#h!DS Sparrow
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moonfurthetemmie · 7 days ago
i am feeling emotions about sparrow interacting with og Bobby with little idea of what she'd be like, because he'd seen Fester once for all of five seconds and never again
and now he's seeing this angsty nerd of a 15 y/o who, despite her teenaged angst, is a pretty energetic and happy kid, and wondering the his version of her has any chance of getting to have this or if it's already too late. if she's already long gone.
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ask-horror-ds · 1 year ago
Welcome to the new and improved Justice Reigns!
Yes, the improvements are still a work-in-progress. But progress is being made.
Under the management of our new CEO, Finch, Justice Reigns is striving to improve our reputation and, more importantly, our impact on the multiversal community. Lord Dream, in his delusional pursuit of perfection, has destroyed more lives than he has helped. We can never get those lives back, but we can at least try to make tomorrow a better day than yesterday. We hope everyone will grant us their patience and good will as we attempt to undo as much of the damage our previous CEO has done as we can.
As mentioned previously, there are things we can never take back, and we will not ask the families of those Lord Dream had murdered to forgive us. However, we are currently going through paperwork to find the records of these deaths, and attempting to locate their remains. We will be contacting the families of the victims when we find their records, and return the remains whenever possible.
This announcement had caused quite a stir. A week later, at Finch’s first press conference as CEO of JR, a number of reporters had asked him all sorts of questions.
“Where is Dream now?”
“Do you know why he had so many people killed?”
“What did you mean by ‘return the remains whenever possible?’”
And, as expected:
“What do you plan to do about the Meme Squad?”
Finch had answered as many as he could, but the reporters weren’t fully satisfied. This was the first time since the founding of the organization that management had changed, so he understood the excitement. Even if the circumstances had been…better, he would’ve expected just as many questions.
He had been hoping he could take a nice rest afterwards, but upon returning to his new office, he found Hacker and Randy waiting for him, letters in their hands.
Hacker sat in front of the desk, his cane leaning against the armrest.
Randy stood beside him, his expression calm but unsure.
“…What’s going on?”
“I dunno,” Hacker said, turning the letter in his hands. “These just kinda appeared? There’s one on the desk addressed to you, too.”
So there was.
Finch examined it. The only thing written on the envelope was his name, in an old typewriter font.
“That’s…bizarre,” he muttered.
“There’s more,” Randy said. “Dream, Ink, and the Meme Squad all have one.”
“Apparently the letters disappeared right after they were opened?” Hacker said uncertainly. “But they said something about ‘questions incoming.’ We wanted to wait until you got back to open ours.”
Finch frowned in thought, flipping the letter over to the back. “…How could anyone even get a little into those cells?”
“Maybe a…certain kind of magic?” Randy suggested.
Hacker shuddered. “Maybe we should demon-proof the cells or something.”
“We probably should,” Finch sighed. “I’ll put that on the list of things to do. First, though…”
The three of them opened their letters.
Questions incoming. Prepare.
Finch read the letter again, confused. Questions from who?
Suddenly, all three letters vanished in a puff of smoke.
“…Huh,” Hacker said. “I didn’t realize we were having a second press conference with the inmates in max security.”
Asks opening soon! Come back Dec. 15 <3
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ds-defunct-council · 3 years ago
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I made
@moonfurthetemmie spindle and sparrow my beloveds (thank you for making one of them a discount furry)
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moonfurthetemmie · 23 days ago
this is actually relatively old, but i just found it again and decided to cut out the like 3 dubious paragraphs that the whole thing started with. because i think i'm funny.
there were supposed to be more parts but literally the only thing after this is “…Man, I’m not one to judge someone else’s chocolate consumption, but this is…a lot more than usual. Are you okay?” and i have no idea what was supposed to come next. i'm not even entirely sure who was talking.
anyways. an excerpt from a google doc titled
who needs a champaigne supernova when you can have a toxic romo supernova
“...Y’know, I heard a rumor that someone saw a human scaling the walls to get to Dream's apartment a few nights ago,” Ink said in a hushed tone. “Dunno how true that is, though. Especially since this human apparently didn’t show up on any security cameras.”
Finch furrowed his brow. “I can believe someone thought they saw something, but why would anyone try to get into his apartment from the windows? It’s ten stories up.”
Ink shrugged. The pair turned from the office door and began to make their way down to the main wing of the justice division. “Maybe someone trying to blackmail him or something. If it had been, like, an assassin, he’d have said something by now. Or be dead.”
“...Surely he would tell someone if it was blackmail, though?” Finch took a sip of his coffee.
Ink shrugged again. Then she snickered and said “Maybe he’s got a secret lover.”
“Very funny, Ink. I’ve been working here even longer than you, and I have never seen him show even the slightest interest in anyone.”
“Yeah, that’s why it’s a secret. He’s got this reputation to uphold and shit.”
“...Please tell me you’re joking.”
Ink rolled her eyes. “Obviously. If he had a partner he probably wouldn’t be keeping them a secret. Even if they could be targeted to get to him, he’d think he could protect them from a nuclear explosion.”
Finch sighed. “I was about to be very concerned about you.”
“It would be hilarious if it was a secret lover or something, though.”
“...Yeah, alright, it would be. Who would it even be?”
Ink cracked a smile. After all this time knowing her, it still made Finch uneasy. “Do you want a crack answer or what I think is the most likely answer?”
“I’m afraid to ask what the crack answer is.”
Finch involuntarily inhaled some of his coffee.
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moonfurthetemmie · 11 months ago
How would the meme squad and Jr reacts when they found out hunter has more simps than all of them combined
Distinct lack of fucks given, except probably a decent amount of ‘y’all are insane’ from the horror squad and the haunting question of ‘we have simps???’ floating over their, Gouge, and Sparrow’s heads
Delusion may not be online enough to know the word ‘simp’ but regardless he’s choosing to focus on other matters.
they’re not terribly concerned with what Hunter does. the horror squad just wants him to stay away.
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ask-horror-ds · 1 year ago
What do they all think of eachother?
Sparrow: Well, I think it should be kind of obvious what I think of the trio down in the jail.
Spindle, fake whispering: He hates them.
Sparrow, side-eyeing Spindle: I don’t hate them. But they’re not exactly great people, so I think it’s sufficient to say that I’m not exactly a fan.
Sparrow: As for Dream, I’m…not entirely sure. Look, I know he’s an awful person and has the blood of hundreds, if not thousands of people on his hands, but…he was also my boss for god knows how long. I always trusted him. And it’s a bit hard to change my own opinion of him that drastically.
Sparrow: And Gouge is a whole other can of worms. I can’t believe someone that close to me could do something so….horrifying.
Spindle: I dunno I personally think they’re all shitheads.
Pulaski: I don’t know much about any of them, but the snippets I’ve heard have given me a…less than ideal opinion of them.
(None of them really know Hunter unfortunately)
Slash: Oh give us 5 minutes in a room with bird boy and you’ll see exactly how we feel about him.
Byte: God what I would give to gut his fucking ass.
Pluto: He’s such a fucking bitch. We all hate him. I mean look at us! He fucking locked us up! He’s a dick!
Slash: And don’t even get me started on ‘Lord Dream.’ What a narcissistic asshole. I may not hate him as much as Finch, but he’s a very close second.
Byte: Meh I hate Finch way more. Slash has some weird vendetta against Dream-
Slash: Because he’s a fucking prick! You know he is!
Byte: -but I don’t really care that much. I mean I want him dead but it could be quick for all I care.
Byte: Now Hunter, ohhhh he’s a close second
Pluto: Oh we all hate Hunter. He’s so annoying. He needs to learn when to shut the hell up and piss off.
Slash: Yeah he’s an annoying bastard. We’ve tried to skin him but he’s too damn slippery.
Byte: Gouge is pretty cool though.
Slash: Yeah we’re chill with Gouge. She hangs with us sometimes.
Pluto: Used to, anyways.
Slash: Stupid fucking bird bitch.
Delusion: I’m…unsure of how to feel about Finch at the moment. While he did overthrow me, I do believe he was just doing what he thought was best. He’s wrong, of course, but I understand he wasn’t acting out of malicious intent towards me.
Delusion: And he has given me rather decent accommodations for the situation, and has given me enough magic suppressants that I don’t have to worry as much about getting burned by my aura. So I don’t hate him, which would surprise many given what he did. When I am inevitably released, I may even give him another chance at loyalty. He’ll have to earn it back, of course, but he’ll be allowed the chance.
Delusion: As for the others? I am less than fond of Slash and Byte. They’re clearly negative influences on Pluto, and need to be disposed of. I do have high hopes for Pluto, after all. I believe he and Gouge would get along well.
Delusion: And I believe it should be obvious how I feel about Gouge. She’s a very loyal worker and has thusly earned my respect.
Delusion: Now Hunter is an interesting case. He is rather useless to me and I will likely be rid of him in the long run, but at the moment he is proving a tad useful, so he can stay.
Gouge: Do I look like I give two shits about them? Fuck off.
(Gouge won’t admit it but she does like the horror squad, maybe even more than she likes Delusion. She thinks Hunter is annoying, and dreams of all the horrifying things she could do to Finch when she breaks out. She hates his guts.)
Hunter: Oh I really like everyone! Though I really do wish Pluto, Byte and Slash would stop trying to hurt me…
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ask-horror-ds · 1 year ago
Does anyone have any Christmas plans, or anything special they’re hoping for for Christmas?
Sparrow, how’s Champion? Tell him he’s a good boy for me!
Sparrow: Well, I can tell you that some of us aren't making any Christmas plans, given they'll be spending the holidays in max security.
Sparrow: But I do plan on giving them something. Probably nothing more than some holiday foods. Cookies, doughnuts...depends on their preference.
Pluto: Where the FUCK did you come from??
Slash: What do you think we even could do? Are you blind? We're in a cell.
Byte: We were going to commit some holly jolly crimes, but apparently Sparrow doesn't want us to have a fun Christmas.
Pluto: JR continues to be run by stuck up, bitchy, boring birds.
Byte: How much more alliteration can you get in there?
Pluto: Bite me.
Byte: No, Byte me. You Pluto.
Pluto: i'm gonna strangle you
Gouge: ...I don't celebrate.
Gouge: I don't really care.
Gouge: Sometimes if my coworkers drag me to celebrate with them I'll put on their dumb hats but that's it
Gouge: Why does everyone wear a stupid hat for the holidays? Fucking children.
Delusion: Ah, I never really celebrated any winter holidays. Or any others, for that matter. I was always too busy.
Delusion: I don't see the point in honoring a god that doesn't help their people, anyhow.
Hunter: Oh. Er...sort of?
Hunter: I...want to make some yummy deserts, but I think...well, something- something usually goes wrong every year.
Orange: Tell them it's your dead brother. You know, the one you killed? Go on, Blue. Tell them.
Hunter: ...It's...generally the same something.
Hunter: I try my best to work around it, but it's not...I can't really prevent it.
Spindle, wrapping his arm around Sparrow's shoulder: We're going to do Christmas and Chanukah.
Sparrow, rolling his eyes, amused: Spindle found out that doughnuts were a tradition Chanukah food and decided to buy about twenty boxes of them.
Pulaski, chuckling: We had to give some away.
Pulaski: The children were happy to help take them off our hands.
Spindle: It was totally worth it.
Pulaski, chuckling: Well, anyways; I'd like to make a nice dinner for everyone. It doesn't have to be holiday specific, if I make something we can all eat, I think.
Pulaski: It'd be nice to make a traditional side dish for both holidays. Desert, too. I think that'd make it even better.
Spindle: Sparrow and I still have to figure out how to, like, combine stuff so it's not weird or insensitive or whatever.
Spindle: ...I'm also hoping I won't burst into flames trying to participate, too.
Sparrow, kissing Spindle's cheek: Oh, don't worry; we'll just douse you in eggnog if that happens.
Sparrow: Oh, and Champion's doing alright. Aren't you, Champ?
Champion: Happy barks and excited tail wags
Sparrow, smiling: Good boy.
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moonfurthetemmie · 10 months ago
Moon, I’d like you to know that Sparrow and Spindle are in my head. They’ve been there for a while, and I can’t get them out. They just live there being an adorable little couple.
This is my life now. I am not going to fight them.
(Also I have a random thought that basically shortly after Spindle is rescued and resumes normal brain functions, somehow he realizes he doesn’t know when Sparrow’s birthday is. He asks, and it’s like a week away. Insert him having a mini freak out because he wants to do something nice but what the hell can he do with a week’s notice. So he and Randy team up and get like a little knick knack, I keep seeing like a little snow globe for some reason, and they end up baking a cake. It’s a little messy because neither of them know how to write on a cake (piping the words is harder than it looks trust me), but none of them care and Spindle eats like half the cake but neither of the others say anything because they’re just happy he’s eating and just- good vibes. And then the snow globe just lives on Sparrow’s desk for the rest of eternity because that’s from his demon boy and he isn’t going to give it up ever.)
hi I love this and I love you for sharing it
The snow globe has a sparrow in it and the ‘snow’ is pink, white, and blue glitter and it’s got a little ribbon around the base that was just supposed to be for the present-giving, but Sparrow never took it off.
Spindle feels like it was kind of a lame present and he’s so glad and relieved that Sparrow loves it as much as he does
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moonfurthetemmie · 1 year ago
i don't wanna be that person but will anything changes ( or small changes ) if the h!ds was genderbent?
Would some characters be more or less violent?? (I mostly wonder how would Hunter ( and with Byte and Orange relationship ) be like...)
Anon you’ve given me an excuse to be even more gay about everyone so I hope you don’t mind that I went ahead and genderbent everyone
Well. Almost everyone. I’m not entirely sure how I would’ve genderbent Rahni, since they’re agender and rather androgynous. What’s the opposite of agender? Pangender?? I’m not into gender or bending I don’t know how this works beyond binary genders and presentations
But anyways, to actually answer your question:
Nothings really different. They just have different genders. And some are less “suddenly snappy” once a month, whereas others ARE now “oddly moody” once a month. That might have some bearing on how often some of them do fucked up things, but not much. And honestly all the ones who gets a little extra murderous on their period are so valid
Probably the biggest difference between relationships, is that once in a while Hunter would get extra touchy and cuddly, and that made Byte want Out even more. Regardless of the reason behind it, he was very clear that he didn’t like touching, and Hunter never listened.
I’m hiding all the heroforge things and the little notes under the cut, so this doesn’t take up too much space
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- Fester, being a demon in a 15 year old’s body, didn’t get much of a change at all.
- The first person who calls Pulaski a milf wins me $5 (not ‘owes,’ wins.)
- sparrow’s hair. Gave me problems,,,but she looks nice.
- why the fuck does slash look like a twink now. I actually gave a little MORE muscle for the illusion of simply Different Toning but he looks like a twink what the fuck
- ALSO Slash has a torn ear. She’s got one in her normal ref, too. I see we all collectively forgot about that NSJSHSH
- 💞✨Spindle✨💞
- OH Delusion’s hair is actually for realsies like that now. Normally I use that style becuase none of the actually short styles look right for DS Dream, and Boy Delusion is supposed to have hair much closer to normal DS Dream. But now it’s actually THAT style
- You may also note that Delusion’s had the most change. This is because I wanted to give her heels, and I was sure she wouldn’t be stupid enough to wear heels in a fucking fight. It’s for in the office.
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moonfurthetemmie · 11 months ago
Does hunter, gouge, sparrow, pulaski, and hacker believe delusion is a god?
Debatable, definitely not, probably not, probably not, and...debatable.
Spindle/Hacker might, prior to being kidnapped by Fester. After that though, and after Sparrow and Pulaski help him regain his senses, he learns about what Delusion's been up to along with Sparrow, and any illusions he may have once held are gone now. Sparrow probably worked closely enough with him to see his flaws, even before finding out what he was ordering Gouge to do to keep JR's image pristine.
Hunter's a bit deranged so he could go either way.
Gouge I think probably doesn't believe in any god and would scoff at the idea of Delusion being a god, except that'll probably get back to him and she knows he 100% believes he is one so she just tries really really hard not to react when someone says something about it. She's giving herself a headache with how hard she's trying not to roll her eyes.
i wonder how often people in JR debate the existence of capital-G God.
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moonfurthetemmie · 11 months ago
Does anyone in H!DS have nightmares, and if so how do they handle it when they wake up? Like, what do they do to get their mind off it or calm down.
Actually though, I think only Pluto, Hunter, and post-good ending Spindle and maybe Sparrow have nightmares.
Hunter and Spindle's are the worst, and Hunter usually just hides in bed and hugs his stuffies tight. There's not much else he can do.
Pluto usually has nightmare about Slash and Byte abandoning him. Generally he'll just snuggle up more and try to remember that they would be here if they wanted to sell him out to Delusion.
Sparrow and Spindle have nightmares about Spindle having a bad relapse into Mindless, Murderous Demon. Sparrow's are more from the context of him not being able to help Spindle snap out of it. Spindle's generally involve much more graphic details of how that relapse happens (usually involving Fester returning), and him slaughtering his loved ones. Sparrow doesn't get freaked out enough to wake up Spindle (intentionally or otherwise), and he probably hasn't told Spindle about the nightmares. Spindle usually wakes in a panic though and Sparrow holds him and soothes him and promises he'll make sure that never happens.
..Actually, Pulaski probably has nightmare too. Of the horror's he witnessed while stuck with Fester. He also keeps that to himself.
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moonfurthetemmie · 11 months ago
What are horror ds cast weird but cute quirks
oh god. um. i'm about to make shit up on the spot be warned. also they may not fit your specifications very well
Spindle probably makes animals noises ranging from dog to goat to cat. Growling, barking, purring, bleeting. The barking and bleeting is entirely unintended and he gets really embarrassed by it. He gets embarrassed by the fact that he can purr now, too, but Sparrow thinks its adorable
delusion would probably flutter his wings some when happy, if he wasn't 1. squashing all of his emotions and 2. didn't have a stick up his ass and think it was unprofessional to show happiness like that anyways. idk if that's really weird but definitely a lot of people in JR would think it's cute.
the horror squad imitate each other constantly. not in a mocking way just like. You ever pick up a little habit from someone you hang out with a lot? like a way of speaking or some kind of body language? it's a bit like that. It's not generally a conscious choice. They do it so much though that they're scarily in-sync a lot. It freaks a lot of people out, though it's kinda sweet that they know each other so well that they can predict what the others will do so well.
slash's sticky fingers have become more of a way to get Pluto and Byte things as presents. she will also mug people to get these presents if she saw they had something she thinks her friends will like.
Byte has a yarn addiction and has a huge stash of yarn in her room. this is actually pretty normal for people into fibercrafts but she has a big ass shelf in her room for all her fuckin yarn and the other two are kind of afraid of how much she has. and because she and the other two are thieves, her stash is much bigger than most people's.
Pluto shifts a lot in his sleep, and one time when they were sleeping together he accidentally pushed Slash off the bed. They all woke up from the big thump. Slash just slowly blinked up at the other two and could not figure out how she ended up on the floor. They still tease Pluto for it.
If the real Bobby was still alive, and she'd escaped the cult she grew up with, she'd still be insane about minecraft. possibly to a more intense degree because it helps her forget about the shit that happened to her.
fester itself does not understand how a lot of human things work. no one in-universe finds this cute or endearing but you guys might. this is the monster lover website after all
Gouge bites her lip when she's concentrating on something. She should probably keep some chap stick with her to deal with the consequences of that but she, much like someone I know (me), can't be assed to even though the dry cracking and peeling lips are really bothering her. also she sets the chap stick down and forgets where she puts it.
Hunter has a lot of weird quirks. he's been alone with a ghost for far too long. Whether or not these quirks are cute is entirely a matter of personal opinion and varies often in-universe. byte thinks they're all annoying and some of them are maybe a little scary. New Friends sometimes find them endearing or off-putting. The most obvious one is him looking off to the side often and making faces like he's listening to someone talk.
Rahni had a habit of biting their tongue when worried, in such a way that their tongue sometimes would poke out of their mouth. Delusion found this quite endearing.
Pulaski is a little neurotic about eating Right(TM). He always was pretty serious about that, but it's only gotten worse since Fester. In the good ending, as they work on rehabbing Spindle and getting him to a point where he can eat normal human food again, Pulaski is intently watching his reactions to food and making notes and talking to doctors to make sure that he makes something that's good for Spindle. Spindle and Sparrow are unaware of how much effort he's putting into this.
For some reason i feel like Sparrow chews on his pens/pencils. he's trying to break the habit but he hasn't been successful yet. in the good ending he'll (jokingly) blame all the chewed up pen caps on Spindle and Spindle goes 'yeah sorry i got hungry :/'
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moonfurthetemmie · 1 year ago
Oh nothing he’s just not a responsible pet owner
Probably he just neglected poor Champ some
Fortunately Sparrow was there and took over quickly so it wasn’t too terribly bad
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moonfurthetemmie · 1 year ago
Spindle gives me the vibe that he would eat cookie dough. Just scoop out a spoonful and *monch*
When/if he and Sparrow make cookies, Sparrow would have to keep shooing him away so they actually have cookies at the end of this. Or buy some edible cookie dough/set some aside to distract him.
Working off the assumption that being demon makes him immune/crazy resistant to salmonella or whatever other diseases are in raw cookie dough.
Also consider them making Christmas cutout cookies that are in no way related to Christmas. As an example, shark cookies (from someone who has had shark-shaped Christmas cookies), but they could do whatever. Theming is not super important to them, I feel.
These two have taken up residence in my brain and i am in no way complaining about it.
Since Sparrow is now Jewish, it would actually make total sense for them to have ‘um themed’ cookies. Or at least, my culturally Christian ass thinks so.
They make lots and lots of donuts too
I think it’d be funny if they made like. Chanukah-themed cookies, and Christmas-themed donuts.
Never thought about Spindle potentially being immune/resistant to human diseases because of his demon status, but that would be interesting. Would explain how he’d been eating raw meat without too many health problems.
Now I’m just imagining sparrow finding Spindle eating raw cookie dough from the fridge in the middle of the night and being like “babe. Babe those were for baking tomorrow.” And Spindle just stares at him like a deer in headlights
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moonfurthetemmie · 2 years ago
I’m Out Of Funky Titles For the Crossover of DS Verses (Part 8)
I couldn’t write a whole lot for the scenarios I had, so I put them all together. 
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“…I suppose that answers one of your questions,” Blue mumbled.
The new Dream’s expression didn’t change much. Blue was starting to learn that he just didn’t emote. It was unnerving, even after him staying with Blue these past few days.
The new Dream, who had taken the nickname ‘Delusion’ for now, was listening intently to the remainder of the JR announcement of the… other Meme Squad. Even the censored blood from the security footage made Blue queasy. He really hoped he didn’t run into them.
“I suppose it does,” Delusion mused. “The three of them…It’s not like them to risk something like that. I suspect they appeared there much the way I appeared in that park, and didn’t see any way to just sneak out.” He tapped his chin. “They wouldn’t have been able to get nearly that far in our multiverse, though…Perhaps this JR has less security.”
“W-well…our Meme Squad aren’t murderers,” Blue said. “They- The guards don’t really have to worry about being killed when they break in. They would’ve been…pretty unprepared.”
Delusion hummed, but said nothing.
Blue handed him the remote. “I’m…I’m going to go lay down. I don’t want to hear any more.” He was only feeling more and more sick the more he watched.
Delusion’s expression softened ever so slightly. “Alright. Would you like me to lower the volume some?”
“That would be...much appreciated,” Blue mumbled. “Thank you.”
Delusion turned his attention to the announcement. Perhaps he should pay this JR a visit sooner than he’d intended…They may need his help tracking down his Meme Squad. He was still worried about Blue, though. He was still awful anxious; what was he afraid of? Perhaps an ex-lover was stalking him? Paranoid that someone was out to get him? Or just nervous to be in Delusion’s presence? Whatever the case, Delusion was sure he could assist, though it would be very difficult to do so if he left.
If the problem was simply shyness, it would be alright to leave him alone, but Delusion wasn’t sure that Blue would tell him the truth. He’d lied about staying with a sister, Delusion had no guarantee he wouldn’t lie about a dangerous stalker or what have you. He was probably afraid to be honest.
Delusion felt bad for him. But he really should go visit his alternate…Maybe he should take Blue with him. When Blue wasn’t feeling so sick, at least.
“We need to figure out where they could be hiding,” Dream said. “They can’t escape to their multiverse to hide-“
“Which only leaves us with the entirety of this multiverse,” one of the monsters at the table said dryly. A small owl-like woman that had to sit on a stack of books to see over the table. “Shouldn’t take too long.”
Dream sighed. “Yes. Thank you, Peggy.” He turned on the projector and brought up a map of the multiverse.
‘Map’ was a very generous term for the thing; it was impossible to map realms with no physical distance or barriers between them, so it was more a graph of many known universes. Large circles for particularly important ones (such as the AU JR’s headquarters is in, or the universe that is theorized to have been the very first one in the multiverse, and the ‘first’ of several other genres of AUs…), and small circles for minor timelines or universes that had at least something of interest—mainly AUs that the Meme Squad was known to frequent, or hide out in. There were notes denoting whether a universe was particularly positive or negative, and anything else that JR decided was of interest to them.
“Sparrow, what can you tell us about the places the Horror Squad tend to hide in?”
Sparrow, the new Finch, folded his arms and studied the map. “Not much,” he admitted. “So far as we’ve been able to discern, there’s no real pattern. When it was only Pluto, he’d switch between hiding in positive AUs and negative AUs at random intervals. But since he was joined by Slash and Byte, we’ve been finding hideouts a lot less, and there seems to be even less pattern to that when we can find one.”
“I’m willing to bet they’ve got a more permanent place in the middle of nowhere, so they can’t be spotted or tracked,” one of the other humans said. “We’ve suspected the Meme Squad’s got a place like that for a while, now. It would be the safest way to hide, and explain why we haven’t found any kind of hideout in years.”
Sparrow slowly nodded. “That would be smart. They can’t do that now, though. They could try to go to the Meme Squad’s house, but given what I’ve heard of them, and the whole destiny bond thing, they may be willing to risk calling for help from JR if the ones from my multiverse broke in, and there’s been nothing”
“So the Horror Squad may go back to Pluto’s old method?” the human said.
“That’d be my guess, but I don’t know where they’d start,” Sparrow admitted.
Dream rubbed his chin, and looked over the map. “…Well. It’s the best idea we have. Now…”
Ink was woken from her sleep by a searing pain in her side, and an annoyed voice saying, “If this doesn’t wake you up I’m going to start cutting fingers off.”
She yelled out in pain and jolted away, only to fall on her side, the chair she was sitting on banging against the floor with her.
“Good morning.” The voice said with false cheerfulness. “Christ, you’ve been out for ages. I didn’t hit you that hard.”
Ink’s vision was blurred from pain and sleep, but she recognized that voice. She also recognized the feel of a rough fiber rope binding her arms and legs to the chair.
“Wh…what the hell,” she gasped. “What did you fucking stab me with?”
Her chair was pulled upright, and she was turned to face her alternate. She’d taken off her jacket, revealing a black tank-top, and identical tattoos to the ones Ink had on her arms. She had one hand on her hip, and in the other was holding a rod of metal. One end was glowing bright red. She looked deeply unimpressed,
“I didn’t stab you,” she scoffed, walking off and setting it carefully on a metal table. There were…a lot of things on the table. Things that Ink didn’t like the look of. She twisted her hands in their bindings, to no avail. “I poked you. There’s a big difference. We’ll get to the stabbing with hot metal later.”
“….what the fuck.”
Her alternate picked up a pair of blue rubber gloves, pulling them on as she glanced at Ink. “You’re not particularly interesting. You’re pretty boring, actually.” She picked up one of the things on the table, though Ink couldn’t see what exactly. “But I thought, y’know, if I’m going to be stuck in another multiverse, I want to get some fun out of it.” She picked up a small white square—an alcohol wipe?—next, and wiped off whatever she had in her hand. “I can only get my hands on so many people, though. Especially if some of your JR is on their way.”
She turned around, slowly twirling a razor blade between her fingers. The blade was still damp from the rubbing alcohol.
“I don’t have my Dream here to cover me for this stuff, so I have to take some extra to not be found.”
Her eyes gleamed with a strange light as she stepped towards Ink.
“I’ve taken your phone already, and made sure it can’t be tracked.”
Ink’s breathing quickened.
“This shed used to be part of an amusement park, but it looks like it’s been abandoned for years.”
She tried to push herself away. Fighting against the rope around her hands desperately.
“No one will find you.”
She could only manage a few inches, the way her feet were tied to the chair.
“And no one can hear you.”
Her alternate roughly grabbed the chair and held her in place.
“If you bore me now, I’ll cut your throat and leave you to the crows.”
She couldn’t remember the last time she’d felt so fucking scared.
“So you better have a decent pain tolerance, and you better scream.”
The razor came down on her skin.
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ask-horror-ds · 1 year ago
Hey there y’all, how’s everyone doing?
(Kinda underwhelming but I’m genuinely curious-)
Pluto, Slash, and Byte, in their shared cell: *SURPRISED YELLING*
(They're acting like they just found a big spider in there)
Gouge, in her own cell well away from them: fuck off.
(hm. She doesn't seem to be in the mood to talk...shame. Go ahead and keep bothering her if you want, it might be funny.)
Delusion, in his own cell away from the rest: I....suppose I'm alright? I'm...not sure who you are, or how you're being allowed to ask me questions without a guard or escort.
(Fair concern. However, we are god)
Hunter, in his AU: Oh, there's more of you?
Hunter: Well, I'm doing alright! I may have just made a new friend.
(He's in a good mood now.)
Spindle jumping hard: jeSUS FUCK-
Sparrow: How-
Sparrow: How did you get in here??
Pulaski: ...They seem nice, though not necessarily harmless.
Spindle: yeah I don’t trust them
Sparrow: I…second that.
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