#gwen ardor
etherealdemon · 2 years
F, K, T — gwen 💖
F — FLIRT : is your muse good at flirting?
gwen is not exactly the best at flirting. she's not the smoothest person out there and she has a hard time trying to express herself. any attempts at flirting from gwen will come off as a little awkward, sometimes to the point where you don't even realise she's trying to flirt with you.
K — KISS : is your muse a good kisser? why/ why not?
gwen likes to think that she's an okay kisser. she's only really kissed a couple of people in her life and most of them was for her job. gwen's a little shy so she's not the type of person to just start heavily making out with someone. her kisses usually start off soft, quick, and gentle, almost as if she's second guessing herself.
T — TRUE LOVE : does your muse believe in true love?
gwen's not quite sure about where she stands with true love. she would like to believe in it, but it's a little bit hard since she hasn't really experienced it before. she does feel as if she's understanding the concept of true love better when she's with freddie. she hopes that one day she'll get to a point where she can confidently say that she does believe in true love.
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superbeth18 · 5 months
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More doodles
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clockys-soul · 2 months
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A collection of some of the Wyverns in my story!
Some lore:
Whiteout is a Icereaper bonded to Gwendolyn Duratus, he’s playful with Gwen most times but tends to get more cranky if there are other people or dragons around. He is the brother of Blizzard.
Redmaw is a female Flamereaper bonded to Hades Ardor, she’s battle-hardened and was rather aggressive in her youth. However now that she has aged she has become less aggressive. She is mother to Doombringer and Grandmother to Soultaker.
Glacier is a female, Elder Hail/Frostreaper, she the second oldest of the Duratus Wyverns and bonded to Ullr Duratus, the family elder. She is still a rather quick fighter even in her almost 150 years of life. She seems to have laid only one clutch in her lifetime.
Nightfang is a male Blood/Nightreaper, he is bonded to Ex-mercenary Jean, he is curious and temperamental. He has sired Frostbite and Snowfall with Snowstorm.
Inferno is a male Ember/Flamereaper (Flameborn), he is bonded to Pyrrha Ardor (Also Flameborn), he is aggressive and temperamental towards all but Pyrrha. He was sired by a wild Flamereaper and Warhaze.
Borealis is a male Snowreaper, bonded to Aurora Duratus, he is usually very calm but whenever Aurora feels uneasy he becomes more aggressive.
Vindr is a female Boltreaper, she is bonded to Aesir Fulgur, a traitor to Archaios. She is just as mean and aggressive as her rider.
Paleskull is a male Ember/Ghostreaper bonded to a merc called Vendetta, he is almost completely blind but rarely misses his target.
Skullcrusher is a female elder Magmareaper bonded to a man simply known as "The Brute", just like her rider she is stoic and deadly, large enough to dwarf almost all the Ardor/Duratus/Fulgur Wyverns, and with scales thick enough to withstand all kinds of damage.
Green Fang is a female elder Grovereaper bonded to the Forest elf chieftain Ashwangandha, she always sticks close to him but is not really aggressive until she needs to be.
Warhaze is a female Emberreaper, bonded to Pyrrha's father, Ares Ardor. She is very quick to display anger but still calmer than Inferno by a lot.
Overcast is a female Stormreaper, she’s bonded to Heimdall Fulgur and very loyal, sticking very close to him as much as she can but she’s a fierce fighter and has taken out other Wyverns before.
Sea Ghost is a very old female Seareaper with oddly pale scales, she very docile and preys on fish mostly, she usually longed not far from Auras capital city by the shore there, some Sea elves go to feed her every now and then.
Equinox is a male Nightreaper bonded to Nyx Lunar of the Temple of Fengari and his night. He is calm and collected most times but does insist on pets as compensation for being so calm all the time.
Geyser is a male Ember/Seareaper bonded to a woman named Llyr, she too is a mercenary hired by Aionios, she and her beloved mount are currently taking out Sea elf outposts on small islands moving towards the continent of Archaios.
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justadreamer08 · 1 year
𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐲 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐒𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐬
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wc: 2.7k
pairing: tasm!peter parker x reader (best friends to lovers)
warnings: fluffier than a cloud, nicknames ~ my darling, pebble (it will make sense you guys), bug (mom’s nickname for reader), hand-holding, kissing?
author's note: Hey all! This is my first time posting one of my many drafts! I just deemed this one good enough to let the public see, so I hope you all like it.
summary: Your friendship with peter develops into something more, all because of chemistry notes and your favorite skatepark.
(e/c) ~ eye color
(r/n) ~ reader's name bc (y/n) has just become an unofficial oc that's icky :)
You restlessly sat in your chemistry class. Tapping the eraser on your pencil on your notebook. Your teacher was droning on and on about the four main gas laws. You were originally paying attention, but after the first 30 minutes, you tuned your teacher out. You let out a quiet huff, slowly closing your eyes and shaking your head, you let your gaze drift down to your notes. You opted to draw various doodles and shapes on your paper, when your thoughts drifted to your best friend.
Peter Parker. Your parents were close friends with the Parkers, and thus you and Peter grew up together. You'd seen the long days, short nights, stormy nights, and cloudy days. You'd gone through everything together. You all had dinner together one night at the Parker's, when the two of you looked up from your previous conversation about whatever trivial matters you talked about back then, to see his parents, and your father rushing out the door, zipping about the house. They all left to go to attend to work, and never came back. Since then, you and Peter were stuck together like glue. When Ben died, you were there. When Peter came knocking on your bedroom window, still clad in his suit telling you Gwen died, you were there. You held him through the night, and you were what he needed you to be. A friend, a shoulder to cry on. You'd seen all of Peter's good and bad, his good-looking and his ugly. And he'd seen all of yours
You'd always been able to say that you loved Peter dearly. It's true. He'd always been your everything, your shoulder to lean on, and you were his. The thought had crossed your mind in previous years about the truth behind your affections for him, but you never truly accepted that you felt more than friendly toward him until Gwen died. You knew Peter loved her with all his heart, as did you because he did. When you saw how her death broke him, you refused to see him hurt in that way again if you could do something about it. You'd made it your mission to keep that ardorable lopsided grin he has on his face. Through baby steps, Peter got to a better place, and other people started to show interest in your best friend. You said nothing, and encouraged him to go for anything he wanted, repressing your own favor for him. Since then, your subconcious had a funny way of expressing your emotions toward Peter.
Amongst the various drawings on your chemistry notes, Peter's name lay encompassed by a heart.
Your eyes shot up at the clock when you heard the bell ring. You gathered your things as quickly as you could and booked it. Student chatter filled the halls, as you searched for your best friend. You knew each other's schedules like the back of your hands, and you both had a free period next. You craned your neck around the bustling students when your (e/c) eyes locked with a familiar pair of brown eyes.
You sent a two finger salute in Peter's direction, and he lifted an eyebrow, laughed, and shook his head. You rounded the corner of the hall to your locker, putting away your chemistry books.
"Parker." you stated with a smile, noticing Peter's reflection in the mirror at the back of your locker.
" R/N" he responded as if it were routine. (Which it is)
"So?" you ask turning around to face him, closing your locker.
"Quad?" he asked pointing towards the door.
You nodded and walked in step with him to the student quad.
You lay on your back at Peter's feet, and he was sitting and tinkering with his camera. You had a stack of paper next to you, making various things with them. There were paper airplanes, fortune-tellers, rings, chainlinks, and other whatnot strewn around your head. You finished a paper airplane and threw it at Peter, hitting him square in the face, stifling laughs.
"Haha, very funny..." he drones, not looking up from his work.
You throw another plane in his direction, raising an eyebrow at him. He looks up, trying to appear unamused, but failing.
"What?" he speaks.
"Nothing" you say straightfaced, before breaking a small, short-lived smile.
He returns to his work and mutters something along the lines of nuisance with a chuckle, before looking up again and speaking.
"Oh! I just remembered, I need your chem notes."
You've returned to your paper masterpieces, sufficing to give him a thumbs up. You sit there doing your respective tasks, when the bell rings out again. The two of you stand up, walking back into school. You stop at your locker, handing your chemistry notebook to Peter.
The bell sounded, signifying the end of the day. You had an arts history project you really needed to start working on, so instead of accompanying Peter to you guy’s favorite skate park, you went home. You waved bye to a saddened, but understanding Peter, who was disappointed that you guys couldn’t carry out your normal routine of going to the skate park, getting some greasy and albeit unhealthy food, watching a movie together, procrastinating from doing some much needed work, being yelled at by May to get your homework done, parting ways to get some sleep, and starting all over again.
~ You arrived at your door, just barely making it past the threshold when your phone rang.
“Hello?” you spoke, pushing the door closed with your foot.
“Hey, Hi! Uh, I have your chemistry notes, and completely forgot to give them back to you, want me to come over later and bring ‘em?” You hear the familiar voice of Peter ringing through the speakers, and a light smile dances on your face.
“Uh yeah sure, I don’t need them right now, but just come over whenever” you replied, somewhat absentmindedly, while looking through the kitchen for something to eat. Your undivided attention wasn’t brought back to Peter until you heard a muffled female voice, and dissected conversation.
“Oh- uh hi…no I don’t….skatepark down that way…flattering…sorry, no thanks…” You heard bits and pieces of Peter’s words, furrowing your eyebrows at the phone.
“Pete what did you say?” you ask in confusion. Someone was flirting with Peter again for sure. You saddened slightly, but perked up again when you heard his voice come through the phone again.
He laughed awkwardly, and you smiled because you could visualize very clearly him scratching the back of his head the way he always did.
“Uhm yeah, anyway, I’ll come over later, you want me to bring takeout or pizza or something?”
“Sure!” you say breaking into a full grin at the mental picture.
“Sick, I’ll be over later okay? Bye!” he responded.
“Bye!” you spoke into the speaker, pressing the end call button. You went back to rummaging through the kitchen, deciding that chips and a pop-tart were good enough. You went into your room, dropping your backpack on the floor and grabbed your skateboard. You sat down and began to work on your project, pushing your skateboard back and forth under your feet.
You heard the house door close, and the sound of keys dropping on the table some hours later, signifying your mom’s arrival. She noticed your keys sitting on the table, and called through the house.
“Hey Bug!” she yelled.
“Hey mom!” you responded. Her footsteps echoed down the hall, as she poked her head in your room.
“Homework?” she asked.
“Arts History?” You threw a sad thumbs up her way.
“Ew.” she chuckled, blowing you a kiss as she knocked on your door frame, signifying her departure. You continued working begrudgingly for about 45 minutes, when a realization hit you, and your head shots up from your work.
Peter has your chem notes, drawings and all. And you put his name in a heart. A HEART. You were screwed.
Peter was at the skatepark, sitting atop one of the ramps with his skateboard next to him. He was staring long and hard at your notebook. He didn’t need them anymore, he’d read through them all. It was the corner of the page that drew his attention. His name, in your handwriting, was encompassed by a heart. Did you do it as a joke? Had you done it and completely forgotten? We’re you playing some sort of mind game?
Peter couldn’t lie to himself. Despite having gone through one true relationship he never thought he’d get ever, and the number of people that seem to like to try and get his attention. It just happened around when he was on the phone with you actually, but they always ended in rejection. After you helped him get through coping with Gwen’s death, he realized he wouldn’t want to lose you for the world. You were his everything, and he wanted you close, in anyway he could have you, and recently, he’d realized that ‘more than friends’ was one of those ways.
You stared at Peter’s contact picture on your phone that was sitting on the floor. You sat crouched on your bed, debating what to do, because he definitely knew. How could he not? His name was right there on a page in a heart, and you were so forgetful, you hadn’t even thought about it when you gave him the notes. So you sat there, glaring at your phone- and then it lit up. Peter was calling you.
Your eyes widened and you backed away from the edge of the bed, putting more distance between you and the thing, not wanting to talk to him. Then you decided, out of some fit of completely fake confidence, that you were going to talk to him in person. You grabbed your skateboard and marched out the door confidently. The. you realized what you were actually about to do.
Peter was on his way to your house when he saw you skating down the street in his direction. He slowed to a stop and walked up to you in confusion. You stopped, hopped off of your board, and shoved it under your arm when you saw his figure walking in your direction
“Wha- how am I supposed to meet you at your house, if you’re here?" Peter speaks with befuddlement, eyes darting around nervously.
"Well, I figured we could go out and get food or something, since we didn't do our normal routine after school!" The words flew out of your mouth, blurring together.
Peter nodded in understanding, and put his board in his bag and started walking alongside you.
The two of you ended up at your favorite place, John's Pizzeria. The conversation you had on the way there wasn't horrible at all. It wasn't awkward, and quite pleasant. The two of you were seated on the top level of the restaraunt, surrounded by the fairy lights on the railings. The atmosphere was always amazing, which is why the two of you loved it so much.
The routine was the same as it had been for years: Extra Large Pizza, Half and Half of your favorite toppings, delicious garlic butter breadsticks, and soda for days. The two of you shared laughs about teachers, you listened to him rant about science and photography. He listened and hung onto your every word as you talked about your favorite things. The two of you split the bill, and left, walking in the direction of the skatepark. The two of you lay on your skateboards at the bottom of the ramp. Peter abruptly sat up, and started rummaging through his bag.
"Oh, here, your chemistry notes. " he hands the book to you, and in the flickering lights of the skatepark, you can see the tips of his ears turning red.
"Thanks." you speak, brushing your thoughts away, although you feel your face heat up. You train your gaze on the sky, the air around you guys silent, save for the breeze and sounds of the city.
"I like you too you know..." Peter mumbles cautiously, fearful to let the words pass his lips. He gestures to the notebook, and you flip to the page with his name on it. You turn, sit up and look at him, and his eyes widen slightly and his gaze drops.
"Really?" you speak through a breathy laugh. He looks back at you and nods in response, a smile gracing his features. You smile in return, and when you think back to about how you'd approached the whole incident, you chuckle. Peter furrows his eyebrows, but finds himself laughing along with you. You try to explain between fits of laughter the absurdity of the dance you'd been engaging in. Although your speech is broken, he understands you perfectly. He always did.
The laughter dies down and you both sigh catching your breath. Peter reaches for you, leans forward speaks up first.
"I really want to kiss you right now, is that bad?" he questions.
You laugh and lean your forehead on his.
"Not in the slightest."
Peter lifts your face to his, you lips fitting together perfectly. The kiss is slow, soft, and gentle. You pull away, dazed smiles on both of your faces.
"Who would have thought you'd be my pebble..." he mutters, thumb running up and down your jawline. You furrow your eyebrows in confusion as he elaborates.
"Like, you know how when you're skateboarding, or walking, or riding a bike, and you can be having a great time, but a rock or a pebble gets stuck in your shoe or wheel? Well, I was moving through life, and I always had something there, a pebble that kind of confused me, I was wondering how it ever got there, and I was desperate to figure it out. You are my pebble. You've always been there, you completely turned my life in a different direction, got me out of my comfort zone, and when I needed to be brought back to Earth you were there....It's you, my shoulder to lean on, it was you, someone to vent with, someone to confide in, a friend, someone to just sit in the silence of the dark with...it's you. You were whatever I needed, and even when I didn't know I needed it you were there. You always had been, and I can't get rid of you, but I wouldn't want to. It's you, and I'm glad it was you." he speaks with a smile growing on his face.
"Hm, R/N the pebble...your pebble? It's gonna grow on me, I kind of like it..."
"Always you, and only you my darling" he laughs.
You groan and rub your hands over your face.
"Chemistry notes. It took chemistry notes."
"Hey! At least we know we work out, we have great chemistry...literally I'm in your notebook, the science doesn't lie!"
You laugh at his dorkiness, and start to stand up.
"C'mon Mr. Parker, it's getting late, lets go." He puts his board in his bag, and you get on yours. You grab his hand, and he gets up and starts walking. He keeps hold of your hand, softly pulling you on your skateboard to your house. You get to your steps and he walks you up to the door.
"Goodnight my pebble" he smiles slowly letting go of your hand.
"Goodnight Pete" you smile.
You go insideand close the door, with a huge smile on your face. You open your eyes to your mom leaning against the kitchen doorframe with a smirk on her face.
"It's about time!" She throws her hands onto her hips smiling at you. She was always a huge advocate for you and Peter getting together. You smile, look down and shake your head. You say your goodnights, and walk to your room.
Your mom stayed in her spot, watching your figure fade away as you walked back to your room. She always had your best interest in mind. She saw the longing glances, and the heart eyes you shot his way when you thought nobody was watching. She saw the way his face lit up whever you walked into the room or said his name. She always saw herself and your dad, and the Parker's in you two, and although you all loved Gwen and how she made Peter happy, and were all equally devastated at her loss, she always had a hunch about the two of you. To see the look on your face when you walked in the door made her heart warm, and she knew that you guys would be endgame.
𝙄𝙩 𝙟𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙩𝙤𝙤𝙠 𝙖𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙬𝙝𝙤𝙡𝙚 𝙡𝙞𝙫𝙚𝙨, 𝙘𝙝𝙚𝙢𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙮 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚𝙨, 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙖 𝙨𝙠𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙠 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙜𝙪𝙮𝙨 𝙩𝙤 𝙛𝙞𝙜𝙪𝙧𝙚 𝙞𝙩 𝙤𝙪𝙩
𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔼𝕟𝕕
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deflvwered-a · 2 years
starter call for these specific muses;
- Angela Ziegler
- Amelie LaCroix
- Fareeha Amari
- Hana Song
- Gwen Madden
- Adelaide Wilson
- Emerald Haywood
- Dani Ardor
- Peter Graham
- Kirsty Cotton
- Nina Sayers
- Riley McKendry
- Heather Chandler
- Veronica Sawyer
- Psyche
- Helen
- Cassandra
- Perseus
- Mileena
- Blue Pearl
- Vicki Loomis
- River Altieri-Loomis ( ik her bio isn't done but 🔫 )
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monaatheog · 1 year
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Hair >> Styla - WUNSHEGO ➟ Mainstore!
Hat >> Flite.- FLB CLASSIC FITTED ➟ Mainstore!
Top >> CATARSIS - VANILLA Top ➟ Mainstore!
Tattoo (under breast) >> DreamCatcher v2 - Hoodlem ➟ NEW at the Grand!
Bottom >> Ardor - cuffed jeans ➟ NEW mainstore release!
Shoes >> Flite.- APEX TURFS ➟ NEW at Dreamday!
Teddy >> Blupr/nt - "HARDY" CH Chain Wrapped Plushie [ HARDE ] ➟ NEW at Dreamday!
Rings >> COLDBLU / " MORALES " CULT RING SET ➟ NEW mainstore release!
Bracelet >> ARNAUD HAUS. CATALINA HAMMERED Bangle ➟ NEW mainstore release! [Saturday sale]
Pose >> STUNposes -Gwen posepack ➟ NEW at Level!
0 notes
[spoiler="[center][small]MAXINE FISHER — DEZESSETE ANOS— @THRESTINY[/small][/center]"] [quote][center][B]SOBRE A DOCETE[/B]: [b][color=grey]Nome da docete:[/color][/b] [color=#]@Threstiny[/color] [b][color=grey]Personagem disponível para Romance?[/color][/b] [color=#]Não. Max acabara de sair de um relacionamento conturbado.[/color] [b][color=grey]Personagem disponível para MP?[/color][/b] [color=#]Talvez. Não sei. Depende com quem e como as coisas forem.[/color][/center][/quote][quote][center][b]A T E N Ç Ã O[/b]: [small] Todo conteúdo aqui preenchido fora feito por mim, @Threstiny, para o rpg [u]Overland Park High School[/u] (@SweetChemical). Por favor, não copie nada sem meu consentimento, mesmo eu achando que não haverá nada de muito bom aqui para tal -- pois, sim, sou pessimista. Lembre-se: PLÁGIO É CRIME.[/small][/center][/quote] [spoiler="[center]+[/center]"][center] 「 [small] VOSSA SENHORIA ACHOU QUE EU NÃO IRIA MOVIMENTAR MEU GLÚTEO POSTERIOR HOJE, CERTO? [/small] 」 [img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/0ffc428ba37808dbf5f4bbf0552ae763/tumblr_oj9ygvmcio1uokxa5o2_500.png[/img] ❝ [small]ATA[/small] ❞[/center][quote][/quote][center][title2][b][color=Indianred]Nome do personagem:[/color][/b][/title2] [justify][color=grey]Maxine Fisher. Maxine é um nome francês, feminino. Ele segue uma origem nobre, afinal, significa soberania. Ela diz aos amigos que fora sua mãe quem o escolheu. Pronuncia-se "Maquicine". Um ponto interessante a ressaltar é que a base de personalidade fornecida as pessoas que se chamam Maxine realmente faz sentido. Diz que é alguém entusiasmado, porém recluso, sistemático. O que certamente se adequa a ela.[/color][/justify][/center][center][title2][b][color=Indianred]Identidade de gênero:[/color][/b][/title2] [color=grey]Feminino, cisgênero.[/color][/center][center][title2][b][color=Indianred]Idade:[/color][/b][/title2] [justify][color=grey]Dezessete anos. A aparência da jovem é inegavelmente adolescente. Além do que suas fisionomias lhe entregam fácil. Contudo, tem uma mente bastante madura e responsável, isso porque é tourina.  Seu caráter é mesmo surpreendente. Para completar tamanha eficiência, possui a lua zodiacal voltada aos astros que correspondem ao signo de virgem, por nascer no momento de tal sincronia. Seu ascendente é leão. Nascera no dia 19 de maio.[/color][/justify][/center][center][title2][b][color=Indianred]Orientação:[/color][/b][/title2] [justify][color=grey]Demissexual – bem, depois das experiências que não desejaria a ninguém pela qual passou, Max quer mesmo é evitar qualquer tipo de atração, levando em conta cada afeto conquistado. No entanto, dizer que ela seria, a partir de então, assexual, seria contestar as possibilidades futuras, já que nada é determinado, além de ser um tanto exagerado. Nunca beijou uma garota, e o seu [i]primeiro[/i] fora também seu último. Ao menos é o que traçou para si mesma.[/color][/justify][/center][center][title2][b][color=Indianred]Novato ou Veterano?[/color][/b][/title2] [color=grey]Novato ([b]X[/b]) Veterano ( )[/color][/center][center][title2][b][color=Indianred]Grupo Social:[/color][/b][/title2] [justify][color=grey]Normal – ela é novata, por assim dizer, em Overland Park High School. Há alguns meses desde que chegou mas, não foi o suficiente para se auto-descobrir. Na verdade, não há uma categoria ali para quem é perito em tênis, nem mesmo uma singularidade na pirâmide. Dessa forma, ela é apenas uma aluna normal.[/color][/justify][/center][center][title2][b][color=Indianred]Clube Pertencente:[/color][/b][/title2] [justify][color=grey]Música. Max tem uma voz forte e brilhante. Já participou de muitos corais em diversos lugares, inclusive no fundamental. Não pensou muito no momento de tentar se encaixar em algum clube, pelo menos não graças ao de música.[/color][/justify][/center][center][title2][b][color=Indianred]Personalidade:[/color][/b][/title2] [img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/2840de9f68c171ccbb77af4905bf181c/tumblr_inline_oafrwvdrWb1sku5ie_500.gif[/img][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/ea847fc04cb3c6e11fc15fc3338533e9/tumblr_inline_oafs0v1e2r1sku5ie_500.gif[/img][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/35b581d6e1f25c110dda51448110b2a7/tumblr_inline_oafs3qImL91sku5ie_500.gif[/img][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/817690d8386d6474fb6969994512068c/tumblr_inline_oafruvqkBv1sku5ie_500.gif[/img][justify][color=grey] Tranquila e simpática, primordialmente falando, trata-se Maxine. Sempre sorrindo e emitindo confiança, o que ela quer é felicidade. Portadora de um senso de alegria gratificante, seu maior encanto é sem dúvida sua postura segura. Mesmo em dias difíceis, tristes ou trágicos, ela estará firme e forte, lutando contra os pontos negativos que teimam beirar seu humor. Teimar é, sobretudo e além disso, uma característica irreversível dessa garota. Sendo tourina, acredite uns outros não, a jovem vai até o fim com qualquer coisa, uma vez que não aceite um não como resposta. Por essa razão dificilmente suas metas profissionais ou emocionais são deixadas pela metade. Ela quer e quer agora, e quer o melhor em tudo, sendo um tanto objetiva, sim. Não confunda, porém, que sua persistência para com alguma coisa signifique que ela saiba o que é exatamente bom para ela. Claro, meticulosa e prática, ela teça tudo com ardor e planejamento, mas não enxerga os sacrifícios que estará suscetível a se submeter. Sacrifícios dos quais muitas vezes podem levar seus planos e tempos de persistência por água a baixo. Claro, não é nenhuma vidente essa menina, mas também está longe de ser a mais esperta. Ainda que o perigo esteja notável, ela arriscará enfrentá-lo, porque não abre mão de seus objetivos. Além de ser um imã para coisas ruins. Não menos, afinal. Tanta autoconfiança atrai problemas como avaliação. Por isso sempre, de alguma forma, estará entre um malefício ou outro. Ela é alvo da maldade, decerto. Costuma ficar brava muito fácil, mesmo com a personalidade tranquila aparentemente. Acontece que sua natureza exaltada por muito pouco pode vir à tona, o que significa que estressa-la é algo simples. Evite ser egocêntrico perto da mesma, preconceituoso — sim, evite, ou a casa caí — e acima de tudo, machista. Ah, como odeia o poder masculino sendo imposto em tudo... Enfim, esse é o caminho prático para indigna-la. Há muitas outras coisas que a enfurece, e no sentido de defeito, é dizer que a mesma está errada. É, não sabe ver muitos de seus erros. Por vezes a hipocrisia beira e rola sobre ela, e é essa uma coisa sobre si que Max vem tentando evitar de expor. E se brava, é capaz de fazer o que ela não parece fazer. Em outras palavras, é como fugisse de seu corpo, ou como se estivesse bêbada — Ace gosta de expressar-se sobre isso desta maneira. Em todas as situações em que se submetera a essa transformação o resultado fora positivo. Numa delas estava tentando salvar uma garota de uma briga, com outra garota. Não chegou caso de haver os puxões de cabelo, porque Maxine possui um poder argumentativo — assustadoramente ameaçador — deveras útil. Mas que ela rodou a baiana, ah, como rodou... É muito amiga, sendo sempre um bom ombro amigo e ouvinte. E apesar de não ser muito reconhecida por bons conselhos, suas palavras sempre prestam um bom efeito as quem a ouve. É, porém, absorta aos conselhos dos outros, porque costuma ser um tanto presunçosa sobre o que é ou não bom pra ela, uma vez que seja pacífica e se caracterize como uma pessoa do bem. Então porque [i]ela[/i] tem que ouvir o que você diz? Sim, que defeito. Além disso, é a defensora dos outros, adora se intrometer no problema alheio — problem alert — com a ideia de concertá-lo, podendo não se mancar que a briga não é dela e que nem sempre ela é necessária para fazer justiça, já que amparar os demais é como um senso crítico à morena, que fez do caso uma responsabilidade ela mesma. Não deixe de pegar no pé dela caso isso aconteça. Confia muito fácil nas pessoas, assim como receia de alguém igualmente. Olha nos olhos sempre que conversa com os outros, ainda que as pessoas aleguem ser um tanto descontável. Para ela, não é. Odeia ser passada a perna, tipo, muito. Por confiar fácil, tende a dar chances inúmeras a quem gosta, simplesmente pelo fato da traição ou o mal a qual a pessoa lhe fizera ser difícil demais de acreditar, e também porque ela acredita que as pessoas possam mudar. No fundinho, embora odeie admitir essa redenção. Não leva desaforo pra casa e é muito cheia de si para com alguma situação. Irônico, porque detesta pessoas convencidas e seu nariz é arrebitado para lidar com elas. Farinha do mesmo saco. Mas sua confiança costuma ser sempre voltada ao bem, pois Maxine é ponderada e tende refletir um milésimo de segundo antes de agir. [/color][/justify][/center][center][title2][b][color=Indianred]Imagem:[/color][/b][/title2] [img]https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSB47YhdpWk3E31VPVngM3rD6yewL4EsJI-GMuX66ZhGZ3Af-TvMDOAH5Yk[/img][/center][center][title2][b][color=Indianred]Curiosidades:[/color][/b][/title2] [justify][color=grey] [b]01[/b] Ela é perita em tênis de mesa. A paixão pelo esporte viera aos quinze anos de idade. [b]02[/b] A voz de Maxine é muito bonita. Isso a motivou a participar do clube de música. Além do canto, é especialista em tocar bateria. [b]03[/b] Jonathan e Ace, diferente dos outros, a conhecera de uma forma que ela gostaria de apagar. Se não, apenas mudar. Na última vez que se encontrou com Abe, seu ex namorado, este a tratou de uma maneira incrivelmente agressiva. E no momento em que ele sabe-se lá o estava pretendendo fazer a ela, os dois rapazes chegaram. Em suma, não teve tanta ação como nos filmes, uma vez que Ace seja violento e Jonathan das ameaças de olhar calmo e frio. A princípio ela detestou a aparição de ambos. Contudo, quando mudou-se de colégio, as coisas desabrocharam entre eles, até porque Gwen, uma de suas melhores amigas, também os conhecia. Particularmente, hoje, Max adora os dois. E inegavelmente os considera seus amigos. [b]04[/b] Curte Kpop. Grupos fofos são seus favoritos. Como GFriend. [b]05[/b] Segue alguns ideiais feministas. [b]06[/b] Não gosta de comida apimentada e nem muito salgada. Gosta de alimentos simples. Na verdade, ela dificilmente come algum legume, e não é por não gostar, porém. Mas por preguiça de prepará-los. [b]07[/b] É consideravelmente magra, e possui uma cintura da qual se orgulha. Exercícios, claro. [b]08[/b] Sempre tivera vontade de ter algum animalzinho de estimação, mas sua mãe é alérgica a gatos e seu pai detesta animais. Infelizmente ela tende a curti os bichinhos dos outros. Como o cãozinho da irmã de Jonathan, e o cãozinho de seu amigo Ace. [b]09[/b] Morre automaticamente se posta perto de um sapo -- não, sério, ela tenta a todo custo não participar das aulas de biologia quando precisa abrir um sapo. São minúsculos e nojentos. Medo define. [b]10[/b] Seu gênero musical favorito é indie, embora seja muito eclética a gostos. The OutKast também é um de seus grupos prediletos. [b]11[/b] Uma vez se intrometeu numa briga entre garotas porque ela quis (?). Bem, não só por isso. Houve uma razão. Pra ela é deprimente uma garota querer bater em outra por causa de um garoto (safado, ainda por cima). Então, ela meteu terror sim.[/color][/justify][/center][center][title2][b][color=Indianred]Música Tema:[/color][/b][/title2] [spoiler="[center][/center]"][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PIb6AZdTr-A[/youtube][/spoiler][/center][center][title2][b][color=Indianred]Photoplayer:[/color][/b][/title2] [color=grey]Isabella Peschardt aka girl model of my life.[/color][/center][/spoiler][/spoiler]
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etherealdemon · 2 years
🖤 + freddie/gwen!
my muse’s initial impression of yours
gwen first met freddie at sdcc and their initial meeting was nothing but awkward. at this point in time, gwen was still a complete newbie in hollywood so she was still a little cautious of how she acted in front of everyone. she met freddie backstage, quickly introduced herself, and he simply said hi back. their conversation kind of stopped there because neither really knew what to say to each other. gwen was a little confused about freddie because she didn't know if he didn't want to talk to her or if he just had nothing to say.
my muse’s favorite physical attribute of yours
gwen's favourite physical attribute of freddie's is his hands. she likes the feel of his calloused hands against hers whenever she's holding them. she likes seeing them covered in ink whenever he's in the middle of writing his next bestseller. most importantly though, gwen likes freddie's hands because it reminds her of how much hard work he's put into his stories and it's something that she really admires.
my muse’s favorite personality attribute of yours
freddie's awkwardness is gwen's favourite personality attribute of his. she finds him absolutely endearing and likes how easily flustered he can get. gwen also loves how passionate freddie is about his interests. she loves it when he starts to ramble on about something that he's so passionate about, even if she doesn't really understand what he's talking about. she could listen to him talk about his interests for hours on end.
a moment that made my muse realize how much they care about yours
gwen realised she cared a lot for freddie when she stopped by over at his place to keep him company one day. they didn't really have any solid plans on what to do, but they both just ended up doing their own thing while being in each other's company. freddie ended up playing a video game while gwen tried to read a script that her agent had sent her. however, gwen found it hard to concentrate since she kept catching herself staring at freddie. he was so immersed in whatever he was playing and gwen found it so endearing.
something my muse never found the words to say to yours
gwen wishes that she introduced herself to freddie a little better when they first met at sdcc. she was genuinely embarrassed with the way she introduced herself to him and she constantly replays that moment in her head. gwen honestly just wishes that she found the words to hold a decent, normal conversation with freddie when they were first introduced to each other.
something my muse wishes they had never said to yours
gwen wishes she never asked freddie for spoilers. she never knew how much of an anti-spoilers kind of person freddie was so when he refused to give her spoilers she felt kind of bad for asking. gwen's also an overthinker so she basically kept apologising to freddie until he told her that it was okay. ever since then, freddie's converted gwen into becoming someone who avoids spoilers for literally anything.
something your muse does that makes mine feel safe
freddie was the one who actually helped gwen feel more at home when she first moved to hollywood. she didn't exactly know a lot of people at the time and was feeling a bit lonely. she was still intimidated by the majority of her cast mates, but she sort of found comfort with freddie. despite his awkwardness, gwen found it easy to talk to him as they had similar interests and she enjoyed being in his company. freddie made her feel safe because he was basically there for her when no one else was.
something your muse does that makes mine smile
freddie's endless ramblings never fail to make gwen smile. she loves hearing about whatever freddie has to say, whether he's talking about one of his interests or a new idea that he randomly thought about five minutes ago. gwen will literally sit down and listen to every word that he has to say because she adores it whenever freddie starts to nerd out.
something my muse wants to protect yours from
gwen mostly wants to protect freddie from being too hard on himself whenever he experiences writer's block. she knows that he can usually handle pressure well, but there are times when it just gets the better of him. gwen knows that there's not much she can do in these situations and she lowkey hates seeing him stress about it. she just wants the best for freddie and always tries to help out when she can.
ways my muse says ‘i love you’ without saying those words
gwen shows her love towards freddie through acts of service. she'll do things for freddie without him having to ask and she'll do them because she wants to. gwen often brings freddie his favourite snacks whenever he's working just because she knows he'll like it. she'll also take the lead in social situations, knowing that freddie's a little bit awkward and isn't the type to speak up. most of the time, gwen just wants to make things easier for freddie and does what she can to achieve that.
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etherealdemon · 2 years
pre-relationship - 4 / general - 4+7 / love - 2 for freddie/gwen 💖
✨ask me questions about our ships!
4 — who felt romantic feelings first?
freddie was the one who felt romantic feelings towards gwen first. gwen didn't exactly realise her feelings for freddie until they started to hang out together a lot more. even when she knew she liked freddie, she still was a little hesitant to act on her feelings, scared on how the rest of hollywood would view their potential relationship.
4 — were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)?
gwen is a little bit more experienced in relationships compared to freddie. aside from freddie, gwen's only been with one other guy. her first boyfriend was someone from her hometown who she broke up with when she moved to hollywood to pursue acting. freddie is technically gwen's first serious boyfriend and probably the only person that she's ever fallen in love with.
7 — who takes the lead in social situations?
gwen is the one who tends to take the lead in social situations. she knows that freddie is introverted and doesn't mind being the one who has to speak up, she thinks it's good practice for press tours anyway.
2 — what are their primary love languages?
gwen's primary love language is acts of service. gwen is the type who will bring freddie his favourite snacks just because she knows he likes them, and she's usually the first to help him out before he even asks for it. gwen just tries her hardest to make life a little bit easier and better for freddie, especially when she knows that he can stress over his work a lot.
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etherealdemon · 2 years
✨ - gwen/freddie!
✨ — a  random  text  from  my  muse
Tumblr media
✨ send me an emoji for a social media post from my oc
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etherealdemon · 2 years
AUTHOR — gwen 💞
dirty a-z headcanon ask
A - Alone time (how do they get off when they’re all by themselves? do they watch porn, is it all in their imagination, do they jerk off, do they use toys?) 
gwen mostly uses her fingers when she's masturbating. she doesn't own any sex toys, finding it too awkward to go and buy herself a vibrator. she's not one for watching porn either, finding it extremely awkward to watch two random strangers on the internet have sex.
U - Underwear (what kind of underwear do they put on in the morning, if any at all… do they own any sexy underwear or lingerie?) 
gwen isn't too fussy when it comes to what underwear she wears. she did become more conscious of it when she started dating freddie, making sure she looked decent enough just in case. she never really owned lingerie before she started seeing freddie since it wasn't something that was ever on her mind. she did however buy herself something when she and freddie started dating.
T - Top or bottom (self explanatory…) 
gwen leans more towards being a bottom because of her inexperience. she doesn't really have the confidence to take control of things and much prefers when someone else is doing it. however, as she gains more experience, she'll probably end up being a switch, especially once she feels more comfortable with freddie.
H - Humiliation (does degradation and insults get them hot? do they get off on humiliating someone else? what kind of humiliation is good for them?)
gwen is not at all into humiliation and degradation when it comes to sex. she finds it very awkward and thinks that it's uncomfortable and a mood killer.
O - Outdoor sex (have they ever done it in public? would they? where?)
gwen has never had sex in public and it's not really something that's on her bucket list. the thought of having sex in public kind of scares her a little bit, especially since she's very wary of paparazzi following her around. if she were to have sex in a public space, it would probably be somewhere a little more hidden where she knows the risk of getting caught is low.
R - Routine (do they have a routine when it comes to picking up one night stands? do they have scheduled sex with their partner? are things spontaneous or planned ahead of time?)
gwen doesn't have a routine for picking up one night stands because the idea of a one night stand makes her uneasy and nervous. she still vividly remembers the time a guy kept asking her if she wanted to go some place quieter at an afterparty. she used all her energy to turn him down nicely instead of just running away. when it comes to her and freddie, things are a little more spontaneous, but they usually end up having sex after a heavy makeout session.
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etherealdemon · 2 years
❤ + gwen/freddie!
Holding hands | Cheek kisses | Hugs from behind | Cuddling | Hand kiss | PDA | Spooning | Shared baths | Whispers | Affectionate texts | Caressing | Stroke hair | No displays of affection
Shower sex | Wall sex | Neck bites | Oral | Morning sex | Drunk sex | Public sex | Backseat of car | BDSM | No sex
Picnic | Cinema | Restaurant | Sports game | Hike | Coffee | Museum | Club | Bar | Beach | No dates
Would my character…
Marry them? Yes | No
Have sex on the first date? Yes | No
Confess their attraction first? Yes | No
Have children/adopt? Yes | No
Die for your character? Yes | No
Cheat on your character? Yes | No
Lie to them? Yes | No
Cuddle after sex? Yes | No
send me “❤ + ship” and i’ll fill in the form of what my character would do with yours.
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etherealdemon · 2 years
❓ + gwen — what was your first impression of freddie?
i first met freddie at san diego comic con when they first announced fata morgana. contrary to popular belief, he actually has no involvement in casting and we never met before the convention. i went up to him a few minutes before going on stage and he seemed a little shy. i’m going to be honest, our first meeting was kind of a little awkward. i was very new to the industry at the time and i wasn’t quite sure what to say to him, so we kinda just said hello and stood next to each other in silence until we were called out on stage. i didn’t really expect the author of a series as popular and renowned as fata morgana to be that awkward. but i guess it’s his awkwardness that makes him so endearing.
send me a ❓ + a question for one of my ocs and they will answer it!
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etherealdemon · 2 years
pre-relationship: 5 / love: 4+10 / domestic life: 9 — gwen/freddie
✨ask me questions about our ships!
5 — did either of them try to resist their feelings?
neither of them really tried to resist their feelings, it was more as if both didn’t really know what to do about their feelings. gwen knew she liked freddie but didn’t know if he liked her back so she didn’t really act on her feelings for a while.
4 — how often do they cuddle/engage in pda?
gwen and freddie don’t often engage in pda. they’re both a little conscious when they’re out in public and prefer to stay out of the paparazzi’s way. the most they’ll do out in public is hold each other’s hands and kiss.
10 — do they prefer verbal or physical affection?
when it comes to affection, freddie tends to show it through his words while gwen is a mix of both. in terms of what type of affection she likes to receive, gwen isn’t too picky. any type of affection will make her happy.
9 — who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning?
honestly, i can see both of them doing this but most of the time it’s freddie. he’s the one who’s always pulling gwen back when she has to wake up early for work. he’s not very successful since gwen’s the type who hates being late, but there are occasions where she can’t resist him and ends up crawling back to bed.
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etherealdemon · 2 years
three 🎲 for gwen! 💖
✨send me a # to learn an unusual hc about my muse!
16 — do they prefer taxis / buses / subways, etc? or none of the above?
gwen prefers to take public transport whenever she can. when she was still new to hollywood, she would often take public transport to get to auditions and it really helped her get to know the area better. gwen also likes the freedom that public transport gives her. funnily enough, gwen thinks that she has more privacy whenever she takes the bus or train as opposed to sitting in a car that her team has arranged for her.
31 — do they have good fashion sense? or do they just wear whatever?
gwen really doesn't care much about fashion. she usually just wears whatever clothes she likes and whatever feels the most comfortable. she's not the biggest fan of dressing up for big events and usually can't wait until she can go home and change into something much more comfortable.
44 — did they go to college, or are they attending? did / do they like it?
gwen attended a performing arts school before she moved to hollywood but she dropped out early to fully pursue acting. she learned a lot during her time there and is grateful for everything that they taught her, but she believed that she needed to gain real, practical experience if she wanted to break into the film industry.
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etherealdemon · 2 years
💝💯🌼 - gwen!
💖 sex + romance headcanons
💝 — does my muse like valentine’s day?
valentine’s day was not something gwen paid much attention to when she was single. it wasn’t something she loved but she didn’t hate it either. her perspective changed when she started dating freddie. she started to enjoy it more and looked forward to it every year.
💯 — what is my muse’s ideal date?
gwen isn’t too fussy when it comes to dates. she really doesn’t mind doing whatever as long as she’s spending time with freddie. she does have a preference for more chill-going dates as opposed to ones that require more energy.
🌼 — would my muse prefer a big wedding or a small wedding?
gwen would definitely have a preference for a small wedding. she’s never really been into flashy things and a big wedding would intimidate her. she’d rather have something a little bit more intimate and lowkey.
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