#h2o anon
Does this make sense to anyone other than me
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deliriously-drawing · 3 months
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Heeyyyy…. ( ゚▽゚)/ How y’all been? Lol I come back with mermaids of all things haha. Wish I could say imma be uploading more but who knows dude, my art brain dry as hell right now lol.
Anything interesting happening in the fandom? (・ω・) or in general? (´∀`)
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maiiuelle · 4 months
mermaid!reader would try to join jj's adventures? bc she decided to change into a human (ariel style) and she's soo goofy!!
yesss that’s the plan!! even before she has legs she helps the pogues out with underwater treasure hunting. i do want her to end up with legs, and once she does, she would be such a fun addition to the pogues. <3
she’s curious about people, and loves a good adventure — she’d definitely want to take part in what they do and ends up so invested. she grew up with a very strict family, it sort of comes with mermaids living in hiding, so being free and able to explore the world with her new friends is super exciting to her!!
buuut i’m not sure if her transformation should be permanent, or if she should get her tail back when she touches water.. (like h2o just add water) what do we think?
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charlotterenaissance · 2 months
im so sorry if this is rude, (or alr asked&answered), but may i ask why you are so team charlotte? dont get me wrong, i felt for her for most of the season, but i cant get over how she treated lewis and the girls after she became a mermaid. how can you support her after that? /gen
Not rude at all, anon! This was a really kind ask, I appreciate it 🥰
This is kind of a complicated answer, and this ended up being an essay, so for the sake of everyone’s dashes, I’ll put this under a cut.
I’d like to preface this with that these are just my opinions and how I view the show and how it comes across to me. I never hold it against anyone if they don’t like Charlotte for any reason. This is just my perception of the show and the characters.
Back in 2012, I did a rewatch of the show because I hadn’t seen it since I was a kid. I don’t remember how I felt about much of the show or even Charlotte in particular, I was more focused on how pretty the scenery was and the mermaidness of it all. But I hadn’t seen it in a while, I was about to graduate high school, and I was feeling nostalgic, so I decided to give it a another watch. I’d say it was around there that I started to notice some things that… didn’t quite sit right with me.
Now, I’m not ashamed to admit that a lot of my sympathy for Charlotte comes from the fact that I’ve been in her situation a lot: the one where you like someone and they don’t quite like you back the same way, but you’re too head over heels to care, and you’re willing to hurt yourself for the illusion. That’s where it started, but then I started looking at the season as a whole, with more of a storytelling eye.
I would like to preface this next part with a slight correction: I’m a Charlotte supporter, but I try not to make excuses for the more unforgivable things she does. She shouldn’t have bullied Cleo to the point she ran away, she shouldn’t have locked Emma and Cleo in the closet during the party, or stolen Lewis’s phone, to name a few things. Those are bad things she did, I’m not denying that or trying to handwave it away. However, I don’t consider her a villain or an abusive monster that most tend to. I approach the character of Charlotte Watsford by seeing the situation from her point of view, and realizing that what she does? It’s not dissimilar to what the other characters do, the only difference is that we give them the benefit of the doubt, or see things from their point of view, or realize that they’re teenagers, of course they’re not going to be making the best decisions.
And Charlotte Watsford does not get the same courtesy. No one seems to remember that this was a normal sixteen-year-old girl who didn’t have a clue about magic or mermaids, who fell a little too hard for a boy she didn’t pursue until she had the permission of his ex, who wanted to be the girls’ friend when she found out about the secret and was met with scorn and derision until she finally decided not to take it anymore. Did she make the wrong decisions? Yes. Did she do bad things? Yes. But her character goes deeper than that.
Anyone’s who’s followed me for a while knows that I will rant and rave about the Narrative of the show and that it seems to actively hate Charlotte while supporting the main characters. Why shouldn’t it? After all, Charlotte’s the designated antagonist of the season, of course we’re not going to like her. But what is it about her that incurs more rage than Dr. Denman, who just last season held four teenagers hostage for the sole reason of using one as leverage to make the other three let her experiment on them, or Sophie, who committed eco-terrorism and blew up a volcano after spending a season of scamming and lying to people? I really, really want to go with the answer that Charlotte is more rounded than any of the other “villains,” that Brittany Byrnes’ performance is just that memorable, that maybe it’s her connection to the other characters that makes her stick out more than anyone else. But while I think those are absolutely valid answers, I think there’s a little more to it. There’s something so malicious about the way the narrative treats her that’s hard to put a finger on, and it’s why I think she’s deserving of support and is more than the one-dimensional, man-stealing character that she gets stripped to, the kind of character that leads the actress to get hate mail to this day.
Charlotte does many bad things, I’m not denying it. She gets petty, she gets vindictive, she bullies the other girls from time to time. She lies and steals things. But one of the reasons I support her? It’s because so do the other characters, they just have the support of the narrative.
For example, in the first season, Zane stalks an old woman because he wants to know about some treasure that she says has and causes her to have a heart attack when he chases after her, and then, when Emma and Lewis show up and try to get her to help, he elects to stay behind and rob her houseboat while it sinks. He’s a bully to the girls whose prank on Cleo is the catalyst for the show. We explore his bad home life and his relationship with his abusive dad, and he gets to have a redemption arc and becomes a love interest for Rikki. Nate, his best friend, is constantly being gross and boundary-crossing to any girl on screen, physically attacks Lewis on more than one occasion, and is just a general creep, and no one barely says anything about it. Miriam is a semi-generic mean girl who barely does anything but get in the way occasionally. And these are just the side characters!
(I’m also tempted to explore how the male characters are sympathetic and get redemption arcs or rewards and the female characters are irredeemable, but that’s another topic for another time.)
Emma, Cleo, and Rikki aren’t much better than Charlotte when you really think about it. Cleo steals Charlotte’s diary and reads it, then confronts her in front of everyone. She barely apologizes and it’s more because she was wrong about what she was reading. There’s the infamous episode six where they all attack Annette and Charlotte, two women whose only crimes are, as far as they believe at the time, having romantic interests in people in their lives. They apologize to Annette, but only because they were wrong about her being on a date with Don. There’s the time that Emma and Rikki, in full mermaid form in public, play pranks on Lewis at the detriment of other people because, and let me check my notes here, Cleo was fired because of something she did and he was hired to fill that job. He is almost arrested because them doing all this caused a dolphin to escape and they barely apologize, in fact Rikki laughs off the idea of buying a replacement laptop (the reason he got the job).
Then there’s everything they did to Charlotte herself. Again, attacking her during their dinner because she dared to have a romantic interest in a boy she dumped and verbally said they were just friends when Charlotte asked if this was going to be a problem. They make snide comments to her all the time. I’m fairly certain Rikki tried hitting her with lightning during the camping episode, and while I’m on the subject of that episode, Lewis spits a drink all over her, and then laughs with the others about it! And they claim that the reason they do this is because they think Charlotte might be a mermaid now, but come on, if they really believed that, why would they risk an exposure like that? The answer is that they didn’t really think that, they just wanted an excuse to humiliate her.
Then! The second she is on an even keel with them, power-wise, that all stops, because now it’s a few episodes to the finale and we need a climactic ending, so now Charlotte becomes the most evil character you can imagine. It doesn’t matter that we’ve seen some twenty-odd episodes of three girls with superpowers use them against a normal girl whose sole weapon in her arsenal is being kinda mean to girls she does not care about unless her boyfriend is ignoring and ditching them for her. It’s okay when the main characters do it to the girl who is designated as the villain, but the villain can’t do it to them. Emma and Rikki can be in full mermaid form in public using their powers against someone for an imagined slight, but Charlotte can’t do the same thing to a person who just attacked their friend. Cleo can use her powers against people for no real reason except she’s mad at them, but Charlotte can’t make a mistake and use her powers to fend off an animal she’s afraid of.
There’s a subtle thing the show does that makes it easy to side with the main characters: no one holds them accountable, whereas with Charlotte, that’s all anyone does. Lewis half-heartedly says maybe they shouldn’t do things because it’s dangerous or wrong, but he’s just told to leave it alone or to shut up. Then when Charlotte becomes a mermaid, she tries her hardest to be nice and do everything to be their friend, but they just talk down to her and jump down her throat at every opportunity. Finally, in the last couple episodes, she just says enough and starts acting toward them like they’ve been acting to her. Which is bad. Because she’s… the bad guy.
And yet, I don’t hate Cleo, Emma, and Rikki for what they do, even as a Charlotte supporter. Cleo especially is going through a rough time that makes even the incredibly out of character things she does make sense. But why doesn’t Charlotte get the same curtesy? I don’t even mean in the fandom, but in the show itself. Why does everyone treat her like she’s out to get them, specifically? Charlotte doesn’t even care about them, or Mako, really, just in the sense of how it relates to Lewis and the grandmother she lost when she was a kid. It’s kinda funny, because even though Dr. Denman is never mentioned once after season one, you could write off their paranoia as part of being held hostage and almost used as a science experiment, which would be really interesting, if a little heavy for a kid’s show, if they explored that.
But it’s not, and, somehow, it’s Charlotte’s fault. It doesn’t matter if the show goes out its way to show how being ignored and ditched and lied to is obviously hurting her, because it’s not doing it out of being fair to her. It feels like a punishment, more than anything. Lewis can lie about spending time with his ex and straight up tell Charlotte to her face that he doesn’t have to tell her things if he doesn’t want to. The girls can attack her, and humiliate her, and laugh at her for having a silly fear. That’s fine, we can explain why they act like that. But we can also see things from Charlotte’s point of view too, even if the narrative doesn’t want us to.
I always say that if you don’t like Charlotte, that’s fine. I hope, and I am happy to see more often, people’s opinions of her change though, I’m not gonna lie, especially when I see her described as a needy, man-stealing abuser. That has never sat right with me, and I’m happy to go into that if anyone wants me to.
At the end of day, I find Charlotte a very tragic and fascinating character, one that I’ve dedicated a blog, multiple fanfics, and an essay I spent a week working on to exploring. I think there’s more to her than what I’m supposed to see her as, and more than one side to the whole situation, as I hope I’ve demonstrated above.
Thank you again for the kind ask, I really enjoyed responding 💚
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smeddiemunson · 2 years
Prompt 113 "where did all these puppies come from?" Steddie, please and thank you 💖
hi thank you for the prompt! hope you enjoy 🖤
113: “where did all these puppies come from?”
Steve Harrington would like to live just one normal day.
He wanted to be woken up by the soft press of a kiss on his forehead from his boyfriend as he left for work, then wake up again later when it was his own turn to get up for work. He wanted to go to work, cut, dye and style some hair without any issues and then make his way home to cook dinner for two. Maybe he’d get to have a beer and watch Masterchef to finish the evening.
A normal day.
He’d give anything for a normal day.
Eddie was home before him, which wasn’t unusual. It was a Friday and Eddie made sure to do as much prep and marking as he could for the week to come so that when the High School bell rang to signal the end of the day, he could leave as soon as was appropriate. Whereas the salon didn’t close until five.
“Hey babe,” Steve asked as he surveyed the disarray of his living room. “Where did all these puppies come from?”
Eddie looked as frazzled as he probably felt. His hair was tied up but had mostly fallen out, the sweat beading across his hairline had caused it to frizz awkwardly. He was surrounded by their cheap towels (blessed be small miracles) in various states of dampness, and no less than seven freshly born and also damp puppies.
Steve had to stop himself cooing over their squeaky yawns.
Eddie turned wide pleading eyes towards him. “You know how we thought Rae was just fat?”
Rae, the stray dog that they found sleeping under the bushes in their back yard a week ago, named for Carly Rae Jepsen (Steve’s favourite artist, since Eddie named their cats), whom they fell immediately in love with.
“She was pregnant,” Steve finished.
“Hit the nail on the head, sweetheart,” Eddie tried to laugh but it sounded so strained that Rae tiredly lifted her head to investigate.
Steve finally took pity on him and tossed his bag onto the couch so he could sink down onto the floor next to Eddie. He reached out a hand to rub Rae’s head.
“Hi sweet girl, you’re doing so well! Such a good Momma already,” he cooed gently.
Rae flopped back down with a huff.
“What happened?” He asked Eddie quietly.
Eddie took a deep breath and untied his hair so he could retie it back into a bun that actually kept the hair from his face.
“I got home at the normal time and there was already three pups out. We’re going to have to replace the rug by the way.” He shuddered at the memory. “I googled how to help a dog give birth and now we’re here.”
Steve knew he was leaving a lot of the story out, but he would get the details later when Eddie wasn’t feeling so overwhelmed and could remember them.
“We should probably call a vet, right? Just to make sure everything is okay?” Steve asked quietly.
Eddie squeezed his knee comfortingly. “I’ll go do that now.”
He stood with a groan, bones cracking in various places where they hadn’t been moved in a while. He leant over to kiss Steve on the forehead.
“I’ll order Thai food as well?”
Steve hummed. “That would be great.”
Eddie disappeared into the kitchen to get their collection of take out menus.
As Steve pulled out his phone to do his own google research, he wondered if Robin and Chrissy would be ready to adopt a puppy in eight weeks.
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moonchild-in-blue · 9 months
Hi bb!! Long time follower first time asker lol hehe, I love how vessel makes lil shapes with his hands instead of the hearts!! but I don't think st or even vessel does things without thought, everything has a meaning. So I noticed that his hand shapes are similar to the shape of the image of the Jaws song art so maybe he's doing that?
Hi my beloved mystery anon!! 💙
The truth is, there are some theories here about what could he possibly be doing. I've seen that one - the Jaws symbol; I've seen people speculating it's actually a W in Eden Cypher (looks like ♦️) for "Worship".
My previous theory was that he just gets so overwhelmed at the moment, that his hands shake way too much to hold any coherent shape (although I'm not super into that thought anymore). He has done some pretty solid-ish 🫶 in the past, so who knows what he's doing.
(i'm assuming you're asking this because of my previous post - that was a info i needed to FINALLY announce the Wembley Bingo results lmao. I am posting that right now - almost a month later 💀)
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jennifersminds · 2 years
hii so i’ve started holidays!! which means lots of free time to binge watch 😄 do you have any recs for shows cause i’ve exhausted all that i know of. idk how to explain but i love vibes of gilmore girls/tvd/ouat/gossip girl etc. ya know sjsjs <3
hi !! congrats on starting holidays and tysm for the ask, gonna do a general rec of all my favourite somewhat underrated shows- also, I don't know how old you are but pls look up the ratings and content warnings for some of these before you watch just to be safe. I'll be putting a brief overview here but just to be safe-,
buffy the vampire slayer !!!
If you haven't watched it already pls do, it's essentially everything tvd tries to do but camp and girlboss and overall a thousand times better (even if in hindsight it's not as perfectly feminist as it once appeared to be Buffy Summers is still one of the best protagonists of all time and my wife. perfect for binging and an immediate comfort show.
sharp objects
hbo mini-series based on the novel by Gillian Flynn, literally the most well-made show of all time. very heavy !!! and has a lot of triggers including a lot of self-harm but is a masterclass in female mindfuckery and maternal relationships and is overall just 8 hours of 👌🏻
uk show about young adult dumbass' that get super powers, an insane trip if a show but so funny (also a lot of adult stuff so check before you watch)
the great
historical 'retelling' disguising one of the most well executed enemies to lovers storylines i'v ever seen. horribly underrated but so funny and brilliant
h2o: just add water
okay hear me out !! As an Australian I'm biased but this children's show about mermaids is one of the funniest things to watch. Endlessly funny and charming and everyone should watch it.
dance academy
in the same vein as h2o, aussie culture but genuinely one of my favourite shows the acting in the first season is kinda clunky but this show has so much charm and ballet driven drama >>> teen soap perfection
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traumxrei-archive · 2 years
The h20 anon has returned ,I just realized that yeah while the tweels and azul dont live in exactly “warmer” waters—I look at finding nemo maybe there are some Australian mermen/fish out there somewhere 😔
hello h2o anon jskdfjskf good to see you again :DD
and yea,,,,sadly the they do not actually live in warm oceans aka they can't be australian in canon,,,,,, but you're definitely right, there ARE australian merfolk out there and i want one of them to meet octatrio and them to be like "wait a sec this accent are real ??? the h2o thing that yuu told us about actually exists ?????" and yuu's like WAIT YOU GUYS HAVE AUSTRALIA HERE—
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dykerikki · 1 year
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try as i might im not really getting anything conclusive by searching "crime man" please please tell me about him
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ohhh my god YES its all coming together. lewis with his gizmos and whatchamacallits rigging up waterproof radio earpieces and shit.... yes yes YES
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fruti2flutie · 2 years
2) wolfchan pumpkin was so cute ur skills are amazing i’m so sorry for ur loss tho (but u fed wolves? wolf on wolf crimes???)
3) LOVE ALL UR AU IDEAS!! I TRULY HOPE U DO WRITE THE ROYALTY AU BC IT SOUNDS SWEET and fun. and i love a slowburn. but also HAIKYUUUUUUUUU SOBS AT U. it’s been two years i’m still thinking about them (hq)
1) i have surpassed 40k & finally settled on a title!!!! my goal is to at least post ch1 before 2022 ends but then i skimmed ch1 & hated it so this is my writer's mood rn
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2) i legitimately watched a squirrel in the act of chomping on my wolf chan & all i could do was 🧍🏻‍♀️ bc it was completely my fault for leaving it outside so early kdjskdjsks rodents run rampant in my neighborhood 🥲
3) royalty au...... i come up with this type of au for nearly fandom i write for but have never gone thru with it....... i've never completed a multipair/alternating pov longfic but skz...... skz is trying my hand.......... and i just love characters who are from opposite worlds falling in love :( ALSO HQ *foaming at the mouth* MY FAV SERIES!!!!!! yamaguchi is my freckled boy!!!!! and vball is legit my fav sport, i LOVE!!!!!! someone who isn't me needs to write ambidextrous OH minho for me, he's my dream 🥺
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bellaheartly · 7 months
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underwater scenes for anon. ♡ ↳ h2o: just add water ✧ s01e09, “dangerous waters.”
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cod-z · 7 months
| Masterlist |
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- Dog-Tags - • 141 x Reader [Angst, No comfort]
- What Could’ve Been - • 141/Price x Reader [Angst, No comfort]
- What once was - • 141 x Reader [Angst] [Comfort, Minor fluff] - Lonely - • 141 x Reader [Angst, No comfort][Song Lyrics] - Lonely Pt. 2 - • 141 x Reader [Angst] [Comfort, Song Lyrics] - H2O 141 - • 141 x Reader [Fluff, Song Lyrics]
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- What Could’ve Been - • 141/Price x Reader [Angst, No comfort] - Entertain Me - • Price x Reader [100 word challenge] [NSFW 18+]
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- Why do you HATE the rain, L.T? - • Simon x Reader [Angst, No comfort, Minor DarkFic] - Why do you HATE the rain, L.T? Pt.2 - • Simon x Reader [Minor Angst] [Comfort] - Behind that Mask - • Simon x Reader [Angst] [Comfort]
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- Enchanted - • Soap x Reader [Song Lyrics, Fluff] [Minor Angst] - What about me? - • Soap x Reader [Song Lyrics, Minor Comfort] [Major Angst (Badass Soap)]
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- Out of My League - • Gaz x Reader [Song Lyrics, Fluff]
Others [Divider in Progress]:
- Hunting - • Graves x Reader [100 Word Challenge] [Torment] - Stupid Colonel - • Alejandro x Rodolfo [NSFW 18+] [Slight Angst(?)] [Anon Reveal]
Multiple | AUs | HCs | [Divider in Progress]:
= Being Used = • 141 x Reader [DarkFic, No comfort, HC(?)]
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Dividers belong to me - Please don’t steal
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stuckinapril · 4 months
I drink between 2 liters and a gallon of water a day when I can lol it's so good to stay hydrated, I love water.
I’m proud of you anon . I love water as well #h2o #hoeforh2o
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katz-rambles · 3 months
Hii I just got island living extension pack to sims 4 and it got me thinking how would ghouls act with mermaid s/o. Have nice day and btw I love you're works <3
Aaaa!! Thank you smm 💓💓 Have an amazing day, too, Anon!!
Unfortunately, I didn't do all the ghouls/ghoulettes, with me being sick. I haven't had as much motivation to write, so I apologize because it's short.
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(headcannon time!, gn!reader, mermaid!reader, fluff, this is it!)
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚˚₊‧꒰
• He's a water ghoul, so he probably loves you. He thinks you're the coolest thing ever.
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• His favorite thing to do is take you down to the Abbey Lake and watch as you grow a tail. It's his favorite date idea.
• You two can spend hours in and under the water. Sometimes people get worried and send people looking for you two, but you guys are fine!
• He likes to play with your tail. It may sound weird, but he loves the way your scales feel.
• He also likes to be with you under water. Because you're a mermaid, you can probably breathe under water, so you two just hang out under there! It was probably your guys' first date after he found out you're a mermaid!
• You've managed to siren him, and he doesn't want to break your spell any time soon.
˚₊‧꒰ა 𓂋 ໒꒱ ‧₊˚˚₊‧꒰ა 𓂋 ໒꒱ ‧₊˚˚₊‧꒰ა 𓂋 ໒꒱ ‧₊˚˚₊
• *insert the H2O theme here*
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• He's intrigued with you. He wants to study you in the best way possible, and he just might.
• You two go to the ocean or the Abbey Lakes, and he watches as when you play and swim in the water. If you're feeling nice, you might grab him something you found at the bottom!
• Just like Rain, he loves to feel your tail. The scales are so cool, and he loves how they feel.
• He will make fun of you by soaking you with water and watching you struggle. It's all in good fun, though.
• All together, he loves it. He wants to study you, and he will. He's a sweetheart, and even though he will tease and make fun of you until the end of time, he aodres you and your tail.
˚₊‧꒰ა 𓂋 ໒꒱ ‧₊˚˚₊‧꒰ა 𓂋 ໒꒱ ‧₊˚˚₊‧꒰ა 𓂋 ໒꒱ ‧₊˚˚₊
• She's enamored when she first sees you. It's probably an accident too! You're at the lake, and she happens to stumble upon you as you're trying to fry yourself off. She may just fall head over heels right there.
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• Please let her look at your tail. She just loves the way the scales shimmer. She's like a little kid watching a mermaid actor. She's in a trance when she sees you.
• When you two have movie nights, she purposefully makes you two watch H2O or Mako Mermaids.
• She carries a towel with her at all times just in case you happen to get wet while you two are out and about. She's so precious!
• She loves to do your hair before you go in water. Please let her put those lretty colourful flowers in them. She'll pass away from joy.
• She will also want to study you, not in the same way as Swiss, though. She's more interested in how this happened to you. She's so confused, and honestly, you are too. You two are so silly together.
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Flame point Ragdoll H2O moodboard for Anon
Tap for better quality
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bettertwin1 · 6 months
here are some facts about oxygen
Animals and plants require oxygen for respiration. Plant photosynthesis drives the oxygen cycle, maintaining it around 21% in air. While the gas is essential for life, too much of it can be toxic or lethal. Symptoms of oxygen poisoning include vision loss, coughing, muscle twitching, and seizures. At normal pressure, oxygen poisoning occurs when the gas exceeds 50%.
Oxygen gas is colorless, odorless, and tasteless. It's usually purified by fractional distillation of liquefied air, but the element is found in many compounds, such as water, silica, and carbon dioxide.
Liquid and solid oxygen is pale blue. At lower temperatures and higher pressures, oxygen changes its appearance from blue monoclinic crystals to orange, red, black, and even a metallic appearance.
Oxygen is a nonmetal. It has low thermal and electrical conductivity, but high electronegativity and ionization energy. The solid form is brittle rather than malleable or ductile. The atoms readily gain electrons and form covalent chemical bonds.
Oxygen gas normally is the divalent molecule O2. Ozone, O3, is another form of pure oxygen. Atomic oxygen, which is also called "singlet oxygen" does occur in nature, although the ion readily bonds to other elements. Singlet oxygen may be found in the upper atmosphere. A single atom of oxygen usually has an oxidation number of -2.
Oxygen supports combustion. However, it is not truly flammable! It is considered an oxidizer. Bubbles of pure oxygen don't burn.
Oxygen is paramagnetic, which means it is weakly attracted to a magnet but doesn't retain permanent magnetism.
Approximately 2/3 of the mass of the human body is oxygen. This makes it the most abundant element, by mass, in the body. Much of that oxygen is part of water, H2O. Although there are more hydrogen atoms in the body than oxygen atoms, they account for significantly less mass. Oxygen is also the most abundant element in the Earth's crust (about 47% by mass) and the third most common element in the Universe. As stars burn hydrogen and helium, oxygen becomes more abundant.
Excited oxygen is responsible for the bright red, green, and yellow-green colors of the aurora. It's the molecule of primary importance, as far as generating bright and colorful auroras.
Oxygen was the atomic weight standard for the other elements until 1961 when it was replaced by carbon 12. Oxygen made a good choice for the standard before much was known about isotopes because although there are 3 natural isotopes of oxygen, most of it is oxygen-16. This is why the atomic weight of oxygen (15.9994) is so close to 16. About 99.76% of oxygen is oxygen-16.
Anon im going to killmyself please dont send me abything this long ever again i have never been more stressed scrolljng before this js too manh words im not reading all that please dont make mme read all that
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