#gynecologist albedo
magicalink · 2 years
New Year's Resolutions
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Updated for 2024!
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1. Finish these fics:
Catboys in the house ch 2 (venti x reader x xiao) Done! Read here: 💚
Gynecologist Albedo? Done! Read here: 💛
The Inazuman noblewoman and her butler (Scara x reader) 40% complete
Kazuha and Y/N's first time together! 80% complete!
Sex while high with Kazuha (Kazuha x reader) 50% complete!
Random threesome scene Venti x Xiao x reader 80% complete!
Xiao is willing to give you a baby?! (Xiao x reader) 70% complete!
Fucking with Scara in an alley (Scara x reader) 80% complete!
2. Post requests:
Just what do you think you're doing?? (Ei catches Kuni and Y/N having sex)
Cyno's NSFW Alphabet (On the making)
Al Haitham's NSFW Alphabet (lacking inspo but I'm trying)
3. Empty my drafts tab
4. Answer asks
5. Create playlists:
For Assembled Love
For Better Find Husbandos (One for Y/N, for Venti, for Xiao, for Scara and for Albedo separately. I have the list of songs I just have to make the playlist)
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yandere-romanticaa · 3 years
Warnings, nsfw, gynecologist! Albedo, Fem! s/o, abuse of authority and power, a bit of misogyny, Albedo just being a massive perv! Is this dub con or non con? I dunno the difference?
Tagging @albedosangel bc you love this boy and @cinnamonest because you know your shit when it comes to this stuff and I'm super inexperienced with this ;)
I've been having thoughts about this AU and I can totally see Albedo pulling a nasty stunt like this! Maybe he's a still college student or he's a full fledged and respected doctor, everyone in his field knows him. He's already so good looking, of course all the ladies know him! It's not uncommon for a few more unruly patients to try getting into his pants but he always puts them all in their places, keeping the relationship purely professional. All of those other women are just patients in his eyes, or just scantily clad whores that are just begging to get some attention of the opposite sex, even if they do profusely deny it. "I don't need a man" they say, "I can take care of myself, I'm just doing this so I can have some fun!" he hears them screech every single day behind his office walls.
Liars, the lot of them.
He sighs to himself daily, pinching the bridge of his nose as his blue eyes flare up in frustration as he angrily scribbles down notes in his notebook.
None of those disgusting women could ever compare to his favorite little patient, not a single one.
You're different than them, you're so much better and prettier, can't you see that? Can't you feel him staring at you, how his eyes hungrily eat up every little nook and cranny he possibly can? How he always touches you, but you always brush it off as just him just doing his job?
How cute, how naive of you.
He wants to devour you.
Don't be surprised if he starts telling you to come for a check up almost daily, him telling you in that monotone voice of his that you're not healthy, your period flow is too heavy, amongst other things. You do your best to reassure him that it's fine, that this flow is normal for you but he always gives you that look of his, that look that always leaves your throat dry and body sweaty. He knows what's best, he's the doctor right? Therefore, be a good little patient and listen to him, don't be stupid and go looking up crazy things on the internet, who knows what you'll come across? You're so impressionable good grief, he really needs to spell everything out for you doesn't he?
You lie down on the table as per usual, but something feels off about him today. The intensity in his eyes is hard to ignore, and his normally bored voice has this sort of edge to it. He practically commands you to spread your legs, his eyes never blinking as he stares at your half naked body. You're so close next to him, you can feel his cold, gloved fingers nearing your entrance, but he's so slow with it, it almost feels sensual.
Out of instinct, you try and shut your legs but you can feel his shoulders keeping them in place, trapping you in your current pose. He tells you to stay still, to trust him, he's your doctor for goodness sake, he knows what he's doing...
You gasp when you feel his fingers inside of you, his gaze never leaving you alone.
Your future check ups will be a little more messed up from this day forward.
This all your fault you know. He likes cute little things, you shouldn't have tempted him like this. You were so easy to take too, and he finally took his chance.
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merakiui · 3 years
obgyn albedo ;) pop off with this my liege
your previous gynecologist retired, and with a baby on the way, a low paying job, and kaeya(your crazy ex-boyfriend), you quickly choose another clinic close to you in a hurry to make your next appointment.
your new doctor, mr. keideprinz(although he insists you call him by his first name, albedo) is warm and friendly. always ready to answer any question you might have about your pregnancy, always there with a soft smile to ask about your day.
shamefully, you'd admit that the favorite part of your appointments is when he checks your cervix, thrusting his long, lithe fingers deeply into your hole to make sure everything's fine and well. you moaned the first time he did it, and while he laughed it off, saying that it's completely normal for you to feel more sexual desires during your pregnancy, you remained mortified about it to this day.
one day, though, you talk to some of his other patients in the waiting room to gush about him, only to find that their experiences with him are much, much different than yours. apparently, he's ice cold with them, only ever speaking to them when needed, and their appointments are always rushed. it's like a total personality switch, you think.
you brush their words off, because surely albedo couldn't have favorites, right?
I am absolutely going to pop off.
(cw: yandere, nsfw, female reader, pregnancy, implied baby-trapping and past toxic relationship with kaeya, stalking, abuse of power/trust)
You're very anxious when you meet with your new ob-gyn for the first time. Your previous doctor was female and she was always very respectful towards you. Not that this new one wouldn't be the same, of course. You’re certain he’s not as bad as your anxiety is making him out to be. It’s been rough trying to find someone you’d feel comfortable around after your previous doctor retired. But you’ve heard from a friend that he’s a great doctor—very intelligent and kind; cares about his patients’ health. He truly listens to his patients and knows just what to say and how to answer their questions. And if your friend is giving him such high praise, why wouldn’t you believe them? So you schedule to meet with him and hope for the best.
And it really is the best. He’s everything your friend said he’d be. He answers all of your questions honestly and is very upfront about everything. He even tells you that he understands your apprehension towards him, considering you may not be used to having a male ob-gyn. It’s completely okay to feel that way. If you’d prefer a female ob-gyn, he can refer you to a few wonderful ones he knows. By the end of the meeting, you’re sold. You felt very comfortable around Dr. Kreideprinz throughout the whole meeting, so you suppose it wouldn’t hurt to schedule an appointment. So you do and he tells you that he looks forward to working with you on your exciting journey.
The first appointment goes by smoothly. Albedo and you run through simple, friendly introductions before he gets right into it. You’re a little awkward at first, but it’s only because you’re not used to interacting with a male ob-gyn. He assures you that your hesitance isn’t misplaced and that this is a procedure he must do with all of his patients. You’re in good hands, so you needn’t worry. He tells you that if you feel uncomfortable at any point during the check-up, just tell him and he’ll stop so that you can take a moment to gather yourself.
He takes your weight, height, and blood pressure. Draws blood and has you do a urine test. Asks you questions related to how you’ve been feeling physically and emotionally. Any issues he should be aware of? Have you been sleeping and eating well? He’ll make sure to go over healthy diets with you so that you can eat foods that are good for both you and your baby. When it comes time for the more invasive exams, like checking your cervix and examining your breasts to make sure everything is healthy, you’re a little embarrassed. He’s so calm about the entire thing, telling you in a gentle voice to relax. Although you’re absolutely mortified when he places one hand on your abdomen and then slips two gloved fingers inside you and you let an accidental, quiet moan out.
Yet even when you apologize profusely and nearly beg him to forget about it, he tells you it’s all normal and that you have nothing to be ashamed of. This sort of thing happens. It’s not embarrassing. Still, you end up leaving his office feeling incredibly embarrassed. It isn’t until a few appointments later that you slowly find yourself getting more and more comfortable around him. You tell him everything that he needs to know and you make sure to shut your mouth when he does any physical exams to prevent yourself from making any embarrassing sounds. At some point he tells you to drop the formalities and call him by his first name. Albedo. It’s a really pretty name. You like saying it because of how easily it rolls off the tongue.
Another thing you like about Albedo, other than his name and the fact that he’s been so knowledgeable and helpful during every appointment, is that he doesn’t pry into your personal life. He only needs to know things related to your health and pregnancy, so you’re relieved when he doesn’t ask about things like work or your ex-boyfriend. Then again, why would he? He has no reason to ask about any of that. Although those are things you’d rather not think about, and you’re certain he’s figured out (or has at least suspected) that something’s amiss in your relationship when you refuse to mention the father. But he never asks you to elaborate; he simply nods and types up another note in his laptop. He does tell you, however, that if there are any problems at home—
And you’ll stop him before he can say it. You don’t want to hear it. It brings back horrible, vivid memories. You simply force a smile and tell him that you’re living alone. There aren’t any problems. Even though you’ve managed to escape the one who created such problems, you’re left with the permanent reminder of what he did. You’re not keeping the baby for his sake. You’re keeping it because you don’t want to feel like a cruel monster, as Kaeya has often told you in the days leading up to your escape when you even implied getting an abortion. You want to prove him wrong. You want to prove that you’re not who he says you are. And it’s because part of you is too soft and has yearned for a moment where you can hold your baby’s tiny hand and look upon their sleeping face with fondness. You could have waited a little longer before getting pregnant, but you didn’t have a choice.
And it really hurts.
Albedo always notices the shift in your behavior when you recall unpleasant memories. He’s always been perceptive. He’ll ask if you’re okay and you’ll always nod in reply. He never presses for anymore confirmation after that. Though maybe he should. He’s curious about what goes on in your head.
- - -
You’re not used to seeing Albedo outside of the doctor’s office. He looks good in casual wear. Then again, he looks good in anything. Even his work clothes are an attractive fit on him. You’re not afraid to admit that he’s good-looking or that he has a way with words that would leave anyone charmed. You only see him as your ob-gyn and therefore have no romantic interest in him. The last thing you want to do is put yourself back out there after all that happened with Kaeya.
It’s a coincidence you and Albedo shop at the same supermarket. You almost don’t recognize him at first because he’s wearing his glasses and only ever has his contacts in when you see him for appointments. He greets you with a small smile and it’s amazing how easily you fall into conversation with him. Granted, it’s mainly you doing most of the talking. But he still listens to everything you say. He’s glad that you seem to be doing well. He asks what you plan on making with the foods in your cart and you tell him all about this new healthy recipe you found. Oh, you’re just too precious. The way your face lights up when you talk about the things you find interesting or the way you smile so brightly at him. He can’t help but wonder if you show other people this same smile…
It’s a brief interaction, but many more are to come. He runs into you a lot. It seems like the both of you are always picking the same days and times to shop, as you’re practically destined to see each other. And each time he engages in friendly conversation with you and you chat about various things. At first it was just useless filler—stuff about the weather or your pregnancy—but now you talk about what you did the other day for fun or how you want to buy a houseplant to brighten up your room. Albedo learns bits and pieces about you through these short exchanges and he files them away for later reference. You probably forgot about that seemingly insignificant detail you mentioned, but he sure hasn’t. And he’ll make good note of it. Always.
After all, he needs to know every little thing about you. Not just as your doctor, but as someone special. Surely you like him. Most of the people he meets are quick to like and enjoy his company. You are no different; he’s sure of that.
- - -
Your appointments usually run later than expected because he’s so thorough with the process. You never notice that he seems to linger on your soft, pudgy breasts or that his fingers sometimes curl experimentally inside you, causing you to grab at anything in your reach—usually his arm—to ground yourself. It’s not your fault that your pregnancy has caused you to feel all sorts of new lustful feelings, which Albedo often tells you are completely normal and healthy. He even brings up the fact that many women often have some of the best sex of their lives when they’re pregnant. He says it with such a straight face that it flusters you a little. You’re perfectly fine on your own; you don’t need anyone to fulfill those types of desires. And when he says something like that with his fingers buried so deeply inside of you… It gives you way too many mental images that you forcibly chase away.
You really haven’t had a bad experience with Albedo. It’s definitely strange when the other patients in the waiting room tell you of their experiences with him after you happily go on and on about how he’s just so caring and informative with the check-up; how he spends time going through certain things with you and how he’ll make sure you’re being healthy. The stares you get from the other patients are truly shocking. You learn that he’s not that thorough with them and that he’s actually quite quick with everything. It’s really just business with him, as he’s always so indifferent and cold. Just a doctor doing his job—that’s all he is.
But that’s not right. He’s not like that with you. You have a hard time believing them because that just doesn’t sound like Albedo. They give you more weird looks. Apparently none of them ever call him by his first name because they either never knew it or he never told them to call him by it… One of the patients jokingly asks if you’re actually his secret lover, to which you can only scoff and say, “It’s not like that at all.”
After that, you start to pay more attention to the things he does during your appointments. You considered asking him to confirm whether or not the words from the patients were true, but you decide not to in the end. The moment never presents itself, so you’re never able to ask.
It’s one particular appointment when he notes that you’ve seemed tense lately. And with such an observation come the questions. Are you all right? Has something been bothering you? Are you still eating and sleeping enough? Have you had any problems eating and sleeping? The whole spiel. You tell him you’ve probably been overthinking some things and that has led to the stress. But it’s nothing too concerning, so he doesn’t need to worry.
Albedo insists. He says that too much stress isn’t good for you while you’re pregnant. He tells you that alleviating the tension and stress will do you a world of good. Not only will you sleep better, you’ll also be able to relax. He’s in the process of examining your breasts after you complained about a sudden soreness, massaging them softly and rubbing slow, gentle circles against your nipples, when a sudden question occurs to you.
Has his touch always been this sensual?
Has it? You really couldn’t tell, but lately it feels like he pays special attention to the areas on your body that are most sensitive to touch. And when he touches you in such a way, you can’t help but recall what he said—something about how sex during pregnancy is some of the best sex a woman can have. It’s embarrassing that you’re thinking of this when he’s only doing his job, and you know that neither of you see each other in that way, but you can’t help it. He’s so close to you and you can see the focused look in his eyes as he stares at your breasts and runs his fingers over your perky nipples.
You can’t take the intensity in his gaze or the vivid fantasies that play out in your mind, so you grab his hand and tell him that everything’s okay. Your breasts don’t feel sore anymore, so he can stop. Albedo blinks at you, seemingly caught off guard, but he retracts his hands and nods.
It’s such a shame he’s only able to touch you like this during appointments. If only you knew of the effect you have on him. You’re truly the most addictive person he’s ever met and he’s found himself ensnared in an overwhelmingly powerful infatuation.
He’s a patient man; however, so he can wait for you to fall for him and his soft touches. And if you don’t? That’s all right. He has so many months to make it happen. And it appears your precious baby is in need of a father. Well, he’ll just have to fill that role himself, won’t he?
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magicalink · 10 months
Soooo I have another one of those ancient unfinished drabbles that wont be ever finished because I dont vibe with them anymore and also dont fit into the storyline of the fic but it's pretty hot. So I was wondering if I should post it anyway?
It's about Albedo being obsessed with pussy so he asks traveler reader to let him "experiment" on hers 👀
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magicalink · 1 year
Suddenly found an abandoned drabble from last year of Albedo playing gynecologist with reader? 💀
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magicalink · 8 months
Will Assebled love ever get a final chapter??
I hope so, anon, I hope so.
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To be completely honest, even if I still haven't decided how the story is gonna end, I have lots of ideas for the middle of the story. Lots of school drama tbh. The problem lies in the early chapters I'm struggling to finish. I'm working on the next chapter but it's still just halfway through. I have some ideas but I'm facing a lot of indecision about which scenes to keep and which to discard. And ocd. Ocd is driving me crazy when it comes to writing, it's my grestest obstacle and the one I'm trying to fight this year.
Can't promise next Assembled Love chapter will he ready next month but I'm ACTUALLY working on a request that is a 'what if' from that AU. Smut ofc. Like, I actually WROTE today. Crazy ik. So expect next post to be either that or another one of the ones I've been promising to post, like 'Gynecologist Albedo' (joke title), Butler Scara or Xiao wanting to have a child with reader, for example. The long fic that has the most possibilites of being updated soon is Catboys in the house. The next long chapter that follows the chronologic story with Xiao finally joining the household is just started, but I have lots of episodic content like usual. Headcanons, smut, smutty headcanons, yk, the usual.
Anyway, as I said my main problem with these early chapters of Assembled Love are indecision and it has to do with this problem: Ik in the chapter list I listed the next chapter as 'Perfect first time' implying that thr seggs is gonna happen next chap. But honestly I think this needs a bit more slowburn. Not so slow, just a bit more of interaction and situations to make the relationship between Scara and Y/N make more sense and be more enjoyable. So, what do you as readers think about this?
The second reason I don't update is toxic perfectionism. It kicks in when I care a lot about a story. At first Assembled Love was a funny side project I wrote randomly without stressing or putting much effort into it while I waited for inspo for Better Find Husbandos, the fic that was most important to me back then. So the words flowed easily and I posted a lot of chapters in a row. When I became invested in the story and really wanted to convey my exact views of the stories through the writing thr block and the toxic perfectionism came in. That's why I'm more prone to posting standalone oneshots instead of adding chapters to the AUs I care so much about, because I don't pressure myself that it has to perfectly convey my ideas about the story.
This toxic perfectionism is something I wanna tackle aggressively this year because honestly:
The not pefect fic you actually wrote will always be better than the perfect fic you never dared to try write.
Gotta ingrain that phrase in my brain permanently. Cuz I started writing to reread and enjoy my own fics but if I don't dare write I won't have anything to read. And that I read can always be edited and rewritten. Seeing authors rewrite their older fics just to make them waaay better years after encourages me to just write and have fun knowing that I can always try again and do it better next time. So that helps.
Let's not think about Assembled Love's final chapter when it's sitting just at chapter 4 and focus on the spin off that is on the making and idk, the next 3 chapters: I'm planning to add more characters with their dramas, Childe, Mona and Venti being the main ones. I want Assembled Love to be a dramatic romantic comedy in a last year of highschool setting, with teenagers struggling to become adults and debating between following what family and society expects from them and finding out what they really want to do with their lives. I want to add tropes of those movies from the United States I grew up watching and give them a twist of the dramatic telenovelas from Latin America, where I live. Will I be able to deliver? We'll see. If I don't I can always rewrite it.
That long chunk of text being said, thanks for sending me asks that make me reflect on my writing and my struggle to write cuz it helps me come up with ways of tackling it and refinding my passion about writing. I answered this one first cuz it's the latest I got but I have lots more I'm gonna answer cuz thst's one of my 2024 new year resolutions that are on my blog. So feel free to send more mail with any doubts you have or even with imagines or things you'd like to see on my stories cuz it never fails to give me inspo!
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merakiui · 3 years
modern au where gynecologist albedo has a twin who’s been obsessed with you for a while so the twin just knocks albedo out or something and comes in to his work as him just so he can get at ur pretty pussy all out on display for him :]
(cw: yandere, nsfw, female reader, pregnancy, mention of kidnapping)
You really are precious, aren’t you? You don’t even notice the switch; no one ever does. When he has you relax for him while he slips his gloves on and tells you that it’s time for the physical exam, you don’t question a thing. It’s annoying that he got to touch you before he did, but now that he has you all to himself he gets to do whatever he wants under the pretense of a routine check-up. You’re talking his ear off about this movie you saw the other day, explaining the complicated plot to him even though he didn’t ask. But it’s okay. He likes it when you talk about your interests.
And most of all, he likes seeing you in such compromising, vulnerable positions. He can’t help but wonder how you’d react if he took you for himself, had you live with him, handcuffed you to the bedpost until you came to accept this new life. And of course he would help you through your pregnancy. After all, he can be caring, too.
He takes his time examining your pussy, running gloved fingers over your puffy lips and prodding delicately at your hole. It’s so tempting to just lean in and devour you, but he knows you’d get alarmed and then he’d have a problem on his hands if you tried to alert someone. So for now he sates his desires by tracing along the outline of your pussy, delicate fingers rubbing slow circles against your clit. You flinch and grab at his shoulder out of instinct, a shuddering breath escaping your soft lips. What he would give to kiss you, to push you down on the examination chair and ruin you—mark you with bruises and love bites until it becomes clear that you belong to him and not Albedo.
If anything, it should’ve been he who knocked you up—not that troublesome ex-boyfriend of yours.
Your muscles lose some of their tension as your body gradually submits to his touch, and all you can think of is how good it feels when he plays with your clit or how smug he seems whenever he hums in satisfaction at the muffled whines that threaten to spill past your lips. You’re clearly enjoying this. Good. He doesn’t want you to hold back.
“So pretty,” he remarks as he slips a finger in, slowly, so slowly. He pulls it out in the same agonizing pace and slick clings to the digit in thin, translucent trails.
“Hm?” He gazes up at you, eyes narrowed playfully.
“Can you put it back inside? P-Please?”
He pauses, as if to weigh his options, and then fixes you with a wicked smirk. “Depends. How badly do you want it?”
Your face grows hot and you avoid his cheeky stare. “Please… I really want—no, I need this. J-Just this once, so please… I’ll do anything.”
He eyes trail down to your mouth and for a split second he imagines the head of his cock prodding at your cute lips—thinks about what it might feel like to have your tongue dart out and give gentle kitten licks to the tip, tasting his pre-cum, savoring it… Oh, the things he’d do just to experience that. It’s dangerous; you’re dangerous and oh-so addictive.
After being enticed by another pitiful whine and a pair of glassy eyes that gleam with want and lust, he slips his finger back in with ease. You buck your hips against his palm, babbling about how he can insert more than one finger. And he does just that, using both fingers to stretch your cute pussy. You throw your head back, gritting your teeth to avoid making too much noise.
“There’s no need to hold back. Let me hear you, darling.”
You know you ought to stop him now before he has you unraveling with his skilled ministrations, but you can’t bring yourself to verbalize those thoughts. It feels too good to stop now and it’s been so long since you last relieved yourself. Surely it’s all right if you allow yourself this one moment of pleasure, and if Albedo’s so willing to help you out… And it’s healthy to do this sort of thing, so you have no reason to feel so doubtful! Besides, he’s a professional. It’s safer to do this sort of thing with him, where he’s familiar with anatomy and what won’t hurt you.
Albedo’s fingers thrust in and out of your pussy at a rough pace, stirring you up so wonderfully. When he curls his fingers, you see stars.
“So sensitive,” he remarks under his breath. “So wet for me. Only me.”
“A-Albedo!” You let out a sharp gasp when his other hand teases your clit, rubbing hard and fast against the perky nub. Your hands grasp at him, as if to dig your nails into his shoulders, as you moan out a mantra of lewd pleas. “Feels good… So good! Don’t stop until I cum! Please let me cum!”
He smiles to himself. Pregnancy really is something.
It doesn’t take long before your velvety walls flutter and clench around his fingers. He thrusts them in as deep as they’ll go, observing the way his slender digits are sucked up by your greedy cunt. He curls them expertly and rubs at your clit more forcefully than before and it’s enough to tip you over the edge. You clench tightly around him and just before you can let out a broken wail of a moan his lips capture yours in a sloppy kiss that’s all tongue.
Your cries are silenced as you cum, squirting around his fingers like a gushing fountain. Tears prick your eyes; it’s an expression he wishes to photograph and hang in a frame so that he’ll always get to see it. When he pulls away from you, a thin strand of saliva connects your lips. Your breaths come out in short pants, chest rising and falling as you come down from your orgasmic high.
He slips his fingers out slowly and watches curiously as your pussy clenches desperately around nothing. He could just go for it now. There’s nothing stopping him from unbuckling his pants, tugging down his boxers, and freeing his hard cock, shoving it inside your already soaked, stretched out cunt. You probably want it as much as he does. Your eyes are hazy and half-lidded when he looks at you. Albedo places another kiss to the corner of your mouth, lips quirking upwards when you complain that he missed his target.
“Did I now?”
“Then let’s try again.”
And this time his lips find their mark.
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