declared upon use.
*The number of each party's spell cards must be determined in advance of a duel.
*The first party to have all of their spell cards beaten must admit defeat.
*The victor is entitled only to what was agreed upon before the duel. If they're not interested in what their opponent has to offer, they can refuse a duel.
*Winners should generally allow losers a rematch.
*Always prepare for the unexpected.
Following these rules allows for duels that feel almost like sport.
With the introduction of these rules, it became possible for even relatively weak humans to challenge youkai.
At the same time, it became possible for youkai to freely defeat the shrine maiden without worrying about the consequences.
Everyday Life
When an incident is not occurring, she is a very ordinary human (*2).
She lazes about the rarely-visited shrine, pretends to clean it, and drinks tea.
She's often seen going out to shop in the human village.
If she catches sight of a youkai on the way, she will surely teach them a lesson.
In this way, she's different from a usual human.
She is a specialist in incident resolution.
When an incident occurs (*3), her usual carefree attitude vanishes, and she immediately investigates to resolve whatever matter is at hand.
Although the Hakurei shrine maiden was initially the only one who resolved incidents, these days, there are many imitators who go out to resolve incidents as well.
The Hakurei Shrine seen from the Outside World
Since the Hakurei Shrine stands on the boundary of Gensokyo from the outside world, one can go to the shrine from either world.
But it normally isn't possible to pass between the two worlds.
People from Gensokyo can go only to Gensokyo's Hakurei Shrine, and people from the outside world can go only to the outside world's Hakurei Shrine.
It's said that the Hakurei Shrine seen from outside is a desolate, uninhabited shrine which no one visits.
Before the Great Boundary was created, the shrine was not as empty as it is now, but it was also not built up to the same scale as the Gensokyo one.
It's said that the Hakurei Shrine in the outside world has mostly been abandoned since the boundary was created.
Incident Resolution Cases
Scarlet Mist Incident
The incident when all of Gensokyo was covered by a red mist, and the light of the day could not reach the ground.
This incident was caused by Remilia Scarlet.
She disliked the light of the sun, and covered Gensokyo in mist.
At this time, it's said that Reimu went to the Scarlet Devil Mansion alone, and resolved it quite forcefully.
Once the perpetrator came to light, the Scarlet Devil Mansion instantly became infamous.
Spring Snow Incident
The incident when it continued snowing even after winter ended and spring came, and the flowers did not bloom.
The details of this incident are not widely known.
She heard that the perpetrator was in the Netherworld, then taught her a lesson and resolved things, somehow.
Although no relationship between the Netherworld and the long winter has been proven, it's true that she noticed something most people didn't, saying "Didn't you see that cherry petals were blowing from the Netherworld?"
Eternal Night Incident
In this incident, night lasted for an extended period of time, and dawn did not come for a while.
Although she claims that she also solved this incident, if one asks her about the cause or the perpetrator, she'll only respond with ambiguous answers.
It's an incident with many mysteries and no records of the details.
The Great Barrier Incident of Sixty Years
The Great Barrier is composed of many smaller boundaries, both illusionary and not, but every sixty years it undergoes a period of weakening.
Recently, the second period of this cycle occurred, and a number of smaller incidents sprang up around Gensokyo.
This is the sort of incident that would resolve itself somehow if left alone, but it seems that she was ignorant of this fact and set out to solve it as usual.
The Vampire Incident
Originally, attacking humans was the point of the youkai's existence, but since the erection of the Great Barrier it's become difficult for them to do so, and they've had to find sources of food outside their normal choices. Consequently, the collective willpower of the youkai began to fall.
It was into this situation that a powerful youkai from outside, a vampire, appeared, and quickly amassed a great number of subordinates.
In the end, the vampire was defeated through the efforts of the most powerful youkai, and a settlement was reached through a contract that placed a number of prohibitions on the vampire's activities.
Some of the more willful youkai found these terms distasteful and entered into discussions with the Hakurei shrine maiden.
The shrine maiden, who was also tiring of an uneventful lifestyle, agreed to the youkai point of view that some battles were necessary.
The result of this were the spell card rules, which allowed duelists to seemingly stake their lives in individual combat (*4).
It's said that the raucous Scarlet Mist incident caused by that vampire was the first time the spell card rules were put to use.
Since then, various incidents have occurred with moderate frequency that have had no lasting effects.
The game ends once a victor is decided, although the shrine maiden likes to have rematches until she wins.
*1: Because they can't expect to survive on offerings.
*2: She may even be more easygoing than most people.
*3: "Incident" means a phenomenon that affects all of Gensokyo and is of unknown cause. Typically this is due to some youkai's whimsy or the doings of a newcomer.
*4: It appears various other rules were also considered, but as the beauty and volume of danmaku especially appealed to youkai and women, they aren't as popular.
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clock-corpse · 4 years
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At age thirteen, Angela would be defeated by Remilia Scarlet in battle and be taken as a trophy made to serve her. Alongside this, Remilia gave her a new name, Sakuya Izayoi.
Adjusting to her new life was not easy and often times, it frustrated Sakuya. She had spent a chunk of her childhood living in the slums in the German Empire. Having to be prim and proper was very difficult. She even tried to bite Meiling while she was cutting and stylizing her matted and dirty hair.
But, Sakuya still went along with it. Because she was absolutely terrified of Remilia. She would do anything just to stay alive. Even the horrible acts of prepping human meat and such. She found it so retched that she threw up more than once. Eventually, she became nullified to it.
During her teenage years, Sakuya had become more accustomed to her life at the mansion. At this age, she was starting to learn how to hunt. She was hesitant at first, but easily persuaded by the vampire’s words and her past experience being hunted and beaten for something out of control. Killing people is now enjoyable to her.
It was also during her teenage years where of course, she started exploring her sexuality. Sakuya slowly realized that she found women attractive instead of men and felt weird about it. She ended up having a romantic and sexual relationship with an older woman which didn’t last long. Onward from there, Sakuya became addicted to physical/sexual intimacy. But as we know now, she recovered from that.
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twinfoxtails · 6 years
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((Then again, Touhou power levels are really, really iffy and up to speculation most of the time. Some of the most potential and terrifying people in Gensokyo include people like Yuuka, Eiki, Yukari, and the like.
On paper, most youkai’s powers are quite terrifying. Here’s a list in my head:
Flandre: The ability to destroy absolutely anything. She could just look at it, reach her arm out, and explode anything on a whim, even a meteor.
Eiki: Able to judge anyone out of whim, weather it’s good or evil, and send them down straight to hell if she wants to.
Yuuka: Hinted to be an especially strong youkai, and even said to be the ‘strongest youkai’ in PC-98.
Satori: Calculative, able to read your every thought and bring out traumas, predicting your every move.
Yukari: Manipulation of gaps. If she wanted to, she may be able to just reach through a gap and rip your heart out.
Cirno: Ice powers. Fairy. Basically immortal.
Remilia: Manipulation of Fate. Potentially, she could win every victory, from casinos, to even battle.
The Oni: Suika, Yuugi... Enough said.
That’s why spell card rules are made in the first place, to not throw Gensokyo out of chaos.
But... I do like thinking of these stupid questions from time to time, like...
Flandre: She’s stuck in the basement for the last 400+ years. If she really hates being in there, wouldn’t her patience snap and destroyed some parts of the basement a long time ago? What’s stopping her from doing such a thing?
Eiki: What’s stopping her from making her own decisions? She may be really knowledgeable, but she’s not all-knowing. What happens if she judges someone wrongly and did whatever she pleased?
Yuuka: What makes herself so sure about claiming she’s the ‘strongest youkai’? Has she challenged everyone to prove that? From what idea does she get it from? Or is it just a bluff and she really just wants to be left alone, putting up a front of intimidation?
Satori: Is there a way to stop her from reading your mind? Can she still read your mind from a far-enough distance? How fast can her body move compared to her mind?
Yukari: She’s a youkai sage, so what happens if she goes out of control and does what she wants? What will the other Youkai Sages do? Why does she make other people do the work for her, even if it failed for her? Why does she always take the back seat on everything?
Cirno: Cirno’s not a normal fairy, so what’s stopping her from expanding her vision? She could just come back to life anyway, especially since she’s claiming to be the ‘Strongest’, so she’s definitely had her sights out more than just fairies.
Remilia: Even if she could manipulate fate, she’s still losing. Why is that? Does she enjoy fair battles? Does she control it unconsciously? 
The Oni: What’s stopping them to take over Gensokyo if they wanted to? Yuugi and Suika are very, very terrifying. Yuugi could take out more than half of Chireiden if she wanted to with her strength alone, so why?
It actually brings out a few nice little headcanons, at least for me. Of course, everyone has different answers to each question, and there’s no ‘concrete’ answer, and that’s what makes it so fun!))
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thedrag0nking · 3 years
7:11 P.M.
Yoshika and Kogasa covered in blood had sat down on the ground with a folder containing information of the human trafficking scheme and Remillia's involvement with everything. Once they read the part of how the vampires killed Seiga Kaku which made the jiangshi in a state of rage. She kept her anger aside for now, as they kept reading until they come across pictures of Koaru and the rest of the family outside and inside of gensokyo that they're all gonna kill next and the last person that they'll kill is Koishi Yakumo herself the black dragon of all people.
" Holy shit sensei, Remillia is playing hard ball, she didn't kill Seiga just for nothing she... "
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" To kill everyone associated and have connections with Koishi. She thought Seiga had been associated with her when she wasn't... all the more reasons to kill her and end her miserable life. "
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" Wait, Yoshika we can't kill her we're better than that we can take her in and let her suffer in prison you know...? "
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But suddenly a certain little devil comes in to play...
" Well my big sister is better off having her skull bashed in ! "
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They immediately turned around and saw that Flandre Scarlet had appeared into the city for the sole purpose in stopping her older sister's madness.
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" You gotta be kidding.... "
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The vampire hugged the umbrella yokai very tightly snuggling her all the while Kogasa is struggling to breath.
" Kogasa chan! Kogasa! Kogasa! "
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" CAN'T....BREATHE....!!!! "
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" Hey Flandre, could you let her go now? You're crushing her "
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Flandre lets go of her as she collapse onto the jiangshi's arms dramatically taking such deep breathes and Yoshika shrugs as she watches her apprentice being overdramatic again.
" A-AAECK FUCK..... "
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Flandre giggled at her adoptive sister's own reaction, Yoshika joined in along as the dead woman grabs both of them into a soft hug in her arms. With Flandre joining them it's only a matter of time before Remilia finds out and realized how much she dugged her grave so deep that she'll never come back up as this incident got a whole lot of interesting.
《 To be continued.... 》
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dontf8arthereaper · 3 years
8:33 A.M.
Within the apocalyptic earth the varients had indeed almost won the war on earth, despite the invasion of the planet being a diversion, a catalyst for the lunarian's downfall. The varient Koishi stood upon the rubble of japan, where their invasion had first began, now lying in ruins. Koishi is all withered covering herself with a blue scarf holding an STG 44 with a bayonet attached.
The varient satori notices something in the sky, and to her shock from above she saw and witnessed the horror from hell itself, the little devil Koakuma had appeared only to settle scores with the varients as well as the demon king Remilia.
" In all my life, I have never seen such beauty within the dead world, but for what you have done? For what you have taken from me..? "
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Upon hearing the little devil speak the anti - christ of stalingrad smiles. The very last enemy to kill, now enters into the battle to decimate the varient horde.
" Ohh Koakuma, you don't know how much THAT makes us all happy... ~ "
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From behind Koishi a gap tear itself into reality and thus Marisa and the others have finally returned for a final showdown against the last enemy to kill. The finale has begon. The thirteen knights are off somewhere in the other parts of the world to assist the others. The main six of the twisted varients of the real gensokyo inhabitants standing together against the little devil.
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" We're gonna finish what we started right guys? "
" Kachi kachi kachi... "
And so they walked into the battlefield killing everything that gets in their way, be it satori or lunarian alike, getting closer to the end of the line. The moon rabbits wanted the world and now, these creatures are gonna bury them all there.
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evilisk-played · 5 years
Labyrinth of Touhou 30F Boss #1: Serpent of Chaos
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Uh yeah, I don’t know how I beat this boss already either
= = =
So I just finished the first boss on Floor 30, the Serpent of Chaos.
Me beating this boss was a complete accident tbh. I had decided earlier this week that it was way too hard at my current level (note: I had the last LOT post queued up a week before it was actually posted). I was running a practice set up when I ended up killing this boss, which was weird.
= = =
The Boss: 
The Serpent of Chaos is one of the three, final bosses of Labyrinth of Touhou’s post-game. The SoC may be fought on Floor 30 after you have recruited all the characters. From what I can tell, it is considered the easiest boss of this trio though it’s hardly an *easy* boss. 
There are three aspects to this fight; the first aspect is that the boss has three phases and with each phase, the strength of the boss’ spells increases (in phase 1, it mostly relies on single target spells while in phase 2 and 3, it will start to use stronger stuff like Ether Flare). The second aspect to this fight is that the boss shifts elements every turn it gets and it cycles through all six elements (in the order of FIR, CLD, WND, NTR, MYS and SPI). The third aspect is that the boss always gets three turns in a row. It’s obviously not the only boss to do this, but it is unique when considering the boss’ shifting element gimmick. 
In theory, all elements are feasible with this fight, but in practice, due to the “three turns per turn” gimmick of this boss, the only practical weaknesses you can abuse are FIR and CLD or MYS and SPI. Non-elemental attacks are still feasible but if you plan on bringing someone like Marisa, you have to be counting turns so you don’t waste her nuke.
Despite how complicated I made the boss sound, this ended up basically being another damage race boss, albeit one that gets very messy depending on how mean or nice the boss wants to be at any moment.
= = =
My Party:
I didn’t go into the specifics last time, but I’ve basically leveled everyone by 100 levels. I haven’t changed the assortment of bonus points, though when it comes to skillpoint upgrades, I’ve basically bumped everyone’s skills to minimum 15k. Some characters are at the 20k mark, others like Marisa and Flandre have their offensive stats bumped to the 50k mark.
Here’s the actual setup:
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Remilia is a backup tank, Sanae is backup healer and also a speed buffer and Flandre and Eiki are my dedicated, non-elemental nukes.  Iku and Orin were test characters for this run.
With Iku, I realized that Ran was not suitable as a buffer past Phase 1, so I was testing her Stickleback buff (the next character I would have gone with would have been Renko and her harming buff)
With Orin, I was testing out “characters with multiple elements”. I previously used Okuu (she seemed perfect with her FIR and MYS element attacks) but that didn’t work so well because I kept forgetting what element the boss was on. Orin seemed more useful because of her elements, her stats, and her SPD.
Orin can make use of a FIR nuke and also a non-elemental nuke. In situations where I’d forgetten the boss’ current element, it was totally possible to just go with her non-elemental nuke instead. Orin also makes use of ATK and I have better ATK boosting gear than MAG gear (I have like, 10+ Gurthangs from all the grinding I’ve been doing). And of course Orin is really fast, and speedsters are always welcome even if it’s just to switch characters.
The main plan was:
Phase 1: use my favourite formation (Meiling/Reimu/Eirin) and have Ran buff up the back row safely.
Phase 2: try and get through Phase 2 as painlessly as possible
Phase 3: try and rush the boss. I would probably have to use Yukari and Kaguya to get extra turns, I would also have Iku buffing everyone’s ATK (since no doubt, we would have lost all the buffs by that point)
Equipment was like:
Meiling (lvl 458) Ribbon, Gantz Suit, Heavenly Sake
Reimu (lvl 465): Ribbon, Life Support System x2
Eirin (lvl 405): Ribbon, Pailsen Files, Miogaruna's Scale
Ran (lvl 427): Shuttle Body, Life Support System x2
Orin (lvl 464): Gurthang x3
Yukari (lvl 415): Gold Cloth, Arturos Gem x2
Kaguya (lvl 446): Gold Cloth, Psycho Gun, Speed Ring
Flandre (lvl 433): Gurthang x3
Sanae (lvl 457): Portable Makoto Ito, Ultimate ZUN Hat
Iku (lvl 440): Rizna's Ahoge, Ethos of Bodybuilding
Eiki (lvl 410): Gurthang x3
Remilia (lvl 409): ...uh, after checking my save, she had nothing.
Some interesting stats were:
HP: 203k (Meiling), 149k (Remi), 131k (Reimu)
ATK: 341k (Flandre), 197k (Eiki), 170k (Orin)
DEF: 88k (Meiling), 75k (Remi), 65k (Eirin)
MAG: 133k (Kaguya), 94k (Sanae), 75k (Yukari)
MND: 112k (Iku), 104k (Kaguya), 92k (Yukari)
SPD: 2444 (Orin), 2427 (Flandre), 2066 (Remilia)
(Some of these were affected by equipment)
= = =
The Actual Result:
Phase 1: went exactly as planned, though unfortunately I believe Iku actually died here (she got unlucky and was hit by Slash, a physical attack she had no chance of actually tanking with her DEF). I mostly relied on Orin for attacking here.
Phase 2: this was a mess. On this run, I realized that along with stronger spells, the boss gets the chance to use Rasetsu Fist as a finisher in this phase. R.Fist ignores DEF and MND, causing a static 110k damage. This is an attack I *could* tank normally... but since it’s always used as a finisher (the boss uses it third in their volley), most characters have been softened up and can’t tank it. Unless you have Komachi (I didn’t), it’s basically a “lose one character” attack if the boss feels like using it. I ended up losing my best defensive supports here (Reimu, Eirin, Yukari). Had to start bringing out my nukers in retalation. 
Phase 3: at this point, I realized the fight was “kill the boss before he whittles your party one by one”, so I just went all out. This basically became “bring in my attackers with supports to keep up their strength, then switch them out when the boss gets a turn”. Lots of micromanaging situations with decisions “I have Meiling, Eiki, Kaguya and Sanae out on the field, and I can only get 1 character out. Who do I bring out?” (the answer ended up being “bye bye Sanae” and “holy crap, I can’t believe Eiki survived that turn!”). Meiling stays on the field (she’ll survive normal volleys and can self-heal to 100% by the time the boss gets a turn)
The final turn of the fight was me making a really bad mistake. I switched out the remaining characters left... but forgot that the boss has a certain chance of using something like Rasetsu Fist or Scourge that would just kill Meiling, even if she could tank the first two spells in a volley.
We ended up getting up stupidly lucky: the boss used Solar Light (which Meiling could tank), I was able to switch in Eiki with Meiling, Eiki uses Last Judgement, Meiling switches in Kaguya, Kaguya uses Stone Bowl on Eiki and then Eiki gets in another Last Judgement and...
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The survivors:
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I think we got *really* lucky. If the boss had decided to use Scourge or Rasetsu Fist more, we would have lost Meiling. I think every character but Yukari and Iku ended up pulling their weight. Iku died too early. Yukari got too unlucky.
= = =
The Hibachi’s V2 fight is next. I have a bunch of strategies for that that I wasn’t able to make use of in this fight (e.g. Aya now having ABSOLUTELY ABSURD levels of speed when buffed) that I absolutely plan to make use of next.
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evajellion · 2 years
Anymore Touhou A Live fun facts?
Besides the fact that there are cute little references to other games scattered around? Hmmm-
I haven't talked much about the incarnates of Rage (the new Lord of Dark) for this game yet! They all have really good backstories, well except for one of them.
Draygion, a red dragon from the Wild chapter.
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… There's nothing to note here. It's just a flying Odo that breathes fire. Virtually no differences. Cool design I guess, but otherwise a lackluster boss for the most lackluster chapter in the fan game.
He turns birds into yakitori I guess.
Ray Jihad, the vampire butler from the Gatekeeper chapter.
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A commoner once hired by Remilia Scarlet but eventually fired due to pressure from her noble peers, who think strength only comes from blood rather than hard work. Rather than understanding since Remilia has the mind of a child, Jihad goes out to terrorize humanity and form his own army of commoners.
He ends up hiring Qiu Jin Lee (a gunslinger), who decides to blackmail criminal tengu via kidnapping and endangers children in order to lure out Reimu so she can't save Remilia.
Meiling ends up defeating him and Jihad is hoisted by his own petard, the Solar Arrow. The dude spent too much time monologuing in front of Remilia rather than actually getting the job done.
He kills Yun Jou, which honestly makes his spiel about the strength of hard work into a complete hypocrite!
Before dying, he utters the words "Julietta, I'm sorry", implying a beloved. (which I turned into Oscar)
The Japanese wikis for this game treat him as a joke boss. He can be killed by Meiling in a mere three turns. The wikis even warn you more about Qiu Jin than him.
Jirou Gurei, a commander from the Netherworld chapter.
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This short pretty boy once served under a daimyo, and was known for his ruthlessness. Unlike Ode Iou, he is actually sympathetic. (Jirou is his surname btw, so it’s surname first and first name last)
After he was killed during times of war, the Yama, Eiki Shiki sentenced him to hell. Jirou accepted this fate just fine, but his comrades, who had little experience in war and did nothing wrong, were also punished. He discovered the reason was that too many people were in heaven, so Eiki was punishing people for smaller.
In short, unlike Remilia in Jihad’s case who is innocent, Eiki is definitely at fault for all of this happening (and is sadly never punished, keep in mind how brutal Hell is in Japanese culture too).
Viewing this as injustice, Jirou brings three other demons into his service (Hattori Hanzo, Ashiya Doman, and Ryomen Sukuna), then takes over the Netherworld, imprisoning Yuyuko in the process.
Much like Ode Iou, he has a second form and…
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It’s just a fusion of other RPG monsters, but yeah.
Rei Jenova, the dead girl of the Wild West chapter.
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A zombie or ghoul type of girl, that was once the daughter of a town mayor. The anger of her town and citizens being destroyed brought her rotten corpse back to life, as an NPC puts it. Because humans had taken from her, she wants to take lives by creating an army of ghouls.
For a spooky corpse girl, she’s kind of cute though! The ponytail and blue eyes are such a selling point, and her outfit reminds me of Doris Day as Calamity Jane!
Still, she wields a heavy machine gun and has these ghastly claws coming out from her scarf. Much like O. Dio, she is fully capable of killing your party. When she’s defeated, her corpse turns to ash and blows away.
I think her name in the fan translation is incorrect actually… her name is spelt レイジ which translates as “Reiji” or “Raze��. Raze would make sense given what she does.
Much like Jirou, her surname is actually first (but this was undone in the fan translation), which is weird because she seems to be an American.
Considering the fact that both her and the Sundown Kid have the same backstory of the town being destroyed by outlaws… I’m pretty sure she might be one of the people he feels guilt over not being able to save.
(Sidenote: Ran does not have her name yet in this chapter, so chronologically, this is actually one of the first taking place-)
Gungrey Jibalt, the challenger of the Ice Fairy chapter.
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It’s not a coincidence, he is the challenger that appears for Masaru Takahara. (might be mistranslated, his surname can also be spelt as “Gilbert”)
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After Odio made Masaru disappear, Gungrey hopelessly pursues him until he somehow ends up in Gensokyo. After seeing Cirno’s desire to become powerful, he decides he will melt her, and finally claim the title as being the strongest.
Of course, Cirno calls hims a crazy murderer for threatening her. Thankfully, unlike Odie, he never actually goes through hurting anyone! In fact, he seems like a harmless weirdo compared to all the other Rage incarnates.
He can still kill Cirno in a single hit unfortunately, which is one thing he has over Odie O’Bright…
After Cirno defeats him, Gungrey just falls over, and Masaru finally reappears to challenge her.
I like to imagine that after defeating Rage for good, Cirno, Masaru, and Gungrey all became friends. Again, he seems harmless compared to the others, lol.
Dr. Livingstill, the necromancer of the Hourai chapter.
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After being drowned in liquefied humans, this crazy bastard got isekai’d to Gensokyo, where he met Eirin Yagokoro. The two decided to research ways to conquer death, in the most immoral ways possible!
The fan translation for this and even the original LAL mistakingly name him “Cindleman”. It’s “Shinderuman”, which literally means “dead man”… thus the localized name of “Livingstill”.
As such, in this game, Livingstill / Shinderuman is just a nickname for him. His real name is Reje Shinderu. (Reje Living I suppose, if you go with the localization)
He makes no mention of his past mishaps with Akira, Tobei, or General Yamazaki. Did Yamazaki and Unryu also get isekai’d? Probably not. Despite that, Livingstill immediately returned to his old ways- except worse.
Livingstill and Eirin decide to set up a Soylent Base plant, where they produce canned meat made out of dead humans. He also took the earth rabbits of Gensokyo and fed them a “slave drug” made by Eirin. They can only survive via oxygen tanks due to the severity of the drug.
The rabbits, now known as Gladys soldiers, start kidnapping children and other people to make into more Soylent Base… or cocooning them… imprisoning them, etc-
He did get the rabbits to make a giant robot version of Yagokoro, and he says that Eirin is the only one that understands his genius. Eirin also hesitates when admitting interest in his research… I think something else is going on.
0-JI, the magic computer of the Return chapter.
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The result of taking it easy. Drop dead easy…
The stealth pun is lost in translation and mistakingly calls the computer REI-IJI, but “零” (rei) is one of the ways you say zero in Japanese.
0-JI is a magic computer made from cherry tree by the Hakurei Shrine. Unlike OD-10, the frustration of this machine comes from seeing its kin and forest polluted by both humans and youkai.
Gensokyo is doomed to pollution unless 0-JI kills humanity and youkai alike, allowing nature to be preserved. As such, they send false orders to Reisen so she kills all of the crew mates on the ship, and then uses telekinetic power to bring the corpses back to life as zombies.
0-JI takes the form of a yukkuri version of Reimu (a common meme within the fandom), but when you do damage to them over time…
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How cute!
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Never mind!
Definitely more sympathetic than OD-10, it really just wanted to save its children but felt trapped.
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