#gym leader lucille
skiel-infinity · 1 year
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it's oc timeeeee
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beezonia · 7 months
Okay your all getting my xyz future headcannons now because I’m super excited
So Serena and Calem are like siblings
Serena is champion and Calem has continued Augustine’s research on mega evolution seeing if there are more pokèmon who can actually mega evolve
Calem challenges Serena on a monthly basis when he gets bored
She continues to beat his ass (although it’s neck and neck every time though)
Shauna and Serena are engaged
They’ve been together for about 4 years now
Trevor and Tierno are married - been together for 7 years
Calem is still single (he will eventually find the one dw his bi ass will fall in love)
Shauna is the reigning Kalos Queen and know to most as a top coordinator
She also does furfrou trimming in her spare time
Trevor is a science teacher in santalune city whilst Tierno teaches dance at the same school
Viola and Grant are married (one of the first in the league to get married)
Alexa actually took over her sister as the gym leader when she retired early
Viola now just freelances her way through life and enjoy every second of being a bug momma
Grant is still a gym leader and has won plenty of competitions for his climbing
Ramos has fully retired and is living his best life on a farm somewhere in Kalos I like to think
Korrina eventually becomes one of the elite four
She’s won plenty of medals for her rollerblading as well
She’s also starting up her own little tournaments for trainers who want to get stronger
Valerie continues to design, becoming well known across the poke world which means she ends up travelling loads
Bonnie takes over Clemont’s gym when he ends up moving to Kanto for university
Drasna and Olympia are happily married and are living together in Anistar citywith their adopted daughter Marie (she’s in her 20s!)
Wulfric retired and his family live with him in snowbelle his eldest Lucille took up his mantle as gym leader
Siebold retired to travel the world for inspiration (hence why Korrina stepped up to fill his shoes)
Wikstrom now lives in Laverre city with his husband and son (who’ll take on his role when wikstrom believes he’s ready!)
Malva now resides in Santalune city, she’s vibing really no one knows what’s the fuck it is she does but she causes chaos still
Her neice Magda has been staying with her though
Diantha has become a very popular writer, her fantasy series is one of the best selling books
She also directs films from time to time
Augustine is chilling in alola for a while no one in the league knows if he’ll come back
He sends postcards to everyone though, they love him for it
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xryosakeyx · 1 month
Anyways, here's some random sketches related to the fic I finally can get around to posting 'cause it's a bunch! (These span from about three months, so yeah...) They don't really lean into heavy spoiler territory, so I thought it'd be safe to post them!
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^Blawsth's champ (name's Lucille, if anyone cares...). First sketch is from earlier today and it's supposed to be of him in his youth. If you've read chapter one already, a specific detail that was made was that the Pokémon Ash is looking for pops up every thirty years or so, and let me tell you, a whole bunch of stuff happened within that time lol. The rest of the sketches were made in June, so I haven't drawn him in a good while. His whole thing was that I based him on shock-rockers and his backstory does take influence from that subset of performers. That comic in the last pic kind of gives ypu the idea of it, and that is if you can even read my stupidly tiny handwrit–
Okay, y'know what? Let me decipher it:
JAKE: You don't get it Ash, Lucille was banned from performing 'cause he went overboard!
ASH: Oh, really?
JAKE: That and he's the champ!
PIKACHU, as a tiny blob thing on Ash's shoulder, turning his back away from the camera as he sees a weird goth-thing from the distance: Pi.
JAKE: Ah! There he is, great eyes Pikachu! Lu-cille! Sign my autograph, please!!!
Alright, satisfied?
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^Some gym leader stuff. First sketch is supposed to be of a double-battle gym where one specializes in water and the other with fire. Their main motif is that they're supposed to be treasure hunters, so their Pokémon are very agile in combat as they bounce back from one another. I'm still trying to work on their outfits a little, but their masks are supposed to be based on their aces which are (of course) more fakmons! Their names (right to left) are Lenny and Hans.
Second was two sketches I did of the grass specialist, Vendanna, who is an actor known for her stunts. The main challenge in her gym is the various status effects her Pokémon can create (mostly poison), so trainers should watch out!
Third is Lizzie who is supposed to be a ghost specialist. She tends to be very introverted, only popping up whenever the supernatural bells ring, but her Pokémon are the complete opposite and love getting other's nerves. I based her off trad-goth stereotypes because I feel like they're very underespresented in media, but yeah, she's basically Blawsth's personal "witch" and has more knowledge about the card game than most people (still unsatisfied with her boots though...). Also, her ears are pointed 'cause I felt like making them pointy :P
Also, BTW, these won't be the exact order of gym leaders Ash and co. have to deal with, I just felt like sharing them for now!
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^Rivals. I unfortunately can't really share much of their story with you guys as their role leans into spoiler territory, so I'll keep it as brief as possible. First is named Cianna and seriously wants to be the The Very Best Like No One Ever Was™. Out of Blawsth of course. Alright, in all seriousness, as a childhood friend who had to move upstate years ago, she hoped to reunite with Miley, who is oddly very evasive towards her, which is quite sad because she never got around to say goodbye to her...And that is as much info I can actually share on the both of them as characters! Alright, onto the next one...
The second is named Urie and oh boy I seriously can not wait to finally introduce him to the story. If you can recognize who I nabbed his color pallete from, congratulations, you're still not really going any relevent story info until I actually write about it. Anyways, all you gotta know about this guy is that he has this smirk you just want to punch and he's annoyling very friendly, surprsingly enough. To an extent (I could only post this single sketch of him though as (A.) I was only going for the color pallet when it came to this set so I couldn't care less about the face... and (B.) I do have an entire page just dedicated to him because he's so absurd of a character to me, but unfortunately it's behind another page filled with sharpie sketches and if you guess anything from the third pic, it likes to bleed through a lot).
Third is Luka and not only is she a coordinator hailing from Unova but she also participates in gym matches as well! She also oddly wants Ash to step away from his companions, for some reason...Yeah, gotta keep things hush-hush, lol. Other than that, she's a very snarky individual, some might even compare her to an Ekans. Others...a more sinister Pokémon...(anyways, say hi to Lizzie again at the bottom corner! She's selling her a doll that doesn't even work, LOL!) (Also, I imagine this one with a Joisey accent!)
Anyways, that's as much as Tumblr will let me post without going over the image limit, so I'll go follow up with this post tomorrow! Your SOTD has been brought to you by, once again, Specimen! I keep thinking of this song in paticular when it comes to contest ideas, especially considering Blawsth's whole culture going a little bit overboard with it ever since Lucille was banned from performing.
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dickmaster1 · 1 year
How I think twd characters would react to you coming out/or finding out your trans! Part 1!! (Ftm only)
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Rick grimes
°very supportive 
°he wouldn't be loud about being supportive but if someone was to be transphobic he'd tell them that if they have a problem with his family they have to deal with him too.
°if he knew you before transition he would make sure everyone used your right name, because family sticks by each other and loves them. 
°would give you a nickname using your new name
Darly dixon
°I love him but I don't think he keeps up with stuff like that(he probably was barely ever on the internet) so you'd probably have to explain it to him
°after getting it explained to he would just shrug how shoulders and say ok y/n
°he would not take kindly to people being rude for no reason its the fucking apocalypse nobody cares if your gay or trans your fighting everyday to live so what <<what darly would say to them
°if he heard someone call you by your dead name he'd act like he doesn't know who the person is till they said your name
°he is one of the younger people so he knows what trans is probably has been friends or talked to a trans person he is a pizza guy he delivers to everyone
°he is supportive like Rick
°if you are really dysphoric he will give you one of his flannels maybe his hat too
°once he met Maggie he introduced you as his brother 
Shane (shits & giggles guys)
°he is a cop so he knows about that stuff and like a cop he is also weird about it
°he is ok about it, he slips up alot and will get pissed if people correct him but he is ok about it.(only two-)
°so we all know he was a gym teacher(or I assume idk if it's cannon I've seen alot about it) so he knows about all that he was actually quite supportive he'd let the trans kids go into what group they wanted and made any kid that complained sit out.
°he is the leader of the saviors what he says go's, so if he announces to everyone you are to be called by the name you want and will be called by what pronouns and if anyone has a problem they can talk to Lucille
°he'd give some of his old leather jackets so you can have something big to wear but to also match him
°he'd take you with him to go hilltop, Alexandria and all the other places and reintroduce ya :)
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ngnwnchstr-arch · 1 year
PROMPT:      send  me  a  supernatural  character    &    i’ll  share  my  thoughts  on  how  negan’s  relationship  with  them  might’ve  been  throughout  their  season  arcs    /    how  he  feels    /    vibes. CHARACTER  CHOSEN:      mary  winchester. SENT  BY:      @ofblackskies
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where  do  i  even  begin  with  mary?    negan  and  mary  is  genuinely  such  a  deep    &    fun  dynamic  for  me  to  truly  consider  because  mary  is  the  only  character      (    excluding  john  as  we’re  going  by  series    &    he  stayed  dead    )    who  truly  knew  negan  before  he  became  the  big,  bad  leader  of  the  saviors  and  vice  versa,    he’s  one  of  the  few  characters  who  knew  mary  pre  -  burning  on  the  ceiling.    there’s  such  a  thick  history  between  them    /    both  remembering  who  the  other  used  to  be  before  the  world  hurt  them  beyond  repair.    the  negan  that  mary  knew  was  still  loud,    rough  around  the  edges,    but  he  was  ultimately  a  pretty  okay  guy.    he  helped  his  mother  run  the  family  bed  &   breakfast.    he  proudly  told  anyone  who  would  listen  about  his  twin,    the  soldier.    he  was  at  the  hospital  for  both  dean    &    sam’s  birth,    ready  with  balloons.    he  put  110%  into  supporting  the  kids  that  came  to  him  after  class  about  their  shitty  home  problems  because  they  had  no  one  else  to  talk  to  and  he  noticed  they’d  been  quiet  in  gym.    was  he  perfect?    absolutely  not!    he  almost  ruined  her  wedding  by  pushing  a  groomsman  into  the  cake  mid  -  fight,    but  he  also  threw  john  one  hell  of  a  bachelor’s  party    /    calmed  his  brother  down  when  they  couldn’t  find  his  wedding  cufflinks    /    went  cake  -  tasting  with  mary  because  john  had  to  work  an  extra  shift  at  the  garage  to  pay  for  said  cake. 
the  long    &    short  of  it  is;      there  was  a  time  when  mary  only  knew  negan  as  an  ordinary  man,    living  an  ordinary  life.    he  wasn’t  a  tyrant,    he  was  her  brother  -  in  -  law  and  a  little  later  down  the  line,    she  saw  him  devote  himself  entirely  to  his  partner,    lucille,    because  while  mary  wasn’t  alive  for  their  marriage,    she  was  around  for  the  very  beginning    &    she  would’ve  seen  how  heart  -  eyes  negan  was  right  from  the  start.    he  probably  even  came  to  her  for  date  ideas  because  lucifer  knows  he  needed  ‘em.    mary’s  death  was  in  fact  what  triggered  negan  to  propose.   if  the  world  could  take  a  bright  light  like  her  away?    it  showed  him  how  fragile  life  really  was,    which  i  think  speaks  volumes  about  how  highly  negan  thought  of  her,    and  also  her  relationship  with  john.    she  made  his  brother  happy  after  the  bum  rap  life  kept  giving  him.    he  loved  her  for  that.
the  truth  is,    there  is  such  a  vulnerability  between  mary    &    negan  when  they’re  reunited  after  her  resurrection.    they  serve  as  a  reminder  of  everything  they’ve  lost.    a  reminder  of  a  life  that  seems  so  far  behind  them  now  and  yet,    they’re  also  the  only  two  people  who  truly  understand  one  another’s  grief  because  they’ve  lost  the  same.    when  mary  came  back  from  the  dead,    negan  felt  so  very  conflicted  about  the  situation.    he  was  happy.    god,    was  he  happy,    but  there  was  an  initial  time  period  when  he  couldn’t  quite  be  around  her.    part  because  of  the  reasons  listed  above,    and  part  because  he  struggled  with  the  knowledge  that  no  one  will  ever  give  him  lucille  back.    as  much  as  negan  believes  he’s  saving  people,    by  the  time  of  mary’s  return,    enough  doubt  has  began  to  seep  in  for  him  to  realize  no  one  ever  thinks  they’re  the  bad  guy,    even  when  they  are.    no  god  or  god’s  sister  is  ever  going  to  reward  him  for  his  behavior.    he’s  never  going  to  have  the  same  reunion  with  lu  that  he’s  watching  dean    &    sam  get  and  he  doesn’t  begrudge  them  that.    those  boys  deserve  their  mom    /    his  friend  deserves  a  second  chance  at  life,    but  negan  is,    at  the  very  depth  of  it  all,    still  human,    even  if  people  doubt  that.    he  feels  resentment  without  wanting  to. 
important  arcs  i  believe  negan  would’ve  been  in  the  picture  for;      man,    oh,    man,    he  did  NOT  trust  ketch  as  far  as  he  could  throw  him    &    he  made  sure  mary  knew.    he  obviously  didn’t  tell  her  not  to  see  him  because  negan  isn’t  stupid.    he’s  well  aware  he  can’t  tell  mary  what  to  do,    but  he  did  make  it  clear  he’d  be  there  when      (    not  if    )      it  all  went  to  shit.      /      negan  would’ve  bashed  ketch's  head  if  mary  didn’t.    seeing  her  brainwashed  is  what  led  to  him  letting  go  of  any  funky  feelings  he  had  around  her  return.    the  sudden  notion  that  they’d  lost  her  again  made  him  realize  how  precious  it  was  to  have  mary  back    &    he  stopped  being  distant.      /      every  day  i  get  closer  to  vibing  with  the  idea  of  negan  getting  stuck  in  the  alternative  apocalypse  universe  with  mary  as  part  of  his  timeline.    something  something  lucifer  dragged  her  through,    negan  grabbed  her  arm    &    went  through  with  them.
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falsefutures · 1 year
Man, I wanna go into Lucile's eventual future verse where she's a gym leader but hhhhh.
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wildfirehq · 6 months
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the commonwealth
IMPORTANT CHARACTER INFORMATION TO NOTE AND SHARE (this could be important headcanons for initial plotting, mini bios etc, supporting docs etc):
prior to the apocalypse, negan was a gym teacher and was married to lucille, and he was by far not a perfect teacher or husband. prone to seeing red and turning to violence at inconveniences, he ended up being fired from his job. in addition, there were instances in which he was unfaithful to lucille. - something that he has deeply regretted since finding out about lucille's diagnosis. she was always the best thing that he'd ever had, and he didn't deserve her.
at the start of the end, he was doing everything he could to keep both him and lucille safe, including obtaining medication for lucille. however, when a run for meds went wrong, resulting in him not returning home when he said he would, when he eventually did make it back, he found lucille, having turned into a walker after committing suicide. burning down their house, wrapping barbed wire around a baseball bat that he named after his wife, negan set out to find the few allies he'd met, and later came across what became the sanctuary, and thus, formed the saviours.
negan was the leader of the saviours. with a handful of right-hand men and women, he led a community of people by relying on other communities. what was theirs would become his by way of fear. perhaps a frowned upon method, but it worked, and he was keeping his people safe. it's not his fault that people didn't want to work together and would defy him, was it??
having eventually being taken down by rick and his group, negan spent the next six years in the prison cell in alexandria. an escape attempt made but he was then persuaded to return by judith. he was only really let out of his cell by carol when she requested his aid in taking down alpha.
negan likes to think he's redeemed himself somewhat and does feel some levels of remorse for past actions, however… he is very much still negan.
highway to hell - ac/dc
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draftingteacups · 2 years
This is kind of a what if scenario about what would happen if Soni and Luce can freely travel between the two worlds and Soni take the Twst cast on a tour in Kalos. They arrive at Anistar City where the famous Sundial is located and Luce is waiting there for them along with two older girls and an older gentleman who looked a lot similar to her. As Fiona and Diana (Luce’s two older sisters) greet the cast with Diana (the one training to be a Ghost type Elite Four and taking over Malva in the future) discussing things with the Champion, Jacques (their father) gives Crowley his infamous Death Stare as Lucille had told him everything the crow did to her and Soni. Crowley was damn lucky the ex-nobleman didn’t brought his axe with him that day. His daughters ain’t holding the man back if Crowley says something wrong.
Technically we've done the Kalos route (mostly of Lumiose but still), but at the same time, there's no such thing as repeat trips :D
I can just imagine Soni being taken away from the group of NRC boys as Diana talks about official business, something that Soni does need to accomplish while she's there.
Thankfully, someone has a braincell on the E4. Soni does need to check up on the newest batch of Gym Leaders (the ones who replaced Ramos and Wulfric) and everyone's just roaming around with Mama Monet as a guide to the group, just being her positive influence on these boys.
I can also see Soni being a witness to Crowley's possible "interrogation" and being like "Oh look over there, the Anistar Sundial and I do have Champion duties to fulfill do do do~"
Jacques just looks at Crowley and being like "I got my eye on you birdman".
Crowley just sweats bullets.
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savedpeople · 3 years
There’s going to be spoilers for the Here’s Negan episode in this post. I’m not tagging it twd spoilers bc I don’t want this coming up in search. This is your warning! (I’m hoping writing “twd spoilers” here will be enough for blacklists to pick it up.)
I’m thinking of what I want to take from the episode and include in my portrayal. I will be sticking to Negan’s original comic book backstory. As much as I enjoyed the episode, my portrayal has been built upon his comic backstory for over three years now, and the way things were changed in the show make it impossible for both versions to exist together. However, there are little things I’ll take from it. Here are some things I’m adapting into my portrayal in some way:
Smith. Yes, Negan is now officially Negan Smith. No, your characters don’t get to know this information until he personally tells them (it’s fine if they do in banter/crack RPs, just not serious threads.)
“You Are So Beautiful” being Negan and Lucille’s song.
Negan being a gamer. Not heavily, but I always imagined him dabbling in it.
Negan having reading glasses. But can usually manage without them, hence why we never see him wearing them anywhere else. Could probably use a pair in the current season as his vision gets worse with age.
Negan getting into a fight with that man at the bar. HOWEVER, my Negan did not beat him badly enough to be sent to the hospital. He does not get fired, sued, or get charged. They were just two idiots that got into a fight over something stupid. Negan is still a gym teacher when the outbreak hits. He does however have a past of getting fired from previous jobs.
Negan’s more caring, loving side while taking care of Lucille. While she passed away at the very start of the outbreak on this blog, a lot of the sweeter moments we see of them in the episode will instead be moments they had together pre-apocalypse after Negan left his mistress and began focusing on her again.
Negan using his basement as a bunker and staying there in the early days of the outbreak. Only the first 3-4 weeks. Eventually realizes he needs to move, and continuing to stay there just brings back painful memories after losing Lucille. He burns the house down before leaving as a way to put it behind him, and keep himself from being tempted to return.
Laura (and Franklin) being one of the early Saviors. I’m not sure how to fit this in yet, since for my Negan it’s still Dwight’s group that takes him in. Maybe Negan encounters them, they offer some medical/first aid supplies but he doesn’t stay with them bc he’s grown tired of losing people. Maybe their group of doctors falls apart and they turn up again later as part of the group Negan welcomes in (the one whose leader he kills.) I dunno! But Laura is with the group before they reach the Sanctuary.
The leather jacket being a “gift” from Lucille. I’m still debating this, but I like that it gives the jacket some meaning. Maybe it’ll be an actual gift and not something Negan technically bought.
Things I am NOT incorporating:
Lucille surviving months into the apocalypse. I am open to RPing show canon with Lucille blogs! But otherwise I’m sticking to comic canon. Negan being alone from the start is an important part of his story.
Negan lying to get out of driving Lucille to the doctors. I’m keeping comic canon where she collapses and is brought to the hospital. He is with her when she gets her diagnosis.
Laura giving him the bat. I love this idea for the show! It just doesn’t fit in with what I have established on this blog.
As mentioned, he doesn’t get fired from his teaching job.
He doesn’t cheat on Lucille with Janine, nor does he keep it secret. Lucille knows and Negan tells her once it’s over. Still debating this but it’s just some mistress in comic canon and idk if I want to switch it to being Lucille’s friend.
Craven’s group being Negan’s first Lucille victims. I’ll still have them be a group he encounters at some point (minus the held captive aspect), but his first victim is still the leader of the group he encounters in the comics, since there’s a lot more meaning behind it imo.
So... yup. I’m still thinking about some things but this is what I got for now.
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srvivcrs · 3 years
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The world may have ended but JEFFREY DEAN MORGAN is still around, actually I think that might be NEGAN SMITH ( FORTY-SEVEN ) from THE WALKING DEAD. While the apocalypse might have changed them they’re still DETERMINED and UNPREDICTABLE, I guess that’s how they’ll survive here. Turns out they came from a universe where JUST AFTER LOSING LUCILLE ( THE SHOW VERSION ), BEFORE HE BECAME THE SAVIOR’S LEADER, who knows what this one will hold for them.
— name: negan smith — age: 47 — gender: male — species: human — abilities: survival instincts, great with a bat. — sexuality: pansexual — former occupation: gym teacher, bartender. — born: virginia — traits: loud, crude, smug, unpredictable, charming, temperamental and easily excitable. — theme: hurt by johnny cash
— negan has come from a very early-on walking dead timeline. i’m basing him a while after lucille’s death. i’m gonna go with the show-death rather than the comic-death because while it was different, the here’s negan episode did things to me that can’t be undone. he hasn’t become the leader of the saviors yet, but started to collect a small following on his travels with his bat. 
— negan is loud and vulgar even on his best days. on his worst days, he also has a temper that can switch on in minutes. i apologise in advance for any of the shit that comes out of his mouth. 
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raichoose-moved · 4 years
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The Black Eagle Bar Presents the Strawberry Snowfall, modeled after Lucille Snow, the Improvisation Beginner’s Ten Gym Leader!
True to her randomized battle style, these Lucy-themed milkshakes may always be sweet and perfect for sunny days, but the flavor combinations are endless! Her personal favorite? Strawberry and vanilla ice cream blended together, topped with whipped coconut-flavored cream and chocolate sauce! 
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justjessame · 3 years
Silence Chapter 7
My first reaction, wanting to take the question, the curiosity back, came bubbling up again and again as Negan told me his history as he cradled me.  Instead of ‘why’, I should have asked, ‘where’, as in where should we put the blankets so we could get back to my list and get lost in one another, forget the past or at least push it away and pretend - what?  Another question, another curiosity.
“I told you,” Negan had always been so loud, so talkative, so burning and so bright, but here in this cabin he was quiet and I had to strain to hear him, even perched on his lap like I was.  “While we were out there surrounded by trees and weirdos, that I’d been a leader, a prisoner, and a follower -” his breath ruffled my hair, the warmth comforting against my scalp.  “You never asked for details, but you should have, Elara, and I should have been more -”  A sigh escaped his lips.  “I should have added shitty husband, unemployed gym teacher, shit, Elara, I never would have made it this far if it hadn’t been for Lucille.”  I didn’t move, or speak, knowing he needed to tell his story, and whoever Lucille was, I’d learn soon enough.  
“Before everything went to hell,” his fingers were sliding up and down my arm, taking some type of comfort in the feeling of our skin on one another.  “I had a wife, her name was Lucille.”  Ah, I thought, the important one.  “She and I, well at first I thought we were some epic fucking love story.  I loved the shit out of her, but -”  Breathing deeply, as if inhaling the scent of ME could keep her from haunting him now.  “I took her for granted.  I screwed her best friend, was screwing her best friend the same day she got diagnosed with cancer.”  Yikes.  That was pretty rough, and definitely caused guilt that could stay with a person for years.  
His voice seemed to fade further into his memories, and even tucked against him, or perhaps because I was tucked into him, I could smell a hint of alcohol and I wondered if Negan hadn’t had some help loosening his already easy manner with a shot or more of liquid courage.  But his story wasn’t over, not even close.
“The doctors gave us enough -” he told me about how he learned how to give Lucille her chemotherapy at home.  How he learned to keep the generator going, and how to move the medication into the freezer to keep it at the correct temperature during the downtime to conserve gas.  He told me, his voice tight yet filled with a sort of pain filled nostalgia, about the daily wig choosing.  “She wanted entertainment, so I tried my damnedest to read books to her,” his lips were against my temple by this point, but I wasn’t sure he even knew I was still with him, he was so lost in the past.  “That last night, our food was almost gone, I’d managed to make dog food edible as I could,” my stomach lurched, but I didn’t move, feeling as trapped in Negan’s past as he was.  “She gave me my jacket.”  Wistful, a breath and almost reverent all at once and I felt like a trespasser.  Like I should leave and let him alone - with his pain and his memories.  
“I’d bought it before -” he swallowed so hard that I knew he was fighting letting it go, all the pent up grief and loss, but before I could tell him to let go, he kept talking.  “I’d lost my job.  I’d made such a fucking mess of everything, and I went out and bought it.  She told me she returned it, but there it was.”  He shook his head, I could feel the movement, but instead of loosening his hold on me, he tightened it.  “We made love, and when we woke up -”  Everything was ruined.  All of her treatment, all her medication that could prolong her life, all ruined and wasted.  Useless.  “I promised I’d find this mobile clinic, it came through the neighborhood so often, I knew it.”  He was almost fevered in the memory, growing only slightly louder, but I knew he wanted to rush, to get past this.  “She didn’t want me to leave her, I think she knew -”  And so did I.  Cancer.  The shit storm that we’d fallen into.  And she’d be all alone for God knew how long until he came back, with or without medicine? 
“I found them.” He sighed.  “I got the medication.  I got caught by a gang -” the steel in his voice warned me that no good came from or to that gang that delayed his return to Lucille further.  “By the time I got back to her -” Negan’s voice caught and it caught me off-guard.  I’d heard him cocky and loud.  I’d heard him uncertain and careful.  I’d heard him tempting and seductive.  But broken and grieving?  No.  “I gave up that doctor and his people to get back to her with the medication, Elara.  They could have DIED just so I could get back to her.”  
I waited, knowing even as his voice broke that he needed to let it out.  “She’d taken her own life.  She gave up.  On me, on herself.”  His face was tight against my neck now, Negan seemed to curl into himself and me.  “That changed me, Elara, completely.  I took the bat that the doctor -” he paused, remembering.  “Franklin, his name was Franklin.  I took the baseball bat his daughter Laura gave me.  She was with me right up until -”  He went silent and that scared me worse than anything he’d told me so far.
It was dark, the fire still burning and crackling in the fireplace, Negan still rocking in the chair while he held me.  I was waiting, for what I wasn’t really certain, but I knew more was coming. There must be more.  Negan was never completely silent, was he?
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papermoonloveslucy · 4 years
January 21, 1949
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“Marriage License Error” (aka “Marriage License”) is episode #27 of the radio series MY FAVORITE HUSBAND broadcast on January 21, 1949 over the Armed Forces Radio Network (AFN). 
Synopsis ~ Liz and George find their marriage license and discover that instead of "George H. Cooper," it says "George C. Hooper." Now Liz is convinced that she and George aren't legally married!
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Portions of this radio show served as the basis for “The Marriage License” (ILL S1;E26) filmed on February 28, 1952 and aired on April 7, 1952, on CBS-TV.  On television, the Ricardo’s marriage license mistakenly read “Bicardi” instead of “Ricardo”. 
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“My Favorite Husband” was based on the novels Mr. and Mrs. Cugat, the Record of a Happy Marriage (1940) and Outside Eden (1945) by Isabel Scott Rorick, which had previously been adapted into the film Are Husbands Necessary? (1942). “My Favorite Husband” was first broadcast as a one-time special on July 5, 1948. Lucille Ball and Lee Bowman played the characters of Liz and George Cugat, and a positive response to this broadcast convinced CBS to launch “My Favorite Husband” as a series. Bowman was not available Richard Denning was cast as George. On January 7, 1949, confusion with bandleader Xavier Cugat prompted a name change to Cooper. On this same episode Jell-O became its sponsor. A total of 124 episodes of the program aired from July 23, 1948 through March 31, 1951. After about ten episodes had been written, writers Fox and Davenport departed and three new writers took over – Bob Carroll, Jr., Madelyn Pugh, and head writer/producer Jess Oppenheimer. In March 1949 Gale Gordon took over the existing role of George’s boss, Rudolph Atterbury, and Bea Benadaret was added as his wife, Iris. CBS brought “My Favorite Husband” to television in 1953, starring Joan Caulfield and Barry Nelson as Liz and George Cooper. The television version ran two-and-a-half seasons, from September 1953 through December 1955, running concurrently with “I Love Lucy.” It was produced live at CBS Television City for most of its run, until switching to film for a truncated third season filmed (ironically) at Desilu and recasting Liz Cooper with Vanessa Brown.
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Lucille Ball (Liz Cooper) was born on August 6, 1911 in Jamestown, New York. She began her screen career in 1933 and was known in Hollywood as ‘Queen of the B’s’ due to her many appearances in ‘B’ movies. With Richard Denning, she starred in a radio program titled “My Favorite Husband” which eventually led to the creation of “I Love Lucy,” a television situation comedy in which she co-starred with her real-life husband, Latin bandleader Desi Arnaz. The program was phenomenally successful, allowing the couple to purchase what was once RKO Studios, re-naming it Desilu. When the show ended in 1960 (in an hour-long format known as “The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour”) so did Lucy and Desi’s marriage. In 1962, hoping to keep Desilu financially solvent, Lucy returned to the sitcom format with “The Lucy Show,” which lasted six seasons. She followed that with a similar sitcom “Here’s Lucy” co-starring with her real-life children, Lucie and Desi Jr., as well as Gale Gordon, who had joined the cast of “The Lucy Show” during season two. Before her death in 1989, Lucy made one more attempt at a sitcom with “Life With Lucy,” also with Gordon.
Richard Denning (George Cooper) was born as Louis Albert Heindrich Denninger Jr., in Poughkeepsie, New York. When he was 18 months old, his family moved to Los Angeles. Plans called for him to take over his father’s garment manufacturing business, but he developed an interest in acting. Denning enlisted in the US Navy during World War II. He is best known for his  roles in various science fiction and horror films of the 1950s. Although he teamed with Lucille Ball on radio in “My Favorite Husband,” the two never acted together on screen. While “I Love Lucy” was on the air, he was seen on another CBS TV series, “Mr. & Mrs. North.”  From 1968 to 1980 he played the Governor on “Hawaii 5-0″, his final role. He died in 1998 at age 84.
Ruth Perrott (Katie, the Maid) was also later seen on “I Love Lucy.” She first played Mrs. Pomerantz (above right), a member of the surprise investigating committee for the Society Matrons League in “Pioneer Women” (ILL S1;E25), as one of the member of the Wednesday Afternoon Fine Arts League in “Lucy and Ethel Buy the Same Dress” (ILL S3;E3), and also played a nurse when “Lucy Goes to the Hospital” (ILL S2;E16). She died in 1996 at the age of 96.
Announcer Bob LeMond is not heard in this episode as it is part of the American Forces Network and has a different announcer. 
Gale Gordon (Rudolph Atterbury) and Bea Benadaret (Iris Atterbury) had not yet joined the cast as regular characters.
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Frank Nelson (Joe Ridgley) was born on May 6, 1911 (three months before Lucille Ball) in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He started working as a radio announcer at the age of 15. He later appeared on such popular radio shows as “The Great Gildersleeve,” “Burns and Allen,” and “Fibber McGee & Molly”. This is one of his 11 performances on “My Favorite Husband.”  On “I Love Lucy” he holds the distinction of being the only actor to play two recurring roles: Freddie Fillmore and Ralph Ramsey, as well as six one-off characters, including the frazzled train conductor in “The Great Train Robbery” (ILL S5;E5), a character he repeated on “The Lucy Show.”  Aside from Lucille Ball, Nelson is perhaps most associated with Jack Benny and was a fifteen-year regular on his radio and television programs.
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Doris Singleton (Hotel Biltmore Telephone Operator) created the role of Caroline Appleby on “I Love Lucy,” although she was known as Lillian Appleby in the first of her ten appearances. She made two appearances on “The Lucy Show.”  Singleton played a secretary in the first episode of “Here’s Lucy” and was meant to be a series regular, but her role was written out to concentrate on Lucy Carter’s family life. She did two more episodes of the series.
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Ted de Corsia (Police Officer) was an actor in touring companies and on radio before making a memorable film debut as the killer in The Lady from Shanghai (1947). De Corsia's New York street demeanor and gravelly voice assured him steady work playing street thugs, gang leaders or organized-crime bosses. On radio he starred in the CBS series "Pursuit" (1949-50). Two years after this episode of “My Favorite Husband,” he appeared with Lucille Ball on the radio show “The Golden Touch.” 
The actor voicing the role of Paul Buchanan is not credited and has not been identified.
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The Coopers are spending the evening in the living room reading the newspapers. Liz is doing the crossword puzzle, while George scans the headlines. 
GEORGE: “Well, it looks like the inauguration came off alright.” 
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George is referring to the second inauguration of incumbent President Harry S. Truman, which happened in Washington DC the previous day. It ushered in Truman’s second term in office. It was the first televised U.S. presidential inauguration and the first with an air parade.
Liz insists that crosswords build her vocabulary. George quizzes her on current events. 
GEORGE: “Where did the President take his oath of office?” LIZ: “On a special platform built in front of the capitol building.  GEORGE: “How did you happen to know that?” LIZ: “It showed through the hole when I cut out the crossword puzzle.” GEORGE: “Try this: who administered the oath?” LIZ: “What?” 
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The familiar trope of husbands being engrossed in the morning papers to the dismay of their wives takes a slightly different spin here, but was continued well into “I Love Lucy.” The answer that George is looking for is that Chief Justice Fred M. Vinson administered the presidential oath of office that day in 1949.
Through the hole, Liz recognizes the name of Paul Buchanan, who is in the paper because he was elected president at the jewelers convention. Liz recalls dating him in high school. He played tuba in the school band. Liz says she might have married but for his tuba playing.  Liz says that if she had married Paul she might have gotten an engagement ring. Instead, George couldn’t afford a ring and gave her a sweat shirt with his initials on it. George says the initials actually stood for Gym Class!  
LIZ: “I was lovely!  I was engaged!  I was dressed like Maxie Rosenbloom!”
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Max Everitt Rosenbloom (1907-76) was a professional boxer, actor, and television personality. In 1948 he played a truck driver in the Paulette Goddard film Hazard. Nicknamed “Slapsie Maxie”, he had appeared in the film Muss ‘Em Up (1936) in which a blonde Lucille Ball was a background performer. She posed with him for the above publicity shot, helping him apply his make-up!
Liz senses that George is still upset about the ring, so she sits on his lap and they cuddle and kiss.  Liz opens their scrapbook, looking at their wedding photos.  She sees her marriage license. 
LIZ: “On this date, Elizabeth Elliott was married to George C. Hooper!” 
Liz panics thinking that their license may be invalid - and they might not even be legally married!  As soon as the Sheridan Falls City Hall opens, Liz intends to go down there personally and find out for sure! 
Unbeknownst to Liz, George calls his friend at the license bureau, Joe Ridgley (Frank Nelson). He tells Joe that he wants him to play a joke on Liz, and tell her that they are not really married!  Joe agrees. 
Liz arrives at the bureau and explains to Mr. Ridgley about the error.  He tells Liz that it does indeed matter. He refers to her as “Miss Elliott” and confirms that she hasn’t been married to George for ten years! 
Liz returns home. When George goes to kiss her - she says that she is no longer his to touch! 
LIZ: “The man at the license bureau put the padlock on our wedlock.”
Liz insists they go right down to the license bureau and get re-married. George - having some fun at her expense - hesitates. Liz is as upset as she is angry!  Just then, Katie the Maid takes Liz aside into the kitchen to tell her that it’s all a joke between George and Joe. Liz decides to get revenge for his prank.
Liz goes back into the living room and George suddenly confesses to his joke - but when he describes Joe Ridgley, Liz says that he is not describing the man she spoke to at all!  Which means that they really aren’t married after all!  George wants to go right down to City Hall and re-marry, but Liz (teasing him along even further) says not so fast - she wants to be single a little longer! Liz picks up the phone to call Paul Buchanan to ask him out on a date. She reminds him that she was called “Queen of the Rumble Seat”! 
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A rumble seat was an additional padded passenger seat that popped up from the rear of the vehicle, usually just big enough for two. This led it to becoming synonymous with romantic trysts!  
Liz knows that George can’t hear Paul on the other end as he protests that he is married with six kids!   He abruptly hangs up, but Liz continues her staged phone conversation with the hotel operator (Doris Singleton).  Liz says that she will meet him at the Flamingo Room of the Biltmore. 
In the kitchen, Liz tells Katie that while George thinks she is on a date with Paul Buchanan at the Biltmore, she and Katie will actually be watching Humphrey Bogart at the Strand movie theater.   
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In January 1949, Bogart’s most recent film would have been Key Largo, released in mid-summer 1948. It went on to win an Oscar for Claire Trevor.  Humphrey Bogart never appeared on screen with Lucille Ball. However, in “Ricky’s Movie Offer” (ILL S4;E5) Desi Arnaz does an impression of Bogart and in “Lucy and the Andrews Sisters” (HL S2;E6) Lucy blows a kiss to a large poster of Bogart from the movie Casablanca.
Coming out of the Strand later that evening, Liz and Katie notice a crowd in front of the Biltmore Hotel. Katie thinks it might be a wreck! 
LIZ: “When you see a crowd in front of a window these days, it isn’t a wreck, it’s television!”  KATIE: “Oh, well maybe they’re showing a wrestling match!” 
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Before television sets became affordable to the general public, it was not uncommon to find people gathered on the sidewalk in front of a store window to view it from the street.
LIZ: “Katie it is wrestling!  There’s gorgeous George!” 
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Liz is referring to her husband, George but wrestling matches were very popular on early television, producing such colorful wrestlers as Gorgeous George. George Raymond Wagner (1915–63), was known as Gorgeous George because of his long blonde hair. He was mentioned on “I Love Lucy” in “Pioneer Women” (ILL S1;E25) and “Ricky’s Movie Offer” (ILL S4;E6). In 1949, Republic Pictures released a film starring Gorgeous George.
A Policeman (Ted de Corsia) is breaking up a brawl between George Cooper and Paul Buchanan. Paul is nothing like Liz remembered: bald, fat and with a black eye. Paul remembers George from school. Liz is delighted having two men fighting over her. George spots Liz in the crowd. When George insists Liz is his wife, Liz claims she never saw him before.   When the cop wants to arrest George, Liz pretends to be from Brooklyn (Myrtle Avenue) to talk him out of it. She insists that George buy her an engagement ring (from Paul) to get out of going to jail. The office gladly agrees - if George will properly propose on one knee first!  Liz insists he use her ‘pet’ name. 
GEORGE: “Will you marry me... toodly-woodly-ums!”  COP: “When you gonna get married?” LIZ: “Ten years ago!”  COP: “Why that’s impossible!”  LIZ: “Who cares!  I’ve got back my favorite husband!” 
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In the bedtime tag, Liz asks George to get up and get her a glass of warm milk. After bickering about it for a moment, George reluctantly agrees, stubbing his toe on the chair.  By the time he finds his slippers, Liz is snoring, fast asleep. 
GEORGE: “How do you like that? Goodnight, Liz.” 
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aion-rsa · 3 years
The Walking Dead: What “Here’s Negan” Changes from the Comic
This article contains spoilers for The Walking Dead season 10 episode 22.
Negan (no last name given…or needed) is one of the most unexpectedly beloved characters on The Walking Dead. Loquacious, charismatic, and unfailingly vulgar, Negan practically jumps off the page of Robert Kirkman’s comic series, and makes a big impact through Jeffrey Dean Morgan’s performance of the AMC series.
Over 193 issues of Kirkman’s comic, it became clear that the writer was just as enthralled with the brutish villain as the fans were. It would have been easy to kill Negan off at the end of the extended All Out War arc. Rick even slashed the man’s throat! But Kirkman made sure the jerk lived to fight another day and he soon became an integral part of the Whisperer War before finally retiring to a life of quiet contemplation in the woods.
Prior to Negan gracefully exiting the pages of The Walking Dead, however, Kirkman and longtime illustrator Charlie Adlard presented his origin story in a miniseries called “Here’s Negan.” Told over 16 short chapters and published in its entirety in 2017, “Here’s Negan” tells the story of how a lowly gym teacher came to be a bat-wielding, leather jacketed badass in the post-apocalypse. 
Not that readers needed a reason to love the antagonist more, but the miniseries added a new sympathetic layer to the character and revealed how he broke bad. Now, in the finale of its six extra season 10 episodes, The Walking Dead TV series will be doing the same thing.
The Walking Dead season 10 episode 22 “Here’s Negan” serves as a fitting conclusion to a super-sized year for the show, while also filling in some of the blanks on Negan’s story. Here is how it does so along with what it borrows and what it changes from its comic miniseries inspiration.
Lucille’s Introduction
The characterization of Negan’s wife Lucille and her failing health going into the zombie apocalypse represents the biggest similarities between “Here’s Negan” on the page and on the screen. In fact, there’s really only one key difference between the comic and the TV adaptation. In the comic, Lucille dies right as the zombie apocalypse breaks out. In the show, Lucille makes it to at least seven months into the end of the world.
Aside from the time and setting difference, much of Negan and Lucille’s arc remains the same. The “Here’s Negan” comic reveals that Negan was every bit the charming asshole pre-zombies that he is now. The story opens with Negan, a gym teacher, mercilessly schooling three kids in a game of ping pong in his garage. Because he’s Negan, he can’t quite help but cuss them out upon his victory (just as he does while pwning some n00bs in a game of Gears of War in the episode). Lucille overhears Negan behaving inappropriately in front of the children and begins to tell him off. Unfortunately, shortly into her admonishment, she passes out.
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The Walking Dead Season 10 “Here’s Negan” Finale Gives the Villain a Chance to Save Lucille
By John Saavedra
The Walking Dead Comic Returns with ‘Negan Lives’
By Alec Bojalad
The story then cuts to the hospital where Lucille’s diagnosis is revealed. Shortly thereafter Negan sleeps with the woman who he has been cheating on Lucille with (yes, even after hearing about her cancer). Thankfully, after that tryst, Negan finally breaks the affair off and returns to Lucille’s bed side where he apologizes and tells her he’s all in now. We get a fun little example of Lucille’s sense of humor (and maybe her current state of mind) when she tells him “What’s wrong with you? Why would you pick the sick one?”
Shortly thereafter, Negan is present with Lucille at the hospital when the world ends. Doctors rush into Lucille’s room to tell Negan to run as some seriously messed up stuff is underway outside and within the halls of the hospital. Negan refuses to leave Lucille’s side naturally, but she passes away suddenly and becomes Negan’s first introduction to the walking dead.
The TV series does an admirable job in picking out what works about the beginning of “Here’s Negan” while finding ways to improve everything else. Getting to see what Lucille is like after the fall is a great way for the audience to warm up to her. Even when suffering through another round of chemo, Lucille musters the energy to take down a walker when Negan can’t. 
This change also allows for Negan to mourn her loss more acutely when the time comes. Having to put down a zombified Lucille long after he’s acclimated to the world’s deadly new rules has a greater emotional impact than having to do so right at the beginning. 
On the Road
The TV version of “Here’s Negan” begins to deviate from the comic quite a bit after the Lucille origin story is out of the way. The middle portion of the comic miniseries finds Negan doing what pretty much every other character has had to do: wandering out on the post-apocalyptic streets, looking for company, community, and safety. 
While the TV Negan struggles to put down a single walker, the comic Negan is preternaturally gifted at both zombie-killing and survival. He encounters one group while promising he can hotwire a car (he cannot). Later on that night, Negan and the group face their first real test of the apocalypse when a horde of walkers attacks their campfire gathering. All of his new friends die, but Negan survives and loots the baseball bat that will one day become the new “Lucille” off of one of their corpses. 
Negan surviving while his new partners die becomes something of a recurring theme. We see a montage of Negan making new acquaintance after new acquaintance, only for them to prove incapable of making it in this harsh new world. When his latest partner reveals she sustains a zombie bite on her neck, Negan reacts in pure rage. 
“I’m sick of you people. You’re all fucking WEAK. ALL YOU EVER DO IS DIE.”
Negan wants to find someone strong, someone who can survive like him and who won’t break his heart by dying. He eventually finds just that in a group led by Dwight (hey, remember him?) and Sherry. 
Negan’s origin story in the TV series, of course, differs a great deal. Since Lucille is still alive in the apocalypse, Negan’s inciting moment to get him on the road and moving is the need to secure more medicine for her.
What’s interesting about this alteration for the show is how it potentially changes Negan’s motivation for society-building. In the comic, Negan comes to view strength as its own virtue – because in the new world strength is the only way to avoid pain. But the people that Negan comes across in the episode are anything but strong. 
Franklin and Laura (who fulfills Dwight and Sherry’s role as the “hey, I’ve seen that person before!” character) are unfailingly kind and compassionate. That only makes them an easy target for the Valaks Vipers MCs of the world. The comic version of Negan might be disgusted by Franklin and Laura’s charity and therefore weakness. In the show, however, it’s their selfless act that encourages him to take up the mantle of being the badass who can “save the world.”
Negan Becomes Negan
Speaking of being a badass, both the comic and TV versions of “Here’s Negan” feature a moment in which the character self-actualizes into the Savior leader we come to know later on. In the comic that moment comes when Negan gets a chance to display one of his only truly decent qualities: his hatred for sexual violence. 
Soon after Negan joins Dwight’s group, he becomes their de facto leader. He’s simply too strong and his survival instincts are too good to be ignored. The others start to follow him, not Dwight, because they seem to instinctively understand that he’s their best bet for survival. Eventually the burgeoning Saviors encounter another group and invite them in to join forces because strength can be found in numbers.
Unfortunately that group’s leader soon implies to Negan that the women with them are sex slaves. Negan acts quickly and instinctively, beating the man to death with his beloved bat. After the deed is done, Negan begins to ominously adorn the bat with barbed wire while telling the rest of the group that they’re free to stay. He articulates his new modus operandi in the verbose way that a newly-born supervillain can. It was Lucille who made Negan stronger and gave him the armor to survive when all the people around him couldn’t. Now with this new barbed wire Lucille, Negan will finally be able to protect those around him, shielding them from the evils to come.
It’s a typically overwrought Negan speech, blunted by the Glenn-murdering version of Negan we know is yet to come. But if you squint a bit, you can kind of see how Negan’s mission of protection could become one of subjugation and domination. Negan really thought he was saving the world, one swing of Lucille at a time, because he was the only one strong enough to do so. It wasn’t until he came up against the power of Rick Grimes’s egalitarian group that he realized he was mistaken. 
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Was The Walking Dead Planning to Go Past the Comic Stories?
By Joseph Baxter
The Walking Dead Season 11 Trailer Might Be Teasing an Urban Setting
By Alec Bojalad
Negan comes to a similar conclusion in this episode, he just takes a different route to getting there. After Lucille mercy kills herself and Negan is forced to put her zombified form down, he returns to confront the Valaks Vipers. Once the goons are dispatched outside, Negan can’t help but opt for theatrics once again. He puts the Viper leader on his knees for his very first “lineup,” though this time it’s a lineup of one. 
He tells the Viper the story of how he got into a bar fight one night that jeopardized his gym teacher career. All he wanted to do was to listen to “You Are So Beautiful” with Lucille at a bar. But one particular loud mouth had other ideas. So Negan beat him up. Now that the world has ended it seems like only the loudmouths and douchebags are left. Truly decent, selfless people like Franklin and Laura at a premium. And when you find them among the zombies you must do whatever it takes to protect them. Who better to project the weak and the meek from the monsters than the ultimate monster – Negan, himself. 
At that, my friends, is how you get a Negan.
The episodic “Here’s Negan” ends with a touching little coda where Negan lays his shattered bat to rest and finally, verbally says goodbye to the flesh and blood Lucille. His full eulogy is as follows.
“I’m sorry that I named a stupid baseball bat after you. I hope you found someone in the afterlife and you are screwing your brains out. Well, not really. But fair is fair. I miss you. I love the shit out of you. And I am gonna do your fighting for you.”
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Here, The Walking Dead is borrowing directly from the comics once again, but not from “Here’s Negan.” Issue 162 of the comic series opens with Negan burying Lucille, which was destroyed in The Whisperer War. His parting words are nearly identical right down to “I’m sorry that I named a stupid baseball bat after you” and the colorful passage about brains being screwed out in heaven.  This is a particularly important passage for The Walking Dead season 10 to go out on. For while the comic version and Jeffrey Dean Morgan version of Negan have their differences, their stories start and end in the same place: Lucille.
The post The Walking Dead: What “Here’s Negan” Changes from the Comic appeared first on Den of Geek.
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collecting-stories · 5 years
Monster | Daryl Dixon
I know they aren't on there, but could you do the song monsters by shinedown with daryl?? - requested by @lokilover2000 
Good for you, you fooled everybody.                                                          Good for you, you hurt everybody – Monster by Shinedown
Daryl didn’t remember the first time he met you but you did. To be fair it was dark for a majority of the meeting and he was on his knees with the rest of his group, listening to your leader’s long winded and over dramatic speech. The parts he remembered were different from yours. You remembered every moment chronologically. Standing by Simon’s jeep, an ak-47 you’d stolen way back when from your crazy neighbor when the world first ended gripped in your hands as you listened to Negan introduce himself to the group that had been wrecking havoc on your community. You barely listened anymore to his speeches. Young when the world ended you had joined Negan’s saviours at a formative moment in the group. Room for growth allowed you a high ranking amongst them which had benefits though standing around while he terrorised people for fun wasn’t particularly one of them.  
For the most part your eyes wandered, trying to keep yourself interested in the same speech you’d been hearing for the last few years and eventually you landed on Daryl. Though you didn’t know his name at the time you’d heard of him from Dwight and Sherry separately. When you were at the Sanctuary you usually took watch detail on the wives because the gossip reminded you of binging shitty MTV reality shows and kept you occupied for most of the day. Sherry was keen on not fitting in with the other wives completely and she mistook your interest in their drama as camaraderie so she told you about the guy she and Dwight had met when they tried to run.  
Her description was pretty spot on because from what Dwight had relayed that was the guy. Your eyes focused on him over Negan’s constant pacing and you watched the way he watched your leader. Despite the beating he’d already taken from some of the saviours he looked unaffected by Negan’s bravado, as if the bully speech meant nothing to him and he could see passed the character. You suspected he would have gladly taken Lucille to the skull though bizarrely you felt relieved when Negan overlooked him for another.  
Once Negan loaded Rick into the RV and drove off you relaxed a bit. This group would make no moves without their leader and not when they were so clearly outnumbered. And with Negan gone you didn’t feel so bad outright staring. It was pretty sick when you really stopped to think about it. You were seriously checking out this guy in the line-up who looked only slightly more physically stable than the pregnant girl who was turning blue.  
“Told you we’d beat those motherfuckers, you owe me.” Simon mentioned, leaning so close you could feel the hairs of his moustache on your cheek. You grimaced but didn’t pull away. There was a lot Negan didn’t stand for but there was even more he let slide.  
“I didn’t bet you anything asshole. Just said they were smart, knew what they were doing.” You replied, eyes still on him. Look up, Sherry said you’ve got the prettiest eyes and I wanna see ‘em.  
“Who knows what their doing now?” When he tried to slide his hand into your back pocket for a squeeze of your ass you pulled away, glaring at him. If this wasn’t the middle of a lineup you’d shove your gun down his throat but you had to show some sort of loyalty to the second in command.  
“Fuck off Simon.”  
When you looked back he was looking but it was too dark to tell if Sherry was right, even with all these headlights.  
Daryl remembered the second time he saw you. The music had stopped rather suddenly sometime during what he suspected was night. It was too dark in this cell to be sure. All he was sure of was that the music stopped and still he could hear it, somewhere distant in the back of his head. Just above the whisper of the song he could footsteps, not as heavy as Dwight’s. Daryl shifted away from the door, drawing his legs up to his chest as the door opened and light flooded into the tiny closet of a room. It had been a closet originally, you could still remember pulling cleaning supplies out of it. Once upon a time it smelled like bleach, now it just smelled like excrement. How Dwight did this job you couldn’t be sure, you wanted to throw up the minute you opened the door. It weighed against your shoulder as you stood in the doorway, holding out a plate with a sandwich on it. Dwight had been specific in his instructions, dog food sandwiches and that fucking song on loop. Despite his orders coming directly from Negan, with both of them gone for the day you were giving Daryl a break. You knew his name now though you hadn’t seen him since they’d hauled back in the transit van after the line-up.  
“Take it.” You urged because he was just staring at the plate. Eggs and bacon on bread with a cashew butter you’d made. “Seriously, take it.”
There was something almost feral in his eyes now. You could see them better in the light of the hallway and yeah, Sherry was right but also he looked halfway between giving up and getting ready to attack you. You almost pulled your hand back when he reached for the plate finally and took it out of your grasp. It hadn’t been what he was expecting and it wasn’t even more so up close. He hadn’t had anything substantial since the morning he headed out with Rosita and Denise and he hadn’t had eggs since Hershel’s farm.  
You pulled the water bottle off the carabiner clipped to your belt-loop and handed that over too, placing it on the ground beside him. “I’ll be back in a couple hours.” And with that he was shrouded in darkness again.  
Too tired and hungry to question your out of place kindness he ate and drank what you’d left for him. You didn’t turn the song back on either because in all honesty it was torturing you too and you wanted some peace and quiet while you were alone on watch. Fat Joey had your detail shadowing the wives today which left you alone in the hallway, sitting on a chair at the corner near the stairwell and reading some old Stephen King book you’d managed to bum off of another savior. There wasn’t much you could do, without clothes Daryl couldn’t leave the cell and you didn’t have access to the oversized gym uniforms that Negan was so obsessed with putting his untouchables in.  
When the couple of hours passed you went back for your water and the plate. He’d left you half the once full bottle and you took a quick drink from it before clipping it back on. “Sorry about all this.” You apologized and he looked at you like he didn’t believe and honestly, you weren’t sure you believed you either.  
Outside of the cell Daryl saw you plenty of times as Dwight prodded him around the Sanctuary. You were almost always with the wives and once, when Sherry stopped in the hall to talk to him without supervision, you’d caught them. Though you’d turned the other way and walked to the stairs instead of calling for anyone. Once he saw you outside on watch when he was at the fence. A walker got particularly close to his left shoulder blade and you’d shot them between the eyes with your rifle. Negan had screamed at you from where he was unloading the trucks.  
“The fuck do you think you’re doing up there?”
“Figured you didn’t want him dead yet.” You knew Negan had taken a liking to that side of Daryl you’d seen in the cell, the feral side that wasn’t ready to lie down and let someone walk over him.
“I better not hear another fucking shot outta that gun or I’ll put one between your eyes sugar.” He replied, voice catching the attention of some of the dead. Daryl was watching you but it didn’t last long.  
The most significant of all your meetings with Daryl occurred weeks after that and found both of you in Alexandria.  
You knew Sherry got him out shortly after your altercation with Negan at the fence and you didn’t see him again until the day after the attack. When you arrived at the gates of Alexandria with Carol. Bloodied but not a prisoner. Both of you had been separated from your groups, caught in the woods with a herd of walkers and you’d shot one just above her as she was flat on her back struggling to regain the upper hand. She’d taken your gun, afraid you’d use it on her though you tried to reason how stupid that would be after you’d literally saved her life.  
She walked behind you back to Alexandria, keeping her gun aimed and silence proceeded your arrival. You’d been at the sanctuary and enough people had seen you there in the crossfire that when the gate was pulled back you were met with more weapons trained on you. When you turned your head to your left you saw Daryl, crossbow aimed at you. He didn’t lower it but you watched the change from hostile to non-threatening in his stance and his eyes. No wonder, you thought, that Negan had been so scared of him. Daryl still looked the same feral and angry that he had the first time you saw him but the part of him that had been dying in that cell seemed to be gone, or at least masked with new purpose.  
You were certain though, as you looked at him and despite not wanting to, it was manifested in your eyes. How easy it would be to end it all now? But your fear of dying didn’t allow you the chance of considering the option for too long. And before you knew it Carol was speaking up, vouching for you enough that death was no longer an option on the table.  
“She’s not a threat.” Carol said, lowering her own gun though she’d been keeping it on you this whole time so you weren’t sure how convincing she really was. “She helped me.”  
You thought about arguing your case but realized the point was mute when Rick walked through two of the men still holding their rifles on you. You didn’t remember him nearly as well as you remembered Rick but you’d been to Alexandria enough times for pick-ups that you were familiar with their leader. Once, before Negan, he was probably the greatest threat he ever faced but Negan had knocked him down a peg and he was not exactly ready to offer you solace in his home.  
“Search her.” Rick instructed and Daryl was swinging his crossbow easily over his shoulder and patting you down. He pulled two knives off of you and pocketed them.  
You were led to a cell in a basement that still had a lot more light and humanity than the cell Daryl was left in. This room was certainly never a closet. And no one stripped you of your clothing. Aside from your hoodie, which had a zipper, and your boots, you were kept in your t-shirt and jeans. One of them even took the bobby pins that had been holding stray hairs off the nape of your neck. There was a cot and a blanket and a pillow and Carol gave you water right away. Feeling guilty you left the water outside the bars of the miniature prison.  
There was a window and you could see the time pass and no one came for two days until finally the door opened and you heard footsteps on the stairs. Anxiety from a past life found you underneath the cot when Daryl came in with a tray of food. A can of chili, an apple, and some bread. You rolled out and sat cross-legged on the cot. “I’m not trying to double cross you guys.”  
“Ain’t me ya need ta convince.” He opened the door and laid your tray on the ground before shutting it again. There was a pair of handcuffs hanging out of his pocket and you assumed he was supposed to cuff you before walking in, just in case you were crazy enough to think you could take him. It occurred after a minute that this was the first time you’d heard him speak that you really remembered.  
You weren’t sure what else to say but he wasn’t moving. You would like to say that you were happy to see that he made it back alive or that you definitely suspected that he would. He wasn’t the type who caved. You also wanted to ask him how he managed it because you’d be lying if you said that you’d never thought of leaving Negan’s side. But you knew what happened to people who did and you could imagine the satisfaction Simon would’ve taken in stringing you up piece by piece.  
“Sorry, ‘bout all this.” Daryl spoke up, repeating your words back to you.
“This is nicer than my room so...it’s ten fucking times nicer than yours was.” You replied, “that was a closet...I remember cleaning it out.”
“Eat.” He clearly didn’t want to rehash the time he spent locked in a tiny room being tortured. Naturally. You were an idiot.  
“Sorry.” You apologized and reached for the bread only, then back to the cot.  
“How’d ya get mixed up with that anyway?”  
You were young still, he thought you’d be innocent looking if he didn’t know any better. You didn’t fit the bill of the other saviors he’d seen though he’d watched the accuracy with which you’d shot that rifle behind his head and the dead look you got the few times Dwight was being a jackass to you. A little scary in an unexpected way he had been thinking about you since you’d given him a proper meal.  
“First thing I stumbled on after this shit happened...I just didn’t want to die.” You shrugged. It was really that simple at it’s core. You didn’t want to be another dead body wandering around the woods until some sorry sap shot your brains out. You wanted to survive because, as crazy as it sounded, you had such a fear of death that you couldn’t even fathom leaving Negan for fear that you’d meet death.  
“So ya traded yer soul ta that?”
A glare was sent his way and you, a bit overdramatically, tore the bite of bread off. “Don’t judge me. We’ve all done shit to survive. I saw what you guys did at the outpost, not to mention the fucking grenade launcher you fried people with.” You snapped. “I did what I had to do and whether you want to believe it or not Negan was better than being out there alone.”
“Then what’re ya doing here.”
“I want to keep living.”  
“That’s not enough.” He replied, as if he had really expected some more profound answer from you. It’d always been that simple though.  
You could’ve let Carol die in the woods and you could’ve found your way back to the Sanctuary. It would’ve been easy, easier than this. But you couldn’t bring yourself to let her die and when she led you back to Alexandria you had almost smiled. You didn’t want to think about all the complicated parts of it though. Those were the things that scared you more than death. That in this bizarre new world you were starting to feel something once again that you hadn’t felt since the world ended.  
“It’s all I’ve got.” You lied.  
Daryl grabbed the chair in the corner of the room and dragged it over to the bars, sitting down across from your cot. He leaned back and stretched out, taking the water bottle off the ground and taking a sip from it as he watched you. Meeting his eyes you concluded that Sherry was definitely right, they were the prettiest eyes you’d ever seen.  
“So, tell me about yourself?” You requested and watched the smallest of smirks pass over his features.  
A/N: So I originally wasn't gonna do this request because I’d never heard this song but after looking at the lyrics I feel like it really fit with this idea I’ve kind of been toying with for a while. So...this might in the next month or so evolve into a full-fledge series if anyone would be interested. 
taglist: @thinkingsofamadwoman @mixedwiththemoon @titty-teetee  @queenmissfit @marvelismylifffe @iluvmesomemarvelndc @absentmindeduniverse @his-paradox @medievalfangirl @gigilame @sabertooth-potato @enrapturedbythemoon @cbarter @onemorebeautifulnightmare @born-in-19-96  @mainokutan @uh-i-think-its-frank @nikki082489 @qrangr  
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the-mykie-show · 6 years
Leather and Lace (Neganxreader)
Before the apocalypse Negan was your favorite teacher who you also had a massive crush on, the two of you are reunited in Alexandria and you discover that the fire between you is far from extinguished. 
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Gif is not mine, full credit to the maker. 
Requested by @you-are-electric-temptation-girl 
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*rating* explicit. 
*Warnings* Negan's potty mouth, graphic descriptions of sex, Negan tormenting Rick, unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, oral sex, fingering, come licking, leather kink, student/teacher relationship, age gap, underage sex mentioned but never actually happened, mention of death and Canon typical violence. 
“they're here!” you heard someone whisper from the crowd that had gathered around the gates of Alexandria, fear in all their eyes as they watched Rick open the gate for the convoy of Saviors here to collect their tribute. 
You weren't there on the night of the lineup where the Savior’s leader had brutally killed two Alexandrians in retaliation for Rick taking out a Savior outpost with the help of Jesus and the Hilltop, but Negan wasn't a common name, and the odds that you knew the brutal leader were looking more and more likely. 
Negan was your teacher before the outbreak, not only was he your favorite teacher, you also had a massive crush on him. So massive it was embarrassing, you were very grateful he never found out. Not only was Negan married, he'd also never sleep with an underage girl. 
A demented little voice in the back of your head reminds you that you're not underage anymore if the leader of the Saviors is really the same Negan. 
You turned 18 a few months after the world fell, if the apocalypse would've waited another 2 weeks you would have graduated with honors. Instead you and your family fled to the Alexandria Safe Zone where you'd lived ever since, and your entire high school career seemed like a different lifetime, Negan included. 
When the gates opened your suspensions were confirmed. 
It was definitely your Negan. He looked different now, he'd traded in his old gym t-shirt and running shoes for a leather jacket and biker boots, he looked older, with more lines on his face and grey hairs in the scruff on his jaw, and he wore his hair different now, slicked back and shaved down shorter on the sides. He was still just as hot as you remembered him, maybe even hotter if that was even possible. 
He stops to talk with Rick, grinning from ear to ear, and obviously getting off on tormenting Alexandria's leader. You were a little ashamed of yourself for thinking it, but you would love to get him off in another way. 
He asks to see the armory as his men park their trucks and start looking for things to take, Rick begrudgingly begins walking toward the armory with Negan following behind him looking absolutely gleeful. 
He looks up and makes eye contact with you, and you see immediately that he recognizes you. 
“Holy shit! Y/N? Is that really you?” you nod, you're a little surprised he actually remembers you, but part of you couldn't be happier. 
“Yeah, it's really me.” the Alexandrians look shocked. 
“Well hot damn. You been here all along?” he asks. 
“Yup, pretty much since the start.” 
“You know what Ricky? I think I'd rather take the tour with Y/N here, we got some catching up to do.” Rick looks irritated and so done with Negan's shit he's probably actually glad he doesn't have to give Negan the tour. He nods exasperatedly. 
Negan throws his arm over your shoulder and you walk to him to armory with several Saviors in tow.
“So you're like what? A warlord now?” you finally break the silence. 
“Not exactly, although I do rule with an iron fist. I keep my people alive and relatively well off, that's more than most can say these days.” 
“What about your wife? Lucille?” 
He looks sad “She died, cancer, right after the outbreak.” he swings the barbed wire wrapped baseball bat down off his shoulder holding it up on display. “This is all I have left of her, named her Lucille after her.” 
“Oh, I'm really sorry Negan.” 
“What about that boyfriend you had? He still around?” he asked as you open the door to the armory, he waves the Saviors off and they take up guard by the door, which Negan closes behind you and locks. You feel like that should make you nervous but it doesn't. 
“Didn't make it, he died in an altercation with another group.” 
“I'm sorry, that's rough kid.” 
You shrug “It was hard but it wasn't like we were married, not like you and Lucille. I'm passed it. ” he picks up one of the guns and starts turning it over in his hand before removing the clip and examining the bullets. 
“Can I just be honest for second?” he hands you the gun and picks up another. 
“I wouldn't expect anything less.” you wonder if always knew guns this well or if it was a skill he acquired post apocalypse. 
 “I always thought that guy was a douchebag and you deserved better.” he admits and you laugh. 
“He was kind of a douchebag wasn't he?” he holds up two guns weighing his options. 
“Oh yeah, definitely. Don't know you ever saw in his.” you didn't know what you expected from Negan, but it wasn't this, it wasn't playful flirty banter. 
“Okay, ya know…” you start to say but he cuts you off. 
“I thought about you, after. Wondered if you made it, I went to your house after Lucille passed, but you were already gone.” 
“Why?” you ask. 
“I didn't want to be alone.” he admitted, the look in his eyes tells you that he was alone, and probably alone for quite a while after that. “And then I came across this group of men, not that they even deserve to be called that… the shit they were doing to women in their group- God it was so fucked up. All I could think about for the longest time was wondering if you were with people like them.” you were genuinely surprised and touched by his words. 
Almost immediately his smug smirk returns with a vengeance. 
“You used to have the biggest fucking crush on me back in the day.” you want to deny it, but you can already feel your blush heating up your checks and you know there's no point in trying to play it off. 
“For what it's worth I had a thing for you too.” he says while loading up some of the guns he chose into a duffle bag. You're too shocked for words and all you can do is stare at him. 
“Probably would have acted on it if you weren't so young and my student too.” 
You don't think before you speak and the next words out of your mouth come as a surprise even to you. “Well I'm so young anymore, and not your student.” 
“Are you saying what I think you're saying?” he asks, and when you see that sexy smirk cross his face you can't help but feel you're making the right choice. 
“Maybe, what do you think I'm saying?” he pushes you up against the wall, pinning you in with his body, and his hand raises to brush your check, while he leans in close to your ear. 
“I think you're saying you want me to bend you over this table and fuck your brains out.” you feel his breath on your ear and a rush of warmth goes straight to your core. 
Your hands grab the lapels of his leather jacket, he smells just as good as you remember, like whiskey and leather with a hint of something spicy and masculine that reminds you of a forest somehow. 
You lean in and kiss him, which he returns in full, quickly taking control of the kiss with one hand grabbing a handful of your hair and the other sliding down over the curve of your ass. His tongue slips in your mouth, making you moan against his lips.
He breaks the kiss, his hand going to the zipper of his jacket. “Take off your clothes babygirl.” 
Negan's lips are against your neck when you regain the brain power to protest “We can't Negan, not in here. Someone will hear us.” 
“It's fine, I got guards on the door, they won't let anyone in.” he reassures you. “Just relax and trust me,” he whispered against your ear, softly nipping your ear lobe on the way down your neck, planting kisses and sucking on your skin as he went. Once he reaches the juncture of your neck and shoulder you feel his hand snake under your shirt “Can I take your shirt off?” you nod letting out a shaky breath as he pulls your shirt over your head,leaving your bra on he stands back and takes your body in. 
His hands slide down to button of your jeans, popping it and sliding the zipper down, “Take off your pants and touch yourself for me.” you find yourself immediately following his orders, toeing off your boots and stripping your jeans off, wiggling your ass as you pull them down, putting on a show for him. 
Once they're off and you're left in your bra and panties you let your hand drift to your core. 
“Just over the panties.” your fingers trace the arousal that had already soaked through your panties, and rubbed yourself through the lacy fabric desperate for some friction, just when you fall into a rhythm and it really starts to feel good Negan's hand grabs your wrist, stopping you from pleasuring yourself. 
Your hand is replaced with his, and you feel his leather clad fingers move your panties over and slip into your folds, you have to bite your lip to hold in your moan of pure pleasure at the feeling of smooth leather, slick with your arousal, teasing your clit. 
“Damn darlin’ you're fucking dripping. You that happy to see me?” his fingers slip lower, the tip of one teasing your entrance, and God do you want him to fuck you with them so badly. 
“Or is it just that you haven't gotten off in a while? Tell me, how long has it been since somebody touched you like this?” 
“Awhile.” you admit, whimpering with need. 
“Do you want me to fuck you? Do you want me to slip my fingers into that tight little pussy and fuck you until you come?” something about his voice made your walls clench. 
“Yes!” you practically whine. 
“Good girl.” he smirks and then presses two fingers inside you with one smooth flick of his wrist. The feeling of leather inside you is a little strange but definitely not unwelcome, there's something so arousing about it. His thumb rubs your clit in slow rhythmic circles while his fingers find that perfect spot deep inside you that makes you throb in all of the right places. 
It doesn't take long before your on the brink of your orgasm. 
“You always this responsive to a little finger fucking?” he asks. 
“No, I think it's the leather.” you admit with a moan, starting to thrust your hips against his hand. 
“If I knew you liked it kinky I might have just fucked you back in the day.” he admits with a wink, still stroking your sweet spot perfectly. 
“Now come for me, show me how good I make you feel.” it only takes two more thrusts of his fingers and you come around them, the leather feels even more amazing rubbing against your walls when your body is clenched with pleasure. 
When he pulls his hand from between your legs it's soaked in your juices. 
You lean against the table behind you, still coming down from your high, but Negan has other ideas and leans down to kiss you again, he pulls your panties down to join your jeans and shirt on the floor. 
Slipping his tongue in your mouth as his hands slide down to the curve of your ass, giving you a little squeeze before lifting your up and sitting you down on the table. 
He drops to his knees in front of you, hands sliding up your inner thighs to part your legs his smug smirk staying on his lips until his mouth starts exploring your folds. 
His tongue laps at your clit and teases your entrance before dipping inside your already desperately needy pussy. He alternates between fucking you with his tongue and sucking on your clit, the combination of the two is enough to make your eyes roll back in your head. 
You would almost swear your crush on Negan was just women's intuition trying to point you in the direction of a man who knew how to lick pussy at this point. 
And oh my God did he know exactly what he was doing, your thighs rest over his shoulders, while you desperately move your hips against his mouth, needing his tongue to be everywhere at once. 
You lean on your elbows and make yourself open your eyes and look down. The sight of Negan on his knees with his tongue inside you is enough to put you on the edge of another orgasm, and all it takes to push you over that edge is one more soft lick up your clit. You have to bite your lip to keep from immediately alerting all of Alexandria that you just let their worst enemy make you come on his fingers and then lick you clean until you came again. 
Negan finally pulls away from your folds once he's satisfied he's lapped up all your come. 
“Damn babygirl, you must've been so needy for that it hurt.” he wasn't wrong, you felt so satisfied but also still achy and needy, you needed to be fucked. You needed to feel his cock inside you, filling you up and stretching you. He reaches down and starts undoing his belts, and opening his pants. 
“Now I'm gonna fuck you, nice and hard, until you come on my cock.” 
He drops his pants and you aren't really surprised to see he's very well endowed, long and thick, he's already rock hard and dripping precome. 
He pulls you down off the table, turning you around and bending you over it and gently kicking your legs further apart. 
His hand squeezes your ass again and gives it a light smack. 
“You have a fantastic ass, maybe I'll fuck it next.” he whispers in your ear before taking his tip and lining it up with your entrance. 
He slides in slowly, you can feel every single inch of him stretching you, you can even feel the vein on the underside of his cock, the angle is perfect and makes you feel so deliciously full. 
“Fuck you're tight.” he moans starting to thrust, he finds a perfect rhythm and angle, it makes you lose your breath every time he fills you again with each thrust, and you whimper and moan every time his head hits that spot inside you that makes your walls clench tighter and your toes curl. 
“Goddamn babygirl if you keep squeezing my cock like that I ain't going to last much longer.” he groans still thrusting hard in and out of you. 
You whithred against him, desperate for another orgasm, and then you feel his gloved hand between your legs, the tip of his finger rubbing your clit. 
“oh!” you moan in a combination of pleasure and surprise, his leather clad fingers rubbing and teasing your already so sensitive and swollen clit combined with his cock filling you so completely is enough to make you almost scream in pure pleasure. 
“Negan!” you moan his name as you feel the coil of pleasure start to build in your core.
“That's it baby, come for me.” he says against your ear. And you feel your third orgasm wash over you, your walls clenching him so tight it feels like you're exploding with how full you are, while his fingers rub your clit all the way through your orgasm.
When the last spasm fades you fall limp on the table and he stops rubbing your clit, but keeps roughly fucking you until he reaches his own release, and you feel his come spill inside you, making you moan again as the hot spurts of his come fill your overstimulated core. 
He turns you around, giving you a kiss and gently stroking your hair. 
“That's my dirty girl, you took my cock so good.” he takes a washcloth off a shelf and gently wipes you clean. 
You lean there against the table, still undressed and dripping wet, while he grabs the rest of the guns he wants, tucking them inside the duffle bag. 
“After what we just did I feel like it would be wrong not to offer you a place at the Sanctuary. You would have everything you could possibly want, you would be protected and taken care of, you'd stand at my side and be treated like a queen. And most importantly, we could do what we just did every night. It's all yours if you want it.” you start to dress yourself again, you assume that the Alexandrians are probably getting suspicious at this point. 
“I don't know Negan… how would I explain that to Rick and everyone else? What would they think of me if they knew?” you buckle your belt back in place, and fix your hair, trying to make it at least reasonably like it did when you walked in here. As if that would somehow cover up the smell of sex on both of you. 
“Does it matter what they think? It's your body, you're free to do whatever you want with it, or let me do whatever I want with it.” he said with a grin. “And you won't have explain shit, I'll do the talking and there's not fuck all Rick can do about it.” 
“I don't know. Can I think about it?” you ask. 
“Yeah, of course. I'm not forcing you to do anything, and I won't ever. The agreement is completely consensual.” he takes you in his arms again, “I'll be back next week, and you can let me know what you decide then. Until then thanks for the awesome fuck,” he digs in the pocket of his leather jacket and pulls out an extra black leather glove that matches the one on his hand that he fucked you with, and puts it in your hand “And if you just can't wait that long, here's a little something to remember me by. There's a catch though, if you play with yourself wearing this, you have to let me watch next time.” somehow that doesn't sound like a catch to you, but rather a good time. 
“Deal” you say, and he kisses you, roughly nipping at your bottom lip when he pulls away. 
He grabs his bag of guns and opens the door to a very confused looking Rick, leaving you standing in the armory with his come dipping out of you and his leather glove in your hand. 
He shoots you a sexy crooked smirk over his shoulder “See you around sweetheart.” 
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