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sincancilingir · 2 years ago
Hacıoğlan - Hacıoğlan Kurtarıcı Hacıoğlan Çekici ekonomik çekici hizmeti ve deneyimli araç çekici hizmetlerinin türkiye'de lider firma olarak hizmet sunmaktadır. Profesyonel Çekici Ekibi ile hizmetinizdeyiz. Hacıoğlan bölgesinde otobanda çekici hizmeti almak için şimdi arayın. Hacıoğlan içinde size en hızlı güvenilir çekici hizmetini vermektedir. En hesaplı oto çekici hizmetini arıyorsunuz. O halde doğru yeribuldunuz! Hacıoğlan Çekici hizmeti almak için hemen bize ulaşın. Çekici hizmeti gerektiğinde Yoldacekici.com profesyonel araç Filosu işiniz kolaylaştırıyor, Hacıoğlan bölgesinde nerede olursanız en hesaplı çekici. Siz neredeyseniz Hacıoğlan Çekici orada! Hacıoğlan Oto Çekici Hizmetleri Hacıoğlan Oto Kurtarma en hızlı ve güvenli oto kurtarma hizmeti sunmak başlıca görevlerinin başında gelir. Hacıoğlan bölgesinde güvenilir oto kurtarma denilince bölgede bilinen firma olmak bizim için çok önemli. Hacıoğlan Oto Çekici Bulunduğunuz konuma çekici hizmetini çabucak alabilirsiniz. Hacıoğlan civarında En Yakın Çekici için hemen bizi arayın. 7 gün 24 saat her yere oto çekici hizmeti veriyoruz. Siz de yolda kaldıysanız Hacıoğlan çekici hizmeti bizim işimiz. Hacıoğlan Sıfır Araç Taşıma Hacıoğlan bölgesinde Profesyonel araç çekici sıfır araç taşıma tecrübeli firmayız. Kişiye Özel Çözümler sunmaktayız. Hacıoğlan Çoklu Araç Taşıma Hacıoğlan bölgesinde çoklu araç taşıma hizmetine mi ihtiyacınız var? En uygun fiyatlı çoklu araç taşıma Hizmetimiz bulunmaktadır. Hemen şimdi arayın. Size özel fiyat verelim. Hacıoğlan Çekici Hizmet Bölgeleri Hacıoğlan Çekici Hacıoğlan Oto Kurtarma Hacıoğlan Oto Cekici Hacıoğlan Kurtarıcı HacıoğlanSize en uygun fiyatlı ve Profesyonel hizmet vermek için 7 gün 24 saat aralıksız çalışmaktayız Oto Kurtarma ve Oto Çekici Hizmeti Almak için yoldacekici.com 0501 244 66 00 hemen arayınız whatsapp destek hattımıza bağlanarak 7/24 acil bildirimde bulunabilirsiniz çağrı merkezimiz 7/24 çalışmaktadır https://yoldacekici.com/antalya/kas/hacioglan-cekici/.html?feed_id=42756&_unique_id=64588be670b71
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kasrehber · 5 years ago
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#Kaş Köyleri, Mahalleleri hakkında bilgi köşesinde #Hacıoğlan Köyü. Köy Hakkında Tüm Detaylar Bu Bağlantıda; https://blog.kasrehber.com/kas-hacioglan-mahallesi-hacioglan-koyu-hakkinda-her-sey Makalemizi paylaşarak bir çok kişinin hem köyümüzden hem de tarihi özelliklerinden haberdar ve bilgi sahibi olmasını sağlayabilirsiniz. Hacıoğlan mahallesi için sürekli güncel tutulacak olan sayfamıza yeni bilgileri, fotoğrafları bizlere sosyal medya hesaplarımızdan yada iletişim sayfamızdan gönderebilirsiniz. #Antalya #KaşGeziRehberi #AntalyaKaşHacıoğlan #HacıoğlanMahallesi #HacıoğlanKöyü #Likya #KöyRehberi #LikyaYolu #GeziRehberi #Ekonomi #Tarih #KaşRehber #Köyler #Köy #Mahalle #Bilgi #Rehber #KaşKöyleri #KaşMahalleleri #Ulaşım #Telefon #PostaKodu #Muhtar #Nüfus #Turizm #HavaDurumu (Hacıoğlan, Kaş) https://www.instagram.com/p/CA_LN4llAYQ/?igshid=18v85p1mnyock
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kasradyo · 5 years ago
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Yıllarca her sabah kapılarının önünü süpürerek güne başladı büyüklerimiz, bizler de o sokaklarda koşturduk. Zaman değişti, şartlar ağırlaştı, kentler büyüdü, çöpler arttı, teknoloji gelişti, temizlikte insan gücünün etkisi azaldı, sokaklar kirlendi… Bahane çok, çözüm üretmek lazım dedik ve 14 Eylül Cumartesi ile 15 Eylül Pazar günlerini neden kapımızın önünü süpürmeye ayırmıyoruz diye sorduk kendimize. Sonrasında da oturur birer bardak çay içeriz diye düşündük. Kaş Rehber olarak bizler kah elimize süpürge alacağız kah canlı yayında sorunlarımızı, sevinçlerimizi paylaşacağız. Lafı açılmışken sevgiyle ve Kemal Sunal'ı saygıyla anıyoruz… Not: Paylaşarak bu etkinliği, sende bir kişinin duymasına yardımcı olabilirsin... #Kaş #Kalkan #KaşEtkinlikleri #KaşRehberi #Kaşhaber #Gömbe #Kınık #Ova #Yeşilköy #Ağullu #Çukurbağ #Çerler #Gökçeören #Gökseki #Hacıoğlan #SarıBelen #Bezirgan #Gökçeyazı #Belenli #Bayındır #Kasaba #Üzümlü #İslamlar #Sütleğen #Dereköy #Çataloluk #Eskiler #Temizlik #Kapıönü #hayat #yaşamak (Kas, Turkey) https://www.instagram.com/p/B196AguB4gD/?igshid=ldb71udcyxvx
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teknisyenarif · 6 years ago
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Öyle zamanlar olur ki; Nereye gittiğin nereleri gezdiğin önemini yitirir. Çünkü asıl önemli olan, yanında kiminle gezdiğin kiminle daha çok mutlu huzurlu olduğundur.. 🌸🌸🌸 Bir pazar klasiği daha Meslektaşım @kamilgundogdu Oğlum @tunahan.bilecan İle Motorlara atladık #hondaforza250 #kymcodowntown300i Kaş hacıoğlan, sinneli, gendive, uğrar kasaba, Dirgenler, gavurderesi kanyonu, demre ve son olarak kaş kartın da final pikniği konu ile alakalı paylaşımlar günlük gelecek takipte kalın dostlarım 🌸💓📷 1* #gendive 2* #kasaba 3* #gavurderesi (Gendive, Antalya, Turkey) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu1iXLagori/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=tz42t4t8t83x
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antalyamemurlarcom · 2 years ago
ANTALYA SU KESİNTİLERİ LİSTESİ! 23 Aralık Cuma Antalya su kesintisi tarih ve saatleri!
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Bugün yani 23 Aralık 2022 Cuma gününde vatandaşlar Antalya'da yaşanan su kesintilerini araştırmaya başladı. Antalya'da ikamet eden ve suların gelmesini bekleyen pek çok kişi "Antalya'da sular ne zaman gelecek?" sorusunu arama motorlarında arıyor. İşte 23 Aralık Antalya su kesintileri listesi ve kesinti yapılacak saatler listesi... 23 Aralık 2022 Antalya su kesintileri listesi! Antalya yaşayan vatandaşlar suların ne zaman geleceğini ve su kesintileri listesini sorgulamaya başladı. ASAT tarafından yapılan açıklamaya göre bugün gün içerisinde Antalya'da farklı ilçelerde su kesintileri yaşanması beklenmekte. Antalyalı vatandaşlar tarafından su kesintilerinin hangi ilçelerde yaşanacağı arama motorlarında aratılıyor. 23 Aralık günü, gün içinde su kesintisi yaşanacak olan ilçeler arasında Kumluca, Kepez, Manavgat, Konyaaltı,  Kaş gibi ilçeler bulunuyor. Antalya'nın bu ilçelerinde gerçekleşek olan bu kesintilerin ayrıntılarına ASAT resmi sitesi üzerinden ulaşabilirsiniz.   KESİNTİ YAŞANACAK BÖLGELER: Bulunduğu Belediye : KUMLUCA Kesintinin Yeri : TOPTAŞ MAH: Kesinti Başlangıç Tarihi :10:40 18-12-2022 Kesintinin Nedeni : İmalat Kesintiden Etkilenen Yerler : TOPTAŞ MAH: GENELİ ---------‐---------------------------------------------------------------- Bulunduğu Belediye : KEPEZ BELEDIYESI Kesintinin Yeri : YEŞİLYURT MAH. Kesinti Başlangıç Tarihi :07:16 23-12-2022 Kesintinin Nedeni : Boru Patlagı Kesintiden Etkilenen Yerler : YEŞİLYURT ---------‐---------------------------------------------------------------- Bulunduğu Belediye : MANAVGAT-KOY Kesintinin Yeri : DEĞİRMENLİ MAH. Kesinti Başlangıç Tarihi :07:52 23-12-2022 Kesintinin Nedeni : Kesintiden Etkilenen Yerler : ---------‐---------------------------------------------------------------- Bulunduğu Belediye : KONYAALTI BELEDIYESI Kesintinin Yeri : ULUC MAH. Kesinti Başlangıç Tarihi :08:42 23-12-2022 Kesintinin Nedeni : Boru Patlagı Kesintiden Etkilenen Yerler : ULUC MAH. ---------‐---------------------------------------------------------------- Bulunduğu Belediye : KEMER Kesintinin Yeri : BEYCİK Kesinti Başlangıç Tarihi :08:47 23-12-2022 Kesintinin Nedeni : Boru Patlagı Kesintiden Etkilenen Yerler : ---------‐---------------------------------------------------------------- Bulunduğu Belediye : KAŞ Kesintinin Yeri : Gömbe İsale Hattı Kesinti Başlangıç Tarihi :08:49 23-12-2022 Kesintinin Nedeni : Boru Patlagı Kesintiden Etkilenen Yerler : Kasaba-Kemer-Karadağ-Dirgenler-Uğrar-Çataloluk-Sinneli-Dere-Gökçeyazı-Çerler-Belkonak-Sarılar-S.Kılıçlı-Boğazcık-Ağullu-Çukurbağ-Yeniköy-Sarıbelen-Y.Bezirgan-Hacıoğlan-Pınarbaşı- ---------‐---------------------------------------------------------------- Bulunduğu Belediye : YURTPINAR BELEDIYESI Kesintinin Yeri : IHSANIYE KOYU Kesinti Başlangıç Tarihi :09:11 23-12-2022 Kesintinin Nedeni : İmalat Kesintiden Etkilenen Yerler : ---------‐---------------------------------------------------------------- Bulunduğu Belediye : MURATPAŞA BELEDIYESI Kesintinin Yeri : MURATPAŞA MAH. Kesinti Başlangıç Tarihi :09:13 23-12-2022 Kesintinin Nedeni : Boru Patlagı Kesintiden Etkilenen Yerler : ---------‐---------------------------------------------------------------- Bulunduğu Belediye : ALANYA-KARGICAK Kesintinin Yeri : ALANYA KARGICAK MAH. GOLD CİTY' E GİDEN YOLDA Kesinti Başlangıç Tarihi :09:18 23-12-2022 Kesintinin Nedeni : Boru Patlagı Kesintiden Etkilenen Yerler : ALANYA KARGICAK MAH. ---------‐---------------------------------------------------------------- Bulunduğu Belediye : GAZIPASA-KAHYALAR Kesintinin Yeri : hal limanı Kesinti Başlangıç Tarihi :09:22 23-12-2022 Kesintinin Nedeni : Boru Patlagı Kesintiden Etkilenen Yerler : hal limanı kahyalar ---------‐---------------------------------------------------------------- Bulunduğu Belediye : ALANYA-CIPLAKLI Kesintinin Yeri : ALANYA ÇIPLAKLI MAH. Kesinti Başlangıç Tarihi :09:25 23-12-2022 Kesintinin Nedeni : Kesintiden Etkilenen Yerler : ALANYA ÇIPLAKLI MAH. Bulunduğu Belediye : OBA Kesintinin Yeri : ALANYA OBA MAH. ÇARŞAMBA CAD. SAĞLIK OCAĞI KARŞISINDAKİ YANGIN HİDRANTI Kesinti Başlangıç Tarihi :09:27 23-12-2022 Kesintinin Nedeni : Kesintiden Etkilenen Yerler : ALANYA OBA MAH. ---------‐---------------------------------------------------------------- Bulunduğu Belediye : DÖŞEMEALTI BELEDIYESI Kesintinin Yeri : BAHÇEYAKA MAH. Kesinti Başlangıç Tarihi :09:48 23-12-2022 Kesintinin Nedeni : Boru Patlagı Kesintiden Etkilenen Yerler : Read the full article
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myfiko · 4 years ago
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Likya patikaları yürüyüşümüz Fethiye Ovacıktan başladı ilk gün Kozağaç, Kirme, Faralta ve Kabak sahilde 20 kğ çantayla günü bitirdik. 2-ci gün Kabaktan, Cennet koyuna vardık ve o günü orada bitirdik. 3’cü gün sabahleyin Korsan koyu ve Osmanlı sarnıcına ve Ge (yedi buranlara kadar) 4’cü günü Ge’den, Bel, Belceğiz, Gavurağılı ve Pyandaiden sonra araçla Gelemiş’e kampinge kadar gittik ve 6’cı günde Patara, Letoon ve Xsantos antik kentlerini dolaşma akşam gün batımını kum tepelerinde geçirme sonrasında Gelemişteki kamp yerine varış 6’cı gün Gelemiş, Delikli kemer, Kalkan veBezitgan’da günü bitirmek 7’ci gün Bezirgandan, Sarıbelen ve Gökçeören’de AŞ evinin bahçesine kamp yapma günü sonlandırma 8’ci günde Gökçeören, Hacıoğlan, Phellos antik kenti ve Çukurbağda marketin bahçesinde günü sonlandırma 9’cı gün Çukurbağdan Kaşa varış ve yürüyüşü sonlandırma. (Öğleyin Kaşa varış) #likyayolu #lycianway #kaşantalya #kaş #akdenizcoğrafyası #adventuretime #adventure #votage #gezmelerden #landscape #outdoor #outdoors #outdoordesign #landscape #kültürturları #out #dağlardan #dağlardanşehirlere #kaşseyirterası #mountains #Lycianfootpaths #footpath #naturephotography #nature https://www.instagram.com/p/CFwofhyHma0/?igshid=1vmrg2fd9hwjd
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weditchthemap · 6 years ago
Hiking the Lycian Way: Hacıoğlan Deresi - Phellos - Pınarbaşı - Çukurbağ - Kas
Day 3
Distance hiked: 20km 
For breakfast we ate left overs from dinner the night before and set out on the trail by 7:30am. For a brief stretch, the trail followed a street along an inviting shady pine forest. But, shortly after it was up, up, up for the next several hours on an uneven mule trail. The steep incline cut through a dense forest on a rock strewn trail. Our wobbly feet searched for secure footholds among the loose rocks. Rocks tumbled away startling a large snake who slithered away with a rustle of leaves. Our tired legs were grateful for our hiking poles as we pushed and pulled ourselves along.
In the dense coverage of the forest it felt like the heat and humid were trapped; it was stifling. We were sweating profusely and reminding each other to drink water frequently. As we neared the top of the hill, over two hours in, we emerged from the trees into a hot, scorched clearing with a peppering of scrubby bushes.  
Three hours in we passed by an abandoned stone house once home to a shepherd, then continued on until finding a small wooden structure next to a water spout. Here we refilled water and stopped for a much needed rest. Two horses leered at us in the distance, decided we were uninteresting, and walked off. Somewhat rested and hydrated, we resumed hiking on the unremarkable trail for another hour, losing the trail markers and backtracking a few times, grr.
The overgrown uphill trail was growing tiresome, but when we least expected it, about 5 hours after starting the hike and feeling defeated, we quite literally stumbled upon Phellos, an ancient hilltop city. Remains of stone tombs were still evident but the rest of the site was in ruins. Rectangular shaped rocks, once part of buildings littered the ground leaving only a clue of what this city once was. Its position on the highest point around suggests it was something spectacular. We poked around for awhile exploring the ruins and surprisingly bumped into a pair of hikers coming from the other direction on a day hike. It was an incredible experience to get up close to these remote and abandoned ruins.
Feeling fatigued and ready to set up camp, we picked up the pace to head downhill toward the final destination on our route for the day, the city of Pınarbaşı. After leaving the tree coverage half of the way down the descent, we entered an exposed red, rocky trail. We failed down the steep descent, attempting not to twist an ankle on the loose baseball sized rocks at our feet. This section of trail was covered with unruly prickly shrubs, stabbing us through our pants. From our the downhill descent we could see the tiny town of Pınarbaşı below us, just a stretch of homes and a mosque on one street. We knew where we were heading - a small café that we had read serves food and allows you to camp on their property. We could almost taste the sweet relief of ending the hike.
We stumbled into town and greedily filled our water bottles at the public water spout. We found the café but were informed they had no food. With the language barrier we were unsure if they weren’t serving food because of Ramadan or low season. Deflated, we trudged on to the next town a few minutes down the road, Çukurbağ. It turned out to be just a handful of homes with no market to be found. We hoped someone would stop us, identify us as tourists and welcome us for food or shelter with promise of our money. But, no such luck. 
It was then we recognized we would need to change our plans. We would need to head to the larger city of Kas. We’d planned to hike to Kas the next morning, but in need of dinner and a place to camp, we would have to catch a ride to Kas. We waited at a covered street-side bus stop in vain, then ended up hitching a ride to the next small town. We hopped out of the truck bed, purchased an absolutely necessary ice cream cone and intended to try our luck at hitchhiking the rest of the way to Kas. Luckily for us, there was no need! At that moment, ice cream cones in hand, a bus came flying down the road, a sign for Kas hanging on the windshield. We hopped on and arrived in Kas 20-minutes later.  
Once in Kas Scott used his phone to find a camp ground. We walked to the campground only to find out it was full. We walked 20 minutes to another campsite and paid more than what seemed fair to camp on a wooden platform up the hill from a road, under an olive tree. Our legs were officially jello after our hike and additional, unexpected trek to campsites. As Scott struggled to set up our tent, which was larger than the wooden platform, a woman working at the campground walked up with two plates of foot. Perhaps it was her way of saying sorry for ripping us off or Turkish hospitality. 
We were struck by the commotion and traffic noise of the city and missed the serenity of our last two camp spots. Kas is an actual city in stark contrast to the villages we’d grown accustomed to the past two days. With little energy left, we crossed the street to a super market, picked up some odds and ends for dinner and ate back at the campground. We were both asleep by 9pm. It was a challenging day with little reward, the hike was a bit boring and rather torturous in the heat.
< Hiking the Lycian Way Day 2
Hiking the Lycian Way Day 4 > (link coming soon)
Lycian Way Planning Guide
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kasrehber · 5 years ago
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weditchthemap · 6 years ago
Hiking the Lycian Way: Saribelen - Gökçeören - Hacıoğlan Deresi (almost)
Day 2
Distance Hiked: 14km
We awoke in the grassy clearing to the sounds of munching sheep, burping goats, and tumbling rocks falling under their climbing hooves. A young shepherd was perched nearby on a rock wall. We broke-down camp while absorbing the bucolic setting, then set out on the trail. Ten minutes in, we arrived at the remote, but impressive guesthouse, Moonestone House. We were optimistic about purchasing food. Preferably a big, delicious, traditional Turkish breakfast to fuel up for the days’ hike. 
At gates of the guesthouse we were greeted by a choir of friendly barking dogs. Alerted by the barking, an Iranian volunteer materialized. Disappointingly they were unable to serve us breakfast at 7:30am as they still had to finish the morning chores - feeding the dogs, the chickens, and their 30 cats. The volunteer was very apologetic and insisted he fill all of our water bottles before letting us depart. He said that if we stuck around we could have breakfast at 8:30 with the other guests.
Not wanting to delay the hike, we decided to snack on the walnuts and dried apricots we’d brought along and returned to the trail. The trail lead uphill where we crossed paths with a goat herder. He gave a wave and shouted “merhaba!” (hello). We laughed at one of his goats standing on his hind legs to eat leaves from a tree. The herding dog eyed us cautiously trying to determine if we were friend or foe. 
We continued uphill and soaked up vistas of the Mediterranean Sea. We overlooked several islands and admired this new perspective of the islands we had seen daily during our stay in Kalkan. Someone had really maximized this view point by using it as a camping spot, proof provided by the stone fire-pit.
The weather was slightly cooler today with a welcomed breeze and some cloud coverage. We walked down hill into a meadow followed by the rumbling of goats hooves trotting behind us. We passed the shepard again who was retrieving water for his goats from one of the old wells on the trail. We walked through the meadow while checking frequently for trail markers. Learning from yesterday’s mistakes, we were determined not to lose the trail today.
We covered more distance on the trail before being hailed down by a villager. The kindly lady rushed towards us as fast as her knees would allow. We’ve noticed somewhat of a uniform donned by older woman in this region consisting of a patterned head scarf, brightly colored long sleeve shirt, sometimes a knit sweater. and, loose fitting floral pants. This woman also had curious red stains on her finger tips and a red circle in her palm. Reaching us, she asked, “cay” (tea)? while beckoning us toward her home with a sweep of her arm. How could we refuse?
We followed her a short distance to her isolated farm house and sat down at the outdoor table piled with Lycian way books, tattered maps, English/Turkish dictionaries and family photo albums. She passed us the photo albums to look through and went to get us some ayran. She came back with two full glasses of the warm, watered-down, salted yogurt drink.
The ayran was made with fresh milk from her cows (or goats?) and topped with an herb. The flavor was sour, the consistency chunky, the portion so generous and the weather so hot, it didn’t quite hit the spot. Communicating with nonverbal gestures, she rubbed her stomach and said “ekmek” (bread) one of the few Turkish words I know! We obliged. She returned ten minutes later with a full meal - fresh cheese, fresh olives, honey, homemade olive oil, a cucumber and tomato salad and an unleveled bread. Her humble home did not appear to have electricity or on an oven. Her husband stopped by and communicated a few words with us via the pocket dictionary. When we asked how much to pay at the end of the meal, she shrugged and indicated that it was up to us. 
With full bellies, we left the home. She showed back to the trail. We passed through peaceful wild meadows. The silky grass swayed in the breeze like waves. Lizards darted back and forth across stones and grasshoppers leaped out of our path. The dry cracked earth - it doesn’t rain much in the first half of June -was alive with busy ants and active anthills. The trail was empty of hikers. Perhaps we are the only people foolish enough to hike in June!
As the trail merged with the road into the town of Gökçeörenwe came across some mysterious rocks with hollowed out rooms inside, likely Lycian tombs. The road curved downhill until flattening out as it entered Gökçeören. We were serenaded by the call to prayer as we entered the town. We were expecting a small market or some indication of life in the city, but it was dead. This was problematic as we banking on purchasing food for dinner later!
Little did we know, we had be spotted by a pesion owner. He’d been wwatching us like a hawk from the second floor of his guesthouse as we descended the hill into Gökçeören. He strolled down the road and greeted us as we approached. He offered us cay (Turkish tea) and we agreed. In Turkey, and offering of cay is a universal symbol of hospitality. Once inside, we were easily persuaded to have lunch, mostly because we weren’t sure where else we’d be able to eat. He told us there was no market in town so we also bought some bread, vegetables, cheese and olives from him for dinner. Again, when we asked for the bill we were met with the response, “from the heart.” These locals are clever! By tugging a our heart strings we felt obliged to pay more than what was likely reasonable.
We filled up our water bottles from the city tap before returning to the trail. The trail followed the road for a bit and then onto an ill-maintained trail along a stream bed. We decided to continue on the road figuring we’d make better time on the smooth paved surface.
About an hour and a half later we found a clearing and dubbed in a perfect camp spot. We camped near a municipal water tap which meant we could finally wash ourselves from two days’ worth of sweat and sunscreen. Splashing ourselves with the refreshingly cold water was sheer bliss. Scott started a fire in attempt to ward off mosquitos, we shared our meal while a tortoise poked around in the grass, we watched sunset, and called it an early night.
< Day 1 on the Lycian Way
Day 3 on the Lycian Way > (link coming soon)
Lycian Way Planning Guide
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