#gyro headers
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ohbil · 6 days ago
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johnny joestar layouts ★
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talpacas · 2 years ago
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ☆ ̷ jojo's mood! headers
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bayfuzzball7050 · 5 months ago
My favourite jjba character(s) from each part bc I know it will be more appreciated here than in a Reddit thread
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I’ll use this header from now on to yap
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Phantom Blood: Speedwagon. Regardless if it’s a whole meme in the community, o genuinely think it’s very brave of him to follow along in an adventure where everyone has powers but he doesn’t. He just raw dog’s every supernatural event and tries his best to be useful. It’s a noble thing.
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Battle Tendency: Definitely Caesar Zeppeli. A much more complex and interesting character than his predecessor (William Zeppeli, I mean). I loved his design, personality and charisma regardless if I couldn’t resonate at all with his backstory. I also really enjoyed his rivalry/friendship with Joseph. I’ve always loved the smart/snarky guy x himbo dynamic!
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Stardust Crusaders: I love kakyoin with all my heart and soul and I will never shut up about it. I resonated deeply with him since I know personally what it is like to be alone. I like how Araki portrayed his loneliness in a ‘im different than everyone I know’ way where he couldn’t relate to people the way others that. That childhood monologue— god! It hit so, so close to home. I couldn’t help but cry when the scene came up. That is when I realized how much the crusaders mattered to him. A bunch of people ‘like him’ and it’s such a sacred feeling when you’ve been feeling ‘off’ all your life. I also like that he’s always giving little fun facts he’s a bit like yapdollar
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Diamond Is Unbreakable: Okuyasu. No question needed. Unlike his brother, Okuyasu is a very kind soul that has never killed anyone (at least on screen) even when he has endured so much abuse from his brother and father alike, something that would ‘justify it’ if he did became an evil character. He stopped looking for a way to kill his father because he can see the good in people and ‘accept them for who they are’. I can’t help but feel a deep sympathy for him. He had taken what his brother had told him about being better off dead so personally to the point where his first question after being healed by Josuke was (paraphrasing bc I don’t remember well) was something like “why did you save me when it would’ve been easier to let me die?”. Josuke came just in time to make him realize how much he actually mattered so he could evolve into the little goofball we all know and love.
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Golden Wind: Giorno. I think most people who call him a ‘boring’ or ‘plain’ character often seem to forget that, of course, Giorno will not be a charismatic, sociable, talkative, — joseph — kind of guy. He was severely emotionally and physically neglected in his childhood to the point where showing emotions became useless since he knew he’d be left shaking in his craddle. From this emotional neglect, he started looking up at a gangster as some sort of parental figure. Someone who showed him basic human decency. Later, we get to see his ingenuity in battle. But I think one of the reasons he was so clever in life or death situations was because he has been in a ‘fight or flight’ mode since a very young age. He isn’t even ‘bottling up’ his emotions, he had repressed them deeply inside his brain to survive.
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Stone Ocean: The main three. But mainly Foo Fighters bc they’re so silly >_< and I can’t begin to imagine how marvellous it has to be to, one day, become a sentient being
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Steel Ball Run: I can’t quite decide between Gyro and Johnny tbh. Johnny is a character who had been always pampered with his ‘rich life’ and was then shocked with the fact that once you’re not useful, or worse, become inconvenient for people, they stop caring about you. I often think about how bad his father was with him, not only rubbing Nicholas’ death all over his face rather often, the whole “God, you took the wrong son” page or just how he never went by to visit him when he had just gotten crippled. It was just plain cruel. Also when they followed Hot Pants to a church and Johnny had to relive some of his most traumatic life experiences again and still try to win. It was one of the best arcs in sbr imo.
Gyro, on another note, wasn’t a son of a wealthy family but had to carry the weight of generations and generations of knowledge on top of the family profession on his shoulders, having to execute a child. He’s also a silly goofball with his jokes that make little to no sense and him trying to explain the spin to johnny in life or death situations always has me cackling up ngl.
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Jojolion: I haven’t started to read JOJOLION, but from what I’ve seen, Gappy seems to be a silly goofball who lacks direction and I love that in a man. Also that he’s a 2 x 1 combo, literally.
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Jojolands: I haven’t read jojolands either, but good lord they sold me Dragona and Paco when I heard ‘transgender’ and ‘laburantes’. Plus everyone from the Jodio team also seems to be lacking direction and being a pinch silly
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kaolip · 4 years ago
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like or reblog if you save
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go-0jou · 3 years ago
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fellow-traveller · 2 years ago
Just to note that I'm having a severe JoJo phase right now. Most notably, on the silly cowboy with a spirit gun, and all the ships and shenanigans he's in.
If you're here for other fandoms/ships/characters, especially RusGer (Hetalia), Nile Dawk and EruNile (AoT), NaoMight (MHA) and SaiKing (OPM)...I can only say that I'm still into them, but fanarts and musings for these won't be as frequent.
If you're here for other reasons, even just for the sake of being here, well, thank you and welcome. 💕
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endless-symphonia · 4 years ago
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JJBA Packs
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halizumab · 4 years ago
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just cows bein’ boys 🤠
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mofieroll · 5 years ago
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steel ball run, raw headers.
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kneeshrapnel · 5 years ago
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gyro twitter layout (::
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hugging-jjba-characters · 5 years ago
(almost) matching icon and header for aubree:
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@junosartsthetic​ love you <33333
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sblackeditie · 6 years ago
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like or reblog if you save; credit @hexploseriot
credits to fanart artists kukuri_ito
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better-quack-faster · 6 years ago
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For mobile users, this is my new header image! It’s from the DuckTales IDW comic issue 13. Every single panel in this story is gold.
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yamuraiiha · 2 years ago
Also NEW SBR BLOG THEME!!! idk what overcame me I just saw my now header image and knew what needed to be done
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foxymoxynoona · 3 years ago
Lone Blue Egg (Pt. 3)
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Header and lines by the talented @awrkives
Summary: Jungkook is a simple man. He goes to work, he hangs out with friends, he worries about finding a mate to take home for his hometown breeding season. Maybe he spends a little more money on cam girls than is fiscally responsible but he has niche tastes. Maybe he feels a bit adrift, but he’s a young penguin hybrid, supposedly in his prime, far from his crèche. At least he’s good at one thing: taking care of his precious egg. A comfort egg, not a real egg, he’s not a real penguin, just a man with penguin DNA and behavioral tendencies. Just like Yoongi isn’t actually an owl, even if he does stay up all night and sometimes hoot to fuck with their roommates. But this is a real love story, even if a slightly odd one.
Penguin Hybrid Jungkook x Bird Female OC Book 1 in the Birdtan Series
CW/TAGS: humor, drama, angst, cringe, explicit sex, toy play/toy uh obsession?, ice cubes, porn, cam girls and masturbation, oviposition, oral (both), edging, semi-public shenanigans, mammoth condoms, specism, language, theft
Read on AO3 or below
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“And it’s bullshit, just because he’s a seagull doesn’t mean he can blame it on that,” Jungkook ranted, left hand gesturing while his right held the gyro half a foot from his mouth. “Yoongi just talked to him about it and he said he’d do better –because it’s not even about the money, it’s about the time and the energy I put in to cooking– but then he just fucking did it again!”
He took a massive bite of his gyro and chewed angrily and turned to Rana, eager to hear her chime in with her easy supportive “fuck that guy!” The way she said it always both fanned and soothed the flames of Jungkook’s outrage. Not that he was usually a very outrage-y guy; honestly he was hard to rankle and usually just enjoyed listening to her talk about weird, random things going on in her head. But when he did get rankled, he’d experienced a couple times now the way Rana could take hold of that anger, spin it around a few times, and shoot it off into the stratosphere with her “fuck that guy!” She didn’t even do anything but something about the sincere energy in the way she said it was just what he needed –whether it was grumbling about the new engineer who’d been hired for his company but did shit-all and then kept asking Jungkook to bail him out at the last second, or Steven who couldn’t stop scarfing down the food Jungkook made, or Chad going into his room while he wasn’t home because he wanted to borrow his barbells and felt like because he paid the most (for the biggest room!), the whole apartment was his territory. Rana was easy to talk to about basically anything, if he felt the need to.
Though there was one thing he never brought up with her during their workday lunch dates or occasionally shared commute (she took the same bus he did, just got off a few stops after him, if they happened to leave at the same time.) Well, two things: Yoongi’s suggestion of the egg sex thing for obvious reasons, and his dating life in general because the one time he had admitted he was trying to meet a penguin woman to take home for the holiday season, she’d rolled her eyes so dramatically he’d briefly thought she was having a seizure.
Taehyung and Yoongi both found these off-limits topics stupid. They had told him so bluntly. After Jungkook’s drunk and desperate tirade about the state of dating apps while stretched over the foot of Taehyung’s bed recently because he was positive he’d sent a message to every penguin girl within a two-hour drive and no one wanted to even respond, Taehyung had divebombed across his stomach, knocked the wind out of him, and then scolded, “Ask that girl at work. Your new best friend.” When Jungkook had adamantly insisted there was nothing romantic between them –and quickly added “or sexual!” in case Yoongi had said something– Taehyung had simply rolled his eyes, “Yeah, but she’s still a woman. Maybe she can figure out what’s wrong with you. I mean with your profile.” And he’d given that cheeky shit-eating grin, revealing the slip of his words had been on purpose. 
But no. Jungkook was definitely not going to bring that up. Rana wasn’t a penguin woman! She couldn’t speak for the tastes of penguin women. She’d flat out criticized penguin women multiple times, to his face, laughing with that toothy smile that they sounded boring and dull. He wasn’t even bringing it up! Just in relation to a penguin actress in a movie or a new girl in the office who was a penguin (yes, Jungkook had asked her out via the app twice before and she’d ghosted him… awk.) 
He paused his complaints to take another bite, slowing down only because he almost choked trying to eat and talk too quickly –which was unlike him. Rana usually did most of the talking at lunch, which was fine with him, but he realized in the ensuing silence now that maybe the reason he was talking so much was because she wasn’t. She didn’t even talk now, in the silence. Only then did he realize she’d barely responded at all, and was mostly staring at the ground as she quietly ate her loaded potato fries with a little wooden fork. They didn’t sell those in the atrium so he didn’t even know where she got that food.
“Hey,” he said. He kicked her ankle to get her attention, “What’s wrong with you?”
“Huh? Nothing.”
“You’re quiet.”
At least it was easy to break her open. At just that gentle poke, she sighed loud like a cartoon character and blurted out,
“Ok, there’s this competition for a public works commission and I really want it because it’s like big, you know?.”
“What’s a public works commission? What is that?”
“It’s like a big artwork that someone commissioned that’s just like out there. Like… statues in the park, or a big mural on the side of a building or something. It’s a big deal, it’s like a real thing, you know? So I really want to apply to this one but the domain is blocked on my work computer and my computer at home is eating shit-fizzles.”
“Uh…. what?” He cocked his head at her, not sure what the fuck she’d just said.
“Eating shit-fizzles.”
“That’s not language, what are you saying?”
“It is language! It’s words I’m saying to you!”
“Yeah but I don’t know what that means, so it’s not language.”
“That’s like saying if I speak Spanish to you but you don’t understand it, it’s not a language.”
He huffed, “Does anyone in the world know what it means for a computer to eat shit-fizzles?”
“You can guess.”
“If I have to guess, it’s not successful communication!”
“Ok, Mr. Expert Communicator!”
“Fucking hell, just use normal words. Your computer at home isn’t working?”
“Yeah, it’s not working,” she shrugged, the volume replaced with an intense stare at her food. She stabbed a fry with her wooden fork repeatedly. “So I can’t download or submit the application, and I can’t make my proposal because my inventory stuff is all on my computer and my design software…”
“You use design software?” he asked, face screwing up. “I thought you’d just wing it–”
Her outrage was instant.
“No, Jungkook, I work really hard on my art and there’s a lot of thought I put into it!” she said and promptly stood. He’d never seen her this kind of pissed before. He recoiled from it. Why was she mad at him?! He hadn’t done anything wrong except argue with her about some dumb term she made up!
“Ok, geez, I don’t know anything about your process– hey! Wait!” He leapt up and ran after her; she was so fucking fast but he caught up and grabbed her arm. “I was going to say, I do know about computers though.”
She clutched her potato fries to her chest and glared at him. Glared. Her mouth pouted out and her brow furrowed and she simultaneously looked furious and adorable, like she’d rip out your intestines if she could but it would also probably tickle. 
“Look, uh… do you know why your computer is um… eating shit-fizzles?”
“No,” she said. Short and suspicious, but she didn’t turn away. “I just need it to work. I’m not great with computers I guess, I don’t know. I turn it on and it just goes pew pew poof poof,” she said, making the fingers of her free hand open and shut like little explosions.
“It’s literally on fire?!”
“No, on the screen!”
“Ok ok, look… I can take a look at your computer if you want and see if I can fix it–”
She gasped and grabbed his arm, like she hadn’t expected this was what he was leading up to, “Wait, really?!”
“Yeah… I don’t know if I can fix the shit-fizzles but I can look–”
“Fuck! Thank you! OK…. um… yeah, when can you come over? Because you know about computers! You do computer stuff for work!”
“I tell you about it all the time,” he pointed out, offended to learn she apparently had forgotten him completely in her hour of need.
“Yeah but there are lots of things you can do on computers. I don’t need a website or a– wait, a database could be cool. I keep my supplies hidden in caches all around the city–”
“What? That seems weird and inefficient–”
“You’re weird and inefficient,” she scoffed, giving him that glare again, but there was playfulness behind it this time. Just like that, her bad mood was gone, because apparently she wholly trusted he could fix her shit-fizzles. 
“I am… very efficient,” he scowled.
“And I like that you’re weird,” she beamed at him. “It’s cute. Ok, you can come over to my place today? Or do you have to go to the gym? Boring.”
“I can do it tonight after the gym. It’s not boring. It’s healthy.”
“I just run a lot and I look pretty good,” she beamed, and shoved a fry in her mouth. 
“It’s… not about looking… it’s…”
“If it’s not about looking, why do you flex your chest and arms when a pretty girl walks by–”
“I do not!” he cried.
“My muscles just get stiff sometimes–”
“Because a pretty girl walks by? Yikes, you need to have a conversation with your dad about–”
“Rana,” he sighed, exasperated. It earned him more giggles. “I’m not talking about that. Do you want me to fix your computer tonight or not?”
“Yeah! You can come over whenever. Thanks!” She turned to go, only for him to point out,
“I don’t know where you live.”
“Yes you do, I told you I live in the Rooks Roost apartment building.”
“So what, I just walk in and shout your name?”
“That would work actually,” she admitted. “I’m the only Rana. Everyone is nosy and you’re handsome so I bet you’ll have girls flocking to you ready to help as soon as you walk in– so many broken hearts when you ask for me–”
“Just give me your phone number,” he grumbled, because she looked too amused by this fictitious scenario. He would not have a flock and he didn’t want a flock of corvids and he did not flex his muscles anytime a woman walked by… Sometimes he just hunched over too much when he ate and it made his neck and shoulders hurt but he sure wasn’t going to tell her that! She clearly wouldn’t believe him anyway. She seemed like one of those people who just made up a truth and stuck to it, whether it was actually true or not. 
She’d pulled out her phone, grinning, “I can’t believe you asked me for my number.”
“Shut up, not like that.”
“God you’re so grumpy, getting a pretty girl’s number. You should be honored about this! I never give my number out!”
“I’m so honored you’re giving me your phone number so I can come to your house and fix your computer for free.”
“Oh, you’ll do it for free?! Even better!”
“Don’t cry, I’ll give you food and a string. A corvid always pays her debts,” she rolled her eyes at him, then held out her phone for him to type his number into. Her phone was old and scratched and chipped. The case was a cheap one covered with blue and yellow flowers where the paint hadn’t chipped. Not sparkly, and also not covered in doodles of her own, which he kind of had expected with the way she did artsy things. 
“What flowers are these?”
“Pretty ones. I don’t know. Just type in your number, I have to get back to work.” It was weird to say that because he knew she didn’t, that usually she was down here for another fourteen minutes before she clapped her hands and announced, “back to it!” Just like he knew she’d be in the atrium every day at 12:30, either with food or ready to beg some off him.They hadn’t scheduled a standing lunch date or anything, it just happened. She was always there now so he was too.
His phone buzzed with a message from her a moment later so he’d have her number too. It struck him as strange suddenly that they’d traded numbers now; it added legitimacy to their standing lunch dates. She wasn’t a stranger anymore, even though she’d already not been a stranger, even though she still pretty much was a stranger. His phone gave a reminder buzz to let him know he had a message, but when he reached into his pocket, it was to clutch his blue egg instead of retrieve his phone. Was this really a good idea? To go to her place? For her to have his number now? Just because she found his egg?
Well, whatever. She waved and hurried away, fries still half-full. Maybe she had an oddly timed meeting or something? He wasn’t in a rush to get back, so he went to sit alone for a little longer and finish his food. It was kind of lonely just eating by himself though. Had he always chewed this loud? It seemed to echo around him, even in the crowded atrium. Everyone’s conversations around him were louder and he couldn’t stop overhearing boring, annoying snippets because everyone talked so fucking loud.
To look like less of a loser, he pulled his phone out to see what idiotic thing she had texted him.
[Unknown]: noot noot
[Jungkook]: ok that’s not funny that’s specist
[Rana]: what1!!! Pingu is a national British Treasure!!! GLOBAL treasure!
[Jungkook]: let me think of a famous jackdaw to harass you with
[Jungkook]: oh wait
[Jungkook]: google search says there are none
[Rana]: did it hurt? When no one thought you were funny?
[Jungkook]: caw caw
[Rana]: now THAT was derogatory
[Rana]: you don’t even know what you said
[Jungkook]: wait jackdaws sound like pewpew guns??
[Rana]: yeah I know it’s cool
[Jungkook]: pew pew pew
[Rana]: aw thanks you’re cute too ;) 
[Jungkook]: I’m corrupting your harddrive tonight
[Rana]: 😳
[Jungkook]: don’t blush at me why are you blushing????
[Rana]: that was…. Forward
[Jungkook]: no it wasn’t!
[Jungkook]: was it?
[Jungkook]: was it a good pickup line really or are you fucking with me? Should I use that sometime?
[Rana]: isn’t that the same result
[Jungkook]: stpo texting me or I’m blocking you
[Rana]: see you tonight 😘
Jungkook looked up when someone walked too close, but they didn’t need anything from him and gave him a strange look. He was grinning like an idiot, he realized. At nothing.
Embarrassed by her stupid emojis, he grabbed his things and slid through the late lunch crowd in the atrium to get back to it. Work. Back to work. He had nothing else to say to Rana in text.
The snow crunched beneath Jungkook’s boots as he walked down the block from the bus stop. The Rook’s Roost was a massive apartment building, one of the largest in the city, even put his own to shame in terms of size. Not nice, but not not nice. Crowded, though, even more crowded than his, which wasn’t really crowded so much as just full of people he didn’t care for. The Rook’s Roost, by contrast, was actually crowded. Smokers clustered under an awning on the corner, creating a cloud so thick it was nauseating to walk through. People shouted at each other down the block in front of the massive building, and Jungkook hated the noise of it so much he couldn’t even comprehend what they were saying, just pulled his head down into his coat and pushed his way through to the central open courtyard, which was open-air so just as cold and crowded as outside. People hung out on the balconies in front of their apartments, socializing like it was just a big party place. Maybe if he actually knew these people, maybe if he was into that kind of hanging out, the open concept would be kind of cool. It was so social. 
But he didn’t know these people, and people were looking at him funny as if a penguin really had no business being here at all. He was the only penguin, to be fair. He didn’t know for sure but suspected everyone here was a member of the corvid family. Why didn’t Chad fucking move here instead of bothering him and Yoongi in their place? God, corvids were the worst. That wasn’t true but right now he felt like it was true, as he felt their judgemental stares follow him through the noisy chatter to the elevator. He kept his hands shoved into his pocket, squeezing his glass egg tightly like it was the gas pedal to keep him moving.
“Who you here for?” someone asked, followed by a bubble of silence from everyone nearby. 
“Rana,” Jungkook said, cursing quietly as he realized he didn’t know her last name. 
The chatter this caused concerned him, but the woman just pointed to the elevator, as if he didn’t already know that.
“Yeah, she told me– I know where I’m going.”
“Then go.”
He edged his way past, head pulled down and chest puffed up in displeasure. As he passed, he realized part of the obnoxious noise was that the group nearest the elevator, some eight people circling a space heater, were listening to a podcast through a shitty speaker.
“.... the body was found a little after seven in the morning when station owner Sebastian van Zandt arrived to open. The carnage–”
Of course. A murder of crows listening to a true crime podcast for fun, how… typical. Jungkook didn’t look back as he got on the elevator and pulled his phone out again to check the number. Basement. He grimaced again, like he had when he saw that earlier. Not that there was any particular reason but Rana just didn’t strike him as a basement dweller…
He stepped off into a very different sort of hallway. It was quiet here but also smelled close and overly warm and moist and stale. He wrinkled his nose as he walked down the hall, only to jump with surprise as a door opened. The smell that ushered out around the apartment made him gag and leap away from the tall, stringy man who stepped out, long dark hair in greasy locks from beneath a top hat. He might as well have been a corpse from a hundred years ago; Jungkook stared at him and wondered if that was possible. The man’s face didn’t show any change, even though he clearly saw Jungkook’s stare as he locked his door and headed down the hall.
Jungkook turned only to audibly gasp to find Rana standing in her doorway, arms crossed.
She snorted, then called down the hall, “Have a good night, Yannick!”
“Be wise, Rana,” the corpse man called back.
They stood there until the elevator doors closed behind Yannick, at which point Jungkook demanded, “Who is that guy?”
“Yannick. He’s an embalmer. He works the night shift. Weirdo guy but cool neighbor,” she said, motioning Jungkook into her nest. He stepped just inside the door, looking around the studio space.
“This is… where you live?”
“Ok, be a little less judgmental if you can–”
“No, it’s… cozy,” Jungkook tried to clarify. “It smells really good.” There, was that good enough? It was true, at least. “Isn’t it kind of dark for you though?”
“It has windows!” Rana defended and pointed.
She was technically correct, there were two little rectangle windows at ground level, though they barely glowed with the streetlights outside through the snow piled over. The kitchenette beneath them looked clean except for the mound of dishes in the sink and a very full trashcan of takeout containers. The bed was just a mound of blankets and pillows all twisted up, unmade. The dresser next to it was absolutely buried beneath overflowing jewelry boxes and necklace trees, looking like a tiny glittery treasure horde. Cardboard boxes, some torn open, made towers around the horde.
Two desks took up an entire wall together –one buried beneath the supplies she used to make her stuff. There were about five strings laid out right now, and several bowls of dried fruit. He walked closer to look, confirming that was the source of the good smell. Sweet and spicy, like he’d buried his nose into the nicest holiday pie.
“Special ones for the holiday next week,” she said, coming close to lift a string. He realized the jingle bells on the string in between the apples and oranges and cranberries were full of cloves and spices. His nose crinkled as he leaned in to sniff. “Too much?”
“It’s really good.”
“I wish I’d thought of it early enough to test out how long the scent will actually last. I’ll sell them assuming only for a few days, and hopefully people are still shopping for Christmas…”
“Do you celebrate it?” he asked, realizing the holiday next week hadn’t come up yet. 
“I’ll get drunk with some friends upstairs, that’s all. You?”
“Oh. Yeah, uh, me neither. My roommate is a musician and has a concert on Christmas Eve so I’ll go to that and then… yeah, just drink and play video games or something…”
“Hm, that’s cool. What kind of music?”
“Oh, the roommate you met, Yoongi. He plays a lot of instruments –it’s a symphony–” He started to fumble his sentence as he realized he might have given her the expectation he was going to take her to it. Should he? Shit… “Do you like that kind of thing?”
“The symphony? I’ve never been but I like classical music. I listen to it while I work sometimes.”
“Oh.” Shit. Should he invite her now? But that would be like a date, which would be pretty confusing, he thought, since he did not want to date her. So, to move past it, he pointed at the only computer in the apartment and asked, “Is that your computer?”
At least she didn’t seem bothered by the subject change and confirmed, “Yeah, that’s the fucker.”
“This thing is as old as you are.”
“It’s not! It’s just old reliable…”
“Not that reliable if it’s not working,” he pointed out. “Sort of the opposite of reliable.”
“Come on, it’s not that old and bad. I’ve only had it a couple of years.”
“That’s ancient for technology and this wasn’t top of the line to begin with.” He flopped down in the only desk chair and rolled himself closer. The computer desk surprised him by how neat and orderly everything here was, an usually large amount of office supplies organized into little bins and baskets, mail stacked into neat piles in an actual inbox and outbox. 
“What?” she asked, hesitation clear in her voice.
“How long have you lived in here?”
“I just moved into this room like a month ago,” she said, crossing her arms. “Why?”
“Oh. That explains the boxes then–”
“You’re judging me!” she cried, hitting his shoulder. “Look, I had a room in another apartment higher up but I didn't get along with the girls I lived with so when this opened up, I moved down here to be by myself. But now I have to fit everything into this little place so I just haven’t finished organizing and unpacking and– what, is your room all perfect or something?”
“No,” he shrugged as he pushed the power button on the tower. “I’m not judging you. I’m just… learning about you.”
“Well stop it. I don’t always live like this, I just haven’t finished nesting yet. Maybe I won’t even be here very long.”
“It’s kind of moist.”
“Yeah, but it’s better than living with those bitches…” She trailed off as the computer hummed to live. Slowly. Very fucking slowly. Jungkook pulled up the task list manager and sighed at the dozens of things the computer was trying to log into at start up –problem number one. 
“Can you fix it?” she asked, pulling a piece of fishing line tight and chewing on it.
“What are you doing?”
“Fidgeting nervously about you being on my personal computer.”
“Trust me, I’m not going to go digging through your personal files,” he said. Although it did make him curious, what she was nervous about. “Why don’t you make me some tea or something while I work. Beer? Coffee? I don’t know.”
“Fine.” She left to go clunk and clank around the kitchenette. He was surprised to see she had an actual kettle for the two-burner stove, bright and shiny and cleaner than anything around it. Apparently not much used by the basement dweller who’d inhabited this space before her.
In the meantime, he set to work. At first it was just the typical: turning off the things she didn’t need running in the background all the goddamn time. Then it was letting the operating system actually update, which she’d apparently been putting off letting it do for “I don’t know how long, for a while… I thought that’s what everyone did?” 
But as he worked through the basics, it became increasingly obvious she had malware. By the time she brought the tea over, he was digging through the harddrive.
“Oh my god, you’re like a hacker.”
“It’s just a command–”
“That’s so cool,” she grinned, setting a white and green mug covered in flowers and birds in front of him. 
“You have some viruses,” he said. “It looks like you don’t have any protection at all on this… is that true?”
“What kind of protection?”
“Did you turn Harddrive Defender off?” he realized, continuing to click through things.
“I don’t know… I think that was the thing maybe that was blocking some stuff I was trying to see?”
“What kind of stuff? It was probably blocking it because it was full of viruses, which is the whole point,” he scolded, turning it on now, downloading an update –probably a year’s worth of updates, in fact. 
She sat on the desk, watching between him and the screen, her mug cooling beside his as she fiddled with some strings again. 
“Just don’t delete any of my files,” she suddenly said. 
“The only files getting deleted are corrupted ones.”
“You’re sure? So if I notice things are missing, that means they are corrupted and not just accidentally deleted? There were some things I thought might be bad so I put them in the recycling bin.”
“Did you clear out the bin?” he asked, pulling it open. Only to freeze. 
Porn. Not just a little. A lot of porn, dozens and dozens of short videos.
“Yeah, some of those,” she said. “Is that what could have done it? I didn’t think all of those were dangerous, some of them just weren’t good content.”
“You have to empty the recycling bin or it’s still on your computer,” he said, hands fumbling as he scrolled down to see just to see how much content they were talking about here… 
“You can just delete that,” she said, reaching forward to push the mouse.
Her hand on his was a shock as he found himself unable to tear his gaze away from the thumbnail previews of the videos. Of the porn Rana had downloaded. Explicit porn. So much skin and genitalia and poses and –ok, he knew porn, but it was shocking to him to see porn on Rana’s computer. It had never once occurred to him Rana was someone who watched porn. And… and for what purpose…well, obviously for… but… 
Her hand guided his and the mouse to the ‘Empty Recycling’ button and then all the images disappeared.
“Ok, that takes care of the problem, right?” she asked. “I just need to empty the recycling bin?”
But the process was slow and the updated anti-virus software was still popping up new alerts.
“Is there more porn on here?”
“Well yeah, but only the stuff I want to keep.”
There was more. There was so much more that it stopped being weird to Jungkook for the time being because it was basically no different than browsing pornhub. She’d saved so many videos to the harddrive but never long ones, from what he could see; the file sizes were reasonable. She even had things organized into folders, which he learned when he had to start removing whole questionable folders.
“Noooo,” she frowned. “Do you know how long I’ve been collecting these–”
“Well that’s a relief at least.”
“Are you judging my porn collection?!”
He actually choked on his nervous laughter, “I’m judging your methods! Look at these file names –you’re clearly getting this stuff from junk sites full of viruses. You’re lucky your whole harddrive isn’t fucked. Either get your videos from reputable sources or just stream it online like a normal person.”
“Like a normal person!” she cried. “What the fuck? That’s how you get viruses! I just carefully select the stuff I want and I keep it so I can watch it forever instead of always digging around porn sites for new stuff like a horny raccoon.”
“I’m not a horny raccoon!”
Rana crumpled back against the wall laughing, “I didn’t say you were but I guess you felt called out! Good! How dare you judge–”
“I’m your IT guy. Of course I’m judging this,” he said, pointing to the folders. One was even labeled: ‘?? Where did I even get these videos??’
But she got all huffy and said, “How dare you judge my interests! Sorry we don’t all like khaki sex with beige lady penguins, front to front with your eyes on Jesus.”
“Some of us have more exotic tastes and I’m not ashamed of that or my video collection. I’m a young woman who lives alone. I have needs too, Jungkook, and sometimes I’m too tired to use my imagination because I pour everything into my art. I don’t believe for a second you don’t have your own massive porn stash.”
“Not from suspicious sources so that viruses can tag along!”
“Well fine, tell me the suspicious sources so I can avoid those.”
“I can’t tell you every suspicious porn source on the internet.”
“Don’t act like I’m an idiot. I don’t go anywhere that requires a credit card so nothing can steal my numbers.”
“Ok but how fucking niche are your sex interests if the major sites aren’t going to work for you? These are all small files, just browse there…” He trailed off, realizing that not only was he lecturing a woman on her porn consumption –a woman who had several gigs of porn on her harddrive– but he was prescribing a new method for her to find her niche sex interests. His tongue twisted up as he rushed out to finish, “Besides, you– um, I mean they have categories for everything there.”
“Everything? You’re sure?” she asked, raising her eyebrow. Making fun of him, he decided. “You’ve looked, huh? At everything?”
He scowled, “I’m fixing your computer!”
“You are so flushed right now,” she laughed, uncrossing and recrossing her legs. Her knees were right beside his arm.
He swallowed and focused hard on the screen, blurring his eyes against the thumbnails, focused on the virus defender screen as it tallied up the content it had found that needed to be removed. 
“I am not,” he belatedly answered. “It’s just porn, I just didn’t expect you to have a collection like this.”
“I like to collect things.”
“Like viruses,” he retorted, pulling up the command window to run some additional checks of his own. Already the processing speed had improved.
“I should have known you’d be judgy.”
“I’m not judgy– I mean, I’m judgy of your irresponsibility.”
“The sites I download from all looked safe to me!”
“But you turned off the software telling you that some of them weren’t.”
“They block everything they don’t understand!”
“Rana,” he said, and dropped his face briefly into his hand, not sure whether to laugh or cry. Talk about an IT person’s worst nightmare. But she was giggling, swinging her legs even though it rattled the desk, happily perched with her mug of tea and a big smile on her face.
“It’s ok, it’s funny! I mean, all the really good videos I’m losing isn’t funny. But how sad you’re so shocked by a woman who likes porn!”
“I’m not shocked, I just… wasn’t expecting you to be such an idiot about it, I guess–”
“Jungkook!” she laughed and lifted her knees to her chest and kicked her feet, her socks padding against the edge of the desk right beside him. He shifted in the seat, and grabbed the mug for something to drink as he continued to delete-delete-delete and not look at her just wearing little tight leggings. At least they were yellow, which was weird and bright and made the way they hugged her body bearably sexy. Not that he was sitting there finding her sexy or anything in her subterranean dwelling next to the embalmer, but he was dealing with a lot of porn and he was tired, he decided. He’d been nice to do this on a weekday night, but he was tired after a long day of work and gym and it was getting really late now.
“Can I put remote help on this?” he asked her.
“What’s that?”
“It’s getting late. I think a restart will fix this but there might be more things that need to get repaired or installed. With remote help, I can log into your computer from mine and fix it from home.”
“That sounds serious. I just like give you control of my computer?”
“Yeah, but you can break the connection at any time and what am I going to do?”
“Dig around my porn, I guess.”
“That’s– I–”
“Oh, did you see something you liked? I can email you–”
“I didn’t look at any of it,” he sputtered. “I don’t want to know what you’re into!”
Her crestfallen look completely confused him. She quickly frowned deeper and leaned back against the wall in a sulk,
“Geez, fine, ok, message received. Sure, put the thing on there, whatever.”
He waited while it downloaded and installed, feeling suddenly like he’d done something wrong. By respecting her privacy? He could see her being embarrassed already by the way he’d scolded her, even if she’d tried to make jokes about it all. He would be mortified –far more than she seemed to be– if someone looked at his porn history. It wasn’t like he wasn’t curious to know what kind of stuff she watched, but anyway, the file names didn’t make sense to him, they were just colors and descriptions. But not sexual descriptions, just: Red. Crinkle. Bright. Dulled. He didn’t see what the videos in the folder, from their thumbnails, had anything to do with any of those words. You’d open a folder called Black and he thought that would have obvious contents but the explicit thumbnails weren’t what he expected so he didn’t get it.
What he did know was that she was swinging her legs again so that her thighs pillowed and clenched on the desk right beside him, and she had her mug right in her lap and sometimes clicked her nail against the porcelain, and her earrings jingled when she moved, and her sweater was not as loose as he’d thought and he’d obviously never had her chest in his periphery from this angle before. What he knew was that it was a little too dark and warm in her apartment and it was making him sleepy and alert in all the wrong places. What he realized, as he stood, was that she had a lot of wide desk space and it was at just the right height to–
“I’m done,” he said. “It’s restarting now, but it should be faster now. I’m going to buy you an external harddrive and from now on you should save all your porn to that.”
“Ah, to keep it safe?”
“NO, so your entire fucking harddrive isn’t just full of porn. Save it for the pictures of your art,” he suggested. That was the other big disk-space burden, from what he could tell. It looked like she’d photographed every art she’d ever done –including art that wasn’t the dangly strings, and he found himself as curious to poke around that as to know what she considered her niche porn interests. 
But he asked for none of it because it was getting late and he was tired and overly warm and ready to be home. 
She slid from the desk, bumping into him. In trying to put more space between them, he raised his arm and accidentally brushed against her tit. He took a step back, tripped on a box, and promptly fell onto his ass, sending a stack of books toppling down on top of him.
“Are you ok!” Rana gasped and dove forward –to clutch her books.
“What are you asking the books for?! Those things are heavy as shit and tried to kill me–”
“These are expensive books!” she defended, showing him the cover of some Art book –which he only knew because it literally said ART in big letters, above of the Sub-Suharan. They were all like that, all ART of the followed by a geographical or cultural region. He could see that as she scrambled around, re-stacking them.
“You need bookshelves.”
“I need a lot of things,” she sighed, then laughed. “Like someone who doesn’t flee in terror just because they nudge my tit.”
“I didn’t– it wasn’t–” He broke off coughing, then sighed and pushed up to his feet. “I’m leaving now.”
“Wait, I’m just teasing you. You don’t have to be weird about it. You didn’t even grope it.”
“Yeah, ok–”
“Hey, relax. You know porn is normal, right?”
“Yes, I know porn is normal, Rana,” he mimicked, glaring at her.
“But you have a smaller stash? It’s ok, you don’t have to be embarrassed yours is less impressive–”
“Maybe I just don’t need it as much as you do.”
“Oh come on–”
“300 gigs is a crazy amount of porn.”
“They’re video files,” she said, but then went silent and blinked at him, like he’d said something that had actually hurt. He blinked back at her, not sure what it was or if he was even right that’s what her suddenly silence meant. She could be so fucking confusing sometimes. Most of the time, actually.
She cleared her throat, then asked calmly, “Can I give you tea to take with you or something? It’s really cold out there.”
“I like the cold, it’s fine.”
“Ok, well, uh… oh, here’s another string as payment,” she said, grabbing a paper envelope off the desk and thrusting it against his chest. “Thanks for your help. See ya around.”
“Oh. Uh…” Now he felt like he was getting kicked out and it changed his haste to go. He didn’t know why. He just suddenly wanted to be contrary. He didn’t like when she blinked at him like that –she’d done it before, but he couldn’t remember what he’d done to cause it the other times. Like she was suddenly closed off from him. Like it wasn’t fun and funny between them anymore. Like he’d broken something again.
“I’ll walk you out,” she offered, opening the door and slipping her shoes on. 
But he brushed past her now, pulling his coat back on, “No, it’s fine, I remember the way out.”
“Ok, are you sure you want to–”
“Night,” he called over his shoulder.
“Ok. Um, goodnight.”
He made it a few steps before realizing she sounded disappointed; when he looked back though, she was just closing her door, leaving him alone in the long, dark, creepy hallway. Actually he didn’t think it was very safe for a woman who lived alone to be in this kind of hall at night, so he was glad he hadn’t had her walk him out. It was lonely. Even Yannick’s presence would have been welcome. At least she was near the elevators. He retraced his steps, ignoring the corvids hanging out in the first floor hall and courtyard, trying to believe the loud laughter in his wake was a coincidence and didn’t have to do with him.
Once to the bus stop, he tucked himself into the corner of the overhang to wait. The cold gave his cheeks and ears a better reason to flush, the tingles from before replaced now with something more comfortable. He’d never understand why so many people hated the cold. Sure, cold took over things, but why was that automatically bad? If you embraced it, you could be as strong as the cold too. He pulled his egg out of his pocket to let it feel the cold too, so the glass could release the body heat he’d given it. It would stay cold once he was on the bus, which would likely be stuffy; sometimes he’d tuck the cold egg down into the collar of his shirt to cool his neck where he tended to get sweaty first.
Fuck, why did Rana have so much porn? It raised other questions for him he’d tried not to think of as he worked on her computer. Was she a cam girl?! Or a porn addict? Ok, maybe it wasn’t that wild a volume if you really downloaded instead of streaming. If you added up all the gigs he’d streamed it probably dwarfed her number… It was amusing to learn Rana downloaded and saved porn like an old person and it was amusing to learn she was so organized about her porn, even if her organization method made no fucking sense to him. What was in the Caffeine folder? What about the one called Birthday? 
He really had tried not to look closely or click through folders unless he had to, but the truth was he’d made excuses a few times. That was how he’d looked at the Black folder and Crinkle and not been able to understand. He’d done it again later with her sitting right there, but she hadn’t been able to see as she leaned back against the wall, bored by the long wait, her knees bent like she was practically displaying herself to him with those tight leggings on. It was understandable he’d distractedly, curiously clicked into a few even if he didn’t really need to.
‘Shiver’ was the name of the folder he’d peeped, drawn by the word. Inside, the thumbnails told him little but the file names seemed like ones she had entered and they made more sense than the long strings of characters in other folders: icecube.mov; ice2long.mov; ice3GOODSTUFF.mov; pengo.mov; pengo2.mov; pengo3.mov –He hadn’t read any further. He’d closed out of the folder as she’d leaned forward to check the progress, because he didn’t want her to know that he knew she had penguin porn on her computer. Her, a jackdaw. Her, who talked so much shit about penguins and their vanilla missionary. A folder called Shiver. It was literal. It was just literal. It wasn’t like penguins were the only thing she had, it wasn’t like she had a specific penguin fetish or anything. It just made sense there were some penguins involved if you had a folder of ‘Shiver’ porn.
“It’s just literal,” he told himself. It didn’t mean anything. The fact he was a penguin was irrelevant. In fact, it was even stereotypical, those poor sex worker penguins who’d been pigeon-holed into making porn with ice. Which was apparently a thing for Rana. Apparently she had a lot of things.
He pulled out his phone to call Taehyung. He needed to tell someone about this, someone who would reassure him or laugh with him or tell him that he should get away from this sexual deviant who hoarded porn like she hoarded shiny object. This strange woman who made pretty things out of garbage and– and kept videos of penguin porn stars–
Was that why she was friends with him? Did she have a thing for penguins? She must not, right? Because she had not seemed afraid he’d actually stumble into anything specific. He didn’t understand why she’d been nervous when he’d first arrived only to then be so casual once he was actually scraping through her computer. It didn’t make sense. Nothing about Rana every made any fucking sense. 
 Besides, if she was into penguin pornstars, he looked nothing like the ideal penguin male so… Was she really into a small dick? Did she like big men? Bald men? Really loud, aggressive dudes who pushed and shoved to get you where they wanted you? Usually only penguin women were into penguin men, leaving Jungkook caught in that tepid middle space of not being penguin enough for a penguin-woman, and too penguin for not a penguin woman.
Now, phone out in his hand, he almost wanted to call her instead and demand What is it about a penguin guy that makes you save their porn on your computer to watch over and over again? Tell me! 
Also, what exactly did she want done with ice cubes?
Now shivering plenty himself, his ears tingling with the prickles of a blush, Jungkook decided to walk for a few stops instead of waiting at this one. He needed to walk. He needed to not think about her sitting on that desk, knees to her chest, at perfect height to–
The strangled noise he made as he pushed past the people on the sidewalk earned him looks. Had he really just scolded Rana about the porn on her computer to avoid thinking about the fact Rana sat at this computer and watched porn and… what… touched herself in the very chair he’d sat in? Like… just with her hands? Or did she have toys in one of those boxes she hadn’t unpacked yet? Did she have a box she’d shoved under her bed to hide before he showed up? Were they in the freezer?!
He walked half the way home before he cooled off enough to catch a bus for the final stretch. Taehyung was on the couch in the common area when he got in, and called over his shoulder, “Hey! Did you get Rana’s computer fixed?”
“Porn!” Jungkook shouted, words bubbling out with no further prompting. “It was full of viruses and she was out of memory because of porn!”
“What kind of porn!”
“I don’t know! I tried not to look! Who has that much porn? She’s a girl!”
“A horny girl,” Taehyung laughed. “Down to fuck, do you think?”
“Not you!”
“I’m not talking about me.”
“Not me either! I don’t think! I don’t know!”
“Well… why don’t you ask? Do you want to fuck her?”
“I don’t know!” Jungkook shouted and slammed his door. Why would Taehyung ask that? Just because she had a lot of porn didn’t mean she wanted to have sex with Jungkook, and just because he was flustered that she had so much porn didn’t mean he wanted to have sex with her and just because he was still horny even after his cold walk home didn’t mean it had anything to do with her or those fucking ugly yellow leggings. 
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Jungkook avoided Rana for three days. They’d never planned their meetings before, they were always the product of routine –largely, Jungkook thought, Rana matching her routine to his because he hadn’t changed a thing. It made it easy to evade her now simply by changing his commute times and eating lunch at his desk. It made the days feel long and lonely and boring, but he made up for it with daily visits to the cafe and longer gym sessions and cooking dinner with Taehyung –and inevitably Chad and Steven.
Then she texted him.
[Rana]: hey are you sick?? What’s up? I told you not to be so careless about the cold, you may be a penguin but youre just a guy!
Jungkook didn’t respond. He didn’t know what to say. So he put off responding and instead went out to meet the guys at the bar that night with a heavy frown. He thought he’d gotten away with it when nobody immediately demanded anything from him as they buried themselves in beers and potato skins and talk of Namjoon finally successfully getting a girl home and how many days he should wait after texting her as a follow up before he assumed she was ghosting him. Taehyung had seen a woman he thought was very hot but she’d brazenly ignored him and gone home with someone else. And Yoongi was getting stressed about giving the gift to flute woman next week after their Christmas Eve concert…
Needless to say, they were all getting pretty drunk pretty quick.
“What are you sulking about?” Namjoon finally asked, pointing in his face. “You’ve been quiet while we all vent but you’re the sulkiest one here.”
“I’m not sulky.”
“He wants to ask that girl friend of his to fuck but he’s scared,” Taehyung answered.
“Wha- I– no! It was just a long day at work– she’s not my girlfriend!”
“Yeah, so just ask!”
“I’m just thinking about something at work–”
“We can tell when you’re lying,” Yoongi snorted. “It’s about Rana.”
“Did you tell them about the porn– no?” Taehyung asked. Jungkook tried to shush him but Taehyung was all too happy to tell them about the volume Jungkook had found on her virus-riddled computer. He didn’t know the details, but now Jungkook felt bad they even knew this much, and were laughing. Rana hadn’t asked him for secrecy or anything, and hadn’t even seemed that defensive about it but, still… maybe that should have just been a private thing…
He took a deep gulp of his beer before insisting, “It was just a lot of porn. I mean, ok, so she watches a lot of porn, but who doesn’t? She just happens to save it all on her harddrive from unreliable sources.”
“Is she watching like… movie-length–”
“No, short videos,” Jungkook corrected, belatedly not sure that was better to correct or he should have left it. “Ok, no more questions!”
“Dude. Just ask her to fuck. There’s no reason to be bent out of shape about it,” Taehyung said again. “You said you don’t want to date her yet, so what’s the problem?”
“Uh, she might say no?” Jungkook said. “Just because she collects porn doesn’t mean she wants to fuck her lunch work buddy.”
“Oh,” Namjoon said, voice going soft. “Oh, you have feelings for her.”
Jungkook’s reaction was to thrash so abruptly that he splashed beer everywhere as he violently argued, “No! I do not! I barely know the weirdo!”
“But you know what porn she likes.”
“I know what kind of porn you all like! And I wasn’t looking–”
“Did she have penguin porn?” Yoongi asked, calm amidst the chaos. He raised his eyebrows over his beer and despite Jungkook’s intentionally neutral face and headshake, he laughed, “Damn, she does!”
“I don’t– that doesn’t–”
“Ok ok no wonder you’re all knotted up,” Taehyung laughed. “It’s not that you’re scared, it’s that you’re nervous. You don’t need to be nervous, dude. Women tend to know porn isn’t real, and you’re not inexperienced, so I’m sure she won’t be disappointed just because you’ve got a bigger rock than the average–”
“It’s not like that either!” Jungkook sighed, and dropped his head into his hands. Although it was. It was all those things they’d said and more. He didn’t want to fess up to them that he couldn’t stop thinking about Yoongi’s suggestion now that he knew she was maybe adventurous in her interests. He didn’t want to tell them that he’d lain awake in his bed, thinking that if she had some kind of ice cube fetish, he didn’t mind the cold, so maybe they could… you know… mutually benefit each other. He didn’t want to tell them that even if he wasn’t going to date Rana, she was a fun person to have around and he’d grown accustomed to her presence at lunch and the occasional run-ins on his commute and the thought of fucking that up just to ask a question that she probably wasn’t even into and might be offended by wasn’t hugely appealing. He didn’t want to admit that Rana was smart and funny and cool and that her rejection, if he brought up something like that and she wasn’t interested, would destroy him, which he knew, because he’d had several dreams about it now. He didn’t need the words he’d heard from penguin women fired at him from Rana’s mouth.
“Then what’s it like?” Yoongi asked. “Just too much to risk for the potential–”
“What, do you ask all your friends to fuck?”
“Ah ah!”
“She’s a friend,” Taehyung said, all three of them looking at each other and laughing and hitting shoulders, like they’d argued about this already. 
“What? Why are you saying it like that?!” He was sweating now and couldn’t figure out if it was their teasing or because he was on his third beer or because he’d forgotten to put a t shirt on under his sweater and couldn’t take it off in the crowded bar so he was really fucking hot. 
“You just keep saying she’s not your friend when we ask you to bring her around,” Namjoon pointed out.
“I’m not bringing her around! Tae will swoop in!”
“Yeah? So? What do you care? She’s pretty, right?”
“She’s pretty,” Yoongi agreed. “Great smile. Nice eyes. Sexy hands.”
“What about her hands?” Jungkook asked. He tossed back the last of his beer, not sure he wanted to hear Yoongi talk about her any more than this. 
“Just nice hands,” Yoongi shrugged. “Long fingers. That’s good for–”
“Playing piano,” Jungkook suggested. “But she’s not a musician.”
Namjoon, Taehyung, and Yoongi all burst out laughing. 
“Yeah, I know what he meant!” Jungkook cried, waving his hand at them. He was drunk enough that the laughter made him mad. “I’m not an idiot! I just don’t want you talking about my friend like that, none of us are fucking her, she’s strictly off limits!”
“But why? If you aren’t going to date her, why can’t we?” Taehyung asked, tilting his head. His earrings jostled and Jungkook thought that Rana would like his earrings a lot, the big snowdrop pearls on them. It gave him the sudden impulse to shove Taehyung off his stool.
“Shit,” Yoongi laughed. “Rana! Hey!”
Jungkook rolled his eyes, which made the whole room roll a little, and scoffed, “Very funny.” His hand, gripping his blue egg beneath the table, squeezed and rolled it, nervous about the teasing, about the topic, restless with the buzz of several beers and a warm bar. He reached forward for another potato skin, realizing he ought to get more in his stomach or he risked an actual hangover tomorrow, when–
“So… not sick.” He spun on his stool, dropping the egg –Rana was fast and caught it before it hit the ground. One hand on his knee, she held it up to him, above her head, and only pushed up using his knee as leverage once he’d taken it from her hand. 
“You’re Rana?” Namjoon asked. 
“I am,” she said, smiling brightly and wiggling her fingers in hello. Not a real wave. A weird little finger wiggle. “You’re not Chad or Steven, are you?”
All the guys laughed at that as Taehyung quickly slid around Jungkook to introduce, “I’m Taehyung. That’s Namjoon. You’ve met Yoongi. Want to join us? We were just talking about–”
“No,” Jungkook said. Short and sharp. What the fuck, Taehyung about to tell her they were talking about her?! It was bad enough they’d known who she was, making it obvious he’d talked about her at least a little bit. What if those fuckers tried to help him along? Or shove in front? He did not put it past either Taehyung or Namjoon to ask her to fuck on his behalf. 
Rana’s eyes went wide and she looked only mock-offended as she laughed, “Well that’s a no. I’ll see you boys around. Don’t want to catch whatever has kept this one away from me for three days. Thanks so much for not wanting to give me whatever virus you caught.” She wiggled her fingers at him and smiled and was gone in an instant.
“From your computer!” he called after her. Shit, that didn’t really make sense. His face heated up from the shame of it all; he ducked his head as Namjoon and Yoongi snickered at him.
But Taehyung pinched his ear hard and said, “Go after her, you fucking idiot.”
“That was bad, right?”
“That was bad, you should go talk to her. But keep it short, just apologize, you’re drunk.”
“I’m not.”
But when he stood, he definitely was. Still, he tucked his egg in his pocket to hold it there and stumbled through the bar, bumping into multiple people and mumbling apologies before he stepped outside. If she’d actually gone outside though, she’d already disappeared.
“Fuck,” he huffed and turned to go back inside, just as she came out the door.
“Hey drunky, are you looking for me?” she asked, crossing her arms and cocking her eyebrow. She looked very pretty when she was mad at him.
“Sorry,” he said.
“For avoiding me? Or for telling me to fuck off in front of your friends?”
“I didn’t, uh–” He shoved both hands into his pockets. She reached out and grabbed his sleeve, pulling him out of the doorway as two other people tried to get back in. The yank pulled him closer to her though and he wondered now how he hadn’t picked up her scent inside the bar; cinnamon and cloves, from working on those holiday garlands. She smelled fantastic. He wanted to bury his face in her hair. It looked soft and warm to be in.
“What do you do with the ice cubes?” he blurted out.
“The ice cubes in um, the porn you like… what do they uh– what do they do with them?”
The look she gave him revealed how crazy he sounded, but then she laughed, “Shit, are you avoiding me because you’re weird about the porn on my computer? What exactly did you see? I have a wide range of interests, it’s whatever. I’m a curious person!”
“Yeah, but I can do that.”
“Do what?”
“With the ice cubes. If you want. I mean, I can, I don’t mind the cold– but I don’t look like penguin men at all…” Her face was doing something funny he couldn’t quite follow. “I have a thing,” he said, trying to change.
“A… dick? I guessed that.”
“No. I mean, yes! But um, I mean, I have a thing I like and uh… maybe you can do that too…”
“What’s your uh… what’s your thing?” Her eyebrow was arched again, a dark line against her brown skin, and he wanted to smooth along it with her thumb. It was nice, her thick eyebrows.
“Yeah, I want to, um… put it in…”
“That big-ass blue egg you have?”
“No! Not that egg! A… a different thing…”
“You’re asking to put an egg in my pussy. That’s what’s happening right now? And what, just look at it, or then we fuck?”
Jungkook had blue-screened, that was for sure. His processor speed was lagging far behind Rana’s porn computer. He blinked at her for a moment, brain torn between trying to participate in this very important conversation and trying to conjure to view the things she had just said to him. The combination of but only if you want to and yes resulted in him barfing out,
“Uh huh.” She laughed. She laughed and looked away and shook her head, curls bouncing. He wanted to reach out and touch them but held himself back, squeezing his egg instead, so hard the glass fought against his fingerbones. “Ok, whatever, I’m game. Why don’t you text me tomorrow if you still want to when you’re not smashed?”
“I will.”
She giggled and shoved his arm, “Ok, good, go back inside, it’s cold and you left your coat.”
“I will.” He’d already said that. I’m game. Not quite an enthusiastic response but… but she was really willing to– maybe she didn’t understand what he was actually asking… but she’d fucking narrated it to him! You’re asking to put an egg in my pussy… then we fuck? Ok, I’m game.
She shoved him again and repeated, “Seriously, go inside. You offered dick, so don’t freeze it off.”
“You really want to? I’m not like the penguins in your porn.”
“You don’t know what’s in my porn, now go inside,” she said, and shoved him again, harder. He stumbled towards the door, but turned back in time to see the way she tugged her own curls and bit her lip. Cute. 
“Really? You want to?”
“Go!” she laughed. “I want to, all right? Now go!” 
He stumbled inside, back to his table, back to his friends, who only laughed at his expression and didn’t even ask him any questions.
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[Rana]: noot
[Jungkook]: bye
[Rana]: nooooo come back I’m sorry
[Rana]: ok ok I won’t noot at you again
[Jungkook]: pew pew pew
[Rana]: so this egg you want to put in my pussy how big is it? I realize I should have asked that 
[Jungkook]: it’ll fit
[Jungkook]: I don’t want to hurt you it’s not that kind of thing
[Rana]: ok that’s a relief because you know there are guys who get off on like watching women delivering a baby
[Jungkook]: no
[Jungkook]: fuck
[Jungkook]: gross
[Jungkook]: not that
[Rana]: ok ok so when are we doing this?
[Jungkook]: whenever
[Rana]: tomorrow?
[Jungkook]: yeah ok
He appreciated that she didn’t bring it up at lunch on Friday, which they ate together again. Nothing seemed at all unusual. But it was good she had texted that morning or he probably wouldn’t have been ballsy enough to meet her for lunch after his drunken behavior last night. Instead they had a perfectly normal, innocuous lunch eating spicy noodles until their noses ran and they kept coughing until they cried. He thought she might be able to handle spicy food better than he did, which he wouldn’t admit to but respected.
But they’d already talked, so what was her excuse to text him again later that night, while he was at the gym?
[Rana]: so are you looking for shaved or natural?
[Jungkook]: what?
[Rana]: pussy
[Jungkook]: I don’t care
[Rana]: really? 
[Jungkook]: really
[Rana]: okk
The anticipation of whether she’d show up shaved or natural kept him up all night. The anticipation of seeing what she looked like under all her clothes. The anticipation of finally getting to see in real life what he’d failed to have any cam girls follow through on. The anticipation of–
No, that was it, he was just excited about his kink. He filled the ice cube tray in the freezer so he could make good on his end of the deal, and went back to cleaning his room.
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Four days before Christmas, Rana showed up at his apartment at exactly the time he’d told her. Nine PM. Late enough he didn’t have to worry about what to feed her, early enough it wasn’t a weird time to have sex. Well, to have someone over for nothing but sex. 
“So this is your place, huh?” she grinned at him when he opened the front door. Yoongi was at a final late rehearsal or something. Chad and Steven were upstairs getting smashed with a couple other seagulls Steven knew from college. Taehyung was out on something he had said was not a date as he flew past and out the door a couple hours ago. “No one’s home?” she asked, eying the open and closed doors that splintered off from the disorganized living room.
“The mess is Steven’s fault,” Jungkook hurried to explain. “I don’t spend much time here.”
“At home?”
“In the living room –do you need water or anything?”
“Water would be nice,” she said, which he had not expected. He hurried to draw her a glass but in the meantime she’d wandered further and identified his room on her own. He didn’t want her in there without him, but realized he’d nervously drunk the water himself, and had to draw a second glass before scuttling after her.
Fortunately she had not immediately begun digging through the things on his shelf like he’d expected. Instead she just stood in the middle of the room, looking around.
“This is amazing,” she murmured. He’d already turned the lights on earlier, the blue soothing ones. Now he considered he might not be able to see well enough, when the whole point was seeing. He’d need to turn the bedside lamp on too… but was distracted from doing it just yet as she stood in the middle of the room, looking around the ceiling and walls as the waving blue lights cast waves on her face. “Fuck, it’s like we’re in a whole different place. I want lights like this!”
“Ah, it’s… um… easy to do…” he mumbled, as he closed the bedroom door, partly so no one would wander in and partly so she could get the full closed-off effect. Her dark eyes caught the light, like stars reflected on a black sea. For a moment time suspended. It felt like they’d jumped into a pool together, that’s the strange feeling Jungkook suddenly had, he found himself even holding his breath.
She stepped towards him and he stood taller, but she broke the moment by taking the water glass and stepping around him to his computer desk.
“Your egg has its own place! Of course,” she grinned, lifting it from its box. His stomach flipped and he stepped forward, certain she was going to toss it into the air she’d been respectful before. That’s what people always did when they held it. He understood it was a nice weight, and thwacked against your palm nicely when caught, but it was rude to just toss someone’s egg. 
Instead she turned and held it up, instantly noticing the similarities between the blown glass pattern and the lights.
“You’ve got a theme,” she mused. 
“It wouldn’t be the same if I used red lights or something,” he pointed out.
She laughed, “I suspect you’d get a lot less pussy if it looked like hell in here.”
“Still relieved this isn’t what you’re asking me to stick in my vag. I think I could take it but…” She looked at the egg, lips pursed.
He grabbed it out of her hand, disoriented by her comment and not wanting her to look at that egg like that, and reminded, “It’s not that one. It’s not like a… like a weird– I’m not attracted to this egg.”
“It’s a comfort object,” she said. “You don’t have to make it weird. People are allowed to have good luck charms. I don’t think it’s even that weird for there to be some wiggle room between heart comfort and sex comfort.”
“Yeah, like that I guess…” He passed it between his hands, enjoying the weight of it. Obviously he was allowed to do that because he knew he wouldn’t drop it. He realized she was watching his hands though and since he couldn’t read her mind, it made him nervous, so he turned around to return it to its box.
“Besides, I agreed to this kink of yours, so if I thought it was weird, I wouldn’t be here, huh? So you’ve got a toy kink. Who cares?” she said as he carefully put the glass egg back in its box, and then nudged it behind a framed photo of him and Taehyung taken years ago. He pursed his lips but didn’t say anything to that, not sure what to say. He didn’t think it was some weird thing! But did she think so and was just trying to reassure him? But then why was she here? Agreeing to this? It wasn’t so weird!
“So which egg is it?” she asked. 
He gestured behind him, “On the nightstand,” and only belatedly realized he’d set everything there –the toy in its bag, a bottle of lube, two water bottles, and a box of condoms. He’d cleaned the stack of unread manga, bottle caps, empty bottles of lotion and tubes of chapstick, mysterious cables, and soda cans earlier, and laid a hand towel down in case the lube leaked again. But now he looked at the nightstand through her eyes and saw the evidence of all his preparations for this. That was weird, right, that he’d prepared so much? 
She picked up the box of condoms and mused, “Hopeful, huh? You never said yes about fucking. All I agreed to was pulling an egg out of my pussy–”
“Ah! I was just restocking!”
“--And Mammoth Size, huh?”
“I…” The blood rushing in his ears drowned his thoughts. Obviously that was going to come up if at some point his own clothes came off, which wasn’t a guarantee, obviously. He didn’t really know what she wanted the end result of the ice cubes to be, so he’d wanted to be prepared, just in case. And she had mentioned fucking, she had! So… maybe he was hopeful… even if he didn’t have expectations… 
“Don’t look so sad about it. Are you?”
“Ah, it’s… I told you I’m not normal for a penguin…” He plucked at the fuzz on his flushed cheek.
“Well unlike your frail little penguin females, I can handle Mammoth…” She winked at him. 
“So, wait, you uh…” She did expect to have sex? Or, at least, handle it? His cheeks were no longer the only place his blood rushed, his body confused about whether to be embarrassed or anticipate this going further than he had hoped– not that he’d been hoping for sex with Rana but… but sex was great and it wasn’t like Rana was bad looking or anything and– She wasn’t wearing those ugly yellow leggings again but she had on bright orange ones that were still… distracting where they hugged her ass…
He was so lost in his own thoughts, he didn’t process what her hands were doing, even though he was staring right at her, until she shimmied her leggings down and stepped out of them. Her shirt caught on her hair as she pulled it over her head. She had on a purple bra and matching lacy panties that clung tight to every curve of her body. Her texts came back to him quite suddenly: shaved or natural? He was frozen to the spot, speechless. In five seconds, Rana had completely taken over the scene.
“We ready to get started?” she asked, picking up the little velvet bag with the toy in it. The back of the panties were sheer and he could see the whole curve of her ass through the gauzy fabric. Soft, round, firm, he didn’t really know the right words other than nice and he couldn’t tear his gaze away until she turned around. The bra was transparent too, he realized; big dark nipples showed between the lace. Jungkook swallowed and stood very still, but inside his heart pounded. Her smile didn’t help; she’d taken charge pulling her clothes off, and while he worried this was going to mean another disappointed when she didn’t do exactly what he was hoping for, fuck anything that tried to stop this moment. Whatever. He’d be happy with whatever happened here anyway because Rana was just…. Hot. In a good way. 
She sat on the edge of his bed, crossing her legs as she emptied the velvet bag into her hand and he had the urge to collapse by her knees and bury his face against the soft folds of her stomach. He’d kiss his way up and kiss his way down and–
“This hasn’t been used before, right?” she asked, looking up from the pink egg nestled in her palm, the black string curving down her wrist. 
“No!” he cried. “That’s… gross, no, I bought this just for you…”
“How sweet,” she smiled, teasing him. “Oh, and it vibrates too? Damn, you’re thoughtful!” She’d found the button on the bottom flat side; when pushed, the buzzing noise sounded impossibly loud in the otherwise quiet room. She discovered on her own there were other settings and cycled through them as he patted his pockets to find his phone to turn music on. She smiled at that too. “Ah, setting the mood.”
“The walls are, uh… the guy next door isn’t home– Yoongi, you met him. He’s not home tonight… but–”
“I’ll try not to be loud,” she winked.
“You can be as loud as you want,” he quickly corrected. “I mean, um… it’s fine. I put on music.”
“Well since this is a performance for you, do you like loud? Or quiet?”
“Um… whatever you’re…” He trailed off as she slid back on the bed, leaning back against his pillows and parting her legs. Just like that! She took the egg –buzz barely audible now– and slid it slowly across the fabric of her panties. And let out the softest moan.
Jungkook’s skin tingled. Realizing he was staring, he looked quickly away and licked his lips.
“What are you looking away for?” she laughed. “I’m doing this for you.” Fuck, even hearing her say that made his blood rush.
He looked again; she’d begun to stroke the egg back and forth. From halfway across the room, he couldn’t know whether she was wet or not yet. Was she nervous? She didn’t seem nervous. He was fucking nervous.
“I have lube,” he said, pointing to the nightstand.
“I saw,” she said. One of her hands lifted, thumbing her nipple through her bra. Her lips parted. “But I don’t think I’ll need it.”
“Oh, ok… just… don’t hurt yourself…” She bit her lip harder, like she was trying not to laugh. It briefly disrupted what he’d thought was a sensual look, to see her laughter peek through. Just as quickly she licked her lips and hummed over the buzz. Direct eye contact.
Spooked, he stepped back, standing in the middle of the room. This had moved so quickly. Fuck. He felt like she’d just gotten here but already she was on his bed, legs spread. One of her bra straps slid from her shoulder but she left it. 
“This is a strong little egg,” she sighed. “Don’t you want to sit?” He turned to grab his desk chair and she laughed, “Jungkook. On the bed. So you can see.”
“I can look?” he asked, stupid right now because his brain was going crazy. He wanted things to slow down so he could enjoy it but he also wanted to hurry it up because this was intolerably erotic. He wasn’t inexperienced! She wasn’t even totally naked! Why did he suddenly feel like he’d never been near a half-naked woman before?
“That’s why I’m here.”
“Ah, I just don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
“I want you to look, Jungkook,” she said. “That’s why I’m here. I want to know you’re enjoying the show.”
“I am,” he said. He narrowly avoided his voice cracking. He decided she was right though, it was awkward to stand, so he sat on the foot of the bed.
He’d just settled when her fingers dipped beneath the elastic and pulled her panties to the side so the egg could press into the lips of her pussy –bare there, but with dark curls at the top. So she’d done both. Mystery solved. He knew the answer now, no more wondering. He wanted to fall into her pussy, wanted to just shove the egg out of the way and bury his face there. Her moans were doing that to him; he couldn’t stand the little chirpy sighs as the egg slid through her folds, pressing deeper.
He’d missed her pressing a finger into herself, blinded momentarily by the desire to devour her. But there it was, as her other hand held her panties to the side and the egg away. It buzzed more loudly, angry sounding, like it too wanted to be close to her again.
“I’ll cum too quick,” she said, her smile briefly softer than the sultry way she’d been since she arrived. “The way you’re looking at me…”
“I’m glad you like this,” she said. “Otherwise I’d feel silly–”
“Don’t feel silly,” he insisted. “It’s… good.”
“Hm. Just good, huh?” A second finger joined the first and he desperately wanted to replace them with his own. But he’d fingered women before, he’d seen them stretch themselves like this, this was all build up to the thing he’d been dreaming of for so long, and he couldn’t let his own runaway desire ruin that for himself. He might never find someone like Rana again, willing to do something like this for him. 
“Feels better than good to me,” she said, eyes closing as her fingers curled. He bit his tongue so as not to offer: want me to do that? It would ruin everything, he was sure of that. Rana was beyond him right now, so beautiful like this, untouchable. 
She shuffled the egg back into place, pressing slowly for a moment, letting out a low hum. She roamed it up and down. Pushing harder as slowly, slowly the egg disappeared until the thickest part was inside her. And then her pussy swallowed the rest of the egg, just pulled it right in as she sighed. One moment it was there and then there was only the black string dangling from her pussy lips.
“Fuck,” he breathed. His cock throbbed at how quickly she’d taken it, the whole egg. Or had minutes passed? Time was meaningless right now, measured only by his erratic heartbeat.
“Told you I wouldn’t need lube,” she grinned. 
“It doesn’t hurt?”
“It’s not that big,” she said. “Bet you’re bigger than the egg.” She arched her eyebrow and his hand pressed to his crotch, worried she could see his hardon and would be bothered by it. Instead she ran her hands up her body, pushing her hair back from her collarbones, then up on top of his pillows. “Feels good in there…” She rocked her hips a couple times, working the egg around inside her, obliterating Jungkook’s brain. “This is the thing now, huh? You want me to slowly pull it out?”
“Um… yeah… or… whatever you want…” His mouth was so fucking dry right now. His balls were stealing every bit of moisture from his body as she tugged her panties aside again. She curled the black string around her index finger and tugged. It required more effort than he’d expected; her pussy didn’t just let it slip out, but gradually her lips parted and the curved bottom of the egg emerged. She went slow, taking her time, stroking her clit at the same time. He stole a glance at her face, only to see she was watching him. That embarrassed him, so that he almost missed the final tug. The egg swung away, then slapped back against her. 
“Again?” she asked.
He hesitated. That was good. It was really good to watch and it made his body ache with want but also… was that it? He felt like there was supposed to be something more to it. She hadn’t seemed particularly to enjoy pulling it out, which he hadn’t thought of as an important part of it until right now. 
“Does it feel good?” he asked her. 
“Can you cum?” The word fell like lead to the ground; he couldn’t believe he’d just said that to Rana. All of this was weird, doing this with Rana. But it wasn’t Rana, was it? Whoever she’d become once she entered his bedroom and took off her clothes, she was– this was ok with her. She locked smug but so far not like she was laughing at him.
Her straight-forward answer put him at ease, “If I fuck myself with it, sure.”
He choked. Now she laughed, but it didn’t sound cruel.
“You want to watch me cum with this?”
“Aren’t you going to like, jerk off while I do this? Or just watch?”
“Just watch,” he said quickly, then, “Is that ok?”
“Yeah yeah, it’s ok.” She changed the vibration pattern and pressed it against herself, then let her panties go so she could push her hair back again. The fabric held the egg snug in place, a little bump nestled against what must be such a wet, warm place right now. Again Jungkook felt that desperate urge to reach forward, to touch, to taste, to take.
“Just… promise this is sexy to you?” she said suddenly. “I’m all in if it is, but you’re not like… having me on or… Nevermind.” He hadn’t even said anything, but his expression seemed to have convinced her. Fuck, was his face doing something weird? Was he enjoying this too much? He leaned away, but couldn’t keep his gaze away from the egg in her panties. Fuck, that was good, just knowing it was there. 
“Does that feel good like that?” he asked, gesturing to the egg. 
“Hm… Yeah, it’s nice. Not like I’m going to cum from it there, it’s not near my clit. It’s just… soothing. You ever just sit with your hand down your pants?”
“Uh… yeah, I guess…”
She grinned at his answer, body curling forward as she undid her bra. He cleared his throat and moved on the bed, sitting cross-legged so his aching boner could have more space. He was glad for the dark fabric, so she wouldn’t be able to see the wet spot where his dick leaked, desperate for even a little pressure relief. He did not give it. 
Her tits swung free of the bra, larger than he’d expected, and again he had to stop himself from diving forward to touch, to catch them like they were fragile and would break on impact after that fall. She tossed her bra to the side and cupped them herself, fingers rolling the flesh, brushing across the dark nipples. 
“Sorry,” she said. “The lace was kind of scratchy…”
“Are you apologizing for taking your bra off?”
“You right, nevermind. Enjoy the view.” She rocked her hips again, nudging the egg in her panties. He wanted to do that for her. He wondered what she’d do if he just reached forward and pressed on the bump, if he would have to press hard to push it back into her or if it would slide right in. 
“Yeah, you too,” he mumbled, because she’d said something and he couldn’t quite remember what.
“Huh?” At his blank stare, she laughed, “Baby, you’re really into this, huh?” The shame hit him like a flash, but she just bit her lip and admitted, “I’ve never felt this sexy before. This is cool.” Her thumbs hooked into her panties and she lifted her hips to pull them down. Ok. Ok, she wasn’t laughing at him.
“You’re very sexy,” he said, trying to push past the moment.
“You think so?”
“You’re beautiful.”
She froze, panties down to her knees, and he worked to recall what he’d just said that would make her stop like that. Her soft smile quickly shifted into that teasing one he knew so well.
“You’re just saying that because I’m naked with my legs open in your bed.”
“That helps.”
“Jungkook!” she laughed. The panties came the rest of the way off and joined her other clothes on the ground. There was something sexy about seeing her clothes strewn across his rug like that, but he didn’t linger long on the thought. The egg had fallen onto his comforter but she picked it up and changed the pattern again. 
“Ok, you want me to fuck myself with this? Or cum with it inside me and then pull it out? Or what?”
“Uh, whatever you want–”
“No, I’m putting on a show for you. What do you want? I can’t do what you want if you don’t tell me.”
“Cum with it inside you,” he blurted out. “Then pull it out. I want to see that.”
She nodded and pressed it to her clit again, but startled and gasped, “Ouch! Too strong…” She clicked through a few settings until she found the one she wanted. Jungkook leaned his elbows on his knees, becoming less embarrassed to watch now as she stroked it up and down her slit. He thought she must be getting the dark curls wet and recalled now that she hadn’t used lube. The slick was all hers, shiny when the light hit it as she rolled her hips.
The egg disappeared into her again, accompanied by that high sigh. Her finger pushed it in, then wrapped in the cord and pulled it out again, less slowly than before. The egg was shiny too, and probably warm. Jungkook clasped his hands to keep from grabbing his own cock, trying to enjoy the painful ache because he was getting to see this for real. 
“Oh,” she sighed, swirling the egg up to her clit and then back down and in. One of her hands lifted to her chest, rubbing her own skin, squeezing her tit, thumb brushing across her wide nipple. Jungkook’s hips jerked instinctively as the egg went back inside and out again. Did he really prefer this to fucking her? Would she let him? If he crawled forward and pushed the egg away could he just slide into– but the sight of the egg sliding into and out of her pussy, the grip of her lips around its thick curves, was so fucking good that he also never wanted to move. The ache of want was euphoric. Wanting, apparently, was part of the thrill; he hadn’t known that until right now, when he felt such strong want but didn’t let himself move. He wanted to suck at her tit, and pull the curls between her legs, and push her down and fuck her and kiss her and watch that egg sliding in and out of her and listen to that moan of hers until he died from not cumming. 
“Oh shit,” she gasped, voice sounding lighter and higher. “I’m going to cum soon. You really aren’t going to fuck me instead?”
“Keep going,” he said, barely noting that his voice sounded just as strained. 
“You won’t touch me at all?”
“Please just cum,” he said. 
“You’re so goddamn polite,” she laughed, eyes closed and head rolling back, exposing her neck to him, begging to be kissed and sucked on. He knew that. He knew it and knew too that she was close and never had anything been so important as watching her orgasm on display for him like this, this incredible moment, he couldn’t miss it for anything, not even to finally grab his own cock, begging for release in his boxers. 
In and out and up and around the egg went, the slick, lewd noises of her pussy audible over the low music. She switched her hands and her fingers lifted juice to smear across her chest as she rubbed; he wanted to lick it off. 
“Oh fuck,” she whined, and pushed the egg deep and pushed her chest out and grabbed the blanket and pressed a hand to her clit like it was the button to make her cum. Her knees shook as she cried out, mouth open and head tossed back. Jungkook had never seen anything like it, the way her pussy pulsed around that black string. Jungkook’s hand slid quickly into his pants, clenching tight around the base of his cock to keep from spilling everywhere; he squeezed and held his breath and tried so fucking hard not to cum as she grabbed the string and pulled. She hadn’t waited long and flinched as the bulk of the egg pulled out past muscles that must be tender after orgasm. Fuck, that was hot, so that was so fucking hot, and the egg, he realized, was not just shiny but streaked with cream too.
“Let me see it,” he stammered out, finally crawling forward and taking the egg from her. Her breath was short, chest lifting quickly, hair sticking to her neck and around her ears. She watched him with curiosity. He’d only meant to take the egg and feel the weight and warmth, but when her cream touched his hand, he couldn’t help but lick it. Her taste on the egg was better than he’d expected, so he swirled his tongue around the silicone surface more before realizing the source was right there in front of him. He gripped the egg in his hand and leaned forward, pressing his mouth between her legs, and licked.
“Oh fuck,” she gasped, and took hold of his head but just held as he did it, devoured her like he’d held off doing, licked every drop from her folds and curls and down into her hole. She gasped and whined, a little light noise that had him automatically rocking his hips against the mattress. He stopped as soon as he realized what he was doing, but it was too late. With his face buried in her pussy, he came right in his pants, cock emptying of all she’d teased into him with this little egg performance of hers. 
For a brief moment he hoped she hadn’t realized what just happened. But then her fingers began to stroke in his hair.
“There, feel better?” she asked quietly. “You must have been rock hard worked up, huh?”
He pulled sheepishly away from her, but her hands just tugged his head to her belly, as if she had read his mind earlier. And for one, brief moment, he let his head rest there, his chest soaking up the warmth from her body, his face wet with the wonderful taste of her. 
But the discomfort in his pants quickly pulled him to his senses, and he yanked away.
“Hm?” She grinned at him and sat up, bringing her legs together coyly. 
“I, um… sorry I just…”
“Liked it? A lot?” Her smile scared him though, that she was having him on. That she found him pathetic. That she was laughing at him.  
Quickly he pushed up from the bed, mumbling, “I’ll get the uh, ice and be right back…”
He needed to change his pants and get the ice cubes and cool off for a minute because his head was spinning and he didn’t want her to think he was a total idiot anymore than she probably already did. Fuck, that had been weird, right? Jesus, she definitely thought he was a freak right now, and the only thing he knew was to really go big for her kink and make sure she also felt this blend of euphoria and embarrassment afterwards. Because ice cubes were weird, right? That was definitely as weird or weirder than his thing. Like who wanted ice cubes near their junk?
He waddled uncomfortably to the bathroom and cleaned up, balling his ruined boxers  to toss into his laundry hamper. Chad was in the kitchen, unfortunately, and eyed him skeptically as he pulled the ice cube tray out of the freezer. The rush of cold air felt good against his flushed face and chest right now, and if Chad hadn’t been there, he probably would have stuck his whole head to get the blood back into his brain. 
“You got a girl in your room?” Chad asked, eyes narrowed.
Jungkook just looked at Chad as he closed the freezer door and turned away.
“Who is she? You’ve never brought a girl here before.”
“Because I have annoying roommates,” Jungkook said, and slid into his room and closed the door before Chad could peck at him further.
Rana still sat naked on the bed, though curled up now against the headboard with his blanket tugged around her. 
“Everything ok?” she asked, like he’d just slipped out to take a call or something. 
“I got the ice.”
“Oh. The ice?”
He frowned, bothered to realize she thought that of him, and insisted, “Yeah… we’re not done just because I, um... I thought we had an agreement?”
“An agreement,” she repeated with a smile. “If that’s what you want to call it… so formal, do you need to get your tux and tails on?”
He twisted the plastic tray to pop the ice cubes free and took two in his hands. A few of the others shattered into clumps of ice dust and shards and impulsively he scooped some of them into his mouth.
“Wait, I want some too,” Rana said, reaching forward and doing the same. “I love when it gets all crackly like that.”
“Oh.” He froze. “You have, um… ice preferences?” He glanced at the cubes sitting in his palm, slowly melting. He hadn’t thought of that. The porn he found during his research just always showed ice cubes.
“For eating? Yeah.”
“Oh, ok, for eating.” He sat on the bed, mouth open as he crunched the ice. She did the same, but with added giggles. It was pretty funny, the ice crunching after… all that had just happened. But when she shivered, the blanket falling away, he thought it was a little less funny.
“Ok if there’s anything specific you want, you can tell me,” he said, shifting on his knees and pressing the cubes between his palms. They melted quickly, sharp corners pressing into his warm palms and fingers as water trailed down his wrist. “Or if you don’t like something, tell me.”
Her eyes went very big, but her lips curled into a smile that made her look more excited than fearful, which was good.
“What are you going to do to me?” she asked. Her lips pouted and briefly looked so kissable that he almost forgot himself. Instead he hurried to cover the way he’d begun to lean for it in by lifting his hands. She instinctively leaned back against the pillows, head tilting curiously as he held his hands over her chest. The water that had been dribbling down his wrist now fell like rain drops on her chest. He opened his palms more and the pooled water escaped, beading on her skin and sliding down between her tits. 
The sight was so mesmerizing that Jungkook forgot to look at her face to see how she felt about it. He squeezed the ice harder, willing it to melt faster, unbothered by the cold burn against his own skin. He lifted his hands higher, letting droplets fall into the hollows of her collarbones. He glanced at her face then, noting her parted lips and hooded eyes. 
Alarmed by that urge to kiss her again, he fished out two more ice cubes to melt. Her skin goosebumped under the water droplets, nipples pebbling. He tried to drip water directly on them and watched with delight as it beaded and slid down. Her stomach twitched when he moved further down, until water created rivulets down her sides, into her navel, and finally into the hair between her legs. He’d never felt so powerful, [painting goosebumps on her skin like that.
It was way, way hotter than Jungkook had been prepared for. She hadn’t said a word but watched him as he grabbed two more ice cubes. This time though, she grabbed his hands before they melted and pressed his hands to her tits, ice cubes directly to her nipples.
“Fuck,” she gasped. “It’s so cold…” His hands on her skin made his own tingle, made his mouth run dry, made his cock twitch in his sweatpants. Her skin was warm around the ice, soft around the hard edges of the cubes, pillowed in his hands as he leaned closer, pressing harder. She let out a gasping breath and sat up, opening her knees so that Jungkook had to move and settle between them. The ice melted quickly against her skin, so the next two he moved more quickly, sliding the cubes up and down her chest, around her navel, further down– 
“Don’t you dare,” she grinned, laughing, biting her lip. Her lip was so soft looking. He pressed an ice cube to it and groaned when she closed her mouth around the ice, catching his finger too until he pulled it away. 
“You’re thinking about it,” she mused as he swirled the remaining ice cube lower on her belly. 
“I want to,” he admitted.
She pushed his hand lower herself, slipping the ice cube right down across her slit. The cold made her hiss and then cry out and arch her back and bite down on the ice cube between her teeth. He started to pull it away, apologetic, but she grabbed his hand and held it there, twisting and gasping.
“Isn’t it too cold?” he asked, mesmerized by her response.
“It’s so fucking cold,” she laughed. Then spit a chunk of ice into her hand and pressed it to his stomach. He hissed at the cold, at the sharp sting of it against his otherwise flushed skin. The shock of it traveled up his spin. He wanted to kiss her. He leaned forward again, almost doing it, instead pressing her back into the pillows. Now she joined him in the exploration, taking ice from the tray, sliding it over his skin as he’d done to her. And fuck it if it wasn’t one of the sexiest things a woman had ever done to him… maybe the sexiest? Yes, yes definitely the sexiest, as she traced the cubes in her hands over his chest and around each nipple and along his collarbones and around to his back and down his spine. The cold felt good, a welcome relief to the heat between their bodies, and yet the pins where it touched stung. The combination made his head spin.
“Take your pants off,” she said and he did, wriggling out of them only for her to slide an ice cube down beneath his balls.
“Fuck!” he cried out, met with her warm smile. Her other hand stroked his length and he jumped, prepared for ice, but it was just the wet cold left on her skin that transferred. Cold enough to confuse his cock, but not enough to dampen it. “Fuck,” he said again, more quietly, trapped now in her dark gaze and the stroke of her hand and how desperate he was to–
She kissed him, lifting up to claim his mouth, but he followed her down, head swimming as his arms slid around her to hold her close to his chest as she finally let the ice fall away from his balls. Her mouth was sweet like a fruit, he wasn’t sure what kind but he was hungry for it. He grunted against her lip as her hand continued to stroke his cock between their bodies, strong fingers with a light touch fondling every bump just right. He didn’t feel like he could hold her close enough, he wanted to be inside her, he didn’t want her hand to stop, he couldn’t believe this was Rana kissing him like this. Had anyone ever even kissed him before? Had no woman in his past actually wanted to kiss him? This felt so different…
She pushed against his chest suddenly and he immediately leaned back, but she just followed, rolling over him so that now he was on his back and she sat on his stomach, warm wet pussy pressed beneath his naval. His eyes went wide with surprise as her hands planted on his chest, pressing her tits together, showing off the whole curve of her body perched on him. Her lips were swollen but smiling. She was so fucking beautiful and he wanted to fuck her so badly he couldn’t even see straight. Boldly he lifted his hands to her chest, cupping and squeezing. He wasn’t sure if he pulled her forward or she leaned forward but her nipples were as delicious beneath his tongue as he’d hoped, every bit as good as the moans that poured from her lips over his head.
“Jungkook,” she gasped. “Jungkook, is it time yet? I want you in me now–”
He promptly rolled her over again so he could grab the condom box from his nightstand. He would never make a beautiful woman ask twice. His body buzzed with anticipation as he sat back on his heels to tear the condom from the foil, trying not to notice the way she stared. She’d said the size of him wasn’t unappealing… When she reached out to touch him again, fingers curling around to grip him, he nearly dropped the condom. She took it from his hand and rolled it down his length herself.
“Be sure to pinch the–”
“I know how to use a condom,” she assured him, mouth reaching for his again, knee lifting. He didn’t realize what she was doing until she sank down onto him, perched right there on his lap, her arms twisting around his shoulders. 
“Oh fuck you’re big,” she gasped against his mouth.
“Sorry. Sorry, I–”
“No, it’s good, it’s good,” she murmured, still kissing him, never stopping with the kisses. Her tits were so soft and warm against his chest as his cock reached deeper and deeper, her whole body rocking to pull him in. He could grip her ass this way, and found himself pulling her, dragging her along his length. The deep groans that vibrated in her chest were so perfectly matched with his own and the hint that this felt as good to her as it did to him was mind-blowing. 
They rocked together until he couldn’t take it a moment longer and pushed her onto her back, hiking her leg up so he could try and keep the depth. She laughed, which threw him off at first, even though she was beautiful like that, head back, head fanned across his pillow, all teeth. It threw his pace off, trying to figure out if she was laughing at him; that was going to quickly steal his boner.
“Tired, baby?” she teased, and pushed him again, rolling him over again, sitting on top of him again except this time planted on his dick. Her whole body rolled as she rode, something he had never experienced with a woman. He was mesmerized. Sweat beaded along her hairline, shimmered across her chest. He wanted more ice for her but the pleasure was too much to move through, he could only curl forward, holding his breath as lights flashed on the insides of his eyeballs. She grabbed his face and kissed him and bucked on him. There was no point in resisting. He grabbed her hips, making her do that again as the muscles in his abdomen wound tighter and tighter and then release, beautiful release as he cried out and flooded the condom to the sound of her high gasps. Instinct took over again and he rolled over with her tight in his arms and pressed deep, holding himself deep in her through the last of his release. Her kicking legs startled him until he realized she’d gone silent and then let out a long, sliding cry and went limp. 
“Yes,” she gasped, chest heaving, sticky skin grabbing at sticking skin. “Yes, yes, yes.” She pulled him down on her, kissing him again, and he was too obliterated to do anything else except kiss her back, lazier by the second. 
At long last they melted down into the mattress, sweaty sides pressed together. He could still hear his own breathing over the music, but hers settled until he thought she was asleep. 
Instead she suddenly pushed him and said, “I have to pee or I’m just going to pass out. Fuck, you fuck good.” She leaned down, kissing him aggressively, then hopped over him and was gone from the room in a blink. He lay there a moment before realizing he didn’t know if she was naked or not, just wandering around his apartment.
“Fuck, Chad!” he gasped, and leapt out of bed too. He had a condom to deal with anyway, and clutched a shirt against his crotch to hold everything there as he rushed from the room–
To find Rana casually standing by the bathroom in his fluffy black bathrobe, arms crossed, chatting easily with Taehyung. He didn’t get to hear what they had been saying because she broke off when she saw him, grinning that mischievous smile again before she simply slid into the bathroom and shut the door, leaving him standing there ass-naked.
Taehyung just gave him a smug smile and an actual thumb’s up and swerved into his room, door shut.
Rana took a long time in the bathroom. She was smiling still when she came out, eyes sparkling even though it was just the hallway light, not some movie set or whatever, but she just looked like that. She giggled at his lack of attire and maybe at his playfully impatient sigh and dragged her hand along his chest.
“All yours, big boy.”
“It’s already my bathroom,” he grumbled, flustered at such a stupid nickname. Big boy, like that was a good thing. How many times had a date –if he even got that far– recoiled and grimaced why is it that big? or gasped I thought you were a penguin?! As if he didn’t know he was weird for a penguin, all the way down to his dick! 
His sulk left him unprepared for the smack on his ass, or Rana’s titter, “Ooh, that was nice. Clean up and I’ll do it again…”
Flustered, he slid into the bathroom and slammed the door.
By the time he returned to his bedroom, Rana had made an absolute nest of his bed. The blanket and sheet were completely untucked and shuffled around, the pillows turned, and she’d bunkered down in the middle of it.
He paused, because he hadn’t expected her to spend the night, and because she’d pulled on his shirt. She peeked up at him from the blankets.
“Don’t worry, there’s room for you! I’m cold now, so hurry up.”
Well he wasn’t going to tell her to leave after she’d just done all that for him, and maybe sleeping next to her would be nice anyway. So he said nothing as he joined, smiling at her laugh when they wrestled over how to get the blankets to lay so that his feet were covered and she had a double layer over her body.
“You need more blankets,” she said.
“No, I get hot when I sleep.”
“Well I get cold.”
“Not with me.” He’d just meant because his body heat would obviously heat the bed, but he felt like she’d maybe heard something else by the way she smiled and curled closer to him, tucking herself in right under his arm. So she wasn’t going to just spend the night she wanted to snuggle. He felt that panicky feeling in his gut, like he’d had the first time a naked woman had slept with him. He’d been twenty-one and she certainly hadn’t snuggled like this. Rana wasn’t even naked! She was wearing his shirt. It looked better on her. Her hair was everywhere and kind of tickly but soft and nice too.
“You’re right, you’re so warm,” she whispered. He was thinking the same thing about her though, and how nice her hair smelled, and how strangely comforting it was to have someone nestled in his arm like that. 
“Hey,” she whispered again. “Do you sleep with those blue lights on?”
“You want them off?”
“No, it’s cool. I just want to make sure you aren’t going to move again; I’m very comfortable now.”
“I won’t move.” As soon as he said it, he realized he hadn’t plugged his phone in. He didn’t even know where it was in the room. But he wasn’t going to move after he’d just said he wouldn’t, and her hand curled on his chest was enough to hold him down.
“Did I do ok at that thing you liked?”
His snort made her head bounce on his chest, in utter disbelief she would even ask that. It was so far beyond anything he had imagined. He realized now how stupid he had been to ever think a cam girl could fulfill this fantasy for him. Through a screen? No. No, seeing the woman enjoying herself for him alone was so important to it. Hearing the lewd sounds of her enjoyment, feeling the warmth of her pussy lingering in the egg afterwards, licking the results of her release from it… Shit, he was going to get hard again. Impossible, but it was going to happen if he thought of this. Wasn’t it obvious he’d been overwhelmed by how quickly he’d cum, and how eager he’d been for more? The egg play had led to the best sex of his life, by far.
“Better than I imagined it,” he admitted, blushing to his ears as he admitted it. But the quiet and dark and exhaustion felt like a safe place to admit that.
“Yeah,” she agreed. “All of this was better than I imagined it.”
That pleased him, that he’d done well with the ice cubes even though he wasn’t quite sure about it. He couldn’t find the words though because his body was wrung out now after two brain-draining orgasms. So he just nodded. She giggled against his chest, warm breath against his skin. She curled closer.
“So you imagined it a lot, huh?”
“Go to sleep, Rana.”
“Ok ok…” Her giggles weaving through the low music still playing were the warm sounds that put him to sleep. 
Around two, he woke up in a blind panic, realizing he’d fallen asleep without his egg within easy reach. Rana had woven herself so tightly around him that it was work to disentangle himself. He wound up getting a glass of water too, absolutely parched, before collecting his egg. He hesitated beside the bed though… Would Rana laugh at him if she realized he slept with the egg like a teddy bear? She would. She definitely would.
But the thing about Rana’s laugh is that it never felt cruel, even when she was directly laughing at something you said or did.  
So he slid it under the pillow and hunkered back down with her. Almost immediately though her arm swept under the pillow, lips smacking in her sleep. He tried to push her hair out of her face but it bounced back. He wanted to kiss her again, maybe just a little one on the forehead. Which startled him, because that wasn’t part of the deal they’d made, to kiss, or to keep kissing, or even to spend the night. Rana, he thought, was one of those people who’d take until you told her to stop. She was, after all, a thief. Maybe not just for items, but for things like time and familiarity too. Maybe this had been a mistake, he suddenly worried. Was she just casual and comfortable? Or was she… you know… getting attached.
To him? The idea was insane even in his own mind. He didn’t know what kind of guys Rana liked but he doubted he was it. 
She’d managed to scoop the egg down to rest against her tit, so that when Jungkook lay beside her, it was pressed between them. It was a fantasy he’d never have told her or anyone else, but there it was. He was so soft for it, he couldn’t do anything rash in the moment, like wake her up and tell her to go. That would be an asshole thing to do anyway. Especially after she’d cum on an egg for him and ridden him like that –yet another thing no self-respecting penguin would allow, much less enjoy. And yet…
He draped his arm over her waist and tugged the blanket up to make sure she was warm, and fell back asleep as their shared body heat warmed his blue egg.
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hallucinatio · 3 years ago
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                   TEA’S DISCORD JJBA RP SERVER
Interested? Awesome! As the header states I run a JOJO rp group on Discord! We are now accepting OCS!
This Role Play group is an active non fancy, not too strict and chill rp group full of nice role players who are here to have fun. We have all sorts of channels for your needs and add more and every day. NO MINORS! Lie you will be instantly blocked and banned and I myself will block you on Tumblr as well.
Now to the fun stuff! To join you must add  ୨୧ꜱᴇʀᴀᴘʜʏ୨୧#6823 on Discord. This is to avoid trolls and porn blogs! Don’t worry I’m a friendly I swear ^^
Here are the taken canon characters;
Joseph Joestar, Narancia Ghirga, Trish Una, Diavolo, Formaggio, Illuso, Melone, Weather Report, Anasui, Diego Brando, Hot Pants, Gyro Zeppeli, Wekapipo, Magenta Magenta,
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