gymexfitness · 2 years
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Sculpting Epic Pecs At Home
Who doesn't like looking ripped in a white t-shirt or turning heads at the beach with impressive pecs? We have the best chest exercises you can do at home to transform that chest into a masterpiece you can be proud of. Prepare to sweat as you pump and press your way to building the pecs you've always dreamed of.
The chest muscles consist of two different sized muscles the largest is called the musculus pectoralis major. It has a fan-shaped structure and covers the entire front rib area, running from the clavicle and breastbone to the numerus. This guy is responsible for the motor control of the arms and can pull them towards the body and can spread them apart.
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gymexfitness · 2 years
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Pull-ups are the ultimate test of upper-body muscular strength. It’s about the toughest bodyweight exercise you can do. If you’re in the Royal Marines, you need to be able to do six perfect pull-ups to keep your job. The hard core guys do them with a dumbbell between their ankles. Of course the effort you put in results in an absolutely shredded chest and upper-body so you get an awesome reward for all that pull-up torture.
Let’s blast those lats and biceps
The pull-up trains almost the entire upper body with a real focus on the lats and biceps. These are the muscle groups that love it when you hit the pull-up bar.
Large round muscle 
Major pecs 
Small pecs
Two-headed upper arm muscle 
Upper arm muscle 
Hood muscle  
Three-headed upper arm muscle  
Upper arm spoke muscle  
Don’t put off starting pull-ups?   
While we know pull-ups are challenging, it doesn’t mean you have to be a super-fit gym junkie before you can get started. You have to start somewhere and there are pull-up machines and lat-pull up towers that are designed to help you graduate over time to full-blown pull-ups.
If you’re trying pull-ups at home. Be persistent. Just completing one is an achievement. If you train with a friend, they can support a lot of your weight, giving you a slight boost up until you get stronger and can complete a pull-up independently. Legend!
What exercises can be done on the pull-up bar?
A pull-up bars are easy-to-use, affordable and practical. As well as the classic pull-up with the wide overhand grip, you can also do chin-ups with the narrow underhand grip. Watch that upper-body widen.
Here are some variations advanced trainers can do : 
Windshield wipers
Rowing overhead
Skin the cat
Toes to bar
Front and back levers
Archer pull-up
Muscle up
Pull-up bars are also perfect for ab training and leg raises. Did you know the leg raise is an awesome ab exercise that shouldn’t be missing from any six-pack workout plan.
Pull-up bars are perfect for home workouts
Pull-up bars are inexpensive and space-saving training equipment. Even you live in a small apartment, there’ll be a space for your pull-up bar. If you don’t have a home gym or you travel a lot, then a straight pull-up bar is ideal for you. It can be installed in a door frame quickly, easily and without screws.  
If you do have a home gym or workout space, permanently installed pull-up bars  are ideal. You’ll find pull-up bars that can be anchored to the ceiling as well as to the wall in the Gorilla Sports shop
*Please not I removed the entire secton about Are chin-ups suitable for women because it is sexist and reflects poorly on the brand.
What does a pull-up training plan look like?
From beginners thrilled at completing their first pull-up to hardcore pull-up pros, you’ve gotta have a plan. Here’s what they look like.
Pull-up training for beginners
As you work your way to nailing your first pull-up, it’s a good idea to add exercises to your workout that also target the areas that will help you become a pull-up master. A good example of this is oblique pull-ups, which can be done with a pull-up bar mounted in the door frame at hip height. This is ideal for beginners because oblique pull-ups are easier than pull-ups yet they train the right muscles to prepare you to eventually pump out pull-ups like a pro.
Pull-up training for advanced users
No matter who you are, pull-ups are a challenge for the most advanced athletes. When regular pull-ups are no longer the holy grail and you need a challenge, try pull-up training with additional weights. Durable dip belts with weight plates secured are ideal for this.
When you hit elite level, you can either challenge yourself with one-armed pull-ups or one of the pull-up variants at your gym. For example, the Archer Pull Up, which is a kind of side pull-up.
Which muscle groups do I train with pull-ups?
The pull-up is a bodyweight exercise that trains almost the entire upper body. The classic pull-up, which is performed with an overhand grip that is a little more than shoulder-width apart, primarily trains the lats and the biceps.  
What is the best way to train for pull-ups?
On the way to your first pull-up, it’s a good idea to try related exercises such as oblique pull-ups which target muscles you need for pull-ups. To do these in the home gym, a pull-up bar should be mounted at hip height (e.g. in the door frame).
What exercises can be done on the pull-up bar?
In addition to classic pull-up exercises, there are other variations perfect for advanced athletes  
These include: 
Windshield wipers 
Overhead rowing 
Skin the cat 
Toes to bar 
Front and back levers 
Archer Pull Up 
Muscle Up
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gymexfitness · 2 years
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Broccoli not only detoxifies the body, it also helps with weight loss. It melts your belly fat, ensures beautiful skin and is rich in fiber and vitamins. 100 grams of broccoli have 3.5 grams of protein in their raw state. Then why not just include it in a delicious protein shake?
Our recipe for a nutritious protein shake (1 serving):
80 g broccoli florets
1/2 lemon (without peel)
1 small piece of ginger
1 teaspoon of linseed oil
35 g Whey Protein Vanilla from Gorilla Sports
1 g turmeric or cinnamon
5-10 g psyllium husks 99% pure
150 ml still water or tap water
Put all ingredients in a blender and mix well for about 1 minute. The Broccoli Power Shake is ready.
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gymexfitness · 2 years
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Did you know that in ancient times, athletes, fighters and gladiators used dumbbells to strengthen their bodies? Dumbbells were even a part of Olympic events.
Today, dumbbell training is designed to build up muscles and strength. The main difference between working out on machines and working out with dumbbells is that you can target muscles in isolation with dumbbells. There are also lots of auxiliary muscles used in most dumbbell exercises. Using dumbbells is the only way to keep your body, especially your torso, stable and that is exactly what makes dumbbell exercises so effective.
If you want to target certain muscles, you can’t avoid weight training. We’ll show you effective dumbbell exercises to get your body in awesome shape! Whether you’re a beginner, advanced or professional, we have the dumbbell exercises that will make sure you get amazing results.
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gymexfitness · 2 years
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The Kettlebell is up there with dumbbells and barbells when it comes essential equipment that will shred that body into shape. In a small space at home, kettlebell exercises give you a highly effective full body workout. A kettlebell workout also improves coordination and activates a range of muscle groups in a short time. Even a 20-minute exercise program at home burns more than 300 calories.
From Russia with love, sweat and tears
The kettlebell is a ball with a flattened bottom and a handle. It probably originally came from Russia, where it was mainly used for circus performances. The military later recognized the benefits of the kettlebell. It is still an integral part of training in many special units worldwide. Security personnel, martial arts and strength athletes also keep fit with the kettlebell. For several years now, the kettle ball has been an essential piece of training equipment in gyms all around the world. It’s guaranteed to bring out your best in a crushing session.
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gymexfitness · 2 years
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It is undoubtedly better to have a home gym for a lot of reasons with convenience on top of that list. With a home gym you can workout whenever you want to, listen to any kind of music you like and you don’t have to worry about travel time to the gym. However building a home gym is no easy feat.
Few things you will have to consider is the space, your budget and what type of exercise you plan on doing based on your fitness goals. This list of gym equipment from GYMEX will help you get started with building a home gym, and you can add more equipment along the way.
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gymexfitness · 2 years
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A strong & healthy back: the best back training for home
Back problems are one of the most common health issues. And it’s not just older people who are affected. Why are bad backs so widespread? One reason is weak or deteriorating back muscles. That’s why it’s so important to make targeted back training a regular part of your workout repertoire. It may not be as sexy as a ripped six-pack or sculpted pecs, but a strong back can save you a lot of misery down the track.   
Strong backs for superior performance and appearance
Your back is the main support structure for your entire body. When you strengthen your back muscles the benefits are remarkable. A healthy back means a stable and strong spine which makes hitting those health and fitness goals even easier. The classic V-shape so many of us strive for is mainly achieved through targeted back, training which is another awesome reason to put your back into back training.
Which muscles are in the back?
The human back is made up of a number of muscle groups, but when planning back training, a distinction is usually made between the lower and upper back muscles. The lower back muscles flank the spine, especially in the lower part of the back, and are known as long back extensor muscles (muscle erector spinae ).
Further above, the broad back muscle (Musculus latissimus dorsi) is probably the most well-knows back muscle. For the athletic V-shape in the upper body, targeting   the broad back muscles is key.
Build a strong back with simple equipment
You don’t need complex gym equipment to strengthen your back. There’s a range of effective exercises targeting key back muscles you can do with free weights such as dumbbells. In some cases, training with free weights results is more effective than training on machines. In fact, some of the best exercises don’t use any equipment at all. Bodyweight exercises such as the forearm support or plank are brilliant for your back.
There are fantastic back exercises you can do at home for every goal and every age. The right training technique plays a decisive role in achieving maximum training results. For example, if you work out with a weight that is too heavy, your full range of motion (ROM) is restricted, so your training is not as effective. Sports science studies achieving full ROM, by using correct weights, leads to greater muscle damage (microtraumas), which are essential to muscle building.
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gymexfitness · 2 years
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Back exercises not only sculpt that awesome V-shape. They’re the best way to combat back pain and injuries. Your back is a complex set of ligaments, bone and muscle. The whole thing is held together and set in motion by 224 ligaments and 143 back muscles. We’ve developed training routines to cover the whole range of levels whether you’re a beginner or seasoned gym rat.  We’ll show you here how best to train these 143 power packs at home.
Which muscles make a strong back?
The muscles around the spine can be roughly divided into three layers
The top layer is directly under the skin which makes the muscles easier to target in your training routines. The dominant muscles of the top layer are the like erector spinae, latissimus dorsi and teres major. 
2. The middle layer includes individual muscle bundles that fan-shape from vertebral body to vertebral body. These include the serratus muscle and the rhomboid muscle. 
3. The lower layer consists of short and strong muscles that pull straight, obliquely or diagonally. These include the multifidus, quadratus lumborum and semispinalis thoraces. They constantly balance your body without you noticing anything. For a strong and healthy back, it’s important to train all three shifts. Please note that the abdominal muscles are also important because they take on the support function in many everyday movements. That is why abdominal exercises should be part of any sensible back workout. 
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gymexfitness · 2 years
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The so-called “Energy Balls” prove that healthy eating and snacking do not have to be mutually exclusive. The small balls are ideal as an ideal power snack before and after a workout or for in between. Due to the high protein and energy content, the empty stores are quickly replenished and, thanks to the sweetness of the dried fruits, the cravings are satisfied.
The basic recipe for 15 balls is simple: mix 100 g nuts (e.g. walnuts, almonds, cashews) with 200 g dried fruits (e.g. dates, figs, apricots) in a mixer and shape into praline-sized balls. If desired, turn in toppings (e.g. desiccated coconut, amaranth, oat flakes) and cool for approx. 1 hour before consumption.
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gymexfitness · 2 years
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Back exercises not only sculpt that awesome V-shape. They’re the best way to combat back pain and injuries. Your back is a complex set of ligaments, bone and muscle. The whole thing is held together and set in motion by 224 ligaments and 143 back muscles. We’ve developed training routines to cover the whole range of levels whether you’re a beginner or seasoned gym rat.  We’ll show you here how best to train these 143 power packs at home.
Which muscles make a strong back?
The muscles around the spine can be roughly divided into three layers
The top layer is directly under the skin which makes the muscles easier to target in your training routines. The dominant muscles of the top layer are the like erector spinae, latissimus dorsi and teres major. 
2. The middle layer includes individual muscle bundles that fan-shape from vertebral body to vertebral body. These include the serratus muscle and the rhomboid muscle. 
3. The lower layer consists of short and strong muscles that pull straight, obliquely or diagonally. These include the multifidus, quadratus lumborum and semispinalis thoraces. They constantly balance your body without you noticing anything. For a strong and healthy back, it’s important to train all three shifts. Please note that the abdominal muscles are also important because they take on the support function in many everyday movements. That is why abdominal exercises should be part of any sensible back workout. 
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gymexfitness · 2 years
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It’s true, bulging biceps turn more heads than ripped triceps but doesn’t mean tricep training should be neglected. They don’t get the kudos they deserve. Triceps take up close to 60% of your upper arm mass which makes them the foundation for ongoing muscle growth and that impressive ripped definition. They also cover your whole back arm. These guys are important.
The strength of your upper arm depends on having strong triceps. The stronger they are, the more effective your upper body workouts become. Whenever your bench-pressing, pumping out an overhead press, or doing dips, it’s your triceps doing the heavy lifting. Horseshoe triceps are the goal of many gym junkies. You’ll only get those babies if you focus on effective and focused tricep training.
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gymexfitness · 2 years
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Whether you want a flat, toned stomach or a sculpted 6-pack, these exercises will help you get fitter, have a stronger core and look great. It will take some discipline and dedication ­– but it’s worth it. A strong core sets you up for life with better balance and better posture.  
For a visible six-pack, you need to target a range of muscles, so you’ll need a range of exercises to reach the deepest core parts. These 9 exercises are designed to train your entire core and get that gut rock hard.
Plank / forearm support
Criss-Cross / Beetle
Standing diagonal crunch
Atomic Crunch
Lateral raise
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gymexfitness · 2 years
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It is undoubtedly better to have a home gym for a lot of reasons with convenience on top of that list. With a home gym you can workout whenever you want to, listen to any kind of music you like and you don’t have to worry about travel time to the gym. However building a home gym is no easy feat. Few things you will have to consider is the space, your budget and what type of exercise you plan on doing based on your fitness goals. This list of gym equipment from GYMEX will help you get started with building a home gym, and you can add more equipment along the way.
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gymexfitness · 2 years
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There are a lot of different bench weight options on the market, but they all have one thing in common: they're designed to help you build muscle. But what sort of weight bench is best for you? That depends on how you want to use your machine.
Weight benches are mostly helpful in toning the upper body but can be used as support for a few lower body exercises as well. You can add weights along the way to reach new levels of fitness and it is ideal for targeting specific areas when strength training.
The best weight bench should be able to provide you with a comfortable place to sit, while also providing enough support to hold your body in the proper position during your workout. If it is too light or too heavy, then you will not get the results that you desire.
The most important aspect of choosing a weight bench is that it has been designed with an exercise routine in mind so that it will allow you to grow stronger muscles without having to hurt yourself while doing so. Here's a quick look at the various types of benches so you can get started.
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gymexfitness · 2 years
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The pushup is the most legendary exercise of all time. This super-effective deadweight exercise is pumped out by everyone from school sports kids to elite SAS elite soldiers. The following guide provides pushup variants for beginners, professionals and everyone in-between.
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gymexfitness · 2 years
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Did you know that in ancient times, athletes, fighters and gladiators used dumbbells to strengthen their bodies? Dumbbells were even a part of Olympic events.
Today, dumbbell training is designed to build up muscles and strength. The main difference between working out on machines and working out with dumbbells is that you can target muscles in isolation with dumbbells. There are also lots of auxiliary muscles used in most dumbbell exercises. Using dumbbells is the only way to keep your body, especially your torso, stable and that is exactly what makes dumbbell exercises so effective.
If you want to target certain muscles, you can’t avoid weight training. We’ll show you effective dumbbell exercises to get your body in awesome shape! Whether you’re a beginner, advanced or professional, we have the dumbbell exercises that will make sure you get amazing results.
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